#poor cassian
jmoonjones · 1 year
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Bryaxis (whose #single&ready2mingle 😉) has returned from their summer vacation, and eager to explore their new life outside the lower levels of the library
Feyre, Elain, and Nesta helps them explore some career options 💖🌼🗡️
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Cassian: So when did she stop threatening to kill you?
Rhysand: After she accepted the mating bond…for the most part
Lucien: Never had that problem
Azriel: Same
Jurian: oh it’s how we do fireplay
Kallias: Agreed. It adds so much…tension. It’s a rite of passage.
Cassian: So with Nesta it’s just for fun??
All of them avoiding eye contact with Cassian: Sure
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beansidhebumbling · 8 months
In Oxford they call him the Night Prince, an inside joke transported from the hallowed halls of Eton. His resemblance to some oil painting of a long dead donor is uncanny apparently. Or so Cassian says as he inhales a meat lovers pizza, marinara sauce dripping onto crisp cotton, bloody evidence of their late-night rendevouz seeping into his white shirt.
He calls it a date, eyes soft and hands clumsy.
Nesta calls it research.
He has gone by many names in this liftetime alone.
His favourite is Rhys but only when moaned by the prettiest woman topside, whose bronze hair clings to damp porcelain skin now, as they lie panting between silk sheets, grey eyes turned towards the damned heavens.
It could be romantic if the stinging smell of holy silver didn't burn from seven different spots in his room alone. How rude of his mate to hide weapons at his home. How rude of his mate to look at a land he cannot enter instead of him and only him.
Only him.
He lights a cigarette by the corpse. The smell of death and nicotine a heady mix dampened only by disruptive notes of pepperoni.
He doesn't leave until blood has seeped deep into the cobblestones, cooling in the brisk dawn air, until the flayed skin looks less like artwork in the sobering eye of a new day with new problems- mainly her.
This will be a love story.
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necr0mancers · 6 months
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god tier height difference
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acomaflove · 1 year
Meanwhile at the House of Wind
Nesta & Cassian: *loudly making out and breaking furniture at 2 am*
Azriel, down the hallway: *scrolling through websites to replace the broken furniture with Rhysand’s credit card*
Azriel: I am the backbone of this household.
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hegodamask · 11 months
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ANDOR APPRECIATION WEEK 2023 | @andorappreciation
↳ Day Six - Favourite Quotes
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litnerdwrites · 2 months
Suddenly, the reasoning behind Nesta's sudden institutionalisation, and forced training, after waiting over a year to help her, makes perfect sense. No, it's not because Feyre sobbed into her eggs one morning or because they care about helping her.
It's because of the trove.
rainkatzanddogs on tiktok, put together a timeline for the SJM universe, and for each events, references which chapter (including bonus content) they take place in. I'll be referencing that in this post.
Feyre learned about Nesta's 500 gold marks spending spree one day before the start of ACOSF, right before Rhysand explains his plan. The one that Cassian believed he'd made a while back, given how detailed it was. The next day is when the intervention happens, and after that, Rhysand asks Cassian to look into the Human queens.
If he's asking Cassian to look into it at this point, then we can assume that he has reasonable evidence to suggest that they're doing something shady. By this point, according to the timeline, Baron has already made a deal with them, Eris' soldiers are under the Crowns control, and have been for a month. Meaning Briallyn has had the crown for longer than a month.
16 days after the start of ACOSF, they have the meeting where they use Elain to manipulate Nesta into searching for the trove.
I think it's reasonable to assume that the IC had some idea about the trove, and if not that specifically, than that magical items were being used by a death god and a cauldron made queen to control people. It would be naive to think they were completely ignorant of what was going on. Even by the time that first meeting takes place, they clearly have a decent level of knowledge on the trove, how to find it, and who's currently looking for it.
It isn't unreasonable to think that Rhys had some idea that they'd need Nesta to scry for them or to help them later on. So, he devised a plan where she trains, and works in the library so she'd be ready to help them when they need it.
She'd be prepped for missions due to her training.
She'd have ample time to research and study while in the library, even if she only shelves books, she'd know where to find the ones she needed to research whatever they asked of her,
And since her life would be in their hands, they could make her do anything without her arguing that she's a free citizen, because at this point, she isn't.
