#pre-MC-hero Mini
changeling-rin · 2 years
Well, Mini sounds like an interesting character, so I will now use an old trend from asks on this blog to make you do more with him. Time to send him on the rest of the chain's adventures. (and I guess Archive too while we're at it).
You really are just gonna force me into fleshing these two out, aren't you? Alrighty then!
Skyward Sword: Mini has absolutely no interest in letting Ghirahim monologue and proceeds to try and decapitate him within ten seconds of their first meeting. This, of course, irreparably tanks their relationship, although since Ghirahim would have tried to kill him anyways Mini isn't too bother by this. Archive, meanwhile, somehow hacks into the Guardians in the Silent Realms, uploads them to the Mortal Realm, and then sics them on the Temple Bosses. What do you mean, that's cheating? It's in his skill-set!
Minish Cap: Mini spends the entire time exploring how his Hyrule has progressed since his time. Archive is a bit disappointed with the lack of apparent technology, but decides that the library makes up for it. Mini does disappear briefly, one day, when there's a festival in town, but since he was never all that social in the first place Archive just tells everyone that he's hiding somewhere quiet. Completely coincidentally, a short masked stranger beats up a cloaked purple stranger in the Festival Tournament and then vanishes with the key to the Chest before anyone can open it. Weird.
Four Swords: Well you see there was this complete coincidence a few hundred years or so ago and now everything is completely peaceful. Mini continues to explore how the kingdom is doing. Archive continues to raid the libraries and be disappointed by technological advancements. Also by complete coincidence, the bat-relocation business they run on the side is thriving
Ocarina of Time: Yeah this Ganondorf person is a hack, Mini's just gonna poison his drink or something and be done with it before it becomes a problem, mmkay? HIs condolences to the diplomatic envoy, or whatever. Archive decides not to touch that mess even with a thirty-nine-and-a-half-foot-pole and instead spends most of his time apologizing for... whatever political faux-pas Mini's done now. Except for that one time he mechanized the Temple of Time to defend against Ganondorf in case Mini didn't add enough poison but he can change it back he swears-
Majora's Mask: They collectively evaluate the Moon in silence for a moment. "...I'll build some flamethrowers," Archive sighs. Mini gives a firm nod. "I'll evacuate the town. Meet back here in twelve hours to torch that thing."
Twilight Princess: Mini now has very sharp teeth and a very big grudge. Please allot him a few hours to go maul Zant, he'll get back with you. Archive gets distracted by the Spinner, and may-or-may-not accidentally on purpose tinker with it until it starts shooting death lasers on command - which is so cool why didn't he do this sooner???
Four Swords Adventures: Well you see there was this complete coincidence a few thousand years ago or so. Couple of odd Dark World convergences popping up here and there, but that's easily solved!
Legend of Zelda: Mini's wasting no time, he takes just long enough to pinpoint where Ganon's hiding and then he cuts a swathe. Archive kickstarts the technological revolution a couple centuries early, because these people are living in caves??? When there's perfectly good architecture to be invented???
Link to the Past: Agahnim is talking but the only thing Mini hears is 'please punch me in the face'. He obliges. Archive spends the next five or so years apologizing profusely for Mini's assorted political blunders.
Oracle of Ages: Okay normally Mini's usual M.O. isn't a problem because the problem people aren't usually beloved royalty... surely someone else notices that Queen Ambi is suddenly prone to evil laughter, right? Archive won't let him duel Veran out of her, how is this supposed to get fixed?
Oracle of Seasons: Archive is one hundred percent in love with the Subrosians, they're so inventive! Literally everything has metalworking in it, he's in mechanical heaven...wait shoot where did Mini go? What do you mean he's making a reputation as a Dragon Tamer???
Link's Awakening: Neither of them are particularly musical but they can make this work... wait what.
Wind Waker: Mini sails them to the Forsaken Fortress, beelines for Ganondorf, and then proceeds to fight the man for two straight hours... which is coincidentally all the time Archive needs to reconfigure the cannons. There is an equally coincidental series of explosions.
Spirit Tracks: Okay Archive fully admits that he loves everything about this but have they considered moving past furnace power? He can totally offer some blueprints, here, he's got some notes on Divine spell sourcing. Mini starts up a new hobby of making Chancellor Cole's life miserable, but discreetly this time, because Archive is too distracted to make apologies for any political blunders.
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nahaskit · 2 years
How to create dr fate in superhero creator 2.0
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Make Your Own Super Hero Crest! Total of 192 items!Endless combinations! Create your own superhero. Created by Jacob Garland (User Generated Content*) User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,. DC Comics: Superman, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Batman, Robin, Catwoman, the Flash and Green Lantern. The heroes of the DC universe are very powerful and face off with some very challenging villains. In the comic, you introduce your own original DC Comic book character. Ever wanted to make your own super-hero or super-villain from the ground up? You'll look super. Shop for the perfect superhero gift from our wide selection of designs, or create your own personalized gifts. In 6-inch scale, the Supergirl action figure is highly articulated for powerful posing and creative storytelling. Design A Superhero Costume And We'll Reveal Your Secret Superpower. Give me a description about the character and how they would fit into the arc that you're writing in this hypothetical scenario. With all of your favourite characters to choose from, including Poison Ivy, Batgirl and Wonder Woman, you'll be spoiled for choice with our range of dolls and accessories! DC Super Hero Girls Blitz is a collection of mini-games starring Batgirl, Supergirl, Wonder Woman, Zatanna and Bumblee Bee, along with other mythical superheroines from the DC universe. Adventure with the superhero girls in the pre-printed comic story lines - you write the dialogue! They can choose from DC favourites Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman, and design their own. At Super Hero High, the galaxy's most powerful teens nurture their powers and master the fundamentals of what it means to be a hero.
Your child can design, code and create their very own DC Super Hero game in CodeCamp's Spark and Ignite camps. Colouring app for Boys, Girls, men, women and grandparents of all ages. While many of the superhero names overlap between these two brands, DC has a few of its own fierce females fighting evil. International Enterprises and published on the Google play store.
DC Super Hero Girls™ is an Android Action app developed by Warner Bros. Created by Ross Mc Cartan (User Generated Content*) User Generated Content is not posted by anyone affiliated with, or on behalf of,. If you to be a famous hero, you must have some accessories to make you stand out from all the rest. Now you can with the Hero Creator in Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure. Create your own Web-slinging Super Hero with Marvel's Create Your Own Web Warrior! DC Super Hero. Click on your favorite super-party invitation to access your customizing powers. However I've only just began work on the wiki and will need some help finding tools and resources that can be used to help with creation of characters and other things. DC Super Hero Girls - Hero Creator Design your own Super Hero's look by picking their appearance and style. Create and Design your own Comic Super Hero! To create a superhero, start by choosing what powers your superhero will have, like flight or super strength.
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Hey, can I ask, does bnha's message ever frustrate you in how the story/hero characters seem to be inching towards it's conclusion/lightbulb moment, when with just a little 'homework' they could come to that answer quicker? That empathy is learned and people in bad situations commit hostile acts to survive and hurt those who hurt them? That hero society isn't right and needs change on a lot of levels? I know action on that would be difficult but shouldn't they at least know this by now?
(Same anon): what I mean by home work is just talking to others, villains(captured maybe?) or other people in hero society that have problems with it. Deku and a few other students (shoto/shoji) have experience with those issues and it shouldn't be that hard to understand how it extends even from their point of view. Do you feel differently or similar? Thanks
I'm not super sure I'm understanding the question fully. Do you feel that frustration because you think the hero kids should've been able to understand the point of view of the marginalized / victims of social injustice much sooner than this arc? If so, I do agree. I have spoken about my frustrations with Deku's writing before, particularly all the wasted potential of his unexplored relationship with his past quirklessness. I'm not going to dig all that back up because eh, I don't really enjoy lingering on the subject. But I also think that on some level Horikoshi considered that "fixed" when he gave him a quirk, and that he never particularly meant to change the hero system in any substantial or revolutionary way, despite all the focus he's given to all its flaws.
