#pota's beauty and the beast
tellerficraz · 4 months
Girls when beast
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"There's something that i see in the way you look at me..🎵"
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bookishdaze · 3 months
"Bree, you gotta stop making Nomae about Beauty and the Beast every chance you get. You're reading too much into it."
Ok ok, I'll stop.
But not today! ENHANCE IMAGE! 🔍🧐
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This round thingy also reminds me of the spinning wheel from Sleeping Beauty.
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And right now Mae is like Sleeping Beauty locked in a castle and the prince has to climb up a tall tower to save her. Just sayinggggg
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aphrmoosun · 3 months
{Noa and the Beast}
Nomae: One shot
• Sipnosis.
Noa is the new leader of the clan, his responsibility was to his own. But an Echo enters their lives and they decide to kill her due to the ancient writings that defined her as dangerous. But when Noa has her in front of him, his world changes completely...
• Pair.
Noa and Mae
• Movie.
Kingdom of the planet of the apes {Half AU}
• Tags.
Nomae, interspecies relationship, interspecies sex, interspecies romance, yes it is a ship fic, smut, romancing, Beauty and the Beast, Half AU, Noa hunt Mae, but the Noa falls in love with Mae, Long One Shot, Writer isn't English Native Speaker, etc
• Other nomae fanfics.
You and Me
No words
• Noa and the Beast [One Shot]
**First Act**
The day was coming to an end. Noa was returning home with a successful hunt. He and his friends had managed to catch a pair of rabbits and a adult deer, earning them a warm welcome.
The situation was difficult for the village. Since his father had died, he and his mother were the only hope for their survival. They had to lead the rest to survive, and that was his duty as the new leader of the village.
"Well done, son," his mother said.
Noa sat down beside his mother, hugging her and offering her a piece of food, which she refused.
Their happiness was interrupted by some apes who arrived running and shouting.
"It's an Echo! We've seen one near here!"
Noa managed to understand what one of them was saying.
"Calm down," Noa said, standing up and addressing them. "It's probably just passing through. Echos usually move when it starts to get cold."
"This one is different. We've heard it talk! It was settling near the village."
Another ape spoke up, frightened.
"Don't worry, it won't hurt us."
"You don't understand. Echos are evil, the farther away from us, the better."
"If that means underground, even better."
Many of the apes supported the idea of killing the Echo.
"We can't act impulsively. We need to think with a clear head."
Noa defended the idea of reaching a consensus.
"You're our leader. You must defend our home from those things!"
The ape began to feel the pressure from his village. Everyone wanted to see how the new leader would handle a dangerous situation.
"Fine! I'll take care of it myself." Noa didn't like the idea, but he said, "Tomorrow, I'll go to where you saw it and bring back proof that the Echo is no longer a problem."
Noa received a big ovation, but he couldn't take his eyes off his mother, who disapproved of his attitude.
**Second Act**
Anaya and Soona, Noa's best friends, were already ready to go after the Echo. They were determined to accompany their leader, not just as friends, but as family.
The plan was to approach the Echo on foot, without horses, so as not to scare it, and kill it with the arrows they used for hunting. But Noa had taken something else from the village - a remedy that they took when they felt pain, in case he couldn't bear the scene, he would give it to the Echo himself.
It would have been just another Echo, but the idea of being able to hear one talk for the first time had haunted him all night. What if he could talk to it? What if it could defend itself by talking? What set them apart from animals if they couldn't talk?
But his village needed him. They had never encountered an Echo like this before, and it was a danger to his people. It was written that way.
When they were far enough from the village, Noa turned to his friends, stopping them.
"I have to go alone from here."
"What? No, we're not going to leave you." Soona approached him, grabbing his hands.
"Soona, I have to do this alone. I'm the leader now, and I have to be responsible for my words and my responsibilities towards our people. And one of those responsibilities is taking care of you too."
"I don't care about your position. We also want to take care of you."
Anaya joined the two, and they ended up in a three-way hug.
"I'm sure I can handle this. But I need to do it alone." He finally convinced them.
Anaya and Soona walked away, and he began to walk forward. He didn't look back, it would be easier to fulfill his responsibility alone and as the leader he had to be.
**Third Act**
He could observe her easily. She didn't seem to have seen him, and she continued with her life as usual. She walked back and forth, going to and from the river near the home she had built.
She was very resourceful. With the help of stones, branches, sticks, and leaves, she had built a kind of settlement near the river. She had everything she needed to survive just a few steps away.
Noa couldn't help but analyze her. From her physical features to her delicate movements. What she seemed to be doing was cooking with leaves and fruits he couldn't recognize.
They had warned him that this Echo was not normal. If she could talk, it was already very different from the ones he had encountered before, but he had never imagined what he had in front of him. If it weren't for her small body, little hair, small eyes, small hands, small waist, the bulge on her chest, and small feet, he could have sworn he was looking at an ape.
But he had to push those thoughts out of his mind. He had come to kill her, and he had already wasted too much time analyzing her.
He raised his bow and placed the arrow right at the Echo's heart direction. His hands were shaking. It was the first time they had shaken like that. He had to admit, this wasn't a normal hunt. He wasn't going to kill her out of necessity, nor did he need her skin or any part of her body. He was going to kill her because he feared her. Not just him, but his people. And that had to be his thought, his people were waiting for him to bring back proof of the event.
His vision became blurry as his heart began to beat strongly, he couldn't look. He released the arrow without being able to see well where it was headed.
