#poor nolan
andishouldfeel · 9 months
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Necromancer Nolan Holloway AU
"How many deaths have you died to be so strong?
How many times have you screamed to be so silent?"
Trigger Warning: angts, death, seizure, blood
in order to become a "master of death", you must get a taste of if before...
The nightmares got worse, and the lack of sleep was definitely affecting his performance at school, he survived purely on caffeine lately.
Nolan was just leaving chemistry class when it happened.
There was a lot of people on the hallway, a lot of dead people.
Edgar, Tiang, Janney, Brett... Gabe.
These were the few he knew.
They were all just standing, looking bloody and maimed.
Gabe had all his bullet's holes oozing blood and Brett was drooling a black goo.
It was like a horror movie.
Nolan's heart hammered in his chest, he was stuck on his feet, just staring at them.
Then, it all happened really fast, a blinding pain in his head, aching like it was about to blow, the nauseous feeling in his stomach, the rapid fluttering of heart in his chest, his lungs burned, the sudden taste of blood on his mouth...
"Dude, are you okay?" Mason asked.
Nolan collapsed.
Corey and Mason watched as Nolan fell to the ground fast, as if someone had cut his strings, there wasn't even time for them to react, he was already at the ground.
It took Mason a few seconds, but Corey already was at Nolan's side.
"Nolan, what... What the hell?!"
Nolan's chest jerked away from the ground, his mouth open in a silent scream and his eyes open, fogged, like a cloud was stuck inside his eyes.
Just as fast as it started, he went completely still.
"Someone call an ambulance!" Mason screamed at the students gathering along the scene.
"Mason, he has no heartbeat." Corey said almost in a whisper. "I can hear nothing!"
"Oh my God, okay, okay..." Mason prepared his hands, trying to remember everything from his heath class, he was about to start a very clumsy CPR, when Nolan took a big breath, chest jerking away from the floor again, almost instantly his body started convulsing.
"We need to start counting!" A girl said in the growing crowd.
"On it!" Another boy said, looking nervous from the clock to Nolan's form, seizuring on the floor.
Corey and Mason did their best through the first minute that the seizure lasted, holding Nolan on his side, covering him with a coat donated by someone when he lost control of his bladder.
He just stopped, breathing heavily, then another seizure followed.
The bell rang, and there were and even more people joining the crowd.
"What happened?"
"Have you all called an ambulance already?"
"Oh my God, there's blood coming out of his mouth!"
"Is he dying?"
"Is he possessed?"
"OKAY EVERYONE, GET OUT, FOLLOW TO YOUR NEXT CLASSES, I DON'T WANT TO SEE A SOUL AROUND!" Coach screamed, and people instantly started vanishing.
"Oh, shit!" Liam joined them quickly "He smells awful."
Nolan had just calmed, laying lifeless on the floor, blood coming out from the corner of his mouth.
"He must've bit this tongue... But at least his heart is beating." Corey said, relieved. "Do you think we can move him?"
"No, keep him there." Coach instructed. "Ambulance in on it's way."
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roguecanoe · 10 months
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yukipedia · 4 months
guys im scared
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lovebaybayme · 2 days
How can Nolan party in Nashville if he can't go to most of the clubs since he is not 21?
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starfall-xo · 6 months
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2024 Academy Awards Best Picture Nominees as VHS tapes by @ShawnMansfield
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crismakesstuff · 10 months
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ok but can we talk about how nolan was the one who sent this thraxan disguised like this to come get mark. He made sure to choose something non-threatening that mark loves so he wouldn’t be that scared
he knew that mark loves seance dog so much that he’s even remembered the catchphrase of his boys favorite fictional character.
can you imagine him probably teaching this one thraxan how to talk like seance dog and making sure that he got everything right to convince mark to come to thraxa. Remembering when mark would run around the house dressed up like him and maybe there’s even cartoons of him so nolan has that all burned into his mind of how the character talks because mark loved it so much and would repeat the lines over and over?
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xantera · 6 months
Dude give Mark a break, looking at him and his trauma/responsibilities makes me concern af
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Give the poor guy a break
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diazsdimples · 5 months
hey james! for buddie or bucktommy. i’m making you choose jsdjskf “why are you looking at me like that?”
