#pp is not evil lol
kafus · 1 year
i think it's really unfortunate that a lot of people in the western sphere have shrugged off kamitsubaki's work (both their talents' work and their cevios) because of their involvement with crypto... Yes it sucks and i'm pretty outspoken about my hatred of the project and i hate that the kamitsubaki girls r associated in name and image with the crypto shit, but the people managing the crypto stuff actually aren't associated with the part of kamitsubaki that makes the music and art and stuff like... at all. it's literally a separate sub company that shares like. Two important employees, one of which is just an artist who was hired to do art for the project and has no involvement otherwise. kaf etc are not involved directly
the main overlap is piedpiper, kamitsubaki's creative producer and like. again, i do Not support the crypto bs, but PP is always branching out into new virtual technologies and trying to push boundaries and he is definitely... trying Something which is more than a lot of crypto projects can say. the kamitsubaki DAO came with actual tangible rewards that were actually delivered on (you were actually Buying something) and etc. i do not think he needs "web3" to do that and the project is still a disaster but it really does not read like a guy who set out to financially scam people
idk man i can consume something and be critical of its flaws but it sucks when it's hard to share with people cause of those flaws. i am not saying i endorse or like crypto when i support kaf or kamitsubaki's other talents!! :sob: i just love the music and the art and the genuinely talented and passionate artists behind it all and when i buy merch or concert tickets i am supporting their projects that are NOT involved with crypto! (because the crypto stuff is a tiny side project anyways and has nothing to do with MOST of the work they're putting out!)
ur allowed to be completely disinterested because they have a side crypto project but 1. ur missing out and 2. don't assume poorly of fans. us liking kamitsubaki doesn't mean we like crypto. assuming that proves you barely know anything about the company or their work in the first place
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soupmanspeaks · 3 months
the Afton's and the color purple ramble lesgo lesgo Okay, so lets start with the obvious connotations of purple; royalty, luxury, and nobility, I'm pretty sure everyone knows that back in the day, Tyrian purple was really expensive and yap yap yap only the elite could afford it--Well if you think about it, the Afton's basically are a "royalty" of sorts (well, as close as royalty as you can get in hurricane Utah lol) William is the Co-owner and founder of a beloved children's entertainment franchise, he is the king, and Michael is the rowdy kid of the successful business owner, the one whom causes trouble to everyone, the oldest, the heir, the Prince (and he acts especially ""princely"" in the SL post-night cutscenes with everyone waving to him (and seemingly adoring him lol)) Purple can also be a color of mystery, which honestly, I feel matches the Afton's lol, we only know so much about them, only in bits and pieces do we know some base character traits, and that's really it yk Also, I read that it could be a color of vanity and of mourning, things I feel fit William and Michael respectively, with Wil thinking he's untouchable, and a "god" of sorts, and Michael harboring the guilt of what mistakes he has done over the course of the series And speaking of oopsie daisy's, Purple also is notoriously a color of villainy; think of Disney villains like the Evil Queen, Maleficent, Ursula, Claude Frollo, all character's have purple in their color scheme obviously it points out William's misdeeds, but also Michael's own messy past, (also all the villains I listed seem to just have a slight British accent to them lmao? and they are fairly based off of "noble" classes like a queen, or a high judge yk, I guess they're both there to signal to the audience that "yerp, this character is an Afton") also ps I take Michael become really purple at the end of SL as him technically being the last Afton Afton, him basically permanently wearing his family's "royal" colors also pps Purple can also symbolize ambition, which could be expressed in Michael's newfound mission being to stop his father, no matter what happens okay bye
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You can't just leave me like that😭 I need to know razor's lore PLEASE
Ugh fiiiine since you're asking i GUESS i will talk about the oc lore 🙄🙄🙄 (silly)
So we all know the hit show lego nexo knights if you don't honestly skill issue have you been living under a rock or something lololol imagine
Well in nexo knights there's a knights school shocker i know a school of knights?? What a novel idea
It the start of the extensive oc plot that me n a few friends have been making up as we go razor n their friends are in the knights academy
However plot twist razor is a actually a MONSTER!!! can you believe that a monster in the killing monsters 101 place that's crazy
Since razor is a basilisk they can disguise themself so no one can tell they're a monster well no one but the besties
Their friendgroup are @/merloksdigitaltoes ocs cherry🐍 sage🐦 n trace🐐 and @/stellarwaffles oc talya☀️ + a surprise addition that will join later🦈 wink wink we call them the chimera pride :)
Anyways academy arc doesn't really have much plot it's just the characters getting introduced to each other n hanging out
Sage adopted trace as his friend while cherry adopted razor meanwhile cherry n trace were beefing but dw they make up all 4 of them are friends now yippee 👍talya joins the academy later in the years n joins the friendgroup cause gaydar for monsters
Apocalypse arc is based on the sadly cancelled s5 where the gang are basically trying to not die
Talya gets infected big L just don't get infected loser trace dies but then comes back then dies again skill issue n the other three are just going thru it™️
At the end of the arc razor graduates but not the rest of the friendgroup cause um have you considered being older?? Idiots 🙄
Fish arc is the MAIN main arc we think about that lore needs like 10 pages on it's own
This takes place like a year or 2 after the last arc when the group all graduated a lot of ppl are going missing in the peaceful seaside town of forgetavile n as their first group mission the gang are tasked w figuring out what's going on n fix the issue
Turns out fish ppl have been kidnapping the ppl of forgetavile 😱😱 the knights try to do something but thise fishes are smart dealing with them is no easy and oh no this glowy mean fish lady put a curse on cherry wtf
