#poor moth
starzy-drawz · 2 months
hi uhm, this chapter is ALOT <3
4 | Appearances
TW’s are in this chapter so uh yip (I’m putting the cut thingy)
Several Years Later
Summer was back in bloom, and there were hardly anymore kids being born. The adults were nervous now that Mothra had been left to live with her marking, as if it was really her fault.
Though, everyday she felt like she was going to pay for that mark. Her father made sure of that.
"Cursed child!" Azar screamed, hitting her with his wings into the floor. "It's your fault that your mother left!" He continued. Mothra winced, her head tilting upward to see her father. She had bruises on her knees, hands, and elbows all the time, a constant pain.
Azar soon left, leaving her alone in the nest again. That's how everyday began and the pain level was different, sometimes it was an easy pain she could get over but other days it was much worse.
Today was a much worse day, but she picked herself off the floor anyways. Mothra brushed off the dust from her wings, letting them expand and shimmer in the morning sun.
Once she bandaged herself up with vines and leaves, she took in the fresh summer air. A gentle reminder that she was still alive despite her not knowing the reason.
The other kids looked at her strangely as she walked past. She didn't mind, or at least that's what she told herself, she had become accustomed to this way of life. She was the only Daku-Moth left until the next mating season.
Mothra kept walking to the beach, finding Saki already waiting for her. Saki and her had been collect herbs and shells on the beach for months, the elder had said it was for the gods or something.
Mothra didn't understand it much but she knew she was related to them through her mother. "Good morning," Saki said happily, giving her a smile.
"Morning," Mothra muttered, taking a silk-like bag from Saki and putting it around her waist. Saki noticed her bandages but said nothing. Every morning, Saki thought.
"Come along, we have much to do," Saki murmured as she led the way. Mothra obliged, shuffling her way across the sand.
It was always quiet in the beginning of their day, though sooner or later, they'd find something to talk about.
Mothra plucked the herbs from the trees,  select few withering away in her hand— much to her dismay. "Curses," she muttered.
Saki looked over, "Are you alright?"
Mothra groaned, rubbing her face. "No, the herbs keep burning up in my hand," she then kicked the sand.
"How much have you collected?"
"Five herbs, the rest are withering," Mothra replied. Saki took off a few more herbs from the tree then placed them in the basket attached to her waist. The elder turned and walked over, grabbing Mothra's hands. "Miss Saki—"
"—Look," Saki stated. Mothra was confused, staring blankly at the moth in front of her.  "You don't wither away the people you care about, that's the extent of your power." Saki released Mothra's hands, "Extend that side to the plants, you want the herbs to heal us and make the gods happy right?"
Mothra hummed in response, "Good, so then, try it." Saki ordered. Mothra turned her attention back to the plants before her, reaching her hand out and focused all of the care and kindness she had her heart to go to her hands.
She slowly plucked the herbs again, finally able to retrieve several at a time. Mothra gasped and smiled, "Saki! Do you see—"
"—Focus child," she replied, not giving Mothra the attention she wanted. Regardless, Mothra went back to work happily.
Saki sighed, smiling a little at Mothra (unbeknownst to her, of course) as she continued to collect the herbs. Though, as she started doing this, her mind began to wander to a talk from a few days ago.
"So, Saki, how is she?" Kenji asked, sitting on a grassy bed before her.
"I assume she's fine, besides the scars her father leaves her," Saki muttered. Kenji nodded in acknowledgment, "Her powers are growing but I feel as though they're changing as well."
Kenji leaned forward, "Changing?"
Saki signed, placing her hands on her lap. She shifted uncomfortably on her own bed. "Well, it seems that her power affects things she doesn't have a care for— plants and shells, the thing we wanted her to collect while we figure out what he want her to truly do," Saki rubbed the back of her neck. "However, I've noticed that when it comes to me or Aspen, her power doesn't affect us and I don't believe it has anything to do with us being Akari's children," Saki concluded as her gaze fell on the elder.
Kenji took in this information carefully, unsure of how to use it. "Thank you, Saki. I'll keep it in mind."
Saki shook her head, and focused on anything else besides whatever fate Mothra may face. It didn't stop though.
Once Saki was frustrated enough, she sat down the basket. "Let's take a break," she told Mothra.
"Oh? Okay, it's kind of early though," Mothra murmured but she sat down on the sand with Saki. "Everything alright?" She asked.
Saki chuckled, "I should be asking you that question," she whispered.
Mothra looked down at her bandages for a moment and turned her head away. "It's nothing," she muttered.