I don't mean this as a slight on the man, per se. His execution could've been much better, for sure, but that's pretty standard for a shounen series. I can't help but think of Kishimoto's work (which is an inspiration for Horikoshi), and how Naruto never really set out to change any of the institutionalized corruption of the ninja villages, and instead made the very MC, one of the kids who suffered the most at the hands of that corrupted system, a cog in that machine and called that an hopeful ending. I'm expecting bnha to be much the same at this point
Nagant's introduction in the story sort of cemented this idea in me. If bnha was really a story about giving justice to all the victims of the system—and I'm including Deku in this too!—by affecting change in how they're treated, then her mini arc wouldn't have ended on the lesson "yes, our society is irredeemably bad, and it does bend people to the point of breaking, but so long as there's a tiny 0.005% that doesn't break under duress and can become a light of hope for everyone else, everything will be fine in the end!"
... especially when one of the guys who got reframed as a light of hope is one of the guys who did the stabbing in the back of one of said broken people, lol
in short, I think that bnha could've been a much better (and much more hopeful) story if any of the kids who suffered injustice and ostracism was ever allowed to be angry about it, or to have that struggle be explored past an offhand mention. I think the problem here is that the growth doesn't feel organic, in a sense. Yes, we get the hero kids wanting to save the villains because they can relate to them to an extent. But imho that resolve could've been A LOT more powerful if Horikoshi had spent some narrative time exploring why saving them is personal. Why it should not be read as a good kid saving a bad kid, but as a kid who so nearly turned "bad", who's now reaching out a hand to another kid who wasn't so lucky.
Let me explain this better. Deku's past quirklessness and the fact that no one (not even his mother) saw him as hero material for it, will 100% come up as a way to relate to Shigaraki pre-decay (especially with all the foiling of the line "What I really wanted you to say was..."). Ochako's struggles to be a good girl for her parents at the cost of her personal aspirations will definitely have a role in her understanding of Toga, who tried so hard to be a good daughter but wasn't met with the same effort by her family. And Shouto's hatred for his dad and his subsequent self-loathing will likely play a role in his understanding of Dabi, who's still caugh up in that hatred. I just don't think we'll ever get a full exploration of why Deku, Ochako and Shouto, in so many ways, didn't have it easy either. That just because they didn't go "bad", just because they had people in their corner cheering them on, they didn't suffer any less for the fact that society looked the other way. That just because they're "kind", a light of hope for the future, they cannot have a complex relationship with the circumstances that were against them. I do think that in that sense bnha is a pretty naive and frustrating story.
But, as Nagant said, the MC is excessively naive; he's too blinded by the fact that he grew up idolizing heroes to see the rot lurking behind them. The point of that scene was to have Deku state that the world works in shades of gray, but... the intended depth of that line didn't really work for me. Deku might now see others in shades of gray, but not himself. Imho the fact that he can think of Enji&Dabi, of Shigaraki, of the ordinary girl's discrimination in shades of gray... but never question how shittily he was treated before he got a quirk kind of makes his conclusions fall flat, personally. It sort of proves Nagant's point. He's too grateful for what the system has given him to ever see it for what it is, to want to dismantle it to create something better.
I kind of see him as someone whose wings got plucked before they could fully spread because of the role he was supposed to play in the story. His naivety reflects in how he conceptualizes the world around him, too. So he literally needs the narrative spoonfeeding things to him because he lacks the maturity—and the depth—to reach those conclusions on his own. Hori should've expanded on those a long time ago, unfortunately. But I don't think that telling that kind of story was ever the plan, tbh
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sillydg · 3 years
Shattered: When spring sets in (Ethan X F!MC)
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Pairing: Ethan x F!MC ((Elisabeth Sarah Hughes (Liz))
With guest stars Liam, Maxwell, and Drake (The Royal Romance).
Book: Open Heart Book 2, two months after Ethan’s return from the Amazon.
Rating: 18+ Mature
Summary: Ethan breaks up with Liz after his return from the Amazon and completely shuts her out. Two months later, Liz finds herself in Kismet, New York for a bachelor party of her cousin, when there is an attack on the crown prince.
Drake gets shot, and Liz decides to help Liam by taking them back in secrecy to Boston’s Edenbrook, where she has a surprising rendezvous with a jealous Ethan.
The story continues after the moment that Ethan runs off when he finds out that Drake, her ex, was the one by her side and saved her from certain death.
Category: Mini-series SHATTERED part two; Angst; pining.
--Part one--
Warnings/triggers: Mention of shooting with fatal unknown victims/ blood/ Language (some sexual terms and swearing). And nightmare about a fatal shooting.
Wordcount: 4574
A/N: I’m not medically schooled so there could be major errors in this story, please forgive me for it 😊
A/N: Thank you for pre-reading this @kachrisberry! You're the best!
A/N: I used my whole tag list for this one and I’m planning to do more cross-overs in the future. Please feel free to let me know if you’re not interested in cross-overs.
Disclaimer: All characters belong to pixelberry.
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When spring sets in
"Ohhh Rookie; I missed you so much..." He takes her cheek in his hand, and her eyelashes start to flutter as she leans into his touch. But right as she wants to give in, someone clears his throat. Ethan jumps away from her, and both realize how close they came to making a huge mistake.
Liam finds it hard to compose himself and speaks in a stern political voice. "I hope I’m not interrupting anything, but Drake just woke up and he asks for you, Liz."
Ethan's eyes snap back to Liz, who avoids his at all costs. And suddenly all of the pieces fall in place. He takes two steps back, disbelief showing on his face and Liz swallows the moment he turns on his heels and storms out of the basement.
She closes her eyes, takes a deep shaky breath and she manages to whisper, "Coming!"
She walks towards the door with heavy feet, and her eyes meet Drakes as soon as she follows Liam through it. She freezes at the sight of his bloodshot eyes and his broken expression. Immediate tears are forming in her eyes, her hand cold in lack of support. Realizing that he once again ran, when she needed him the most.
Drake tries his best to put up his signature cocky grin, but it doesn't meet his eyes at all. “Yeah, I know I know. Even after getting shot three times I look ‘freezing in your pace’ irresistible.”
Sienna glances between them and decides to kick everyone out of the door, "Why don't we leave them alone for a while?" And before leaving herself she gives Liz an encouraging squeeze in the arm.
And her tears start falling as soon as the door closes behind them, "You fucking asshole! What the hell were you thinking?"
Drake grins and tries to sit up, but a sudden pang of pain makes him wince.
She rushes over to his side and stops him from further sitting up, "Wow, wow, wow what the hell are you doing, Walker?"
"This fucking grumpy asshole needs to sit up, Liz!"
"No, the hell you are! For God's sake Drake, lie the fuck down!"
He grins and winces at the same time as she helps him lay down again, “God, I missed your dirty talking."
She rolls her eyes to hide a small smile, while ruffling up his pillow and tucking him in, “Well at least someone is feeling better. Now tell me, are you completely comfortable?"
"Absolutely, it’s good to know that you haven't lost that gentle touch Li…," but before he can finish his sentence she punches him in the good shoulder, “Good.”
He exaggeratedly groans while rubbing his shoulder; "God, I miss the days where the hero gets rewarded with wet kisses instead of punches."
Liz snorts through her sniffing; "Oh God, don’t be a baby. Besides, you like it rough. We had sex once upon a time remember?”
He smirks, "Spanking and punching are two different things, Liz."
She wipes away some escaped tears while sitting down on the edge of the bed, and her hand finds his. He gently strokes hers with his thumb and a comfortable silence falls.
“So,” he says with his eyes locked on her hand in his, “I think I have missed a visitor tonight? One I would've thought who would be in front of the “Thank you for being such a hero,” line.”
