#Turlough tegan nyssa adric both Romana
sandymybeloved · 1 year
they remembered Sara Kingdom and Katarina, but not Leela??!! the disrespect
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companion-showdown · 2 years
Most Likely to beat the Doctors Ass Masterpost
In simpler terms, we are looking for the companion who would get into a physical fight with the Doctor and then win. Also worth considering is if the Doctor deserves it.
Thank you @nemonihilominus for the suggestion
Barbara Wright vs Tegan Jovanka WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
both matches are tagged #get them: semis
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Barbara Wright vs Romana I WINNER: Barbara Wright
Tegan Jovanka vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
all matches are tagged #get them: quarters
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Barbara Wright vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Barbara Wright
The Romana-off (Romana I vs Romana II) WINNER: Romana I
Tegan Jovanka vs Leela WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
Donna Noble vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
all matches are tagged #get them: round 3
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Barbara Wright vs Rory Williams WINNER: Barbara Wright
Clara Oswald vs Ace McShane WINNER: Clara Oswald
Romana II vs Martha Jones WINNER: Romana II
River Song vs Romana I WINNER: Romana I
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Tegan Jovanka WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
Leela vs Amy Pond WINNER: Leela
Donna Noble vs Nardole WINNER: Donna Noble
Bernice Summerfield vs The Brigadier WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
all matches are tagged #get them: round 2
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Kate Stewart vs Barbara Wright WINNER: Barbara Wright
Susan Foreman vs Rory Williams WINNER: Rory Williams
Clara Oswald vs Zoe Heriot WINNER: Clara Oswald
Handles vs Ace McShane WINNER: Ace McShane
Evelyn Smythe vs Romana II WINNER: Romana II
Martha Jones vs K9 WINNER: Martha Jones
Mel Bush vs River Song WINNER: River Song
Steven Taylor vs Romana I WINNER: Romana I
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Sara Kingdom WINNER: Sarah-Jane Smith
Tegan Jovanka vs Lucie Miller WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
Leela vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Ian Chesterton vs Amy Pond WINNER: Amy Pond
Donna Noble vs Bill Potts WINNER: Donna Noble
Nardole vs Frobisher WINNER: Nardole
Bernice Summerfield vs Liz Shaw WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
Charley Pollard vs The Brigadier WINNER: The Brigadier
all matches are tagged #get them: round 1
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Mickey Smith vs Kate Stewart WINNER: Kate Stewart
Barbara Wright vs Ryan Sinclair WINNER: Barbara Wright
Adam Mitchell vs Susan Foreman WINNER: Susan Foreman
Rory Williams vs Fitz Kreiner WINNER: Rory Williams
Clara Oswald vs Chang Lee WINNER: Clara Oswald
Dan Lewis vs Zoe Heriot WINNER: Zoe Heriot
Handles vs Vislor Turlough WINNER: Handles
Ace McShane vs Gillian and John Who WINNER: Ace McShane
Iris Wildthyme vs Evelyn Smythe WINNER: Evelyn Smythe
Romana II vs Jo Grant WINNER: Romana II
Graham O'Brien vs Martha Jones WINNER: Martha Jones
K9 vs Jack Harkness WINNER: K9
Mel Bush vs Nyssa WINNER: Mel Bush
River Song vs Hex Schofield WINNER: River Song
Steven Taylor vs Kamelion WINNER: Steven Taylor
Romana I vs Victoria Waterfield WINNWR: Romana I
C'rizz vs Sarah-Jane Smith WINNER: Sarah-Jane Smith
Sara Kingdom vs Alison Cheney WINNER: Sara Kingdom
John Benton vs Tegan Jovanka WINNER: Tegan Jovanka
Lucie Miller vs Grace Holloway WINNER: Lucie Miller
Vicki Pallister vs Leela WINNER: Leela
Rose Tyler vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Polly Wright vs Ian Chesterton WINNER: Ian Chesterton
Dodo Chaplet vs Amy Pond WINNER: Amy Pond
Adric vs Donna Noble WINNER: Donna Noble
Yasmin Khan vs Bill Potts WINNER: Bill Potts
Nardole vs Katarina WINNER: Nardole
Ben Jackson vs Frobisher WINNER: Frobisher
Wilfred Mott vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
Liz Shaw vs Harry Sullivan WINNER: Liz Shaw
Peri Brown vs Charley Pollard WINNER: Charley Pollard
The Brigadier vs Mike Yates WINNER: The Brigadier
See how previous tournaments went here
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peroxideprinces · 2 years
tell me abt peri brown immediately
doctor who insanity never stops . basically after tegan leaves, the fifth doctor n turlough go to like a beach or whatevs n they find peri ! shes drownin so turlough goes to save her n she basically joins fifth after that bc that same serial i believe turlough leaves . n then i think the next serial, both fifth n peri r poisoned, n theres only enough antidote for one of them . so ! fifth gives it to peri ! n regenerates !
