#poor Leela
sandymybeloved · 1 year
they remembered Sara Kingdom and Katarina, but not Leela??!! the disrespect
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omelettemom · 8 months
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Some Leela angst mwhahaha
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cyborgsgrl · 2 months
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One sad moment once you look back at Quid's Game is that once the surprise party is thrown, Fry looks like he's staring at the door like he's trying to plot his escape from this situation.
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sarahwatchesthings · 10 months
Leela when someone disrespects Four: Doctor, would you like me to kill that man for you? Would you? Would you like me to rip out his still-beating heart and lay it at your feet? I will do it. I will stab him in the throat. Please say I can kill him.
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seaweedstarshine · 9 months
Hello, moot! How are you? I'm rewatching THORS (once again) and I'm ugly crying while mouthing along their lines but that has nothing to do with my ask. Just thought it would be nice and polite to say hello.
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Anyway my ask is I've seen people (official DW/BF people and fans) call River a Time Lord, human+, Proto Time Lord, and not a Time Lord because it's a title not a species. Personally, I've gone with human+. But another moot argued she's a Time Lord. What's your take on it?
Hiiii great to hear from you :D My name’s Tree by the way! Aaaah good for you, I got a love-hate relationship with that episode but those last ten minutes are 😭 *chef's kiss* I should rewatch it, it is that time of year, and I haven’t seen it since my Doctor Who Christmas Specials Rewatch last December!
I most often call River a Proto-Time Lord, or sometimes a part Time Lord/part human. (I’m not sure Proto-Time Lord is accurately descriptive, since it kinda sounds like it should refer to ancients like the Founders who weren't born with regeneration, but it’s the word I generally use because it feels closest to capturing the complexity of River Song!) Human+ sounds cool too though! (Especially as in, human+Time Lord.)
Because — while yeah, she is a genetically modified human with no known Gallifreyan DNA — it’s clear Kovarian did a lot more to deliberately make her resemble a Gallifreyan than just the Time Vortex related things like time-sense and regeneration. Her two hearts! Her respiratory bypass! No way those are related to Time Vortex exposure — it's Gallifreyan biology. Kovarian wanted her to be a match for the Doctor in every way.
Honestly, since there's no one really like her (apart from her clones), I think a lot of it's down to how she relates to herself and her identity.
I think the Doctor was really excited to learn that she's like him, in many ways — and that kind of affirmation would mean a lot to someone who grew up feeling like an outsider, having been told she was a just weapon, so she would have a connection to her Time Lord-ness as well as her human-ness.
But that doesn't mean she wouldn't still introduce herself a psychopath long before attempting to explain her species to a stranger.
(I don't think most qualified Academy graduates would consider her a Time Lord, though. Eyyy, nine times out of ten, they're too dead to say.)
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sircarolyn · 1 year
oh legion peter is mean :(
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The Taming of Man - Dragon-shifting Katsuki Bakugou x F!reader
Ay Yo, Starting a series maybe perhaps??? Idk, felt cute, might delete later. seriously though, lemme know what you think, because I'd really enjoy writing this out all the way.
EXTREMELY BASED ON The Willow Maid by Erutan, pls listen for best experience, lyrics at the end are from this!
words: 1,958
warnings: cursing, blood, probably poorly translated German, reader is she/her and will be AFAB in the future if I write this all the way out
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"Fuckin' Bluebloods," Katsuki grumbled to himself, waving the Pyre Pine twig he'd picked up, batting at cobwebs and whipping tall Acrimony Trees. The trees, true to their namesake, warped their crimson roots up through the maroon dirt to try and trip him. He had been in this forest a thousand times before though, and simply dodged them, hopping on top of them as his clunky boots pounded into the ground.
He kicked at popping Portobello's, their ashy and highly spiced spores exploding out with a crackle into what fittingly appeared to be mushroom clouds, and jabbed at the star-shaped Fire flowers, which attempted to burn away his stick with flickering flames and a high-pitched squealing sound. The good thing about Pyre Pines is that they were fire-resistant, so the flowers died without retribution.