Liz swallows, “Or we save the trash talk for later, and you go to sleep.”
“No, we are doing this now. I’ve seen pictures of the two of you and he was definitely not here tonight. So where is he? Shouldn’t he be here to do this,” and he nods towards their hands touching. Then he snorts mockingly, “Not to think of the fact that if your so-called ‘love of your life' wasn’t the dumbass he is to dump you, and if Riley just denied Liam’s proposal, we wouldn’t even be in this mess.”
The pain flashing through his eyes the moment her name rolls over his lips is almost unbearable to see. Liz sighs and she only could imagine how deep the scar runs that Riley left behind on his heart. She squeezes his hand gently, “I know hon, but we can’t blame them for this.”
“Nah, you’re right. The only one I can blame is me, for leaving you all of a sudden behind without a word of warning about moving back to Cordonia.”
She sighs, “Oh Drake. You’re not to blame either. We both know that we would’ve crashed and burned before we ever would have hit two weeks dating mark.”
“But hell, the break-up sex would’ve been awesome.”
“Or the angry rebound sex…”
“And after two days of disastrously trying again the break-up sex.”
They grin.
“But for now you really need to rest okay?” He nods slowly, and she lays a gentle hand on his cheek as his eyes start to flutter out of exhaustion. He manages to relax and his eyes fall shut completely. For a second he leans into her hand before shaking his head, “What? I wasn’t sleeping. You were sleeping!”
She whispers, "You took care of me tonight. But right now you’ve got to let me take care of you, Walker. Sleep! I’ve got you!"
He lays his hand on top of hers and he finds it hard to keep his eyes open. He murmurs, "I never hesitated..." He finally stops fighting and his eyes stay shut, "Liz... but I've got to say, I'm sorry..."
"Ssht! I know, silly. But for now, just sleep, we'll talk tomorrow."
He nods slowly and she gets up while holding his hand in hers. She softly squeezes his hand intending to let go, but all of a sudden his clenches around hers. "Please stay," he whispers.
"Of course," and she gives him a sweet peck on his forehead, before sitting down on one of the chairs next to the bed with his hand still clenched around hers. His breath turns slow and deep, and soon the steady rhythm of the beeping heart monitor is all that’s left.
She feels so relieved that he will be alright, but her heart keeps breaking at the image of him shielding her with his body. She can still feel his blood everywhere and she shivers, as she is cold, tired, and alone. So alone. She looks down at her hand, not long ago touched by the man she longed for. The man who ran again at her most vulnerable, after hearing Drake's name. And what did she expect? Of course, he ran at his name, since Drake always has been one of the sore spots in their relationship.
There was no way to convince Ethan that things were over before they even began and that there was no chance in hell that they would’ve come out of the friends with benefits zone even if Drake had stayed.
Liz snaps out of her thoughts the moment Naveen enters the room, "Sienna will be taking the first shift, and Bryce is ready to take you home."
She shakes her head, "I can't leave, he asked me to stay.”
She shakes her head, “He saved my life, how can I ever leave?"
"Because you need sleep," he walks up to her, laying a gentle hand on her shoulders, "You need to recover, Liz. You took quite the beating, physically and mentally."
And again she shakes her head. She was not going to leave him behind. Besides, she also didn't want to be alone right now. Of course, Bryce was happy to crawl into bed with her and cuddle all night, but she needed something else. Someone else. The one she just had the first physical encounter within the four months, escalating quickly. But anything less would not do, not now he ripped everything open again.
Naveen sees the determination in her eyes and nods, "Okay, but before I'm driving Ethan home, I'm going to send Sienna in to get you some supplies to get through the night."
Her heart wrenches at his name, making her set her jaw and she averts her eyes, "I'll be fine, please make sure Dr. Ramsey is getting home safely."
Naveen frowns at the sudden coldness in her voice. He's not sure what just happened outside of the room, but he could take a few wild guesses. He nods, "But please, try to get some sleep, Liz."
She swallows at his words, because how was she ever going to sleep again after everything that happened tonight? She nods nevertheless and Naveen leaves her behind with a twisted stomach.
He knows she's a stubborn hothead, just like Ethan is, but even with that familiar determination in her eyes, he feels conflicted to walk away from her in the state she is in. Though he knows that he is the second last person she would want to talk to when it comes to Ethan. The last person is Ethan himself.
Naveen enters the diagnostic room where Bryce, Sienna, and Ethan are sitting together in silence. "Sienna, can you check up on Liz, please? She doesn't want to leave Drake alone and I think she needs a blanket and something to eat and drink." Ethan winces as soon as Drakes's name comes to ear. Sienna nods, “Of course.”
Bryce sighs while rubbing his hands over his face, "Okay, I'm going to get some sleep in one of the on-call rooms! If she decides that she want to go home anyway I'll be there for her."
“Thank you Dr. Lehela, Dr. Trinh.”
Bryce slings a comforting arm around Sienna and with a nod towards Ethan and Naveen, they disappear out of the door and into the hallway.
Naveen squeezes Ethan’s shoulder as worry is written all over his face, "Are you ready to go?"
Ethan sits on the edge of his desk and he hides his face in his hands, "I'm not sure if I'm able to leave."
Naveen nods and lets go of Ethan’s shoulder to lean against the round table across from him. He folds his arms, "Do you want to talk about what happened outside of the room? I remember leaving the two of you alone, and only a completely flustered Liz returning inside without you."
Ethan swallows, realizing that he did it again. He ran from the most important woman in his life, one who just had a near-death experience for Christ's sake. Once again, he left her standing there all by herself when he was needed the most. He lowers his eyes, desperately searching for words to describe how he stamped on the glass shards instead of making an attempt at saving what’s left.
"Tell me what happened, Ethan. You know I will be the last one to judge."
Ethan shakes his head since he wasn’t even sure what just happened. He remembers her icy eyes, right before he made the biggest mistake that he could make. He ripped her open with a single touch, turned on his heels, and left her to bleed. Again. I'm such a coward.
He drapes his hands over his face. But he had to run, he just had to get out of there. If she was with Drake this weekend... with the one that got away... she might just have turned into his 'one that got away.'
Naveen sighs as he slings his arm around him, “Okay. You need a drink and some rest, come on. I’m going to take you home.”
Ethan nods, feeling himself sinking in thought again as his own words hit him harder than he ever expected. How could I’ve been so stupid to run from her again? What the hell am I supposed to do?
Naveen leads him through the hospital and they arrive at the long hallway, leading to the oh-so-familiar doors to the construction working place.
He stops at his pace and stares into the hallway he and Liz walked so many times when the man next to him needed their help.
The start of everything. And it hits him. He knows what he needs to do. He knows it very well. I need to tell her. I need to… I need to thank him, I need to tell her that I...
He takes a deep breath.
I just need to be there for them. And with a newfound determination, he turns and walks into the hallway, flying through the doors. His feet carry him further and further as he quickly glances to the place where he had her pinned against the covered glass merely an hour ago. But he doesn’t stop. Foot for foot, step by step. Determined.
He reaches for the door handle, as Sienna opens the door, her eyes growing wide the moment she sees him. With her blocking his path, he needs to stop.
“Dr. Ramsey, I thought… I thought that you were on your way home.”
“I need to see her, Sienna, I need to talk to him… to her and tell her that I lo…”
Sienna moves her head in question since he has never called her by her first name before, and it's just enough for him to catch a glimpse of the situation on the bed. Without thinking he places a hand on her shoulder and softly ushers her towards the side, setting a step inside of the room to find Liz curled up against Drake’s chest, together under one blanket, contently and fast asleep.
His heart sinks, he was too late. Sienna softly pushes him back until the door falls shut behind them. “I’m sorry dr. Ramsey. But she finally sleeps…”
He nods, still staring through the small windows in the door, as if staring at a horror scene in a movie.
