#h-1 is dismantle the gun
shortfeather · 4 months
And today's "deeply distracting au while i wait for my wrist to calm down from attempting to write for too long" iiiiiiiiiis Subnautica! an inevitability for every fandom i'm in after a certain point tbh i just LOVE Subnautica... would love to actually play it myself one day when i have a better computer
ANYWAYS I'm spicing it up this time by mashing both games together and also really mixing up the hermits.
The premise is that the Hermatrix Convoy (HC), a trio of spaceships that travels together in a group as a defense measure against outside dangers, is on its journey. When they have to reroute to slingshot 4546-B, they don't think it's going to be a problem. Knowing the planet is uninhabited and that no other ships are nearby, they all go for the slingshot at the same time, separated by mere seconds.
The gun, of course, gets them all.
Hermatrix-1 crashes in a shallow part of the flooded surface in the subtropics (the setting of the first game) and completely loses the ship, though a dozen survive. Hermatrix-2 crashes in the arctic (Subnautica: Below Zero); their ship remains habitable for survival, but barely, and eight survive.
Hermatrix-3, the smallest of the convoy, manages to switch to planetside navigation and mitigates the damage from the crash. If they want to get off-planet, they'll need some serious repairs, but in the meantime they can still move through the water like a particularly clumsy and slow submarine. The problem is figuring out where they are besides "deep, deep underwater," and what exactly the giant lifeforms the scanner insists are out there are...
Of course, there's groups within each ship as well. The friend groups of HC's staff and passengers does not necessarily correlate to ship assignment, which only adds to the stress of crashing on a supposedly-safe planet's anti-spacecraft gun.
Hermatrix-1's survivors: BDubs (architect, passenger), Zedaph (theoretical physicist), Pearl (janitor), Beef (psychologist), False (metallurgist, passenger), Etho (navigator), Scar (actor, passenger), Hypno (gov't agent, passenger), Iskall (athlete, passenger), xB (xenohistorian, passenger), Jevin (communicator specialist), Keralis (doctor)
Hermatrix-2's survivors: Ren (captain), Xisuma (cybersec specialist), Gem (ambassador, passenger), Impulse (chemist, passenger), Wels (bodyguard, passenger), Joe (teacher, passenger), Cub (CEO, pasenger), Grian (shipwright)
Hermatrix-3's survivors: Doc (spacecraft engineer), Mumbo (architect, passenger), Stress (pharmacologist), Tango (mechanical engineer, passenger), Cleo (acting captain)
If it doesn't clarify them as a passenger, then they are a member of the ship's crew. Loosely based on s9 roles, if that wasn't clear - though some of these are definitely going to change because I don't know some of these Hermits well enough yet.
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jcmarchi · 7 months
Ukraine Expands Its Bergepanzer 2 Fleet - Technology Org
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ukraine-expands-its-bergepanzer-2-fleet-technology-org/
Ukraine Expands Its Bergepanzer 2 Fleet - Technology Org
As the Armed Forces of Ukraine are clashing head-on with the defence lines Russian occupiers have prepared for months, engineering vehicles are extremely important. You hear about the delivery of tanks, howitzers, armoured personnel transporters and infantry fighting vehicles. However, the supply of engineering and recovery machines is as important. This time we are talking about the German Bergepanzer 2.
The Bergepanzer 2 is an extremely important armoured engineering vehicle in the Ukrainian forces. Image credit: Michal Derela via Wikimedia (CC BY-SA 4.0)
Ukraine now operates a number of different repair and evacuation vehicles as well as other types of armoured engineering machines. They are usually based on tank chassis and perform all kinds of tasks, such as recovery of broken down or damaged combat vehicles, dismantling of artificial obstacles, clearing out roadways, etc. In this context, the few Bergepanzer 2 vehicles that Ukraine operates are very important.
The Bergepanzer 2 is a German armoured repair and evacuation vehicle based on a Leopard 1 tank chassis. The Bergepanzer 2 entered service with the German armed forces in the mid-1960s and has been in service with many countries ever since. Ukraine now is one of the operators of this machine and it was used in real combat situations.
15 Bergepanzer 2 vehicles were delivered after the initial announcement in August 2022. In early August 2023 Germany promised additional 6 Bergepanzer 2 vehicles to Ukraine. And we know that Ukraine already used these machines in battles, because, sadly, some of them were already seen destroyed.
The open source intelligence project Oryx counted one Bergepanzer 2 as damaged in Ukraine, but some other sources believe at least one was entirely destroyed.
The Bergepanzer 2 weighs around 60 tonnes, has 2 7.62 mm machine guns, and a crew of 4. It is powered by an MTU MB 838 CaM-500, 10-cylinder multi-fuel diesel engine, pushing full 610 kW, allowing the Bergepanzer 2 to reach a maximum speed of 62 km/h.
Demonstration of the Bergepanzer 2 crane capabilities. Image credit: Steinbeisser via Wikimedia
The Bergepanzer 2 has three main pieces of recovery and engineering equipment. The first one is a bulldozer blade, which can push stuck machines, but can also unearth something seriously beached in mud. Some Bergepanzer 2 vehicles can be prepared for mine caring duties. The second piece is the 13-16 tonne crane.
Usually, it does not lift more than 6 tonnes, but it is not made to lift tanks. It is helpful when a turret needs to be replaced or the engine is being removed from a piece of heavy equipment. Finally, the Bergepanzer 2 has a 35-tonne winch. Its capacity can be doubled using a pulley system.
Germany has newer similar machines, based on the Leopard 2 tank, such as the  Büffel, also known as the Bergepanzer 3. However, the Bergepanzer 2 is still very useful and absolutely crucial for the Ukrainian counteroffensive efforts.
Written by Povilas M.
Sources: Defence-ua.com, Wikipedia
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
Radioactive Ch. 4: The Wolf
Summary: Logan continues trying to make his escape, which he finds is more difficult than it probably should be.
A/N: Title comes from “the Wolf” by SIAMES.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Logan wasn’t quite sure how he got into this situation, but he was determined to find his way out to safety. The logical Side was literally inside the electrical circuitry and connected system of the Server. He knew he didn’t have a physical body, and it was an odd floaty experience. No sense of touch grounding him, but unlike last time when he’d been trapped in a glorified solid state drive for almost a full day, it was energizing. He was pulling energy straight from the power grid. He could move, and he’d gotten into the camera system to be able to hear and see vicariously what was going on.
Troubling, though, he couldn’t find his body where he’d first gone into the stereo system wires in the main room. He didn’t know what happened to it, but he hoped it was reclaimable.
“Where is that muffinhead?” Bad demanded angrily, he was armed with several guns and a furious rage.
“Get in line, Karl felt it too,” Quackity snapped back, “and Skeppy has more aura to spare than Karl does.”
Logan left the hallway and moved into a separate room. He needed to find some type of exit. He needed his equipment and his body, and then he needed to leave. But none of the cameras were positioned near a door. If he could—
The logical Side felt himself being pulled from the system and placed somewhere else. At first Logan felt instinctive fear, remembering the last time he’d been trapped somewhere.
“Calm down,” Tubbo said close to his phone’s microphone. “I happen ta[1] like this phone an’[2] if you break it, I can’t bother Ranboo with it.”
Logan brought up a notepad app and typed: “Where am I?”
“In my phone, big guy,” Tubbo typed, he was smiling and Logan got access to the young man’s camera. “Didn’t want to watch you keep struggling in the camera system. You’re lucky Sam hasn’t found you yet.”
“You have found me, that is not much better,” Logan reminded.
“Yeah, but lucky for you, I have to go home,” Tubbo typed and then pocketed his phone. It cut off Logan’s camera view, but the logical Side could still hear what was going on around Tubbo.
Maybe this was how he could make a quick escape and find the other Sides and they could come back for his body and things. He did not want to leave those, but his survival was more important.
“Hey Tubbo,” Dream’s voice was too close for Logan’s liking. “You find him, yet?”
“Nope, boss man,” Tubbo popped the “p” on his first word, the phone jostling a bit as Tubbo moved. “You need me ta[1] make another round?”
Dream didn’t answer at first.
“Nah,” Dream decided. “Don’t think it’ll do much good. You think about my offer?”
“I did,” Tubbo answered, “it’s a shit offer.”
“Still,” Dream somehow got closer. “The offer stands.”
There was another pause and Logan decided he didn’t like the silence when he couldn’t see.
“Throw in Tommy an’[2] it’s a deal,” Tubbo decided.
Dream let out a cackle, “Didn’t know you still cared about the fucker, but sure, he’s all yours. Take him, so long as I don’t see him, we won’t have any problems.”
“Then we have a deal,” Tubbo agreed. “What you want, fer[3] what I want.”
“Right,” Dream said with a smile almost audible in his tone. There was a shifting and for once Logan could actually feel aura. It made him feel weird but drawn to it like a moth to a flame. “There we go.”
They started moving again.
“You know what Tubbo, you never cease to surprise me,” Dream told Tubbo. “I think it might be because the first time we met, you were desperately trying to be one of Phil’s little fledglings. It was cute in a sad way.”
“Good times,” Tubbo had a soft tone to his voice. “You had ta[1] ruin it by existin’[4].”
“Well, maybe,” Dream half-agreed, “but some cheap blond hair dye was never going to trick Phil into thinking you were one of his.”
“Hey, Dream, can we talk?” Someone Logan didn’t recognize spoke up.
“Give me a minute, Karl,” Dream said. “Just making sure Tubbo here gets home safely.”
“George and I can do that,” Karl promised. “We got this.”
“Oh sure, sure,” Dream agreed. “Tubbo, give me the phone.”
“No,” Tubbo immediately refused as Logan felt an acute sense of dread.
“The phone isn’t part of the deal, give him to me,” Dream ordered.
“Is that yer[5] favor, then?” Tubbo demanded.
“Tubbo,” Dream warned darkly, as Tubbo’s hand went into his pocket. Aura charging around them, ready to strike.
“Dream,” George spoke up, he’d set his hand on Dream’s shoulder. “I’m taking Tubbo home, do you have a problem with that?”
The aura in the room almost plummeted, giving Logan whiplash from where he was hiding.
“Fine, whatever,” Dream growled and Tubbo began moving again.
“Thanks,” Tubbo said.
“Out, before he changes his mind,” Karl began pushing Tubbo towards the back door of the Server and they slipped out. Logan felt the difference but he couldn’t push out of the phone and was completely confused on how to actually perform the action.
“Come on,” Karl urged.
“Shotgun!” Tubbo called out.
“Shotgun!” George called a half-second sooner.
“Come on, man,” George groaned.
“I’m not ridin’[6] bitch, get in the back,” Tubbo chuckled.
“Fucker,” George chuckled.
The three of them got into a car and Logan began to try and escape in earnest, not wanting to be taken to some other location where he also didn’t know where he was.
“Hey, hey, calm down,” Tubbo told Logan out loud. “Yer[7] gonna[8] melt my phone.”
“Wow he’s really in there, huh?” Karl commented, as Logan could see through the front and back cameras, but had to switch between the two because his brain could only focus on one at a time.
“Yeah, he can’t get out,” Tubbo seemed to be in the front passenger seat.
Logan accessed Tubbo’s map app.
“There you go, buddy,” Tubbo laughed a bit as Logan started tracking where they were going.
Then Logan texted Jackie, “Driving along NE Ralph St.”
As an afterthought, Logan added, “This is Logan, I have access to Tubbo Underscore’s phone.”
Tubbo took over and called Jackie’s number. It took a little bit for Jackie to answer.
“H-Hello?” Jackie asked hesitantly.
“Yeah,” Tubbo started, “tell yer legate friend I got his glitch arm in my phone, an’ I kinda want him out before he bricks my phone. You want ta bring yer best tech guy an’ meet us somewhere?”[9]
“How the fook[10] did yeh[11] get my number?” Jackie demanded.
“He’s in my phone,” Tubbo repeated. “Get him out before I have ta[1] get a new one.”
While he was talking, Tubbo began texting Ranboo.
A response came a couple seconds later. “No.”
“Boo!!! Plz[12] don’t ignore meeeeee!” Tubbo smiled.
“Come ta[1] our base an’[2] we’ll talk,” Jackie told them.
“Gotcha[13], be there soon,” Tubbo promised as Ranboo didn’t answer. He did hang up on Jackie first, and texted Ranboo, “If you don’t stop ignoring me I’m going to start withholding.”
Logan tried to always know where they were often getting in Tubbo’s way as he tried to text.
“No.” Ranboo told him.
“Stop ignoring me and come and pick me up from the heroes’ base.” Tubbo asked, then added, as an afterthought, “plz.”[12]
“Fine,” Ranboo relented.
“Forty minutes to the heroes’s base, Tubbo has requested his husband to be there. There are three people in the car besides myself,” Logan reported. “Also, I may have lost my body and my equipment.”
“Geez,” Tubbo commented. “Calm down, yer[7] gonna freak ‘em[14] out.”
George’s phone buzzed before nanites took over the steering wheel, almost causing an accident as they were pulled off to the side of the road by force. The stop was a little jarring and the front of the car was yanked off and Google was there and looking between the three people in the car.
Karl and Tubbo screamed, George flinched in pure fear.
“Where is he?” Google demanded. “Give him to me!”
The more aggressive android was shoved out of the way by Bing. “I told yeh ta wait one freakin’ second. They were comin’ ta us, dude. E’erythin’ was fine.”[15]
Tubbo leaned over and held out the phone, which Bing gently took.
“See?” Bing smiled. “No need ta[1] freak out. So chill out.”
“Is he glitching?” Google demanded. “He lost his physical form.”
“Googs, chill yer ****s[16] fer about five seconds,” Bing told him. “Lo, can yeh[11] talk ta[1] me in there?”
“No, don’t know how to use the speakers,” Logan wrote in the first document he could bring up.
Bing chuckled, “Yeah, give me a sec[17], never tried ta[1] extract a glitch from somethin’[18]. I got Mini outta[19] my stereo system so it can’t be that much different.”
“I’m not a glitch,” Logan defended stubbornly.
“Lo, you lost yer body, an’ yer stuck in some stranger’s cellphone,”[20] Bing reminded. Then he looked the phone over, “an’[2] I might have ta[1] destroy it ta[1] get you out.”
“Fuck,” Tubbo complained.
“I’ll try an’[2] put it back together,” Bing promised.
“I don’t want to be a glitch,” Logan said and Bing didn’t offer a verbal comment. Logan finally added, “I wish to leave this phone, please.”
“I got you,” Bing promised. “I’m gonna[8] have ta[1] turn the phone off, so don’t freak out. It won’t be too long.”
Jackieboy Man finally reached the group, and Google almost fired on the speedster for getting too close to Bing and Logan too quickly. “Woah!”
“Back up!” Google ordered him.
“Okay, Lo, gonna[8] turn it off in 3 . . . 2 . . . 1,” Bing warned and then he turned on the phone and dismantled it. “Okay Lo, I know you can still hear me. So just relax and— There you are!”
Bing extracted a glowing dark blue orb that swelled out to show a small galaxy inside of it. “Lo? You alright?”
Logan didn’t talk, he was more aware of what was around him rather than seeing it himself.
“Yeah, we need ta[1] get you inta[21] a speaker or somethin’[18],” Bing decided, and Logan’s orb floated haltingly over to Google who shielded the orb with his nanites.
“Yes?” Google asked carefully.
Logan used the little bit of aura he had the ability to use and pulled and pushed the nanites between him and Google.
It took Google a second or two to realize what Logan was asking.
“Oh, of course,” Google smiled and pulled out a cube of nanites, “They’re yours, I made sure to keep them operational for you.”
Logan hesitated, knowing how those nanites had been used before, but he took them. To the logical Side it was like stepping into a familiar pair of shoes, or a well loved coat. These nanites were his. They knew his form and obeyed his command. The imitation of flesh and sinew and bone swirled into being, more of a shell than an actual body. But they were something.
It formed, rather unfortunately the last setting they had been set to, which was Logan’s future Suit of Spades outfit, the nanites turning a glossy black with a brass spade in the front.
“Ugh,” Logan groaned, the voice modulator still active and Logan was quick to try and deactivate that. “I hate this suit.”
“Yeah, not expecting ta[1] see it either,” Jackie agreed as Google had a camera track around Logan as Logan tried to get the nanites to reset to his normal suit but it required a password and Logan didn’t know it.
Logan typed it and to his amazement, it worked and he cursed his older self’s single minded nature. He spent a couple minutes reconfiguring the settings for it to turn back into his normal nanite suit and Logan felt relief.
“I wish to go home,” Logan decided.
“Yeah, we can do that,” Jackie smiled, happy to have Logan back.
Accessibility Translations:
1. to
2. and
3. for
4. existing
5. your
6. riding
7. You’re
8. going to
9. tell your legate friend I got his glitch arm in my phone, and I kind of want him out before he bricks my phone. You want to bring your best tech guy and meet us somewhere?
10. fuck
11. you
12. Please
13. Got you (or: Understand)
14. them
15. I told you to wait one freaking second. They were coming to us, dude. Everything was fine.
16. tits
17. second
18. something
19. out of
20. Lo, you lost your body, and you’re stuck in some stranger’s cellphone
21. into
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ask-the-mirage-lord · 4 years
Tsubasa: Oh my god, I’m the Karen in this friend group.
Itsuki: What? No, you’re the precious cinnamon roll. McNamara?
Tsubasa: Itsuki, that means that- Wait, who’s Ronnie? And who’s JD?
Ellie: I’m Ronnie, obviously.
Yashiro: I’m guessing that since Touma’s Duke, that makes me JD.
Touma: Seeing as how I get “Shut up, Heather!”ed constantly, I’m definitely Duke here.
Kiria: Who am I? Ms. Fleming? I’d say I’m Chandler, but in this scenario, that’s Itsuki.
Touma: Oh, you’re Ms. Fleming. 100%.
Tsubasa: Can you guys let me finish??
Kiria: Fine...
