#power rangers dino thunder au
hiyaluronic · 10 months
Still working on my PR:DT AU where Trent is adopted by Tommy after Anton dies during the island explosion. Currently fleshing out Trent hiding out at Jason and Kim's after Tommy finds out he's the White Ranger.
Snippet below!
Jason had never been one to let his work get to him. He had learned very early on that if he wanted to keep his sanity he would need to distance himself from the trauma of being a paramedic; but, tonight?
Tonight had been hard one. 
A seemingly normal call to a wreck that had quickly seen him trying his best to stabilize a woman in active labor while firefighters worked to cut her husband free from the bent and mangled mess of metal that made up the driver’s seat. He’d had to try and block out the death rattle of the woman’s husband while helping her bring their daughter into the world. 
He’d never forget watching the couple's daughter take her first breath of life while her father struggled to take his last.
Jason swallowed thickly and scrubbed at his gritty eyes. With a glance at his watch, he sighed. He needed to get up and start dinner. Kim would be home soon and Jason knew she would be ravenous from coaching kids all day. Nevermind that he needed something else to focus on other than the haunted look of the woman while he'd loaded her and her new daughter into the back of an ambulance.
With a heavy breath, Jason shoved against the couch cushions and the weight of the evening to come to a stand.
Right, dinner.
Jason headed out of the living room towards the kitchen, mind and body a mile apart, when the doorbell echoed through the hall. He tried not to be annoyed but when the doorbell rang once more he couldn’t help the tight feeling of irritation that overcame him. He didn’t want to deal with unwanted guests tonight. He didn’t have the mental capacity to even try to hold a conversation. All he wanted to do was just focus on making a nice dinner for Kim and then hopefully pass out into a dreamless sleep after. 
But the person at the door didn’t seem to care about his wants and needs as they went from hammering on the doorbell to pounding excessively against the door.
“I hear you!” He shouted and winced. He hadn’t meant to sound angry but the person was pounding so hard that the frosted glass of the door had started to rattle.  With more force than necessary, he opened the door, an irritated greeting fading quickly from his lips when he took in the bloody and beaten form of, “Trent?”.
The younger man coughed, a harsh wet sound that worried Jason about the possibility of a collapsed lung, or some sort of aspiration pneumonia. Trent’s uneven gaze and pale features didn’t help dissuade the worry gripping his chest. 
“Help me.”
Jason caught the poor kid when Trent pitched forward with a broken sob. “What the–Trent?”
“Please, he’ll kill me…” Jason looked out the door at the quiet plea, chest aching from his pounding heart at the mere thought that something had followed Trent here. He was in no way prepared for a fight.  He held tighter to Trent when a quiet and desperate please drifted from the kids bruised and bloody lips. 
“Okay, okay.” He soothed and did his best to help guide Trent from the door and towards the living room. Mind whirling with questions; the forefront being where the hell was Tommy and why was Trent out this far from Reefside alone and hurt. “What happened?”
He held just a little tighter to Trent when the younger man's knees buckled. “Dad–he…he was going t–to… he.” 
Jason barely had time to maneuver Trent onto the couch before the poor kid lost consciousness. Leaving him even more worried.
"Jason, I'm home!"
With one more worried glance at Trent, Jason made his way out to the hall to meet Kim before she had a chance to see their Godson in his current state.
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Artic Thunder AU
The main three all together
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Two to go
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feet010 · 1 year
Me watching the most random ass cartoons I find because the cover has an attractive character, enjoying the cartoon, but there's no (barely any) fanfiction and barely any fandom:
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(I just want the himbo to love me😔)
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(Mostly talking about a random ass hot wheels cartoon)
(This may or may not be me asking for fanfic of this show 😼)
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morninkim · 4 months
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Rise of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers - Minh Mendoza
just for fun, and bc i can't stop myself once i have an idea, here's the second member of Olivia's new Power Rangers; Minh Mendoza!
she's the daughter of Trini Gomez and Richie Mendoza, and was the result of an IUI from a donor who happened to be Vietnamese American
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nemesiscthonic · 11 months
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Things in my head while writing Hybrid Theory
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theorangerangers · 1 year
Hello! Hope your day is going well. I was wondering if for the Compresses Power Rangers Timeline AU, if you could list the teams, who's on each team, their rough age and what they do(and possibly the town's name-or would it make sense to use Angel Grove?). I really want to make a one shot of a typical day in this town for the AU, but I only know Ninja Steel, Dino Charge, Samaria and MMPR. I want to make this as accurate as possible. Thanks! Have a great day!