iiiiiii think sixth n peri have been growin on me as jus a general pair ?? like,,, "is there any intelligent life form on this planet ?" "apart from me, you mean"
n also "ah, we should be headed back to the tardis now . thank you for your hospitality ." (sixth takes peri n starts walkin towards the camera) "doctor . the tardis is that way ." (peri points to the left of the camera) (doctor does a spin w peri) "yes of course, that was were i was going"
n jus !!!! peri n sixth man !! they have a more romantic relationship than fifth n peri i feel ? bc fifth is absolutely a dad to their companions mostly bc most of their companions were teenagers (adric was 15, nyssa was ~19, turlough was ~18) but sixth is jus . Not That . there is nothin paternal ab sixth . i dunno how to explain it .
i havent watched a lot of sixths run so far !! ive been skippin around lots in class who n so far ive only finished series 19 in full but m gettin close to finishin series 1 n series 18 . but i digress !!
peri is complained ab a lot by most fans . bc a lot of people seem to think that every female companion was whiny n annoyin ? like . barbara ran over a herd of daleks in a TRUCK . ace beat the shit out of a dalek w a baseball bat bc it called her small . nyssa held a gun at a room full of the gallifreyan high council . victoria killed somethin by screamin at it . liz is a scientist n mostly made fun of the aliens . romana is as smart as the doctor at the very least, n maybe even braver than them . peri has her moments ! she . okay she is a little bit annoyin at times but yknow !!! she stood up to the MASTER . n that takes balls . you dont jus yell at an alien that could kill you v easily THAT YOU CAN SHOUT JUS AS LOUD AS THEY CAN ? i heart peri
if you ever start watchin classic who i def recommend skippin the twin dilemma . its the sixth doctors first serial . they r completely out of character n tried to murk peri . jus overall not a good serial frrrr
anyway i think peri is a lesbian
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heimeldat · 2 years
fandom ask for 80s Who, please! (Or all of DW if you like, I just like to break it down for these asks bc otherwise it gets overwhelming)
Ok, 80s...that's the tail end of Four up through Seven. (I have trouble with dates.)
Favorite character: Five.
Least Favorite character: Adric. He feels like a little kid tagging along trying to be part of the big kids' games, and (idk if this was a deliberate choice or just the actor's natural voice) he has a whiny/pushy tone of voice that grates on me even when I otherwise like his role in the story.
5 Favorite ships (canon or non-canon): Four/Romana. Um...hm, I don't really ship a lot of people. Delta and Billy were fun, in a ridiculous sort of way?
Character I find most attractive: I'm not usually attracted by physical appearance, but personality-wise, Five.
Character I would marry: As much as I love Five, I'd have to go with Nyssa. Everyone else (including lots of side characters) has way too much chaotic space-hobo energy for a stable relationship.
Character I would be best friends with: Nyssa again. She's got a calm intelligence that I both admire and relate to. She'd be good company.
a random thought: I want the new show to do a follow-up episode to Battlefield where the Doctor first takes the role of Merlin to close the loop on Seven's shenanigans.
An unpopular opinion: I'm glad Adric died. Not in a "he got what's coming" way, but in a "that was a good narrative choice" way. It actually made me like him a lot more retrospectively. He always seemed like more of a problem than a solution, but ending his arc with a noble self-sacrifice made him feel valuable to the team just in time for them to lose him, which was unexpectedly poignant (and opened the door for plenty of drama and character growth for the survivors too).
My Canon OTP: Well...kind of canon? Assumed by most people to be canon even if never officially confirmed? Four/Romana.
My Non-canon OTP: I would have loved to see Romana stick around. Her no-nonsense force of personality would have been an interesting contrast with Five's calmer take on things, and she and Six would have been a freaking badass power couple. They would have argued and snarked at each other nonstop at high volume and freaked out the other companions until they realized that was their version of flirting. Then they'd suddenly switch gears to perfect unison back and forth one-liners that come within an inch of insulting the villain to death. Dang it I have to write a fic about them now.
Most Badass Character: Five. Everyone seems to remember his sweet/cute/bumbling moments, but he was unstoppable when he wanted to be. I mean: Androzani, enough said.
Most Epic Villain: In concept if not quite in execution, the Great Vampires. I'm also rather fond of the Mara. And an honorable mention has to go to the Black Guardian and the surprisingly cool-looking bird on his head.
Pairing I am not a fan of: Five with any of his space-kids. Just no. Of all TARDIS teams, this is the one that most deserves to be called "fam." I can't say I'm a fan of Nyssa/Tegan either; I love their friendship and it kind of bothers me how often people interpret really close friendship as romance.
Character I feel the writers screwed up (in one way or another): Well, Six kind of goes without saying. Mel never really got the development she deserved, either.
Favourite Friendship: Nyssa and Tegan. I also really like the development of the Doctor and Turlough dynamic, one of the rare situations where they really develop a Doctor and companion friendship instead of it just -- happening.
Character I most identify with: probably Nyssa.
