#poor windy :(
windfighter · 2 days
Eshe: Some humans even stomp around on my ROOF
Me, who always ends up parkouring onto her roof: *Gasp* Who would do such a thing!
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
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smilesrobotlover · 11 months
Whumptober day 18- blindfold, tortured for information
Continuation from day 9
This one is short and sweet unlike yesterday’s and I find it enjoyable. Windy is just a lil brat <3
Warnings: torture obviously (it’s not that bad he just gets punched a few times and threatened)
Windy didn’t know how much time had passed since he and Wild got taken by those yiga guys, but it felt like it’d been a while. After hours of being blindfolded and dragged through the woods, Windy was thrown onto the hard ground, and he was left alone. His hands were still tied behind his back, and his blindfold was still over his eyes, so he didn’t know if he was simply abandoned or if the yiga didn’t want to bother with him yet. But his question was answered when he heard pained cries coming from far away, cries that sounded like Wild. Windy tried to undo the ropes around his wrists, he tried to peel off the blindfold, he even tried to blindly feel his way around the forest. But the ropes were too tight, the blindfold was too stubborn, and he ran into too many walls for him to deny that he was in a cage. All Windy could do was to hear Wild’s screams, and it was almost torturous for him. After too many long hours of screaming, it suddenly stopped, and Windy felt his blood run cold. There were footsteps approaching his cage and he kicked whatever was in front of him despite it being a fruitless effort.
“Wh-who’s there? Stay away from me!” He shouted, his back up against the cage.
“Easy now,” he heard the familiar voice of Hyrule say to him in an empty voice. “I just want to talk.”
Windy growled. “I’m not gonna fall for that again! I know you’re those red freaks! What have you done to Wild?”
He heard laughing and a popping sound, and he assumed that the yiga guy turned back to normal.
“Guess you can’t be fooled twice then huh?” He sneered, and Windy heard the cage open. “Now, like I said before, I just wanna talk to you.”
“Because, you might have some… useful information for us.” The yiga grabbed Windy’s chin and forced it up, and the blindfold was finally taken off of him. Windy blinked at the harsh light, but he glared at the one eyed mask. The yiga snorted and he sat down beside Windy as if they were old pals. “Y’see, me and my colleague, we had two missions we needed to get done. Obviously, the main one, which was capturing the hero. But there was one other person we needed to capture,” the yiga leaned closer to Windy, and he scooted away. “That boy who you call… Freckles? Yes, he may be valuable to the yiga clan.”
Windy stared at him with a baffled look. “Wh-why do you want Hyrule?”
“Ah, another nickname, I can’t keep up with these,” the yiga leaned in closer to Windy, and he found himself pressed up against a corner. “Freckles—or Hyrule I guess— is a special boy. When me and my colleague saw him, he did something… magical. He turned into a fairy.” The yiga was now inches away from his face. “I don’t think you realize how valuable half fairies are, but if we brought home the hero and your friend? Why… we’d be heroes!”
Windy stared at him for a second, then burst out laughing. He giggled like a crazy person for a long while, and when the yiga just stared at him, he stopped. “You can’t be serious,” Windy said, still trying not to giggle.
“Wh— you don’t believe me?”
Windy snorted. “Of course I don’t believe you. That’s ridiculous!”
The yiga was shocked and he leaned back. “I saw him turn into a fairy with my own eyes! And, don’t you think it’s a little odd that he’s so magically gifted too?”
“Not really, I have magic, a lot of us have magic, Hyrule isn’t special.”
The yiga growled and stepped back. “So you don’t know that he’s a fairy, fine. I don’t need you to believe me.” The yiga grabbed Windy’s face harshly and pulled him closer. “It wouldn’t hurt to double check right?”
“Tch, I’m never telling you where he is!”
The yiga punched him in the face suddenly, then grabbed his shirt and pulled him off his feet. Windy groaned as he was held up inches away from the yiga, his eye already beginning to swell shut.
“You’re gonna tell me, even if I have to beat the information out of you!”
A punch came to his gut and he was thrown to the ground. Windy struggled to take in a breath as his insides felt like they were on fire.
“Where is he?”
“E-even if I knew where he was… I’d never tell you!” Windy spat. The yiga kicked him in the ribs and grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling him up. Windy let out a pained groan, unable to alleviate the pain with his hands tied behind his back.
