knuckleupsblog · 10 months
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Earn money online just to post a link . $25.00 sign up bonus. $10.00 for every refferal. https://bit.ly/45iFzUB
paste the link in your search box
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shadows-of-almsivi · 1 year
(AO3 links: Text version here, and audio version here.)
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cupcraft · 2 years
cup why are u cumsmp now why r u the very thing u sought out to destroy
-sleepy uwu
Well sometimes sleepy I lose my bet because I underestimate my mutuals.
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yumethefrostypanda · 1 year
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// Lieutenant Riley
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Excuse the bad quality but with these kind of head shots/clips of Ghost, i like to focus on his eyes and (tip of his) nose to imagine his face(shape) ^_^ My thought's on Simon’s face (postlink inc.) was well received, thank yous :) Might do a part 2 (esp. when/if we get more skin to work with :3 not asking for a face reveal tho), since i haven't mentioned his nose and a possible face scar(s). We will be getting a campaign DLC (end of) this year, so more content *-*
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puppycheesecake · 11 months
hi there, this is from forever ago but in the nurse set (postlink: 701193159021035520) you posted, you had a rly cute nurse hat + stethoscope on ur sim. can i ask where u got them from? tysm!!!!
They're both from @1-800-cuupid's On Call set. :)
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saintmeghanmarkle · 10 months
SaintMeghanMarkle Correction about Meghan Markle visiting a marriage counsellor instead of the dentist by u/Negative_Difference4
SaintMeghanMarkle Correction about Meghan Markle visiting a marriage counsellor instead of the dentist Hello Sinners, happy weekend!Normally we wouldn't issue clarifications on individual posts. However, its come to my attention that the story of Meghan visiting a marriage counsellor instead of the dentist Is been used as a reference source in the Megxit community. Because people trust us as an accurate source, it is important to issue a mod response. Normally, if a post is false, the flair is changed to Fake News and no further action is taken.I can understand why the post was taken seriously, because I had pinned the post for a few hours on the sub. This probably added to its legitimacy. Why did I do that without any evidence? Quite simply, I f*cked up. The poster was considered to be a reliable source. I also made an assumption, based on my experience that dentists / GPs lease rooms to other services which reduces costs. Salons do that too. There were articles about Meghan and Harry going to counselling a few weeks ago by The News Pakistan on the sub / The Mirror. But the next morning, I saw that the user did not have any evidence to back up their claims. Thats why the other post was pinned with the details of the dentist.Address of where the pap stroll is alleged to have happened on 13th of August 2023 (last Sunday) with Meghan and her bodyguard: 2173 Ortega Hill Road, Summerland, California 93067, United States (Google maps)I also could see that while the dentist - Marc Alexander occupied the first floor (2nd floor in American). The Ground Floor was taken up by Storygize (a marketing company). However, Storygize has since moved, which is confirmed on Google Maps. Please note that what you are seeing on streetview on Google is from March 2019. There are no accurate visuals of the building as you walk around it. The latest visuals are available from the main roads only. I could see that there is a business called Teeny bikini carrying out beauty treatments (aesthetician). Basically, there are multiple businesses at this location. So I had to confirm if a counsellor / therapist could use a room in the building on an ad hoc basis.I can understand why the poster assumed that she was visiting a marriage therapist, because how else would she get the Nucalm patch? Dentists aren't known hand out mental health / sleep aids. But the post made no attempts to back their claims by facts. Others Sinners were left to scramble and fact check.To complicate things, there is a marriage counsellor registered to the same postcode as the dentist but it may not be that specific building. This information also looks like its out of date. There are also many other businesses that have since moved on from the Marc Alexander dentist building. For example the Chinese acupuncturist, Storygize etc.So to be sure if there is a marriage counsellor, clarification was sought. It can be confirmed that there is only a dentist, an aesthetician and a private gym at that building. It was confirmed that there is no marriage counsellor at that building currently or recently.This is the post with the FAKE NEWSThis is the more reliable postLink to tweet providing clarification post link: https://ift.tt/1qD8Lzb author: Negative_Difference4 submitted: August 19, 2023 at 12:01AM via SaintMeghanMarkle on Reddit
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mega-hustler-blog · 1 year
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wdmsolutionsuk · 1 year
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays
As we approach the Holiday season I’d just like to take this opportunity to thank all of our wonderful clients and wish you all a special holiday break and the best for 2023!