It’s organized by season. And yeah it’s angel grove since that town was a mess
Students: Jason, Kim, Billy, Zack, Trini, Tommy,Aisha, Adam, Rocky, Kat and sometimes Tom (the copy of Tommy) all of whom are seniors. Bulk and skull are juniors
Staff: Ernie is a lunch lady
they are in human disguises but are also students at the school and are members of the swimming team. all seniors.
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, Rocky, Jason, Tanya, trey (all seniors)
Students: Tommy, Kat, Adam, tanya, Rocky(only in emergency cases where Justin can’t fight though).
Justin:a freshman.
TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie are juniors
In space
Students: TJ, Ashley, Carlos, Cassie
Teaching assistant for math: Andros
Teaching assistant for gym: Zhane
Lost galaxy
Librarians: kendrix, Karone
Music teacher: maya
Calculus teacher: mike
Freshman math teacher: Leo
History teacher: Kai
Shop teacher: Damon
Lightspeed rescue
Head school nurse: Dana
Sophomore gym teacher and gymnastics couch: Kelsey
Freshman science teacher who lets students call them his first name and teaches kids how to safety set things on fire: Carter
Latin teacher and wrestling couch from hell: Ryan
Senior year bio electives teacher and swim couch: Chad
Sex ed and general wellness co teachers: Joel and Dr. Fairweather
One of those military recruiters that talk about joining the military to play for college to high schoolers: captain Mitchell
Time force
custodians at the school: Jen, trip, Katie, Luke, wes
Private security due to the shear number of rich people's kids and celebrities go to this school: Eric
Wild force
Portuguese teacher: Cole
Senior gym and track couch: Taylor
Home Ec teacher: Danny
Gym TA (under Taylor’s guidance of course): Max
American history teacher: Alyssa
Ninja storm
Sophomores: Dustin, Tori, Shane, Blake, Hunter
One of the the office secretaries: Cam
Class pet in the 8am section of sophomore bio: sensei guinea pig (it’s Carter’s class room)
Dino thunder
Freshmen: Connor, Kira, Ethan, Cassidy Devin and Trent
Tommy is still a senior but also their STA for extra credit so he can graduate on time
Haily is a junior
Anton is one of those parents that threatens to sue the school if his kid doesn’t get his way
Elsa is the principal
Definitely older than the typical college students but still in their 20s working school security: bridge, Z, Sky, syd, Jack
Gets shoved in a storage closet in their base so they don’t work at at or go to the school due to time travel shenanigans (also because the time force might arrest him): the omega ranger
Stays in the base due to being alien furries: Crugger and Kat
Janitor: Boom
Mystic force
Juniors: Nick, Vida, Xander, Leelee, Claire, Maddie, Chip
PTA moms: Udonna and Necrolai
Best Latin teacher ever (or at least less terrifying than Ryan): daggeron
Janitor: pheus (or whatever the troll goblin hybrid was called it’s been a while since I’ve seen it)
Operation overdrive
Physic teacher: rose
French teacher: will
Drivers Ed teacher: Ronny
English TA: Mack
School nurse: Tyzon
Drama teacher: Dax
Anyone not listed has their normal jobs
Jungle fury
Lunch ladies: RJ, Casey, Lily, Theo, Fran, Dom
Camille occasionally is disguised as the repair person for the industrial kitchen stuff
Lunch lady: ziggy
Auto shop TA: Dillon and Scott
Senior English teacher: summer
World history teacher: Flynn
Child development: gen and Gemma
Head of science department: Dr. K
Sophomores: Jayden, Emily, Kevin, Mike, Mia, Antonio
Assistant principal: Lauren
Overbearing Parent/guardian who are always at the school to “complain” about something leading to meeting with the assistant principal: Gi
(Due to skull being a high schooler) toddler in the teaching day care program at the school that somehow always manages to find them at inopportune monuments: Spike
As said before bulk is a junior
Super mega force
Freshmen: Troy, Emma, Gia, Noah, Jake, Orion
Stuck being a tiki head in the base: gosei (fun fact the cave Gosei is in shares a wall with the Dino thunder cave in this au!)
