luchitohamilton · 11 months
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lewis talking with mariana becker about his relationship with his father during the brazilian gp '23 [x]
i've had to really work to get to a place where we could see eye to eye, and I put boundaries and i'd be like "no Dad, this is how i am" [imitating Anthony] "and why would you do that?" "well, i want to do it my own way and i will make mistakes but you'll see the outcome", and most of the time i ended up being right but not always. i had one of my engineers, like shov or [somebody else], tell me "you're not always right, right?, you just gotta accept you're not always right" and that's one of the things i struggle with. i argue and argue and argue but then i would say "ok, yeah, you were right".
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onceapilgrim · 1 year
Etappe 2 | Angeiras nach Vila do Condo
Dieser Bungalow, in dem wir die vergangene Nacht geschlafen haben ist wirklich, wirklich ein Leichtgewicht! Ist jemand vor oder hinter dem Häuschen gelaufen hat das ganze Ding gewackelt. Gut, dass wir im Bungalow waren, sozusagen als Gegengewicht
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laficcioteca · 1 year
Naquela sexta-feira, quando nos encontramos, a manhã clara prometia que haveria sol. Sentei-me em frente a ela e o que mais me chamou a atenção foi a profunda tristeza que vi em seus olhos.
-O que aconteceu? Eu perguntei a ele enquanto afundava meu olhar no dele.
— Perdi algo de grande valor e não sei onde procurá-lo.
Fiquei olhando para ela e senti pena dela porque sabia que sua tristeza era genuína.
-Saber? Eu sei quem você é, mas não o reconheço,” eu disse a ele.
-Se te entendo. Eu também não me reconheço. — Ele me respondeu baixando os olhos envergonhado.
-Em que posso te ajudar?      
— Ajude-me a encontrar o que perdi, já que não encontro sinto que não vivo.
Eu a notei triste e uma lágrima escorreu por sua bochecha.
— Vou te contar o meu segredo para que você nunca mais se perca: sempre que encontrar alguém, olhe nos olhos dessa pessoa. Lá no centro de cada um há uma luz brilhante que pisca. Essa é a sua alma e ela brilha porque está viva.
Ela estremeceu e imediatamente ergueu o olhar, que até então era indescritível.
“Talvez nem tudo esteja perdido. Talvez eu só precise começar de novo", disse ela enquanto soltava o cabelo.
"Ninguém disse que é fácil, mas é menos difícil do que todos pensam."
"E por que isso me deixa tão triste?"
— Isso acontece quando você deixa de ver dentro de si mesmo e esquece que, apesar do que aconteça, sua Alma ainda está viva.
Desde então, nem tudo são rosas, mas todas as manhãs ela olha em seus olhos, e no brilho de seus olhos ela sempre me encontra, lembrando-a que ela pode recomeçar quantas vezes precisar.
Eu sou a Luz da sua alma, a responsável por mantê-lo vivo. E enquanto houver vida, tudo será possível.
Maria Florinda Loreto Yoris.
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caetanojane · 1 year
Dobragem pt-pt 🇵🇹 ( eu faço todas as vozes )
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gostoalisboa · 1 year
A forma como o nascimento e a maternidade funcionam nos EUA é extremamente chocante. O caminho não é fácil.
Não conseguia imaginar a luta!
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radiovoyager · 1 year
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lovedovechels · 2 months
Digital Detox and Self-prioritization
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You`re endlessly doom-scrolling on your phone. Your thumb glides from Facebook to Twitter to Tik Tok then to Instagram and back to Facebook again, all within an hour. You scroll until you're consumed with feelings of anxiety, envy, and fleeting bursts of joy. You scroll until you`re overpowered by the desire to be someone else, doing something else and YOU CAN BE! This desire is easily achievable when you put your phone down, take a break from social media, and start living in the real world! I should know, I was just like you once.
I was the girl with a daily screen-time of over ten hours. My life was sedentary, and I was always plagued by envy and bitterness towards the people on social media who seemed to have their life together and were out being exciting people who did exciting things. 
I remember one evening I was carrying out my normal routine of doom-scrolling when I was bushwhacked by a migraine so crippling that it drew a family member`s attention. After relaying my ache to them, they humorously suggested it was probably because of my phone. 
This was my epiphany. Their joke was right- I was spending too much time on my phone and while trying to ignore my pounding head, I recalled all the hours I spent bent over my phone, bleary-eyed and envious of the life of content creators and micro-influencers. 