They used the guise of it being healing as a way to pitch the idea to Feyre and Elain, even though neither of them seemed to have an issue manipulating her into doing what they wanted, since they likely discussed the using Elain to convince her to scry, because Elain didn't seem to surprised when they didn't ask her to do it later, nor did she seem bothered when Nesta ended up doing it anyway. Hell, she literally came in to say she'd do it, got under Nesta's skin, and left without listening and/or contributing to the conversation anymore than that.
Cassian seemed hell bent on making her into a warrior from the moment they met, despite her wishes, and since he so blatantly doesn't care for her or her autonomy at all, he's obviously in, so he can get what he wants. A mate that's a warrior and his emotional punching bag to take out his insecurities on, but also has her own insecurities and traumas, so she'd never go against him and he could continue to flirt with Mor and (let's be real) Rhys without worrying about said mate having the strength to stand up to him.
It was never about helping Nesta, it was all a rouse to make her into a tool that was useful to them, with little risk. If she dies, she's no longer a problem for them, or anything to fear. If she lives, she's either contained forever, or heals into the perfect tool for them to use whenever they want. It's a win-win for Rhys and Cassian.
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ladydeath-vanserra · 10 months
SJM reeks of money. she cannot write a poor family to save her life. the cabin years writing was so minimal and hollow and caricature-esque and filled with gaping plot holes
the closest you Get to any kind of poverty trauma with Feyre is her feeling bad about spending money. there are so, so many factors to consider when it comes to poverty besides just morality over spending money or not
hoarding money
binging and purging money
how you eat
what you eat
what you wear
how you protect what you already have
bitterness and Jealousy with ppl who do have money
being poor and feeling worse when you cannot help someone else who is also poor and struggling (like panhandling)
if I was Feyre I'd be mortified if I had five houses. I'd be embarrassed to live in a giant house (let alone FIVE) while Cassian has to hand out BLANKETS in Illyria. I'd be judging the IC for how they spend the money (which isn't even theirs. "Rhys money" is all blood money and from taxes BE real) and then condemn Nesta for blowing a drop of Rhys' blood money on booze
statistically poor people help each other and give more than wealthy people Ever did. Cassian should also be embarrassed as hell by the IC and how they spend money and their attitudes towards the Illyrians and other poorer fae and even how Nesta spends "Rhys' money"
in both ToG and aCoTaR the series end with the main character flush with more money than they know what to do with it and they're married. it's like one step away from Trad Wife smh
poverty is inherently traumatic and affects people on every. single. level. from what we eat to what we wear to who we spend time with to what time we even have to spend
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skyjasper · 6 months
Betray You Like A Man.
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Azriel X Rhys sister oc (but Rhys Centric kinda?! Rhys and Az angst?)
Summary: HOFAS bonus chapter inspired. Azriel and his mate Y/N Moonbeam aka Rhysands little sister have been hiding for over 50 years. When her older brother finds out he is anything but happy.
Warnings: mentions of SA, Yelling, lots and lots of Angst, quite Az.
Words: 1,382.
She and Azriel had been seeing each other secretly for over 50 years now. They had been through hell and back together, finding out about Rhysand under the mountain, Supporting her brother with his mate, fighting a damned war, and even finding out they were mates. Not once did either of them let on to their secret relationship, always passing each other with cold glances and curt words. The only form of kindness shown was on important occasions. But the minute they were alone, when they got back to their secret apartment, they were perfectly fine.
That was until Rhysand barged into Azriel’s apartment yelling something about Nesta telling Feyre something about their babe and found the two of them laying on the floor. Y/N reading and Azriel mulling over paperwork with a biscuit. In an instant, albeit a second too late, Azriel’s wing was covering her. Rhysands words fell away and he stood still, she could see him just barely through her mate's wing but she knew that her older brother could smell her.
“Azriel,” Rhysand growled out. With a knowing sight, Azriel released his wing that covered Y/N’s frame, not hiding her wings.
The moment Rhysands eyes found her matching violet ones he turned and walked out, slamming the door. She turned her head to her mate whose eyes were glazed over in silent conversation, she decided to listen to what Rhys had told him.
