#preferably affectionately but i’ll take what i can get
Hello all! This is the fic I wrote that inspired the animatic “Tear and Tear Again.” Thank you so much for the love you’ve shown for the animatic, and as a bonus feel free to check out the fic!
Stars twinkled overhead and lights glittered up from below as the boys zipped onto the skyscraper’s rooftop. They crouched along the edge and scoped out the elaborate building across the way. 
“You’re sure that psycho flower guy is down there, Donnie?” Leo asked. 
“Why do you continue to question me? When has my tech ever steered us wrong?” 
“Well, what about SHELLDON’s first...” Mikey began.
“THAT was user error and I refuse to accept responsibility for that.” Donnie cut him off. 
“Okay guys, let’s focus up here. Donnie, what part of the museum is he in?” Raph inserted.
“Security cameras say the south corridor of the northwest wing, which is... color me shocked, the rare botany section.” 
“Sick, i love a good orchid.” Leo took over. He gestured to the blueprint. “Blow it up, would you Don? Let’s see, Mikey, your fire’s tabled for now, I want you to keep the plants as far out of harm’s way as possible. This guy likes his new cousins a lot, so I doubt he’s wreaking havoc, but we don’t want them to get either stolen or squished.” Mikey pepped a bouncy salute.
“I’ll keep him busy. Raph, get my back in case he catches up to me, I don’t want to have to take a dozen showers in the next 24 hours. Donnie, can you make sure the cameras...”
“Already playing a loop, what, you think this is my first high-security break-in?” 
“You’re an inspiration. I want a good single shot incapacitation here, we’ll all have to live in the same lair with anyone who gets hit. That’s on you, Dee. I’m sure you’ve got a good method for weeding this guy humanely.” 
“Why yes, I’ve been synthesizing a specific growth inhibitor for-“
“Notice I did not phrase that as a question. Now let’s see, he’s already left the skylight open; Mikey, you and Donnie enter that way. Raph and I will portal in but I’d prefer he not get a good look at all four of us right away, so you two can go old school.”
“Time for me to blow him away with my fabulous dazzling ninjocity!” 
“I would say ‘dazzling’ and ‘ninjocity’ don’t belong in the same sentence, but I understand your point, Michael. Let’s dazzle. Discreetly.” Donnie forearm-bumped Mikey affectionately.
“Alright we good, boys? Sweet, let’s twist!” Leo jumped through his portal with Raph right behind him, barely intelligible as he said, “I’m still not sure about that catchphrase-“
Mikey flashed Donnie a big grin as he leapt off the ledge. Donnie smiled and went to follow, but as he flexed his legs in preparation to jump he felt a wave of... not cold, not heat, but something hollow and prickly rush through his lower limbs. He stumbled, falling off the roof more than jumping, but he was flying down anyway and it took less than a second for his battle-shell to kick in and follow Mikey. He cursed himself momentarily for standing up too fast, his legs must’ve fallen asleep. 
The fight was going well, all things considered. Raph and Leo had got the plantman well-cornered and Mikey had only let one plant get smashed. He and the villain had taken that equally harshly. Donnie, positioned perfectly in the rafters,  whipped his targeting screen up on his arm screen and effortlessly narrowed his scope in like he had a hundred times... except it wasn’t effortless. The same empty feeling from before suddenly surged up his right hand, leaving it shaking gently, but enough that his screen wobbled uselessly. His fingers were stretched taut and quivering uncontrollably as he pulled his hand back, eyes wide. That wasn’t... what was going on? Tentatively, he reached back to his screen, but his hand convulsed and he nearly launched the tranquilizer straight into Raph’s shell as a stabbing pain shot up his forearm to his elbow. He bit his lip hard to keep from yelping, and tucked his now-violently shaking hand against his chest, mind racing. 
Something’s wrong, something’s happened, I don’t know, I don’t understand, I don’t- task at hand, Donatello. Order of operations. Solve the first things first.
Donnie whipped his left hand up to drop his goggles over his eyes, and executed a quick shot with his pupil controls... which swung wide and shattered a window when another sharp pain up his arm caused him to flinch and blink at the wrong moment. Heat rushing to his head as the alarms tripped, he got off a second shot that hit the mutant squarely in the back of the neck, knocking him out. 
“‘Bout time, Donnie! Let’s get out of here!” Raph yelled over his shoulder as he grabbed the plantman and hurled himself through Leo’s new giant portal. Leo was through immediately as well and Mikey was right behind him, noting out of the corner of his eye Donnie shoving his goggles up and dropping clumsily from the ceiling to the ground before pushing himself forward and... collapsing?? Mikey spun in disbelief as Donnie sprawled, and at first his eyes shot around, looking for a trip wire or some other trap, but there didn’t seem to be anything, no glint or flash or... he locked eyes with Donnie and felt a sudden bright shock under his skin. 
Donnie was afraid. The lost, desperate, mind-bending afraid that meant something was horribly wrong. 
His right arm was twisted up against him as if it were injured, and he couldn’t really see his legs, but based on the straining of Donnie’s left arm working alone to push his torso up from the damp sticky floor, they were messed up too. Mikey swirled and launched his chain at Donnie, who, in a rush of understanding, lunged forward and threw out his left arm to tangle in the chain and grip it tight. Mikey yanked, hard, and caught his brother as he half-slid and half-tumbled across the floor, and as the sounds of police sirens filled the room and the pounding of footsteps grew louder and louder, Mikey tightened his hold on Donnie’s waist and arm and plunged through the portal. 
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screeching-bunny · 9 months
Need more of our yan slasher,he's so pookie,i wanna bite his cheeks (in a affectionate way) and cuddle with him until the end of times,he's such a cutie 😭💗
Yandere! Slasher Pt.2
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Warnings: Obsessive Behavior, Yandere Thoughts, Bad Writing, Stalking, Possessive Behavior, Reader is Referred as ‘You’
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Pt. 1
After reading the message sent by Yandere! Slasher, everyone subconsciously looked at you. Never in your life did you want to go home more badly than you did right now. Why did you even decide to go to a party in the first place? You don’t even like people in general! You were definitely never going out to socialize with others after this. If only there were more booze around here you really didn’t want to handle this situation semi sober.
You: “... What are you all looking at me for, they gave out a very vague description of someone. This could literally be anyone in this room with similar features to me.”
The next minute the phone screen immediately lights up with a message.
Yandere! Slasher: “I’m talking about you.”
You: “...”
After a few more seconds of silence, you finally managed to suppress the fear and uneasiness in your heart. You took the phone from the person beside you and carefully looked back at the messages that were sent by Yandere! Slasher. Finally looking down at the text box you begin to slowly type a message.
You: “Sorry, I don’t like guys with dark hair.”
Yandere! Slasher: “I can always dye it.”
You: “I don’t like your face.”
Yandere! Slasher: “There’s always plastic surgery”
You: “How do I know that you're rich? What if you’re lying and actually not broke.”
Yandere! Slasher: “I’ll buy you whatever you want right now. I can even send you my credit card information if you decide to be with me.
Damn you were broke but not broke enough to allow yourself to be with some killer. If it weren’t for your morals you would have probably folded by now.
Yandere! Slasher: “Well it’s not like you have a choice anyways. I plan on making you my spouse either way. You can either come with me willingly or I could take you by force…. Well looks like you’re taking too long. I'll decide for you.”
With that text message sent, you immediately began to feel queasy. You were struggling to keep your eyes wide open and your body was beginning to become very sluggish. Slowly but surely your senses were starting to stop and the last thing that you were able to hear were the sound of your peers screaming for help. With one last attempt to get out of your situation, you try to slowly crawl away. Only for your attempts to be interrupted when someone gently picks you up. “You’re not going anywhere cutie.” and with that you were now fully unconscious.
The next morning you woke up with the world’s worst hangover in the world. Never in your life did you feel this fucked up and and groggy all at once. You begin to raise up your body but soon realize that your body was tightly restricted by some rope and you were wrapped in the arms of some guy. The immediate thought in your head was that this was, last night was either the kinkiest night of your life or some random weirdo had ended up kidnapping you. Due to your movements the man next to you begins to wake up and looks over to you with a smile on his face.