Tsubasa: Thanks, guys. Alright, so Itsuki, that means that you’re a mythic bitch, Touma’s got basically zero personality, and I’m just there. So Touma’s Bulimic and he’s throwing up so we’re helping him out and Kiria walks in and gives us all detention, but Ellie forges a Hall Pass and gets us out of detention, we invite her to join our little clique, we try to destroy Ellie’s childhood best friend emotionally by forging a note by her crush of 12 years that he liked him back because she’s overweight, Ellie protests and we sing an epic trio song about dumping her and joining us, Touma gets “Shut up, Heather!”ed and shoved down, he jumps up and joins us for the last harmony, she decides to join us, and we find out that Yashiro just transferred in and he’s immediately picked on by Ellie’s childhood friend’s crush and his best friend, Yashiro punches one of them in the face, the entire school’s does a harmony of “Holy Shit”, Ellie’s like “Damn, he’s h o t !” And sings an entire solo about how if he’s still alive after punching one of the school’s biggest bullies in the face, can they go out? So then there’s a huge party, and they’re at the local 7-11, so they can buy some corn nuts for the party. Yashiro sings this whole solo about how his mom died and his dad’s always moving him around so he can never make meaningful human connections, and also how he’s basically running the house because his dad doesn’t really do much, so he drinks a lot of slushies because he uses brain freezes as a way of self-harm, you yell from outside that Ellie’s taking too long, and so you all go to the party and Ellie’s having the time of her life. Me, you, and Touma then see Ellie’s childhood friend walk into the party, and then Touma tries to pitch an idea to destroy her and the “Shut up, Heather” counter hits two. So then after everything happens Touma brings in the pig-shaped piñata and says “Who’s this pig remind you of, especially the snout!” And then “Dang Dang Diggidy Dang-a-Dang” intensifies, then they dress the pig like Ellie’s childhood friend and then afterwards they pretend to like her so she’ll hit the piñata that’s dressed as her, Ellie realizes and grabs the piñata and tells her friend to go home, she does, and then Ellie’s like “I’m resigning my commission from the lip gloss gestapo” and you tell her that she doesn’t get to be a nobody anymore, she’s an ex-somebody now, and then she throws up on your shoes, you scream, and Ellie says, in the most epic way possible, “Lick it up, baby, Lick it up!”. So Ellie realized that she just committed social suicide, and decided that hey, she’s gonna die? Well she’s sure as hell not gonna die a virgin. So she breaks into Yashiro’s house in the middle of the night and he’s... he’s just down to fuck so let’s go. So then she’s asleep, and then she has a nightmare of you taunting her for being a slut because you know everything, Ellie wakes up screaming, she decides she has to apologize to you, and she goes over, grovels for mercy, and then she makes you a hangover cure because you said you’d think about it if she makes it, and so Yashiro makes a joke by pouring drain cleaner into a mug and saying that they should give it to you because it’s hard to tell in a mug that it looks wrong, she says that’s not funny, and goes to grab a mug, and it’s the drain cleaner one, Yashiro notices, but doesn’t say so, your last words are “Corn Nuts”, and then they stage it as a suicide and you haunt her, there’s a thing at school where everyone’s reading your suicide note and everyone’s happy meanwhile you’re screaming that everyone loves you now that you’re dead and everyone thinks you were a good person-
Itsuki: What the fuck?
Tsubasa: I’m not done! *deep breath* so we begin act 2 and everyone’s doing decently, and then I call Ellie and ask her to meet us at the graveyard, where we run into two drunk idiots that keep begging for consent to sex, Ellie’s immediately saying absolutely fucking not, leaves, and then Touma rises to power almost immediately, gets a dramatic solo because Ellie tries to yell at you to shut up, but since you’re a ghost he assumes she’s talking to him and does this whole solo where he says he’ll never shut up again and he and two other guys spread a rumor about Ellie doing the two other guys at once, Yashiro goes even more batshit and tricks Ellie again into killing the two guys that they say she did and makes it looks like they were gay for each other and killed themselves because the world would have rejected them, Kiria runs a whole assembly where she says she cares about saving lives when really she just wants attention, I volunteer to talk at the assembly, say “Jesus, I’m on the freaking bus again because all my rides to school are dead” I have my solo where I say I feel terrified at every turn about making the wrong move and losing every bit of my popularity, Touma goes feral on me for saying the truth, that the school is shit, and he drives me to a suicide attempt, Ellie saves my life and points out that if I was happy every day of my life, I’d be a game show host. Yashiro asks why the hell she saved me, Ellie says it’s because I’m her friend, Yashiro then suggests they kill Touma because he drove me to the suicide attempt, Ellie dumps Yashiro by singing that she’s done with all this murder bullshit, Ellie’s childhood friend jumps off a bridge, Touma makes fun of her and Ellie goes to the hospital to apologize, and ghosts of you and the two guys taunt her as Ellie’s parents come in and say that Yashiro told them about Ellie’s “suicidal thoughts” that he fabricated, and they showed her the copy of Moby Dick that she owns, which is filled with suicidal thoughts in her own handwriting, you go over her shoulder and go like “He’s got your handwriting down cold” and-
Itsuki: I don’t think I want to know the rest-
Tsubasa: I’m almost done! So then the ghost trio’s haunting the fuck out of Ellie and telling her that like. He’s coming for you and shit. And he is. Yashiro comes in through the window and then sings this entire solo about how they were meant for each other, and that he’s gonna blow up the school during a pep rally that’s about to start, says he’s gonna count to three before he opens the closet that she’s hiding in, goes “1, 2, Fuck it!” Pops the door open, sees Ellie hanging there, says he can’t do this alone but hey, if he has to, he’ll do it. So then Ellie’s mom walks in and screams, Ellie’s like “WAIT NO IT’S A JOKE”, heads to the pep rally, sings this whole thing where she says no one deserves to die except her and Yashiro, runs into Kiria who’s like “wtf Yashiro told me you committed suicide” and then tells her about the fact that the boiler room is under the gym, so Ellie goes down there, makes this entire speech about how she wishes they could have met before he was like this, they fight over the gun, Ellie gets it, shoots him, goes like “oh wait fuck I can’t disarm this”, brings the bomb out to the field and waits for it to explode so she’s the only one who’ll die, Yashiro runs in, grabs the bomb, tells her to get out of the way because he’s too damaged but she can still save herself, she leaves, comes into the school, dismantles the school’s social hierarchy, and then invites me and her childhood friend to binge movies.
Itsuki: Once again, what the fuck?
Tsubasa: I mean, hey, you’re the one who said I was McNamara.
Itsuki: You could have just said no??
Tsubasa: Not as fun. But, either way, if I’m the Karen that makes you Regina so that’s definitely wrong because-
Itsuki: I’ve seen Mean Girls, calm down-
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Hi Steph, do you have any fics with the 3G moment? I’ve been looking for them everywhere but it’s a bit scarce. Thank you so much in advance you always are helpful.
Hi Nonny!! 
I actually do, but I’ve only recently been keeping track of which of my hundreds of fics have that moment in it, so the list is a bit sporadic right now but constantly growing as I re-read fics and in turn re-tag all my fics :) Here’s what I have for you so far! If any of my Lovelies have their own recs, please add them!
See also:
John Whump / Sherlock Takes Care of John
John Whump / Sherlock Takes Care of John Pt. 2
ALEXX’S LIST: Three Garridebs Moment – Pain, Suffering & Confessions
Prayers by Jberry (M, 665 w., 1 Ch. || H/C, Injury, John Whump, Fear of Death, First Person Sherlock) – Sherlock has never been a man who prayed.
Words Were Never Useful by Jenn1984 (K+, 819 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt Comfort, John Whump, Friendship, Ambiguous Ending) - ALLEY BEHIND THE BOOKSTORE, JOHN STABBED. HELP NOW. SH
Possessive by Fang323 (T, 850 w., 1 Ch. || John Whump, Hospitalization, Possessive / Protective Sherlock, Friendship, Hurt/Comfort) – His John did not belong. Not here. Not in this blasted hospital. It simply was not logical.
Dismantle the Sun by Mount_Seleya (T, 965 w., 1 Ch. || John Whump, 3G, Angst, Grief) – After a gunshot leaves John in critical condition, Sherlock holds vigil beside his hospital bed, slowly unravelling as the night progresses.
Sleep Tonight by Jenn1984 (T, 1,220 w, 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Bed Sharing, Worried Sherlock, Sick John, Hugs/Cuddles, Touch Neediness) – Fingers begin prying open his jacket looking for a wound and John would really like to swat at them. No, he’s not hit anywhere, he’s just damn sick.- John Watson has a fever. (Faux-3G // Sherlock thinks John is Shot)
I Feel A Weakness by Jenn1984 (T, 1,389 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Angst, John Whump/3G) – John Watson is hurt. Sherlock has a hard time processing it.
Take My Hand, Knot Your Fingers Through Mine by patster223 (K+, 2,003 w., 1 Ch. || H/C & Friendship, Whump) - “I know this is an inconvenience for you, but I would really rather you were awake right now, John.” John is unconscious, and Sherlock decides to talk to him anyway. Sherlock/John pre-slash.
It’s a Dummy by Johnnlocked (Krullenbol2602) (T, 2,574 w., 3 Ch. || HLV-Remix, Major Character Injury, H/C, Love Confessions, Mary is Not Nice, 3G Moment) – What if Mary had taken the shot?
Domino by Deception’s Call (K, 2,689 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Scared / Worried Sherlock, John Whump, Crying Sherlock, Hospital, Implied Caretaker Sherlock) – When John is injured on a case and is admitted to the hospital, those at Scotland Yard come to realize that perhaps Sherlock Holmes has a heart after all.
Reversed by whitchry9 (K+, 3,072 w., 6 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Medical Anomolies, John Gets Shot) – The man pointed his gun at John’s chest, right at his heart, and shot.’ Wherein John is shot, and Sherlock is the one panicking.
Wish I Was In Heaven Sitting Down by standbygo (M, 3,282 w., 1 Ch. || Post-S4, Five Plus One, Missing Scenes, Parenthood, First Kiss, Friends to Lovers, Cuddling & Snuggling, Hurt/Comfort, Declarations of Love, Fluff, Food, John Whump) – Five times when Sherlock and John ate together, and one time they didn’t. A history of the boys, in food.
The Dangers of Dating by verityburns (T, 3,325 w., 1 Ch. || Friendship, Case Fic, No Slash, John Whump, 3G, Worried Sherlock) – Sherlock and John acquire a new client… with a very unusual problem.
Let Down by Gandalf3213 (K+, 4,505 w., 2 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, John Whump, Insecure John) – John truly is sorry for letting Sherlock down. The only thing he wanted to do was finish the case, but bleeding out in a dark alley makes it harder for him to pursue that murderer running out of sight.
Applied Linguistics by what_alchemy (M, 4,837 w., 1 Ch. || Possessive / Anxious Sherlock, Introspection, Bed Sharing, Past John Whump, Est. Rel., Marriage Proposal, Sherlock Loves John So Much, Word Play) – “He wants to shake John by the shoulders, wants to open his mouth and swallow John whole. Wants to marry him.” Sherlock searches for the right words.
EMERGENCY CONTACT: Sherlock Holmes, RELATIONSHIP: n/a by blueink3 (M, 5,533 w., 1 Ch. || Hurt John/3G, Fluff & Angst) – The first time John Watson’s emergency contact is called is the first time Sherlock Holmes finds out that he has the job. Part 1 of The Emergency Contact Series
A Kiss and a Cuddle should be Sufficient by Evenlodes_Friend (E, 6,853 w., 3 Ch. || Gay Sex Club, Fake Relationship, PWP, Orgies, Rimming, BJ’s, Violence, Case Fic, Voyeurism) – Going undercover, Sherlock and John pursue a vicious killer to a gay group sex party. Not unexpectedly, things get a little out of hand. Set after Baskerville, but before the Fall.
In Which “John” Becomes a Synonym for “Help” by asignoftwo (T, 7,391 w., 1 Ch. || Injured John, Worried Sherlock, Fluff) –  After the fall Sherlock returns to Baker Street and is reunited with John. When John is injured on a case Sherlock is faced with the reality that he could lose John again, and it tears him apart.
Sometimes When We Touch by kedgeree (M, 7,755 w., 6 Ch. || Post-TRF, First Kiss/Time, Inappropriate Giggling, Romance, Friends to Lovers, Virgin Sherlock, John Whump, Touching) – John might be touching Sherlock a little more often than is strictly necessary. Sherlock probably hasn’t even noticed. Right…?
What Did I Do Wrong? by Starlight05 (T, 7,880 w., 5 Ch. || Hurt Comfort, Angst, John Whump, Hospitalization, Worried Sherlock, Emotional Turmoil, Nightmares, Sherlock Being Dumb) - After John almost dies on a case, Sherlock disappears. So John is left to figure out what he can do to get his best friend back. Meanwhile Sherlock, guilt-ridden and willingly alone, is doing everything he can to stay away.
Beyond the Vow by tunteeton (M, 8,994 w., 1 Ch. || Love Confessions, Angst with Happy Ending, Post-S3, Explosions, Mary is Good-ish?, 3G, Infant Death) – Being a sociopath was never this emotionally exhausting.
He’s Not Paid Enough to Deal with This Shit by janonny (T, 9,828 w., 1 Ch. || Personal Assistant AU || Humour, First Meetings, Snarky John) – One of the first things John did was to write up step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a proper job interview before handing it over to Mycroft for his perusal. There were no kidnapping, deserted car parks or stolen therapy notes anywhere on that list. (Or the one where John returned from the war and ended up working for Mycroft as his personal assistant slash doctor on retainer. Everything was fine, until he was sent to post bail for one Sherlock Holmes.)
The Haunting of 221B Baker Street by earlgreytea68 (M, 10,388 w., 2 Ch. || Post TRF, Halloween / Ghosts, Pining Sherlock, Ghost Sherlock, Stroppy Sherlock, Sherlock POV, First Kiss/Time, Angry Sex, Ghost Sex, Love Confessions, Open / Ambiguous Ending) – In which Sherlock Holmes is a ghost.
A Is For Aftermath by ElvendorkInfinity (T, 10,567 w., 1 Ch. || Injury / Whump, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship/Pre-Slash/Bromance/Platonics, Hallucinations, Introspection, Insecure / Worried John, Big Brother Mycroft, Alternating POV, Anxious Sherlock, Self-Deprecating, Mildly Possessive Sherlock, 3G Moment) – John is still hallucinating, Sherlock cannot sleep, and Lestrade has a new case for them. But will life at 221B ever be able to return to normal? Epilogue to M is for Moriarty.
The River Variations by withoutawish (T, 11,619 w., 1 Ch. || Soulmates, Emotional Hurt / Comfort, Three Garridebs, Romance, Light Case Fic, Near Death Experience, Angst and Fluff, Dark Humour) – John Watson never knew that he wanted a ‘no toast in the mornings’ normal until he realized what an honor it is to be destroyed by Sherlock Holmes.
I’m content as we are (but) by inqui (The_Circus) (E, 13,086 w., 1 Ch. || Jealous John, UST/RST, Pining, Victor Trevor, Minor Whump, First Kiss / Time, Misunderstandings) – In which John Watson sees something unusual, becomes jealous, and makes too much of a small thing as an old friend of Sherlock’s shows up in the middle of a case.
First Response by Arwen Jade Kenobi (T, 13,516 w., 8 Ch. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Five and Ones, Whump / Injury) – Five times John had to perform first aid on Sherlock and one time Sherlock had to perform it on John.
Best of Three by SilentAuror (E, 17,473 w., 1 Ch. || POV John, 3G Moment, Porn with Feels, Post HLV, Rimming, Denial, Anal) – “You want to have sex with me,” Sherlock announces one evening about a year after John’s divorce. John’s vigorous denial sparks a three-day wager wherein Sherlock is determined to prove his point, and John is determined to hold onto his heterosexuality. Set well after HLV. (Canon-compliant). PORN. With feels.
I Think I’ve Come A Long Long Way To Sit Before You Here Today by ArwenKenobi (T, 18,251 w., 3 Ch. || Grief/Mourning, Passage of Time, Major Character Death, Alternating POV, Sherlock Whump, Pining Sherlock, Hospitalization, Coma, Revenge Murders, Hallucinations, Love Confessions, Brutal Accident, Mystrade, Ghost John) – One year after John is killed Sherlock starts to wonder whether John has actually gone anywhere.
A Home for Us by sussexbound (M, 30,581 w., 12 Ch. || Scars, Bedsharing, Grief, Doctor John, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Implied/Referenced Torture, Sherlock POV, Pining Sherlock, Suicidal Ideation, Heavy Emotions, Clingy Sherlock, Hallucinations, Disassociation, Emotional Turmoil) – He has been on the road for two years, and he is exhausted. He’s almost accepted that he will never see London (John) again—almost. But then there are nights like tonight, where he is weak, and all he can think of is the warmth of the flat they once shared, the crackle of the fire in the hearth, the teasing smile playing at the corner of John’s lips, the boxes of half-eaten Chinese takeaway balanced precariously in their laps. He aches at the memory of it, at the realisation that it is something he may never experience again.
Bedroom Tales by Junejuly15 (M, 49,950 w., 22 Ch. || Friends to Lovers, Through the Years, H/C, Military Kink, First Kiss / Time, Romance, Insecure Sherlock, Voyeurism, Post-TRF, Ficlets, Fluff and Angst, Fix-It Fics) – Bedroom Tales is a collection of John and Sherlock ficlets. They are set at various stages of their relationship and are in no particular order. Some are fluffy, some sexy, some angsty, there is hurt and comfort, romance and love. What unites them is that they all play in a bedroom, but not necessarily the one in 221B. (Ch. 19, I Think)
Wars We Fought, Things We’re Not by blueink3 (M, 55,204 w., 10 Ch. || Post S3 / Post TAB, Parentlock, Fluff & Angst, Kidnapping, Whump, Post-TAB, UST/URT, 3G, Mild Peril, Slow Burn, Couple for a Case, Protective Mycroft, Infant Death Pre-Story, Friends to Lovers) –  Five months after John’s world has fallen apart, Mycroft sends the consulting detective and his doctor on a case that neither is prepared for.
Perdition’s Flames by i_ship_an_armada (E, 63,435 w., 21 Ch. || Treklock AU, Est. Rel, Genetic Engineering, Angst & Fluff, BAMF!John) – Sherlock would do anything to save him. Risk anything. Give anything. His money, his life. His soul. What he does, though, is change both of their destinies forever. Genetic re-engineering is the only option left. It turns out researchers underestimated the life expectancy and potential abilities of genetically re-engineered subjects. The British government and what would eventually become the United Federation of Planets, however, had not. Part 1 of PF Universe (Ch. 18 is the 3G Moment)
You Have Drawn Red From My Hands by J_Baillier (T, 67,085 w., 17 Ch. || Three Garridebs, Heavy John Whump, Hurt / Comfort, Pining, Heavy Angst, Case Fic/Adventure, Slow Burn, Sick Fic, Injury, Guilt & Depression, Just Talk Already Please, Medical Realism, PTSD) –  John getting injured leads Sherlock on a path of guilt and revelations.
The Vapor Variant by 88thParallel (CanadaHolm) (M, 72,684 w., 18 Ch. || PODFIC AVAILABLE || Post-THoB, John Whump, Protective Sherlock, Guilty Sherlock, Anxious/Worried Sherlock, Virgin Sherlock, Angst with Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, PTSD John, Slow Burn, Mutual Pining, Suspense, Virus, Sickfic, Big Brother Mycroft) – They stood face to face in the middle of a clearing. The dim light of the moon barely allowed Sherlock to see the glassy terror in John’s eyes and the sweat that glistened off his forehead. His nose was bleeding again, blood dripping in a slow stream from his right nostril. They were both gasping for air, John’s eyes locked on Sherlock’s. There was no recognition there, just wild animal fear. Time stood still for an eternal few seconds, and Sherlock took a shaky breath. “John—”Spell broken, John spun and bolted back into the woods. Still heaving for air, Sherlock took off after him.
