#poor Moon is embarrassed
ayyy-imma-ninja · 2 years
Have the fairy brothers ever played a prank on each other? How did it go?
(Adore your art so much, they are so hecking adorable!!)
(thank you!)
Ohhh most definitely. Like any siblings do, they like to mess with each other with a little harmless fun. They've pulled a great number of pranks on each other, from old classics to getting a tad creative.
Moon once put a liiiiiittle bit of chili pepper in Sun's food, just enough to give it a good kick but not too much for it to hurt Sun.
And Sun once set up a trap (he's skilled at setting traps btw) for Moon to get caught in.
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The Untamed | Episode 46 [Revelation Of The Golden Core]
⤳WangXian’s Favorite Scenes [9/∞]⬿
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thoughtfuldolia · 2 months
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Kukui has even more distaste for things like muzzles now. Couldn’t figure out how this one reshaped itself to every form his face took. What a headache.
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rainoverthewindow · 1 year
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Quick concept art for that thing I’m working on
Do you want more info I have more info
It’s a work in progress very much so
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goyurim · 4 months
exceptionally talented girls are on tumblr oversharing about their mistakes in the tags
#it's like this#so i completely screwed up my experiment#(for the second time!)#and i was supposed to complete this set of experiments like a month ago#my supervisor has already gone on about how i'm behind on my project yada yada#so that sucks ok.#but what's worse!!!#is that the sweetest guy ever#(who took out time for me and taught me how to do these set of experiments initially)#(now i'm doing them on my own for the first time and they're not going. well. to say the least)#is who i screwed up in front of.#like what's bothering me is not that i screwed up or i'm behind on my project#i'm bothered by the fact that not only did i embarrass myself in front of the nice guy#but i probably hurt his feelings too#like. what if he thinks he's a bad teacher. bc of ME#i annoyed him throughout the process too like at some point i am 100% sure he was done with my shit#but being the sweetest guy ever he didn't say anything about it and helped me anyway#and like. its AGGRAVATING why i'm like this. why am i so annoying#but also like. what's up with my priorities#why am i not bothered about the right things#why do i care So Much about how other people feel bc of me#also like. maybe it wasn't even me. like logically the poor guy was sick he wasn't feeling well#so the annoyed look on his face was probably bc he's busy or he didn't sleep well or whatever#like. not everything is about me. maybe his annoyance want about me#but i cant help but think that it was and i hate myself for it#when will i learn the simple act of Forgiveness and Moving On#like. i Know I'm overthinking this i Know it's irrational but. i'm just so hurt by the fact that i hurt him#moon talks
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leatherbookmark · 1 year
all this time i've been covering my ears going LALALALALA pretending that ~virtual idols~ don't exist and this is what you do to me? and hongjoong and yunho? please never fucking do that again it's an insult to them and real life actual human idols in general
#not to mention that like... with the introduction of virtual idols who aren't REAL and don't have feelings... idols you can't hurt and whose#rights you don't have to respect... i don't know how korean kpop fans will react and i dearly hope the vr idol thing will flop hard but who#fucking knows with a/e/s/p/a being wildly popular#in recent years with the appearance of those apps that have you pay money to 'subscribe' to idols' posts or for a chance of them seeing and#replying to your message... as though the relationship between fans and idols wasn't already transactional as fuck. as if some fans#weren't already treating idols as vending machines for fanservice#NOW you're adding glorified 3d models who could technically do everything and work all day. i would love to be able to confidently say#it's not going to affect real idols' working conditions but i'm not that optimistic#not to mention that like... it's such an obvious cash grab/save move that i'm nauseous#japanese idol franchises at least have them be actual characters who interact with each other and have backstories. they exist WITHIN their#story. when i saw that fucking girls something thing he/ejin participated in i was so embarrassed because its like. oh shes from a planet#of mice and she dreams of building a second moon out of cheese. this kinda level shit. it's pathetic#and poor hongjoong and yunho have to fucking. michael jordan in space jam this shit when they just signed up to sing and dance#honest to god i hate it so much. i want to say make this shit FLOP but everyone said the same thing about n/f/ts and yet korea lived it for#like a year. headdesk as they used to say#shrimp thoughts#also they're just ugly.
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princessbellecerise · 1 month
Court Shenanigans
Summary ✩ Missing their father, your children decide it’s a good idea to interrupt him in the middle of court
Warnings ✩ Mentions of pregnancy
Authors Notes ✩ Everyday I cry cause this man isn’t real but at least I have fanfic
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You tried to stop them, you really did.
But being almost nine moons pregnant and having the most swollen feet known to man, it was almost impossible to chase after and keep up with two rowdy tots.
Usually, their nursemaids would have them by now and would be helping to assist you, but Aliza was sick and Joanna was with her family. Both of them would have scolded you for trying to run when you couldn’t even see your feet, but your kids were a mischievous bunch and you had a sinking feeling on where they were headed.
Aemma, the eldest of the two twins, had been complaining all day about not being able to see her father, as Jace had missed out on breakfast and lunch with her in order to hear a few extra petitions.
It seemed as if the Kingdom was more unruly than usual, and Lords had come from all over the realm to plead their cases.
Wanting to be a good King and make sure that he could adhere to all of his subjects, Jace had opted to spend a little extra time on the throne and a less with his family.
This of course didn’t sit well with Aemma, and as her shadow Jaelin followed right on along with her.
Try as you might have, you weren’t fast enough to catch up to them and your protests for them to stop didn’t do much good, either.
Before you could even blink, your twins were flying past the Kingsguard and bursting into the throne room, with little Aemma’s excited shouting making you want to crawl into a hole right there and then.
In no time your baby girl ran across the room, interrupting some poor Lord under a pink banner. You thought that he might’ve been from White Harbor, or maybe he was from Maidenpool.
Whatever it was, you didn’t pay much attention as suddenly, all chatter stopped, and you were the center of attention as you wobbled towards Jacaerys and fixed Aemma with a stern glare.
“Aemma! Come back here!” You shouted after her sternly, and thankfully Jaelin was too afraid of your ‘motherly voice’ to get any closer.
He stopped just short of the Iron Throne, choosing to remain by Ser Darklyn’s side rather than follow his sister up the steps. With horror, you realized that Aemma was headed straight to Jacaerys, exclaiming happily as she threw herself in her father’s open arms.
She bounced excitedly as Jace pulled her on his lap, looking amused while you struggled to catch your breath.
Running at your size was no joke, and you ached to sit down somewhere and rest. You couldn’t do that though while your two year old twins were causing mayhem.
It was unbefitting of a Queen, you knew that, but desperation had you hiking up your dress, climbing the the steps, and holding your arms out expectantly while Jace chuckled.
“Aemma. It’s time to say goodbye to Kepa and go back to our chambers. Now,” You told her, but that only resulted in the toddler shaking her head and burying herself even deeper into Jacaerys’ arms.
“No! I want to stay with Kepa!” Her defiant little voice shouted, and you winced as a few murmurs echoed through the court.
You were painfully aware that everybody was staring at the scene, which made it even more embarrassing when you reached out again and failed to grab Aemma.
After about the third attempt to pull her away with no avail, your husband seemed to finally take pity on you and sighed.
“It’s alright my love. She can stay,” Jacaerys said, and upon hearing this Aemma beamed. “It’ll be her seat one day after all. Let her gain some experience; even if it is during the middle of a petition.”
You gave him an apologetic look, and you made a mental note to apologize to Lord…well, whoever you were currently interrupting. You had to admit, the sight of Aemma babbling broken phrases to Jace while she tried to grab his crown was adorable.
You sighed reluctantly.
“Alright,” You said, willing to leave Aemma where she was. At the very least you could persuade Jaelin to follow you and take him away, but as you turned to go back down the stairs you suddenly paused.
Had there always been that many, you wondered?
You hadn’t really paid attention that much, but now that your feet were practically screaming at you to sit down, the idea of going down so many steps didn’t seem so appealing.
Of course, you could’ve just asked one of the Kingsguard to help you down, but you didn’t want to be a bother—as silly as it sounded. You also didn’t want to risk your knees giving out and falling, either.
You were in a dilemma, but before you could even decide, Jace did it for you. Your husband, ever attentive, noticed your hesitation and immediately got up.
“Here, my love. Why don’t you rest and I’ll stand for now,” He suggested.
Even more whispers broke out at this. What Jacaerys was proposing was sweet, but it had never happened before and the idea of the Queen sitting on the throne in the presence of the King was…well it was simply unheard of.
You were sure a few people would call the action scandalous, but at the moment though, you didn’t really care what they thought. Your feet were aching and you needed a place to sit down before your knees decided where for you, so you nodded and accepted his offer.
“Thank you, my love.”
You sighed in relief as you sat on the throne. Albeit, it wasn’t the most comfortable of seats with all the swords and points, and you would’ve much rather been in your cushioned chair in your chambers, but it was better than nothing and the pressure on your feet was gone.
Nodding his head, Jacaerys gave you a small kiss on the side of your head and then he stood with Aemma in his arms, and gestured for Lord whoever to keep speaking.
Had you not been out of breath, you would have laughed at his face and the face of many others as they not only witnessed their King give the most powerful seat in the realm to his pregnant wife, but also witnessed him stand up while bouncing his baby daughter in his arms.
It was an unusual sight, but an adorable one that you cherished.
Motioning to Ser Darklyn to bring Jaelin up so that your family would complete, you smiled in content and Jacaerys once again motioned for the man who had been interrupted to continue his petition.
“Lord Mooton. Please, do continue,” He said with a large smile.
You giggled.
Ah, so that was his name.
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feather-rose · 1 year
One morning..
Ikki(Walks in the hallway but stopped his stracks as his eyes went wide with shock. When he was only wearing a pair dark boxers here.): Uhh, Shun, what are you doing, here?
(Quite close to jump out of his skin.)
Shun( Turns back his head, looking happy, here to see his brother.): Hey, good morning to you, big brother.( Whirls around with heated pan onto his hold and slowly let down some bacon onto a plate that was laid onto the coffee table. Delicate as always.Luckily he wasn’t wearing a pink apron!) Thought to make breakfast here, and I also cleaned up the kitchen--
Ikki(Unsure.): Shun, just what are you doing here?