“Cutie! I’m so glad you’re awake. We have so many things that we need to discuss right now! I’ve been thinking about the names of our future kids. Do you have any preferences? I don’t really mind what we name them but I want a lot of kids! Wait! I’m being so inconsiderate right now. I never even asked you if you wanted kids. If you don’t like them we can adopt as many pets as we physically can and we–”
As he was rambling it finally hit you. He was the fucking weirdo from the night before. You wanted to fucking die. Never in a million years did you think that you’d have to deal with a serial killer and an extrovert at that. Maybe if you pretended to be deaf he would stop talking to you. You begin to look at him and begin to make gestures with your head and facial expressions to signify that you were deaf. Yandere! Slasher looks at you for a few minutes before laughing.
“Sweetie, that's not going to work. I’ve been stalking you for the last couple of years. I know that you’re not deaf. Besides I’ve looked at your medical, you're perfectly healthy right now. Which reminds me, my precious little darling must be starving right now. It’s my job as your future husband to take care of you. Now wait right here for me.”
With that he leaves you entrapped alone in the room. Although your eyes were still a little blurry you were still able to make out the contents of the room. Scanning the room, your eyes fell upon a glint of metal under a desk —a discarded tool left by neglect or chance. Adrenaline surged as you inched closer, your heart racing in synchrony with your movements. With trembling fingers, you grasped the tool, the cold touch sending a shiver down your spine.
Summoning every ounce of determination, you started sawing at the ropes, each movement a blend of agony and hope. The metallic smell of blood filled your nose as the sharp edges of the tool cut into your skin. With each passing second, the knots loosened, freedom within tantalizing reach. With one last rough movement you were able to be free of your binds. As you made your way towards the window. A creak soon shatters the silence and the door swings open. Revealing your kidnapper's looming silhouette.
“Look at you all covered in blood because I left the room. Did you really think I would leave the room without any monitors watching you? I was hoping that you wouldn't try to escape but I guess I’ll have to be training you from now on cutie. Guess I’ll have to punish you right now. Do me a favor and lay down won’t you?”
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drabbles-mc · 1 month
It's Inevitable
Bob Floyd x F!Reader
Warnings: 18+, language, pining, alcohol
30 Fic Challenge with prompts from This List: rubatosis- the unsettling awareness of your own heartbeat
Word Count: 5.3k
A/N: i had the most ridiculous about of fun writing this for Bob. i adore him more than words can say 🥰
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Bob felt like he had been living in a constant state of disbelief ever since he met you. From the day that the universe, or more specifically Bradley, put him into your orbit, all the events that followed felt like one little surprise after the other. He considered himself infinitely lucky for it.
When he mentioned to Bradley off-hand that they were going to have him stationed in California for a while, long enough for him to justify looking for his own place off-base, he had just been making conversation. They had just been talking about next moves and Bob felt like it was fitting, mentioning that he was going to be looking for a place, maybe even a roommate since it was going to be on relatively short-notice.
“If you’re cool with a roommate, one of my buddies actually kinda needs one,” Bradley mentioned off-hand as they racked up for another pool game at The Hard Deck.
Bob perked up slightly at that. A roommate recommendation from someone he knew seemed preferable than the alternative. He figured that Bradley wouldn’t have brought it up if it was a recipe for disaster.
“Yeah?” Bob tried to sound interested, but not too much so. There were no real guarantees, after all.
Bradley nodded before leaning down to break for the start of the game. “Yeah. Funny because we were just talking about how putting out a Craigslist Ad felt like signing up to be on an episode of a True Crime podcast.”
Bob chuckled at that. “Kind of does, yeah.”
Bradley watched Bob take his shot, not allowing the amusement he was currently feeling to show on his face. “I can introduce you guys. Wanna meet back here Friday? When Trace is done making an example out of you to the newbies?”
There was no malice to Bradley’s statement, so Bob had no problem laughing right along with him. When the laughter died down, Bob agreed to the meetup suggestion. There was a tentative feeling of hopefulness in his chest. After all, if this person was friends with Bradley, how bad could they really be?
You buried your face in your hands as you shook your head. When Bradley had asked to stop by because he had news for you, you didn’t think he was stopping by to tell you that he had gone out hunting and gathering a new roommate for you. You hadn’t asked him to do that—you hadn’t asked him for anything in regards to your living arrangements, actually. And that’s exactly what you’d told him when he said he’d found you a brand-new roommate.
“I don’t even know this guy.”
Bradley laughed and shrugged as he hopped up to sit on the edge of your kitchen counter. For how comfortable he was, you were surprised that he hadn’t taken the opportunity to move in after your ex moved out. He treated your apartment like it was his own house anyway.
“I know him. That’s not enough for you?”
You shot him a look over your shoulder as you went and grabbed a can of soda from the fridge. “No. It’s not.” You tossed him his own can before getting one for yourself. “You saw what I went through getting the last man out of my apartment—why are you inviting another one in without telling me?”
He laughed as he watched you dramatically swing the refrigerator door shut. “Okay, come on, you can’t compare him to—”
“I can’t compare him to anyone because I haven’t met him.”
“Well if you’d let me get to the end of my story, you would have the solution to that problem.” He paused and waited for you to motion for him to continue before saying, “I told him we’d meet him at The Hard Deck Friday night.”
“I should flatten this can against your skull,” you said with a semi-affectionate roll of your eyes.
There was a long pause, one accompanied by a smirk on Bradley’s face that had no real right to be there. “I’ll pick you up?”
Letting out a deep sigh, you gave in with a nod. Worst case scenario, you wouldn’t walk away from the night with a new roommate but you’d at least get to throw a couple drinks on Bradley’s tab. That was worth a little bit of something.
Bob was checking the time on his phone, his beer on the bar barely touched. When he’d texted Bradley earlier in the day, everything was still going how it was supposed to, so now he just had to sit there and wait. He could do that.
When he heard the door to the bar open, he turned and looked out of habit. He saw Bradley walk in and he felt his shoulders relax in relief. When he focused enough to see who it was that Bradley had walked in with, though, his relief was almost immediately replaced by confusion. The two of you were talking, laughing as you wove through the other people in the bar, but it still didn’t sink in with Bob that you were the ‘buddy’ who was in need of a roommate. For a moment he was just assuming that you were a girlfriend tagging along that Bradley had failed to mention.
Bob almost got up out of his seat when the two of you stopped in front of him—the only thing that kept him in place was the lingering sense of confusion. He looked back and forth between you and Bradley. He had no chance at guessing what exactly your expression meant, but he’d seen the smug look on Bradley’s face enough times to know that there was something afoot. It wasn’t the time to ask, though. Not in front of you.
“So,” you broke the silence with an easy smile, “I hear that Bradshaw promised you my second bedroom?”
Your comment got a chuckle out of Bob, something to ease the tension a little bit, not that it did anything to quiet the chaos in his head at the moment. It did earn you a shoulder-bump from Bradley, who was shaking his head at you. “I didn’t promise him anything. He said he needed a spot, I said I had a friend who needed a roommate.” He shrugged. “All true.”
You gave a dismissive roll of your eyes before returning your attention to the man sitting on the barstool watching all of this unfold. As you introduced yourself, you wondered if the slightly bewildered expression on his face was a constant one, eyes a little wide behind the lenses of his glasses, nervous smile pulling at his lips.
The three of you made a few minutes of small talk before you ducked out for a moment to answer a phone call from work. Both men watched you as you walked away, and as you were bringing the phone to your ear, Bradley turned to try and pick apart the expression on Bob’s face.
“So?” he asked, leaving it as open-ended as possible.
Bob pried his gaze off you so that he was looking at the man standing next to him instead. He shook his head slightly. “You didn’t say—you made it seem like—” He pushed his glasses up his nose, a nervous habit he had yet to shake.
Bradley laughed. “C’mon, she’s not that bad.”
“I didn’t say she was,” Bob corrected him quietly. “She wouldn’t rather have…you know…”
It was impossible for him not to at least chuckle at the way Bob was skirting around the things that he wanted to say. “She just wants someone who doesn’t make a mess and who pays rent on time. And who won’t eat her leftovers out of the fridge.”
“Last one sounds like you.”
He clapped Bob on the back with a grin. “That’s why I’m not the one moving in.” He paused, and he could see the thoughts going at a mile a minute in Bob’s head. “I wouldn’t have said anything if I didn’t think you guys would hit it off.”
Bob wanted to make a comment to the effect of, “That’s kind of what I’m worried about,” but you reappeared before he could.
You plopped down on the stool beside his, giving a quick apology to the both of them. Looking back and forth between them, you wanted to ask what they’d been saying in your absence, but you had a feeling that if you needed to know, Bradley would tell you in the car on the way home.
Moments after you sat down, Penny materialized with a drink for you, and she handed a bottle to Bradley as well. You thanked her, amused that Bradley actually was letting you rack up his tab. Once you took a sip, you turned to Bob.
