#powerless saitama
clairlycreature · 2 years
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onecinder · 6 months
I'm really late but rereading the recent webcomic chapters reminded me how badly Genos's psyche is deteriorating
Like, Genos has stated THIS is how he thinks of himself SO MANY TIMES. That he’s ‘thrown away his human side’, is ‘a being whose only purpose in life is to fight' among other things really shows just how much he's beating himself up -- and he has been for a while, it's just recently it's probably been triggered by Dr. Kuseno's death.
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And this panel is even more disturbing. He sees Boros and says he's a 'pathetic being whose only purpose in life is to fight.... just like me', and that boros (and therefore himself) is just a living being deprived of his will and operated as a weapon.
But the most disturbing thing is that he then he proceeds to try and PUT BOROS OUT OF HIS MISERY. Like, that's basically implying that Genos would put himself out of his misery as well if he could, and that he very well might -- after all, he's got a history of drastically trying to self-destruct or taking actions that may very well lead to self-destruction. He's a hero, yes, but sometimes he comes off as a little too eager to throw away his life in order to save lives, or just defeat a monster. But a large part of why he's still alive is because Saitama stops him.
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Which brings me to the other thing that's deteriorating -- Genos and Saitama's relationship (though that could be seen coming from a mile away, honestly. All the little cracks in their relationship have been played off for laughs and gags up till now, but knowing ONE, a gag is always the surface of something more serious.)
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Even Dr. Kuseno acknowledged directly that Saitama had a huge part in keeping Genos human, in control, and feeling like a normal teenager, and not self-destructing.
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Saitama used to be the thing tethering him TO his humanity, but now that he's not even there for Genos, and Genos is mad at him, and Dr. Kuseno, the only person with sufficient emotional maturity to comfort Genos, is gone, what's left to keep him from absolutely losing it?
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When I saw these two pages, I could at first see it being construed as: Genos's belief in the humanity and goodness in people allowed him to let Metal Knight to go unchecked, and then he also believed in Saitama's ability to stop him and save everyone if anything were to go awry, and that's what 'clouded his judgement'. But obviously that isn't how it's supposed to be construed. He's definitely mad at Saitama (my shipper heart went through the five stages of grief reading it)
Saitama can't save everyone, not even Dr. Kuseno. This is another example of the consequences of a gag rearing its ugly head now... his unconcerned nature was funny at first, but Genos now feels Saitama is to blame for the whole situation.
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Even at this particular panel, which is pretty early on, it's like Saitama knows that Genos is mad at him and that his self-control may be slipping away, and either doesn't really know what to do or decides to give Genos space.
This is the second time across 2 different mediums that Saitama's tardiness and nonchalance caused someone important to him/the people around him to get killed (for the manga, Genos himself, and for the webcomic, Dr. Kuseno.)
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Yet he STILL blames himself and goes back to thinking he's worthless and powerless and a shitty hero.
But there's no denying it, he's super mad. Saitama is no longer the perfect idol he looked up to. It used to be such a gag that Genos was willing to do anything for Saitama, and admired him to the point it was borderline obsessive, but the consequences are really showing now.
Buuuut, maybe this is all for the best. A question I avoided confronting was when Genos would finally blow up. For a relationship to be healthy, I think it definitely requires for the people in it to have arguments, disagreements, and work through them together. That's what constitutes a strong relationship with proper understanding and communication.
Aaand if it's one thing these two are bad at, it's communicating their needs and listening to each other imo. (Even Genos misunderstanding everything Saitama says for something suiting his own 'vision' of him is played off as a gag as well.)
It's just that the consequences of these issues are exaggerated by like x1000 and the fate of many people relies on the health of this relationship, and on Genos's psyche staying intact, so... uh, I hope it's all for the best?
If they both don't come out the other end holding hands and slowly mending then RIP Saigenos :(
(sorry for this long ass post it probably could've been summarised in 20 words about 3 months earlier)
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the-nysh · 3 months
My headcanon about Genos is that he have 2 sisters and 3 brothers when he was human. The reason for that is because it feels like he's such a househusband because of the sisters(lol) and got the fighting by his brothers
From a family with 6 children?!?! Wow that's a lot; what a chaotic full house lol.
