jrueships · 1 year
deebo's dpoy daughter working with her other papa lowry to ensure tumblr's kd/russ kyle/demar showdown of the ships is solidified... goat behavior, we must all admit
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kommunic8 · 1 year
L'ultimo film di Adam Sandler lo vede produttore e interprete principale, insieme a lui la moglie e le due figlie che interpretano sua moglie e le sue due figlie nel film. Il film? Una ciofeca. TRASCRIZIONE [Eng translation below] Qualche giorno fa, cioè ieri, Jonathan Zenti, uno dei miei podcast preferiti, parlava nel suo podcast Estadeli delle power couple. Chi sono le power couple? Sono le persone che stanno insieme nella vita e lavorano anche insieme. Il fatto di stare insieme nella vita reale dà più potere contrattuale quando sono sul posto di lavoro. Perché vi parlo di power couple? Perché questo pomeriggio, pigra non avevo voglia di fare niente, allora mi sono presa il cavo di alimentazione del laptop l'ho portato su al piano di sopra, nel mio letto a soppalco, e mi sono messa a guardare il primo film che mi è capitato su Netflix. Volevo vedere una cosa che durasse meno di 1 ora e mezzo e che fosse veramente facile da vedere anche così se dormivo non avrei perso niente e ho preso il primo che è capitato, eh. Adesso, in questo momento Netflix sta promuovendo molto il film intitolato 'You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah', lo sto pronunciando male, ma non so come si pronunci in italiano, 'Non sei invitata al mio bat mitzvah'. Di che cosa? Perché ve ne parlo? Perché se due persone che stanno insieme fanno una powere couple nel film c'è una power family. Allora il film è interpretato e prodotto da Adam Sandler, che è un nome grosso nei botteghini. Nel film compaiono la moglie, che si chiama Jackie Sandler, ha preso il suo cognome e interpreta la parte della moglie di lui e poi anche le loro due figlie, Sadie e Sunny Sandler, che interpretano rispettivamente le due figlie della coppia, che è anche una coppia nella vita reale, quindi una famiglia che interpreta in un film una famiglia. E questo film è prodotto dal papà, che è anche uno dei nomi più conosciuti nel botteghino ed è anche prodotto da lui. Immaginatevi che cosa dev'essere lavorare in quel film. Ma perché ve ne parlo? Perché è un film orribile, è una ciofeca pazzesca. Basta che voi guardiate il trailer e sapete già di che cosa parla. Spoiler alert: la ragazzina farà pace con l'amica del cuore, ci sarà il trionfo della sorellanza e tutti vivranno felici e contenti. È un film dove sono tutti ricchi, dove nessuno lavora, dove nessuno ha problemi seri, dove ste ragazzine fanno i cavoli che vogliono, viziate da morire. Non mi è piaciuto, Non ve lo consiglio assolutamente. Una grande perdita di tempo. Ma poi (devo confessare che l'ultima mezz'ora me la sono vista a doppia velocità perché proprio non ne potevo più), ma poi mi sono detta ma vuoi vedere che veramente negli ambienti ebrei americani veramente vivono tutti così? Non lo so. Io conosco a malapena gli ambientacci cattolici italiani e vi assicuro che lì non si fanno queste cose qua. Comunque boh se vi va di sprecare 1 ora qualcosa della vostra vita, guardatelo, ve lo sconsiglio. TRANSLATION A few days ago, that is, yesterday, Jonathan Zenti, one of my favorite podcasts, was talking in his podcast Estadeli about power couples. Who are power couples? They are the people who are together in life and also work together. Being together in real life gives more bargaining power when they are in the workplace. Why am I telling you about P power couple? Because this afternoon, lazy I didn't feel like doing anything, so I grabbed the laptop power cord I took it upstairs to my loft bed and started watching the first movie I came across on Netflix. I wanted to see something that lasted less than 1 1/2 hours and was really easy to see even so if I slept I wouldn't miss anything and I got the first one that happened, eh. Now, right now Netflix is promoting a lot the movie called 'You Are So Not Invited to My Bat Mitzvah', I'm mispronouncing it, but I don't know how to pronounce it in Italian, 'You are