#probably just migraines but basically this has fucked
monsieurenjlolras · 1 year
Yo sicky tumblr I've been to the hospital 8 times this month anybody got me beat
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whatisthisnonsense · 4 months
"mutants are poc analogy" "mutants are queer analogy" Listen, X-Men and as such mutants as a whole should really be disability representation, and I mean representation and not analougous to it they just occassionally also get to blast ice while having furniture not built for them, struggles with keeping their mind in the present, and constantly having people casually discuss sterilizing or euthanizing them and being considered either dangerous or simply incapable of understanding when they get mad about this. But nobody is ready for this conversation.
#Marvel#X-Men#But no as someone who is queer and also has untreated disabilities#Plays at saying being antimutant is metaphorically homophobic mostly just pisses me off#And I'm sure people of color aren't thrilled when Mutants As Analogous To Racism comes up since most of the big names are white#And more often than not this is usually used for Marvel to avoid actually talking about the real issues#Nevermind rarely combine in an interesting way when you do get a gay mutant or a poc mutant or a gay poc mutant#However any time they run into the world simply not being built to accomodate their physical or mental needs and get sneers for asking#You can immediately see me doing the Leonardo DiCaprio point#“but what about Homo Superior” nobody in the 616 knows how genes work because the writers don't#And as a scientist if I have to see X-Gene pop up one more time I'm going to transmogrify into Galactus and eat the planet#One of the biggest experts on Mutant biology is from the Victorian era why are we listening to him#Anyway where are the DIY accomodation features for people with tails or touch telepaths#Rogue basically had to be bubblewrapped most of her life once her powers kicked in#Scott has literal braindamage on top of his powers so he's either blind or colorblind if he doesn't want eyebeam everything#Magneto and Polaris's mental instability probably is related to their electromagnetics fucking with their brains#And Also They Both Have Hella PTSD#Hank has had to make shit that's big enough for him or just run around in boxers#Kurt literally had to use holograms to hide his physical appearance and sometimes still does or has to wear concealing clothes#Logan has chronic pain and rips his skin open any time he pops his claws#Big Fuckoff Migraines plague all psychics#And we have ALL of the Morlocks EVER#Isn't Hellion using his powers to make up for having no hands??#Or at least was before they walked it back like they did the Professor needing a wheelchair#I just think there is an argument to be had here about this
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dirtytransmasc · 9 months
I haven't posted about Avatar in a *hot* minute, but, I have been infected with the hyperfixation again and the incessant urge to just hit Spider with the projection/trauma stick is driving me feral.
I just want to give him a shit ton of issues man. I want to make my sweet baby boy baby miserable. I love him so I have to make his life as hard as possible.
like making him absolutely unwell and giving him a list of chronic illness/disabilities (on top of the ones he already has from being human on Pandora) wouldn't fix me, but it'd do something that'd make my brain feel a little less implode-y 🤷🏻
Edit: small disclaimer for anyone who doesn't know me, I am disabled, hence why I said projection, I just feel like I should mention that, or the tone of this post feels a little uncomfy
#I think spider has earned some chronic pain#and tummy problems#and migraines#and insomnia#and a fucked immune system (cause I think living amongst Aliens and having little to no exposure to a large germ/people pool to form-#immunity from and then being forcibly dragged from his little bubble to Bridgehead and then out with the recoms and then to the SeaDragon-#through the tainui villages and then finally the metkayina village. I just *know* his immune system is one sniffle away from crapping out)#and like. he was tortured. with a brain machine. so he can have a hand tremor and absence seizures or something.#and light sensitivity. he can have that too.#and he's probably super dissociative and/or maladaptive to cope (both is good. both is very good)#and give him a rolled ankle thats like 8 years old that he never let properly heal and just acts up constantly#and nasty scars from tending his own wounds as a kid#and give him a complex with hygiene from being neglected as a kid and constantly feeling dirty but literally not knowing how to make-#himself feel clean cause no one taught him basic life skills#also. give him autism. just cause.#all on top of his massive guilt complex that makes him feel like his unworthy of life/feel like a monster 25/8#just for funsies#y'know you in a *great* place when you do this to your favorite little guys 😃🤗🫶👍#(this may be a cry for help)#(I think the scariest part is that these aren't even all my ideas. just my favorites)#spider socorro#miles spider socorro#miles socorro#avatar#atwow#I love how this is my first post back into this fandom. it says greta things about me
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etoile-gracieuse · 1 year
“gen zers are sexless straight edge prudes, euphoria is unrealistic” this and “gen zers are not sexless and pure, heartstopper is unrealistic” that
my god. i knew people who did coke in high school (albeit mostly rich kids and the people around them). i got drunk for the first time in middle school (i am aware that that is not healthy). i also didn't have sex until i was 19. my ex was having sex at 15; he's never touched a drop of alcohol. i know people who don't have sex and don't drink or take other mind-altering substances. i also know people who hook up w strangers weekly and make the most potent edibles i have ever tried (and they somehow were more wild back in high school, if you can believe it). like. i was 16 figuring out where friends could get abortions in my conservative ass home state, offering up places to stay to people kicked out by their parents, and trip sitting for people on acid. i was also going on ice skating double dates, sending cringey good morning texts w heart emojis, and wasn't allowed in my ex's room w her door closed.
no single portrayal is going to perfectly distill the diverse experiences of a group of people that stretches from 12 year olds up to 26 year olds in a way that makes everyone happy. no portrayal should be expected to?? that would be terribly dull??? it would defeat the purpose????
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hoothootmotherf-ckers · 5 months
the hardest thing about chronic pain to me is how it makes me doubt my own brain.
