#polish american heritage month
murderousink23 · 2 years
10/01/2022 is National Cyber Security Awareness Month 🌏, Breast Cancer Awareness Month 🌏, Día del Pasillo Ecuatoriano 🇪🇨, International Raccoon Appreciation Day 🌏, Astronomy Day 🌏, International Coffee Day 🌏, National Hair Day 🇺🇲, National Homemade Cookies Day 🇺🇲, Disability Employment Awareness Month 🇺🇲, Polish American Heritage Month 🇺🇲, National Pizza Month 🇺🇲, Fire Pup Day 🇺🇲, National Dental Hygiene Month 🇺🇲, LGBT History Month 🇺🇲, World Vegetarian Day 🇬🇧, National Bookshop Day 🇬🇧, Unblocktober 🇬🇧, Black History Month 🇬🇧, International Day of Older Persons 🇺🇳
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malusienki · 1 year
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it’s me!!!!!
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Finally updated my icon to this updated photo of Buffy Sainte-Marie, based originally on the Illuminations (1969) cover photo of her. :') I just edited the background to be a nice blue color that I like because yellow is, like, one of my least favorite colors ever sorry Buffy 💔. 😅
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workersolidarity · 6 months
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[ 📹 The residents of Przemysl, Poland put to rest Damian Sobol, a Polish citizen and one of the foreign aid workers killed in an Israeli airstrike targeting a convoy of humanitarian aid trucks leaving a warehouse in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip on Tuesday, killing 7 aid workers, including Sobol, as well as citizens of Australia, the UK, Palestine, and a dual citizen of American-Canadian heritage.]
🇮🇱⚔️🇺🇳🇵🇸 🚨
The Israeli occupation forces (IOF) murdered more aid workers in 2023 than were killed in the rest of the world combined for each of the last 30 years, that's according to an article published by Turkish news outlet Anadolu News Agency.
According to Anadolu, as a result of the the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning with Hamas's attack on Israeli military checkpoints and colonial settlements just outside the Gaza Strip, on October 7th, 2023, no less than 203 aid workers have been killed in occupation strikes.
Of those killed, 161 aid workers were martyred by the Israeli occupation army in just the last four months of 2023, while another 53 aid workers have been wounded in occupation strikes.
The data was originally investigated and published by the Aid Worker Security Database (AWSD).
According to the AWSD report, just since January of 2024, at least 42 aid workers have been killed, while another 24 others were wounded in Israeli attacks.
On Tuesday, a series of precisely targeted Israeli airstrikes hit a convoy of armored vehicles belonging to the aid organization the World Central Kitchen (WCK).
The convoy had just finished delivering food aid and were in the process of leaving an aid distribution warehouse in Deir al-Balah, in the central Gaza Strip, when an Israeli drone bombed each of the three vehicles in the convoy independently, resulting in the deaths of 7 WCK aid workers, including nationals of Palestine, Australia, the UK, Poland and a dual American-Canadian citizen.
Numerous countries have since condemned the latest Zionist atrocity, including the Israeli entity's closest ally, the United States, as well as Canada, Australia and several others, while Poland and Germany both demanded an explanation for the deadly attack.
By some accounts, the strike was intended to frighten foreign aid workers into suspending their operations in the Gaza Strip, exacerbating Gaza's severe famine conditions, which is rapidly spreading from the north of Gaza, into central Gaza, while even the south of the Palestinian enclave remains highly food insecure.
The strikes quickly achieved "Israel's" goal, with the WCK, along with several other aid organizations, including Anera, another aid organization responsible for delivering upwards of a hundred fifty thousand meals for Palestinians everyday, which also suspended their operations in Gaza for the time being.
In response to the attacks, the United Nations temporarily suspended nighttime operations in Gaza for at least 48 hours following the atrocity.
The Zionist entity, for its part, apologized for the massacre of the 7 foreign aid workers, claiming the strikes were caused by a "misidentification," resulting from "a war in very complex conditions," according to the Israeli army's Chief of General Staff, Herzi Halevi, who issued the apology.
Responding to intense international outcry over the slaughter of the aid workers, the IOF disciplined the brigade responsible for the "misidentification," sacking two Commanders, including the Commander of the Nahal Brigade, as well as another Commander within the same brigade.
As far as this reporter can investigate, this is the first major sacking of an Israeli officer since at least December 2023.
That's when a Commander with the 51st Battalion of the Golani Brigade was sacked after he "endangered fighters" under his command by disobeying direct orders to avoid entering buildings during "Israel's" assault on the Al-Shujaiya neighborhood of Gaza City, where intense fighting took place against elite units with the Al-Qassam Brigades in early December.
Despite the latest Israeli war crime, the United States, led by the Neoconservative Biden administration, announced that it would not be changing any of its policies with regards to the Israeli entity, refusing to cut off munitions supplies and other military aid, choosing instead to let "Israel" investigate the incident itself.
As a result of "Israel's" Special Genocide Operation in the Gaza Strip, the death toll among the Palestinian population of Gaza has risen in excess of 33'037 Palestinians martyred, with over 14'000 children murdered and over 9'200 women killed, while another 75'668 Palestinians have been wounded since the start of the current round of Zionist aggression, beginning on October 7th, 2023.
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barrenclan · 1 year
If they were humans, what would their names be?
Haha, thanks for letting me do this. I'm really fond of coming up with names.