Character I wish I could be: Um...none of them, really. I'm a homebody who likes to play it safe. I don't want to run off and see the universe, I don't want a life of adrenaline and danger, and no offense to the Doctor, but I don't want to be part of anything that would bring him to town.
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lesbiandonnanoble · 5 years
i want more diverse companions :c i mean like, someone from the Victorian era or someone far off from the future. i get that with the current companions we can like relate to them and imagine that we could also be in their places but damb give me companions fighting over dumb shit (what a stapler is actually used for) because theyre both from wildly different places
literally mood!! and also people are people no matter where/when they’re from so like. they won’t be unrelatable.. i a thousand percent agree with you new who needs more of this. if you want to watch some dr who that has this i could recommend some classic who, which was actually really good at this
season 19- 5th doctor with adric, an alien boy genius, nyssa, an alien princess, and tegan, an airline hostess from earth
also with 5 but not with all of the others is turlough who’s an alien trapped in the form of a human and stuck on earth and it’s good
season 6- 2nd doctor with jamie and zoe and this is funny because while they’re both from earth, zoe’s from the 2070s and jamie is from the 1740s so the absolute disparity of knowledge between them is hilarious
4′s seasons with romana and 1′s season+ with susan is good because the doctor gets to travel with another time lord and that’s satisfying
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incomingalbatross · 5 years
English-Speaking Doctor Headcanons
So the Doctor is definitely bilingual and I have a lot of feelings about that.
First Doctor relied entirely on the TARDIS translator for most of his life, but did learn a bit of English when they were stuck in London because Susan wanted him to learn with her.
Aside from it being IC for Susan to want to learn, we know she did because she turned the (pre-existing Gallifreyan?) word “Tardis” into an English acronym
(I really love that the TARDIS has an English name. And that Susan gave it to her.)
First Doctor may have started trying to speak English for real around Ian and Barbara. Further, this may be the reason for some of his fluffed lines?
Second Doctor got a lot better at English and spoke it more. He also learned to read and write English without the translator because Jamie was learning! (I suspect Victoria was responsible for most of that--she probably liked being able to teach them both something that significant.)
Side note: Just as Susan learning English got the TARDIS her acronym name, the Doctor’s name “John Smith” wouldn’t exist if Jamie hadn’t learned to read English.
Jamie probably also gave him Gaelic lessons.
Third Doctor was very glad he’d been learning English, because the TARDIS’s translator circuits were... not totally reliable... during their exile. (And also he liked speaking English out of spite.) This is the life when he started thinking in English more than in Gallifreyan.
Of course, he wasn’t perfect at it yet...
I’m not saying for sure that “reverse the polarity of the neutron flow” was supposed to mean something else.
I’m just saying English is hard.
Fourth Doctor is definitely speaking English 100% of the time. Quotes English literature/poetry a lot. Speaks English especially when he has to go to Gallifrey (though most of them don’t notice he’s using the TARDIS translator to talk to them.)
Taught Leela to read/write English--pretty sure that’s canon? (Also pretty sure the Sevateem genuinely spoke English...)
It took Romana a long time to realize he was speaking English. Also that K-9 was speaking English (if anyone taught K-9 Gallifreyan, it was probably the TARDIS). She was very weirded out by this.
Fifth Doctor, ironically, only had one or two companions who spoke English (depending on whether or not Turlough genuinely knew English).
This did not help Adric and Nyssa when he started going off about cricket. Or trains. Or... a lot of things, really.
Again, I’m not sure any of them ever realized the Doctor and Tegan were the only people there speaking English.
Sixth Doctor is one of the ones most clearly speaking English, because... that VOCABULARY. This man enjoys the English language.
Seventh Doctor is definitely speaking English with all those mixed idioms. However--given whatever was going on with him that life in terms of identity--I suspect that he also slipped into Gallifreyan sometimes. Possibly more as that life went on...
Eighth Doctor unfortunately, I still don’t know well enough to have any opinions on here.
War Doctor absolutely used both, with greater equality than he had since his first couple lives. This wasn’t so much an identity thing, though, as a practicality thing--translators weren’t always an option, and sometimes he needed to speak a language the soldiers serving with him knew.
(sometimes, of course, he needed to speak a language the Time Lords didn’t know.)
To be fair, it was also an identity thing at times. Sometimes it felt wrong speaking a different language than the people he was fighting alongside, whether they knew it or not...
And on the other hand, sometimes he really needed to root himself in the language of Earth, of humanity, of the friendships that made him the man he was. Sometimes he needed all the help he could get not to lose that man entirely in the middle of the War.
EDIT: “NO MORE” was definitely written in English.
Ninth Doctor probably flipped between the two languages like mad. His identity and his associations with both languages were a jagged, jumbled mess, and I’m not sure anyone could have found a pattern.
(“Fantastic!” was definitely English, though.)
Tenth Doctor obviously spoke English sometimes--”Brilliant,” “Correctamundo,” that time he put on a Scottish accent--and I would assume this was, in fact, most of the time. Switching to Gallifreyan was a sure sign the Last of the Time Lords was coming out.