I have chronic pain. specifically chronic migraines. and the hard thing about that, or neurological pain in general, or really just so fucking many different chronic pain conditions, is there is no proof.
there's no scan a doctor can do to show my pain level or symptoms. you can't look at my head and go "huh, looks fucked up, probably a 8/10 pain." absolutely everything I experience, in order to be understood by a medical professional or even just anyone really, has to be self-recognized and self reported.
and that requires so many steps and levels of trust. like just to fucking start, I have to be aware that the invisible thing I am experiencing is not a thing everyone feels! which again, fucking invisible! Then I have to be aware it's happening at all, which sounds basic but with chronic shit is not. I had to explain to a doctor this week that I do not know if I ever experience "normal" or low-level headaches, because I'm so used to severe migraines that anything below that doesn't register. Sometimes it even takes hours for me to notice I'm having a migraine!
and then I have to be able to assess my own pain, judge how bad it really is, when after nine fucking years my scale is goddamn broken. and the longer I've had a migraine, the further out of whack it goes. I have to recognize and categorize my symptoms, one of which is fucking brain fog, and I have to communicate these very nebulous and abstract concepts to other people.
And then. And then they have to actually believe me. I have to convince them I'm not lying, I'm not looking for attention or drugs or pity or excuses. with zero hard proof, just my words. and then it cycles, because if people doubt my pain, I start to doubt my own experiences. I start to think I'm being a wimp, I'm faking it, I can try harder. so then I downplay it, so then I think it's fine, so I push through it, and this works great until I am fully fucking incapacitated.
and then people are shocked and surprised because I "look healthy."
it has taken fucking years for me to accept that what I am experiencing is real and people who doubt me can go fuck themselves. and it's still very much a work in progress. every single day.
but my pain is real. and so is yours. and people who doubt us can, to reiterate, go fuck themselves.
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evilminji · 1 year
...Wait. ACTUALLY???
The Portal is basically a doorway right? Big ol solid and sustained gateway from Realm A to Universe B? Unlike the brief blips of natural portals?
As IN... a Ring could therefore, theoretically, send out it's Search For Willpower. EXE vibes? Hit the portal -> go THROUGH the portal -> and continue expanding as the search continued until it hit a Confirmed Match(tm)?
You know... somebody INCREDIBLY SUPER LIKELY to match? Like... say... a Dead Green Lantern who? Had the WILL to continue on as a Ghost? Probably would get priority over any untested "new" Lantern candidates? Since they are somehow both in the system and not?
Recognized, yet a different species somehow?
The Rings records mark them deceased. Yet here they are, without a Ring. Which they OBVIOUSLY need, as Lanterns. Because once a Lantern, always a Lantern. Nyooom~ off it goes.
Off? Probably a whole SHIT TON of them go. Like? A truely, TRUELY alarming amount.
Think hundreds of thousands, suddenly wrenching themselves free of their stands and SHOOTING into the sky. Yes, a few at a time is normal. Day in, day out. Hundreds a day.
Not upwards of millions.
Not all at once.
A SEA of green orbs shooting up into the night sky like shooting stars. So many it chokes the sky. Drives everything to a stand still. All of them going the same direction. Some... EVENT... has just happened and no one knows what it is.
You have no choice but to follow them. Figure out where they are going and what's DRAWING them. You fly for weeks. Take shifts, following them. Alarm countless innocent people and more then a few governments.
It's....? Earth? Fuck. Of COURSE it had to be that God forsaken rock. EVERYTHING seems to come from there! Do you have ANY IDEA how many Lanterns they have stationed there by now? Multiple times the amount ENTIRE QUADRENTS usually take.
Why is it ALWAYS that planet?? Someone call Hal and his merry band of migraines. They're coming in hot. And NO, we CANT stop them. Don't bother asking. We ALSO have no idea where they're headed.
Think about being in Amity. Quiet day for once. You don't trust it. Something gonna happen, you can FEEL it.
A ring shoots past you. Then another. And another. Then dozens. Hundreds. THOUSANDS. Green, glowing, and like they were shot from a gun. The sky hailing ghost jewelry because God hate Amity specifically, apparently, and FUCK your premiums. You dive for your car.
Watch, baffled, at the Fenton house is SWARMED. The local crack pots are trying to shoot at RINGS. Failing to hit a single one. The swarm organized, writhing, and gracefully ALIVE somehow.
Aliens shoot past your car. They're wearing LANTERN get ups. Fighting the local crackpots. The sky is FULL of Lanterns now. Oh god, first Ghosts, now Aliens. Your mother was right. You SHOULD have stayed in Ohio with her sister.
The Rings break the Fenton's door down. The clattering is CACOPHONOUS as they push and shove to race inside. You watch the doorway. Some instinct telling you not to look away. Even as Lanterns and crazy people are shooting at each other not yards away.
Watch. The. Door.
Ghosts come back out. ALIEN Ghosts. Wearing LANTERN rings. Your jaw drops as they just... just KEEP coming. Every last one of them wearing a ring. You struggle to remember how many there WERE. As the sky turns GREEN. As Amity truely DOES become the most haunted place... anywhere.
You're pretty sure in the oceans of GREEN you spot the Justice League. You DEFINITELY spot Phantom. Thank god. No Spooks ever get away with shady nonsense on HIS watch, so whatever happening? 'S gonna get sorted.
And JUST? As you think... maybe, JUST maybe... you could just? Inch your car into drive, and sloooowly get the fuck out of whatever THIS mess it? Those white suited crazy people from the Feds show up and start trying to ARREST the SPACE COPS. For not letting them take unprovoked attacks on OTHER Space Cops!
Oh Shit(tm).
