#pop feminism counter
ginger-snaps014 · 1 year
I recently posted a defense of Snow White after all the live action controversy, and I haven’t been able to stop thinking about the other Disney Princesses that face similar pop-feminist treat. As such, here is my defense for my childhood favorite, Cinderella. Ps sorry for the long post, but she’s my favorite. Also, TRIGGER WARNING - I put the domestic abuse items at the bottoms as number 7, but it referenced throughout.
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1. Timeless and Universal Story
For those of you who are unaware, Cinderella is not only iconic as a Disney princess, but a version of her story exists in most parts of the world. In Egypt, you have the story of a Rhodopis (written between 64 BC and 24 AD). In China, there is the story of Ye Xian which dates back to 860 CE. The Malay-Indonesian people have the tale of Bawang Putih Bawang Merah (the swing version). The Vietnamese have Tam Cam. The Algonquin Indians of North America have "The Rough-Face Girl." In Germany, the Grimm brothers published "Aschenputtel" in 1812. The English have “Tattercoats”. The Russians have Vasilisa the Brave, or Beautiful, or Wise, or Fair… she is too popular for a single name. In Italy, there is Basile’s Cenerentola (published 1964). There is the French Cendrillon by Perrault (published 1967) (this is the one that the Disney version is based on). And in America, the iconic retelling is Disney’s version from 1950.
I’m sure there are more retellings by different countries. These are just the ones I remember and could quickly find. These are also limited to (i) the most known versions for each area, (ii) female protagonists, and (iii) instances where the happy ever after includes marriage to a man of wealth and standing. There are many others versions which do not include these points. After all, the base Cinderella story arc is simple: (i) protagonist in a good position that reflects a culture’s values; (ii) protagonist falls due to an injustice and loses one or several of the the following: family, wealth, status, looks, etc.; (iii) despite the fall, the protagonist keeps the values appreciated by the culture; (iv) an outside source comes to the protagonist’s aid and provides advise or items; and (v) thanks to the combination of protagonist’s values and the advise/items, the protagonist lives happily ever after in a secure position that is equal or better than where they started. When dealing with the classic Cinderella, the fall should occur in the domestic sphere with a personal transformation occurring after the fall, and security is reached when a female protagonist can leave the abusive environment permanently. Because this is a defense of Disney’s Cinderella in particular, I’m going to focus on that Film in an American context.
2. Femininity as a Neutral
While pop feminist like to point out that Cinderella is shown doing primarily domestic (aka historically feminine) work, needs a pair of heels to change her life and is saved by a prince, they never dive deeper into their arguments. At the end of the day, traditional femininity is a mixed bag in this film.
A. Domestic Labor
Yes, Cindy is shown doing domestic labor. However, that domestic labor is shown in a negative light. She’s is in rags, worn out, and trapped. Domestic labor is not painted as something good. It is part of the representation of the abuse she suffers. The most artistic image of this labor occurs while Cinderella sings with the soap bubbles. That song is immediately followed up by the cat Lucifer destroying her work. Showing the endless and thankless nature of domestic labor.
B. Makeover
The heels are magic and part of her transformation. They are shown as “good” because of what they give her (i.e. the ability to go to the ball and the ability to prove her identity). Her makeover does not occur in a vacuum. We see Cinderella admire her own reflection in the movie multiple times (while in rags and transformed). We see her fawn over her mother’s dress and enjoy feminine things. She is not forced to give up her identity conform to the femininity those around her want her to have. She is given an opportunity to be herself. She is the girl who like ballgowns. She is the girl who enjoys shoes. The clothing is her expression. Not her cage. If Cinderella did not like such things, her fairy godmother would not have forced her to wear them. Forced femininity is wrong. So is hating on femininity for existing. And hating those (of any gender) that enjoy it.
C. Prince as a Symbol
Yes Disney’s Cinderella’s happy ending comes with a man, but he is not the point of the ending. If you ever noticed how underdeveloped the prince is, you are not alone. Because the prince is a symbol of Cinderella’s dream rather than a well rounded character.
In the movie, the ball is set up last minute. From the moment of the king’s decision to host the ball to Cinderella’s midnight run, not even 24 hours have passed. If Cinderella had been only been dreaming of a ball and prince for the entire film, how could she be singing about that particular dream in the beginning of the movie. The ball has not even been planned. She can’t have. Her dreams referenced in “A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes” must then be about something else. Looking at the context of the story, we know it takes place in a capitalist, patriarchal, hierarchical society based loosely off 1800’s France. In a capitalist country, financial security comes from riches (like in the royal treasury). Hierarchical status come from high standing (like royalty). Female success in a patriarchy often equates to marriage. Cinderella was only taken care of and protected while someone who loved her was alive (her father). She knows the mere fact a person has a duty to take care of and protect her (the stepmother) is not enough. As such, Cindy would find love, not a contract marriage, more secure. At the ball, Cinderella does not even realize it’s the prince she dances the night away with. She learns after the fact.
And what is her happily ever after? A prince who loves her, marries her, raises her social standing, and provides financial security. He is the embodiment of love and safety in the society of the story. Is it wrong to dream about love and safety when your life is miserable due to the lack of both? Heck, I’m not in her situation, and I still dream of love and security.
D. The Stepsisters
Like Cinderella, her stepfamily enjoys beautiful things and fashion. They want financial security. They embrace femininity as much as Cinderella. But are despised for their attitude and actions. Cruelty, vanity, greed and jealousy. They push Cinderella down so they can appear higher than her. The toxic nature of these characters shows that femininity is not idealized on its own. It must be combined with other positive traits. Bows and ruffles do not make one a worthy person. Ballgowns and heels alone do not earn a happy ending.
Perhaps their failings are in the unfeminine sins of being loud and ugly, but other versions of these stepsisters (including the French versions) are described as beautiful and poised. They are still the antagonists. Perhaps it’s their vanity, but we spy Cinderella enjoying her looks on multiple reflective surfaces throughout the movie (bubbles, a fountain, a pond and a mirror). Cinderella cries as loudly as the sister sing off key. Despite the Disney Marketing Team using the term “Ugly Stepsisters,” the story focuses on the sister’s actions (like ripping up the pink dress violently) as much as anything else. Their cruelty is better remembered than the shape of their noses. It’s their souls that are ugly. And no amount femininity will change that.
E. Masculinity is also Neutral
While masculinity is not very present in this movie, it does appear in side or undeveloped characters. The unhinged king who acts rashly, violently and loudly (negative). The nervous duke who needs a vacation and seems on edge (neutral - but less traditionally masculine ). The underdeveloped prince (positive) . The nefarious cat Lucifer (negative). And the helpful mice - particularly GusGus (positive, but ignorant) and Jacque (positive, but condescending) . Marrying a man might have given Cinderella her opportunity to flee an abusive household , but the stronger masculine moments of the film (like the king with his anger and the midnight chase) are not seen as particularly positive. With such a mixed bag of representation, you cannot say masculinity is treated in a more positive light than femininity.
In fact, even adherence to gender expectations is varied. The king is the character obsessed with babies. That typical feminine trait is his redeeming quality. The evil stepmother is commanding. Her presence on screen is filled with power. The Duke is physically weaker and emotionally intelligent. The Prince is obsessed with “love” but not women in general. None of the men are ambitious with the potential marriage. The most adhered to gender convention is clothing. Something that this particular fairytale says can easily be transformed to match your true identity with a wave of a wand.
3. Capitalism and Media
Every piece of media contains parts of the society that made it. Cinderella is no different. You can see the Dior New Look as an animated fashion masterpiece, the glitter of postwar consumerism and influence of post-war propaganda. In 1950, the dream was to throw off the toil and dirt of the war years and drive in your Chevrolet Bel Air into a future of modern conveniences and beauty.
Some people have complained that Cinderella is too capitalistic - with her new magic clothing celebrating consumerist culture and with wealth being a part of her happy ending. Well, Cinderella was made in America post-WWII during the Cold War. Pro-capitalist sentiment was the name of the game.
Plus, many older and more recent versions continue this capitalist view because we still live within capitalist societies. They are merely reflecting the values of society back at the audience. There are Cinderella tales where the wealth is refused (1997 animated Anastasia for example).
Additionally, even in the Disney version, Cinderella must return to rags before she can achieve happiness. While in these rags, we see her happily daydream about the night before and hum to herself contently while getting ready to meet the duke (who is trying the slipper on all women). This joy did not require her to change into a fancy gown. Or adorn jewelry. She is not embarrassed by her rags. Her mood only sours when the stepmother locks her in the attic. The loss of her escape makes her weep. It’s the lack of freedom, not finery, that breaks her. Even the last images of this film show Cinderella running happily in a fairly simple wedding dress down a flight of stairs with her prince and entering carriage that pulls away. The last image of Cinderella is not entering a castle, wearing golden gowns, covered in sparkling jewels, or any definitive measure of her new wealth. It’s her escaping. With the person who loves her. Running towards a life free of abuse and fear.
4. Everyone is a Princess
One Cinderella retelling said it better than I ever could. Per the Little Princess, “I am a princess. All girls are. Even if they live in tiny old attics. Even if they dress in rags, even if they aren’t pretty, or smart, or young. They’re still princesses. All of us.” Cinderella is not about a chosen one. A prophesied hero with special powers or abilities. It’s a story about a person being abused by those more powerful and overcoming that trauma. Anyone who was ever been made to feel like less than, can see hope in this timeless tale. I would expand this sentiment beyond girls to anyone who wants to be included because as Sarah reminds us being a princess is a state of mind. Anyone can do so if they are kind, remember they are worthy of love, and refuse to let others make them think their life has no value.
5. Bow down to the Princess that saved a Studio
Prior to the release of Cinderella, Walt Disney’s studio was facing imminent foreclosure. Disney owed the Bank of America millions of dollars.“Cinderella” proved to be the hit the Disney studio needed. Had it flopped, Walt Disney would likely have gone out of business; instead, it was a huge hit, and, in 1955, he opened Disneyland. Disney reportedly said the magical dress transformation sequence in Cinderella was his personal favorite piece of animation. Cinderella has remained visually recognizable and iconic over 70 years after her introduction. She is often used as the face of the “Disney Princess” marketed items. No doubt just the art of this movie changed the pop culture landscape forever. Without Cinderella, there is no Disney World, Little Mermaid, Mulan, Marvel Studios (as we know it), Owl House, Mary Poppins, Parent Trap, Beauty and the Beast, Pirates of the Caribbean, Lion King, Mighty Ducks, Remember the Titans, Holes, Inside Out, Encanto, Coco, Princess Diaries, Hocus Pocus, etc.
6. Personal Bias
I will own up to my own bias. Cindy and Buffy (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer) were my two main fictional heroes. I love them. It should be noted also that I am blonde with lighter eyes so I strongly identified visually with Cinderella on screen. She is one of the reasons I so strongly support increased representation for the POC, LGBTQA+ community, disabled people, etc. I remember how much it meant to see someone who looked like myself on screen. I can’t imagine not wanting others to experience the same joy.
**Trigger Warning Domestic Abuse**
7. Classic Cinderella, a Domestic Abuse Survivor
A. Her Story is a Survival Story
A classic Cinderella character suffers from and escapes domestic abuse. Disney’s Cinderella is no different. She is a victim who overcomes her circumstances and becomes known as a role model, heroine, and royalty. The film narrator directly states, “… Cinderella was abused, humiliated, and finally forced to become a servant in her own house. And yet, through it all, Cinderella remained ever gentle and kind.” Her suffering does not limit her ability to find happiness and success. She wins. She escapes. The fact her success is in part due to her friends and support network is valuable. And at the end of the movie, Cinderella must run down the stairs herself to the get the Duke’s attention. She must take that last step to obtain freedom. That’s often the hardest step. And it was her choice and action.
There is nothing wrong asking for or receiving help. Cinderella’s worth is not diminished because she has friends. We should be encouraging domestic abuse victims to reach out and get help. It is an incredibly dangerous situation, and the victim’s life is most as risk at the moment of escape. Cindy relied on mice, a fairy godmother and royalty. If you are in that situation, pleas feel free to rely on a friend, family member, hotline, etc. Get yourself to a women’s shelter that can give you a roof, clothes and food. Cinderella received goods from her godmother. There is no shame in getting help.
Cinderella is not less valuable because she did not escape on her own. She just needed to escape. Happiness is only found outside of the abusive environment. This is the story of survival. Remaining gentle and kind despite the world. Not letting your trauma darken your heart. How can that not have value? Especially, when this is such a real world issue.
B. Blame Society and Abusers, not the Woman
In the context of a story which is loosely based on 1800’s France, we see no working women (other than Cindy as a servant). To leave without a reference (which the stepmother would never give) or a husband to provide, Cinderella would have ended up a prostitute. There were no domestic abuse shelters in the 1800’s. There were no ways to support or save herself within the world shown on screen without a “miracle”. If leaving a domestic abuse situation in our world is hard, dangerous and requires aid, Cindy required more. She required magic. Neither Cinderella nor any other domestic abuse victim should be blamed for the faults of their society.
We should also not fault Cinderella for being abused. I don’t understand how conveyers of pop-feminism can clearly explain the issues with victim-blaming in sexual situations, but then fail to grasp the exact same concept in popular narratives. Is it the animation as a method of storytelling? The fact the victims find happiness despite their trauma without always resorting to punishing the evildoers? The fact that these victims are hyperfeminine? As if looking a certain ways means you are asking to be hurt. How is this supposed to make real victims feel when they hear the cruel comments? When they identify with Cindy’s situation? Don’t blame the innocent party for failing to stop the actions of the abusers. Only the abuser is responsible.
C. Real World Issue and Inspiration
Much like Cinderella, we exist in a capitalist, patriarchal, and classist society. The USA struggles with domestic abuse and child abuse even today. On average, nearly 20 people per minute are physically abused by an intimate partner in the United States. During one year, this equates to more than 10 million women and men. 1 in 4 women and 1 in 9 men experience severe forms of domestic abuse (Domestic Abuse Statistics by the NCADV). In 2021, a reported 452,313 perpetrators abused or neglected a child. In substantiated child abuse cases, 77% of children were victimized by a parent. In 2022, 21% of people alleged to have abused a child were themselves children. (Child abuse statistics by the National Children’s Alliance).
The issue was even was worse in the past, which might explain why certain older versions of Cinderella still resonate. For the majority of western history, domestic abuse was explicitly legal. Maryland was the first state to make hitting your wife illegal in 1882. In North Carolina in 1886, the beatings had to be severe enough to cause permanent injury or malicious beyond reason to be punishable. Wife beating only became illegal in all of the United States in 1920. There were not serious legal changes between then and 1950 when Disney’s Cinderella was released. Domestic matters were seen as something private to handle at home. In 1962 (12 years after Cinderella’s release), Domestic violence cases were transferred from Criminal Court to Family Court in New York, making it nearly impossible for perpetrators to be criminalized if he or she assaulted someone. Also in 1962, the first guidelines for recognizing child abuse and neglect are printed. Maine opened one of the first women’s shelters in 1967. In Chicago during the 1970s, women’s who left their husbands due to battering were denied welfare because of their husband’s salary. The Child Abuse and Prevention Act only passed in 1974. Terms like emotional and physiological abuse were not used or recognized until right before the 1980s. Stalking wasn’t identified as a crime until the 1990’s. The Violence Against Women Act was not passed until 1994.