“Do we go? We should probably give him time to calm down shouldn’t we?” She asked, staring at Azriel’s golden eyes. He just nodded quietly.
Silently and with deathly calmness they gathered themselves and flew to the river house. She winced as they walked in the door, taking in the ruined vases and the loud shouting of her other brother and sister trying to calm Rhysand down.
“I DO NOT CARE. THAT IS MY SISTER.” He screamed at Cassian. She turned to Azriel, putting a hand on his chest to stop him,
“Maybe I should go in there alone.” She offered. And with a short nod he agreed, before she could walk away he grabbed her arm, and with a deadly voice he spoke,
“If he even thinks about yelling at you I will be in there. I will just be right outside.” Then he let go so she could enter the room. When she did she gasped at the sight of her older brother.
“Rhysand,” she spoke firmly, only slightly scared as his raging eyes turned on her.
“Is that bastard here?!” He spoke.
“It doesn’t matter, Rhysand.” She went to place her hand on his arm when he flinched away and stared at her with disgust.
“Don’t even get me started on you.” He raised his voice, tears springing to her eyes at his reaction. The pair of them had always been as thick as thieves, never staying mad, and definitely never yelling at each other like this.
In an instant, Azriel was behind her, hands on her waist to inform her he was behind her. Her brother didn’t even glance at the male behind her before continuing,
“I can’t believe you slept with my brother like some common whore.” He spat out like a slap in the face, he knew what she had been through, what she had done for him while he was under the mountain. A cry fell out of her mouth, his words inflicting more pain than any physical blow could.
Before she could say anything the entire room went still, the bottom half of the room covered in angry shadows. Before she could blink her mate had her brother around the throat against the wall.
“Be very careful how you talk about my mate,” Azriel growled, she could feel his anger festering through the bond. She sent a comforting phantom hand over his shoulder.
“Your mate?!” Rhysand laughed, “That’s hilarious brother, no one could ever love a bastard like you. We all know it, just admit it Azriel, you aren’t capable of loving a female.”
And then it was Y/N who was on top of her brother, facing him with a slap that resonated throughout the entire room. Not a single soul spoke as the sound of flesh meeting flesh echoed through the room. Not even Feyre said anything as her sister-in-law hit her mate.
“Fuck you Rhysand.” She yelled. “Fuck you for reacting like this! You are nothing but a cowardly piece of shit. You blame everyone else for everything that is your fault. Did you ever stop and think as to why we didn’t tell you?!” She yelled, Rhysands mouth opened to respond but she continued, “No Rhysand, you don’t get to speak. Maybe if for once in your godsforsaken life actually looked at anyone other than your mate you see that the people around you are going through shit! You would see the face that Elain is on the verge of breaking, that Nesta was going through something none of us could possibly imagine, that Cassian was coping and that I, your fucking sister, was traumatized. I get it Rhysand, what you went through under the mountain, trust me I get it, but it does not give you the right to treat everyone else like shit because they don’t react the same way you do to trauma. You do not get to sit here and act like my brother trying to defend my honor when you haven’t actually acted like a decent brother for the past 3 years!” She screamed in his face.
She gave him one more resounding slap before standing up and finding Azriels hands.
“Do not come find us brother, for I do not want to see your pitiful face.”
Then, hand in hand with her mate, they left. They both flew, flew for hours till they were at the cabin Azriel had built for his mother before she passed. When they arrived and got out of the cold she sunk to her knees, tears finally flowing.
Az’s rough hands came to hold her face, “Shh my love, he is not worthy of your tears.” He murmured into her hair. Instead of trying to calm her again he just let her cry, not once letting her go, instead instructing his shadows to gather water and blankets.
So she fell asleep crying in his arms over the hurt her brother had caused. And when she woke she found Azriel’s dark hair. She stared at him as her fingers twirled in the onyx strands.
“You know what he said wasn’t true right, you know how to love and you are worthy of it Azriel. You and I are the proof, this right here,” she gestured in between the two, lightly pulling on the golden ribbon that flowed between them. “This is the proof. I love you beyond words Azriel. I know you feel the same shadow singer.” She told him. Observing as his hands tightened around her waist. They had both suffered far too much to let the words of her cruel brother diminish all the progress they had made.