Also their weird science teacher is still their weird science teacher IDK his name though
Is often shoved into janitor closets when he shows up at the school to hide him because he doesn’t go there and also the RPM and Zeo rangers tried to fight him once: robo knight
Dino charge
Child development TA: koda
IT guy: Tyler’s dad (I forgot his name)
World history TA: philip
American history TA: shelby
Biology TA: Tyler
Physics TA: Riley
Office secretary who is in charge of making sure everyone is registered for their correct classes : Kendall
Guidance counselor: Heckyl (no one is sure how or why)
Sex ed TA: chase (he likes to joke that Joel and Dr.F are his work parents)
Any non human team members not listed above are shoved into the base and kept there due to the number of rangers that mistake them monsters at random moments
Ninja steel
Sophomores: Brody, Sarah, Hailey, Preston, Calvin
Senior: Levi, Monty, and victor
Vice principal that ends up doing most of the work anyway (due to Elsa and Lauren constantly running off): Ms. Hastings
Beast morphers
Janitors : Ben and Betty
Senior : Nate (Dr.K’s favorite student)
Electric electives teacher: Devin
Special Ed teacher: zoey
Art teacher: Ravi
Former pottery teacher that suddenly vanished: Roxy
Former substitute gym teacher that suddenly vanished: blaze
Devon’s dad is still the mayor and Ravi’s mom is still in charge of grid battle force
Dino fury
Music TA: Javi
Electronic sciences TA: Ollie
Human psychology TA: Amelia
Senior: Izzy, and Fern (fun fact Izzy was the prime suspect for evil green ranger for mmpr before they realized it was Tommy)
Library assistants: Ayon and Zayto (Ollie have them a crash course on the Dewey decimal system and hoped for the best)
Fashion teacher: ms. Garcia
Mr. Garcia keeps his regular job but also gives Javi less of a hard time because music teachers are supposed to be able to play a bunch of different instruments and it looks like he has good chance to take Maya’s place when she leaves the school
Solon remains in the base because she is a dinosaur
Extra notes I came up with on the fly
K is growingly more paranoid due to the number of ranger teams she has evidence have robots in their ranks especially the beast morphers since that’s the team their closest too
Preston was “bullied” out of the magic the gathering club by the mystic rangers due to Vida trying to accuse him of being an evil wizard without blowing their cover. Vida’s exact words were “we don’t don’t want your kind around here”. The ninja steel team now thinks the magic the gathering club is homophobic towards Preston and hates them. Ironically the mystic rangers all love the blue ninja steel ranger and the ninja steel rangers really life the mystic force.
Summer after spending the entire night fighting vengix and exhausted as she walks in the door and Mack the day after he found out he’s a robot. “Summer would you still be my friend if I was a robot?” “Absolutely not” cue Mack having a break down in the janitor closet only to be found by Ben and Betty who assure him they would still be his friends even if he was a robot
Mick is the impromptu medic to most of the robotic rangers
Tyzon is not sure what normal human anatomy should look like so he just copies a lot of what he’s seen Dana do but also does know someone from aquatar when he sees one and treats their injuries accordingly and the aquatar rangers just think he’s a human whose really good with secrets
The teachers are youngish (most haven’t hit 30 yet) and I use TA as a short hand for teachers in training so they’re earlier 20s. And then most of the students besides Justin and Nate are between 14-18 with Justin and Nate both being 12.
