#pranks 2016
kucka-g · 2 years
since i've got polls now
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tigresslanzhu · 1 year
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Clay: AHAHAHAHAHA! “Oopsie-Daisy!”
Ash: 😑 Really?
Ash: REALLY?!?
Clay: Yeah! I heard your friend use that dated phrase! Now I get to hold it over your heads for as long as possible!
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minty-bunni · 1 year
Good news is tumblr acknowledged this event, bad news is they did not change everyone's avatars like they did that one April Fool's day like a decade ago.
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avaplayzalot · 2 years
Macgyver (2016) April fools or just pranking each other headcannons
Mac would come up with totally complicated designs for pranks which would either work perfectly (like all of his creations) or would end up being noticed and mess up entirely
Riley would do something involving technology like a fake virus or leaking photos, or would make small pranks like water balloon drops or something
Jack would totally try to be like mac and make an elaborate prank but it would not work at all so he would give up and try totally basic pranks like toilet papering a house or egging a car or whip cream on someone’s hands and stuff like that
Bozer is totally the prank master and uses his cool disguises to scare everyone
Matty is so smart that she is also so good at pranks that are always planned like three months in advanced and ways scare people
People are terrified when they here bozer and matty are working together one year, jack ended up dyed entirely purple
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itsreaditandwow2 · 4 months
Fuck you! Jack gets killed! Fuck you!
Judy Jennings (Angry Grandma)
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tenrose · 1 year
I'm curious about one thing though, do the public phones the Machine uses to call them still exist in the US? Because I personally can't remember the last time I saw one in my country...
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bumpscosity · 1 year
Oh hey just a heads up there may be some rickroll-y sorta stuff posted here but no jumpscares or anything like that
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saintofpride201 · 2 years
Seeing a YouTube couple i used to subscribe to when i was a teen in my recommendations and make a complete mockery of their own relationship is honestly tiring as fuck.
"LOL I'm pulling a prank where I break up with my boyfriend, GONE WRONG, oopsie!" This is the 50th time you nearly ended your relationship with your boyfriend because you want to send him vague texts saying "our love is fake" which happen to be song lyrics, Seth. This is the 70th time you pretended to cheat on your boyfriend with 5 other men and one woman, Frank. This is the 100th^5 that you both made counterprank videos where you treat each other like shit to the point where a breakup might be the best thing for both of you guys. It's not cute. It's never been cute.
You are, assuming your boyfriend isn't in on it (having my doubts because he fucking cried in one video because the prank went way too far, but hell, they both fo it to each other), intentionally putting your relationship on the rocks for goddamn clicks. Y'alls relationship is literally clickbait. Yall's relationship hanging by a thread is literally clickbait. Yall have done this since 2013 and are probably in your thirties at this point. Grow the fuck up.
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thisdayindnphistory · 3 months
This Day in Dan & Phil History - June 23
2010 - Dan uploads Stalker Prank Call (which is now deleted but can be viewed here!)
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2012 - gay ass liveshow from VEGAS
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2013 - omfg
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2015 - phorse at their holiday in Isle of Man
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his comedy was so ahead of its time
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2016 - TATINOF wraps up in the US at Dolby Theatre in Hollywood 🥹
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featuring the KING OF VINE Thomas Sanders omfg
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oh to be at this afterparty
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2017 - Vidcon era
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so gay
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oh if only they knew what was coming
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2018 - fucking fortnite wtf
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herofics · 1 month
No Longer Mine
A/N: So, basically this is about Gojo’s s/o “dying” and he eventually moves on with his life and then it turns out his s/o wasn’t dead after all. It’s basically all angst tbh. There's probably gonna be more parts to this eventually but idk...
He wasn’t there. He wasn’t there when you needed him most, and now you were gone. You were burnt beyond recognition. If he didn’t know it was your body on the floor, he wouldn’t have even known there had been a human there once. There were still traces of your cursed energy around, even if they were faint. You must have tried to resist whoever had done this. Of course you would have, you wouldn’t have gone down without a fight. He made Shoko check the DNA results a dozen times, but it was always the same result. It had been your body that was found in the house you shared with him. You were gone, and so was your shared home. Burned to the ground by god knows who, with you inside it.