He heard the Echo's despairing cry.
**Fourth Act**
Noa found himself in front of the Echo. His blurry vision and sweaty hands hadn't allowed him to hit his target. His main objective was the Echo's heart, but due to his nerves, the arrow had ended up hitting one of her sides.
She looked at him with open, frightened eyes, trembling while she held her side. She had pulled out the arrow and was trying to stop the bleeding.
Noa could have stood there, watching her die from bleeding, but he couldn't help but approach her and offer her a piece of cloth from his own arm to stop the bleeding.
The human looked at him doubtfully, taking the cloth.
He didn't know what to answer. Why had he attacked her? Why was he helping her? Because his heart was in constant struggle over what was right against his mind.
Echos had to be kept away. They wouldn't approach them, and they wouldn't live with them. Beyond the Valley was forbidden to cross because Echos were there.
The elders of his clan described them as monsters that killed each other, creatures that took everything around them and massacred it. Wild animals that would kill their own siblings for power.
But in front of Noa, he saw a smaller creature than him, harmless, and not having harmed them, alone, and with no signs of damage to nature around her. Not even signs of fires or dead animals.
Noa crouched down beside the human and covered her wound, helping her stop the bleeding.
"I don't know why. Neither do I."
**Fifth Act**
Noa had decided to move the unconscious Echo to the nest of leaves covered by a roof of branches. At least there, she would be comfortable and covered in case the sun bothered her or it rained. But he had to go back to the village, he had to go back to Anaya and Soona, because if he took too long, he was sure they would come to see what had happened to him, and that wouldn't be good.
He had to do it quickly. Kill the nearest animal he could find, so he would have something to feed the Echo when she woke up, but also use a significant part of it to show in his village, her heart.
A hare had been the sacrifice for his plan, he didn't have time to go for a bigger animal, and with the hare's heart, he was sure his village would calm down.
He took long strides, quickly, so as not to take too long. Right where he had left them, Anaya and Soona were waiting for him. They ran to hug him and looked at what he was carrying.
"Did you do it?" Soona asked, stepping back from the hug.
He was lying. He was lying to his friends for an Echo. But he didn't have another choice.
In the village, they received him as the leader he was. With hugs and praise towards him. He couldn't bear the weight on his chest. He was lying to everyone.
"Son, are you okay?" His mother was the only one who could feel something in him, and she didn't take long to approach him and ask questions.
"Yes, why wouldn't I be? We've gotten rid of that Echo! Isn't that right?"
"Because it's the first time you're acting like the leader of the clan." His mother hugged him. "I know it's hard, going against your ideals to follow the clan's ideals. No one asks if you're okay when you come back, they just receive you as the leader."
"I'm fine, mom."
She was the only one who could discover everything if she noticed his strange behavior. So he had to act normally... how was he supposed to act normally after supposedly killing an Echo that hadn't done anything to them?
**Sixth Act**
That same morning, Noa had gone back to where the Echo was. He expected to find her where he had left her, but he was surprised to see her standing, trembling, by the riverbank.
"Hey, you shouldn't be there."
She jumped back, trying to get away from him.
"It's okay, I'm here to help you."
"You're the one who hurt me."
Well, he couldn't deny that.
"I'm sorry. Please, let me help you."
"H-how can you apologize for something like that?"
She had started to breathe with difficulty, holding her wound.
"Sh, it's okay. We'll talk when you're cured."
Noa held her wound again, seeing how it was still humid, and proceeded to clean it, forcing her to lie down on the nest.
The ape had brought new bandages in case he needed to change them, so he proceeded to change them.
"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you."
"It's hard to believe. Did you think I was livestock or something?"
"No, my village is scared of you, and they wanted me to kill you."
"And, why didn't you?"
Noa continued to change the bandages, unable to look her in the eye.
"I don't know. I didn't want to kill you personally, without knowing you. But it's my duty as the leader."
That information silenced the human. She grabbed his hand with the one he was using to clean her.
"Well, as the leader, stop. You've done your duty, you've tried to kill me, give them that information, and I'll run away from here. That way, you can say I escaped."
Noa shook his head, turning his hand to hold hers.
"No, you're already dead to them."
**Seventh Act**
Noa had been going back and forth from the village to where Mae, the Echo, was for a week.
During the day, he took care of his leader duties, and at dawn, he would return to the human's nest, where he would cure her, feed her, and take care of her. In those moments, they would talk, forgetting about the ape's attempt to assassinate her. Mae had opened up completely to him.
A human who had lost her family recently and was trying to survive away from the rest of humans who had hurt her. He didn't understand how they had hurt her if she didn't have that physical aspect, only the wound he had inflicted on her. But she explained that the wounds those humans had inflicted on her were not visible on her body, but in her heart.
Noa felt like seeking out those humans and defending the human to make her feel better. But she told him she was already learning to forget them.
"The wound is much better."
He didn't like how she was healing so quickly. Mae would have to leave when she was fully cured, that had been their agreement, but he wasn't ready to say goodbye so soon.
"Yes, I can do things on my own now. You should rest more at night and not come to see me."
"I don't need to rest. I want to come see you."
The ape continued making the meal, actually watching how the fire was made.
"You know I've forgiven you. You don't have to keep feeling guilty. Forgive yourself too."
"I-I can't. I failed my village. But I also failed you. If only I had shot higher, you would be dead and I wouldn't have met you."