“What’s the point in lying, little hero? Are you just going to let yourself get beaten to death when you can make it all go away with just a few words?” Windy was punched square in the face, and hot blood started pouring out of his nose. Windy blinked the tears away and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to reorient himself.
“I—I don’t know where he is,” he wheezed, “I really don’t know! So why don’t you direct all this energy towards something that matters! Like becoming a better person!”
The yiga growled and picked him up again, staring him down, but Windy just glared back.
“You don’t scare me,” the hero of winds said in a low voice, and the yiga scoffed.
“Don’t think that I won’t kill you just because you’re a kid.”
“You’re not the first one to think that.”
The yiga didn’t say anything, and he threw Windy harshly on the ground. He paced back and forth, watching the beaten hero intently as if he’d disappear right in front of him. Finally, he pulled out his blade and stepped closer to him.
“Seeing how you’re useless to me, I suppose there really is no reason in keeping you alive.” The yiga soldier lifted his blade and Windy gasped. He didn’t think he’d go out like this, but if he could keep Hyrule safe, then so be it. Windy flinched as the blade was about to go down, but he heard a pained grunt along with clattering. He looked up and saw the yiga soldier crumpled to the ground with Age standing over him.
“Age! You found us!” Windy cheered as the other champion walked over to him, cutting the ropes around his wrists. “Boy am I glad to see you! We need to get to Wild! Is Hyrule with you? Is he ok—“
“How about you focus on yourself, Windy,” Age interrupted him, giving him an amused look. “Hyrule is fine, he’s back at camp. Twilight is going after Wild right now.”
Windy let out a sigh of relief and began to stand up. “Good, come on, we gotta help him, these yiga guys are—“ Windy let out a pained groan as he fell to his knees, holding his torso. He wondered if he had some broken ribs.
“Hey, the yiga aren’t hard to fight, he’ll be fine,” Age helped Windy stand and walked him out of the cage. Windy let out a pained breath as he was lowered to the ground.
“Yeah well they kidnapped and stabbed me so they’re not that harmless.”
“They stabbed you?”
Windy waved it off. “It’s fine. It got healed up.” Age gave him a worried look and Windy waved it off again. “It’s fine! Besides, it’s my injuries right now that I’m worried about!”
Age smirked and wrapped his arm around Windy digging into his pouch for a potion or fairy.
“Well, rest for now, I promise Wild will be ok.”
Windy leaned against Age, his eye and nose throbbing while the other champion continued searching for a potion. He let himself relax and prayed that Wild would be safely rescued as well.
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kazzykatt · 11 months
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the shoulder riders can't handle wimdy days D:
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chrissignore · 5 months
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Lately I've been watching a lot of Walter Lantz stuff, and I've realised that 'Andy Panda and Pop' and 'Windy and Breezy' are pretty similar to one another -- right down to the kiddie character that hardly says or does anything 😂
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skyward-floored · 2 years
Febuwhump day 14 - captivity
THIS IS REALLY DUMB I don’t think it even counts as whump it’s just silly but my brain is just fried so anjfdfhddghjk
Spirit is spirit tracks Link, Windy is wind waker/phantom hourglass, and Hue is a link between worlds/Tri force heroes
Minor blood warning, but it’s really not much :)
Courage of ages explanation
“Spirit for the love of Jabun quit calling me that.”
Spirit let out a nervous laugh. “Sorry si— um, Windy. Do you... know what they’re going to do to us?”
Windy sighed, and rested his head against the cold stone behind him, chain rattling where it was hooked around his wrist.
“No, I don’t know. Nothing good though I’m betting.”
Spirit frowned, and looked down at his own wrist, an identical chain locked around it. He tugged it a little, a thoughtful look on his face, and Windy looked down at his own, wishing he’d managed to hold onto the lock pick he kept in his sleeve.
The Yiga had been thorough though, stripping him and Spirit of all of their possessions before throwing them in the cold stone cell. Windy had heard them muttering something about “moving them to base”, but he hadn’t caught any more before they’d left, and he knew he and Spirit needed to get out before they were moved.
Or they likely wouldn’t be able to get out.
“Got any ideas?” he asked the younger boy next to him, and Spirit shrugged, shivering a little. The Yiga had taken his bandana, and he looked somewhat cold without it.