Given that Cinderella is a story where the victim, not only escapes, but thrives, it has merit. Because that the majority of domestic abuse victims are women, Cinderella’s gender and femininity seem all the more valuable. I know of at least one survivor who used this film for comfort while growing up. I hope she has stayed safe.
Cinderella is not defined by her pain or abuse. She is defined by her perseverance and good heart. She is defined by her escape from the abusive home. She is defined by finding love, security and acceptance. She is a valuable character who deserves to be iconic. I hope every survivor can see a little of themselves in her gentle kindness.
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sooniebby · 4 months
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W.C › 6.4k
Warning › bottom male reader. Reader has a cock and is mentioned to have slept with girls and boys. No set character, this is an OC, but you can imagine anyone
Plot › basically just this idea I had but expanded
Kinks › manhandling, accidental creampie, cross dressing, lite feminization, mirror sex, hint of dom/sub relation
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
To say you were a playboy was an understatement. New girl every week was you being nice. Now, as a senior, you didn’t care as much anymore.
Which led you to your current predicament.
You’d practically ran through the entire school by now and you were… bored.
The first years didn’t interest you. And you’d already gone through the pretty people in third and second year. It was looking like you’d have to start branching out to schools nearby.
A sigh left you as you plopped down at your seat, flicking at a lint of dust on your desk. It was lunch time and you weren’t feeling hungry. Well you were hungry for sex but not for food.
“Man, (L.Name), view this as a good thing! It’s lucky you haven’t gotten an STD by now.” Your friend, Ryun, said as he ate from his bento box. You only gave him a huff.
“I use condoms. They work, 99.9%!”
“Sure. I’m surprised none of the girls have gotten pregnant yet.”
Ryun let out a howl as you kicked his knee underneath the desk. “I fuck guys too! You should be wondering if I’m pregnant.”
“Wha—(L.Name), you can’t get pregnant.”
You shrugged. “You never know.”
“Are you insane?”
“Should you really be asking the resident slut that?” A voice cut in. Your eyebrows rose as you turned to see who was so bold to call you that only to see it was another one of your friends.
“Sana…! That’s so mean! I’m not a slut.” You whined as she plopped down at the desk beside you. She only gave you a knowing look before digging into her own bento.
“Ryun!” You looked straight at him. “Am I a slut?”
“Do you really want me to answer that…?”
“GAH!! Ryun~~~!” You whined, pouting heavily as you rubbed at your face in annoyance. The two ignored your childish behavior as you finally began to start eating your bento. It was a comfortable silence for a moment before a ding popped in your head.
“Oh no…” Ryun muttered, knowing that look in your eyes.
You leaned in close, grinning. “Guys.. This senior year, I should go for someone special!”
Sana sighed. “Who? Who haven’t you fucked by now?”
A teasing grin pulled on your lips as you motioned for them to come closer. As they pulled in, you looked around to make sure no one was ease dropping and giggled in excitement.
“Ito Yuki.”
A pin could be heard as Ryun and Sana stared at you for a moment. Their faces slowly contorting into something of pure disgust and disappointment.
“Him?! Student Council president, Ito Yuki?!” Sana whispered yelled.
“Mhm. I’ve never even noticed him before until now! You should’ve seen him. He still has those ugly glasses but he’s buffed up! What’s he training for?” You joked, laughing loudly in the quiet classroom.
Ryun groaned. “No way. Ito doesn’t date. Ever since he got ‘buff’ he has had girls tripping for him. But he’s turned them down! Every last one of them.”
Sana nodded in agreement. “Yeah. No way he’d get with you—especially with your reputation of dumping people after a week!”
“But that’s a good thing!” You cried. “If he’s never dated before, that means he’s a virgin!! Inexperienced!! Those are the best, especially in boys!”
“Gross, (L.Name).” The two said in unison.
You pouted. “Aah! You guys don’t understand!”
“I’d rather not,” Ryun countered.
“You’re just really perverted, (L.Name). And so weird. You won’t even let us call you by your first name.” Sana said, rolling her eyes.
“But he has no problem letting someone see his flat ass.” Ryun chuckled.
“My ass is not flat!” You gasped. “I’ll prove it—”
You sat back down with a huff. Yeah, you were weird. Sana and Ryun, your friends since diapers didn’t use your first name. Only your mother and father did but you didn’t even like them saying it either. For some reason, it just sounds.. off hearing it from people.
There didn’t seem to be a real reason. You just didn’t like it. Though you’ve been hoping that one day someone would say your first name and you wouldn’t immediately grimace.
Oh well. You had more pressing matters.
And that was Student Council President Ito Yuki.
“How are you going to ask him out?” Ryun asked, pulling out his bento. It’s been a week since your declaration to take Ito Yuki’s virginity but you haven’t really done anything. Mainly because he’s always doing student council president shit. Always so busy.
“Like how I ask everyone out.” You said, popping a grape into your mouth.
“Serious?” Sana gasped. “That unromantic shit you do? Gosh, people here have such low standards. I hope he rejects you.”
You gave her a tight glare and threw a grape at her, grinning when it hit her right on her nose. You weren’t unromantic so to say. But… your proposals left much to desire. You had a a short and sweet line.
“Hey, you’re hot. Wanna make out?”
You thought it was romantic but Sana believed the students here just didn’t have enough self respect. Both were probably true.
“Why would anyone reject this?” You sensually pull down your blazer to show off your collarbone and give Sana a flirty lip bite. She gagged immediately.
Ryun hummed. “I can think of many reasons why someone would reject you.”
“Ack! You two suck! Where’s the motivation?! ‘Ah, (L.Name), you’re so hot!! Who would ever say no to you?!’ Like huh??”
“You don’t need anymore compliments. Your head is about damn near jelly from your narcissism.” Ryun said.
You rolled your eyes. Tough crowd. The three of you continued on with lunch when there was a sudden shrill voice. You looked at Sana and Ryun before moving to the sliding door of the classroom, sliding it open and looking out the hallway.
And there he was.
Student Council President Ito Yuki.
A soft mop of jet black hair with over grown bangs. Mono lid eyes that resembled a fox eye. A beauty mark right underneath his right eye. Plump lips. Cheekbones. He still had those stupid circular glasses. His body, though. His body was insane. He wasn’t crazy buff but he certainly put on weight compared to his stick thin body from first year. He practically had boobs (pecs) now!
He was taller too. Maybe 182 cm…?
A group of girls followed behind him, all holding letters that they waved to try and give to him. Huh, was today? Fuck, it was Valentine’s Day!!
You cursed as you watched Ito Yuki continue to walk and ignore the girls, passively pushing away any one that got too close. You didn’t have shit to give him.
Also it wasn’t White Day so it would’ve been weird if you did… but boys can do Valentine’s Day too..? Right?
Ah, fuck it.
“(L.Name)?!” Ryun whispered as you stepped out into the hallway, right as Ito Yuki come close to passing your classroom.
“What are you doing??” Sana yelled, covering her mouth when a few students looked at her in surprise.
You squared your shoulders and stood up tall, only now noticing you only came up to his chest. Ah, you were a perfect height to suck on his—
Not now, (L.Name)!
Even in your thoughts you didn’t even use your first name. You let out a sigh and gave Ito Yuki your signature flirty smirk. Your eyes peering up at him, giving yourself a cute look. You had multiple ways of flirting, especially when it came to boys or girls.
A true bisexual playboy!
“Ito-San.” You said, blinking slightly to flutter your eyelashes. Ito seemed to be focusing on something else in his mind despite his eyes on you. Well you can’t have that.
You leaned in closer, resting your hand on his arm. You felt him visibly twitch at your touch, earning a slight grin on your lips. Too easy. There was whispering happening around you but you didn’t care. You’ve asked out people in public spaces loads of times.
This… was a piece of a cake.
“Ito-San… you’re—”
You blinked, staring up at him in shock. Did he just? Your lips parted as you short circuited—should you continue or just come up with something on the fly? A slight gasp left you as his hand reached up and grabbed the back of your head, bringing you closer.
The crowd erupted into gasps, even Ryun and Sana looked absolutely shocked. You couldn’t even think. Someone.. was taking control? You—you—??!?
His breath tickled your ears as your eyes clinched shut, your hands digging into his blazer as you let out a stuttered breath. You could’ve sworn you heard him chuckle.
“Sure. Let’s make out.” He said, loud enough for only you to hear. With that, he pulled away, his hand gently rubbing the back of your head before dropping. His face was stoic, his lips straight but you could almost see a slight smirk on them as he walked past you.
It was hushed whispers as everyone dispersed as soon as the school bell rang, signaling lunch was over. Ryun and Sana ran over to you, Sana gripping your shoulders as she shook you.
“Hey, what the hell was that?!” She cried.
You only let out a whimper, looking at the both of them in pure shock. “I…I don’t know…”
“Wow. Ito Yuki changed. He put (L.Name) in his place!” Ryun laughed, patting you on the back. “So? He rejected you?”
Right. They didn’t hear him. You paused, almost wondering if you should tell them. Would they believe you? Sana and Ryun looked at you expectedly.
“Yea…” You muttered, laughing slightly. “He rejected me.” You looked down as Sana rubbed your shoulders in a comforting manner. Ryun just patted your head as they steered you back to the classroom.
“I..Ito Yuki?!”
You glanced up as you heard your classmates exclaim in shock. Ito… Yuki? It had only been a week since that incident happened and you hadn’t seen Ito a lot. But that was to be expected. He was in 3-A, smartest of the third years and c student council president.
Sana and Ryun were geeking out beside you as Ito walked into the classroom, heading straight towards you. You felt weird. Not uncomfortable but odd. Like your body was… scared of him? But it wasn’t a bad scared. It reminded you of going on a rollercoaster.
The fear during but the ecstasy afterwards.
Oh. That’s a first. You didn’t like hearing him say that. Huh.
“H..Hello, Ito-San.” You muttered, your grip tightening on your bag as he looked at you. His gaze was intense, even with his overgrown bangs. You wished those bangs covered his eyes more.
“Let’s go on a date.”
The classroom erupted into screams at his words. Date?! Date with you of all people?! No one even cared that Ito was surprisingly into men. No, it was surprising he would go for someone like you. The school campus’s proud playboy that was barely passing through school!
You didn’t even get to answer as his hand grabbed your wrist and began tugging you along. Your eyes met Sana and Ryun who looked at you with pure shock. You couldn’t blame them.
You’ve never really gone on dates before. Sure, at the beginning in first year when you were starting out your slut activities. But by second year, anyone who dated you knew that you mostly wanted them for sex. So to have Ito Yuki, of all people, coming to date you was… shocking.
Also fake. It had to be fake.
Not fake. Not fake at all.
This was how you’d soon find yourself in a movie theater. Ito had something about liking movie dates and there was a movie he wanted to watch. A horror movie maybe? You couldn’t pay attention. You sat down beside him, staring off into space as the movie began playing.
It was an American movie, judging by the fact you couldn’t understand them. You glanced up at the screen, seeing the subtitles on the right. Ah, a slasher. You’ve seen multiple slashers so you knew the format like you knew blowjobs.
But you didn’t expect Ito to be interested in this type of stuff. You glanced over at him, watching as he stared straight at the screen, occasionally taking a sip from his soda. Huh, he’s zoned in.
You sighed and decided to get comfortable. Lucky for you, most slashers knew not to over stay their welcome. So you began watching, occasionally glancing at the other moviegoers who decided to watch a slasher at 5:00 pm on a Friday.
Mainly older couples. A few high schools students. And what you could assume some college students.
A hand grazed your thigh which caused you to let out a loud gasp. Luckily a jumpscare drowned you out. You looked down to see the arm rest pulled up that blocked you from Ito and his hand resting just an inch from your thigh.
Huh. What did he..?
You didn’t get to think any further when another loud jumpscare filled the theater. Your attention turned right as a poor woman was sawed in half. Oh, what a way to die. There continued to be gorey deaths that you forgot all about Ito’s strange decision to pull up the armrest.
Not until the movie cut to a random couple having sex in the car. Ah, you knew kills like this. Directors seemed to love having naked women run for their life after their boyfriend is killed.
There’s probably something wrong about that.
Before you could delve deeper into this question you felt a hand rest on your thighs. Just as you were about to even look down, the hand moved to your crotch and squeezed. A gasped left you that was coincidentally timed with the actress’s.
Has Ito’s hands always been this big? You let out a sharp shudder as you watched him grope your crotch. Really, you should’ve pushed him away. But you were just shocked that someone like Ito would be doing this.
And in a weird way, you did… like it? But it didn’t last long, just as the actress was killed by the killer, Ito pulled away. You couldn’t help your slight whimper as you glanced over at him. He didn’t even spare you a look.
“You went on a date?!”
You sighed as you rubbed your eyes, staring at the two clowns in your room. Ryun and Sana had a spare key to your home—thanks mom!—so they didn’t even need to wait for you to open it. It was the next day after your date with Ito. It ended a bit unsatisfactory.
He just walked you home and waved goodbye. He didn’t even give you his number.
“Yea… he literally said that yesterday after class.” You whined, wanting to just plop back down and sleep. You masturbated all night last night, wishing he had touched you more. Which was a fucking first. You usually never have a wet dream about your partners.
“Wow… maybe, Ito-San likes you?” Ryun muttered, biting his lip as he sat down on your bed.
“Ito-San and (L.Name)?! That’s crazy.” Sana exclaimed. “But Ito-San isn’t someone to prank around.”
You couldn’t help but smirk. “Mhm~ maybe this sexy body has him curious.” You teased, sending a flirty wink to Ryun. He looked at you with pure disgust.
“Yeah, right.” Ryun grabbed a pillow and threw it at your face. “If he does, I owe you dinner for a week.”
“Oh,” Sana suddenly muttered. “Wouldn’t yesterday be the start of the week? So you’ll break up with him next week Friday?”
You pursed your lips. Yeah, she was right. But why did you suddenly hate the idea of leaving him? You only gave a noncommittal nod and get out of bed, wanting to just take a shower and wash off the masturbation from last night.
Ito had to have know about you. He knew your usual phrase when asking someone out.
Well, you had the rest of the week to find out what he wanted from you.
Technically you didn’t. Because it was already next Friday and he didn’t come for you at all. It wasn’t like you could call him either—you didn’t have his phone number. Sana and Ryun could tell it was affecting you but you didn’t even know why.
You’ve dealt with this. Sometimes the weekly partner ended up being just one night. And sure, you got a bit upset the next day but you’d bounce right back right after. You didn’t understand at all.
You glanced over to see Ito Yuki staring down at you. Your classmates seemed able to not scream like last time. But their phones were out and were whispering to each other.
“I..Ito-San..?” You slowly stood up, looking up at him in shock. You should’ve been mad but you felt your heart flutter. Wow, you must’ve really wanted his dick.