"But you're a good ape and didn't do it. If it had happened this way or that, it wouldn't exist anymore. The reality is that we've met."
**Eighth Act**
That day, his mother wouldn't leave his side. She observed him closely without speaking, but that made him even more nervous.
"What? What's going on?"
He stopped in front of her.
"Son, you can lie to the whole world, but not to your mother."
"What do you mean?"
"Your nighttime escapes, the lack of sales, your fatigue during the day. Tell me, son. Where do you escape to?"
"Nowhere, mom. Just... I go climbing alone to relax and sleep."
"Yesterday, you slept very late, the sun had already risen. And you started talking in your sleep."
Noa averted his gaze so she couldn't keep reading him like that.
"Your dreams mentioned Mae's name."
"Oh, nonsense. I don't know anyone by that name."
He turned around, trying to ignore his mother's comments so as not to get more nervous.
"Son, do you sneak out at night to see Mae? Is she the Echo you didn't kill?"
"Mother! I don't know what you're talking about!"
"I've known you since you came out of me. Small, hairy, and noisy. Since you were very young, you showed that you weren't like the rest of the apes. You were very analytical and more intelligent than most. Your father knew that you took twice as long to think things through, just like your grandfather."
"That's why I knew when they asked you to fulfill this responsibility that you would take your time to think it through and not do it, because you're a fair son of mine."
"Mom, I couldn't kill her. She hadn't done anything to us and lived peacefully alone by the river. She didn't pose any danger like the elders make us believe."
"I know, son. I know you very well."
His mother hugged him, and he took refuge in her arms. Taking a weight off his shoulders since he wasn't the only one who knew about Mae's existence.
And not just the two of them anymore. One of the aoes in charge of the birds had overheard their conversation, hiding from mother and son.
**Ninth Act**
That morning, Noa found Mae packed and ready to leave, with her things in a backpack and the fire extinguished.
"Where are you going?"
"I have to leave now, Noa."
"What? No, why? You're still hurt. You can't leave yet."
"I'm not hurt anymore, Noa. You saved me."
"No, no, no, no."
Noa grabbed the girl's hands, trying to stop her.
"We knew this moment would come. I'm very grateful that you gave me the opportunity to meet you."
"No! It's the other way around. I tried to kill you and you forgave me, letting me into your life."
"That doesn't matter anymore, Noa."
"Yes, it does. I came here to kill you because I thought you were an animal, a monster, a beast. And I ended up realizing that the only beast here is me."
"Don't be so hard on yourself."
"I have to be. I can't forgive myself because if I do, I'll think I have a chance with you and it's not like that. I can't, n-no..."
Mae grabbed his cheeks, making him lean his forehead against hers, looking into his eyes.
"You're not a beast. You're my savior, but I have to leave so I don't cause you more problems."
Noa shook his head and leaned in to kiss the human, savoring the sweet taste of Mae's mouth.
They separated as they heard horses and apes cries.
**Tenth Act**
Noa was startled. The only apes near the river were from his village. And it couldn't be, they didn't have any nighttime exploration planned.
"What's going on?"
"I don't know."
He turned to the human, grabbing her cheeks to make her look at him.
"Don't worry, you hide. I'll go see what's happening."
Mae looked towards something behind the ape's back, and he turned to see what had caught her attention, finding his friends.
The two apes ran to hug him.
"You don't know what's going on in the village. Maximo told them about the Echo and they're all coming to kill her."
Anaya explained quickly, without taking a breath.
"How did you know?"
"Why didn't you tell us?"
Soona responded with another question.
"I couldn't. She was in danger."
"We're your friends! We would have helped." -Soona raised her voice.-
"It's okay, guys. We'll discuss this later. Now we have to help the Echo." -Anaya turned to Mae.
"You have to distract them while I help her escape." -Noa grabbed Mae's hand.
"No!" -Soona refused.- "You're the clan leader, you have to give them explanations after what they found out. You have to be consistent."
The ape couldn't refuse. His friend was right.
"Mae." -he turned to her, grabbing her shoulders.- "You're going with Soona and Anaya, they'll help you."
"I'm staying with you." -Soona gave him her back as he said goodbye.-
He couldn't make her change her mind, as the apes were approaching.
"Echo. It's better if you get on my back and I'll run." -Anaya offered her back to Mae, and she got on without taking her eyes off Noa.-
**Eleventh Act**
The group of apes arrived, finding Noa and Soona together. Both apes were standing side by side, bearing the gaze of the rest.
"Where is she?"
"We know, Noa. The Echo is still alive."
"We have to kill her before she attacks us."
"She's a demon."
Several apes spoke at once.
"Silence!" -Noa shouted, making them all quiet.- "She's not a demon! We're the ones who pursued her and tried to kill her without harming us."
"She'll do it, it's written."
"The elders say so."
"The elders are wrong!" -Noa shouted again.- "And the laws are wrong!"
"Noa, step aside!"
Several apes approached violently. He couldn't let his clan lose respect for their leader.
As the leader of the eagle clan and respectful of his clan's ancient tradition, he began to sing. He still hadn't joined with any bird. Due to his father's death, he had decided to wait out of respect for the previous leader. But now... it was the only solution he could think of to regain his clan's respect.
He continued singing, and no eagle came.
"It doesn't work like that!"
"What eagle would want to join you after you betrayed us?"
The apes' voices enraged him. His voice rose above theirs, and a large eagle with a strong presence landed on his arm.
