long-hair-rocks · 2 years
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Pratiksha Thorat 👑
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zigguratssarts · 1 year
Buy Pratiksha Bothe Paintings Online in India | Most Beautiful Art Collection
Discover Pratiksha Bothe paintings for sale — a stunning collection of artistry and emotion. Immerse yourself in the exquisite artworks by Pratiksha Bothe. Buy now to enhance your art collection.
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kanhapriya · 1 year
But she'd still love him.
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(Please listen to the song on a loop while reading)
2. Pratiksha
There were many ways in which he came to her.
Like the breeze, gentle and delicate and soothing as if he understood that nothing could bring her the feeling of solace that he did. Nothing but him was that serene to live.
He also came like the rain, dropping all over her body, places where she would only ever allow him, no one else. Like the rain, he carried an attractive melancholic ambience with him, just like the rain, he was erratic and captivating. Like the rain, he brought with him a distinct scent.
Sometimes, he was in the sunny sky, painful to bear but beautiful nonetheless. Like he was the giver of life and death, glowing so luminous for the whole world and somehow still just a sliver of his real light is perceptible to her.
The soil, he for sure was a part of. He'd let people walk on him but when it was too much, he halted his stillness and responded to what was must. He bore so much life, that no one could exist without him, his essence and true personality.
Moon too was just him in guise. When the moonlight would glow in her dark chamber, a small part of the room would light up. Those places were the ones he'd always sit on.
Her soul was him, a part of him. He was her himself. She knew he was every part of her, her mind, her heart, her body, her soul and all her features. He was her flowing hair, her black kohl and her sharp nose. He was her.
But her favourite way of him coming to her was when he was her Kanha, her Keshav.
He'd come to her in so many forms, yet Krishna was the one she could never oppose. 
In the form of Krishna, he met her so many times and never at the same time. He was Krishna but not the one she'd see in the crowd, not the one he'd see with Maiya Yashoda or Nand Baba or even Balram Dau. Not even his companions, or other girlfriends. He'd come to her like a Krishna she had never seen before and it stunned her each time.
He was blissful, ecstatic and euphoric all together when he came to her. As Krishna, when he'd step into her room through the window with his lotus-like feet, freshly smeared allta, she knew he'd leave behind traces, few more seeable than others.
When he'd come to her, Pratiksha would accept him in any form.
His hands would grip the periphery of her window on such nights, and she'd keep looking at him with learning eyes, how he must have lied to Maiya Yashoda about going out with his boyfriends. She'd look at him with mischievousness as he would hold the window for dear life.
"Sakhi, help me at least?" He would say out of weariness when sweat would wet his hair and he'd have to toil to keep them off his hair. Then he'd shake the sweat away, looking so lovely that she'd let him struggle. 
However, when he'd bumble a bit too much for even her liking, she'd approach him, slowly, a little tormenting retribution, out of pure devotion. She'd hold his hand, his fingers enveloped all around her wrist as he burdened her with his weight and finally climbed up her room.
After she pulled him up, he'd collapse just on her, not even allowing her to breathe, and she'd laugh the loudest she was allowed to without waking her parents. Sometimes she thought all of it was just a play to him, so she'd help him up and he'd catch her in his arms.
"Kanha, I'll die " she'd try to push him up as he just rested, "I'm too young right now."
"But Sakhi, " he would fake taking deep breaths.  "I'm too tired to move now."
"Come on, oh Nathkhat," she'd finally breathe ad he would lift some of his weight off  "Thank the lord, Narayana,"
He'd grumbled whenever she'd take the name of Lord Narayana, along the lines of, 'Literally in front of you,' but she would pay no heed to him.
When he finally stood up, he'd make himself relaxed on her bed, laying on it like a starfish, his exquisite redolence, colouring her room. She'd go and sit next to him, and using her chunri, she'd wipe the sweat off his forehead. He'd close his eyes but a smile would be present on his face.
