#pot lotus seeds
morethansalad · 8 months
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Vegan Chinese Hot Pot (Shabu-Shabu)
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0rgy-of-terr0r · 2 years
I finally got aquatic plant potting medium in the mail today and I’m so excited to transfer the baby lotus’ to their new container.😭🪷✨
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friend-crow · 3 months
Lotus farming update: I have moved the first four lotuses to their new "pond" outside!
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I sprouted the seeds indoors in this little glass bowl thing. The first leaf unfurled over the last 3 days, but the weather was so hot today that three more unfurled all in one day.
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These fucks got super long super fast, which made untangling them a pain in the ass. I managed to do it without breaking any stems, though. Where you see the roots sprouting is what will grow into a tuber this summer (fingers crossed), which I will hopefully be able to overwinter in the basement, then plant next spring to get flowers next summer. I'll probably just get leaves this year.
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Behold my mud! I have very heavy clay soil in my garden, which I spent the last couple weeks processing to remove most of the organic material (floaty -- makes pond murky) and rocks (are rocks).
I planted 3 of the lotuses in one of the larger containers and topped it with sand, which keeps the soil from making the water murky (it never did settle enough for the water to become clear when I was in the processing stage).
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The fourth lotus went into its own little pot, then both planted pots went into the big tub, which I filled with enough water to cover the pots and let the leaves float. I'd left the water sitting out in 5 gallon buckets the last couple days so it would be warm.
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I'll probably add more water once I've got the rest of the lotuses planted, but I don't know that I'll ever fill this thing to the brim, since I'll need to change the water from time to time, and it's gonna be fucking heavy. The reason for putting the lotuses in containers within the "pond" is that I can just lift them out when I want to replace the water.
Here's hoping the raccoons don't rip this shit apart tonight.
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itsabouttimex2 · 5 months
Can you make lmk Yandere nezha? There is little much about Yandere nezha and if they are, it's almost likely to be romantic yandere:(
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Yandere Letters:
Ne Zha
(Written with the use of a feathery quill from a fenghuang and a pot of very expensive ink, the handwriting is immaculate. The paper is scented with a lotus perfume, the floral scent emanating even through the thick envelope. A pink wax seal stamped with the prince’s signature flower binds the paper flap shut. There’s only one mistake through the whole letter- the way your “true” name has been crossed out and corrected to your preferred name. Ne Zha has been very careful about not using it- it puts you in a bad mood.)
Gibbon Y/N, I pray that this letter finds you safely, as do I pray that you are doing well in my absence. I hope you do not think of me as cruel for leaving so suddenly. Thought the Celestial Court has not yet become familiar to you, my belief is that you may, in time, come to enjoy your new home. By my prior instructions, food will be delivered to the Lotus Palace three times a day, left on the fountain at the garden.
I ask firmly that you go no further than that when you leave to retrieve the bundles.
There will be food for both you and the few monkeys you have brought to the court with with you, Y/N, so “foraging” will not be an excuse I accept. You needn’t go any further than the fountain. Get your supplies, and quickly return inside.
Forgive me if this sounds strict. I know you feel overwhelmed by being in the Celestial Court. And that you often miss your home. I hadn’t meant to get dragged into such trouble and leave you on your own before you had even adjusted to this new way of living.
Perhaps when I return we may be able to go out and retrieve several plant samples from your old home. I will help you to propagate and root them, and perhaps when they sprout your room might feel more like home.
All you need do is obey me and refrain from any misbehavior, my little lotus seed.
I will see you soon. I hope to hear that you have been keeping well out of trouble.
-Third Lotus Prince, Ne Zha
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lyselkatzfandomluvs · 8 months
Mysterious Lotus Casebook 蓮花樓
Spicy goji and lotus seed soup
Recipe from the official drama artbook
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Prepare the lotus seeds* let it soak in water a little. Wash some rice** and put it in the pot covered with water up to half the pot, add the lotus seeds when the water is boiling. Let it stew on low heat. (Play with the dog a bit, weed the plants some) Add some dry chili, goji berries and rock sugar. Gulu*** a little and it's ready!
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Personal Notes:
*I you use dry seeds, soak in water for the night, save the fragrant water for the soup, open the seeds to remove the sprout otherwise it will give a very bitter taste to your dish.
**just a handful, or it won't be a soup. I'd suggest using glutinous rice, it taste better for sweet soups, or at least round rice ("sushi rice")
***when it's boiling again
- Traditional Chinese Medicine would recommend serving this hot but it should be tasty as a cold treat as well.
- The title says 麻辣 so it implies the use of sichuan/mala pepper 花椒. You can try if you enjoy the taste. (I personally dislike it and that's my main issue with ShìChuan cuisine, I can't have the 辣🌶 without the abundance of 麻.)
- If you don't trust HuaHua's bìchá-poison-damaged eyesight "creativity", replace the chili with dry red date/jujube 紅棗 to make this dish more traditional.
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thaylepo · 1 month
I've been super into repotting all my propogating houseplants and growing seeds from grocery store fruit for shits and giggles this summer.
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Pictured are my many lil jade plant babies, my red currant tree that has survived and regrown from someone (not me) putting it into a storage unit for winter while it was still green and leafing (pro tip: make sure ppl caring for your potted trees while you are off in a different town for college know not to heckin do that), and my lil baby dragonfruit cacti in their Humidity Bins because it is dry as a popcorn fart where I live.
(Another pro tip: don't forget to open the bins, as pictured properly here, when placing them outside in the morning sun for some good good UV -- this avoids literally steam-cooking your poor innocent baby cacti. That one's on me. I won't show you a pic of the resulting carnage, but suffice to say about half survived. Luckily dragonfruit seeds are super easy to germinate like this and can be bought in the literal thousands for the low low price of 7.99 per a single fruit at safeway.)
But by far the most consequential of this summer's fucking around and finding out is this:
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Context: So the downstairs bathroom where I live has a dried flower arrangement in it (i live with a lady in her 60s, it is her house). Said flower arrangement includes these:
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(apologies to anyone with trypophobia.)
These are lotus seed pods, for those who do nor know. Large ones. These ones are only a bit smaller than the palm of my hand, and they come from this flower:
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(Unsourced pinterest photo with live human being for scale. Note the corresponding palm-sized seed pods.)
Five days ago I found one of the seeds from these pods on the bathroom floor, idly looked up some how-to instructions, and I think you have all you need to put the rest of this story together.
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After only two days in water, I was forced to confront what I, primarily a succulant and cactus grower, might have gotten myself into.
Some people are born great, some acheive greatness, and others fuck around with seeds from a tropical water plant that have been known to still germinate after 200 years without thinking of what exactly they'll do if it actually grows, and find themselves unprepared for the responsibility of what will become the water-garden version of Jack's fucking beanstalk.
I'm naming it Audrey II. Updates will follow.
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aqricus · 2 years
FIRST AID KISS ! feat. tighnari
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V SAYS . . . “you keep tighnari on his toes with two things: your lack of care for your well-being, and your . . . spontaneity.”
+ WC . . . 4.4k
+ MINORS DNI. fem reader. fluff. mentions of sex. messy kisses for your boy. <3 i slapped this together in a few hours to kill time since i’ve been so inactive on here recently. pls i’m so tired skfmdks. SEVERELY unedited.