When Noa looked up, he was surprised to see the eagle Sun, his father's eagle. Known as the strongestin its nest and stubborn like his father. Everyone feared and respected it.
**Twelfth Act**
Most of the apes kneeled before Noa, who stood proudly, looking at the eagle on his arm.
"It can't be, the eagle Sun has finally chosen its new master."
"It can't be, Noa, he's a traitor."
"Maximo, stop talking like that about the clan leader. He's already proven with actions that we should trust him."
One ape began to defend him, and most of them joined in. Noa knew he had regained his title as leader.
"We can't forgive his lie!"
That ape, Maximo, ran forward. Noa saw his intention to go after Noa and Anaya, so he stood in front of him, growling.
"You're not going to pass!" -he shouted, making Maximo take a few steps back.- "The Echo is my responsibility." -Noa began to address everyone.- "If anyone has a problem with her, they should come to me and I'll resolve it."
Maximo walked away with his head down.
The rest of the a apes roached to congratulate him on his union with Sol, and Soona stepped aside, observing him. In the end, it hadn't been necessary to help him; he was the clan leader, and she regretted having doubted it.
**Thirteenth Act**
The next morning, Noa met with Mae again. Anaya had told him the location where she had hidden her, in the cave where the three of them used to hide as children when they wanted to escape from their parents or play pranks.
Anaya had confided in Mae about the location, knowing how important it was to her friend Noa.
The ape and the human looked at each other intensely when they met. Mae was sitting on a rock, holding a piece of fruit, and had heard him enter. She was anxious to see him.
"Noa!" -she stood up, looking him up and down.- "Didn't they hurt you?"
"No, no, Mae." -Noa put his forehead against the human's, closing his eyes and breathing in her scent more closely.- "Y-you, are you okay?"
Mae let out a laugh.
"I'm fine. You faced your clan for... for me."
"Yes, for you. But I know that's not as scary as riding on Anaya's back and climbing up here with his rough scaling."
"Anaya took good care of me, you don't have to worry."
"I know."
Neither of them wanted to break the silence that followed. They hugged, feeling each other's skin so close. Mae's breath hit Noa's lips, and he couldn't resist anymore, leaning in to kiss her again, this time knowing every centimeter of her lips and mouth as he introduced his tongue.
Mae whispered the ape's name, and she pulled away, placing his lips on her cheek.
"You shouldn't kiss me like that. And I won't be able to leave if we keep doing this."
"Then don't leave. There's no need, no one wants you to leave. Come with me and live in my village, with my clan."
"No! Noa, I don't want to bring you more problems."
"You're not going to bring more problems." -Noa hugged her.- "Since I met you, you've brought nothing but joy and laughter and good thoughts to my life. You've made me happy, and I don't want to lose you."
Noa shouted happily, hugging the girl and lifting her up.
"You make me so happy, I love you!"
Mae looked into his eyes, unable to respond since she had lost her breath.
The human leaned in, kissing him again, this time with tenderness, and pulled away after a few seconds. As if her lips had given him strength and air to speak, she responded.
"I love you too."
**Final Act**
Mae moved in with them. The village had welcomed her with open arms when they saw her arrive with their leader.
Noa's mother received her literally in her arms, in a strong hug.
The Echo, the beast everyone had feared, had found a place in everyone's heart. She had sought her place in the village and now fulfilled her responsibilities so that no one would ever have to take care of her again.
A certain leader wasn't very happy about it, since it meant they spent less time together, but he was happy seeing how everyone had learned to love her.
There was even a moment when he felt jealous of the attention she gave to the other apes.
Mae dedicated herself to healing and feeding the smaller or injured apes, or those who were lonely. This made her spend more time with others than with him. But he couldn't say anything, he had to fulfill his clan duties too.
At least he had the hope of ending the day and finding her in his nest again.
Mae sighed in his ear. Noa couldn't help but lie down next to the human and kiss her from her cheek to her neck. He had seen her sleeping already, but he missed her and needed to feel her in his arms.
He placed himself on top of her, lifting her clothes and pushing them aside. It wasn't the first time they had done it, but he had understood that those garments were important to cover the human's attributes. For the apes, it was rare to see those clothes, but Noa's ego grew when only he could see her like that.
Naked, trembling from his kisses and caresses, and so sensitive that she responded to every touch he gave her.
He introduced his virility, making her moan, making them both moan. His thrusts were quick and concise. That night, he needed to feel her with urgency. The desperation in his chest to make her reach climax and hear her scream his name.
That scream and the contractions of the human's vagina around his penis made him come with a grunt.
"Mae, Mae."
He leaned on her, placing his elbows on both sides of Mae to avoid hurting her, and waited for his heart to calm down after coming.
"I love you."
He heard Mae.
"I love you too."
The ape responded before falling asleep next to her.
His life had taken a huge turn since the Echo, his Echo, had entered it. From believing he was going to kill a beast, to believing he had become one, to falling in love with an Echo. She had saved him from drowning in a life full of desperation and lies. She had entered his life to make the monsters that haunted him disappear. Mae was, is, and will be the love of his life forever.
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blogthebooklover · 6 months
Planet of the Apes Playlists
I got bored, and made these for fun. Edit: I've included more playlists.
Noa's playlist was one of the hardest to make. 😅
Proximus Caesar
Ngl, he was the easiest one for making a playlist, lol 😂 😂😂. Aaaand I just realized I gave him a lot of Disturbed songs, too. Should they be Proxi's "theme" band?