Gojo didn’t really accept you being gone for a long time. He was so numb, and your death almost killed him. All those lonely nights with just him and a bottle of strong liquor, talking to you. Talking to an empty room, while downing so much liquor that it would have put a normal person in the hospital. He talked about how angry he was, angry towards himself for not having caught whoever had taken you from him, angry at you for leaving him, angry at the world for all of it. One night, you started talking back to him. You told him how it wasn’t his fault and that you loved him. That’s when he knew he was in trouble. The dead don’t speak, they don’t converse with anyone, that’s not how the world works.
That was about a year after you died. He stopped drinking and your ghost started fading away. Your voice got more distant and the image of you got muddier. He didn’t want to lose you again. He didn’t want to forget, but somehow remembering was worse. Even though it was muddy, he could still see your smile. Oh, how he loved that smile.
Eventually, he found someone new. He fell in love again, but you never left him completely. The memories he shared with you were still dear to him, even if they were painful. He visited your grave every year on the anniversary of your death. He left flowers on your grave and while he wasn’t a religious man, he prayed that wherever you were, you had found peace.
Four years later, you reappeared. You were found unconscious on some side street in Tokyo and taken to the hospital. After you woke up, the first call you made was to Gojo.
“Hi, I’m sorry I missed dinner last night. I’m in the hospital, but I don’t know what happened”
“Whoever you are, this isn’t funny” a cold voice answered back.
“What do you mean Toru? It’s me, it’s (Name)”
“Don’t call this number again” Gojo said and hung up.
You were confused to say the least. You’d missed dinner, sure, but there was no way he would act that coldly towards you just because of that. Then you noticed the date on your hospital band. It was four years more than it should’ve been. That must have been a mistake, right? You started to panic, your heart rate was getting erratic and you were having trouble breathing. A nurse came in, trying to calm you down.
“What’s the date today? Please, what is it?” you asked frantically.
“It’s 17th of August 2016”
“2016?!” you gasped.
Who could be so cruel as to make a call like that to him? Sure, he had made many enemies in his life, but most of them were dead and wouldn’t be the type to pull such an egregious prank on him anyway. It couldn’t be you, it couldn’t possibly be you. He had confirmed your death himself. More importantly, Shoko had confirmed it, multiple times. It had been your cursed energy, your DNA. There was no doubt about it.
“Who was that?” his fiancée asked as he had put down the phone.
“Just a wrong number” Gojo muttered.
“You seem a bit rattled, are you sure you’re okay?” she asked, placing a hand on his shoulder.
“Yeah, yeah, it was nothing” Gojo said, brushing off his fiancée.
The call kept bothering him. Gojo couldn’t sleep that night and just laid in bed, awake, while his lover laid beside him, sleeping like a log. The thought of you being alive kept him awake all night. Could it really be possible? Had Shoko been wrong? Had he been wrong? He couldn’t get that little voice out of his head. That little nagging voice in the back of his head, telling him he needed to go to that hospital, he needed to make sure. Early the next morning, he made his way to the hospital.
You had been given some sedatives, because of how badly you had panicked when you found out what year it was. You’d been gone for four years, and you didn’t remember a single thing about it. When you woke up, you were groggy, and you weren’t really feeling great. You were still in shock about the missing four years.
“You were dead” a familiar voice said from the end of your bed.
“Toru?” you asked, blinking a bit to focus your vision better.
“You were dead” he repeated, but this time his voice wavered.
“What are you talking about?” you questioned.
“There was a body, in the rubble of our burned down house…”
“What…?” you whispered.
Gojo was still standing by the end of your bed. You were really there, clear as day. He was afraid that if he touched you, this would all turn out to be some kind of illusion. Still, he couldn’t help himself as he moved closer to you and reached his hand out to touch your cheek. He just couldn’t bring himself to do it. He was too afraid, so he just held his hand next to your face, scared that you would disappear at any moment.
“Toru?” you asked, tears welling up in your eyes. “What happened?”