He'd hold her wrist and stop the whole wiping thing after a while, "Come on now, Sakhi," he'd sit up, her wrist still in his hand, "I'm not here get coddled," he would roll his eyes, "Or I would've stayed with Dau or even Maiya."
She'd snatch back her hand, a smile threatening to come over but she hid.
"Then Why Are you here?"
"You tell me."
"Tell you what?" Her brows would turn up and he would ever so gently lift his fingers and ease them. Then she'd smile.
"Tell me, why do you let me in?" He would stand up from the bed then, and approach her dressing space, a small hand mirror placed there that he would pick up and make the moonlight reflect on her face, "Why do you let me trouble you almost every consecutive day?" 
She'd look at him, and he would raise his brows in question, and then She'd blush and look away at the moon every time.
"I let you in because-" she knew it was impossible to find the right answer to his inquiries, no matter how straightforward they were.
What could possibly be the reason if not him?
His smile, his complexion, his existence. Weren't they good enough reasons? Would she have to answer to the world as to why she would allow a not-so-ordinary cowherd boy into her room in the dead of night? Would she have to prove to the world her intentions to protect her laaj?
But those had been secondary issues then, Krishna being her prime. And She'd endure all the world's allegations if it went to be in his presence for a small while. 
"I let you in because I'm selfish." She'd answered truthfully, not caring if it would make her seem wrong. She was selfish enough to want him but it was the most selfless she'd ever been.
He'd look confused, though with a hint of mischief in his star-like thinking eyes, "Selfish?" 
Then he would approach her again, the mirror still in his hands as would sit in front of her, "I'd say, it's quite the opposite." He would raise his hands and tuck a stray piece of hand behind her ears, "Isn't it so, Sakhi? It's selfless."
She'd keep looking at him, the beauty of his beetle eyes capturing her into the slow trap he'd set up.
"It's love."
She'd not blink, how could she?  He would be in front of her and she'd be sinned if even a second was spent without his glimpse.
Her voice would be lost too, the thirst of her throat for water or words, she wasn't sure but she'd desperately need it.
There would be silence worth a thousand words in those few moments. Just Pratiksha and her love personified as a beautiful blue boy.
"Wouldn't you know so much about love?" There was yet again fun in her tone, something that she'd noticed only happened with him.
"Me?" He'd fake being surprised, "Don't be funny, my mohini. You know love so much better than me."
She'd entwine both their hands and kiss the back of his, the skin so soft and cold yet warm, just like she remembered. 
"Indeed I do." She'd look at him, tears overwhelming in her eyes, "For you are what I think is Love. And I know you,"
He'd smile then, not out of a trick or joke or fun poking but genuine, his tulsi smile, too pure, "Better than me?" He'd ask.
"Better than yourself." She'd nod with firm faith and he'd pull her in his arms and she would allow him, every night.
As she would lay on his chest, he'd soothe her mind with his soft head touches which would often lead to a dismantled hairstyle, but they'd ignore it and open the braid completely. 
Pratiksha would then take the hand mirror from him and keep it at a distance from them so she could not waste even a second by not seeing his face, which would also do wonders for his ego.
"I must say, " he'd say between the silence, "Your Lord Narayana must've blessed me with quite a beautiful counter face."
Till then, she'd be in an already deep trance most would call sleep but she would love. 
With no answer in return, Krishna would turn to the mirror to look at her reflection,  mostly finding her in a euphoric stance. 
He'd then allow himself to turn a little, not moving much but to face her. He'd trace the flower pattern above his eyebrows and on her forehead,  the one he'd only make each morning, before bidding farewell for the day.
It would be a comfortable routine for them, dancing through the day and enjoying a slumber together, with peace and silence. 
The next morning when she would wake up, her kahna would be awake too, mixing the fresh flowers he'd brought somehow, and readying the paint for their faces.
She'd stand up, laziness still deep in her body as she'd approach him, "How do you always wake up before me?"
Only then, he'd notice her presence and try not to laugh at her dishevelled appearance, "You look especially beautiful in the morning, priye."