Mae's playlist was also hard to make. 😅
POTA Fan Playlist
A mix of different songs that remind me of Planet of the Apes. I definitely made this after the teaser trailer dropped.
Mae x Noa
Why yes, I did cave in and made a somewhat romantic playlist for Mae and Noa. 😅🥰💖
Forget what I said about Mae and Noa. THIS MFer was the hardest to find songs!!!!
A new playlist, guys!!! This time for Koba! (And why is it that the two angry bonobos were the easiest to find songs for? But I digress)
Finally! I made a playlist for Raka! He was also hard to find songs for.
Ngl, she was also one of the hardest to find songs for. I found out that she and Noa might have crushes on each other. Some of the songs featured are about longing for someone that the other person can't have (I'm an absolute SUCKER for these types of songs, especially in musicals).
I think "Friend Like Me" is perfect for Anaya.
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artzyleen · 4 months
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✨ Owen Teague at Toronto International Film Festival 2021 - "Montana Story" ✨
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historicalvandal · 4 months
Any hot takes about your favorite characters from pota?
I wouldn't say I have many hot takes as is but I may as well have a few! I don't really know if this is a hot take buuuttt, Koba just needed love maybe a guiding hand and I stand strong with that as a fact, I do also stand strong with the fact that Koba was MADE a villain bonobos don't like conflict at all and making Koba a bonobo? Showing that the usual more chill nature of a bonobo, a bonobo's identity being a bonobo being stripped from Koba's being? Purely stand behind the fact that he was made the villain and that him being chosen to be a Bonobo just makes it feel so gosh darn real! Another hot take I have is more toward my feelings on people being too damn weird with writers who make stuff with human readers and the ape characters, they're fine with beauty and the beast but can't stand seeing someone find Caesar attractive? Girl- GIRL, it is basically all about monster x human, my hot take is that they need to shut tf up and leave writers alone in the PoTA fandom! It is so easy to just...scroll away. Like I said I don't have many hot takes, the only hot takes I have is about all the hate Koba gets and all the hate writers get from people who don't understand why we love these characters, why we want romance with the ape characters! Thank you for the ask <33
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hiddenobject-fanblog · 3 months
What do you think of the beauty and the beast hopa that sometimes gets bundled with pota?
Mystery Legends: Beauty & the Beast? I played the free trial after loving the POTO game, and I liked it! I think I was waiting on Big Fish Games to have a sale to get it, but I forgot to keep checking, so I haven't played the full game yet.
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I don't think I jumped to get this one because there are just *so* many fairy tale-themed HOPAs out there and it's hard to get my attention. If/when I get the full game, I'll post about it on the blog!
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sunshine-ape-123 · 2 years
The character's that showed me I have daddy issues one way or the other
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Take a guess at which one made me realize it, lol. *hint* he dies at the end of the
Also, most of them are/were my favorite characters but they all have a special place in my heart ❤️
This probably only covers half of the characters throughout my life but Alas, Tumblr only lets you have 10 photos so.
Most of these characters are father figures. The rest I find very attractive. I will not be elaborating
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hotchocolatefanfics · 6 years
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PoTA Couple AU’s (Part 1) 
I had a day off of work today and yesterday, so I started drawing these. I still have six other (two of which aren’t Disney!) but this is what I got so far. 
The first one is a Caba Beauty and The Beast (Caesar as Belle, Koba as The Beast and McCullough as Gaston). There actually is a fanfic of this sort of scenario on FanFiction.net (It’s called Caesar and the Bonobo if anyone is wondering!) which is where I got inspired to draw it but Caesar’s “Belle outfit” is different. <3
The second one is a Stone x Koba Tangled (or ‘Scarred’ since Koba doesn’t have long hair! XD): Koba as Rapunzel, Stone as Flynn and Jacobs as Mother Gothel. I was thinking Koba would have healing magic in his tears (from his mother eating an enchanted healing flower while pregnant with him) but I’m open to other ideas. X3
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klushund · 7 years
Maybe you remember this PotA/Beauty and the Beast gif ... well, before the gif there was the video. Which I totally wanted to post first, but Tumblr couldn’t handle its awesomeness ...
Still, I finally convinced Tumblr to upload it and here you go!
Sorry about the "no audio" at the end. I was tired of Blender beeing a diva and just gave up ^^;
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tellerficraz · 4 months
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masayahingbatapoako · 7 years
top threes 1: Top 3 ice cream flavors 1.Mango 2.Vanilla 3.Cookies and Cream
2: Top 3 disney movies 1. Beauty and the beast (old and New) 2. Moana 3. Little mermaid
3: Top 3 vacation destinations 1. Europe 2. Japan 3. Korea
4: Top 3 places to shop 1-3 hahaha hindi ko alam eh
5: Top 3 school subjects 1. Visual Arts 2. Photography 3. Music
6: Top 3 make up products 1-3. (hindi po ako nag mamake up)
7: Top 3 music artists 1. Brendon Urie 2. Hayley williams 3. Harry styles
8: Top 3 spices/herbs 1. salt 2. cinammon 3. magic sarap chareng...
9: Top 3 drinks 1. KAPE 2. tea 3. Raspberrycoke
10: Top 3 apps to use 1. Tumblr 2. Vsco 3. Spotify
11: Top 3 months of the year 1. 2. 3.