“Do you want me to get Naveen? I have to start my rounds anyway so I can pass by the office if you need me to.”
He shakes his head, “I’m staying put, I’ll be looking out for her. For.. for both of them.”
“Dr. Ramsey, you’ve had quite the beating yourself…”
“I thank you for your concern Dr. Trinh. But I need to do this. I will take over and maybe get some sleep on that old couch over there in the corner.”
“I can get you some…”
“Again, thank you for your concern. But I will be fine. Please, you have patients to go to.”
She nods and moves to walk away, but hesitates again as her gaze drifts from Drake and Liz in bed towards a broken Ethan.
Ethan sighs, as the wounds of her earlier speech are still palpable, “Can I help you with something, Dr. Trinh?”
“Please don’t think bad of her. They're just two broken souls seeking comfort. He never meant and never will mean what you mean to her. She just needed…” and she falls silent.
“Thank you Dr. Trinh.”
And with a nod of acceptance that she will not finish that sentence, she disappears around the corner. He moves his attention back towards a contently sleeping Drake holding Liz secure in his arms.
He did this. She needed him. And he ran. You did this once again to yourself Ramsey.
He sighs as the only thing he could think of is how stupid he has been these past months. How stupid he has been just now, by letting her go while she needed his support. She could’ve been in his arms right now, but he denied it. Because he ran at his name, like the coward he is… And his mind drifts off.
The first time she talked about him was in Miami after they shared almost two bottles of wine. It was a warm summer night and they were sitting on his hotel room balcony. She was wearing this beautiful dress, which revealed too much and nothing at the same time. Drunkenly talking, secretly longing. And he was so stupid to ask about exes. So stupid, but not the first mistake he made that night and certainly not the last.
The question rolled over his tongue, instant regret, followed by instant relief when she told him, "No exes here, only random hookups'. But right as he thought that he dodged the bullet, he felt his heart dropping again as the word but was chosen as a follow up for the once relieving sentence, ruining everything within the second.
But there was this guy, who she met at a random college party. Not many words were shared, but body fluids were not spared. Never had sex twice with a random hookup, but this guy was different. Once turned into twice, turned into uncountable. Talking before and after brought them closer together, until the point where Drake dared to ask her on a date. And she assured him, that she never said yes when a random hookup asked her out, but this guy was different. She said yes to a date, one where the fool never showed up. She went towards his apartment, only to hear from his old roommates that he disappeared in the matter of a night. God, she has a type.
For fuck sake. He remembered how he looked at her, as the moonlight stroked her beautiful face, thinking, how the hell could anyone ever run away from her, this asshole must have been out of his goddamn mind.
He pinches the bridge of his nose, how naive he was, not knowing that she would be the one to touch his heart.
He knew he had to run, the moment he realized that he loved her. Never he dared to speak those words out loud, because the first time the thought crossed his mind, the first time he detected the feeling in his chest was already enough to realize that he needed to take his distance. So he ran, without hesitation. He did it for her. It was better this way. This was the only way for her to blossom. To reach full potential.
She was going to get over him, and he was going to carry the burden since he knew that he would not be able to stop caring about her, love her.
And that he still loved her with all of his heart became painfully clear tonight, when his cold skin found hers, turning warm for the first time in four months. Frozen eyes melted the moment they met, for a minute washing away all the painful memories. The feeling of spring after a long, long cold, and lonely winter.
He closes his eyes as the sensation from earlier is taking over his body at the memory that he was just a brief second away from welcoming her lips back where they belonged. On his.
But now there is this guy, who she had a probably steamy rendezvous with at a bachelor party. Maybe not many words were shared, but body fluids might not be spared.
Every other person had thought twice to put themselves between someone else and a bullet, but this guy is different, but she is different. She's not just anybody. He saved her. HE.
“They do make a cute couple, don’t they?”
Ethan startles as a woman’s voice abruptly breaks his thoughts. His head snaps towards her as his mind runs all over the place why this unknown woman was standing here in what was supposed to be a hidden hospital room.
But then he notices the tenderness in the way she looks at Drake. Her blond hair is bouncing on her shoulder in a bob line and her brown eyes remain focused.
All of a sudden her head turns to look at Ethan, “I’m sorry how rude of me.” And she sticks out her hand and Ethan shakes it briefly, “Riley Baskens, and you must be the famous Dr. Ethan Ramsey.”
“That is correct. You, you know about me?”
“Of course, Drake showed me a picture of Liz, and well, you were on it too.” And with a sigh, she moves her gaze back towards the scene in the bed, “What a sight those two.”
And Ethan groans unwillingly.
“Don’t worry. At least it’s going to stop being your problem soon, it's going to be my problem and my problem only.”
Ethan shakes his head in confusion, “What do you mean?”
“Well, Liam is making her an offer that she simply can’t refuse. But since they are both sound asleep… I might just find my fiancée and gets some sleep. Let me put this on the nightstand…”
But Ethan stops her, “I can’t let you in there. They need all the rest they can get, but if you’ll give it to me then I'll give it to her.”
She nods and hands over the papers, before walking away with a sigh, “I’ll talk to you later Dr. Ramsey.”
He stares at the envelope in his hand. Doubt fills his body only for a few seconds as Riley's words play through his head. 'Well, at least soon it’s not going to be your problem anymore to look at, only my problem.'
I need to know.
He rips open the envelope and his eyes scan through the papers…
His heart pounds in his chest as his mind is nowhere near clear…
How can she refuse this?
Oh, God.
What does this mean... Goodbye?
All of a sudden he hears the door open and Naveen walks in. He quickly hides the paper in his doctor's jacket and moves his gaze back to the window.
Naveen stands beside him and lays a hand on his shoulder, “I brought you some blankets and a clean pair of clothes for you and Liz, I will lay them onto the small table over there.” He squeezes his shoulder, “Do me a favor, get some sleep and start the morning with a shower and some fresh clothes.”
Ethan nods but doesn’t make any effort to move. And with one look, Naveen walks away to sleep in one of the on-call rooms just in case Ethan needs him.
Suddenly, Drake pulls her even closer and his heart wrenches. Was he really too late? Or was this just like Dr. Trinh said?
Two people, broken and seeking comfort? And after one deep breath, he moves over to the couch and lays down.
He is cold, actually, he’s freezing. The warmth of her skin he felt on his earlier is long gone, making so that blankets are not going to do it for him. He messed it up, and without bothering to grab one, he drifts off in another restless sleep.
Drake is standing in the middle of a full dancefloor and he just made a move on her, which she rejected. “Are you serious Liz? You are still defending that asshole? Still, hoping for him to crawl back at your feet? You deserve so much more.” He gently lays his hands on her cheeks, and both of them wobble since they both have had their fair share of alcohol.
“It’s just complicated Drake, and yes I still love him. Just like you are still in love with…” She falls silent as she doesn’t want to speak her name out loud since she knows how much pain it causes if she actually did, “We both would be getting involved for the wrong reasons. You know that. We both know that.”
Drake falls silent as he glances over his shoulder towards Liam and Maxwell who are happily talking with no clue what’s actually going on, “Well love sucks. And not the good kind that is.”
Liz gently slings her arms around him to pull him close, “I know Hon, I know all about it.” He takes a deep breath and manages to relax a bit. He sets a step back as they both startle at one sudden bang, followed by a lot more. Liz’s eyes meet Drakes and before she can even process what is going on, he wraps himself around her and starts moving. Bang, and he groans, but determent walks through. Bang, bang. Frozen from fear and limp as a doll she hangs in his arms. He manages to carry her towards a corner and drops himself on her. His breath stops short as the blood is everywhere. “Drake…” and she tries to help him but he is too heavy on her. All of a sudden she sees a man coming over Drake’s body, who points a gun at her head. And bang!
