#portal kidnapping
hermit-permits · 4 months
Do I need a permit to take people into different dimensions, and if so may I have it?
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(We here at the Tumblr Hermit Permit Office fully endorse kidnapping through use of portals! Unless it's one of our employees, of course.)
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bet-on-me-13 · 3 months
Harley and Ivy meet Jazz while she's Interning at Arkham, and think she's their daughter from the Future. Somehow.
They're not wrong.
Turns out the Fentons decides to test a Prototype Ghost Portal one day 18 years ago and accidentally made a Time Portal instead. Deeming the experiment a Failure, they were just about to close it and start again when a Baby was launched out of it and into Jack's arms.
The moment he looked into her Eyes he knew he wanted to keep her. Maddie was much the same.
They did Try to return her at first, but turns out the Portal was Unstable and constantly shifting between dozens of different TimeZones, so they could never find where/when she came from. She could either be from Earth 18 years later, or Mars 5 Million Years Ago. No way to tell.
So without any other option they decided that she was their Daughter now.
It helped that she looked so much like them, and that both had been in the Lab for 9 Months straight building the Portal so nobody would question the sudden Baby. They just told the Hospital they had an At Home Delivery and officially made her their Daughter.
They raised her believing that she was their's Biologically, because after a while they honestly forgot she wasn't.
Now Jazz is working as an Intern at Arkham Asylum, and has met the 2 Patients she will be helping take care of.
Doctor Pamela Isley, and Doctor Harleen Quinzel. Aka, Poison Ivy and Harley Quinn.
This should be an interesting internship.
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elucubrare · 2 years
got a book about a 1940s detective getting portal fantasied, which is objectively better than a normal guy (gender neutral) from the writer's period getting portal fantasied
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puppetmaster13u · 9 months
Prompt 164
“Dude, of course you’re having rage moments, have you like, ever gone back to the Zone after you got revived? Or at least like, found a familiar to take the edge off all that excess ecto of yours?” 
“... what.” 
“I’ll take that as a no, come on. My Dad can open a portal and we can find you a friend if you’re gonna’ insist on being in the living world!” 
“Wait a fucking minute- what the fuck-”
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are we talking about the same catra? because i don't recall any moment before the portal (or after, for the matter) where catra feels bad about the way she treated adora. there's no moment of self-reflection where she realises how destructive she's been.
in short, this meme doesn't work at all.
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little-pondhead · 2 years
warning: long idea that came from u so u deserve to hear about it
was ranting to my sister about ur sketches cuz i fell in love with them and they are hitting at like 3 obsessions at once so points for u-
anyway I talked about the fenton creep stick (the joker panel) and my sister (who never watched dp) asked what it was, and after a confusing explanation we decided that a fenton creep stick can be any kind of object that is 1) long and swingable (like a crowbar or even a pipe) and 2) sturdy and not easily breakable
after being in the phandom I saw a lot of headcannons that after the ghosts appeared, the fentons started doing speeches at Casper, and they gave out fenton creep sticks "to be safe" or that the fentons sell those to Amity Parkers (THEY'RE NOT GUNS so they can do it) so pretty much everyone has one
adding those ideas to the fact that my sister thought at first that the stick had something to do with CREEPS (like pedos or stalkers cuz of the name) I now imagine the most famous design of fenton creep stick to be one of those stun sticks (that can not only be used on ghosts, but actual creeps!!!)
enjoy this idea cuz it sure gave me joy
asdfghjkl anon your brain wrinkles are amazing that idea is so funny to me. The anti-creep sticks are advertised all over town and it’s treated the same as a McDonald’s ad. No one really gives a shit but they still take note when there’s something new out.
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And if you wanted to throw in the supervillain AU, I imagine it would go like this:
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bluerosefox · 2 years
Todd and Phantom, Mostly Ghostly Shenanigans
That one Danny Phantom episode “Life Lessons” but its Phantom and Jason Todd tied together in the Ghost Zone.