She would be too tired to get angry at his jokes but just look at him who still looked like a world full of happiness and laughter.
She'd sit next to him on the seating in front of the mirror, looking at the colours he'd prepared. 
"Your hair is a mess, Sakhi, " he'd tug on her open hair, "Come, let me tie them."
She'd keep quiet and let him, as she would snuggle deep into her own embrace, the morning dew making her cold. He'd keep pulling some parts of her hair, braiding them as she'd just feel his fingers all through her hair.
After he'd made the hairstyle, as beautiful as all the waterfalls of the world, he'd turn her around, and bring a wet cloth to her face and wipe away all her sleep and paint from yesterday. 
"What flower do you want today, priye?" He'd pick up the bronze bowl with colour and a peacock feather, "What should I paint today?"
"Do as you wish," she'd look into his big dilated eyes, "I know it will look good."
He'd keep smiling as the peacock feather dipped into the white colour and the flowers and bela he'd start drawing. With each delicate stroke of the top, a petal would be created, and with every six petals, a flower would be complete. Like this, the hours would pass and they would read each other with love, colour and laughter. 
And once again, Pratiksha would be reminded that her favourite way of him coming to her was as Kanha, Krishna. 
The routine existed no more. 
Pratiksha no longer exists.
Neither did her room or her friends. 
Vrindavan too is gone now.
They'd cease to exist the day her Kanha had gone away forever. 
Now what existed wasn't what it used to be.
Vrindavan cried now, every second of her existence was spent with sadness now, her rivers bare, stripped of their waves and joy, her mountains, not stable enough to handle the loss of their favourite cowherd. 
No Gopi in Vrindavan truly smiled anymore. Smiles had faded into frowns just the way day faded into night, slowly, taking its sweet time.
And Pratiksha? She hadn't awakened in months.
She'd spent all her days just like she was right now.
As she lay motionless on her bed, her eyes were finished if all the tears she could hold in her two eyes.
Her heart was beating, not with life but with pain, misery and discontent and as she tried to stand up from the bed, her body gave up. Pratiksha was plagued by memories, plagued by him.
She finally gathered all her might, taking the support of the bed still to reach the window of her room.
The window.
It was still there, unlike him. That Makhan chor wasn't there anymore.
Each night, just like today, she would crawl up to the window still from where he would come to her. And just like today, she looked down there, no sign of him, no sign at all.
She would then sit with the support of the opposite wall, looking at her room, which was filled with him. From the floor to the ceiling to the wall to the flowers by her bed, all was him.
How was one to forget it all?
Now no one would climb up her window late at night, no one would beg her to help him up. No one would pretend to be exhausted and lay on top of her till she begged for mercy. No one would call her Sakhi anymore, not like he did.
She'd wait for him, penance endlessly to see his face again, to hear him laugh and giggle again, to hear the madhurya sound of his flute and hum along it once again. But he said he won't be back ever, that history was waiting for him. And who was Pratiksha to anger the immortal she?
But that didn't mean losing hope, right? No, she'd still wait for him. Wait for him to climb up the window yet again someday, and to call for her with the same amount of immense love. She'd wait till her teeth rot and her skin falls.
But right now, she'd cry tears of a lifetime, because her Keshav was gone.
Now she had to wake up alone, bed empty.  No one was there to caress her cheek, to lovingly stroke her hair and turn them into a mess. Neither would anyone wipe off her tiredness with a bare cloth. No one would be able to love her, no one but Kanha.
She had no one to look at now, through the hand mirror, no one to lay on the chest. No one would calm all her fears with a sleight of hand. No one would ever come close to the experience of him.
She wouldn't allow anyone to, no. Her love was only for Kanha. How dare anyone think that she'd forget her Shyam ever?
Krishna was in her, was her and forgetting herself wasn't a decision she was gonna make. She'd wait for her Kanha to come back one day, a year later, 5 years later, a decade later, a lifetime later. She'd stay.
