#thank you for your service yuuri
arom-antix · 10 months
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That new Gearous Yuuri birthday art, huh?
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rikeijo · 5 months
Today's translation #617
Newtype 01/2017, Otsuka Manabu interview
Part 1.
-- Please tell us about the circumstances, in which this project started moving?
Otsuka: I first got to know about this project, when I was told about it by the Director, Yamamoto Sayo, when we were working together on a different project. At first, I was very uncertain, if I and the studio have enough power to keep up with Yamamoto Director's TV series, because she always has been known as being very particular about quality. But inspired by the charming characters created by Kubo (Mitsurou)-san that I saw later, and Yamamoto Director insatiable love for figure skating, I decided 'let's try to do it!" and accepted the offer to work on this project.
-- When was it that you started to be sure that this project would be fine?
Otsuka: Maybe it wasn't that I was 'sure', but after we showed the second PV at 'TV Asahi Natsu Matsuri' event, I was able to think that I would trust Yamamoto Director's intuition and just run with what she feels is right. The last cut in that PV was the scene, where Victor puts his finger on Yuuri's lip and the two look at each other. When I saw it for the first time, I thought "[if we are going to show this scene in the PV] won't men not want to watch the show?" and I was considering removing that one scene from the PV. But I've talked about it with female staff members, who thought it would be a shame to not include it and I decided 'Let's [with force] put it in then!". People at the 'TV Asahi Natsu Matsuri' event venue cheered when that scene was shown. In this show, there is a lot of things that my senses did not cover, but at that time, I was able to think that [working on the project] I would realize all those ideas that Yamamoto Director and Kubo-san come up with without fear.
[Notes: It's really interesting how in almost all his interviews, Otsuka mentions this idea that including in an anime what your average otaku perceives as 'fujoshi fan-service scenes' (regardless of the creator's intentions - like, in even in YoI, a huge number of people in Jp fandom still sees those scenes as nothing more but fan-service, because that's the default) will give the anime reputation of pandering to fujoshis, and men (anybody other than fujoshis really) simply won't even consider it worth checking out. Otsuka doesn't even try to hide it here or in his other interviews, and like I've mentioned in the past, the way they were promoting Yurio so much, when Otsuka himself was claiming that thanks to Yurio, men could watch the show and enjoy it, shows, imo, what was the committee's real problem with YoI and why it may seem like they fumbled the bag and failed to capitalize on its potential so much (very little official side content, very few Y&V official arts etc...) - they wanted YoI to not be a 'fujoshi-pandering anime', but 'a serious sport anime for everyone'.]
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aceonice · 9 months
Author interview:
thanks for the tag, bestie @thehollowone16
1. How many works do you have on ao3:
200, mostly oneshots
2. What's my total ao3 wc:
3. What are my top 5 fics by kudos:
Submission Magnus Is Quite... Magical Smells Like Heaven Little Miracles  Perfect Match
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I try to, but I got busy and now I'm so behind that it's intimidating
5. What fic has the angstiest ending?
The Day Clary Lost Her Wings is unresolved Clary angst and (Tell Me How To) Say No To This which ends with a malec wedding but is still hella angsty and very dark so please mind the tags
6. What fic has the happiest ending?
The Heart Of A Home ends with Magnus, Alec, Jace cuddles (malec with platonic Jalec)
7. Do you write crossovers?
I wrote Damaged, But Not Beyond Repair which features Raven Reyes from The 100 in a malec fic. That's the closest I've gotten to a crossover, but maybe someday I'll write more.
8. Have you received hate on ao3?
Yeah, a couple comments. Mostly on my darker fics that say "don't like don't read" but I think those commenters can't read that well so
9. Do you write smut?
10. Have you had a fic get stolen?
Yeah, someone was posting stolen fics on Wattpad and included a couple of mine.
11. Have you had a fic get translated?
Nope! @soulless-baka should translate one to German just so I can say yes <3
12. Have you co-written a fic?
Heads, *Shoulders*, Knees, and Toes with @missyousofar and The Bane of Texas with @somesleepysloth
13. What's your fav ship?
Romantic: Magnus/Alec (Shadowhunters), Viktor/Yuuri (Yuri On Ice), Mon/Sam (Gap The Series), Beatrice/Ava (Warrior Nun)
Platonic: Yuuri & Yurio (& Viktor), and just about any platonic ship I can get my hands on tbh
Familial: Alec, Izzy, and Jace
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but never will?
I don't post WIPs, but I have a malec fake dating fic in the works that may or may not be finished one day as well as a canon divergent fic where Alec winds up an accidental King of Edom after killing Lilith and works together with Magnus who has been trapped in Edom by his father.
15. What are my writing strengths?
Uh... dialog? I guess? I don't know, if you've read my writing, you tell me~ I've been told I write sensitive topics well which is nice
16. What are my writing weaknesses?
I want to improve how I write settings, pacing, and general plotting. I'd like to make my writing prettier too.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages on ao3?
However someone wants to include different languages is good with me, but I do have a preference for including a translation somewhere because I don't want to google it
18. What's the first fandom you wrote for?
Supernatural. The fic has since been deleted because I wrote it forever ago.
19. What fandom/ship have you not written but want to?
I'm mostly into writing original stuff right now, but I'd like to write a fic from Yurio's perspective some day. I've written at least 1 fic for most of my favorite fandoms, including Yuri On Ice. I think it could be fun to try writing for a book fandom one day.
20. What's your fav fic you've written?
Uncommon Flavors which is a malec fic wherein Alec has narcolepsy and a service dog, Magnus runs a bakery, and some miscommunication and flirting happens.
Tagging @missyousofar @dicaculus @myulalie and anyone who sees this~
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insanusnavicularis · 2 years
Viktor’s love language being physical affection- and acts of service- is the cutest and saddest shit ever
We’re taking about a boy who grew up too fast and with too much autonomy to be healthy
He was barley a teen when he became a world famous skater
He had the weight of his nation, of the public, of his coach and, most importantly, of himself, on his shoulders
We don’t know what’s up with Viktor’s parents but I think it’s safe to say they weren’t really there for him
And Yakov clearly got a soft spot for him but he’s not really into physical affection
Not to mention that with fame comes isolation, we’d be right to assume Viktor probably didn’t have lots of friends. Much less physically affectionate ones
He was always by himself, it was always him and Makka against the world
He got where he is by himself and with virtually no help (except for coaching but you get what I mean)
He probably had a personal, steady income since he was a teen, and he probably moved to live alone very early in life
He’s accustomed to being his only crutch and doing everything on his own
Because of this is so so heartwarming that his love language manifests as the two things he never really got from others: Physical affection and Acts of Service.
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Thank yo for coming to my Ted talk
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Diabolik Lovers LOST EDEN ー Reiji Ecstasy [05]
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ー The scene starts in the living room of Kino’s manor
Kino: Haahー Ahー ...That Old Fart seriously pisses me off!
Yuuri: You’re still upset about that, Kino?
Kino: We could be here all day and I still would have more to complain about! Just who does he think I am!? Lecturing me for what felt like forever!
Besides, how come that girl wasn’t at the Vibora Castle? None of this makes any sense!
I was told that she wouldn’t make it back out once inside...Did somebody give me a false report?
It seriously grinds my gears...!
Yuuri: Calm down, please. You still have tricks up your sleeve. 
Kino: You’re right. Even though we missed the mark in regards to Eve, we got lucky that the Church eliminated the Vibora for us. 
That’s one opponent less to worry about and I didn’t have to lift a single finger myself...I guess my time has come. 
Yuuri: Yes, exactly. 
Kino: Still, it’s hard to believe a human would storm the Demon World. I was rather surprised, to be honest. 
Yuuri: I suppose that just proves how desperate he truly is. ...Could this be what they call the love between a parent and their child?
Kino: Hmー? Cannot relate. 
Yuuri: My apologies, Kino. I crossed the line just now.
Kino: Nah, it’s fine. ...Don’t worry. I have you and the others after all. 
Yuuri: ...
Kino: Huh? Your face tells me you’re not convinced? 
Yuuri: ...No, you’re just imagining it. 