“Let’s go to my house.” He said, which earned a round of gasps. Sana and Ryun looked like deers in headlights. You could only nod as he grabbed your hand and pulled you out of the classroom.
Damn, Ito Yuki. He’s probably the only partner that ever had you this bad over dick. And you haven’t even had it yet! Shame it was the last day.
Once you reached his house, you were shocked at how big it was. “Wow… Ito-San, are your parents rich?” You asked, slipping off your shoes as you walked behind him.
“Hm?” You replied, grunting when you bumped into him.
“We’re dating, no? So call me by my given name. That’s what couples do.” It—Yuki said nonchalantly, moving to go to the kitchen. You followed right behind him, unable to hide the growing heat on your face. This.. this was a first.
Would he do the same…? You hoped he would.
Much to your surprise, Yuki began making dinner for you. It wasn’t anything difficult, just chicken Katsu curry. You tried to help but he quite literally manhandled you to sit down at the dining table. If there was a growing bulge in your pants you quickly decided to ignore it.
After he finished, he placed a bowl in front of you and sat down beside you. You ate in complete silent. It was a bit uncomfortable because you weren’t used to dinners like this but it gave you perfect view of Yuki.
He looked so pretty? You weren’t sure. He had pulled his bangs back with a cute hello kitty pin and you couldn’t help but wonder who gave him that. He didn’t seem like the boy to like cute stuff. You were able to see his eyes better now—fox like eyes staring right at you.
You coughed slightly and looked down at your curry. “Hm, this is good curry, Yuki. Who, uh, taught you how to make it?”
“My mom.”
“Oh. Where’s your parents?”
“They’re out for the weekend.” He said, his eyes trailing down your face, right to your lips. “They won’t be back until Monday.”
Oh? A slight shudder left your body as your back straightened. The whole weekend? Did he not want this to last the week?
“But today is a full week?”
Yuki hummed. “Since we started dating? Yeah, do you like those type of things?”
“Keeping track of how long we’ve been together? Do you like doing that? I can do it for you.” He said, finishing his plate off.
“Sorry I couldn’t meet you during the week, I had to help plan the festival coming up.” He reached over and grabbed your plate. The plates clinked together as he carried them to the sink, gently dropping them in.
Before you could stand up, you felt Yuki rest his chin on your shoulder. You flinched at the touch but calmed down as his nose nuzzled your neck. A giggle left your lips at the ticklish touch. He pressed a kiss on your collarbone before pulling away, motioning for you to get up.
“Do you,” he muttered, reaching over and grabbing the back of your head. “want to make out?” You didn’t even think before eagerly nodding, looking up at him expectantly. He pressed his lips against yours with ease. His glasses pushed against your face but you didn’t find it in yourself to care.
Your hand slowly reached up his body before resting themselves on his shoulders, fingers curling at his button up. Your lips locked with his, easily moving in tandem without pulling apart. Breathing didn’t seem important at the moment.
You hadn’t even noticed you were standing on your toes until the pressure on them began to hurt. A struggled gasp left you as you pulled away, needing to catch a breath while also resting back on the balls of your feet. But Yuki immediately chased your lips, sacrificing his back as he bent down.
His hands gripped your waist, his thumbs digging into your skin. When did he even pull open your shirt? You didn’t get to think with how eager he was kissing you. It felt like you were the inexperienced one with how easily he was taking control.
“Y-Yuki.” You managed to moan into his lips, pulling away to breathe. A giggle left you when he subconsciously chased after your lips again but you pressed a finger against his. “Wait a minute.”
It was different—but in a good way. You were always the one in control during make outs. People were the one to pull away after you made them breathless. It was exciting for it to be the opposite.
“Are you…?” You whispered, wanting to make sure.
Sure, you were a degenerate who liked having sex with virgins, but you always toned yourself down when you did. Treat them like glass unless stated otherwise was your motto!
Yuki hummed. “Virgin? Yeah.”
“Do you know how—?”
“—I’m a virgin, not an idiot.”
You pouted. “I was just checking. Your first time needs to be good.”
“It’s already good.” He whispered, a slight smirk on his lips when you looked away in embarrassment. “But it could be better.”
“Hm? Better how?”
For the first time ever, you saw Yuki’s lips pull into a full smirk. Oh no.
Oh no indeed…
In front of you on the bed was a dress. A cute dress. But a dress nonetheless. It was white with a black bow on the chest. Frilly ends on the sleeves. Paired with white stockings.
The outfit reminded you of something but you didn’t know what.
You dated a lot of people. You’ve done strange shit because of people’s kinks. This, was tame. You shuddered at the time you dressed like a dog. Not even just dog ears and a tail… a full on dog.
Honestly this was a breath of fresh air. So you huffed and slipped out of your clothes, putting on the outfit with ease. Hm, it fit perfectly. You briefly wondered if Yuki somehow had your measurements.
“I’m dressed, Yuki.” You called, slipping on the last stockings. There was a mirror on the closet door. You moved over and couldn’t help but twirl. The dress really was cute. You took in the detailing of the dress and noticed a slight stain on one of the sleeves. But how could it have gotten a stain? Did Yuki make other people wear this?
That left a bitter taste in your mouth. Just because he was a virgin didn’t mean he hadn’t fooled around before. Which you couldn’t judge. That was your reputation!
A pair of arms wrapped around your waist causing you to flinch. Yuki hummed as he looked at you from the mirror. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, his face still stoic. But the way his hands gripped your waist and body as it trailed around you.
“It still fits.” He suddenly muttered. “I was worried you would’ve grown too much since then.”
“Huh? Grown?”
“You don’t remember it?” His hands gripped your waist as he easily spun you around to face him. “First year. School festival.”
Festival? You stared at him confused for a moment before gasping in disbelief. “No way! You kept this?! I thought I threw it out?!” You said, pulling at the fabric in pure shock.
In your first year, your class did a maid cafe, but instead of girls, it was boys as the maids. You played as the head maid because you looked more girlish compared to everyone when you wore the wig. It was fun but you didn’t see the use in keeping the dress after so you threw it up.
Apparently Yuki found it.
“You did. I just grabbed it before they took out the trash. I would’ve saved the wig too..” he muttered, a slight pout on his lips.
You couldn’t help the slight scoff leaving you. “Wig? Do you want me to be a girl?”
“No. You just looked… cute. I like cute things.” He said, shrugging. “You just look cuter feminine.”
“But I don’t even remember you at the festival.”
Yuki hummed. “How could you? I was shorter than you back then. But I remember you. The cute head maid flaunting his cute little dress in front of everyone.”
You blushed. “I wouldn’t say I flaunted it…”
“Really? I think you were a lot of guys awakening that day. So many eyes on you.” His hands tugged at the bottom of the skirt. “Hm, you grew in height. It’s much shorter now.”
You reached down and noticed that it was resting just at the end of your ass. Certainly shorter than in first year when it was closer to your knees. Well at least you can say you did have a growth spurt… just nothing compared to Yuki’s.
“So, you want to have sex with me in it?”
“Mhm. I’ve masturbated to you wearing it for years now.”
You sputtered in shock, watching as Yuki moved away to possibly grab a condom and lube. This Ito Yuki was nothing to the one you thought you knew back at school. The way he could say it so casually made you feel some type of way. But you couldn’t explain it.
Gosh, you’d assume you’re the virgin.
With a slight pep talk in your mind, you squared your shoulders and stormed over to Yuki. He looked over at you and tilted his head, opening his lips to ask something but you pushed him down on the bed. Though you had to use a lot of strength for that—jeez, how tough was he?
You straddled his hips and grinned, looking down at him. “Don’t worry, Yuki~! I’ll make your first time special.” You whispered, gently rubbing your ass against his growing bulge.
Yuki seemed to want to say something but you kissed him, helping him pull off his pants. You knew what to do. You’ve done this so many times it was practically second nature. When you slipped off his boxers, you almost whimpered at the sight.
It was bigger than any you’ve seen before. That stereotype of slender men having bigger dicks didn’t seem like an internet lie anymore. You wondered if it looked bigger when he was thinner and didn’t have the lean muscle he had now.
“Are you ready for your first blowjob?” You asked, smirking slightly. You expected him to finally start acting like a blushing virgin but he looked more so bored? Huh?
“Another time. I wanna be in you.”
You felt your cheeks flush. He wanted you quickly, huh? That’s a first. There were even times guys just wanted a blowjob from you and nothing else. This was, interesting to say the least. You gave him a hum and pulled down your own boxers, pulling up the dress.
You felt his eyes zero in on your body as you grabbed the lube and squirt some on your fingers. This was the best. Having someone watch you as you got yourself ready for them. You didn’t waste anytime, easily slipping in two fingers inside your hole. A grunt left you but you kept going, easily stretching yourself out.
If Yuki wanted to be inside, he’d get it. Besides, who doesn’t like a little bit of pain?
The dress was sticking to your skin already and you hadn’t even got his cock inside you yet. It was thin and a bit cheap in material but it certainly knew how to make you warm.
You reached over and grabbed the condom on the nightstand, easily tearing it open with your teeth. The slight eyebrow raise from Yuki made you smirk. It was a habit that you gained from sleeping around so much. Also past partners said it was sexy so you kept doing it.
What works, works!
After finally slipping the condom onto his cock, which surprisingly fit, you moved up to level your ass with his cock. You gave him a slight smile and rest your hand on his chest.
“You can always tell me to stop, okay?” You whispered, making sure he heard you. Yuki only gave you a nod, a look of impatience in his eyes.
Not wanting to make him anymore restless, you wordlessly began to sink down onto his cock. A short gasp filled the room as your fingers gripped his shirt. He was huge but feeling it inside was a whole different experience. You haven’t slept with a guy in a minute so you certainly felt a bit nervous than normal.
But it was fine.
The sight of Yuki was pretty to say the least. He still had on his stupid glasses, the hello kitty pin that held back his bangs. His face was already sweaty while his lips pulled into a slight grimace.
Ah, you knew the face well.
You leaned in close to him—your noses touching.
“Good? It’ll get better from here.” You grinned, leaning back as you slowly rolled your hips.
Except it didn’t really..?
It had to have been maybe ten minutes and Yuki hadn’t cummed at all. You came once which was embarrassing since you weren’t used to cumming before your partners. But you thought maybe he was just nervous so you kept bouncing on his cock.
But by the ten minute mark, he looked bored.
You thought you were imagining it but no, you could tell he was zoning out. His eyes were focused on you but he wasn’t reacting. Even when you picked up the pace, he didn’t even grunt.
A wave of embarrassment mixed in with anger flared within you. You stilled your hips to a stop, finally earning Yuki’s attention as he blinked and actually paid attention to you.
“Seriously…” You grunted, rolling your eyes. “If I’m that boring, you take over!” You were so used to being in control that you actually didn’t want him to take over. Really you wanted to go home, fully embarrassed that in the first time in forever, your partner wasn’t satisfied.
The hands that once laid on your thighs without any grip slowly moved upwards, digging its’ nails into the free upper thigh that wasn’t covered by your knee socks. You let out a surprised grunt at the pain but you didn’t even get to say anything about it before they trail up and grip your waist.
A gasp leaves you when you feel his hips slam up into you.
Colors blur as you feel yourself be pushed down onto the bed, your head bouncing slightly from the fast movement. Your legs are grabbed and pushed up, almost knocking yourself in the face.
“Yuki..!” You managed to cry out at his manhandling but he doesn’t seem to care at the moment. You can only watch as he takes off the hair clip and carelessly tosses it away. His bangs fall over his eyes and to your dismay, you can’t see them this time.
Doesn’t help the bedroom is only lit by a small lamp on the nightstand. The shadows practically cover his upper face beside his lips. You can see a slight glint in his glasses but he soon removed them as well, gently resting them on the nightstand.
It’s weird. Your stomach starts to feel weird again. That same feeling when he pulled you close on Valentine’s Day. What was this?
A quick slap of skin bleeds into the room as your thoughts are jumbled before you could even think. You could’ve sworn you heard a cry—like a high pitched voice. Was that?
Yeah, it was you.
Your back arched as Yuki slammed his cock inside you in a constant rhythm. There was cries and whimpers coming straight from you in tandem with his thrusts. You’ve never sounded like this before—you didn’t even think you could make a sound like this.
Your eyes began to water as you pressed your hand against your lips, wanting to muffle the new strange sounds coming.
“Hey…” Yuki’s thrusting slowed down as he reached over and grabbed your wrist, pulling your hand away. “Did I say you can do that?” His fingers tightened around your wrist, earning a slight squeak from you in pain.
A laugh filled the room. A boyish smile appearing on Yuki’s lips. He looked so scary like this. No eyes for you to look in. Just the sight of his lips being your only way of knowing how he’s feeling.
“You’re so cute. Like a little hamster.”
“Mhm.” His thrusting began again, filling the room with the sounds of squelching and skin slapping. “Cute little hamster. Squishy.”
A whimper left you as your toes curled. Shit, you were cumming already?! You let out a grunt and turned your head to the side, wanting to just bury it in the soft bedsheets beneath you.
“Two already.” Yuki said absentmindedly, his hands releasing your thighs as he slowed down his thrusting. You glanced over at him, seeing his hands trail up your body. They were veiny. Larger than yours. He could hold both of your wrists with one hand. You shuddered at the thought.
“Don’t make fun of me.” You whispered, hoping he would just cum already.
Yuki hummed. “I’m making fun of you?” He asked, genuinely confused. You wish you could see his eyes—just to see a glimpse into what he’s thinking. But all you get a little smile.
“I’m not making fun of you. I’m keeping count.” His hands reached the top of your collar, slowly tightening around it. You hummed, wondering what he was about to do. “So I can give you more next time.”
“Give me more?”
The sound of fabric tearing caught your attention as you glanced down and saw your dress being torn apart by Yuki’s hands. It started off slow, as if he was fighting the seams before easily pulling it apart once he reached the middle.
A strangled moan left you at the show of strength. Oh man. How could you survive any longer with this guy?
“I’ve always wanted to do that.” He said, leaning down as he pressed kisses on your bare skin. Your toes curled as you gripped at the bed sheets beneath you. “I’ll buy you prettier dresses.”
A breathy whimper left your lips. “There’ll be a next time?”
“Why wouldn’t there be? You’re my boyfriend.” He pulled out his cock and easily flipped you to rest on the side of your stomach. He plopped down behind you and raised one of your legs, slotting himself easily back into your tight heat.
“Y… You actually like me..?” You muttered, gasping as he begins a slow and steady pace, resting his chin on your shoulder.
Yuki simply hummed. “I wanna fuck you. We can talk later.” He said bluntly. You shrieked as he captured your lips into a kiss and began fucking you in a harsh pace.
The sounds of skin slapping and your muffled moans filled the room. Your fingers digging into the bed while his dug into your skin. There was a slight burn on your thighs and you weren’t sure if he possibly broke your skin from just how hard he gripped you.
You pulled away from the kiss, needing to catch your breath when you noticed why Yuki had put you in this position. The fucking mirror.
Damn pervert.
You couldn’t really hide yourself, not with his arm holding you up. All you could do was kiss him again, not having to see your fucked out expression. It didn’t take long for you to reach another orgasm with ease, the cum coating your stomach in a sight of white liquid.