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you know tighnari hears you before you enter. 
you can tell by the way one of the sleek, sable-colored ears crowning the top of his head is already swiveled in your direction before the sole of your leather boot can cross the threshold of his private workspace, twitching attentively despite his eyes being focused on the fresh kalpalata lotus cradled in his palms. you nudge the ajar door shut behind you with your heel and adjust your grip on the wicker basket clutched in your arms, ignoring the stray pieces of hardened reed pricking at the exposed skin on your arms.
“i’m back,” you announce, voice a tad breathless from the lengthy trek you’d made back from gathering samples, and tighnari finally draws his attention away from the flower to return a warm smile of welcome. his eyes are fond as they trace over you with a familiarity you’ve grown to adore, and his smile blooms into a chuckle at the sight of your disheveled appearance, complete with sullied attire and a delicate sheen of perspiration glazing your forehead. 
“i was beginning to think you’d gotten lost out there,” his remark is light-hearted as he gingerly places the lotus into an empty petri dish. “did you find the samples i asked for? they—careful, watch your step.” his equable tone spikes with urgency as he notices the empty pot he’d haphazardly placed on the floor for the sake of a time-sensitive emergency earlier, but you simply step over it without noticing.
“what?” you blink at him, ignorant of the twisted ankle you could’ve potentially suffered.
for a moment, he’s silent, the withdrawal of his hand slow and almost reluctant. “uh . . . nothing, never mind.”
you hum acquiescently at his dismissal and set the basket atop the wooden surface beside the kalpalata lotus. nimble fingers peel back the layers of moist cloth encapsulating the tiny, vermillion seedlings you’d harvested, a proud grin playing on your lips as you display the fruits of your labor to your boyfriend. “i found what you wanted!” you pluck a single seed from the collection and roll it between your fingertips. “you weren’t kidding when you said they were rare. it took me hours to find them.”
tighnari doesn’t respond for a moment, and you’re too preoccupied with examining the seedling to notice the way he’s observing you instead, samples cast to the backburner of his mind as his gaze peruses your body once more—this time, more intently, as if committing your current state to memory. your knee-high boots are now caked with tacky mud and plastered with a variegated patchwork of soggy leaves and tendrils of moss, black laces filthy beyond remedy. your clothes aren’t in any better of a condition, wrinkled and begrimed and a small incision ripped across one of the seams in the right side of your shorts. did you snag them on a twig? tighnari’s ears prick attentively when his eyes snag on a discolored scrape arching up your thigh, framed by splotches of dirt and a couple more shallow scratches threaten to bead with ruby at the slightest wrong movement. or, did you fall?
“aren’t they pretty?” blissfully unaware of his scrutinization, you place the seed in your palm and extend your hand to show him, but it takes him a moment before he’s able to pull his attention away from you and half-heartedly focus on the seed with a clearing of his throat.
“they’re quite unique,” he agrees. “they appear very similar to sunflowers when they bloom and only do so at night, which makes them quite remarkable.” his gaze subconsciously flickers back to your leg, and his voice softens before he realizes it, wrought with concern and a bit hushed. “but . . . hey, did you fall? your thigh is all scratched up.”
“oh!” your eyes glint with a flash of clarity, as if it’d somehow managed to slip your mind during the journey home. a smile blossoms upon your lips, radiant and untroubled, despite your boyfriend’s obvious disquiet. “yeah, it’s no big deal. i wasn’t paying attention and ended up tripping over a root, that’s all.” you assure him with a breezy gesture of your hand. your gaze averts from his as you place the seed among the other before delicately swathing them in the damp cloth, and your hand lingers upon the swaddled seeds as you inform him, “i’ll tend to the scrapes on my own.”
“nonsense,” your eyes widen slightly at the stern edge sharpening tighnari’s tone, and his refusal is further cemented by the single, decisive swish of his tail as he slides the wicker basket to the opposite side of the counter and insistently pats the empty space with a gloved hand. “hop up here so i can take a look.”
“tighnari . . .” over time, he’s learned to recognize this particular tone of yours—that little, saccharine drawl of his name you typically wield to weasel something you want out of him, whether it’s approval to accompany him into uncharted territory or the green light to caress the ears crowning his head. he’s wholly aware of your next move before you can even open your mouth, undoubtedly to claim that you’re okay and persuade him into letting you off the hook. so, he nips the issue in the bud.
your next words fizzle away into a small gasp when one of his hands clamps down on your waist, firm enough for his fingertips to dimple the soft flesh just above the delicate curve of your pelvic bone through your clothes, yet not tight enough to cause you pain. for the next few moments, all you can do is sense—feel the gentle whisper of the flower petals adorning his shoulder over your bare arm and smell the aromatic, kaleidoscopic explosion of crushed herbs and crisp rainwater that clings, ever-present, to his attire—as he leans closer, reaching past you to drag forward a wooden stool sitting just behind you. 
you barely have time to register the unforeseen closeness in proximity before he’s withdrawing with a pensive twitch of his ears and a casual instruction of, “here would probably be ideal, considering the location of the wounds.” he doesn’t even bother to allow you to intervene, let alone look at you—although, with way the positioning of his hand combined with his adamancy to care for you is beginning to tug at the corners of your lips and spark tiny bolts of electricity that crackle and fizzle in the pit of your stomach, you figure that perhaps his blissful ignorance is for the best. you do your best to veil the elation and warmth bubbling in your chest by silently complying with his wishes, voice unreliable; but, you aren’t able to suppress the tiny, satisfied smile that crosses your lips as tighnari’s deft fingers shimmy the material up your thigh.
“is something on your mind?” tighnari has always been perceptive—in fact, it was one of the qualities that initially drew you to him, a sense of reverence and wonder toward his ability to detect discrete changes in his visual surroundings, the vibrations rattled off vocal cords, and even the chemical balances of the living beings he elects to analyze. in the time you’ve known him, you’ve rarely been able to sneak anything by him, whether they’re emotions, desires, or concerns; so, you honestly aren’t quite sure why you’re surprised to find his gaze already trained on your expression when you’re snapped back to the present. your tongue wilts, heavy and unwieldy, as his hazel eyes bore into yours, and you merely shake your head, smile earnest.
“no?” he quirks a brow. he knows you aren’t being truthful, you can see it in his eyes, but he doesn’t press the matter. “then, perhaps you can hand me one of those cloths over there.”
