#prediction services
🌟 Massive Fame in Astrology 🌟
I decided to compile in a short note information concerning fame on a massive scale per KRS Youtube channel observations.
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Key points: Rahu and Venus
Where? 5th/7th/10th Houses
Just in D1? Nope, also in D9 (Navamsa) and D10 (Dasamsa)
Venus specifically in Magha Nakshatra which is in Leo and/or in 5th house are big fame indicators, and even more so for those interested or working in the entertainment world.
Any of these two planets in the 7th or 10th will amplify your control over the masses. Venus does it through charm and grace, whereas Rahu does it through being cunning and innovative.
Arudha Lagna (AL) has also been mentioned by him in other fame related videos. This point shows your social status, how you appear to others, possibility of fame, illusory perception of the self from others.
He mentioned that if AL has any planet present in its 1st, 7th from itself or possibly even 10th from itself, then during the MD/AD period of any of those planets (emphasis on 1st/7th axis planets in AL chart) it will “explode” the fame of the native. You will become known for whatever the trait of those planets have even after death. This could be for good or for bad depending on the strength of the planet (by sign or aspects).
AL conjunct Moon, so basically your AL sign matching your Moon sign also signifies popularity as well! Affliction from 7H could impact it but it will be there nonetheless.
If you’d like to know the details for every planet, click here and view the main video of these notes from KRS.
You can calculate your AL in here 🌟 Also, please keep in mind that there are some exceptions to how it is calculated. AL cannot fall 1st or 7th from itself, so if it does, you must count again the same amount of placed your ASC lord is sitting from ASC. Read further online for further details and explanations!
If you’d like to know how likely massive fame could be for you and to learn further about the type of fame or reputation you could acquire through life, request a reading via DM!
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disastergenius · 4 months
by far the worst take i've seen so far post-ep19 of Junior Year is that having a week-by-week live play would have allowed fans to essentially influence the direction of the story in the way they want it to go and that would have resulted in the cast being more sympathetic to the Ratgrinders (ie getting them a redemption arc)
why do you feel the need to try and control this story? YOU ARE NOT THE ONE TELLING IT. if you want to tell a story please go write your own, or go write fanfiction to cope or whatever but you don't get to say that the players are telling the story wrong when it's their story they are telling
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jupiitersreturn · 6 months
Why I Think 2024 May Be The Year Hailey Bieber Gets A Divorce and Why. As Explained By Astrology.
Solar Return Chart:
Divorce can be seen through the SR Chart from a number of aspects and chart configurations from Solar x Solar and Solar x Natal Aspects.
Let's look at Ariana Grande's Solar Return Chart first as an example;
Ariana Grande finalized her divorce with her now ex-husband Dalton Gomez on October 6, 2023. With that in mind we will be looking at her 2023 Solar Return Chart.
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Ariana Grande has the following aspects in her 2023 SRC;
Venus Square Uranus - The need for freedom and new experiences in a relationship. Unlike with the Trine or Sextile, the Square is an overactive energy that causes the individual to actively and impulsively seek out these experiences.
Venus Square DSC - Tension and issues with romantic relationships.
Mars Square Uranus - Like with Venus Square, this aspect also causes the individual to impulsively and actively seek out exciting and passionate situations and relationships. It can also indicate cheating.
Pluto Ruling The 7th House - Much like Pluto IN the 7th House, Pluto ruling the 7th House can give you tension in the romance department. It gives you transformational and explosive connections with others.
Asteroid Hera Conjunct Pluto - Hera is the Goddess of Marriage but she is also the Goddess of Divorce. Having asteroid Hera conjunct Pluto can indicate a transformational and destructive energy looming over your romantic commitments. Like a separation or a divorce.
Uranus in 1st House - This indicates a change to your appearance, how you present yourself, and your public status. It is also conjunct the ASC and opposite the DSC which can indicate a sudden change to your relationship status.
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Ariana Grande has the following aspects in her 2023 SR to Natal Chart;
SR Uranus Conjunct Natal Venus - The need for freedom and new experiences, usually outside of a preexisting relationship.
SR Chiron in Natal 4th House - Conflict, Pain, and Tension regarding your home life.
SR Venus, Mars, and Lilith Conjunction With Natal Chiron In The 8th House - Emotional and Romantic pain and Transformative situations. Chiron represents our core wounds, and being aspected by planets such as Venus or Mars can allude to romantic tension. The most important part of this aspect is Lilith which represents our deepest and most taboo parts. With it being activated by Chiron, Venus, and Mars, it indicates expressing the personified version of your deepest and darkest desires in order to find inner healing for yourself.