So they're all staying at forgetavile trying to stop more ppl from going missing until they deal with the fish pp also they find this weird fish twink washed up on shore? He's talking a lot of nonsense about a place called totallynotatlantis and this loser named agniss? Idk he looks gay
Maybe some day I'll post all the fish arc drawings i never posted it'll take days to post all of them lol
Last arc in the timeline is cayne/mimic arc this one involves another grouo of ocs
So remember how razor is a basilisk? Ok hear me out what if there was another basilisk n HEAR ME OUT!! What if he was EVIL
This evil basilisk is named cayne explaining the name of the arc n he was actually annoying the other oc group before the gang got intangled with the plot
The other group minus one are still in the academy so when they found this loser trying to commit identity fraud they asked the older moe experienced group to help (they will later regret this decision)
We don't have a clear story w this one it's just cayne going around committing identity fraud all over the room also sage n that fish twink are missing from that arc i bet they're kissing i hate those homosexuals
I gotta stop talking now the ops are onto me i got too mentally ill
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2n2n · 1 year
This is something I’ve always wondered, but during the mermaid arc, where Hanako rescues Nene from permanently becoming a fish… He had no way of knowing that Nene had refused the offer of becoming a fish princess, and yet he fished her out anyway. He even admits the mermaid’s world would’ve been kinder to Nene, but it doesn’t matter to him. He speaks about Nene as though she’s his belonging and not even a person— and to my knowledge he never does this again
Was this Hanako being peak possessive over Nene? It’s not really framed that way in the manga, but it’s what I got from reading between the lines. Maybe I’ve just become delusional lmao You
It's Hanako being normal Hanako degree of possessive over Nene-chan... a 'peak' implies it has since gone down, but it has infinitely gone upwards since then. You're also not reading between the lines, you are simply reading the literal lines of the manga. Welcome to the team!
Indeed, Amane doesn't care and does not factor in if Nene-chan would like to be a princess or not … he is even in Tsuchigomori's classroom when Nene-chan says it sounds "too good"…
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Nene-chan is Amane's property. Even when the initial bond is made, he does not ask her if she wants that … he asserts "you'll take anyone, huh?" earlier,
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and then, he simply asserts them as "like a couple". Hanako doesn't really wait for permission on anything … he claims. Nene-chan proceeds to constantly tell him "you're not my type!" and he doesn't care.
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Amane does not care if Nene-chan likes another boy, or wants to do something without him… if Amane wanted Nene-chan to have her own will, he would not punish her for being interested in other things …
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It's also worth noting he has never explained what being a 'kannagi' entails …
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we don't even know, in this universe, what it entails…
I think you should think more about it...
For sure, Amane explicitly says kannagi are irresistible to kaii, who desire to consume them. Amane is a kaii, so he is not exempt...
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a kannagi (in real life...) is sortof miko (shrine maiden)… who tend to a shrine (and shrines typically contain yorishiro, or objects which you pray to… which is what Tsukasa is). As I understand (I may not understand. lol) .. a kannagi is someone who performs various rituals within a shrine, to appease the God(s). Yashiro's name pronunciation itself reflects this destiny, as 'yashiro' (written with different kanji…社 VS 八尋) means '(shinto) shrine'.
Given that Hanako is a Mononoke, or an evil spirit, AND the mysteries are referred to by Teru as a kindof God, that makes sense; bring comfort to him, perform tasks for him, tend to him.
Similarly, the God of Sumire and Hakubo's village was given 'kannagi' as offerings of appeasement.
While HANAKO uses 'assistant' as his informal shorthand for kannagi, (to make Nene-chan not think too hard about it honestly...) that village thought of kannagi as 'beings wedded to God', offering women as BRIDES, to provide protection, to sever boundaries.
And who is more accurate here? Are kannagi like brides? Or like assistants? The village obviously spun a narrative in an attempt to make the reality less grim for the girls being sacrificed. Obviously, it means far, far more than 'assistant'. Does Nene-chan truly understand what she is, in the system of power? Why might Hanako not thoroughly explain? Why did we only just learn about past kannagi, what was done with them, how kaii respond to their souls? How should we feel about Hanako pushing a girl into a role that has been historically interchangeable with 'bride'?
Hanako is not only a mundane amount of possessive...
I have no idea what PP is to anyone, if not Tsukasa tempting Amane with the fantasy of turning Yashiro into a permanently kept soul, in much the same way Tsukasa seems to have been/be. Do you still want something like this, Amane? Or something else?
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Thinking in terms of "forever and ever" is excessive … that goes beyond, even normal, marriage....
The mermaid situation is the tip of an iceberg. The greater picture of entire arcs is Amane's possessiveness…
I constantly repost this panel, I am begging people to understand the phrasing of "LIVE A LIFE BESTOWED BY MY HAND, AND NOT THE KID OR ANYONE ELSE". He doesn't ONLY want Yashiro to LIVE! He NEEDS to be the one to DO it, with HIS hands! He wants CONTROL! He wants her life OWED TO HIM! NOBODY ELSE! HIM!!!!
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Nene-chan is here to help you interpret this …
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Amane is a God. He has servants and objects for his servitude and for his comfort. These objects are Tsukasa and Nene-chan. Now his two objects are kissing, which is so radical.
"It is not really framed that way in the manga" is so crazy to say I'm sorry … Nene-chan understands she OBEYS Hanako. He is her MASTER.
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Yes, the manga frames Amane as possessive, and not giving Nene-chan any agency. Nene-chan actively complains about it....