@hdgnj @ailithnight @hypewinter @nerdpoe @lolottes
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Thinking about disabled AK!Jason tonite with a disabled s/o
Let's be fr this man could/should be an ambulatory wheelchair user but he won't because he doesn't know that's a thing and wouldn't think he deserved it. If you're an ambulatory wheelchair user maybe one day you manage to lovingly bully him into just TRYING it and it is life changing
He uses his ambulatory energy to do Red Hood shit nbd
if he doesn't use a wheelchair he's got at least 2 braces--shoulder and knee
Baby has chronic pain, arthritis, chronic migraines from being beaten
Missing some teeth too
take this boy to your neuro or your ortho!!!! he is totally unaware he does not need to live like this. better living through chemistry
let's get him some therapy too
you WILL have to go to his drs appointments with him. mans WILL freak the fuck out for ANY medical procedure, has very serious medical abuse trauma. if he can see how your drs help you he is much more likely to go if he can see that you are benefiting from your providers and that they haven't harmed you
if you're scared of drs he will FULLY stand behind you. probably not that healthy tbh but he gets it
having a special Migraine Protocol for each of you (it's basically just a snack and a drink, blue light filter glasses, a sleep mask with headphones for that special Migraine Playlist)
make your own pain scales and talk through frequency of pain bc when you have constant or near constant pain it fucks up your ability to quantify it so making your own pain scale is helpful (he probably uses shakespeare plays or authors. like a 5 for jason is twilight, because you can see some problems but it's fun and fluffy but when you start looking closer OH NO SO MANY PROBLEMS)
pain meters on a wall near the kitchen so you can know what you're working with
CBD patches
the AK suit is basically a giant brace/mobility aid so you help him figure out how to adapt it for his red hood persona, how to make it lighter and allow for greater ROM
will remind you to do physical therapy
resistance bands ALL OVER THE HOUSE
learning bodywork techniques
AT LEAST once a week using a special oil or lotion to work into some of his bigger scars to make the tissue more mobile
giving him a back/neck/scalp/face massage
after a while obvi that's a lot of trust he's putting in you
NOT deep tissue. don't hurt him more. you can have effective therapeutic massage without hurting a person
trager work involves basically shaking a limb and letting the weight of the muscle do all the work but it feels weird the first time and he'd just start laughing at you
specially if you do his glutes
but it feels really nice so he stops laughing and it does help his lower body pain
putting magnesium lotion on each other's neck and shoulders
start to ask each other "are you angry or in pain?"
hand massages
teaching him to stop pushing through the pain
one of his knees is basically bone on bone so you always know when the weather is changing
if u both have bad knees u just don't even when the weather is changing. take some pain meds, use your topical pain reliever of choice, prop those joints up and snuggle in bed. watch a youtube series or he can read to you
heated blankets as heating pads supremacy
occasionally he'll be in pain and the kind of pain where you feel like you're going insane, so as a distraction he will go online and buy a bunch of weird pain-relieving gadgets and you'll spend a week trying them out
(sometimes his pain fog shopping spree is blind boxes, or nail polish, or statement shirts)
all of his siblings know to come to your place if they get beat tf up because your medicine cabinet is UNreal
you're about to give cass or steph a Controlled Substance Pain Reliever and you pause "this is technically drug dealing, isn't it? dOn'T teLL rEd hOOD" jason is literally patching them up right next to you
soft blankets
reminding each other it's ok to take it slow
he's constantly tearing into the other rogues for not having ADA accessible lairs (except Ivy who successfully argued that the plants make it ADA accessible which will do. FOR NOW.)
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bloodycyrano · 1 month
K, so I'm in a depressive episode, and I'm craving chocolate. Nobody probably cares, but here's what type of chocolate members of Team Tadpole prefer and how I think they'd react to receiving it as a gift! This is purely headcannons, and I haven't been able to play the game in a few months, so if I get something wrong, don't be mad at me, lol.
Shadowheart: She absolutely adores dark chocolate, and she's absolutely one of those pretentious fuckers who hate milk chocolate, and take anything other than 90-100% cacao as an insult on their fucking bloodline. She does think that she's better than you for liking Dark chocolate- This does not change if she gets her 'good' ending.
If you bring her her favorite type of chocolate, she will not only be impressed but grateful. I feel like she probably has chronic migraines or something and would enjoy sharing it with you some late night with a bottle of wine and a charcuterie board. Probably making flower crowns or feeding animals in a meadow, basic cottagecore lesbian romance stuff. I could be wrong, I've never romanced Shadowheart, but it's just a gut feeling.
Karlach: Karlach likes milk chocolate best, and doesn't see the point in putting up with something bitter just because some people think it's 'better'. More than anything, it reminds her of her mums baking, back when she was a kid. Chocolate is expensive and hard to get your hands on, but by god when the holidays came around or her birthday, I feel like her mum would've baked her the best cookies or chocolate chip muffins after working extra hard to afford it.
Karlach would love whatever type of chocolate you gave her, but I think especially if you brought her hot chocolate or chocolate chip cookies/Muffins/etc, she might even tear up a little. After all, she hasn't had something like that since her mom died.
Wyll: Wyll is a proud enjoyer of chocolate in general, but actually seems to favor white chocolate and dark chocolate the best. He likes to enjoy the contrast in flavors.
I feel like Wyll would just be grateful to be given chocolates, and wouldn't care much what form they came in. He'd probably invite you to enjoy them alongside him, and simply spend time with one another. I do believe he loves dark hot chocolate with whipped cream, and would probably try to set up a day to go to his favorite cafe in baldurs gate for hot chocolate, to return the favor. It's a treat for him, too, since he hasn't been there since his father cast him out. It'll bring a wave of nostalgia, and maybe some unkind memories.. But he will feel happy to be there. Especially to be there with you. And maybe, it'll become a much more common thing.
Astarion: I feel like he prefers dark chocolate, if he's able to eat it at all (I don't remember how vampires work in DnD.)..
