#I need to write about age
smilesrobotlover · 8 months
Whumptober day 18- blindfold, tortured for information
Continuation from day 9
This one is short and sweet unlike yesterday’s and I find it enjoyable. Windy is just a lil brat <3
Warnings: torture obviously (it’s not that bad he just gets punched a few times and threatened)
Windy didn’t know how much time had passed since he and Wild got taken by those yiga guys, but it felt like it’d been a while. After hours of being blindfolded and dragged through the woods, Windy was thrown onto the hard ground, and he was left alone. His hands were still tied behind his back, and his blindfold was still over his eyes, so he didn’t know if he was simply abandoned or if the yiga didn’t want to bother with him yet. But his question was answered when he heard pained cries coming from far away, cries that sounded like Wild. Windy tried to undo the ropes around his wrists, he tried to peel off the blindfold, he even tried to blindly feel his way around the forest. But the ropes were too tight, the blindfold was too stubborn, and he ran into too many walls for him to deny that he was in a cage. All Windy could do was to hear Wild’s screams, and it was almost torturous for him. After too many long hours of screaming, it suddenly stopped, and Windy felt his blood run cold. There were footsteps approaching his cage and he kicked whatever was in front of him despite it being a fruitless effort.
“Wh-who’s there? Stay away from me!” He shouted, his back up against the cage.
“Easy now,” he heard the familiar voice of Hyrule say to him in an empty voice. “I just want to talk.”
Windy growled. “I’m not gonna fall for that again! I know you’re those red freaks! What have you done to Wild?”
He heard laughing and a popping sound, and he assumed that the yiga guy turned back to normal.
“Guess you can’t be fooled twice then huh?” He sneered, and Windy heard the cage open. “Now, like I said before, I just wanna talk to you.”
“Because, you might have some… useful information for us.” The yiga grabbed Windy’s chin and forced it up, and the blindfold was finally taken off of him. Windy blinked at the harsh light, but he glared at the one eyed mask. The yiga snorted and he sat down beside Windy as if they were old pals. “Y’see, me and my colleague, we had two missions we needed to get done. Obviously, the main one, which was capturing the hero. But there was one other person we needed to capture,” the yiga leaned closer to Windy, and he scooted away. “That boy who you call… Freckles? Yes, he may be valuable to the yiga clan.”
Windy stared at him with a baffled look. “Wh-why do you want Hyrule?”
“Ah, another nickname, I can’t keep up with these,” the yiga leaned in closer to Windy, and he found himself pressed up against a corner. “Freckles—or Hyrule I guess— is a special boy. When me and my colleague saw him, he did something… magical. He turned into a fairy.” The yiga was now inches away from his face. “I don’t think you realize how valuable half fairies are, but if we brought home the hero and your friend? Why… we’d be heroes!”
Windy stared at him for a second, then burst out laughing. He giggled like a crazy person for a long while, and when the yiga just stared at him, he stopped. “You can’t be serious,” Windy said, still trying not to giggle.
“Wh— you don’t believe me?”
Windy snorted. “Of course I don’t believe you. That’s ridiculous!”
The yiga was shocked and he leaned back. “I saw him turn into a fairy with my own eyes! And, don’t you think it’s a little odd that he’s so magically gifted too?”
“Not really, I have magic, a lot of us have magic, Hyrule isn’t special.”
The yiga growled and stepped back. “So you don’t know that he’s a fairy, fine. I don’t need you to believe me.” The yiga grabbed Windy’s face harshly and pulled him closer. “It wouldn’t hurt to double check right?”
“Tch, I’m never telling you where he is!”
The yiga punched him in the face suddenly, then grabbed his shirt and pulled him off his feet. Windy groaned as he was held up inches away from the yiga, his eye already beginning to swell shut.
“You’re gonna tell me, even if I have to beat the information out of you!”
A punch came to his gut and he was thrown to the ground. Windy struggled to take in a breath as his insides felt like they were on fire.