Pinepaw - Parker Harrison
Asphodelpaw - Cecily Harrison
Daffodilpaw - Melody Harrison
Cormorantpaw - Cesar Turner
Slugpelt - Naomi Harrison
Rainhaze - Scott Harrison
Dustfeather - Dolores Harrison
Cashew - Chet Blakely
Egrettail - Evangeline Zelinski
Nightberry - Josefine "Josie" Fleischer
Cypressfoot - Dorothy "Dottie" Fleischer
Cootstorm - Agatha Flesicher
Redpelt - Holly Fleischer
Blacknose - Pamela Cooley
Beeface - Bethany Cooley
Plumstripe - Leanne Cooley
Mallowstar - Jake Cooley
Deepdark - Dodd "Deepwater" Tiedrich
Prowl - Alfons Jüsten
Spike - Esther Chau
Fang - Margaret Sullivan
Ranger - Hank Summers
Hacksaw - Rachel Frost
A large majority of these characters, in a human AU, would be white, because the story is set in a small Nebraska town that would examine such things as religious fundamentalism and the dark underbelly of these 'quaint American towns'. (Stephen King, yada yada) However not all of the characters are born into this hypothetical BarrenClan town, so if you are interested here are the ones that are not.
Cesar is 1/4 Filipino, on his mother Hope's (Hush Puppy) side. His father Dustin Turner (Thrasher) was born in Chicago and moved out to the BarrenClan town. Dustin is white.
Chet is a drifter from somewhere in the Northeast, though it's impossible to get a straight answer out of him. He lives out of a van and he's white.
Evangeline is Polish-Brazilian. I'm not going to be listing her hypothetical deadname for obvious reasons. She traveled around a lot when she was young, which is where she met Hope and Sasha Silver (Seven Silvers). The reason she moved to Nebraska would follow with canon.
Josefine is a German immigrant and moved to North Carolina in her 20s, where she met Dottie. They moved to the BarrenClan town because Dottie's aunt lived there, and passed her house on to her.
Prowl has German heritage, Esther is Chinese, and Margaret is Black. You can learn more about them in this post I made.
Hank is a white guy from Arizona, and met Dodd while the latter was on a trip there. He moved back to Nebraska, accompanied by his girlfriend, Rachel, a loner and a car thief.
(This ask is actually from last November. Um... don't ask me why it took me 7 months to come up with these names. It just did.)
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yves-and-scessernee · 3 months
I've been thinking about some things, and I wanted to clarify for some folks outside of the US:
When people in the United States talk about heritage, it's always with the implication of American nationality. Two friends in the US might chat casually about themselves and their families by saying "I'm Irish" and "I'm Polish." What they mean is "I'm Irish-American" and "I'm Polish-American" but, because the context of being in America is present, the "-American" part goes assumed.
That's why the "Where are you from?" / "Where were you born?" / "Where are your parents from?" questions exist. Between friends, those are casual ways to tell if someone is talking about X as a familial heritage or X as a nationality without saying outright "Hey, so are you a member of this American subculture or are you from another country?" It is absolutely rude to ask these questions without the context of friendship, but within a friendship people often share information about their heritage and nationality quite freely. Those two friends I mentioned above might go on to talk about how "My grandparents were born in Dublin and immigrated to the US, and my parents grew up together in Boston." "Oh, that's cool that they grew up together! My great-grandmother moved from Kraków as an infant with her family, but my dad met my mom through an exchange student program and she just finalized her dual citizenship."
Stripped of the context of "being in America", such statements can come off as presumptuous and deceptive. I understand that. Someone who has gotten used to chatting about their family while in America will likely default to keeping the "-American" part assumed on their behalf, which they shouldn't do. But an American saying "Oh! I'm Irish" to you when you know already that they are American is telling you this in the context of being American: what is actually being conveyed is "I'm Irish-American." To them, they're sharing what American subculture they belong to, rather than claiming participation in a different country.
And Irish-American culture in the US is alive and well! Irish-American cultural centers, museums dedicated to generations of Irish-American immigration, and festivals sharing what Irish-American families have brought to America are found all over the US. So it is with many other cultural communities. People care about the cultures they and their families brought over with them, and American subcultures are living entities unto themselves shaped by decades of history.
And of course some American families keep in touch with their parent cultures. As I write this, a friend is making arrangements with his family to spent next month with his grandparents in Mexico. My own parents just got back from visiting my sister in Ireland, where she's been studying veterinary sciences. Sometimes that's why Americans drop the hyphen in casual conversation: for my friend, where does Mexican culture end and the Mexican-American subculture within the greater American culture begin? A conversation with him actually got me thinking about this entire thing, because, for him, the distinction between being Mexican, having Mexican heritage, and being Mexican-American can be really blurry, particularly given the United States' history with Mexico.
Americans should stop assuming everyone knows the context of "having American nationality" when they talk about heritage. I agree. It can be easy to come onto the internet with the same assumptions you have in your everyday community, particularly if you're young. If you're American and you're reading this and you're just realizing that someone probably interpreted you as saying "I'm a member of this country" when what you meant was "I'm a member of this American subculture," I understand the embarrassment. This often isn't laid out clearly inside or outside the US.
But that's why I'm explaining it now. If what you mean is "I'm [Heritage]-American" and you're talking about your participation in an American subculture, you probably should start saying the whole phrase aloud. It's more polite to assume that someone doesn't know your nationality than that they do. It'll forestall misunderstandings and frustrations with friends and strangers alike.
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moritmblrdlastudiow · 10 months
In 1939, the Bund was the most popular Jewish party in Poland. Four years later, its members had mostly been murdered in the Holocaust. Irena’s father, Michael, became a bomb maker for the Jewish Fighters Organization, and died charging a German machine gun in the Warsaw ghetto revolt. Her mother, who she called Mama Lo, almost did not survive Irena’s birth. She was so ill that, for the next six months, she entrusted Irena to the care of Michael’s sister Gina. A fellow Bundist who worked for the resistance, rescuing Jews as they waited to be loaded onto boxcars, Gina died during the war from a stomach operation, which she received while passing as Aryan. When the priest read her the last rites, she told him “I am a Jew,” as a final act of self-assertion. “Such a will to be known can alter history,” Irena wrote in her poem “Solitary Acts.” In photos, Gina resembles a tomboy Greta Garbo, dressed in a suit, her hair slicked back: a gorgeous, ideal butch. Gina “was probably a lesbian,” Irena told me. When the fate of the ghetto became undeniable, Mama Lo smuggled Irena to the Aryan side of Warsaw to place her at a Catholic orphanage, then kidnapped her back from the nuns and kept the two of them alive in the countryside until the war’s end.