But hey Narayana, for long would she have to cry for her Kanha? Would he never visit her now? Was that the last time she got to look at his face? Was that the last time she touched him, played with his soft fingers, rested in his lap and braided his long curly hair? Would he be able to live without her for so long? She certainly wouldn’t. 
Even thinking of spending a lifetime without getting lost in his dark beautiful eyes was a sin.
His flute, how would she not hear it at least once again? 
No, this was pure torture, and he was the ever-enjoyer.  She comforted herself with many arguments, one being that this was all a big joke, a text of her prem like he always did. But he had to come back. He had to or she would lose her mind.
Did he expect her to let go of this easily? Wasn't she his priye? Which honoured lover would leave his priye to spend a life long in wanting? No, he was Nirmohan but not to an extent that could kill her. He realised this, right?
Then Why did he cry that day, when he came for the last time? Why was he unable to keep his hands from shaking as he tied her braid with flowers? 'Param Shringar' he had called it, the most beautiful he'd made her ready.
He had painted her hand with the leftover flower and tears. 'It'll stay forever, a reminder of me in case you forget,' he had smiled with tears and kissed her palms, some paint on his lips too.
As she looked at her hand now, the smudged part was still visible after so long, the whole palm filled with colours, black and blue petals and flowers. 
He was gone, wasn't he?
A sob came up again, and Pratiksha didn't try to stop it. She sobbed as much as she could, loud and livid, her head throbbed with pain and exhaustion and nothingness and her Kanha. Where was that boy? Why wasn't he here, with her head in his lap? 
Her eyes longed to look at the face of her Nirmohan, oh how he was living up to the name.
He'd come to her as the breeze, uprooting all her beliefs and taking them away with him. As the wind, he would dry up her tears, when he physically couldn't. She'd still love him.
He'd come to her as the rain too, in her dull life, trying to some life to her death. He would fail miserably and then fall on her face as small droplets, mixing with her tears. She'd still love him.
These days, he'd shine less, not troubling her even more. He'd let her escape from his rays and feel more of his might and shine from wherever he was. She'd still love him.
When she would go on the bank of Yamuna to bring back water, he'd stuck to her feet, making her laugh for a second, but then she'd remember. She'd remember how she'd been like that too, the day he was going away. She'd still love him.
On nights, when she'd exhaust all her tears, he'd fall on her as the moonlight, emitting grace and his colour. That would make her cry again, but she'd still love him.
Her soul? It was already a part of his existence. Once he was gone, he'd take her with him. She'd still love him.
But her favourite form, her Kanha? Oh, how she missed. All night she would wait for the morning hoping he'd play his flute and declare it all a big crack. All day she'd wait for the night, so maybe, just maybe he'd climb up her window once again.
He'd disappointed her both times. 
She'd still love him.
She'd still wait for him.
When he would marry all his wives, she'd still wait and love him.
When he would finally become dwarkapati, she'd still wait and love him.
When he'd protect Draupadi from men and their sorts, she'd still wait and love him.
When he'd lead Arjuna to the war, and become his sarthi, she'd still wait and love him.
When old age would dawn upon and her hair turned grey with patience, she'd wait for death. 
And he would come to her, in her favourite form yet again, for the final journey. And she? She'd still love him. Because that was all she ever remembered. 
Loving him was her only memory.
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lemon-aesthete · 9 months
Wang Ye & Zhuge Qing - Timro Pratiksha
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ramayantika · 2 years
Krishna Fics
Train to Vrindavan (completed)
Ch: 1 Ch: 2 Ch: 3 Ch: 4
Bhaishmi and her cousins are on a trip to the temple towns of Vrindavan and Mathura to celebrate Holi, the festival of colours. Straight out of a bollywood fantasy of every hopeless romantic where one meets a nice stranger and they fall in love, Bhaishmi here meets a charismatic curly haired boy on the train who plays a flute and has eyes that twinkle just like stars.