A whimper left your sore throat as Yuki maneuvered you to rest on your knees as he continued fucking into you. Finally, you buried your face into the sheets, biting them to muffle your moans.
“I’m close. Just a little more, (Name)-Chan.”
Yuki let out a surprised grunt when he felt you tighten around his cock. You whimpered in embarrassment, squeezing your eyes shut. No way. No way that your body just did that.
A slight chuckle left Yuki as he draped his chest against your back, his chin resting on your shoulder. “So cute, (Name)-Chan.” With that, he pulled away and gripped your hips as he chased his own release. It didn’t take too long, his grunts mixing in with your cries.
His hips slammed against your ass as he groaned, finally reaching his orgasm. You hummed before feeling something wet coat your insides. Yuki pulled away and hummed.
“It broke.”
You turned around, seeing him hold a broken condom. “It broke?!” You cried, moving to sit up only to wince in pain. “Yuki… why are you so calm?!”
“It’s fine. It looks pretty.” He said, pointing at the cum slowly leaking from your ass.
“Mhm.” He pushed up his sweaty bangs and sighed, his eyes finally meeting yours. “Shower?”
“Yeah. Uhm, are we… a couple?”
“Yeah.” He got off the bed and leaned over to you, a slight smirk on his lips. “I’m the only man you can be a slut for from now on.”
“I’m not a slut!”
Yuki only gave you a shrug before walking away to start the bath. Well, it looked like you weren’t a playboy anymore.
But it felt good.
ೄྀ࿐ ˊˎ-
First fic back!! Way longer than it needed to be… hope yall like Yuki. I kinda want to make him into a full OC, but I’ll see.
Tag list: @flurrina @chill-guy-but-cooler @iwishtobeacrow @ofclyde @mello-life25 @kiiyoooo @tomoeroi @tehyunnie @the-ultimate-librarian @smellwell @love-kha1 @star-3214 @remdayz @rhetorical-conscience @mooncarvers-world
3K notes · View notes
bucknastysbabe · 7 months
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Handsome Devil • C. Cole
Rating: Explicit
Word count: 4.3k of uhhh I love this little guy lets break him
Tags: PEGGING, prostate massage, anal sex, oral (f and m! receiving) femdom, modern au, college au, Criston is actually a little Baby Girl but pretends to be Big Man, like he’s a touch-starved needy SLUT, enemies to lovers, fast burn, Degredation and dirty talk, feminization, alcohol use, Alicent is a sad lesbian and I stand by this, man tears, subby spacey boy, Alicent is DONEEEE
Taglist: @arcielee @bambitas @moncherrii @starogeorgina @valeskafics @aemonds-holy-milk @targaryenbarbie @sugarpoppss2 @lovelykhaleesiii @thought--bubble @fairysluna
The more you learned about the enigmatic Criston Cole, the less you wanted to know. Mainly because his bravado was a bluff you could only seem to see. He listened to those idiotic chauvinist podcasts. You’d almost asked Alicent why she brought the asshole around so often.
But you knew. They both got dumped by Rhaenyra, who was moving on as they stewed. Her new man was quite hot. Poor Ali, she was the epitome of sad sapphic poetry. Stuck in the ways of her upbringing— a limbo of sorts. Still, a dear friend whom you tried to uplift and support, especially after the breakup.
Meanwhile, she was getting closer to Criston. Who you had remained to have a normal conversation with. Usually, you’d argue with him until he would yell or storm out— over topics such as tampons being taxed or the gender pay gap. Alicent would merely ignore you two, pouring over a book, headphones in.
The prick was a waste of good looks in your opinion. There had to be a chink in his proverbial armor. Perhaps something under the puffed chest and nice clothes. Social media didn’t turn up much besides his frat and different dates every day of the week. He had multiple retweets of meninism or whatever the fuck incels called it these days.
The only observation you could draw from his socials and continuous annoying existence was he couldn’t keep a girlfriend. You weren’t going to reach out to Rhaenyra either.
You’d have to test your theory next time he was over with Ali. That was nearly always if he wasn’t out being a “frat star” or had class. You heard his clipped tones and her replies as you lay in bed. You’d have to get up and say hello. There was an ongoing competition to who could give the least excited greeting after all.
“Oh, you again.”
“Yep,” he replied, popping the ‘p’. You narrowed your eyes and shouldered past his stupidly good-looking body. You could feel the heat of his gaze follow your frame to the refrigerator.
“Care for something Cole?”
“Sparkling water. Anyways have you heard about this new-“
You tuned Criston’s impressively sexist commentary out, handing the sparkling water to him and landing a smack to a pert ass. It was a heavy handed smack— like the prick was some poor girl at a party. Alicent already had her headphones in, typing away, pointedly ignoring you two. Criston spluttered and gaped, brows furrowing.
“What the fuck was that for?”
His brows were pulled tight and cheeks flushed. ‘Fuck yes!’ you thought, this might be ammo. Shrugging you stated, “I dunno, figured you talk so much about these horrid men you’d want to be treated like one of their ‘bitches’, yes?”
Criston hissed, “You’re so dramatic, don’t touch me.” You couldn’t help but smirk at his trembling hands on the countertop, drink left untouched. A certain stagnancy was in the air. Making a faux expression of concern you cooed at him.
“Oh, my bad, did alpha sigma male chad Criston get his pretty ass slapped?”
He gasped, actually gasped out loud.
You changed gears, “I mean, someone needs to fuck all those emotions outta’ you. Such a whiny thing. None of your frat bros take it out on that sweet ass? Back when you were a freshman? C’mon you were soooo twinky then.”
Criston’s bravado had shattered quite more than you anticipated. His stark white knuckles on the marble counter trembled, a red flush appearing down the tan neck. He ran an exasperated hand through his curls, voice weak, “I’ve done nothing ah-of the sort. What game are you playing here? I only fuck girls.”
“The hot gossip was that Rhaenyra had you on all fours, like a sweet pup.”
He chugged the sparkling water, sweat beading on his forehead. Placing it down with a shaking hand Cole warbled, crossing his arms defensively “Th-that’s lies, fuck off, really, you’re into that degeneracy?” You laughed and sauntered off with your own drink, pausing at your bedroom door.
“If you need a good fucking, my door is open, I’d give that mouth of yours something to suck on.”
Criston visibly shivered and swallowed, adjusting his pants. Narrowing his eyes, he snatched his laptop and walked away. You blew a kiss, closing your door. Either Criston would take the bait or continue on into misery. You had a feeling it would only be a matter of time.
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Ali and Criston were trashed from her sorority’s formal and you said you’d be the designated driver. You had completely forgotten until Ali sent a text, “met a hot chick walking to her dorm, Cris still needs a ride. Pleaseeeee🥺🥺🥺🥺” For the sake of Alicent getting her pussy ate for once you told her you’d pick up bozo. Which he eagerly got into your car, still taking pulls from his bottle of dark liquor.
You stared in abject horror at his disheveled state, particularly the way his pinched look was absent. Criston Cole was shitfaced to say the least. His eyes were hazy and reddened, a loose way in which he held himself, none of that tightness. Criston sat forward, whining, “Change the music, something else, ugh!”
“We have a 30-minute drive so it better be good Cole.” He clumsily plugged his phone in…and out came the wailing tones of Morrissey. You did a double take— wondering if Criston Cole was truly a fan of the ultimate sad sack music? You loved the band too but this felt...strange. Criston laid back and sang along, stretching his legs, dark hair flowing in the wind.
“The Smiths huh?”
Dark eyes regarded you slowly. He mumbled, “The- the songs, they get me. It’s s’good. I’ve heard you listen to them.”
“Yeah they’re a favorite of mine actually,” you admitted. How come he couldn’t talk to you about that? You scoffed, he was such a fucking weirdo. Criston smiled goofily, looking over at you. He laughed, “You’re being nice to me!”
“You’re not being a raging dick head, of course, I’ll return the favor Criston.”
He grinned some more, eyes out the window, singing along to the lyrics. His smile faded but he continued to softly murmur along.
And I’m not happy and I’m not sad.
“You hanging in there okay? Not feeling sick?”
“Nah, m’fine, didn’t really hit it heavy until later. When we had to dance and shit.” You smirked, prodding a broad shoulder. Criston snorted, “I don’t like to dance unless I’m properly loaded, too awkward.”
You laughed, “I love to dance! It’s not all business.”
He took another swig and rasped, “Trust me, it’s quite awful, I can deal with that shitty frat grinding for a bit, no finesse in that. You won’t catch me fist pumping around.”
You decided drunk Criston was entertaining. Fishing through the car’s compartments you asked “Wanna smoke?” He groaned in delight, “Fuck yes, Ali hates it.” You lit up one and handed it to him, suppressing the shiver at the soft touch of his warm fingertips.
You smoked along with him, belting Handsome Devil.
I say, I say, I say, I crack the whip! And you skip but you deserve it— you deserve it deserve it deserve it.
He giggled a bit, pretty face exclaiming the innuendo filled lyrics. Cole unbuttoned his stiff blazer and threw the last dregs of his cigarette out. You softly glanced over, shaking your head at this strange version of the bane of your existence. He raised a thick brow and questioned “What? You’re looking through me again.”
“You’re a fun drunk,” you laughed with eyes on the road.
“I’ve been told that I don’t know- it’s weird,” he murmured.
“It’s not weird. You don’t need a drink to lighten yourself up,” you playfully rolled your eyes, “Or be a raging chauvinist.”
Criston narrowed his eyes, lightly shoving you by the shoulder. You giggled and yelped, “Hey- easy there- I’m driving!” Criston snorted, “Then drive and don’t insult me. Also, I’m taking Ali’s bed, better than that shit they give me at the frat house.”
Criston is alone in the apartment with you. That would be a first. You merely nodded with a weak, “Aye-aye captain.” He asked for another cigarette, singing and smoking. You would peer at his relaxed face and shoulders, smiling softly.
It would be back to normal come morning.
He was a bit drunker than you expected upon arrival. Criston stumbled a bit closing the car door, clumsy footsteps leading to the stairs. You followed along, getting out your key and snickering. Cole smelled good; a mix of cologne, cigarettes, and expensive bourbon. You ignored the way he was towering over you.
You unlocked the door and let him in, turning back to lock it again. As you twisted again, the brunette’s big hands and lips were on your face. His voice cracked as he moaned, “Want you so fucking bad, c’mon baby, c’mon.” You’d love to indulge him but the man was wasted.
Gently removing yourself from him you shook your head to state, “Criston. You’re drunk. Maybe sleep this off a little before making moves.” He frowned, puppy eyes shining pitifully. He huffed, running a hand through his wind-blown hair. “Right, right, m’sorry, I just.” He began to walk away.
“You just what?”
Criston shot you the most pitiful look. The type of look that made you want to baby him. Then make him cry. You leaned toward babying him right now. Criston untied his laces, voice sulky, “You intimidate me so I just act like a prick. I thought since the other day you might be interested.”
You sighed at the pouting man.
“Criston, darling, I really wish we didn’t have this moment when you’re fucked up. No funny business but you can cuddle with me tonight. Since you look like a sad puppy.”
He seemed to brighten a bit, apologizing, “I- I know! And don’t call me that.”
Rolling tired eyes, you moved into your bedroom while stripping. He stared at you merely clad in underwear and a thin tank. Maybe you could play around with him in the morning? Alicent will want to play sleepover at least two more nights before the inevitable breakdown.
Criston eventually shuffled in, wearing his briefs and dumb little argyle socks. He climbed clumsily onto the bed, you chiding, “Under here dummy, here!” He snickered, warm body sidling to your own. A tan arm wrapped its way around your waist, the man like a damn Koala the way he plastered himself to you.
He pressed a few little kisses before getting batted on the head. Criston groaned before snuffling, “You’re so strange, God, make me feel goddamn crazy.” His legs intertwined with your own, lips smirking against your nape.
“So does this mean you aren’t always…so sexist?” you asked.
He didn’t reply but you knew the answer. Sleep reached the pair of you easily, especially poor drunk Criston. He’d be alright after some breakfast. The man laced his fingers with yours, dreaming of happy things.
You awoke with a very hard dick slotted between your ass cheeks. Criston still had a death grip on you— inky curls tickling your face. Raising a brow you took inventory of the situation. The man was not awake. But he was groaning and rutting against your ass.
This should be good.
“Criston- uhhh- Criston!,” you yelped. Brown eyes opened wide, his cute face half red and curls adorably sleep-mussed. He retracted himself in a flail of limbs, apologizing profusely. He seemed to be getting more frantic until you put a hand on his surprisingly still-hard dick.
Criston’s wide eyes flicked down to your hand and back up to your dead serious face. He gulped, “I- uh- enjoyed last night. Sorry.” Holding back a laugh, your hand tightened a little on his girth, straining the dark fabric. The man was bigger than you thought, especially after all that horrid talk.
He whimpered a little, eyelids fluttering, dark lips falling open. You questioned the man “Well, Ali won’t be here for a bit. Maybe I can make good on my promise Hm?” Another whimper graced your ears. Criston whined softly, “Please, yes, please.”
You immediately straddled him, Criston groaning, remaining pliant. Caressing his cheek you asked “How’s the hangover? Maybe some breakfast and water first? I’ll be a good little housewife and make it for you.” He scoffed, lips turning up a hair, “I always thought you had it in you. Sure.”
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You ignored his comments while making some French toast. Soon you’d have the man crying and shaking, Criston could cling to his manhood while he ate. Immediately after— you two had climbed back into bed, you atop his slim hips, the tank top was far gone.
His big hands greedily pawed at your tits, Criston lapping into your mouth. You had reached around to curl your fingers in slightly overlong hair, moaning into his mouth. You’d been lazily rutting your hips against his cock, enjoying the man trying to cut off his moans.
What was he going to do when you had two fingers in his ass playing with his prostate?
You smirked and pulled back, him chasing you forward, brows pinching. Sliding both of your palms down his chest you cooed, “Lay back, I got you, sweetheart.” Criston fell back like a chopped tree, dark eyes looking up. You inched down tan skin until you sat between his thighs, patting his hips so you could get his underwear off. His adorably soaked fucking briefs.
“You’re excited hm? All wet for me?”
Criston shivered, thighs twitching as he bit his bottom lip, swallowing audibly. You eased off his underwear, fighting back laughter as you threw them to the side. It was the reverse of what usually happened in bed for the man— you knew that. His cock was flushed and gorgeous as it slightly dribbled pre onto olive skin.
You hummed in excitement, laying on your belly as you took his length in hand. Criston’s stomach twitched as he breathed in sharply, face agonized. You immediately lowered your head to the slit and laved off the pre, eyes coming up to meet his.
“Oh fucking…fuck,” he muttered, hands fisting in the comforter. He was holding back— big time. You would get Criston to unwind soon. You felt the poor baby didn’t know what was hitting him. Swallowing down the head of his cock you rolled his balls with your other hand, making the man groan and twitch again.
You bobbed your head in a familiar rhythm, making sure to drool all over his cock, the wetter the better. Coming up to flick your tongue at the frenulum or his sensitive tip had more spit rolling down to his balls and Criston throwing his head back to moan.