ー One of the Ghouls enters the room
Male Ghoul C: Pardon me. ...I have come to report. 
Kino: I’m listening?
Male Ghoul C: Lend me your ear please. ...It seems. This time, there should be no mistakes. 
Kino: ...Ahahaha. Found youー!
ー The scene shifts to the living room of the Mukami manor
Reiji: ...
Yui: What’s wrong?
Reiji: No...It’s nothing. 
Yui: ...Please ask me if there’s anything I can do for you. For example...
→ Cook
Yui: ( It’s nice how we’re stocked up on plenty of ingredients because the others went grocery shopping for us. )
Reiji: Thank you very much. I will definitely rely on your services at a later point in time.
Yui: ...Okay. Are there any requests you would like to make?
Reiji: Let me think. I suppose I would like a dish which combines multiple different cuisines into one. I am very much looking forward to the flavor combinations you will come up with. 
Yui: Eeh?
( Will I be able to make that? I feel like that’d be hard to pull off from the first try... )
Reiji: ...Fufu, I am only joking. I will eat anything you’ve made with pleasure. 
Yui: ...
( It’s honestly kind of embarrassing when he says it up-front like that...! )
→ Give him a massage (❦)
Reiji: That would be very helpful. Where will you massage me? 
Yui: Then, your hand...Excuse me.
Yui: ( I’ll press down rather hard on the palm of his hand... )
*Rustle rustle*
Reiji: ...I can definitely feel that.
Yui: Does it hurt, perhaps?
Reiji: No, not at all. If anything, it still feels somewhat lacking.
Yui: Eh? I’m sorry...
Reiji: However, I feel comforted simply watching you fervently squeeze my hand like that. 
Yui: I see...
Reiji: Yes. We can swap places once you get tired, so could you please keep going just a bit longer?
Yui: Sure...!
Yui: ( Well then, we’ve finished our tea, so what shall we do now? )
Reiji: ...
Yui: ( I think I’ll step away for a bit. It’s clear he’s thinking very deeply about something. )
I’ll go do a little cleaning, okay? 
Reiji: Yes...If you’d please. 
ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Reiji: ( The report I received from Ruki this morning...I suppose Eden’s demise cannot be evaded after all. )
( Ever since that day on which I decided that I would continue to act based on my own emotions, its break-down has become more apparent than ever. )
( While I expected this to happen, being directly confronted with its decay does hurt. )
( ...I wonder if something else at Eden is falling to ruin at this very moment I can feel my heart ache? )
( This world held no secrets for Father. Therefore, he must have surely been aware that this would happen. )
( In that case...Why did he choose me as his successor regardless? )
( One would almost assume that he made his decision hoping that Eden...No, that the whole world would be destroyed. )
( I simply cannot believe that Father - out of all people - would make the wrong caーー ... )
ーー ...Could it be?
( What if he deliberately chose me...Knowing that all of this would occur? )
No way, that is simply ridiculous...
ー The door opens
Reiji: ...!
Yuma: Yo. Whatcha lookin’ all down ‘bout? I went and got everyone. Now come. 
Reiji: ...I will be right there. 
ー Yuma walks away
Reiji: ...Father.
Were you perhaps...trying to bring an end to this world...? 
ー The scene shifts to the living room
Kou: Just as we thought, the Sakamaki manor has been invaded by a mixture of Ghouls and Church people, it was a real mess. 
Azusa: The manor was heavily guarded as well...So there was no way we could sneak inside...
Yuma: If we wanna save those dudes, we’re really gonna have to come up with one hell of a wacky plan to break through their line of defense. 
Reiji: As we feared. Which means...
I believe I will need a bit more time to come up with a plan. 
Yui: ...
( I wonder what’s going on inside his head this time? )
I have faith in him,
but when I look at him right now,
I get kind of worried. 
A way to stop Eden’s break-down,
a way to save (助ける方法) the others,
everything regarding the Vibora or the Church.
I can tell he is being surrounded, by a plethora of tricky issues,
all concentrated in one. 
Then there’s me who can do nothing but stand by his side (寄り添うことしか),
watching him from the side,
as I try and hide the sigh,
which falls from my lips. 
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yoificfinder · 3 years
Hello and thank you for your service to the Yuri on Ice fanfic community! Can I ask for any historical AUs, that aren't Blackbird or Zanka please? I'm particularly longing for some period typical homophobia kind of stories. Thank you so much !
Hello and you're welcome! Blackbird and Zanka are definitely included in my list of fave historical AUs (and I take it that you've aready read them) so here are other historical (with period-typical homophobia) AUs I rec:
All Our Yesterdays by @kitsunebi-uk† [E, 1M]
York, England, 2120: Yuuri Katsuki is a dime-a-dozen techie, spending his days doing routine repairs at the university. He hangs out with his friend Phichit, goes for a drink, watches holograms. It’s an existence – but is it a life?
Crowood Castle, Yorkshire, 1392: As the son of a baron, Sir Victor Nikiforov makes judgements where lives hang in the balance. As a knight, he must sometimes end them. It’s what he was born to do – but what of the heavy burden on his soul? Death is all too commonplace, while life and love remain elusive.
When a brilliant scientist goes rogue, journeying to the Middle Ages with the world’s first time machine, Yuuri is stunned to be called on as the last hope of preventing her from changing history. After an abrupt departure, he lands at Crowood Castle disguised as an enemy of the Nikiforovs, Sir Justin le Savage – and will need to act the part if he is to survive. It’s a tall order for someone who can barely tell the back end of a horse from the front. But if Ailis, in her own disguise, discovers who he is, his mission will end in a blaze of laser-gun fire. He must not give his real identity away, even to the beguiling knight he’s falling in love with…
The League of Green Carnation by @abarero [M, 62K]
There was one golden rule to being a Time Scientist: do not bring home anything that was a fixed point in history. This meant most artifacts, extinct animals and the like were permissible. Historical figures? Not so much.
But what about an author? Namely, Yuuri’s favorite author, who was murdered in 1887. Could he be saved?
Well. Yuuri was sure as hell about to find out.
The Lily of Kasigaya by Aurum_Auri [E, 31K]
Yuuri, following his love of beautiful things, would have gone to any lengths to become the finest geisha in the world. Then he met Victor Nikiforov.
Of Duty and Love by rinsled05 / @dreaming-fireflies [T, 28K] *WIP
When Yuuri accepts Duke Nikiforov's offer to become his valet and lover, he remains in blissful denial of their sins until he's forced to make a choice that will alter his and the lives of all around him; a choice that will break Viktor's heart.
A chronicle of Viktuuri forbidden romance, their tragic pasts, and the lives of the Nikiforov family and servants in early 1920s Edwardian England.
And I know you asked for stories with homophobia but I'd be remiss not to rec these other amazing historical AUs without homophobia (not tagged / not in the content as far as I can remember):
Gentlemen Caller by @japansace [M, 43K]
It's 1895, and Victor Nikiforov and Yuuri Katsuki are two men who are somehow both under the impression that the other is the suitor in their game of seduction.
Basically, two idiots enter into mutual pining and don’t understand that someone has to make the first move.
Love in Exile by @martymusesloveinexile [E, 99K]
Once a well know ballet dancer in St. Petersburg, Victor Nikiforov finds himself exiled to Sakhalin Island as a political convict in 1881. As a man sentenced to katorga he will never return to European Russia or his life on the stage. Known as the "Edge of the World," his life on Sakhalin could not be further from the life he once knew. Strange circumstances lead his path to cross that of a young Japanese man, one of the very few still living on the island. Katsuki Yuuri leads a life of exile of a different kind, one that is largely self-imposed. Drawn to each other, despite their differences, something slowly begins to grow between them. When a narrowly avoided tragedy leaves them stranded together for a long, cold Sakhalin winter, they are challenged to face what their relationship really means, and what future it could possibly have.
The Noblest Form of Affection by @lucycamui [E, 38K]
The duty of a valet appears deceptively simple on the surface: his sole job is to wait upon his master. Yuuri prides himself on his skills as a valet, but will the challenges and heartaches that come hand in hand with serving the lovely and eccentric Mister Nikiforov prove to be too great a hurdle?