After a playful game of Antakshari where tiny sparks have erupted between the two, would the prime bollywood fantasy come true or they part ways after moving to their respective destinations?
Braj ki Holi (completed)
Ch: 1 Ch: 2 Ch: 3 Ch: 4 Ch: 5 Epilogue
The two groups of cousins are in town for Holi. The flute boy and Bhaishmi are perhaps more than friends now it seems? No? Tune in to see it for yourself.
A tale of young first love and friendship and a trip around the famous temples of Vrindavan and Mathura. Friendly banters, playful flirtations and stolen moments.... Something is brewing between Krishna and Bhaishmi, but does their story get their happy ending or will they part again forever with memories of beautiful festival of colours and love?
Adharam Madhuram (oneshot)
Pov of a gopi who is now old and has a young adolescent daughter. The daughter finds out some letters hidden under her mother's sarees addressing a boy called Krishna. She wonders who this boy was and asks her mother who now sits like a statue when she hears her daughter take his name.
Krishna. The boy with beautiful lips and an enchanting face, who had entranced everyone in Vrindavan. And just like all enchanting things that fade away in time, the darling of Vrindavan left the town, left his friends and his beloved gopis.
This story belongs to one of those gopis who loved him dearly, and remained in hopes of just one last glimpse and just one letter.
Vivah Bandhan
Prologue Ch: 1 Ch: 2 Ch: 3 Ch: 4
Mathura Nagarpati (oneshot)
Not all promises are kept, not even by the Gods. He has come back to fulfill his promise to one friend if not the whole of his village and to all those who until their dying breath carried hope -- that someday their darling child, their best friend, would come back.
Time has never stopped for anyone. The maiden, now old was living her life well with her family and children until she sees a familiar feather dance on top of her head.
Is he really back?
Pratiksha (oneshot)
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shayriara · 1 year
# Pratiksha
प्रतीक्षा पार्वती सी है तू शिव सा पूरा आकर कर दे
अधूरी हूं तेरे बिना मुझे अर्धांगिनी तू स्वयं की कर दे
ना कोई प्रश्न, ना कोई उत्तर, ना कोई संदेह मुझको
अपनी साधना के हर क्षण के पहलु में शामिल कर दे..
Pratiksha parvti si hai tu shiv sa aakr pura kr de
Adhuri hu tere bina mujhe ardhangini tu swaym ki kr de
Na koi prshan na koi uttar na koi sandeh mujkho
Apni saadhna ke har kshan ke pahlu me shaamil kr de
- Krishna sharma (कृष्णा शर्मा )
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kagazaurlafz · 1 year
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Aaj bhi woh jhumke mere kamiz ke Jeb main pade yeh rah dekh rahe hai ki kab tumhare kaano main woh jhal'kenge,
Main apne haathon se uske baalo ko seh'lau aur woh jhumke tujh jesi hoor ki noor ko zara aur khubsurat banayenge.
Kab tumhare nigahoon se hum thodi der aur guftagun karenge,
Aur hum fir un jhumko ko uske kaano se lipte dekh pyaar main tumhare zara aur gir jayenge.
Aaj bhi main us severe ki pratiksha main bhin hu, ki kab meri subha tumhare chehre se hogi,
Aaj bhi main un lamho ke intazaar main hu ki kab hum apne kuch samay tumhari muskurahat ko niharne main zaya hogi?
Kya maine kabhi bataya hai ki tumhari Aankhen bhi us behthe jhadne se kahin Kam nhi,
Kya maine kabhi bataya hai ki meri Aankhen bhi tumhari gal mein Bane use til Ko kuchh usi tarah tarashti hai jaise ek lohar Sone ko.
Kya maine kabhi bataya hai ki shayad, main tumhe Aaj bhi bhula nahi paya hu,
Aur iski gawahi mere sehen main chupe Teri Eid ke aadhe chaand jesi hassi bhi deti hai.