Yes, Prince Katsuki of Forrmidūl was in a terrible mood, and it was all thanks to some rich asshole who thought he was better than him. He had met with the prince of Novia earlier that day, Katsuki's mother and Prince Tenya's Father hoping for some kinship between them as the people of their countries were viciously feuding. Sure, the guy was civil, nice even, but Katsuki hated the way he looked at him. Like he was a brute. A savage. He hated the way he picked at their nations best delicacies, scraping off perfectly good Portobello paste, and he hated the way he couldn't do anything about it.
The very remembrance of it made his jaw clench, his fists tightening. He wacked at a blazing thistle with all his strength, the wine-colored stemming tips of the petals shooting off into mini red fireworks. A couple went wayward, flying into the skin of his arm. Shit. They set off, causing wounds similar to ones you might get from being shot with a BB. "God Fucking Dammit," He yelped, gripping at his left tricep and scowling at the dead plant. He swung at it a couple times more, beating the poor thing to a red mess. It wasn't blood, of course, but rather crimson chlorophyll that all plants this ring of the forest contained.
You see, he was currently in the first and largest ring of the Farbenreich Forest, known as either Böse or simply Rot, an area many dared not enter. Sure, other countries sat near the outer rim of it, but none were brave enough to seek entertainment or peace there. The area was highly dangerous, as you could definitely see, and the only people who explored it were highly skilled Dragonborne such as the Soon to be king, Katsuki.
The rings of the rainbow forest went as followed:
Böse or Rot; the ring of Rage
Eisen or Orange; The Ring of Protection
Schatz or Gelb; The Ring of Treasures
Leben or Grün; The Ring of Life
Nebel or Blau; The Ring of Mist
Unbekannt; The Unknown.
Some called Unbekannt, the center, Leela, assuming it'd be purple and follow the pattern of all the other rings, but many simply called it Unbekannt because that's what it was; Unknown. Katsuki had read about each ring in books, craving to know what was in the center, but he himself actually feared it. He never went farther than the very beginnings of Eisen, something deep within him compelling him to turn back.
He sighed, taking a seat on a rock and making sure no moss was present. The vivid memory of traveling this place with his father and sitting on a rock covered in Magma moss still haunts him. If he could recall, he couldn't sit down without being in pain from the burns for a month after. He hung his head for a moment, regaining what little calm he had, and tried to figure out what to do about his little wounds.
They'd heal in no time, surely, but at the moment blood was trickling out of each little indent in his skin. he decided to take off his linen shirt, ripping off the sleeves. He wrapped one around his muscled arm, flexing after securing it to make sure it wouldn't fall off. He took the other one and repeated, adding two layers of protection.
He told his mother he'd go camping tonight, bringing nothing with him so he could truly rough it like he always did, but given the circumstances he decided it'd be best to head back home. He stood up, turning around to head back, before something reached his ears. What was that? The humming of a dragonfly? no, it wasn't dragonfly season...no, it was definitely someone singing. Singing like an angel. He turned to the sound, whipping around but unable to face it. Who the hell was in here?!
He finally pinpointed it, realizing it was coming from deeper in the forest. Dare he wander farther? He heard many a story of mischievous Faerie creatures luring unsuspecting men to their deaths, but it was all fiction. He just wanted to know what it was...who it was...
He hesitantly began walking farther into the woods, his attention no longer on abusing the flora. He stopped periodically to close his eyes, keying in on the sound to be sure he was following it closely. Before he knew it, he was already entering Eisen, The sturdy and squat mahogany trees practically forming a wall, a maze of sorts. Mind you, when I say Mahogany, I mean the color and not the breed of wood we know.
He walked as far as he could, before the grove became too tightly packed for his muscled body to fit through. He looked around, determined to move forward and find the source of the lovely music, before finally looking up. He immediately began to climb up the dense tree formation, climbing for a solid 2 minutes before reaching the top. He stood amongst the tangerine leaves, examining what was before him.
