#political leaders
deadpresidents · 6 months
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"Van Buren is as opposite to General Jackson as dung is to a diamond...He is what the English call a 'dandy.' When he enters the Senate chamber in the morning, he struts and swaggers like a crow in the gutter. He is laced up in corsets, such as women in town wear, and, if possible, tighter than the best of them. It would be difficult to say, from his personal appearance, whether he was a man or woman, but for his large...whiskers."
-- Congressman Davy Crockett of Tennessee, on then-Vice President Martin Van Buren, 1835
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thoughtlessarse · 2 months
Fossil fuel companies are running “a massive mis- and disinformation campaign” so that countries will slow down the adoption of renewable energy and the speed with which they “transition away” from a carbon-intensive economy, the UN has said. Selwin Hart, the assistant secretary general of the UN, said that talk of a global “backlash” against climate action was being stoked by the fossil fuel industry, in an effort to persuade world leaders to delay emissions-cutting policies. The perception among many political observers of a rejection of climate policies was a result of this campaign, rather than reflecting the reality of what people think, he added. “There is this prevailing narrative – and a lot of it is being pushed by the fossil fuel industry and their enablers – that climate action is too difficult, it’s too expensive,” he said. “It is absolutely critical that leaders, and all of us, push back and explain to people the value of climate action, but also the consequences of climate inaction.” He contrasted the perception of a backlash with the findings of the biggest poll ever conducted on the climate, which found clear majorities of people around the world supporting measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The survey found 72% of people wanted a “quick transition” away from fossil fuels, including majorities in the countries that produce the most coal, oil and gas. Green parties and plans may have suffered reverses in some parts of the world, he said, but in others they have gained seats, and seen policies that would once have been considered radical enter the mainstream. Governments must take note, said Hart, who acts as special adviser on climate to the UN secretary general, António Guterres. “This should alert political leaders – those that are ambitious are not only on the right side of history, they’re on the side of their people as well. “Climate appears to be dropping down the list of priorities of leaders,” he said. “But we really need leaders now to deliver maximum ambition. And we need maximum cooperation. Unfortunately, we are not seeing that at the moment.”
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This is all the more worrying when you take into account the repetition of climate denial and sceptical claims makes them more believable.
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without-ado · 2 years
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Stop voting for stupid people.
By Plastic Jesus 
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dieseltech944 · 5 months
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We can only wish and pray 🙏🏻 for the day to come, when it does they need to act on the side of justice. We don’t necessarily need a preachy or pushy person but a steadfast and honest leader.
That’s what this country hasn’t had recently, so the people know that this type of person still exists and will not bow in the face of adversity but will rise to the occasion. Not a boisterous, big mouth that divides people and ostracizes people that are more intelligent than him. Not a rich 🤑 recluse who hasn’t been around the regular people in over 40 years, he’s been behind armor plated glass or inside limousines and private jets all his life. Promises are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink!
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What if we are stardust parasites floating throughout the cosmos who have infiltrated the organic life material of the earth known to be Humans to live our lives through their genetic material,....... and have actually stolen their existence of what ever it was to make our existence experience more real.
And we are the real Bad Guys here, thinking we are the Good Guys??????
This would explain people like Trump and Political leaders motives a whole lot clearer to being more in tune with their original selves as being parasitic terrorists.................................
Just a thought...................
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defensenow · 2 months
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lenrosen · 3 months
Being Dead Right in Democracies Usually Means You Will Soon Be Dead Politically or You Will Have Taken the Country Down the Wrong Path
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chloeworships · 4 months
I saw, on two occasions, people applauding and giving standing ovations to a world leader. I could not see who he or she was.
This could be a specific political party as well.
I also saw the VP, Mrs. Kamala Harris looking relaxed. Not sure why she was shown to me though. Perhaps we will hear some news.
Congratulations 🎉
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tarastaubs1979blog · 6 months
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artcalledky · 6 months
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Check for engineering
Check it all
Check check check
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deadpresidents · 6 months
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"I am trying to do two things: dare to be a radical and not be a fool, which, if I may judge by the exhibitions around me, is a matter of no small difficulty."