After the war, Mama Lo made the same choice as the vast majority of Polish Jews, leaving the country first for Sweden and then for the Amalgamated Housing Projects in the Bronx, which were filled with fellow Bundists. The Bronx kids, themselves Jewish, bullied Irena for her European dress and accent. She grew up between three languages. At home, her mother spoke Polish, a language many survivors rejected as that of their betrayers. Five days a week, she studied Yiddish at a school run by the Workman’s Circle, a secular Jewish mutual aid society entwined with the Bund. In school, she struggled with English. Secretly, she began to write poetry.
Irena attended CUNY, when it was still called The Harvard of the Proletariat, and when it lifted countless working-class smart alecks (my Puerto Rican father included) into the middle class. She got her master’s and Ph.D. at the University of Chicago. It was the first time she ever had friends who were not Jews. She wrote about walking through nighttime Chicago in the aftermath of urban renewal, when vibrant Black and mixed-race neighborhoods were turned to rubble, their inhabitants forced elsewhere. She called it “the American hollowness… the incessant grinding down of lines for stamps, for jobs, for a bed to sleep in, of a death stretched imperceptibly over a lifetime…. The Holocaust without smoke.”
Irena’s lesbian world had much in common with the vibrant Bundist subculture in which her parents came of age. Like the Bund, queer women shut out of the mainstream built their own universe out of love and grit. “No institutions wanted us [the gays and the feminists] in any kind of way,” Irena told me, so she and her friends built their own platforms. By the 1980s, lesbians had created a national network of bookstores, newspapers, coffeehouses, bars, archives, and literary presses, to which Irena contributed with enthusiasm, particularly striving to make spaces for lesbian Jews. She started Out and Out Books with three friends, contributed to the first Jewish lesbian anthology, and co-founded the literary leftist magazine Conditions, which published some of the most exciting feminist intellectuals of the era — Barbara Smith, of the Combahee River collective, and Borderlands author Gloria Anzaldúa.
A conversation with Anzaldúa triggered a new direction in Irena’s work. Anzaldúa often used untranslated Spanish in her writing, refusing to cut off her Chicana heritage to conform to white American sensibilities. Anzaldúa asked Irena why, since she grew up with Yiddish, she did not do the same. Irena began to use the language within her English poetry, as a chorus, a dagger, or refrain. Perhaps her best-known poem of this sort is “Etlekhe verter oyf mame-loshn / A few words in the mother tongue,” where she delineates the roles — Jewess, lesbian, whore, gossip, and little wife — that traditional society forced women to wear like straightjackets.
Growing up in the anti-Zionist, Bundist milieu, “Israel was not on my map,” Irena said. But after the Israeli invasion of Lebanon in 1982, and massacres supervised by the Israeli Defense Forces in Sabra and Shatila, she felt that the subject of Palestine could not be avoided. She met with Israeli and Palestinian feminists, and, with a few friends, started the Jewish Women’s Committee to End the Occupation, or JWCEO. It was a strictly DIY affair — often they stood on a street corner near the famous bagel joint Zabar’s and passed out fliers denouncing the occupation. “People would say the worst things to us, like ‘I wish you had died at Auschwitz,’” Irena told me. “I’d never heard Jews talk to each other that way. It was sobering. And, sometimes it was really good, because we really engaged people.” The JWCEO went on to inspire groups around the country. Irena is now a supporter of the one-state solution, of a single state in Israel-Palestine which would give equal rights to all, regardless of religion or ethnicity. Her Birth and Later Years includes a poem in memory of Razan al-Najjar, the Palestinian nurse murdered by an Israeli sniper during 2018’s Great March of Return in Gaza. However, her most astute piece on Palestine was written about a much earlier event — the 1967 war, where the quick Israeli victory inspired a poisonous joy in even the Bundist survivors: Didn’t we all glow from it our sense of power finally achieved? The quickness of the action the Biblical routes and how we laughed over Egyptian shoes in the sand how we laughed at another people’s fear as if fear was alien as if we had known safety all of our lives.
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tamseel · 11 days
Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket | Iconic NY Varsity Letterman American Football Polyester Jacket
The Iconic Appeal of the Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket
When it comes to sports-inspired fashion, few items rival the classic charm of a varsity letterman jacket. The Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket is a quintessential example, merging athletic spirit with timeless style. This American football-inspired jacket not only celebrates the rich history of the NY Giants but also offers a versatile addition to any wardrobe. Let’s dive into why this jacket is more than just a piece of clothing—it’s a statement of style and fandom.
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A Symbol of Heritage and Team Spirit
The Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket stands as a symbol of the New York Giants, one of the most storied franchises in American football. Known for their legacy and numerous championships, the Giants have a passionate fan base that cherishes memorabilia like this jacket. Featuring the team’s iconic colors and logo, this jacket allows fans to showcase their allegiance in a fashionable and understated manner.
The varsity letterman design harks back to collegiate and high school traditions, where such jackets were worn to signify achievements and school spirit. By incorporating the Giants’ emblem and colors, this bomber jacket blends athletic heritage with contemporary style, creating a unique garment that resonates with both sports enthusiasts and fashion-forward individuals.