These trees were hardly as tall as Acrimonies, so he couldn't see far, but he could see a break in the amber foliage. He carefully hopped from tree to tree, the leaves and branches unmoving, thanking whatever deity blessed him to have this adventure in the fall when most snakes and other deadly animals were hibernating. He eventually was able to make his way down, already at the joining between Eisen and Schatz.
He looked down, the soft orange grass transitioning into golden shreds. He carefully stepped on the new grass, grass he had never seen the likes of before, and it crunched beneath his feet. Pulling back, He saw that it bent like metal flakes, curling under. He began to continue his trek inward, looking around at the tall and thin fruit trees that appeared to be made of solid gold or silver. They held apples made of ruby, blueberry bushes made of sapphire, acorns of diamond...even the leaves were made of paper thin shreds of metal. Everything was shiny, and it appeased his dragon brain.
He reached up, snatching an apple off its lustrous stem, something that would take the average man all his strength to do. Stuffing it in his pack, he continued to grab up different leaves and gemstone fruits. It was heavy, really fucking heavy, but he was compelled to take as much as possible. At least, he was, before stumbling upon a skull. A human skull. A human skull, who's body was crushed beneath piles of treasure. Yeah...fuck that. He immediately dropped what was in his arms, whatever dragon instinct that had enraptured his brain being forced to silence for a moment.
Besides, that voice was getting louder, meaning he was getting closer. At this point, he could just barely tell that the singing wasn't just a tune, it had words, words that hurt his ears to try and make out at this distance. He shook off the greed he once felt, forcing himself to carry on and simply avoid looking at the stuff around him.
This section felt like the longest because of the fact that he'd have to ignore his animal brain, but it was probably smaller than all the others. He finally reached Leben, the smell hitting him before anything else. He could smell rain, and fresh flowers, and dirt. It was earthy, it was floral, it was life. He stepped to the border, watching the plants fade from gold to green. All around him was green, he'd never seen anything like it.
The trees had spirals of moss growing up the sides, a cool breeze flowing through the flora and ventilating the area. Pink flowers, similar in look to the fire flowers, sat close to the ground, it's petals facing up to the sky. Katsuki watched as a fly slowly and leisurely buzzed past, before one of the flowers shot up and snapped around it like a shark closing its jaws. Good to know.
Katsuki trod through the forest, the damp and rich soil sinking beneath his weighty step, doing his best to touch nothing as he needed to stay cautious. As he moved along, the singing got louder, and he finally could make out a couple words. The ones that stood out to him were "man" and "Forest."
He had to know what this was, who this was. He didn't even realize he had been walking for two hours in total, nor did he realize that the end of Leben was fast approaching.
The air became wetter as he reached Nebel, and he could see the misty area ahead. It was as if there was a wall of fog, a marker for the point of no return. He took a deep breath, gulping a little. "Toughen the fuck up," he muttered to himself, before finally stepping in.
The second he entered the area, it was as if night fell. He couldn't see the sky, nor the plants, nor the ground. Only fog. Even with his night vision he was blind here, and it irritated him. He began to walk forward, keeping his eyes open to try and see the slightest differences, but soon found himself re-entering Leben.
The fuck?
He tried again, and again he was in Leben. He knew now why Unbekannt was Unbekannt. He sighed, closing his eyes. This time, he saw with his ears. He cued in on the beautiful voice, the tone, the words. He slowly began walking towards it, redirecting himself when the sound began to get farther instead of nearer.
Louder and louder the voice became, Clearer and clearer, Until he no longer felt wet fog on his face. He opened his eyes, and what he saw amazed him. The trees were full of life, vibrant with fruit and leaves of all colors hanging from them, wildflowers growing in hefty fields in all arrangements of hue and style, and best of all, the singing maiden.