You’d try a little stimulation first before shocking the man with the anal question. While still sucking, the hand holding his balls crept back to shove two fingers up into that sensitive thin skin. You felt him from the other side, that hard gland was a bit swollen. Good god, had the guy not cum in days?
Criston’s entire demeanor shifted as you stroked his taint. His legs subtly widened, stomach sucking in as he let out the tiniest little whine. You pulled off his cock immediately, still stroking as you needled, “Crisssston, you like me playing with your special spot? Spreading your legs for me like a slut.”
He whimpered and a hand came up to his head as if to hide his eyes. Cole managed to reply after heaving a couple of times. The man moaned, “You- you can’t! Ohmygod s’fucking good- no!”
Kissing his trembling hips you kept massaging and stroking, murmuring in a more gentle tone “It’s okay sweetheart, it’ll be our little secret, I think you’ll feel good if you let me play some more. Really milk you dry. You want that baby?”
He moaned long and loud, cock slightly spitting onto his messy stomach. You grinned, watching Criston unravel by the second. He was a goddamn princess, wanting to be babied and loved on. He babbled, “Please yes— don’t tell anyone please I want it so so so bad please!”
You smiled at him, pressing lips to his hipbone again, shushing his pleading. This was going to be a fun ride for your new toy. You eased your fingers back, instructing Cole to bend his legs, he huffed and immediately followed the order.
It took a lot of petting and hushing until you’d breached his tight rim. You had to get up and grab lube when Criston started to ramble and tighten in apprehension. He was looser around your fingers but still wound tighter than a bowstring.
Every breath was a soft little noise, his dark orbs nervously flicking down to watch. You slipped your middle finger along the pointer, sitting flush up against his thighs for comfort. Watching his face you fingered deeper, fingers awkwardly searching for his prostate. You knew you’d found it when he jolted and shouted abruptly, tensing up.
He mewled like a cute little slut when you dragged your fingers across the gland, legs tightening around your hips before he arched and spread wider for you. Cooing in surprise you remarked, “Good boy, yesss, spreading your legs for me like a sweet baby.”
Criston seemed to lose more control at your words, crying wordlessly and writhing as he was worked over. His hands grasped and held at your waist, nails digging in just so. You grinned and put more pressure on him. He responded easily, shuddering and whining as his cock leaked more and more.
“Please, oh my god, please more, more, touch me!”
You leaned over his trembling body, lips ghosting over his drooling ones, practically fucking him with your fingers. Criston was sloppy as he pressed swollen lips against yours, tongue desperately lapping inside, moaning all the while. Snickering at him only had him whine and try harder, brain slowly oozing out of his ears with every rough jab of your digits.
You breathed when he did, softly demanding, “You’re so damn needy Criston, come for me and loosen up pretty baby.” Swiping a lazy hand across the mess of his sensitive stomach had Cole gasping and falling apart whimpering. His trembling hands slapped to the bed as you felt his ass tighten around your fingers, cock flexing as he spilled all over his stomach.
Criston dissolved into tears, blabbering, “I-I’m still cumming, ah, mmm, I’m s-still cumming!” You smirked as you dragged across his sweet spot again, forcing another whiny sob and gush of essence out. He was writhing again, back arching to figure out whether to escape or fuck back onto your digits.
“Goodness. You’ve made a mess of yourself. Attention whore, you just needed to be coddled and loved on. Stupid little pet,” you drawled.
“Mhm, mhm, yes!,” Criston groaned, “A fucking whore.”
“You want something bigger in your ass honey? Since you’re my whore?”
His eyes rolled a little, you having to hold his cheek to get the man’s full attention. Criston stared at you with wide eyes, mouth fumbling around a response. You slid your fingers out of him gingerly, relocating to a nearby shirt, wiping your hand off.
Criston breathed, “God oh- uh- God, yes, yes I want it.”
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He blinked in shock when you were back between his thighs, looming over his already used body. The polka-dotted harness and strap-on cock were secured. Criston had been quiet and pliant while you got ready, hand rubbing his achy cock, squirming and softly sighing in need. You tittered at him in sympathy, poor baby's dick had not wilted since the beginning of this excursion.
You fisted the strap with a lubed hand, smiling at Criston's little noises and trembling. Off a look alone, one would think he was either a virgin or a nympho. Sliding your non-lubed palm up his inner thigh had Criston whine deep in his chest, dark lashes fluttering across reddened cheeks. He slurred softly "M'ready, unnh, be gentle?"
Rubbing soothing circles into his lean thigh you hummed, honey dripping from your words, "Don't have to worry about a thing sweetie, I've got you. You're gonna love it I promise." Criston nodded, puppy eyes trained on you, his hands slithering to your hips to grip the flesh.
You rubbed the tip of the blunt strap against his loosened ass, inching in enough to pop the tip. Criston’s breath drew tight, eyes wide, fear flitting across his features. You shoved both of your thighs up under his, stroking tan flanks while murmuring, “Relax, s’okay baby, jus’ us Criston, relax.”
He nodded with a strangled noise, the silicon cock sliding in halfway, you laying down atop Criston. You traced a hand across his stubbled cheek to dark hair, kissing eager lips. Cole opened for you with a hopeless moan, then a cry as you jerked your hips— the fake dick all the way inside now. You whispered between kisses, “Mm- there we go- good boy- takin’ me all the way like that.”
“Uh-huh,” he garbled out, pretty eyes rolling.
His bigger arms had wrapped around your back, leaving your lower half to fuck him in a shallow rhythm, grazing his sensitive sweet spot. You had one arm up and in Criston’s hair, the other holding his hip as you fucked him. Moans fell out of his swollen mouth on every thrust, his legs flopping between tightening and falling loose.
“Aw, baby, you feel good? You being my good whore Criston?”
Criston sobbed, rutting back onto your dick and wrapping long legs around your waist. He slurred some nonsense as you fucked into him harder, angling downward to hit his prostate. Soon you struck it again, the sweet baby between your legs crying and wailing, kissing and holding you all the while.
You idly wondered if the neighbors could hear Criston being thoroughly used and broken down into mush.
He panted, “Oh, god god god, oh baby, m’gonna cum again!”
“Yeah priss? Gonna cum from having a dick in your slutty pussy?”
Criston trembled and made the most pitiful noise, blabbering and kissing frantically as his arms tightened, “Fuck! Yes!” You grinned and returned the needy little pecks, clapping your hips against his ass, watching his cock leak and swell once again. He’d probably have the orgasm of his life soon. Striking Cole deep began the fire, and then your words set him aflame, burning up as he came with another wail.
He impossibly tightened around you, cum flooding your stomachs as he whimpered, cried, and carried on like the needy little thing he was. Criston sobbed, “Pl-pl-ease don’t ever stop-p! S’go-od! Ohmygod m’all yours, only yours, forever!” You grinned and eased out of him, unclipping the strap-on so you could coddle your whiny toy.
“Such a cute baby, did so well, hmm, you needed to cum huh priss?”
Criston nodded into your neck, not wanting to let go. He asked in a tiny voice “Lemme be yours?” Stroking his slightly sweaty hair you replied, “Sure babes, just remember who blew your mind right here. You’re mine now.” He let out a soft noise, nodding pliantly, nosing and kissing your smooth skin. If you could picture it, hearts were just appearing over the man.
You’d have to talk to him again when he wasn’t a submissive mess— but Criston seemed quite eager to be petted and called pretty. Fucking Princess. You held back your laughter as the thought bubbled up. He was so damn clingy right now you could pull out a purse and he’d crawl into it, or if you had a leash? Criston Cole would definitely be excited.
He just needed to be trained up a little, s’all.
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Alicent was tired. She had met a nice girl for once, but she couldn't go shack up for a week as much as she wanted to. Criston and her 'froomie' had been radio silent. The redhead feared they may have killed each other. She gently keyed into the tiny apartment and slunk in, eyes darting around.
"That's good, ah, good boy!" came the cry of Alicent's roommate. She clapped a hand over her mouth, eyes widening in horror. Alicent wanted to melt into the floor. Dear bestie had one of her 'toys' over. Alicent could maybe duck and scramble her way into her room-- from the noises, it sounded like she was receiving some oral attention.
Ali dropped to her knees and ignored the moaning and slick noises. A deeper voice moaned something, Alicent's roommate responding, "Oh shush prissy, there's no one here. You're just being paranoid." The Hightower girl paused again, crawling behind the loveseat. The noises of very...excited cunnilingus ramped back up. She made the horrid choice to peak out before making the final cross.
Criston 'I don't eat pussy' Cole was on his knees. Eating the pussy of his mortal enemy, Alicent's roommate. Quite enjoyed it from the way he had a hand shoved down his sweats. How long had they been at it? It hit Alicent that the whole apartment reeked of marathon fucking. She could not believe this. Sure they had lowkey sexual tension but this?
Alicent scrambled across to her room, eyes forward and praying no one would notice.
"OH MY GOD- NOnONO! Christ!"
"Oh shit sorry Alicat! I didn't hear you come in! He's trained now!"
Alicent stood behind her closed door, hand over her helplessly smiling mouth. Oh my god, she couldn't be serious right now. Criston Cole broke in as the roomie's toy while she was gone. Hell must have frozen over. She laughed, Criston's miserable voice echoing from the living room. Alicent had to get away from the door so he would not hear her losing her mind. Good for them, good for them!
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steviestits · 1 month
My God Longs For Me - Part 1.3
Written for an anon prompt, which can be read in its entirety on this fic’s masterpost.
Pairing: Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson Rating: T (E for later chapters) Summary: When Steve was a child, he was abducted and brought to the cult, the Hellfire Club, as he was prophesied to be the wife of the dark forest god they worshiped. Steve enjoyed his time there, especially the time he spent with the cult leader's nephew, Eddie. This wasn't meant to last however as Steve was eventually returned to his parents. Thanks to the deprogrammer that his parents hired and time, Steve has mostly forgotten the cult that raised him. That is until he goes on a camping trip and his friends start to get murdered one by one with the only connection between the killings being the ritual offerings to the cult's gods and the strange dreams Steve has before each one. Now Steve must piece together his past to discover who is murdering his friends in the present. (Inspired heavily by various horror movies and is a horror story itself.) Trigger Warning: None Eventual Trigger Warning: Dead Dove: Do Not Eat, Ritual Sacrifices, Gore, Mpreg, Body Horror, Monster Fucking, Feminization, Brainwashing
(Link to previous part)
Entering the bar, Steve looked around at the shabby wooden walls and cracked floorboards until his eyes landed on Billy and Tommy drunkenly playing pool. Steve tried to catch their eye and even called out to them, but they ignored him. The pool tables were situated on the furthest wall away from the bar, thankfully, but it did have a dingy yet still functional mirror hung up between the bottled of high-shelf (for this establishment anyway) alcohol, so there was no way they couldn’t see him no matter the angle. He took this to mean that they were actively ignoring him, and he honestly wished his dad had selected better friends for him.
“What a bunch of mouth-breathers,” the bartender said with a disappointed shake of his head.
Objectively good-looking, the bartender had long, dark brown curls that cascaded down his back, framing his lean face to make his chocolate brown eyes pop. A tight t-shirt with the logo of a band that Steve didn’t recognize was stretched across the man’s lean body, displaying every single one of his compact muscles. He wasn’t a name tag, but it wasn’t as Steve needed the other’s name as they wouldn’t be staying much longer in the bar anyway.
Steve strode over to the bar, leaning against the wooden counter with one elbow. The other man didn’t seem to mind and instead grabbed a rag to begin cleaning a few shot glasses in front of him. He didn’t say anything but continued to keep an eye on Billy and Tommy, glowering sourly at the pair as if expecting them to cause trouble.
“If they break anything, I’ll pay for it,” Steve offered sincerely.
“Why are you even friends with them? If you don’t mind me asking, because they seem like more trouble than they’re worth.”
“My dad picked them out for me, believe it or not. It’d be good for the company, is what he said. Improve our investments.”
“Your daddy picked them out? Seriously?” The bartender snorted. “Starting to think those ids they showed me were fake. Aren’t you all grown men?”
“Listen, man, I know. But you don’t know my dad. He can make your life a living Hell if he really sets his mind to it. Easier to just do what he asks.”
“You do something to piss him off then? Only reason I can think of that he’d let you and your friends camp out in these cursed woods.”
“He didn’t pick the location. My friend did. But what do you mean by cursed?”
The bartender raised an eyebrow. “You’re going camping out there, and you don’t even know the story of Hawkins Woods?”
“It’s not like it matters. Curses aren’t real.”
 “Isn’t that what everyone in a horror movie says right before they’re killed by the curse they were warned about?”
“That’s in the movies. This is real life.”
With a chuckle, the bartender asked, “Isn’t that what they say in the movies too, though?”
“Fine. Fair enough,” Steve relented. “What’s the story behind Hawkins Woods?”
“Well, you see, it started a few decades ago when the Hellfire Club built a commune just a few miles from here. People began disappearing when they went into the woods, and the ones that didn’t swore that they’d seen a horned being right out of the corner of their eye. They said it was the pagan god that the cult worshiped. Well, the police eventually cracked down on Hellfire, broke the whole thing up, but it only got worse. Instead of disappearances, people were dying, bodies mutilated beyond recognition. Thus, everyone in these parts believe that the Hellfire Club put a curse on these woods and that their god still walks between the trees.”
Frowning, Steve turned the story over in his head. He didn’t remember everything about the Hellfire Club, but he hadn’t thought that they were anywhere close to its location, especially since his dad wouldn’t have wanted to be within the cult’s reach, meaning he would’ve said something if the area was too close. On the other hand, the bartender had no reason to lie to him. What did the man have to gain by making him believe the cult was nearby? He guessed it could be a prank, but it wasn’t a funny one if it was.
“Listen, great story, but that’s all it is, a story.” Steve pushed himself away from the counter. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to go collect my friends.”
“What friends?”
Steve opened his mouth to answer, but he looked up to see that the mirror no longer reflect Billy and Tommy. Glancing over his shoulder confirmed to Steve that they weren’t there anymore, which didn’t make sense. Even if they didn’t tell him they were leaving, he thought that he would’ve at least heard them since the two were never the quite type of drunks. He didn’t feel panicked, though. In fact, he actually felt relieved.
Billy was an asshole, and Tommy always sided with him since the jerk muscled his way into their group. Steve’s dad said that Billy was “assertive” and had a ruthlessness to him that he said Steve lacked, which was why he didn’t have a nose for business like the others. The comparison always irked Steve since he didn’t see how screwing people over or bullying them made someone a good business partner.
“That’s it, sweetheart. Who needs them?”
Hearing the bartender speak, Steve returned his attention to him only to find that his form was now twisting, growing larger until he was eerily looming over Steve. Branched, deer-like antlers crept out from underneath the other man’s curly hair while his clothes changed into robes that seemed to be made out of shadows. Then, through the darkness, a deathly pale hand nestled against Steve’s cheek, caressing it while he forced Steve to stare up into his fully black eyes.