Aaj bhi meri dhadkane bhi tumhare Kan mein bandhe use jhumkeki tarah hai aawas karte Hain.
Aaj bhi tum mere liye ek pura brahmand ho aur main usmain ek choota sa tara.
Ab aage likhu toh likhu kese??
Ki main bhul nahi paya tumhare baaton ko, tumhari harkato ko, tumhare sang bitaye har us lamho ko,
Ki kya kahu,
Ab aage likhu toh likhu kese??
Ye main aaj bhi main tumpar likh raha hu.
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krishna-sangini · 1 year
@kanhapriya sakhi, please post a happy gopi fic now. You made me cry with the Pratiksha one!!!!
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justutter · 9 months
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shivaom99 · 2 years
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💙💙🌺💙💙🌺💙💙 PHENOMENALLY BEAUTIFUL AUSPICIOUS my Lord MAHADEVA SHAMBHU GODDESS PARVATI 🌹🌹🌹from @artbygurudesign • Cute Lord shiva and beautiful Goddess Parvati - Symbol of Love ❤️ Rishta dono ka nek hai, Shiv aur Shakti ek hai. Shiv parmatama hai toh Parvati unki aatma hai. Mahadev ki bhoomi mein har burai ka khatma hai! Tapasya agar Parvati ki thi toh pratiksha Shiv ki bhi rahi hogi, prem to ishwar ke lie bhi saral nahi tha.... Har har mahadev 🙏 Jai Mata Di 🙏 If you like my this art please do share like and follow @artbygurudesign . . . . . . . . . . . . #shiv #mahadev #shiva #mahakal #bholenath #harharmahadev #bhole #shivshakti #bholebaba #mahakaal #parvati #omnamahshivaya #lordshiva #shiv #kedarnath #shivshankar #durga #ujjain #mahakaleshwar #bholebaba #mahadeva #hindu #love #jaimahakal #navratri #durgapuja #lordshiva #wedding #hinduism #artbygurudesign https://www.instagram.com/p/CmsA48tuetI/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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long-hair-rocks · 1 year
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Pratiksha Thorat 👑
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Amitabh Bachchan Relives His Old Memories With Kolkata
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Amitabh Bachchan today has got money, name, respect and a high lifestyle. Today they have huge bungalows like Jalsa, Pratiksha, etc. But Amitabh lived in a 10×10 room with his friends during his difficult days. Big B shares his tough days in 1960s Kolkata with his new blog. Read on…
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1. Mohammed Omer Farooq Quadri Al Multani
2. Nida Heer
3. Shivani Ganta
4. Pratiksha Sharma
5. Ashish Kumar
6. Fauqia Asma Ahmed
7. Meharunnisa S Bepari
8. Dipika Sampat Unde
9. Zeenat Barkatali Merchant
10. Sowmya Santhosh
11. Shanza Bint Rasif Mehmood
12. Dr. Prashant Mundeja
13. Manju Preetham Kuntamukkala
14. Nautan Lal Sahu
15. Dr. Pallavi Singh "Anumeha"
16. Mayaa SH
17. Dr. Shahir Y Bajowala
18. Dr. Sanjida Khanam
19. Dr. Rajalakshmi
20. Ishtiyaq Rashid
21. Noor Ul Ain
22. Wajiha Adrees
23. Himanshu Badoni
24. Kainat Arshad
25. Zaeema Roshan
26. Maryam Mughal
27. Bajrang Lal Suthar
28. Minhaj Abdullah
29. Sana Shahzadi Ameen
30. Samreen Ijaz
31. मानसी राजपरा “रीत”
32. शिवम्भट्ट"साशित्य"
33. Haleeema Batool
34. Timnah D Davidson
35. Dr. Gayatri Konpal Channaya
36. Dilip Swami
37. Saira Ameer
38. Chakola David Paul
39. Rekha Agrawal
40. अरुण शिव्ाांि
41. Ankita Shah
42. Anjali Saxena
43. कृ तान्त अनन्त नीरज
44. Dr. Manish Dave
45. Miss Farwa
46. Amruta Makode
47. Dilshad Alam
49. Farhana Irfan
50. Aqsa Khatoon
51. Bagal Swati Vitthalrao
52. Laraib Noor
53. Nikunja Sharma Sankretik
54. Dr. Sujoyita Pal
55. Anjana Gomasta
56. Bhavna Mohan Vidhani
57. Dr. Puppala BapiRaju
58. Priya Parekh
59. Neha Prasad
60. Maria Akhtar Jatoi
61. Chenjerai Mhondera
To read their Biographies, please visit the following link -
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kanhapriya · 1 year
⚘मेरे प्यारे कान्हा⚘
❁A Krishna Sakhi❁
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oppvenuz4456 · 16 days
Top Mehendi Artists in Pune: Creating Timeless Art for Every Occasion