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Vol. 4 contained such an early, almost comparatively twee, or charming version of this. We've since gone much further. We have seen MORE of what it means to AMANE, that Nene-chan's life is "his". HIS to make decisions about. HIS to control. He owns Nene-chan beyond what any person can. He owns her as God owns his servant.
AidaIro like yandere..... Narisokonai Snow White is a yandere story wherein two twin boys poison the girl they like. One of them paralyzes her daily, the other makes her die with him in a murder-suicide. Cult kills Lily in order to keep her forever, as he loves her too much.
You wanna know what 'peak' possessive Amane is? Killing his brother.
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historicalvandal · 3 months
" Violent animalistic urges, but maybe just maybe... They are alone in that too." Omggggg thats kinda fucked up???? In a good angst way???? The urge to rip into anything that threatens family, acting on the urge and seeing the horrified looks we get from the ones we protected.
Dripping with blood, body shaking from adrenaline. Teeth even blunted can still tear a fellow human' throat when there is no other way to win the fight.
Uuuugh this is going to haunt me in the besy way.
.....But you should rest lol
...No rest, must continue angst posting... You have no clue what I'm planning, and I wanna be evil and be like AND YOU'LL NEVER KNOW MUAHAHAHAHA- But I'm not evil, I cry at practically everything lmao- Mayhaps, I shall write drabbles of how certain characters will react to their human mate falling onto animalistic urges to protect their ape lover, this reminds me so much of canine poetry istg- If anyone has seen Isle of the dogs, I will kiss you on the LIPS because ugh- Because Human reader... with the kinda quote like "I'm not a violent dog. I don't know why I bite.." or something like, "Want me down to the marrow." Theres SO MUCH I CAN SAY RN WITH CANINE POETRY aggghhhh- Human reader who sharpens their teeth to feel like they are an ape, human reader who's strength shines through vicious biting, the feeling of blood on their face, the taste of metal in their mouth, dripping from parted lips, flesh in their teeth, nothing more then a dog SEDATE ME
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also have my fave canine poetry posts :PP
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Lol, I can’t be certain I had scheming against Faye in mind when I sent that, but also 🤔 I have definitely “lol-ed” at the back and forth I do between you two so it is indeed possible. Vaguely, I think I did 😂 my brain is telling me I thought it would be funny, I didn’t know it would actually spiral sm XD Void Liv you say 👀 a Junji Ito inspired botanical design of an inky dark void would be a pretty cool badge 🎮 ✨ wow this RPG called “inflict brainrot on Fluffy’s friends” is pretty fun ^_^ so many achievements to unlock! Even better than Papa’s Pizzeria
“Know this, monkey. We’re not so different, you and I. We both fight for what we think is right.”
I’m kinda surprised it was that animatic that led you down the dark path and not the other Lmk x Epic animatics I sent to Faye for you XD since they were longer but that one was more angsty, I see the vision.
I think “Done For” kinda matches the whole situation with LBD and Macky huh 🤔 “One misstep, one failure, and I will erase the very memory of you.”
This made me laugh a lot anon. I'm glad Faye and I's antics are entertaining, we have fun.
So void Liv comes from Faye and I's angst war days watching Teen Wolf, where when I entered this mind set that we dubbed "void liv" (after void Stiles in 3b), I would be able to write really painful scenes without flinching and would just laugh when Faye yelled at me (I dont know how much you know about teen wolf but I once killed off a character named Corey, a character both Faye and I enjoyed) Now it might not SOUND super evil or unlike how I naturally am, but at the time I pretty much refused to write character death and unhappy endings, and would only do so when I was "void liv"
A Junji Ito inspired botanical design of an inky dark void would be a pretty cool badge
I literally love this idea so much, oh my god
Okay so it's not that the My Goodbye animatic sent me on a dark path, it didn't! It sent me on the path of imagining a sunburst duo falling out. That falling out and the thought of Mutiny caused me to start down a dark path and my evil little brain has made it worse at every turn. Like, everyone is dead and Wukong cries, evil
I checked out each of these animatics and they're all amazing, ty for sending them to me!
Yes, 100% on the LBD and Macky vibes with Done For
Ty Anon! 💜
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jibbingjibberish · 11 days
awesome. tbh. have u watched evo. martyn and jimmy shared a bedroom. not a bed, but, well. close enough. and martyn rejected jimmy multiple times. literally accepted a flower from him and threw it on the floor one time i think. my evil wife. other things happened. they r so Interesting
i watched grian's evo like. when it was coming out lol but idr much,,,, ik a lotboff ppl like the pp. the martyb himgmt pp thign. they seem very very homoerotic like super gay
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An intro post! ^_^
Hi, I'm Silver!! :3
My main blog is @sylvayex & I made this blog impulsively bcuz I've been having too many animal thoughts .-.
If you can't tell from my username & pfp, I'm a therian :]
I'm a calico cat therian & a flamingo therian :P
I'm genderfloren, any pronouns are fine, but they/them are most preferred!!
I'm also aegosexual, grayromantic, & nebularomantic :3
I have autism & adhd ://
!I am a minor!