Startled she sits up in bed. All sweaty, flustered woken up from her terrifying dream. Her heart pounding and she gasps for air. She stumbles out of bed, luckily without waking up Drake. She lets out a relieved breath at the song of the steady beating of his heart, performed by the heart monitor. He’s alive.
But her heart still races out of proportion, her head burning as the adrenaline runs through her veins. She needed to get out of there, she needs…him. The warmth of the room is too much, she feels closed up with the covered windows… and it’s almost like she’s still not able to breathe. She stumbles out of the room as the image of his blood everywhere is still playing on her hands, followed by the barrel of the gun straight in her face.
She panics and she starts moving towards the old couch in the corner. She needs to sit down. The coolness of the space is cooling her down a bit and she manages to reach the couch. With a sigh she lets herself fall onto it. But the moment she suddenly feels something move beneath her, she starts screaming out of shock. With her nightmare still fresh in mind, the unexpected movements had triggered something inside her.
And Ethan, who was fast asleep, gets the shock of his life as soon as she sits onto him and her screaming hits him right in the soul.
He instantly sits up, pulling her close by instinct, but she panics even more.
“No, No No, let me go…” Tears are running over her face and Ethan’s eyes find hers and a shock runs through his body. The horror in her eyes is almost palpable for him., and they stare straight through him, completely caught up in the trauma. Reliving the nightmare.
“No, no, no,” she screams again.
“Liz,” he whispers while pulling her close at the wrist he was holding, “It’s me, Ethan. I'm right here. It’s okay. Sssst.” She keeps struggling, and he pulls her even closer to his chest, rocking her back and forth. “Sssh, you’re safe, I’m here,” and she relaxes more and more as she got no space to move while she’s completely locked in his arms against his chest.
“No, no no,” now barely a whisper against his neck as she finally gives up struggling.
A familiar scent fills her nose, calming her down. She feels his heartbeat going crazy against her shoulder. More and more she comes to her senses. He calms her like no other. He warms her like no other, the fear in her heart slowly melting at the first strokes of the sun after winter. It's finally spring. And she whispers, “Ethan… you’re here. You came back for me, you actually are here.” She lays her hands on his cheeks, trying to determine if she’s still sleeping. But his cold skin makes her shiver.
“God, you’re cold,” she murmurs still a bit hazy. She realizes that she sits right on his lap, blankets folded on the small table.
“Why did you sleep without blankets?” She now lays her forehead against his, her hands lingering on his cheeks. He gently strokes her hair with one hand, the other resting in her neck. Again she was merely a breath away. “I.. I came to tell you,” he stumbles, “That I lo…”
Suddenly the sounds of a door slamming echo through the room. Both of their heads snap towards the sound. Drake's stumbling out of the room, “Liz, are you alright? I heard screaming, Liz?” He breaths hard and wobbles in clear pain. Then he notices her sitting on Ethan’s lap, “Oh Good, you’re safe.” And with one wobbly step forwards he points at Ethan, “You are a fucking asshole!” And he collapses...
Part three prob. jan 2022.
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bookaddict24-7 · 3 years
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I said at the beginning of the year that I would share my reviews more on my blog instead of just on Instagram and Goodreads. I’ve been reading a lot so far this year, so my reviews will be delayed on here. I’ll hopefully post five (mini-ish) reviews per week!
Friend me on Goodreads here to read my reviews in real-time!
16. Down Among the Sticks & Bones (Wayward Children #2) by Seanan McGuire--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“Short and bite-size, this was the darker tale of the twins, Jack and Jill. I was surprised to get a story of their experienced through their door. If the other stories are like this then I’m doubly excited! Their story is so sad—both of these girls fell into these pre-chosen boxes and because of their lack of parental love growing up, their door offered them dangerous alternatives. Now I can more fully understand what happened in book one and why it happened.”
17. All the Light We Cannot See by Anthony Doerr--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“I am normally not a historical fiction reader, but I was immediately sucked into this story created by Anthony Doerr. I listened to the audiobook alongside the book and oh my gosh. There were times where I had to stop and make sure I’d heard correctly, or certain moments in the book that just felt like a punch. Unlike so many other fiction books I read, it’s nearly impossible to have a happy ending with a book based in such a dark moment in history. Even if you think that someone will have a happy ending, or if the impossible might happen for the sake of fictional characters, you’re not safe. Also, much like in real life, so many mysteries remain after the last page of this book. So many lives that we grew to love will forever be gone and we will never have answers for them. One of my favourite characters in this book was Marie-Laure’s father. His patience with his daughter and his perseverance to keep them safe made him a hero in this novel. The love he gave her and his kindness made me wish I could hug the man. Werner was someone who lived in that in between of duty and morality—my theory is that his white hair was a representation of his nature and who he was in this story. And throughout the story, there is the great mystery of the supposedly cursed jewel. I think in showing us this, we were able to see how devastating the ravaging of museums and other, now forever lost, works of art and jewellery were during the war. I do want to say that there are trigger warnings for death and the allusions to the camps. There is cruelty braided with our characters’ stories because this is, at its heart, a book about war and how it affects even the smallest of people. This whole book is incredibly memorable. I highly recommend it! And if you’re unsure of historical fiction, I just have to say that the chapters are super short. You just have to go in remembering that this isn’t a romance novel, or a book with the perfect happily ever after because of its subject matter.”
18. Summer Knight (The Dresden Files #4) by Jim Butcher--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“I’m finding that the further I get into this series, the easier it is to read and get into. Maybe it’s because I’m growing accustomed to the themes and ideas and the characters. I can’t wait to actually read this whole series—thank you, Library, for making this possible. Anyway, I wanted to punch a few characters in this book. Harry deserves to be treated so much better—I don’t understand why these people are so quick to think the worst of him. But despite everything, he still has such a level of self-control and is intelligent enough that he knows how to maneuver himself through these obstacles. Am I the only one that low-key wants him to hook up with Murph?”
19. Head Over Heels by Hannah Orenstein--⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“TW in this book for: Emotional abuse, allusions to sexual abuse This book completely surprised me! I was hooked immediately from the beginning and couldn’t stop listening to it! I love romance novels that can just pull me in from the very beginning. There were a couple of moments near the beginning of the romance where the MC seemed to act a little hypocritically. But other than that, I really enjoyed this one! I loved the focus on the emotional and sexual abusive side of this sport. Though I’m no expert (like seriously, I know nothing about gymnastics), I just liked that the author touched on these topics. There’s a documentary on Netflix about this topic that I really want to watch now. I thought the MC’s growth as a character as she tries to figure out her life was great. Her relationship with the young gymnast she’s training was heartwarming, especially when you learn more about her own past. I do wish the love interest had a better redemption arc because the resolution there felt a little too clean cut. If you love romances that feature sports and aren’t super spicy, but focus more on the MC’s personal growth, then you might like this one!”
20. Admission by Julie Buxbaum--⭐️⭐️⭐️/5
“This was an interesting read because it doesn’t have the usual tropes you might find in contemporary YA fiction. The main focus of this book isn’t romance (like we so often see), it’s a girl growing and accepting her imperfections, the privileges that so many people choose to ignore, and how some friendships are meant only for certain phases in our lives.
This is also a book about consequences and how it doesn’t matter what social status you have. While I felt bad for the MC, I can also see why she is dealt the consequences she experiences. This was also a great window into what the admissions scandal might have looked like while the cases were being tried. I feel like there was still a lot of privilege at the end that both undermined the main story, but also served as proof of how privilege works for the wealthy. I’d recommend this if you want to see a fictional perspective of the admissions scandal! Also, if you want to read a story about privilege from the perspective of a white, rich teen girl. (Not me being snarky—it’s actually quite interesting seeing how oblivious she is at times and some of the seriously ignorant things she sometimes says.)”
Have you read any of these books? Would you recommend them?
Happy reading!