Superior Craftsmanship and Design
Crafted from high-quality polyester, the Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket ensures durability and comfort. Polyester is known for its resilience, making this jacket a reliable choice for various weather conditions. It resists wrinkles, retains its shape, and maintains its vibrant colors over time, which is crucial for preserving the jacket's aesthetic appeal.
The design of the jacket features a classic bomber silhouette with ribbed cuffs and hem, providing a snug fit that enhances its overall look. The front is adorned with the NY Giants logo, which is meticulously embroidered to ensure a premium finish. This attention to detail not only highlights the jacket’s quality but also pays homage to the team’s heritage.
Versatility Meets Fashion
One of the standout features of the Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket is its versatility. While it proudly displays team colors and logos, its design allows it to be paired with a variety of outfits. Whether you’re heading to a game, a casual outing, or even a semi-formal event, this jacket can be styled to fit different occasions.
For a casual look, pair it with jeans and sneakers. The jacket’s sporty aesthetic complements everyday wear, providing a laid-back yet stylish option. For a more polished appearance, combine it with chinos and loafers. This ensemble brings a touch of sophistication to the bomber jacket’s athletic roots, making it suitable for various settings.
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Styling Tips for the Modern Wardrobe
To make the most of your Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket, consider the following styling tips:
Layer Smartly: Use the jacket as a layering piece over a hoodie or a sweater. This adds depth to your outfit and keeps you warm during cooler months.
Play with Colors: While the jacket features distinct team colors, you can play with contrasting or complementary hues in your outfit to create a balanced look.
Accessorize: Incorporate accessories like caps or scarves in complementary colors. This can enhance the overall style while maintaining the focus on the jacket.
Footwear Matters: Choose footwear that aligns with the jacket’s vibe. Sneakers for a casual look or dress shoes for a more refined appearance can both work well.
Occasion Adaptation: Don’t hesitate to dress up or down depending on the occasion. The bomber jacket’s versatility means it can adapt to both casual and semi-formal events with ease.
A Timeless Addition to Your Wardrobe
The Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket is more than just a piece of apparel—it’s a testament to the enduring appeal of varsity-style fashion and a tribute to a legendary sports team. Its high-quality materials, thoughtful design, and versatile styling options make it a valuable addition to any wardrobe.
Whether you’re a dedicated Giants fan or simply someone who appreciates classic, well-crafted clothing, this bomber jacket offers both style and substance. It bridges the gap between sports memorabilia and everyday fashion, ensuring that you can celebrate your team in a way that’s both stylish and meaningful.
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Incorporating the Men’s Giants Bomber Jacket into your wardrobe is a decision that blends passion for sports with a keen sense of style. Its rich history, premium craftsmanship, and adaptability make it a standout piece that can elevate any outfit. Embrace the iconic appeal of the NY Giants and enjoy the blend of athletic heritage and contemporary fashion with this remarkable jacket.
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webscarlet · 14 days
Bronze Statue Commissions: Bringing Your Vision to Life with American Craftsmanship
Imagine walking into a public square, corporate office, or even a private garden and being greeted by a magnificent bronze statue. Does the thought captivate you? That's the magic of custom bronze sculptures—turning visions into timeless works of art. At Statues.com, we specialize in bringing your ideas to life with unparalleled American craftsmanship. Whether you're an art enthusiast, business owner, or public space planner, our bespoke bronze statues are meticulously crafted to meet your unique needs.
Why Choose American Craftsmanship for Bronze Statues?
Tradition Meets Innovation
American craftsmanship is a blend of traditional techniques and modern innovations. Our artisans at Statues.com incorporate time-honored methods with state-of-the-art technology to ensure each sculpture is a masterpiece. We don't just create statues; we craft legacies that stand the test of time.
Quality You Can Trust
When you commission a bronze statue from Statues.com, you’re not just getting a piece of art; you're investing in quality. Our materials are 100% sourced from American suppliers, ensuring that every statue embodies the highest standards of durability and aesthetic appeal.
The Benefits of Custom Bronze Sculptures
Uniqueness and Personalization
One of the most compelling reasons to opt for custom bronze sculptures is the ability to personalize every detail. From the initial concept to the finished product, you have the freedom to tailor the statue to your specific requirements. This level of customization makes each piece unique and meaningful.
Versatility Across Various Applications
Custom bronze sculptures can serve multiple purposes:
Corporate Settings: Elevate your office space with statues that reflect your brand’s values and heritage.
Public Monuments: Create awe-inspiring landmarks that capture the essence of historical figures or significant events.
Private Collections: Add a touch of elegance to your home or garden with bespoke sculptures.
How We Bring Your Vision to Life
Step 1: Conceptualization
The initial stage involves understanding your vision. Our team collaborates with you to gather details about what you want to achieve. Do you have a particular theme or figure in mind? Share your ideas, and we’ll help shape them into a viable project.
Step 2: Design and Approval
Next, our skilled designers create preliminary sketches and digital models for your approval. This stage is crucial for fine-tuning the details and ensuring the design aligns perfectly with your vision. Our goal is to make you a part of the creative process.
Step 3: Sculpting and Casting
Once the design is finalized, our artisans get to work. Using traditional sculpting techniques and advanced casting methods, we transform raw materials into intricately detailed bronze statues. Every step is executed with precision to ensure the highest quality.
Step 4: Finishing Touches
After the statue is cast, it undergoes rigorous finishing processes. This includes patination, polishing, and applying protective coatings to enhance its longevity and visual appeal. The result is a stunning bronze sculpture that exceeds your expectations.
Examples of Our Work
Public Monuments
One of our notable projects includes the life-size bronze statue of a historical figure for a city square. The statue not only serves as a focal point but also educates the public about the individual’s contributions to society.