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fifteenleads · 3 years
A YOI x Chrono Trigger AU fic from Ye Olde 2018-ish Era. Go figure.
I can’t even remember what the hell I titled this before. Welp.
Chapter One: “That’s a Nice Band-Aid, Darling.”
They say that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and that a hero's adventure begins with a cliché-ass wake-up call - something like, "Good morning, Crono!," perhaps. How that even made it on to TV Tropes, Yuuri would never understand. But it is on TV Tropes, and he is in bed reading it.
He's glad his mother doesn't wake him up that way, at least. But then again, he's always up before five a.m. anyway. Sadly, the daily deliveries won't take care of themselves.
Yuuri glances at the time on his tablet. 4:59. Someone will come knocking in three, two, one --
"Yuuri! Get up!" Mari's voice is accompanied by three sharp raps on the door. "Go with dad to the plaza and help him set up!"
This is the part where the hero typically groans at being woken up before grudgingly getting themselves out of bed, but Yuuri Katsuki does not groan. He shouts back that he'll be down in a minute while looking for that darned sock that has gone missing now, of all times. Phichit would surely laugh hard at seeing his best friend hopping frantically on one foot while wearing a poodle-patterned sock. It'll probably go viral on Instagram, too, but that's pretty much a given already. Someone has to part the boy from his gadgets long-term after the Millenial Fair is over.
The minute is up, so Yuuri gives up and gets another sock from the drawer. It is patterned with the face of a silver-haired man surrounded by snowflakes. He has no idea how that found its way into his pile of clothing, but for now, mismatched socks are better than being late.
Yuuri makes his way downstairs and greets his mother, who is busy in the kitchen. Hiroko sends him off with an allowance of fifty kin and packed lunch for him and his father. He ignores Mari's snickering as she musses his hair while glancing at his feet.
The ride to the plaza is pretty short. It is already bustling with people even at such an early hour, all the sellers trying to outdo each other in showing off their wares. Yuuri chuckles as his father joins in the fray, calling out to everyone about the best katsudon in town. Everyone is excited for Hasetsu Kingdom's first Millenial Fair, and with it, the hopes for a thousand years more of peace and prosperity to come.
Toshiya leads the way to their assigned spot, a quaint little corner by the northern area of the square. The tent had already been set up the day before, so all that's left to do is to arrange the food and drinks before the first customers come in. Yuuri passively observes the hustle and bustle around them. Much energy is palpable in the air, and the excited hubbub only grows louder as the sun rises. Some stalls have weapons and armor, others exotic trinkets and accessories. He even spots a merchant selling animals. Phichit would probably want to pick up a new hamster on the way home later.
His eyes wander to the secluded area beyond the main square. Yuuri hoped Phichit's solo exhibit would be a success this time, too. His friend loved tinkering with machines since he was little, and it brought him and his family great fortune as he won scientific contests left and right. His magnum opus, a two-machine teleporter, had impressed the university professors and the panel of judges alike, earning him the highest thesis grade and the first prize for the National Physics Summit.
Yuuri's hand stills when his father calls his name. He had been adding portions of garnish to the newly-cut fried pork cutlets. He instinctively opens his mouth to apologize, but Toshiya immediately pats his back and pushes a one hundred-kin note into his hand. "I'll take care of the stall. You go have fun." He winks at his son mischievously, and Yuuri pushes down the growing blush creeping onto his cheeks.
"Th-Thanks, dad," he mumbles, bowing slightly before making his way to the northernmost part of the square. Phichit would probably be busy right now, but he would never refuse breakfast and morning coffee. It had been their time-honored tradition as college roommates, after all.
Yuuri stops by a mobile café and orders two tall hazelnut lattés and a baguette loaf. He is turning to leave with breakfast in hand when he bumps into the next person in line, spilling hot coffee over his white shirt. The other person, too, recoils in pain, reflexively putting a slender finger into his mouth to nurse it.
"Oh my gosh, I'm so, so sorry!" Yuuri exclaims, setting aside the food and drink and beginning to fuss over the man. He searches his bag for the small bottle of salve he always brings with him, and proceeds to apply a small amount over the man's injured finger, covering it with a band-aid afterwards.
The other man chuckles as he lets Yuuri take care of him. "It's quite all right," he assures airily, waving the bandaged hand with a smile. "I was also too close to you in line, as well." His blue eyes crinkle beautifully as he smiles, and Yuuri fights yet another blush from coloring his face. "I love this band-aid, though!" the man comments. "Where did you get it?"
"F-From the kids' section of the pharmacy," Yuuri admits, embarrassed. He just had to use that one by mistake instead of the flesh-tones ones, did he? Why now, of all times? "The poodle-patterned ones were part of a limited edition series."
"Nice!" the man exclaims in delight, scrutinizing the design closely. "Thank you so much for giving me this one. I love it!" He winks at Yuuri and places a light kiss over his own bandaged finger.
Yuuri wishes the ground would swallow him whole right this instant.
"U-Um, I think I'll get going now," he excuses himself, retrieving the coffee and bread from the counter. "My friend is waiting uphill. I'm so sorry again." Yuuri quickly nods his head and goes on his way, but the other man takes a long stride and ends up beside him, taking the baguette loaf out of his arms.
"It's okay, I'll help you," he offers happily as they ascend the stone steps. "I'm alone today, anyway." The man cradles the food with his left arm and extends his right hand out to Yuuri. "I'm Binktop, by the way. What's your name?"
For an instant, Yuuri is tempted to laugh out loud. The funny name hardly matches the man's regal appearance at all. He must be a foreigner, like the many others who have come to Hasetsu Kingom to join in the festivities. As a citizen of Hasetsu, therefore, he is to show this man the utmost respect and hospitality he deserves, funny names or not.
He shakes Binktop's hand, the cool skin sending small shivers down his spine. "I'm Yuuri. It's nice to meet you, Binktop."
"A pleasure." Binktop returns the handshake with a smile, and they continue going up the stairs. "So, Yuuri, are you also alone here today?"
"Our family actually has a food stall down at the main square, but my dad told me to enjoy myself today," Yuuri explains. "I'm on my way to see my friend, actually. He's an inventor."
Binktop's eyes widen and sparkle in delight, and he accidentally climbs two steps at once. "Wow! He must be really smart!"
"He is," Yuuri nods fondly in agreement. "Phichit has a solo exhibit today. This project won him first place at the National Physics Summit last month."
"That's amazing!" Binktop gushes in admiration, his silver bangs parting to reveal twinkling blue eyes. "I can't wait to meet him!" Yuuri smiles back proudly in response.
They reach the top of the stairs in a minute. The miniature square is cluttered with various machine parts and wires of different lengths and calibers. The two main pods have already been set in their positions, though not yet fully-assembled as Yuuri remembers them. It's definitely like Phichit to cram at the last minute.
The soft whirring noise dies down as the two approach the left pod, and a brown-skinned young man in a bandanna and overalls comes out to greet them. "Yuuri! You're here!"
Yuuri shrugs good-naturedly and hands Phichit the cup of coffee. "I'd love to hug you, but you're covered in oil and soot right now." He smiles widely at his best friend. "Good luck with your exhibit today!"
"Oh my gosh, thank you so much! You don't know how much I need it!" Phichit downs the coffee in an instant, breathing rapidly through his mouth afterwards to cool his tongue. "I heard the prince is coming with the royal delegation to watch my demonstration! I am so nervous!"
This time, Yuuri pats Phichit's shoulder encouragingly, not minding his hand blackening with soot afterwards. "You'll do well, Phichit! You've done this before; you can do it again."
"Good luck, Phichit!" Binktop adds, sending a friendly wink and a thumbs-up of his own. Phichit is surprised at the additional voice, and notices the other man for the first time. His nervous expression immediately changes to one of teasing, instantly directed at his friend. "Yuuri!" he whispers loudly. "Who's the hot guy?!"
"H-He's not - I mean -" Yuuri splutters, coughing into his hand to stop himself. He doesn't even bother hiding his obviously-reddened cheeks anymore; nothing ever escapes Phichit's notice, anyway. Tonight's phone call is going to be a long one.
When Yuuri has composed himself, he turns to Binktop. "Phichit, this is Binktop. I ran into him in the square today. Binktop, this is my friend, Phichit."