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Now Let's Look At Her Transits.
Ariana Grande has the following transits for October 6th 2023;
TR Chiron in Natal 4th House - Conflict, Pain, and Tension regarding your home life.
TR Uranus Conjunct Natal Venus - The need for freedom and new experiences, usually outside of a preexisting relationship.
TR Pluto Opposite the Descendant - Outer planets to the angels act as a catalyst for a specific event. With Pluto being opposite the DSC, this event affected her partnerships and relationships, and with it being conjunct the ASC it affected her public status and the way she presents herself.
TR Venus Opposite Saturn - Tension in a romantic commitment.
TR Venus Square Pluto - Pluto stresses the need for change but not in the same way that Uranus does. Pluto is an all or nothing planet, and when it takes something it's because whatever that something was needed to be taken.
TR Hera opposite Natal DSC - This aspect is an indication of either divorce or marriage in a SRC.
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Now let's apply this to Hailey Bieber's 2024/2025 SR Chart.
Hailey Bieber has the following aspects in her 2023 SRC;
Venus Square DSC - Tension and issues with romantic relationships.
T-Square between Venus, ASC, and Chiron - A T-Square is a subtle but very apparent bundle of stress and irritation in a chart. It represents the opposing energies that are conflicting with each other and are constantly battling for dominance as it consists of an opposition and a square.
Chiron Conjunct DSC - Conflict, Pain, and Tension regarding your relationships. Even more-so because Chiron is in Aries.
Mars Ruling The 7th House - Mars ruling the 7th House can give you tension, passion, and aggression in the romance department.
Lilith in the 1st House - Lilith which represents our deepest and most taboo parts. With it being in the 1st House, it indicates expressing the personified version of your deepest and darkest desires. In a woman's chart it can represent liberation.
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Hailey Bieber has the following aspects in her 2024/2025 SR to Natal Chart;
SR Hera in Natal 7th House - This aspect is an indication of either divorce or marriage in a SRC.
Venus conjunct Natal Hera - Hera is the Goddess or Divorce, so this aspect can indicate a separation or Divorce initiated by the Feminine in the relationship.
SR Chiron in Natal 5th House - Tension in a romantic relationship
SR Pluto Square Natal Venus - Pluto stresses the need for change but not in the same way that Urnaus does. Pluto is an all or nothing planet, and when it takes something it's because whatever that something was needed to be taken.
Hailey's Natal Venus -Chiron conjunction happens to fall into the same house as her SR Lilith, similar to Ariana Grande's Venus - Lilith - Chiron situation.
Ruler of Natal 5th House in SR 12th House - The 12th House represents Endings, so this placement can represent the ending of a romantic relationship.
Asteroid Hera Opposite Pluto - Hera is the Goddess of Marriage but she is also the Goddess of Divorce. Having asteroid Hera conjunct Pluto can indicate a transformational and destructive energy looming over your romantic commitments. Like a separation or a divorce.
I can't really give an observation based on Hailey's transits as they have not come yet so the most I can do is make an educated guess about when this is most likely to occur. Predicting the end of a marriage is different than predicting the end of a romantic connection or relationship. However I have noticed that the end of a marriage is considered to be finite when there is an aspect from TR Venus to Natal Saturn (or vice versa) and TR Venus to Pluto (and vice versa) HARD ASPECTS ONLY. My personal guess is anywhere from August 30th to November 30th, 2024.
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kpopsuppository · 22 days
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n3xii · 1 year
pick a card - how you can find balance
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Hello everyone! today's pick a card will focus on:
-what you're placing all your energy into, what you're neglecting and how you can find more balance in between everything you're taking on at the moment. take a deep breath and allow your intuition to guide you towards your pile!!
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pile one
what you're focusing on- page of wands and king of coins, Saturn in Scorpio
for you guys im seeing a focus on growth, expansion and exploring new ideas. youare wanting to grow your money and maximize your potential, not only with money you have the potential to make but money you already have whether it be savings, inheritance, loans, investments. you're pouring your energy into ambition and practicality and achieving financial freedom. intuitively i feel like this pile wants to achieve great things at a young age, you feel that you are destined for entrepreneurship, or making bold career moves that are risky but still grounded in reality. so overall pile one, you're energy is being poured into your longterm stability and financial freedom, especially financial freedom that is achieved through inheritance, investments, trading, traditional methods such as stocks or selling something.