It was then that Steve realized what was going on, and he leaned into the touch before he breathlessly whispered, “Eddie.”
Part 1.2 ~ Masterpost ~ Part 1.4
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flwerzye · 5 months
NSFW;Gavi x Pedri x Jude
🚨TW🚨:Threesome, Unsafe Sex, Light Feminization, Spanking. Dom/Sub, Bottom Gavi, Bottom Jude and Top Pedri
Word Counter:4.5k
"Who do you want to be our third member, baby?" Pedri asked, a hand was on his boyfriend's thigh as he drove through the streets of Barcelona going to the drive thru to buy snacks "I can call Ferran if you want a second inside you"
"S-stop it, stop saying those things" Jude turned his head, he was blushing as he heard his boyfriend saying those things "I'm shy"
"Shy?, if I tell you everything I did to you, your shyness will explode your body" Pedro joked, squeezing Jude's thick thigh tighter, the Englishman shivered as he felt his face heat up even more. Jude Bellingham only had size, he didn't deny that he was a tall and strong man but none of that mattered to his personality when he was with Pedro. With him he was just a little princess
"You don't need to be ashamed, love, I'll call whoever you want" Pedro said, continuing to drive. In fact, Jude had an idea of ​​who he wanted, these entire days of conversation with his newest friend made him awaken new things within himself, and since he and Pedri wanted to have a threesome, he found the perfect person for it.
"Well, I already know who I want" Jude said, Pedro had entered the drive thru of a fast food "You know, I think you'll like it"
"Who do you want?" Pedro asked looking at his boyfriend
"Gavi" Jude replied and Pedro raised his eyebrow and started laughing "What are you laughing at, idiot?"
"He wouldn't want to stick his dick inside you for anything in the world, he's 100% bottom" Pedro replied, still laughing "You didn't know that? Weren't you guys super friends?"
"I know that, I want you to fuck him" Jude said, surprising Pedro who stopped laughing "Seriously, he's so cute, you're not going to tell me that you don't want to put your dick in that pretty mouth"
"I-I know, he's really cute but I thought you wanted two inside you" Pedro was a little nervous, as if he didn't want to agree with Jude
"Another day, but I can't stop imagining this cute boy kneeling for you" Jude said as images popped into his head, puppy ​​eyes watching Pedro wanting his cock in his mouth, begging to please him
"Is this some kind of trap?" Pedro asked suspiciously and Jude started laughing "Why are you laughing?"
"Trap? Why do you think that?"
"Because maybe you want me to say things about Gavi that make you suspicious" Pedro replied while defending himself, it was their turn to order and while Pedro rolled down the car window to order on the screen, Jude spoke
"It's not, I swear it's not a trap. I can't stop imagining this, that boy is beautiful, perfect and submissive, oh, and he's so small" Jude said excitedly, he had a huge smile on his face and Pedro also started thinking about this possibility
It was no lie that Gavi is an attractive boy, he had something that left many wanting every bit of his body, from men to women. Gavi was a gay boy and didn't hide it from anyone he trusted, so it wasn't difficult for Jude to make that choice "Okay, he's pretty and he'd be even prettier on his knees"
"Then it's perfect, we can invite him to dinner and watch a movie" Jude suggested
"But how do we know if he will accept it?" Pedro asked, closing the car window "Maybe it's not something he likes"
"We're not going to force him, if he refuses we'll go to plan B which is to call Ferran" Jude smiled mischievously and Pedro rolled his eyes while whispering
"Little Slut"
The plan was as follows, Gavi was invited to dinner at Pedro's house, since he was close to Jude and was Pedro's best friend. The dining table was set precisely, the two had done a great job while waiting for Gavi to arrive
"Will he accept it?" Pedro was worried, he was afraid of offending his best friend, he would never hurt him and just thinking about it made him sick.
"We will propose this proposal to him, if he does not accept it we will not insist." Jude reassured Pedro, the two were sitting on the sofa and Jude held the older man's hand "He's beautiful and incredibly attractive but we're not going to force him into something that makes him uncomfortable"
The doorbell rang, the couple looked at each other and Pedro got up to go to the door to answer it. When he saw Gavi's figure, he smiled seeing how adorable he looked. His cheeks were flushed as he held a bottle of rosé wine "Hi Pepi" Pedro pulled him into a hug
"Hey Gav" Pedro squeezed him tighter than usual, one arm purposely wrapping around his waist "You look beautiful"
"H-hi, thank you. You look great too" Gavi was nervous, Pedro let him go and they both went into Pedro's house. When Gavi saw Jude, he went to him hugging him.
"I'm glad you accepted our invitation" Jude said, squeezing him and lifting his small body off the ground a little.
"I'm really glad you two called me" Gavi said laughing as he was put down again "What are we going to eat?"
"We both tried to make pasta with chicken and sauce. It was the most gourmet we could make" Pedro said, he had returned from the kitchen to put the wine in the freezer "We are not the best cooks"
"No problem, I'm looking forward to it" Gavi said, his hands were behind his back and he looked cuter than usual
"Okay, you can sit down while Jude and I go get the food" Pedro said
"Are you sure you don't want my help?" Gavi asked, he was so polite that Jude's heart softened
"No need, you can sit down and make yourself comfortable" Jude replied and then he followed Pedro to the kitchen
"He's perfect" Pedro said, turning on the stove to heat up the food "He's so pretty, baby"
"And what do you want to do with it?" Jude asked leaning against the kitchen counter.
"I want to fuck this boy so much, finish off that little body" Pedro said, approaching Jude and grabbing his waist "Doing the same thing to him as I do to you, he would look beautiful moaning and whimpering"
Jude whimpered pathetically, gripping the counter tightly "I need to see this, Pepi" Jude said, his voice showed all his neediness, his eyes shone with desire
Pedro kissed him, taking his mouth tightly and pressing him to the counter, his hands entered the Englishman's blouse, squeezing his skin.
The two continued kissing, Pedro dominating Jude's mouth and leaving him submissive and needy, his legs shaking and when Pedro separated he let out a moan "Baby you need to calm down, I can't fuck you now" Pedro said leaving delicate kisses on the boyfriend's neck "Depending on what happens today, you're going to be taken, okay?"
"You promise?" Jude made a cute pout on his lips.
"I promise" Pedro left him one last kiss before turning off the stove. Pedro took the steaming pan with the help of two gloves to the dining room and saw Gavi using his cell phone, his cheeks were even redder
"Wow, that smells good" Gavi smiled when he saw the food in the pan "It looks delicious"
"Yes, it really seems like it, I hope it is" Pedro said, sitting next to his boyfriend who had brought a white wine from the kitchen
"Would you like some wine, Gavi?" Jude asked as he opened the bottle "This wine is not strong, you will like it"
"I accept" Gavi took his glass to Jude who poured some for him. The 3 toasted after everyone had their glasses full and enjoyed a meal that Gavi had loved.
"It was really good, you did well" Gavi praised the food "I want the recipe later"
"I can send it by message later" Jude said, getting up and collecting the dishes "I'll leave it in the dishwasher and get the wine that Gavi brought" The English said and before leaving he winked at Pedri who quickly understood what Jude meant between the lines
"Shall we go to the couch and choose a movie?" Pedro asked Gavi looking at him deep in his eyes. The youngest nodded and followed Pedro to the large sofa in his house, the two sat down, Pedri specifically very close to the youngest who shivered when he felt a caress on his thigh "What do you want to watch?" Pedro had the control in his hand
"I-I don't know, I thought you already had something in mind" Gavi said, trying not to be affected by that affection "What do you guys watch?"
"A lot of things, we don't have many preferences" Pedro responded by putting it on Netflix. Gavi thought Pedro was strange, even the way he spoke was not normal for two best friends, as was the way he touched him
He felt terrible for being affected by this, Pedro had a boyfriend and he was in the kitchen, he couldn't feel attracted to a committed man, Jude didn't deserve this
"You choose" Gavi said looking away, he was then saved by the bell when Jude arrived with the bottle of wine and the 3 glasses
"Have you already chosen??" Jude asked, instead of sitting next to his boyfriend he sat next to Gavi, who was confused by that, it shouldn't be like this
"Not yet, we're in doubt" Pedro replied, taking the bottle of wine and the opener "What do you suggest, baby?"
"How about a horror movie?" Questioned the Englishman with a mischievous smile on his face, looking straight at Pedro
"I'm scared, will it be too scary?" Gavi asked, curling up on the sofa and the couple started laughing.
"We've protect you, there's a movie I want to watch and even you might like it" Jude took the controller to put it in the horror movies tab. Pedro poured 3 glasses of wine and handed one to the youngest among them
"Alright, let's watch" Gavi said and Jude put the horror movie on for them to watch
The beginning wasn't scary until there were some parts that made him tense, Jude and Pedri looked at each other and Jude nodded for him to do something.
"Hey, it's okay" Pedri hugged him, pulling the boy to hug him. Gavi instinctively hid his face in his best friend's neck, still scared.
"Take him on your lap" Jude said silently, trusting Pedri's lip reading and luckily the Canarian understood and slowly pulled the smaller one closer to him.
"This movie is scary" Gavi said with his face still hidden, one of Pedri's hands went down to his inner thigh and pulled him onto his lap, Gavi seemed so malleable.
Gavi was a little scared when he saw himself like that, his legs around Pedri's hips who were holding his waist. His little face was flushed and he looked at his hands a little embarrassed "It's okay, there's no need to be scared" Pedro said, bringing his face closer to Gavi's neck, placing delicate kisses there, Gavi felt his body shiver with the contact of the rough beard on his smooth skin.
Gavi looked at Jude, who didn't seem upset, Jude smiled at him and approached, standing next to Pedri, he held his small hand, leaving a kiss on his palm, even with Pedro awakening new sensations in him "You look so beautiful like this, sitting on the Pedri’s lap" Jude said, this time kissing each of Gavi's fingers "So small, so perfect" Jude pulled the back of Gavi's head close to him but instead of kissing his mouth, he left a kiss on his temple
"Pepi, Jude" Gavi called them in a slurred voice, he had never been touched by two men before and his body was starting to heat up. Pedro pulled his face this time, leaving their mouths close, Gavi then took the first step and kissed him, that was all Pedro needed to grab his body tighter and definitively glue their bodies together, his strong hands on his hips while dominated Gavi's mouth
Jude was so horny watching this, it was all he wanted most. Seeing his man dominating that small, docile boy on his lap, Gavi was beautiful, perfect and he wasn't surprised that he was so desired, there was no way not to want him, Jude wanted to see him moaning while taking Pedro in him, being a good boy
"I always wanted to see this" Jude said after the kiss between the two ended, Jude's big hand held Gavi's face to make him face him "You're so sweet, submissive...you would look so beautiful kneeling for Pedri, would you kneel for him, princess?"
"Yes" Gavi said softly, still embarrassed but unable to deny it when Jude spoke like that. He kissed him, Jude was different from Pedro, he didn't dominate the kiss with force, he didn't want to show Gavi who was in charge between them but rather let him relax
Pedro watched with so many fantasies in his head, his boys were perfect for him. Even though Jude showed his dominant side to Gavi, he knew that with a single command from Pedro, he would fall apart and obey everything he commanded.
When the kiss ended, Gavi got off Pedro's lap and knelt on the floor between his legs, looking at him in the way they both always dreamed of.
Pedro spread his erection against his pants, he was so hard and just looking at that boy so ready to take him in his mouth left him with butterflies in the pit of his stomach. He then unbuttoned his pants and groaned in relief as he pulled his dick out of the tight fabrics.
Gavi opened his mouth, letting the tip of his tongue stick out. Jude looked at Gavi mesmerized "Come on, Gav" Pedro said holding his cock and Gavi obeyed, sucking the tip filling it with saliva and then taking the length in his throat
Gavi did it slowly, he left just the tip in his mouth and gave it kitten licks looking at Pedro as if his big eyes were filled with innocence
"So good, damn Gavi, what a good mouth" Pedro said, taking a hand to the boy's hair, he looked at Jude, not wanting to forget his boyfriend "Kneel and stay next to him, I want you to make Gavi swallow everything" Pedro ordered and Jude obeyed promptly, Gavi gave Jude space to stay beside him and the two kissed
It was a kiss full of saliva and tongues with Pedro's cock in the middle, expelling pre-cum, making everything even dirtier. After the kiss, Gavi went back to sucking Pedro on orders from Jude, who held the back of his head and slowly pushed his head onto Pedro's dick, controlling Gavi's movement.
"Take it all, you can do it" Jude encouraged him and Gavi moaned, sending vibrations down Pedro's length "Look how good he is, he's trying so hard for you, Pepi"
"A perfect little slut, just like you, Jude" Pedro said and Jude pulled Gavi off Pedro's dick to look at his little face. The flushed cheeks, swollen lips and a thin layer of sweat were Gavi's composition at that moment "He looks so innocent, but at the first opportunity for him to have his hole filled by me he will bend over and take it, like a whore"
"Yes Pedri, I am" Gavi said, resting his head on Pedro's thigh, looking at him with all his devotion and accepting everything he gave him.
"Fuck, I want to see your little body so bad. Get up and take off my clothes" Pedro ordered and Gavi obeyed promptly, he first took off his blouse, leaving his milky skin exposed and then took off his pants and boxers, leaving him naked for Pedro. The elder then pulled him by the hips to sit on his lap like he was before.
It was actually a little humiliating, him being the only one naked in the middle of the two other dresses, but this humiliation was also exciting, he liked it a lot
Jude grabbed Gavi's hips and his hands went down to his buttocks, opening them, seeing the pink entrance that made Jude salivate with desire. He asked Pedro for permission with his look, it was something new for Jude, he had never rimmed before
Pedro nodded and Jude licked the edge, gripping the milky skin tightly. Gavi moaned, for Pedro this was like music to his ears. Pedri held his cock together with Gavi's, masturbating them together, this was another thing that was humiliating and made Gavi more horny. Gavi's delicate, pink cock against Pedro's, thick and veiny
"Oh my God, J-Jude" Gavi called your name as his tongue entered your hole "S-so good"
"Jude is such a good boy, isn't he?" Pedro asked Gavi and he nodded, not being able to think much when his tongue was replaced by a finger. He felt something cold in his hole, Jude had gotten lube from somewhere Gavi didn't know where.
Jude's fingers were bigger than his, and they filled him so well, that's why he pushed his ass wanting them even deeper
He placed the second and finally the third finger, fucking his entrance while his little dick was masturbated by Pedro. There were so many sensations at the same time, his stimulated body was hot and he couldn't stop whimpering and moaning "P-Pepi, can I cum? Please"
Gavi looked at Pedro, his teary eyes and the pout on his lips convinced the older man who held and masturbated Gavi harder "Come on, princess, come to me"
Gavi threw his head back and came on Pedro's hand and on his own abdomen, his vision was completely blurred and his sensitive hole was still being fucked by Jude's fingers
"J-Jude, I'm sensitive" Gavi said, lifting his ass more, whimpering with his prostate being abused
"It doesn't seem like it, you're so needy" Jude said as he took his fingers out of Gavi who whimpered louder
"Let's go to the room, I want Jude and I to watch" Pedro said and Gavi didn't let go of Pedri, he got up with Gavi on his lap, all needy and pliant
When they arrived in the room, Pedro gently placed Gavi on the armchair in front of the bed, his legs were open and his sensitive cock was starting to harden again.