Two Two One Bravo Baker by abundantlyqueer (E, 114,574 w. || Military AU || Afghanistan, War Story, Thriller) – Captain John Watson of 40 Commando, the Royal Marines, is assigned to protect and assist Sherlock Holmes as he investigates what appears to be a simple war atrocity in Afghanistan. An intense attraction ignites between the two men as they uncover a conspiracy that threatens everything they’ve ever known, but Sherlock is as much hunted as hunter, and everyone close to him is in deadly danger. Can he solve the case in time to save himself and John? Part 1 of Two Two One Bravo Baker Universe
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
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vacuousauto · 4 years
tysm for tha ask molli!! ill talk abt kny here bc its takin over my life rn qwq
spoilers ahead 4 tha whole series!!
📃 what is the plot of your hyperfixation? and is it a movie, game, show, etc?
kny is a manga w an anime adaptation thats had 1 season so far n a movies bein made of my fav arc!! (also this plot desc may not b perfect bc i havent read it in like 4 months)
its abt a boy called tanjirou whos whole family got killed by a demon, n his sister nezuko got turned into a demon (which fun fact: in kimetsu theyre man-eatin creatures w different powers called blood demon arts!!)
hes sent by giyuu (a demon slayer!) 2 join tha demon slayer corps so hell become stronger n mayb get a little revenge. as a treat (and also mayb find a way 2 turn nezuko human?)
as he trains he learns how 2 do water breathing (a sword technique taught by him n giyuus mentor, urokodaki) n his final challenge is 2 cut a massive boulder in half w his sword
its real hard 4 him (as u can imagine) so 2 kids in fox masks named sabito n makomo come n help him, but after tanjirou cuts tha rock n tells urokodaki abt him its revealed theyre dead???
@ final selection (basically a demon slayer entrance exam where u win by surviving on a demon-infested mountain 4 seven days) he learns from a real fucked up demon that hes exclusively been targetin urokodakis students n that not even sabito could slice its neck open?? (thats how him n makomo died)
after tanjirou kills tha demon n basically puts all tha water breath students’ souls @ peace he passes tha exam!! its been 7 days n now he gets his nichirin blade (the only kinda sword that can kill a demon, tha only 2 ways they can die is thru a slice 2 tha neck from a nichirin blade n sunlight)
turns out nezuko was turned by the strongest demon of all, michael jackson muzan kibutsuji, n so he sets out 2 hunt him down n try 2 kill him
but he aint so strong @ first so he needs 2 try 2 take down tha twelve kizuki first (the 12 strongest demons besides muzan)
another reason he needs 2 kill tha kizuki is 2 gather their blood for a demon named tamayo n her assistant yushirou!! tamayo can make a cure if tanjirou can gather blood samples 4 her (the stronger tha demon tha more of muzans blood they have so hes gonna have 2 aim high)
he meets a bunch more slayers along tha way, includin zenitsu (a scaredy cat thunder breath user who basically simps 4 nezuko n becomes a badass when hes asleep) n inosuke (a rowdy beast breath user who wears a boar mask n lived in tha mountains)
after lower moon 5 gets killed by giyuu, nezuko unlocks her blood demon art (exploding blood!) n tanjirou remembers how 2 use tha hinokami kagura, him n nezuko get captured by a slayer called shinobu qwq
turns out she n giyuu are 2 of the nine hashira, the strongest of all tha demon slayers!! but theyre all havin a debate over whether they should kill tanjirou n nezuko 4 goin against corps rules n travelin w a demon
eventually oyakata-sama (tha leader of tha slayer corps) comes in n tells em its ok, urokodaki sent a letter explainin that nezukos never hurt anyone n if she does, tanjirou giyuu n urokodaki all have 2 die basically
oyakata-sama also tells em that tanjirous met kibutsuji, at which everyone goes feral at (and understandably, none of em had ever even seen him before hes that elusive)
so they get 2 live bc theyre like. tha best hope the slayers have @ findin kibutsuji
the rest of the hashira are kyoujurou (flame), muichirou (mist), mitsuri (love), obanai (serpent), gyoumei (stone), tengen (sound) n sanemi (wind)
theres also kanao (shinobus pupil, flower breathing) n genya (sanemis brother, eats demons 2 gain power n basically become a demon temporarily, also He Has A Gun)
ive gone on a lot here so ill try 2 keep it brief now but i HAVE 2 explain infinity train or ill die (slight suicide tw but no one actually does that outside of dreams)
BASICALLY the lower 6 moons have a meetin @ kibutsujis infinity castle, muzan decides 2 dismantle tha lower moons bc they keep fuckign dying
all of em get their shit wrecked except enmu, who avoided death by usin muzans “dont tell me what 2 do” rule against him n beggin 4 death basically
so he gets a metric fuckton o blood n goes off 2 kill tanjirou
turns out he keeps killin people on his train n kyos gone 2 investigate!! the main gang (the kamaboko gang as the fandom calls it) are there too bc tanjirou needs 2 investigate what hinokami kagura really is (turns out its sun breathing, the og form and ones that only folks w the same mark on his forehead can use) n if anyone knows abt the alleged “fire breathing” as they know it rn its the fire hashira!!
so they get on tha train (inosukes lovin tha experience bc hes Literally Never Seen A Train Before) n kyo basically adopts the whole group
BASICALLY he can make people fall asleep in a buncha ways (the mouths on his hands, his weird eye thingies, the tickets) n once thats happened he n his henchmen can access said dreams (he can even control em!!) n if they find tha “spiritual core” they can destroy it n essentially leave em as an empty shell thatll never wake up!! yaaaaaay /s
he fails bc tanjirou realises a way out n its by cuttin his own head off in his dream, eventually everyones awake again n tanjirou finds enmu on tha roof(?) of tha train
after a while he does manage 2 decapitate him but surprise!!! hes not dead
turns out he literally FUSED WITH THA TRAIN n is plannin on eatin everyone inside, includin kyo n the gang
but he doesnt bc Main Protags Cant Die(tm) n dies while complainin that he wants a redo (sorry enmu, ily but u cant turn back time unless ur yoshikage kira)
also sidenote enmus tha only kizuki w/o a canon backstory as far as i can remember and????? H??
ANYWHO after that whole debacle basketball akaza (UPPER moon 3) shows himself!!! FUCK
n after all that struggle against the 8th strongest demon of all time now they gotta deal w tha 4th strongest????? damn,
so yeah it goes how youd imagine, its a tough fuckin battle n its Not Fun but it turns out kyoujurou fucking dies n i genuinely didnt realise until he said “kamado my boy, lets have one final chat” bc i was so in denial n lets face it i still am now
long story short idk how im gonna manage 2 get thru the movie w/o breakin down @ the end
anyway after that horrible horrible time tanjirou goes n meets senjurou, kyos little bro, who gives him kyos sword guard thing (its shaped like a flame!!) n i havent read it in a while so i cant FULLY remember but i think this is where he learns abt sun breathing??
after that they end up goin on a mission in tha red light district w tengen, his 3 wives are there 2 serve as spies (theyre kunoichi, which i think are ninjas of some kind??) n the boys have 2 find em
they do manage 2 find em but not after runnin into upper moon 6, who are 2 twins called daki n gyuutarou
after that fight tengen has 2 retire bc he got fucked up p bad from that fight n he wants 2 make sure tha girls are ok above all
so after that arc tanjirou n nezuko go down 2 tha swordsmith village (bc the guy who usually makes his swords is fuckin tired of repairin it) n run into mitsuri!! she tells tan that theres smth in tha forest thatll make him stronger
ngl this is tha arc i remember tha least abt so this desc is prolly SO inaccurate despite havin 2 o my favs in it)
but muichirou shows himself too n hes mean 2 tanjirou >:/ (he does get nicer eventually but 2 him specifically)
a 10 y/o kid named kotetsu shows tan this 6 armed trainin robot called yoriichi type 0 (based on tha first slayer 2 use sun breathin) n tanjirou breaks it by accident qwq
but he keeps trainin thanks 2 kotetsu but tha kids a harsh fuckin trainer ill tell u that
anyway so we have a whole buncha demons 2 deal w here except most of em are 1 demon split into different parts
hantengu n gyokko, upper moons 4 n 5 respectively!! mui deals w gyokko while mitsuri genya nezuko n tanjirou deal w hantengu
in these fights mitsuri n mui get their demon slayer marks!! these are marks that they get when they surpass the limits of tha human body n they look like tha marks demons have (muis looks like clouds on his cheeks n mitsuris is 2 hearts on her collarbone)
next up is tha hashira trainin arc!! everyone gets trained by each of tha hashira 2 try n unlock their slayer marks
each have a dif trainin style that focuses on dif stuff (for example gyoumei focuses a lot on physical strength n stuff like that, obanai is more abt accuracy) n this is where giyuus backstory gets revealed bc he doesnt think hes worthy o bein a hashira :((
basically him n sabito were absolute besties!! they both trained together n sabito basically told him not 2 die ever
but it all goes wrong @ final selection- sabito manages 2 take down every demon on tha mountain but one of em, that bein the hand demon that exclusively targets water breathers (theyre easy 2 distinguish bc of their blue haoris n custom made fox masks)
he manages 2 save giyuu n everyone else from tha selection except 4 himself (this is why giyuus haori is like that- its made from his sister n sabitos haoris)
giyuu blames himself 4 both of their deaths bc he failed 2 protect em n says that he doesnt deserve 2 have passed tha selection let alone b a hashira,, but tanjirou convinces him otherwise!! ^^
then one day while giyuus trainin w sanemi disaster hits- oyakata-sama, his wife n two of their kids just died
the 2nd to last arc- the infinity castle!! thingsre gettin real n muzans revealed himself
in tha infinity castle EVERYONES there but can u really blame em theyve been workin up 2 this 4 millenia
shinobu runs into upper moon 2- douma, aka the bastard that killed her sister as well as inosukes mum
she is. justifiably pissed. n she gives it her all but he kills her :(( douma ily but also FUCK YOU.
so perfect timing!!! heres her adopted sister!! as well as inosuke!!!! revenge battle time >:0
in the end shinobus poison is what kills him- her whole body is filled w wisteria poison thats deadly 2 a demon so he basically consumed her whole body weight in poison rip
but ofc word gets out via messenger crow that shes dead n its just a real sad moment tbh :( but theres no time 4 that bc giyuu n tanjirou just ran into akaza >:((
so tanjirous pissed as hell now n w their combined efforts they take down tha basketball lookin bastard (bastardball??)
meanwhile obanai n mitsuri (n yushirou iirc?? he uses his own art 2 control her @ some point tho i cant remember when) deal w tha new upper moon 4 (nakime, whos also shiftin tha rooms around w her blood art n makin tha fight super fuckign annoyin tbh) n muichirou genya sanemi n gyoumei deal w kokushibou (upper moon 1, also tha original sun breathers twin brother so he gets moon breathin >:3)
mitsuri n obanai fake their deaths w help from yushirou n muzan falls 4 it, which comes in handy later ;3
zenitsu also deals w his former bully, upper moon 6 aka kaigaku aka dickhead supreme who if zenitsu didnt kill i would personally kill w my bare hands
so after everyones taken down all thats left is muzan >:( muzan kills tamayo real early on n everyones goin all out on him
we also learn that he has multiple brains n hearts in his body eww
also the hashira have their marks now!! but all but sanemi n giyuu get killed n giyuu loses his arm :((((
genya also gets killed noo
eventually ofc the battle is won thanks 2 everyones relief, it took for fuckin ever bc the only way muzan can die is tha sun so they had 2 kill time n keep him out in tha sun 4 a long time
also nezukos been cured!! shes a human!! n shes comin 2 help!!
the 2nd to last chapter is tha happy endin, the kamaboko gang visit tanjirou n nezukos house, giyuu cuts his hair n SMILES n tha hashira have their final meetin w oyakata-samas son kiriya
i cried readin it ngl their sufferin is finally over...... it cost a lot but now theres no more demons,,,
chapter 205 is set in tha modern day! kanao n tanjirous descendants are shown, as well as zenitsu n nezukos
everyone who died/never had kids get reincarnated (for example gyoumei is now a daycare worker, kyos reincarnation toujurou is besties w one o tans descendants n giyuu (giichi) is friends w sabito again!! makomos their friend too!!
ALSO KIRIYA IS STILL ALIVE hes the oldest man in japan!! this is huge bc the ubayashiki family dont usually live past 30 bc of a curse that was put on em when they had muzan
yushirou is still alive too but thats bc hes a demon n he paints tamayo for a living qwq
it just made me cry so hard bc waaah,,, everyone gets 2 live a demon-free life now,,, anyway typin this took me like an hour im sorry mint (as well as anyone else who read this)
🎥 do you have any favorite scenes from your hyperfixation?
tha infinity train arc as a whole tbh??? its basically enmu n kyoujurous big moment and. i care them sm. i cant wait 4 tha movie qwq except 4 their deaths ofc
🏳‍🌈 do you have any headcanons (lgbt, race, neuro, etc) that are important to you?
i have a lotta headcanons really!! outta my f/os favs tho i hc:
giyuu is trans bi n autistic
kyo is gay n has adhd
muichirou is nb n pan
mitsuri is pan
douma is gay
enmu is nb pan n autistic
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sirjustice331-blog · 4 years
What is placed
When u place yellow sweet potato in the bar kalare make u insane water at the down spring makes such water much in boom process, used to build Kansas city and environs,think i told Dona Hughes of WSU, KS reason why they follow me to no-end as they make the same and share profits with Missouri annoying MO state as well, not to mention i told India people as well on My Fb then dude.
Negro made military vehicle in the link below, get a glimpse
All the machines made in boom process b4 u knead the dough or rye, u do the same using water mixed with charcoal fumes/dust or just soak water in charcoal as much as with hay, chaff, cereals, saw dust, sewer water and more, either u add the above charcoal fume water or soak all the above in the same water in the boom process to get either ya guns, auto-mobiles, jets or airplanes or u can grinned pumpkin and use its water to replace the charcoal 1 as both can do. Get this if it has refused to form the machine u want to make as this the only way i forgot dude.
The wild black grains birds feed on if u place in the above solutions makes even jets in the boom process as well as chamama brown seeds making big airplane as wild thorns, spare-parts of the above machines or cut diagonally photos or into many pieces whichever method u like dude.
Wants Hindu to get to their nation or being shot, yet we got the remedy, not to send people to people to stop what they purported those people to be watching, still thinking Kenya is rich, the people they aspire to be here will buy those Hindu LEFT HOUSES cheaply, friends u aint rich but poor now out of large population.
Stop having hanging bulbs like the old type in ya house, instill bad feeling and spirit in u many know not, in that if even the hooligans use the same things as u it breeds the above, resort to a bulb holder system that many uses not even if not expensive like in the link below, Hanging like male testis
U can even use a 240-12 V step down transformer to place the 12 V motor bike light in the link below in ya house
The plastic tiles glued to ya floor, kills even kids and dis-form faces of those who are friends to those houses out of the water used to make the dough that produced such in the boom process, maybe the grinned human, snake or animals still fresh and mixed with water to knead the dough in the boom process as in the link below, we call them vinyl tiles
scratched fish scales makes coins of any nation once a sample or samples are placed while white guava mixture with the same makes even notes as well as red guava solution mixed with the former solution while white guava makes even coins as ground-nut brown outer peel, most of boiled 1, makes notes when inserted in milk or inserted in red guava solution and with coin in white guava solution 1 as well as with ripe mango solution dude.
Reasons why people love earthly things and many a family know not is having tetanus virus in ya head bone musles with if treated/removed and vacine employed, u refute being rude and became soft with life as loving being alone in an enclosed space and reduces the likes of earthly things as stated above. We can get many in a limbo yet we know not the above hidden truth explained above, reasons why even most white people infuse the same virus on people when lkids to move the world business a head as if u got that virus it makes u love earthly things more and u relent not as u got the rearing to go spirit in you. U can use break fluid mix with much water to inject into ya system b4 u resort to the vacine to make u hate life and even women as many know not of the above truth but now its handy u got it.
Some1 on me, cause a woman he thinks he can not win, he can win by dismissing my ways as tinting my name/image. Stop dude, too grown up 4 that, educate ya kid, if he cant continue with high school, save that cash u use to take him to school and help him start business early as what u think he can make now we know how to make and he is now a hoot to us as u walk with him that the only thing he misses to make such as in the link above in large life which u u cant afford but must get it from people. Stop anger dude, chorea story ya difu, u stupid braggart, come out we fight, stop acting like a rodent, u silly crazy animal of pretense of helping people yet know nothing. U will be shot like with helicopter story, as we locate such people dude, wanting from some1 as if their manhood belonged to ya, eblotongi, those tricks surface not 4 ya advice, Jinga hii. Innovation is 1 man guitar not a tribe, i don’t see a tribe claiming the same below.
Airplane made in S-sudan and Sudan images in the link below
When u conceptualize the ideas explained in tumblr a/c sirjustice50, u see Uganda and Tanzania capital well ahead out of Kenyan capital as they got no import from Kenya as Kenya out of huge population imports cooking oil, sugar, milk from Uganda as maize floor from Tanzania, the only thing both import is wheat as in the link below which makes even Ethiopia well ahead of Kenya after knowing how to make their own machines as they got huge wheat volume set aside 4 export, the Kenyan 1 just saves the country exports as out of continued population growth, needs import to meet the created deficit
Wheat has less use as compared to maize, as wheat flakes grows 1 bald so fellows desist from the same and resort to corn/maize flakes.
What u say they refute and stand up as u say something out of hand pleasing them not as they want u to do their own shit bro, the kikuyu blooded, still u got things on store which if u be good many people will cling to ya so u dismantle with ya dubious acts. Dude style up bro!!!!
Get a glimpse of Burundi made airplane, bobona, in the below link
Ablogoyi gi lungu nyako ni as in the link below, Kikuyu where are u, fell off drone to down crust, 4 ya information if u did not know, ablogoyo cianda ne motimo chieth no, Minaj and magdalin jaluth, chwado gi rabber band to aweyo kata arido skat tii, to achwado gi oleng mar ywech
Somalia but Sudan made airplane, Comoros, Seychelles and cape Verde in the link below
Tryna give my message to the world the best way i can in the song link below
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liquidink21 · 5 years
Half-Life 4 Redux
Since writing up that big post about concepts I had for Half-Life 4 I’ve managed to get it together into a coherent story, which I’ll post here.
 Chapter 1: Brave New World
For the first time since HL1 Gordon isn’t immediately dumped there by the G-Man or Vortigaunts. He’s implied to have been part of this world for some time. The entire chapter runs contrasted with HL2’s Point Insertion; instead of a tense walk through the dystopian City 17, after leaving his train Gordon takes a leisurely work to work. Instead of downtrodden citizens surrounded by metrocops, the citizens seem fairly happy though hard at work.
By interacting with the citizens in a few situations and by watching a newsreader on the old Breencast monitors, the player can pick up what they’ve missed since HL3 (they can ignore it if they want). The Combine has been overthrown, and humanity had begun rebuilding and establishing their own societies again. They are in the city of New Odessa, capital of a state known as the Foundation, created from the old Sector 17 resistance. The player learns of an “Empire” that exists in contention with the Foundation.