-- James A. Garfield, future President and then a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, in a letter to Burke Aaron Hinsdale, one of Garfield's former students at Ohio's Hiram College, January 1, 1867
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liberty1776 · 7 months
Mike Johnson and Mitch McConnell are treated as the leaders, respectively, of the current house and of the current senate’s swing votes. Johnson, on November 14, 2023, led 99% of Democrats and 58% of Republicans to pass a two-tiered temporary continuing resolution that continued the past and present congresses’ massive current spending spree. McConnell always supported such spending. Such collusion from the only potential opposition makes such Republican Progressives the root cause of inflation. Why Nations Fail: The ... Robinson, James A. Best Price: $17.37 Buy New $22.75 (as of 05:55 UTC - Details) To limit governments, we can’t just … Continue reading →
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Elephants are hard to compete with as presents. Their sheer scale and expense makes finding a return gift a bit of a problem. Add to this the strong possibility that the elephant has travelled a long way and even the wealthiest of recipients may struggle to reciprocate adequately. This was the challenge that Charlemagne (r.768-814) faced in 802. That year, the emperor received from the ʿAbbasid Caliph Harun al-Rashid (r.786-809) an elephant named Abu al-ʿAbbas, which had travelled originally from India, before making its way through the Caliphate, across the Mediterranean and over the Alps. The pachyderm was the toast of Aachen and the crown jewel of the Frankish ruler’s court but finding an acceptable counter gift raised issues. In the account of the Gesta Karoli, written by Notker the Stammerer (d.912), a monk of the monastery of St Gall in modern Switzerland, Charlemagne’s solution was to send to the caliph hunting dogs ‘of unusual speed and ferocity’. Harun was impressed by the skill and courage of the dogs when he set them to hunt lions. It seemed to him, at least according to Notker, that the dogs demonstrated that Charlemagne had ‘acquired the habit of mastering everything under the heavens’. The caliph immediately sent more presents.
Notker wrote more than eighty years after these events took place, and never let the facts interrupt a good story. But the idea he conveys here, that the might of a leader could be measured by the dogs they kept, was common throughout the Middle Ages. The presence of a pack of baying hounds served as an identifying mark of status, ensuring that important people could be seen (and heard) from a distance. Royal courts were not infrequently compared to kennels. Dogs spoke to a ruler’s prowess at hunting and their ability to command loyalty and instill discipline. A constant and keen hunter, Charlemagne treasured his dogs, which had a shaved mark on their right foreleg to make them harder to steal.
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badolmen · 4 months
They don’t even attempt to assassinate US politicians anymore. You notice that? Not since the anthrax scare back for… who was it, Barack? And even that… pathetic. This new generation has no respect for an honest hitman. I’m not sure this new generation has any honest hitman - you see that shit with Boeing? Sloppy, fucking disgraceful - you kill the whistleblowers before they get halfway to a lawsuit. What kind of fucking amateur is doing faked suicides the night before testimony? Goddamn greenhorns. Back in my day someone tried to shoot Ronald Reagan in broad daylight. There used to be bomb threats to Congress. I took out a few union leaders in the utilities sector myself. Today’s generation? Won’t even threaten to throw a punch - not even over on that - what’s it now, ‘X’? They got no guts. None! And they don’t even have poor impulse control to boot! Too much of that - that panopticon anxiety bullshit. “Oh what if I get a called out post???” People used to send the president letters full of bioweapons. In the mail! Today’s generation? Not a chance. All because of woke.
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b0bthebuilder35 · 1 year
McConnell needs to step down. It is very clear that he does not have the mental capacity to do hold office anymore (I’d argue he never did but that’s another conversation). He’s holding on to “power” when he cannot actually do his job any more & THAT my friends, is dangerous.
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wisemancax · 1 year
Britain's Business Experts Discuss How to Drive Growth
Britain’s Business Experts Discuss How to Drive Growth Tony Blair Institute for Global Change We Are Changemakers! Business is the practice of making one’s living or making money by producing or buying and selling products (such as goods and services).
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