#possum anon
HI UM?? I'd enjoy it if you would do hcs for duncan with an autistic s/o or a s/o that has adhd?? If you can??? I have adhd and autism myself and I like how you write him so.... also could I go by possum anon here :ajblush:
Hi possum anon! As someone with ADHD, I can totally do this for ya!
I’m thinking that Duncan being Duncan, he 100% clowns you for being so spacey and distracted so easily
if you pop off on him though, you’ll earn some of his respect and he’ll lay off on teasing you so much 
if you end up crying or getting upset about it, at first he just calls you a crybaby, but once he realizes that you can’t actually help the way you act, he feels bad. He probably doesn’t outright say “I’m sorry,” but he’ll definitely show you he’s sorry in his own ways. i.e. throwing challenges for you if you’re on opposite teams, giving you parts of his reward(s) if his team wins, carving you something from a piece of wood, etc. 
this doesn’t mean he completely stops teasing you though
definitely distracts you on purpose if you’re on opposite teams 
“Careful, (Y/n)...focus...don’t-”
“Hey, (Y/n)! Why are piggy banks so wise? Because they’re filled with common cents!” 
“Ha! That’s a good one-” *explosion* 
the thing is though, if anyone else does this to you or teases you for other reasons, he will kick their ass
the best part is is that you have no idea he’s protecting you since he’s doing it all behind your back 
at first, he makes up excuses as to why he’s beating people up or threatening people 
smh, the guys are too clever though and caught on quickly enough </3
if they ever need him mad for a challenge, they definitely start teasing you 
“It was nice knowing you, boys, but it must be done.” 🫡
what brave soldiers LMAO
if you guys ever have to sit down for long periods of time and you start getting antsy, he’ll give you his hand to play with his fingers, his pocket knife to start carving stuff, or his arm so you can start drawing on him, anything really 
he doesn’t even realize he starts liking you until the guys start making fun of him for it 
one time Heather yelled at you for talking so much and of course he stands up for you, but after that, he notices you try not to talk as much. This probably only makes you even more fidgety though 
he pulls you aside at the end of the day when everyone is off doing their own thing and reassures you that you talk just the perfect amount. He also tells you that you have a nice voice but if you tell anyone he said that, he’ll have to kill you. Definitely lets you ramble and rant to him about literally anything. He’d much rather listen than speak
if you’re impulsive, he’ll definitely keep you in check. Then again...he’s pretty impulsive himself...sigh...you two get into trouble a lot
if there’s ever any memory challenges, he definitely cheats to help you if you want it. Yes he’d risk winning just for you shh 
overall, he doesn’t mind that you have ADHD and eventually comes to find it quite endearing <3
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
More with Duncan
⊱ ────── {⋅. ♪ .⋅} ────── ⊰
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westaysilly · 7 months
Like possums fighting each other
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cute date ideas ♡
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syn4k · 2 years
I have negative monies so all I can offer is an invite to my actual irl Minecraft server if I ever open it up to my Tumblr friends
awesome. it will happen
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possuminnit · 5 months
Biblically accurate opposum?
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icarus-star · 4 months
i was thinkinnf, and, what was possums neckalace???? iy looks lije a littlw bottlw thingy, my friend rhinks its a crystal but i dont kniw!!!:(
i actually have no clue. i was actually thinkin about it a lil while ago. it kinda looks like, one of those time thingys with the sand in em??? i dunno. :((
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Possum fit for Anon!
I love possums! I've been meaning to create something with them for a long time so thanks for the request!
SFW interaction Only!
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b0und4gl0ry · 1 month
Alright, I can't really elaborate on my girlfriend, Beth, without elaborating on my life in general, and the event that led to my homelessness. so here goes:
Beth used to be one of my friends waay back when I was like 15-16, but I realized she was literally the fucking snobbish rich kid stereotype, so we got distant and eventually just stopped talking.
I just kinda hung out with my other friends, and did school shit for a while.