Corporate Installations
We’ve also designed custom sculptures for corporate offices, including a series of bronze busts representing the founding members of a company. These statues add a sense of legacy and inspiration to the workplace.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the typical timeline for a custom bronze statue commission?
The timeline varies depending on the complexity and size of the project. On average, it takes about 3 to 6 months from the initial consultation to the final installation.
How do you ensure the quality of the materials used?
We source all our materials from reputable American suppliers. Each material undergoes rigorous testing to ensure durability and aesthetic quality.
Can I visit your studio to see the sculpting process?
Absolutely! We welcome our clients to visit our studio in Utah. It’s a great opportunity to meet the artisans and see your statue come to life.
Get Started with Statues.com
Ready to bring your vision to life? At Statues.com, we are committed to making your ideas a reality with unmatched craftsmanship. Whether you’re looking to commission a public monument, corporate installation, or private sculpture, we’re here to help.
Contact Us Today
Call us at 801-366-5900 to schedule your free consultation. Let's create something beautiful together!
By following these guidelines and leveraging the unparalleled expertise of Statues.com, you can create a bronze statue that not only meets but exceeds your expectations. Remember, a custom bronze sculpture is more than just a piece of art; it’s a timeless legacy.
Thank you for considering Statues.com for your bronze statue commissions. We look forward to collaborating with you to create a masterpiece that will be cherished for generations.
For more information about our services and to see examples of our work, visit Statues.com. Join our community of satisfied clients and experience the difference in American craftsmanship.
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danielpoussart · 2 months
The Alluring World of Broadway: Where Dreams Take Center Stage
Broadway, the legendary theater district in New York City, has long been the epitome of artistic excellence and a beacon of hope for performers and audiences alike. With its dazzling lights, iconic marquees, and an endless parade of groundbreaking productions, Broadway represents the pinnacle of live theater. This article explores the enchanting world of Broadway, delving into its historical significance, the intricate process of producing a Broadway show, the cultural influence it wields, and the future prospects of this beloved institution.
A Historical Tapestry: The Evolution of Broadway
The history of Broadway is a rich and colorful tapestry that mirrors the cultural evolution of the United States. The origins of Broadway date back to the early 19th century when New York City was emerging as a cultural hub. The first purpose-built theater, the Park Theatre, opened in 1798, setting the stage for what would become a flourishing theater district.
By the mid-1800s, Broadway was beginning to distinguish itself as a center for live performances, and it wasn’t long before musicals became a defining feature. "The Black Crook," which debuted in 1866, is often credited as the first American musical, combining elements of drama, dance, and music. This production set the stage for what would become the most iconic and enduring genre on Broadway.
The early 20th century brought about the Golden Age of Broadway, a period marked by the creation of timeless classics such as "Show Boat," "Oklahoma!," and "My Fair Lady." These productions not only captivated audiences but also helped to shape the cultural landscape of America, addressing social issues and influencing public discourse. Today, Broadway remains a testament to the power of live theater and its ability to evolve with the times while preserving its rich heritage.
The Craft of Creating a Broadway Show
The magic of Broadway lies not only in the performances but also in the meticulous craft of producing a show. The journey from concept to curtain call is a complex process that requires collaboration, creativity, and a deep commitment to the art of storytelling.
Concept Development and Scriptwriting: Every Broadway show begins with an idea—a story that needs to be told. This idea may be an original work or an adaptation of a novel, film, or historical event. The script, or "book," is crafted by playwrights who work closely with composers and lyricists to create a cohesive narrative interwoven with music. This stage often involves extensive revisions, workshops, and readings to fine-tune the material.
Casting and Rehearsals: Once the script and score are in place, the casting process begins. This is a critical phase where the characters are brought to life through the selection of talented actors. Rehearsals are intensive and can last several weeks or even months, during which the cast and crew work tirelessly to perfect every aspect of the performance. This includes not only the acting and singing but also the choreography, timing, and overall staging.
Design and Technical Production: The visual elements of a Broadway show are essential to creating an immersive experience for the audience. Set designers, costume designers, and lighting and sound engineers collaborate to build the world of the play. Each element is meticulously crafted to enhance the story being told, from the intricate details of the set to the dynamic lighting that sets the mood for each scene.
Previews and Adjustments: Before a show officially opens, it typically goes through a series of preview performances. These previews allow the creative team to observe audience reactions and make necessary adjustments. Whether it’s tweaking a line, refining a scene, or adjusting the pacing, these changes are made to ensure that the show is as polished and impactful as possible by opening night.
The Cultural Influence of Broadway
Broadway is more than just a place where stories are told; it is a cultural institution that has a profound impact on society. The themes and narratives explored in Broadway productions often resonate deeply with audiences, reflecting societal issues, inspiring change, and fostering a sense of community.
One of the most significant cultural contributions of Broadway is its role in advancing social justice and representation. Productions such as "Rent," which addressed issues of LGBTQ+ rights and the AIDS epidemic, and "The Color Purple," which explored themes of race and gender, have brought important social issues to the forefront. These shows do more than entertain; they challenge audiences to confront difficult topics and consider different perspectives.
Broadway’s influence extends beyond the stage, shaping fashion, music, and even language. Iconic shows like "West Side Story" and "The Phantom of the Opera" have left an indelible mark on popular culture, with their songs becoming part of the American musical canon and their stories being retold in various forms, from film adaptations to high school productions.
Additionally, Broadway plays a vital role in the economy of New York City. The theater district attracts millions of visitors each year, contributing significantly to the city’s tourism industry. The success of Broadway also supports a wide range of ancillary businesses, from restaurants and hotels to costume shops and set construction companies.