Generally everyone else is around the age they are in the show
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I’m working on a dino thunder AU fanfic that takes some more queues from Abaranger and also has some more connectors to the OG power rangers series. Is there anything you guys would like to see?
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Power Rangers Dino Thunder: A New Storm Preview
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(I am currently working on a AU retelling of Dino Thunder fanfiction with some altered details and some events switched around and some original ideas spread in. The biggest of which being having Jason returning as the mentor and black ranger instead of Tommy. As well as, the identity of Zeltrax which I will not spoil here. If you have any questions, please let me know in a comment or reblog and I'll let you all know when the first chapter will be finished and uploaded to my ao3 page. P.S; I'm gonna try posting more about my fanfics and series I'm into.)
Summary: After years retired from his duties as a ranger, Jason Lee Scott and Anton Mercer's research team had attempted to study genetics to move humanity to the next stage. But things went wrong and their research and lab were destroyed. Now, he finds himself in Reefside High School as a science professor. One day, he is entrusted with three students in detention; popular soccer player Conner McKnight, computer geek Ethan James, and aspiring musician Kira Ford. Mysterious circumstances lead to them finding powerful stones known as the dino gems and together, the three are chosen to defeat a mutant monster known as Mesogog and his minions who wants to eradicate all life on Earth. Together, they are the Power Dino Thunder.
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blackione · 2 years
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Harry Potter x Dino Thunder AU
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skyland2703 · 2 years
Grade School AU Trent/Devin/Cassidy 🎨☔🍁
There was a tree outside their classroom, when they were in the first grade. The classroom was on the first floor, so the trunk of the tree, where it branched into a fork was right in front of the class window, where they hung their bags on hooks before going in. During lunchroom, Devin liked to stand in front of the tree and make different shapes in his head of what the tree's branches and leaves looked like.
Cassidy wasn't sure what was so interesting about a tree but because of their roll numbers on the teacher's list, Cassidy's seat in class was right next to Devin's so she was acquainted with him, and saw the boy staring at the leaves even during class. One day she asked him, and he told her.
She still couldn't fathom what was so amazing about a tree, especially when it shed all it's leaves by fall, but she had earmarked the spot for her and Devin. Any kid of their grade who tried to take it for themselves got an earful and then stayed away.
It was raining that day, when Cassidy and Devin saw, for the first time ever, a kid they didn't know— he didn't go to their school, he was wearing a prep school uniform— hiding in their little spot outside the classroom, drenched from head to toe, and with a wet drawing notebook in his hand. He didn't seem fazed by the rain, or his soppy wet hair, he was just sitting there, looking at the tree, and drawing something in his notebook with color pencils.
Cassidy and Devin approached him, and saw that he was sketching the tree. It wasn't the best sketch ever, but from one end of the trunk, the head of what looked like a deer, seemed to emerge from the trunk, and Devin excitedly sat next to the boy, who talked very little on being asked about himself— said nothing except his name was Trent— and asked him what his drawing was about.
When he said that the edge of the tree looked like a deer, and it gave Trent that idea, even though he was merely taking shelter from the rain after being caught at a bad hour, he couldn't resist drawing, and though the paper was wet and torn, he said he'd fix it on a clean sheet when he got home.
That was the first time Cassidy actually understood what Devin meant when he made shapes in trees. They invited the little boy again, whenever he'd pass by. Who cared if he was in another school?
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kimberlyannharts · 4 months
I can’t believe Ryan of all people made me feel better about the Squadron Rangers being the emissaries. I do wish there had been more of a moment between Aleia and Ori though, even if they were possessed.
Also Kimberly Hart so powerful she created a Pink Dino Thunder Ranger???
I talk about this more in the recap but besides the Ranger Slayer stuff the Emissaries finally getting a chance to talk about their past selves is probably the most interesting part of the issue. I just wish it wasn't done in a way that's like "we're just bringing it up now because they're under evil influence" - it just means that they don't really get an unbiased discussion on it because they're only expressing it due to evil. Which leads to us spending no time on it and fully fleshing it out, like with the lack of Aleia/Ori
But yes, this one book has singlehandedly made all the AU fanfics from 2004 where Kim becomes Dino Thunder Pink canon, god bless
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regaliasonata · 1 year
Artic-Ethan Sketch
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Finally drew Ethan in the Artic Thunder Au, he's very attentive when it comes to building things and life itself. Stemmed from his own upbringing in the world.
