#prayer request tag
slightlybasicbiscuit · 6 months
Please pray for me tomorrow. I'm supposed to hear back about a job I applied for.
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cheerfullycatholic · 1 year
It's a momento mori kinda day. Tonight I'm going to say a Rosary for people who died, if you have anyone you want me to pray for please tell me
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I don’t usually post prayer requests but if y’all could pray for my friend T; their grandma has to get emergency surgery soon and it’s unclear if she’ll survive. For her health and recovery, and for T and their family during this time, prayers would really be appreciated.
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gillespiejr · 29 days
If you're a catholic who has been praying for the release of the israeli hostages, here are some ways you can make your prayer intentions even more powerful
saint intercessions:
st. monica- patron saint of abuse victims and mothers, that the hostages are safe from harm and captivity and that their mothers see them returned home
st. christopher- patron saint of travellers, that the hostages be protected on their journey home
st. rita of cascia- patron saint of abuse victims and impossible causes
st. maximilian kolbe- patron saint of prisoners and families, who was said to have also provided shelter to at least 2000 jews during world war two
st. michael the archangel- patron saint of the military, that the idf and israel's allies are able to successfully extract and return as many hostages as possible home
the 54-day novena is an extremely powerful novena to add to your daily prayers, as we continue to pray for the safety of our jewish friends and family, the state of israel, peace in the middle east, and for the hostages to return home.
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aceofstars16 · 1 month
I’m just feeling…gross tonight. Mostly my stomach but kind of in general too, I don’t really want to go to bed and I have no desire to go to church tomorrow. Last week wasn’t bad, like in all ways it actually probably was good? But like…my emotions are so disconnected from it. I know it logically but I don’t feel anything really…which I think is the crux of my problem and I don’t know how to change any of it…
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Would appreciate it if y’all would pray for a couple things.
1) My grandmother’s in the hospital right now. The doctors have narrowed down what’s wrong to a couple possibilities, but they’re still not quite sure. She and my grandfather are pretty exhausted and they want some answers.
2) My relationship with my boyfriend’s parents. Our denominational differences came up in conversation today, and since that can be a touchy subject, I’m worried that the conversation may have altered the way they see me.
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minimoll7 · 2 months
I normally wouldn't do this but uh I have a prayer request to anyone willing to listen. My dog got an injury on his hind leg, no idea what caused it. It's not a big one but it's been bleeding nonstop all day long. Bone may be sticking out? Hard to say, his hind legs are very boney
Now idk if the wound itself is dangerous or not but we don't exactly have the money to bring him to the vet to get it checked up and possibly stitched. And my mom is very stressed out by it. Any prayers for my mom and dog would be deeply appreciated
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prayers for all the ed girlies who deactivated without warning
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the worst feeling is when you make a bad choice, in your own head and sin in your thoughts even though you know better. that's the only time I feel unworthy of forgiveness/worry that God won't give it. because I knew better!! and still I let my imagination and feelings and pleasures of the flesh get the better of me!!! even though I KNEW BETTER and thought it over, but I didn't give enough of a shit!!!!!! God help me!!
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proseandpeonies · 7 months
if you're a praying person or someone spiritual please keep my aunt in your prayers. she had a surgery and is now almost completely unable to walk. she's also in a ton of pain. there's going to be a second procedure tomorrow. please please pray for her. her name is holly
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completewannabe · 7 months
i saw a girl today receive the Eucharist but not consume Him. i don't know her story and i'm trying to find her so i can ask her what happened and explain why we don't do that.
please just pray for her.
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brown-little-robin · 1 year
I'm back! And I would like to pray for people, if you want to share something you'd like me to talk to God about for you. <3
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adorekill · 10 months
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    ┄  PRINCESS & THE PAUPER LAYOUT        ✚ Kin / Me / ID OK              @jirai-girl
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not-so-superheroine · 5 months
i have returned from my biannual grippy sock vacay.
aka. was psychatrically institutionalized/ in the psych hospital.
update on why i disappeared an why my fics aren't updating.
just got my phone and internet access back. and my mind is wasn't in the right place.
especially, for that steven universe fic, tbh.
though i certainly have even more insight on the struggle i am attempting to portray.
tbh. in comparison to what i have been dealing with irl, my improving my mental health is most important. bc it is very poor atm. but i am working hard at treatment.
if you pray, please pray for me. if you feel called, let me know about it, or share the prayer with me if you are comfortable.
i'd really appreciate it.
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seeking-seamless · 22 days
I've always gone back and forth in my belief of Christianity. I want to believe in and love God, but I've been knocked down so many times that I wanna give up. I hope this blog helps me in some way.
As for right now, I'd appreciate prayers for my guidance and acceptance of God into my heart. Thank you.
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sunflower-chai · 6 months
would appreciate prayers of healing for my uncle. he had a stroke about a month ago and they just did an ultrasound and found an aortic aneurysm. it could be very serious and he’ll probably need surgery
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