“So, is this the part where we get to play Twenty Questions?”
He laughed as he shrugged, fingers drumming against his leg. “I guess so.”
You smiled as you nodded. “Alright.” You motioned for Bradley to sit down next to you. “Bradshaw can play referee.”
Three weeks later the moving truck was parked outside your apartment building and there were boxes piling up in what had previously been a spare room that was sometimes your office, but more often just a place for all of your clean but unfolded laundry to hang out.
Bob was timid those first couple of weeks living together. It was endearing in a way that you hadn’t expected—most of Bradley’s friends from the Navy didn’t seem to be wired like that. Bob was a nice change of pace from it all. Every time he wanted to move or add something somewhere, he always asked, always had that same little nervous smile on his face when he did.  You never told him no.
The first month or so of living together was just a big old learning curve. You learned that the two of you ran on different rhythms and schedules. Bob was an early bird, whether that was by choice or necessity you never asked. You were a night owl, though. Always had been. Luckily, you also learned that Bob was a heavy sleeper and that he was quiet in the morning when he was getting ready, so the two of you didn’t infringe upon each other much.
You learned that Bob liked to cook, was good at it even, but still hadn’t mastered how to just cook for one. That was how he learned that you had no problem doing the dishes if he was okay with sharing his food. He never told you no either.
Bob learned that most of your spare time was spent with your nose in a book or a notebook splayed across your lap while you wrote. He only ever asked once what you were writing, and when you gave him the vague answer of, “Stories,” he gave you a smile and a nod and went back to ironing his uniform. You learned that the only times Bob stayed up late was when he was playing videogames with his friends. Most of them were from the Navy, some of them were from back home. You knew which ones were which because his Navy friends had their callsigns in their gamertags—so original of them. That was also how you learned that a good handful of his friends in the Navy weren’t very good at first-person shooter games, which was deeply ironic given their professions.
By the time the third month of living together had come and gone, Bob also learned that he was falling in love with you a little bit. Or a lot. The amount of it didn’t matter, he supposed. None of it was going to help him.
You enjoyed living with Bob more than you thought you were going to. You had been willing to settle for a roommate that you could at least tolerate. You just needed someone that you could exist in the same space with sometimes when necessary. But after those first couple of weeks, it felt like almost all the time that the two of you were home at the same time was spent in the same space. Or you’d be in the living room while he was in the kitchen. You’d been ready to hole up in your room a little more often, but it never felt like you had to.
Bradley was as incessant as ever, arguing that he now had twice as many reasons to drop by unannounced now that Bob was living with you. You both knew that it was an argument you’d never win, and it wasn’t as though you didn’t enjoy his company too. By the time the first month passed, Bradley had lightened up on his weekly inquiry of, “Is this guy givin’ you any trouble?” You all knew that he never was.
You’d been waiting for the day that the surprised look would fade from Bob’s face whenever you got home, or emerged from your room, but it never did. From surprised, to smiling, to going back to whatever he’d been doing before you got there. Round and round again.
Bob never thought about how many different names he had until the two of you really got comfortable around each other. Most of the time he was Bob, which was what he was used to both on and off the base. That was the status quo.
But every now and then you’d switch it up. Like if he startled you coming home from his early-morning run, or if you didn’t hear him walk into the kitchen from his room. Then you’d call him Robert, in that fake-chastising tone that always had you trying not to laugh. Or sometimes, when he was getting frustrated about something that didn’t really matter too much in the grand scheme of things, you’d hit him with a little pat on the shoulder and a, “Calm down, Lieutenant Floyd.” And in moments like that he could hear it in your voice how long you and Bradley had been friends. If you tried to get his attention more than twice and still didn’t have any luck, that’s when he’d hear a sing-songy callout of Bobby coming from the other side of the apartment. That one always got both of you laughing.
You could’ve called him damn near anything, though, and he would’ve come running. He wondered how long he’d be able to keep his mouth shut about it all.
The two of you had been living together for six months the first time he put his foot in his mouth about it. His only saving grace, if he could even try to call it that, was that he’d said it to Bradley and not directly to you.
It made Bradley completely miss his shot in their game of pool, but he didn’t even care. He stood upright, pointing at Bob from across the table with his pool stick. “What was that?”
Bob’s eyes nearly popped out of his skull. He didn’t need a mirror to know that his face was turning beet red. He could feel the warmth racing up the column of his neck and into his cheeks. “N-nothing. I didn’t—nothing.”
Bradley’s grin was so wide it was a wonder his face didn’t crack clean open. “That was something.” He walked over, paying no mind to the fact that Bob was trying to look at anything but him. “She know? You say anything to her?”
Now it was Bob’s turn to miss his shot. His heart was beating fast enough that he thought it might short-out and stop working. If Rooster was trying to get some eye contact out of him, it certainly did the trick.
“No.” Bob’s answer managed to come out clear and timid all at once.
He leaned back casually against the edge of the pool table. “Why not?”
Bob shook his head, gaze dropping to the floor. “’Cause we’re roommates.”
“So?” Bradley let the look of disbelief on Bob’s face act as a response, and he continued. “You should tell her. Want me to tell her?”
Bob’s eyes popped open so wide that Bradley was shocked they didn’t break the lenses of his glasses. “Please don’t.”
“Want me to do some recon?” He stood upright again, no longer using the pool table for support. “Find out if she’s—”
He chuckled, a knowing smirk tugging at his lips. None of this was surprising to him, really. He knew it from the second that Bob saw you when the two of them walked into The Hard Deck that day. He was honestly a little surprised that it took this long for Bob to slip up to him about it. The kid looked like a pressure cooker ready to explode.
“She hasn’t dated anyone since you moved in, has she?”
Bob shrugged. “No one that she’s brought around, at least. But she also just broke up with—”
Bradley waved off the sentence before Bob could even finish it. “That was almost eight months ago.” He paused, knowing that he had the answer to the question he was about to ask but it wasn’t going to stop him from asking it. “You’re not seeing anyone else, right?”
The red in his cheeks got a little darker but he didn’t say anything, instead just shaking his head.
“So I’ll ask her,” Bradley said, like that was the only rational response to the evidence laid out before him.
“Don’t ask her.” Bob’s statement was somewhere between an order and a plea, not hitting either note quite right.
Bradley held his hands up in surrender, but the smirk still lingering on his face didn’t make the truce feel too believable. “Alright, fine. I won’t say anything. But, if you change your mind,” he lined up his next shot, “let me know.”
Bob never brought it up again. Truthfully, he was still kicking himself for letting any of it slip in the first place. He kept waiting for another comment, another question from Bradley. Anytime that he came over to the apartment, Bob felt himself get a little more on-edge. When he could hear the two of you on the phone, he couldn’t stop the way his heart started to beat a little faster. He kept waiting for the other shoe to drop, for Bradley to open his mouth and say something.
Weeks ticked by with Bob waiting for the other shoe to drop. You’d get home, or hang up the phone, and he’d sit there with bated breath. He’d try to look like he was focusing on his laptop, or the gaming controller in his hand, but he’d be watching you in his peripheral.
And, of course, you never said anything about it. Bradley apparently never said anything about it. For all the buttons that he liked to push, Bob couldn’t deny that he was surprised that his friend was managing to keep his mouth shut about this one. Maybe that was because Bradley had the feeling it was a lost cause. Bob tried not to think about it too much.
He definitely tried not to think about it on nights like tonight, when both of you were camped out together on the sofa. The original plan hadn’t really been for the two of you to watch a movie together—Bob had gotten home later than usual and you were already about ten minutes into the film when he walked through the door. He’d had every intention of just showering and going to bed, but when he saw you curled up on the couch, throw blanket across you and an oversized bowl of popcorn in your lap, suddenly sleep didn’t seem like such a big deal.
He’d leaned over the back of the couch, a smile stretching across his face as he said, “Gonna share that or should I make another bag?”
You yelped in surprise, nearly tossing the bowl full of popcorn in the process. “Robert!” You laughed, hand resting over your heart like that would get it to slow down. “You can’t do that when there is a serial killer on the screen.”
He cracked a grin. “Sorry.”
You held the bowl up for him to reach easier. “I will share though, despite your entrance.”
He’d grabbed a couple pieces of popcorn before walking off towards his room. “I’m just gonna get changed.”
“Okay.” You tossed a piece of popcorn up in the air and caught it in your mouth. “Hurry up before someone else dies.”