It wasn’t easy at the beginning, getting Azriel to open up and come to accept himself. It took him years to realize he was worthy of her love. That he wasn’t a broken bastard.
“I love you beyond the sun and the stars, I would travel worlds for you Azriel. And if the stars would vanish then I would voyage through the darkness with nothing but my bare hands to find you.” She whispered, “I would rip the wings off my back if yours were ruined because I know how much you need to fly. I would kill gods and kings alike to ensure you are safe. For as long as I am alive you will no longer be alone ever again, you will always be loved. I will always love every part of you.” She brought his scarred hands to her lips and kissed the skin on them. When she released his hands her lips found his mouth.
“There are not enough words in this world for me to express my love for you Y/N Moonbeam, So instead let me show you.” He spoke against her lips before moving his kiss down her neck.
And show her he did.
@littlelunatica @going-through-shit @annaaaaa88 @i-am-infinite @impossibelle
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janearts · 1 year
Your Cassian is so perfect 😭😭❤️
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Thank you! I've gotten a lot of positive feedback, which is a relief! ...Although, full disclaimer, I don't think any of the stuff I've drawn is actually "from the book" (or any book in the series) so I am pretty much just doing my own thing with these characters. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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*acosf, a summary*
Nesta: *looking at Cassian*
Cassian: *looking at Nesta*
Azriel: if I have to go through another breakfast of you two eyefucking each other I swear to god I’m gonna kill myself
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jmoonjones · 9 months
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acotarmemes · 3 months
ACOTAR tweets // rick roll
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icons by @copypastus
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lady-of-sevenwaters · 4 months
How is Nessian even a thing I spent all of ACOSF just about to dial the domestic violence hotline
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merwgue · 3 days
Feyre, as the protagonist of the ACOTAR series, has committed numerous actions that could be considered criminal under real-world laws. Below is a breakdown of the crimes she could potentially be charged for, based on actions from each book, and the possible legal repercussions.
1. A Court of Thorns and Roses (ACOTAR)
1.1. Poaching and Trespassing
Crime: Killing a faerie in the form of a wolf while on Prythian territory without permission.
Real-World Equivalent: Illegal hunting (poaching) and trespassing on private property.
Potential Sentence:
Poaching: 1-5 years, fines depending on the severity.
Trespassing: Usually a misdemeanor, resulting in fines or up to 1 year in jail.
1.2. Complicity in the Death of Faeries Under the Mountain
Crime: Indirect involvement in the deaths of faeries during the trials set by Amarantha, even though she was coerced.
Real-World Equivalent: Manslaughter (unintentional but contributing to the deaths through participation).
Potential Sentence: 5-15 years, though her coercion and duress could mitigate this significantly.
2. A Court of Mist and Fury (ACOMAF)
2.1. Trespassing in the Spring Court
Crime: Entering and leaving the Spring Court without permission after forming ties with the Night Court.
Real-World Equivalent: Unauthorized entry onto sovereign territory.
Potential Sentence: Generally a misdemeanor, but with repeated offenses, it could escalate. Fines or up to 1 year in jail.
2.2. Destruction of Property (Spring Court)
Crime: Sabotaging and destroying part of the Spring Court.
Real-World Equivalent: Vandalism and destruction of property.
Potential Sentence: 1-10 years depending on the extent of damage, with potential fines or restitution.
2.3. Theft (Spring Court)
Crime: Stealing important information, documents, and assets from the Spring Court while pretending to be loyal to Tamlin.
Real-World Equivalent: Theft and espionage.
Potential Sentence: 5-15 years, depending on the value of what was stolen and its strategic importance.
2.4. Theft of a Magical Artifact (Summer Court)
Crime: Stealing Tarquin’s most powerful artifact, the Book of Breathings, from the Summer Court.
Real-World Equivalent: Grand larceny, theft of national/cultural treasures.
Potential Sentence: 10-20 years depending on the value and importance of the stolen artifact, including diplomatic consequences.