Shun(Shrugs, being all inncocent.): Came to visit you. You know?
Ikki(Once again, looking like an idiot and unsure.): Why?
Shun: You barely answer your phone, anymore. Even if Seiya walked around here, naked, you wouldn’t notice it.(Worried, yeah. Right.)
Ikki(Grins, nervously.): It’s not what I’ve meant. I’ve been pretty occupied and busy, lately..
Shun: No need to feel shy, you know? Cause I’ve seen you and all--
Rei Hino( Walks behind Ikki wearing nothing but a white shirt coming from a man.More like she was sleeping walking.): Hey, Ikki, thought I’ve heard some noise but damn. I’ve swore that I’ve smelt bacon and eggs, here and it smells great..(Yawns loudly and rubbed up her eyes, sleeply.) Man, what a great night it be--
(Stops her tracks when she noticed Ikki’s little brother staring up at her, strucked with astonishement and especially when she was only wearing Ikki’s white longsleeved shirt to cover up her nude figure. What a strange timing.)
(Close to be naked, not to forget Ikki was into the same situation.)
Rei( Looking uncomfortable, here as she stood behind the blue haired man here.): Uhh..Hi?
Shun(Looks back at the beautiful dark long haired beauty here, in shock.): Uhh..
Rei(Looks back at Ikki, looking weird, here.): Ikki?
Ikki(Gestured Rei and Shun with a hand, looking helpless like an idiot, here.): Uhh, Rei met my little brother here, Shun. Shun, this is Rei, here.
Rei(Bafleed, here.): I didn’t know you had a brother? But a sister?
And yet something stupid had come out of her mouth and close that it it almost Ikki throw his stomach out. But who could blame her words? Shun had quite looked like a girl...
Shun( Lost it for a second.): What on earth? Uhh?
Rei(Blushes hard with embarrassement.): Sorry! Oh Crap!(Then runs away leaving Ikki and Shun looking uncomfortable, here.)
Shun( Still confused, here and looked back at his brother.): Ikki? Big brother?
Ikki(Gulps hard as he had something to explain here much as he blushed and hard.): Oh, crap..(Got your ass caught. Man, as Hyoga would’ve had said.)
He may have fought death and the underworld, but had been defeated by a woman here.
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pinkmirth · 1 year
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SYNOPSIS! ⸻ you’ve fallen for your darling bodyguard, and you’re over the moon to discover that he feels the same. but this feels borderline forbidden . . . for just how long can you keep what you have with reiner under wraps?
CONTAINS⸻ ( 5k+ words of . . . ) bodyguard!reiner x fem!reader (black coded), fluff, nsfw, modern au, scion!reader (descending from a rich family/influential bloodline), hyperfeminine ‘girly-girl’ reader, reiner’s german, mutual pining, secret relationship / sneaky link, public display of affection (pda), food play, car sex (unprotected), slight dacryphilia, creampie, use of pet names ( e.g. mama, baby, honey, princess), reader calls reiner ‘ papa, ’ explicit language, lowercase intended, minors shoo!
MY LOVE LETTER! ⸻ this post is an answer to an anonymous ask: ‘ what about secret dates (turned sneaky links) with body guard! reiner??? ’ oh. my. goodness! nonnie, you’re a sexy genius and you should know it. tagging the amazing @ramonathinks! she’s the one who even introduced this bodyguard!rei-rei concept to me, and for that i’m so grateful :) ramona my love, thank you again for all the delicious reiner thoughts you always send my way! now enjoy, xoxo ♡︎
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reiner’s your bulking shadow, never trailing too far behind.
he’s been hired by your parents to ensure your safety. nothing more, nothing less. he’ll follow your every step and drive you wherever you please; after all, it’s what he’s paid to do.
things started off the way they should— professional. from the very beginning, reiner knew to keep his distance, and that he did. but he soon realized just how hard that would become . . . you’re effortlessly gorgeous, sharp with your words and caring to a fault. his growing affection was only a matter of time.
nowhere on the criteria for the job does it say that he should be developing feelings. observing your habits, committing them to memory and predicting your behavior is the only thing he’s got any business doing. yet, he loves to feel the softness of your palm in his hand when he helps you into the backseat of your car, even if the contact is just for a split second at most. he finds himself peeking glances at you from the rearview mirror, soaking in how pretty you look when you’re unaware of his gaze. in truth, reiner wishes you didn’t have such an effect on him; that would make work-life much easier on his poor soul. well, love isn’t known for being simple, now is it?
it takes about four weeks on the job for him to grow a soft spot for you. reiner’s always been a hopeless romantic, oh-so quick to fall. he’d willingly lay down his life for the sake of your own, and not just because he’s getting a paycheck for it. thanks to the job description, his devoutness isn’t questioned.
before long, reiner can tell you’re becoming attached to him as well. on a fateful night, he even overhears the phone call between you and your friend, something about ‘ mister braun being so sexy that it hurts . . . ’ your bodyguard is nothing if not a man of dignity. he never meant to eavesdrop! it’s just that he's stationed outside your room for night patrol. he’s now especially glad about being up at five in the morning; he wouldn’t have been able to hear this otherwise. your confessions pry a subtle grin from his lips. there he stands, smiling to himself in the dimly lit hallway where nobody can see him blush like a schoolboy.
‘ nuh-uh, i can’t! that man works for my parents . . . he’s completely off-limits. it's a damn shame, isn’t it? ’ you release a sigh, one so exasperated that he can hear it through the other end of the door. call reiner crazy, but it sounds to him like you’re yearning to have him all to yourself. in a sudden moment, you're emerging from the room, donned in a tiny pink nightgown. cute, but thin as fuck. leaves nothing to the imagination, even. it’s the flimsiest thing he's ever seen you wear.
reiner’s cheeks burn so red that is downright embarrassing, thankfully you're unable to see him. he’s quick to lift his head and look towards the ceiling instead— much more suitable than ogling the tits of his very own client. you wouldn’t be able to catch him staring regardless, considering how the entire corridor’s tainted with darkness, but he wouldn’t dare try to steal a peek anyway.
what he can see, though, is your leisurely smile as you tell him you’re headed to the kitchen to grab a cool glass of water.
“would you like to escort me there too, mister braun? or can i go do something by myself for once?”
you’re playing with him, he realizes. just mere teasing meant to be absolutely harmless. your voice sounds much sweeter at this hour; soft and casual, coated lightly with fatigue from a busy day’s schedule.
“as long as we’re indoors, you can go anywhere you like, madam.” says reiner, “i’ll be here if you need me.”
you make your way to the refrigerator, prancing down the mansion’s luxe spiral staircase, and reiner’s rampant heart finally begins to calm. he wonders if you’d meant for him to hear you on that call. (by now, he knows just how cheeky you can be; it was definitely purposeful.) nevertheless, he's got a job to keep. neither your mother or father would respond kindly if they were to find out that he's become attached to you, or vice versa. he can hardly imagine playing the boyfriend when in reality, he’s supposed to be making sure nothing suspicious comes anywhere near a mile-long radius of you . . . it’s laughable! he’s sure your parents have more than enough money to make him disappear in the blink of an eye— that chilling fact alone puts him on his best behavior.
reiner decides to conceal it; the way he feels for you. keeps his back straight and arms folded to portray the unapproachable persona that got him hired in the first place. you eventually decide to question him over why he so-often wears that solid expression, ‘ like he doesn’t know how to smile, ’ is how you put it. it’s the very first time that you ever hear him laugh, and you turn out to like the sound. rumbly and full of bass. he couldn’t bring himself to admit that in every waking moment, it takes everything to suppress his smile whenever he sees you.
eight months of being in his company brings you to notice that reiner’s a decent listener. he makes for a great conversation, too. sure, he’s just your bodyguard, but he’s got a good ear and a smooth voice. your talks with him are always so lovely; he gives you the comfort to open up about things you’d never be able to tell your parents. pride washes over him when you admit that he’s the only one you genuinely trust. and in these moments, reiner allows himself to get vulnerable too. he tells you of his love for football as a youth, how he takes combat classes five times a week, and that he’s got tons of sisters, brothers and cousins back home in the countryside. the pair of you are so different that the contrast could almost be considered terrible. though, the longer you stay in each other’s presence, the less you can bring yourselves to care.
you and your bodyguard have grown . . . close, to say the least. the way you’re always latching onto his brawny form seems much more than friendly, especially to your parents. ‘ i feel secure with him! ’ is your claim. they’d beg to differ, but your wellbeing is enough to keep them satisfied. reiner excels at his job, and more importantly, the big blonde lug makes you happy. nobody they’ve hired in the past was ever able to get in your good graces; you utterly hated all your former bodyguards. they were much too controlling, lingered too close.
but mister braun was able to differentiate himself. he listens to your dreams and fears alike, treats you like a capable woman instead of some spoiled brat. it also doesn’t hurt that he’s incredibly easy on the eyes . . .
reiner can no longer take it. the woman of his dreams is right in front of him, and there’s not a damn thing he can do about it. the smoothest advance he can make is standing at your right side and slinking an arm around your waist, with claims of it being for your ‘protection.’ but the both of you know it’s only the proximity he’s chasing after. the way he looms beside you was always more self-indulgent than it was for safety. he just liked the closeness of it all.
he feels so much for you, and he’s virtually dying to tell you. but there’s countless reasons why he shouldn’t— particularly the risk of losing his job. every now and again, reiner chooses to be a little bit stupid, all consequences be damned. he works up the nerve to release his confession with slow and careful words. you quickly reciprocate, arms thrown around the back of his neck and tugging him into a cozy hug. he takes you by the waist and pulls you closer in— god, he’s been wanting to do this for so long. reiner hums when your manicured fingers ghost his nape, nails grazing the ends of his hair, with your tits pressed to his own chest. the pair of you fit better than he ever could’ve imagined.
you don’t know whether to call yours and reiner’s relationship ‘ official ’ — can it really be deemed as such when you’re the only ones who know? you dare not mention this to your parents, ‘cause he’s got a job to keep and you couldn’t possibly bear him not being around.