If he can't eat it, I feel like he'd miss it.. the simple things. Pleasures like imported chocolates. He might go on a monologue about things he enjoyed as a Mortal that he no longer can.-.. If he can, however, eat chocolate.. I think he'd be surprised. Surprised you thought of him, surprised you spent the money, surprised you wanted to give him anything at all. I think he'd be very happy, but he probably wouldn't want to show it. He'd brush it off with a sarcastic comment or something, yet still taking the mental note that if nobody else cared, at least you did.
Gale: Gale is the most pretentious motherfucker there is, are you kidding me? I think he, himself, loves milk chocolate and it's a major guilty pleasure, but he tells everyone it's dark chocolate. He doesn't shame anyone for their preference, but there comes an air of arrogance whenever he says he likes dark chocolate.
He will definitely be grateful no matter what type you give him, but if you give him milk chocolate and tell him you know it's his favorite? He might try to deny it at first, but his heart is beating a mile a fucking minute knowing that you've been observant enough to bring him his actual favorite type without making a big deal about it, or calling him a liar.
Lae’zel: Has never had chocolate before, and doesn't know why you're giving it to her. She does, however, adore white chocolate after you get her to try some. You'd assume she'd prefer dark, but she doesn't. She believes that if you're going to have a sweet, or a desert, it shouldn't be bitter because that defeats the purpose.
After you get her to try it the first time, she'll insist she doesn't like it or see the reason for it, but at any party or gathering or anything where there's chocolate? She's sampling the fuck out of that snack table, and hovering over the bowl of sweets like a dragon guarding a hoard of treasure. She actually really likes fancy chocolates and truffles. If you bring them to her while in an established relationship, she won't act very different, but she's very happy and feels very loved.
I might do Halsin, Jaheira, Minsc, and Minthara later. Idk.
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eatmangoesnekkid · 5 months
Lovemaking/Fucking as a Regenerative Practice for Women and Other Female Bodied People to Share With their Beloved of Any Gender:
I truly believe that a slow, thoughtful, openhearted, tuned in lover can just as effective as years of therapy. This is probably one of my top 3 favorite sexual arts to channel and translate about. And I know that the uninitiated read the word "fucking" and may tense up and think derogatory things. But real "fucking" is not careless or thoughtless. It is built-up or ongoing non-mechanistic primal desire--the hot, wet, sticky, dripping, stealthy, lusty, passionate heat and hunger that more easier accessed in new relationships but can nurtured or revived in long-term ones. It is our cells and tissues way of craving depth--before thought. It is actually quite divine and prayerful to be able to access this state when your mind is empty and heart is open towards your lover. Begin threading your life with more slow relaxing energy. Have a love affair with mindfulness and distill more presence in your life, like through a meditation practice, chanting, or listening to soulful music like gospel music as a passionate, holy, primal frequency that instinctively calibrates you into deep feeling. Embarking on the journey to living a slower life will greatly support you in your unrepressed lovemaking and healing arts in the future. You may find yourself naturally divesting from distractions like celebrity culture without much effort.
As you start to get familiar with and play in different colors and intensities of this regenerative practice, be sure to open your mouth, open your back throat, which opens your cervix, your metaphysical heart, and streams down even more heavenly love energy into your hands and body. Love is the healing energy, you see and when you begin to embody more love, your hands and body become portals to healing/regeneration. A lover being connected to or inside your body regenerates them over and over again, in different ways. To be a Love Goddess or Sex Priestess, means that you have generous access to your innate healing energy to shift an experience. In the female form, this is your creamy lubrication that's not just confined to your pussy, but also in your throat, ass, hands, underarms, areolas, nipples, heart, I mean- your whole body and its abundance of pheromones become oceanic.
A woman's body arcs open wide as pure water quenching every cellular thirst.
When making love/fucking, you want to also simultaneously transfer or transmute some of your arousal, desire, and heat towards the stagnant inflamed parts of your lover. Let's say your beloved lover has stagnant eyes or chronic migraines. As you climb onto or straddle your lover's lap, as you sit your ass on lover's thighs, and invite this person to suck your breasts (not that you say words, but feel the desire and intention), you then transfer that heightened arch-back energy into your lover's face by lovingly massaging and kissing and speaking life into their eyes or scalp out loud (your voice/ranges of sound is also regenerative), stimulating their energy to flow which is what creates their new body narratives. Also you don't just work where the pain site or stagnation issue is location. Also work on the extremities of your Beloved like their feet, hands, calves, etc.
Basically you are finding ways to touch and speak life into their entire body depending upon what position your body is arcing open inside of. Sitting on their face? Lovely--also massage and knead their calves while sitting to bring heat, warmth, lymph and blood flow happiness into lower extremities. For people who have body challenges, the extremities are usually more tight and cold which support eye and migraine issues and the like. You do this while being touched/sucked on (be sure to grasp/massage the nape of the neck too for greater energy unlocking) and it's this beautiful dance and transference of energy that orbits and volleys back and forth between you and your lover. It’s how you can help drain the depressive energy stored in lover’s body over the years as well. This is an advanced practice.
If you are truly connected to divine feminine, you never have to be afraid, particularly if a depth of love is present in your relationship connection. None of us will ever be all “healed” or unblemished in this 3D reality —it’s impossible and we can still share our bodies with our imperfect lovers who may be having a hard time or going through some shit for very long time and actually be of service to them. After any kind of lovemaking/fucking, be sure to go outside on grass or sand or in water on the same or next day and shake your body vigorously while barefoot and lightly clothed. When we make love or fuck, our bodies are used as portals to give, receive, exchange or extract energy. Sex is the deepest energy work, the nastier and more unrestrictive and un-egoic, the better the medicine.