I recalled watching gym content and admiring these creators' progress while not having the faintest idea of the last time I worked out. 
I used to dedicate my time to passionately responding to comments in defense of celebs who did not know of my existence. I did not once dedicate this same level of commitment and dedication to my passions. 
I posted pictures of myself and religiously compared the likes, views, and comments I garnered to those of my mutuals. I tried to maintain a curated online image that was disingenuous to who I was- heck, I barely knew who I was without the influence of social media.  
This enlightenment (and my migraine lol) shook me to my core. I had to do something fast. I deleted my Twitter, Instagram, and Tik Tok. Since going offline, I`ve had a multitude of free time which I`ve dedicated to self-prioritization and improvement.  
I`ve since fallen into the habit of : 
Creating to-do lists so that my days are productive. 
Picking up new hobbies (blogging via Tumblr, painting, and writing) 
Reconnecting with old hobbies (Reading; so far, I`ve read two books from @kelseytheballerina ‘Digital Minimalism’ reading list). 
Dedicating time and energy towards being more organized and efficient (completing tasks without the temptation to check my phone or the distraction of incoming notifications that require me to update, share, or respond).  
Trying new recipes and cooking more
Gardening (I am currently growing Spinach)
Consistently exercising (working out between 30 minutes to 1 hour) 
Learning a foreign language (Eu falo portugues!) 
Deciding to engage in Bible Study and Quiet Time  
Since deleting social media, I`ve experienced so much personal growth. I feel more self-directed. My life was waiting to be lived and enjoyed just beyond the glare of a screen and I`ve since embraced it and reclaimed my time and made myself a priority. I am finally figuring out who I am, AND YOU SHOULD TOO! 
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ellebarnes90 · 4 months
elle olha aq q tesao o andy falando portugues
ele cantando com uma voz LINDA, ele pronunciando tudo direitinho, falando bonitinho, dizendo que tem q falar devagar quando for falar espanhol com ele KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK AI
to apaixonada é isso, EU PRECISO DESSE HOMEM
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rogha · 1 month
me and my brother trying to explain to a guy from libya on the luas that the reason there’s a stop called fatima is because there was a social housing project called the fatima mansions built there in the thirties that have since been demolished and replaced with the herberton apartments and those were probably named after our lady of fatima which is a way to refer to the virgin mary because during ww1 in fatima, portugal mary appeared to three kids a couple of times and told them secrets and things and everyone was like ‘yeah sure’ and the kids were like ‘be here on this day and you’ll see’ and then the sun did some weird stuff but most people kind of think that if you stare at the sun and you start seeing weird stuff that’s probably not a miracle it’s just what happens when you stare directly at the sun for a while but it was declared a miracle worthy of belief in the 30’s and the reason there’s a place in portugual called fatima is probably because there was a big chunk of history where the iberian peninsula was mostly under muslim control from the 8th century to the 15th and that is why there is a random tram stop in dublin with an arabic name probably
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kyuala · 5 months
kyuuu, n sei se vc gosta do andy mas olha q delicinha ele falando portugues SUPER BEM( alguma loba br ja pegou ctz)
oiii amor, eu n falo mto dele pq não tenho certeza se sinto atração (rs just geminiana things ✨) mas ele é um QUERIDOOOOOOOOOOO OLHA ISSO 😭😭😭 alguma br já capinou este lote e que orgulho! ele errando pouquíssima coisa do sotaque affff lindo
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compneuropapers · 6 months
Interesting Papers for Week 12, 2024
Neural representation of goal direction in the monarch butterfly brain. Beetz, M. J., Kraus, C., & el Jundi, B. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5859.
The scope and role of deduction in infant cognition. Bohus, K. A., Cesana-Arlotti, N., Martín-Salguero, A., & Bonatti, L. L. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 4014-4020.e5.
Increasing associative plasticity in temporo-occipital back-projections improves visual perception of emotions. Borgomaneri, S., Zanon, M., Di Luzio, P., Cataneo, A., Arcara, G., Romei, V., … Avenanti, A. (2023). Nature Communications, 14, 5720.
Dopamine and glutamate regulate striatal acetylcholine in decision-making. Chantranupong, L., Beron, C. C., Zimmer, J. A., Wen, M. J., Wang, W., & Sabatini, B. L. (2023). Nature, 621(7979), 577–585.