Outfit wise he has more of a formal style with somewhat researcher vibes. Like his gloves have holographic keyboards and he can even trace nanotechnology and strings with the tips.
I also gave him dreads because dude is stylish, they're white in color because of an accident from his childhood. His outfit has a lot of edges and points based off the triceratops, like his glasses and the Yanma Gust openings for his trench coat.
Also his coat has a triceratops design like Yukita from Abaranger. (If there's any confusion Ethan here has a big collars shirt underneath, he can button it up if he wants but I like him extra✨️😎)
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As for some details on his powers like Conner's time dilation and Kira's matter frequency Ethan also has an extra branch in his powers. Like in Abaranger on Blizz-Earth humans have abilities dubbed "Dino Guts", here the team can add them to their ranger powers for new ones.
Artic-Ethan's hard skin can branch into particle solidification, like taking the strength of his skin and adding the pressure elsewhere. So like making explosive atoms or maybe a forecfield etc.
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With Hayley they both act as the brains of the team when needed, Ethan is also very outgoing and tries to give his support wherever. Especially with Conner who's been through a lot.
Here's the main trio together, I'll color them later
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Trent and Tommy are next
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ilariyalavorowrites · 11 months
To be started list
I have more than a few stories waiting to be started in the pipeline. I'm sharing the list with you guys. Some have titles and summaries, others don't, so suggestions are welcome. I will likely start with my Bridgerton story.
Once (9-1-1)
Pairing: Eddie Diaz x reader x Evan Buckley
It was only meant to be a one time mistake but then why did it keep happening over and over again. Maybe it was time to discover what this truly was.
What would neighbours think (Downton Abbey)
Pairing: Cora Crawley x Reader x Robert Crawley
Imagine: O’Brien misinterprets you, a housemaid training to be Lady Edith’s Lady's maid returning in the wee small hours as an attempt after her job. A few well-placed threatening words when she catches you alone, one evening whilst staying at Crawley House in London results in your disappearance which is soon noted.
Poly CM Beyond Borders
Pairing: Jack Garrett x Reader x Karen Garrett
Over the Horizon Epilogue
Pairings: Shawn Michaels x reader x Chris Jericho
Scorching - Poly Chicago Med
Pairings: Connor Rhodes x Reader x Ethan Choi
Imagine: Imagine after a series of heated nights together, what you thought was becoming something more seems to fade as Ethan and Connor distract themselves from you. Only for you to walk head first into a dangerous situation when a patient turns hostile.
Delirious Happy Endings Epilogue
Pairing: Connor Rhodes x Reader
Time enough for Love (Bridgerton Poly)
Pairings: Kate Sharma x Reader x Anthony Bridgerton
Imagine: A mission to ensure Kate and Anthony find each other during the social season of 1814. Time travels into the past to ensure that crucial moments occur. However, you find yourself falling in love with the pair. It breaks your heart when it comes to leaving and returning to the future.
Sweet Enough (Fated to you sequel)
Pairings: Elliot Stabler x Reader
Imagine a soulmate AU where newly divorced Elliot Stabler has a soul mark wrapped around his wrist and finds out that it’s the newest member of the SVU team, before awkwardly asking you to go get a coffee with him
In the cold harsh light of day (CAOS poly)
Pairing: Nick Scratch x Sabrina Spellman X Fae!Reader
Imagine: Imagine being a member of the face court, living in the mortal realm where you find yourself in a poly triad with Nick and Sabrina. With the threat of void on the horizon, your family wishes to return to the forest but you wish to remain. Unhappy with this choice, you are tricked into returning at the bequest of your Fae King and Queen. Only to be shackled whilst the events of Season 4 play out until Death presents itself to you with a new choice. A way out or salvation?