In general, his Dramatic Speeches were probably in Gallifreyan. Unless he was genuinely so caught up in what he was saying that he forgot he was being a Time Lord and his words came out in English.
Also liked playing with expressions in other Earth languages, of course.
(May have spoken some Gallifreyan in “Midnight”? Would be a good way to test the mimicry.)
Eleventh Doctor probably had less clear categories--speaking English for most of his Epic Speeches, for instance. (ALSO, like Ten, clearly enjoys playing with English some of the time.) 
He did have one situation in which he almost always spoke Gallifreyan, though. When he was talking to babies.
Clearly taught both Modern and Old High Gallifreyan to River at some point, as well.
Twelfth Doctor no longer feels the need to Keep the Language Alive as the Only Living Speaker; as a result, he happily switched back to Scottish-accented English 100% of the time. (Again, ESPECIALLY when dealing with Time Lords.)
(Okay, he might still speak Gallifreyan to babies. I’m not sure about that. If so, it’s entirely about his own first fatherhood.)
Thirteenth Doctor I know pretty much nothing about, but I suspect she’s also speaking all English, all the time.
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incorrectunitquotes · 5 years
Classic Who Hunger Games Part 3 - Night One and Day Two
Here is Part 2
Night One
Barbara and Adric team up sleep in shifts.
Mel receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Roberts Master receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Katarina strangles Turlough after engaging in a fistfight.
Ace and the Eighth Doctor team up and sleep in shifts.
The Second Doctor and Nyssa team up and huddle for warmth
Vicki sets up camp for the night.
Jamie tends to his wounds.
Jo thinks about home.
The Seventh Doctor attempts to climb a tree but falls to his death.
Tegan goes to sleep.
Susan looks at the night sky.
Harry receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
The Sixth Doctor thinks about home.
Ian starts a fire.
Yates goes to sleep.
Crispy Master bashes Sara’s head in with a mace.
Grace, Zoe, Benton and Sarah Jane team up and tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
Benny attempts to climb a tree, but falls to her death.
Charley and Romana I team up and hold hands.
Leela and the Third Doctor team up and sleep in shifts.
The Fifth Doctor, Peri and Polly get into a fight. Peri triumphantly kills them both.
Day Two
Adric searches for a water source.
Mel practices her archery.
Yates discovers a river.
Nyssa attempts to climb a tree but falls to her death.
Leela receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
Harry goes hunting.
Vicki diverts Zoe’s attention and runs away.
Jo and the Third Doctor split up to search for resources.
The Second Doctor travels to higher ground.
Ian and Roberts Master team up together for the day.
Sarah Jane kills Romana I with her own weapon.
Katarina attempts to climb a tree but falls to her death.
The Eighth Doctor and Charley team up and track down and kill Susan.
The Sixth Doctor and Grace hunt for other tributes.
Crispy Master attacks Tegan, but Barbara protects her, killing Crispy Master.
Peri defeats Ace in a fight but spares her life.
Jamie ambushes Benton and kills him.
Fallen Tributes
Vislor Turlough
The Seventh Doctor
Sara Kingdom
Bernice Summerfield
Fifth Doctor
Polly Wright
Romana I
Susan Foreman
Crispy Master
John Benton
Here is Part 4
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being-of-rain · 6 years
Short Trips sale at Big Finish! There are some gemstones in the range so, recommendation time!
Rise and Fall is good, and you can listen to it for free, linked to in the news article. Forever Fallen and Landbound, the winners of Big Finish’s writing competitions, are both great and are also available for free!
Each of the first four series can only be bought in their entirety, and while they have some brilliant stuff in them (eg. The Wings of a Butterfly, 1963, The Doctor’s Coat, Letting Go, The Shadow Trader), there’s also a lot of disposable stuff in there, so they’re probably not worth it (I mean, they’re insanely cheap so they’re actually totally worth it, but again, whatever.)
So here’s 10 recs!
Flywheel Revolution; First Doctor. Told from the point of view of a robot in a community of defective robots who have never met living creatures before.
Gardens of the Dead; Fifth Doctor, Turlough, Nyssa, and Tegan. Told from Turlough’s point of view, and Jenny T Colgan’s writing is hilarious.
The Blame Game; Third Doctor and Liz. For like half the story there’s a TARDIS team consisting of the Doctor, Liz, and the Monk, and now I wish the three of them had a whole series of adventures together.
A Full Life; Fourth Doctor, Adric, Romana, and K9. Absolutely iconic, well-written, and depressing as hell. Uh, I mean emotional. Emotional as hell.
The World Beyond the Trees; Eighth Doctor, Liv and Helen. Told from Liv’s point of view as if talking to her dad, and there’s something about the mix of heartfelt tone and Nicola Walker’s voice that I find so soothing. It’s actually only one half of a story, the other being Damascus with the Third Doctor, but I didn’t even know that when I first listened to it, and I still really liked it.