No matter his origins, or rather, for whenever canon reveals his full family history someday, we can tell he was a very dutiful, loyal, responsible kid from a loving home, with a family he treasured and cherished so much, that his pain (and anger, powerlessness, and survivor's guilt) from losing them drove him to take such extreme personal sacrifices (forsaking humanity; permanently choosing to become a weaponized cyborg, etc) just to avenge them.
His love being so fierce, that his selective trust and the amount he clings to his new family (Kuseno, Saitama) also cannot be understated. The way he fusses, worries, and obediently dotes on Saitama and tends to his domestic needs....it's likely Kuseno taught him none of that :P but more that his behavior came as a consequence of Genos' own personality and upbringing. So...! You could definitely infer as you wish how his original lifestyle with his old family might have been! aha
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badjohnspeakeasy · 1 year
A time when Saitama got on my nerves a little.
This post might not be very popular, but I was re-reading an extra chapter, and I felt my blood start boiling.
I tend to like it when Saitama respects his time and stonewalls unreasonable people, but there was a time when he went way too far in my opinion.
He had to find this kid's lost cat, right?
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The little girl who owned Torako was acting pretty bratty.
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Yeah, I get it, the kid wasn't super reasonable, but imagine you're a powerless kid whose cat has gone missing, and could be hurt somewhere.
But I think Saitama's response was brutal. It was characteristic of him, but it was brutal.
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Lies. You ain't busy, you jackass. Why are you trying to teach a stressed out kid a lesson? Just say something cool like "Don't worry; I'm a hero, so you can count on me!"
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We both know you're bluffing; just suck it up, reassure the kid, and get started finding the cat!
You could see Garou from the stratosphere; just jump upwards and look around!
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At least he cut it out, but this interaction made me sorta wrathful. His hero instincts needed some serious work; I'm glad that from here on out, he learned to be nicer to kids.
I don't think Saitama has ever been a bigger jerkoff than in this exchange. Just go find the cat you bald fuck.
They should have sent Mumen Rider.
Even a grizzled old pill like Wild Horn would be more agreeable, frankly.
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Making Saitama feel powerless. Taking the man who can defeat any enemy in one punch and rendering him to a moaning, whimpering puppy. Making him beg for more.
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scary-senpai · 1 year
Would love to hear more about you & me & a high balcony!
Gahh! Thank you so much for the ask. (Original link is here, if anyone wants to join or reblog.)
So, “you & me & a high balcony” is one of the fics I drafted when I was teaching myself to write again. So it's awkward and striving (mostly in the right direction), and still pretty rough--I started writing it in 2020, I haven't really touched it since 2021, and I have learned a whole lot since then. At the same time, it is a fic that is near to my heart and I'm grateful for the opportunity to talk about it! <3
“you & me & a high balcony” is about Genos taking Garou home for the first time--why? tbd! I wrote probably about 100k words of various interconnected fics without fully committing to the unifying concept or plot and I will never, ever do that again. Probably.
Anyway, Genos takes Garou home and neglects to fully inform Saitama. You are getting my draft in its fully unedited glory.
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Saitama’s cactus is on the balcony and it is a very, very painful experience for him. In keeping with running canon gags, Saitama is absolutely powerless against this ickle, stationary cactus and he finds himself in an ongoing fight with it, almost immediately. He also gets totally entangled in Genos' camping gear, but put a pin in that, we'll come back to it.
What follows is a series of interspersed scenes between Genos and Garou inside the apartment, Saitama making strange noises outside, Genos fabricating excuses and lying (poorly), and Genos occasionally stepping out on the balcony pretending to be Genos (because, again, Saitama is wrapped up like a sad sandwich in an unpitched camping tent.) In retrospect, it's very clear how much I miss writing for stage, because it feels a bit like an homage to Noises Off (but, you know, prose).
In the spirit of adventure, I am sending an unedited screenshot. With comments boxes! I haven't re-read it in years because I'm too nervous, but you can!