not invited to my bat mitzvah'. About what? Why am I telling you about it? Because if two people who are together make a powere couple in the movie there is a power family. Then the movie is starring and produced by Adam Sandler, who is a big name in the box office. His wife, whose name is Jack ie Sandler, has taken his last name and plays the part of his wife, appears in the film, and then also their two daughters, Sadie and Sunny Sandler, who play, respectively, the couple's two daughters, who are also a couple in real life, so a family playing a family in a film. And this film is produced by the father, who is also one of the best known names in the box office and is also produced by him. Imagine what it must be like to work in that film. But why am I telling you about it? Because it's a horrible movie, it's a sensless piece of crap. Just watch the trailer and you already know what it is about. Spoiler alert: the girl will make peace with her best friend, there will be a triumph of sisterhood, and everyone will live happily ever after. It's a movie where everybody is rich, where nobody works, where nobody has any serious problems, where these girls do whatever they want, spoiled rotten. I did not like it, I absolutely do not recommend it. A great waste of time. But then (I have to confess that the last half hour I watched it at double speed because I just couldn't take it anymore), but then I said to myself but do you want to see that really in American Jewish circles they all really live like that? I don't know. I am barely familiar with Italian Catholic settings and I assure you that there they do not do these things here. Anyway IDK if you feel like wasting 1 something hour of your life, watch it, I do not recommend it. LINK Il film che vi sconsiglio https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/You_Are_So_Not_Invited_to_My_Bat_Mitzvah Questo invece il podcast Estadeli di Jonathan Zenti, che vi consiglio caldamente https://open.spotify.com/episode/14gRyvjzm031SCvNSW84Y7
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fausti78 · 4 years
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⁣ Wir sind so dankbar 🙏 das wir die Möglichkeit haben, sich jeden Tag wie im Urlaub 🏖 zu fühlen.⁣ ⁣ Wofür bist DU zur Zeit dankbar?⁣ ⁣ Kommentiere unter dem Beitrag 🙏🤝⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Folge uns @_lisa_und_chris_ --- #dankbarfüralles #lebedeinleben #esistdeinleben #wirwollenmehr #menschenhelfenmenschen #mehrlebensqualität #powerfamilie #niemalsaufgeben #wirsindfamilie #familienglück #familienalltag #familienzeit❤️ #netzwerken #veränderung (hier: Viecht) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDt_5fgJCWM/?igshid=rkmuasnv2ito
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deiasilva10 · 4 years
Reposted from @dianaandkal This is SuperWonderful!❤️💙 And Congratulations on becoming Wonder Woman #dcambassador🤗 #Repost @superha ・・・ 13 years and a lot of living in between! ❤️🙏😊 #wonderwoman #DCAmbassador #supermanwonderwoman #supermanandwonderwoman #superwonder #dccomics #dcuniverse #superman #supergirl #superboy #powercouple #powerfamily #superfamily @dccomics @wonderwoman - #regrann https://www.instagram.com/p/CAqLMjUBY8T/?igshid=agxm4wz5tp77
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side-scribbles · 6 years
Cool It
Stephen slammed the front door shut , stomping through the living room as smoke curled off of his flushed skin. "Welcome home!
How was school?" Mariah called out from the kitchen table , tapping away on her work computer. Stephen stomped into the kitchen "It was awful , Mom.". She glanced over at him "And why's that?".
Stephen frowned , his hair changing from a dirty blond to pure white as he glared "All my stuff got thrown into the lake.". Mariah turned back towards her screen , squinting slightly "Well that's no good.". Stephen tapped his foot impatiently "Yeah! It's not!".
Mariah looked back once again , glancing at the floor before commenting "You're ruining the carpet.". Stephen's hair grew brighter , heat radiating off of his body "That's what you're worried about? You're stupid carpet?!".