so, you’ve both decided that it’ll be a secret. shared only between you and him, so nobody’s able to intervene. dating your bodyguard is fun— brief kisses being shared when you’re the only ones in the room. the way he snugly hooks his arm around your body when escorting you feels tighter, a little more intimate. in a way, keeping things under wraps feels exhilarating.
your particular relation with mister braun isn’t verified to the outside world, but people are catching on. whenever you go out, reiner’s sure to follow. paparazzi-taken photos of you are occasionally uploaded to the internet, and it’s always a given that he’ll be included. after several months of being seen together time after time, it’s typical of people to assume that this so-called ‘ bodyguard ’ of yours is more of a boyfriend. they aren’t too far off, but you clearly won’t go out of your way to confirm their suspicions. you’re always captured in a picture of you clinging onto his burly arm with a glossy smile. your sweet expressions contrast nicely with his forever-furrowed brows. he’s handsome in this intimidating way, the tabloids say.
it’s a slow-moving thursday when reiner decides to take you on your first date with him. he waits a good hour and forty-five minutes for you to get ready. he’s used to this, of course. by now, he’s got nearly a year’s experience of waiting on you hand and foot. but tonight, his nerves get the best of him. you finish up when he least expects you to— for fuck’s sake, you even catch him pacing in the goddamn kitchen. the sight of you melts his concerns, just a little. you’re done up glamorously from head to toe, and reiner can’t contain his smile, nor hold back his stare. your light lashes are curled and wispy, with blush scattered along your cheekbones. your plush lips are pink with tint, and you’ve got on this figure-hugging outfit that he’d love to tear off of you.
you scan your surroundings, peering at every angle of your spacious home in search of your parents. after ensuring the coast is clear, you engulf him in your arms, wishing you could kiss him but you’re all dolled up and your lips are lined and glossed. reiner nuzzles his nose into the crook in your neck, inhaling faint traces of your most beloved vanilla parfum.
“god, you look so fuckin’ beautiful,” his whisper is soft against your warm flesh. you rub your hands along his broad shoulders, then slide them down his firm biceps. “and you look sexy in black,” you perk up at him, eyes round and gleaming. he loves you, he’s come to realize. and the last thing he wants is to screw this up . . .
he’s thinking too damn much. you can easily tell. it’s obvious in the way his thin blonde brows wire downwards like something’s wrong.
“reiner . . . stop it.” you order, voice serious. you only ever speak that way when you want his utmost attention. to that, he fixes his posture and stands tall as if he’s on patrol.
“stop what?” is his vague response, hands loosely positioned at either one of your hips. you lift your palms to cup his face, feeling the definition of his high cheekbones and firm jawline beneath your fingertips. he’s gorgeous, you think.
“for one, you’re clenching your teeth,” you mention, caressing his rigid jaw line until the tightness lessens. his stubble’s rough and scratchy, but it fits him so damn well. “and you’re frowing, baby.” next, your thumbs trail up to his brows, gently kneading at the creased arch. “relax.”
“m’sorry,” reiner lets out, tone low and pleading. his hands rub at your sides in an anxious pattern. “it’s jus’ that you’re so important to me . . . i wanna do this right, y’know?”
“i bet you will, rei. no need to worry, hm?” you shoot him a soft smile, and he returns it; one of the rare times you catch a glimpse of his nice and shiny teeth. “now show me a good time, papa.”
right before taking your leave , your parents have questions for you— almost too many. you don’t have any business meetings or mall trips on your schedule, so where on earth is he taking you to? rei-rei claims that he’s bringing you to a new restaurant that you’ve been meaning to try. he’ll drive you there and stay on patrol; or so he says. they decide not to question the unusually neat way his blonde hair is slicked back, or how his black dress-shirt and slacks look sharper than usual. hell, he smells amazing too. it can’t be denied that mister braun cleans up nicely.
see, reiner told a partial truth to your family. you’re on your way to a new german restaurant that’s about twelve minutes out, it’s just that you wanted to try it out with him in particular. on the drive there, you just can’t seem to restrain yourself from gazing at the man. reiner looks so put together like this, in a strapping black outfit that‘s snug against his arms, chest and thighs. his side profile’s flawless— he’s got a perfectly defined nose that slopes down to his lips, and you yearn to lick on his protruding adam’s apple. he’s got one hand on the wheel, merging into lanes and making u-turns, while the other that’s unoccupied intertwines with your softer, smaller one.
upon reaching a red light, he takes the opportunity to lift your hand up to his face, trailing his lips along the back of it. “lieblich . . .” he murmurs something in his native tongue that you can’t seem to understand, though you know its meaning is a sweet one. your grin makes him forget all about the risk he’s taking.
upon reaching your destination, reiner’s back in bodyguard-mode. that’s how he gets whenever you’re in public. yes, you’re on a date, but your safety will forever be his number one priority. he escorts you in with a large hand fit snugly into the small dip of your back as he confirms the reservation. his touch never leaves you, not even for a second. he does that thing; where he takes a brief one-over of the area, scrutinizing his environment before making the next move. you go one, two, three stories up, to the VIP floor where your dinner seats reside.
it’s a lot, he knows— the velvet floors, fancy cream-white seats and glass-like walls that showcase an aweing view of the city. you’re more than used to the finer things in life, so the only thing he wants to give you is what you deserve.
you’re raving on about how nice everything looks, leaning back into your seat as you sip on a flute of sheer-pink rosé. he’s relieved to know that he was able to make you smile tonight. a waiter presents themselves, and reiner effortlessly engages with them in german conversation. his words are smooth and fluid as he translates all the entrée and sides you asked for. even when placing a simple order, he’s still the sexiest man on earth. would now be a bad time to kiss the hell out of him?
the next three hours go by quick. you’re chatting and laughing and trying bits of each other’s platters ( though, it's mostly you eating a over half of the food from his plate . . . ) you got yourself salted-caramel ice cream for dessert, and reiner’s mischievous enough to lean close and lick the dripping residue off the corner of your lips. you gasp at him and deliver a playful kick to his foot from under the table.
“what? you had somethin’ there.” is the given excuse for his rascal behavior. naughtiness twinkles in his golden-brown eyes. there aren’t many people up here on the expensive floor, apart from two other occupied tables located on the other end of the room, and a handful of waiters that leave the kitchen every now and again. he’s lucky there isn’t anyone to catch you both.
“you’re crazy,” your laugh is infectious, “don’t make me return the favor.”
in a quick motion, reiner swipes a finger into the ice cream, his touch meeting a subtle cold. before the caramel gets the chance to melt all the way down the length of his digit, he smears some across his bottom lip. his tongue juts out to lick up the rest of the treat from his index finger.
“oh, please do.”
being away from probing eyes has made reiner bold as ever. you take him up on his request, tilting forward so that your tongue can eagerly swipe over his lips and wipe them clean. mostly sweet, just the tiniest bit salty. you want more of him already.
there’s isn’t a soul watching, so reiner escalates it. in an instant he’s got your lips merging, his hand squeezing your thigh from under the table, hot puffs of air escaping you both. “oh my god— you’re g’na get me in trouble, rei!”
“so be it,” reiner mumbles in reply, his words ticklish against your lips. from underneath his fingertips, reiner senses how tightly you press your thighs together, hungry for friction. he’s even beginning to feel worked up himself. but, the pair of you haven’t gone that far yet. the most you’ve done are hour-long makeout sessions on your king-sized bed in the earliest points of the day, when you have enough privacy to get away with it. but you wouldn’t mind feeling him in a new way tonight . . .
“you wanna get out of here, don’t you, mama?” reiner coos, cheeks rosier with his eyes slightly lidded. “mhm,” you’re quick to agree. so he puts the payment for the meal on his tab, takes your hand in his and leads you back down to floor one until you’re out of the building and back inside your window-tinted g-wagon.
mister braun is big. you’ve always known it from his appearance alone, but fuck, it holds a much greater meaning when he’s got you tucked into the backseat of your mercedes with his slacks pulled down to his ankles and your dress strewn sideways, making a slow attempt to press himself into you.
“fuck. let me in, princess,” reiner’s grunt is low, throaty enough to make you clench. your flesh feels hot and your pussy’s leaking all over the coffee-brown suede seats. he knows well enough to play around with your clit, reveling in the noises you make when his pressure increases. simultaneously, his lips suction at the smooth flesh of your neck. it feels like you’re burning up, and he’s the only one who can quench your fire.
experimentally, his hips tilt forward, and another two inches make its way in. he’s only got his fat tip and then some past that dripping hole of yours, but it’ll take much more to stretch you wide open for him. he’s groaning and muttering all sorts of profanities— about how tight you are, how good you feel, how fucking nasty this is of you.
“c’mon, woman,” reiner sucks a sharp breath into his lungs, goading you on, “lemme fuck this tight pussy.” he’s got you dangerously aroused, done by the effort of a few dirty words. wetness dribbles down from your slit to the place you and reiner carnally join, slicking up his girthy shaft as he continues to break himself past your tight rings of muscle. you claw at his solid arms, basking in the stretch. his size is imposing, forcing you open to accommodate all of him. it burns in the best way possible.
“m—more, papa,” you make out a pretty whine, knowing just how he loves your begging. you’ve got your lips agape, kissed raw from reiner’s earlier advances. you grow restless and begin to rock your hips, aching to take the entirety of him.
“mm, don’t worry, baby. i’ll give it to you so good,” it takes a little more of reiner bucking his pelvis, movements careful and shallow, for him to finally make it in. he’s bottomed out, and you can feel the throbbing from his underside. having you wrapped around him feels so incredibly right. you clench rapidly, enveloping him in an incomparable warmth.
by the time he’s made everything fit, you’re a darling little mess. your hair’s gotten frizzy and your eyes are all big ‘n glassy, with your lower lip tucked underneath your teeth. one moan after another escapes you, streaming into his ears like liquid gold. reiner throbs at the sound of every little mewl. he licks away your tears which you hadn’t even known began to fall, catching them before they can roll down the apples of your cheeks. you love the feeling, it’s just that there’s so much of him to handle at once— his fat cock, searing-hot tongue, large roaming hands . . . he's this close to consuming you whole, and you want him to.
reiner’s attentive with the way he fucks you. out, in, the pattern goes, hips drawing back before he slams back into your shaking frame all over again. he hits so unbelievably deep every time, like the width of him can’t help but prod against every spot you have. he manages to stimulate every inch of your walls, bumping every crook and ridge possible. not a part of you goes unattended to. reiner dips his head low to catch your beaded nipple between his lips, while his cock drives further inside and impels you to make more room, just for him.
as gentle as he may try to be, reiner’s undeniably a hefty man. taking it slow won’t make any difference; every deep plunge he makes into your cunt has the car creaking on its very own wheels.