Falling; First Doctor, Polly and Ben. Another slow, heartfelt story that’s just really soothing to listen to. Jonathan Barnes wrote this, and the previous story listed, and the Jago & Litefoot eps. He’s a great writer, so I guess I’ll now use this list to advertise his Big Finish Sherlock Holmes audios. They’re great.
How to Win Planets and Influence People; Fourth Doctor, Sarah and Harry. Absolutely hilarious, I love Rufus Hound as the Monk. I also love it when people do impressions of Tom Baker. Rufus Hound’s Monk doing a Tom Baker impression? I’m in heaven.
A Heart on Both Sides; Eighth Doctor and Nyssa. Nyssa during the Time War. Really good. I really gotta relisten to this. Don’t want to spoil much.
All Hands on Deck; Eighth Doctor and Susan. Susan during the Time War, kinda. Fun, but with some emotional stuff. Don’t want to spoil much, again.
The Ingenious Gentleman Adric of Alzarius; Fifth Doctor, Adric, Nyssa, and Tegan. And the... Fourth Doctor? As a knight? Adric is his squire? Great set-up, great story, great conclusion. Just a great audio. And more Tom Baker impressions, what can I say.
Honourable Mentions: The Way of the Empty Hand (The Second Doctor finds himself in an alien gladiatorial arena), The Man Who Wasn’t There (I dunno, it’s fun. It has a nice aesthetic), The Jago & Litefoot Revival Act 1 and Act 2 (The Tenth Doctor, the Eleventh Doctor, Jago, Litefoot. Just a lot of fun), The British Invasion (A nice insight into Jamie’s point of view, and then a nice plot twist).
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paigenotblank · 6 years
4, 9 :)
4: Create your own TARDIS team (any Doctor + any 3 companions including side/one-off characters) and describe their dynamic!
Oh, man…this is tough. Obvs, I’m gonna pick Rose as a companion for any of the Doctors. I think I’m in a Nine mood tonight, so it’d be Nine plus Rose and Ace and Leela. JFC they would only go on fun adventures because word would get out that the Doctor travels with a BAMF group of ladies that will fuck shit up if things get out of hand. The universe would be the safest place while these three traveled together. (I have to say a close second was Ten with Rose, Jamie and Jo because I can’t even, when I imagine what besties Rose/Jamie/Jo would be with a puppy Ten to follow around. And because I can’t not picture it also think about Three and Rose with Benton and Donna. Donna would be almost too much for Benton, but he would fall madly in love with her because she is amazing.)
9: Which characters are cat people vs dog people?
LOL. Ok. *rubs hands together* One/Susan/Barbara/Vicki - cat people. Ian - dog person. Two is too all over the place for any sort of preference. Jaime and Victoria are dog people. He’d like some big hunting dog, while Victoria would have a lap dog or small spaniel. Zoe doesn’t like either. Three is a cat person all the way, probably something long haired like a Persian. Jo likes both. Sarah Jane wouldn’t mind a dog, but her lifestyle is better suited for the robotic kind. Four/Romana/Leela are (robotic) dog people. Adric liked cats, but cats don’t like him. Five would like dogs. Tegan likes cats. Nyssa likes both. Turlough likes neither. Six was a cat person. Peri a dog person. Seven also liked cats. Mel probably a cat person. Ace likes dogs, wouldn’t mind having a cat, but probably wasn’t allowed to have either. Eight - cat person. Nine - cat person. Rose - cat person. Jack - both. Mickey - dog person. Ten - says he hates cats but is a giant liar, also does well with high energy dogs. Martha - cats. Donna - neither. Eleven - forgets about house plants, thank goodness for the TARDIS. Amy likes cats, Rory likes dogs. Clara likes cats. Twelve - cat person. Bill - dog person.
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quipxotic · 6 years
Big Finish is having a Short Trips sale. They’re Doctor Who short stories of varying lengths, usually read by a former/current Doctor Who actor, and tend to be more character-based than action-based. I love them and Big Finish has done some really creative things with the format.
So anyway, here are twenty of my favorite Short Trips (in no particular order) for anyone who’s interested:
How to Win Planets and Influence People - A Fourth Doctor/Sarah Jane Smith/Harry Sullivan story told as a motivational lecture by The Monk. If that alone doesn’t sell you, it’s narrated by Rufus Hound who is sensational. No really, I’m not a fan of The Monk as a character but I will buy anything Rufus Hound is in, he’s that good.
The World Beyond The Trees  - An Eighth Doctor/Liv Chenka story that gives a glimpse into Liv’s life and adventures while she’s stranded in the 1970s with Molly. Nicola Walker is an amazing actor and this story is so sweet and sad, yet also somehow comforting.
A Full Life - A Fourth Doctor/Romana II/K9/Adric story and possibly the most amazing Short Trip Big Finish has ever done, for reasons I can’t get into without spoilers. This one works better if you have a bit of knowledge of Adric’s story-line and eventual fate in Doctor Who. And, of course, Matthew Waterhouse is wonderful in it.