I use a lot of emoticons, emojis, & tone tags :3 :PP
Fandoms I'm in:
Kirby, Tally Hall, Will Wood, Regretevator, Shorts Wars, SCP, DSMP, aDoFaI, FNaF, & DSaf
I will rarely (or never) post fandom stuff here, if you want that please go to my main acc!! :P
other blogs I run:
@paper-zubin-doll (tally hall rp blog lol)
(I have a few other blogs but they're shared & I don't want to tag them)
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avenger-hawk · 1 year
Hello! It's not an ask or anithing. I just readed your pinned post and wanted to say thank you for supporting Ukraine. I'm Ukrainian and it's really importent and valuable for me to see that there is someone who UNDERSTANDS. It's so painful to see how tumblr-people interact with russians as usual, support them. paing commisions ( which literally pays for the bombs that destroy the houses of peaceful Ukrainians). Even if they know about all russian war crimes, gen*cide, crimes after chirldren, bombing of hospices, orphanages and hospitals they still chit-chat with russians, comforting them and paying money (I tell myself that not everyone realizes that this money will go to the taxes with which russia buys weapons, but...). Ugh. It's just painful. Sometimes I just desperate and think that no one cares about Ukrainians. That the whole world ok with sacrifising Ukraine so they could be blind on rissian crimes forever. And your pinned post gave me hope. Thank you for this moment. Wish you a nice day! <3
Слава Україні!
Dear Anon, first of all, I want to thank your country for protecting the safety of Europe and democracy against the terrorist state that is ruZZia, which has no connection to democracy and anything connected with humanity because they don't respect human rights, women, children, lgbt+ pp, animals and the environment, they don't evern respect Africa and the countries they pretend to be allied with, while they send their mercenaries to stage coups and oppress locals to steal their resources. And if some follower disagrees unfollow me because I don't tolerate anything less than 100% support of Ukraine against ruSSia.
long rambling text ahead.
I'm not very active in fandoms right now because I'm following what's happening in your country most of the time, and I'm not active on my personal blog where I was a lot, reblogging Ukraine content, because I'm reading and learning. Because my country, Italy, compared to the rest of Europe is the shamefully ideologically closest to that terrorist stateand I'm constantly discovering new propaganda bullshit that I'm trying to explain to those close to me.
I'll tell you a few things about myself and why for me it's so important, for a bit of context, cause I don't want to appear like the western person making everything about her but it is about me in a way, because on 24/2/2022 I received a very bad news and I was devastated. Only seeing what was happening in your country, all those ppl escaping with their pets, put it into perspective, like, no matter what happens to me no enemy is entering my country with tanks, forcing me to leave my home. And because Ukraine for me represents an awakening to the truth, as I was a victim of ruZzian propaganda like most in my country. You know better than me how western ppl think communism is an edgy cool thing, I was not different, I was raised this way, thinking that ussr was a country of equality where everything worked, unlike evil west...that even if stalin was bad, capitalist america was worse and ofc n*zi and f*scism were worse. Actually we are taught in schools that f*scism was horrible (ofc it's true) and communism was the opposite, so it was good. So when I showed my girlfriend, from Moldova, some historical f*scist monument she commented that it had the same vibe as communist ones in her country and I had a cognitive dissonance because wtf? even if she told me things I wasn't 100% convinced, like maybe communism was applied badly in ussr but in cuba it was good. the same cuba where they don't have basic medicines but ok lol. that was italian mentality.
Before rashists invaded Ukraine my girlfriend warned me, she was following the news (she's a russian speaking person, but she supports Ukraine 200%, she is half Ukrainian but her parents are brainwashed zombies so she didn't even tell them about our relationship) I thought it was impossible that in Europe a state invaded another...then it happened. I immediately took Ukraine side, because it's the only possible side to take, and because I was taught what it's like to live under occupation, as my country of idiot assholes during ww2 was first allied with n*zis then f*scist government was overthrown by partisans so we were invaded by n*zis too. So for me it was crazy that our media didn't recognize that Ukraine was living the same hell our grandparents lived, that our novels wrote about. And still they don't. Because they are paid by the terrorist rashist hellhole of a country, that brainwashed its ppl and the rest of the world, taking advantage of our freedom of expression to spread fake news and bullshit, making ppl believe novax and protrump and other crazy movements first, then making them insensitive to what they were doing in Ukraine. It's so crazy I hate it so much....ppl I thought were clever, even favourite singers, support ruZZia indirectly, claiming they're pacifists, against sending weapons to Ukraine, because weapons are bad...like, how stupid can you be to actually believe that war will stop if you don't arm the invaded country instead of the aggressor? They are the ones who should be stopped omg, but ppl believe the nuclear threat, I don't even believe they have functioning nukes, as shitty and corrupted as they are, they're just good at stealing toilets...but they're good at paying foreign countries to spread lies. that's their biggest ability, and I hate lies more than anything...and all the automatic replies you receive when you try to debunk that shit.
Like: but what about 'other oppressed country'? Is it because they're blondes? omg this is so stupid I can't even. First of all not everyone is invested emotionally in all wars...a person living in Africa or Asia will naturally be more involved in a war happening not far from them...or, a person can just feel closer to a country than to another. it's just a way to make ppl feel guilty of being in Europe, preventing them from sending help to Ukraine as they should care about others too. So it's a rashist narrative ppl are just repeating. Like they are repeating 'we want peace' as if putler and his minions are listening.
And I'm sorry to have said 'war' as if your country is not being invaded, your people, children and woman are not being killed, r*ped, tortured, abducted, as if your environment is not being destroyed and so your animals...It's a gen*cide that's happening right now, like you said, and ppl are ok with it, they don't care, they feel sorry for poor ruZZians, as if they're victims, and they are good at playing victims when someone abroad puts them in their place...and online too. I remember a post here, someone was saying pls, don't treat ruZZians like shit, it's not their fault...well, if they didn't ignore what their president was doing, if they didn't protest years ago, he wouldn't have become so powerful now isn't it? But nope, it's russophobia! So much russophobia when they go on vacation everywhere they want, my country included, enjoying food and relax and getting pissed off if they see Ukrainian flags for solidarity! or Ukrainian ppl living abroad because they were forced to escape! So much russophobia when ppl make sure that no one 'discriminates' rashist artists in the fandom because fandoms are not about politics! As if invading a neighbouring country that they oppressed, starved and tried to destroy for centuries is a political thing!