“i fuckin’ love you,” he drops the heated words, punctuated with drilling thrusts; but the dick’s got you goin’ all dumb on him. it’s cute, he can’t deny, but reiner needs you to know exactly what you mean to him. so he grips at your chin from either side and lightly squeezes your cheeks together, tender with care but steady enough to make your eyes uncross and focus on him alone.
“you hear me? i— goddamnit, love you more than anything. love you so much,” the deeper he pushes in, the less you can manage to breathe. you feel the pulsing of his cock in your tummy, and it’s like the tip snags so deep that it nearly lingers in your throat. you feel yourself bounce against the seat, tits jiggling whenever he sinks inside, draws out, and snaps right back into you. your gut feels tightly wound up, and your pussy’s become impossibly more sensitive.
you’re close, he can feel it. your walls flutter with more ardor than before, squishing against the base of him with a tightness gratifying enough to spur moans from deep within his chest. you even bring your hands down to claw at his asscheeks, firm and round to the touch; the perfect source of leverage.
“r— reiner!” you cry out to him, and he’s sure his name hasn’t sounded so good up until now. he wonders if you can actually hear yourself and just how slutty you sound. “you’re close, aren’t you, baby?” to that you nod, head bobbing desperately. you don’t have to tell him, he knows. reiner’s knowledge is keen on the topic of you. what you like, what you don’t, and when you’ve had enough. now he’s truly taking his sweet time getting to know you from the inside out.
he presses a consoling peck to your forehead, maintaining that undoing pace of his. the repetitive ‘plat’ of his heavy balls smacking into your sticky cunt is dull compared to the huffing, panting and whining, but it’s there in all its vulgarity.
“ooh, i know exactly what y’need, princess. papa’s g’na take care of you . . . ” reiner doesn’t even say it above a whisper, just declares his devotion in the softest way he can. he slips a hand down the middle of your sweat-streaked bodies to bring some attention back to your precious clit, lewdly slick and much puffier than earlier. he gives swift strokes using the pads of his fingers, combined with the fluid roll of his hips, until you're arching into his broad chest and snapping your quivering thighs closed, trapping his wrist in between them.
reiner can unravel you with such ease, like he lives for the sole purpose of your pleasure and nothing else. you convulse against him, so he slows. but reiner hardly lets up. not completely, that way he’s able to ride you through it. he continues on, feeding you shallow thrusts to near his own high. his movements turn borderline erratic; thighs trembling, cock throbbing. he’s so close, “gonna cum,” his warning comes off as a groan, straight from the depths of his gut, erotic and primal. he’s clenching his teeth again— this time, for good reason. “where do y’want me?”
not a second is wasted before you plead, ‘ inside! ’ and with that, you’ve officially fucking broken him. never did he think his wildest dream would’ve come true by the very first date. lucky mister braun, getting to fill you up— especially when it’s what he’s been stroking himself to the thought of every other night. now, you’re practically crying for him to give it all to you. undoubtedly, he will.
he comes through one final, sloppy jerk of his hips. with a breathy grunt released into the car’s stuffy atmosphere , his warm seed spurts into you, tainting your womb. once reiner slips out, his thick cum pours down to present the most obscene view. it’s all so slippery, seeping down until there’s a wet puddle of your and his making beneath your ass. reiner’s body goes lax, thoughtfully balancing himself over you with his face propped onto your boobs. it’s only now that he realizes, legs cramped up, that he’s a bit too large for the backseat.
“ . . . i meant what i said earlier.” reiner’s voice comes off muffled, with his face stuffed between your tits and all. he looks adorable this way, gazing up at you with his lips curled into a slight pout. his arms loop your waist, snug and secure.
“mm, you said a lot of things earlier,” is your soft laugh, recalling his crude mouth and how worked up it made you. he allows you to rake your nails through his short blonde fringes.
“applying for this gig is the best thing that’s ever fuckin’ happened to me,” reiner makes an attempt to sit upright and show his conviction, but he ends up with his back hunched over in the restrictive space. he disregards his comfort and reaches for your hands, clasping them in his own. “i said that i love you . . . and i mean it.” his words are airy. he’s still winded from the sex.
“and i love you,” you mean it, too. with all your being. you love him in a way you've never loved anybody else. mister braun keeps you safe, sprinkles you with compliments, slips on your heels for you, puts you first. he makes you feel like this pairing has a chance, like you don’t have to hide it. besides, he deserves your all. you should be proud to call him yours, and that you are.
reiner always wants your kisses. in the morning when you wake, right before dinner, and as you’ve recently discovered, after sex too. you’re always eager to receive his lips pressed to yours. “i love you,” reiner adds in between pecks. he now says it like it’s second nature— he loves you. it makes your heart leap from beneath your chest. he kneads your bare thighs in his palms, slowly gliding his tongue into your mouth. without shame, you moan against his lips. slivers of spit tether you both even after you part.
“i want everyone to know that we belong to each other, reiner . . . my family, too.” you admit, peering up at his handsome face through your curled lashes. you’ve got your hands planted at his chest, feeling at the solidity of his pecs.
“tonight?” he asks, tone unsure.
“yes, tonight, rei!”
he adores your sudden zeal for honesty. he truly does, but—
“maybe another day would work better, princess,” reiner muses, “when your parents wouldn’t kill me for all those hickeys on your neck.”
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©PINKMIRTH! . . . all rights reserved! do not steal, plagiarize or repost any of my works. please and thank you! ୨୧
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teal-sharky · 1 year
The literally only impressive thing about SpaceX Starship test is that it shows how incredibly dumb the audience is at this point.
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People keep comparing Starship to SaturnV, because tentatively, if it ever became a space worthy vessel and orbital delivery vehicle (it's not); it'd be the largest and most powerful one in history, with SaturnV its only near peer (sorry, N-1, you really didn't qualify).
And the first "integration test vehicle" (read: the actually whole complete thing, that's literally the point of that kind of test; it's meant to be all the pieces, already tested and proven on their own, finally assembled into the final thing to make sure everything plays nice when together)
So lets see how did Saturn family development go in comparison? How many "integration test vehicles" did the Saturn project obliterate in the process?
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ZERO. They blew up ZERO Saturn first stages, ZERO Saturn second stages, and ZERO Saturn payloads.
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It's not fucking normal to blow up rockets this size and complexity, because they're expensive and dangerous! You build SMALLER, SIMPLER prototypes, you test those, you do all the "risky" tests on your separate parts of the system, and test the integration at less ambitious scales and stress levels. That's how you do rocket science. Iteratively, yes! But the iterations must make sense!
And let me stress
They got Saturn to moon and back in the SIXTIES, when simulation was in diapers (partially, literally invented within projects like the Saturn series).
SpaceX exists at a time where they can (and should) do 90% of the raw, grueling development with lot of painful failures in digital simulations, or tests where you build a small, simple thing and enhance the simulation based on what you learned there.
And the worst of it all is that another thing that Elongated Muskrat has at this disposal is all of the Saturn research. It's been DONE.
Saturn and other projects paved the worst of this goddamn slog. They did all the dirty, awful work already. They literally gave us the textbooks that you study from if you actually get a science degree (Elon does not have one).
And again, the most embarrassing thing isn't Musk and his poor, toxic, overworked circus that's SpaceX. The most embarrassing thing is the "space science enthusiast" crowd that's cheering on this launch as some sort of tentative success.
The king is fucking ass goddamn naked, and you all yes-men are an embarrassment to this doomed goddamn species. You're not supporting the effort to give Humanity a "chance at survival", you're hooting and hollering around a basementman dumpster fire that's literally immolating what's left of the scraps of natural and human resources we have left.
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evilminji · 4 months
Oh... oh no it's all coming together ( o.o)
Ya'll remember my Danny haunts Space Games post?
That but MORE SO. Harder. Like... ZONE GAME DEVELOPER PASSION PROJECT harder. Because? Special Interest chemicals go brrrrr~☆
And you KNOW... you absolutely FUCKING KNOW! That Danny was minding his business, going about his life, hyped as FUCK for the new Space Game 5 (a niche game but so what? It has REALISTIC physics! It's set on THE MOON!).
Has NOT stopped rambling on about it.
Been driving everyone insane, because it won't be out for MONTHS.
Youngblood, probably, goes "So what? That sound BORING. There barely anything to DO in that! Not like one of OUR Super Cool ZONE Video Games™. OURS are way better! And we gave LOADS more options then THAT! Now can we get back to-"
Freeze frame, record scratch.
Wait. WHAT!?
Danny is violently answers out of that eternal child faster then you can say "Dude! Chill!" Got them manic Obsession Eyes. Oops. Youngblood forgot Danny is Space Obsessed. But also PROTECTION Obsessed. Meaning he can't LEAVE where he is protecting.
You know.... FOR SPACE.
He needs a work around to feed his Obsession. Video games do it. Since he can go INTO them, but leave at a moments notice, if trouble happens. It's like being both IN SPACE but also AT HIS POST! Double Obsession Feeding! Happy chemicals! Mmmmm, content ecto-goo~
But now? NOW?! He's learning there is BETTER Space?!
WHERE IS THE BETTER SPACE?! *kicks open the portal*
It? Is a terrifying time for everybody. Thanks A LOT, Youngblood. It takes like... five Amazons and Pandora herself tackling the little menace, to get him still long enough to get a semi-coherent answer out of him. Stop him trying to shake down random ghosts for answers they can't GIVE.
Youngblood is grounded.
DANNY has an Obsession-crash headache, is really embarrassed, but honestly no one blames him. No one acts their best when they're Obsession gets suddenly triggered that hard. It was a poor man offered El Dorado, a scholar all the secrets in the world. He got swept up in it.