Now here you were, the only thing separating the two of you was the bowl of popcorn between you. Bob was paying enough attention to the movie to know what was going on, but he’d be lying if he tried to say that most of his attention was still going to you. Something about the fact that you’d chosen to put on a scary movie and yet you still seemed shocked every time something scary happened.
Like you were reading his thoughts, you spoke up as you half-covered your eyes. “I don’t know why I do this to myself.”
He chuckled. “We can put something else on.”
You shook your head. “No, no. I’m committed now. I need to know what happens.”
His smile grew a little wider, the rapid beat of his heart having nothing to do with what was happening on-screen. “Want me to tell you what happens?”
You looked over at him. “You’ve seen this before?”
He shook his head. “No, but I can probably still tell you what happens.”
You rolled your eyes but you were still smiling, still blocking part of your view of the television on purpose like that would stop the things on screen from happening. “Very funny.”
“I think—”
Whatever he was going to say next got lost somewhere between his brain and his lips because you were placing the bowl of popcorn in his lap and scooting closer to him. You leaned so that your head was resting against the outside of his arm, throw blanket pulled up to your chin. Your legs were pulled up onto the couch, half-curled underneath you as you situated yourself against him. There was no hesitation in any move that you made, and Bob was trying to figure out if he was dreaming, and if he wasn’t he was trying to figure out how to not spontaneously combust.
“If this gets any worse,” you said, looking up at him for a moment, “then I’ll ask for your predictions.”
He was glad it was dark enough in the living room so that you couldn’t see how red his face was. All you could really see was him nodding, the reflection of the television on his lenses. “O-okay.”
The two of you managed to make it to the end of the movie, but you were practically curled so far into him that Bob thought you were just going to melt right into his arm. He didn’t mind it—he wished that the movie had dragged on for a little longer.
When the credits started to roll, you let out a deep sigh of relief but you didn’t peel yourself away from him. Bob couldn’t help but to let out a quiet laugh. “This why I’ve never seen you watch a scary movie before?”
You laughed, shaking your head. “Like, twice a year I try to convince myself that I don’t get that scared.”
“It’s working real good, then,” he joked.
You laughed, blanket still pulled up over your shoulders. “I’d say so.”
He reached for the controller. “Want me to put something less scary on?”
You nodded, reaching out of you blanket cocoon to grab a handful of popcorn. “Yes please.”
He was expecting you to pull away once there was a comedy safely playing on-screen. He waited for the warmth of you and the blanket you were buried under to disappear. But it didn’t. You stayed there just like that, casually stealing one handful of popcorn at a time till there was nothing but kernels left.
You made it halfway through the next film before you looked up at him again and said, “You’re up way past your bedtime.”
He laughed softly and shook his head. “I’ll be fine.”
Just as he finished saying that, he yawned. You smiled. “You sure about that?”
He felt his face heat up. “I’m good.”
“Slumber party rules, you know. First one to fall asleep gets it.”
He felt himself melting back into the couch cushions a little more, body finally starting to relax more from tiredness than anything else. “What’s the punishment? Sharpie mustache?”
You laughed, resituating against him as you did. “No, no. That’d be too mean—can’t have you walking around looking like Bradshaw.”
When you woke up in the morning, you were still on the couch. Alone. You had a pillow propped nicely underneath your head and rather than the throw blanket that you’d been using during the movie, you had a real comforter draped over you. It took a moment for you to put it all together.
You got yourself half upright, propped up on your elbows. Through half-open lids you looked around the apartment, the kitchen and the living room. You could see that it was empty but even so you called out a groggy, raspy, “Bob?”
When you were met with silence, you fell back against the couch again. Dragging your hands across your eyes, you tried to wake yourself up a little more. You stared up at the ceiling, watching lights and shadows fly across it as cars drove by your building. People who were up and about much earlier than you.
You weren’t sure how much time you’d spent simply lying there debating whether or not you wanted to get off the couch and attempt to salvage what was left of your morning. Just as you were getting ready to peel the blanket off you when you heard the sound of keys in the lock on your apartment door.
For a moment you about to sit upright, but then you could hear how quietly and slowly he was trying to enter the apartment. All those mornings sneaking in quietly after his runs so he didn’t wake you, and this was the first time you were not only awake, but ready for it. You heard him toe off his shoes, heard the rustling of a bag that you were desperately hoping had donuts or bagels inside of it.
You were so busy being excited by the sound of iced coffee rattling against its cup that you almost missed the sound of Bob murmuring to himself. You couldn’t quiet make out what he was saying exactly, only that he was whispering to himself as he set things down on the counter. Waiting a moment, you strained your ear in hopes to get a better idea of what he was saying.
When he stopped talking altogether, you sat upright. His back was to you as he pulled the drinks from the tray they were in, opened up the bag of pastries he’d grabbed. You smiled at the sight of him, a warm flutter in your chest.
“Got enough to share?” you piped up.
For once it was Bob’s turn to flinch, to spin on his heel in shock. His eyes were wide, paper bag clutched tightly in his hand. He was certain that if his life had been a cartoon you would’ve seen the outline of his heart beating in his chest.
“Um, yeah.” He nodded, holding up one of the coffees as though to prove he was telling the truth. “Yours.”
Standing up off the couch, you kept the blanket wrapped around you like the most oversized shawl you’d ever seen as you padded over to where he was standing in the kitchen. Reaching out, you took the iced coffee from him, a smile on your face as you took a sip. It was impossible to miss the way that Bob was looking at you, looking like he had something to say. You waited for it, but it never came.
“Rehearsing lines?” you asked casually as you reached for the bag he was holding.
It seemed to snap him out of the trance he was in. “What?”
You pulled out one of the donuts in the bag. “When you came in,” you took a bite, “thought I heard you talking.”
His eyes widened a little bit, cheeks starting to flush pink. “Oh.”
You smiled, tilting your head. “What?”
He picked up his own cup of coffee. He stared at it for a moment, swirling it around to buy himself a few extra seconds. His heart was beating so hard that he was expecting it to cause ripples in the coffee he was holding.
“I, um,” he cleared his throat, looking you in the eyes, “yeah.”
You set your coffee down, suddenly feeling a little foolish with the blanket wrapped around your shoulders. “You okay?”
He nodded. “I’m okay.”
Your smile was soft, warm. “You sure? Looking a little wistful over there.” You saw the way a few sentences started and died on the tip of his tongue. Your lips started to dip down into a frown. “Bob?”
“I really, uh, I really like…living here with you.”
Something akin to relief was creeping its way across your chest and you allowed yourself a small smile. “I like you living here.” You tilted your head slightly. “Why do you look so worried about that?”
He managed a chuckle of sort. “Because,” with each word he tried to get out, he felt like his heart was going to beat clean out of his chest, like his ribs weren’t strong enough to keep it in place, “I don’t want that to change.”
“Why would it?”
“I love you,” he blurted out. “I…I love you.” The blush on his face darkened and he gave a weak smile. “That’s not how I rehearsed it.”
You let out a laugh, one that was choked with emotion. It felt impossible to get the words out that you wanted, like they were all getting stuck in the back of your throat. You could see it on Bob’s face that he was trying to come up with the next thing to say.
Before either of you could implode, you collapsed the distance between you and kissed him. The blanket that had been around your shoulders fell to the floor as your lips caught his. There was a split second of hesitation, but once Bob realized that it was real, that this was all happening, he wrapped his arms around you. His hands splayed across your back, pinning you tight to him.
Your fingers threaded into his hair, leaning into him until he was snug between you and the counter behind him. Bob soaked it is, the way it felt to have the warmth of your body pressed against his. He was certain that this would be the time you’d hear his racing heartbeat, be able to feel it since you were so close. For once he hoped that you would.
You pulled away, just enough to be able to get a good look at his face. He brought one hand up to fix his glasses, the other staying on the small of your back. You toyed with the hair at the nape of his neck as you tried to commit everything about how he looked in that moment to memory.
“I love you too,” you said, voice soft when you finally had it in you to string the words together.
You saw the smile on his face and then you felt it as he kissed you again. It was all laughter and soft touches and wandering hands. Months of bottled up feelings starting to reach the surface. With your palm resting against his chest, you could feel the speed of his heartbeat, but he didn’t seem nervous now. For a moment you were surprised to find that you weren’t nervous either. Then you felt the pad of his thumb against your cheek as he pulled you in for another kiss and you finally felt like you were home. And there was nothing more comforting than that.
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(divider by @firefly-graphics)
Top Gun Maverick Taglist: @garbinge @proceduralpassion @justreblogginfics (If you want to be added to any of taglists please let me know!)