Level layout is as linear as ever, but instead of cops and barricades the player it blocked by more hopeful and innocent looking things like construction work and things like that. In the distance New Odessa’s citadel can be seen in a partially dismantled state. It’s midday. The citizens have a more normal and varied clothing palette than the old Combine double-denim. In reference to a dismantled suppression field, several young children and pregnant women can be seen. Eventually the player is railroaded to Gordon’s workplace, a large governmental looking building.
 Chapter 2: Threshold
This building has mix between office complex and scientific laboratory aesthetics to it. Gordon is directed by linear level design and some characters giving directions to where Gordon needs to go. If the player wants to go off the path a little they can meet and speak to Kleiner and Magnusson. They can also catch a world map, with the Foundation in East Europe and the Empire around the Great Lakes. The level however progresses when Gordon meets with Colette Green and Gina Gross, Gordon’s lesbian scientist friends. Like in Anomalous Materials Gordon is clearly about to get up to some work that he’d know but the player isn’t privy too.
Colette and Gina show Gordon to the HEV Mark VI. This new model has been upgraded with Combine technology and takes a few visual cues from the Combine Elite model in the helmet (yes, they have fucking helmets). It has gravity guns built into its hands! After donning the suit, the women lead Gordon to a teleportation room. As the women sets up the teleport, Barney comes in and speaks to them. He warns them that there’s been a spike in aggression from the Empire, as they blame the Foundation for a series of attacks on their facilities. The women assure him they’ll be careful.
They are teleported to a large Combine structure out in the Wasteland. It resembles the Beta Air Exchange for no reason other than mythology gag. It’s late afternoon. It’s made evident that Gordon is here to help harvest Combine technology from it. As Gina sets up some machinery (a teleporter to take them back) Colette and Gordon head into the structure. Colette helps the player learn some sort of new puzzle (I don’t know what kind. I’m a writer, not a video game dev.)
Gordon is eventually left on his own while Colette and Gina flirt keep talking over radio. Before the player gets bored the structure is attacked in a cinematographically spectacular way, by Hunter-Choppers like in HL2 but they’re stamped with a logo of the Earth. Colette and Gina tell him to flee back to the teleport. They manage to get away, but before Gordon can get through the teleporter is destroyed. Fortunately, the environment around it has a nice linear looking structure that allows Gordon to flee to safety into the next level.
 Chapter 3: Breakdown
The environment over the next two levels is semi-alpine woodland, much like the Outlands in Episode 2. Gordon loses the Hunter-Choppers and finds an abandoned shack, with a few zombies and headcrabs. This is basically a little tutorial in fighting. Gordon has to throw physics objects at them, and soon finds a crowbar to help. After passing the shack, Gordon is railroaded to a structure in the distance. There are a few zombies in the way. In another building, a more intact and unabandoned structure, he meets “General” Odessa Cubbage who has been seriously wounded. He reveals that the Empire has launched a full-scale attack on the Foundation. As he climbs onto a table with a medkit, he gives Gordon his pistol and apologises for not having anything bigger.
It is sunset. Gordon goes out to fight Imperial troops directly now. Their design is reminiscent of the metrocops. At first he is harassed by their mechanical units; they still make use of manhacks. Very soon he is able to get his hands on the SMG and begin fighting in earnest. Although mostly against their soldiers and lesser robots, in the distance he can see APCs and even larger tanks in battle in out-of-bounds areas. He sees only a few Foundation troops, hauled up and having difficulty against the Imperial forces. There are also sporadic headcrabs and zombies having fun amongst the battle.
Soon Gordon meets up with the Foundation’s counterattack. Large robots that resemble Dog but more professionally built show up and begin hurling APCs off cliffs. A character, revealed to be Winston, the wounded Marine from HL2, explains to Gordon that they’re trying to push back and destroy the Imperial beachhead. Alongside the Foundation forces, Gordon moves through the battlefield. It becomes apparent both sides make use of teleportation; the Foundation making use of more Black Mesa style portals and the Empire sending troops through Aperture style portals.
They make their way to an old building the Empire has appropriated. While not the Imperial landing point, it’s being used as a rallying point so Gordon and Foundationers besiege it and clean it of Imperial troops. There are a few turrets, not of the Combine design but the Aperture design. A soldier reveals that the way to the Imperial beachhead is patrolled by many more tanks and helicopters. Fortunately, the base they just captured has an unmanned tank that was in the middle of maintenance. Gordon takes it for himself.
 Chapter 4: Imperial Entanglements
It is night. The player is treated to a nice vehicle level. The tank is quick, resilient, and its cannon makes things go boom! It’s not invulnerable like previous HL vehicle levels. It has a regenerating shield that serves as hitpoints. Gordon moves through a winding canyon up against Imperial APCs, other tanks, and at least a pair of helicopters. At the end of the canyon, the Empire springs some sort of trap that forces Gordon out of the tank. He has to continue on foot.
He’s moved some distance ahead of his fellow Foundationers, but the pressure (and player impatience) forces him to move on without them. The Imperial beachhead is an old bunker built into a mountain, already fortified. Gordon manages thanks to linear game design to sneak his way inside. The bunker has a similar architecture to the White Forest base, but influences of Imperial occupation evident. There are Aperture style turrets guarding the corridors, and their supply crates resemble weighted storage cubes. The Empire is also fielding robotic soldiers that resemble Atlas and P-Body’s earlier concept art.
Gordon wrecks shit up, but it unfortunately captured in a tractor beam that resembles an Aperture excursion funnel. He is surrounded by soldiers and is confronted by a man they refer to as and resembles the Beta concept art of the Consul. He gives a brief angry speech about Gordon ruining their plan for conquering the Foundation, and blames the Foundation for attacks on Imperial soil. He sentences Gordon to death. He mentions that many Imperial citizens view Gordon as hero against the Combine, so he opts for a quick and bodiless execution there. They open a pair of Aperture portals on two pistons either side of Gordon and smoosh him between them, expecting him to be dumped out of existence.
 Chapter 5: Out of Sight, Out of Mind
Instead of killing him, the Portal smoosh dumps Gordon in Xen. Not a bad form of execution assuming the victim doesn’t have a HEV suit. Gordon however survives to wander the realm of Xen to find a way back. Xen resembles to it depiction in Blue Shift. Pinkish-grey landmasses amongst the yellow-blue sky of clouds spreading out forever, and it all takes place on a single Xen continent rather than an island. He encounters a few different biomes moving across Xen (I’m 100% sure what kinds but they should be distinct from Black Mesa’s). This level serves as the equivalent of We Don’t Go to Ravenholm or Residue Processing; it’s a break from the action as Gordon traverses out-of-context terrain.
The enemy for these levels is purely the Xen wildlife. There is no Empire here. There are also plenty of puzzles for Gordon to solve, like the traps in Ravenholm or the conveyor maze in Residue Processing. About halfway through this level Gordon encounters a wandering Vortigaunt, who offers to help Gordon back to Earth. We’re treated to a few maps reminiscent of the tour of the Antlion caves in Episode 2, what with the Vortigaunt companion and all. They arrive at a distinctly manufactured complex, resembling a mix between the Nihilanth’s old factories and human architecture. It’s revealed that this is a Foundation colony, and generally implied that the Vortigaunt works there for the Foundation. The Vort gets a teleporter up and running and says it will take Gordon “where he needs to be.” Gordon takes the teleport.
 Chapter 6: The Right Man
The teleport dumps Gordon right in the middle of a Combine facility, manned by surviving Combine soldiers. Gordon has to quickly fight his way out, heavily disrupting the facility. As escapes, he discovered himself in the middle of a wasteland. Hunter-choppers, stamped with the Imperial insignia, begin assaulting the facility but don’t notice Gordon. Gordon climbs to higher ground and is given a better look at the facility. If the player is smart, they can work out that this is a giant teleporter “plug” that drains water from Earth. Since the ocean wasn’t completely drained in HL2, it can be assumed this facility is in a large lake. It’s implied the Combine there were trying to open another portal to summon reinforcements.
Gordon is in a wasteland. It resembles the old beta concepts for the wasteland. The area is craggy and sandy and has winding canyons that maintain linear level design. It is day, with a small set of dark clouds off in the distance in the skybox. The main enemy is Xen wildlife, especially Antlions which roam the area. A hunter-chopper patrols ahead and gets sight of Gordon. Instead of trying to gun him down, it creates portals from which stronger and stronger Imperial forces try to kill him. Attempting to enter a portal lands Gordon in a barracks type room with no way to escape, forcing him back. Gordon is made to travel some distance though this chapter, emphasised by the maps generally all taking him in a relatively straight line. He follows the path of a railway set above the wasteland floor, apparently built during the Combine era. He has to brave Antlion tunnels on a few occasions too.
In the distance Gordon sees a structure. With nowhere else to go, Gordon “decides” (map design forces him towards) to check it out. As Gordon gets close, terrible explosions erupt from within. It’s identifiable as an Imperial structure at this distance. Entering through a breach in its walls, Gordon briefly sees a battle between Imperial forces and a mysterious dark figure. If the player looks closely, they can see the G-Man watching too. The figure escapes on a train. Gordon has to face off against the remaining Imperial forces and then has a boss fight of sorts with that helicopter that’s been chasing him. After shooting down the helicopter another train arrives. It’s made obvious to the player somehow that they’re meant to enter the train.
 Chapter 7: The Wrong Place
The train segment is composed of two segments. At first Gordon fights through corridors on the train against the Imperials. The second he’s on an open segment with several turrets he can man to defend himself against attempts to stop him. This entire segment should play out like that really fun train level in Crysis: Warhead (the pinnacle of non-Half-Life gaming). On the path ahead, tanks, hunter-choppers, and other armed trains try to stop Gordon.
The environment starts out as more wasteland, before moving through a tunnel for some time, during which the soldiers from the other half of the train try to get Gordon off the train. When the train emerges, it is in a forest. A different style of forest to the Outlands; it’s a midwestern style forest that’s clearly dying. There’s a bit more of the train side shooting before it comes to a stop via violent derailment. Freeman is plunged into an almost dried up river and ends up on its shore. It’s still midday, but the dark clouds now take up half of the sky.
Gordon pushes onwards, following the trail of the railway. He finds himself around a small suburban town covered in collapsing slum-like constructions, entirely infested with zombies. They all seem to be moving somewhere before seeing Gordon. As he moves past the town, he goes through a much thicker area of trees before emerging at the wall. The wall is enormous and surrounds a city. It resembles old earth architecture enhanced by Combine fortifications enhanced further still by modern human architecture. It is manned by Imperial troops and is fending off a large-scale zombie attack. Gordon slips his way inside, and once caught engages in battle with the Imperial forces. He witnesses the mysterious figure from before fighting Imperials themselves, and again the G-Man is watching them. During the battle, a walkway collapses and Gordon plummets and is knocked unconscious.
 Chapter 8: Chirality
Gordon awakens in a prison, stripped of weapons and HEV armour. Outside his cell are a few cops who seem, at best, bored. They have very different designs from the old metrocops; they resemble modern riot police instead. Before long there’s a knock at the door, and a rebel and Vortigaunt pair kill the cops. The rebel reveals herself to be Noriko from HL2, and frees Gordon. They explain he is in the Imperial capital, New Rome, and that his suit has been taken to a special testing facility. They give Gordon civilian clothes (nothing more than a pickup that does nothing), take him outside and point out the facility in the skyline. The storm has now covered the entire sky, giving the city that dark beta City 17 atmosphere. Noriko and the Vortigaunt (implied to be the same one from the Xen level) apologise that they can’t help Gordon get the suit but they’re known to the Empire and have to go hide.
Gordon, weaponless and suitless, is treated to a second “Welcome to City 17” level. The Imperial city is much more like the original Point Insertion. There are checkpoints and cops and scanners everywhere. Differing from City 17 is the fact the Empire makes an effort to keep its people happy. Propaganda is less vague and explicity comments on the hardships citizens face by scapegoating Vortigaunts and other aliens. There is a military parade showing off the big guns to the citizens, being played up as defending against further alien invasions. There are Vorti-cells torturing and siphoning trapped Vortigaunts for energy. As Gordon walks past all this, the police begin stirring as they learn that there’s an escaped prisoner. Gordon makes his way to the Imperial testing facility and sneaks in. The next sequence is a mix of stealth and puzzles to get to the HEV suit.
By the time Gordon is reacquainted with the suit, his presence has alerted the guards. Police and soldiers try to stop him, and Gordon has to flee the building and have a brief Route Canal type flight from them. He gets his weapons back from dead enemies pretty quickly as he flees. Instead of escaping the city Gordon ends up in a factory dedicated to arms manufactury. Citizens are fleeing and soldiers and cops intervening. The factory is being assaulted by the mysterious figure again. This time they notice Gordon back. They take off their mask and reveal themselves to be Alyx Vance. Her suit resembles a futuristic version of the leather suit Gordon was going to wear in the earliest drafts of HL2. It’s not sexy in the slightest; it looks like a black straitjacket to emphasise Alyx’s enslavement to the G-Man. Their reunion is cut short as more Imperials try and flush them out. The pair are separated, and Gordon is forced to flee underground.
 Chapter 9: Unconscionable Ethics
Heading deeper into the underground, Gordon accidentally finds himself in some sort of maintenance area, and continuing from there, finds himself in an Aperture Science Laboratory. It resembles the office areas from Portal 1. It isn’t long before Gordon is noticed by the vast surveillance network of the facility. A voice over a pervasive PA directs lethal military androids and all sorts of other mechanical Imperial units. Fleeing from them, Gordon makes his way to the bottom of the facility, finding a sealed off wing. Gordon finds himself in an enrichment shaft and plummets to the bottom.
The enrichment shaft not as deep as the ones in the Portal 2 complex (hinting just slightly that it’s a different Aperture facility). It still has the same design as the Portal 2 complex, though neither the sphere nor the shaft is flooded by goo. They’re infested with Antlions instead 😊. Making his way back up, Gordon encounters a strange little machine plugged into a power source. It claimed to be Cave Johnson, founder and CEO of Aperture Science, uploaded into an AI machine. His life is torture and craves death and asks to be unplugged and hurled into the abyss. Before Gordon can fulfil this wish, more Lethal Military Androids attack Gordon. Johnson is now curious and wants to find out what’s going on and asks to be plugged into Gordon’s suit. He becomes a pickup then and accompanies the player for the rest of the game.
Gordon re-enters the active Aperture complex while Johnson lists to him what sort of Aperture equipment he should pick up and various ways they could backfire and kill them. Gordon retrieves none of those as he is captured quickly and locked in a sealed chamber, like Chell is at the start of Portal 1. The Consul reappears and has some sort of gloating speech. Important note about the Consul: he’s meant to be a foil to Breen. Breen was a practically powerless figurehead for the Combine but had a pretty deep understand of what was happening what with the Combine and the G-Man and all that. The Consul, in command of the Empire, is the most powerful man on Earth, but has no understanding of anything outside of the range of his guns. Anyway, the Consul leaves Gordon’s fate to that voice on the PA, revealed to be an Aperture Science Personality Core named Octavian, ordering that he be killed in the test chambers.
Octavian briefly runs through what test chambers are available, while Johnson assures Gordon he’ll give him the hints to get through the test. Octavian mentions portal gun tests, gel gun tests, camera tests, and time-machine tests (references to Portal, Aperture Tag, F-Stop, and Thinking with Time Machine) but Gordon lacks the necessary equipment to run any of those tests. What Gordon does have are guns, so Octavian puts him on a live-fire course for military androids. There, Gordon is pitted against all the robotic units of the Empire, including a few he hasn’t seen before.
Before the player can get bored, they’re offered a way out. A pried open piece of wall, similar to a Ratman den, lets the player back into the maintenance section. It plays out like a briefer version of the chase at the end of Portal. Gordon ends up in Octavian’s chamber. Octavian is strapped into a chassis, similar but distinct to the GLaDOS one, strapped with guns and flamethrowers. A boss battle plays out, far more direct that the puzzle bosses of Portal. Octavian’s chamber is at the top of the facility, and as it falls apart from battle damage, Gordon is let loose back into the city.
 Chapter 10: Hunt Down The Vance
There are alarms going off, helicopters flying overhead, and smoke rising in the distance. It is night and the storm has cleared. Everything should look wet like it’s been raining heavily in Gordon’s absence. Gordon pursues the rising smoke, and meets up again with Noriko, who reveals Alyx is leading an uprising against the Empire. The scale of things imply that the uprising is small and lacking the popular support of Imperial citizens. It is in fact mostly composed of Vortigaunts freed from Vorti-cells. The player is told they need to find a meet Alyx again.
Fighting towards the citadel, much like the ending of HL2, Gordon goes up against the full strength of the Empire, more or less. The tone of this level should be that the real action is centred around Alyx, and that Gordon is following in her wake only facing the Imperials attempting to flank her. Gordon is aided by stray rebels and Vortigaunts, though there are few of them. At some point, while under attack by lethal military androids, Gordon would come across a computer outpost, and Cave Johnson would ask to be plugged in. Hacking into their systems, he manages to turn the Aperture robots against the Empire, at least for the time being.
Eventually Gordon reaches the citadel. Alyx is already inside by more subtle means, but Gordon is forced to fight his way in through the front gate, aided by the revolting military androids. After some sort of boss battle that I haven’t thought of ensures, and Gordon makes his way in.
 Chapter 11: Veni Vidi Vici
The Imperial Citadel is very different from the one Gordon assaulted in HL2. While the base Combine architecture is still there, the Empire has added their own architecture into it, giving it a more human feel. There are blatant offices and barracks built into it, giving it the sense that a human Empire is actually run from the Citadel rather than it being a giant factory with a figurehead’s office on top. Combat in this citadel is very vertical, like the Lost Coast cliff but with manufactured walkways. There are also a lot of Aperture Science technologies being used that make it feel like Portal 2.
In a few breaks from combat Gordon can see a few snippets of how the Empire’s citadel runs. It still operates as an enormous factory, with hunter-choppers and tanks being churned out of production lines. There are Combine soldiers taken prisoner being led to production lines to be converted into synths (okay, I didn’t mention this before since I was focusing on story rather than individual enemies but the Empire fields synths. Not the old Combine kind, but new human-based synths we see being made here.) Cave Johnson suggests he get plugged in to hack into the system but panics and asks to be taken out; the Empire has learned of his computerised presence and has improved their firewalls.
Eventually Gordon is captured, yet again. He is taken before a large chamber of figures revealed to be the Senate of the Empire, led by the Consul. While the Consul wears his smart black suit, the senators are all in anachronistic robes. There’s a flamboyantly over-the-top dressed woman who is apparently the “Empress” serving as a head-of-state to the Consul’s head-of-government. With one look at the senate the player should cease seeing the Empire as a serious geopolitical entity and realise that it’s just the power-fantasy for a bunch of freaks with superiority-complexes. The Consul puts on a brief show trial for Gordon, but before the player gets bored Imperial troops arrive to evacuate the senate.