That SAID, yes, there IS a video game shop near here. There are, of course, countless such shops. It's the Zone. There are countless EVERYTHING. It's the nature of the Zone. Just don't harrass any of the developers and all will be well, Phantom. They're not afraid to put YOU in time out as well.
Deal! ( /☆.☆)/ *grabby hands*
There? Are so, SO many games. For systems Danny's never even HEARD off. Alien ones, new ones, long dead ones. Zone exclusives. It's less a shop and more a sprawling maze.
His grin is FERAL.
Space. Gaaaaaaames!!!
The more realistic the BETTER. Give him that living vicariously like an Astronaut DREAM. But fantasy maybe! Or in the future! Or deep space! Alien mayhaps! There are a few. The blended Obsessions that are kinda like his. Space and video-games instead of Space and Protection.
And? Oh~
Oh they are so SO realistic.
Impossible to play on any Earth computer, too. Not a single chance. Wouldn't even TRY and run. But! He is a Fenton! And he WILL have his Space Games! If his parents can make a portal in their basement? HE can make a Bank of Ectoplasmic Supercomputers in his spare room! Or Bedroom! Depends on renting prices!
He GUTS every landfill for MILES for usable parts.
"Liberates" parts from Rogues, left and right. Fuck their evil plans! He has computers to build! The Justice League? Baffled. Alarmed. Nooooot his problem!!!
He completes his works and? Oh~ the smile is both terrifying and fangy.
He starts College. On line, of course, he refuses to leave Amity. And Online can be done at his pace, at his hours. So? For once? He's actually doing WELL. Even BETTER? It helps him remember to leave them games every once and a while. Eat something. Be human.
But... well... it's like a slow flip of his Obsession starving. Now that he has all the Space he could ever want? He... suddenly finds Amity... peaceful? Which is GOOD! It's... it's GOOD.
.........just not for him.
He can almost physically FEEL him mind unclenching it's death grip on the town. Finger by finger. Hands releasing, letting go, as they... reach for something. As he starts taking NOTE of crime rates in major cities. Alien attacks and Rogues, Heros spread too thin, people getting HURT.
In need of PROTECTION.
He... he doesn't WANT to be that fickle. He LOVES Amity! It's his HOME. He wasn't protecting it just because he craved something to protect! In the end, he drags it out longer then he probably should, argues with himself, ignores the problem. Is STUBBORN.
It's only after Dani starts talking about coming back to Amity to stay with him, do the college thing like he did, that he realizes...
Amity's not his Haunt anymore.
They talk. She's excited to help him find a nice shit hole of a city to protect, but also worried because he looks really gaunt. He may LOVE Space... but...
It's the GHOST in him that loves Space. The Astronaut. The Kid who refused to die, who ate a PORTAL TO THE EVERYTHING and crawled out still exsistant, who told Death not only "not today" but "not EVER"? That kid had something to protect. Was and is and always will BE, protection. Himself, his friends, his family or the town. Doesn't matter WHAT it is.
He refused to go, so he could protect them.
The part that DID, though, was starlight. And yeah, he needs it. Feeds it desperately. But it... doesn't exactly support his human half, you know? Doesn't anchor him. Make him want to eat and sleep, be human and alive, connect with people.
Space makes him ghosty.
Dani ultimately convinces him, after spraying him down with a hose and shoving a cheeseburger down his face, to move to Metropolis with her. They get ALIENS! Have Aliens HEROS! BIG DESTRUCTIVE FIGHTS. With lots and LOTS of people who need help! Plus? Gotham is within a day trip!
And UNLIKE Gotham, the Ecto isn't RANK AF in Metropolis.
Seriously, it smells like a burst sewer pipe over there.
Danny agrees. Can totally afford a modest lil place thanks to some patents. Makes one HELL OF A SCENE moving in. With his giant, ominous, futuristic, weirdly day glow green glowing bank of super computers... in this, "we love our Alien Blorbo" Metropolis.
Cause Green and Glowing sure ain't welcome round these parts! No SIR! Somebody call the COPS!
Danny isn't even half way through, when Superman lightly touchs down, a forced grin plastered to his face. The "please, God, not another Rogue. Not a new one. Please!" all but RADIATING off him.
Danny... kiiiinda forgot not everyone was as "I see fuckin NOTHING, man" as Amity natives. Awkward. Welp! Fenton Oblivious Gene's, ACTIVATE!
"Oh, HIIIIIII~☆ Superman! What brings you round these parts? Gosh, it's an honor! Dani! Come meet SUPERMAN!"
Clark knows what he's doing. Danny knows, Clark knows what he's doing. They are both from the Midwest. They ain't gonna break first! You kidding? Clark still has to ask. Inserts himself by INSISTING on helping. A welcome to Metropolis! Ha ha! (How long we gonna lie for, kid? How long? I can do this all day.)
Clark? Learns that Danny has become ABSURDLY knowledgeable about terraforming, spacecraft, aerospace engineering and anything else related to Space Survival. Thanks to... his "games".
Which Clark is PRETTY sure? Are creatively set up, alien, training programs. Cause both of the Fentons are DEFINITELY at least partially non-human. But, eh. Who is he to judge? The "mad scientist" vibe, though... THAT is his to judge. Which he does.
Routine check ins!
And pasta bakes. Because good lord, Fenton, you are skin and bones! And? If it helps with both Watchtower maintenance AND some killer articles? Because Danny is a fountain of Space related knowledge who loves to share it? That's between Clark and the weird, semi-feral, gremlin he's adopted! (Yes, honey, he KNOWS Danny is a grown man. But I did it with BRUCE-)
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @legitimatesatanspawn @hypewinter @mutable-manifestation @the-witchhunter
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shy-writer-999 · 1 month
Embarrassing Confessions: Taking Zoro's virginity and talking him through it (Part 2)
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Author’s note: This is smut with some plot at the beginning. ~4.5k words. Continuation of Part One. Reader (afab) takes Zoro’s virginity and talks him through it. Zoro is submissive; you call him a “good boy” (and he likes it). ଘ(੭ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ✩‧₊˚ ★
Embarrassing Confessions: Taking Zoro's virginity and talking him through it (Part 2)
Zoro had been going fucking crazy since he spent the night in the crow’s nest with you. He had been thinking about you non-stop for days. He kept focusing on three things—you, the conversation (albeit muddled) about his virginity, and the fact that you had called him “sweet” and “cute.” He held onto his sanity for maybe 12 hours until he started to let himself run wild with fantasies of fucking you. How would it feel? What would your face look like? Would he make you feel good? When it came down to it, would he know what to do with his hands? Would he be able to make you moan his name? He had admittedly thought about it before but something about your last interaction flipped a switch in his brain. He had been so close to you, you had been so kind to him, you didn’t think poorly or weirdly about him being a virgin, you had even told him that you’d like to hang out with him, just him, sometime soon. All combined, this stuff was making Zoro’s poor heart do flips. He already had feelings for you, and this was just adding stuff to the pile of things he liked about you. And while he’d let himself fantasize about fucking you, even about making love to you, he knew that there was just no way he would ever get the chance to have sex with you, ever, let alone ‘lose’ his virginity to you. And besides, he’d die with embarrassment not knowing what to do even if you two did somehow manage to have sex (not in a million years).
Zoro was clueless to how much you liked him and needed him. And you needed him. You had been fantasizing about fucking him for months—nasty, nasty fucking, no less. But, being a virgin and all… You thought that Zoro probably wouldn’t be pulling your hair and spitting on you right off the bat, if you did manage to pull him. Your confidence shot up after that night together though; he had called you baby and asked you to sleep with him when he was super, super drunk. And they say that drunk words are sober thoughts for a reason. So, either he was just super horny and talking out of his ass, or he had thought about you in some sort of capacity like that before. You were hoping he had, at least. The next time you were alone with him you hoped that something would happen, even if it was as small as seeing him blush, you’d be happy. You had been wondering how good it would feel for him to squeeze your thigh again…
Both you and Zoro had been hoping that another night would happen where it was just you two alone in the crow’s nest or in isolation somewhere else. It would be a treat to just be near one another, to have the other’s undivided attention. And in hoping that so badly you must have manifested it.
So, it was inevitable that you two somehow ended up in the crow’s nest again, alone. It was only a few days after that night where Zoro got super drunk, asked you about your virginity, and got handsy with you. The thoughts and cravings for each other were very much fresh in the mind. To be fair, the night started with everyone on the crew in the crow’s nest. You had been playing card games, sharing bottles of sake, eating snacks that Sanji made, and watching Usopp try to do the worm much to Chopper and Luffy’s amusement.
While everyone else trickled downstairs as the night went on, you and Zoro stuck around. It was a beautiful night—the air was chilly, the stars were bright, and the waves lapped on the ship’s hull. The moon was full and flooded the crow’s nest with pale light.
Zoro was just looking as fineee as always—the pale moonlight casted shadows that made his muscles look even more defined than usual. His jaw was sharp, his eyes steely, his mossy hair ruffled. He just looked so... manly. And fucking hot. Likewise, he could make out your face in the muted light, your eyes kind and yet so sharp, your striking beauty… everything he adored was right in front of him.
Tonight, you had been drinking more than Zoro, but neither of you was blackout drunk or anything (unlike Zoro the other night). Zoro was trying to reign it in on the sake because he didn’t want another embarrassing disaster of drunken belligerence. You were feeling a bit buzzed and flushed in the face, but that was it. Emboldened by the liquid courage and your pure horniness for this man, you had been getting closer to him throughout the night. You needed to be closer to him. You were on the verge of just ripping his clothes off, but you were exerting self-control to the highest degree.
When everyone else had left, you were maybe a couple feet away from Zoro. Your proximity was making him nervous. Beforehand you had been bickering, laughing, gossiping, reflecting on past adventures but now… Zoro had no clue what to talk about or say. All he could think of was how beautiful you looked tonight and how fast his heart was beating. Why am I getting so worked up for no reason? He complained to himself internally, annoyed. Well don’t start being so awkward now that it’s just you two.
In the awkward silence an idea came to your mind. It was like you had been struck by lightning. Zoro had asked you about your virginity before, so why not ask him about his? If you were sober maybe you would have shot the idea down, but it seemed like a sure-fire way to set the tone of the evening and you were so, so horny. Might as well have a little fun with it.