Danny is confused why he’s tied to Jason and trying not to detransform while navigating the Ghost Zone and avoiding some of his enemies (They do stage another jailbreak after getting caught by Walker and steal Johnny 13 bike during the adventure) but Danny debates on making a detour to the Far Frozen to get Jason looked at, he doesn’t know whats making this random dude feel like he bathed in sewer water for a year but whatever it is should get looked at. Oh, and due to some reason his powers are on the fritz as well for a while (maybe due to a misfire from one his parents machines? Maybe the cuffs are shorting his powers out? or maybe Danny’s going through like a ghost growth spurt)
Jason on the other hand is trying not to freak out that he’s in the land of the dead basically and tied to some ghost guy. Last thing he remembers was trying to fight some green flaming Mohawk metal guy saying he is “a rare prize” and will be hunted for sport along side with his other rare quarry (The Most Dangerous Game much dude) before being knocked out and waking up in what is apparently the Ghost Zone. He’s also gotta pretend to be civilian Jason Todd as well. He doesn’t have any of his Red Hood stuff.
Basically they both try to keep their real identities a secret (doesn’t last long tbh) and get into some shenanigans in the Zone while on the run from Skulker and other of Danny’s rouges.     
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tsubaki94 · 1 year
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5 Hostage/ Kidnapping/ held at gunpoint
Ai-less Whumptober
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hailkingphantom · 2 years
Dp x dc
Danny becomes in the ghost king and in his panick of dont know what he shoukd do decides that the beat decision is get a mentor.
He kidnap [insert dc character] from the wachtower.
Bonus if danny do it in his human form
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hermit-permits · 4 months
Can I have the permit for saving people from inter-dimensional kidnappers? :)
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(Equal but opposite forces.)
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
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The promised 'how Angelo got to 2003 Dimension" post (with an animatic panel b/c it's cute.)
note: This is sad. i didn't intend for it to be so sad when i started this au, that's just how things went. For a three year old to activate mystic powers, i imagined it would have taken a lot of very strong emotions to do. So it's sad. It's 'i'm putting it under a break and a content warning' sad.
brief (kinda stupid) summary in the tags for those that don't feel like reading it in it's (admittedly pretty vague) detail. (I'm probably going a little overboard adding a content warning but im doing it anyways)
Content warning: Attempted kidnapping and attempted child violence.
Angelo got separated due to a combination of the twins darting off while Angelo got distracted by a bucket of paint. Splinter was so busy chasing after the twins he didn't notice Angelo's hand had slipped from his. (By the time he does, he's already gone.)
While he's separated, another mutant sees this tiny thing painting a picture on the wall and decides he's an easy meal.
(that mutant is pretty much just Old Hob (from the TMNT idw comic) if he had been mutated by Draxum and escaped into the sewers. Not quite as conniving yet. Still very much relying on cat instincts at that moment rather than people ones. but he will get there. (I liked the fact that Hob is the reason Raph was separated from his family in the comics, so he's also the reason Angelo gets separated from his Rise family here.))
Anyways, Hob takes the small turtle and is halfway back when Angelo starts making a racket and trying to escape (he was stunned before then. He didn't understand what was going on. He still didn't but by then he just didn't want to be there anymore.)
All this does is make Hob mad. He tries to hurt Angelo to make him stop.
Because at that moment, Angelo is scared. He's so scared. He scared this mutant will hurt him. That he won't ever see his family again.
And he so very wants to see them again.
Its enough to get his ancestors' attention. For them to see one of their young descendants in mortal peril and decide, that just won't do.
You see, that fear and desire to see his family was strong enough for Angelo to unlock his mystics, but he wasn't strong enough to use it. So his ancestors give him a boost. Admittedly a too strong boost. b/c instead of helping Angelo to make a portal away from there, they helped him make a portal away from the whole Dimension.
a too big portal, that Hob also fell through (though was far too stunned to do anything to stop Angelo from getting away.)
Raphie doesn't know this is what happened. He simply finds a crying turtle tot in the sewers and brings him home.
Eventually he starts realizing something bad happened to get the kid there (a small crack in Angelo's shell, bad nightmares, etc) but Angelo refuses to talk about it. and Raphie doesn't have the heart to push the issue.
Hob would probably be the main antagonist for the "Angelo grows up in 2003" arc. He would blame Angelo for him being displaced as he is. (he's also the dude in-charge of the lair invasion that results in Angelo getting sent back to Rise.)
So that's how it happens.