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“CW” doesn’t necessarily stand for content warning but I guess it certainly could? CW is an abbreviation of my name so it’s how I highlight “shit I need to go back and figure out.” Being older and wiser, most of my drafts are now just bullet points for me to come back to later, when I have a coherent, unifying thought for the story/fic/series. It has saved me a lot of screaming and tears.
Anyway, Saitama keeps moving the cactus into the apartment. Garou keeps moving it back. Genos has no idea what the fuck is happening, but it’s the least of his problems. Eventually it leads to Saitama and Garou having a heart-to-heart (and agreeing not to tell Genos they met) and, idk, man, I love writing Genos x Garou a lot, but (Platonic) Garou + Saitama scenes are my absolute favorite. I just give them my ideal relationship, which is All of the Hijinks and None of the Sex with someone who finishes your sentences, but all the sentences are puns.
I started drafting the story in 2020, and anything I wrote in 2020 chronicles my descent into madness— inadvertently & indirectly. Suffice to say, quarantine was hitting me very hard and a lot of my behavior was centered around making myself laugh. My serotonin starved brain had a tendency to overload scenes with jokes. Even if they didn’t fit, even if they threw off the pacing. But stories and scenes need to have cohesive plots and it’s silly, to the point of being out of character. Sometimes that's part of the process, though. There's always a lot of love in the first draft of a story, I think, because it's a leap of faith.
I had written a litany of things that embarrassed me about this draft, I deleted it. So I'll share one of the things that I am proud of coming up with--I don't play a lot of video games. I needed a fighting game for King and Saitama to play during a stint of dialogue (the outcome of which involves King lending Saitama Hatoful Boyfriend so that Genos can practice dating (and also he does not trust Saitama with any of his beloved Doki Doki sims). So I thought of the one game I played a lot as a kid (Super Smash Bros) and combined it with something I do know really well (literature) and came up, um, this:
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The Body Electric is near to my heart because it was a major part of my writing journey. It was also a major part of my writing journey where I learned a lot, mostly by making mistakes. Granted, it remains largely unpublished so I failed in gracefully private but it is really important to me to finish it one day.
Thank you so much for the ask!
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wuekka · 1 year
Watching Overly sarcastic production's Journey to the west once again, and I had a random idea...
One punch man spin-off, with powerless Saitama as Tripitaka and Genos as Monkey king. Yes, Monkey being overpowered would make Saitama better suited for monkey king, but Tripitaka with attitude like Saitama cracks me up too much!
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tsuki-sennin · 1 year
PreCure~! I watch this sometimes~!
Battamonda's definitely being fazed out of the regular cast lineup soon, and so we only kinda sorta mourn since (in my opinion at least), he's just a little mid. Kinda funny and gives the Cures great character moments, but he's definitely run his course. Nothing against the legendary KENN, of course! Here's his last chance to really impress me.
-Thank you, Elle-chan, very cool!
-Wing Attack!
-Oh right, I... half-forgot the King and Queen... and the King's bitchin' moustache.
-Our energy intake is growing low.
-Oh! The Captain's been found already.
-...well of course we found her, she's in the OP!
-...I didn't realize this before, but damn is Shalala leggy.
-An urban legend has formed around the Captain.
-Well damn Mashiro.
-...Sora, I don't think Mashiro can read the Skyland Script. ...Skyscript. ...Skyskrit?
-Never Falter, Hero Girl!
-Come now Mashiro, any Hero worth their 20% off salt would care about sales! Just ask Saitama.
-Y'know I get it, I'd feel pretty damn terrible if something happened to my hero. ...that's why I tend to temper my idol worship.
-Shalala on the Street.
-If there's one thing PreCure does surprisingly well, it's these quietly tense moments.
-The choice in frame rates, the way Sora's so small in the background, compared to Shalala, the... fuckin' bassy droning, it's all good stuff.
-Ohhhhh! There it is!
-Illusory lightsaber strike.
-Just for kicks, huh?
-...come to think of it, what're the Underg gonna do when they win? I can't imagine Battamonda'd get much of a stake in keeping the world controlled if their boss has anything to say about it, but...
-Speaking of good tension, thank you for that flashback.'