"Hi there!" Phichit merrily extends a hand to Binktop. "Phichit Chulanont, at your service!"
"Binktop," he introduces himself, shaking Phichit's hand. "Yuuri here has told me a lot about you."
"Hahaha, good things, I hope!" Phichit laughs, before shooting Yuuri an expectant glare. Yuuri grins back before taking another sip of coffee.
Phichit shows them around the workplace, pointing out the different parts of the invention and which part goes where. His black eyes shine brightly as he rambles in tech jargon while explaining the principle behind the teleporter. Binktop nods excitedly while asking questions, while Yuuri merely watches them interact. Despite his "nerdy glasses," as Phichit had christened them, he is not really into scientific stuff, having taken up a sports major in university.
"Sure thing! I was about to give this thing a test run, anyway." Phichit beckons Yuuri to come over. "Yuuri! Could you kindly step on the left pod? Binktop wants a demonstration."
Yuuri opens his mouth to protest, but knows better than to interrupt his friend when he is in scientist-mode. He may have also wanted to impress Binktop with his bravery, but he doesn't know it yet. Huffing, he finishes the rest of his coffee in one gulp and does as he is told.
Phichit flips the switch, and Yuuri almost loses his footing as he feels himself being sucked away into a vacuum space. Black, wavy lines fill his vision for a moment before everything around him returns to normal. He steps off the right pod and flashes the peace sign at Phichit and Binktop from across the square.
Binktop immediately makes a beeline for Yuuri and embraces him tightly, while Phichit pumps his fist in joy. "Wow, amazing!" he exclaims as he cups Yuuri's face. "You actually teleported!"
"That's how it's supposed to work," Yuuri answers matter-of-factly, but even he has an undeniably huge smile on his face. Phichit's exhibit is surely going to be a massive hit amongst the fair-goers.
"Can I give it a try, too?" Binktop asks Phichit excitedly, still not letting go of Yuuri. "It looks like so much fun!"
"Of course, Binktop!" Phichit laughs, gesturing at the left pod. "Anything for Yuuri's friend!"
Binktop lets out a whoop and disentangles himself from Yuuri. He lightly steps onto the left pod and runs a hand throuh his silver hair. "Watch me, Yuuri!" He sends a playful wink in Yuuri's direction before nodding at Phichit.
"All right, let's do this!" Phichit flips the switch again. Nothing happens at first, so he turns the machine off and on while observing the monitors. Worry begins to creep into his expression as he starts fiddling with the controls, but still, nothing happens.
A gasp from the left pod directs their attention to Binktop, whose pendant is glowing brightly from inside his shirt. It seems to be resonating with the core machine of the teleporter, from which ominous sparks begin to fly out. Phichit shouts at Binktop to get off the pod immediately, but Binktop hears it too late.
A large wormhole, unlike the one Yuuri had seen briefly while he teleported, opens up in the space behind Binktop and appears to be sucking him in. Trying his best to hold his ground, Binktop cries out for help as he extends his hand. In a panic, Yuuri runs up to the left pod and tries to grab him, but his whole body disappears in a flash of light, and the wormhole closes in an instant. Yuuri is left alone on the pod, Binktop's golden pendant in his hand.
Phichit is the first to regain his voice after a few minutes. "What the hell... This wasn't supposed to happen..." Yuuri turns to his friend, who is kneeling by the controllers in shock. Long tracks of tears have washed away the layers of soot on his face.
He runs down to embrace Phichit, who is now trembling in his friend's arms. "Yuuri, I'm so sorry! I really didn't mean for this to happen!"
Yuuri runs his hands over his friend's back, ignoring his own swimming vision and the violent hammering of his own heart in his chest. Now is not the time to deal with an impending anxiety attack - not when Phichit needs his help.
"Phichit. Look at me," he instructs calmly. "Breathe with me."
Together, they go through the motions, inhaling and exhaling deeply in unison. Most of the time, it was Phichit who did this for Yuuri when they were still in college together. It always helped calm Yuuri down after an attack, and Yuuri is more than glad to return the favor now. They cannot afford to be too calm, however - they still have to find out where the hell Binktop went.
Some day this is turning out to be. Yuuri swears never to get up before five a.m. ever again.
Phichit looks up at him and nods determinedly. Yuuri lets go of his friend as he begins to go over his notes. "Either the telepod malfunctioned, or something else did it," he thinks aloud to the clearing at large. "I'm suspecting your friend's pendant had an unusual reaction with the core interface, causing a ripple in the space-time fabric or something."
Yuuri gapes at Phichit incredulously. "You mean, like, time travel?!"
"I don't know yet." Phichit bites his lower lip in deep thought. "That wormhole could have led anywhere. It's too dangerous to try anything at this point."
"We have to bring Binktop back, Phichit! There's no time!"
"I know that!" Phichit snaps, rubbing a blackened hand on his temple at the sudden outburst. "It's not as easy as it seems. We have to find out how to open that wormhole, for starters. There must be something about that pendant."
Yuuri lifts the pendant in his hand against the daylight. It is a small, round, golden medallion with intricate rose patterns bordering its circumference, hanging from a simple chain. The pendant also seems to be pretty old but well-maintained. He briefly wonders where Binktop must have gotten such a valuable trinket and how much it must have cost, but pushes these thoughts out of his mind.
A tiny spark jumps out of the medallion, causing Yuuri to drop the pendant onto the left pod in surprise. Immediately, it causes another reaction, violent gusts of wind forming around them as the wormhole opens once more.
"Well," Phichit laughs brokenly, "that was easy enough!" With a hand shielding his face, he struggles to walk against the wind's direction and tries to pick up the pendant off the ground.
Yuuri has other ideas, however. He uses his stronger body to his advantage and overtakes Phichit in a second, picking up the pendant and wearing it around his neck.
"Yuuri! What are you doing?!" Phichit shouts in alarm. "Get off the pod now!"
To be honest, he has no idea what he is doing, either. His body is already protesting his sudden decision, his heart rate going up, his breathing more rapid, and his hands slippery with sweat. But above all, Yuuri feels that it's the right decision. It's more reckless than heroic, by all means, but nevertheless the right one, just the same.
"I'll bring Binktop back!" he shouts at his friend. "I'll get us back home, I promise!"
Again with the stupid promises, but Phichit seems to finally support his decision. He nods determinedly and hands Yuuri a long, steel wrench. "It's my favorite one! Bring it back safely, okay?"
"Thanks, Phichit! I will." Yuuri waves the wrench nervously as he steps into the closing wormhole.
"Be careful, Yuuri!" Phichit shouts after him. "I'll try to follow you as soon as I figure things out!"
A chuckle escapes Yuuri's lips. It's just like his friend to jump at the call. If anyone is more suited to be the hero of this story, it would definitely be Phichit, and Yuuri, as the dutiful friend, would support him all the way. Funny how things have turned out the other way around this time.
For now, he, Yuuri Katsuki, will be the hero of this story, and he swears on his life to bring Binktop back.
Yuuri raises a thumbs-up to the fading image of his friend, not caring if he doesn't see it. He lets the distortion fill his senses completely until the black nothingness consumes him and claims his consciousness.
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ancano · 4 years
YoI Fanfic Recs
Okay so I just wanna share some love and show y’all some amazing fanfics that I have personally read and absolutely adored!! You’ll likely see repeated authors, either cuz I follow them on tumblr or cuz I’ll raid their uploads once I find one I really like. Also apparently I read a lot of A/B/O so if that isn’t your thing sorry hhhhhh
No particular order for these, just going down my bookmarks and history lists on ao3
Glitter & Gold by plisetskytrash and victurius (I just caught up with this one and oh my god I love it.) Summary - In a world where drugs, sex, and violence rule, Viktor Nikiforov is the king. As the Pakhan of the Russian Mafia (the Bratva) he is responsible for murder and mayhem across multiple continents and that’s just the way he likes it. The only problem is that a new leader has risen to power in America – known only as ‘JJ’ – and he starts to intrude on Viktor’s territory.Not only is that rude, it’s damn right unacceptable.So, Viktor sets out to find out as much about JJ as he can, including infiltrating the businesses he owns, such as The Kiss and Cry, a sleazy club that works as a front for an exclusive exotic omega strip club that only the richest and most powerful men can access. Naturally, Viktor has no trouble getting inside. Once he’s there, however, his plans are thrown out of the window when he spots a beautiful, young Japanese omega with chocolate-brown eyes and an ass to die for. There’s only one problem: Viktor swore he’d never mate an omega.Will Viktor manage to stay focused on his mission? Or will this omega break Viktor’s most important rule?