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turkeyinnovember · 1 year
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girly what happened to your pigtail
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l bozo
though, her portal is black and white. the scribbles at the corner seems to appear whenever rc is here, but the portal color.. the past few portals were red & teal/blue swirls, which notably, only recreyo members were shown entering..?
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redactedgoose · 1 year
hello. guess what time it is? it's bully Vlad hours, featuring tropes such as 'get out-billionaired, idiot' and 'Maddie's type is genius idiots; Bruce Wayne's is hot people who could kill him'
He's done it, he's finally done it! Jack is dead! And Daniel is none the wiser. His little badger glares at him, clearly warning him not to start anything at his misbegotten father's funeral.
Vlad just smiles back, just barely not smug enough to tip him off, and goes off to find his Maddie.
She's going to need support, after all! My, maybe he'll even offer her a shoulder to cry on, an arm to support her, and then eventually help her through her grief before she-
Vlad draws up short.
No. No, impossible.
His Madeline, his Maddie, is already in the arms of another man, crying quietly against his suit- which, he notes sourly, anger beginning to flare in his core, is more expensive than the one he's wearing.
The man could even be Jack himself, if smaller and more lithe. A cousin, perhaps?
He forces a mournful expression onto his face, rictus in its falseness, and approaches them.
"My dear..."
The man turns his face to Vlad as Maddie does, allowing him to finally place him.
No. No.
Bruce Wayne? The Bruce Wayne? Air-headed playboy billionaire Bruce Wayne? Here, holding his Maddie at Jack's funeral?
"I am so sorry for your loss," he finally continues a a beat later, blinking slightly faster as if his pause was from sorrow and not rage. "Jack... he was..." he trails off before he has to utter any kind words about the fool.
Maddie sniffles; Wayne proffers a handkerchief from nowhere, which she takes with a small, tender smile.
"Thanks, Vlad," Maddie says. She sniffles again, daubing at her eyes. "I still can't believe it..."
"Neither can I," Vlad says, bowing his head instead of staring daggers at Wayne. He does glance at him, though, once he raises his head, hoping to subtly prompt an explanation.
"Vlad Masters, right?" Wayne asks, cracking a wan smile at him and offering his hand. "I don't think we've met before."
"Indeed not," he says, giving Wayne's hand a firm, quick pump. "How did the two of you meet, if I may ask?"
"Oh, so long ago," Maddie says, a ghost of a smile on her face. "We were both much younger... Bruce was learning some self defense at the same class I was, and it spiraled from there."
"Oh, I definitely did," he jokes, that wan smile turning stronger. "Spiraled straight down onto the mat! She put my on my back so many times!" He laughs.
Maddie's smile strengthens, legitimate mirth in her expression now. "You gave as good as you got, Bruce! Your pins were the worst to wriggle out of!"
They laugh in concert, facing each other. It's the only reason why they don't see Vlad's eye twitching. He's suddenly very grateful that he didn't pick up a drink to keep appearances- it would have shattered in his grip by now.
The next fifteen minutes are agonizing. She hangs off of him and he lets her. They laugh together, they cry together, and every advance of his, dressed in best intentions and veiled in concern, is rebuffed.
"Oh, Vlad. You don't need to worry about me," she says wetly, mere minutes before the eulogies are about to start. "Bruce is here for me."
Vlad very quickly comes to the only sensible conclusion: Bruce Wayne must die.