-Ah that's cute, a pajama party eyecatch :)
-Anyways ROCKS *boosh*
-Throwback to Episode 1, Sky flyin' solo.
-Do these Sky Landian weapons have official names?
-Drag him!
-Y'know, it being all glowy kinda makes me think it'd have some kinda beam attack.
-No gettin' off easy for you, Sky.
-Stare him down!
-Oh, she's fucked.
-Missed opportunity to call it Shalalanborg.
-Sent flying straight back.
-Prism, it's Shalala! They put bugs in her!
-Caught her~!
-Green is for medicine!
-These performances go hard.
-"Oh okay, we'll just purify her then~!" It ain't gonna be that simple, huh?
-That ain't good.
-I have to say, Battamonda's definitely better as a villain than I give him credit for.
-That is a masterful Morton's fork right there.
-She's leaking.
-Beating the shit out of you as a valid option.
-"I'll slowly grind you kids into nothingness~!"
-This hurts
-Rendered totally powerless without her heroic spirit. Fitting.
-Oh shit, new ED.
-It's definitely a vibe, at least.
-Idk how to feel about it yet tho.
-Ah, yep. Comin' back next episode.
-Nothing can truly hold Sora down for long.
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regensia · 2 years
been talking with Brad (over @ sciass) and writing with him on d.iscord and we have a sort of MP100/OPM crossover universe goin and here are the facts:
the Hero Association mostly leaves Seasoning City alone, bc they like to focus on the “richer” cities (A-M) anyways. they sent folks to study the Divine Tree while it was there, but no one’s figured out the powerful psychic stuff happening. good thing Mob is there huh
Dimple has no favorite hero. he thinks they’re all kinda weird and probably after popularity. the exception to this is King, because he read King right away for the Normal Guy he is. they’re dating, he loves how flustered the man gets, thinks it’s cute because he’s so pathetic. can easily beat him arm wrestling
also King’s rather strong hero instinct, despite his powerlessness, is such a good foil for Dimple’s evil zoomies. he keeps Dimple grounded, Dimple chases off the anxiety. they’re a surprisingly good match despite the chaos the ghost brings to the poor man’s everyday life
Yoshioka’s favorite hero is Zombieman. he’s already into spooky stuff, but also Zman has the style, the attitude, the weapons, all the classics. he hopes someday King can score him something signed, but has never imagined meeting him because who gets to actually meet their favorite hero? not him
Reigen demands to know why tf his associate is dating an S class and if Dimple brainwashed or tricked King into it. Dimple enjoys the way he freaks out about it however. if Reigen is nice to him and the stars align, maybe King will introduce his boyfriend’s not-boss to his pal Saitama – who happens to be Reigen’s favorite hero. especially after noticing Reigen’s phone background is Caped Baldy
Saitama and Yoshioka have similar depression levels. yikes.
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whisperwillyou · 7 years
I noticed you have a ship of saitama and reigen. It's a ship i have not considered much, but you made them married and raising mob and i absolutely love it! Is genos in this universe? How did they have mob? Adopted? Or is reigen trans? Bc im all for that too. Where is ritsu in this world?
thank you for the interest and also giving me an excuse to rant more about this au!
Genos is most definitely in this au! he’s still Saitama’s student and the only reason he hasn’t been in it yet is because i’m still trying to figure out how to draw him lol but i have some doodles planned with him in.
As for the kiddos, the Kageyama parents were killed during a monster attack that destroyed their house. Mob instinctively shielded himself and Ritsu with his barrier and Reigen finds them in the rubble after Saitama kills the monster. 
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Their grandparents take in Ritsu, but because they’re older they don’t really have the ability to care for both a new born and an extremely psychic Mob. and Reigen and Saitama end up adopting him. They bring him over to see ritsu and his grandparents often!
Two Monsters and a con man
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clairlycreature · 2 years
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i dont have any plans adding sonic to the fic at the moment but i can imagine him in the au at least
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the-nysh · 1 year
Maybe it's because they're closer in the manga, but I feel that Saitama is more regretful with himself than pissed off with Genos. We didnt' see his face when he kicked Genos out and we didn't see it either in this chapter when he believes that he has nothing to teach Genos. I think since the MA, but specially after the "glowing" spar, he feels kinda bad for not being a good sensei.