Perturbed Information Processing Complexity in Experimental Epilepsy. Clawson, W., Waked, B., Madec, T., Ghestem, A., Quilichini, P. P., Battaglia, D., & Bernard, C. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(38), 6573–6587.
Common population codes produce extremely nonlinear neural manifolds. De, A., & Chaudhuri, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(39), e2305853120.
Dimensionality reduction reveals separate translation and rotation populations in the zebrafish hindbrain. Feierstein, C. E., de Goeij, M. H. M., Ostrovsky, A. D., Laborde, A., Portugues, R., Orger, M. B., & Machens, C. K. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3911-3925.e6.
Information-theoretic principles in incremental language production. Futrell, R. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(39), e2220593120.
Echoes from Intrinsic Connectivity Networks in the Subcortex. Groot, J. M., Miletic, S., Isherwood, S. J. S., Tse, D. H. Y., Habli, S., Håberg, A. K., … Mittner, M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(39), 6609–6618.
Intrinsic dopamine and acetylcholine dynamics in the striatum of mice. Krok, A. C., Maltese, M., Mistry, P., Miao, X., Li, Y., & Tritsch, N. X. (2023). Nature, 621(7979), 543–549.
Multiple dynamic interactions from basal ganglia direct and indirect pathways mediate action selection. Li, H., & Jin, X. (2023). eLife, 12, e87644.3.
Internal feedback in the cortical perception–action loop enables fast and accurate behavior. Li, J. S., Sarma, A. A., Sejnowski, T. J., & Doyle, J. C. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(39), e2300445120.
A role for ocular dominance in binocular integration. Mitchell, B. A., Carlson, B. M., Westerberg, J. A., Cox, M. A., & Maier, A. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3884-3895.e5.
The representation of occluded image regions in area V1 of monkeys and humans. Papale, P., Wang, F., Morgan, A. T., Chen, X., Gilhuis, A., Petro, L. S., … Self, M. W. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3865-3871.e3.
Switching between External and Internal Attention in Hippocampal Networks. Poskanzer, C., & Aly, M. (2023). Journal of Neuroscience, 43(38), 6538–6552.
Reward expectations direct learning and drive operant matching in Drosophila. Rajagopalan, A. E., Darshan, R., Hibbard, K. L., Fitzgerald, J. E., & Turner, G. C. (2023). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(39), e2221415120.
Engram stability and maturation during systems consolidation. Refaeli, R., Kreisel, T., Groysman, M., Adamsky, A., & Goshen, I. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3942-3950.e3.
Different rules for binocular combination of luminance flicker in cortical and subcortical pathways. Segala, F. G., Bruno, A., Martin, J. T., Aung, M. T., Wade, A. R., & Baker, D. H. (2023). eLife, 12, e87048.3.
Anatomical restructuring of a lateralized neural circuit during associative learning by asymmetric insulin signaling. Tang, L. T. H., Lee, G. A., Cook, S. J., Ho, J., Potter, C. C., & Bülow, H. E. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3835-3850.e6.
Robust multisensory deviance detection in the mouse parietal associative area. Van Derveer, A. B., Ross, J. M., & Hamm, J. P. (2023). Current Biology, 33(18), 3969-3976.e4.
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biohazard-4ever · 2 days
What are your expectations? ;)
Streamando o STAGE OF PLAY! Na minha TWITCH!!
quais são as suas expectativas? ;)
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onceapilgrim · 1 year
Etappe 1
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gostoalisboa · 1 year
Meu vídeo novo e sobre a realidade de freelancers em o EUA. As ruas não são pavimentadas com ouro, embora pareça que sim.
Parece que sim.
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cerberus253 · 20 days
Soo.. not wanting to bother or stress you.. but, what if hsi wu ended up falling inlove with a mortal? Maybe a afro person or someone who is originally from spain?
And honestly, something i think he would find it funny is how some words are in spanish, and especially how buses are called busetas.
(Which in brazil, a lot of people joke about it cause in the portugues dicionary, the word sounds similar to "buceta" which is a way to refer to the private part of a female and also used as a curse word and insult.)
And maybe we can imagine and create some headcanons of how their dynamics of the mortal s/o and hsi wu would be like?
(Also, don't over-work yourself, drink water and rest, have your own time and you can answer this whenever you want or not, and please, i hope i didn't annoy you ;-;)
Although I do believe the Demon Sorcerers are asexual and demiromantic, I'll entertain the idea in the "What If..." universe.