Lone Rider (9-1-1 Lone Star)
Pairings: Owen Strand x Reader
Imagine: Imagine crushing on your boss Owen Strand since starting at the firehouse. Never having the courage to admit your feelings. Until you wake up one morning to find yourself in bed with him. In a panic, you make yourself scarce. No awkward conversation follows in the days after but every decision has consequences.
Crossing that line - (Power Rangers Dino Thunder)
Pairing: Tommy Oliver x Reader
Summary: After a strange encounter with one of the victims of Mesogog’s most recent monsters. You find yourself alone with Dr Oliver as you both begin to experience strange symptoms. Not knowing that this monster whose DNA was combined with an aphrodisiac plant. Buried and denied feelings rise to the surface.
If anyone wants to be tagged for any of the above. Please let me know either comment or message me
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wr1t3w1tm3 · 6 months
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Please note! After May 28th, I will not be active until the first week of July. After that I will be inactive again until the first full week of August! I start a summer camp type job so I might respond to DM's but I can't even promise that!
Why hello, an welcome to my blog! Call me Aux (just a screen name), I'm female, in my early 20's and am working towards getting my Bachelors in Nursing! There's no NSFW content on this page and never will be, I just ask no minors dm me.
My Fandoms are *deep breath*
Top Gun & Maverick
Tombstone (1993)
Ninjago and Ninjago: Dragon's Rising
Five Nights at Freddy's (casual)
The Wiggles (og's)
Power Rangers (specifically Mighty Morphing, Dino Thunder, Ninja Steel, Dino Charge)
Chronicles of Narnia (books and movies)
The Outsiders (book and movie)
Star Wars (primarily Original, Prequel, The Clone Wars, and legends)
Marvel (movies)
X-Men (Evolution, 1992, '97)
Pirates of the Caribbean (1-3, 5. Will x Elizabeth is my OTP alright!!)
Hermitcraft (MCYT, Grian, Scar, Tango, Mumbo, GeminiTay)
To name just a few.
I mostly post random stuff, but I also post some of my more recent writing projects, rewrites, and part of a little AU project I'm calling Fandamonium here.
I'm an open book, so if you have any questions (and aren't a minor) feel free to DM or ask questions on a post.
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nemesiscthonic · 10 months
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I some how never posted this shit here on tumblr. I went back 3 years and couldn’t find it. Please enjoy an illustration from my fanfic “Synthesis”
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theorangerangers · 1 year
vampires au + MMPR comics Original Six--plus Bulk and Skull?
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80 bullets!!!!!
Skull was not a great vampire but he’s getting better, at least he stopped fainting when he saw blood and now just drank it
Bulk was turned by accident when Skull panicked and bit him and then fainted from the sight of blood so he didn’t finish draining bulk
Kim spends most of her time as a bat sitting in her friends pockets
Tommy can turn into many animals but can’t really get the faces right so whenever the gang sees a fucked up animal they have to double check it’s not Tommy even when Tommy is standing right next to them
Tommy has been hit by cars multiple times because vampires can’t be seen in rear view mirrors
Trini likes to keep stuff from their human victims just for funnsies
Bulk did not handle see the amount of corpses in the basement of the Coven house well.
Zordon is the vampire who turned everyone except Tommy who was biten by Rita
Zordon is over 3000 years old and lives in a stone coffin in the basement where they keep the corpses so Bulk and Skull don’t see him much
they both faint the first three times they see him
Trini has tried to do things to make blood more exciting because eating the same meal every day can be morning and now she bulk and skull tend to eat their blood as pop cycles
Tommy is the youngest vampire and died in 1993 when Rita turned him and has been stuck as a 14 year old since
Everyone else got to be at least 18 when they were turned so they like to make fun of Tommy perpetually being an 8th grader.
Kim has been taken out with an electronic fly swatted so many times since she spend most of her time as a bat and there’s a lot of flies since they don’t remove the corpses as often as they probably should.
Billy is the most tech savvy but in the funniest way since he know everything about the latest tech from the industrial revolution. “What do mean they don’t use children to do that type of factory work anymore?”