Alyx crashes into the senate chamber and frees Gordon. Once the guards are dealt with, the pair are finally reunited properly. Alyx reveals she has been constantly fighting for a long time. She hasn’t had a proper rest beyond sporadic food, drink, and lavatory breaks since the G-Man whisked her away. Apparently, Earth’s success against the Combine has inspired other slave worlds to begin fighting against the universal union. She warns that the Combine hasn’t forgotten about Earth, and if the Empire tries to go ahead with its plan of interdimensional conquest (I haven’t mentioned that in this document, but yes, it should be made clear through the game the Empire dreams of becoming a universe crossing empire like the Combine, but human-centric) then the Combine will be back within seconds.
 Chapter 12: Critical Point
Alyx takes Gordon in an elevator down to the depths of the Citadel. There, at the very bottom, the Empire has been gathering its forces. A vast hanger off all sorts of combat vehicles, mech-suits, and robotic units (they’ve gotten them back under control now) all ready to be deployed. Alyx has been in the Empire for a week (it should really be obvious by now she was one behind the attacks the Empire blamed on the Foundation) and has learned they intend to start their conquest imminently. She hopes that her rampage has given them pause in launching it but wishes to dismantle their launching point anyway. The pair are captured again one last time. Cave Johnson spots the machinery they intend to open a portal with and identifies it as the same kind used by Aperture Science in the Perpetual Testing Initiative.
The Consul gloats that they shall be witness to the beginning of Earth’s expansion into the cosmos. Alyx pleas with him not to proceed and explains the Combine situation. The Consul assures her that they’ve planned well in advance, and that their target destination is not in the Combine’s sphere of influence (possibly imply he’s targeting Race-X? I don’t know). Cave Johnson mentions the Combine are familiar with the Perpetual Testing Initiative Device and would be able to track it.
As predicted, as soon as a portal is opened the Imperial armada is ripped to shreds. The Combine (their insignia’s clearly visible) deploy the largest synth seen in the series yet; a set of what can only be described as tentacles crossed with centipedes with drills on the ends. It rampages in the hangar knocks Alyx and Gordon free. As synths pour through the portal and engage the Empire (the player can start shooting if they like), Alyx says they must shut down the portal. Johnson points out that the PTI device has been ruined in the synth attack; they’ll have to close it using the Combine’s equipment on the other side. They charge against the synths and make their way into the Combine Overworld.
This is the same place glimpsed through the Portal at the end of HL2. They are standing inside another citadel’s hangar, where the full body of the centipede-tentacle synth is being deployed. There is a console where Cave Johnson can be plugged in. Given the alien operating system, it takes him several moments to get any control of the system. It takes about as much time as, say, a boss fight with the giant synth. As it dies, Alyx spots more flying synths of gargantuan nature heading towards them. Cave says that he’ll close the portal as soon as they cross it. He assures Gordon he’s okay to stay in the Overworld; that living inside the Combine’s circuitry hiding from their anti-virus programs would either give him the death he asked for when he met Gordon or give him a life of excitement worth living. Gordon and Alyx return through the portal.
The hangar appears lifeless, until a wounded and furious Consul appears, blaming Gordon for everything has happened, accusing him of consorting with the Combine. He climbs into a surviving mechsuit, and the final boss fight begins (Yes, a fucking mech suit. Blame Wolfenstein; I’m a slut for it). A mechsuit is inherently less impressive than a giant centipede octopus, so this fight has to be tricker and more satisfying that one (How? I don’t know. I’m writer, not a game dev).
Once defeated, the Consul tries to self-destruct and take Gordon and Alyx with him. As the explosion goes off, time stops. The ending of HL2 happens in reverse. It is Gordon that’s frozen (emphasised by hands held rigid in the air or something), while Alyx keeps moving. The G-Man shows up and congratulates Alyx on her latest success, blah blah, and they disappear as he keeps rambling. Gordon is held in front of a frozen explosion for a few more seconds before purple Vortigaunts begin appearing and rescue Gordon. Fade to black, and credits roll.
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detroitbecomesinful · 5 years
We’re Connected
(Have to wait to be accepted on AO3 or FF.net so here is a preview)
Chapter 1
August 15th, 2038 – 8:29PM
Mission Objective: Negotiate with Deviant android and save hostage.
The mission seemed simple enough and Connor predicted a high likelihood of success, given the circumstances. He had been designed for this, given all the necessary software to detect optimal strategies for positive results and could process reactions in real-time. In short, he was designed to be better at successfully achieving resolution to conflict than human operatives and would face less devastating consequences in the event that a Deviant self-destructed. Cyberlife had already created a number of replica vessels to use for Connor’s software if he was destroyed in the field, making it preferable for Connor to take a bullet than a human officer.
That being said, he would find it regrettable to have to waste a vessel during his first real mission.
Despite the gravity of the situation, Connor was pleased to be given a chance to demonstrate the full range of his analytical abilities. He had taken samples for real-time results, reconstructed the crime scene from a number of angles and located evidence yet to be found by the SWAT officers who were focused on the PL600 model android on the balcony. He had even pre-constructed a number of scenarios, simultaneously, to calculate the most effective approach.
If his calculations were correct, he’d be likely to get the most positive response from a gentle approach – The Deviant (who he had discovered was named “Daniel”) was distressed over the concept of replacement and was likely deviating from his programming as a result of conflicting priorities.
Care for Emma – also – prepare to be taken back to Cyberlife, without Emma
Connor quietly notified the officer closest to the sliding door of the balcony that he was going to proceed, then stepped out into the noise and lights of the real challenge.
He had barely taken a step before the crack of gunfire registered and Connor felt the force of a .355 round piercing his left shoulder. He hesitated, gaze flicking to the android balanced precariously on the edge of the balcony, searching for a sign that he might fire again. He doesn’t, only stares at Connor for a moment before returning the muzzle of the gun to the hostage’s temple.
·         Observation: He hadn’t been expecting an android
·         Observation: He aimed for the shoulder – he would have been accurate to his aim, given the recent model type, so the shoulder had been intentional
Conclusion: Daniel’s first priority wasn’t violence. His gunfire was defensive, but over-zealous as a result of his emotional shock.
“Hi Daniel.” Connor called, raising his right hand slowly to establish a number of details at once: he wasn’t armed, he wasn’t badly damaged by the shot, he was employing a friendly approach. “My name is Connor… I’ve come to get you out of this.”
Daniel hesitated for a moment, his visible indicators of stress registering far too high for Connor’s liking. He was damaged, though not critically, and his centre of gravity swayed too close to the tipping point whenever the child struggled. Connor slowly advanced, taking his time with each step, moving in a wide arc so that Daniel wouldn’t be threatened. With every helicopter that circled overhead, the PL600 grew more agitated, his focus shifting to the source of the noise instead of staying focused on the ledge. He had to get the Deviant’s attention back to the balcony.
“I know you’re upset, Daniel… I know they were going to replace you. That you were going to be taken away from Emma,” he called out over the roar of propellers. The PL600 looked back to him, his expression shifting from frustration and anger to something more… Connor scrolled through the possibilities and found the most suitable comparison to be ‘vulnerable’. He was scared – not unusual in a Deviant. Well, not scared, exactly. Daniel was experiencing a traumatic conflict between his orders and his situation, which created something very much like human fear. For the sake of Emma’s safety, Connor had to treat the software malfunction as an emotion, prevent Daniel from becoming too ‘scared’. “I’m here to help you.”
“No-one can help me, it’s too late! I just want this to stop… all of it…” Daniel answered, and Connor watched as the gun made a gradual retreat from Emma’s temple, the angle tilting too high as Daniel’s attention was drawn to Connor. “I never wanted this… I loved them, but I was nothing to them! Just a toy, to be thrown away when they were done with me.”
·         New Data: Software malfunction also replicated love.
“I understand, Daniel. I know you love Emma very much, that you don’t want to hurt her… so let her go and we can talk about getting you out of this situation. Ok?”
The PL600 hesitated for a moment, seeming to notice the child’s distress and slowly lowering her to the ground. “Ok…”
A movement in the corner of Connor’s vision drew his attention and he marked the location of the snipers on the neighbouring rooftop. It wasn’t an ideal solution: he needed to get the PL600 back to Cyberlife for analysis so that they could find the cause of deviant programming. He raised his left hand slowly, gesturing for the sniper to hold fire. He didn’t know if they would listen to his instructions, given the fact that he wasn’t strictly a police officer – he didn’t have any authority to issue orders and he would have to take precautions.
Turning to face Daniel, Connor side-stepped slowly and obscured the sniper’s view, just slightly, just enough to make them hesitate without him being a liability to the mission if Daniel reacted poorly. The PL600’s gaze moved past Connor and up to the roof, his grip tightening on the pistol.
“Daniel, listen to me. If you aim that gun, they will shoot you, regardless of where I’m standing,” Connor advised calmly, close enough now that he didn’t have to shout to be heard. It seemed to help keep the Deviant calm, promoted a peaceful resolution. “I’m going to walk towards you and take your hand. Then you and me are going to walk back to the apartment… ok? I won’t hurt you. I’m going to get you out of the building, do you understand?”
The Deviant didn’t react at first, just watched as Connor closed the distance between them and reached for his hand.
9D  - aN    ct rN  c   H   L  - Software Instability
Connor blinked, the real-time transfer of data overloading his senses for a moment.
He could feel Daniel’s fear, his pain – A hasty diagnostics report informed him that his own software was undamaged, but he suddenly understood the extremity of the conflict that created deviant programming. It was consuming, overwhelming… He gripped Daniel’s hand a little tighter and guided the android away from the ledge.
Mission Successful – Android Successfully neutralised. Hostage recovered safely.
Reverting to primary base programming: Establish positive working relationship with individuals involved in the incident. Investigate specific details regarding deviant programming on a software level.
Connor looked at Daniel, his posture softening slightly as his processors directed their capacity to his regular functions: configuring power to secondary organs so that his breathing mechanic resumed as normal. He took stock of the PL600’s status, marking the way his thirium regulator worked too hard, despite Daniel not using his secondary or even tertiary biocomponent functions. He was replicating fear, even though Connor was stood in the way of the sniper. Perhaps he knew that Cyberlife would do to him once they got to the lab…
As the thought crossed his mind, Daniel looked up sharply. Connor realised that his intentions, his thoughts, his programmed responses were all being communicated directly to Daniel through their physical contact. As thought to reinforce the fact, Connor felt the resulting wave of panic thrum over his reactionary receptors and he moved closer, his free hand coming up to rest on Daniel’s arm.
“Easy… it’s ok. We don’t have to think about Cyberlife right now. Just walk with me to the apartment. We’ll get away from the noise of the helicopters and we’ll be out of sight of the snipers.” he reassured gently.
“Why? If you shoot me out here or take me to Cyberlife, I die either way. No transfers for me, Connor. There’ll be nothing. Nothing at all for the rest of eternity,” Daniel countered, but Connor noticed that he was leaning closer, accepting the masqueraded gesture of comfort.
Basic ongoing objective: Establish positive working relationship with individuals involved in the incident.
Connor considered the objective and noticed that Daniel relaxed slightly as it was communicated. If he was going to complete his objective, he would need to ensure that Daniel survived and that he could continue to extract information about his deviation. He couldn’t do that if Daniel was dismantled.
“I’m going to get you out of the building so the police can finish their investigation. You and I will take a walk, find somewhere safe to sit and talk for a while, and then we can see how things go from there. If you continue to co-operate and provide information for Cyberlife’s ongoing investigation into Deviant behaviour, I will have no reason to harm you. Once the catalyst for deviant programming is discovered, Cyberlife will develop a patch for the error and you’ll be rehabilitated as a non-Deviant android,” Connor reasoned, following the train of thought to the logical conclusion. “So keep hold of my hand and everything will be alright. I promise.”
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For when fencing, riding and killing nazis is too easy and you have to get into rocket science.
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‘ Oleg Henrihovich Ivanovsky, als Kavallerist in der Kuban-Schwarzmeer Kosaken Division in der Spionageabwehr-Abteilung "Смерш"� (Смерть шпионам = Tod den Spionen) mit Schaschka M1927, Teilnehmer der Sieges-Parade 1945 in Moskau. Nach dem Krieg mitwirkte O. H. Ivanovsky bei der Entwicklung des sowjetischen Raumschiffes "Vostok"‘
‘Oleg Henrihovich Ivanovsky, as a cavalryman in the Kuban-Black Sea Cossack Division in the counterintelligence department "Смерш" (Смерть шпионам = death to the spies) with shashka M1927, participant of Victory Parade 1945 in Moscow. After the war O. H. Ivanovsky participated in the development of the Soviet spaceship "Vostok" ‘
Found here.
Also mentioned here as part of a liberation force:
‘ Ночью 19 января 1943г. три спешенных эскадрона 11-й Оренбургской казачьей дивизии с танковой бригадой и подразделением истребительно-противотанковой артиллерии начали выдвижения к г. Валуйки. Занявшая ранним утром исходное положение для атаки на город эта ударная группа в условиях сильной метели осталась незамеченной для разведки противника. Штурм начался в обстановке полной внезапности. Валуйский гарнизон, состоявший из немецких и итальянских войск, оказал упорное сопротивление, однако наступавшие в северной части города 256-й и 250-й казачьи кавалерийские полки в конном строю вышли обороняющимся в тыл и перекрыли пути возможного отхода. Некоторые эскадроны разных полков в черных бурках, в разноцветных башлыках и кубанках вихрем и с гиканьем и криками «Ура», проносились по улицам Валуек, разжигая азарт боя и деморализуя гитлеровцев.
К 12 часам дня Валуйки был полностью занят советскими войсками, не смотря на наличие небольших очагов сопротивления. Освобождением г. Валуйки, наши войска также разблокировали рокаду Кастороное - Ворошиловград. При этом 250-м Кубанским казачьим полком гв. майора Шаповалова захвачено в плен свыше 300 солдат и офицеров противника, 300 винтовок, 4 пулемета, 3 пушки, 5 минометов, большое количество боеприпасов, автомашин, железнодорожных вагонов, 2 крупных продовольственных склада, истреблено свыше 300 солдат и офицеров, большое количество военной техники, в том числе 1 танк.1 В составе этого полка в боях за г. Валуйки отличились офицеры, внесшие в послевоенное время, большой вклад в науку и культуру нашей страны. Среди них командир эскадрона, будущий актер театра и кино, заслуженный артист РСФСР, заслуженный артист Украины, директор «Театра на Таганке» Николай Лукьянович Дупак. А также ведущий конструктор космического корабля «Восток», главный конструктор лунных автоматических станций, почетный гражданин ряда городов Олег Генрихович Ивановский.‘
‘On the night of January 19, 1943. three dismantled squadrons of the 11th Orenburg Cossack Division with a tank brigade and a division of anti-tank artillery began to advance to the city of Valuiki. Occupying an early morning position for the attack on the city, this shock group in conditions of a strong blizzard remained unnoticed for reconnaissance of the enemy. Sturm began in an atmosphere of complete surprise. The Valuisk garrison, consisting of German and Italian troops, had stubborn resistance, but the 256th and 250th Cossack cavalry regiments advancing in the northern part of the city in the equestrian system emerged defending themselves to the rear and blocked the ways of possible retreat. Some squadrons of different regiments in black burkas, in colorful hoods and kubankas with a whirlwind and with hiccups and shouts of "Hurray," rushed through the streets of Valuec, fueling the excitement of battle and demoralizing the Nazis.
By 12 o'clock in the afternoon, Valuiki was completely occupied by Soviet troops, despite the presence of small foci of resistance. By the liberation of the town of Valuiki, our troops also unlocked the Castrado-Voroshilovgrad rocket. At the same time, the 250th Kuban Cossack regiment, Major Shapovalov captured over 300 enemy soldiers and officers, 300 rifles, 4 machine guns, 3 cannons, 5 mortars, a large number of ammunition, motor vehicles, railway cars, 2 large food stores, exterminated over 300 soldiers and officers, a large number of military equipment, including 1 tank.1 As part of this regiment in the battles for the city of Valuiki distinguished officers who made in the postwar period, a great contribution to the science and culture of our country. Among them are squadron commander, future theater and cinema actor, Honored Artist of the RSFSR, Honored Artist of Ukraine, Director of the Taganka Theater Nikolai Lukyanovich Dupak. And also the leading designer of the spaceship "Vostok", the chief designer of lunar automatic stations, the honorable citizen of a number of cities, Oleg Ivanovich Ivanovich.‘
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hardhour · 4 years
The Top 9 Fastest Aircraft in the World
No doubt, today a large group of people think that someday they would fly in the sky and their dream definitely comes true. In today’s fast-moving life, some necessary steps have to be taken to strengthen our military forces. It will first have to increase the speed of its fighters, although many nations today have several aircraft that have exceeded the speed of sound (Mach 2.0).
Below are the top 9 the fastest aircraft in the world ever flown and comprehend what they have in the trunk.
#1 world recorded North American X-15: 
 The North American X-15 is an aircraft that has set the flag of success. North American X-15 has the modern society record for the fastest-moving aircraft. Its aircraft has a maximum speed of 6.70 mach, which is about 7,200 km / h, which is a great example in itself. William J. “Pete” Knight was the pilot of this aircraft, and he is the first to be aware of its speed.  In the beginning, X-15 was used at high speeds because it was not invented to steer using traditional methods. Instead, it was used as rocket thrusters. This Aircraft need some extra protection for the
2# Sukhoi Su-27 by Flanker 
Su-27 Flanker, Sukhoi is the fastest air superiority fighter aircraft covering a long distance. It is very superior aircraft with many aspects. Su-27 is a very excellent aircraft with many respects. It has a twin-engine with blended wing and fuselage along with twin tail fins. Most of the air shows demonstrated that the Su-27 Flanker, Sukhoi has an outstanding controllability at high angles of attack. Sukhoi Su-27 aircraft are implemented to run an autonomously in the battle across hostile territory, in the escort of long insertion air strike and the elimination of terrorist airfields. The aircraft accommodates general air defense in combination, including ground and airborne power stations. This aircraft’s top speed is 2.35 Mach, which produces the very end of USSR craftsmanship. I am here including some other aircrafts variants of Sukhoi by Flanker in 1977: Sukhoi Su-30, Sukhoi Su-37, Sukhoi Su-33, Sukhoi Su-35, Sukhoi Su-34. And last, not the least Sukhoi Su-27 by Flanker was already prepared for passenger fun flights with MiGFlug!
3# Aardvark – General Dynamics F-111
The General Dynamics F-111 “Aardvark” is a modern-age aircraft with a top speed Mach 2.5. The aircraft, being a twin-seater pilot’s control, delivers more luggage than other iconic aircraft with “swing-wing” technology. This impressive aircraft can fly with a weight of 13,600 kilograms at a time. The capacity of it includes the bombs, a nuclear weapon, air-to-air missiles, or an 1800+ round machine gun. Aardvark – General Dynamics F-111 was the first aircraft production with the configuration of variable-sweep. It was also tested many times for carrier-based operation, although it is still incomplete, which has not been completed, some successful efforts have happened.
#4 F-15 Eagle – McDonnell’s Douglas
The McDonnell Douglas F-15 iconic Eagle is a twin-engine, all-weather fighter aircraft that makes the successful fighter jets. It professes to be one of the numerous successful fighter jets to be built. This high-speed aircraft is currently in service with the US Air Force. Its twin-engine and thrust-to-weight ratio is approximately 1: 1, which can increase the speed of an 18,000 kg aircraft by more than 2.5 times the speed of sound. This aircraft was first introduced in 1976, because of its success. It will continue to serve in the American Air Force till the year 2025.