2.5. Involuntary Manslaughter (Tithe Refusal)
Crime: Refusing to enforce the Spring Court’s tithe, resulting in the death of the water-wraiths who depended on Feyre’s mercy.
Real-World Equivalent: Negligent homicide or involuntary manslaughter.
Potential Sentence: 5-10 years depending on the circumstances, though mitigating factors like lack of intent could reduce the sentence.
3. A Court of Wings and Ruin (ACOWAR)
3.1. Destruction of the Spring Court
Crime: Deliberately dismantling the political and economic systems of the Spring Court while acting as a spy for the Night Court.
Real-World Equivalent: Treason (though technically not against her homeland) or acts of war.
Potential Sentence: Life imprisonment or death penalty in certain jurisdictions, though a less extreme punishment could be 20-40 years for treason and sabotage.
3.2. Collusion and Espionage
Crime: Spying for the Night Court while pretending to align with the Spring Court.
Real-World Equivalent: Espionage.
Potential Sentence: 10-25 years for espionage, with potential fines and loss of any titles/rights in the Spring Court.
3.3. Accessory to Murder (Hybern Soldiers and the King of Hybern)
Crime: Being involved in the war efforts that led to the deaths of Hybern soldiers and the King of Hybern.
Real-World Equivalent: Accessory to murder or war crimes.
Potential Sentence: 15-30 years for accessory to murder, though wartime actions are often handled differently.
3.4. Imprisonment and Oppression of Illyrians and Hewn City
Crime: Complicity in the continued oppression of the Illyrians, including the mutilation of female Illyrians’ wings (although Feyre was not directly involved in wing clipping, her role in the Night Court hierarchy ties her to this systemic abuse).
Real-World Equivalent: Human rights violations, gender-based violence, illegal confinement.
Potential Sentence: 20-50 years for complicity in human rights abuses and gender-based violence.
Crime: Complicity in the continued imprisonment and oppression of the people of Hewn City, preventing their access to the privileges of Velaris and escaping abuse.
Real-World Equivalent: Conspiracy to perpetuate systemic discrimination and abuse.
Potential Sentence: 10-30 years, depending on the level of abuse and confinement they are subjected to.
4. A Court of Frost and Starlight (ACOFAS)
4.1. Illegal Occupation of Spring Court Lands
Crime: Continually crossing into Spring Court land and occupying or disrupting its governance, even in a non-violent way.
Real-World Equivalent: Trespassing, illegal occupation.
Potential Sentence: Fines, probation, or up to 1 year in jail.
5. A Court of Silver Flames (ACOSF)
5.1. Complicity in Abuse (Locking Nesta in the House of Wind)
Crime: Participating in the forced confinement of Nesta, who was struggling with mental illness, without a licensed mental health professional’s involvement.
Real-World Equivalent: Kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, endangerment of a mentally ill person.
Potential Sentence: 5-20 years, with charges depending on the level of harm caused to Nesta and whether it could be deemed abusive.
Summary of Potential Charges
1. Poaching and Trespassing: 1-5 years, fines
2. Manslaughter (Under the Mountain): 5-15 years
3. Trespassing in the Spring Court: Up to 1 year
4. Destruction of Property (Spring Court): 1-10 years
5. Theft (Spring Court): 5-15 years
6. Theft of the Book of Breathings (Summer Court): 10-20 years
7. Involuntary Manslaughter (Tithe Refusal): 5-10 years
8. Destruction of Spring Court: 20-40 years
9. Espionage: 10-25 years
10. Accessory to Murder (War Crimes): 15-30 years
11. Imprisonment and Oppression of Illyrians: 20-50 years
12. Complicity in the Oppression of Hewn City: 10-30 years
13. Illegal Occupation of Spring Court Lands: Fines, up to 1 year
14. Unlawful Imprisonment (Nesta): 5-20 years
Total Potential Sentence
If Feyre were to face all charges and be convicted, the total potential prison sentence could range from 122 years to life imprisonment, especially for the severe charges related to espionage, human rights abuses, and complicity in oppression.
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hegodamask · 2 months
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“Ah isn’t this nice, Dedra? Just you and me and….Cassian Andor?!”
(thank you @supervisormeero for my new awkward roommates 🫶)
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