“Hey, Zoro?” You ventured. “I was thinking about our conversation the other night...”
“Oh, uh… Yeah? What about it?” He responded, cringing. That was a seriously embarrassing evening for him, and he regretted getting so drunk he forgot the end of it.
“Well, you asked me some questions so I thought I could ask you some too…” You trailed off and looked into his eyes intently. Your liquid courage was certainly doing its job.
You were far from slurring your words, dizzy, or sloppy. You were simply feeling bolder, less scared, more confident. Zoro wasn’t sure if he was feeling anything other than the intoxication that your presence provoked in him. He was nervous too, aroused, and blushing already, but more than anything, Zoro was completely caught off guard by your comment.
“Go ahead,” he implored, trying to come off as casual as he could. But he had no clue what you were getting at, and he was worried you were about to bring up something else he said when he blacked out.
“You asked me about my virginity, and I didn’t get to ask you about yours at all.” You blushed and looked at him pleadingly, with puppy eyes.
“What did you want to know?” His voice came out hoarse. His words got caught in his throat and his heart almost stopped. So, you had been wondering about him? Wondering about his virginity? He couldn’t believe it. Did he hear you right?
You waited for a second. Were you really about to ask this? Fuck it. “I-I was wondering how you wanted to lose yours.”
Your words hung in the air which now felt thick and almost suffocating. His gaze was fixed on your face, switching between your lips and eyes. He suddenly became hyperaware of how close you were to him. You were almost touching. The atmosphere was intimate, tense, sexually charged… it felt electric. Something was about to happen.
If it had been daytime, you would have seen that Zoro’s face was bright red and he was already starting to get hard. That’s how flustered he had been recently—a mere suggestive question like that set him off.
He stuttered out an answer. “Well—uh… I-I- guess I want to lose it to someone I like.”
The roles had certainly flipped since the other night. Now it was you pushing for answers, you who was getting closer to him, making him feel all sorts of ways. But the difference was that you, unlike Zoro the other night, were fully cognizant of what you were doing, and you were doing it deliberately. You could tell he was almost squirming.
“What would that person be like?” You brazenly pressed him for an answer and got a bit closer. You were touching now, just the side of your knee to his. But he felt like his skin was on fire where you it met with yours. He swallowed dryly, getting harder by the second. Your eyes were riveted on one another’s, so close that if you leaned in you could kiss. His heartbeat was going through the roof.
Zoro was at a loss as for how he should answer your question. He felt like he couldn’t just come out and say that it was you, that would be presumptive, too asinine, creepy, maybe… He had the urge to play off your question and save face, avoid the electricity bolting between you, run from the situation because it made him feel so intensely aroused and nervous at once. He was hoping that it was too dark for you to see his rapidly growing hard on.
“I don’t know.” He blatantly lied, staving off the inevitable moment where he would finally have to muster up the strength to do something about his feelings for once. “Why do you ask?” Zoro diverted the weight of the question and put it back on you.
There was another moment of silence. You were just staring at each other. You were so close; Zoro could see your chest rise and fall with each breath. He could see your eyelashes, your cupid’s bow, your cheeks, your neck… He refused to let his eyes roam lower. God knows what would happen then.
“I’m just curious if it would be someone like me,” you murmured out, lowering your voice. There we go, you said to yourself. There’s no turning back now. That was pretty fucking direct.
Zoro’s breath hitched. He was rock hard, inches away from you. He was in agony. The seconds felt like years. His heart twisted and fluttered. It was now or never.
“It is you.” He almost spat his words out, he was so feeling so many things at once. Reeling at how close you were to him, he had just confessed that he wanted to fuck you, that he wanted you to take his virginity. He felt like he was going to pass out or start floating off the floor. Would you laugh at him? What were you getting at?
When he answered, you felt so validated. He wanted to fuck you. He just said it. You leaned forward.
“Can we?” You asked quietly.
He nodded tentatively, not sure what the nodding would accomplish but hoping you were going to say something else, needing you to do something, or else he was going to pin you down and have his way with you.
“Do you want to do it tonight, Zoro? Can I touch you?” You leaned even closer to him. He was excruciatingly hard. He couldn’t cope. You wanted him.
He word-vomited his response clumsily. “I do, but I-I- have no clue what I’m doing, I don’t think I’d be very good… I’m sorry, I-” He wasn’t able to finish his sentence before you cut him off.
“Let me show you how,” you pleaded. Zoro froze and swallowed hard. He nodded again, indicating that yes, you could show him how. His pants were becoming painfully tight as his erection grew. He needed to be touched. He wanted to touch you.
“Show me,” Zoro barely managed to push the words out of his mouth, which now felt dry and gravelly.
You leaned in and kissed him, finally. Your body was now pressing against his, and he was rigid, blushing so hard you would think he would explode. After a moment of your kissing, he relaxed, and his hands crept up to sweetly cup your cheeks. Zoro wasn't kissing you like you were a one night stand or a friend with benefits... his kisses were tender, kind, gentle, loving, even.
His kisses started timidly but then turned desperate and sloppy. He obviously didn’t know what he was doing. His lips were hungry, his tongue was everywhere, he was already worked up. You pulled away from him.
“Zoro,” you said his name and his heart flipped. “Lay down.” He did as you said, and at the same time you shimmied out of your pants, so you only had a thong and your top on. When Zoro was flat on his back you crawled on top of him and sat straddling him, leaning over him, so your hair tickled his face. His raging hard-on was immediately apparent to you as your clothed pussy rested on it. Zoro felt your weight on top of him and had to stop himself from cumming in his pants.
“First, we do this,” you whispered, and pulled your shirt over your head. Now you only had your bra and a thong on. You reached down and started to tug Zoro’s shirt up and over his head, and he helped speed the process along. He felt like something had set his body on fire.
You took a moment to take in the sight of his arms, his abs, his chest—so toned, strong, and big. Fuck. You ran your hands over his chest and abdomen, and he shuddered, looking up at you, panting already.
Leaning over Zoro, your faces were centimeters apart. “Now take my bra off,” you told him, and his shaky hands fumbled with the clasp. It took him embarrassingly long to unhook it, but he managed. He slipped it off your shoulders and threw it to the side. Your breasts were free now, nipples hard. He was in heaven.
“Touch me,” you breathed out, guiding his hands to rest on your tits. You started kissing him again, harder this time. He was so needy. He immediately started feeling your breasts in every way he could think of—he palmed them, massaged them, rolled your hard nipples between his fingers, kneaded them. He was already letting out puffs of air that would soon turn into moans. He could feel you slowly start to grind on his cock through his pants.  
You pulled away from the sloppy kisses to instruct him again. “Take your pants off.” He did as you said, pulling them down with your help. You pulled his boxier briefs off as well. His huge cock sprung out, hitting the chilly air. It was even longer than you imagined, girthy, already red and inflamed. He laid back down and you mounted him once again, his cock pressing on your already hot and wet cunt.
You started to kiss his neck, suck on his earlobes, kiss his cheeks, his collarbones, worshipping his skin. Zoro was needily grinding his hips up, rubbing his cock against your thong, brushing it against your clit and causing you to buck your hips inadvertently.
You let out a whine. “Be patient Zoro, wait a little bit.” Just hearing you whisper his name sent him spiraling. He felt like an animal, he wanted to devour every part of your body, wanted to fuck you into oblivion… but he held back. You were in control now. He had to just do what you said and hold off on cumming as long as he could.
“Now, grab my ass.” You commanded and Zoro’s hands immediately went to your ass cheeks. He wasted no time squeezing and pulling handfuls of your ass roughly, surely rough enough to leave a bruise. It felt like his hands were everywhere at once. Zoro left one hand on your ass then reached the other to your tits without you prompting and you didn’t correct him. You grinded on his cock now, harder, deliberately. You felt like you were already dripping wet, and you wouldn’t be able to hold on for much longer.
“Zoro, do you want to fuck me?” You breathed the words into his ear sweetly. You could feel him tense up beneath you, he nodded. But that wouldn’t cut it. “I need you to use your words,” you murmured.
“Yes,” his deep voice was hoarse, and he panted. “Yes, I want to fuck you. I need you.”
You grabbed one of his hands and brought it to your thong, sliding the thin strip of fabric to the side. Zoro put his fingertips on your bare pussy lips—glistening wet, throbbing, inflamed, seeping slick onto his digits immediately. Without having to be instructed, he started moving his fingers back and forth and you let out a moan. His heart flipped again. He never thought he would hear you moan and it was beyond anything he could imagine. He was infatuated with you, obsessed with you, he would have done anything you told him to in this moment.
Zoro ventured a finger up into you, slowly extending it inside, where he could feel you convulse on it. You let out another sweet sound, properly moaning his name for the first time.
“Zoro, fuck,” you crooned, and he took that as a sign to slide another finger in. It let out a squelching noise. His fingers explored your insides, feeling the walls, feeling how absolutely sopping wet you were, how your muscles contracted. On instinct, he started to curl his fingers just barely and you moaned immediately.
He was learning what you liked, what would make you feel good. And all he wanted to do was make you feel good. His eyes left his fingers in your pussy and snapped up to your face. Sure enough, your eyes were closed, your face twisted into an expression of ecstasy, your brows furrowed ever so slightly, your mouth screwed up into a small circle letting out little gasps for air and sweet moans.
Zoro had you on the verge of orgasm already. Your hips were bucking, and you were rutting down on his fingers, making him fuck you even harder with them. His fingers were curling inside, spreading you open, coated in your wetness, causing it to pool underneath you on his hand and wrist. His other hand was still kneading your ass, digging into it and pulling on it painfully.
You suddenly grabbed his wrist, gasping, signaling him to stop. You didn’t want to cum just yet without having him inside of you. He pulled his fingers out and went to roughly shove them in your mouth. He had no idea what had gotten into him, but he was feral now. He wanted to see you suck your own wetness from his fingers. He wanted you to look him in the eyes. You sucked his fingers clean slowly. His hips bucked up. He wanted you so badly.
“I want you,” you mewled out, and he took the initiative this time, lining his cock up with your hole. “Zoro,” you told him. “Go really slow.”