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pricefieldsuperiority · 5 months
Yearning Allegations - Pt.2
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Part 1 can be found here
Pairing: Paige Bueckers x reader
Genre: Friends to lovers slowburn (Series)
Summary: You've liked Paige for the longest time. Is there any chance she likes you too?
The first thing you do when you get back to your dorm is groan. Why the hell did you say that? Now she's gonna be worried about you, which is the last thing you'd want.
Annoyed with yourself, you kick off your shoes and throw your clothes into the corner before changing into an old oversized shirt you stole off Paige once when you slept over at hers. It's comforting, still smelling vaguely like her, and you curl up in your bed, plush bedcovers over your knees.
Earbuds in, you press play on Taylor Swift's newest album. Your taste in music was different from Paige's, preferring pop and rock, whereas she liked what you affectionately called "fuckboy music." Of course this was just a lighthearted inside joke, you also liked some of her music, like PartyNextDoor or The Weeknd.
You're halfway through the song 'Down Bad' when you hear a light knock at your door and a soft voice.
"Hey y/n? You good? Open up"
You open up the door to see Paige standing there with an unreadable expression, and then she just walks right in and drops onto your bed.
"Yeah, I'm all good" You say, hoping you sound reassuring. Can she tell you don't actually have a headache?
Paige doesn't say anything. She just seems to be studying you closely, and you nervously ramble on.
"You really didn't have to leave the party, sorry if I freaked you out or something"
You've said it all in a rush, and Paige just smiles a bit as she reaches out and tucks a piece of your hair behind your ear. You want to speak up and tease her to ease the tension until you look at her face.
Paige's expression is gentle, and you notice just how dilated her pupils are in the dim light of your room. Her irises are small, nothing but a vivid blue ring, and you smile at the sight. Her eyes are just so pretty, they've always reminded you of forget me nots, or a clear sky, and you're so busy pondering their exact shade match that you realize you forgot to speak.
"What?" Paige says, suddenly self-conscious.
You blink a few times.
You turn away, grabbing your glass of water off the nightstand.
Paige is looking at you, head slightly cocked, brows knit quizzically. Your mouth feels dry despite the water, and you want her to stop looking at you like she's trying to figure you out.
"I swear I'm actually good, deadass. My head just really hurts. Probably chugged too many shots during that drinking game earlier. " You put down your cup and dramatically flop onto the bed, closing your eyes and then peeking one open to check if your explanation worked.
Paige finally relaxes and smirks at you,
"Pfft y/n you're such a light weight. I just wanted to make sure you were okay."
You scoff and reply with a grumbled whatever I'm fine, pressing a hand to your head dramatically, and Paige props herself up against the wall, holding one arm out for you.
"Alright, alright, come here."
You smile at her, cuddling up to her side. Her perfume smells so good. It's a subtle vanilla. You settle on her chest as she holds you.
"Also- are you wearing my shirt?" Paige says, rather amused.
"Yeah? Why, do you want it back? I’ll give it to you later" You retort, with half a mind to take it off and playfully throw it at her. This is how it was between you two, at least when you weren't acting like an idiot.
"Nono it's fine, just thought it was... interesting"
Paige pulls you back in, hiding her grin with her hand.
You're fighting off sleep, but you still scoff in response, and she just strokes your hair gently as you drift off.
The next week, Paige is over at your dorm, playing Fortnite on call with KK and Ice as you play League of Legends.
Paige groans with frustration, putting down her controller as she loses another match. KK and Ice are bickering with each other over call, and you just smile at the familiar sounds.
You're busy fighting hard in League. Your team is technically losing, but you think you might be able to carry if you score a few more kills at the right time. You don't look up when Paige sits down next to you, headset and game abandoned, head resting over your shoulder to watch you play.
"Another loss, huh?" You say, grinning while you score another kill.
You don't need to turn around to see Paige's eyeroll.
"Yeah yeah, whatever. I just lost cause I was trolling too hard"
Paige is a bit of a sore loser (and dramatic) so you can't resist the urge to poke a little fun at her.
"That's what you get for being a Fortnite player, cringe as hell man”
Paige throws her hands up as she retorts back,
"Dude you're literally playing fuckin League of Legends right now, you can't talk"
You finally look away for a second to grin mischievously at her, one eyebrow cocked.
"Well, at least I'm good at League-"
Not more than 2 seconds pass before Paige sticks her whole hand in front of your screen during a team fight, causing your character to die. You end up losing the game, considering the enemy team was already way ahead.
"What the hell, Paige!"
You whine, and she just grins evily in response.
"HA, what were you saying about winning??-"
You don't allow her to finish that sentence because you shove her over, standing up from the chair and knocking her onto your bed.
Paige shouts as you start tickling her sides, absolutely going in. You've got a knee on her leg to make sure she doesn't wiggle away from you.
"Yeah, so who's losing now-" You laugh, her cussing at you, trying to pull your hands away.
After a few minutes, Paige pushes you over, and now it's a full-blown battle. Your hands scramble to find her weak spots before she can find yours, and you note how her loose t shirt has risen up, a bit of her stomach out as she kneels over. You seize the opportunity and tickle just under the hem of her shirt, fingers hitting bare skin.
Paige's face blushes a deep pink as she feels your hands go up her shirt, and she grabs one of your wrists, pinning it to the bed.
"Paige!" You can't get your wrist free from underneath her, she's stupidly strong. You can't even move away because she's sitting on you now, using her free hand to tickle your neck and side mercilessly.
"I think you're the one losing!" Paige says triumphantly, enjoying the sight of you squealing.
You sneak your other hand unpinned hand into her waist, tickling her side, and she curses, grabbing that hand and pinning it too.
Breathing heavy, you're both flush against each other, her body leaning over yours, and for a second, you swear you see her eyes flicker down to your lips.
You stop moving entirely, admiring her from your position beneath her, trying to mentally engrave the way the light highlighted the honey streaks in her hair into your memory. Your eyes dart down once to her slightly parted lips before glancing up to her eyes, the expression in them unreadable.
"I- I won!" Paige gets off you in a hurry, moving away quickly to smooth her shirt down in your bedroom mirror.
"Yeah yeah whatever" You say back, hoping she didn't hear the shake in your voice. You press the back of your hands to your cheeks. They're warm.
Paige doesn't stay long after that, saying she needs to get some homework done, and you just sit alone in your bedroom after she's left, playing back the moments to yourself.
What the hell was that?
Authors Note: Thank you guys so much for the love on the first chapter <3. Paige and y/n gamer losers, this is true.
Trilogy: Part 3: here
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teapartyprincess4two · 6 months
heyyy can u pls do sfw/nsfw matt with tough gf😮‍💨😮‍💨
Tough- M. Sturniolo
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pairing: Tough!reader x Boyfriend!Matt
classification: SFW & NSFW head cannons
inspiration: request^^
warnings: some 18+ content, use of y/n, established relationship
summary: head cannons of Matt with a tough girlfriend!
For your entire life you’ve been classified using one word: tough. You’re extremely resilient, stubborn, and hardworking, and these are all qualities Matt loves about you.
☆ You refuse to ask for help, even when you desperately need it and most times Matt doesn’t even know you needed help to begin with.
☆ A flat tire stares back at you, taunting and challenging you to change it.
☆ You roll up your sleeves and throw your hair up in a pony tail, gathering the tools necessary to swap the tire out.
☆ Sweat is dripping down your face and glistening against your shoulders. “Babe? What are you doing?” Matt asks, watching tentatively from the porch.
☆ “Changing this damn tire,” you grunt, tightening the last bolt before throwing the wrench back into the tool box.
☆ You prefer comfort so your wardrobe is a mix between girly and tomboy, consisting mainly of graphic t-shirts and baggy jeans.
☆ “I’m ready,” you say, hopping off the last step as you enter the living room.
☆ Matt leans against the couch, peering behind him to catch a glimpse of you. “Is that my shirt?” he asks, getting up to examine your outfit better.
☆ “Yup. Let’s go, we’re gonna be late,” you reply, placing a cap over your straightened hair and adjusting your plethora of necklaces.
☆ “She lowkey got that shit on though,” Chris chuckles from beside Matt, earning himself a playful push.
☆ Sometimes you don’t measure your words or your tone, forgetting that you’re talking to your boyfriend and not one of your ‘homies.’
☆ When the conversation is normal, he ignores it. But when your tone meanders into rude territory, he immediately puts an end to it.