Eros and Agape by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl and Spunky0ne (you’ll see a couple works from these guys in this list because they are *chef’s kiss* amazing) Summary - For as long as Victor can remember, Yakov and Lilia have protected him from being discovered to be an Omega by helping him to project as an Alpha. But at the Grand Prix Final banquet, he comes face to face with the man destined to be his husband.
NEXT LEVEL: Nights After Dreams by RipVanGabriel (this is a LONG one, I haven’t even gotten very far in it, but trust me it’s worth it) Summary -  The silver medal was hard fought and won, but now the stakes are higher than ever. Five gold medals loom on the horizon, but more importantly, the "life and love" within the gold rings. Yuri and Viktor's relationship grows as they get back on the competition road, and new complications rise with them. (Proper follow-up to the TV series; not AU, no crack ships, no weird shit.)
Wait! But, I’m not Yakuza! by ImaTastyPorkCutletBowl, SesshomaruFreak, and Spunky0ne (like I said, these guys, *chef’s kiss* I refuse to admit how many times I’ve reread the 2 chapters that are currently posted. I’m also the only person commenting on it last i checked which is a fucking shame, so y’all go comment on this amazing fic pls) Summary - The Katsuki family, except for the Hasetsu Katsukis, are the largest and most powerful Yakuza family in Japan, so it’s not surprising that poor Yuuri keeps getting mistaken for one of his distant relatives. On a trip to Russia with his father, Yuuri stumbles into a bar to avoid a group of rough looking punks, and he comes face to face with a beautiful, silver-haired exotic dancer. Things get crazy when Yuuri sees the lovely dancer being abused and steps in, only to get himself beaten into unconsciousness. He wakes in his hotel room and finds a note next to his bed…”Thank you for your kindness. I’m sorry those ruffians hurt you. It’s better you stay away. I don’t want anything else bad to happen to you. Vitya” He should go home. He should just forget the man, but Yuuri can’t help himself…Victuuri, intersex Victor, intersex pregnancy, lots of flustered Yuuri!
Love’s Requiem by Kashoku (gonna be honest, I don’t even ship Yuuri/Yuri, but I enjoy this fic) Summary -  If you had asked Yuuri in Barcelona if there was anything that could ever bring him down from the high of being with Viktor Nikiforov, he would have laughed. But when the living legend suffers a career ending injury, it brings new struggles to their relationship. Viktor begins to drown his sorrows, and Yuuri finds himself being pulled beneath the surface in a way he’s not sure he can survive.
you’re the closest to heaven that I’ll ever be by roserelease (this shit right here is my fucking bread and butter y’all. I can’t even express how much happiness and love this fic gives me) Summary - More than anything, Yuuri wants to impress his cosplay role model Viktor Nikiforov. But after a horrible start to a convention weekend, he panics and backs out at the last second to meet his idol. Normally this would be fine, except Yuuri discovers too late that there's a little Viktor related secret inside the con vlog his best friend filmed over the course of the weekend for him...It's fine, he thinks. Embarrassing, but not the end of the world. And it's not like Viktor himself will ever see the con vlog, so why worry?(Except then Viktor does.)
Paying For Poison by SaerenDPity (another one of my absolute faves that sadly only updates once every other blue moon but when it does update I feel overwhelmingly Blessed) Summary - "Skater Katsuki?" Yuuri's eyes widened as he nodded, and suddenly Viktor Nikiforov was clutching at his coat. He barely registered that his childhood hero knew his name, he couldn't think on that when Viktor's voice was on the edge of breaking. Desperation lined his every movement."Yes th-that's me. Um… Mr. Nikiforov… Do… do you need help?"Viktor shook his head violently and shoved his hand into Yuuri's pocket. Yuuri only had time to squeak before Viktor was backing away, breathing heavily. "Please… please buy me."…Years after Viktor Nikiforov suddenly disappeared from the public eye, he resurfaces at the Rostelecom Cup, desperate for help. And Yuuri simply cannot abandon the man who inspired almost every aspect of his life, and so, he makes the decision to do just as Viktor asks - buy his services as an omega for one night.
Drowning In Your Love by MysticLipstick (another rarely updated fic that I’m head over heels for. please feed me, I need MORE) Summary -  Victor Nikiforov has always gotten away with being a whore in college. Being the top athlete swimmer has gained him tons of attention, championships and girls. However, a cosmic encounter with Yuuri Katsuki has him questioning everything—including his sexuality. Yuuri’s shy nature and blatant disregard for Victor’s fame has Victor chasing him—something he’s never done, but Yuuri shuts him down. Completely.
November’s Secret by LanaBerry (I’ve reread this one about 5 times already tbh) Summary - Overwhelmed with anxiety and his fear of failing, Yuuri faces the issue of if he should continue skating. His best friend, Yuko, proposes a solution - if no one knows it's you, then it's less embarrassing, right? Yuuri begins to create a completely new disguise and persona.But it works a little too well.Before he knows it, Yuuri has become the biggest mystery of the skating world and everyone wants to know who he is. Especially Viktor Nikiforov, the idol he's been loosely basing his new persona on for years.
The ‘Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches’ series by Reiya (recently finished rereading this one, always so fucking good) Summary - ‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’ A single event changes the course of Yuuri’s life, throwing him into a bitter rivalry with Viktor Nikiforov that spans across his entire skating career. But as the years go on, rivalry and hatred begin to develop into something very different and Yuuri doesn’t seem to be able to stay away, no matter how hard he tries.Hatred and love are two sides of the same coin and even though everything changes, some things are still meant to be.
With What We Once Had by MagicalMirai (this one is just too cute tbh) Summary -  They called it quits, over a year and a half ago. But even though he should have been expecting it, Yuuri can’t help but feel suffocated when he bumps into Victor at the Grand Prix final, whilst holding his son. The son... he never told Victor about.
Nerve Endings by Phyona (this one is next on the “to reread” list) Summary -  When Yuuri moves in with Victor in St. Petersburg, they have to work through Yuuri's anxiety and Victor's secrets to find their balance.
Puppy Love by Phyona (another phyona fic and it’s just way too fucking cute tbh) Summary - When Yuuri gets turned into a dog, the last place he expects to end up is Victor Nikiforov's apartment. He learns quickly that the only thing worse than being his idol's pet, is watching him pine for someone else.Warning: Makkachin has recently passed away at the start of this story.
The Stars on his Cheeks by QueenWinterofLuna (this one was actually written for a prompt I personally requested and I absolutely adore it, even still) Summary -  A short drabble based on this Tumblr request from @napsushi: Can you write a fic where Yuuri discovers Victor has freckles and is just over the moon about it? This fandom needs more freckled Vitya.
This is all I can find and think of for now but if I remember more I’ll be sure to update it!!
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buttercup-yoi · 3 years
Hi!! As you know, I’m terrible at prompts 😂 I absolutely adore your service alpha series tho and would love to see another installment! I would also love to see another space fic tho! I remember reading Starlight as it posted (it was the first fic written by you that I’d read) and absolutely loved it. And then With Two Hands after that! I’ve read both of those multiple times! Sorry those aren’t super specific prompts haha 🤦🏼‍♂️ I just love everything you write (thanks for the realization that I’m into cow fics lol)
Aaaa thank you!! I’m happy to say that there will be another omega spa fic, a full one, soon! It’s all plotted out <3 As for space fic, here is a little bit of an extra for With Two Hands.
Tumblr media
[FIC] Found the Feeling | Victuuri | 1.4k
Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alternate Universe - Space, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Mpreg
As the closest expert on Rothys after Yuuri, Phichit is dispatched to the icy planet as a cultural translator to finish out the Sernian mining negotiations.