Even in this world, they’d be manipulative, cruel, sadistic, and objectifying. Out of the Eight (Nine if you include Drago), I think Hsi Wu (Sky), Tchang Zu (Thunder), and possibly Xiao Fung (Wind) would be the most likely candidates for gaining at least romantic, even sensual, relationships with humans (Drago included, and he may even have a desire for a sexual relationship, too, but he’s also mostly demiromantic to me).
Gonna repeat this from a previous ask about Hsi Wu to start this:
Hsi Wu is cheeky, mischievous, crafty, manipulative, and a bully he can also be patient and/or sadistic when needed.
I will also be repeating stuff from a similar previous ask, but I’ll shorten it and say it’s a repeat because, even though the previous S/O was a different species, it does not mean he’d act completely different for another. Repeats are similar, but not exact.
Headcannons (SFW)
Going straight to the language bit, it appears that all the Demon Sorcerers know, at least, Chinese (originated there) and English (spends the most time interacting with). Depending on their kingdom locations, they most likely know an additional language. English and Chinese are very different languages, but since Hsi Wu knows English, he's already at a good start with learning any of the Traditional Romance languages, and then possibly Latin. So, he can be taught, and maybe because magic, he'd be able to learn it rather quickly.
Hsi Wu's kingdom was in the Eastern US. The one in Spain was Dai Gui. Now, I know Dai Gui is considered the “caveman” of the siblings, but even he knows Spanish. Hsi Wu, upon learning Spanish, will use it front and towards him in insults when he can. Dai Gui does not like this. Not only can Hsi Wu insult him in English and Chinese, but now Spanish.
(repeat) Hsi Wu would totally keep his human S/O in a human-sized birdcage in his room, eventually upgrading it to a larger, more complex, and fancy looking cage with plants, flowers, rooms, things to climb and hang on, etc. It's not only to keep a protective eye on them, but a protective chamber from jealous eyes harmful hands.
(repeat) Although treasured dearly, being doted on, given gifts, and romantic passion are earned by being a good boy/girl and doing what their told or pleasing him enough. They could ask for the finest foods, apparel, and entertainment, but for freedom outside the castle/Tower is a strict no. The only time it would happen is if the S/O is heavily guarded and/or Hsi Wu himself is with them.
(repeat) When it comes to being let out to roam the Tower and its hanging gardens, it's only if Hsi Wu trusts them enough and/or they beg in such a pitiful yet beautiful way that he kind of feels bad for letting his treasure rot away in a cage.
(repeat) Like I said in a previous post, Hsi Wu's Tower would be decorated and colorful, but spacious enough for him and large flying creatures to fly around without fearing of running into things. Same thing internally, especially within his quarters, where his favorite trinkets and decor, which are mostly if not all from his human S/O, are placed. Any materials the S/O needs, Hsi Wu will have a subordinate fetch it for them.
(repeat) Hsi Wu doesn't need to wear a lot of things because it impacts his flight, but in placement of that, he makes his S/O wear beautiful and fancy pieces. Not only jewelry, but cloth and fibers as well. He loves to look and stare at them, knowing that nobody will ever have anything as exquisite! One can find paintings around the Tower of them, decorated, lounging, and looking seductively fierce with demonic make-up on, like a hulijing ("fox spirit"; Japanese- kitsune). Lucky people can look and be jealous, but not a single one can touch!
Now, although Hsi Wu personally prefers Chinese clothing, upon seeing the bright and colorful apparel, he thought it'd be more fitting for his S/O to be in their traditional wear. I honestly think Hsi Wu would overall love any colorful clothing, like [South]East Asian (Chinese, Vietnamese, Laos), the three that you mentioned (Spanish, Portuguese, Brazilian), and others like Argentinian, Bolivian, Ecuadorian, Guyana... heck, anything in South American by the looks of traditional clothing. Polish, Swiss, Austrian, Azerbaijan, and Czechia for some other European ones. Indian looks pretty as well!
So yeah, the prettiest clothing for his S/O, as well as make-up and jewelry. However, because Hsi Wu wouldn't be too keen on them getting to dirty or injured, so he'd probably want them to be wearing it just about all the time (they are still an object to him, after all), as long as it doesn't outshine himself. Yes, I know we see Hsi Wu in just a cloth in the show, but I'm pretty sure he wore other stuff for different occasions back in the day.