Zoro’s tip was pulsing, hot and red against your entrance. He started pressing it into you, agonizingly slow, and you sunk onto his cock centimeters at a time. He felt like he was about to go fucking crazy. As he slowly stretched you open, you let out a series of gasps, but when he finally bottomed out inside of you, he let out his own groan, deep and rumbling, that made your heart flutter.
Your pussy felt mind blowing on his cock. It was tight, wet, soft, velvety, smooth, warm all at once. He had never felt this before, and sex felt better than he could have ever imagined. He couldn’t believe he had been missing out on this for so long, and he couldn’t believe that he was lucky enough for it to be with you.
“Stay like this for a second,” you commanded, looking down at him, and his cock sat buried in your pussy, throbbing. He wanted to fuck you so, so bad. His mind was going into overdrive. He was panting. He didn’t know how long he could go like this, with you cockwarming him. He would just start fucking you eventually. He couldn’t bear it much longer.
You leaned into his face and locked eyes with him as close as you could get.
“Beg for it.” You commanded.
For a split-second Zoro was dumbfounded before he started to beg and plead shamelessly. He felt pathetic, and that was the desired effect. He was surprised by how much he got off on being talked through it, being told what to do to you. He liked that you were in control. He never would have guessed how good it would feel getting bossed around by you, something that had never happened before, let alone during sex.
“Please, please—let me fuck you I-I-uhhhhhggnnnn” Zoro let out deep a moan mid-sentence. His face was twisted in anguish, head thrown back, he was getting worked up. “I want to fuck you so bad. Please.” He was shaking.
“You can, now that you asked so nice,” you smiled sweetly at him, teasing him. You started grinding back and forth on his cock, which was still buried in you. It was rubbing you deeply inside, pushing close to your cervix. You started to get off on it—his cock was huge, and he was panting and begging for you. It turned you on to no end. You were in control of the Roronoa Zoro, and he loved it.
You didn’t grind on his cock much before he took the lead. Zoro grabbed you by your hips and slowly pulled you up off his cock before ramming you down on it again. He let out another deep groan. “Fuck.”
“You’re doing such a good job, Zoro,” you encouraged and coached him from above as he sloppily pulled you up and down his cock. “Keep going just like this. Up and down, up and down, just like that.”
Your praise went straight to his dick. He started fucking you how he wanted, how he had been imagining. His pace quickened and the noises of you fucking were getting louder, wetter—when he pulled you down onto his cock, the slapping echoed. The noises were wet, disgusting, nasty, and needy. You were starting to lose your composure. A string of moans left your mouth, moans of “Zoro,” “fuck,” and “yes,” and “harder.”
“Does that feel good?” Zoro gasped out, choking, begging for more praise. He wanted to make you feel good. He wanted you to feel good with his cock. He wanted to make you cum. You were lost in pleasure at that point, barely aware of what was going on around you, fucked to pure bliss.
“It—feels so good, Zoro—nggghhhh… fuck, Zoro, fuck, you’re doing—doing such a good job—ughhhgghhhhh—such a good boy-” you heaved out your words, and your praise made him crazy. When he heard you utter the last two words, ‘good boy,’ he went ballistic and his heart twisted inside. That turned him on. He liked that you called him that—but he liked your praise, he liked you guiding him through it, he liked that you called him a good boy, he liked that you were in control.
Zoro reached his hand up mid thrust and started clumsily rubbing your pussy, searching for your clit. He rubbed it messily, eliciting another series of moans, croons, praises, and encouragements from you. He was getting the hang of it. He was fucking you and doing it well. You would have never guessed that he had been a virgin before tonight—he was a natural at it. Zoro rubbed and fucked you closer and closer to orgasm. He didn’t even think of the possibility of cumming in you, couldn’t focus on anything other than the present, or he would have busted immediately. He was getting close, too.
Zoro let out moan after moan. He moaned your name, moaned that he wanted you to feel good, moaned that you felt so good on his cock, moaned that your pussy was so tight, so good, so wet. He called you baby, rutting his hips up to shove himself deeper into you.
Zoro was slamming you unceremoniously up and down on his cock. Your tits were bouncing in his face and he was mesmerized. Your face was fucked out, full of pleasure, sweet sounds leaving your mouth, you were animalistic, you were moaning his name again, and again, and again… it was all getting to his head. He was going to cum soon. His pace was frenzied, frantic, desperate, hungry—you could tell that he was getting there.
“Z-zoro,” you gasped for air. “I’m-I’m going to cum, I want—nnnnghhhhhhh—I’m going to cum on your cock.” That sent him over the edge. He was fucking you lightning speed. He was going to pull out and cum on his stomach or something, he couldn’t just cum in you without asking first, he was a gentleman after all, but as you started to cream on his cock and convulse around it, you begged him to cum inside you.
“Zoro I’m—ahhhh—I’m cumming—please, I-I want you to cum in me—mmmmmhhhh—please cum in me,” you begged him, pussy constricting and fluttering from your orgasm around his cock, fingernails digging into his biceps. He didn’t hear anything after that.
When he got the green light, Zoro started to shake and convulse, he reached the peak of his pleasure, and when he came, all he thought about was you, you, you, you, he was looking at you, your tits were bouncing, he was feeling you, fucking you, listening to you, wet from you, heart aching for you. Zoro’s deep groans echoed, rumbling in his chest, his head thrown back, sweat on his brow, breathing quickly, panting. He let out one last body-wracking shudder and jerked upwards, his cum shooting into you and filling you up. He felt nothing but pure ecstasy and bliss, pure pleasure. He was lost in it.
When he came back down to earth (it felt like hours but had been mere seconds), you had collapsed on top of him, breathing heavy, smiling sweetly, leaving kisses on his neck. His cock was still buried inside of you and there was cum leaking out of your pussy and onto his shaft.
He was out of breath. He could feel you pulsing around him still and could feel pleasure still seeping out of you. Looking at you like this, sweaty, naked, content... he felt like he would die from happiness.
“Holy fuck,” Zoro panted.
“Yeah?” You tilted your head from where it was resting on his chest and looked up at him, smiling.
He kissed the top of your head. You blushed again. “Thank you,” he murmured and sighed. You could feel his heart still beating a thousand miles a minute. He groaned and exhaled again. “Fuck.” He felt and shy after going crazy fucking you senseless.
“Oh, we’re not done yet,” you giggled.
“What?” Zoro blushed crimson. “I don’t know if I could go again right now, I’m sorry, I—” He started apologizing and stuttering but you cut him off with a kiss and he melted. He was so cute when he got flustered.
“No, silly.” You smiled at him. “Now, I get to teach you about aftercare.”
In case you haven't read it yet, here's part 1.
and here's my masterlist
Okay that’s all for now!! Also here is some photo inspiration so you can get the full picture. ( ◡‿◡ *) (˃ᆺ˂) this man gets me worked up!!! THANK U FOR READING! - Z
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ohwowimlonley · 1 year
I uh, came here from the stepbro!Siri with a corruption kink... I was wondering if you could do more stepbro!Siri? But uhm maybe like "stepbro!Siri x reader +best friend mooney" ? If you're uncomfortable with this request, you can just ignore this... I also wanted to know if I could be Anon ✨?
Omg I’m so sorry this took me so long and of course you can be an anon if you want to lovely
Also this is unfinished so ask for another part if u want :)
Smut below the cut
“Hey there sweetheart,” your step brother calls to you, spreading his legs further across the sofa and patting his knee in invitation, “why don’t you come n’ sit with me and Moony for a bit, hey?”
You try to move towards them as confidently as possible, but your trembling hands and adverted gaze betrays you. You fall gracelessly into the arms of the shaggy-haired man, holding back a surprises giggle at the way his nose tickles against your neck.
“Isn’t she just the cutest, Moons?” You can feel the smirk of your step brother widen against your warmed cheeks, your embarrassment heightened by how he speaks about you like you’re not even in the room.
“She’s really something,” comes the drawl of the other man, his hand creeping up your exposed thigh, exploring the skin with languid strokes. Your body instinctively leans into his touch as his nimble fingers reach toward the hem of your skirt, simultaneously pushing up and shying away from his touch, “a shy one though, huh?”
“She’ll warm up to her soon enough, mate,” Sirius assures, one hand moving to boldly rest on your right breast, almost a show of his ownership of you, “only took her two days before she started crawling into my bed ‘nd begging for it,”
Remus makes a humming sound of approval at that, finally garnering eye contact with you and raising an eyebrow and tapping your thigh, waiting for your approval before diving his hand beneath your skirt, stroking his cold fingers up and down your uncovered pussy lips.
“No panties?” The grin on his face usurpes the disappointment in his tone. Sirius let’s out an incredulous scoff.
“Please, she hasn’t worn panties since the first day I fucked her,” his hand slips beneath your shirt and his fingers start flicking over your nipples, “always wants to be fucked now, the poor thing. She’ll probably get even more greedy now she’s got two of us,”
“Siri?” You crane your neck to finally make eye contact with him. Both boys cease their movements to watch you, intrigued by what you’d say while speaking for the first time in the night, “what- what do you mean two of us?”
“Well darling,” he smooths a kiss to the crown of your head, “moony over here needs someone to take care of him, doesn’t he? You don’t want him to get lonely, do you?”
You don’t even have to think about it; you shake your head with a pout. Remus seems nice, and his fingers are working wonders on your clit, his movements now resumed as Sirius talks.
“Well, I said that moony can fuck you sometimes, y’know, to help us all out,” he shrugs, spreading your legs further out on his lap so he can get a good glimpse of your pussy as Remus works it over.
“I promise I’ll be good to you, pretty girl,” the taller boy adjusts himself until his cheek rests against the inside of your thigh, so close to your cunt that his tongue scrapes across your clit with every word from his mouth, “so long as you follow my rules,”
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 6 of Charmed Slasher Simon!
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Simon really ought to teach you not to look at him like that. Those big watery eyes and pouty lips make his teeth feel too sharp for his own mouth. He wants to sink them into you, find out if you taste as sweet as you look. He knows you would, knows it like he knows the slick heat of fresh viscera.
“What.” he demands, voice hard to keep the rasp of dark desire from it.