“tighnari,” you begin, but you stretch your arm across the wooden surface to pluck a single cloth from the meticulously folded stack, anyway. “y’know, it really isn’t that bad,” you chuckle. “none of them even broke the skin.”
at first, all tighnari does is hum as he vanishes from your side to locate clean water to soak the cloth in, and he doesn’t answer until he returns. “while there may not be any blood present, it is still crucial that you treat the wounds. this one right here,” he hovers his fingertip over a particularly long scrape etched into the flesh further down your thigh, “is dangerously close to bleeding. if you’d fallen with even a little more force, i’m certain you’d have an open wound—superficial, but open.”
goosebumps erupt over your skin at the frigid touch of the damp cloth as he begins wiping off the dirt framing the edges of your wounds, and you shiver. “maybe so, but aren’t you busy?” the touch of your index finger against his shoulder stills him, and as he straightens up, your hand falls away. “you’ve got a lot going on. anyone can tell.” you remind him, and the tip of his right ear twitches. “i’m serious, you don’t have to do this. i can sit right here and take care of it while you work.”
from the jump, you never expected him to patch up every little cut and scrape you endured; and, perhaps that’s part of the reason why tighnari doesn’t have any qualms about doting on you to this extent. you’ve always been so prepared to assist him and fling yourself headlong into his work alongside him—volunteering yourself to run errands for him, wading through riverbanks thick with mud on the search for elusive amphibians, and even recording all of his methods and instructions so you can tend to ill or injured creatures in his stead whenever he’s absent. he can think of a vast number of people who would kill to have the opportunity to have someone so devoted in their lives, and he knows that it should please him; but, it doesn’t—not when you shoulder all of his priorities except for one.
he can’t recall the amount of times you’d voluntarily swap your safety for a quick snap of success, returning to his abode utterly filthy and bruised to hell with a jar of tadpoles or set of floral samples whose importance, without a doubt, paled in comparison to your physical wellbeing. being the one to insist on taking on the jobs, you never really minded and would always rival his concern with a glowing smile and a gait unhindered by any of the injuries littering your skin; but, not even your glacé reassurances are capable of nullifying his worries forever.
“your wellbeing takes precedence, and you’d be foolish to think otherwise.” he fishes a small, circular tin from the top drawer of his desk and unscrews the lid. he doesn’t return his attention to you as he swiftly swipes his pinky finger through the sweet-scented salve contained within, but he can still sense the weight of your gaze. “the flowers can wilt.” he spreads a sparing amount of the ointment over each individual scrape. “and, the amoebas can die. but you . . .” he finally meets your eyes, and you can feel heat trickling over the cusps over your ears at the certainty glimmering, crystal-clear, among murky puddles of coalesced oak-brown and forest-green, “you cannot.” there is no solemnity or grimness in his expression, only an easy confidence accompanied by upturned eyebrows and a neutral expression, as if he is speaking of a matter as simple as predicting the forecast—as if this is something he’s expecting you to already be wholly aware of. he only holds your gaze for only a moment longer before his attention bounces back down to your thighs, and he taps your knee. “spread your legs for me.”
“what?” your eyes round. “why?”
“not like that!” tighnari snaps, but you can tell that the implications of his words aren’t lost on him, either, based on the twitch of his ruffled tail and the way your knees are suddenly apparently far more intriguing to him than anything else. “there’s one last cut i haven’t gotten to. it’s further toward your inner thigh, whereas all the others were either front and center or along the lateral side.”
“it’s not a cut,” you shoot back. “it’s still not bleeding.”
“did you even know it was there?” tighnari’s brows arch as he glances up at you; and, the indignant huff that’s forced from your lips is the only answer he requires before he’s gripping your knee. “i didn’t think so.” the only resistance he receives from you is an intelligible series of mumbles as he eases your thighs further apart. 
fortunately, you don’t squirm or contest his decisions as he cleanses and applies the healing salve to the final wound. you remain quiet, but he can still feel the indignation emanating off you in waves as your eyes slit skeptically at his actions and your arms weave together over your chest. he cracks a small smile. always durable, always independent, yet he can still sense the soft fondness underlying your gaze as you observe him.
“you’re good to go,” he announces with a shuffle backward. you don’t hesitate to slide off the stool, soiled boots landing on the maplewood floorboards with a dull thump. “don’t change your clothes until the salve has time to soak in, or else we’ll—or rather, i—will have to start all over again. and, be careful when you walk upstairs. don’t let it smudge onto your other leg.”
“yes, sir,” you remark wryly, but you don’t bother to disguise the upward quirk of the corners of your lips as you tilt your head in his direction. “how horrible, indeed, it would be to have your hands all over my thighs again.”
tighnari snorts, and he angles his face away just before you have time to discern any changes in his expression, occupying himself with slipping the tin of ointment back into the drawer before rummaging around the controlled chaos for something else. you frown and pensively dig the toe of your boot into the floor. pity.
the small noise of realization that arises from you is the only warning tighnari receives before his ears swivel attentively at a string of quiet footsteps swiftly beelining towards his turned back. the final step is punctuated by the graze of a single finger beneath his chin, index finger hooking beneath his jaw to redirect his head to the side in one fluid movement. already aware of your presence, he doesn’t think to parry your touch or even question it, expecting perhaps a simple, chaste kiss planted on his cheek or lips or even a set of arms wrapped around him.
what he didn’t anticipate was the soft press of your chest against his, accompanied by a pair of lips slotting against his in a fiery kiss that couldn’t be further from the innocent smooch he’d envisioned. the tip of your tongue caresses the slender expanse of his bottom lip, laving over the slightly chapped flesh to coax his jaw into yielding. a quiet, pitched hum of surprise is kicked from the base of his throat at the sensation of your tongue delving past his ajar lips, and his muscles tense against the feeling of your nimble fingers twisting the hem of his hoodie into your closed fist. his ears erect, pointed and stiff and bleeding with heat beneath the thick layer of dark fur, when the hand resting idly beneath his chin begins to move, ticklish fingertips snaking down the porcelain column of his throat to wind around the back of his neck and draw him almost impossibly closer. 
his mind whirls at the onslaught of affection, body scorching with heat, and he can’t help but find this situation somewhat reminiscent of another—an occurrence he cannot quite place or recall in the heat of the moment. but, the sensation of your lips constricting around his tongue to suckle almost painstakingly gently on it discards the inkling almost as soon as it appears, wiping his mind blank until all he can do is allow himself to be engulfed in your presence, your touch—everything. tingly bolts of electricity arch down his spine, and his jaw twitches reflexively, sinking lower to allow you the freedom to move about him as you please. he can’t subdue the shiver that wracks his muscles at the light graze of your teeth against the sensitive muscle, nor can he silence the soft whine that rolls off his vocal cords when your grip tightens on his shirt. you shift toward him once more, sealing your lips over his once more to effectively swallow up all of the tiny sounds that spill from his throat.
you’ve initiated a fair amount of affectionate gestures in the time you’ve been his partner, but rarely have you ever approached him like this—all messy, sloppy kisses and bold invasions of his space to sap the strength from his knees and snatch up control in one fell swoop. considering how busy he’s always been, you typically prefer to transition smoothly into exchanges such as these, easing him into the mood and preparing him for what you want from him via teasing ministrations or outright requests. but this—he barely had time to think, let alone react. but, as he feels himself melting into the kiss, returning your gesture with identical fervor and a newfound heat stirring in his chest, he decides that while certainly unexpected, he supposes he could find an appeal in spontaneity as well.
his hands finally slip away from their place draped motionlessly over the edge of the drawer, lifting to blindly seek purchase along your figure. there’s a sense of desperation neither of you can deny in the way one of his hands tightens around your upper arm, fingertips roughened by countless hours of research and grueling field work pressing indents into your supple flesh just beneath the cuff of your sleeve to keep you pinned in place. your skin is overly warm, and so is his, housing twin flames that thrum and writhe with life and desire, each fueled by the other until your bodies are swathed in a heat so intense tighnari can feel a single pearl of perspiration trickle down the length of his spine.
his other hand slithers around your waist, fingers just barely dipping past the waistband of your shorts, and the delicate sigh of content that feathers past your lips as you relax against his chest has his ears folding back slightly. he indulges you—or, rather, perhaps it is you who indulges him. neither of you are quite positive who is more eager, each sloppy kiss complemented and doubled until tighnari can feel the first traces of excess saliva beginning to pool on the cusp of his lips.
although, he finds that it truly doesn’t matter, because after a few more moments, you withdraw entirely. it’s almost downright sinful, the way your eyes maintain their innocuous, teasing glimmer when they bounce up to meet his, as if you hadn’t just siphoned his soul directly from his lips. still ensnared in the moment, tighnari makes an attempt to pursue your lips, but you angle your chin upward before he can succeed, placing a quick peck to the bridge of his nose instead.