(repeat) Hsi Wu's bathing pool is huge with glistening water and soaps of tropical smells. He would prefer to bathe with his S/O, with them usually washing him, and then maybe him doing the same if he wants to. Of course they feel pleasure from each others' touch, especially the S/O. If female, the S/O would definitely enjoy Hsi Wu squeezing the warm, flesh filed stress balls called breasts.
(repeat) Hsi Wu is never passionate for too long and will eventually go to playing around with them, pinning them against the pool edge to express his dominating presence against their fragile human body.
(repeat) Hsi Wu almost always sleeps with his S/O, very much like how we sleep with toys and body pillows. Their warm body is perfect for cuddling and wrapping his cold-blooded wings around, really enveloping his entirely around them like a cocoon.
Apparently, because you asked, darker skinned people absorb heat more than light skinned people, therefore their body temperature is higher. Because Hsi Wu is a cold-blooded lizard demon, he would prefer this over any other skin color. However, heat rash and other heat related skin responses are also increased. Hopefully magic and science together can easily prevent, or lessen the likelihood, of this from happening!
(repeat) Hsi Wu knows about kissing, but why it became a thing is beyond him, but he gets they do it to show affection. Obviously he never sat and watched people do this, nor have ever practiced, so his first kiss was very awkward. Really he just smashed his mouth against his S/O's, almost breaking their nose. Since he's willing to do this on occasions, the S/O would give him lessens. Lots and lots of lessons~ Even suggesting the tongue kind~
"Ugh, kissing with our tongues?! That's disgusting!... DO IT AGAIN."
Playing with his ears while doing so will lead to him biting, lips or tongue. Of course the S/O is into that, ya know, as long as nothing is being bite off.
(repeat) He may be serious and more patronizing to his S/O in public, because image to humans and his siblings, but behind closed doors is where the affection is really shown. Hugging, cuddling, nuzzling, kissing, making out, etc is done rather aggressively and normally ends up with them falling over onto the ground or Hsi Wu's nest. Is this what true love feels like? Damn, no wonder humans go crazy over this stuff!
I'm unsure if Hsi Wu would let his S/O study magic, because there's a possibility they may use it against him, but then they could defend themselves if he wasn't there, so what to do?? Well, he needs to at least teach them flying, or levitation magic (god forbid you try to convince Tso Lan to do that favor), so they could fly together! When that happens, he'll give them flight lessons. If the S/O is knowledgeable and skilled enough, they could trick him into doing the areal mating dance some birds do, just to fluster him XD
Although Hsi Wu foes have sensitive ears, he does enjoy music; it’s just that high pitched and loud AF notes hurts his ear holes. Anyway, he’d probably want his S/O to be able to sing, and if they can’t, he’ll find someone to teach them how. Dancing can be nice, too (refer back to that other Hsi Wu post about the owl-human hybrid for the types of dancing), but singing is more to his liking. He can’t do it himself, but he loves a great singing voice 👌
Headcannons (NSFW)
Now, depending on if they have the ability to sexually reproduce, they can get sexually aroused, but it’s very low. They do not have the desire to have sex, but if they are doing foreplay, or are in the middle of “doing it,” they’ll eventually get aroused. Some may take longer than others, and some may need very specific foreplay to get there.
Yes, Hsi Wu would find it funny that common words (“busetas”) in one language (Spanish) sound like something inappropriate (buceta) in another (Portuguese). I can see him using it more like an insult than trying to be sexy, especially since it’s “bus” to “woman parts.” “I can’t wait to get into that bus of yours” XD
Wait. English has the meme “bussy” to mean “pussy.” Hang on… no, it would still be a joke to him.
Hsi Wu wasn't on-board with anything sexual at first, but grew into it eventually because it's fun to Do It with someone you genuinely love, not just to 'get your rocks off,' which he sees as pathetic and weak. Like, really, all your species' emotional decisions center around sex? Damn, that's dumb and not something an amazing Demon Sorcerer would do. We're above that!
(repeat) Like I said, it takes a lot of convincing to get a Demon Sorcerer to have sex. Hsi Wu would eventually be convinced with foreplay, usually the begging and submissive kind. Like, one can start off with exposing and splaying themself out, maybe touching him, obviously signalling what they want, but that's not gonna convince Hsi Wu to do anything; he'll only verbally tease them to do better than that.