She was sitting on a ginormous tree stump, centered in the ring of trees, washing her feet in a brook that shimmered in all the colors of the rainbow. Her clothes looked handmade, a sage green dress layered atop a tight silk button up shirt and a white flouncy underskirt. She had more clothing in a basket next to her, presumably to wash.
Song poured from her lips like honey, her face serene as she unknowingly preformed for her audience of one.
"A young man walked through the forest With his quiver and hunting bow He heard a young girl singing And followed the sound below There he found the maiden Who lives in the willow He called to her as she listened From a ring of toadstools red Come with me, my maiden Come from thy willow bed' She looked at him serenely And only shook her head"
you were mesmerizing. You were a faerie.
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You guys don't understand, this is BARELY THE BEGINNING 😭 please comment if you want more, really I'd love the feedback.
Check the comments for extra info!
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kevin-the-bruyne · 8 months
I really had to read with my own two eyes multiple times since this post had multiple people add on to it, bringing it back to my dash again and again, that the drama from Tharn and Phaya's past life did not feel dramatic at all. And somehow that detracts from taking the drama of the present as seriously as the show is taking it. This story is based on Thai folklore? The Naga and Garuda are eternal enemies. The love between a Naga and a Garuda is an insult to the literal cosmic order. Chalothon who was only trying to preserve the natural order has been wronged by their love. The natural order is also referenced several times but especially when the priest was like keep Phaya and Chalothon away from each other, they're destined to be enemies. Not meeting the show halfway to accepting this as part of your lens as an audience is frankly...an interesting choice to make. The next bit is pure conjecture on account of me not being Thai but I'm trying to relate to what The Sign is likely trying to do from my own understanding of Asian folklore and the way we use those stories to build new stories. What is there to get out of this show other than the big fuck you to 'natural order' of things that must be because of the way that they are. Why can't a Naga and Garuda be in love? This must be a concept that people explore under the general lens of forbidden love in Thailand (pure conjecture but also like I don't know how it can't be true). We all have our poorly explained versions of Forbidden Love gone bad; Romeo and Juliet, Ram Leela, Devdas would be some heterosexual stories of Forbidden Love that kind of hand waves around the forbidden part a little bit that I'm familiar with. Devdas (the story I'm most familiar with of the one's stated) and its myriad adaptations is a story about the absolute ways we hold on to class even as it brings about our own downfall.
It's a great pick for a queer adaptation because the reasons why the lovers couldn't be together was so made up and really came down to ONE person (Devdas' mother) who just couldn't let go of class even though everyone else was literally begging for the two to just be together because let me tell you none of you have met a poor little meow meow on the scale of Devdas.
The Sign is bringing the forbidden love between a Naga and Garuda as a parallel of the forbidden love between two men. Homosexuality outside of the legal sphere really does come down to an ideological difference as to what is natural vs not. Homosexuality goes against a natural order of reproduction. And this is true. Two men cannot reproduce, two women cannot reproduce with each other.
The challenge isn't to prove that they can, it's to prove that reproduction isn't the centerpoint of human life, that we have transcended the need for our life to be dictated by this 'natural' order because on principal our societies just aren't built along the paradigm of 'survival of the fittest' where the benchmark of species fitness is its ability to reproduce.
Thai shows including things that have come out of Idol Factory (that produces The Sign) are often socially engaged with LGBT rights within Thailand. Now that gay marriage is legal or on its way to be, I assume a move in the direction of bringing same sex relationships up to the same societal respect as straight relationships would be a natural direction that future screenwriters will go.
The Sign is trying very hard to take the question of homosexuality right to the heart of Thai culture and tradition and talk about it from that lens [this is less conjecture and more paraphrasing what Saint has said about the show in interviews] And I know that you all are capable of meeting a story halfway in respecting its desire to set up the stakes through references of allegorical story telling since y'all have been doing it with Last Twilight and Le Petit Prince. So I don't know even know why I had to make this post but: tl;dr: The stakes of the love between Tharn and Phaya and the forbidden nature of it is set before you even see much of the show just from the fact that Tharn is a Naga and Phaya is a Garuda and as a member of the audience you have to accept that the love between Naga and Garuda is a deviant form of love in Thai culture.