“I have a little favor to ask.”
He arches an eyebrow, does not believe you. Not when you’re looking at him so beseechingly. He’ll have to get you to make that face again, maybe when he’s got you on your knees, asking to suck his cock.
“Go on.”
You seem ridiculously, foolishly charmed by this stoic, unimpressed front he puts on for you. A little beam of sunshine refracting off of a black mirror. Wonders sometimes what cruel maker built you so unintentionally self-destructive.
“There’s this work trip coming up…”
He has to cross his arms to keep himself from snatching you up and locking you in the bedroom. Mistaking the gesture, you hurry to continue.
“And I have to go, but! We’re allowed to bring plus ones.”
Satisfaction curls warm in his gut, a purring predator cat. He wants to hear you ask, though.
“I’m not hearing the favor.”
“Riley….” you complain, face adorably embarrassed.
“I’m waiting, luv.”
You damn near stomp your little foot at him. “Will you please come as my plus one?”
He arches his eyebrows. “That’s a big ask.”
You could ask for the stars and moon and he’d make them bleed for you. Paint the sky crimson and make a necklace of the heavens to collar you in.
“I know and I understand if you don’t want to - but… but that coworker you met, Brandon? He’s going too, and he’s been looking at me weird all week. Please, Ri? I-I don’t want to go by myself and you make me feel safe.”
Oh it was a sure thing that he’d be going with you, but now there’s no question. He’s so glad for the video cameras; he going to milk himself dry tonight listening to you say please like that. Admitting that he makes you feel safe. His poor, stupid, fragile thing. It’s a good thing he found you.
“Alright, alright,” he soothes. “No waterworks now. I’ll go with you.”
Like a switch, you light up and throw yourself into his chest.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” you trill. “I’ll make it up to you somehow, I promise.”
He snorts. You’ve done him the favor by giving him an excuse to follow you - but he’s not about to correct you.
“You let me worry about that. Just send me the details and I’ll be there.”
Your job has rented out a ski lodge for this little trip. Not only is it secluded, the booking is for the middle of the week. There will be few, if any, people over than instructors and your coworkers.
He couldn’t plan it better.
The day is spent pretending to care about your coworkers’ names and babysitting you along the slopes. You nearly crack your head open twice, each time he scoops you up, frowning down at your giggly face.
You also nail him in the head with a snowball too. That. That’s he’s going to get revenge for.
When night falls, you squeeze his hand at the door to your room. He leans his palm against the door over your head, relishes in the way you fluster as you tilt your head to look at him.
“Thank you for coming, Riley,” you murmurs. “You’ve made this really fun.”
He lets himself smile at you, just a bit. Knows it’s lopsided and probably a little too sharp, should raise alarm bells in your pretty little head, but you only smile back at him.
“Mm, you’ll have to make it up to me. Doin’ you this big favor ‘n all.”
You laugh. “Yeah? Let me know when you want your pound of flesh.”
Oh he’ll be taking more than a pound.
“Better be ready when I come to collect.”
“Ooh, so scary!” you tease, sticking your tongue out.
“You’ve no idea.”
A storm hits that night. A wicked, frigid thing that brews up and boils over in a matter of hours. Whiteout conditions. The power goes out a quarter past 11.
Well, you’ve had your fun. Now it’s time for Simon to have his.
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ventique18 · 5 months
~ Thoughtless ~
Somehow you feel it. Maybe you're just letting things get to your head, but maybe. Just maybe.
Malleus is in love with you.
How can you not think that, when he comes by to see you almost everyday, or when he sometimes finds himself thoughtlessly tucking a stray hair away from your face. When his hands would naturally find their way to rest on your hip while you're busy baking something, and he would curiously watch from behind?
So when he carelessly lays his head on your lap one lazy afternoon, you find yourself blurting out "I think I'm in love with you." Just as naturally as is his intimacy is towards you.
He doesn't speak. Doesn't even laugh. He just thoughtlessly pulls you down and, clumsy and mismatched as they are, lets your lips wordlessly do the talking.
You're over the moon. How could you not be, when a person you thought was beyond your reach is hopelessly in love with you just as you are with him? You'll be spending your time as a couple from now on. Going on romantic dates together, greeting each other first thing in the morning, getting to know each other in a much, much more familiar depth. Maybe even considering... marriage.
There's an infinite things that you want to do with him. So many things that make you happy. You're happy.
... Until...
"I wonder what bouquet my betrothed prefers for our coming wedding?"
You overhear him as he strolls with Lilia.
Betrothed? As in, someone you promised to marry? He did say wedding.
What the hell.
He's already engaged to someone? And he still kissed you so passionately like that? All along, he was already meant to marry somebody else while he's fooling around touching you here and there, kissing you and pecking you and hugging you and... Is that why he didn't say he loved you when you confessed? He's just leading you on because he's bored?
That son of a--
Tears. Ugly tears. You scream furiously and cry miserably as you strangle and punt and wrangle your poor pillow at Ramshackle. Your best friends watch silently while they try to coax you with your favorite food and your favorite zero-substance comedy film. It works. Your mood lightens.
Until they go home, and he barges into your home with grin you wanted to sucker-punch off his ugly, cheating, demonic, monstrosity of a lying face.
"Why are you here?" You spit out.
His thick, slimy skin couldn't taste the venom in your words.
"Good evening," he giddily greets as he walks over to you-- almost prancing for god's sake, "I was wondering. What type of flowers do you like?"
"The hell are you on about? You think you can keep stringing me around? I'll fuck you up."
"Careful. I am exercising a deep self-restraint out of respect for you. But if you keep playing with me like this, telling jokes about 'fucking me'-- as people say nowadays-- I might truly end up debauching the sanctity of marriage."
You leer at him. What the hell is he yapping about?
He sits on the sofa beside you; as graceful as he always seems to be. No, actually. He sits as ugly as a bridge troll. "I see you are impatient. Truth be told, I am too. But we best wait until after graduation, at least. So before then, I would like to ask: what flowers would you prefer for our wedding? I rather wish to grow them myself."
"Our wed--"
And it clicks in your head.
'My betrothed.'
'What flowers would you like?'
'Our wedding.'
It's you. The betrothed is you.
You almost laugh out loud. Out of the silliness of it all, out of embarrassment perhaps, even out of relief. This guy. God, this guy. What a careless, thoughtless, whimsical, nonsensical, brainless guy. But somehow,
"I like wisteria."
It's just, so naturally, him.
"The flowers in full bloom when we first met."
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noyasmashing · 6 months
Asking Haikyuu!! Characters Out
CW: Nishinoya, Hinata, Yamaguchi, Kenma, Sugawara, lots of blushing, no nsfw this time!
A/N: Been dying to write about more Kenma so ofc I had to sneak him in there
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Nishinoya: If Nishinoya had a crush on you, he'd be completely delusional about it, and to make matters worse, Tanaka would only encourage him. Did you ask him what day it was in class? Yep, according to him, you're head over heels but too shy to admit it.
And despite all his bravado, he'd be utterly taken aback if you asked him out on a date. Picture red ears, stuttering words, and avoiding your gaze out of sheer nerves.
Once you're deep in conversation on your date, he'd start with the cheesiest pickup lines. If you happened to bite your lip, he'd insist on kissing it better. I wouldn't be surprised if this man proposed to you with a candy ring pop.
But when it's just the two of you, his confident façade would vanish. He'd become all whiny and desperate for your touch. Pinning him against a wall and kissing him would literally make his knees buckle.
Yamaguchi: While Yamaguchi tends to be shy around others, he can become quite chatty when you catch him alone without Tsukishima around. I have a feeling he'd be really into J-pop/K-pop, so if you share that interest, you guys would hit it off instantly.
When you started talking more, he might have assumed it was because you liked Tsukishima. But if you were to ask him on a date? Oh boy, he'd be giggling all shyly.
Of course, he'd probably suggest going to a cafe or an arcade. A cafe date would feel incredibly romantic to him—sitting across from you, sipping a warm latte, engaging in good conversation—it would make him weak in the knees.
Walking him home after and planting a kiss on his lips would catch him off guard. He'd be nervous, worried you might think he's inexperienced and tease him, so he'd try to act like he knows what he's doing.
But if you were to place a hand on his hip and deepen the kiss, he'd pull away, confessing that he likes you so much, and he’s scared that you might not like him back if he’s a bad kisser.
Hinata: Even if Hinata was head over heels for you, that poor boy can be incredibly clueless. Lost in the world of volleyball, if you suggest doing something together, he might just ask you to set for him. 🤦‍♀️
Later on, when someone finally clues him in that you were hinting at something romantic, he'd feel so bad! He'd show up at your desk with your favorite drink and candy in hand, suggesting to go downtown for some fun shopping!
When you guys do go out in public, he'd get incredibly bashful if you wanted to hold his hand. A cool, pretty person like you wanting to hold him?? He'd be over the moon. When you two lock hands or even just link pinkies, he'd feel so calm and secure, never wanting to let go.
Kenma: Kenma could be silently obsessed with you for years without saying a word. It'd be incredibly hard to read him, making it tough to decide whether to make a move.
But when you finally do, he'd give you the warmest smile that instantly erases any doubts you had. However, being shy, he'd prefer to do something at home.
He'd absolutely love baking with you! Creating silly cakes resembling Minecraft or another video game he's into would be a blast for him, and it'd be quite humorous too!
Once your creations are ready for tasting, he'd become shy if you tried to feed him. He couldn't help feeling mushy and embarrassed as he opened his lips for a bite. And if you swiped frosting off his cheek? His whole face would turn red, and he'd want to curl up into a ball.
Sugawara: Sugawara often struggles with feeling like less of a teammate for not being in the starting lineup. So, receiving special attention from someone as attractive and cool in his eyes as you would completely blow his mind.
If you were to ask him to spend quality time together? He'd plan the sweetest little picnic and nature walk. On the outside, he'd act chill and fun, but deep down, he'd be freaking out.
And if you casually complimented him? Oh boy, his face would turn as red as Tendo's hair, trying not to lose his cool. The way you praise him so casually, as if he should know how amazing he is, makes him feel incredibly special. He'd just want to be wrapped in your arms while you showered him with kisses all over.
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