#possible tumor
monsieurenjlolras · 1 year
Yo sicky tumblr I've been to the hospital 8 times this month anybody got me beat
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bright-and-burning · 2 months
it’ll actually lowkey be so funny if THIS is the thing that makes me really cry for the first time in quite literally 100 days. straw that broke the camel’s back, sprint that broke the eve’s tenuous hold on sanity
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honeysuckle-venom · 6 months
Worrying is useless. I'll see a hepatologist as soon as we can get me an appointment; there's nothing I can do in the meantime and nothing urgent anyway. But. I'm still worried. My case is pretty extreme; it's unusual to have so many tumors, to have them in both lobes, and for them to be so large. I just watched a short video about hepatic adenomas (link here if you're curious lol) and it didn't tell me anything I didn't already know but. What I know is. Not great. Almost certainly the next step for me for trying to treat this is going to be weight loss. I'm significantly "overweight" and my last hepatologist wanted me on weight loss drugs, but I refused and wanted to see if going off the birth control would be enough. I'm still not willing to go on weight loss drugs, those scare the crap out of me, there's not nearly enough research about their long term effects. But I might have to look seriously at working with an anti-deit dietician and my therapist and my doctor to try to lose weight through diet and exercise without also losing my mind. And that terrifies me. I've had seriously disordered eating my whole life and currently deal with very fun eating issues that are like 50% eating disorder 50% food and health based OCD, and attempting intentional weight loss is likely to be very destabilizing if not outright deeply dangerous for me. But it might be the only thing standing between me and a liver transplant and uh...I do NOT want a liver transplant. Idk. This whole thing might be me catastrophizing; maybe it'll be fine, maybe there will be some other treatment like ablation or something similar I can do, maybe I'll try to lose weight and my therapist will help me through it and it won't be that destabilizing after all, maybe I'll be told there's absolutely no need for any kind of surgery let alone a transplant. I'm not a doctor, I don't know, maybe there are a million things I haven't considered or found in my own research. But from what I do know things seem...not great and very stressful right now.
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baejax-the-great · 6 months
My sister might not have brain cancer
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bloody-shadow666 · 7 days
Learned today that if someone shines a flashlight into your eyeballs your sinuses are visible through your mouth
Also learned via this method that one of my sinus cavities is like completely zero wiggle room stuffed to capacity full of gunk and I have. An infection 💀 which apparently explains the ceaseless incurable unbearable fucking headache that I've had for a month
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sumakha · 1 year
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NEW OC* ALERT!!!! everyone please welcome genzhe-gai
(character info under the cut cus i didn't expect it to get so long LOL)
genzhe is currently a guard on the janggok mountain border (they have a great wall there), but used to be an archer for the janggok military (as seen in the second pic). a few years into his military time, a small skirmish with annoshiki invaders led to him getting hit with the eye with a magic arrow. the arrow had a body magic crystal attached to it that was designed to explode on impact, with bits and pieces lodging into different parts of his eye and turning it into a multi-eyed tumor (and it was honestly quite lucky that it hit his eye, as a hit to somewhere like the heart would've been fatal).
the tumor completely fucked up his depth perception, so he was forced to stop being an archer. healing magic does enough so that he can live with the tumor (mostly by replenishing any nutrients that the tumor might be stealing from other tissues + making sure it doesn't get infected somehow), but getting rid of it outright is impossible, as trying to remove any of the crystal shrapnel still stuck there could make things a whole lot worse. now that he can't be an archer, he mostly does small jobs for the other border guards, like fixing armor and weapons. janggok culture holds great reverence for those who were injured/scarred in battle, so despite not being able to fight anymore, he's still well-respected as part of the guard.
the bumidae in the second picture is unnagk-am, one of genzhe's fellow soldiers. after genzhe's injury, unnagk, despite still being in peak fighting condition, quit the military and followed genzhe to the border wall as another guard. the two have a sort of homosexual WARRIORS BOND thing going on, but tbh everyone in the border guard fucks around with each other bc there's not exactly a lot to do there. just guys being dudes.