Mehendi, or henna, is an integral part of Indian celebrations, particularly weddings, festivals, and religious ceremonies The art of applying intricate mehendi designs is not just a tradition but also a symbol of beauty, celebration, and love In Pune, a city that blends modernity with tradition, the demand for skilled mehendi artists is always high, especially during the wedding season From intricate bridal mehendi to minimalist contemporary designs, the city boasts a wide variety of talented artists who bring creativity and precision to their work
Here’s a guide to some of the best mehendi artists in Pune, detailing their unique styles, specialties, and why hiring a professional can make all the difference for your special event
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Mehendi Artists in Pune
For more info Check https://wwwoppvenuzcom/vendors/mehendi-artist/?city=pune 
1 Why Hire a Professional Mehendi Artist?
While DIY mehendi kits are widely available, there’s no substitute for the expertise of a professional artist Here are some reasons why hiring a professional mehendi artist is worth it:
Intricate and Detailed Designs: Professional artists have years of experience and practice, enabling them to create complex and beautiful patterns that are both precise and aesthetically pleasing
Longer-Lasting Color: Experts know how to prepare and apply mehendi in a way that ensures deep, rich color that lasts longer, making your mehendi stand out during important celebrations
Customized Designs: Professional mehendi artists can create personalized designs tailored to your tastes, whether you prefer traditional motifs, modern patterns, or something completely unique
Time Efficiency: Professional artists work quickly without compromising on quality, making sure your mehendi application is a smooth and stress-free experience, especially for large events
Hygiene and Quality: Professionals use high-quality, organic henna, ensuring that the paste is safe for your skin and gives the best possible results
2 Popular Mehendi Styles
Pune’s mehendi artists are well-versed in a variety of styles, allowing them to cater to different preferences and occasions Here are some popular mehendi styles that you’ll often see in the city:
Bridal Mehendi: Known for its complexity and richness, bridal mehendi often covers the bride’s hands and feet with elaborate patterns, including peacocks, florals, mandalas, and sometimes personalized motifs like the couple’s initials or wedding dates
Arabic Mehendi: Characterized by its flowing, bold lines and floral designs, Arabic mehendi is simpler than traditional Indian designs but equally beautiful It is perfect for those who prefer a minimalistic yet elegant look
Rajasthani Mehendi: This style is known for its intricate detailing and the use of motifs like elephants, palanquins, and royal figures Rajasthani mehendi often tells a story through its patterns, making it a popular choice for weddings
Contemporary Mehendi: For those who want a modern twist on tradition, contemporary mehendi combines geometric patterns, minimalistic designs, and abstract art It’s perfect for young brides or those who prefer something unique
Festival Mehendi: Simple and quick to apply, festival mehendi is often less detailed than bridal mehendi but still incorporates beautiful florals and traditional Indian designs It’s ideal for festivals like Diwali, Karva Chauth, or Eid
3 Top Mehendi Artists in Pune
Pune is home to many skilled mehendi artists who have made a name for themselves with their creativity, professionalism, and exceptional work Here’s a list of some of the best mehendi artists in the city:
1 Pratiksha Mestry Mehendi
Known for her intricate bridal mehendi work, Pratiksha Mestry is one of Pune’s most sought-after mehendi artists She specializes in traditional Indian bridal designs, but her versatility allows her to create anything from Arabic to contemporary styles Brides appreciate her attention to detail, patience, and ability to create personalized designs that reflect the couple's love story
Specialty: Bridal Mehendi, traditional and contemporary designs
Contact: +91 99219 87765