The Future of Broadway: Challenges and Innovations
As Broadway looks to the future, it faces both challenges and exciting opportunities. The COVID-19 pandemic brought the industry to a standstill, with theaters going dark for over a year. However, the resilience of Broadway is evident in its comeback, with shows reopening and new productions being developed.
One of the most promising trends in Broadway’s future is the increasing emphasis on diversity and inclusion. The call for more representation on stage and behind the scenes is being heard, with more productions featuring stories from underrepresented communities and casting actors of diverse backgrounds. This shift is not only making Broadway more inclusive but also enriching the storytelling by bringing new voices and perspectives to the stage.
Technological advancements are also poised to play a significant role in the evolution of Broadway. From enhanced set designs that incorporate virtual reality to digital streaming platforms that bring Broadway shows to global audiences, technology is expanding the reach and impact of live theater. These innovations have the potential to make Broadway more accessible while preserving the unique magic of a live performance.
However, Broadway must also navigate the challenges of an increasingly digital world. With the rise of streaming services and other forms of digital entertainment, Broadway must continue to innovate and find ways to attract and engage audiences in a competitive entertainment landscape.
The Enduring Magic of Broadway
Broadway is a place where dreams come true, where stories come to life, and where audiences are transported to different worlds. Its enduring appeal lies in its ability to evolve with the times while staying true to its roots as a platform for creativity, expression, and connection.
The magic of Broadway is not just in the performances but in the collective experience of live theater—the shared emotions, the anticipation of the curtain rising, and the sense of wonder that fills the air. As Broadway continues to evolve and adapt to new challenges and opportunities, it remains a vital part of our cultural fabric, a place where the human experience is celebrated in all its complexity and beauty.
Whether you’re a seasoned theatergoer or experiencing Broadway for the first time, the allure of the Great White Way is undeniable. It’s a place where history is made, where the future is imagined, and where the magic of live theater continues to captivate hearts and minds.
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falconsuede · 3 months
Stetson Leather Hats: Elevate Your Everyday Look with Iconic Style
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Stetson leather hats are more than just accessories; they are timeless symbols of rugged elegance and American heritage. Known for their superior craftsmanship and iconic style, Stetson hats have been a staple in fashion for over a century. In this blog, we'll explore how Stetson leather hats can elevate your everyday look and why they remain a must-have in modern wardrobes. Discover the versatility and enduring appeal of these legendary hats with Falcon Suede USA.
The Legacy of Stetson Hats
A Rich History
Founded in 1865, the Stetson brand has a rich history rooted in the American West. John B. Stetson created the first "Boss of the Plains" hat, which became the prototype for all modern cowboy hats. Over the years, Stetson has continued to innovate, producing a wide range of styles that have stood the test of time.
Superior Craftsmanship
Stetson hats are renowned for their exceptional quality and craftsmanship. Made from premium materials like fine leather, each hat is meticulously crafted to ensure durability and comfort. This commitment to quality has earned Stetson a reputation for producing some of the best hats in the world.
How to Style Your Stetson Leather Hat
Casual Chic
For a casual yet chic look, pair your Stetson leather hat with a simple t-shirt and jeans. This effortless combination is perfect for a day out running errands or meeting friends for coffee. Add a pair of stylish sneakers or boots to complete the ensemble.
Rugged and Outdoorsy
Embrace the rugged appeal of your Stetson leather hat by pairing it with a plaid shirt and denim jacket. This classic outfit is ideal for outdoor activities, from hiking to weekend getaways. Opt for sturdy boots to enhance the rugged aesthetic.
Sophisticated Style
Stetson leather hats can also be dressed up for a sophisticated look. Wear your hat with a tailored blazer and chinos for a polished appearance suitable for casual office settings or evening events. Finish the look with leather loafers or dress shoes.
Seasonal Styling Tips
Spring and Summer
In warmer months, a Stetson leather hat provides excellent sun protection while keeping you cool. Pair it with lightweight fabrics and breathable clothing to stay comfortable. A linen shirt and shorts or a sundress can be complemented perfectly with a stylish Stetson hat.
Fall and Winter
During cooler seasons, a Stetson leather hat adds a touch of elegance to your outerwear. Layer it over a wool coat or leather jacket for added warmth and style. Scarves and gloves can also enhance the look, making it both functional and fashionable.
The Versatility of Stetson Leather Hats
Timeless Fashion Statement
One of the reasons Stetson leather hats remain popular is their timeless appeal. These hats transcend fleeting fashion trends, offering a classic look that is always in style. Whether you're aiming for a vintage vibe or a contemporary twist, a Stetson hat is a versatile accessory that fits any wardrobe.
Durable and Long-Lasting
Investing in a Stetson leather hat means you're choosing a product that will last for years. The high-quality leather and meticulous construction ensure that these hats withstand the test of time, making them a worthwhile addition to your collection.
Personal Expression
Stetson leather hats allow for personal expression and individuality. With various styles, colors, and designs available, you can find the perfect hat that reflects your personality and complements your unique style.
Why Choose Falcon Suede USA for Your Stetson Hat
At Falcon Suede USA, we offer an extensive selection of Stetson leather hats, ensuring you find the perfect match for your style. Our collection is curated with care, featuring only the finest hats that uphold the Stetson legacy of quality and craftsmanship. When you shop with us, you can trust that you're getting an authentic, high-quality product that will elevate your everyday look.
Stetson leather hats are more than just accessories; they are timeless pieces that enhance any outfit with their iconic style and superior craftsmanship. Whether you're dressing for a casual day out, an outdoor adventure, or a sophisticated event, a Stetson hat from Falcon Suede USA is the perfect addition to your wardrobe. Embrace the enduring appeal of Stetson leather hats and elevate your everyday look with Falcon Suede USA.