PHEW okay that was a lot of lore. ill end this post on a funny thing i noticed after drawing these, which is that i accidentally switched the side that his tumor is on for all of these drawings. like in all of my other art of him it's on his right eye (right from his perspective i mean). but honestly i'm glad i accidentally changed it LOL it looks better this way
also *genzhe is not actually a new character i've had him since uhhhh january 2021. i just never made finished art of him or developed him past 'hes a homidae with a weird eye' until now
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gothhabiba · 1 year
Pysch anon- in the past, I’ve thought things that were not Consistent With Reality, but that I don’t know were necessarily delusions? Like, I had the classic abused person’s belief that everyone I knew hated me and wished me harm and that I wasn’t human (but given my circumstances that wasn’t really irrational), or I’ve briefly been convinced that I was a god or other people were actually robots who merely seemed human, ((I still have ask-length restrictions, sorry) 1/4)
(2/4) but I knew that these were thoughts I ought to not entertain, and they went away on their own if I refused to do so. For the past several months now, I’ve been having hallucinations, mostly of seeing people, animals, etc. that aren’t there. They aren’t distressing, and for much of the time it’s been happening I’ve been able to dismiss it as something else, so they aren’t really affecting my life, and aside from them, I’m doing better mentally than I have been maybe ever.
(3/4) The main things that are upsetting about them are 1.) having another thing that I can’t really safely talk about w other people and 2.) having my perception called into question again after I had to work so hard to be able to trust it. So now I’m not sure what I should do. I’m in therapy for the abuse trauma right now, and my therapist has been v chill about other stigmatized issues I’ve talked about, but I’m still hesitant to bring this up,
(4/4) and since it’s Probably not brain cancer and I’d prefer to save my “credibility” and goodwill for actually-distressing physical issues, it seems like a bad idea to tell my GP. As someone who’s been through similar stuff, do you have any advice on dealing with any of this? Tysm in advance.
I don't know how much help I'll be since I haven't been involved with a therapist or psychiatrist for the last 8 years or so, & my fixed idea + hallucination stuff didn't really come on until later. I think you have a few things to weigh against each other here—
A diagnosis of any psychotic disorder makes people more likely to be forcibly institutionalised and discredited by court systems (e.g. if seeking custody of a child or defending oneself from criminal allegations). Diagnosis may also be necessary to receive certain kinds of treatment. If you're not distressed by your symptoms or seeking treatment at this time, it's all risk and no gain on that front.
If you feel that your therapist is generally supportive and you'd like to be able to talk about this with them, I think it makes sense to trust your gut on that one (as in, you of course know this therapist better than I do)—but maybe ask how any notes they take about you are used by or accessible to anyone else, including if you switch practices, and what their practices with diagnosis are (i.e., some therapists or psychiatrists may withhold official diagnosis for the above reasons).
You express some concern that this could be something with a more definite physical etiology—do you have any other symptoms, or any family history of (brain) tumors? If so, either of those things may be enough to talk to your GP about without mentioning the hallucinations.
It's absolutely maddening (ha) that we have to juggle these kinds of things against each other when trying to receive care for things. I hope you can get some resolution soon, whatever you chuse to do 💜
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goldkirk · 1 year
the problem is that after all this "learning what happened to me" I now have to know every day for the rest of my life that I know how to start a high-control group/cult and could, in fact, do a very good job of it if I ever just turn down the volume on my values and ethics for a while.
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trashy-roadkill · 4 months
Putting some infected guys onto my bone page since I went "aye what if I practice skeleton structure" and then needed to fill the page with somethin
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gendzl · 5 months
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world's shittiest photo of a bird in flight <3
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scorittanius · 6 months
sorry if this comes across as nosy but.. tumor buddies? i have one too !
oh fuck'n sweet!
the one i know of is the weird sun cancer thing i got when i was a kid which was apparently so valuable they shipped it off to be researched, though there's a very real possibility i have another which is causing my brain and thyroid to fuck up and fill me with copious amounts of hormones. who knows what it's doing or if it's even there (if it isn't i genuinely don't know what else could be causing my issues so that's fun), i still need my CT scans to tell lmao
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superanimepirate · 7 months
Can today just end already dear lord
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imeminemp3 · 1 year
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manifesting 🙏 🙏 🙏
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marinaimsure · 10 months
the last thing I need rn is a tumor ffs
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forestlion · 1 year
my god can an internet search about medical stuff provide me with anything other than cancer please
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asjjohnson · 7 months
Why is it that every time I search for headache information online, I see stuff about how I should see a doctor immediately or else I could die?
I've had occasional headaches for the past 15 or so years. I haven't died yet. But you're making me really worried.
(and doctors never think a headache is a big deal. ...which makes me more worried.)
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