Suffolk Web Design and Marketing will be closing for the holiday period. We will not be responding to emails or other requests (except in emergencies) during this time. Please find details below:
Last day before Christmas shutdown – Wednesday 21st December 2022
Re-opening – Monday 2nd January 2023
Best wishes once again to all of you. Here’s to a happy and prosperous New Year!
John Reimann.
{Original Post|Originally Published|Source|Post Source|Article Source|Read More|Learn More|See More|Read Full Article} Here: %%postlink%% Originally published here: https://webdesignandmarketing.co.uk/mind-your-business/merry-christmas-2022/
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beyondtsh · 2 years
New Post Published - POSTTITLE
New Post has been published on https://beyondtshirts.net/es_template/new-post-published-posttitle/
New Post Published - POSTTITLE
Hello NAME,
We have published a new blog article on our website : POSTTITLE POSTIMAGE
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Thanks & Regards, Admin
You received this email because in the past you have provided us your email address : EMAIL to receive notifications when new updates are posted.
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Pinned post
link to the Masterpost of Flags link to the stamp masterpost masterlist of characters already done + links my main blog the creator of the banner the post I got the “not s&p approved” text from
Ground rules!: I'll accept or decline any request for any reason. (weird/inappropriate suggestion, already done, don't feel like it, ect). I'll probably do any reasonable request though! Probably will tell you if I won’t + what reason
What is this? It's one of those joke "your fave is [blank]" blogs that I made on a whimsy. You suggest a character, and I put your scrunkly bunkly on the flag with the caption, "X is not approved by S&P!"
Why would I want that? for the meme
What is S&P? S&P refers to Disney TV Standards and Practices Department. It's the department at Disney HQ that enforces their 'standards' for what airs on their program such as ethical and moral objections.
Expound! there was a flyer in an episode of Gravity Falls that advertised "bottles will be spun" at a Halloween party. Disney did not approve, as they overreacted to the flyer, taking it to mean it suggested a 'make out party'. Alex Hirsch, the creator of Gravity Falls, cheekily suggested that the line be replaced with "Not S&P Approved," and it was. Characters appearing in this blog therefore are characters that would upset the hoity-toity fat cats at The Mouse, Inc.
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study-van · 5 years
my posts
100 days of productivity (2018/2019)
summer study challenge (2020)
studyblr community challenge (2020)
zoomester studyblr challenge (2021)
wabi-sabi studyblr challenge (2021)
study tips
japanese vocab
mandarin chinese
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corrie-zodori · 3 years
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Finally did a proper concept thing for the Permafrost Neo AU thing I made! There's some important notes here + in the postlinked below. Someone asked for a ref so this is the closest thing to one I can scramble up. You can read up more on that here if you're interested: https://corrie-zodori.tumblr.com/post/666337487646523392/so-i-uh-had-an-idea-what-if-instead-of-dying ^^
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tsukopathe · 3 years
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Il est un peu temps que je fasse un brin de rangement dans mes pages… !
***EN RESUME :***
_____________ https://tsukopathe.tumblr.com/  _____________ 
vous êtes ici. On est bien hein ?
_________  https://www.instagram.com/tsukopathe/ _________ 
la page la plus active du moment, comme je ne fais plus que des colos tradi !
__________  https://www.deviantart.com/tsukopathe __________ 
là, pour que je reprenne du service, il faudra que la logisitque difitale se remette en route, ce sera pas pour tout de suite, par contre vous pouvez aller vous payer ma tronche avec des dessins parfois un peu limite ! (aaah, T@tsu...)
_______ https://www.facebook.com/simsuko.tsukopathe   ________ 
Mon facebook, ménage fait il n’y a plus mention de mes sautes d’humeur dues à mon ancien boulot (des heures, à virer toute cette hargne…), et ça se veut un endroit où je parle de mes animaux, de travaux en cours dans mon grenier/atelier, ou je postlink depuis Instagram (et tumblr et deviant art quand j’y postais encore). Donc c’est le HUB tsukopathe. Ze place tou bi.
***VOILA :***
C’est bien beau d’avoir eu envie de catégoriser mes pages suivant la « discipline artistique », m’enfin au final, n’ayant que peu communiqué, personne ne sait quel est mon rangement de pages !
En plus en arrivant sur tumblr, on a la même page que Instagram, naméo ! Ici c’était sensé être ma page WIP !