Tbh I can't read or listen to anything ruZZian or vaguely supporting them, because it makes me think about the shit they're doing now, and that they always did, if only I wasn't brainwashed to know. And I don't want to interact with 'good russians' either that much because I saw how 99% of them blames their leader but not their culture, which is based on oppression and imperialism. They don't admit Crimea is not theirs, they get pissed off when in sports or other events they're snubbed (spoiler: they're always making things up on purpose to create cases) and they think navalny is ok and not a white supremacist n*zi narcissist and they think they're better than the other ex soviet countries that were all forced into ussr anyway.
"but not all ruZZians"? First of all they're not like ppl in Iran who bravely stand against their shitty regime, they totally support or ignore theirs. Abroad where they're not threatened no ruzzian ever organized a protest against their own country. And a looot of ruzzians do support putin. Those who write disgusting comments when their missiles strike Ukrainian targets and kill ppl, those who were recorded talking their husbands about what they want them to steal and just being ok with theim r*ping Ukrainian women, those who on vacation in the rotten West criticizing everything, those make the majority of ruZZians, and collective guilt exists. People are all guilty for what their country is doing, like Germans were guilty of what n*zi regime did. Germans aknowledged it and took measures to educate themselves into civilized ppl, they should do the same. After they go back to their country, after they give back ALL territories they took from 2014, after they pay all damages (as if it's possible to pay for lives destroyed).
Meanwhile those who are 'ok' should step back from the spotlight of playing victims, just like those who are sooooo into russian culture should stop whining to not cancel it because it should be until they make things right, whole Ukrainian cilture should be highlighted instead, and also the culture of countries like Georgia, Moldova, Syria, and all those that were invaded by urss. They should he ashamed af. Artists included.
I'm very sorry Anon for such long rambling, but really, for me supporting Ukraine is the most important thing right now :)
Btw I wanted to show you that you all are not alone, that despite rashist tentacles are everywhere, there are ppl who believe in justice and know where justice is and they all support Ukraine. I always take photos of places where I see Ukraine flags, I take pride in seeing that not everyone is a ZZombie. It's not much compared to the support I see in Baltic countries for example, but still. Also, a lot of musicians and singers I like (international ones) support Ukraine, even actors... in Italy it's shamefully the opposite, including my former faves, I stopped listening to anyone who's not on the right side. Anyway last year we had a guy singing a song about a couple separated by the rashist aggression. Even Antytila congratulated him...I include the video even if you might not like the song (I don't as it's not my genre) because you'll feel the support anyway...
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This is my Patron keychain :)
Слава Україні!
Героям слава!
путін хуйло!
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Hi! This is kind of random but I saw the post about your What Is Evil class and was wondering if you have any recorded lectures or the reading list? I just think it would be an interesting thing to read about and I'm nerdy like that lol 😅 no worries if not!
You know, you are the second person to ask me for this list. And I am always happy to help out a fellow nerd. Sadly, there are no recording I know of for this course but I do have the readings.
Our main book was Being Evil: A Philosophical Perspective by Luke Russell which I found to be a really good starting place for the discussion of what is Evil. I will add the rest of the readings under a read more split cause the list is long. Here it goes:
-Brothers Grimm: Hansel and Gretel; How Some Children Played at Slaughtering; The Little Red Cap; Little Snow White; Bluebeard; The Crows
-Richard Bernstein, The Abuse of Evil, pp. 53-67
-Malcom Gladwell, “Sacred and Profane,” The New Yorker: March 24, 2014
-Daniel K. Williams, Defenders of the Unborn, pp. 1-9
-Livy on the Bacchanalian conspiracy
-Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech, 1986
-Genesis, 1-3
-“An Irenaean Theodicy,” in In: Badham P. (ed) A John Hick Reader. Palgrave Macmillan, London, 1990
-Stephen de Wijze, “Insights from the Problem of ‘Dirty Hands’,” The Monist 85.2 (2002) 210-38
-Thucydides, "Melian dialogue" and "Civil strife on Corcyra"
-Euripides, Trojan Women
-Seneca, Thyestes, tr. Emily Wilson in Seneca: Six Tragedies, Oxford: 2010
-Euripides, Medea, tr. C.A.E. Luschnig
-Erich Fromm, “The Present Human Condition,” The American Scholar 25, no. 1 (1955): 29-35.
-Sophocles, Philoctetes, tr. David Grene, Complete Greek Tragedies, Chicago: 1957
-Selections from Hannah Arendt, “Eichmann in Jerusalem” The New Yorker, February 9, 1963
-Hannah Pitkin, “Relativism, a lecture,” Journal of Social Philosophy, 1994, 25:176-87
-Paul Elie, “What do the Church’s Victims Deserve?” The New Yorker, April 8, 2019
Those are the all readings on our syllabus (minus the ones that were selections that he put together and gave to us that I can't find). You can find copies of most of these as PDFs on various site or copies of the books at your local library. Most the these are Classics-based (aka Ancient Greek and Roman) since it was a course in our Classics and World Religions department. Please let me know if you have any more questions about the readings or any other such topics. Especially the classics based ones, it's what I have my degree in and I'm always happy to talk about them and their contexts. Sharing knowledge is my favorite thing to do. I hope you enjoy your evil reading!