☆ “Dude, what the fuck?! I cleaned that shit yesterday! How is it already dirty, bro?” you exclaim, hands pointing accusatorially at Matt.
☆ “I’m gonna pretend you didn’t just talk to me like that,” he responds, jaw clenched. “Let’s start over, yeah?”
☆ You take a deep breath, exhaling all your anger before replying, “Babe, what the heck?! I cleaned that thing yesterday! How is it already dirty, baby?”
☆ Matt knows you threw the pet names in there for show, but he appreciates you trying, even if it is laced with sarcasm.
☆ You’re insanely strong and when you’re not at home or at work, you’re at the gym.
☆ “I’ll be back in like an hour, okay? We can order something for dinner when I get back,” you peck Matt’s check, slinging your duffel back over your shoulder.
☆ “Hmm okay,” he murmurs, delivering a quick slap to your ass.
☆ Matt’s grateful that you aren’t overly affectionate in public, mostly because he’s extremely reserved and prefers to keep your relationship private.
☆ The most you’ll do is hold his hand, hug him, or kiss his cheek. Sometimes you’ll be even less affectionate when around his friends and siblings.
☆ That doesn’t mean you don’t mark your territory though, especially when you get jealous.
☆ “Hi baby,” your voice is high-pitched and excited, a very unusual mix coming from you. You cling to Matt’s side as another girl tries chatting him up.
☆ “Hi,” he replies, wrapping an arm around you and resting his hand on your ass. He’s slightly confused, but quickly realizes you’re jealous.
☆ When you start kissing, the girl finally gets the hint and leaves. “Dumb bitch,” you grumble, pulling away from Matt slightly.
☆ He chuckles and pulls you back in, showing you he only has eyes for you.
☆ “Need help?” Matt asks from behind you, watching as you struggle to reach something from the top shelf.
☆ “Nope. Almost got it,” you reply, your tongue poking out in concentration.
☆ Matt pushes against your backside, wrapping a strong arm around your waist as he reaches over you.
☆ “Here,” he hands the item to you, watching the frustration leave your face.
☆ Arguments, although they’re few and far between, can escalate very quickly between you two.
☆ You’re both stubborn, so no matter what you always believe you’re right.
☆ Angry, hurtful words are exchanged and before you know it you’re both storming off in opposite directions.
☆ You’re not one to cry easily, but if the argument is frustrating enough the tears will start flowing.
☆ “Y/n?” Matt asks tentatively, peering into your shared bedroom to find you curled up under the blankets. Your small sniffles fill the room.
☆ A frown forms on his face as he joins you under the covers, immediately you pulling into him. “I’m sorry,” he whispers, pecking your forehead. “Me too,” you hiccup, burying your face in his chest.
☆ You’re not afraid to slap Matt’s ass, especially after he does it to you.
☆ At first he used to hate it, but now he knows to expect it.
☆ Usually you’ll sneak your hand into the back pocket of his pants afterwards, walking around like that no matter where you are.
☆ A long list of to-do’s is constantly forming in your mind, even on your days off, and you’re not afraid to get bossy so it can all get done.
☆ “Matt, you mow the lawn and wash the cars. I’ll clean the house and do the laundry,” you instruct.
☆ “So bossy,” he laughs.
☆ “Or you can just do all of it?” you suggest with a quirked brow and a sassy hand on your hip. “No ma’am, I’m going.”
☆ “Mhm that’s what I thought.”
Your tough girl attitude can sometimes get you in trouble, earning you punishments that put you in your place.
☆ When you’re together in private, Matt sees a side of you that you never show the world.
☆ You’re sweet and soft, juxtaposing the tough girl demeanor you usually display. If you ever act up in public, though, Matt is quick to remind you of this when you’re in private.
☆ “Wanna act stupid? Yeah?” He grunts, hips rocking against you at an ungodly pace.
☆ You whimper, too fucked out to respond. “That’s what I fucking thought,” his harsh words are followed by a hand wrapping around your throat.
☆ Your smart mouth is usually what gets you in trouble. “You think you look cute talking to me like that? Embarrassing me in front of all our friends?”
☆ He holds a firm grip of your face, forcing you to make eye contact as you reply with a hum.
☆ That’s enough for him to shove you into the bed, face down ass up. He slips into you without hesitation, hips snapping so harshly against your skin that the sound echoes throughout the room.
☆ “Not gonna stop until you learn your lesson,” he growls, pulling your hair into a ponytail and using it as leverage to fuck you harder.
☆ The pleasure is so good that you don’t even want it to stop, you just use your smart remarks to egg him on.
☆ Other times, your attitude travels into the bedroom and you have Matt beneath you completely overstimulated.
☆ “Y/n— fuck! I can’t anymore,” his words are choked, his eyes squeezing shut as he tries to focus on lasting longer.
☆ “Yes you can baby, I know you can” you purr, rocking your hips back and forth on his cock.
☆ Without another warning, his hips are stuttering as his hot cum paints your walls. That was his fourth orgasm and you show no signs of stopping soon.
☆ He loves teasing you because he knows you’ll get riled up enough to dominate him.
☆ He’s leaned against the headboard, eagerly awaiting your next move.
☆ You crawl over to him, situating yourself over his crotch. Instinctively, his hands travel to your hips, a firm grip pushing you down on his erection.
☆ A tsk escapes your lips, “You’re not gonna get what you want that easily, baby. You’re gonna have to work for it.”
☆ Your words put him in a trance and he’s ready to comply to your every command.
A/n: she (me) is not tuff - L.A.M.B👼🏻💗
taglist: @nicksmainbitch @sturniololovers @mayhem-72 @worldlxvlys @gnxosblog @meg-sturniolo @creamoncreamoncream2 @mattnchrisworld @sanyi5 @lustfulslxt @whicked-hazlatwhore @tworosesblackthorn @mxqdii @fawned01 @junnniiieee07 @sturniolololover @missriddle03 @k-l-a-w-s @hearts4chris @maryx2xx @biggesthat3r @herxyzblog
note: if you want to be tagged in my fanfic related posts, you can access my TAGLIST and comment 💐
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2amriize · 1 month
˚⟡˖ places they love to kiss — RIIZE
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ᡣ𐭩 masterlist
genre fluff, suggestive ?
pairing bf!riize x reader
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Shotaro is obsessed with your cheeks. He loves to caress them, stretch them, bite them, but above all, kiss them.
He often gives you hugs from behind, and during those moments, he takes the chance to kiss your cheeks.
Sometimes he just walks up to you, grabs your face in his hands, and starts showering your cheeks with kisses while you laugh. Sometimes, while doing this, he also leaves a few kisses on your nose, which he loves just as much.
“How can they be so addictive? If I could, I’d eat them up.”
I’ll always say it, but Eunseok loves to tease you. And what’s the best way to do that? Kissing your neck.
He loves to do it at unexpected moments: while you’re watching a movie at the cinema, while you’re waiting in line at the supermarket, or even when you’re having dinner with friends.
He just leans into your neck, leaves a small kiss there, and then watches how you get flustered.
“Your cheeks are red, doll. You look so cute like that.”
I mean… he’s tall, so the most accessible spot for him is your forehead. Whenever he’s near you, he’s hugging you, so he loves giving you forehead kisses every now and then. Plus!!! he adores the way you close your eyes and smile.
On the other hand, I feel like he’s also obsessed with your neck. Whenever you’re lying on the couch or his bed, and you’re leaning against him, he carefully moves your hair aside and leaves several kisses on your neck.
Wonbin loves resting his head on your shoulders when you hug, which makes your shoulders his favorite spot to kiss. It’s too comfortable for him.
He loves being cuddled up and snuggled with you. But there are also times when, after resting on your shoulder for a while, he starts leaving kisses along your shoulders until he reaches your neck, where he leaves a few more gentle kisses before hiding his face there.
he. loves. your. lips. you could say he’s obsessed with them
He could be kissing them all the time, anywhere, and in any situation. He just does it whenever he sees the chance.
Did you get something on your lips after eating? He kisses them.
Did you put on lipstick? He kisses them.
Do you look adorable? He kisses them.
Sohee isn’t very physically affectionate, especially when you’re around friends, which doesn’t bother you since you know how much he loves you anyway.
Still, you’re almost always holding hands, even if it’s just by the pinky, and from time to time, Sohee brings your hand to his lips for a kiss, which you find to be the sweetest thing in the world.
Like Sungchan, he’s tall, but instead of your forehead, he prefers to kiss the top of your head. He loves resting his head on yours while you hug, and then leaves a kiss on it while stroking your hair.