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Leela of the sevateem.
Went for a bit more colour and blue eyes, not that you can see it in my poor photos.
Doctor who in 28mm.
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gotyouanyway · 7 months
leela + an alt version of her dead husband, narvin + an alt version of his dead coordinator, brax + an alt version of his brother, romana + another evil version of herself. these poor people
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Vishnu & Shiva (Harihara)
Vishnu is a mischievous yet grounded boy who loves the colour yellow, the sky and dresses. Shiva is a fierce yet innocent one who loves nature, yoga and dancing.
"SHIVUUUWUUU MY LOVE MY GOD!" Vishnu ran and jumped on Shiva, who smiled a little. He kissed Shiva's cheek and grinned "I MADE YOU A TIARA OF YOUR FAVOURITE RUDRAKSH BEADS AND SOME PRETTY FLOWERSSKSKSS"
"You know that I get content with just some belpatra and bhasm, right?"
"OK, MY BHASM BESTIE BRO!" Vishnu pouted "Keep your low maintenance rituals for your dear devotees for an easy path to reach you. But allow MEEE TO SPOIL YOU AT LEAST??! You give everyone vardaan, don't you? Give one to me also that you let me love you IN MY OWN WAYYY HEHEHEHEHE"
"Alright alright!" Shiva couldn't help but laugh a little as he placed the tiara on his head gently
"THERE NOW!!! You look so ADORABLE, my BHOLEY BABUUU UWU" Vishnu pulled Shiva's cheeks hard "Who can tell that you're a WILD YOGU? Btw do you remember the time I became Mohini and we merged-"
Shiva quickly lifted him up in bridal style, laughing nervously "Yes, I do, buddy."
Someone cleared their throat and Shiva looked up, letting out a gasp and dropping Vishnu down with a thud.
"OWWW! I-" he turned around to look too "oh-"
Parvati and Lakshmi were standing at a distance, the former clearly fuming with rage. Lakshmi shrugged and looked away, politely.
"Parvati, it is nothing like it seems-"
"That's ENOUGH, swami!"
Shiva immediately went quiet. He remembers Kaali and how he had to literally lay down in front of her to save the cosmos from getting obliterated by her wife's wrath.
"But you know it was for a purpose! Lord Ayappa was born."
Parvati sighed "I know and understand all of that.. but the way I had to literally sacrifice myself in the pyre as Sati for your honour, then get reborn as Parvati and do tapasya for CENTURIES just for you to ACCEPT me as your wife! But with bhraata Vishnu here, all he needed to do was turn into the most beautiful enchantress and you-"
Vishnu grinned nervously and looked away too.
"I'll talk to YOU TOO later, brother!" Parvati spoke to Vishnu and walked away, Shiva on her heels, chasing her.
He glared at Vishnu one last time, whispering "If the brahmaand goes up in flames with her then you shall be the one to be blamed, Jagannath!"
"No?" Vishnu could barely contain himself from giggling "YOU will be. Shiva couldn't confront and comfort his Shakti????? The most sacred couple, PARENTS OF THE UNIVERSE?"
Shiva groaned and made a dash for his wife
Lakshmi sighed again and advanced towards her husband "Why do you do this?"
Vishnu looked at her with his big, innocent bambi eyes "Me?"
Lakshmi blinked slowly "Yes." and waved her hand "I know your leelas but the world still needs to get used to it, love. You always have something up your sleeve. But really? Poor Shivashakti are the epitome of love. What have they done? Why did you trouble them??"
"Nok jhok se prem badhta hain, meri swamini!" Vishnu winked "and who knows that better than you?"
Lakshmi finally let out a laugh "You ARE impossible."
It was Vishnu's turn to blink and sigh
"Impossible to stay mad at!" Lakshmi winked back at him and he laughed with her, kissing her
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justhilary123 · 2 months
Curse of the WereMouse Chapter 2
*The sky is getting dark, and the sun is going down*
*Mickey was about to go and meet up with Colin and the girls.*
Mickey: Okay, Pluto. You stay here and keep an eye on the house for me, will you?