what you're neglecting- nine of pentacles
Overall, the Nine of Pentacles suggests that you may be neglecting essential aspects of self-care, financial management, and appreciating the abundance that is already around you. you're being encouraged to find a balance between working towards your goals and taking time to enjoy life's simple pleasures. in the pursuit of finding financial freedom at a young age and achieving long term stability, you may be stifling social relationships too. pile one, its more than ok to pour more energy into your friendships, you can work towards your goals while still enjoying life's simple pleasures. your friends may miss you, dont listen to online creators who tell you that you can go out and have fun while striving towards an extraordinary lifestyle. longterm stablity may be difficult but it doesnt have to be miserbale or lonely.
pile two
what you're focusing on- the hanged man, the ten of swords, mecury in libra
the Hanged Man and the Ten of Swords together suggest that your energy is being poured into surrendering to, accepting, and embracing change. You may be in a period of transformation, releasing old patterns, and finding wisdom in challenging experiences. im feeling shadow work vibes, meditating on your fears and triggers to find the root of them. i feel like this energy is specifically demonstrating you placing a ''halt' on your fears to really examine every angle of them. im seeing the image of a spider creating a web, and one day they just stop to sit in what they've created before continuing to make their web. This combination of cards encourages you to be patient, with your life's direction, to find meaning in the journey. any delays or setbacks happening right now are trying to get you to stop, like the spider has, to exmaine where you are and what your triggers are, to build a foundation of something you ahve to know what the foundation is. i feel strongly that you're also being halted to examine your friendships and assoications before webbing a foundation in them. i also think that this pile is pouring energy into deciphering what media is influencing you and how its effecting you mentally, as well as how your words influence others, how your words effect your mind and reality. you could be getting into affirmations and manifestation.
what you're neglecting- the 6 of pentacles
you may not like hearing this, but you're neglecting fair, and balanced exchanges of energy, time and resources. The Six of Pentacles indicates that you may be neglecting the balance between giving and receiving. It's important to assess if you are being too generous to others at the expense of your own well-being or if you are hesitant to receive help or support from others when needed. or alternatively, are you not aware of how much you're expecting from others without giving in return?
pile three
what are you focusing on- three of cups and two of cups, mars in aries
friendships, close connections, building bonds, creating loving and harmonious relationships. you're pouring your energy into the more emotional, social aspect of life. i also feel that you're energy is going towards being emotionally vunerable and open in your relationships, you're placing emphasis on giving people quality time, sharing moments of openness, building mutual bonds with people. i also feel that there is also of impulsiveness going on, i think while you are pouring energy into a deeper bond, you're going head over heels, this feels like emotional compulsion to go 100 percent in on someone. i also keep getting the message about you being in a social group or friendgroup in which you break off into a partnership with someone in that group, and instead of balancing your time and energy between everyone, you're impulsively poring your emotional energy into one person. that wont resonate with everyone though.
what you're neglecting- 4 of pentacles
stability, solid foundations. the Four of Pentacles advises you to avoid neglecting areas related to financial generosity, planning, adaptability, and emotional connections. This card can indicate that you might be neglecting to embrace change or holding onto outdated financial beliefs or habits. It's essential to be open to new ideas, adapt to evolving financial circumstances, and be willing to make necessary adjustments. this card may also be coming up to signal that you're holding too tighly on something and neglecting everything else in pursuit of holding onto one thing, in your case, a relatiosnhip or bond with someone.
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arom-antix · 10 months
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That new Gearous Yuuri birthday art, huh?
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loganslowdown4 · 3 months
My mind wanders as one does—
And I have this theory that what it means for Roman and Remus to be separate creativities, and why Remus could knock Roman out, is that only one can be in the driver’s seat at a time—
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(This is barring any of the asides videos where they’re interacting together and/or the main issue storyline isn’t important)
Since Thomas has this black & white view on his own thoughts, be they intrusive or not, when one Creativity is working, the other is taking a backseat. Thomas would imagine the ‘evil’ one smashing in the head of the good one and it having an effect. He’s so tired in DWIT that he let that side of himself take over until he could calm himself down enough with logic.
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With the Duke in the driver’s seat, Virgil and Patton kept reacting to him, making Thomas afraid and feeling like a bad person. The only one unaffected was Logan, because he said that anything Remus did or said was unfounded and didn’t matter.
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Only the reactions to his ideas mattered. Therefore, the throwing star to Logan’s head, and any other damage he afflicted had no effect because it meant nothing but to scare Thomas.
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And Remus wouldn’t try to hurt Patton or Virgil because he needs them doing their job, keeping Thomas afraid. Roman would be the only one affected by the attack because Thomas’ creativities can’t both work at the same time unless something is done about it by Thomas. It was the same for WTIT, Roman was nowhere to be found until Remus left.