But he also has another favorite spot to kiss: your cheeks. These kisses usually catch you off guard because even he doesn’t plan them. He just feels the impulse and leans in to leave a quick kiss on one of your cheeks.
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d-targaryenshoe · 4 days
Blissful Banter- Luke Thompson
Word count: 1432
Summary: Yet a lie detector brings fun to one's connection even the truth likes to be discovered.
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Luke glanced at the lie detector machine with skepticism and amusement.
You sat across from him with a playful smile on your face.
You had been together for a little over a year, and despite your age gap—Luke being thirty-six and you twenty-five, you had developed a deep and affectionate relationship.
However, you both had a teasing nature, often poking fun at each other in a way that only made your bond stronger.
Today, you decided to put your playful banter to the test, literally, by trying out a lie detector test.
"Are you sure about this?" Luke asked, raising an eyebrow as he watched the technician prepare the equipment.
"Absolutely," you replied, your voice light with excitement. "I’ve always wanted to see if you could lie to me with a straight face."
Luke chuckled, shaking his head. "I don’t lie, love. I’m an open book."
You snorted, rolling your eyes. "Sure, and I’m the Queen of England."
The technician, a stern-looking man in his fifties, adjusted the sensors on Luke’s wrist.
"Remember, the machine will measure changes in your physiological responses," he explained in a monotone. "So try to relax."
"Easy for you to say," Luke muttered under his breath. He caught your amused gaze and winked. "Bring it on."
With the machine ready, the technician nodded at you to start.
"Okay, let’s start with something simple," you said, crossing your legs and leaning back in your chair. "Who’s your favorite character in Bridgerton?"
Luke smirked. "Benedict, of course. How can I not."
The lie detector remained steady, confirming his truthfulness.
"Really?" you asked, raising an eyebrow. "Your own character."
Luke laughed, shaking his head. "Anthony’s too uptight. And Colin is the opposite of Ben, cool, confident, and irresistible."
You rolled your eyes but couldn’t hide your smile. "Alright, Mr. Confident. Let’s see if you’re as honest about other things."
You leaned forward, your tone turning teasingly. "Do you like my cooking?"
Luke hesitated for a fraction of a second, a split-second that didn’t escape your notice.
"Of course I do," he replied, his voice a tad too enthusiastic.
The machine beeped softly, indicating a small spike.
You gasped, your eyes wide with mock indignation. "You liar! I knew you didn’t like my quinoa salad!"
Luke chuckled, shrugging. "It’s not that I don’t like it, I just... prefer your lasagna."
"Mm-hmm," you said, squinting at him playfully. "I’ll remember that next time you ask for seconds."
The atmosphere between you was light and full of affection, with the lie detector test turning into a fun game rather than a serious interrogation.
You both knew that these little white lies—like Luke’s opinion on quinoa—were part of what made your relationship so enjoyable.
"Alright, my turn," Luke said, sitting up a bit straighter. "Do you secretly think I’m too old for you?"
Your expression softened as you considered your answer. "Truthfully? No, I don’t think you’re too old for me. I love that you’re a bit older. It makes me feel like I have someone who’s mature and knows what he wants."
The machine stayed silent, confirming your truthfulness.
Luke’s heart warmed at your words, and he smiled, reaching across the table to take your hand. "I’m glad to hear that."
You squeezed his hand in return, then leaned back with a mischievous grin. "But just to keep things interesting… Do you ever get jealous when I talk about how attractive Simone Ashley is?"
Luke’s grin turned into a mock scowl. "Jealous? Me? Never." But the lie detector’s soft beep betrayed him.
You burst out laughing. "I knew it! You’re jealous."
Luke raised his hands in mock surrender. "Alright, fine, maybe just a little. But can you blame me? She's an absolute gem."
"True," you agreed, still giggling. "But don’t worry, you’re the only one for me."
You shared a tender moment, the banter giving way to genuine affection.
Luke realized that despite the light-hearted nature of the test, it was reaffirming what you both knew deep down—that you were crazy about each other, quirks and all.
"Okay, back to business," Luke said, clearing his throat. "How much did you actually know about Bridgerton before we started dating?"
You blushed slightly, biting your lip. "Honestly? Not much. I might have watched a couple of episodes before, but I wasn’t really into it until I met you."
The machine remained silent, and Luke smiled. "So, you started watching it just because of me?"
"Maybe," you admitted, your cheeks still pink. "I mean, it was worth it to understand your character."
Luke laughed, feeling touched. "That’s sweet. I’ll give you that one."
"Your turn," you said, your eyes gleaming with mischief. "Did you really think I was into you on our first date, or did you think I was just being polite?"
Luke chuckled, remembering your first date. "I was pretty sure you were into me. I mean, who wouldn’t be?"
You raised an eyebrow, clearly waiting for the lie detector’s verdict.
The machine, however, remained steady, backing up Luke’s confidence.
"Wow, someone’s cocky," you teased, though you were impressed.
"What can I say?" Luke replied, grinning. "I’ve got a sixth sense for these things."
You shook your head, as though you were smiling. "Alright, Mr. Sixth Sense. Here’s a tough one—have you ever lied to me about something important?"
Luke’s smile faltered slightly as he thought about the question.
He wanted to answer quickly and truthfully, but the seriousness of the question caught him off guard.
"No," he said finally, his tone sincere. "I haven’t lied to you about anything important."
The lie detector agreed with him, showing no signs of deception.
You smiled softly, your eyes filled with warmth. "Good. I believe you."
Luke exhaled, realizing just how much your trust meant to him. "I’d never lie to you about something that mattered. You’re too important to me."
For a moment, the playful atmosphere shifted to something deeper, a reminder of the solid foundation you had built together despite your age difference and different life experiences.
"Okay," you said, clearing your throat and lightening the mood again.
"Let’s end on a fun one. Have you ever pretended to be interested in one of my hobbies just because you didn’t want to hurt my feelings?"
Luke laughed, knowing exactly what you were referring to. "You mean like when I pretended to enjoy that pottery class?"
You gasped, your eyes wide with faux outrage. "You didn’t enjoy it?"
"The clay was all over the place, and I made a bowl that looked more like a pancake," Luke admitted, grinning. "But I did it because I wanted to spend time with you."
The lie detector stayed silent, indicating that he was telling the truth.
You giggled, shaking your head. "Okay, I’ll give you that. But I actually thought your pancake bowl was pretty cute."
"Thanks," Luke said, smiling. "But let’s stick to your cooking from now on."
You laughed, the sound warm and infectious. "Deal. But only if you promise to keep watching Bridgerton with me, even when there’s no more Simon Basset."
Luke leaned across the table, capturing your lips in a quick, affectionate kiss. "Deal."
As you wrapped up the lie detector session, Luke realized that the test, while initially just a bit of fun, had brought you closer.
The playful teasing, the honest confessions, and the laughter reminded you both of why you worked so well together.
Despite the differences in your ages, your relationship was built on trust, understanding, and a shared sense of humor.
"Well, that was fun," you said as you stood up, stretching after being seated for so long. "We should do this again sometime."
"Only if you’re ready to admit that I’m your favorite Bridgerton," Luke replied with a wink.
You rolled your eyes, as though you were smiling. "We’ll see about that. Maybe I’ll start lying just to keep you on your toes."
Luke laughed, wrapping an arm around your waist as you walked out of the room. "As long as you keep laughing with me, I think we’ll be just fine."
As you left the building, the sun setting in the distance, you both knew that the little adventure with the lie detector had only strengthened your bond.
After all, love wasn’t just about being truthful, it was about finding joy in each other’s quirks, teasing, and growing together—even when a lie detector was involved.
With that thought in mind, Luke and you walked hand in hand, ready to face whatever challenges—and jokes—your relationship might bring next.
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kryptonitejelly · 2 months
A flyboy!universe idea/drabble because of this scene. Set in flyboy, but can be read as a standalone - Jake Seresin x you ft. Seresin sibling squabbling.
This is just me clearing up and finishing off the one billion wips sitting in my drafts…. these are just moments tbh.
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Wish you were here.
Jake shoots off the text to you, telling you for what seems to be the hundredth time in that day that he wishes you were here. He sticks his phone back in his pocket, but not before taking a glance at his lock screen - a photo of you from a recent weekend where you both had gone to a flower market to pick up some blooms for home and Jake had managed to snap a candid photo of you bending down with your nose to a bouquet of fresh stalks.
“I’m sick of you moping,” Jake’s sister, Emma says as she comes into view, Layla in her arms. Jake opens his arms for his niece to which he gets an immediate response of her attempting to wriggle out of her own mother’s hold and into his. It makes Emma roll her eyes and Jake grin.