"Did you think I forgot about you?" Pedro asked as Jude sat on the bed, looking down on Pedro. "How about showing Gavi how much you like being spanked and fucked? That you only have size but you're nothing more than a needy whore."
Jude swallowed and looked at the boy sitting in the armchair, who seemed so excited to see this, his eyes were shining with excitement, Jude looked back at Pedro and wasn't surprised by the slap he got on the face
"All fours, now" Pedro ordered and Jude obeyed, taking a pillow and placing it under his chest. He stuck his fat ass out to Pedro who without any delicacy pulled down his pants and underwear.
Pedro had a smile on his face that Gavi interpreted as sadistic, he removed the belt from his pants and immobilized Jude's hands, trapping them.
Pedro could have left there and picked up anything to beat Jude, but he was in a hurry and so he used as much force as possible to hit him on the cheeks.
Pedro wasn't a fan of counting, he would only stop hitting Jude when he got tired or if Jude said his safe word. He liked seeing Jude's skin red, almost raw, but he knew that would only be possible if he wore belts or paddles.
Jude in particular was strong with pain, he wasn't easily affected and that's why he loved it when Pedri challenged his limits, breaking his barriers and turning him into a crying mess.
Pedri spanked him hard on the buttocks, Gavi was scared by the noises of the slaps but still his cock was dripping into his tummy, Gavi had 3 fingers inside him, he fucked himself slowly
"Pepi please" Jude asked, feeling the burning on his skin at the same time he felt empty "I need you, I need you fucking me"
Gavi moaned louder, catching the attention of both of them, who looked at the sensitive boy in the armchair holding his dick with one hand while his eyes were watery "P-Please" Gavi asked
"Please what, baby" Pedri asked, mesmerized by seeing the boy so needy
"F-Fuck him, please" Gavi asked, he seemed needier than Jude, the Englishman held back a moan at that. That boy was perfect, perfect to ruin, to fuck. Pedri would have a lot of fun with him
"Please Pedro, Gavi is asking so politely" Jude said looking at Pedro with his shining eyes, and Pedro could die because of this. There were two puppys needy for him, looking with bright eyes
"Only because you asked me politely" Pedro finally complied with the request, quickly grabbed some lubricant and spread Jude with his fingers, holding one of her reddened buttocks
Pedro released Jude thinking about the scene he wanted to see, when he took his fingers out of Jude, he asked to lie on his back and with his legs open
"Gavi, come here" Pedro said looking at the boy, he didn't want him to feel left out. Shyly he got up and went to Pedro who pulled him in for a kiss, squeezing his ass and holding the back of his head.
When the kiss ended, Jude had already understood what Pedro wanted to do. so he gently pulled the boy to lie on top of him, their cocks touching each other making them moan.
The kiss between Jude and Gavi was sloppy, saliva coming out of their mouths as they rubbed their dicks together. One of Jude's hands squeezed Gavi's buttocks and stuck his fingers inside the stretched boy, placing 3 inside.
Pedri soaked his dick in lubricant and thrust himself into Jude holding his thighs, fucking him hard with the privileged view of Gavi's ass being stretched.
Jude and Gavi moaned pathetically against each other's mouths. Jude was needy, his point was hit repeatedly with force, Pedro was one to fuck like that, without much delicacy
When Jude took a good look at Gavi's doll face, he wanted to cum. Imagining this small, delicate boy in Pedro's rough hands, being fucked hard while Gavi watered and cried with pleasure, Jude realized the boy's sensitivity, he was so malleable.
Gavi screamed in pain after one of his ass cheeks was spanked. He looked over his shoulder at Pedri and his more spanked ass again, this time with Pedri able to see Gavi's reactions.
"I'm going to fuck you so bad, princess." Pedri was talking while grunting with Jude's grip on his cock, he knew his boyfriend was about to cum. "How about helping Jude cum?"
Gavi nodded, looked back at Jude who whimpered when Pedro slowed down, Gavi smiled at the boy below and placed a delicate kiss on the tip of his nose, getting off of him and positioning himself on all fours with his face close to his dick.
Gavi grabbed Jude, sucking the head and taking him in his mouth while his little hand caressed his heavy balls. Gavi was encouraged by Pedro, who held his strings and made him choke while he fucked Jude hard again
"Come for us, baby. He cums deep down Gavi's throat, makes him swallow everything" Pedro's voice and his completely stimulated body made Jude cum hard, his body trembled, he had never cum so much in his life.
"Fuck, so good" Jude babbled after his orgasm, his still leaking some semen and Gavi made sure not to waste any and put it all in his mouth. He shivered as the boy's tongue traced his sensitive cock and Gavi looked apologetically.
Pedro had a lot of inner strength, he had postponed his orgasm all night because he wanted to do it inside Gavi, fill him with all his load and leave him dripping
Maybe he puts one of Jude's plugs in his hole, leaving Gavi open and cum still in his hole.
Pedro came out of Jude, his dick was pulsing, his hardness was great and he took a deep breath trying to maintain self control and not cum just from seeing Gavi
"Fuck, I need to cum" Pedro sat on the bed, his back against the headboard. Gavi salivated looking at the big, hard cock, as if calling out to him "Come on Gavi, I want you to come here"
He nodded and crawled over to Pedro, with his knees around his hips and his arms hugging his neck.
"You can go, princess" Pedro placed his hands on her hips, Gavi held Pedri's cock and aligned it at her entrance and slid it in without delicacy, moaning loudly finally being stretched by a cock, by Pedri"
He then fucked him hard, his hips went up and down abusing the boy's hole. Gavi was extremely scandalous, he babbled a lot while his little body was grabbed tightly
"Th-that's so good...fuck, your cock fills me so well" It was one of the things Gavi said, he looked at Jude who had a privileged view of that scene and a tired smile on his face.
"Do you like it? Of being watched by Jude while my cock fucks your boycunt, princess?" Pedri asked, Gavi agreed without thinking much about saying something coherent
Pedro was stronger than Gavi thought when he changed position, pushing Gavi onto his back, his legs open and his knees pressed against his chest, leaving him wide open for Pedri.
"I-I'm going to cum, Pepi I want to cum, can I?" Gavi was holding his dick preventing his orgasm, he was looking at Pedro with so much need. He couldn't deny it, not when he was almost there too
"C-come for me, play with your cock while I fuck you" Pedro said and Gavi obeyed, moving his hips towards Pedro and at the first tightening of Gavi's entrance due to the boy's orgasm, Pedro came with a loud moan together with Gavi who spills everything in his tummy
Pedro thrust more slowly with each jet that went inside Gavi, his body trembled while he had several goosebumps. It was like he was in paradise after the best orgasm he had ever had
Pedro came out of Gavi and sat down on the bed, it was hot and all he wanted was a shower with his two boys and sleep, maybe some morning sex.
He took a look at Gavi's hole, red and dripping with his cum that was all over the mattress, and honestly no one cared about that right now. Then he looked at Jude, his belly was covered in cum, and he hadn't even realized what Jude was doing while he was fucking Gavi
The only sound they could hear in the silent room was Gavi's whimpering and Pedro went to the boy, picking him up after gathering some strength. "Shall we take a shower? Jude shall we?" Pedro looked at his boyfriend who smiled and agreed with him
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space-feminist · 9 months
the gaylor nyt article is reminding me of the people who argued that the success of barbie & taylor swift in 2023 was an important and revolutionary ~celebration of femininity and girlhood~. it's like. sure stuff that's targeted at women (specifically teenage girls) is often mocked but that doesn't mean embracing it is subversive, women being feminine is what's expected of us! i think gaylorism comes from the same desire to have your cake and eat it too - do the thing and subvert the thing, you might say. the desire to frame your most mainstream interests as radical, the desire to frame buying the thing marketed to your demographic as counter-cultural protest. i think many feminist white women (particularly those who are young and/or new to feminism) find themselves caught between the awareness of injustice and the social pressure to conform to white cishet patriarchy, and they seek to reconcile the dissonance they feel by claiming their conformity is subversion, that they aren't conforming at all really i promise! it's an unwillingness to give up the privileges of conformity, an unwillingness to disturb your sense of comfort and safety and familiarity, and that of course means it's fundamentally insecure. you can have feminist beliefs and like pop music & wearing pink WITHOUT having to frame those as rebellious characteristics. you can just. exist. but if you don't have the courage of your convictions you tie yourself into knots trying to justify a lack of conviction as conviction, trying to find subversion in conformity, trying to find these beliefs in your past actions instead of changing your life in accordance with them. trying to put on an outward show of those beliefs without the true committment behind it. if you were secure in your own non-conformity you could enjoy the things you enjoy without trying to make them something they aren't
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miasmaghoul · 2 years
i uh. i am entirely too gay for this shit. aether in bootyshorts was excellent, but now i raise you..the big boys in thongs? dew gets his fair share of feminization, but how about swiss walking around with the straps of a thong peeking out of his sweats?
@bluravenite drew the ghouls in thongs once did u know that
under the cut for slut activities, but no actual smut (gasp)
Swiss struts into the common room mid-morning, whistling and picking at a claw. Mountain and Dewdrop are there, the former buried in a thick book and the latter watching garbage television with a casual hand in his boxers.
"Mornin' boys," he says, sauntering to the fridge and scratching at his bare chest. He sees Dew's head tip back out of the corner of his eye, sees how Mountain peeks out from behind his pages.
"What the fuck?" Dew snorts as Swiss bends to grab a handful of grapes. Swiss smirks as he pops one in his mouth, striding over to lean on the counter as Dew shuffles to his knees. He stares blatantly at Swiss's hips as he crosses his arms over the back of the couch.
"What, see somethin' you like?" Swiss winks as Dew rolls his eyes. Swiss cants his hips forward and Dew's ears go pink. He hooks a thumb into the waist of his low-slung sweatpants and eats another grape.
"Is that what I think it is?" Dew asks incredulously, raising an eyebrow.
"Depends on if you think it's a bright pink thong, I guess," Swiss chuckles, watching Dewdrop's blush spill to his cheeks. He tugs one of the straps sitting high on his hips and snaps it against his skin.
"Where did you even get that?" Dew tilts his head unconsciously as Swiss repeats the motion, entranced. Swiss shrugs.
"It was in my laundry. Think it's Sunshine's."
"Then why are you wearing it?" Dew's voice cracks a little and Swiss grins.
"I'm outta clean undies, I guess. This was all I had left." Swiss gestures at himself. "Hence the laundry day attire. I gotta say, it's comfy. Plus is makes my ass look even more fantastic than usual." Dew makes a gagging sound, flushing red right down his neck as Swiss turns around.
"Oh yeah?" Dew chokes out, clearing his throat. Swiss is endlessly amused by how flustered he seems - their positions are reversed often enough behind closed doors, but something about Swiss in women's underwear seems to be pulling a certain thread for the little ghoul. Swiss looks back over his shoulder to find Dew honed in on the curve of his ass in his gray sweatpants.
"See for yourself," he purrs, tugging his sweats down to his knees much slower than necessary. He rolls his hips and arches his back, and Dew makes that gagging sound again as he leans over the counter.
Dew starts grinding his hips against the couch, and Swiss is certain he isn't aware he's doing it. His eyes are blown out, his mouth hanging open. Dew's claws are dug into his own forearms.
"Oh, she likes it," Swiss croons and Dew seizes, fangs digging into his lip to hold back the moan Swiss can see in his throat. Swiss stands and rubs his fingertips over where the elastic digs into his skin. Swiss turns to face Dew and the fire ghoul sounds like he might choke on his own tongue.
"I-is-," he swallows hard, hips twitching harder, "is that -"
"A rainbow unicorn," Swiss chimes in with a grin, glancing down at his crotch. "Like I said, think they're Sunny's."
"Lucifer," Dew breathes, and Swiss is sure he isn't meant to hear it. He looks over his shoulder. "Mount, you seein' this shit?"
Swiss had forgotten the earth ghoul was even here, still face-first in his book. Mountain peers over at them without so much an interested eyebrow raise. He flags his page and sets his book down, adjusting his glasses. He tilts his head, thoughtful.
"Not bad, if you like that sort of thing," Mountain says as he stands, casual as anything. He tugs his pajama pants over his hips and Swiss's jaw hits the floor. "I prefer something more like this."
Mountain is in a pair of lacy black panties, the fabric stretched over his half-chub. They sit low on his hips and press so very perfectly into the slight softness of his sides. Dew sounds like the wind's been knocked out of him. Swiss's grin turns predatory as he watches the fire ghoul's chin drop to his chest, watches him start rutting against the sofa with purpose. He winks at Mountain.
"Someone's learning about themselves this morning," he teases, and Mountain smirks. "Shall we teach him?"
"Absolutely," Mountain rumbles. They descend, and Dewdrop sobs.
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alvojake · 3 months
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I need them both in the most biblical way possible. in ways that would put shame to feminism. in ways that would make the devil himself blush and god shake his head in shame. I need them on the bed, the couch, the floor, the counter, the tub, the shower, the rest, the table, the pool, the hot tub, the porch, in public, in private, with an audience, without an audience, all day, all night, any potion they want, any time they want, however long they want, I will literally become their doll to use for any and all desires they may have....
I would literally lay my life on the ground for them
house? clean
dinner? cooked
clothes? gone
kids? as many as they want
head? baby don't worry I'll give you the best head of your life
I will show them what a tongue ring can do to you....
no lube, no protection, all night, all day, from the kitchen floor to the toilet seat, from the dining table to the bedroom, from the bathroom sink to the shower, from the front porch to the balcony, vertically, horizontally, quadratic, exponential, logarithmic, while I gasp for air, scream and see the light, missionary, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, doggy, backwards, sideways, upside down, on the floor, in the bed, on the couch, on a chair, being carried against the wall, outside, in a train, on a plane, in the car, on a motorcycle, the the bed of a truck, on a trampoline, in a bounce house, in the pool, bent over, in the basement, against the window, have the most toe curling, back arching, leg shaking, dick throbbing, fist clenching, ear ringing, mouth drooling, ass clenching, nose sniffling, eye watering, eye rolling, hip thrusting, earthquaking, sheet gripping, knuckles cracking, jaw dropping, hair pulling, teeth jitterbug, mind blogging, soul snatching, overstimulating, vile, sloppy,moan inducing, heart wrenching, spine tingling, back breaking, atrocious,gushy, creamy, beastly, lip biting, gravity defying, nail biting, sweaty, feet kicking, mind blowing, body shivering, orgasmic, bone breaking, world ending, black hole creating, universe destroying, devious, scrumptious, amazing, delightful, delectable, unbelievable, body numbing, bark worthy, can't walk, head nodding, soul evaporating, volcano erupting, sweat rolling, voice cracking, trembling, sheets soaked, hair drenched, flabbergasting, lip locking, skin peeling, eyelash removing, eye widening, pussy popping, nail scratching, back cuts, spectacular, brain cell desolving, hair ripping, show stopping, magnificent, unique, extraordinary, slendid, phenomenal, mouth foaming, heavenly, awakening, devils tango ever bro could cause a nuclear bomb inside me and I'd still ride.