Hey Nolan!! I'm gonna do Bucktommy for this one, if you don't mind!!
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Tommy asks as he once again catches Buck staring. Buck flushes deeply, a pretty pink running up his neck and into his cheeks until he feels like his whole face is on fire. Never before has he been with someone so skilled at reducing him to a giggly, blushing mess like Tommy can. It's like Tommy has a direct line to the "Idiot Centre" in Buck's brain and can activate it with a simple look or a few well timed words. "I-I'm just - I mean, I wasn't - looking at you like what?" Buck stammers. Honestly, he's got no excuse for the way he was gazing at Tommy, all lovesick and dopey like a highschool girl. His boyfriend is hot and he's still a giddy that Tommy's with him at all. So he stares at him sometimes? Sue him! Tommy grins, his nose scrunching in a way that has Buck's stomach go all fluttery, and he rounds the kitchen island so he's no more than a couple of inches away from Buck. Close enough to have Buck's heart rate going up a couple of notches, but still too far. He needs him close, needs to be able to feel Tommy's chest press against his as he breathes, needs to feel Tommy's lips brush his as he speaks, needs to feel Tommy's co- Okay yeah, he's getting a little carried away. It's not his fault. "You were looking at me the way a 2000's teen girl would have looked at Justin Bieber whenever he flicked his hair," Tommy teases, and Buck wishes a hole would open underneath him and swallow him up. "I was just-" he begins, going redder still when Tommy crosses his arms and watches him with a half-smirk, his head cocked to the side. He looks far too adorable for his own good and it's not helping Buck's dilemma at all. "You're cute," he finishes lamely, unable to meet Tommy's eyes because he just knows Tommy is going to be looking at him with that soft, amused look on his face, like watching Buck bumble and ramble his way through their relationship is his favourite pastime - which, it probably is. "I'm cute," Tommy repeats, and Buck can hear the delight his voice. It's mortifying. It's humiliating. He's going to run away and live in the forest and become a hermit and - Suddenly Tommy's lips are on his and oh, yeah that's okay then, Buck can go with this. Buck can definitely get behind kissing Tommy if it means he doesn't talk and make even more of a fool of himself. Plus, Tommy's got this way of completely taking Buck apart with his lips, kissing him so thoroughly that he forgets his own name, forgets every little detail about himself except that he's kissing Tommy. Tommy pulls away and Buck pants, a little breathless from the kiss. Their foreheads rest against one another and their breaths mingle, warm and heavy and full of affection between them. "Well the good news is," Tommy says, his voice husky enough that it sends little shivers of joy down Buck's spine, "I think you're cute too." What else is Buck meant to do than blush once again?
Send me a ship and a sentence and I'll finish it!
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multifxndomedits · 6 months
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- like/reblog if you save/use
(requests are closed: sorry! at the moment my routine is hard to deal with! i'll do my best!)
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dweemeister · 6 months
Instant reactions to the 96th Academy Awards
A rough night for me. But there have been rougher ones before. I imagine most of my comments put me in a very lonely minority, as has been apparent the last few months.
But here goes:
For all intents and purposes, yours truly was on the Killers of the Flower Moon train. An extraordinary crime epic from Scorsese, with astounding craftsmanship and fantastic performance from Lily Gladstone. More than what I previously believed possible, a major studio production went out of its way to make sure that its Indigenous American representation on-screen was as genuine as it could possibly be (still imperfect, as the film acknowledges, but what an effort). And yet, KOTFM goes 0/10. I've never had a favored Best Picture nominee be shut out in such a way before. And I'm not surprised at all by it. It was clear that non-American and non-Canadian audiences didn't get the context to the film (a criticism I understand, given the screenplay) and, in other quarters, folks thought it was too long (I admittedly have a higher tolerance for longer movies) and others have said something akin to the fact that they are getting tired over "racial guilt" movies from America. I'm not in the mood to respond to the last one. I think it deserved better tonight. I particularly think Lily Gladstone deserved better tonight.
Stat upheld: two non-white actresses have never won on the same night in Oscar history. History, in and of itself, was always against Gladstone.