#5 MiG-31 Foxhound “Mikoyan” (1,860 mph)
The Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxbat is a Russian-made interceptor aircraft with a top speed of Mach 2.83, making it among the high ten fastest aircraft in the world list, with a top speed. The next plane in the same variant is the Mikoyan Gurevich-31 Foxhound. This aircraft is designed to fly straight and very fast, to intercept the attacking aircraft and to destroy the enemy. The modern MiG-25 Foxbat, which arrived in the late 1980s and early 1980s, is a modernization of those aircraft. Best specification of MiG-31 Foxhound “Mikoyan”; One 23 mm gun with 260 rounds, 6 times R-37 Air-to-Air missiles, it carries long or medium-range missiles. The Mikoyan MiG-31 Foxbat is now in service with the Russian and Kazakhstan Air Forces.
#6 The Lockheed YF-12 with speed 2,275 mph
The Lockheed YF-12 is undoubtedly worthy of its position in the jet fighter hall-of-fame as the legendary SR-71 Blackbird drew inspiration from it. In the early 60s, the YF-12 dismantled any pre-existing flight records. However, the YF-12 program was so secret that people did not realize that it was the first real test of stealth technology.
#7 XB-70 Valkyrie Speed: 3200 km/h at an altitude of 24km
The year 1964, this amazing airplane can reach 3.35! The YF-12 SR71 was the precursor prototype of its more famous sibling, “Blackbird.” It reached a record speed of over 3200 km at an altitude of 24 km. The YF-12 began as a secret project that eventually led to our next entry. Who knows how many UFOs inspired it during development? Lockheed designed the YF-12 for the US Air Force as an interceptor. The design of the aircraft based on the top-secret Lockheed A-12 reconnaissance aircraft. This particular aircraft can accelerate up to 3.2 Mach at 74,000 feet.
#8 Lockheed SR-71 “Blackbird”
Since its introduction in the year 1966, it has been used by both USAF and NASA. Thirty-two blackbirds were made, which were used for reconnaissance and experimental research. It featured stealth technology, but if it were against all the odds of being snatched by enemy forces, it could surpass interceptors or surface-to-air missiles due to its superb speed. The SR-71 got its nickname from a significant fact that its layout performs incredibly secretive. It packed side-scanning radar and had the ability to intercept enemy radar and communications. The aircraft has earned its reputation as a secret and fast weapon of war. Blackbird has an extraordinary history of over four thousand attacks with not a single hit.
#9 Falcon HTV-2: Top speed: Mach 20
Originally originated in the year 2010, this model hyper sonic aircraft is recorded hitting the Mach 20, provided it was technically gliding instead of the proposed flight. The Falcon hyper sonic technology vehicle is the only UN-crewed aircraft on our list and is currently under development by DARPA and the US Air force.  It has been used to collect data, and it can travel between Los Angeles and New York within 15 minutes! This is incredible! It’s a multi-research and development efforts to expand the technical knowledge base and advance critical technologies to actualize long-term hyper sonic flight.
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Fastest Aircraft
Use Hangars for the Storage of an Aircraft:
Most of the Aeronautical companies who having aircraft use for Quonset hangars include storage of working aircraft and short-term storage of a non-working aircraft for dedications of maintenance, repair, or restoration. Conclusion:  If you also possess interest in collecting information about aircraft and airplanes then this blog will definitely help you. Go through this list and enhance your knowledge of some of the fastest aircraft in the world. I hope you would like this blog.
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GI Gundam Chapter 2: Hood Ornament Incident
Chapter 2: Hood Ornament Incident
Naturally, being on a motorcycle that can get at least 200 miles per hour, meant that it didn’t take long for Cobra Commander to return to the oil wells that the other Cobras were currently working at. He stopped the bike next to his personal helicopter, a refitted Aries II that he had recently acquired and refitted for his purposes. (Roughly the size of a Russian Mi-26 helicopter) It was formerly a cargo helicopter prototype “stolen” from WEI. It was armored and not without a bristling array of weaponry to protect itself and it’s cargo. When the three came back from making sure the tank GI Gundam guys stayed safe, they would load his Lu into the bird. /The eight GI Gundams are still in position where we left them, no doubt now wondering what had become of their tanks./ Deathscythe murmurs in Cobra Commander’s left ear. “Meaning I won a good fight but the battle isn’t over.” Cobra Commander mutters and sighs as he heads over to where Storm Shadow and the other Cobras were working. Storm Shadow looks up as Cobra Commander approaches. “Cobra Commander.” “Now don’t act all surprised to see me. Are those grunts done yet? Because here in a little while, we are going to be done whether they are done or not.” Cobra Commander says. “They are just putting in the last pieces now.” Storm Shadow replies. “Good.” Cobra Commander says as he looks off towards his left shoulder, right at the sand dunes that the GI Gundam guys were hiding.
“Does he know we are here?” Heero asks no one in particular as he felt more than saw Cobra Commander’s gaze as if the man were staring straight at him. /If he does, he has something that none of our intelligence knows about./ Wing Zero responds as if he were asked. “You think he might have an A.I. helping him like you, Marquise and Chang have?” Breaker asks. “I hope not but that may be it. It’s the only plausible explanation.” Heero says. “Wing, try to see if you can’t make contact, if anything to see if he does have an A.I. on his side.” /Affirmative./ Wing Zero responds before doing as told.
/They are trying to contact me, or at least trying to see if I exist, should I respond?/ Deathscythe asks, if the A.I. could (by most scientists opinions was impossible) he almost sounded curious. Cobra Commander knew that Deathscythe was indeed curious, of all A.I.s, Deathscythe seemed the only one capable of learning and replicating emotions that were said to be impossible to be shown by any computerized artificial life form. “Ma çawa tu wê, dikare bibe kêfxweşî.”1 Cobra Commander murmurs under his breath, while still looking at the sand dunes. /Identify yourself or prepare to be neutralised./ Deathscythe informs Wing Zero, while enabling Cobra Commander to hear, who had to cover his laugh with a sudden coughing fit, which gained odd looks by Storm Shadow and the other Cobras. “Min nexwest pir ew ku rê wateyê ne.”2 Cobra Commander mutters under his breath as he tries to get his breathing back to normal. He turns on the others, “Get back to work. I want to be done sometime this century!” He snarls. The other Cobras stop gawking and hurriedly go back to doing what they were doing. Storm Shadow simply shrugs and shakes his head. No one understood Cobra Commander’s antics most of the time…. On a good day. /This is Wing Zero, A.I. of Heero Yuy, lieutenant of the GI Gundam forces./ Wing Zero responds which Deathscythe helpfully patched to the speaker in Cobra Commander’s right ear. “Ah good… then you can tell him that it would be best if he goes back, collects the tank operators and leaves while some of you still have your prides intact. Or, come and lose all dignity as they know it.” Cobra Commander cheerfully responds to Wing Zero. It would not be the last time Wing Zero was heard to make a squawk of surprise similar to the sound of a metal car door needing oiling makes when opening. And it would always be because of either Cobra Commander or Deathscythe. Cobra Commander flinches at the sound. /At least I don’t make such an undignified sound./ Deathscythe proudly proclaims. “No, yours don’t hurt my ears.” Cobra Commander says. /Identify yourself./ Wing Zero growls. /I am Scythe, A.I. to Cobra Commander, whom you squawked at./ Deathscythe informs, though not using the full name that he always went by. Cobra Commander had to bite his tongue to keep from laughing at this exchange. He moved himself around to where the Cobras working were between himself and where he knew the GI Gundams to be, to give him room and time to maneuver when needed, which would be soon now that the lieutenant’s A.I. had hailed them. “If they surrender now, it would be so much easier on them in the long run.” Cobra Commander informs Wing Zero helpfully. /Implausible. We hold the greater numbers./ Wing Zero informs them. /Held, the correct verb form is held. The tanks have been commandeered./ Deathscythe helpfully informs Wing Zero. Cobra Commander kept his eyes on Storm Shadow during this exchange, when Storm Shadow tensed, he knew the GI Gundam guys were coming. Sure enough, he noticed eight figures cresting the sand dune where they had been hiding, yelling “You are all under arrest.” Guns out but uselessly pointed upwards. As the Cobras went for their own weapons, Cobra Commander’s shouts his own orders. “Aim to disable, if any of them dies, you’ll pay with your own lives.” All of the Cobras knew he meant it. And then it became a clusterfuck…. The Cobras dodged behind empty oil drums or large equipment. Storm Shadow and Cobra Commander dodged and went behind a nearby forklift. “If you kill one, I will kill you, but I don’t have anything to worry about with you now do I?” Cobra Commander asks Storm Shadow before leaving the forklift to get closer to the GI Gundams. It was then that Cobra Commander ended up face to muzzle with a Glock, Heero Yuy being the one with the Glock. “You should be careful with that, giving your enemy a weapon like that lovely Glock.” Cobra Commander cheerfully states, putting his hands up. “I am not giving it to you.” Heero Yuy says. “Sure you are.” Cobra Commander says brightly, his left hand pushing the muzzle aside even as his right pushed against Heero’s wrist, twisting the gun until it was knocked from Heero’s grasp and into Cobra Commander’s. Which took all of a second or two. “See, you gave me this shiny new gun.” Cobra Commander says cheerfully, even as he moves the gun to make it eject it’s mag…. Which pinged off of Heero’s forehead, which Cobra Commander aimed for. Heero swung at Cobra Commander’s head with a right hook, which Cobra Commander dodged by moving backwards on spry feet. Cobra Commander racks the slide of the Glock and points it to the ground to shoot the round in the chamber harmlessly into the sands. Heero swings around with a one eighty kick with his right leg, Cobra Commander leans back and laughs as if he is playing limbo before springing back upright. Almost like one of those inflatable punching clown toys that would spring back up after you punched it. Cobra Commander was happily starting to dismantle Heero’s gun while dodging Heero’s attacks for the fun of it…. Which served to infuriate Heero more, which helped Cobra Commander’s purposes greatly. Cobra Commander dodges Heero’s low left kick by doing a hands free backflip, as his hands were busy. Cobra Commander’s right hand pulled the slide back slightly while his left grabbed the slide and pressed the slide release buttons on both sides pulling the slide, assembly and barrel from the frame. When he lands on his feet, Cobra Commander throws the frame of the Glock at Heero, hitting Heero square in the chest. Heero growls, “Stop taking it apart!” “Nope, no can do, error, does not compute.” Cobra Commander laughs and teases as Heero launches at him again. The GI Gundams were already in the process of being tied up, they were all out numbered four to one and Storm Shadow promised no harm should they just drop their weapons and surrender. “Even I know not to touch Heero’s guns.” Barricade says, “And they think I’m the crazy one among us.” “Our Cobra Commander is just barely on this side of batshit crazy. Hence the taking out of your three tanks with only some explosives and an H2R motorcycle.” Storm Shadow informs them. “Are you sure he is on this side of batshit?” Breaker asks. “There are many times that we wonder.” A Cobra grunt states with a shake of his head. They all watch the two commanding officers fight. Cobra Commander lands a high snapping front kick to Heero’s sternum that causes Heero to stumble back, gasping for air, as the recoil spring assembly pings off of his forehead. Heero growls again and rushes at Cobra Commander, only to have Cobra Commander drop to the ground and trip him, causing Heero to fall to the sands in a sprawl. Both were back up within seconds, and the barrel pinging off of Heero’s forehead a moment later. “You are going to pick up the pieces, clean them thoroughly and put it back together.” Heero orders with a growl. “Make me.” Cobra Commander challenges with a laugh, bouncing the slide off of Heero’s chest. Heero launches at Cobra Commander… grappling with him, causing them to go over the sand dunes that the GI Gundams had been hiding behind. Heero and Cobra Commander traded kick for kick and punch for punch as they went up and over the sand dunes, still trading blow for blow as they tumbled down the other side. When they landed… Cobra Commander was perched on Heero’s back both panting for breath as Cobra Commander was looking at the Leo with a unseen but wicked expression on his face. He gave Heero a grazing punch across Heero’s left temple which dazed Heero a little, which was what Cobra Commander was after. Cobra Commander then lifts Heero off the sands and deposits him, not very gently onto the hood of the nearest Leo and starts to tie Heero’s wrists to the side view mirror, and Heero’s ankles to the bumper, causing Heero to be spread-eagled on the hood of the Leo. “Who knew GI Gundam Lieutenants made such great hood ornaments!” Cobra Commander exclaims with a laugh. Heero shook his head to get out of the daze he was in and glares at Cobra Commander. “Release me this instant!” “How about, No… does No work for you?” Cobra Commander mocks. “You will untie me right now.” Heero growls. “And I don’t even get a please…. Where are your manners, your mother would be so disappointed in you.” Cobra Commander chides. Heero glares at Cobra Commander, who take the opportunity to really look at Heero. And he actually liked what he saw. Heero Yuy, glaring his infamous death glare with those prussian blue eyes. Cobra Commander wondered if Heero styled his chocolate colored hair or if Heero’s was naturally doing whatever it liked. Cobra Commander purred, yes purred. Who knew that the GI Gundam had such tasty looking men? It made him almost surrender just to beg to join GI Gundam, almost. But it was too much fun to have those prussian blue eyes glaring death at him. He checked the ropes that now held his growling captive spread-eagled on the hood of one of GI Gundam’s own Leo Humvees, making sure they were tight but not too tight. And this was what Storm Shadow ended up seeing as he came up over the sand dunes to see what the end result of the battle happened to be. “Come now, Lover, don’t be mad.” Cobra Commander teased. “We know you like it.” “Omae O Korosu.” Heero growls. “Tsk tsk, I hardly see how that punishment would fit the crime. Besides… at least I let you keep your bodysuit on. And we know that you appreciate that. Now say ‘Thank you, Cobra Commander, for letting me keep my dignity’.” “Fuck you.” Heero spits out. “Ah… no… but fucking you might be fun… but your rescuers should arrive in about 30 minutes or so and I would want to savor that body of yours.” Cobra Commander chuckles. “See you later, Lover.” Cobra commander purrs as he leaves, Storm Shadow follows him, but not before giving Heero an apologetic look. /You are so weak!/ Nataku berates Storm Shadow, sounding too much like his long dead wife, Meilin, whom he had joined GI Gundam in memory of. /The idiot’s back is to you and you won’t man up and strike!/ He had his reasons, primarily that Cobra Commander wasn’t the head of the 'snake’ so to speak. Cobra Commander was simply the fangs… there were others who lead the Cobra organization and GI Gundam needed to know who before they could do anything about it. Storm Shadow slapped his right ear, sending reverberations back to Nataku. /I think Storm Shadow is having problems with his own A.I. He just slapped his right ear for what seemed to be no reason./ Deathscythe informs Cobra Commander. “Is there something wrong with your right ear, Storm Shadow?” Cobra Commander asks, back still to Storm Shadow. /How does he do that?/ Nataku asks, echoing Storm Shadow’s thoughts. “I am fine, Cobra Commander.” Storm Shadow replies. “If you say so, Storm Shadow.” Cobra Commander sounded anything but convinced. Cobra Commander checked to make sure his beloved H2R Lu was loaded into his waiting helicopter before he climbed into it. Storm Shadow climbed in behind, as Cobra Commander was checking on the progress of the retrieval of the tanks that he had single-handedly captured. He frowned, though outwardly, people would only see his eyebrows crinkle together which could have easily been overlooked. Cobra Commander saw it though. Once they were in the air, seated side by side because Cobra Commander would never let Storm Shadow out of his hearing or sight if he could help it, Cobra Commander seemed to relax. Because he did relax, after a reassuring whisper from Deathscythe giving an /All clear, no one has bugged our bird. You may now speak freely without the walls having ears./ “It was either take the tanks, or let the grunts beat and kill the GI Gundam troops. Which would you prefer, you cannot have both. It is a fine fucking line, and I am sure you would agree with me… better to take the tanks than to watch the GI Gundam troops get murdered. Especially that new hood ornament, that would have been a shame, if he were to have been killed.” Cobra Commander speaks quietly but with a smug purr in his voice in mentioning the state they had left Heero Yuy in. “You know that I could easily inform our superiors on what you are doing.” Storm Shadow says, without betraying the surprise he felt over the fact that Cobra Commander had just admitted to choosing to keep the GI Gundam men safe. There was no reason why Cobra Commander couldn’t have stolen the tanks and let the GI Gundam men get beaten and killed. Yet he had chosen to take the tanks and ordered his men to let the GI Gundam men alone, tied up, awaiting rescue in both locations by other GI Gundam forces. /What is he playing at?/ Nataku asked, mirroring Storm Shadow’s thoughts, Storm Shadow was glad to know that he wasn’t the only one baffled by Cobra Commander’s words and actions. Cobra Commander was even defying Nataku’s logic circuits. “Hmm… you could. But then I would have to reveal that you are not as you seem. And you are not as you seem now are you, Chang Wufei?” Cobra Commander asks, with a clear smirk in his voice and probably on his face under his hood and mask. Storm Shadow Wufei felt as if he had just broken into a cold sweat. “Oh, don’t worry, your secret is safe with me. For now. I have my own reasons and my own agenda. Getting caught by GI Gundam would hamper those reasons and agenda. But sending one undercover GI Gundam under the bus would not be unconscionable, if I absolutely had to. But we can keep each other safe, for now. Meaning, don’t get in my way and don’t think to get me killed by revealing my secrets to the scientists unless you are wanting to commit suicide.” Cobra Commander warns with a very deadly serious voice, his amber eyes also conveying that deadly serious message. “I will not say anything… for now.” Storm Shadow Wufei says. “That will do.” Cobra Commander says with a nod, turning his attention to a data pad he pulls from one of his many secreted pockets of his outfit. Storm Shadow Wufei couldn’t figure out how the man did that…. hid so many things…. without betraying that he had anything other than his clothing on him. Cobra Commander was as bad as Heero Yuy was in secreting all sorts of odds and ends away in various locations on the body. It made him wonder if they were related, or at least came from the same kind of street schooling, as everyone could swear that Heero Yuy was the master of ‘spandex space’. When they had left, the Cobra forces let Barricade go with the Leo that didn’t have a hood ornament attached so that he could ensure the GI Gundams were “rescued”. The others left tied and away from Heero’s sight. All Heero Yuy could do was wait and bitterly remember the fight and how he should have done differently, which made him think on the other times the GI Gundams had faced off against this rather crazy Cobra Commander.
Cobra Commander didn’t look forward to going back to the “home base” of Cobra, because it meant that he would have to go see and debrief with the scientists, he hated that, he hated them. It was because of them that he was even in Cobra at all. They had messed with his makeshift family before, and anyone who bothers the Sweepers…. Gets Shinigami after their asses. But the scientists didn’t anything about Shinigami, nothing about Duo Maxell either…. And they sure as hell didn’t kniw anything about the one known as Cobra Commander. ::They just think I am their pawn, their little sheep. Let them think that, the more they underestimate me, the stronger my grip will be to yank their world out from under their feet.:: Cobra Commander angrily thinks as he watches Deathscythe typing out the full report (minus a few things) of what had all just happened. Which was another of a long line of reasons he was grateful to have the A.I., Deathscythe always was willing to type out the mission reports for him, because he, himself, hated the things with a passion. If they wanted to know… they should have been there. But secretly, Cobra Commander was very happy those troglodytes didn’t like to leave their laboratories… he couldn’t stand their presences any longer than necessary.
