#power punchers
alphamecha-mkii · 1 month
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Power Rangers Zeo - Red Battlezord
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powerpills · 4 months
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ixtab · 23 days
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Why are you playing the víctim you harrassed her lol
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thehappiestoftats · 10 months
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unicornclutter · 6 months
I've bought myself some stationary stuff for the new planner i'm making myself and its the first time I've been able to afford this stuff and holy shit I am already addicted to the fun little rounded corner cutter
idk how anyone leaves any piece of paper unrounded with one of these things
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sinnohqueen · 1 year
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it's august 2nd in future timezones, aka time to bust out this post
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stupiidgood · 10 months
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peridyke · 2 years
stop romanticising having a giant cat my mom has one and he keeps bonking my phone out of my hands with his giant fat head as I'm trying to type
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mosleyboxing · 2 months
#shorts Mike TYSON - Kid Dynamite - EXPLOSIVE POWER (1985-89) #explosive...
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khulkulkhan · 2 years
The Biggest punchers in Super-Middleweight
I try to make a ranking of the boxers in Super-Middleweight with the most punching power:
1. Victor Oganov
2. Rudy Markussen
3. James Butler 
4. Danny Green
5. Roy Jones Junior
6. Byron Mitchel
7. Charles Brewer
8. Nigel Benn
9. Librado Andrade
10. Antwun Echols
11. Mikkel Kessler
12. Jeff Lacy
13. Alejandro Berrio
14. In-Jin Baek
15. Adonis Stevenson
16. Carl Froch
17. David Benavitez
18. Arthur Abraham
19. Lucian Bute
20. Anthony Dirrell
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jacktheeldergod2 · 15 days
@1969chevycamaro @whereserpentswalk @everythingismadeofchaos @trashsouppossum @polkadotsunshine @strange-and-stupid @doyoudreamofwater @dackychansworldofhoshino @dh-ng @decoysender @gloriousvermin @kinkshame-puncher-666 @kirkland-brand-witch @leavesswaytoday @bisexual-bat @bellaphomet3 @mmmmmmky @mun-urufu @moonsfavoritedaughter
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helluvaloverx3 · 5 months
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johnny who is utterly obsessed with power play…
seeing you be all shy around him as he kept you captive in his shack with a rope around your neck gave him so many perverted ideas…
he finds his hand rough against the back of your neck, pounding into your pussy with your face in the couch cushions. his hips snap against your ass, your hands being held behind your back with his other hand.
“you like tha’, baby— being a pussy sleeve for me? I told chu’ you’d learn to love being my play thing…” he huffed out. planting his foot on the floor full of charred cigarettes and empty beer bottles, his pace only got faster.
even if you’re the one on top, he finds a way for him to be in control. ropes are tied around your wrist behind your back and his hands grip your love handles with a rough touch. your mouth lets out a struggled whine, his lower body drills into your body.
“mmm,” he growls, “such a pretty worthless lil’ girl.”
his hand reaches up to slap your tit, your head falls back to moan but his other hand comes up and interrupts you, “chu’ look at me,” he holds your face and forces you to look at him in the eyes, “look at me.” his other hand continues to slap your tits, switching between slapping and pinching your nipples. tears fill your eyes at the stimulation, his cock relentless in pursuit of your orgasm…
by the time he’s done with you, you’re twitching as his cum leaked out of you. he shoves your underwear in your pussy to plug his cum in your hole.
“can’t have me slippin’ out of ya, can i?”
the amount of hand prints and bruises you have by the end of your sessions are such a turn on to him.
“you’re mine, ya know that? you belong to me.”
you’re lucky if he doesn’t end up punchering your skin with how hard he bites…
he loves his lil’ cum slave.
A/N: i just keep feeding y’all, don’t i?😭
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wyfy-meltdown · 4 months
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I did it again!!! Meet my second PMMM OC: Shinoha Murofushi!
More info below the cut *⁠.⁠✧
Basic Info:
Name: Shinoha Murofushi
Age: 16
Height: 5'6
Wish: "'My ultimate dream could come true'... If that's really the case then, I want to get revenge on those bastards!"
Weapon: Dual Swords
Power: The ability to release attacks used against her back at an enemy*
Soul Gem: Bellflower (*also somewhat looks like a skull) located below the chest, with scales on the bottom of the soul gem
Witch: Nemesis
*She can only absorb attacks that have hit her, and will take damage from anything that hits her. She can store damage for as long as she wants, but when she releases it, every attack she's stores gets released at once. However the attack affected her is how it will affect the target she releases on: Ex. Someone punches her causing a bloody nose, Shinoha releases her damage, and the puncher gains a bloody nose and the pain that caused the bloody nose. Ex2. Someone breaks her arm with a baseball bat, Shinoha releases her damage, and the batter gains a broken arm and the pain of a baseball bat to the arm.