[With Two Hands epilogue ]
ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/30927437
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lurafita · 5 years
Learn to use the right tags
Fanfic sites like Archive of our own go to great lengths to provide a valuable service for fans to use. However, their hard work in providing such can easily fall flat if the people using it, neglect to learn the information provided for them. 
Ao3 has an extensive FAQ section, which explains a lot of basic little tips and tricks on how the archive is put together and how it is best used. 
Something that many authors and readers alike still seem to have trouble with, is tagging relationships correctly. (which I honestly just don’t get. It’s so easy.)
Ao3 has provided very easy explanations on the different tags in their faq’s
Here is the excerpt that directly refers to this issue:
How do I tag a romantic or platonic relationship?
Romantic and/or sexual relationships are indicated by using a slash ("/") separator (for example, Mickey Mouse/Minnie Mouse). Nonsexual, non-romantic relationships—such as platonic relationships between friends, family, teammates, etc.—are indicated with an "&" separator (for example, Hinata Shouyou & Kozume Kenma).
Platonic and romantic relationship tags are separate, so searching and filtering by Aerith Gainsborough & Sephiroth won't show results tagged with Aerith Gainsborough/Sephiroth unless both tags are added to the particular work or bookmark.
Relationship tags can feature more than two characters but shouldn't refer to both a romantic relationship and a platonic relationship at the same time. For example, you could tag Envy Adams/Ramona Flowers/Kim Pine or Mark Cohen & Thomas B. Collins & Angel Dumott Schunard, and tag wranglers could make those relationships canonical. However Katsuki Hiroko/Katsuki Toshiya & Katsuki Mari & Katsuki Yuuri couldn't become canonical as it mixes romantic and platonic indicators.
Peter Parker/Tony Stark = A romantic and/or sexual relationship
Peter Parker & Tony Stark = A platonic relationship that could be familial, or just friends.
Need it easier?
Peter Parker/Tony Stark = They be bangin’
Peter Parker & Tony Stark = They be hangin’
Peter Parker/Tony Stark = They be fucking
Peter Parker & Tony Stark = They be hugging
Peter Parker/Tony Stark = Marriage
Peter Parker & Tony Stark = Adoption
The person who has gone to the trouble to write up all the FAQ’s to explain to the users how tags work, deserves some serious kudos.
If you tag a story with the sexual/romantic tag for Peter and Tony, and then go out of your way in your other tags to say that this is a father and son story with cute little family moments and there is no Starker to be had anywhere in this story, then you are either too lazy to familiarize yourself with the policy about tag usage, or you are a twat.
If you read a story with the sexual/romantic tag for Peter and Tony, and then balk about being exposed to the couple bumping uglies, then you are either too lazy to familiarize yourself with the policy about tag usage, or you are a twat.
If you tagged your platonic story with the sexual/romantic tag for Peter and Tony, and then cry about non of your fellow IronDad and SpiderSon friends finding and reading your story, then you are either too lazy to familiarize yourself with the policy about tag usage, or you are a twat.
If you tagged your romantic/sexual story with the platonic tag for Peter and Tony, and then cry about getting attacked in the comments by people who didn’t sign up for Starker content, then you are either too lazy to familiarize yourself with the policy about tag usage, or you are a twat.
don’t be lazy, and don’t be a twat. Use tags correctly and responsibly. 
Thank you for coming to my TED talk.
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ewokthrowdown · 5 years
Prompt number: 15 - “That’s what I’m talking about!”
Fandom fanfiction: Yuri!!! on Ice
Warnings, pairings: None, Victuuri
It was official. Yuuri and Phichit’s landlord was a dick.
“Right in the middle of the holidays and he puts the rent up!” Phichit was saying for the millionth time.
They were lugging boxes of their stuff into their new flat, just four days before Christmas. As though they didn’t have enough to do, what with the holiday work their tutors had set them, the various festive parties, and shopping for presents for their friends who celebrated Christmas. It wasn’t a big thing for either of them, but their friend Leo loved Christmas and it seemed rude when he always got them a little something. So it had become a tradition that their group all exchanged gifts, which meant they had to get four gifts for each of their group of friends, consisting of three other students; Leo, Guang Hong, Seung-Gil and of course Phichit and Yuuri.
“I know it sucks,” Yuuri agreed. “There’s just a two more boxes downstairs then we’re done though.”
“Okay, I’m just gonna get something to drink,” Phichit said, wiping his forehead and digging through the box marked ‘Kitchen’ for a glass.
“Okay,” Yuuri agreed, before telling Vicchan, his toy poodle, who seemed to want to be wherever Yuuri was, to stay.
Vicchan sat with a little huff and Yuuri headed back out into the hallway on his own, going over to the lift to push the button. Usually he’d use the stairs as a good way to stay fit, but with all the up and down they were doing that would get old pretty quickly.
Back down in the lobby Yuuri lifted another box. It was heavy, full of both textbooks and works of fiction. Well at least it was a good arm workout.
“Hey, new to the building?”
The voice came from behind him, and Yuuri turned to see the most beautiful human being he’d ever laid eyes on. He almost dropped the box.
The man was tall and slim, with a shoulder to waist ratio that looked like it was moulded by the fitness gods themselves. He had a sweep of silver hair, short but with a fringe. His skin was smooth and pale as marble, a jawline and cheekbones that could have cut diamonds. And his eyes... Yuuri thought he’d never seen eyes so blue.
Rather than a witty, interesting reply, what came out of Yuuri’s mouth was “mn-wha?” which he wasn’t sure was even a word. His cheeks were on fire, and if his hands were free he would’ve face-palmed.
The man grinned, apparently aware of his effect, and gestured to the remaining box.
“Can I help carry that up?”
“You don’t have to,” Yuuri managed to say, which was an actual sentence at least.
“It’s no bother,” the man said. “I was going to go to the gym anyway, so this is just like a pre-gym warm up.”
Of course he was on his way to the gym, Yuuri thought. You didn’t get a body like that without some serious work.
“Oh, well, if you’re sure it’s no trouble.”
“None at all.”
The man came forward and took the box with Phichit’s books in it. Yuuri’s own arms were starting to ache, but he was determined to keep hold of the box.
“I’m Victor by the way,” the man said once he’d lifted the box. “I live in flat thirteen.”
“Oh, we're on the same corridor then,” Yuuri said, carrying the box over to the lift and nudging the button with his wrist. “I’m Yuuri.”
“Well hey new-neighbour-Yuuri.”
God Victor’s smile was cute.
The lift pinged and they got in together.
“So do you work nearby?” Yuuri asked, trying to do a better job of conversing since his disastrous beginning.
“I actually work from home,” Victor said, his smile easy and charming. “I’m a photographer.”
“Oh cool, you should meet my roommate, he loves photography.”
“We’ll have to compare cameras. So what do you do?”
“I’m a student,” Yuuri said, glancing at the numbers as they climbed. He was very aware of how close they were standing in the little lift. “I study dance.”
“Oh so that explains it,” Victor said, eyes dragging up and down Yuuri’s body in a not at all subtle manner.
“Explains what?” Yuuri asked, butterflies dancing in his stomach.
“The fact that you’ve got the body of a dancer.”
Yuuri’s cheeks flushed even darker than they already were and he spluttered. Victor smirked.
“Do you like dogs?” Victor asked then, which was an odd segue.
“Um, yes,” Yuuri said, blinking in surprise as the lift doors opened. “I have a toy poodle.”
“You do?” Victor asked, his face lighting up. “But I have a poodle! She’s a standard so probably bigger, but what a coincidence!”
Suddenly Victor didn’t seem nearly as intimidating. In fact from the way he was bouncing along next to Yuuri down the hall he seemed quite dorky. It made him, if possible, even cuter.
“Well maybe our dogs can be friends,” Yuuri said, then realised what he’d said and flushed bright red. He’d basically asked Victor on a doggie playdate.
“I think Makkachin would like that very much,” Victor said, grinning at Yuuri as they reached his door and ducked inside.
Phichit was there, apparently bored with hauling boxes and now arranging their potted plants. Yuuri rolled his eyes. True, Victor had carried up the one Phichit would’ve needed to get, but Phichit didn’t know that.