“what are you—” tighnari begins, but his voice is breathy and bears no real demand.
“i forgot to kiss you hello when i came in.” you reveal. you relinquish your hold on his shirt, but your touch doesn’t stray too far, drifting down to settle on his hip. “so, i thought i would combine it with my ‘thank you’ kiss.” you grin.
for a moment, all tighnari does is stare blankly at you, a tiny, disbelieving smile twitching to life upon his lips. a hello kiss? a thank you kiss? you’re screwing with him, surely. you have to be. that kiss was far too intimate—far too messy and heated—for it to be for something so trivial. you must have an ulterior motive. you don’t kiss someone like that unless—
all at once, he’s sparked with a moment of recollection, a split-second realization where he’s finally able to remember why the situation initially seemed so familiar. the kiss you exchanged was identical to the one shared two nights ago when he had you spread out under him, legs locked around his waist to keep yourself anchored while the flushed tip of his cock bullied your g-spot with crippling accuracy. he can still envision the way your fingernails etched pale scarlet crescents into his shoulders, your entire body convulsing as you moaned against his lips, demanding more! more! between each greedy kiss that left rivulets of saliva cleaving through a translucent sheen of sweat that layered both of your bodies. 
“cum inside me!” you’d whimpered. “fuck—please, i want it all. need to feel you.”
tighnari stiffens at the memory, ears swiveling to stand at attention once more. “wh—” he clenches his jaw at the incriminating wave of heat that sweeps through his systems, only to scoff at your poor attempt at concealing the knowing smile playing on your lips. you’re clearly more than aware of what you’re doing. “you’re horrible.” he gripes, but there’s no genuine venom detected in his tone. you laugh. his tail swishes sharply, and he reaches out, briefly pressing his fingertip into the center of your forehead. “not to mention, still injured.” 
“only kind of!” you insist and move to bat his hand away, but he’s quicker, shifting his wrist to block your strike.
“your legs are all scratched up!” he argues.
“barely! none of them even broke the skin! you said so yourself,” you fire back. “i still need to—”
“what you need to do is change your clothes and sit down.” 
“fine!” you huff, but tighnari knows you well enough to understand that you mean no simple acquiescence. “but, only if you come with me.”
“and, why, praytell, do i need to go with you?” he folds his arms.
your hands flutter animatedly, and tighnari sighs, already predicting the utter nonsense you’re about to spew. “because! you keep going on and on about how bad my injuries are, so obviously i need you to accompany me! what if i pass out? what if i fall and can’t get up?”
“it builds character.”
“tighnari!” your eyes widen in protest, but the momentary fit of laughter that wracks your body refutes the existence of any genuine hurt.
“you’re so obnoxious.” he snorts, but his hand is warm against your skin as his fingers coil around your wrist.
he rolls his eyes at your playful smile and the exaggerated, dreamy sigh that succeeds it, but you ignore it, deciding to continue teasing him. “you just saved my life, tighnari. i hope you know that. how fortunate i am that you love me, or else you’d surely leave me for dead.”
“you’re pushing it,” he huffs, but he can’t help the ghost of a fond smile that crosses his lips. it’s faint and nearly indiscernible, yet most certainly present.
because, you are, indeed, correct.
beneath all of his pointed remarks and no-nonsense attitude, he does love you—probably more than you’ll ever be capable of realizing.
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madam-kumo · 11 months
A Sunsettia a Day Makes the Doctor Stay
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Baizhu x Qiqi's mother figure reader
(Warnings: A little graphic descriptions of illness and uses feminine descriptions and pronouns)
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"Qiqi needs violet grass"
Qiqi said to the man at the counter in her usual monotoned voice. "I'm sorry little one, but where are your parents?" Baizhu said, looking over the counter to look her in the eye. "I have mora, I just need violet grass" Qiqi persisted handing the small pouch to the green haired man. Baizhu sighed but handed her her a pouch and her mora back.
"It's free, but what do you need it for?" Baizhu asked, resting his chin while pitying the young girl. Qiqi looked down at the violet pouch with the plant inside, wondering why he gave it to her for free. "Mother is sick and I need to make her something- but I forgot" Qiqi said, her eyebrows furrowing in frustration. She knew you were suffering, but she couldn't remember what she had to make.
Baizhu stared at the girl in pity and walked around the corner of the table to crouch next to the small girl. "How about I help you. I am a doctor after all" He said with a gentle smile gracing his lips. Qiqi nodded and grabbed the doctors hand to pull him from the pharmacy.
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After much walking through the forest, they reach a small hut surrounded by flowers. The flowers were gorgeous but the hut itself looked like it would collapse any minute. The wood looked rickety and splintered and even the doorway was closing in. Baizhu cautiously walked through the entry way to further inspect the home while Qiqi walked past him and sat in front of some bedding on the floor.
Baizhu walked over to her to see you. He slightly cringed at the sight. Your fingers and cheeks were an almost green or blue, lacking warmth or proper blood flow. If it weren't for your shaky and raspy breathing, he would've assumed you were dead. He set down his medical kit and checked your pulse; it was weak but still there. "Qiqi, take these and mix them into a tea with the violet grass" Baizhu commanded while handing her some Sunsettia seeds and lotus root.
She nodded and went over to a small fireplace to start boiling water in a bowl hanging on a branch. She could hear the doctor using various medical tools on you behind her, the clanking of metal on the wood floor made her flinch. She hated the fact that she couldn't be genuinely sad for you. Why must she be stuck in a constant husk of a human? Qiqi dropped the ingredients into the pot and allowed them to soak in the boiling water before pouring it into a small wooden bowl.
Qiqi steps back over to you and Baizhu and hands the doctor the hot concoction. Baizhu lifts the back of your head and proceeds to help you drink the medicine. You struggled to swallow the liquid but was eventually able to down it without puking it up.
"That should assist in the healing process, I'll give you a prescription and, Qiqi," Baizhu calls over to the young girl. "Make sure your mother takes the medicine everyday, okay?" Qiqi nods and takes the medicine bottle from the doctor.
Qiqi is a bit taken aback when she receives a pat on the head from Baizhu. "Thank you for helping me, Qiqi! If you ever need something, feel free to see me at the pharmacy." Baizhu praises. Qiqi's eyes glimmered from the compliment as she gave him a ghost of the smile and nodded.
She couldn't help but feel a warmth in her chest when he smiled. It reminded her of a past lover of yours. He was like Baizhu in his personality but after you got sick, he left without a word or even a note. Qiqi felt scared at the sudden warmth and had to hold herself back from flinching.