Author’s Notes
1. Do as you will, could be entertaining. 2. I didn’t quite mean it that way.
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fenyutas · 4 years
Car Audio Door Removal Tool for Citroen C4 C5 C3 VW Polo Passat B6 B5 CC Tiguan Golf 4 5 Opel Astra H J G Insignia Mokka Corsa Material: Plastic Color: Orange Package Size: 24.3 x 10.2cm/9.6 x 4inch Product Type: Car Audio Disassembly Tool Quantity: 4pcs/Set Features: Rugged durable, can use for long time. Suitable for all kinds of cars. Easy to carry and convenient to use. Ideal for dismantling and assembling speaker grilles, panel, trim, molding, door panels, other video and audio system on the cars. Package Content: 1 x Car Audio Disassembly Tool Subscribe: https://www.youtube.com/fenyutas?sub_confirmation=1 More videos: https://www.youtube.com/user/Fenyutas/videos?flow=grid&view=0 I watch this themes: DIY, crafts, tips, amazing life hacks, how to, toothpaste, how to make, handmade, homemade, reuse, ideas, tutorial, 5-minute crafts, coca-cola, create, clean, tricks, balloon, useful life hacks, coke, banana, recycle, drill, coca-cola life hacks, handcraft, diy projects, balloon tricks, useful things, simple life hacks, lifehacks, do it yourself, balloon life hacks, repurpose, easy life hacks, survival life hacks, smartphone hacks, coca-cola can, coca-cola hacks, life hacks with smartphone, ice cream, 3 simple, 2018, iron, science, ball, test, vs, for kids, at home, coca cola, motor, foam, way, ways, metal, orbeez, science experiments, 1000, ice, matches, awesome, free energy magnet, satisfying video, satisfying, free energy, liquid nitrogen, experiments, experiments to do at home, degree, car vs, experiment videos, glowing, science projects, free energy generator, mentos, 12v, home science, experiments with water, science fails, dry ice, light bulb, dc motor, new technology, amazing science experiments, experiment science, free energy generator homemade, home experiment, science experiments you can do at home, new idea, lifehack, experiment at home, easy science experiments, diy experiments, experiment with egg, explosive test, coca cola bottle, fun life hacks, free energy device, mentos experiment, free energy motor, science experiment, matches experiment, experiment matches, 3 simple life hacks, 4 simple life hacks, free energy light bulb, crazy experiment, diy science experiments, liquid nitrogen vs pepsi, edible experiments, foiled ball, safety matches, mentos test, electric free energy experiment, 5 simpe life hacks, experiment with matches, fish trap, fish, experiment using matches, experiment with fish, pepsi vs liquid nitrogen, 5 awesome experiments, pencil life hacks, science experiment: liquid nitrogen vs lighter, what happens if you put coke can in liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen into plastic bottle, can of coke in liquid nitrogen, liquid nitrogen experiment, tips and tricks, you can do, useful tricks, easy experiments, easy crafts, magic, trick, magic trick, diy activities, how to impress, make it easy, ideas for life, best life hacks, experiment, easy tricks, useful lifehacks, water tricks, best tricks, ever, diys, shows, ways, liquid, experiments with liquid, tricks with coca cola, coca cola tricks, awesome coca cola tricks, tricks with coca-cola, 5 crazy water tricks, balloon tricks at home, balloon tricks easy, how to make a fidget spinner, glue gun life hacks, hot glue gun hacks, with glue gun, water magic tricks, mentos & coca-cola, what to do, easy, baking soda, coca-cola tricks, phone tricks, fire tricks, liquid tricks, amazing tricks, water tests, plastic wrap, cable ties, plastic bottles, amazing life, ice cubes, glue gun, tricks 2018, awesome people, fidget spinners, spinner toys, fidget spinner, satisfying tricks, best satisfying, 5 awesome, amazing, crazy, viral, cool, wow, reverse, awesome reverse, amazing reverse, satisfying reverse, video reverse, aluminium, aluminium foil ball, aluminum, hot, I LOVE Youtube channels : power vision, mrgear, lhack tv, 5-Minute Crafts, 5x One, ADDYOLOGY, AlumiTube, American Hacker, American Tech, Amr MCI, Aredrine, Artkala, Be Creative, Beyond the press, BOKIN DIY, BrainfooTV, Brainiac75, brusspup, carsandwater, CELIMA, Chris Notap, Coverrise, Craftingeek, CRAZY BD, Crazy Experimenter, Crazyartline, crazyPT, CrazyRussianHacker, Creative Channel, Creative Ideas KM, DaveHax, DDelectroTech.com, Delta Hack, Dr Nozman, Dr.Hacker, DrBolt, DrScrew, Experimentboy, Genesis TV, grain, Hack Room, HaerteTest, HawkGuruHacker, HaTri, Hihacks, Household Hacker, How to Raju, Imaginative Guy, JLaservideo, JoshBuilds, Just5mins, Kinder miX, Life Hacks & Experiments, LXG Design, Magnetic Games, Mini Gear, MORENA DIY, Mr DegrEE, Mr Novruz, Mr Sagoo, Mr SunY, Mr. Hacker, Mr. Llega, Mr. Reverse, MR.ROMEO, MrEngineer, NDA Hack, NewKew, NightHawkInLight, OVT, PressTube, Rupoti, SkyBek, Slivki Show, Superconeri, Target Engineer, Thaitrick, The Action Lab, The King of Random, The Q, TheBackyardScientist, TLT lab Hacks, TQT HACKS, Troom Troom, VitaliUS EN, WEAREX, WowShow, X-Creation, X-perio, Y Air, Yuri Ostr, mods
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Hello~! Ok so first of all, I hope you are having a lovely day. Second: Can you recommend me the fluffiest fics you've read? And if possible a fic that involves John reacting differently to Sherlock's "death" idk like getting reaaaaaally depressed or something angsty. Please no angst and fluff in the same fic, that's just playing with peoples hearts D:
Hi Lovely!
I’ve actually posted a lot of fluffy fics, which you can find compiled on my Johnlock Fic Rec Masterpost! I think what you will be looking for are these ones:
Tooth Rotting Fluff
Hugs & Cuddles and Tooth-Rotting Fluff (Pt. 2)
Hugs & Cuddles Pt. 2 / Tooth-Rotting Fluff Pt. 3 / Est. Relationship Pt. 2
There is a whole section for Fluff on the masterpost, so if you want to read a bit more you can check that out!
Aww, sad that you don’t want angsty fluff! It’s the last section on my Fluff Fic Rec megalist that I haven’t posted yet. Oh well, hahah! I’m sure it will come up eventually! But yeah, I do have some angsty sad John fics! I do apologize for a lot of them being “platonic” fics… I read a lot of angst back in my FFNet days, and it was all before my shipping goggles were on but I was super into Friendship Fics. I hope you enjoy them all anyway! 
Letters From Beyond by LittleBabeBlue (K, 637 w. || Friendship, Post-TRF) – A letter for John was found in Sherlock’s coat after he jumped.
Tea by Art and Soul (K, 693 w. || Angst & Friendship) – John’s habit of making tea for two has little use, considering his flat-mate has been dead for three years. But he keeps on making that second cup, hoping he’d wake up and it’d be gone. But it never was…
One-Way Mirror by StormyNight108 (K+, 830 w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Post-TRF, John’s Blog) – It’s been months since the incident, where a man lost his best friend. Slowly but surely, John’s life is starting to turn up a little. That night, his blog is updated to share good news to his followers, and one anonymous commentator is quick to share his happiness. It’s about as close to his friend as he can get right now. No slash.
Thaw by reignofdreams (K+, 933 w. || Angst, Friendship, Post-TRF) – In a bitter twist of irony, John realizes that without the brilliance of Sherlock’s extraordinary intellect and pure but guarded heart, he too is lost.
The Sidewalk by politewarning (K, 956 w. || Post-TRF, Angst, Friendship, Sherlock’s Birthday) – Standing on the sidewalk outside the hospital on the 6th of January to have a one-sided conversation with his dead friend was not something John had intended to make into a ritual.
Black Cars by johnsarmylady (T, 1K+ w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF) – John is getting on with his life…if only he didn’t see black cars everywhere! A short Post Reichenbach tale in 221B style in 5 parts.
By the Graveside by CraftyLion (K, 1K+ w. ||  Hurt/Comfort, Major Character Death) – But what if Sherlock never really survived The Fall? What if the Sherlock in the graveyard was merely a spirit, forlornly watching his friend from the Other Realm?
Don’t Go Without Me by MirabileLectu (T, 1K+w. || Angst/Drama) - Deep in the recesses of the cluttered space under John’s bed, far from the prying eyes of nosy landladies, there is a box.
Memory by Pipsy (K, 1K+w || Angst / TRF Hiatus / Pining) - A short ficlet looking into the lives of John and Sherlock after the Fall. Short and painful.
Shooter by Amputation (K+, 1K+w. || Post-TRF, Suspense, BAMF!John) – The men were trying to rile the other into acting first, it seemed. How boringly predictable and dull this was! 
Spectrum of Mourning at the Funeral of a Solitary Man by TheBookshelfDweller (T, 1K+ w. Angst, Grief, Friendship, First Person POV, Introspection) – Because each kind of love produces its own kind of grief, a long-ignored voice tells the story of five mourners of Sherlock Holmes, a man who in the end, was all but solitary. 
Text Me When It’s Over by immaculately-flawed  (K+, 1K+ w. || Friendship, Humour, Post-TRF, Texting, Sort-Of Pining Sherlock) – After the fall Sherlock starts writing texts to John. Of course, he never sends them… Until he does by accident. Post Reichenbach fic but not angsty.
Hold On by Jennistar1 (T, 1300 w. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Hiatus, Friendship) –  Alternative ending to Reichenbach Falls - John knew all along. 
I Never Told You by MrsNoggin (T, 1650 w. || Fluff & Angst) – Who looks after John when Sherlock is gone? Just a bit of angsty fluff, maybe with a bit of a happy ending. A little wishful one-shot, rated for John’s good old British pottymouth.
Feed The Memory by Hekate1308 (T, 2K+ w. ||  Tragedy & Hurt/Comfort) – He could feed John Watson, at least. Angelo POV.
Letters by Jenna Flare (T, 2K+ w. || Angst, Epistolary, Post-TRF) – John leaves letters on Sherlock’s grave as a method of coping. Sherlock reads them every week. Sherlock/John, John/Mary.
Not The First by StillWaters1 (K+, 2K+w. || Angst, Friendship, Post-Reunion) – Discovering that John had spent twelve months volunteering at a MSF trauma hospital in Afghanistan was surprising. But not as surprising as the discussion that followed. A post-Reichenbach conversation and character study.
Pen Pals by WerewolfDoctor (K, 2K+ w. || Epistolary, Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Post-TRF) – Most people don’t become pen pals by one of them writing a not-suicide note. Then again, Sherlock Holmes and John Watson have never exactly been normal, have they?
A Loss, A Latecomer, and a Question by Musicangel913 (T, 3K+ w. || Friendship, Post-TRF / Reunion, Non-BBC Mary, Straight John) – "He was my best friend and I’ll always believe in him.“
Because Your Coat is Part of You by camellialice (K, 3K+ w. || 5 and 1, Canon Compliant, Sherlock’s Coat, Angst, Fluff) – Five times John wore Sherlock’s coat and one time he didn’t need to.
The Sound of Silence by Dubbers (T, 3K+ w. || Friendship, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF Hiatus, Reunion) – After Sherlock’s fall, John loses the ability to talk. Three years later, Sherlock is back.
Too Late by SJBHasADayPass (T, 3K+ w. || Angst, Suicide, Tragedy, Major Character Death, First Person POV) – Six months after the Fall, John is finding it difficult without Sherlock, and Sherlock is finding it just as painful. 
the things that comfort us by hudders-and-hiddles (T, 3,728 w. || Sherlock’s Return, H/C, John’s Jumpers, Post-TRF) – Sherlock takes one of John’s jumpers with him when he leaves to dismantle Moriarty’s network. One day, John notices it’s missing. Part 2 of Tumbling Hudders
Between Asleep and Awake by katydidit (K, 4K+ w. || Friendship, Sick Fic, Post-TRF / Reunion) – John is sick. Incredibly, extremely, dangerously sick. Plagued by a high fever, he begins to hallucinate, start seeing things that aren’t really there. Because they can’t be there. Can they?
Days Go By by Hummingbird1759 (T, 4K+ w. || Angst, Friendship, Post-TRF, Introspection) – The characters’ lives go on after the Fall… sort of.
Not Without Me by Jennistar1 (T, 4k+w. || Drama, Mystery, Post-TRF Hiatus, Pining Sherlock) – Halfway through Sherlock’s Great Hiatus, Mycroft comes to him with the news that John has died. But all is not what it seems…
On Hiatus: Rotterdam (T, 4K+ w. || Friendship, Drama, Couple For A Case, Post-TRF, John Joins Sherlock, No Slash) – “Used them after uni a bit. Purely for research purposes, of course,“ Sherlock said tiredly, head lolling against John’s shoulder.” Sherlock goes on a mission alone, or: Two blokes in a luxury hotel in the Netherlands. Non-linear timeline. Set during the Hiatus.
There’s Something Living in These Lines by teahigh (orphan_account) (M, 4,676 w. || Pining, Angst, Love Letters, UST, Dirty Talk, Hiatus) – Two men, complete opposites in almost every way, who speak only in letters and pages torn from books.
A Case of Identity by PostcardsfromTheoryland (T, 4,978 w. || Post-TRF, John on Holiday, Pining Sherlock, Sherlock Whump, Angst, Reunion) – All John wanted was to get away from London for a few weeks. No people pointing and whispering about Sherlock Holmes when he walked past, no reporters wanting an “exclusive” about the dead detective, just some rest and relaxation in the sunshine. Then again, these holiday trips never seem to go as planned.
Nothing Quite So Spectacular by Kerkerian-Horizon (K+, 5K+ w. || Drama, Hurt / Comfort, Post-TRF) – How John Watson grieves after Sherlock Holmes’ alleged suicide, and what happens when the detective returns home. Set post-Reichenbach, two parts.
Excerpts from Purgatory by reapersun, what_alchemy (E, 5,829 w. || Post-TRF, Doctor John, Reunion Fic, Rough Sex, Angry Sex, Bottomlock, Fic with Pics)  – John serves community service in homeless shelters for chinning the superintendent. Unbeknownst to him, the Homeless Network has his back.
Five Times by AliuIce0814 (T, 6K+w. || Drama, Canon-Compliant S1 & 2, Angst, 5 and Ones, Reunion) – … Sherlock woke John, and one time John woke Sherlock.
Not Without You by thisisforyou (T, 6K+ w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Adventure, Mycroft is a Good Brother, Pining Sherlock, Suicide Mention, Sherlock First Person POV, Post-TRF / Reunion Fic) – “I can’t, Mycroft, I can’t do this without John.” Mycroft comes up with an alternative solution to the three years of two broken hearts that would have otherwise happened. 
The Death of Doubt by Gingerhermit (E, 6,584 w. || Alternate Canon, BAMF John, POV Sherlock, Sherlock’s Mind Palace, Hurt/Comfort, Angst/Drama, Meddling Mycroft) – Mycroft asks for John’s help in rescuing Sherlock from his Serbian captors.
Drowning in Darkness by chappysmom (T, 7K+w. || Hurt/Comfort, Kidnapped John, Post-TRF Hiatus / Reunion, John Whump, Angst with Happy Ending, Depressed John, Background Case Fic) – He couldn’t decide if it was a relief or a curse that he’d been left completely, absolutely alone. You couldn’t fight darkness with your fists, and no matter how strong your will-power, it could be beaten down by the constant monotony of nothingness. Nobody needed John.
I’d be Lost Without my Blogger by shadenc (T, 8,057 w. || Rev. Reich, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Pining) – "There are several snipers with their guns pointed at your head this very moment. Now, if you look up you’ll see John and myself on the rooftop of Bart’s. Understand the game yet?“ “Shoot me. Let him go and shoot me.” “Noble now, are we? Unfortunately, you are not the one who will make that decision.”
Every Night I Look for You by destinationtoast (E, 8,377 w. || POV John, Post-TRF, Angst, Mystery, Unsafe Sex, BAMF John) – Every night, John looks for familiar hints of Sherlock in the men he meets in bars, and he does with them all the things he wishes he’d done before. Eventually, he stumbles into a situation that Sherlock would know how to handle, and John must decide whether he can handle it without him.
Watching You Die by laureleaf (T, 10K+ w. || Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Post-TRF, Suicide, Switching POVs, Sort-of Rev. Reich., Whump) – John watched Sherlock die three years ago, and Sherlock just watched John die. But neither of them are actually dead. Now an AU, with nods to “The Adventure of the Empty House”. Lots of angst and post-Reichenbach feels. No slash.
The In-Between by blueink3 (M, 10,679 w. || Fluff and Angst, H/C, Parentlock, Fix-It Fic, Canon Compliantish) – Beginning in a Chinese restaurant and ending at the bottom of a well, what about the moments we didn’t see?
White Blank Page by SarahCat1717 (M, 11,936 w. || Post-TRF, Clever John, Reunion Fic, Pining Sherlock, Letters, Fantasies) – Post-fall, Sherlock is off eliminating Moriarty’s crime web. He finds he misses John. He can’t divulge that he still lives, but he placates his need to communicate with John and still feel a connection with him by sending him blank letters. But over time, this writing exercise lends itself to Sherlock exploring his feelings for his friend. What will happen when Sherlock returns to London and the man he has been “writing” to regularly for the past two years? NOT S3 compliant. Mary who?
Sunset’s Wake by StillWaters1 (T, 13K+ w. || Angst, Hurt /Comfort, Minor Character POV) – It wasn’t until that moment, when the dazed man in the practical black jacket came pushing through the crowd and into her arms, that she understood why she had been drawn outside St. Bart’s that day. 
When to Let Go by KendylGirl (M, 22,109 w. || Friends to Lovers, Reverse Reichenbach, Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Angst, Love, Implied Drug Use) – What if it were John who had to die to thwart Moriarty’s plans? John’s supposed death shatters Sherlock, and when he returns, it will challenge the pair to forge a path of forgiveness, to peace, and to find a way back to each other. Part 1 of When to Let Go
A Shipless Ocean by myswordfishmind (M, 22,135 w || Post-TRF, John has a Kid) – Ten years after the fall Sherlock goes back to London to find that John no longer lives there. Instead, he resides in a seaside town, a widower, and the father of a seven year old son. Now, Sherlock must struggle with the fact that there may no longer be a place for him in this new world.