“You died (Name)... or at least we thought you did. It’s been four years since then” Gojo wasn’t sure if he should tell you about his engagement, but he wanted to be honest with you, like you’d been with each other before. “I moved on. I had to, losing you almost killed me”
Gojo’s hand fell back to his side and he hung his head. He didn’t know what to say. He didn’t know what to do. He was just so confused.
It was heartbreaking to hear the pain in his voice, but you still felt angry. Even though you rationally knew it had been years for him, for you that missed dinner was yesterday. For you, he had found someone else overnight. Your love for him was just as strong as it had ever been, but he clearly didn’t feel the same anymore.
“I don’t have any memory of the past four years. Did you know that? To me, I last saw you yesterday, and now you’re saying you found someone else?”
“You don’t need to explain. I get it, but I would have waited. I wouldn’t have given up on you” you said tearfully, looking away from him.
“I did look for you (Name). Your death almost killed me, Ava saved me after I hit rock bottom”
“That’s her name? Ava?” you asked, the sadness evident in your voice.
“Yes… we’re engaged"
It felt like someone punched you in the stomach. You felt sick, empty. He was engaged? The love of your life had moved on with someone else. He’d left you behind, a long time ago, apparently.
“I think you should leave” you sniffled, wiping the tears from your cheeks, trying to appear strong. Even though you felt everything but.
“I don’t-” Gojo started, but stopped himself. You probably didn’t want to know. “Of course, whatever you want” he sighed and turned to leave.
As Gojo left the room, he gave you one more glance. You looked broken, and he was certain it was his fault. Why hadn’t he kept looking? Why had he given up on you? No matter what anyone had told you, you would have kept going. You wouldn’t have given up until you found him. So why did he?
The second Gojo left the room and closed the door, you broke down. You were sobbing, burying your face into a pillow to stop anyone from hearing your cries. The person you loved since you were kids at Jujutsu High, the one you’d given your heart, soul and body to, had left you behind. You had nothing to go back to. You’d been robbed of four years of your life, and now it felt like your future was gone too. It all just felt like a massive lie, like someone was having fun at your expense. Your old life was gone.
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blorbocedes · 10 days
true hate's kiss for brocedes
Toto calls just as Lewis is about to go film a vine with Kendall Jenner.
"Lewis, we need you back at the office. We have a, erm, delicate situation."
"What do you mean?"
"As you are aware of the generous Petronas sponsor gift - the cursed spindle - that sits in our factory."
"The cursed spindle which sends you to sleep for millennia, yeah."
"Well, it appears Nico has accidentally made contact with the spindle, and subsequently fallen into a deep slumber. If this is not rectified immediately, he of course cannot race this weekend."
Lewis tugs at his collar. He'd much rather be on a yacht in his free time than make the drive all the way to Brackley just to help out Nico.
"Yeah, so call his wife. True love's kiss and all that."
Toto pauses for a second. "Ah, Lewis. This isn't a cursed spindle from fairy tales," he says in a condescending tone, "Only a kiss borne from true hatred will wake him."
If Nico sleeps through the weekend, that's Lewis' championship secured. He's sure if he was ahead in the points, Nico wouldn't wake him if the situation was reversed. Maybe. He just might, just to hold it over Lewis' head.
Lewis stops himself from saying he can't kiss him because he's a man. It's 2016, and homophobia is totally cringe. So instead, he opts for the safer: "I can't be going around kissing married men! A bunch of people hate Nico, just get one of his haters or someone from Sky Sports."
It is a part of their sport, with adoring fans comes also passionate haters.
The phone is wrestled from Toto, and the German voice of Vivian speaks through. "Lewis, I swear to god if you do not get your ass back right now to kiss my husband. I still have all the negatives from the parties from my Nokia digital camera."
Lewis winces thinking of his mid 2000s fashion. Well, that's permission from the missus.
At Brackley, Nico's on a bed breathing steadily. He totally looks like he's just asleep. Lewis isn't sure they're not pulling an elaborate prank on him.
"We'll, uh, give you some privacy." Toto closes the door where Vivian and other Mercedes employees were watching.
Nico's lips are the slightest touch of red from where, presumably, Vivian had already tried her true love luck. This better be worth it.