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rebeccaheyman · 4 years
reading + listening 9.7.20
It’s been a minute since my last bona fide review roundup, in part because our week of vacation was followed by a week of long-overdue family visits (after all parties clocked negative covid tests), and in part because I hit a reading slump. Or rather, my version of a slump: a couple DNF aBooks in a row, plus an imbalance of reading and listening. I’ve pulled myself out of the lull, but the list below reflects my relative floundering for the past two weeks. Le sigh.
You Have a Match (Emma Lord), eBook, ARC (pub date Jan 2021). NetGalley review:
I absolutely loved TWEET CUTE and was eager to see how Lord would follow-up such a sparkling debut. YOU HAVE A MATCH brings the same timely, fresh, emotionally immediate storytelling as TC, albeit with slightly less humor and slightly more pathos. The concept takes a little more oomph to get off the ground (Leo's ambiguous ancestry leads to the DNA test that yields a secret sister result for protagonist Abby, and all relevant parties end up at the same summer camp together), and at times the narrative posturing becomes quite literally acrobatic (climbing trees, falling in ditches). Still, I happily suspend my disbelief for the sake of Lord's smart, authentic-feeling characters. In what might be a hallmark of her work, there's a consistent social media presence (IG, as opposed to TC's reliance on Twitter and an in-world messaging app). My dearest wish is that Lord's future work will not consistently rely on these trappings, which will sadly not age well; her storytelling chops are more timeless than the contemporary technologies featured in these narratives.
Muse (Brittany Cavallaro), eBook, ARC (pub date Feb 2021). NetGalley review:
I want to start by noting my excitement for this book -- and really, anything Brittany Cavallaro writes. I loved the Charlotte Holmes series and was eager to explore this new direction for Cavallaro's work. But for me, MUSE felt like it was always starting -- the action always rising, world always building, characters always establishing their identities. I didn't feel especially close to Claire, whose powers are somewhat ambiguous until they crystallize, very momentarily, in Act III. Part of the trouble, for me, is the intensive brain exercise required at the book's outset, to both visualize and conceptualize this version of America--a monarchy ruled by generations of King Washingtons. Ultimately, the story's setting (St. Cloud, along the Mississippi River) could be any imagined place; that this is a re-envisioned version of 1890s America has nothing to do with the political intrigues that drive the plot forward. I longed to spend less energy on parsing the intersections of real and imagined Americanism, and more time exploring Claire's power, her relationships to Beatrix and Remy, and the political machinations and intrigues in St. Cloud.
If my reading of MUSE is correct, then the second installment in the duology should be a runaway train of action, smart plotting, and feminist agendas -- in short, a book I very much look forward to reading. What I appreciated most in this first half of the story is what I've come to expect from Cavallaro generally: snappy, smart prose and strong women helming the narrative. It wasn't enough to make me love this read, but it's absolutely enough to keep me invested in the story's (eventual) conclusion.
The Ten Thousand Doors of January (Alix Harrow), aBook. May I confess that while this book came highly recommended from an extremely trusted reader-friend, I DNF’d my first attempt with the eBook back in November 2019? I couldn’t tell you what about me + this book didn’t jive last year, but a title this decorated and adored isn’t one I’ll easily give up on. I circled back around to it with the aBook (brilliantly narrated by January LaVoy), and while I can’t say this will rank among my favorites in the genre, it’s a solidly inventive, beautifully written narrative. In theme and structure, it’s awfully close to THE STARLESS SEA, which for me was a better book overall (one of the best of the year, actually). Something about the way the eponymous January too frequently claims “if I had only known what would happen next, I wouldn’t have done x” turned me off; this character seems to have a habit of being so caught up in her emotions that she doesn’t see obviously awful things about to happen. The antagonistic forces felt overdone and a little silly at times, and the mastermind reveal is too obvious by half. For all the flaws in TEN THOUSAND DOORS, the writing is solid enough that I’m absolutely planning to read Harrow’s next, The Once and Future Witches, out next month. 
The Marriage Clock (Zara Raheem), aBook. THE MARRIAGE CLOCK appealed to me in part because its narrator, Ariana Delawari, is a joy (she was absolutely brilliant on THE WRATH AND THE DAWN duology), and in part because I’m a sucker for Desi-focused narratives; I just love reading about these big, close-knit families with a strong focus on culture and family devotion -- not to mention the food and fashion. Suffice it to say, I was predisposed to enjoy THE MARRIAGE CLOCK... and it was... just okay. The book tries to build a story of self-actualization on a foundation of anecdotal montage -- essentially, the first two thirds of the book are about bearing witness to a series of bad first dates and getting commentary on the sorry state of modern romance. The story definitely improves once Leila goes overseas to attend a wedding, but I confess by then I felt obligated to finish simply based on time invested. The book’s conclusion, which I won’t spoil here, would have felt more satisfactory if Leila’s behavior and attitudes hadn’t been so childish throughout. Bottom line: If you can watch early seasons of Sex In The City without wanting to shove Carrie Bradshaw into oncoming traffic, you’ll probably really like THE MARRIAGE CLOCK. But if you’re looking for a more mature, nuanced Desi romance with lots of heart, consider my personal fav, THE BOLLYWOOD AFFAIR (Sonali Dev).
Smooth Talking Stranger (Lisa Kleypas), aBook. This was my first contemporary romance from Lisa Kleypas, which came highly recommended by another trusted reader-friend. The opening salvo didn’t draw me in as quickly as some of Kleypas’s historical romances, but I stuck with it because of the personal rec and Brittany Pressley’s easy-to-listen-to narration. The story is enjoyable enough, despite an underlying “mystery” that lacks real intrigue. All in all, it seems like fairly average contemporary romance... right up until the emotional gut-punch leaves you wrecked at the end of Act III. I couldn’t tell you why -- because again, nothing super special about our MCs or the plot -- but this novel had me crying all kinds of tears by the end. A strange, and strangely satisfying listen, but not necessarily one I’d recommend.
Just Like Heaven (Julia Quinn), aBook. I’ve been meaning to read a Julia Quinn for awhile; she’s a prolific heavy-hitter in the genre, and frankly it feels negligent not to have read her yet. I’ve hesitated, in part, because of purportedly questionable content in one of Quinn’s early titles, THE DUKE AND I. Reading reviews of that novel red-flagged Quinn’s entire catalogue for me (yes, it’s that bad). After reading plenty of reviews for JUST LIKE HEAVEN, I was pretty certain the egregious violations THE DUKE AND I weren’t being repeated, and the allure of Rosalyn Landor’s narration confirmed my choice. Long and short verdict: Meh. While I found our hero and heroine passably tolerable, there’s not much plot here. Instead, there’s an almost obsessive focus on one character’s recovery from an infection (gross), and when that chicken stops laying eggs, we’re asked to care about a quasi-farcical string quartet our other MC is forced to play in. The secondary characters introduced as potential leads for the rest of the quartet were either too stupid or too annoying for me to care about. If you’re hankering for historical romance, pass this over and just reread Tessa Dare for the millionth time (when will I start taking my own advice?).
Fable (hard cover) + Namesake (eBook ARC, pub date March 2021). Instagram mini-review of FABLE here. NetGalley review of NAMESAKE here. Adrienne Young is brilliant, full stop. I loved her previous duology -- SKY IN THE DEEP and THE GIRL THE SEA GAVE BACK -- and the Fable cycle does not disappoint. Strong, subtle characterizations; rich settings and evocative description; just enough mystical magic to make the world sparkle, but not enough to undermine the essential humanity of the story’s heart; and love of every stripe -- familial, romantic, friend, self -- driving the plot forward... could you even really ask for more? I devoured both halves of this gorgeous whole in a single weekend and I know you’ll love them both. Buy Fable ASAP and pre-order Namesake so Adrienne Young knows we know we don’t deserve her.