Zach likes to hold birthday parties for everyone but also low key it’s becoming a fire hazard to celebrate zordon’s birthday because that’s so many candles
They are all regarded as zordon’s kids and other local vampires think he needs to calm down with the number of kids he has
Tommy mainly feeds on pedophiles be a they are surprisingly easy to find online and tends to bring others along if he thinks they’ll be more than one
Bulk once tried to eat a sandwich after being turned and basically spent the rest of the night getting sick and drinking blood bags
Zack hates to say it but he firmly believes there’s no real taste difference between virgin blood and non virgin blood, he thinks it’s just everyone being picky
Because none of them can use mirrors they are completely dependent on each other for knowing how they look unless the they put on make up which normally looks terrifying in the mirror because their reflections don’t have eyes
Zordon is look at like that one PTA mom who has way to many kids and most people think Rita is Zordon’s ex wife which the kids like to encourage because it’s not really like zordon ever comes out of the stone coffin long enough to deny it
the neighborhood they live in is actually incredibly safe and pleasant to live in because they keep eating the jerks and creeps
most of their human neighbors think they are either a cult or a weird group sex thing or a combination of both.
Tommy's 'job' as he likes to put it is looting the corpses of his victims and selling their stuff online
Kim loves the youtube channel is "ghosts doing chores" she's never met them in person but she thinks the computer work they do to edit themselves out of the videos are amazing. (little does she know neither Z, Syd nor Jack have any editing sills what so ever)
trini and kim do each other's makeup and also all of the others if the need arises but considering now whenever bulk sees his reflection he jumps and also skull faints at the slight of not have eyes they don't do it much for those two
Tommy has an adult sized coffin despite still not being done growing when he turned so his bed is extra roomy to him
Tommy panicked when he found another vampire that was feeding on kids so he turned the kids to try and stop the vampire from killing them but now he is responsible for three fifth graders.
Kim, Bulk, and Trini called dibs on being Kira’s “parents” at the same time. And trying to make a comprise they come up with possibly the worst way to decide which one of them Kira is calling mom at a given time.
Tommy, Zach, Kim, and Connor came up with the system where every date where the month/day/year add up to an even number kim is mom and every date where they add to an odd number Trini is mom. Everyone except billy now hesitates when they try to ask Kira about her moms as a result because they need to remember the date and do mental math.
Kira just calls everyone by their first names, they aren’t her real parents and she wants to go home which makes Kim sad but like they get it.
Zordon takes a while to realize he now has more kids in his house. Zach introduces them as Tommy’s pet humans and Zordon just kinda excepts it because Tommy’s chaotic enough that he could definitely convince three 11 year olds to be his pets. Zordon was some how more unhappy with there being more vampires than about three unannounced pets
Once Tommy was out past the city curfew with Zach and the cops wouldn’t believe they were related so they called trini to come and pick them up from jail who just ate the cops because it was not worth the hassle. Also zack and Tommy’s mug shots were suspicious as hell since you know they didn’t actually show up in the mug shots. Zack snagged the mug shots and brought them home as suvenineers
Jason decided to frame the mugshots over the family didn't table since it's not like they really have any family photos
When zordon puts any of them in time out he makes them turn into bats and then keeps them in bird cages until they are ready to act their age.
no one is ever ready to act their age but also the bird cage keeps getting knocked over and they just escape when it does
Zack , bulk, and skull looses their shit when they see Connor’s twin brother Eric in public for the first time because it looked like Connor grew like a full foot between that evening when they all woke up and that very moment
They eventually loose Zordon to a tragic sunlight accident when they forget to close the curtains one night and everyone is heart broken
they blame their moron friend Andros who's half vampire so he doesn't instantly die when sunlight hits him
They have the biggest Rock Paper Scissors tournament ever to decide who is “new dad”
Tommy wins the tournament and now everyone has to call him dad despite him looking like a 14 year old
Kim was in second place for new dad while Connor and Kira tied for third
Billy likes to mess with cars and other transportation technology because the wright brothers were hacks who stole his tech!