Pluto: *whimpers*
Mickey: Aww? It’s okay, boy. I won’t be long. I’ll see you later!
Pluto: *barks and waves goodbye*
*Colin, Josephine, Hilary, Mickey and Freyja are seen walking around in the woods.*
Freyja: So glad you guys talked us into this, Colin and Josephine!
Colin: What can we say, Freyja. It was my idea.
Josephine: Clever guy! Wish we were a little more clever. We wouldn’t wanna be anywhere else. *Besides hanging out with Joey and Daniel*
Freyja: *Looks up at the sky*
*The sky is full of stars.*
Freyja: What a clear night this is.
Hilary: It certainly is!
*Then, they heard rustling and noticed that the bushes are moving.*
Colin: Don’t look now, guys. But, I think we’re being watched.
Josephine: Who’s there? Leave us alone!
Freyja: Oh man! This is just like that movie, Beauty and the Beast.
Hilary: This is a dangerous situation, guys! If we wanna get out of this one alive, we’ll have to use our heads.
Mickey: *walks toward the bushes*
Freyja: What do you think you’re doing, Mickey?
Mickey: Oh gosh! What if it's a critter? It could be hurt.
Josephine: It could also be rabid!
Mickey: I'll be okay, guys. *He walks towards the bushes*
*A pair of yellow eyes is seen, peaking through the bushes*
Mickey: Aww! You poor thing. *He holds his hand out, and moves towards the bushes* It's okay..
*A monstrous looking wolf, jumps out of the bushes*
Mickey: *screams*
*It pins him to the ground, and starts scratching, and biting him*
Mickey: Help! Get it off me!
*Before the kids can do anything, Leela and Ethan comes out, Leela brandishing a crossbow.*
Leela: Stand back, guys!
Mickey: *He screams in pain*
Leela: Leave him alone! *She shoots the crossbow and the arrow hits the wolf*
*The wolf yelps in pain, before collapsing to the ground*
Hilary: *She grabs Mickey’s arm* C’mon! We gotta go! Get up!
Mickey: *grunts*
Freyja: Hurry!
*They run away, as fast as they can*
*Back in the Magic Kingdom*
Alexander: Where is she?
Eliza: *notices Hilary, Freyja, Colin, Josephine and Mickey, along with Leela and Ethan* Look. There they are!
Alexander: Hey, guys! We’re just about to come look for you.
*It started to rain.*
Leela: Yep! We found them out in the woods. Mickey was attacked by some kind of wolf.
Mickey: I’ll be okay. Well. I better be going!
Leela: Are you sure you’re gonna be okay on your own?
Mickey: I’ll be fine! I mean, it’s just a couple of scratches. What could happen?
Leela: But, if there’s anything you want, let me know.
Mickey: Okay. *He walks away*
Leela: Come, Ethan! We’ve got some studying to do!
Ethan: Okay, Leela.
*Later at night, Mickey was asleep and he tossed and turned. A paw print appears on his glove.*
(To be continued...)
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lizzy019 · 1 month
For @trial-dogs because they wanted to know lmaoo
Name: Lamira
Age: 17
Race: Scottish :))
Class: In the middle of poor and middle class
Status: Works for some minimum wage job lmaoo
Appearance (since I can't draw): Mid back hair, all black and biracial, relatively tan-ish skin, uneven eyes, brown irises, 5'5 in height and a bit on the underweight side (because she doesn't have access to a solid amount of food each day), but also has a little muscle.
Likes: LOVES exploring old places, learning about culture, history, reading books
Dislikes: Dallas.