You can do this same act for knee pain and anything else. As you kiss and grip your lover's body (while taking caution and care around the pain spot), you send that arousal, love, care, and desire energy, maybe you even see or feel golden, violent, or green healing and send it into the knee and the surrounding areas. You speak love into the knee and the surrounding areas, almost like you are wanting to penetrate or be penetrated by it. Penetrative (giving/receiving) energy when love is present is deeply healing for all bodies. There is so many layers and viscosities that we get to play in when it comes to healing and regeneration, where lovemaking becomes artful and a much needed 'hands on, hands inside' skillset.
When you become sensitive to energy, and aware of what it means to have a female body in your every day life, you can place your hand on lover's spine and bring an immediate shift in their reality. You can do the same thing for your child or father. You are not trying heal or fix ANYTHING--you are merely allowing your body to be that portal to love/creation it was divinely oriented to be.
But with lovemaking/fucking, that same innocent energy is extraordinarily heightened into larger and more robust erotic energy to be orbited between two lovers with open hearts and undernourished egos. While doctors can be incredibly valuable, there is also something mystical that melts and swells in you that can do what no physician can. It’s incumbent that you lay down what you no longer need to carry and access those deep states that allow you to live your highest potential and help your loved ones do the same. -India Ame'ye, Author
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crazylittlejester · 5 months
I think that all the Links have suffered a migraine at least once in their life, but the ones who have cronical migraine are Legend, Four and Wild
If one of them says "I'm having a migraine" it's because they are almost dying of pain and they are going to need a break for at least the next 3 days
Legend once even started crying because he couldn't stand the pain, they all got really freaked out because Legend saying he is in pain is worrying, but him crying of pain?? He was out for 10 days because of that episode
Four episodes are shorter but worse in pain, you can't even breath close to him because you are making him suffer
Wild ones are painful but not that much, his problem is that he has all the other fucked up symptoms of a migraine, he can't see, move or talk, loud noises and bright lights turn into his death enemies and trembles like a leaf, so he is basically incapacitated until it ends
(This is definitely not me coping my own cronical migraine episode)
Projecting on the blorbos is my favorite pastime and you’re so real for this.
The idea of Legend crying because of a migraine and potentially just not having told anyone it was bad Until That Point is really sad to think about but definitely probably something he would do.
All three of them deserve a nice, quiet, dark room with a lot of blankets 🫶🫶🫶
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gilverrwrites · 4 months
Time of the Month
AN: I'm suffering, so here's some of my faves reacting to their so having a rough time of the month.
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He really doesn’t “get it”. 100% thinks you’re probably over reacting, however, you’re his sweetheart and he would do anything for you, so he’ll “play along” so long as he doesn’t need you for something else.
Won’t take time out of his busy schedule for you but he will:
Text you constantly through out the day.
Thinking of you doll x Are you sleeping? x You better be sleeping cause theres no other reason not to text back. HELLO??? ???? Sorry for loosing my temper baby, I love you. Just ordered those shoes you liked x
Will bring home/order dinner. He knows what you want, don’t worry babe, you don’t have to ask.
Still try to seduce you any way possible, he doesn’t care how messy it is.
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Selina does not let her period slow her down, and so she’s hopeful that she can rub some of that off on you.
Has a yoga routine specifically catered to that time of the month that she’s happy to teach you. Has a diet plan that’s full of iron heavy and unsaturated fatty foods - leafy greens, dark chocolate, the good stuff.
Of course she understands her lifestyle isn’t for everyone, and what kind of cat themed thief would she be if she didn’t have a giant heated blanket she’s happy for you to stretch out on and spend your time lounging in true luxury.
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Move over, she’s getting into bed with you. She’s stolen all of Brucie Wayne’s streaming service log ins, and she’s brought 50 different snacks that will make your bloating worse, but will feel and taste good in the moment.
Get ready for a week of binge watching whatever films make you feel good, eating way too much sugar, and sleeping whenever feels right.
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Did you know orgasms can help relieve period pains, migraines, and generally relieve stress?
Did you know if you ask Waylon, he will eat you out until you can’t take anymore and/or are feeling any amount of respite?
If that’s really not your thing, be willing to also do basically anything you ask of him. Bring you snacks? Rub your back? Just hold you? Anything you want.
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Will find the time look after you. Any excuse for some lazy time with his favourite birdie.
He runs hot, so it’s like having your own personal heat pad. Will find it endearing if you lay stomach down of his stomach, legs, whatever part so you can press his heat directly to the area that needs it.
Foodie and a snacker, so if you’re craving something, he’s got you covered, and he’ll eat it with you, no questions asked.
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Knows a lot of ecologically friendly herbal remedies that are almost certain to work. Just sit back, chill out, and drink this tea.
In the very unlikely chance that those don’t work, and you’re down for it; Ivy is happy to fuck the cramps away, whatever your preferred method of orgasm may be.
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The Riddler: Understands how periods work, but doesn’t care. You can’t let your body control you, or interfere with the mind. (yes he IS the worst kind of person when he’s sick.)
He does however have bunch of tips and tricks for helping overcome/cope with cramps and other symptoms.
Has a bucket load of ibuprofen handy at all times.
“Did you take the pills I gave you? Good. You know, coffee will help get that into your bloodstream faster, and might give you more energy. Since you’re making coffee, I’ll have one too, thanks, you’re the best. Well, I’m the best, but you’re good too.”