“Well... we need to get these off obviously,” Spirit said, jingling his manacle. “They don’t look too well made, but I don’t if we can break them without any tools. And there’s nothing here to pick the locks either,” he sighed, and Windy groaned.
“Tell me about it. They took my good lock pick too, that thing was hard to get my hands on,” he huffed. “And going to be a pain in the butt to replace.”
“Well then... how are we gonna get out, sir?” Spirit asked, and Windy gave him a flat look.
“What did I say about the sirs?”
“Anyway, I don’t know how we’re gonna get out, but we’ll think of something,” Windy reassured, fiddling with his chain again. “Maybe some of the links are weaker than the others, and we can just break them?”
Spirit shrugged and began to mess with his chain, thumbing along the metal links before letting out a small snicker.
Windy raised an eyebrow, and Spirit cleared his throat.
“Uh, just um... Links.”
He snickered again, and Windy laughed along with him as they continued to fiddle with the chains, a somewhat comfortable silence falling between them.
Time crawled by, neither of them sure of how long it had been since they’d landed in here. Windy couldn’t help wishing Sprite was here; he didn’t want him captured obviously, but he’d at least be able to tell them how long it had been. The cell was windowless, and no natural light shone down the hall either, so they had no way of knowing.
The uncertainty of their situation was setting in again the longer they sat there, and Windy fidgeted endlessly with the manacle clamped around his wrist, worry gnawing at his stomach. He didn’t know what would happen to them, and though he was well aware Spirit could handle himself, he couldn’t help but worry how he was going to keep him safe.
He was mulling all of this over for the third time when Spirit’s voice interrupted his thoughts, and he looked up at the younger boy.
“Sorry, what did you say?”
“Oh, I was wondering if... do you think the others’ll find us?” Spirit asked, his voice quiet.
Windy immediately nodded, nudging his side and giving him a reassuring grin.
“For sure. We’ve got like, three trackers in our group, they’ll find us. I mean, if we don’t get out of here first anyway,” he said with a wink. “I bet Gloam is already on our trail.”
“And worried out of his mind,” Spirit added with a little smile, looking better as he leaned against the wall.
Windy grinned back and was about to reply, but the door suddenly rattled, and they both froze and looked over at it.
The door rattled again, and opened to reveal two Yiga standing in the doorway, which Windy promptly glared at. They completely ignored him though, and instead threw something inside the cell without further ado.
Except it wasn’t a thing at all, it was Hue, and Windy lurched forward as his fellow hero hit the ground with a small grunt.
“Hue!” Spirit said in shock, but he didn’t seem to hear him, barely moving even when the yiga that had thrown him in laughed and slammed the door behind them.
Windy pulled himself as far forwards as he could to where Hue had landed, giving him a nudge with his toe. The green-haired hero groaned, then raised his head after a few more pokes from Windy, looking around in confusion for a couple moments.
“Hue are you okay?!” Spirit frantically asked, and Hue merely blinked at him.
“Hue, hey Link, are you okay?” Windy asked as well, worry tightening around his throat. Hue stared at him for a few seconds, blood trickling down his temple and confusion in his eyes.
Then he startled and sat up, wincing a bit at the abrupt movement.
“Windy! Spirit! I found you!” he exclaimed, and Spirit frowned.
“Well yeah, but now you’re stuck in here,” he pointed out, and Hue drooped a little.
“Oh. Yeah. Well, the others were close by, they’ll notice I’m gone soon I bet,” he said brightly, then winced and put a hand to his forehead. “Ow.”
“What did they do to you?” Windy asked, and Hue slid next to him when he motioned him over.
“Ah... they kinda snuck up on me while I was looking for you guys. Think they tried to knock me unconscious, but they sort of missed and just nicked me a little, enough that they were able to grab me,” he mumbled, sounding a little embarrassed. “It’s not that ba— ow!”
Windy had prodded the side of his head where the blood was thickest, and Hue lurched backwards, giving him an annoyed look.
“What was that for? I said it wasn’t that bad!”
“The blood all over the side of your head kinda makes me want to disagree with you on that,” Windy drawled, giving him a poke. “Plus the fact that you got thrown in here and didn’t move or recognize us for a solid thirty seconds.”
“Does he have a concussion?” Spirit said worriedly, and Hue let out a huff.
“Peu importe I’m fine,” he grumbled, and Windy ignored him, pulling his head down so it was resting on his lap.