That’s it for me! On my radar this week:
Luster (Raven Leilani), aBook
The Lady’s Guide to Celestial Mechanics (Olivia Waite), aBook
Lady Derring Takes a Lover (Julie Anne Long), aBook
The Smash-Up (Ali Benjamin), eBook ARC
The Heiress (Molly Greeley), eBook ARC
We Can Only Save Ourselves (Alison Wisdom), eBook ARC
Plus, the continuing saga, Will I ever finish WHEN WE WERE MAGIC? Stay tuned, and happy reading! 
0 notes
sandiegodjstaci · 5 years
Victoria & Michael's Lush Estancia Wedding in La Jolla
Victoria & Michael's Lush Estancia Wedding in La Jolla
Of all the San Diego wedding DJs calling America’s finest city home, Victoria & Michael  chose me to DJ and MC their Estancia  wedding in La Jolla on Friday the 13th of September, 2019. The following write-up is based on San Diego DJ Staci’s crazy organized & detailed outline for this Estancia wedding.
Prelude ➔ All the Small Things – Vitamin String Quartet, Bad Guy – Vitamin String Quartet, Doin’ it Right – Vitamin String Quartet, Don’t Stop Believing – Strung Out Strings, Jurassic Park Theme – John Williams/Vitamin String Quartet, Hide and Seek – Vitamin String Quartet, Home – Vitamin String Quartet, Lost Woods – Patti Rudisill, Million Reasons – Vitamin String Quartet, River Flows in You (original) – Yiruma, Still Into You – Vitamin String Quartet, Legend of Zelda Main Theme – Koji Kondo/Vitamin String Quartet, The Only Exception – Vitamin String Quartet
Everyone Else’s Processional ➔ Feeling This Vitamin String Quartet
Bride’s Processional ➔ “The Winner Is,” DeVotchka
Ribbon Handfasting Ceremony ➔ no song
Recessional (start song during kiss) ➔ “Running,” No Doubt
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
While San Diego DJ Staci offers couples pre-set cocktail & dinner playlists to choose from, Victoria & Michael opted to hand-select their background music for their Estancia wedding in La Jolla.
Cocktail Music ➔ 1. A Walk Through Hell – Say Anything, 2. Cabin By the Sea – Dirty Heads, 3. Dreams – The Cranberries, 4. Hard to Concentrate – Red Hot Chilli Peppers, 5. Ho Hey – The Lumineers, 6. I’ll Be Here Awhile – 311, 7. Lazy Afternoon – Rebelution, 8. Lucky – Jason Mraz/Colbie Caillat, 9. Moon, Roll Me Away – You, Me, and Everyone We Know, 10. Pretty Woman – Roy Orbison, 11. Only One – YellowCard, 12. Passionfruit – Drake, 13. Riptide- Vance Joy, 14. Rollercoaster – Bleachers, 15. Sherry – Frankie Valli, 16. Space Song – Beach House, 17. Stand By Me – The Trojans, 18. Sun Flower – Post Malone/Swae Lee, 19. Tijuana Sunrise – Goldfinger, 20. Vacation Town – Front Bottoms, 21. Wagon Wheel – Old Crow Medicine Show, 22. What’s My Age Again – Richard Cheese, 23. Wouldn’t It Be Nice – The Beach Boys
Dinner Music ➔ All of Me – Billie Holiday, Can’t Help Falling in Love – Elvis Presley, Come Fly with Me – Frank Sinatra, Cool – Gwen Stefani, Crimson And Clover – Tommy James and The Shondells, Dammit – Thin Dark Line, Divine Intervention – Taking Back Sunday, Earth Angel – The Penguins, Falling Slowly – Glen Hansard, Feeling This – Richard Cheese, First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes, Fly Me To The Moon – Frank Sinatra, Fooled Around and Fell In Love – Elvin Bishop, Happy If You’re Happy – Matt and Kim, Hey Ya (solo version) – Obidiah Parker, I’ll Be Seeing You – Billie Holiday, I’ll Be There – The Jackson 5, I’m Yours – JasonMraz, It Don’t Exist – Bayside, I Want To Hold Your Hand – T.V. Carpio, I Want to Know your – Say Anything, Kiss Me – Sixpence None the Richer, Landing Feet First – Bayside, Linger – The Cranberries, Lost Stars – Adam Levine, Montauk – Bayside, My Girl – The Temptations, On Love, On Life – Bayside, Oye Como Va – Willie Colon, Quando Caliente El Sol – Django Williams, (Sittin’ On) the Dock of The Bay – Otis Redding, Sloth’s Revenge – Dirty Heads, Take Me Home Country Roads – Mountain Man, Thank You – Led Zeppelin, The Only Exception – Paramore, The Very Thought of you – Billie Holiday, Underneath it All – No Doubt, What’s Up? – 4 Non Blondes, A Real Hero – College, Come and Get Your Love – Red Bone, Hotel California – Gipsy Kings, Lovefool – The Cardigans, Such Great Heights – The Postal Service
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
My Welcome ➔ “Good evening! Welcome to Victoria & Michael’s wedding reception!!! I am the Master of Ceremonies, DJ Staci. Please take your seats so we can officially welcome our guests of honor. Please be sure to post your photos today with #TurningOverANewLeeph. Be sure to stop by the photo booth outside & get your photo taken as well. If you need to charge your devices, I do have a mini charging station up here including some universal chargers…Ladies & gentlemen, are you ready to meet the wedding party…?”
Grand Entrance ➔ “Take on Me,” Reel Big Fish
1. Give it up for Bridesmaid Alyssa & Groomsman Joe!!!
2. Show some love to Bridesmaid Mary & Groomsman Matt!!!
3. Please welcome Bridesmaid Jodie & Groomsman Eric!!!
4. Give it up for Bridesmaid Jessie & Groomsman Paul!!!
5. Show some love to Bridesmaid Rachel & Groomsman Sean!!!
6. Please welcome Maid of Honor Natasha & Best Man Joey!!!
➔ “Have Faith in Me,” A Day To Remember (cue to 2:26) ➔ Ladies & gentlemen, get on your feet to welcome–for the FIRST TIME EVER—Mr. Michael & Mrs. Victoria T——-!!!”
➔ First Dances ➔ “Down by the Water,” The Drums (fade out @ 2:34) ➔ “Grow Old with You,” Adam Sandler (start at 0:28) ➔ fade last song early: no ➔ no announcement
➔ Newlywed Brief Welcome/Thank You Speech ➔ yes
5:55 PM +/- ➔ Meal Served: plated
6:40-7:00 PM ➔ B&G offsite sunset photos
7:10 PM +/- ➔ Toasts ➔ champagne pour ➔ “Ladies & gentlemen, may I have your attention please for the toasts. Please welcome our first speaker:”
➔ Best Man Joey
➔ Maid of Honor Natasha
➔ Father-Daughter Dance ➔ “Good Night My Angel,” Billy Joel ➔ fade early: no ➔ “About her father, Victoria says: My favorite memory from childhood with my dad is when he rocked me to sleep under the colorful Christmas tree star light. The most important thing he taught me was proper spelling & grammar. And now lets welcome Victoria & her father, Chef Joe, to the dance floor to share a special dance.”
➔ Mother-Son Dance ➔ “Ooh Child,” Five Stairsteps (fade early: 1:20) ➔ “What Is Life,” George Harrison (fade early: 2:00) ➔ “About his mother, Michael says: I am so grateful for the life my mom gave me. She is always supportive, & I can always turn to her. Now let’s welcome Michael & his mother, Jeannie, to the dance floor to share a special dance.”