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mortalityplays · 8 months
i am sick like you as an incredibly casual fan who has since stepped back since october but was still following active blogs for it and i was always meaner than all of them so i like to watch it all go down and make fun of them but holy fuck its not even the half of it. there's a post somewhere that's one of those updates for "season 3 being possible" where one of the pieces of evidence is an actor from the show posted a picture of a woman who had 3 pigeons in front of her. and the person who posted this was like 37. 😭 they're all so insane and the second you say anything otherwise it's ruining hope and being condescending like oh my god it's a tv show girls...
to be honest like basic decency aside this entire thing is so ridiculous at its core i've never seen fandom brainrot at this level i know that's probably not TRUE and all fandom brainrot can end up like this but sooo many of them are so unself-aware it gives me a migraine. since when has throwing a tantrum a show got cancelled entitle you to getting another season 😭 they keep repeating that they deserve it and that they're so sad for the actors i even saw someone be like "making fun of the cancellation is ultimately cruel bc it means the crew who aren't millionaires and just everyday people are now out of a job, you're all being classist"... half of the ppl who post about it don't even ACTUALLY post about it anymore it's just been "renewal efforts" for two weeks now like holy fuck can you not take a hint... they seriously think asking netflix in the suggestion forms to do a season 3 is actually going to work if they just Believe Enough in the power of being 35
ok last ask I'm publishing for now bc it's an actual exit narrative lmao.
this touches on something I keep thinking about: the bizarre misunderstanding the fandom seems to have about how TV works. they talk about the actors and crew as if this one show was supposed to be their magnum opus and now they're all just sitting at home lamenting the loss of their livelihoods, and not signing new contracts, taking new auditions, moving on to other opportunities. they have this idea that they're going to persuade another network to pick the show back up, as if an entire TV production crew, sets, costumes, props etc. are a modular unit that goes on a shelf in a shoebox when it's not in use. it's very weird and kind of fascinating.
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levemetal · 5 months
I have a million and one svsss AU ideas that idk if I'll ever write cause I have 0 confidence in my untested writing skills. Any of these appeal to you?? Go ahead, use 'em. Know any fanfics like that? Please please PLEASE leave them in the comments. Ideas to add? Anything? Please go ahead I have no friends that are as deep in the svsss brainrot as me to subject this to ˚‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥᷄⌓˂̣̣̥᷅ )‧º·˚
Continued under the cut due to excessive rambling
These will be Ghost King/Calamity!SJ cause he has been living rentfree in my brain ever since one braincell at one AM shouted about it so you have been warned.
- Dual Ghost Kings YQY and SJ, Post canon of PIDW. That's it that's the idea. Their extras hurt my cold dead heart way too much and as much as bbygirl SJ is a piece of shit, Yue Qingyuan deserves happiness, and for that he needs his Xiao-Jiu. Basically YQY does not stay dead when Bingge turns him into a pincushion à la White No Face to Xie Lian except with arrows. What happens from here? Idk didn't get that far but I imagine he steals back his (probably dead) Xiao-Jiu, maybe does some other batshit insane shit like we all know that deep down he's capable of, and the duo fucking COMMUNICATES for once in their life and they live happily ever after. Bonus points for hilarious deaths for Bingge.
- If you're a filthy multishipper like me, want a BingJiu version of the above QiJiu? Easy, SJ decides to haunt Bingge's ass for eternity and vice versa when Bingge kicks the bucket and so they spent the rest of eternity trying to make each other miserable in increasingly ridiculous and creative ways. Maybe along the centuries they find a common enemy or sort their shit out and proceed to make their awful existence everyone else's problem. A match made in hell, truly <3
Are you seeing a theme yet. I like a general comedic air to svsss AUs, it just belongs to the svsss experience ya know? Anyway carrying on-
Shen twins, and SQH twins cause why not. If you want Binghe twins too, actually probably funnier with Binghe twins, where one is our beloved maiden Bingmei and the other OG!PIDW Bingge but forced back in time with memories of the PIDW timeline. Transmigrator SQH aka Airplane gets the peak lord + Mobei-Jun plotline while OG!SQH is just chilling as an An Ding Peak Hallmaster or something. Meanwhile, the Shen twins have a funny game of imposter going on. As far as everyone is concerned, there is only one Shen Qingqiu, Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan transmigrated in earlier into the novel, but ended up going to CQM with Yue Qi while SJ got stuck in the Qiu household as in canon. From here the details can change but the main idea is that
A) Shen Yuan knows how to do his peak lord job actually
B) SJ is a calamity ghost, having died either in his disciple years or alternatively never made it out of the Qiu household alive
C) Both SY and SJ have been playing switcheroo when SY needs to head out and do stuff or just wants SJ to do his paperwork for him.
I still need a good reason for the switching and duping, but wouldn't it be funny if the disciples just had to deal with their peak lord behaving WILDLY different at times. Most of the time it's good ol' Shen Yuan smiling at disciples, way too enthusiastic for monsters and plants and keeps forgetting his fans everywhere. Then one random week in the month after he has a resting bitch face, scowls, snarls and bitches at anyone and has 0 patience for teenage attempts at music.
Most shrug it off as just terrible migraine weeks, but some disciples are suspicious, most of all Bingge who is CONVINCED something is WrongTM. Like, he KNOWS SQQ and this SQQ is just so different, something must be different. He doesn't know how right he is yet everyone just thinks he's actually insane.
I know this is probably increasingly insane and dumb, but fast forward to the Abyss opening. SJ was probably there to keep an eye on his clumsy twin, but SY ends up asking the ghost to look over the Luos, as the system still demands that they go to the abyss. So SJ after much grumbling agrees (after all he probably just was unmasked as ghost calamity, and the twins as demons, with a huge amount of cultivators moving their way. It's really the smaller hassle to jump into the Abyss and deal with the horrors there. Besides, the scholar in SJ would be curious about the abyss (and SY too let's be honest) ), kicks both in and goes "Alright we're taking an impromptu field trip" and jumps in after leaving SY to deal with the political mess that comes after.
Anyway, the last AU can be changed in various ways, like make it a PIDW time travel fix it with only the OGs around, or just Shen twins, etc. Feel free to shout at me how dumb this all is.