“Where is he?”
“E-even if I knew where he was… I’d never tell you!” Windy spat. The yiga kicked him in the ribs and grabbed a fistful of hair, pulling him up. Windy let out a pained groan, unable to alleviate the pain with his hands tied behind his back.
“What’s the point in lying, little hero? Are you just going to let yourself get beaten to death when you can make it all go away with just a few words?” Windy was punched square in the face, and hot blood started pouring out of his nose. Windy blinked the tears away and squeezed his eyes shut, trying to reorient himself.
“I—I don’t know where he is,” he wheezed, “I really don’t know! So why don’t you direct all this energy towards something that matters! Like becoming a better person!”
The yiga growled and picked him up again, staring him down, but Windy just glared back.
“You don’t scare me,” the hero of winds said in a low voice, and the yiga scoffed.
“Don’t think that I won’t kill you just because you’re a kid.”
“You’re not the first one to think that.”
The yiga didn’t say anything, and he threw Windy harshly on the ground. He paced back and forth, watching the beaten hero intently as if he’d disappear right in front of him. Finally, he pulled out his blade and stepped closer to him.
“Seeing how you’re useless to me, I suppose there really is no reason in keeping you alive.” The yiga soldier lifted his blade and Windy gasped. He didn’t think he’d go out like this, but if he could keep Hyrule safe, then so be it. Windy flinched as the blade was about to go down, but he heard a pained grunt along with clattering. He looked up and saw the yiga soldier crumpled to the ground with Age standing over him.
“Age! You found us!” Windy cheered as the other champion walked over to him, cutting the ropes around his wrists. “Boy am I glad to see you! We need to get to Wild! Is Hyrule with you? Is he ok—“
“How about you focus on yourself, Windy,” Age interrupted him, giving him an amused look. “Hyrule is fine, he’s back at camp. Twilight is going after Wild right now.”
Windy let out a sigh of relief and began to stand up. “Good, come on, we gotta help him, these yiga guys are—“ Windy let out a pained groan as he fell to his knees, holding his torso. He wondered if he had some broken ribs.
“Hey, the yiga aren’t hard to fight, he’ll be fine,” Age helped Windy stand and walked him out of the cage. Windy let out a pained breath as he was lowered to the ground.
“Yeah well they kidnapped and stabbed me so they’re not that harmless.”
“They stabbed you?”
Windy waved it off. “It’s fine. It got healed up.” Age gave him a worried look and Windy waved it off again. “It’s fine! Besides, it’s my injuries right now that I’m worried about!”
Age smirked and wrapped his arm around Windy digging into his pouch for a potion or fairy.
“Well, rest for now, I promise Wild will be ok.”
Windy leaned against Age, his eye and nose throbbing while the other champion continued searching for a potion. He let himself relax and prayed that Wild would be safely rescued as well.
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girlatrocity · 3 months
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villain kids!!
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egophiliac · 1 year
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here's a bunch of quick reactions to some of the smaller bits, while I work on bigger things for the bigger bits and obsess over Silver's breakdown some more. don't be fooled -- this is only the beginning of my descent into pure diasomnia hell.