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maniaclife1 · 4 months
The Timeless Appeal of Baseball Jackets for Men: A Fashion Icon Reinvented by Maniaclife
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In the realm of men's fashion, certain garments stand the test of time, transcending generations and trends. One such iconic piece is the baseball jacket. With its roots deeply embedded in American culture, the baseball jacket has evolved from its athletic origins to become a staple in contemporary menswear. In this blog post, we delve into the enduring appeal of baseball jackets for men and explore how Maniaclife, a renowned fashion brand, has redefined this classic piece for the modern man.
Understanding the Legacy:
The history of the baseball jacket dates back to the mid-19th century when baseball emerged as America's favorite pastime. Initially worn by baseball players to keep warm during chilly games, the jacket soon became synonymous with the sport's camaraderie and spirit. Featuring a distinctive silhouette characterized by ribbed cuffs, collar, and hem, along with contrasting sleeves, the classic baseball jacket exudes a timeless charm that has captivated fashion enthusiasts for decades.
Evolution of Style:
While its origins may lie in the realm of sports, the baseball jacket has seamlessly transitioned into the realm of fashion. Over the years, designers and brands have infused their creative flair into this classic garment, reimagining it in various fabrics, colors, and embellishments. From traditional wool and leather iterations to contemporary interpretations in lightweight nylon and satin, the versatility of the baseball jacket knows no bounds.
Maniaclife's Interpretation:
Enter Maniaclife, a pioneering fashion brand renowned for its innovative approach to menswear. With a keen eye for detail and a commitment to quality craftsmanship, Maniaclife has revitalized the baseball jacket, infusing it with a contemporary edge while honoring its heritage. Each Maniaclife baseball jacket is meticulously crafted using premium materials, ensuring both style and durability.
Design Elements:
What sets Maniaclife's baseball jackets apart is their attention to design elements. From sleek, tailored silhouettes to bold color-blocking and intricate embroidery, every detail is thoughtfully curated to make a statement. Whether adorned with the brand's signature logo or subtle accents, each jacket exudes sophistication and style.
Versatile Wardrobe Essential:
One of the key reasons behind the enduring popularity of baseball jackets is their versatility. From casual outings to semi-formal occasions, these jackets effortlessly complement a wide range of ensembles. Pair it with jeans and sneakers for a laid-back weekend look or layer it over a button-down shirt and chinos for a polished ensemble – the possibilities are endless.
Seasonal Adaptability:
Another factor contributing to the appeal of baseball jackets is their seasonal adaptability. While they provide lightweight warmth during transitional seasons like spring and fall, they can also be layered for added insulation during colder months. With Maniaclife's emphasis on quality materials and construction, their baseball jackets offer both style and functionality year-round.
Cultural Icon:
Beyond its sartorial significance, the baseball jacket holds a special place in popular culture. From iconic film characters to legendary musicians, countless cultural icons have donned the timeless silhouette of the baseball jacket, further cementing its status as a symbol of style and swagger.
In a world where fashion trends come and go, the baseball jacket stands as a beacon of enduring style. With its rich history, versatility, and cultural significance, this classic garment continues to captivate the hearts of fashion enthusiasts around the globe. And with Maniaclife's innovative approach to design and craftsmanship, buy men's jacket online, the baseball jacket is not just a relic of the past but a timeless icon reimagined for the modern man. Whether on the streets or the runway, the baseball jacket remains a steadfast symbol of confidence, character, and class.
Contact us:-
Website: https://maniaclife.com/
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manekratnajewels · 6 months
Jewellery Sets
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davestone13-blog · 6 months
Dingus Day: A Splashy Celebration of Spring and Polish Heritage
Dingus Day, also spelled Dyngus Day, is a unique and colorful celebration observed on Easter Monday in Polish-American communities across the United States and Canada. This day blends the traditions of springtime renewal with a playful twist, making it a vibrant way to welcome the warmer months and honor Polish heritage. by David Stone The Roosevelt Island Daily News A Legacy Steeped in…
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lovelore · 6 months
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FULLNAME : Georgina Vezesha Brentwood
KOREAN-NAME : Bae Hwa Rim / 배화림
NICKNAME : Vee, Zesha, Gina
DATE OF BIRTH : April 19th, 1999
NATIONALITY : American / Indonesian / Korean
ZODIAC : Aries
HEIGHT : 168 cm
WEIGHT : 46 kg
OCCUPATION : Chief Operating Officer at Brentwood's Industry in Manhattan and Indonesia.
The Brentwood name was synonymous with plastic, a seemingly mundane material transformed into a global enterprise by Anderson Fred Brentwood, or Bae Il-seong as he was known in his Korean homeland. Brentwood Industries, a titan in the industry, stretched its reach across continents, churning out everything from battery casings to medical packaging. Anderson, a Korean American, had woven a life as rich and diverse as the products his company produced. His wife, Arini Djoe Hiang Susanto, an Indonesian with Chinese ancestry, brought a vibrant tapestry of cultures into their union.
Their story began in a whirlwind romance, a chance encounter that sparked a lifelong journey. Their love story unfolded across bustling boardrooms and serene temples, marked by the birth of their first set of twins – Georgina Vezesha Brentwood and Georgia Zinistya Brentwood. Born on April 19th, 1999, amidst the glitz and glamour of Manhattan's Upper East Side, the twins were the embodiment of their parents' unique heritage. However, fate intervened when a medical subsidiary in Korea necessitated Arini and Anderson's presence. Zinistya, barely four, embarked on a new chapter with her parents, leaving Vezesha behind in the embrace of her grandparents. Stayed behind in New York, nurtured by the stories of her heritage whispered by the wind through towering buildings. This separation, though heartbreaking, was the first thread in the complex tapestry of their lives.
A year later, on August 1st, 2004, their family welcomed another daughter – Geodarine Vaellora Brentwood, a ray of sunshine born in the heart of Seoul.