Gardens of the Dead - A Fifth Doctor/Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa/Vislor Turlough story. I love Turlough and this is a story told from his perspective by the glorious Mark Strickson. Set right after Turlough joins the crew, it’s about redemption, loss, and the inevitability of change.
Foreshadowing - An Eighth Doctor/Charley Pollard story. There are a lot of great Eighth Doctor Short Trips but this one is my favorite. It perfectly captures this duo’s particular style of innocent, well-meaning mayhem.
The Ghost Trap  - A Fourth Doctor/Leela story that is genuinely scary and breaks the typical Short Trips mold by being action packed.
Flywheel Revolution - A First Doctor story read by the wonderful Peter Purves (aka Steven Taylor). This one is told from an unusual point of view, although I can’t really get into why without spoilers. But it’s lovely and a story I listen to often.
Flashpoint - An Eighth Doctor/Lucie Miller story. This is when I really started loving Lucie as a character. You get to see all of her best qualities in this really tense story.
The Darkened Earth - A Sixth Doctor/Constance Clarke story. This one is newer and I haven’t had time to listen and love it as much as some of the others, but it’s a thought-provoking story wonderfully acted by Miranda Raison.
A Heart on Both Sides - A Nyssa story set during the Time War and read by Sarah Sutton, who is really underrated as a narrator. The story gives a fascinating glimpse into both the war and Nyssa’s life after she leaves the Doctor (the first time around).
The Blame Game - A Third Doctor/Liz Shaw/The Monk story. Liz is one of my all time favorite companions so I will happily devour any new content involving her. Sadly both Caroline John and John Pertwee are dead, but Rufus Hound does a good job capturing their rhythms in this story.
All Hands on Deck - A Susan Campbell story. I love Carole Ann Ford‘s older version of Susan and wish she’d get her own Big Finish series. Until we have that, at least there’s this story where we get to see Susan at her most brilliant and brave (not to mention heartbreaking).
Sound The Siren And I'll Come To You Comrade - Another action-filled Fourth Doctor/Leela story. One of the reviews of this story calls it visual and that’s very true. It perfectly captures the feeling of the Cold War as well.
The Toy - A Fifth Doctor/Nyssa story that gets deeply into the Doctor’s life on Gallifrey and Nyssa’s life on Traken. It deals with families and complicated feelings about home, and it’s just one of the best Short Trips there is...in part because they pack so much story in that it feels like a much longer story (in a good way).
This Sporting Life - A First Doctor/Steven Taylor/Dodo Chaplet story that captures the era perfectly. You don’t have to know anything about anyone in it to find something enjoyable in this one.
Washington Burns - A Seventh Doctor/Ace McShane story. There’s not nearly enough Sophie Aldred on this list. Aside from being a fantastic narrator, she does a delightful Sylvester McCoy voice. This is a good story, based on a period of history that I don’t know much about.
Lepidoptery for Beginners - A Second Doctor/Jamie McCrimmon/Zoe Heriot story. Time manipulation isn’t for the faint of heart. This is another one where you don’t need to know the characters to enjoy it, but knowing them makes it even better.
The Ingenious Gentleman Adric of Alzarius - An Adric story - saying any more than that would dip into spoiler territory. If tilting with windmills is your idea of a good time, this is definitely one for you. 
The Hesitation Deviation - A Seventh Doctor/Bernice Summerfield story. A really clever story that blends Christmas sweetness with absolute horror. Lisa Bowerman also does an incredible Sylvester McCoy voice.
Lost and Found - A Second Doctor/Ben Jackson/Polly Wright story. This is such a sweet story and Anneke Wills has such an amazing voice. This is another one where you don’t need to know anything about any of the characters to enjoy it.
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wayward-wren · 7 years
Doctor Who Hogwarts house sorting.
(I am a Hufflepuff myself)
1st Doctor - Ravenclaw
2nd Doctor - Slytherin (maybe? Haven’t seen him for a while)
3rd Doctor - Gryffindor
4th Doctor - Slytherin
5th Doctor - Hufflepuff
6th Doctor - Gryffindor
7th Doctor - yeah, there’s only really one answer. Slytherin.
8th Doctor - Ravenclaw
War Doctor - haven’t met him, but I think Gryffindor?
9th Doctor - Hufflepuff
10th Doctor - Ravenclaw
11th Doctor - Hufflepuff
12th Doctor - haven’t met him, but Slytherin?
Susan - Hufflepuff
Barabra - Ravenclaw
Ian - Gryffindor
Vicki - Haven’t seen her for a while... Hufflepuff?
Katrina - Hufflepuff
Sara - Gryffindor
Steven - Slytherin?
Dodo - Gryffindor
Polly - Ravenclaw
Ben - Gryffindor
Jamie - Come to my house child. He is the best Hufflepuff eva
Victoria - Hufflepuff
Zoe - Ravenclaw
Liz - Ravenclaw
Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart - Gryffindor
Benton - Hufflepuff (The amount of times he let himself get knocked out so the Doctor could escape)
Mike Yates - Slytherin.