(I also need to figure out how to draw OB Mal better)
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mariatesstruther · 4 months
okay but sarah celebrating tommy every year for mother’s day
#who needs a mommy when you got a tommy#the first time shes does this its preschool teacher maria’s idea#shes four and mothers day is coming up and its usually a hard time for her so joel lets maria know just in case she has any behavioral issue#miss maria is like 🫡 i gotchu#she makes sure to emphasize to the kids that families are all different#they spend every day of may leading up to mother day reading books exploring diversity in families and talking about what mom really means#that it doesnt have to be the person who had you in their tummy or a girl or even a person we call mom#for example miss maria’s real mommy wasnt so nice growing up so miss marias TRUE mommy is just her daddy and her auntie rose#because those are the people that loved her no matter what and kept her safe and taken care of and fed#thats all mom is#it just means someone thats there for you every day and loves you and cares for you#someone who is one of your favorite people and who would say the same about you#all the kids go around and say who they think are their moms#mosy say some iteration of ‘mommy’ and ‘mama’ or ‘grammy’#but then baby ellie says ‘tess and auntie marlene’#and baby sarah says ‘uncle thommy’#one of the other littles says ‘daddy and miss maria’ 😭#and they all make heart cards for their mommy firgures#they cant write or really read anything but a few letters yet#(even though hyperlexic baby sarah does have pretty incredible letter recognition for her age)#so they tell miss maria what to write on their cards and then decorate with oil pastels#sarah’s says dear uncle tommy thank you for being my mommy you are so funny and i love when we play horsey and princesses. happy mommy day#when he picks her up at the end of the day shes like HI MOMMMMM all giggly and hes like ????? hi???? whats this???? OPEN IT OPEN IT OPEN IT#and when he does and read it he literally drops to his knees to hug her and cry#because theres really nothing more precious than his little angel his baby his best girl#thats tommys DAUGHTER DO YALL UNDERSTAND??????#miss maria watching them from the cubbies like: godDAMN theyre so cute#the next day tommy brings her a oat milk chai from her favorite coffee shop as a thank you because it meant a lot to him and shes like ????#how did u know???? and hes like my brother and you ran into each other there last week yeah? he told me abt it i asked for your order#and shes like 🥹🥰🫠 thanks
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firefly-sky · 4 months
it’s kinda funny how almost every character with albinism in media is always portrayed as a villain. as if that isn’t feeding into every stereotype out there.
the only protagonist i’ve found with albinism in media was in a book where the girl turns out to be a witch. which is arguably on the level of bad as the evil albino stereotype.
idk why this bothers me so much. nobody knows about albinism and it’s not like it’s actively discriminated against. but i wish there was more media where more normal people had albinism instead of the PWA turning out to be an evil villain or a witch, they turn out to be a normal person with normal struggles. like give me a story about a character with albinism trying to navigate the world on their own terms, trying to fit in and such WITHOUT using stereotypes.
like yes. i know people being ignorant towards a certain condition isn’t the worst thing in the world. maybe i have no right to complain about it given the other tings that are happening in the world that kinda trump issues like this. but it’s still an issue. the fact that people believe these things is just sad to me tbh.
another thing that bugs me is when people refer to us as ‘albinos’. like not everyone hates that word. some PWAs are okay with it. i just say it because it’s shorter and easier to type out than ‘person with albinism’ but even in media seeing the character being referred to as ‘the albino’ makes my stomach turn. people use the word ‘albino’ to refer to animals; most of the time. the word itself can feel dehumanizing sometimes, in certain contexts. for me it’s better to say person with albinism. it’s putting the person before the disability and it doesn’t feel as degrading.
anyway. my inbox is always open if you have questions for me about how to write a character with albinism. i know nobody is gonna see this or care but i just thought i’d say smth.
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fearandhatred · 2 months
i was thinking about this line from my fic:
But the fall had hurt, too. Because the wind had cut into his useless wings like knives, his skin and grace peeling away under the friction, and he had been looking right up at the multicoloured and unreachable expanse of sky just to see it fade from his eyes into dull greys.
and i came up with this. i hope the vision came through
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happy father's day i'm thinking about this outis line again
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I always thought it was a bit out of pocket considering this isn't too long after the events of Canto III, even with how Outis was being harsher this Canto.
But I then I remembered that Outis' son is the same age as Sinclair.
Her son, who thinks that she died in the Smoke War (the in universe equivalent to the Trojan War as depicted in the Iliad and the Odyssey) because she hasn't been home in years. Her son who cannot cry out to her. And her son, who is currently in much the same position as Sinclair regarding his self-perception and ability to fight, as Telemachus refers to himself as "a weakling knowing nothing of valor" (Book 2 of the Odyssey, line number and exact wording depend on translation).