About a month or two after I turned 19. my dad came home, super pissed off about something, I don't remember. He apparently didn't like mom trying to calm him down, got Even more pissed somehow. He went to his bedroom, eventually, he came back out, I barely even registered the fact he was holding a shotgun.
You know what he did.
After, I ran to my room, broke the window, jumped out, and fucking booked it.
I had nowhere to go for who knows how long.
I just kinda existed.
Eventually, after what felt like centuries of fighting for my fucking life, I saw someone familiar.
A lanky calico with well kept fur and brown eyes. It was Beth.
I said hey, she said something, that I very much didn't expect.
She fucking, asked if I was okay
And the entire story spilled out my mouth.
She told me I could stay at her place.
And it turns out, she went on a self improvement journey or some shit, and she's... Not an asshole anymore! Lol. And nearly fucking telepathic with how well she knows how to read people.
We got close, I loved to just hear her talk on and on about something she loved, I loved just hearing her talk about some random things that nobody should find interesting... And I loved her dorky ass too.
And that's the story of how I almost died, And also the story of how I met Beth.
Honestly, if I were you, I would go back to where it happened. Hell, you wouldn't even have to leave your van, just do a driveby of the place, and hit the bricks if some bad shit happens.
- Stace T.
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the first chapter of "Casey's Mixtape - Bound For Glory" will be added to this post. Asks specifically for Casey will be unanswered while I write this fanfic. Feel free to ask ooc questions though!
Please, don't expect Shakespeare here...this is my first fanfic. Crit appreciated! Fic below the cut!
Chapter One: "I Can Only Run for So Long - Kitsune"
There's a loud slam on the pavement as Casey Hartley hits the ground, disconnecting the feed to his Tumblr blog due to his phones sudden slam. It scrapes his paws, his knees...
And whatever's left of his pride, as well. All of his followers just got to witness him freak out LIVE, over something so small and harmless! She meant WELL, Casey! And you freaked out like a damn...some kind of...ugh...
He picks up his phone, finding a nice crack in the glass...which just sets him off more
"FUCK- GODDAMNIT!" He yells in a rage, kicking his van door shut with his paw, slamming it with a 'thunk'
He lays back down, covering his face with his hands, facing up at the sky. He groans loudly, his tail bristled.
"...it's...it's not real..." Casey whimpers to himself "...you're in Ohio, remember...?"
And then, he sits up quick, instinctively reaching for his belt in a haze...just to find...nothing there! Just like he said! That...fucking THING...it wasn't real!
And honestly? He wishes it was real, just this once...cause it'd give him, in his mind, something better to cry about.
"Fu-u-uck!" He cries to himself as he flops back down, defeated as usual.
He slowly turns his head upwards to look at the stars above. A vast, deep, black sky with white dots peppering it, like spilled salt on a countertop.
The air is cool, crisp, and clean...a owl hoots off in the distance. then the silence, deafening silence. Maybe a car passing by every so often, but mostly...
He's not sure what to do now. What's the decision to even make? Where is he going?
Sometimes, he even forgets where he is. After a while, every highway looks the same, blending into a blur of black, white, and fluorescent yellow. Moving fast, curving and swirling and moving...like a snake dragging him into eternity.
But he mainly feels...defeated. Like he's hit rock bottom again. No, more like he hit rock bottom and then kept digging.
He looks to the still open door of his van. His sanctuary. Home on the road. A...roam?
Roaming, it's what he's been doing for so long. Driving, eating, sleeping, interesting, and then all again tomorrow, like a snake eating it's tail and spinning in a circle. What's that called...a ouroboros! He thought about getting a tattoo of it once.
He's eating his own tail as we speak. He'll get up and keep driving. Eventually he always does. He's a stubborn ass.
The night continues on. Time will pass, and more trains will come and go. The owl hoots, the crickets chirp. The grass sways, the wind blows.
Casey crawls back to his van, climbing in the main living space, sitting on the dirty floor, littered with monster energy cans and...well, lots of soup cans. Geez, he's let himself go.