"I don't want to have to replace it.. again." She replied , sounding uninterested in the cause of Stephen's anger. Stephen was fuming at this point , muttering strings of swears as his temper finally boiled over. Mariah sharply turned , enveloping Stephen in a forcefield bubble. Stephen lost it. The explosion was heavily muffled by the bubble , Stephen being completely hidden by the thick black smoke that came right after. Mariah held the bubble together , taking him out into the wet yard before dissolving it. Stephen collapsed onto the grass , the mud puddles boiling under him as he laid there. A combination of smoke and steam was coming off of his clothes and body , his hair had become mix of black and grey.
Mariah was silent for a moment as the rain continued to come down in a light drizzle around them , she looked down at Stephen and sighed. "Are you ready to get cleaned up and have an actual conversation , or do you need the bubble again?" She asked. Stephen continued to remain on the ground , partly exhausted and partly too crossed with her to want to hold any meaningful talk.
Mariah frowned scooping up her mud-covered son in another forcefield bubble , she carried him back inside. Looks like she'd be getting the silent treatment for a bit. Stephen tried to force his eyes to remain open , but the energy drained after his explosive tantrum was just too much. He allowed his eyes to shut and it wasn't long before he was out like a light.
Mariah noticed , conflicted on wether to let him continue to rest or not. He couldn't stay in those muddy clothes , but waking him would be a challenge as he was still unsafe to touch with bare hands.
He looked at peace , which was a rarity since he always seemed upset or angry at something or someone , she didn't want to disturb him.
Maybe a bit of rest wouldn't hurt , he seems like he needs it afterall.
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littlegentlemanblog · 4 years
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Zawsze coś nam przeszkadza, zawsze coś trzeba zrobić, posprzątać, ogarnąć, załatwić. Zawsze mamy za mało czasu na to co jest najważniejsze i na to co tak naprawdę zapamietają - wspólny czas. #together #togetherforever #powerfamily #powerfamily❤️ #timeforfamily #rodzina #razem #spacer #wspolnechwile #wspomnienia #mamaitata #jesień #jesienneklimaty #jesiennie #ojciecdyrektor #rafałbulski #wszędobulscy https://www.instagram.com/p/CGYBpjfFX7Y/?igshid=cjbilr5hxmyd
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iamalexisayala · 4 years
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Esta de moda “aprender a soltar” pero se no a olvida sostener, reparar, cuidar, amar y no huir cuando todo se complica. #entero #familia #fuerza #amor #alexisayala #powerfamily #lionfamily #love #mybeauty #avivirbonito https://www.instagram.com/p/B_5UTbuFGpD/?igshid=k2qa3innzt0g
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michaelraineyjr · 7 years
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My little tv Mom lol love her❤️ #PowerTv #PowerFamily #powerfam
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edwingdangelo · 7 years
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STYLE LAB: Repost from actor @michaelraineyjr in our custom design menswear suit and shirt #PowerTv #powerfamily #EdwingDAngelo #EdwingDAngeloAtelier #EdwingDAngeloclient #powerseason4 #customwear #mensfashion #menswear #mensstyle #redcarpet #instafashion#highfashion#ootd #fashion #fashionista #custommade #bespoke #lifestyle #Colombia #Bogota #Buenaventura #lifeofthebrand #lifeisarunway🚶
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yestowellnessindia · 5 years
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//💫Be happy always. • Enjoying the present moment is a habit that takes practice. • • If you always look toward tomorrow for happiness, odds are you will do the same when you attain what you’ve been dreaming of. As strange it sounds, the ability to appreciate what’s in front of you has nothing to do with what you actually have. It’s more about how you measure the good things in your life at any given time. • Practice wanting what you have and it will feel even sweeter when you eventually have what you want. Look around—what’s in front of you that you can enjoy? 😊😊👍 • • Double tap if you like this one 😊 🎏Tag a friend that should read this❤️⁣ • • #goodmorning 😊 #herbalifenutrition #balanceddiet #healthybreakfast #deepcleaning #detoxification #love #shakes #joinourbreed #fitstyle4you #fitstylewithkavita #yestowellnessindia #powerwoman #nothingbutthebest #workfromeverywhere #difficultiseasy #fitpeopledoingfitbusiness #powerfamily #Herbalife #nutrition #passion #workfromhome #healthyactivelifestyle #makingtheworldhealthierandhappier #purposedrivennutrition https://www.instagram.com/p/B2V7p5bACVF/?igshid=161oaxvhuay1a
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stickandthorn · 3 years
Forget powercouple, this is a powerfamily. Do not fuck with them. 