She didn't want you to be left alone again. But Qiqi stayed strong for you; she couldn't have you being disappointed because she misbehaved.
After Baizhu had given Qiqi a recipe for her mother's medicine, he soon left with a smile. She gave him a smile and walked back inside of the shack to sit next to you. Qiqi could already the color returning to your face and your breath was evening out.
She couldn't help but smile for the first time in a while for finally seeing progress in your recovery. If she was still a little human girl, maybe she would've let out a tear or two. But, alas, she just closed her dull eyes and huddled up next to you, before drifting off into a peaceful slumber.
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To say you were doing well was an understatement. In fact, you had been doing the best then you had in a very long time! You were now able to go on walks with Qiqi to get violet grass and was able to do what you loved most, garden. You're flowers were blossoming again, even the dead ones had some how regrown the better you got.
However, Qiqi had become much more clingy. She had been glued to your side every since you had taken on the role of a parental figure for her, listening to your every request and interest. Even when she forgot, she would willingly write notes to remember things about you.
Qiqi had told you about the "Nice doctor who had given her violet grass for free" and you were immediately suspicious. When she said he didn't take any form of charge for it, you made an effort to go pay for it yourself, after all you had grown some violet grass during your recover. It'd be best to give it back to him. After all, Liyue was the region of contracts, there had to be some sort of pay.
So, here you are, walking up the stairs of Bubu's Pharmacy holding Qiqi's hand. Qiqi's eyes lit up a bit when she saw the familiar green haired doctor and was quick to guide you to him. "Qiqi's back..." She said as she stood on her tippy toes to see over the counter.
"Ah! Welcome, Qiqi- and I see you're doing well, miss" The man said with a smile. You also noticed the white snake wrapped around his neck and couldn't help but admire its ruby eyes. "Yes, I greatly appreciate what you did for me and my daughter... but how much were the supplies?" You asked hesitantly. Baizhu only chuckled. "No need, Miss. You were in a dire situation... I need no payment."
But still, you persisted. Eventually, he sighed and gave in. "Fine, If you're so dead set on paying, how about... 500 mora?"
You were a bit taken aback from his price. Hell, his price was cheaper than groceries much less medicine! "Alright, Here" Even though she felt bad about under paying, you handed him the bag of mora. "How about... I invite you over for dinner?" you asked, desperately wanting to pay him fully.
He chuckled and smirked. "Are you asking me out on a date, miss?" Baizhu teased. Your face flushed a bit and you were at a loss for words, not really knowing how to retaliate. Baizhu laughed again. "Don't worry, I'll be over tomorrow night" He said with a wink and a smile.
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genshinresource · 2 years
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Genshin Impact Serenitea Pot Furnishings (1/?): Flora
Dreambloom: Star Hibiscus Seed
Dreambloom: Pearbell Seed
Dreambloom: Silkpod Seed
Autumn Star Hibiscus
Noontide Silkpod
Fluorescent Pearbell
Spring Dew Star Hibiscus
Dawnrouge Silkpod
Greenhat Pearbell
Violet Silk Star Hibiscus
Twilight Silkpod
Sandbank Lotus Pearbell
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talonabraxas · 5 months
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Origin of Lord Brahma | Brahma Mantra
Lord Brahma is one of the supreme God of Trinity other two are Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva. He is referred to as the creator of the universe. He created the Earth and everything that flourishes on it. His divine consort Goddess Saraswati presents Him with expertise to run the universe that's necessary for the manner of introduction.
Lord Brahma is called the father of Manu from whom all beings got here into existence. Lord Brahma is regularly perceived as Prajapati, a Vedic divine being. He is also considered as the Lord of Speech and Sound. Although He is not worshipped as usually and broadly as other Gods, He is a distinguished divine discern in Hinduism and mythology. Lord Brahma is depicted as the ruler of Brahmaloka, the greatest heaven where best the perfect resides. In the temples built for worship of Lord Shiva and Lord Vishnu, the walls within the north have an area wherein He is worshipped. Goddess Saraswati is His consort consequently worshipping them may also bless one with expertise, understanding and mind.
Lord Brahma's vahana is the Swan, that's an image of grace. The Swan is blessed with Neera-Ksheera Viveka, a distinctive feature that enlightens us to detach the coolest from the evil and then apprehend that that is precious and abandon the whole thing that is evil or futile.
Origin of Lord Brahma Lord Bramha is said to be the son of God. It is stated that first Brahmand, the universe created the water wherein the seed of lifestyles become positioned. The seed in the end grew and converted right into a golden egg out of which "Hiranyagarbha" i.E., Lord Bramha took birth. There is any other tale which depicts the foundation of Lord Brahma as a self-born God from a lotus flower which grew out of Lord Vishnu's navel and changed into born to create the whole universe and devise the grand plan of its life.
Lord Bramha later created Manas Putras within the shape of Prajapatis to end up the father of the human race. Even Dharma and Adharma, Krodha, Lobha are stated to exist through Lord Brahma.
Symbolism & Appearance of Lord Brahma Lord Brahma is always clad in crimson garments and is depicted having 4 heads, 4 faces and 4 palms. As He is the Creator of all beings, He does now not carry weapons in any of his palms. He is regularly mentioned as having white beard that symbolizes the nature of His life. The top right hand has a rosary and the higher left contains an ebook, the lower left has a kamandalu or water-pot and the lower right hand bestows advantages towards absolutely everyone who seeks safe haven. Each hand has its very own representation wherein the beads are the substance via which creation came about, the e book indicates know-how and the water pot symbolizes nature and living essence of life. The 4 faces which continuously chant every veda “ Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva, represent all sacred understanding that exists. The fingers constitute the 4 instructions of the introduction and hold Brahma to be the one Omnipresent Lord of the universe.
Lord Brahma Worship Lord Brahma is stated to be less outstanding when it comes to worship amongst other deities but has symbolic temples that are hugely worshipped by means of His fans. In Hindu religion, Lord Brahma is taken into consideration to be the most vital deity as thru Him the complete human race comes into being. Here are some of the mantras which are used to praise and worship Lord Brahma.
Brahma Stuti Mantra: "Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah, Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namah."
Meaning : Lord Brahma, the writer is the instructor and is very best among all different Gods. He is verily Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva himself. I provide my salutations to such a guru.
Brahma Bija Mantra "Aum Satchit Ekam Brahma" "Om Eim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma"
Meaning : I offer my prayers to Lord Bramha who is one with the universe
Brahma Gayatri Mantra "Om Chathur mukhaya Vidmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayath" "Om Vedathmanaya vidmahe, Hiranya Garbhaya Dheemahi, Thanno Brahma prachodayath"
Meaning: Lord Brahma, the writer is the instructor and is very pleasant amongst all distinctive Gods. He is verily Lord Vishnu and Lord Shiva himself. I provide my salutations to this type of guru.