His voice cracks and wavers as he speaks, cutting through the quiet like a knife
"I...I give up" Casey wavers to himself, as he slowly inches towards the driver's seat
Casey sits in the driver's seat, the worn fake leather welcoming his form like a warm hug, and he starts the van. He's going back 'home', if it's still there. 
The van slowly rumbles to life, the engine humming beneath him like a purring cat. A quick glance at the clock on the dashboard--2:22 am. It really is late, isn't it? But it doesn't matter. He needs to drive. Go, Casey, go! Do what you're best at!
The van keeps going, the engine humming and the heat kicking in at the flick of a switch. Eventually, the old, cracked, pot-hole infested main road ends, and he finds himself back on the freeway. The stars above, the trees passing by...the silence is almost deafening.
God, the highway...highway 56? 64? Where is Casey Hartley? At this point, even he doesn't know anymore. The numbers on the exits pass by. There's the faint feeling of familiarity, but it's been six months, hasn't it? Has anything changed much? Probably not, right?
A road sign catches his eyes. The I-76. Ohio to Pennsylvania. He was this close to home already? Wasn't he just in Indiana? Wasn't he in Kentucky?? Wasn't he in Tennessee???
The actual 'radio' hasn't worked in a while, and he's too tired to plug in his phone to blast any kind of tune to wake himself up. Death Grips normally wakes him up by now...but...he can't bring himself...
There's a heavy rumble that stirs him awake. Rumble strips! Don't drive off the freeway, Casey! Are you fucking crazy?!
He jerks awake, staring at the road, and gripping a energy drink in his shaking paw and chugging it to stay awake. The artificial taste, which used to be fun and inviting, is now dull to his fried tastebuds.
He's almost back in Pennsylvania, and back to the town that's called home. But is it really home? Has it been the whole time he's been away, or has it become a foreign place? He guesses he'll just sees when he gets there.
The van dings softly. It needs gas. He needs to 'feed his baby' as he so loving calls his humble van. His baby. And babies need food!
And so, he finds a stop after pulling onto a exit ramp, dragging his little baby to a 24-hour Pilot gas station.
There are some lights, some people here and there, a sign about fresh snacks inside, and a small, gas station looking building where an attendant waits. She's a pretty Calico cat. Her name is Beth, as shown on her name-tag.
The attendant is a little tired. But they have a warm smile for him. They even said hello as he pumped some too-expensive gas into the van, letting it run for a bit first before setting the nozzle aside. He finishes, gets back, pays for gas, and decides to peruse the gas station's wares before he moves on.
"Aw shit...they got a Subway?" Casey says to himself. He actually loves subway sandwiches. He has cash to spare, and his stomach roars like a tiger. Yeah, it's dinner time!
He strolls forwards, entering the Subway quickly. The walls are beige, with the all too familiar smell of fresh bread, and the old, mid-2010's art on the walls, the dining benches...
But it's time for the main event, as he walks up to the sandwich making station. There's a short, black cat standing at the counter, and she's prepared for anything Casey throws at her, figuratively and literally, considering customer service work
But, no, Casey is ever so polite. He orders a All-American Club. Hold the tomatoes and most of the sauces...keeping the lettuce and adding extra Parmesan cheese to the order. He also picks up one of those "Sidekicks", specifically the footlong pretzel. Boy's gotta eat!
And, well...he gets a blue raspberry slushee too. That'll wake him up good, mixed with the caffeine in his system.
He pays for his order, his voice softer than usual due to his sleepiness, and he can almost swear the black cat does a double-take when she looks at him, but she doesn't say anything, at least until he gets outside and she scurries up to the kind Beth at the counter.
She probably mistook him for someone else, right?
But no more wondering, he needs to eat. He skitters back to his van, and hops back in the cab, setting up his laptop for a YouTube and Subway session.
He's gonna hate having crumbs everywhere, but...fuck it, it's his van.
He settles in, watching a video of some TF2 gameplay. Deep down, he's still a gamer. He remembers being a Scout main. God, when him and Gregg would play together, it was a troll-fest.
But now he watches Medic gameplay, mainly. Casey likes his voice lines...and design...