Lewis breathes in. Imagines Nico telling the press he didn't really lose the championship because he didn't get a fair shot, because of the curse. Implying slyly that Lewis' title is illegitimate, in that annoying know-it-all way he could spin things. He imagines Nico never waking up, forever frozen like this. It would probably make the work environment better. Never have to ignore each other over breakfast, awkwardly hold the elevator when they leave their Monaco apartment at the same time, never spend race weekends trying to stick the knife into the other, metaphorically.
Wake up, motherfucker, Lewis thinks, no love lost between them. Wake up so I can fucking beat you.
And not for the first time in his life, Lewis brushes his lips against Nico's.
Nico gasps, opening his eyes.
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paraphwrites · 12 days
opinion: i don't think what the cat king would have put forth an advance if he truly thought it was unwanted.
the cat king, we mustn't forget, is a trickster. he is here to play pranks and mess around and make things more complicated, but not to make things BAD.
despite what 2016 youtube prank channels tried to teach us, once someone actually starts getting hurt, it is no longer a trick. it is just cruel. the cat king does not wish to delve into cruelty, because that removes the fun from it. he wants mischief and mayhem, not consequences. he toes the line of what one can and cannot do before the reprocutions becomes harmful, but he never crosses the line. because then it would no longer be FUN or interesting, it would be real and upsetting
i understand that people have a lot of different interpretations of the cat king & what he did, & all are valid & fair. but i really don't think he is cruel.
he placed a binding spell on edwin for placing a binding spell on a cat. for tck, people and cats are on an equal level, so it is only fair. and games have to be fair, or they're no fun!
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wifegideonnav · 6 months
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itsreaditandwow2 · 4 months
Shut up! I got salt in my fuckin' mouth, you dickhead!
Judy Jennings (Angry Grandma)
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prankvids · 10 months
Mirchi Murga | Funniest Flight ever| RJ Naved Prank
https://PrankVids.com mirchi,murga,funniest,rj naved Mirchi murga latest,rj naved,Mirchi Murga,Murga,prank,Radio Mirchi,fun,prank call,hilarious,entertainment,hilarious prank,funny prank,flight prank,flight prank reaction,flight prank 2016,flight prank english,flight prank prototype,flight prank call,flight prank gone wrong,linus flight prank,flight prank watch,
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jess-total-mess · 6 months
I went digging through youtube, old posts, and shitty websites, along with my memories, and here you go! Hopefully these are accurate.
2013 — Unoffical Tumblr event “Mishapocalypse” happened, an online flash mob event wherein which Tumblrinas change their profile pictures to a specific picture of Misha Collins of Supernatural fame.
2014 — Users were given the option to get Tumblr Pro for free, and those who accepted were given top hats on their icons. Prompty after this, @staff announced that “Everyone with a top hat is now marked for account deletion. This is the only way we could destroy this horrible website. Happy April Fools day.”
2015 — The “Executive Suite 2016 Productivity Edition” essentially changed Tumblr into office software, allowing spreadsheets for memes, calculators that gave incorrect answers, and Coppy. Who gave “helpful tips”.
2016 — Tumblr voted to select the “new lizard king”, from Rick, Debrah, Mop and Wretched Tooth. However, more famously, an edited @staff post reads “for april fools we’re deleting this entire site sayonara you weeaboo shits”.
2017 — The Tumblr Horse Game was a feature that, when clicked, took users to a game wherein you had to collect shit from a pixelated horse. If you failed to do so, the horse died.
2018 — The answer to Bitcoin, is Tumblcoin! A parody of crytocurency.
2019 — Tumblr Memories, in which Tumbeasts were set loose. Remember them? The mascot from 2011, for service interruption announcements.
2020 — There was seemingly no prank this year. This was COVID-19.
2021 — Tumblr released “non-fungible tumblcryptids”, a parody of NFTs. There was a supposedly limited amount of them.
2022 — A light switch, when activated, would open up a variety of colourful things on the desktop dashboard, including a “Summon Crab!” button, which would summon a crab when activated. Other buttons made different sounds.
2023 — A feature similar to the Discord reaction function was temporarily added, using basic emojis.
2024 — Every user was given the option to opt-in to the boop o meter, and could boop, super boop, and evil boop other users who also opted in, earning up to three badges by doing so.
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