Mantra 1 ॥ ॐ ऐं ह्रीं श्रीं क्लीं सौह सतचिद एकं ब्रह्माे ॥ “Om Aim Hrim Shrim Klim Sauh Satchid Ekam Brahma”
Meaning: " Brahma is the one supreme and absolute consciousness "
Mantra 2 ॥ ऊँ चतुर-मुखाया विद्महे हंसा-रूड़ाये धीमही तन्नो ब्रह्मा प्रचोदयात् ॥ “Om Chathur Mukhaya Vidhmahe Hamasaroodaya Dheemahe Thanno Brahma Prachodayat”
Meaning: " Om, Let me meditate on the God with four faces, The One who rides on the Swan, give me higher intellect, And let Lord Brahma illuminate my mind "
Mantra 3 ॥ ओम ब्रह्मा जज्ञानाम् प्रथम् पुरश्च देवि माता माता पुरुषो अवहा ॥ “Om Brahma Jajnyanam Prarthamam Purastat Dvihi Mata Purushoven Avaha”
Meaning: " ...... "
Mantra 4 ॥ गुरुर ब्रह्मा गुरुर विष्णु गुरु देवो महेश्वरःगुरु साक्षात परब्रह्म तस्मै श्री गुरवे नमः ॥ “Gurubrahma Guruvishnu Gurudevo Maheswarah,Guru saakshaat Param Brahma Tasmai shri guravey Namaha”
Meaning: " Guru is verily the representative of Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. (He creates, sustains knowledge and destroys the weeds of ignorance). He is the living Supreme reality. I salute such a Guru. "
Lord brahma by Talon Abraxas
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the-power-of-stuff · 5 months
Almighty Empress of Sukka! I have a spicy Sukka question for you:
What are some things that Sokka and/or Suki do (unknowingly or otherwise) that get each other in the mood? Like little quirks or habits or clothes they wear or just random everyday stuff that makes the other go 😯🥵🤤? (For example, maybe Suki drinking a milkshake or slurpee with her lips wrapped around the straw is just a bit too much for Sokka to handle. And maybe when Sokka takes his shirt off after a hot, sweaty workout, not matter how awkwardly he does it, Suki gets a little hot and flustered herself.)
Sorry, that was a lot. 😅 But Sukka’s irrepressibly spontaneous love for each other always makes me want to gush! 🥰
And I know you’re busy with Sukka Week right now, so no rush to answer this at all! I’m very patient.
Lord, have I really been sitting on this ask for nearly two years??
I need you to know, Dearest Anon, that it doesn't feel like I've let this ask go for so long because I have actually had it on my mind that entire time, wanting to answer it and waiting until a good enough answer surfaced.
But I think I was going about it the wrong way. I don't really have a lot of headcanons that exist independently of putting a guy in situations. And if I put a guy in enough situations, I might end up repeating similar ideas until they become headcanons (like my headcanon that Suki has a particular fondness for lotus seed buns).
So! It occurred to me that maybe the best way for me to answer this question would be to put these guys in a situation. And now, at long last, we have...Suki getting really turned on by Sokka cooking... 😏
Suki stepped off the back porch of the house, perched the steamer basket full of rice on her cocked hip, and bit her lip. Framed beautifully in her field of view, amidst a glorious backdrop of lush green foliage and the island’s tumbling, sparkling brook, was Sokka, standing over the makeshift grill he’d thrown together from a large cast iron pot and some wire mesh he’d gotten off one of the fishing boats. The air was fragrant with the savory sweet aroma of seared meat, Sokka expertly working the grill in a calculated dance between flame, timing, and seasoning. And Suki’s mouth was watering. 
“Hey there, grill master,” she crooned as she approached, abandoning the rice on the table that housed Sokka’s setup. She ran one hand over his shoulder, down his back, then lower still so she could squeeze a generous handful of ass cheek. 
He yelped before glancing at her out of the corner of his eye, one brow quirked in amusement. “Hungry?”
“Starved,” she said, sidling closer and pressing up against him from behind. Her hands quickly found his hip bones and traced the muscle there before teasing lower by just a few millimeters, and Sokka nearly dropped his tongs. 
“You know Mrs. Kotoji can see us from here…”
Suki turned her head towards her next door neighbor’s house just in time to see the shutters slam shut on one of the windows. “Nothing scandalous for her to see here,” she countered breezily. Then she found the slit in the side of Sokka’s tunic and traced her fingers down his thigh.
“Keep doin’ that and there might be,” he grunted, and Suki chuckled, dropping her forehead between Sokka’s shoulder blades as she laughed. 
“Listen…” she said coyly. With her head still resting against Sokka’s spine, she drew her hands slowly around his hips and up his flanks. “I know you’re still cooking, but once you’re done, you think you could…scandalize me a bit before we eat?”
Something clattered loudly while Sokka fumbled around with the grill, and then suddenly he was whirling around, gripping Suki’s waist and tugging her close. “Tui and La, woman… I will scandalize you so much, you’ll be reading about it in Ba Sing Se next year. In those scandal sheet things. That they circulate in the Upper Ring. Whatever, it made sense in my—” And he cut himself off by closing the distance between his mouth and hers. 
Suki threw her arms around his shoulders, laughing into him as he penguin-stepped them back towards the house. When they collided with one of the porch posts, Sokka used the opportunity to deepen the kiss, slotting one thigh between hers, creating delicious friction for them both. Suki moaned.
“So, you like the way I handle my meat, huh?” Sokka teased, breathy against her lips.
“Oh yeah,” Suki rasped, delighted, sneaking her eager hands back around to Sokka’s backside. “And now it’s my turn.”
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pokestudentjune · 4 months
Now excuse me while i go bury myself in the paldean dirt for a million years.
On the plus side, I finally potted the pelipper mail seed amongst and it seems to be doing well! I dont see any leaves or stems yet but Lotus reassures me its doing good. Maybe some sort of plant-to-plant recognition…
I may have pulled an all nighter to finish that essay so i may have blocked all sunlight in my room temporarily while I send the rest of my pokemon out to spend their time helping students or teachers… I think Jacq has one last assignment for me?
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bumblebeeappletree · 23 days
Costa is at a magical water garden that he has wanted to visit for years.
Austral Watergardens in Cowan, NSW, sits on 7 acres with views of the Muogamarra nature reserve.
Kevin and Lisa Metelik have been managing the mountain paradise for decades.
Kevin’s grandfather bought the land, set up the water gardens in the 1940s and inspired his daughter to follow in his footsteps; Kevin got the gardening bug from her.
Lisa met and married Kevin and got the bug as well.
Some of the original concrete ponds still exists, with plenty of new ones too, all filled with a range of different water plants. Visitors can choose plants from these stock plants and take them home for their own pond or bowl.
The water is kept clean by finding the right balance of shade and sun, plus native fish to keep down mosquitoes without affecting the frog populations.
Kevin says there are two main groups of water lily: Hardy or European and tropicals.
Hardy or European are the style seen in Monet paintings, with red, pink, yellow and white flowers that sit at water level. They flower earlier, from October to April, and blooms range from miniature to large.
Tropical waterlilies hold their flowers above the water line and are usually fragrant; colours include blues, white, yellow, and pink, and they bloom from December to June in the Sydney area (all year in tropical climates) but may not survive winters in colder areas.
Hardy waterlilies have rhizomes while the tropical ones have bulbs.
Lotus are different again; they are large plants, are revered as sacred in many cultures. The leaves sit above the water and flowers form distinctive seed heads.