Saki sighed and carefully grabbed the younger moths forearm, unwrapping her bandages. A golden string crept around Mothra's arms then to the rest of her body, healing her wounds.
"Thanks," Mothra whispered, not looking at Saki out of embarrassment. "We should get back to work," she stated as she stood up.
Saki winced, How can she keep her head up so high? She thought and joined her as they collected shells and herbs.
As Mothra walked around the main gathering area, she noticed the trees beginning to glow and dance in the wind. Midnight, she said, glancing up at the moon.
Everyone was gathered in this place tonight after they had received news of a mass die off of Kaiju in the most recent battle against the MUTO army.
As far as Mothra knew, it seemed like everyone was at war with the MUTOs— no matter how far you were. You weren't safe.
Aspen poked at her arm, "Are you alright?"
"Huh? Oh, yes. I'm quite fine, come on," Mothra replied as she led the way to her spot with her father. Aspen and his family always stood with them, it was the only time her father didn't want a hit or scream at her.
Tonight was about prayers and showing the gods that they needed aid, and that the people of the war were in danger if the gods didn't step in.
Divine Moths were always known for their songs and when they would sing, it seemed like nature responded to their calls with lights and calls of its own.
Mothra scratched her arm nervously, continuing to sing along with all them. Something didn't feel right, then again, most days didn't feel right.
She glanced up at the sky momentarily, sensing a weird presence in the air. The sky flickered and changed color, it wasn't black but rather a purplish-blue.
When she looked down, the ground beneath resembled glass. The people around her didn't reflect in the glass, only her as she stood with her father.
All in an instant, the purple-hued sky and glass-like flooring disappeared and returned to its natural view.
What was that? Mothra questioned, trying to focus back on the song. She saw Aspen glancing over at her, and it made her anxiety bubble in her stomach more. Focus, don't get caught acting out. She reminded. Aspen turned back to the tree.
The song picked up as a white light formed at the base of Aethymia tree, which was the Divine Moths best connection for contacting the gods. It looked like a wisteria willow but its power was much greater than its twin.
The voices went silence as a white mist floated in front of them all. Mothra's eyes landed on it, and suddenly her ears rang loudly. The sky flashed purple again, doing it over and over again— making her eyes shut tightly.
"Don't fear me," a voice told her. "Relax in my presence."
Mothra gasped quietly, "it's that voice again— is the mist you?" She knew she had telepathic abilities but didn't they'd help with her speaking to a spirit.
"Gatix! We come praying for the lives lost and the lives suffering in the wars destroying grasp!" yelled an elder, who happened to be directly in front of the mist on his knees.
Gatix? Mothra questioned in her mind as she watched the mist form into a moth. She was much larger than them anyone there, standing on two legs just like the Akari-Moths and Mothra— the last Daku-Moth.
The elders were all quiet. "Your prayers are heard," it was a deeper feminine voice than the normal ones Mothra heard daily.
"Mother, please have mercy on all of us," another elder murmured.
The glowing white moth twitched, the soft grey-blue eyes shifting momentarily to Mothra (or at least she thought) and then back to the elders.
"Mercy comes at a price, for you must watch your tongue and remember why you are here," Gatix replied. The elders all turned to each other in confusing. "Farewell," was all she said after.
The elders and everyone else watched as she disappeared, all confused and looking around in either fright or wonder.
Mothra glanced up at the sky again, it faded back to black and amongst the stars, she saw a white butterfly flying away.
"Will I be okay?" Mothra asked the goddess, understanding that telepathy was the best form of communication.
"Trust me," Gatix paused, "you'll be fine."
Everyone slowly began leaving and Mothra didn't hear the voice anymore. It seemed a heavy shock and disappointment hung over the crowd.
Aspen gingerly walked off with his family, which left Mothra alone with her father.
Azar turned to her, a scowl on his face. "What?"
"May I stay here a little longer?" Mothra was trying her best to remain polite and calm, but she had the feeling her father wanted to smack her.
"Fine, but be quick and come home when you're done," Azar replied as he walked off.
Mothra waited by the Aethyemia tree until everyone was gone. The silent night falling over her and the world.
She hopped down from the small cobblestone stage that had been built around the base and stood before the tree and its swaying leaves.
"I know you left but maybe you could come back?" Mothra murmured, her purple wings gleaming beneath the glow of the tree. "I used to think you didn't exist, I mean they spoke of you in folktales but I never thought..." Mothra's voice trailed off.
What was the point?
Did she have one?
Why would a god speak to her?
Mothra sighed, hanging her head. "I don't know why you spoke to me, but I'm sure you have your reasons my lady," she spoke.