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fausti78 · 4 years
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Wartest Du immer noch auf den richtigen Moment?⁣ ⁣ Zu oft verpassen wir Chancen, weil wir auf den richtigen Zeitpunkt warten⁣ ⁣ So oft suchen wir die Nadel im Heuhaupfen, nur um zu dem Entschluss zu kommen, dass sie es lieber doch lassen sollten…⁣ ⁣ In der Zeit, wo Du mit grübeln, nachdenken und Pläne schmieden beschäftigt warst, hättest Du vielleicht Dein Ziel schon längst erreicht!⁣ ⁣ ⁣ Meist kriegen wir echte, messbare Resultate und Erkenntnisse erst dann, wenn wir etwas umgesetzt haben und uns im Prozess befinden!⁣ ⁣ Du musst TUN, anpassen kann man immer noch!⁣ ⁣ Teile mit uns deine Gedanken zu diesem Beitrag in einem Kommentar!⁣ follow @_lisa_und_chris_ #deineentscheidung #erkenntnisse #einfachtun #jetztistdermoment #nichtwattensondernmachen #soforthandeln #powerfamilie #entscheidejetzt #networker #netzwerken #lebedeinleben #menschenhelfenmenschen (hier: Landshut - Burg Trausnitz) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrhJk2pjZK/?igshid=y16eyq59f38a
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theultimatewedding · 5 years
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As we prepared for this Wednesday July 3rd!! Pre 4th of July party!!! Come on out and Check out one of our very own DJ’s in the mix with the rest of the power mixers 🎧 that's correct his back mixing with the #Powerfamily... #ultimate #ultimatedjs #thepowerhour #106 #liveinthemix #celebritydj #djrayrayy #turntablelist #livemixer https://www.instagram.com/p/BzZmcw2hNnP/?igshid=7hzh51wwnlyd
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side-scribbles · 6 years
Scrapped Stories (3)
Call To Action
Tom set two twigs on top of each other in the grass , Edd resting on the brim of his hat while Matt peered over his shoulder with anticipation. Tom made a short series of hand signs , the twigs becoming coated with a blue aura before combusting into a self-contained fire. Matt let out a slight yelp , his claws digging into Tom's cape.
Edd's wings flittered slightly out of a primal fear of fire , but he steeled his nerves and stayed put as Tom told him they all need to be together for this.
Tom pulled a small vial of dark green liquid , pulling out the cork before pouring the contents onto the bluish-white fire.
The fire started jumping and popping before stretching out until it was the optimal viewing size , the flames began to take a human shape. Tom straightened his posture as the final details came together.
Standing in front of them was a short man dressed in the signature royal servants colors , judging from the pointed ears and horns they were speaking to a saytar
"Hello , you are speaking with Jon of the communications hub of the place! Name and business please."
"Uh- Tom! I called a couple months ago requesting an audience with the king!" He stated sheepishly "I just wanted to check in to see if it's been approved or not.".
Stephen never consider himself to be a good person , of course he wasn't , he was widely know in school for his explosive outbursts and constant bullying of other students.
But something's changed.
Fights between him and other students have become less and less prevalent , class stopped becoming a screaming match between him and the teacher for whatever disruptive thing he'd done that day , he became less hostile.
And no , it's not because he suddenly changed his tune and has set himself to become a better person , it's just that it wasn't working anymore.
She didn't care anymore.
It was frustrating and it was unfair , he didn't like the void it created.
She never really put much time into him in the first place so why did it have to shrink further? It has become practically nothing.
Yes there are logical explanations , like desensitization but Stephen isn't really the logical type now is he?
He is emotional , wether he'd like to admit it or not.
The sort to act now and think later , despite what a detriment that mindset was , he found it effective.
But it has become less so.
Phone calls from teachers bring nothing but an annoyed glance , suspensions maybe a disappointed sigh or two , nothing good enough.