Well, nevermind all of that. He's gonna Eat Something.
He props up one of the flip-up doors under his bed that hold his clothes and other things, and is able to use it as a tiny table to place his bounty on. He places it down and unwraps the sandwich first. Now this is some peak home decor. 
Oooh, god, it smells really fucking good. The sandwich...tasty, with the bread and the cheese and the meat and the bacon! Oh, this is a great night.
And the Medic has a wonderful accent. It's soothing, in a way. Almost comforting.
The sandwich is a tasty one, as Casey chews through it like he hasn't ate for days...which may or may not be true. And it's a satisfying size, making eating it a joy, instead of a chore. Casey's got good taste in food, too. Casey is a bit messy, but he's doing just fine...his van, his rules.
It's Casey's mess, his rules. As long as he's comfortable, that's what matters, right? There's nobody around to judge him here, so there's not much that he should worry about. Just good food, good drink, good entertainment.
But after he finishes up his sandwich, and his pretzel, and his smoothie, ends his night with just scrolling around on Pinterest and boogieing out to music.
The more Casey looks, the more he finds, and the more he scrolls through, and...oh dear. Well, he should go to sleep soon, shouldn't he? It's like...2 am...The more Casey looks, the more he finds, and the more he scrolls through, and...oh dear. Well, he should go to sleep soon, shouldn't he? It's like...2 am...
Casey pushes the laptop off of himself, making it land softly on a cushion to charge for tomorrow. Sleep would be lovely right now, and he's got the perfect set up for it.
And slowly, Casey drifts off to sleep, snuggling into his pillow and probably thinking many things to himself.
Sadly, his dreams are never peaceful...Never.
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Do you like opossums?
I LOVE THEM!!!!! Possums, tlacuache/takuache, whatever you choose to call them I love them dearly.
Me and my son have a mommy and me possum plushie set, i have possum stickers all over my laptop, I have a wallet full of possum stickers, I've been gifted possum art for Christmas, I seriously love possums. I haven't posted any lately but I do have a possum tag on my blog.
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Did you and elder faerie cookie have a situationship in the past? Since you act like exes (directed at shilk cookie)
- feral possum anon
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"He's soooo not my type."
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NO BUT LIKE— if Knuxouge isn’t at least IMPLIED to be can I’ll be sad!
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teething-possum · 8 months
what are you made of. c hmmm ormboms?
This you?
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cosmica-galaxy · 1 year
"what's your taste in person, mr Skinner ?"
Skinner : my spouse 🤗 (aka mer!player)
"what's your taste in person, Director Phobos ?"
Phobos : uh...Skinner's spouse 😃
Skinner : 😧
Skinner: *Pops his knuckles menacingly* "I didn't become the best in Nevada for no reason! Hold still while I rearrange your face..."
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syn4k · 2 years
Well, that sounds awfully threatening and ominous
If/when it happens, just please don't take over the server right away, I have a pet fox that needs to be spared
the fox will be spared. your diamonds may not
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What does Ben exterminate?
insect infestations and small animal removal
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icarus-star · 5 months
currently thinking about how pitiful and pathetic so many rory culkin characters are. like theres a whole roster of men played exclusively by him that would whimper, whine, cry, hump my pillow while im not there, roll around and beg and twitch. Probably my biggest kink is men in panties and its a real treat that so many rory characters would wear panties. anyways im a freak
👽 meep morp
meep morp i luv u for this.
i just KNOW that danny wears panties. really intricate lacey ones. usually in lighter colors! like a baby pink or blue!! i feel like a majority of what u said applies to danny. >_<
i bet possum would wear panties too. he gives zero fucks abt gender roles n shit, soo. probably.. darker colors. maybe greens n purples?
CHARLIE IS THE NUMBER ONE PILLOW HUMPER TOO. like, stalker!charlie sneaking into ur bedroom n humping ur pillows. :3
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highlifeboat · 1 year
Can we get a possum Mia please?
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She's just a scared little guy. An absolute creature.
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