12: Top 3 clothing items 1. Converse 2. cotton on 3. Halleinstein
13: Top 3 tv shows 1. GoT 2. Friends 3. OITNB
14: Top 3 romantic dates 1. Watch Stars till midnight 2. Kumain ng turo turo (romantic yun wag ka..) 3. Simple lang kasi talaga ano ba... XD
15: Top 3 kinds of flower 1. Rose 2. tulips 3. sunflower...
16: Top 3 christmas movies 1. The Nightmare before christmas 2. Home alone 3. Grinch
17: Top 3 OTPs 1. Clay and Hannah 2. Harry styles and Louis Tomlinson (hahahah hindi na ako aasa pero sila otp ko chareng) 3. Maggie Greene and Glenn Rhee (yes yes yes!!!)
18: Top 3 quotes to describe your life 1. 2. 3.
19: Top 3 characteristics you love about yourself 1. Medyo madaldal 2. Tahimik 3. Masayahin
20: Top 3 kinds of candy 1-3 Everythings Gummy Bears.
21: Top 3 ways to exercise/ be active 1-3 Bed is a way to be active chareng hahahha "PAINT"
22: Top 3 spirit animals 1-3 EWan
23: Top 3 pet names 1. urie 2. ash 3. oli
24: Top 3 books/genre?? 1. Novels 2. Fanstasy 3. romance
25: Top 3 most used websites 1. Tumblr 2. Vsco 3. Free Movie websites...
26: Top 3 people you last texted/message 1. Timang-sincebirth 2. Yournumberonefun (vibe) 3. EWan..?
27: Top 3 hashtags you use 1. #pogi 2. #GPoy 3. #instapogingpogisasarili
28: Top 3 instagram accounts you follow 1. grichela.m 2. marlon.cabalitan 3. pocha_no
29: Top 3 guilty pleasures 1-3 this is too much LMAO
30: Top 3 summer activities 1. sana sa boracay 2. sana sa palawan 3. sana sa marikina
31: Top 3 things to draw 1. Nudes 2. doodles 3. expressive sketches
32: Top 3 aesthetics 1-3. ewan?
33: Top 3 things you'd buy if you gained three million dollars 1. bahay 2. bigay yung kalahati sa charity 3. bigay sa family
34: Top 3 ways to treat yourself 1. chokolate 2. going out and getting some fresh air 3. kumain hahahahhahahah
35: Top 3 celebrity crushes 1. Ruby Rose 2. amelia Clarkson 3. kristen stewart
36: Top 3 books from your childhood 1-3. the three little pigs (yun lang haha)
37: Top 3 accents to hear 1. French 2. Japan 3. Korea
38: Top 3 scents 1-3. Bench men (yun lang talaga)
39: Top 3 "friends" quotes 1. True Friends are never apart maybe in distance but never in heart. 2. All you need is someone who joins in on your weirdness. 3. Minsan bigla talaga mararamdaman kung sino ang totoo sayo.
40: Top 3 cupcake flavors 1. chocolate 2. mocha 3. carrot
41: Top 3 fruits 1. strawberries 2. Banana (pota-syom) 3. oranges
42: Top 3 places you've had amazing pizza from 1. Pizza hut 2. Greenwich (sana) 3. Dominos
43: Top 3 sports teams to watch 1-3. (not watching i wish i can)
44: Top 3 crayola colors 1. Black 2. blue 3. red
45: Top 3 things you hope to accomplish in college 1. Grad 2. Grad 3. Grad (to make my family proud)
46: Top 3 fanfictions you've read 1. Harry potter 2. Hobbit 3. Divergent Trilogy
47: Top 3 people you miss right now 1. papa ko 2. friends (philippines) 3. myself
48: Top 3 fears 1. ipis 2. medyo heights 3. falling out theets (nightmares)
49: Top 3 favorite literary devices 1. simile 2. methapor 3. Repetition
@timang-sincebirth hoy hahaha eto munang kalahati hahahaha
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blogthebooklover · 2 months
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Here’s another NoMae piece! This time based on a tale as old as time! 🥀🏰📖👩‍🦳🦁👑
I tried my best to make Mae look like Freya Allan, however I think I gave her a little bit of my own face 😂😅. Noa’s hand is so big 🤯🤣😏💕!!!
The background is actually my first time using alcohol based markers: definitely put some napkins or something behind it to catch the ink bleeding (and maybe some thicker paper for future reference lol).
Reference Photo
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I made a reversed mirror image.
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livforthegames · 8 years
92 Truths
🌻rules: once you have been tagged, you are supposed to write 92 truths about yourself. At the end, choose 25 people to tag.