Referring to this part in the new chapter? Where Saitama's drawn with his back turned to us?
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Even in the wc (where the paneling's similar) I didn't get the impression he was pissed at Genos really, perhaps more upset at the disruptive to downright destructive lengths Genos will go for his sake--still undeterred to remain Very Close by his side (in this case, rudely stealing his neighbor's apartment) when Saitama believes going that far isn't necessary for what little he can offer him in return. :') Perhaps he regrets how it's escalated to this point of no return, while both struggling (failing) to set personal barriers AND for not knowing how best to help Genos... (He definitely felt bad when he noticed Genos feeling down and failed to communicate any proper 'sensei' encouragement.)
If anything, Saitama was getting more pissed at King this ch for effortlessly wiping the floor with him while simultaneously lamenting his own powerlessness + lack of options (as if Saitama's efforts to improve at gaming were getting dismissed as worthless here, and yet, Saitama didn't realize he was kinda dismissing King's real-world efforts to improve with such a flippant 'solution' in response...I had hoped he'd be more receptive to King's problem in the manga, but it seems 'lifting weights' is still the only advice he can say to friends and visiting acquaintances alike...)
But Saitama's dilemma honestly felt like it paralleled King's situation this ch--where both of them feel stuck and unqualified in a role with such high idolized expectations of them (ie falsely being seen as an amazing teacher or strongest superhero), when they believe they have nothing else of value (with no other option) they can offer. In Saitama's case we know there's more he can teach, and already has taught Genos, that goes beyond the realm he thinks he knows. (For example: temperance, humanity, self-preservation, strengthening of the heart.) And in King's case there's more he can do, and already has done as a hero, that goes beyond the realm of becoming physically stronger. (For example: all his bravery to escort or intervene to save lives, from children to fellow heroes to even Garou at the end of his arc - yes I definitely count it as King stepping in and using his reputation to do the right thing!) But alas, does either character even realize this or know what they've already done? welp...
But the biggest thing - if Saitama didn't like Genos or wanted to cut him out of his life entirely, then we would know, the same way he slams the door in the faces of unwanted visitors. (Surprise: not Flash this time as in the wc, but Fubuki.) The difference is that Saitama is still expectant to welcome Genos into his life (literally, his home), and still wants to do activities with him, so that's pretty significant. Even if he feels horribly unfit to be a teacher for him (after all, muscle training is useless to a cyborg) and regrets how he can't help him the way Genos wants, feeling wholly inadequate to match his earnest expectations and seriousness about this.
But you know, somehow I feel...beyond struggling to be a better 'sensei,' what Saitama really values (and prefers) is his companionship, but struggles how best to communicate that (or how to define what he actually wants) with him beyond their usual set routine. Cause he's tried to set more normal 'personal space' boundaries, and it's not like he's said he doesn't want to be his sensei anymore at all either--even privately to himself, and yet...if Saitama didn't feel bound by the roles they've already established, then what other meaningful (or casual) interactions, towards even a different type of relationship, could he gain beyond that instead? Saitama probably hasn't even considered his other options with Genos or worked it out that far yet...
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chisa524 · 3 years
Gofushi headcanons.
These gofushi headcanons have been stuck in my mind lately and I need to spill them out before they blow up in my mind 🤯
When Megumi entered Jujutsu High and got his uniform, Satoru purposely modified his uniform into the skirt one (sailor style), Megumi was upset about it but Satoru made an excuse saying "it's an order mistake cause your name's like a girl~ Megumi-chan~". Satoru then forced him to wear the skirt and took a lot of photo of Megumi before gave him the real one.
Tsumiki was actually being in love with Satoru and jealous over his step brother who seems very special to Satoru. Every time Satoru visiting their apartment, all he talking about was always Megumi this Megumi that and that made Tsumiki a little annoyed with Megumi. Tsumiki also got irritate because it always only Megumi who being dragged out by Satoru, leaving her behind all alone or with Ijichi-san/Irie-san sometime. Every time Tsumiki asked where they go and could she possibly go together with them, Satoru always refused her and told her that she was powerless and it was too dangerous for her. When she was in Junior High, she went to Yasohachi bridge hoping she would gain a curse power like Megumi had so Satoru will finally treat her like he did with Megumi but it was failed and she ended up getting cursed instead.