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it's not selfish, i feel the same way despite having some good support too. in my case it's my depression being evil and tricking me into thinking that way. evil brain chemicals.
I mean- No one does get me tho, thats the issue- as sucky as that sounds. I don't just feel like it. Theres things I haven't told people- but even if I did they probably wouldn't get it stil. I'm just- y'know, different.
Arc look at me-whining. the teenage angst doesn't run out of PP when you turn 18 ig lol.
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demonsfate · 1 year
same anon here… if i may shift the rant to kazuya a bit… i think it's a very, very fine line here between what many Kazuya defenders say and what i'm about to say, but what makes Kaz so interesting to me is that, while he was definitely shaped by the trauma wrought on him by Heihachi and likely would've turned out fine under different circumstances, he still chose evil. He embraced it. Heihachi was thought dead and gone between TK1 and 2 and that didn't stop Kazuya from doing any of the long laundry list of crimes he did. That doesn't make him without humanity and he's plenty sympathetic, but it's a very important distinction to give him that agency because the implication otherwise is that being abused makes you evil when that obviously isn't true in so many real life cases, and is actually quite insulting to the many normal people out there with completely batshit parents!
And as you said, this also contrasts him with Jin. Kaz was saved by the devil and embraced it (and his actions reflect that), Jin considers himself cursed by it (with his actions showing the insane lengths he'll go to get rid of it lol [why did they take the worst possible approach to this though lol i'm in pain]). The contrast is so much more interesting than yet another villain protagonist in a series made of them.
ps I do wonder how much modern moral purity has to do with all this, like. just from casual observation it seems so many Mishima fans keep trying to argue why their man of choice is "the good one". Missing the point much? In this series as well, Tekken is not at all subtle about everyone being a rat bastard (which is why i love them haha)
pps btw you've near single-handedly opened my eyes to how funny DJ is and i've gone from ew cringy ott edgelord to him becoming my beloved fucked up catbird creature who fills my heart with joy
And that's also why Jin can't work as a villain. I cooooould be wrong, but I'm pretty sure some of the devs had once said that Jin was like if Kazuya made better choices and attempted to better himself instead of giving into hatred. Which would make sense, as they both grew up similar. Only that, Jin's "hardships" came a little later in his life. But both still essentially lost their mother, was abused by Heihachi, betrayed by Heihachi, and then found out they both a fucking devil. Kazuya and Jin show how two people can react very differently to similar scenarios. Which, beyond Jin being the "good Mishima" and the "protagonist" - Tekken 6 also ruins the entire point of that.
Like I don't care if Jin was doing it for a ""good cause,"" once he's crossing his arms and smirking, and literally calling people "pitiful" after beating them in battle... that's just - that's just Kazuya!!!!! Which Jin isn't supposed to be. Like it's also what made Jin so interesting as a main character - because he really was meant to be Kazuya's contrast / foil. They go well together. Which, is a shame most of that potential got tarnished after they refuse to acknowledge them in Tek5, then they do have a rivalry again in Tek6 but Jin might as well not even be Jin, and then Tek7 Jin was mostly absent... so. Let's see if 8 can do better.
Also I don't wanna hear the rubbish that "Mishima Bad" that every Mishima is cursed to be an Irredeemable Jerk. Because Lars and Jinpachi are both fine people who were a lil misled at first but were good people in heart. Jinpachi was only "evil" when he got literally possessed by an evil spirit - and much like Jin, Jinpachi was wanting to die in order to be free of the evil spirit and save the world.
I don't mind Jin making mistakes sometimes, or lashing out in anger, or not being able to control DJ. But I don't think they should ever go to the extent of what Tek6 did. I think Jin should always just struggle with moral in the sense he just doesn't know what would be best to do. (Tek4, for example, where he had to decide from committing murder-suicide or not) Jin isn't the ideal hero, he's not a knight in shining armor. But in the end, he should still be somebody who's compassionate toward his friends and the other fighters who deserve that compassion, and someone who doesn't get innocents killed because he's trying to awaken some stupid doomsday chicken.
AND THANKS OMG - funny enough when I first started this blog, I wasn't as invested in DJ. I just had him around because it felt kinda hard to write Jin without him. But then as I started becoming even more familiar with the series, and I started developing my own ideas - I started really liking his character. A good thing I will say about Tek6, regardless if it was intentional or not - he was pretty funny in scenario campaign should you choose to play as him. Maybe the "eating people" think was solely included to be Edgy; but I just found it funny how much he kept CONSTANTLY bringing it up, and then making other characters confused LOL. But I also like the inclusion just BECAUSE - when I see a nonhuman character, even if they do appear somewhat human, I do like to give them traits that separate them from humans. But also with the idea of Azazel seeing DJ as nothing but a tool and thus creating him to be nothing more - I also like to have the depiction that DJ isn't necessarily "evil," he's more so just the response of a scorned God who felt betrayed.