“Well whether you’re fine or not, I think you should take it easy just in case,” he said amicably. “Even if it’s not a concussion, you were obviously bleeding a fair amount.”
Hue let out a long sigh. “Fiiiiine.”
Hue was obviously annoyed he’d been caught, so Windy simply began to braid a bit of his hair, the other boy slowly relaxing but as he worked. Spirit slid closer to the two of them, and they sat together in silence again for a bit, Windy worrying at the blood caked in Hue’s hair.
“How’s everyone else?” Spirit piped up eventually. “Are they coming?”
Hue waved his hand in a so-so manner. “I mean... yes? We’ve been looking for you guys all day, but I guess I’m the only one who went in the right direction since I’m the only one the Yiga grabbed. Unless... they’re about to toss someone else in here!”
They all turned to look at the door, and several moments of silence went by.
“...okay never mind.”
“All right, so we can’t necessarily count on the others,” Windy said thoughtfully, rubbing a hand on his chin. “They’re close though at least. We’ll just have to get out ourselves.”
“But we’ve tried everything, there’s no way out of here except the door,” Spirit frowned, then jingled the chain around his wrist. “And these aren’t coming loose so we can’t even get there to try and get it open.”
Windy sighed, resigning himself to another several uncertain hours stuck in here, but Hue abruptly sat up, startling him as he excitedly held out his wrists.
That didn’t have any chains clamped around them.
Windy stared, hope returning in his chest as a grin stretched across his face. If Hue wasn’t chained up, he might be able to get them out of their chains, and the next time the Yiga came in the cell...
“They forget to chain me up,” Hue said with no small amount of glee, and Spirit’s face lit up. Hue flashed the both of them a bright smile, and Windy returned it.
“We’re getting out of here guys.”
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italoniponic · 11 months
[Anne of Windy Poplars, a summary]
Random person from Summerside: Can you handle this situation, Anne? [insert name here] is basically a beast and only you can deal with them!
Anne @ Gilbert by letters: This is my life now, honey
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daredevilwindypaws · 5 months
shapeshifter that looks a bit wonky
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adrift-in-thyme · 1 year
Ok I’ve got no restraint. Have a snippet from the fic I’ve been obsessing over for the past hour
“What’s the matter, sailor?” He grins, cracked lips pulling back to reveal crimson-tinged teeth. “Do you not like this new version of me?”
Wind takes a step back. His sword feels heavy in his hand.
“You-you’re not you, Warriors.”
Even saying it makes his throat feel tight. But he has to. He has to speak the truth.
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hiddenworldofmary · 8 months
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january in 9 pictures
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meowthiroth · 10 months
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killuaisaprincess · 4 months
iced bun
“Happy Mother’s Day, Leorio.”
There’s silence on the other end for a second, just buzzing, before a loud yell.
Killua holds back a giggle, and he can hear Leorio grumbling and mumbling on the other side.
Killua sniffs, putting on his best wobbly voice.
“W-What? Nanika and Alluka d-did it for me…”
“Fine. Thanks, kid. Now stop messing with me and get some rest! Doctor's Orders!”
Killua’s eyes water and he looks at Gon, wailing.
“G-Gon… L-Leorio… actually cares about m-me…”
Leorio can hear his blubbering through the phone, and he isn’t sure if Killua is still trolling him or is serious.
“O-Of course, I do!”
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fleeblesim · 8 months
My queue's run out, but I'm p busy w uni rn so it might be a but quiet from me, as well as more sporadic posting in the future rather than consistent 😁😓
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ghostinghome · 2 years
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windy !!! herws an attempt at animating,, ive never done this 😿😿
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lashysdomain · 8 months
Weirdo jock? Do you know this person? Or are they someone like new to you?
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"He's new.... Just transferred into our campus. Bio major so we have a same class.... He's... Kinda stupid."
"Like really stupid."
"Makes Levy look like a genius."
"Should be specified that this is emotional. He's pretty good with class work, but the guy can't even tell he's being excluded from shit by his own damn teammates."
"Moron asked if I wanted to go to his place or mine to work on our project. As if that's ever going to fucking happen. Some idiot did chemistry in the library so we couldn't just go there. Ended up taking him over to the Scarbucks Levy works at. If the guy's a weirdo I can just force Levy to let me into the back or something."
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whateverwhatevs · 2 years
Gap the Series: the Series with SO MANY open flames like oh my god!
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