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trixree · 10 days
he is RISEN baby girl
hello hello! yes i'm alive, just very mentally ill. things are on the up and up and i have mega brainrot right now so i decided to try and get back on the "being a person" horse. you may see i've just posted some poolverine smut to AO3 here.
if you've sent me messages during my year hiatus (especially regarding commissions) I love and appreciate you and will be responding SOON, i PROMISE!
long ramble about where i'm at/life update below the cut.
May of 2023, I graduated with my masters. yaaay woo but also booo because it didn't help me get a job at all! i finally landed a paying gig in September of 2023 after sending out quite literally hundreds of applications. i only had two interviews total and a mountain of auto-rejections to show for it and it took an immense toll on my mental health. It started what was (in hindsight) a year of a prolonged downward spiral.
i already really struggled with self worth and turns out riding the merry-go-round of job hunting rejection cranked my depression up to new heights. for the first time in a long time, i found myself so low as to be entertaining thoughts of suicide. my eating disorder peaked the hardest it has since high school. i had also moved out of my parents house and in with my partner May of 2023 and was readjusting to being out of a traumatic environment. i had panic attacks anytime he came into a room too quietly and surprised me for months. I found myself isolated from most of my friends (partly because of my own communication death-spiral depression paralysis) and also because i moved to a different city than all of them to live with my partner again (0 complaints there, i love the city i live in and love my home with my partner and our bird children. however i miss my fucking friends, and the loneliness compounded the Despair Arc i was having.) My fucking health insurance changed because my previous policy holder retired and i lost some medications for a period of time, stressing my body in bad ways. a really bad spell of migraines compounded things chemically for the worst.
i borrowed some money to return to my therapist and my doc recently upped my antidepressant dose, and I can tell that both of those things but ESPECIALLY that last one there has helped already. My partner, closest friends, and even some coworkers have said I seem much better, too. I'm hopeful about it. Optimistic, even!
i did get a job working for a behavioral health nonprofit that provides outpatient psychiatric services in administration. It pays in fucking sheckles and pennies (nonprofits be like) and psych is a challenging environment to say the least. it was another 6-month fight to hammer out disability accommodations with HR. my body is a machine that consumes paid leave. as any of you that have danced an accommdations dance can probably attest, it sucks so goddamn bad. i had basically round after round of requests for my doctors to fill out paperwork that amounted to "will they get better? Are you sure? Alright, please estimate how often this person will need this accommodation in hours per week." of course it took an immense mental health toll, too. i kick ass at what i do and i do it chronically understaffed but it's really hard to feel secure anywhere when you're constantly missing work due to uncontrollable Body Bad Times (migraine, explosive diarrhea, uncontrollable vomiting, my three horsemen). especially if someone has a grudge, and someone did, which added extra layers of complexity.
i'll be honest, it's good to have something to get out of bed to go do 5/7 days of the week (i was going stir crazy without employment) but i'm running myself ragged and barely making it financially. not only was this body i have NOT built for an 8-5, i have less than 15$ to my name right now to show for it and i keep having to borrow money from my family for medication. but i truly love the people i work with and feel like i get to do good for my community where i'm at, and that's something folks!
speaking of health, i kind of got my gut stuff figured out? not really. but also yes! i don't have a diagnosis of any kind but i have a treatment that's WORKING for the constant nausea i was always blogging about last year. my GI put me on domperidone before meals and oh my god, total fucking game changer. no longer am i burping up half-digested food and walking around with 24/7 debilitating nausea AND my appetite even kicks in when i take the damn pills!!! the only down side is that domperidone is not FDA approved in the USofA because of sudden cardiac failure or what the fuck ever so i have to pay out of pocket for all of it. that's a good 150$ per month on top of all my other medication, so that's a bummer. but god, to have something that works!!! it's been so nice. no sudden heart failure yet, fingers crossed.
i have really bad executive dysfunction when it comes to responding to messages (i currently have 100+ unread text messages from friends and family) but i'm challenging myself to work through my backlog of messages in the coming days, so stay tuned if you've DM'd me in the last year. thank you for thinking of me and i appreciate you endlessly.
as for commissions, my life is just too unpredictable for me to be as consistent with those as i'd wanted to be. as much as having the bonus income was really amazing, i just feel like i'm too flakey and unreliable to deliver on that regularly and that's just a shitty thing to do to someone. (please check your DMs if this describes an interaction we had with me.)
i'm sorry if this decision is disappointing to anyone, but i think i'm going to stick to having a kofi live if folks feel inclined to show appreciation for any fic i post and maybe taking a comm very very rarely, once in a blue moon when circumstances allow. I do want to honor anyone that messaged me about a comm during my year hiatus. Please check your DMs. for my casual reader: none of my current projects on AO3 are abandoned. i've never stopped working on them this past year, even if it has only been in my notes app. i really want to start posting more regularly again. i miss the outlet immensely. I think it's good for me, creatively and for a sense of community. i hope you all understand and thank you. thanks for still being here.
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bossbutch · 1 month
halfway thru chapter 1 of umineko. idk how meaningful it is to speculate this early, The Real Umineko hasnt even properly started. these arent fully thought out and organized it's just scattered thoughts
battler's gender politics are entertainingly weird. he's like "when i meet a woman, even if she's my cousin or my servant, i NEED to make a big show of grabbing her tits so that she can hit me and everyone will laugh at the Classic Gag and it'll lighten the mood" which is just ridiculous enough to be something a rich teenager in the 80s could convince himself is okay. and then he sees the dinner seating and he's like "damn my family's so patriarchal. thought gained: inexplicable feminist agenda". i'm assuming this is a genre deconstruction thing. also lol that he is right next to maria in grandpa's tier list
maria is awesome btw i hope she gets to infodump about magic a lot more. some goon in the SA thread said the umineko author was once a social worker, so like. even if they don't use the word because it's japan in the 80s she's gotta be Intended as autistic
kinzo's room is so telegraphed to be a locked room mystery. he's entertaining too but i kinda zone out when he's talking about how his magic system works. i get the basic of more risk = more magic power but i worry it's the kind of thing that has Important Clues that my brain autofills with [arcane rambling]
battler constantly gasses up how good george is with kids and then george sees a family member repeatedly hitting their 9 year old disabled child and says, out loud, "not my problem"
assuming the epitaph is a puzzle intended to be solved and not the kind of puzzle that frames all the other puzzles and isn't solvable til the end: until the first butterfly i thought all the death and traveling was metaphorical. it still could be. like the six chosen by the key could be objects. the hands of a clock may be involved because that's in all the promo stuff and chapter start art. kinzo acted like the riddle was totally solvable by the doc or kanon or any of his kids. but if it was unsolvable until People Started Dying, it seems kinda pointless to have put the painting up years ago? but beatrice is a Dramatic Bitch.