Personality Scan: Lamira (or nicknames Lila - pronouced Leela) is a relatively bubbly person. She strives to grow her knowledge of the Earth and all that's on it, and enjoys stuffing her head into books. She's not overly sensitive, but she does tend to have some strong mood swings. Living with men most of her life, Lamira hasn't gotten much feminine attention. Her friends have revolved around girls in the gang, or a few boys she can get along with. She dresses in a very casual way, skirts with pantyhose and jean jackets. But she's also very kind in her manners, and doesn't act too much like a greaser until she wants to.
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cyborgsgrl · 1 year
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Cheers to the return on Futurama tonight! And also them!
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thesoftboiledegg · 2 months
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"Quids Game" felt like a mash-up of two separate episodes. In fact, it was the best and worst of the Comedy Central/Hulu revivals rolled into a twenty-minute "Squid Games" parody.
The A-plot, with the Planet Express crew and their friends playing children's games to the death, encapsulated most of my issues with the post-Fox eras: bad pacing, weak concepts and characters acting like sociopaths.
We know that the characters aren't going to stay dead, but the crew doesn't know that, so it's jarring to see Fry accidentally murder the professor with a smile and Leela grieving her family's deaths for a second before forgetting about them.
The writers handle the "Squid Games" parody better than I expected--the aliens provide enough context that you can watch this episode without knowing anything about the Netflix drama. Still, I would've preferred a version with a sci-fi twist instead of a direct reference.
The games had a few funny gags, but aside from that, I just...didn't enjoy myself. I would've ranked this episode on the "Yo Leela Leela" tier if the B-plot weren't the total opposite.
First, I loved seeing Josh Gedgie again. New episodes usually reference the Fox era, so it was fun to see a Comedy Central character return, especially since "Cold Warriors" is one of my favorite CC episodes. I actually think it's the best episode from that run (yes, I rank it above "The Late Philip J. Fry"!)
Fry's flashbacks to his childhood birthday party were sweet and heartwarming but not cloying. He had some great lines ("I hope my grandma's proud of me down in hell"), and Billy West nailed his youthful warmth and insecurities.
As others have pointed out, it's odd to see Fry's parents acting nice in the Hulu and Comedy Central episodes when the Fox versions were cold and uncaring. But I think it gives them depth--and makes Fry's absence more poignant, too.
Plus, the twist genuinely surprised me. I immediately thought of "Lethal Inspection," which is another CC favorite.
Basically, "Quids Game" had an excellent flashback storyline that the writers wasted with a poor set-up. If I watch this episode again, I might skip the games and just enjoy the childhood scenes, similar to the way that I skip the tiny people whenever I rewatch Solar Opposites.
Well, I might watch Fry crying over Bender's body again. But after that, it's back to Sherri and Yancy trying to give their son a rare happy childhood memory.
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therandosfandos · 9 months
YAYY!! I finished the fox hunt aftermath one shot!
Sum: Bender makes it back to Planet Express but his program ends up shutting him down forcefully because of the damages done to him
The crew is worried to say the least of it all...
Everything hurts. He was pretty sure his wiring was messed up. It was hard to walk just on one footcup and he had took wiring out of it just to set up a trap for the hunter.
His trigger finger just kept falling off and didn't stay on as well. Concerned cries from the robot fox in his hands were heard, the animal nuzzling up against Benders chest and whimpered. The said robot trembled.
Then they were at Planet Express, Fry was carefully keeping his best friend balanced so he could get there. Leela holds the door open for them and when they were insides she lets go and rushes to the meeting table and calling an emergency. The whole entire crew came into the scene, but the fox was the first thing they saw. Bender was behind the mutant, he wasn't visible to the eyes of the crew.
So when they all angrily yelled and stampeded to get to the animal, he braces himself, refusing to run again. Then everything went silent. The anger went away.
Benders optics opened to look at them as he produced a pathetic glitching sound from his voice box. They saw the injuries. "I-i...I-...nothing i-its wr-wro-wRoNg, m-mea-meatBaGs..."
Clearly, something was. He sounded absolutely broken. When the fox attacked the hunter, it accidentally caused the guy to pull the trigger on the gun and it hit Bender right in his voice module. Fry frowns as Bender nearly toppled onto the floor but carefully bends his knees to keep the robot upright.