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I really wonder if this issue between them will continue or be addressed in the finale. Since the asides have had so much time with Remus, it will be hard to NOT see him, even though him being counteractive the rest (supposedly, for now) is paramount to the storyline…
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chirpsythismorning · 4 months
Watching Wayward Pines for potential ST5 inspo bc the Duffers wrote a couple episodes in s1, and when I got to their second (last) episode and their name crossed the screen, I noticed a visual parallel that might already exist on the show…
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Recognize it??
It instantly reminded me of that last shot for the opening of s3, with the landscape peaking out behind the Russian base. But when I went back and actually compared the two, holy shit it’s near identical, and not just the landscape.
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I didn’t even remember the helicopter being there on the left, not to mention the pillar-esaue contraption at the center. Like… they’re the same picture.!
With them being credited right at that moment, it’s obvious this was an intentional nod to their previous work.
I just thought it was cool so I wanted to share, but in terms of my watch overall, there is a LOT going on that they could pull from. I’m only halfway through s1, though I’ve heard the show goes downhill in s2 so we’ll see how that goes 😂
#byler#stranger things#wayward pines#st inspo#st5 predictions#spoilers I guess?#matt dillon is a secret service agent and when fellow agents go missing#he goes to find them and ends up in an accident himself#and wakes up in wayward pines#and no matter what he does he can’t reach anyone on the outside nor leave#people around him seem to be playing along with this sort of Truman show lifestyle of pretending everything is fine#then he runs into one of the agents who went missing also his ex-mistres#carla gugino my beloved#and she’s also playing along#bc they kind of have to otherwise they will be killed#little does Matt Dillon know his wife and kid on the outside are worried because he went missing#they go looking for him and end up in wayward pines too#wayward pines is actually really chill in retrospect bc you get a free house when you arrive#but the whole being trapped and not explained what’s going on and treated like your crazy part makes it hard to see the positives#and just when you think this whole town is an experiment#it is!!#but also not because they have any other choice really#turns out humans devolved into this creature referred to as abbies and they basically take over the world killing everything in sight#a scientist predicted this and managed to launch an experiment where he basically kidnapped a bunch of people and froze them from aging#to live safely in the future over 2000 years later in this confined town#where very few know the truth#the town being an experiment aspect intrigues me in terms of all the surveillance in Hawkins…#also random but the main kid on the show has an uncanny resemblance to the duffers despite no relation and it’s freaky 😂
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Did you see the part where Meg was annoyed that only dogs can be qualified to be service medical dogs? lol guess she's mad a bird can't be a service cardic arrest animal. Once again pulled up the "people think only DOGS can be trained to do this!!! How dare they!!!" *grumbling about mammalian bias* argument. I'm sorry Meg but your fucking bird or a rabbit cannot be a service animal for the blind or anything that dogs have be bred to do
me when they won’t let my service crocodile into Walmart:
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mysticeyebb · 10 months
Xmas Sales 20% Off All Items!!!
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Sidereal ASC signs that might be experiencing luck/blessings in relationships during 2024-2025:
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I’d like to be clear that it encompasses many types of relationships rather than strictly romantic ones, regardless if Jupiter aspects 5th house of love or 7th house of committed relationships.
This includes your casual flings, short term connections, clients, business partners, others in general, committed romantic relationships, marriage partner, etc.
Included a short insight for the two main signs involved in these influences the most below as well, enjoy!
• Water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
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Scorpio, you will be having LOTS of luck and growth within your business till May 2025. Interactions with others flow comfortably, and getting others to connect with you will feel easier than ever. If you have planet/s sitting in Scorpio, then be aware that Jupiter will come to give you a reality and spiritual check on those matters. It will encourage you to deeply reflect on how those themes in your current life are aligning you to be in a mindset of abundance. If any relationship close to you or behavior you have towards others does not serve you anymore, then it will be requiring you to do some necessary changes. It could or could not be permanent endings, but in general adjustments. They would be towards mutually beneficial experiences without them standing in the way of your self development. Once you do, luck and blessings will pour like an open faucet. You must stay open towards relationships being more centered in freedom or a unique/special factor that works perfectly for you and the other/s. It’s more likely for you to have a random encounter with someone who could end up being your life partner, or for you to have plenty of options to choose from. If you’re in a close relationship, then expect things to quickly change for the better. In general, if you’re able to accept this period of transformation where the seeds are planted, then once your season approaches, you will reap the rewards of those efforts. Anything you’re able to start cutting off that delays or conflicts with your spiritual growth then Jupiter will be strengthened. You could meet a someone who could be like a guru to you, and truly guide you down towards possibilities outside of your scope at the moment.
• Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
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Taurus, even though you are feeling immensely blessed and making all sorts of decisions to benefit your family and loved ones, all of this current planets are aspecting your 7th house of committed relationships/business partners/clients/others. There will be some opposition faced directly from those relationships that might not go along with your vision. It doesn’t mean that there will be coming from wrong intentions, but they will definitely see you as “doing too much all at once”. Remember that although you are growing a lot at the moment, planting your seeds, watering, and watching them grow, too much of anything could hinder you in the future. Move cautiously as you usually do, and if you see major transformations occurring within your close relationships, simply accept that not everyone will see your vision. Do ask for healthy advice and trust your intuition. If someone acts out of place when you’re doing or feeling better, then perhaps their intentions need to be revised. Keep your ego and others on check! There is a likelihood that you will be feeling keen to investing in property, particularly for your home or family. Anything that is initiated towards those matters at this moment will certainly be pivotal in the future, just keep an eye on not gaining too much debt or putting all your eggs in one basket. You have been undergoing a lot of pressure, delays, obstacles and situations related to your career and profession that have been difficult to manage and understand. A relief is coming soon for you, and things will surely improve.
If you’d like to know further information on your sign, how likely this is to happen for you, the reasoning behind it, and even possible outcome book with me via DM for a transit reading 🦋✨
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daportalpractitioner · 8 months
nu video up on my youtube channel — collective oracle message
like, comment, share, + subscribe if you resonate!
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landgraabbed · 17 days
i know that generative ai is today's boogeyman but i really wish that people were more precise when discussing it. ai is a huge field that isn't just "create thing based on stolen assets", there's many legitimate uses in medicine, research, etc. your beef is with generative ai, not ai in general.
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xtruss · 20 days
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Where Will Autumn's Colors Appear First? Reuters/Illustration USA Today
Fall Foliage Predictions: These Maps Show When And Where To See Peak Colors
— Doyle Rice and Janet Loehrke | September 01, 2024
The blistering summer of 2024 will soon be coming to an end, and that means fall leaf peeping can't be far behind.
According to the Old Farmer's Almanac, leaves can change their color from as early as mid-September all the way through early November. "Typically, the second and third week of October are the peak times, but it shifts depending on where you live and your local weather conditions," the Almanac said.
Warm, sunny days are good for vibrant fall colors, but only if they are accompanied by cool nights, according to the Weather Channel. Precipitation can also affect the color show – extreme drought and excessive rainfall are both detrimental to foliage.
A warm period during fall will also lower the intensity of autumn colors, the U.S. Forest Service said. The latest forecast from the Climate Prediction Center shows that a warmer-than-average fall is likely for nearly the entire U.S.
Where and when leaves are predicted to change
Here's a county-by-county breakdown of how the 2023 foliage changed across the U.S.:
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Source: Smoky Mountains 2023 Fall Foliage Prediction Map: Graphic Janet Lochrke/USA Today
New England boasts some of the most colorful fall foliage displays. Every year, about ten million leafpeepers visit the region to enjoy the beauty of fall. Typically, northern Vermont, New Hampshire, and northwest Maine experience peak early in October.
Parts of New York, Massachusetts, and Pennsylvania must wait until late into October, according to ExploreFall.com.
A breakdown of how the foliage changed across the U.S. in 2023:
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Source: Smokey Mountain.Com. Graphic Janet Loehrke/USA Today
Drought Can Affect Fall Colors
According to the U.S. Forest Service, a severe summer drought can delay the onset of fall color by a few weeks. Drought was particularly harsh in the mid-Atlantic and central Appalachians this summer, which could delay the fall foliage season there, according to AccuWeather meteorologist Paul Pastelok.
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Source: U.S. Drought Monitor, as of August 29; Graphic Janet Loehrke/USA Today
How Leaves Change Color In The Fall
As the amount of daylight gets shorter in the fall, chlorophyll production in leaves slows down and eventually stops. Chlorophyll gives leaves a green color, so when these pigments are not visible, carotenoids, which produce yellow orange and brown colors, show through, according to the Virginia Department of Forestry.
Bright light and excess plant sugars are abundant during the season, and they help produce anthocyanins, which add red to plants.
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Source: The National Forest Service, SmokyMountains.com, ExploreFall.com
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kimmkitsuragi · 3 months
btw i always say i want dorian and troye on the remixes but never really had a specific idea tbh. i had a revelation today. dorian on mean girls and troye on talk talk
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camels-pen · 5 months
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breaking in my new journal
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