At least when she yelled at him for things like this in the past she was acknowledging he was there.
Now he was back to square one , feeling more like some roommate instead of a son.
He was stuck at this point , having zero clue what to do to get some type of actual attention other than a passing glance.
School has become nothing but just a blur of worksheets and lectures , nothing interesting enough to give more than two seconds of thought.
Video games have become a split second of intrigue before once again devolving into uncreative puzzles and uninteresting characters that lose all meaning once the end credits roll on screen.
Not even astrology was arising the same joy it use to. Nothing but a bunch of hot air and rocks floating in an endless void for all eternity.
How fun.
The lines were blurring , all coming together into a bland mix that became the normal.
It was suffocating.
What was the point of doing it at all if it would end up the same every time?
Feeling like a stranger in his own home and having no one to express this dissatisfaction to is a bit discouraging to say the least.
In all honesty he probably deserves this , with who he is an all. Perhaps this was the years of bullying others catching up to him.
Give It Back!
"So what exactly are you going to do?" Stephen asked , lacing up his sneakers as Kyle pulled Matt's beloved sharkhoodie out from the gym locker. "Just going to let it have a little swim in the boy's bathroom , nothing much." he replied , shutting the locker and attempting to make the lock look untouched.
"You've been in a lot of trouble lately , the teachers will definitely have their eye on you. Not going to be easy to sneak that thing out." Stephen stated , shoving his things in his bag. Kyle paused , seeming not to have thought that far ahead in his plan. "I haven't been in much trouble lately." Stephen added "I could hold onto it until the period ends.".
"Still got a grudge , do you Snips?" Kyle asked , chuckling at his own joke , Stephen gave him a blank stare.
Kyle tossed him the hoodie "Just hide it in your bag or something , then meet me in the bathroom after this class ends." , Stephen merely nodded.
"Do you mind if I sit here?"
Stephen was pulled from his thoughts with that question , looking up with a mix of wariness and confusion on his face.
He answered with an dismissive ' sure ' before going back to looking at his phone with a hint of worry on his face. Jon sat near the handrail opposite of the one Stephen was leaning against , looking out for his dad's car.
Stephen went back to starring down at his phone screen , a anxious expression slowly making its way back into his face.
The two sat in a somewhat tense silence for a bit as the number of kids still waiting on the lawn for their parents began to dwindle.
Stephen's expression only grew more filled with worry as time went on and Jon had noticed.
"Are..you okay?" he asked , Stephen looked up at him once again "Hm?
Familiar (4)
Matt woke up to his phone ringing , he sat up and hesitantly grabbed it off the nightstand. The contact name was unfamiliar , but it had the same level of personalization he'd given Edd and Tom's. He answered and held the phone to his ear.
"Hello?" he said groggily , rubbing his closed eye as he tried to shake of the remaining sluggishness.
"Matt! It's Jon. And I-" Matt expression shifted to confusion before he interrupted him "You have my number?" he asked.
Jon paused , seeming thrown off by the question before continuing "It doesn't make sense but yeah. A lot of things haven't been making sense since this morning.".
"You're right about that.." he muttered
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rocklobsternz · 5 years
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My handsome son 💕 @cam.j0hn #myson #son #family #powerfamily (at Sugarloaf (Christchurch)) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByH4uOhH1gIlWse5MxcAb1PVYOsPFEDMef5w4w0/?igshid=1t0aql46tm7pr
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sammyrealtor-blog1 · 5 years
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VP Prof Yemi Osinbajo SAN and his brother Akin Osinbajo SAN. Yemi served as Attorney General in Lagos (1999-2007) and his brother was Attorney General in Ogun State (2003-2011). #factsunday #powerfamily #yemiosinbanjo #akinosinbanjo #vp #beabetteryou #beyourownboss #investinyourself #investment #buypropertiesforyourchildren #buyassets #generationalwealth #buildwealthviarealestateinvestment #properties #realestate #aniekaneshiet #yourtrustedrealtor https://www.instagram.com/aniekcan/p/BvrwtZHAd02/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1t1re8r3lg01o
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