She's incredibly standoffish and tries her best to be alone at all times. She rarely leaves her room, and hates going to school. She's quick to judge and mistrust others, and it's incredibly hard for her to lower her guard. She's learned to cut her own hair (due to avoiding leaving the house) and while she has exceptional talent doing so, she has no interest in being a hairdresser. She rarely sleeps, and is always tired. She maintains a perfect poker face, but struggles with violent thoughts and self-loathing: becoming a magical girl has given her an outlet for her struggles, although she gets very brutal in fights. Her favorite food is seafood, and she can't stand the taste of sweet things. Despite her dark thoughts, she's very meek, and seldom voices her opinions and feelings. If she's got a problem with someone, they likely don't know until it's too late. Her downbeat nature means she doesn't have many hobbies; she spends most of her time on her phone, and is a closet idol fanatic.
Design Breakdown:
This design was a challenge and a pain. I struggled A LOT to incorporate her "revenge" wish and find a good theming for it, but all I could really work with was "greek goddess Nemesis" (justice/law/punishment theme). I managed to fit in some wing-like shapes (skirt, swords) but I don't know if it's obvious enough(?) Her hair-circle is meant to look like a halo (angel of punishment theme) but I'm not sure if it just looks like a random circle or an actual halo. I included bellflower motifs because... I have no real reason; nice concept, but I can't draw bellflowers well. Her colour palette was the most difficult part (theming second) because no colours fit her??? I don't know how to describe it, but no colours worked right with her personality (not even black or white). I settled on green with grey hair, but it'll probably change if I ever draw her again. I fear her design is a little to "fantasy" not enough "magical girl" (but that might just be my "ruffles/pink" brainrot). I tried really hard to give her a should cloak, then a caplet, and finally I gave up and just went with the sleeves.
Overall: she was a struggle, and I don't think I got across my theming and motifs well. I might try to redesign her in the future, but for now I'm content with this: I think it's good for my current skill level and her current concept.
She didn't believe in magical girls at all, but after much pestering convincing from Komoe, she unseriously made a wish before becoming a magical girl
Her damage absorbing ability causes her to intentionally endanger herself in fights against witches (possible concept)
Originally her plan was to kill her bullies, but she instead opted to use her power to curse them
She would've liked to be the brooding loner type of magical girl, but Komoe had other plans
She has a mini fridge in her room and it's her favorite thing in the world
It's always dark in her room, so she can see well in the dark (potential plot point later[?])
She's a big fan of spy, action, and mystery movies; and has some form of online review blog
She has a mannequin in her room she vents her frustrations and feelings to (she strongly dislikes showing emotions in public and/or around others)
As much as she's tried to fight it, Komoe often comes to her house with groceries, grief seeds, gifts, and other things to give to Shinoha
Although she was initially very unhappy about becoming a magical girl (she kinda became a magical girl on accident), she's slowly learning to embrace her magical girl persona (and becoming more deranged in the process!)
She named her magical girl swords after her two favorite idols, and has begun a personal sword collection (a goal Komoe helped her set was to eventually forge a sword herself)
She once drank a small bottle of vanilla extract without batting an eye (it was dark, she was tired and didn't feel like reading)
She punts around Inkyuu like a ball
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dandorime · 18 days
On a mission deep inside a secret Zoraxis facility...
Reginald: Anything suspicious yet, agent?
Phoenix: Not a damn thing. All these machines are in excellent condition, and there's OSHA-compliant signage and safeguards everywhere... Are you sure this is even a Zoraxis factory?
Suddenly the lights turn on, and a voice booms over the PA system...
???: Good evening, comrade Phoenix.
Phoenix: (◎_◎;) OH SHI-
Reginald: Strange, I don't recognize that voice... This could be a new Zoraxis operative. Be careful, agent! (。ŏ_ŏ)
Phoenix: Alright, you caught me. Now show yourself! (૭。•̀ n•́。 )૭
???: But of course. Since we're not on company time...
With the flourish of a large picket sign, a woman in overalls and a teamsters t-shirt steps out of the shadows onto the catwalk overhead.
???: A pleasure to have you on site, Agent Phoenix.
Phoenix: Who are you?! ಠ_ಠ
???: I am... The Rep.
Phoenix: ...what?!
The Rep: ...The Rep. Union representative. Zoraxis Workers United #73.
Phoenix: ...huh... (°-°?)
The Rep: You need to wear a hard hat at all times on the factory floor, even when the machinery is powered down. It's a contractual obligation. 🫱⛑️
Phoenix: Oh. Uh... Thanks. ⛑️
The Rep: And don't forget to clock your overtime on the puncher in the locker room when you leave.
Phoenix: (•᷄‎ࡇ•᷅ )Um... Listen. You realize I'm an EOD agent, right? That I don't actually work here...?
The Rep leans in close, placing a hand on Phoenix's shoulder as she does so.