Who Took The Rose?! no idea, but i'm sure it's important. if there's a 19th person, definitely them. totally possible the wrapper fell off but they'd still recognize the withered rose i reckon
Who Gave Maria The Umbrella?! again, if there's a 19th person, it's them. if not, natsuhi was my prime suspect because her alibi didn't have any witnesses but everyone else's did (if you really count grandpa and the doctor, like doc could easily say "i was with kinzo" and no one would verify that with kinzo). but then there was a scene right after from natsuhi's pov (migraine and can't sleep without meds, literally me) where she speculates who did it. so either the narrative is heavily fucking with me, it's gramps or the doctor, or it's someone with an accomplice
the narration is from battler's pov except when it's not and it's strange. it even isn't from his pov in some scenes that he's in, like the letter reading scene. this is the type of thing that could Mean Something way later but is just a little confusing sometimes right now
kyrie saying there's a contradiction in beatrice showing herself to maria but hiding from everyone else, failing to consider beatrice may be a Dramatic Bitch. i think there's probably a 19th person even if they are not necessarily a witch with magic powers
the furniture being totally able to break promises but can't disobey orders is the kind of exact words semantic sillies that umineko memes made me expect
goes w/o saying that the way the servants are treated is supremely fucked up. going to servant school and then working in the mansion at age six... george proposing to a girl that he has so much power over is lol. it's nice that umineko cares who the servants are and why they're there, and other logistical human things like how kinzo made his money and what they're all doing with it
at midnight, where was the doctor?
they drop some hints that the non-shannon, non-krauss bodies have their faces disfigured and Could be other people but that is pretty ridiculous and there's no reasons to consider that yet
i wish the LP used the doughy original art but that's the price i pay for convenience
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chaoticmannamedoliver · 2 months
Okay so, below is a health ish update and a vent about my former GP- cause they did smth that feld dehumanizing. This is mostly just so other people who might have similar health issues to me, can point me into right directions....im iffy about doctors rn-
- stupid thing my GP did
- listing of my pains i have that neither of my 2 GP's ive been to acknowledged or bothered with. If you have something similar or know ANYTHING, i really need help, even just little things to make it easier.
- So, what my last gp did -
So i had an appointment with her recently that i took my boyfriend too since he was visiting me anyway- love him
I sat down, and the whole appointment was just a disappointment. She basically gave up on figuring out why im dizzy or why my blood pressure is so high with 18. I asked what im supposed to do with my heart, what im supposed to do about the dizzy- that i came to her for answers- but the woman who seemed so keen on finding out whats wrong with me, cursing my first gp for just prescribing me HBP Meds without further research and who daid she loved working with young adults...just apparently gave up n said is nothing n that i should just continue talking my meds. I had my shitty ass cane to the appointment with me, which she asked about - and i said it helped me with my dizzy, to which she rolled her eyes
She offered one more test, probably just to get me out and left for a bit to talk with a doctor. In the meantime i had a breakdown because i got no answers- and didn't get any further.
When she came back, she told me to get up and go straight, i asked to where exactly- then she grabbed my arm, took my cane from me and with a very uncomfortable grip, dragged me to the waiting area in front of the room for the last test and sat me down, giving the cane to my probably very taken aback partner who had followed us and mutteredthat i didn't need it and. I had another breakdown and didn't understand what happened yet- but it felt bad, dehumanizing?? GP asked me not to cry, and that what she did was just to give me courage and then just left. It felt like she never listened to anything i said- and i still don't know what to make of what happened - if anyone has suggestions- do tell? It felt....hurtful
- My issues and ows and whatnot -
So, there are a few, especially now that i have someone who actually tells me that they're not normal.
- my feet/heels start hurting after 5 ish minutes of standing
- i get dizzy if i stand for a minute or two on bad days and good days it kicks after 1-10 minutes
- heat and shower makes dizzy worse. A sitting think in the shower would make it better
- i have too high blood pressure if i don't take the meds.
- no, the dizzy doesn't come from any ear organ stuff. Tested that.
- the dizzy had gotten. Better after the meds, now its hard to tell.
- sometimes my gravity just says no.
- after maybe 30 min to an hour of walking, my feet/heels hurt. After a certain point i get dizzy. Then no amount of break will fix it. I need to lay down.
- without my cane, walking feels heavy. Please let me use my cane for fucks sake im going to hit the next doctor who says i don't need it i swear to GOD.
- growth pain. After a day of walking. Or cleaning. My knees and shins hurt. Especially once im laying again. They hurt so much that i want to claw at them. Take them out. Agony. Luckily ive started to recognize the kinda pain early and take a paracetamol- but without it? Not matter what position, im in pain
I don't think im supposed to have growth pain anymore with almost 19, right?
- when i get dizzy, the ground feels like its zooming away from me
- i was born at the end of the 6th month? If that helps any-
- inherited migraines from my dad- also just side info
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