"Oh, she did," said a male voice behind her. Mothra whipped around and saw a moth similar to her, much taller and darker. "Hello, Mothra."
"How do— Who are you?" She muttered, backing up into the stone stage.
"You don't know your grandfather?"
"Eep!" Mothra jumped and flapped her wings, moving far enough between the both of the moths. An Akari-Moth stood on the stage, she was bigger as well and definitely brighter than anyone else she had seen.
Her wings had orange and yellow ascents, a few blue colors thrown into the mix. "Then again, you were so young," the male said.
Mothra combed through her mind, trying to remember anything her mother could have said. But nothing came up.
"You know your faction types correct?" The girl asked, and Mothra nodded. "Well then, you're off to a great start! I am Akari: goddess of life, the sun, prophecies, healing, and the list goes on!" Akari said with a giggle and a flicker of her wings.
The darker moth sighed, "Akari is also your grandmother, like me— your grandfather. I am Daku: god of death, the moon, and I'm sure the rest you know."
Mothra's gaze kept running between the two. "My grandparents? On my mother's side?"
"Yes," Daku replied, folding his arms. "Gods, you really don't know much."
Mothra nodded, "I can agree with that. Though, why did you both show up now?"
Akari sat down on the stage, "Well, life as a god is busy." She stated as she stretched out her wings. "But we wished to see you, and since Gatix showed herself— We thought we might as well."
Mothra smiled a little, glancing up at the sky once again and noticing that it changed briefly. Akari and Daku seemed to notice her actions.
“Gatix was right,” Akari said telepathically to her soulwing.
Daku shook out his wings a little, "I know, but what if she gets hurt worse?" He relief.
"She can handle it, or at least that's what Gatix said," Akari replied. The moth then slid off the stage, and stood a few inches away from Mothra. She opened her arms and wings as if she was ready to receive a hug. Daku did the same. Then, they waited.
Mothra titled her head. "What am I supposed to do?"
"Hug us silly! Which ever one you feel closest to!" Akari chirped, giggling softly.
"Can I hug you both? I've never seen you two before and... I know mom would want me to hug you both." Mothra stated, her wings folding around her torso.
Akari and Daku glanced up at each other, then slowly came to Mothra and put their arms around her. Akari's forehead pressed against the left side of Mothra's head, meanwhile Daku's forehead pressed against the right.
For once, Mothra felt warm inside and she felt safe within their arms. It's almost like she could fall asleep within their presence or she could do whatever she wished with them nearby.
"Goodnight, Mosura." Their voices intertwined. It was sweet and she wanted to stay like this forever.
A/N: you all are welcome for the angst <3
- Pt. 0 & 1: https://www.tumblr.com/starzy-drawz/737712784729571329/0-monarch-file-61
- Pt. 2: https://www.tumblr.com/starzy-drawz/737713442358755328/note-tws-from-the-terms-and-disclaimers-are
- Part 3: https://www.tumblr.com/starzy-drawz/746441149199302656/3-the-lie
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cathedralcomic · 2 years
Moth went to give baby sister a pat on the back but killed her on accident ):
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eliaspspspsp · 1 year
I murdered a moth last night. I killed it in cold blood. It didn’t deserve such a fate now I’m re thinking my entirety of morals and life choices :( I’m sorry.
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loupy-mongoose · 5 months
My bro was walking through a birch forest in Minecraft, and I got a mental image of a birch Mothman I had to jot down.
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I've had a background interest in Mothman (Mothmans? Mothmen?) for a long time. Not necessarily THE Mothman, but art of him/them. There are a lot of cool interpretations out there.
I myself have a soft-boiled story of a Mothman falling in love with a Fire Elemental, based on the phrase "a moth to the flame". I'd love to do something with that story someday. I like the characters, and the fire girl is fun to draw. XD
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does viv know
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entomology tumblr i need your help.
i’m from the northeastern US and, as of posting this, it is late august.
this absolute UNIT of a caterpillar was about four inches long and 3/4 inch wide. it has about four tiny little horns by its head and a spiked tail. it’s a pale green color and has these diagonal, leaf-like lines on it.
i’ve looked at so many moth/butterfly identification websites and i can’t figure out what it is. it might be a tobacco hornworm, sphinx moth caterpillar, or a virginia creeper? those look the most similar but none of them quite look right
update: entomology tumblr you wild sons of a guns. it’s an elm sphinx moth!!
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moth-time · 4 months
thinking about dungeon meshi (as you do) and something that has been increasingly bothering me is how many people call Laios 'stupid' or similar. Often even as they are trying to pitch the manga to people.