Other less obvious but equally useful plants include the native Snakeskin vallisneria, which grows underwater and improves water quality as well as providing habitat for fish and frogs.
Border plants such as jointed twig-rush can tolerate quite deep water.
Red-stemmed thalia gives a tropical look to a pond and is a favourite with frogs.
How to build your own water garden:
A water feature will bring frogs, dragonflies and beauty to a garden, creating a mini oasis. Here are some basic steps to get you started.
Consider the size and depth of a water bowl as well as the material – a lightweight fiberglass or polymer resin makes a large vessel easier to handle. Ceramic bowls may need to be sealed.
The minimum depth is 30cm for water plants; deeper is better. Lisa tries to create three levels in a pond:
* a submerged aquatic plant
* a shallow-water creeper group to grow on the edges
* a tall marginal plant for height
Add in water lilies for flowers and floating leaves; if you can fit two plants, choose one hardy and one tropical species for a longer flowering display.
Put river sand or gravel on top of the soil mix in the pot to avoid muddying the water.
Aim to cover about half to two-third of the water surface with plants.
Add native, tadpole-friendly fish to keep mosquitoes at bay
Filmed on Dharug Country in Cowan, NSW
Featured plants:
Waterlily ‘Escarboucle’ (Nymphaea cv.)
Waterlily ‘Marliacea albida’ (Nymphaea cv.)
Waterlily ‘Blue Triumph’ (Nymphaea cv.)
Sacred Lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
Snakeskin vallisneria (Vallisneria nana)
Jointed twig-rush (Machaerina articulata syn. Baumea articulata )
* Red-stemmed thalia (Thalia geniculata)
Water milfoil (Myriophyllum ‘Dragonfly’)
* Taro (Colocasia esculenta cv.)
Waterlily ‘Colorado’ (Nymphaea cv.)
Waterlily ‘Green Smoke’ (Nymphaea cv.)
Firetail gudgeon (Hypseleotris galii)
* Always check species before planting: they may be environmental weeds in your area.
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schoolofholywitchery · 6 months
🌿Correspondences for Ostara (Spring Equinox)🌿
🌿Other Names: Eostre, Eostre’s Day, Spring Equinox, Vernal Equinox, Alban Eiber, Bacchanalia, Lady Day
🌿Dates: March 19 – 22nd
🌿Colors: Pink, Yellow, Grass Green, All Pastels, Robin’s Egg Blue
🌿Altar Items: Eggs, Rabbits, Potted plants, Seeds, Maiden goddesses, Flowers, Quartz crystals, Cocoons, Bees, Baskets, Lambs, New Moon
🌿Activities: Conception, Egg painting, Gardening/planting a garden, Actualizing potential
🌿Spell Work: Manifestation, Healing, Energizing, Rededications, Removing obstacles, Restoring balance, Love attraction, Abundance, Home blessings, Spring cleaning
🌿Animals: Rabbits, Snakes, Chicks, Birds
🌿Stones: Aquamarine, Amethyst, Rose quartz, Moon stone, Bloodstone, Red jasper
🌿Foods: Eggs, Honey, Sprouts, Fresh fruits, Sweet breads, Seeds, Poppy Seed Cake, Banana bread, Chocolate, Sweet Wine, Milk and other dairy foods
🌿Herbs: Celandine, Cinquefoil, Jasmine, Rose, Tansy, Viole, Acorn, Crocus, Daffodil, Dogwood, Honeysuckle, Iris, Lily, Strawberry
🌿Trees: Birch, Ash, Alder
🌿Meaning: Balance, New Life/Rebirth, Goddes and God in Youth, Non-Celtic End of Winter, Light Overtaking Darkness, Fertility, Balance, New Beginnings, New Love, Growth,
🌿Ritual Oils: Lotus, Magnolia, Ginger
🌿Incense: Jasmine, Light scented florals
🌿Mythical Creatures: Mermaid, Dragons, Unicorn
🌿Goddesses: Aphrodite (Greek), Athena (Greek), Cybele (Roman), Eostre (Teutonic), Eriu (Irish), Gaia (Greek), Hear/Juno (Greco-Roman), Iris (Greek), Lady of the Lake (Welsh-Cornish), Madhusri (Hindu), Melusine (Franco-Scottish), Moon Mother (Native American), Ova (Greek-Etruscan), Renpet (Egyptian), Salamaona (Middle Eastern), Vesta (Greco-Roman), Anna Fearina (Roman), Astarte (Canaanite), Coatlicue (Aztec), Doda (Siberian), Erce (Slavic), Flidais (Irish), Garbhog (Irish), Ishtar (Babylonian), Isis (Egyptian), Libera (Roman), Ma-Ku (Chinese), Minerva (Roman), The Muses (Greek), Persephone (Greco-Roman), Rheda (Anglo-Saxon), Vesna (Slavic), Venus (Roman), Freya (Norse), Rati (Hindu)
#SpringEquinox #Ostara #Spring #pagan #Witchcraft #Witch
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no-one-at-all75 · 2 years
Tea Time (Gender Neutral)
Cypher x Reader fluff
Words: 925
You and Cypher have a little tradition after missions. It was always to grab tea that was native to the area you went to, come back to the base, sit down, drink tea, and talk. This helped Cypher a lot since he is always on edge about his family, and you were always happy to listen to his rambling about his life or the mission you two just went on together.
Your most recent mission with Cypher was at Lotus in southern India. You both geeked out a bit when you found out you were going there due to the fact that India has good spices and teas. Immediately after the mission was over, you took Cyphers arm in excitement and rushed to the nearest local market. Your eyes sparkled as they wandered over the vast amount of spices and teas. Cypher let out a chuckle and removes your hands from his arm.
“Shall we (Y/N)? You get to pick this time.” He starts to walk away looking at all the different stalls not noticing the small blush on your cheeks.
“Sounds good!” You say following his actions and looking at different stalls. Each one was very unique and different. Some selling Indian cuisine, others selling fabrics and jewels. Your eyes gaze over all the options but ultimately stop at a small spice stand. You clap your hands together excitedly (like the gremlin you are) and rush over. Cypher looks back and sees you giddy over the spice stand and laughs a heart felt laugh and walks over to you.
You gawk at the different colors and textures of the powders and chunks of different spices. Some you could point out like cinnamon, lemongrass, or jasmine. Others, you had no clue. But that’s why you’re here right? To try new things. You also noticed the stall had a metal pot to make the tea in and give to you. The merchant looked at you, expecting you to know what you are doing. However, the puzzled look on your face gave everything away. The merchant chuckled a bit and spoke up.
“New to the area?” He asks. You look up your eyes wide still trying to comprehend the aroma you are smelling right now. You give him a small, polite smile.
“Actually I’m here on vacation. My friend and I usually try teas from around the world and I haven’t tried any from India yet. Any suggestions?” You ask hoping he gives you a good tea. He nods in understanding and gives you a smile.
“I see, one moment.” He says as he starts to rummage around grabbing all his ingredients. Cypher is behind you watching the merchant doing his craft. You stare in awe as he skillfully grabs black tea leaves places them in the pot, adds water, and lights the flame underneath to boil the water. He then grabs cardamom pods, cloves, fennel seeds, black pepper corn, nutmeg, star flower, and cinnamon and places it into a mortar and pestle and grinds it into a fine powder. You take note of the tea he used and all the spices so you can ask for some to go.