➔ Group Photo on Dance Floor
➔ Open Dancing
8:35 PM ➔ Bouquet Toss ➔ “I’ve Just Seen a Face,” Jim Sturgess
10:25 PM ➔ Last Dance ➔ “Laugh Til I Cry,” The Front Bottoms
  (c) San Diego DJ Staci, the Track Star
Music Rating ➔ R &X-rated OK
Requests ➔ no requests*
Priority During Dancing ➔ maximum dancing/use my expertise to read the crowd
Genres ➔ Top 40/Pop, 80s Pop/Rock/New Wave, 90s R&B/Boy Bands/Pop, Oldies, 70s/Classic Rock, Motown/Funk, Electronic Dance Music, 2000s
M U S T – P L A Y S
Come on Eileen – Save Ferris, Plastic Stars – Freezepop, Doin’ It Right – Daft Punk, Don’t Stop Me Now – Queen, Grown Up – Danny Brown, Brown Eyed Girl – Reel Big Fish, La Bamba – Ritchie Valens, Bad Guy – Billie Eilish, West Coast – Fidlar, Doses and Mimosas – Cherub
P L A Y     I F     Y O U    C A N
1. Ain’t No Mountain High Enough – Marvin Gaye, Tammi Terrell, 2. American Girl – Tom Petty and The Heartbreakers, 3. A Praise Chorus – Jimmy Eat World, 4. Be My Lover – La Bouche, 5. Build Me Up Butter Cup – The Foundations, 6. California Love – 2Pac, 7. Daylight – Matt and Kim, 8. Day ‘N’ Night (Nightmare) – Kid Cudi, 9. Diane Young – Vampire Weekend, 10. Enola Gay – Orchestral Manoeuvres In The Dark, 11. Feel Good Inc. – Gorillaz, 12. Firework – Katy Perry, 13. Fly – Sugar Ray, 14. Get Away – CHVRCHES, 15. Get Lucky – Daft Punk, 16. Giving Up The Gun – Vampire Weekend, 17. Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger – Daft Punk, 18. Hooked on a Feeling – Blue Suede, 19. I Love It – Icona Pop, 20. I’m a Believer – Monkees, 21. (I’m Gonna Be) 500 Miles – MXPX, 22. In Too Deep – Sum 41, 23. Jump in The Line – Harry Belfonte, 24. Just Can’t Get Enough – Depeche Mode, 25. Just Dance – Lady Gaga, 26. Lose Yourself to Dance – Daft Punk, 27. Mambo No. 5 – Lou Bega, 28. Memory – Sugarcult, 29. Mickey – B*Witched, 30. Midnight City – M83, 31. Move Your Feet – Junior Senior, 32. Pon De Replay – Rihanna, 33. Pretty Fly (For a White Guy) – The Offspring, 34. Pump Up The Jam – Technotronic, 35. Scatman (Ski-Ba-Bop- Ba- Dop- Bop) – Scatman John, 36. September – Earth, Wind, Fire, 37. Shoop – Salt-N-Pepa, 38. Smoke Two Joints – Richard Cheese, 39. Spirit In The Sky – Norman Greenbaum, 40. Steal My Sunshine – Len, 41. Superman – Goldfinger, 42. U Can’t Touch This – MC Hammer, 43. Vacation – The Go- Go’s, 44. Wake Me Up Before you Go-Go – Wham!, 45. What is Love – Haddaway, 46. Work it – Missy Elliot, 47. You’re The One That I Want – Grease, 48. You Spin Me Round – Dead or Alive, 49. Good as Hell – Lizzo
D O   N O T    P L A Y S
  Again, I was honored to be the one and only San Diego wedding DJ Veronica & Michael trusted with their Estancia wedding in La Jolla. Thank you!
*DJ Staci no longer DJs weddings in which guests are not allowed to make requests due to the negative online reviews the guests leave.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
More Mini/Archive questions! If they were to meet the rest of group (including the sequel boys, Wraith, and Codex), what would their opinions on everyone be? And also the opposite question, everyone else's opinions of them?
Mini and Archive's Opinions On The Chain:
Gen, Dusk, Realm, and Wind all seem like solid, sensible people. The Four require a quick double-take but then Mini promptly and silently adopts them - along with Speck and the RGBV quartet, just to cover all his bases. Archive gets along with Steam and Sketch like a house on fire and has almost never been happier to talk shop with someone. Ocarina seems like he would have been sensible if Mask wasn't in the active process of corrupting him, and on the topic of Mask... he's an odd child. Lore is to be taken with a grain of salt at all times, but Mini can respect the use of a free-spirited personality to lessen the blows of tragedy, so there's some leeway permitted there.
Shadow pings every 'Trouble' flag that there's ever been, but Mini is quietly talked down from dispelling his existence with the explanation of 'he's in rehab, we're working on it'. Oni scares them - but he also seems determined to interact, so they strive to be Very Polite instead. Lux... is to be taken with several grains of salt. RSE and Rune are acceptable people, although RSE confuses Mini a little bit. Should he adopt them? They're hitting like ninety percent of his 'lineage successor' checkboxes but there's also only three of them? (and they insist there wasn't any sword involved???) Lyric is fine, although he would be much more tolerable if he stopped trying to get Archive to be his waltz partner. Wraith is a sunshine child and ought to be protected at all costs, but is also - very occasionally - more frightening than Oni is and this makes him a very confusing child to have feelings about. Codex... should be taken with a spoonful of salt, quite frankly, but then somehow he and Mini hit it off over the idiocies of people who have no idea what they're doing, and this is somehow the scariest thing of the whole event
The Chain's Opinions On Mini And Archive:
Archive fits right in with the rest of the tinkerers, so Steam and Sketch are automatically biased. But he's a pretty chill guy! Gets along with most everybody. He's no longer allowed to be alone with Lore though, after Lore said 'hey so can you make bombs semi-sentient' and Archive for some reason saw absolutely no problems with fact-checking that. Mini manages to make his first impression seem like he doesn't want to be there, which admittedly puts a damper on things at first. But then Red hits him with the Adorable Puppy Face. This, unfortunately for Mini, firmly cements him in the Chain's collective opinion as 'tsundere who pretends he doesn't care but actually really REALLY does' and there is no escape for him now.
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changeling-rin · 8 months
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DLinktober, Day 8 - Monster
Art by @glaceon-mage! I'm having Gleeok flashbacks. Also, unless I horrendously misunderstood, I believe this particular Link is Mini, from the pre-Minish-Cap era? I like the hair you gave him!
The artist says: “The Gleeok turned out more silly looking than I intended it to, but I guess it's still a little scary, right?”
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Codex meets Archive and Mini. What’s his response?
He likes Archive, they can talk shop about tech for hours. Especially once Archive finds out about Codex's psychometry/touch-telepathy thing - combine that with Archive's low-level intelligence bestowing? Oh buddy they get along like a house on fire... because they did set the house on fire. Their latest invention had a flamethrower attached because Codex 'read' the circuitry and decided it would be a good idea and Archive saw absolutely no problems with giving semi-sentience to a pyromaniac automaton. Someone stop them
Mini, on the other hand, Codex has an entirely different kind of rapport with. It didn't start off very promisingly, since Codex is his own sort of combatant (i.e., Not One At All if he can help it) and Mini puts value on a person being able to handle himself, but then they hit on their similar worldviews regarding incompetent people. Put them in a room together with someone they both consider to be worth mocking and oh. They're quiet about it, but they're absolutely ruthless - a good mental comparison would be Statler and Waldorf from the Muppets
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changeling-rin · 2 years
Gerudo here. Mini and Archive's greatest fears, please?
Mini: why do you think he fights so hard against the demons in his own time? They're not just called that, you know. They've got that name for a reason. You don't want to find out the reason.
Archive: He is absolutely terrified of needles.
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changeling-rin · 2 years
(Whole Anon) What would happen if Mini were to encounter Bellum? Given that having the Light Force would make him look particularly tasty from Bellum's perspective.
We are underestimating Mini's ability to be pissed off and dangerous. We are also underestimating Bellum's extremely stab-able eyeballs.
In other words, Bellum can try.
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