And it's been bugging me because it's just. Absolutely not true? Laios is socially inept to a fault, that's like half the driving reason for the plot. But beside the obvious 'he knows a shit-ton about monsters and this is very helpful to their dungeon adventuring', he's also shown to be a good strategist, and pretty decent at magic once he actually puts his mind to it. He's a competent team leader who knows his teams strengths and weaknesses well despite being fairly bad at people. He can be silly, but to be fair so can most of his team. And he does make poor/stupid decisions (like eating raw parasite) mainly because of his hyperfixation sometimes. But he's far from stupid.
Idk man I am obviously annoyed because I think calling the heavily autistic coded guy 'stupid' is a bad look, but it annoys me doubly because the story makes it pretty obvious that he is not. That's a pretty essential part of the story actually!
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wizardryig · 7 months
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MY MOM LITERALLY WOKE ME UP TO SHOW ME THIS GUY SHE FOUND (she was TERRIFIED of him but knew i like bugs so hes on some cardboard LMAO)
i think hes a Tersa sphinx (Xylophanes tersa) ive seen the moths out here before but never one as a caterpillar
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silverskye13 · 11 months
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bex-is-complex · 8 months
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This has got to be one of my most favourite digital drawings ever
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blobee · 1 month
Wait, months tend to eat clothing... So Moth gears...
Moth gears would probably eat clothes... Or slam face first into a lamp lmao.
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the lamp? I think he would
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the vibes are Dendro and Sumeru today... hear me out
you've been a student at the Akademiya for a few years now, joining the Rtawahist Darshan to pursue your dream of studying the stars and everything above Teyvat. most people commended you for your study habits- others called you "too enthusiastic" or "nosy" due to your habit of covering all bases. you simply would respond that it wasn't exactly your fault that so many mysteries of the sky were rooted in structures and ruins on Teyvat- you'd go to the darkest depths if it meant unveiling even one well-kept secret.
so it really shouldn't have been a surprise when you eventually did end up uncovering a secret- a big fluffy purple secret.
to be honest, you're not even sure how it happened. one minute you were exploring some ruins, solving puzzles, and deciphering scrambled text on the walls, and the next moment there's a huge monster looming over you, mask-like face gleaming crimson even in the dim light. except it doesn't seem to want to attack or harm you at all, merely shaking the dust from its fur and kneeling to your height to get a closer look. apparently the creature likes what it sees, too, because its singular crystalline eye shines in delight as it lets out what sounds like a purr, and tentatively you crack a smile to be met with a joyful chitter.
this odd beast- Foul Legacy, you soon learn- follows you into the daylight, despite how the sun hurts his eye from so long spent in the dark. he's curious about everything, nudging at the books in your hands and watching as you scribble down key phrases and sketches and most of all, never leaving your side. and you, in all your tired scholarly glory, hesitantly pat his head and allow him to stay- he's not hurting anyone, although you're not sure how in the world you're going to get him into the Akademiya, since neither of you seem to want to leave the other behind.
seems that you did unearth a mystery, although not from the stars as you hoped to- no, from the Abyss at the very bottom of Teyvat.
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eldritch-m0th · 24 days
dunmeshi fans are wild, why do you like kabru (not mean just confused cause i see alot of love for him) man has main character syndrome to the max, not an uncommon occurrence in anime but usually overlooked because they are in fact the main character, kabru gets no such leeway to me, hes just annoying and weirdly moral and incredibly neurotypical, he thinks hes a genre aware protagonist but 1- he’s got the wrong genre and 2- hes not the protagonist
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valerian-insomniac · 8 months
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Hc that Vox had an internship with Alastor in the 60s-80s and lived in the Radio Tower's basement and it looked exactly like the nosfu sewer haven from vtmb
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Val was one of those ride or die girlfriends who everyone told shouldn't be with the guy they're dating because he's a incel leech who lives in their parents basement and doesn't have a job. Vox did not pass the headboard test 💔💔💔
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moonstruckdraws · 3 months
Heads up: this is a long post of images because I liked them better on their own instead of 2 pairs
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This took forever- and it was shorter before HELLI took MY CHILD and, me being me, had to make it accurate so DAMN ME
It is on me for showing my smol child after snatching Helli's so-
Maybe this'll be a grudge that we'll never return each other's children lmao
So- I guess- Pico is my son?- temporarily??-
S-Son..?? I WANT MY DAUGHTER BACK, but I also wanna be stubborn akioviehife
This is a stand off @hellishgayliath
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