Oppenheimer winning? Fine, I guess. It was my #4 choice of the ten Best Picture nominees. I guess Christopher Nolan was overdue, but I have always been a Nolan skeptic. The film certainly is his most humanistic, and I appreciate that. As for the narrative organization and editing trickery? It mostly serves to take me out of the movie. And I don't think Nolan truly understands what thematic film music can accomplish for his movies. I think RDJ should have had much more competition all season long, but he did not. Most people are gonna say this is the return of the Academy's favorite subgenre... the Great Man Biopic. But in composition and structure, Oppenheimer (and even Maestro) resembles very little of the past Great Man Biopics. It'll be interesting to see how history treats this movie.
I disliked Poor Things. I didn't care for its sense of humor, didn't agree with many folks' opinions that it was a magnum opus of female empowerment. I thought it was incredibly male gaze-y and troublingly sanitized its scenes of sex work. Jerskin Fendrix's score was unlistenable outside the context of the film and distracting within it. But it has four Academy Awards and people love this movie, so my opinion can go to heck?
Well done Da'Vine Joy Randolph for her win as Supporting Actress for The Holdovers. I truly hope this opens up a lot more new opportunities for her going for! Wonderful speech.
And speaking of wonderful speeches, both documentary winners got me very emotional. The Last Repair Shop is on YouTube for American and Canadian viewers, and it's simply wonderful. Perhaps the happiest I was all night long! And then came Mstyslav Chernov's speech after winning for 20 Days in Mariupol. Chernov had, arguably, the speech of the night. And I agree with him. I, too, wish he never had to make his film and that he never won this Oscar. But he did his job to document what happened in Mariupol. And for that he (and the Ukrainians suffering and dying in their war versus Russia) deserves our plaudits and support.
Once more, Hayao Miyazaki cannot be bothered to show up to an awards ceremony. It's hilarious! I would have voted Robot Dreams, but The Boy and the Heron is not a winner to sniff at. Spider-Verse will have one more shot.... whenever the third movie comes out?
Good lord, they selected the worst possible winner in Animated Short with War Is Over!. There's an unwritten rule that the Academy, among the fifteen nominated shorts, must select one which will piss me the hell off. And for the second straight year in Animated Short, they have done exactly that, choosing something akin to a soft drink commercial.
Billie Eilish and Finneas are now the youngest and second-youngest ever to win two Oscars, after Luise Rainer (Best Actress for 1936's The Great Ziegfeld and 1937's The Good Earth). That feels very, very weird. In both cases of this record.
The "I'm Just Ken" performance? Gentlemen Prefer Blondes (Like Ken)??? Busby Berkeley choreography? What do the kids say? Inject that straight into my veins? It was wonderful.
And speaking of nods to cinema history, I'm so glad they led off the stunt performers tribute with Charlie Chaplin, Buster Keaton, and Harold Lloyd. :,)
And congratulations to Godzilla Minus One and its Best Visual Effects win! After seventy years, Godzilla is now an Oscar-winning franchise, and its win percentage is 100%! Simply wonderful!
I think the moral of the story is that the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS) has been gradually internationalizing over the last decade. And the results of that were very clear tonight. Does that mean I'm too provincial in my tastes? I don't know. But wins such as Emma Stone's, Anatomy of a Fall, The Boy and the Heron, and Godzilla are demonstrative of that.
I'm glad this season is over. I certainly hope that Killers of the Flower Moon will be looked upon more kindly by history and time, without the bells and whistles of awards campaigning and a fuller understanding of why it was made the way it was.
This month has been fun! But now it's time to see movies again without the lens of awards for a long, long while.
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artistsonthelam · 6 months
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Oscars 2024 // (my tweets: 1 & 2)
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victoriously-regal · 7 months
Rumple: We’re kind of missing something, everybody. Killian: Cohesion? Emma: Teamwork? Zelena: A general sense of what we’re doing? David: And Snow is not here. Killian: Oh, and that, yeah.
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amazingactorarmitage · 4 months
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mccallhero · 10 months
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favourite ouat scenes: 1/?
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I finally watched Oppenheimer and I’d like to thank Nolan for offering us 3 hours of Cillian Murphy looking like the most pathetic babygirl in distress. 
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