Once the water is boiled and the tea is done steeping, he adds in the spice powder, sugar, milk, and ginger and mixes it up. He then strains the mixture into two separate cups and gives them to you and cypher. You excitedly take the cup, looking at the light brown liquid. Cypher takes his and seems uneasy. He doesn’t want to remove his mask to drink it but shrugs his shoulders in defeat and lifts up his mask only up to his upper lip. You take a small sip and moan in delight as the flavors of the tea dance around your tongue. Cypher hums in delight as his body almost melts. As you relish in the tea, the merchant speaks.
“It is called masala chai. A very popular drink in India. I hope you enjoy.” He smiles. You widely grin back at him and thank him for the tea. Cypher gives you his cup to hold and asks for the dry spices. The merchant obliges and gives cypher all the ingredients he needs to recreate this chai. Cypher pays for both of the drinks and spices and grabbed your arm to walk around the market more.
A few days later, you two were back at valorant base. You and Cypher go to his workshop and make quick work if recreating the chai. You start to grind the spices together as Cypher boils the black tea. You both add the ginger, milk, and sugar and stare at the liquid gold in awe. You give him a wide smile and pull out your regular tea mugs. “Ready to relive that amazing tea experience?” You ask as you strain the tea into both mugs. Cypher removes his mask and takes his mug.
“Definitely.” He gives you a smile and walks to the small table in the middle of the room. You quickly follow and sit down across from him like you usually do. You both savor the aroma steaming from your mugs. You take a small sip, and are instantly transported back to the little market in India. You moan as the flavors dance on your tongue like they did in the market. Cypher let’s out a satisfied hum.
“Good choice little one. You may have beat the last tea we got.” He says as he continues to drink his cup. You nod, savoring the moment between friends.
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eiseryn · 9 days
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It's September 17!!! Which means it's the birthday of everyone's (my) favourite pharmaceutical doctor🥺🥺🥺I love her so much 🥺🥺🥺
It's no surprise that she's my current obsession and a lot of my brainrot is based on her orz so ofc I had to do her justice for her birthday! Which is today -- September 17~
Since Sept 17 this year is also Mid Autumn Fest I was hoping to draw her eating some mooncake maybe with Ceres or Vail or Elise 🤔🤔🤔 Let's see if I can squeeze in a sketch tomorrow.
As for how she usually celebrates her birthday? I imagine usually with her friends and Vail XD Maybe this year, they had hotpot and mooncakes 🤣* I imagine her favourite filling might be low sugar red bean or lotus seed. I tried to draw some lotuses in the BG of her birthday art but uhhhh I free handed them so they might not be the best. The flower in her hair is supposed to be a lotus too but I didn't look at a ref before I drew it so it's not accurate LOL SOME FUN FACTS FOR THE UPCOMING CYBERPUNK VIS NOVEL THAT'S DEF GOING TO COME OUT BEFORE 2030 (pls believe and cope with me)
Fun fact 1: The events of the campaign take place right after had a girl's night out with Elise + Ceres 😭
Fun fact 2: In the campaign, her birthday present from Vail is Meng, her ragdoll cat :3
Fun fact 3: The diamond-shaped green gemstone necklace she's often depicted wearing was Ceres' gift to her!
Comparing this year to last year's piece, I'm super proud of my improvement. I tried to keep everything almost the same except her hair is a little longer since it's been a year~ I think the main improvement is me being able to draw hands sometimes now XD (I REALLY TRIED FOR THIS PIECE T_T) Maybe you might notice other improvement I've made? 🥺
Let's also compare last year's Lei bday art (2023) compared to this year's (2024). For some reason last year's art looks really wonky in terms of the face even though I actually drew the sketch on pencil traditionally??? Also ofc there's no hands drawing LOL And the hair is shorter but for some reason there's no green dye? Although in this year's piece note that the green dye migrated cuz she didn't dye her hair so it simply,,, moved down LOL as her hair grew
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But to blab more about Lei's birthday while we have space 🤔🤔🤔 CONSIDERING THE MODERN AU where Lei + her friends are in university (and med school LOL)... I imagine the first year they threw her a surprise birthday party cuz Gigi is very good at planning parties 💅 But they can't do that every year or she'll expect it!
Lei is half Chinese so that's why it's really cool her bday this year falls on mid autumn fest! It's extra cool cuz she already has some moon motifs with her flower symbolism being moon flower + an unreleased parallel for the witch au/ fantasy au + celestial themed wallpaper i was going to draw... I HAVE TOO MANY OC BRAINWORMS NOT ENUFF SKILL OR TIME
Some brainworms at 2am
smaller party this year and it's a hotpot party!
If it's with her closer family it would be with Gigi + Elise + Ceres + Vail (so a party of 5) + cats
The only reason I might imagine with the Mertalline group (larger group) is so Flash can show up XD BUT ALSO IN THIS AU FLASH IS VAIL'S NEIGHBOUR XD so maybe if they're at Vail's appt he will show up anyways 🤔
I was imagining the party to take place at Ceres + Lei's shared appt BUTTTTTT just for the Flash cameo 🤣🤣🤣 That's going to be the canon
They probably have a dual pot/ divider thing so there's a white broth + spicy broth! I wonder who can handle spice in the group? Def Gigi... maybe Elise? I imagine not Ceres and maybe not even Vail! It's Lei and Flash I wonder of the two if they can handle spice 🤔🤔 I think Lei can, but not super spicy -- just enough to eat spicy food and not die LOL
dessert is mooncakes instead of cakes... DEF MULTIPLE FLAVOURS SO EVERYONE CAN TRY DIFF FLAVOURS -- classics like lotus seed + red bean (low sugar for lei + normal sugar for sweet tooths like vail and gigi) + maybe some unique ones like pineapple or ube or sweet potato?
maybe they do some moonviewing together too 🥺 take a stroll to the local university grass field and enjoy being in each other's presence
I wonder what Lei's friends would give her?
I'm thinking that Ceres would handmake some thing(s) -- maybe an album she worked on for the past year about their fave memories! Maybe a painting of Meng + Cillin, or a keychain?
Elise would likely go with perfume, scented candles, or jewelry like earrings -- something she knows Lei would like or use!
Gigi's gift is her presence in Lei's life (IM JOKING BUT ALSO THIS IS TRUE). She'd probably give Lei a pretty outfit that she'd like Lei to wear + it would fit Lei perfectly -- SHE MIGHT EVEN SEW OR DESIGN IT HERSELF???
Vail's birthday gift for the first year is Meng AS IT IS CANON but for this one I imagine they already have Cillin + Meng so 🤔🤔🤔 maybe this year it's his d- I'm kidding... sorry LOL probably something like earrings actually XD since he's gone shopping with her. He likely recruited the help of Ceres and Elise and Gigi for this tho. Maybe even a fluffy robe or bathcoat... IDK I feel like he's rather practical with gifts and he probably treats her well outside of her birthday / gifts her things anyways so XD
It's really hard to top a cat let's be real here
I kinda want to write a short fanfic... NGHHHHHH if I have time tmr (me doing all these things for tmr 🤡🤡🤡)
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