"Let's see how much you really want me, hm?~" Work, baby. Work. The S/O will need to show how much they want him by getting him sexually aroused. Once that eventually happens (begging, moaning, cooing, any pitiful noise really), Hsi Wu will pin them down and get aggressively, and playfully, dirty with them, both physically and verbally~ Sweet Nothings, kisses, licking, biting, scratching, bondage, choking, overstimulating, etc. Although the S/O was the one to be "on top" first, Hsi Wu was only letting them. Now that he's ready to go, they have to relinquish that power whether they like it or not!
(repeat) Bondage. He's into bondage, especially the hanging kind. He's put them up in embarrassing and exposing poses, and will physically tease them unil they cry and beg to be touched and pleasured.
If the S/O is female: BOOBS. BOOBIES. BREASTS. MAMMARIES. They are soft, warm, squishy, and relaxing for both parties! Alternatives for these Fun Flesh Sacs are butts, love handles (called that for a reason), hips, and thighs! Hsi Wu WILL squish them, he WILL enjoy it, and he WILL leave scratch marks from him claws piercing into them too much!
(repeat) Nicknames include: "my [mortal flesh] toy," "Dolly," "Pretty Little [Song]Bird," "darling," "plaything," "honey," and "miscreant," "scoundrel," "harlot," etc.
Connecting back to the singing voice of his S/O, if they can sing, he’d love attempting to run those chords dry with their seductive moaning, really making them a temporary mute afterwords XD
Now, when doing foreplay with him, once can touch and rub against him, but are not allowed to get penetrated. That's HIS responsibility/job. Maybe he'll let his S/O do the job for him if he's too lazy and just wants to watch them struggle, moaning and whining as they gyrate on him with that desperate, blushing, lolling face of theirs~ <3
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www-pinkhearse · 2 months
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Got bored did A Flag Tier List . Under the cut my explanation for the one person that could find that of interest
My favorite Are the ones with a recognizable pattern if turned black and white HOWEVER i also put into consideration the colour combos which is why I put Estonia and Luxembourg’s so high. I wanted to bring Macedonia up as well as i find the Flag to be extemely recognisable however i just didnt like the pure red, Same reason why Switzerland’s in A instead of S.
Another thing for me is for flags to be easy to be drawn over and over again. My usual standard is if a Child can draw it, it’s a good Flag. Reason why all the complicated stems are d tier. Exceptions include:
Albania is an exception cause Albania FUCKED.
Kosovo ranked higher though cause I’m rooting for her.
Belarus also as i find the side pattern to BE extremely endearing, and has an extremely nice cultural Touch
Some flags im gonna be honest ranked high due to bias: Romania for example as I grew up there. but also oh my god can I just say i wish so badly they went through with the hole in the design, It has such a rich history and it’s so unique
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I had to split up the Nordic sister and that HURT but some colour combos work better then others, such as me having a huge biased for yellow/blue combos over red/white/blue as it’s kinda overdone imo (big reason why Czech Republic is in a instead of s) Another one i find overdone is white/red with flags such as Poland, Monaco and Malta blending all in together for example. Some red/whites just have a bad red (Latvia’s is basically brown and Switzerland and Portugal’s having the opposite oversaturated problem)
Speaking of Portugual I was so divided on it. On the one hand it’s truly unique, having an unusual color combo, having a unique pattern that districted it from the others and being so ugly that it went right back to being amazing (e.g. Maryland comes to mind) but I just, COULDNT look over how ugly the green and red looked.
Speaking of, red/green are an amazing combo in a lot of these that aren’t OVERLY overdone but still look nice (if you choose the right tone). Bulgaria and Belarus look extremely nice. Adding the white jusy makes it kinda Lose uniqueness.
“So why did Italy rank so high” brother I live there I’ll always have a bias. But also. It’s recognizable colour combo wise so? Yk?
I put high all the flags that use a light blue as I find that to be unique (ESTONIA☝️ but also Luxemburg and Greece) which speaking of Greece top tier flag amazing job yall.
Black/yellow/red is very original and recognizable howevwr it’s so ugly I could only give the leverage of being so up high to Germany cause everyone knows her, I feel like Belgium ISNT as recognizable outside Europe but that may be me? Also idk why I just don’t think the colour palette goes with the vertical stripes, it feels more correct on horizontal ones
That’s all I have to say? Again this is a purely aesthetic rank, I like European geography so 👍
Feel free to ask anything cause I like to talk abt stupid stuff
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