Everyone has heard billy complain about the Wright brothers numerous times and frankly are kinda over it
Bulk and Skull help Billy build a flying car but unfortunately they can only ride in it was bats because it is too small and Trini points out why don't thy just fly themselves at that point
Tommy sometimes like to do his "dark biddings" online and buy furniture on Craig's list to replace the stuff everyone is regularly breaking
Bulk once turned most of the way into a bat but not his head and had trouble turning back so he just kind of dragged his head everywhere for like three days
Skull found out he had a kid right before he got turned and now that kid is almost physically the same age as him and in a moment of panic turns spike because he can't have his son being older than him
Spike find it weird and creepy everyone calls an 8th grader "new dad" in the coven but Tommy tells him he can call him granddad if he likes
because of the sheer number of people living in their home lots of them share rooms and have bunk coffins
Spike is not prepared to have the top bunk and falls down getting out a lot and skull has to teach him how to fly before most other vampire things
Bulk holds spikes hair when he gets sick from trying to eat regular food and also seeing the basement full of corpses as well as seeing Connor just straight up mutilating a guy while trying to drink from him but the guy wouldn't stand still.
sometimes they see stuff they lost over the years at museums with night showings and later break in to steal their stuff back and more than a few times they have grabbed the wrong things so they just sell the stuff they don't want
they accidentally stole the Mona Lisa. twice.
sometimes when Kim and Zack don't have anything better to do they make weird costumes from random stuff around the house and invent new cryptids and Urban Myths in the woods near their home and since they have moved around a lot over the years they are responsible for quite a few myths
Kim is actually the lockness monster and big foot
Zack is mothman
they dragged Jason into it once and he is champ
Zack found it hilarious the Loveland frog was another vampire named Adam that he and Kim keep in touch with
They meet a ghost name Demetria and she lives in a shower but her twin is the most dramatic vampire Tommy has ever met
Tommy almost considers getting a vampire Hunter involved Divatox is so annoying and her real name is Dian 
Dementia the shower ghost is the weird grandma to Tommy and skulls kids
they at one point steal the shower she haunts to bring her with them so she isn't so lonely and Divatox is pissed they basically just stole her sister
if nothing else Zack is just impressed they managed to get an entire shower cut out of the wall nozzle and all to bring back to the house
in hindsight Divatox could have also been pissed about them stealing an entire shower out of her house but that wasn't a priority for the family.
a heated debate on weather or not being a vampire was like an MLM scheme nearly rips the family in half mainly because some of them think it's multilevel marketing, some think it's men loving men, and some others think it's Marxism-Leninism-Maoism, and Skull thinks it's muslim lives matter
The larger vampire community around them is perfectly aware they are all idiots but have decided it's not their problem
(eyyyy 69!) the kids think it's funny to make fun of some of the older vampires (mostly outside their coven) for dying virgins but also they know the know they can't say anything back because this is a gaggle of children
the others tell Tommy to stop letting his kids be dicks but he is just not interested because he thinks it's funny
trini likes to do online shopping with kim and buy cute hats for when they are both bats
they all have an instagram they share where spike, Bulk, and zack draws kind crappy drawings of the others as bats wearing the hats that they sometimes swipe from kim and trini
Bulk has the most popular drawing on their insta with a stick figure bat skull smiling and wearing a flowery tea hat
they are friends on instagram with the ghosts doing chores youtubers
Skull still has a MySpace because he doesn't really see the difference between the platforms
Billy knows MySpace is out of date but still has one so he can be friends with Skull on it
Bulk and Skull as well as the others do live long enough so see human's start to move to other planets and accediently start a real life version of among us while flying there.
the "imposters" win but they gotta act stupid when people ask what happened which is the one thing this group of people after being being stuck in an enclosed space together for months can do very well
they are genuinely let off scott free on a new human planet because none of the footage of people dying showed them anywhere near the victims
no one wants to comment on the fact they had to do all their killing naked to not leave any visual evidence behind on the ship
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