Jo - Gryffindor or Hufflepuff
Sarah Jane - she is a Slytherin and anyone who says otherwise can fite me
Leela - Gryffindor
K-9 - Ravenclaw
Romana - (Both regeneration) Ravenclaw
Adric - my sweet summer child is a Hufflepuff
Nyssa - Ravenclaw
Tegan - Gryffindor
Turlough - Slytherin
Peri - I don’t want her so Gryffindor can have her
Evelyn - Either Ravenclaw or Gryffindor
Penguin dude - I haven’t met him I’m sorry. I have no idea
Mel - I don’t want her either so Gryffindor can have her as well
Ace - I want her, but Gryffindor gets her also
Grace - Ravenclaw
Charley - Gryffindor
Fitz - haven’t met him
Rose - Gryffindor
Adam - stuff him he ain’t a companion.
Mickey - Hufflepuff
Jack - Slytherin
Martha - Ravenclaw
Donna - Gryffindor
Wilf - Hufflepuff (”You never killed anyone.” “Don’t say that like it’s a bad thing”)
Amy - Gryffindor
Rory - Hufflepuff. 
River - Slytherin? (haven’t seen much of her)
and I haven’t met Clara, Bill or Nordale.
Sarah Jane Adventures.
Sarah Jane - She is now a Slytherpuff.
Luke - Ravenclaw (argument could be made for Hufflepuff)
Maria - Hufflepuff
Clyde - Slytherin tbh
Rani - Gryffindor
K-9 - Still Ravenclaw
Mr. Smith - Ravenclaw
Sky - Hufflepuff
I haven’t seen any so I can’t say.
Feel free to add!
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grassangel · 6 years
some (very belated) things I wanted after watching the DoctorWhoOnTwitch stream months ago
Andred/Leela/Rodan fic. Or actually any Leela/Rodan fic. Rodan is dressed in the femme lesbian flag after all (satisfyingly, the chat room also agreed it should be a ship) I know there’s audio stuff that explains what happened with Andred, but what is fandom for if not doing things that don’t need to be canon?
I wish Leela could’ve met Donna. Or Bill. Or Martha. Basically all the companions that are super supportive of other women? (I know she meets Ace though)
Actually I wish Leela could meet any version of the Doctor that was a bit more cuddly than Four was with her. (Thirteen would be an excellent choice, but really Six, Eleven, later Twelve would all be fun)
I still want Clara to meet Romana. Early Romana and early Clara would get on so well. Mostly. I think the general speciesism of Time Lords would get in the way of Romana being truly friendly, but they would get along
Adric and Clara though… not at all. Mostly because he is so very much a teenage boy, which would bring out the teacher in Clara, which Adric in turn wouldn’t stand, especially coming from a ‘girl’ that’s shorter than him. Also, they are both rather possessive of their Doctor’s attention
I have been informed that as well as meeting Ace in the audios, Leela has also just met Jamie, thus bringing stabby and boom companions together. I’m pleased at this
But what would be better? Leela, Peri and Bill. They’re all so curious and sweet and eager to learn
And I half hope that Tegan was the travel agent Donna, Rory’s dad and Amy all used.
I had a dream after watching the stream where Turlough got to meet an older Nyssa and he wasn’t pretending to be human. He bowed very deeply to her because of Traken and her by reputation. Basically fun with Nyssa being space royalty and Turlough being an alien. Which was kind of underexplored in-show)
I joined too late to see Sarah Jane’s adventures with Three but wow did the new series do better by her
Like this is a thing for all the early companions/pseudo companions but the frustration of the actresses is extremely visible at times
More light heartedly, I hope the SJA’s fondness of industrial locations was a purposeful nod towards Sarah Jane’s adventures and their locations
Drax is definitely that type of dad character who wants nothing more than to tinker in his shed.
Also, accent makes it sound like 'feet’ instead of 'thete’
I half wish that previous actors who’ve played the Doctor guest starred on DW, like how some actors appeared in DW before being the Doctor. Have fun with it like Romana’s various doppelgangers.
Every Gallifrey story after Leela is left there is slightly disappointing. Mostly because we don’t get to see her again, not because the mystery of the Time Lords gets eroded.
And like… yeah the casting of the Doctor as thirteen white men isn’t fair, but I object far more that all four of Borusa’s incarnations are old white men
Also, I know companions have always been fashionable in the times they belonged to, but I would appreciate some curly haired companions in the new series. Bill and Missy were amazing, and Martha had braids in one scene and Yasmin has a bit of texture going on, but more hair textures than that straightness that is very white-coded would be nice.
Aka I loved Nyssa and the first Romana’s hair because my hair can do that. And not suffer from backcombing like with Idris and Missy’s hair.