As soon as gofushi's first time meeting, Satoru brought Megumi to Zenin clan main house, everyone in their surrounding whispered and muttered, saying like "It's that bastard Toji's son and he is the one who got the Ten Shadows Technique?! No fucking way!". Some even gritted their teeth and pierced their killing glance to Megumi, which made Megumi scared and he unconsciously grabbed Satoru's hand tightly. Satoru kneeled down to him and as he stroked Megumi hair with his other hand, he comforted Megumi by saying "It's okay. I'm here." (Daijoubu, boku koko ni iru kara.)
Megumi got the treatment as same as Satoru in the Gojo clan mainhouse. Everyone, the maids, even Gojo's relatives, are treating Megumi as the same way they treated Satoru because every body in the house knows that he's someone special to Satoru. Satoru's parents also treated Megumi like their own son and they loved to pamper him so much.
Satoru had a ton of Megumi's photo collection in his phone/computer. Some even being printed out and placed them into a special album. Satoru also had a special room named "Megumi's memories" in Gojo clan mainhouse.
After Tsumiki lost her consciousness, Megumi left the apartment in Saitama and lived with Satoru for a while before entering Jujutsu High dorm.
All the daily life product in Megumi's room was bought by Satoru and it even has the same brand as him, so they had very similar scent. Not only that, they also shared same brand for smartphone, clothes, shoes, watches, etc. Satoru actually gave one of his black credit card for Megumi so he could go shopping anything what he like but Megumi refused it, saying that he was uncomfortable because the person behind the cashier always stared at him strangely every time he buy something with that card. Megumi also basically fine with any brand and any product so they always ended up shopping together and Satoru was always the one who choose.
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theomnicode · 2 years
When you see it... you shit bricks.
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Check Saitama's ear in the top panel.
It's copypasted. Or made to look like it.
Totally intentionally. Like nobody can even pretend that it's not intentional when we're talking about God tier Murata-sensei and the very next panel has a proper hand drawn ear.
It's like saying he got lazy or something.
Slight discolourization between the ear and the face and the lines don't match. RAW is the same, I checked. And then his real ear is sharpened and drawn normally like Saitama is now actually hearing stuff again.
This manga is literally breaking at the seams yo, when Saitama glued that hand. This manga reality is being undone and we're going to the eldritch territory.
Now we just need to change the script.
Are we going to see elder gods suddenly pop up? Like sudden Yogg-saron appearance? Whispers of the old gods?
(I'm expecting something to break 4th wall like actually actually cuz they're fucking trolls the lot of em...momma I don't want the creepypasta anymore. We might hit some unreality territory.)
(Remember that original animation Murata-sensei was doing? He was probably lying that its not OPM related, we've not seen it pop anywhere.)
Remember about the time when Reigen tried to photomanipulate a picture so there were no spirits in sight? Well...
If Sai has delved too deep into the preternatural, then he's not only able to hear spirits in the spiritual plane...but soon see them too.
"I can see dead people"- moment. Altered state of consciousness if he taps into the subconscious. Consciously.
Everyone expects the Tatsumaki vs Saitama, Cosmic Tatsumaki to raise the stakes of the fights or even Saigenos creeping in or something to be butchered, nobody expects the spanish inquisition. It'll be the best troll too because everyone and their mom wants to see this fight, so they will tune in on the manga asap...even haters who hate the manga but love wc will tune in...
"Curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back."
Also, who said that when Saitama fights God, it's going to be played on Saitama's terms? When he's ready and at the end of the manga?
Has there ever been an implication that OPM God being the final boss...would never try to do anything before that? Just because it's behind a seal, it's powerless? It just needed to find it's target and weaken it sufficiently.
You strike when the iron is hot, when Saitama and other players are still reeling and unbalanced. When you have the tactical advantage.