#dpxdc#vlad masters gets DUNKED ON#anyway add what y'all want i kinda accidentally wrote the entire fic in the tags. i'll pull em out later n put em in a rb ig#danny 100% saw everything and is ok w the possible fruit loop billionaire being his new dad because it pisses off#the definite fruit loop billionaire- vlad.#bruce is concerned because he can read people and masters is mad as fuck and suspicious#he hangs around to try and investigate#and then learns about the portal and all the ghost attacks and goes What The Fuck?#danny meanwhile has gotten jazz in on it (no we're not replacing dad we're helping to get mom to be safe w mr. himbo#so dw jazz!) so those two start to try to parent trap maddie and bruce#vlad is getting closer and closer to blowing his top#it's so funny and danny mocks him relentlessly#however a stray comment from him in ghost form to vlad in ghost form in the presence of bruce gives him the clue to put it together that#fenton is phantom and masters is plasmius#bruce then goes along w the parent trap a lil more in order to Collect More Data on the whole sitch and maybe starts to crush on her a bit#(he has a type! maddie could definitely kill him!)#maddie meanwhile is grieving but is soothed by her bestie and her kids getting along so swimmingly and she kinda starts to work through#everything and maybe even have a lil fun#vlad flips his shit at this (predictably) and kidnaps them all#bruce reveals himself as batman to danny after danny is forced to reveal himself as phantom to bruce. jazz just nods silently and-#-(internally) goes 'i knew it was mommy issues'#meanwhile vlad has maddie and she's piecing the whole masters/plasmius thing together for herself. and then she confronts him and#it comes out that vlad killed jack. she (predictably) flips her shit and kicks vlad's ass six ways to sunday#the three come in just in time to see maddie put him down (bruce recognizes the move from the course the two of them took together)#danny as phantom says something and she puts it together that he's her son#takes it well. vlad is in a thermos#scene of them three showing bruce off#and they talk about how likely it is for jack to come back as a ghost and maddie just ruefully shakes her head#epilogue: in gotham years later and the two of them are on a casual date. danny is live-streaming it into vlad's jail cell#in walker's prison (thank u for GZ wifi tucker)
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termagax · 5 months
i dont knowwwwwwwwwww i just. my thing is that i think the changelings could have an interesting place in the narrative given jims whole conflict is about trying to navigate his place in two worlds neither of which he completely fits in but both of which he needs to be his complete and authentic self. but they shoot themselves in the foot by making strickler the main one and they get sooooo close to doing this with nomura before getting bored and doing it again but worse with strickler. so in my mind i think this is why i was so set on addy being a changeling because i want her to fill that narrative role of someone who's ACTUALLY chill about this dichotomy and who really loves this part of herself without the baggage inherent to nomnoms situation (not acknowledging strickler he did most of that to himself). i just think he needs someone who can show him that its actually genuinely very possible to have both halves of his heart especially post-potion. but man. you cant really get there without dancing around the janus order stuff. and i know if she was real it would just be a cheap lampshade like "welllll shes a polymorph so. no familiar no problem" but that opens up a can of worms that i feel responsible for. and just in general the entire thing has so much baggage. i wish this show was GOOD.
#like i like the concept that the changelings were troll babies tortured with dark magic i think for me it justifies arrghs fondness for her#because hes in an extremely similar situation and i think him watching it happen under his command would be enough for him to say hm. i can#do this anymore goodbye. and i like those kinds of dynamics a lot#so i feel like you can just take that aspect and run with it#instead of the familiars give them some sort or mild innate mental magic? so they can write their identities into peoples lives#so you can still get that sense of like. an invader where its not supposed to be#without having to touch goblin baby kidnapping#'but that ruins the whole plot with claire' idgaf figure it out. i would do somwthing wlse with that anyways#they retroactively imply claires magic is innate later on in wizards anyways#so if youre gonna do that just make her brother also have it in some way which would make him a valuable asset if noticed by someone like#strickler. make it smt with the bridge or some other thing where they neeeeeeeed a magic user and itd be too risky to like. kidnap a studen#so they cant take claire. or nobodys noticed she has powers yet#make it so the baby goes missing and nobody seems to remember him at all EXCEPT claire#bcz strickler mind powers. which tangent but u can also use later for his thing w jims mom#and makes the whole 'we have to erase her memories of him' less convoluted bullshit#anyways back on track. just have the baby at the bridge ceremony for magic power reasons and in the conflict smth grabs him and takes him#thru the portal in the hopes of opening the bridge frm the other side#anyways.tthey had options is all im saying and they chose to do it in the worst way possible#just scrap the janus order im not touching that#it was so fucking pointless anyways. they didnt DO anything not one single thing
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lostworldss · 1 year
just remembered that Valax said that the blood she already took from us was going to be used for scouts to get in position, meaning that she already has warriors in the light realm who can try to capture us back
so what if we get a scene where more of Valax’s warriors try to kidnap us again but this time our LI protects us and doesn’t let them 🥺
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atohii · 5 months
still thinking about that person who claimed to be native and said that stealing children from native tribes became illegal in 1901. Like what the fuck
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