I think this line reflects more on Outis and her anxieties about her family thinking that she's dead, as well as a reference to Telemachus experiencing his own journey to manhood, much like Sinclair.
I think there's also things to be said for the parallels between Sinclair and Telemachus, even just the ones imagined by Outis. Hell's Chicken had her showing a very paternal worry over his diet (raise your hand if your dad has ever said you'll be short forever if you don't eat right). Overall, even though Sinclair and Telemachus only share the bones of a coming of age narrative, Outis is seeing connections there because she misses her family.
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As with this one. Again, she's showing her hand more than she means to. Though she's talking to Dongrang, I think she's also talking to herself. Trying to reassure herself that home will always be waiting. Dongrang, however, decides not to return, but to pursue glory no matter who he hurts in the process. The Odyssey also contrasts the pursuit of glory with the desire to return home. Odysseus has to choose humility in order to return.
Outis has been keeping up a careful persona around us, but it's slipping. Her desire to return home is seeping through even as she tries to assert herself by clinging to the glory from a war that's long since ended.
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milkqueerer · 2 months
Radstrange is a blankqueer identity, essentially radqueer but with a few tweaks.
Radstrange is to be radically inclusive of every freak, weirdo and lunatic, especially trans-identities, LGBTQ+ identities and paraphilias.
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& heres the flag to go with it :3
emoji code: 🍓😛
Dni: none, please be respectful.
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bunny-xoxo · 27 days
minors dni
pussy inspections with transmasc dilf toji .. he loves loves loves rubbing his tcock on yours as a reward for doing your shot after holding you down and spreading you open :( telling you how you’ll grow up to have a big one just like daddy’s some day :( likes to toy with you and makes comments on your “progress”, how you’re a growing boy and he needs to keep an eye on his pretty pet to make sure they’re still feeling good :( likes to start off by rubbing his thumb in heavy slow circles on your tcock, humming to himself as he watches you slowly get hard n wet n restless as time passes :( laughs at you when you whine for more n tells you that a good boy would listen n be patient before smacking you with a heavy palm against your pussy and asks if you are his good boy :( smirks and calls you his dumb crybaby when you nod with tears in your eyes, asks you again, “do impatient sluts get rewarded, or do they get treated like impatient sluts?”, smiles even wider when you sniffle and answer him softly, “then be a good boy for me and I’ll start rewarding you like one. daddy always takes care of you, right baby?”
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blueskittlesart · 3 months
guys DO NOT go back and psychoanalyze writing you did before you came out. it's a genuine miracle i didn't kill myself in 2020
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becca-e-barnes · 1 year
Sub!bucky is so needy for you after you denied his orgasm a few days (he is so whiny 😩🥵)
And at night he’s having a wet dream of you and he doesn’t know that’s part of you evil plan… while he grinds his clothed dick at your palm you whisper some sexy things in his ears. When he cums he wakes up and you made his look like he was not your good boy 🥵🥵🥵🥵
I've actually been thinking about something similar recently! I just really love subby men eugh 🤤
I like to think you could make it a little more intense though because I prefer to imagine that you've been making him edge for a few days. You don't let him edge inside you, you both know he'd struggle too much. Instead, you lube up your hand and stroke him for hours, letting him fuck your fist until he's dribbled so much precum over you, your hand is unbearably slick and then you kiss his forehead before you tuck his aching cock back into his underwear.
No matter how much he whines and begs and pleads to be allowed to cum, you don't give in. He's not just being denied his orgasm, he's being worked towards it until he's right on the edge and then you give him absolutely nothing. Repeatedly. It's torture but fuck, he gets off on knowing his dick is yours. He doesn't cum without your permission. You completely own him.