“We’ve got the last boxes,” Yuuri said as he came in and bent to place the box down in the middle of the lounge.
Vicchan bounced over to lick his face, then went to jump up at the new person.
“They’re all up?” Phichit asked, turning to look at them and his eyes widening at the sight of Victor. “That’s what I’m talking about! Good job. And you might be?”
“Victor,” Victor said, stooping to pet Vicchan and cooing at him. “And you must be Yuuri’s roommate and Yuuri’s very cute dog, hello gorgeous, who’s a good boy? You are, yes indeed.”
Yuuri grinned at the sight of Victor fussing over Vicchan, who lapped it all up. Then Victor straightened and offered a hand to Phichit.
“Phichit Chulanont, at your very sexy service,” Phichit said, winking as he shook the offered hand. Victor laughed. Yuuri wanted to die.
“Yes well,” Yuuri interrupted. “It was very nice of Victor to help out.”
“It sure was,” Phichit agreed. “Would you like to stay for a cup of tea to say thank you?”
“I was actually on my way to the gym,” Victor said, gesturing over his shoulder with a thumb.
“I bet you were,” Phichit said, dragging his eyes up and down Victor’s body as Victor had just done to Yuuri. Yuuri elbowed him hard in the ribs.
“Maybe some other time,” Victor said, clearly fighting the urge to laugh. “It was nice to meet you. Maybe I’ll see you around?”
Though it seemed as though he was talking to both of them, his eyes were very firmly fixed on Yuuri.
“Sure,” Yuuri agreed, blushing, which seemed to be his constant state at the moment.
“Alright, see you,” Victor said, and with one final pet to Vicchan he headed out.
As soon as the door closed behind him Phichit punched Yuuri in the arm.
“Our hot neighbour wants to bang you!”
“Shut up! No he doesn’t.”
“Oh so those fuck me eyes he gave you at the end there were all in my head?”
“Well you do have a pretty overactive imagination.”
“Yuuri,” Phichit sighed, as Yuuri went to start unpacking their kitchen stuff. “Just because I was the one who told you about ninety percent of the students at uni are crushing on you does not mean I have an overactive imagination.”
“There’s literally not enough girls and gay guys to make up that percentage.”
“That’s how powerful you are, my man.”
Yuuri threw a tea towel in Phichit’s face.
“I’m home!”
Phichit’s voice rang through from the front hall to where Yuuri was in the kitchen, carefully pulling out a tray of cookies from the oven.
“What smells so good?” Phichit asked as he stepped into their kitchen.
It was a day later and they’d pretty much done with unpacking, deciding to just get on with it and knock it out in one day.
“I’m baking cookies for Victor to say thank you,” Yuuri explained, nudging Vicchan out of the way where he was dancing around Yuuri’s feet, hoping for a dropped cookie.
“For carrying one box upstairs?” Phichit asked, coming over and hopping up to sit on the counter.
“Well it was a heavy box…”
“You’re whipped.”
“I believe you have to be in a relationship to be whipped.”
Yuuri ignored this and went to open up the cake tin for the cookies to go in once they were cool. He figured if he gave the cookies to Victor in a tin of theirs then Victor would have to return the tin and Yuuri would have an excuse to see him again. It was the perfect plan.
Yuuri put a timer on his phone for the cookies to cool, then went and played a little Super Smash Bros with Phichit before it went off. He put the cookies in the tin and tugged on his shoes.
“Good luck getting the booty,” Phichit called from the couch as Yuuri passed.
Yuuri gave him the finger.
Moments later he was stood outside of flat thirteen, hesitating. Before he could overthink his decision he knocked.
“Coming!” Victor’s voice called from inside and Yuuri felt his stomach clench in anticipation and nerves.
Moments later the lock clicked and the door swung open. Yuuri dropped the cookies.
Victor was in a towel, just a towel. He’d clearly just got out of the shower, his perfectly chiselled torso still a little wet, drops of water rolling over perfectly cut abs. Yuuri’s brain entirely short circuited. He felt like he’d been smacked over the head with a battering ram and all he could do was blink at Victor.
“Yuuri?” Victor asked, eyeing him with some concern. “Are you okay?”
Yuuri wanted to die. He managed to pull himself back together enough and firmly looked anywhere but at Victor, his eyes fixed on the floor as he swooped to pick up the tin of cookies and held them out.
“I made you cookies to say thank you for helping with the box,” Yuuri explained, his cheeks hot enough to bake another batch. “They’re chocolate chip.”
“Oh!” Victor exclaimed, reaching out and taking the tin. “That’s so sweet of you! You really didn’t have to…”
“It’s okay,” Yuuri said, his eyes firmly fixed on the floor. “Well… bye.”
Then Yuuri fled.
Phichit laughed at him for a solid fifteen minutes when he managed to get the story out of Yuuri, who was still lying facedown on the floor of their lounge an hour later. Vicchan stood on his back in what was clearly an attempt to help.
Yuuri looked up from where he was stretched into a split at the sound of a knock on the door a few days later.
“It’s open!” he called, a little embarrassed that he was in such a tiny pair of booty shorts for doing yoga but figured that it was his flat anyway.
He looked over his shoulder to see Victor walk into the lounge. He dropped the cookie tin he was holding. Vicchan let out a bark of surprise at the noise.
“Victor?” Yuuri asked, perplexed by the stunned look on Victor’s face. At least Victor was fully dressed this time, though the jeans were practically painted on.
Victor mumbled something in what sounded like Russian and wiped a hand over his face, his eyes very wide and his cheeks flushed pink. Yuuri moved out of the splits and stood, turning to face him.
“Everything okay?” he asked, going over to where Victor was bending to pick up the tin.
“No, I mean yes, everything’s perfect, everything’s thighs, I mean fine!”
Yuuri had never seen Victor looking so flustered. It was kind of cute actually, the way his cheeks had gone pink and his eyes kept flitting to Yuuri then away.
“You finished the cookies?” Yuuri asked, reaching out to take the tin with a smirk, his confidence growing.
“Yes, they were very good,” Victor said, still looking flustered.
“I’m glad,” Yuuri said. Then, daringly, “I was just finishing up, want a cup of tea?”
“Oh, um, yes, that’d be nice.”
Half an hour later they’d exchanged numbers and agreed to a dinner date on Friday night. Though they didn’t wait until then to make out on the couch. Phichit walked in on them and whooped so loudly Victor fell off the couch. Yuuri tackled Phichit and gave him a noogie.
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thehobbem · 5 years
Tumblr media
Author: thehobbem Rating: T Tags: Victuuri, Fashion AU, Photographer!Victor, Model!Yuuri, Romance, Fluff Word Count: 5K 
*Commissioned by the ever wonderful @regardingluv ♥♥♥
Summary: First, Victor looks. He's a photographer after all, look is what he does. Besides, beautiful things are meant to be looked at, and what could be more beautiful than Yuuri Katsuki?
But when Victor listens, touches, and opens his eyes not to look but to see, he realizes that just looking at Yuuri is missing the point.
Between the dress pants hugging Yuuri's thighs and ass without a fault, the black suit jacket with its right side draped and cascading like a skirt with red lining (a pop of color in B&W pictures, Victor's photographic instincts supply from a distance), and the hair once again perfectly gelled back, Yuuri looks every bit the temptress Victor had in mind for the shoot — only much more dangerous than anticipated.
“Honey,” Chris whispers, echoing his thoughts, “the community thanks you for your service.” His eyes go to the exposed chest under the jacket, and Victor makes a mental note to give Mila a raise; that girl's a genius stylist.
As Yuuri walks into the set, Victor appeals to the best in himself not to eye the sway of Yuuri's hips as he moves (he fails). Eyes already casting the intimidating glare that steadily sells Baranovskaya No.6 all around the world, Yuuri asks, “Where do you want me, Victor?”
Chris turns to him as well, eyes as large as they are impossibly innocent. "Yes, Vic, where do you want him?"
Read it on Ao3!