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sproutysprout · 2 years
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a short recap/analysis of 'the pale princess and the six pygmies'
i've been re-reading the in-game books and i'd like to remind you of / introduce you to the wonderful anomaly that is 'the pale princess and the six pygmies'!
it's the book that an abyss mage is trying to steal during lisa's quest (which is not optional!), claiming it held an important secret relevant to the abyss order; at first, everyone was kinda confused by it: why are they looking for a/that specific fairytale? yes, it could be real, but what's so special about it? WELL, after this most recent (3.3) archon quest we know why - fairytales can survive irminsul memory erasure!! so the story in this book is highly likely to be one of those parables like the one nahida tells
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the first (and only available) volume provides a character description: the Night Mother (with no heart and no mouth, sin incarnate) who rules over the Land of Night and the Pale Princess who rules over the Moonlight Forest (where pale, blonde, blue-eyed people lived)
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the previews for the other volumes introduce the other characters:
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the Light Prince and the Six Pygmies. the former teams up with the Pale Princess to "*save* the Moonlight Forest". the pair then meets the six pygmies. however, the subsequent volumes insinuate that the pygmies are the antagonists/traitors - vol 5 describes the pygmies' plot as "sinister", and vol 6 describes their plot as "nefarious". this is a far cry from snow white and the 7 dwarves which the title seems to parallel (the dwarves weren't generally evil)
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nevertheless, the "meeting" between the princess, prince and pygmies (vol. 4) seems to indicate an attempt at a truce. the last volume (vol 7) is just said to include the Night Mother's prophecy (which is most likely the main part relevant to the abyss order)
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NOW, there are so SO many analyses (and i'll cover some), but before I do I would like to point something out:
the fact that so many stories from vastly different periods could somehow fit this one story outline is VERY interesting, especially given the new context provided by the samsara quest, and the idea that "in this world, everything runs in a loop"
could this be the tale of the overall loop of teyvat?
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anyways, i'll cover the following analyses in more or less detail:
the recent past
the current-ish events
the distant past
note on abbreviations: NM - the Night Mother, PP - the Pale Princess, LP - the Light Prince, 6P - the Six Pygmies, MF -the Moonlight Forest
NM - celestia*, PP - gold, 6P - archons, LP - ?albedo/dain/7th pygmy, MF - khaenriah
the Night Mother could be symbolizing Celestia. the best piece of evidence for this would be the quote "her punishments were always unexpected", which could be alluding to the celestial nails (at the same time, after a few of them you'd think they'd be more expected lol just don't make progress and try to know more than you should, and you should be good, ok? /j)
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also! it has not been said that the night mother doesn't have eyes (unlike a mouth and a heart), which is interesting because visions have been described as "the heavens' eyes" by nahida
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it is then possible that the moonlight forest could be Khaenri'ah. some evidence:
not ruled by the night mother (Khaenri'ah was said to be a goddless nation ruled by the people)
there was a "constant lack of sunlight" (Khaenri'ah was underground)
additionally, the following quote:
"The only thing she could not bear was the occasional ray of moonlight that made it through the clouds. The light that penetrated the walls of darkness always irritated her."
that light could represent human achievement / progress / arrogation, which we have repeatedly seen irks Celestia (most prominently in the case of Orobashi and Khaenri'ah)
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this would make the Pale Princess someone like rhinedottir/gold, a.k.a. albedo's creator, as a master of the Art of Khemia and Alchemy (which has been shown to possess the ability to create life)
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the Light Prince would then be someone who would be willing to help save Khaenriah, like dain or pierro or albedo (aether could also fit the description, especially after the most recent archon quest, but this wouldn't work for lumine so i'll discard it for the time being); alternatively it could be another Khaenrian (the king) or the 7th pygmy, but that means it would have to be either Venti or Zhongli (the only two male archons)
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2. (the current-ish events) NM - ?; PP - 7th pygmy (tsaritsa?); LP - a khaenrian (pierro?); 6P - archons; MF - a nation (snezhnaya?)
the trouble here is the NM, bc Celestia does rule over the tsaritsa, so MF would be a part of the land of night, and i currently don't have an alternative
3. for the distant past it could be telling the story of the second who came and the seelie demise, and the seelies definitely match the description of the "light" inhabitants as well, so the LP could be the "master of the heavens" and the 6P would be the second who came (for some more "fall of the seelies" lore, please refer to this artifact set)
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note that the analyses also heavily depend on how you answer the following questions:
are the Six Pygmies under the Night Mother's or the Pale Princess' juristiction, or are they independent entities? if so, which land are they native to?
is the light prince an inhabitant of the moonlight forest?
so, yeah, much to think about! (i also wanted to include a cross-referential analysis of the Night Mother/Pale Princess and Nottfriga/Madgalene from Hex & Hound, but dw we'll leave that for another day lol)
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and that's a wrap!! that was a lot, and if you made it all the way here kudos to you, thanks for reading - here's a flower!
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do let me know of any mistakes i made or any alternative analyses you enjoy!