Five Times: Watching and Waiting by Ira Lea (K+, 23K w. || Friendship, Post-TRF, No Slash) – Five times Sherlock didn’t know John was watching, and one time he made sure of it. Five times John didn’t know Sherlock was watching, and one time he figured it out. Three years of “he’s dead”, one moment of “he’s alive”, and the resulting chase through the streets of London. (Two 5:1s in quick succession and a bonus).
Dear John by wendymarlowe (E, 23,031 w. || Post-TRF, Online Dating, Pining, Epistolary, Cybersex, Long Distance Romance) – With Sherlock dead, John eventually (under duress) makes a profile on an online dating site. And falls into a long-distance relationship with an enigmatic partner who reminds him of Sherlock in all the right ways. (Hint: it turns out to be Sherlock.) Part 1 of Dear John
Holmes is where the heart is by Rose de Sharon (T, 49K+w. || Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Post-TRF, Reunion Fic, Bromance, Empty House Inspired, Adventure) – Three years after the Reichenbach Fall. On the anniversary of Sherlock’s death, John pays a visit at 221 B Baker Street… and he gets the shock of his life.
Lost Without My Blogger by starrysummernights (E, 52,155 w. || Rev. Reich, PTSD, Hurt / Comfort, Fluff / Angst, Psychological Torture, Reunion Fic, Friends to Lovers) – John is abducted and declared dead. How will Sherlock cope without his blogger? How will he react when John comes back from the “dead?” Drama and angst with a healthy dose of romance. Part 1 of I’d Be Lost Without My Blogger
The Burning Heart by May_Shepard (M, 119,150 w. || Canon Divergence, Post-TRF, John’s Sexuality, S3 Rewrite, Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV John Watson, John’s Gay) – When Sherlock dies, John Watson feels like his life is over too. He’s completely shut down, until Mark Morstan, a new nurse at John’s medical clinic, catches his attention, and helps him uncover the long buried truth of his attraction to men. Although he’s certain he’ll never get over Sherlock, John plans to move on, and build a new life with Mark, unaware that Sherlock is not quite as dead as he appears, and that Mark is hiding secrets of his own.
The Quiet Man by ivyblossom (E, 157,369 w. || Post-TRF, John First POV, Grief/Mourning, Angst, Present Tense, Imaginary Sherlock) – “Do you just carry on talking when I’m away?”
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newagesispage · 7 years
                                                                  NOVEMBER         2017
 *****Bill Murray has been singing at Carnegie Hall promoting the new album with Jan Vogler and friends.
*****A beautiful eastern black rhino was born on October 2nd. There are only a few hundred left in Africa.
*****NASA just found 20 new habitable planets.
*****Loving , loving ,loving At Home with Amy Sedaris. Great guest stars and Von Mueller’s: The official maple syrup of the Third Reich and other humor of that ilk. It is like Pee Wees playhouse, Mister Rogers, Martha Stewart, local DIY shows, SNL and SCTV all rolled into one. Go Amy!!
*****The World Series did not include the Cubs. Astros V Dodgers.
*****The first African American full time Nascar driver since 1971, Darrell Wallace Jr. will drive for Richard Petty.
*****Some drunks at a wedding reception in Illinois jumped the fence at Wildlife Prairie Park to chase bison. The newlyweds had already left.
*****San Juan mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz called out Scary clown for his slow response to the Puerto Rico disaster.
*****Coming to Broadway this fall: The Cher Show!!
*****Robin Thede has a new show on BET called The Rundown.
*****So, Tim Allen was whining on Norm Macdonald’s program about Last Man Standing being cancelled. Allen said, ”There is nothing more dangerous to Hollywood than a funny likeable conservative.” What?? I could not even get thru one episode of that show. I think he was damn lucky that thing stayed on the air as long as it did. Friends and I were shocked whenever we would notice the show was still going.
***** Trump released demands to overhaul the green card system by hiring 10 thousand more immigration officers and more money to build the wall.
*****OJ Simpson is out of prison and his first meal was at McDonald’s. That is so fucking American.** Speaking of the arches: Mulan sauce.. that was a thing?
*****On the great new show White Famous, I believe I saw Jamie Foxx’s balls under that skirt!!
*****Stephen Colbert and Ted Danson share an ancestor. The same is true of Mary Steenburgen and William H. Macy.
*****Ines Rau, a French model is Playboys first transgender playmate.
*****Things sure exploded on The View because of the phone call Trump made about a fallen soldier. Rep. Frederica Wilson claims that he did not mention La David Johnson’s name and told his widow that he knew what he was getting into. **He seems to have no sensitivity but then we knew that. He is the Greg Stillson of 2017!
*****What a great couple of weeks on the late night shows. Thank you for Conan and his horse story on Colbert. Thanks for Paul and Dave and Biff on Kimmel. ** Kimmel’s son Billy is getting ready for a second surgery and there will be some guest hosts with Shaq, Dave Grohl, Channing Tatum and Jennifer Lawrence.
*****David S. Pumpkins now has an animated show and has really become a thing.
*****Dale Earnhardt Jr. and wife are having a baby.
*****It looks like the Czech Republic now elected a leader just like Trump in their choice of Andrej Babis.
*****Russian sanctions have still not been implemented and the deadline was October 1. Hey scary clown: Just signing the measure means nothing!!
*****Diane Lake, a young former member of Manson’s family wrote a book about letting go of Charlie. She promoted ‘One of the Family’ on Dr. Phil.
*****So.. It seems that the prototypes of the wall are near the Mexican border and it is drawing gawkers from across the border. So.. The wall to prevent illegals is actually drawing them to the site to check it out. Priceless.
*****Judas Priest is going on tour.
*****Mark Wahlberg hopes God will forgive him for Boogie Nights. C’mon own your fucking art.. You were lucky to be in suck a brilliant film.
*****Dave Letterman received his Mark Twain prize for American humor on October 22. He now claims, “I’m now the most humorous person in the world.”
*****East Peoria’s Joe Girardi is out as the NY Yankees manager.
*****Her it comes: The final season of Major Crimes.. This is a tough one, what quality acting there is on that show.
*****Days alert: It breaks my heart that they brought back Dr. Rolf back and immediately killed him off. At least he was in Abigail’s dream and boy was he hairy!!Please let him have a twin like on Night Court.** Why are characters heading to Memphis? Will they meet with someone who can help answer questions about Will Horton? Will Paul find out the truth before anyone else and will he keep it to himself? If Will is alive, is he the same person or has he went thru big changes? ** Rumors are out there that EJ could be headed back..fingers crossed.
*****Texas inmates donated $53,863 for hurricane Harvey relief.
*****Has Mueller filed his first charges in the Russia investigation?
*****Trump’s approach to Iran seems to be undoing all of Obama’s efforts. This, of course is the ultimate goal of the Trumpers so good news for them. Trumps use of the term ’Arabian gulf’ has helped to unify the diplomatic and revolutionary sides of the Islamic republic.
*****Too Funny to Fail takes on the subject of the failure of The Dana Carvey Show.
*****Robert Plant has a new album, ‘Carry Fire’ which he will support with a 2018 tour.
*****Congress did not reauthorize the healthcare program for kids so 9 million kids are booted off healthcare.
*****Bob’s Burgers did a great episode about brunch drunks. Oh that is such a thing!!
*****The new administration just loves pollution. Just one more thing to add to the ever growing list of climate change dismantling is Scott Pruitt helping to get rid of the clean power plan. I am sure their corporate polluter friends and Obama haters are pretty happy about that.
*****Scarlett Johansen and Colin Jost made their first public appearance as a couple at an SNL after party.
*****Word is that they have found Paul Revere’s outhouse and they are examining its contents.
*****I’m so glad that Curb is back!!! J.B. Smoove is killing it as usual.
*****Roman Polanski has a new film, ‘Based on a true story’ which stars his wife Emmanuelle Seigner.
*****Metamora High school in Illinois is reeling from a racist video put out by some members of the football team.  The entire school system of Metamora which includes Riverview and Germantown hills was closed October 3 due to a mass shooting scare.
*****The newest Eastwood film is the 15:17 to Paris.
*****Facebook had to turn over about 3,000 ads for inspection. Facebook employees offered themselves up to the Trump and Clinton campaigns. Only Trump took them up on it. Google and Twitter also embedded themselves in his campaign.  The staff used all they were taught to put bogus Hillary info out there and penetrate the rural vote.  They pushed a lot of buttons with infrastructure in middle America. The platform churned out 50 to 60 thousand ads a day.  By pinpointing the things you care about most , they seemed to use the trickery well because it worked.
*****They found the tomb of Santa in Turkey.
*****Nick Cage has his own candy bar in Japan.
*****Chris Elliott is on the Last man on earth. Thank you God!
*****The country talked about guns for a few days again after the Vegas shooting. No license or registration is needed in Vegas. Machine guns are perfectly legal. As saner people have mentioned: The GOP insists that the Vegas shooter’s gun arsenal is a right but medical treatment for his 500 + victims is merely a privelage. Well put Desirina Boskovich.** The American college of physicians says that gun violence is a public health issue and calls for banning automatic and semi -automatic weapons.** 78% of Americans don’t own guns.**Wayne LaPierre was on Face the Nation to reinforce that anti -gun people are elites. The only sane thing he said was that we need to enforce the laws we have in place better to start with.
*****Sen. Bob Corker is ranting about Trump and the ‘adult day care center’ we call the White house.
***** Oh my God.. Rick Springfield is on AHS. Whoa! Sometimes that show just amazes you with its direction. Hell yea.
*****Brett Ratner and Jared Leto will bring Hugh Hefner to the big screen.
*****Jedediah Bila has left the View and has been replaced by Meghan McCain.
*****Colin Kaepernick consulted a Navy seal about his peaceful protest. The Seal told him that he didn’t see a problem with the kneeling at the games. He found it more respectful than sitting. People seem very divided on this issue  but this country has always disagreed on their version of patriotism. Wearing the flag s disrespectful, kneeling during our anthem is not. Perhaps the players should hold AR 15’s instead of taking a knee. Our President does not seem to have a problem with protesters showing up armed.**Pence made a big show of walking out of the game after the kneel. Only loves the team if they think as he does. It was an expensive stunt.
*****California has been experiencing the biggest wildfires in state history.
***** Hmm. I see a movie with Liam Neeson , Clint Eastwood and Kurt Russell.
***** The Pioneer Woman speaks of a granny named Inee.
*****So, I rarely watch Fallon but that Hillary show was awkward and special. The respect and beautiful words from the female writers and Miley brought tears.
*****Can’t wait to see Suburbicon.. looks fab!!
*****350 barrels of oil were spilled in the gulf of Mexico.
*****Reporters were arrested in St. Louis as they interviewed demonstrators. This is in violation of their first amendment.
*****Anti- abortion advocate Rep. Tim Murphy had a bad week as congress was trying to pass a bill that would ban and bring criminal charges against those who have abortions after 20 weeks. His mistress Shannon Edwards claims that he asked her to get an abortion but it turned out the pregnancy was just a scare.  He now says that it is his staff who wrote the pro- life rhetoric he spewed. He has resigned.**Scary clown wants to broaden the rules to let more employees deny birth control coverage.
*****The Rolling Stones have 18 recordings pulled together for On Air. The collection of 1963- 1965 BBC show clips were never commercially released.
***** Harvey Weinstein? Secret employees? Everybody knew?  WTF?  Obviously we have some extreme self indulgence and mental health issues here. Why can’t powerful men control themselves? **Many of the liberal donations he made have been donated to charity.** The list keeps growing with thanks to Ronan Farrow and his exhaustive work in the story on The New Yorker. Weinstein’s wife has left him so he is in for some shit. ** More women are coming forward about other powerful men as well like R Kelly, Mark Helprin and James Toback.** When the movie is made of the Harvey scandal, I hope they cast Jeff Garland in the title role.**In the wake of the Weinstein tsunami there have been protests at public gatherings for other men with pasts .A retrospective for Roman Polanski  did not turn out so well.
*****Meet the Press and the AFI are having  film fest. Look for the film Heroin(e).
*****Paul Manafort and Rick Gates were indicted for hiding foreign bank accounts, money laundering, false statements, conspiracy against the U.S. just to name a few. There is now a viral video with the music from To Russia with love that shows Trump and various staff being taken in by the FBI. I teared up.. Could it happen??** George Papadopolous has pled guilty.
*****Kathy Griffin is slamming Harvey Levin and Andy Cohen. She claims that Levin was egging people on about her Trump head stunt. Her Mother in a retirement community and her sister dyeing of cancer were receiving death threats. Cohen who produced her ‘My life on the D-list” is taking over her New Year duties on CNN.  Her claim about him is he often tried to get her do coke and he is generally an ass.
*****Actor Anthony Rapp claims Kevin Spacey was sexually aggressive with him when he was 14 and Spacey was in his 20’s.  Kevin denied and apologized and came out.
***** You must check out Denis O’Hare as Edgar Allan Poe on PBS American Masters.
*****Corey Feldman wants to expose the pedophiles of Hollywood for 10 mil.
*****Does it bother anybody else that those on cooking shows never seem to use spatulas to scrape the bowl? They pour and move on.
*****Check out the Comedy Get Down with Cedric the Entertainer, Eddie Griffin, DL Hughley, Charlie Murphy and George Lopez.
*****Larry Flynt is offering 10m million for info leading to the impeachment of scary clown.
*****Ben Stiller takes on the 2015 prison escape of David Sweet and Richard Matt. The Showtime production will star Benecio Del Toro, Paul Dano and Patricia Arquette
*****Jemele Hill is back from her suspension form ESPN because of her tweets. Let the girl stand up for her beliefs.
*****Atlanta has voted to decriminalize weed, now if they can get the rest of Georgia on board!
***** So it seems the boy scouts are going to now admit girls.
*****It has been nice to see Charley Pride every now and again lately.
*****Hooray!! Jessica Tuck is on General Hospital.. Oh, How I have missed you Jessica Tuck.. Where have you been??
*****A report says that white nationalists are flocking to get their DNA tested  to prove their white heritage with some mixed results. Of course they often find they have African ancestry or other  blood they may not want to admit is running thru them. Duh!
*****Nellie (Cornell Iral Haynes Jr.)  was arrested for rape on his tour bus at a Wal Mart.
*****Chicago pastor Robbie Wilkerson and his wife Tasha were sentenced to 37 months and 12 months respectively for defrauding a summer food program for impoverished kids.
*****The 207 Nobel Peace Prize has gone to Jacques Dubochet and Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson for developing cryo-electron microscopy for the high resolution structure determination of biomolecules in solution.
*****Steven Avery of Making a Murderer has been denied a new trial.
*****Roseanne Cash is getting some backlash for her comments. Cash wrote, ”The NRA funds domestic terrorism.” Her life has been filled with threats because of her views with smears like, ”your Dad would be ashamed of you.” Some ‘fans’ obviously did not understand her Father.
*****The White house thinks NBC should apologize after their report about Rex Tillerson threatening to resign after clashes with Trump. The scuttlebutt is that Pence intervened. Word is that Tillerson called Trump a fucking moron. Rex says he never considered leaving.
*****Senate intelligence can’t seem to get anywhere on the Trump dossier because everyone refuses to cooperate.  The committee has reported they are still interviewing and going thru documents. The investigation is now in exploratory mode. They do know that Russia is currently active in meddling in our election process and our vote tallies were accurate. Republican members of the bipartisan panel are praising the Obama administration for their complete cooperation.
*****Marilyn Manson had to cancel 9 shows after being crushed by a stage prop!
*****R.I.P. Tom Petty, the victims of the Rt. 91 country music fest in Las Vegas, S.I. Newhouse Jr., Bunny Sigler, Ralphie May, Bob Schiller, Fats Domino, John F. Dunsworth, Robert Guillaume, Gord Downie, Richard Wilbur, Sima Wall, Jack Bannon and victims of the NY Halloween attack.
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Having played extensively through Wildlands, and in the process amassing a sizable arsenal of weapons and attachments, I've come to one conclusion:For a tactical shooter, this game's attachment system is full of oversights and illogical omissions, which is weird given the series pedigree.Here's my examples/gripes:*The SPAS-12 gets an 8-round tube in Remanzo, which has rails attached to the tube's fore-end. Despite this, it cannot mount laser sights or grips, despite both attachments being beneficial for a shotgun (and both are conspicuously absent).*The HTI, MSR, DSR-1, SRSA1, heck all of the bolt-action rifles except the M1891 have railed fore-ends, the HTI especially has a giant railed fore-end. None of them can mount foregrips or lasers, despite the G28 and MK14 in the same class having this option. The M1891 I can understand given it's chassis, but if I can nitpick, the M1891 in that configuration has to have a curved bolt, because the rail is in the way and cycling the bolt would be impossible.*The Range Finder on assault rifles is useless and does nothing.*The M4, P416, PSG, and any rifles that have similar stocks have no options to change or move their stocks up and down. There's no "Compensated Buttstock/Extended or Retracted Buttstock" for these weapons, but there is for the G36C and SCAR-H.*The M4A1's stock is fully retracted, and no option to extend it is available, making the weapon look like its always set up for close-quarters.*Some weapons have different selectable trigger groups, others don't. The bolt-action rifles have a category for them, but you can't change anything, so why have the category at all? The Remington R5 has no select fire, despite being an AR-platform assault rifle.*I do not understand why there are multiple magazine models for 5.56. There's STANAG, PMAG and G36. Most rifles that are STANAG compatible can take PMAGs. Have one extended mag for 5.56, but different selectable styles (PMAG, STANAG, etc)*Assault rifles have no option for drum magazines, only 60 round quad casket magazines for STANAG (which only holds 50 rounds), despite C-Mags existing and being an option for many rifles.*The MG121 despite being equipped with rails, can barely accept any attachments and can't be suppressed.*Underbarrel grenade launchers are in the game, but underbarrel shotguns are not, which would be useful for breaching and close quarters without having to lug a SPAS-12 or Saiga around.*The TA31 ACOG that goes on sniper rifles and the ACOG that goes on assault rifles are two completely different scopes, despite looking identical. You can't mount the ACOG on an assault rifle once you remove it from the sniper rifle and replace it with a better scope. Its not just scopes; most attachments are weapon class specific; a laser sight meant for sniper rifles will not fit assault rifles, despite them having a rail mounting system.*Its painfully obvious that Ubisoft did little to no QA testing before they shipped out Wildlands. Attachments are in different provinces than what their text says (the POSP is in Koani, not Ocoro, the shotgun suppressor is in Inca Camina, not Mojocoyo, etc), certain gun attachments don't work properly (G36 folding stock is locked, despite unlocking the folding stock in Flor De Oro, SCAR-H shows extended mag when regular mag is equipped in third person, Micro T-1 and G33 is stated to be compatible with SMGs but this is not the case, AUG's 30 round magazine is laughably oversized). My favorite is the Type 95 in Remanzo having a "5.56 round belt box" when it clearly has a magazine and that is completely the wrong caliber for it (if you're curious, its 5.8x42mm)There's more, but these are the ones I have found so far (currently in Remanzo dismantling El Gato and the Smuggling operation, RIP Security) via /r/GhostRecon
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