I was tagged by @shieldsshallbebroken and @belleetlabeast THANK YOU MY DARLINGS!! 😘😘
🌻LAST… 1. Drink: Water 2. Phone Call: Uhh idk I don’t talk on the phone very much 3. Text Message: @belleetlabeast We were planning out our upcoming project and just chatting 😉😘 4. Song You Listened To: Low by Flo Rida 5. Time You Cried: Tuesday
🌻 HAVE YOU EVER… 6. Dated Someone Twice: No 7. Been Cheated On: No 8. Kissed someone and regretted it: No 9. Lost someone special: Yes ish 10. Been depressed: HELL YES 11.Gotten drunk and thrown up: No
🌻 LIST 3 FAVORITE COLORS… 12. Bubble Gum Pink 13. Mint Green 14. Tiffany Blue
🌻 IN THE LAST YEAR HAVE YOU… 15. Made new friends: OH MY GOD YES!!! 16. Fallen out of love: No 17. Laughed until you cried: Yes 18. Found out someone was talking about you: Yes 19. Met someone who changed you: YES!!!! 20. Found out who your true friends are: Yes 21. Kissed someone on your Facebook list: No
🌻 GENERAL… 22. How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of em 23. Do you have any pets: 3 kitties 🐱🐱🐱 24. Do you want to change your name: No 25. What did you do for your last birthday: Saw PotA 26. What time did you wake up today: 8:50 27. What were doing at midnight last night: On here! 😂 28. Name something you cannot wait for: Beauty and the Beast live action, Pirates of the Caribbean, Infinity Wars, the sequel of Dangerous Woman that @belleetlabeast and I are working on!!!! 29. When was the last time you saw your mother: Tonight 30. What is one thing that you could change about your life: I wish I didn’t worry as much. I also wish I didn’t say “sorry” as much as I do. Also I have a bad habit of picking… 31. What are you listening to right now: Nothing 32. Have you ever talked to someone named Tom: Yes 33. Something that gets on your nerves: Mean/rude people, people who aren’t accepting, messy workstations 34. Most visited website: Tumblr and YouTube 35. Elementary: Fun and wish I could go back 36. Secondary: I guess you mean HS…? It was hard but I miss the social aspect of it and the structure that it provided. 37. College: Never went and don’t plan on going… 38. Hair color: Blonde 39. Long or short hair: I have medium length hair, but want long Rapunzel- like hair!! 40. Do you have a crush on someone: Yes (and also several celeb crushes) 41. What do you like about yourself: My loyalty and kindness and my eyes 42. Piercings: None 43. Blood type: O+ 44. Nicknames: Liv, Livvie, Lila 45. Relationship Status: Single Pringle 46. Zodiac sign: Leo 47. Pronouns: She/her 48. Favorite TV show: The Big Bang Theory 49. Tattoos: None because I’m a chicken 50. Right or Left-handed: Right
🌻 FIRST… 51. Surgery: None 52. Piercing: None 53. Best friend: Jessie 54. Sport: Swim Team 55. Vacation: Visiting family out of state 56. Pair of trainers: Idk when I was old enough to walk
🌻 RIGHT NOW… 57. Eating: Laying in bed 58. Drinking: nothing 59. I’m about to: binge read fics that I missed during the week 60. Listening to: Nothing 61. Waiting for: My cat to cuddle with me 62. Want: Lots of things 63. Get married: Someday I hope 64. Career: Full time retail
🌻 WHICH IS BETTER… 65. Hugs or kisses: BOTH. I’ll take whatever I can get 66. Lips or eyes: Either 67. Shorter or taller: Don’t care 68. Older or younger: Don’t care 69. Romantic or spontaneous: Romantic 70. Nice arms or nice stomach: Don’t care 71. Sensitive or loud: Sensitive 72. Hook up or relationship: Relationship 73. Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant
🌻 HAVE YOU EVER… 74. Kissed a stranger: Nope 75. Drank hard liquor: No 76. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No 77. Turned someone down: Nope 78. Sex on first date: NO 79. Broken someone’s heart: No 80. Had your own heart broken: Yes… 81. Been arrested: No 82. Cried when someone died: Don’t remember 83. Fallen for a friend: No
🌻 DO YOU BELIEVE IN… 84. Yourself: Depends… 85. Miracles: Yes 86. Love at first sight: No 87. Santa Claus: No 88. Kiss on the first date: Maybe 89. Angels: Yes
🌻 OTHER… 90. Current best friend’s name: Ash, Lauren, Kate 91. Eye color: Green and Blue 92. Favorite movie: Princess Diaries 2: The Royal Engagement
I tag: whoever wants to do this
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mskarlam · 6 years
“I DARED TO DREAM” to be in this concert
It’s been 4 days already yet I still can’t believe everything that happened last Tuesday and Wednesday. After the “Lea Salonga: Songs From the Stage” concert last Feb 17 & 18, another Lea concert was announced in partnership with Globe Telecom and Walt Disney PH – I Dare To Dream. Apparently, there’s a digital reality series featuring six young girls with big dreams competing to be chosen as the PH’s reprsentative to Tokyo, Japan for the International screening of Beauty and the Beast and Lea Salonga’s the Guest Mentor who’ll choose as well the Grand Winner. The Grand Finals was set March 22, 2017 at SM Mall of Asia Arena.
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                  Source: http://go.globe.com.ph/idaretodream/the-cast.html
I was actually undecided whether I’ll attend  this show or not. Another Lea concert was as recently announced too and I just bought ticket for it. (Lea Salonga w/ BYU Chamber Orchestra, May30. For tickets, visit Ticketworld.com) Also, it was held in MOA Arena where there’s almost 0% chance of saying “hi” or even seeing her upclose. Aaaaaand tickets were quiet pricey too.
I wasn’t really thinking much about it until few days before the concert. I checked out TicketNet everyday until the seats I was aiming were gone. Everything changed though come Tuesday morning. I usually work from home every Tuesday so I kind-of woke up a little later than usual. At around 10am, I scrolled through my Twitter feed and checked out tweets for Lea (Fangirl hobbies. HAHAHA!) and there I saw this 12hr old tweet from @enjoyGlobe -Instantly I was like “Maka-sagot nga. Wouldn’t hurt to try.” and so I did. Ofcourse, I answered Lea Salonga, the sole reason I wanna see the concert. I wasn’t really expecting anything since there are alot of artists in the show and that means a lot more fans to compete with too. Also, if I won’t be able to accept to miss the show, I still have time and there are still tickets to buy. But mostly I was looking for a sign.