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entamewitchlulu · 4 years
For the author questions, 12, 13, 23 and 30!
behind the scenes q’s
12. Is there a trope you haven’t written yet but really want to?
just answered this one but if i could think of another one: i never actually ever got around to writing that yuuri & selena fake dating au where selena needs a fake boyfriend to convince her homophobic parents she’s not gay and then yuuri falls in love with selena’s cousin dennis at the family reunion
13. Is there a trope you wouldn’t write if it was the last trope on earth?
soulmate aus.....i just. do not like them. i understand their appeal but...i think i’ve posted about this before but the idea of a soulmate world and a society built around that really squicks me out? just the over-importance of finding ‘the one and only one’ that is built in a world like that, plus the fact that in all of those stories it seems like the only thing anyone ever cares about is finding their soulmate, doesn’t feel comfy to me. if you’re gonna do soulmates, imo it should only be for a select couple and in the sense of like, they keep getting reborn to be together again, not an in-world supernatural match-making service
23. If you had to remix one of your own fics, which would it be and how would you remix it?
Maybe....An Hourglass of Stars?  And I think all I’d do to “remix” it would be to revise it for more consistency. I think it actually turned out pretty well and with a surprising amount of narrative consistency, but the truth is that it changed outlines maybe four or five times during the time i was writing it, and i kept stumbling sudden ideas that i didn’t have a chance to foreshadow earlier but wanted to add in anyway.  I also forgot my timeline a lot and was constantly forgetting that the GX cast was in their fifties at this point.  Might even change the timeline a bit so that they were closer to late thirties, early forties?
I’d also add in a few more GX characters - in hindsight it made like no sense for me not to bring Edo and O’Brien into it until the last chapter, even for a moment.
30. Tell us an idea for a longfic you want to write in the future.
gosh what do i have plans for that i haven’t already gushed about at some level......the one that keeps coming back to me is the last unicorn au. it’s sort of a role-replacement au where Zarc is the unicorn, Ray is Prince Lir, Yuya is Schmendrick and Yuzu is Molly, but with the addition of Reiji as Ray’s younger brother, and taking place AFTER the events of the unicorns being released from the sea. It follows Reiji, who had to take over the throne after Ray, who was also the Red Bull, transformed into a unicorn and ran away with Zarc, after Reiji finds an abandoned half-unicorn, half-human child (Reira), in the woods.
I have a lot of worldbuilding and lore for it done, a lottttt of back story, but I’m fumbling a bit on the plot.  I know it’s going to have something to do with Reira having to go on a quest to relight the flames of magic, and I have a handful of scenes and stuff, but nothing concrete to pull the whole story together yet.
thanks for the ask!
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ao3feed-victuuri · 4 years
Fate that seems like coincidence 'cause it's you my favourite
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34xvNPU
by rosecosmos
"Vitya, am I doing anything that makes you happy as your mate?"
"You're doing it every day. Conquering your anxiety, expressing who you truly are, being happy and healthy, everything you set your mind to accomplish, if that makes you happy and fulfilled once you complete them, I will be very, very proud of you as your mate."
Large hands cradle the omega's head forward and gently kissed his forehead, hoping to convey every single ounce of love he feels for his omega. Viktor opened his eyes when he returned the said omega's original position of his head. Yuuri couldn't form any words to say. His face heating along with his whimper had been delivered as his reaction when he lost the words.
"Thank you for everything Vitya."
"I should be thanking you, beautiful Yuuri, for giving me a sense of purpose in this life."
 A self-indulgent fluff one-shot where Viktor/Yuuri live together as a bonded couple juggling work/university and social life into their daily mix.
Words: 3943, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Katsuki Yuuri, Victor Nikiforov, Isabella Yang, Christophe Giacometti (mentioned), Phichit Chulanont (mentioned), Makkachin (Yuri!!! on Ice), Vicchan (Yuri!!! on Ice)
Relationships: Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Alpha/Omega, Alpha Victor Nikiforov, Omega Katsuki Yuuri, Fluff, Yuuri suffers from anxiety, Character's Name Spelled as Viktor, Viktor works in a translation services company, Yuuri attends university, Established Katsuki Yuuri/Victor Nikiforov, Anxious Katsuki Yuuri, Supportive Victor Nikiforov, Making Out, They're making out but that ends there bec I can't write smut, Mild Hurt/Comfort, Bec Yuuri is just trying to overcome his anxiety, yuuri is 22, Viktor is 27, Viktor and Yuuri speak Russian/Japanese/English interchangeably, Domestic Fluff, Viktor and Yuuri are bonded
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/34xvNPU
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yoificfinder · 2 years
Hey!! First of all, thank you sm for your service to this fandom!
Im here to ask after this fic I read once,
It's a oneshot abo fic but it's quite relaxed. None of that abo extremism. Victuuri have a child named Hima, or Himawari?? I think. I don't remember. But Yurio calls her 'Cutlet' and it was like a Yurio pov flashback fic of the months leading up to her birth, while Victuuri are out on a date and he's babysitting. And it was so fluffy and cute because hello! him bonding with Victuuri baby is top tier fluff shit. Ft. doting dad Victor, begrudgingly whipped Yurio and precious Yuuri.
I'd be eternally grateful if you could help me with this!
Hello and you’re welcome! Here’s the fic you’re looking for:
Countdown to Cutlet by pandabomb [T, 8K]
While babysitting Yuuri and Viktor's baby, Yurio recounts how they got there - and realizes where he belongs.
On a side note, I don’t know what you meant by “abo extremism” but I hope we’d refrain from passing judgments, intentionally or not. Sorry if you don’t mean anything bad by it but I’m saying this because extremism has a negative connotation. As I’ve mentioned before, this is a safe space for everyone and the last thing I want is for someone to feel ashamed or judged for their fic preferences. Thank you!
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kimdokjas · 4 years
Stop rolling your eyes at me, we both know you wanna be tagged in these things too whenever you see it on your dashboard
Rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
@iwishihadfancy ahh thank you for tagging me <3 it’s been so long since i did one of these
Top 3 Ships:
Currently (not of all time because picking just 3 would be impossible)
Victor Nikiforov / Yuuri Katsuki from Yuri on Ice
i’m stealing this ship for my list i just love how they both have their own emotional baggage but they find a way to help each other deal with it a little bit better without “fixing” each other
Anne Shirley / Gilbert Blythe from Anne with an E
aren’t they just the most pure pairing you’ve ever set your eyes on? Anne is first and foremost her own person before being Gilbert’s and vice versa. no joke this show is the best one i’ve watched so far. they handle so many topics in such a deft and respectful way (feminism, racism, education, lgbtq rights, censorship, indigenous history, grief... shall i go on?)
Tyrell Wellick / Elliot Alderson from Mr. Robot
i haven’t finished watching the series but god... the sexual tension so far? Tyrell being in absolute awe of Elliot and him not remembering all their interactions but still being drawn to him? painful in the best way
Lipstick or Chapstick:
both! i use chapstick to moisturize and then a nude or light pink lipstick over it
Last Song:
Waving through a Window from Dear Evan Hansen
i randomly stumbled upon a cover by Jordan Fisher yesterday, right after watching Tatbilb 2 (the guy who plays John Ambrose McClaren, link to cover here). i s2g every time i think i’m ready to stop obsessing over this song i just get dragged back into it
Last Movie:
(technically it’s Tatbilb 2 but i already mentioned it in the last answer)
Kiki’s Delivery Service. i hadn’t watched it since i was a kid and it brought back so many childhood memories! but i gotta say the part with Kiki’s depression sure hits different oof
god... don’t put me through this... i have stacks of unread books that now hold a personal grudge against me. but lately i’ve been trying to read Frankenstein by Mary Shelley because badass female gothic writer in the 19th century? sign me the FUCK up
Three random things that make me happy:
the smell of books with yellowed pages that have been worn and loved
waking up early when everything is quiet and staring at the trees swaying with the wind
when friends look after my well-being or when they tell me something they saw reminded them of me <3
I tag: @left-the-keys-in-space @vaengogh @knightlybisexual @kevinday @melliferum @starfleetmccoys @merlinsprat @alohammora @nnico-z and anyone who was kind enough to read my rambling! i’ve been so quiet on tumblr lately i feel like none of the people i used to talk to even remember me. i tried to tag blogs that make me smile but please don’t feel pressured to do this!
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