He breaks after the sixth night of being relentlessly edged. You'd stroked his cock nice and slowly for hours that day, swirling your tongue over his tip and reminding him that he's the best boy. He was practically shaking by the time you both made it to bed.
His little whine of "Oh fuck, please." was the first thing you remember hearing when you woke up, quickly followed by "O-oh, oh yes."
At first you thought he must be touching himself; giving in to his own slutty thoughts when he thought you wouldn't find out.
As your sleepy brain slowly wakes up, you realise he's grinding against you, rubbing his throbbing cock against your bare ass, gripping your hips like there's no tomorrow. "Gonna cum. F-fuck, gonna cum." He's frantic, his head tucked in against your neck, his breath hot and erratic against your skin.
You can't have that. Absolutely not. You shuffle away from him, determined not to let him have what he needs and the second the contact between your bodies is broken, you hear him whine pathetically.
"Did you really think that would work out for you?" You tease quietly, turning to face him but that's when you realise his eyes are still closed. His brow is furrowed, very clearly still asleep.
You can't help but pity him. He's so desperate to cum, he's grinding against you in his sleep. He's done his very best to do as he's told but his body can't take it. He's been the best boy for you all week. The least you could do is grant him a little relief.
"You're such a good boy, Bucky." You whisper, pressing him gently onto his back, grasping his cock and letting the tip glide between your slick folds. Nothing feels better than this. You've missed it more than you thought you would this week.
"Such a pretty little slut." You line his tip up with your entrance and ever so slowly lower yourself down. "You're a mindless little fuck toy for me when you're like this. So horny, you can hardly even think straight. You've been like a needy fucking puppy for me all week. You just let your dick think for you, isn't that right? You know I could tell when you were zoning out and daydreaming about fucking me? You're so cute."
As you start to really fuck yourself on him, Bucky seems to moan himself awake.
"Please." He begs, and it sounds so pretty when he says it. "Please, I'm so close. I'm gonna cum. I can't cum inside you. There's gonna be so much."
"Oh sweetheart, that's what I want. I want you to fill me. Stuff my cunt full of cum. I thought I told you how badly I want a baby."
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Leonardo: Dinosaurs aren't extinct. I mean, le Comte is walking in this room.
MC: *wheeze*
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fictionadventurer · 5 months
Potential elements of a coming-of-age arc:
Identity: Learning who you are outside of the family structure
Responsibility: Taking care of other people instead of being taken care of; making your own choices and taking the consequences upon yourself
Values: Deciding which values you will live your life by--holding onto the values of childhood or taking up new values--and using these to inform your adult decisions
Wisdom: Overcoming a childish misconception of reality and coming to a more realistic understanding of how the world works, so you can use this new knowledge to inform your decisions
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moghedien · 3 months
Shipping Cassandra and Leliana is so funny because I feel like the only people who actually do it have either only played Inquisition or don't think much past "Well they're the Left and Right Hands of the Divine" because you KNOW they only get along to the extent they do in Inquisition because they've never had an actual conversation because the second Leliana opened her mouth about her theology in front of Cassandra, they would have been trying to strangle each other
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finelyageddragons · 6 months
Once again thinking about the connection between Duncan and the Grim Reaper. Imagine him, cloaked in black as he wonders the world searching for lost souls and claiming them as his own once their old life has ended and taking them for himself to sacrifice them in his war against the ancient evils. This great and valiant man with poison in his blood and the demon's song in his mind, a valiant knight slowing being eaten by the sickness he seeks to kill. A ghost who listens to the song at night and searching for warriors - for sacrifices - to give the blood the evil ones call for. Flee should you see him. Let the smell of his rotting mind ward you away and let not those cold steel gauntlets claim you. May the reaper find you before he does for the death will grant rest but a warden will send your soul to war as it dies.
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encrucijada · 12 days
amazing news regarding my modern sort of retelling of theseus and the minotaur 🐮
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i'm in an anthology book now
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