[ more on my twitter @glazelilybloom ]
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nerdynachodaze · 1 year
Jonathan Hale deserves nothing
TW // mention of abuse
OK folks, i’m on book 3 of the Calloway Sisters series “Fuel The Fire” it’s pretty good so far, it’s deliciously messy and scandalous just how i like it, but something i need to harp on is the pathetic attempt to make me sympathize with Jonathan “cheats on his wife with an underage girl and beats his son” Hale, like...lol this books wants me to be all boo hoo he doesn’t want to be alone awwww poor fifty-something-year-old man :((( Jonathan is fucking evil, he sabotaged his own relationships with both his sons and his wife, that’s his fault, I don’t get why everyone feels bad for him cause he’s all alone. HE’S THE REASON HE’S ALL ALONE. He’s an abusive screw-up who DESERVES nothing cause he never treats anybody right, i’m just sitting here waiting for him to expire from his rotting liver lolololololololololololololololololol
PS: Love Lo standing up to Jonathan that’s my king fr
PPS: Connor i love u but get the fuck out the way and let Ryke pummel Jonathan pls
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skippyv20 · 2 years
@skippyv20 Haze has now begun to realize he can’t be the 12 year old boy anymore no one’s buying I will say this the palace did one hell of a job covering up this sick evil man if The Prince of Wales really did knock him to the ground and broke his necklace(he sounds like a 12 year old girl🤣)then good on Prince William,Harry is a bully he probably was worse with HMTQ and PP were alive the kings new lawyers must be having a party right now 😄🥳 think of all the bs inaccuracies there are and didn’t Tom Bauer say or Valentine lol. Say that the documentary of Netflix contradicts Harry’s book oh hairy what did you do all in the name of a dollar bill you’ll be lucky if your family forgives you but your country never well know where their allies and nor the commonwealth this is going to be very bad for him. In ways. He never thought possible 😎and the theories going around that the SS squad is going to turn on him at some point he dug a hole. I’m not sure he can get out of but it’s gonna be interesting to see what she puts him through next, and he can’t even see it because he’s so blind and completely and utterly stupid he’s making up lies so William will respond. The funny thing is he knows William knows more dirty, dirty secrets about him and Megan and then they both realize, but he take the highroad because why 🤣😎😏he’s gonna be future king he’s helping run an entire country and its allies, and its people he has better things to do than deal with a 40 something year, old woman who is ugly from side out who’s anger and she said, from being abandoned by her mother 🧐😜and his spineless coward, brother the Prince of Wales, I believe, will be a better team than his father the moral of the story I think it’s always been about Prince George Harry did say I think a few months before George was born, that he’s gotta do as much as he can appear as much as he can before the spotlight is taken from him from a certain blonde haired, sweet little boy, second in line to the throne and his siblings 🤩This is always been about Prince George Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis but Harry’s doesn’t have the balls to say it in the media because he knows what will happen if he does. Harry got knocked down the first time because of what he did to staffers imagine if he said one word about Catherine and the children ,William would go no holds barred on him.
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 There’s a reason why Prince William has cloud why the prince and princess of Wales are so popular that foreign dignitaries, monarchs, presidents, etc. flock to them for business opportunities as well as allies, as well as working together to save our planet to work on our mental health addiction, homeless, domestic violence, and it’s not just the prince and princess of Wales. It’s the queen and the Countess of Wessex and the princess of royal Harry and Meghan. Don’t get what it is to be hard-working genuine, warm, busy mature it’s all a game to them and they’re losing spectacularly.
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Thank you ❤️
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shostakobitchh · 1 year
what are your thoughts/feelings on the marauders? I particularly love reading marauders stories as much as I love reading Snape-centric ones, but unfortunately there’s so much annoying bashing from both sides (don’t get me wrong, I love seeing them fight but you can see which one the author loves and who they despise).
ps.: I have to say though, I’m really enjoying how you’re inserting Lupin on your story so far! I like when authors don’t shy away from making the characters flawed, yet they’re still likable to me. same goes to Snape. lol I’m asking because I know the fandom can be divided by Marauders vs Snape defenders, but their intersection and its nuance is my fav part of it all.
pps.: just saw you updated! I haven’t even received the email yet lol that’ll be my friday night treat, thank you!! ❤️❤️
thank you for the kind words about lupin in the story, he’s my favorite character of all so that means a lot ❤️
okay so, hot take here, but it is so stupid to me because both sides did awful things and both sides pretend like either did nothing wrong. I am a BIG fan of both sides, but I get can't into Marauder's era content because it's very OOC now and it's quite clear it's only to essentially rewrite Harry Potter prequels that cater to specific headcanons, but I also can't completely get behind Snape defenders because many claim he did nothing wrong at all which turns him into some pussywhipped bore and I can’t grapple with the dismantling of such a FASCINATING character. the Snape fandom is almost too defensive which makes Snape's character less interesting to me. I think its AWESOME that this little shithead kid, who loved dark magic and craved validation and power, essentially fucked himself over and intertwined his fate with the son of his worst enemy and best friend. and then he was BITTER about it and was objectively awful until harry sees his memories, where Snape is still awful but like… it explains everything. doesn’t excuse it, but it explains it!
I really loved Sirius and Remus, I think they're deeply flawed characters (even as flawed as Snape!) that are severely fucked up but mask it better. They're good guys that are good at being the good guys, but sometimes, they are human! they make mistakes! Sirius is unhinged, impulsive, selfish. Remus is a straight up coward who doesn't take accountability - it makes me so upset that he didn't reach out to Harry in canon, how did he not mention he was best friends with James?!
I even really like James - we don't know a lot about James/Lily, but we know a lot about Harry, and there are several remarks that Harry is a lot like his mother, and Harry is a very good person, the kind of person who tried to get Voldemort to see his wrongdoings in his final moments. I'd like to believe Lily wouldn't have married a Gigachad and married someone who would be a good husband/father.
I know most of the hatred spawns from SWM, but I’m going to say something controversial here and mention that it’s SWM because it’s when Lily ended the friendship, not entirely because James attacked him. I’m not excusing James’ behavior in this scene, but I am a firm believer that both sides attacked one another on a semi regular basis. there’s also the werewolf incident which is like, inexcusable, but this is where marauders fans are bad, lol. just because sirius almost got snape killed doesn’t mean he’s like, an evil person. some of them cannot fathom sirius did something bad which sucks a lot of the interest out of mauraders era stories for me. if your characters don’t have flaws, what the fuck is the point?
in short, nonnie, we’re on the same page. the bashing from both sides is annoying and I think really uninteresting. why people choose to only see the bad in both sides is beyond me.
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