2 Ashok Mehendi Artist
Ashok Mehendi Artist is a well-established name in Pune, especially for elaborate and intricate bridal mehendi His team is known for its precision and creativity, making him a popular choice for brides who want their mehendi to be a standout feature of their wedding celebrations
Specialty: Bridal Mehendi, Rajasthani and Arabic styles
Contact: +91 98907 65432
3 Veena Nagda Mehendi
Having worked with numerous Bollywood celebrities and high-profile clients, Veena Nagda is considered one of the top mehendi artists in India, with a growing reputation in Pune Her team is known for creating elaborate, luxurious designs that leave a lasting impression From intricate bridal mehendi to quick, festive designs, Veena Nagda’s team can handle it all
Specialty: Celebrity Mehendi, traditional and modern designs
Contact: +91 98335 67311
4 Poonam Shah Mehendi
Poonam Shah is known for her minimalistic yet stunning mehendi designs, making her a great choice for brides and clients who prefer a more understated look Her ability to blend traditional patterns with modern aesthetics has made her one of Pune’s go-to mehendi artists for weddings and special occasions
Specialty: Minimalistic Mehendi, fusion designs
Contact: +91 98706 22109
5 Manisha Bridal Mehendi
Specializing in bridal mehendi, Manisha is known for creating some of the most detailed and beautiful henna designs in Pune Her designs often incorporate unique elements such as religious symbols, animals, and intricate lace-like patterns, making her a favorite for grand weddings and cultural events
Specialty: Bridal Mehendi, custom and intricate designs
Contact: +91 98707 87654
6 Heena by Aarti
Heena by Aarti is known for creating bespoke mehendi designs for both weddings and festivals Aarti’s versatility allows her to work with traditional Indian designs as well as more modern, creative patterns, making her a top choice for clients seeking personalized and unique mehendi
Specialty: Personalized designs, wedding and festival mehendi
Contact: +91 90961 33467
4 Factors to Consider When Choosing a Mehendi Artist
Selecting the right mehendi artist for your event requires some research Here are key factors to consider:
Portfolio: Always check an artist’s portfolio to get a sense of their style and expertise A good portfolio will showcase a variety of designs, allowing you to see if they can cater to your preferences
Experience: Experienced mehendi artists tend to be more skilled in creating intricate designs and are often quicker at their work If you’re a bride or hosting a large event, an experienced artist is usually the best choice
Reviews and Recommendations: Word of mouth and online reviews can be a great way to find reliable mehendi artists in Pune Look for artists with positive client feedback and a solid reputation
Availability: Pune’s top mehendi artists get booked months in advance, especially during wedding season, so it’s important to contact them early to secure your date
Pricing: Mehendi pricing can vary depending on the complexity of the design, the experience of the artist, and the number of people It’s always a good idea to discuss pricing in detail before confirming your booking
5 Cost of Mehendi Services in Pune
The cost of mehendi services in Pune can range depending on the artist and the complexity of the design For bridal mehendi, prices can range from INR 5,000 to INR 25,000 or more, depending on the level of intricacy and the artist’s reputation Simple designs for festivals or smaller events can start at INR 500 and go up to INR 3,000
6 Conclusion
Mehendi is not just an art form; it's an essential part of Indian tradition and celebrations In Pune, the city's talented mehendi artists help make every occasion special by transforming simple henna into stunning works of art Whether you’re preparing for a wedding, festival, or private event, hiring the right mehendi artist ensures that your hands are adorned with beautiful designs that will leave a lasting impression
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