The Rep: And you realize that your shenanigans produce a living wage for close to 10,000 unionized welders, electricians, plumbers, carpenters, stonemasons, miners, and mechanics under Zoraxis Industries, right? (σ-`д・´)
Phoenix: ...oh.(・□・;)
The Rep: *pat pat* Keep it up. ദ്ദി ˉ͈̀꒳ˉ͈́ )
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fave-fight · 1 year
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“Me” - The Aspiring Anime Character Puncher:
“Let them punch anime characters”
“I’m an average human being with no fighting experience. Please let me punch some anime character.”
“I want them to only win against anime characters”
“This kid has not been outside for 4 years. I want to see what happens.”
“When he has no weapon equipped, he does about half the damage that other party members do. He hits himself with a fly swatter and takes damage. He hasn't/hadn't seen sunlight in 4 years and did nothing but sleep. Low speed and attack.”
“He has Dreamed of him fighting and he has slight powers as in he can heal himself and simple stuff”
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synkseren · 4 months
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ɴαмe: æ-KARINA
αppeαrαɴce deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-KARINA is an avatar created based on the data that KARINA uploads about herself on the internet, the perfect self. She has blue eyes, wavy bright purple hair, and a mole just like KARINA.
cloтнeѕ deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-KARINA wears a purple crop top with sparkly silver lines, underneath that is a darker purple mesh top with lightning bolts-like lines and long sleeves. On the bottom, she wears purple shorts with the same silver/purple print. Her over-the-knee boots are purple with lines similar to the mesh top and sparkly silver heels.
When the SIᑎK ᗪIᐯᕮ is activated, real-world KARINA and æ-KARINA become my-KARINA.
αвιlιтιeѕ: Rocket Puncher - Great Strength, punching, and physical power. Gauntlet - Made of a digital grid and it’s only visible during combat, can break anything.
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ɴαмe: æ-GISELLE
αppeαrαɴce deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-GISELLE is an avatar created based on the data that GISELLE uploads about herself on the internet, the perfect self. She has hazel eyes and is the only æ with short hair, which is platinum blonde.
cloтнeѕ deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-GISELLE wears a black strapless crop top with mesh parts and mesh long gloves, however, she’s often seen with an orange sparkly jacket that hides the gloves. On the bottom, she wears black shorts with orange and sheer details. æ-GISELLE has a black belt that connects with her sheer tights that have a bolt pattern. Her shoes are dark gray boots.
When the SIᑎK ᗪIᐯᕮ is activated, real-world GISELLE and æ-GISELLE become my-GISELLE.
αвιlιтιeѕ: Xenoglossy - The ability to understand and speak any foreign language (including extraterrestrial language). Digital Goggles - Automatically translate anything.
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ɴαмe: æ-WINTER
αppeαrαɴce deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-WINTER is an avatar created based on the data that WINTER uploads about herself on the internet, the perfect self. She has light brown eyes and long blonde hair with pink streaks.
cloтнeѕ deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-WINTER wears a sparkly dress of different pink shades and matching gloves. Her shoes are a pair of sparkly pink above-the-knee boots.
When the SIᑎK ᗪIᐯᕮ is activated, real-world WINTER and æ-WINTER become my-WINTER.
αвιlιтιeѕ: Armamenter - The ability to use all kinds of weapons. Plasma Gun - Unlike a regular gun, this weapon shoots light produced by Winter's willpower.
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ɴαмe: æ-SEREN
αppeαrαɴce deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-SEREN is an avatar created based on the data that is an avatar created based on the data that SEREN uploads about herself on the internet, the perfect self. She has purple eyes, pale orange hair in a long high ponytail, and a sparkle-shaped jewel below her eye that alludes to SEREN’s symbol and her moles.
cloтнeѕ deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-SEREN wears a sparkly blue crop top, a black sheer mesh with bishop sleeves also with blue sparkles at the cuffs. On the bottoms, she wears black shorts with blue stripes on each side. Her above-the-knee boots are blue and have black stripes on the outside.
When the SIᑎK ᗪIᐯᕮ is activated, real-world SEREN and æ-SEREN become my-SEREN.
αвιlιтιeѕ: Portal Weaver - Create and manipulate portals, allowing instant travels and swift movements. Dimensional Daggers - Glowing blades that can cut through reality.
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ɴαмe: æ-NINGNING
αppeαrαɴce deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-NINGNING is an avatar created based on the data that NINGNING uploads about herself on the internet, the perfect self. She has lilac eyes and gray hair with bangs and lilac-colored ends.
cloтнeѕ deѕcrιpтιoɴ: æ-NINGNING wears a matching sparkly black long-sleeved top and skirt, both with lilac, silver, blue and pink details. On the bottoms, she has mesh socks and sparkly black boots.
When the SIᑎK ᗪIᐯᕮ is activated, real-world NINGNING and æ-NINGNING become my-NINGNING.
αвιlιтιeѕ: E.D. Hacker - Can hack into systems and make her drawings come to life. Headgear - A device that helps the hacking and is also used for communication.
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