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limeade-l3sbian · 10 months
After becoming radicalized I must admit I’ve started to truly resent the terms masculine and feminine. Your recent reblog brought that feeling up again(not a critique!!!!!💔). We speak of gender as a social construct, we speak of the stupidity of seeing people’s gender as something to do with what we wear, like, do, anything that has to do with stuff that isn’t just the biological reality of our sex. And I get behind that! But - why isn’t the same logic applied to masculinity and feminism usually, even in radical feminist spaces who are as critical thinking as they tend to be? I have seen a few speak of it, but it’s much rarer. Why is anything perfectly human assigned feminine or masculine roles. Why don’t we go against that? By labeling any action a woman does masculine and feminine, in my mind it’s just another way of one again placing us in boxes and whether we adhere to expectations or nah. I’m not saying “no don’t be counter culture!” or whatever. I’m just saying, to me, labeling any action inherently masculine or inherently feminine is the same gender BS as other stuff. If a woman has short hair, wears pants and tank tops, doesn’t use makeup or shave, etc., even if she works hard to present herself or avoid presenting herself in a certain way, why are those things suddenly masculine? Why are they just not her being her? Her being freer than most women unfortunately dare to be? We speak of femininity being a performance, but so is masculinity and at the end of the day neither is inherent to women or men, it’s all just other words for genders in my eyes.
By the way i’m truly not saying this to come across as an angry person toward you specifically, i’m just sending this to you because your reblog happened to pop on for me to see when I opened the app, lol. And maybe to start a discussion about why so many of us seem okay with one but not the other. If a woman sits with spread legs and has clothes to empathize broad shoulders, why is that deemed masculine actions? Why use such a divisive word for simple choices of existing.
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ok, this might just be me, but I think I was a little taken aback by some of the negativity in these asks re Maureen. I get it, you don't have to love any character - but I do wish other anons would give the story a chance to play out? I love all these characters and the complexities some bring and the warm and fuzzies others bring, but ngl, I usually love these updates but I don't like scrolling through the asks when its a bunch of people just crapping on one character. I feel like every time someone says something positive about Maureen, there's comments explaining why they hate her and I just feel like - let people love what they love? This series is fucking amazing and there is so much to gush over, why the need to crap on a character before you know her whole story? one bad conversation does not define you and everybody has words they would like to take back. I'm sorry if this seems out of place, and don't feel like you need to respond if it'll cause more negativity, but I just felt kinda sad over it all
I know it was a big ole dare to write Maureen’s first true POV chapter as her lowest point ever, but apparently I did fuck up, lol.
Or maybe not. My brand of feminism’s says let there be real, messed up, redeeming themselves women, just like our male anti-heroes.
I still enjoy the hell out of figuring her out, warts and all, glad you do too. I personally know folks like her, seen them improve too, think there’s a place for girls like her. If I’d had less work this month I could have written more to follow up, yet it is what it is and I do love to hear both sides but I’m super grateful for you popping in to even just say you enjoy her at all!
And yes, I’m not anywhere near accusing or needing to put a stop to it but I hope everything can stay respectful as it has been. And that yeah, sometimes it feels responsive. No sooner is there a love note than there’s a counter argument. But I take it as it just sparking folks own opinions on it after having read another’s. That’s my guess, my hope.
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transgenderer · 2 years
the thing that stands out to me about the "less trans" "theyfabs" (and I agree with you that this is an important phenomenon that we need a word for, although I'm weary of "theyfabs" specifically because so many people seem to be taking it as a reference to afab enbies in general) is that they're literally just what terfs would do if they maintained their same values but became much smarter about what kinds of sacrifices to make to forward them. there's a ubiquitous type of misandrist pop feminist ideology that's very flattering and easy to believe for many women who have only ever lived as women and very hard to counter for many men who have only ever lived as men. (personally i would say that it's feminism as a whole that's bad, but given all the motte-and-bailey-ing around it it's certainly more palatable to call it "midandrist pop feminist ideology"). i think the trans movement has real potential to throw a wrench in all this, but the hard counter to this is cis woman radfems discovering the One Rhetorical Killshot that lets them keep basically all of their female privilege while also picking up the-pros-but-not-the-cons of trans cred, changing nothing meaningful about their lives. literally what personal sacrifices have the type specimens of this trope made to be themselves? alienating less progressive family members at thanksgiving? I'm pretty sure they would find another way to do that actually. I'm pretty sure that's part of the draw. and when they say shit like "misandry is a cringe word, by which i mean approximately that misandry is cool and good actually", i am pretty sure that comes from the exact same place and is targeted in the exact same direction as before
in short i think the thing that "theyfab" is angrily pointing at is the radfem equivalent of the thing where, like, Tucker Carlson puts wacky pronouns he doesn't actually expect you to use in his bio. but because of the differing social contexts and temperaments of the relevant parties, "theyfabs" actually commit to the bit a little bit
this seems like...bad analysis? i dont think these people are doing anything malicious! or like some sort of bizarre...tactic? i think theyre genuinely expressing something, genuinely making a choice to be more comfortable with their gender presentation and stuff, and that's great! i think you should generally not assume people are making these like fairly major choices based on some sort of machiavellian scheme
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cucullas · 2 years
My toxic trait is that I unironically adore yeyé I do like 60s twist and pop in english but I vastly prefer the baby boomer capitalist exploited white teens in france and brasil trying very hard to be americans and doing ultra commercial music while wearing neon vest for men and platinum blond hair for girls while blatantly plagarizing usa music with new good awful love lyrics 
ofc i support also the leftisti counter movement and folk singers but sometimes I’m here singing Sheila’s “comme les rois mages” and crying with Cloclo’s “Je pense et puis j’oublie” and “devolva-me” and having the best time and sacrifying my feminism Erasmo Carlo “minha fama de mau” and Brigitte Bardot (yes, she used to sing) “moi je joue”
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pictured: brazil 
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pictured: france
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hyperbolicpurple · 1 year
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It’s been awhile since I’ve read Poasts that made me feel blind, frothing-at-the-mouth rage. Sorry to everyone who doesn’t want ranting about sensitive discourse topics on their dashes! But it’s infuriating that people can write these posts so smugly and condescendingly without any awareness or apparently knowledge of recent history whatsoever. The unholy marriage of “women and femmes” is literally pop transfeminism. (Not All Transfeminists, etc.) The idea that men are oppressed by gender is a general pop feminist idea, not originating in transfeminism but definitely supported by a significant portion of it, including the very popular bestselling literal inventor of the concept of transmisogyny, which she explicitly defined as rooted in the common experiences of people assigned male at birth being more policed for gender nonconformity than people assigned female at birth, which is not even empirically supported but whatever. Arguments about men marginalized by other social categories not being allowed to be “real men” and therefore being oppressed by gender have been literally based on a pop bastardized version of intersectionality! And while I agree that that wasn’t “real” intersectionality, the counter-arguments that men of color experience male privilege as such were constantly labeled the anti-intersectional work of second-wavey ignorant carceral white feminists who probably loved to call the cops on innocent black men, etc. What the FUCK are you talking about!?
It’s clear that the damage done to feminist theory and consciousness over the past, I don’t know, decade, is becoming more explicit and obvious and some people want to do damage control and rewrite history so as to minimize their role (or the role of people they identify with or groups they’re a part of) in producing the current state of things. And then, insultingly, they try to “rescue” feminism by reproducing the exact dynamic and rhetoric that created the problem in the first place. (Who was actually not listened to about this? Are you absolutely sure that this problem occurred because cisfeminists were assiduously ignoring transfeminists this whole time? 🙃) Worse, I think there’s enough cognitive dissonance floating around that encourages ignorance and avoidance of the discourse such that a lot of people reading posts like these don’t know that they are not accurate representations of anything that actually happened. The people writing these posts are either too ignorant about the topic to comment meaningfully on it, or they’re just straight up lying. I don’t see any other real possibility.
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A Hard Day's Night
60s Zeitgeist
the 1960s was a time of great social change. This was when civil rights movements were in full swing. (poverty, segregation, feminism, gay/trans rights, etc.)
This was also a time of social upheaval: civil rights protests, the Cold War, the Vietnam war, etc.
Music played a big role in this anti establishment culture. For example, punk and rock subcultures were largely a counter-cultural space. they were spaces of respite where marginalised people could be free from social barriers for just one night. The Beatles were very influential here through their use of innovative rock.
This was a post-WW2 era: during and immediately after World War II, most of the mainstream western art was patriotic and optimistic, rallying countries around the idea of a robust, victorious nation.
The arrival of the Beatles was also very welcome due to the post-WW2 landscape. they were a way of forgetting the dismal, gloomy days of war and instead a way to look to the future and everything it had to hold. This influence and fan fervour was so widespread and intense that it gained its own term: "Beatlemania."
In America this was also the time of the Red Scare (propaganda aimed at vilifying and creating fear of communism and the Soviet Union), which would have spread to Britain due to their minor involvement in the Cold War.
Art movements in the 1960s was also very anti-establishment. with the rise of consumerism and the start of late stage capitalism, 60s artists were crucial to the emergence of social, political movements that defined this time. popular art styles in the 1960s included minimalism, conceptual art, psychedelic art, and pop art. the growth of consumerist culture and the increasing commodification of art caused many artists to revolt through their utilisation of commercial materials (especially in their imagery), emphasis on technique, and presentation of their art through installations/scluptures that were free and easily accessible to the public. while this was in part to rebel against abstract expressionism and the art world's institutions, it was, on a larger scale, a movement against everything the western world stood for. (eg: Andy Warhol, Ana Mendieta, Gordon Matta-Clarke)
Film in the the '60s also reflects these transitioning cultural values. The 60s was also a time where comedy as a genre began to become more elaborate and elevated the concept of comedy dramas. This new trend also gave way to exploring satire. spy films were also booming during this time (many film theorists credit Hard Day's Night for this).
Due to the explosion of television and cable, the film industry experienced an all time low. To combat this, the industry invested in magnifying celebrity culture and the allure of fame, bringing about the famous Hollywood Walk of Fame Stars.
It has to be noted, however, that this culture was mainly being created by underground/indie creators, and many mainstream big corporations only sought to co-opt the aesthetics of counter-culture to appeal to the youth market. A Hard Day's Night is no different. It's clear that the film plays with the aesthetics of being anti-establishment without giving the audience any idea of what that materially means. This sort of pop revolutionary media gives audiences the feeling associated with participating in rebellion without them actually having to participate in it. It's this idea that we consume media about revolution to almost of emulate the feeling of revolutionary activity through consumption. it appeals to a generation that is hyper familiar with what revolution is and often describes themselves as very pro-revolution an pro radical political action, but have almost no idea of what revolutionary activity looks like or how to participate in it or how to recognise it outside of sensationalised media.
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julicious · 2 years
Thoughts in early November
It's fall and it's eclipse season so I've been trying to take it slow. I'm reading a pretty good book about poisons and I already have a nice list of new books I want to read thanks to this tiktok. Not that my To Read List on Goodreads isn't already 374 books long but I mean, who's counting?
Almost every day I wake up and make a really delicious breakfast smoothie - it's healthy and it's absolutely tasty. I mix 1 or half banana with oat milk, Skyr (that's an Icelandic yogurt with a lot of protein), cocoa powder (mine is dark chocolate with salted caramel bc I'm very extra) peanut butter and sometimes hemp protein powder. Have I said it's delicious? If you don't feel like eating in the morning like me but also want to get some energy, this smoothie is perfect!
What I've been thinking about recently:
Friendships are hard - ever since summer I've been limiting my time around other people because I'd realized I was still a people pleaser and prioritized other people's needs over mine (it all comes back to my narcissistic sister, who would've thought?) - astrology and Saturn made me realize all this, so thanks to my heavenly father Saturn - but ever since I stopped to listen to MY needs, I started to feel less and less interested in hanging out with people. I don't think that's the answer either. So I've been trying to not completely shut off everyone even though that's what I'd like to do lol Alone time is simply heaven to me. Maybe that's my Pisces 8H Sun but nothing beats my own company to be very honest...
Korean is even harder - I've been trying to learn Korean for a while now and I just haven't given up because of my sense of pride. I do understand some things when people talk but it's not enough. I'm going to a Korean Language meetup with some nice people after a girl invited me to join, but everyone has different speaking levels so I'm not sure if it helps much. There are some tiktok accounts that have really helpful content though and this one here is probably the cutest ever! That little voice!
Obviously I've been thinking a lot about the elections and political uproar in Brazil but I've thought about it enough. I need a break. On to an equally frustrating topic:
The world keeps proving they have a misogyny problem - From Megan being called a liar for being shot, to Selena making a docu about mental health and people only focusing on her "bad friends" and gossip around her friendships and absolutely ignoring the whole message of the docu (including her own fans), it's all really astonishing. It's so easy to hate women because we've been conditioned to hate women and girls ever since forever. It's like a bad habit that you can't unlearn easily because it's ingrained into your whole being. I haven't read this book yet but read some parts of it and the topic is really interesting - Witch, Slut, Feminist: these contested identities are informing millennial women as they counter a tortuous history of misogyny with empowerment. This innovative primer highlights sexual liberation as it traces the lineage of “witch feminism.” Juxtaposing scholarly research on the demonization of women and female sexuality that has continued since the witch hunts of the early modern era with pop occulture analyses and interviews with activists, artists, scholars, and practitioners of witchcraft, this book enriches our contemporary conversations about reproductive rights, sexual pleasure, queer identity, pornography, sex work, and more. - It's around the same theme as the cult movie The Love Witch. Now during Scorpio season, would be the perfect time to watch it. Speaking of women and witches, can we talk about how amazing Julia Fox is? Her tiktok is one of the best out there!
Finally, some cool stuff this chronically online person saw recently:
I need this Sailor Moon makeup collection like RIGHT NOW. //This guy's series on pop culture in the 90s/00s "Pop Games of Thrones" is so fun. // Red Velvet's Bad Boy but as an 80s ballad? Yes! // The Billionaire's Bride Sign - okay this analysis of Uttara Bhadrapada (Vedic astrology) is super in-depth and made me have hope that I'll live the rags to riches life! I'm a UB Sun :) [not that I want to marry a billionaire, I don't think billionaires should exist!] // Have you seen this video of the BTS in Busan show? Absolute goosebumps! // For some reason I love watching this lady narrating Asian DIY videos, it's so fun! // This little kitty brings her human to college and picks her up again! The sweetest thing! (Btw I have no idea why this girl's university is at a cemitery). // Finally, this little girl shows me I should never give up! Such a cutie!
for some reason the sailor moon link isn't working above, so here it goes: https://www.tiktok.com/@clara.slays/video/7159166499867856129?is_from_webapp=1&sender_device=pc&web_id=7156735195156350469
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bireggiemantle · 3 years
"tabitha/betty this". "tabitha/jughead that". what about tabitha/veronica?? why can't two girlboss businesswomen kiss on the lips? how sexist of you.
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