Ace would’ve joined the ranks of companions who died in their adventures with the Doctor. I don’t care about the Cartmel plan, but even after Curse of Fenric she felt too willing to do what the Doctor asked and believed too much in him
Which of course means I’d love to see how she’d interact with Martha, Rory, Clara and Adric. Rory and Martha because they’re also cynical about the Doctor, Clara and Adric because they died for the Doctor.
Sounding like a broken record, but Seven and Eight deserve proper on-screen multi-Doctor stories. (As does Nine and technically Twelve if we’re going by the metric of 'as portrayed by the original actor’)
0 notes
companion-showdown · 1 year
Who is the Greatest Accomplice to the Doctor's War Crimes Masterpost
The TARDIS vs Clara Oswald WINNER: The TARDIS
Clara Oswald vs The Sisterhood of Karn WINNER: Clara Oswald
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The TARDIS vs Vicki Pallister WINNER: The TARDIS
Gillian & John Who vs Ace McShane WINNER: Ace McShane
Shalka!Master vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Clara Oswald
River Song vs The Sisterhood of Karn WINNER: The Sisterhood of Karn
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The TARDIS vs Fitz Kreiner WINNER: The TARDIS
K9 vs Vicki Pallister WINNER: Vicki Pallister
Gillian & John Who vs Rose Tyler WINNER: Gillian & John Who
the next three matches are part of a triple matchup: to win the companion must beat both their competitors
Susan Foreman vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
Susan Foreman vs Ace McShane WINNER: Ace McShane
Ace McShane vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Ace McShane
Shalka!Master vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Shalka!Master
Being Alone vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Clara Oswald
River Song vs The Brigadier WINNER: River Song
Romana II vs The Sisterhood of Karn WINNER: The Sisterhood of Karn
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The TARDIS vs Yasmin Khan WINNER: The TARDIS
Karvanista vs Fitz Kreiner WINNER: Fitz Kreiner
K9 vs Iris Wildthyme WINNER: K9
Jack Harkness vs Vicki Pallister WINNER: Vicki Pallister
Cinder vs Rose Tyler WINNER: Rose Tyler
Jo Grant vs Gillian & John Who WINNER: Gillian & John Who
Susan Foreman vs Bernice Summerfield TIE
Vislor Turlough vs Ace McShane WINNER: Ace McShane
Shalka!Master vs Romana I WINNER: Shalka!Master
Narvin vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Being Alone vs Frobisher WINNER: Being Alone
Steven Taylor vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Clara Oswald
River Song vs Charley Pollard WINNER: River Song
Liv Chenka vs The Brigadier WINNER: The Brigadier
Romana II vs Leela WINNER: Romana II
Lucie Miller vs The Sisterhood of Karn WINNER: The Sisterhood of Karn
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The TARDIS vs Ryan Sinclair WINNER: The TARDIS
Dodo Chaplet vs Yasmin Khan WINNER: Yasmin Khan
Karvanista vs Rory Williams WINNER: Karvanista
Dan Lewis vs Fitz Kreiner WINNER: Fitz Kreiner
K9 vs Ben Jackson WINNER: K9
Evelyn Smythe vs Iris Wildthyme WINNER: Iris Wildthyme
Jack Harkness vs Mel Bush WINNER: Jack Harkness
Peri Brown vs Vicki Pallister WINNER: Vicki Pallister
Cinder vs Mickey Smith WINNER: Cinder
Barbara Wright vs Rose Tyler WINNER: Rose Tyler
Jo Grant vs Bill Potts WINNER: Jo Grant
Harry Sullivan vs Gillian & John Who WINNER: Gillian & John Who
Susan Foreman vs Victoria Waterfield WINNER: Susan Foreman
Tegan Jovanka vs Bernice Summerfield WINNER: Bernice Summerfield
Liz Shaw vs Vislor Turlough WINNER: Vislor Turlough
Graham O'Brien vs Ace McShane WINNER: Ace McShane
Shalka!Master vs Sergeant Benton WINNER: Shalka!Master
Romana I vs Amy Pond WINNER: Romana I
Narvin vs Mike Yates WINNER: Narvin
Chang Lee vs Jamie McCrimmon WINNER: Jamie McCrimmon
Being Alone vs Nyssa WINNER: Being Alone
Wilfred Mott vs Frobisher WINNER: Frobisher
Donna Noble vs Steven Taylor WINNER: Steven Taylor
Polly Wright vs Clara Oswald WINNER: Clara Oswald
River Song vs Grace Holloway WINNER: River Song
Zoe Heriot vs Charley Pollard WINNER: Charley Pollard
Nardole vs Liv Chenka WINNER: Liv Chenka
Ian Chesterton vs The Brigadier WINNER: The Brigadier
Romana II vs Kamelion WINNER: Romana II
Adric vs Leela WINNER: Leela
Sarah-Jane Smith vs Lucie Miller WINNER: Lucie Miller
Martha Jones vs the Sisterhood of Karn WINNER: The Sisterhood of Karn
Links to previous tournaments
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