Anderson, his Korean roots deepening with each passing year, bestowed Korean names upon his children. Zinistya became Bae Hyun Rim, Vezesha was Bae Hwa Rim, and Darine, Bae Ro Na.
The Brentwood family became a constant in motion. Zinistya and Darine followed their parents' ambitious strides, crisscrossing the globe as Brentwood Industries expanded its reach. Vezesha, however, remained a constant in New York, growing up under the watchful eyes of her grandparents. Once a month, the family would reunite, a bittersweet time of shared laughter and tearful goodbyes. At the age of 22, the winds of change blew again. Indonesia, Arini's homeland, beckoned. Brentwood Industries, ever the opportunist, saw a new frontier to conquer. Vezesha, having just graduated with honors from Yale University, finally joined her family, the missing piece of the puzzle slotting into place. Darine, a recent graduate from a French high school, seamlessly transitioned into a prestigious Indonesian university, her internship with the family business keeping her close to her roots. For the first time in their lives, Vezesha, Zinistya, and Darine were under the same roof, united in their mother's homeland.
The years of separation, however, had woven a tapestry of distinct personalities. Vezesha, the polished New Yorker, hid a steely resolve beneath her glamorous exterior. Zinistya, the adaptable chameleon, possessed an unwavering loyalty to her family. Darine, the youngest, was a whirlwind of youthful energy, her enthusiasm masking a keen intellect.
As they navigated their new life in Indonesia, their individual experiences would begin to intertwine. Vezesha, with her Ivy League education, would be thrust into the high-stakes world of international business, her polished demeanor masking a yearning for a connection she never quite had with her parents. Zinistya, ever the bridge builder, would find herself caught between the clash of her sisters' contrasting personalities. Darine, the youngest and perhaps the most perceptive, would become the catalyst for change, her youthful spirit reminding them of the love that bound them together.
And so, the three Brentwood sisters, once scattered like stars across continents, found themselves under the same sky once more. Their lives, like interwoven threads, were now poised to create a magnificent tapestry, a story of family, ambition, and the enduring power of love that transcends borders and time itself.
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brookstonalmanac · 1 year
Monthly Holidays: October
Monthly Beer Holidays
British Columbia Craft Beer Month
Fresh Hop Beer Month
Gluten-Free Beer Month
Harvest Beer Month
Monthly Holidays
Adopt-A-Shelter-Dog Month
AIDS Awareness Month [also December]
American Cheese Month
American Magazine Month
American Pharmacists Month
Antidepressant Death Awareness Month
Bat Appreciation Month
Black Cat Appreciation Month
Blindness Awareness Month
Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Caffeine Addiction Recovery Month
Celebrating the Bilingual Child Month
Celiac Disease Awareness Month
Children's Magazine Month
Church Library Month
Class Reunion Month
Clergy Appreciation Month
Computer Learning Month
Consumer Information Month
Cookbook Month
Co-Op Awareness Month
Country Music Month
Crime Prevention Month
Cut Out Dissection Month
Eat Better, Eat Together Month
Emotional Intelligence Awareness Month
Emotional Wellness Month
Employee Ownership Month
Energy Awareness Month
Eye Injury Prevention Month
Fair Trade Month
Family History Month
Financial Planning Month
Fire Prevention Month
Gain the Inside Advantage Month
German-American Heritage Month
Global Diversity Month
Go Nuts over Texas Peanuts Month
Gourmet Adventures Month
Head Start Awareness Month
Health Literacy Month
Hog Out Month
Hunger Awareness Month
I'm Just Me Because Month
International Augmentative & Alternative Communication Awareness Month
International Starman Month
International Walk To School Month
Italian-American Heritage Month
LGBT History Month
Long-Term Care Planning Month
Lupus Awareness Month (UK)
Month of Freethought
Month of the Hedgehog
National Adopt a Shelter Dog Month
National Apple Month
National Applejack Month
National Arts and Humanities Month
National Bake and Decorate Month
National Book Month
National Breast Cancer Awareness Month
National Bullying Prevention Month
National Caramel Month
National Chili Month
National Cookbook Month
National Cookie Month
National Cooperative Month
National Critical Illness Awareness Month
National Cyber Security Awareness Month
National Dental Hygiene Month
National Dessert Month
National Domestic Violence Awareness Month
National Dropout Prevention Month
National Dyslexia Awareness Month
National Energy Action Month
National Ergonomics Month
National Farm to School Month
National "Gain the Inside Advantage" Month
National Go On A Field Trip Month
National Kitchen & Bath Month
National Learning and Development Month
National Liver Awareness Month
National Medical Librarian Month
National Orthodontic Health Month
National Pasta Month
National Physical Therapy Month
National Pickled Peppers Month
National Pizza Month
National Popcorn Poppin' Month
National Pork Month
National Pretzel Month
National Protect Your Hearing Month
National Reading Group Month
National Roller Skating Month
National Sausage Month
National Sarcastic Awareness Month
National Seafood Month
National Sensory Awareness Month
National Squirrel Awareness Month
National Stamp Collecting Month
National Sudden Cardiac Arrest Awareness Month
National Toilet Tank Repair Month
National Vegetarian Awareness Month
National Work & Family Month
Organize Your Medical Information Month
Pear & Pineapple Month
Photographer Appreciation Month
Polish-American Heritage Month
Positive Attitude Month
Raptor Month
Rhizomes and Persimmons Month
Rhubarb Month
Right-Brainers Rule Month
Self-Promotion Month
Spinach Lovers Month
Squirrel Awareness Month
Strategic Planning Month
Tackling Hunger Month
Talk About Your Medicines Month
Workplace Politics Awareness Month
World Menopause Month
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