Alors peu à peu (ça va être long) les posts provenant d’Insta vont « disparaitre » de ma mainpage Tumblr. ET POURTANT vous continuerez à les voir arriver quelques minutes après Insta. Hallucination ? Sorcellerie ? Que nenni, j’ai flouzé Tumblr qui ne propose ni système pour n’inclure que certains posts sur la mainpage, ou exclure des posts avec un certain tag, ni de prendre des posts pour les mettre dans un sous blog, (bref j’ai testé mille moyens avant de trouver la faille, / !\attation, cadeau) : Chacun de mes posts provenant d’Insta sera édité, j’y ajoute un tag qui permettra de lui faire un regroupement quand même, PUIS j’édite sa date, et soit disant je l’ai posté en 1991. (nan nan, l’interface ne tique même pas…)
Ce qui fait que les posts Instagram vont se trouver à la fin de l’infinite scroll, mais pourtant continuer à apparaitre comme étant postés récemment dans vos dashboard. Pas la moindre idée de qui a codé ce bousin, m’enfin bon, ça marche.
La page Tumblr pourrait sous peu reprendre un peu d’activité, car après tout il y a beaucoup de dessins que je n’ai pas encore colorisé, des petites idées de comic strip que je me sens plus de faire en français…
… J’ESPERE. (parce que en moment je suis guillerette et optimiste tout ça, mais souvent flemme varie)
Bonne visite à tous !
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aesopcodes · 4 years
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Someone mentioned in the Jcink Community Corner discord if you can replace the postlinks but keep a link for the topic. I took a stab at it and this is where I’ve landed RE: removing the track this topic / email / print/ etc and replacing it with a link. You can probably place the html elsewhere? One option is to place it in postlinks and simply use .postlinksbar strong {display: none;} since all the track/email/print links are within the strong tag. Etc Etc. Just a random fun activity tbh.
CSS: <style>.postlinksbar {display: none;}.newtrack {display: block;}</style>
JS: (below board block)
<script>// Add subscription code by Aesopcodes // https://aesopcodes.tumblr.com
var postlinks = document.querySelector(".topic-desc");
postlinks.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeend", "<div class='newtrack'><a href='/index.php?act=Track&f=<!-- |input_f| -->&t=<!-- |input_t| -->'>Subscribe to this topic</a></div>");
print url = /index.php?act=Print&client=printer&f=<!-- |input_f| -->&t=<!-- |input_t| -->'
Info re: inserting html (afterbegin, afterend, beforebegin, beforeend). I’ve tested this on different sites and due to some css ‘issues’, I’ve had to use afterbegin on one and before end on another. Just fiddle.
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memfish88 · 4 years
🥇 How to Lower pH in Fish Tank
First of all, it is necessary to know the ideal pH level for your aquarium fish. As an example, the optimum pH for freshwater fish is between 5.5 and 7.5. But it all depends on the species of fish. Next, here are some tips How to Lower pH in Fish Tank, all without chemicals!
How to Lower pH in Fish Tank for you
Introduce peat
To start, add a concentrate of aquarium peat extract to a filter bag and then to your aquarium filtration system. Water is colored? Don’t panic, it’s completely normal. The peat will then release tannins for several weeks, thus gradually lowering the pH level of the water.
Introduce driftwood
Another alternative is available to you to lower the pH of the water in your aquarium: add driftwood, which you can find in pet stores. Indeed, the wood will act as a natural filter for the water , thus making it possible to reduce the pH. There too, the water will color, but this is in no way dangerous for your fish.
Be careful, however, that driftwood should not contain salt or chemicals, such as heavy metals. These are deadly for your fish!
Introduce Catappa leaves
Catappa leaves come from the badamier fruit tree, also called the Indian almond tree. They have recently been used by aquarists for their many properties.
Indeed, not only would they make it possible to reduce the pH of the water, but in addition they would have an anti-oxidant, anti-stress, anti-parasitic or even anti-bacterial effect . Even better, thanks to them, the immune system of the fish would be strengthened.
Diffuse Co2
Thanks to a Co2 diffusion system, it is possible to lower the pH of your fish tank. The installation of such a system is relatively expensive, but it allows us to obtain a more precise result.
Avoid over-stirring the water
Even if the stirring of the water is essential for its good oxygenation, it is still recommended not to do it excessively.
Check the aquarium accessories
Some accessories that you have introduced into your aquarium can change the pH of the water. For example, a stone that is too limestone. Therefore, remember to check that the decor elements as well as the substrate are neutral.
You will like also : https://memfish.net/
Source article:% POSTLINK%
source https://memfish.net/how-to-lower-ph-in-fish-tank/
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