I mean, it would be stupid to do anything else if you rly, rly wanted all the advantages you can get in your playfield.
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Always wondered why people never use their strongest attack first, right?
At the first opportunity.
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Behind the strenght (losing is normal)
Since the begining of OPM ONE has written about strenght. Mostly, by taking it away through Saitama.
There are many villains in the first few chapters, and all of them have something in common: once stripped of their strenght, there is nothing. They are empty. Those who do survive give up in whatever it is they were doing as soon as they realize they are not strong, when Saitama is in front of them (Sonic would be the exception. More on him later).
Then ONE rises the question: What if the heroes are stripped of their strenght by the villains? And to answer it, we get the Sea kings arc.
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(I couldn’t find the double spread)
There is something, something great, that shines even without strength.
But this does not fully answer the question. Neither does Genos tenacity through the series. Because these two are well aware that losing is normal. 
And the opposite is also true. Every villain so far has been completely convinced of teir own invincivility, and it was crushed by Saitama.
So ONE moves to answer these questions. What if heores who are convinced of their own invincivility are stripped of their stregth? What if the villains are aware that losing is normal?
For the first question, ONE can’t really use Saitama. Saitama loses, plenty and often, in circumstances where his strenght is irrelevant. He is also aware that this is normal, and these defeats might cause some initial annoyance, but are quickly swept under the rug.
So ONE enters the S-class heroes, most of whom are in an extremely long winning streak, so that he can get an answer to the first question. And to answer the second, we get the monster association... and Garou.
The monster association is the simpler group. They are a bunch of tremendously strong and proud monsters that realized that, for all their strength, they would eventually lose by themselves. So they allied together, in a thin partnership that was destined to die quickly.
Garou is something else. He is aware that there are many heroes stronger than him, but he pushes forward, even when he is weaker, and he keeps going and becoming stronger through his efforts until Saitama figures him out and exposes the flaws in his logic.
And the S class heroes... are a big topic. 
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There are many of them, and the reactions to their first defeat in a long time are very different.
Tatsumaki keeps on biting. There is no denergy spent in thinking “this can’t be happening”. She keeps on attacking until she literally can’t stay concious because she doesn’t know anything else.
Silverfang has been defeated before, but his inability to deal with Garou hit much worse. So much that he retired as a hero.
Atomic Samurai is lost. The manga added the loss of his friends to his overwhelming defeat, and while he initially thinks of challanging strong opponents after the battle, he decides that he is leagues below King, and decides to redo his training from scratch in order to improve.
Child emperor loses faith in others and himself, and starts acting on his own, believing that his words can’t help others and that others can’t help him.
Zombieman realizes that being invulnerable himself doesn’t mean much if he is also powerless to help those who aren’t, so he decides to give a chance to doctor Genus.
Pig god is completely unfazed. After losing to Gums and getting a chance to flee, he goes help a bunch of people who need it, and continues to do hero work as usual in the very next day. I’m sure that he is aware that losing is normal, and this isn’t his first defeat.
Darkshine gets hit the worst. After a first mental breakdown, PPP and Sweet mask get him back up, only to break down again the instant things go wrong. His decision to retire afterwards is only logical, given his condition.
Flashy flash (much like Sonic) somehow convinces himself that his defeat is unrelated to his strength. It is impressive, in a way.
PPP is already used to defeat. He started to change after the sea king arc.
The reactions of tanktop master and metal bat are manga exclusive, and I am anticipating those.
Right now, in the current arc, the executives of the hero association are learning that losing is normal. The neo heroes will soon do the same.
Lets see how they respond to the lesson.
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You're Not So Bad
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31QFdJc
by sleepy_discorde
A damaged cyborg crash lands in Saitama's front yard. Albeit a little scary, this Genos guy does not seem so villainous.
Words: 823, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: ワンパンマン | One-Punch Man
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Genos (One-Punch Man), Saitama (One-Punch Man), other opm characters appear too
Relationships: Genos/Saitama (One-Punch Man), Genos & Saitama (One-Punch Man)
Additional Tags: Villain Genos, Powerless Saitama
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/31QFdJc
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