"Shh, honey, shh" Fry hushes his boyfriend to which the bending unit could only whine in response to it. He was just in so much pain.
Farnsworth came up and inspected the damages, "what on earth happened!?" He asked quite loudly. This caused Bender to emit a high pitched frequency of a screech and cringe. They all looked at him shocked. Bender would usually refuse to be seen in such a vulnerable state and deny that he was scared and hurt. However, he couldn't do anything at this point.
So the professor quieted down and asked again, gently this time, "what happened?". Leela looks at him and sighs, "we went after the fox and well...", She frowns with worry in her single eye, "let's just say they turned a fox hunt into a robot hunt..."
Everyone gasps audibly. "Bender was splurfing hunted!?" Amy asks, worry filling her voice. Bender leans against the orange haired man's chest and whimpers at a low octave. "I know, sweetheart, I know..." Fry responds to the action. Then he looks up and speaks, "don't worry, the hunter got what was coming".
The crew was relieved to hear that. Hermes goes ahead and gets out a clip board, writing down the injuries he saw on the poor little bot. One missing footcup, wires missing from his broken and hollow leg tube, trigger finger missing, on his hand looked like splinter marks and dents, he was dented quite roughly, he had sharp claw marks all over him and he also seemed to have porcupine needles punctured into his metal.
They managed to fix him up, carefully and quickly giving him a run over afterwards. Everything was back in order. Bender shuddered on the couch. The fox suddenly leaned down and dives up into the cushions, it's black paws then going to climb on the robots lap and curl up into a ball to sleep.
Bender sighs contently as he pets the electronic animal calmly. He appreciated the little guy. This fox actually helped him, it cared for him, made him feel protected and safe. Safer than he had in a long time.
Fry kisses Benders cheek and traces a thumb over Benders three digits as he gives the robots hand a gentle squeeze, "hey, buddy, you okay now?" He asks with a soft loving voice. Bender couldn't get enough of the guy. The robot does a nod motion and Fry smiles sweetly, "whats your booze level at, baby boy?"
Bender checks and then speaks up, "98%". Fry nods, Bender was fueled up enough, that was good. Fry gives his metal boyfriend another peck on the cheek and one on the forehead.
Zoidberg suddenly comes in with tickets that he found in the trash, lucky day for him they guessed, "friends! I found tickets to a zoo, mini golf and a camp!"
The robots optics widen and he was hyperventilating. He couldn't be there! He couldn't! The forests were too much, the animals were too much, the fact there were hunters in camps were too much!
The animal on his lap whines and got the attention of the crew. They looked at Bender shocked and when Amy touched him, Bender snapped, "STOP! NO! NO! NO! I CAN'T GO! I CAN'T! THEY'LL HUNT ME DOWN AGAIN! NO! STOP IT! I DON'T WANNA BE HURT AGAIN!"
Their heart's break. Bender never was this bad before, their eyes frozen wide and mouths agape. Fry rushes over and hushes his boyfriend, being quiet and gentle, "hey, hey, look at me" he says, "shh, bud, shh, look at me, okay?"
Benders unneeded breath hitched suddenly and he listens to Fry. His optics peering at the humans eyes. "You're not there, we won't go, shh, we won't, we'll have a nice quiet evening here and watch TV with food and snacks and alcohol, okay? Shh, it's all over now, that guy won't ever hurt you again"
The robot felt tears rolling down his optics, he must be crying right now and a sense of embarrassment filled him. He was too sensitive to care at the moment though.
"Yo-you promise, meatbag?" He asks his boyfriend and Fry squeezes his metal hand gently once again as he gives Bender a kiss on the mouthplate this time, "I promise"
Bender calmed down and let Fry and the fox nuzzle against them, they turned on a movie, turned the lights off, got popcorn, drinks and other junk and took their spots. They all had a sweet loving afternoon with Bender finally safe.
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