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My day went by on a slow-pace after. I read and sent tons of  work e-mails throughout the day until I had a late afternoon break where I found out that the concert’s already sold out. Sigh. Globe’s now my only chance. I also already started conditioning myself that I’ll miss the concert. Until after dinner, while I was taking photos of my Fun Home MNL programmes, I received a tweet reply from Globe asking me to follow them so they could DM me. “Pota mananalo pa yata ako!” is what I instantly uttered upon reading it. ‘Cause why the hell are they going to DM me? Afterall, I am a Smart postpaid subscriber. So I followed them and few minutes later, I received a DM from them saying I won 4 tickets to Globe’s I Dare To Dream concert! Swear! I couldn’t believe it. It was just a careless shot I took. I was really surprised and hell, it was the sign I’ve been looking for! I then messaged my workmate if she wants to come with me since it’s a Wednesday night, I thought it would be easier to invite people from the South.
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Fast forward to the Wednesday, I ended up with a confirmation from Kath who was coming from Banawe, QC and my sister, Ara who was from UP Diliman. I left work early to claim the tickets. I thought the surprise were over, because when I checked out the tickets it was Lower Box 217, the seats I was aiming days before. Grabe talagaaaaa! I was really so happy and kilig. The show was really for meant for me.
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I waited for the girls to arrived as I killed my time strolling inside the mall. When my legs and feet started to complain, I bought freshly squeezed lemon juice and sat in one of the benches provided by the mall. It was there I remembered my childhood friend Pinky who lives and works in Makati. Sayang din naman kasi yung isang ticket ‘di ba. I sent her a message and luckily she’s free and will be out from work on time. We then agreed she’ll just meet us at the arena.
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Fast forward again to the show now, Kath and Pinky made it on time while Ara got stuck in traffic on her way to the arena. There were lots of people and kids in their Disney Princess costumes. We made it to our seats and get ourselves settled when we realized our seats were really close to the stage. The show started roughly around 8:30pm and Ara arrived just after the first prod number. I have her ticket so I literally ran to get her and ran back to our seats. Just as we’re both catching our breathe, Lea came out alonh with Hya, who aspires to be a Broadway singer/actress. Talk about being right on time! Phew! The girls then came out one by one showcasing their talents and dreams.
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Spread out through the young girls’ production, were performances from the other guest artists of the show. Aicelle Santos did Roar, Julie Ann San Jose sang How Far I’ll Go, Christian and KC and Morisette sang songs from Beauty and the Beast and Lea with Christian Bautista as her Aladdin sang “A Whole New World”. It wasn’t my first time hearing her sing this live but swear, my late bloomer Disney heart was experiencing PVCs during this production. It was just so magical and I really felt being on a magic carpet. Lea nailed it like it was 1992.
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After all the young girls were presented, Lea then came out in a royal blue gown where she later on exclaimed “I feel like Pia Wurtzbach in this gown” eliciting laughter from the audience. She then called the 6 girls to join her on stage as she was going to announce the winner. Few pieces of advice were given before the announcement which I’ll summarize to “Keep on dreaming!” Then quiet unexpectedly, atleasy for me, all 6 girls where declared a winners which means all 6 of them are going to Japan! Yay! The show ended with everyone singing “When You Wish Upon a Star” led by the real life Disney Princess, Lea Salonga.
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Once again, thank you very much Globe for giving me the sign and choosing me to get on this magic carpet. My late – bloomer Disney heart was really overjoyed. Thank you! Thank you!
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                                          L to R: Kath, Pink, Me, Ara
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blogthebooklover · 7 months
How do you feel about the upcoming pota movie :)?
Super excited, @pink-writer-girl! I'm very curious about where the film will be going. I trust Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver, the writers, because they are obviously fans of the original franchise; and from the "Rise" Blu Ray DVD commentary, Rick has collected a lot of information and articles about exotic pets, advances in science/medicine, animal testing and abuse in these facilities. However, for this film, so far it looks like they're telling the classic Hero's Journey with Noa. I know they're also producers for this movie, which I think is a very smart move; because this whole reboot franchise is their idea. I am most definitely going to see this in theaters (cinema, just in case if you're not State side, lol); because I missed out on watching the "Caesar" trilogy.
I'm really curious about Mae and Noa's alliance, with maybe just a little bit of a romantic element in there. I'm an absolute SUCKER for anything Beauty and the Beast, from reading fairy tale retellings to fanfiction and movies. We did see a little bit of this element with Nova in War, and some Hunchback of Notre Dame as well, when she gives Caesar food and water; but that was also a child-and-their-pet vibe, too. Mae and Noa on the other hand, seem to be around the same age (if we're talking human years in Noa's case). I am very excited to see what happens when they're at the abandoned observatory, and when they have to interact with Proximus Caesar.
On that note, I am so curious about Proximus Caesar. He is obviously unhinged, but he also knows about the history of humans and technology. In the newest trailer he says, "They could fly like eagles fly. They could speak across oceans." So I'm wondering if this is also a reference to the original book, and Rod Serling's draft for the 1968 movie.
I do have some drafts saved for Planet of the Apes in general, be on the lookout when I post them!
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