“We like Uncle Jake better don’t we,” he chuckles as the little girl secures her place in his arms and lets her head drop comfortable on his shoulder with a giggle.
“After all I’ve done for these kids,” Emma sighs dramatically in jest as she reaches out to tickle Layla’s stomach which makes her squirm in Jake’s hold.
“I’m not moping,” Jake says as Layla wriggles further into his hold, returning to Emma’s original topic of conversation, “I just miss my wife”
“Not your wife yet,” Emma corrects, but teasingly. Jake had taken to call you his wife as the wedding grew nearer - something he had easily, and happily, fallen into.
“Your wife,” Layla’s head pops up as she pats her Uncle Jake on the cheek the ruffles of her white poofy dress rustling as she moves her hand.
“That’s right princess, my wife,” says Jake as he grabs hold of Layla’s tiny arm, blowing a row of raspberry kisses into it.
It makes Layla giggle in excitement, her previous statements forgotten as she squirms in Jake’s arms.
“Has the wedding come and gone?” The sound of your voice makes Jake’s head whip up and you find yourself staring into stunned green eyes.
“Turns out the problem was easily solved,” you explain as you step forward, first hugging Emma hello before reaching out to allow Layla, who has her arms out and reaching to you, to find her way into your arms.
“You’re pretty,” she says in child-like awe as she pats your cheek gently.
“Not as beautiful as you,” you say with a gasp, doing a twirl together with Layla in your arms which earns you a child like shriek of excitement. You return to your original position, matching grins on yours and Layla’s faces only to find two pairs of similarly green eyes watching you both. Your eyes meet Jake’s and you take in the wide smile he has on his face. You pass Layla off to Emma who, reading her brother, has extended her arms to coax her daughter back into her hold.
“Surprise,” you say as Jake pulls you close to him, the front of your body flush against his, your heads pulled away just enough so that you could look at each other. Jake’s hand is resting in the small of your back.
“I would have come get you from the airport.”
“Missing the point of a surprise,” you tease, placing a palm on his chest, your hand meeting a the linen blend suit jacket he has on.
“Best kind of surprise,” Jake says before leaning forward to press a kiss to the side of your head, “but I’ll always prefer having you back earlier.”
His words make your smiler wider as you hear a pretend gag from Emma.
“You’re disgusting,” she says, as affectionately as a sister can, to Jake, her and Layla watching as Jake presses another kiss to the side of your head, before shifting you both to face the two of them with you now tucked into his side, his hand on massaging small circles into your waist.
“You’re disgusting,” is what Jake retorts in a way only a younger brother can, no matter the age.
“Are my grandchildren squabbling again,” the familiar voice of Grandma Doris sounds out as she comes sweeping into view. She’s met by two defiant sets of “yes-es” from Jake and Emma but ignores them for you instead, taking your hands as she pulls you in for an embrace, swatting Jake’s hold on you away in the process, “you look lovely my dear.”
“I was afraid it would be too simple,” you say, almost bashfully.
“Nonsense,” Grandma Doris waves a hand in the air, dismissing your concerns, “you look perfect.”
“You do,” Jake agrees, he lets his grandmother have you for a second more, but he reaches forward, gently tugging you back towards him by your waist.
“Won’t even let his Grandmother win,” is what she says to you with a smile on her lips despite the exasperated shake of her head that follows along as she releases her hold on you.
“He’s impossible,” you say with a chuckle, but only slightly bashful as Jake secures you back against his side.
“I’m not letting her go for the rest of the evening,” he informs the group matter of factly to which both Seresin women roll their eyes.
“I’m sorry you have to put up with him,” Emma says to you.
“No, we’re sorry,” Grandma Doris echos, as the two women shake their heads.
“I’m not sorry,” is all Jake supplies cheerily before planting another kiss on the side of your head.
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ak4e7a · 3 months
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sweet sugar venom — PSH (teaser)
street racer!sunghoon x street racer! reader
"pick me up and take me like a vitamin, 'cause my body's sweet like sugar venom, hell yeah..."
"so alive, i could die, give me some sweet venom..."
cw: i honestly don’t know. mentions of cheating, violence, somewhat illegal street racing. there’s no dark content lol that’s all i’ll say otherwise i might spoil something
smut cw: daddy kink, brat tamer!hoon, brat!reader, unprotected sex, creampie, spanking, spitting, choking, dacryphilia, heavy aftercare <3 ... more tbd
thank you to @karinasbaby for the sexy ass banner ... stella ILYSM my baby doll for life
taglist: open! request to be tagged so you know when i finally drop this 😋
preview under the cut, let's get this show on the road.
“Hey, Y/N! Nice wrap,” Riki says, waving his long arms at you like he’s drowning. The tall, newly-turned 21-year-old bounds towards you before tackling you in a hug that sends you almost crashing into the ground, your hands flying to tug the hem of your skirt down lest your protective younger brother scold you about not dressing for the weather. It’s a cold spring night, as proven by Riki who’s in a loose, knitted navy blue sweater and destroyed light wash jeans.
“Jeez, Riki, I just saw you yesterday, no need to suffocate me,” you grumble affectionately, reaching up to muss his black-and-silver hair before sitting back down on the hood of your car. You’ve been fond of the boy since Jungwon brought him over one day, his first new friend since losing his best friend (and yours, honestly) in a betrayal that still hurts to speak of to this day. Riki clings onto you like you’re his older sister, too, and you reckon it probably has something to do with missing his own sister back home. “You saw me finish the wrap on the car, too.”
“Yeah, yeah, but it looks good even at night! Very professional. Maybe you can wrap the GTR next?” he says, to which you side-eye him, and he adds, “I can pay you.”
“You can pay for my meals every time we go out to eat for the next three months and I’ll call it even.”
He laughs. “Okay, deal. You eat less than Jungwon hyung, anyways.”
“Why are you talking shit about me to my sister again, freak?” your younger brother demands, making his way up to the small crowd that’s starting to form around you, Riki, and Jaeyun. He looks taller today, you think to yourself, and when he comes into full view, you see that he’s riding on the back of an unfamiliar person, a tall man with a sharp jawline and a pretty nose, whose bangs droop over his eyes. He’s wearing a white tank top and jeans, with a black and blue leather racing jacket covering his torso from the chilly Seoul air.
“Well, did I fucking lie?” Riki snaps back, arms crossed. You hide your laugh in the crook of your arm, eyes locking with the man who’s got your brother draped over his broad shoulders like a backpack. He looks at you intensely, in a way that makes you feel like he’s got x-ray vision or something. What’s his deal?
“Whatever, cricket legs.” Jungwon jumps off the man’s back, shaking his hair out of his eyes. You notice that he’s yet again stolen one of your oversized hoodies. “Oh, hyung! This is my sister, by the way. Noona, this is Sunghoon hyung. He’s joining Enigma.”
He’s cute, pretty, even, and you like that. You’ve always preferred pretty boys. And up until about five seconds ago, you would have said that—even though your ex-boyfriend is a cheating bastard who deserves nothing but suffering—he was still the prettiest man you’ve come across.
But this one, this one in front of you right now, this one takes the cake. He’s got full, thick brows that frame dark almond eyes, and his cheekbones flow into his jawline in a way that makes you think his face has probably stopped traffic at least once in his life. Before you stare at him for way too long, you reach into your purse and pull out one of your mango-flavored Hi-Chews (from your personal stash) to give him. “Hi, Sunghoon. Nice to meet you. Welcome to Enigma.”
He repeats his own version of your greeting a bit too curtly for your liking, but you don’t care either way, he’ll be under your thumb in no time, just like everyone else, just the way you like. Rolling the wrapped cube in his hand, he asks, “What’s this for?”
To which you reply, “Oh, nothing. I just like candy.”
“I feel like ‘like’ is an understatement,” Riki snorts, sticking his hand in your purse for something he can snack on. You sigh and hand him your purse for him to rummage around more freely.
Sunghoon raises an eyebrow at that, but turns to you anyways. “Do you race, too? I don’t want to assume or anything.”
You give him a coy smile, translucent bubblegum-pink-manicured fingernails clicking against the hood of your car as you drum your fingers against it. “Yeah, sometimes. I’m banned from racing right now, though, until the end of the season at least.”
He cocks his head like a curious puppy, blinking slowly at you. Oh, no. He’s cute and probably doesn’t know it, but he’s definitely dressed like he knows he’s hot. “Why’s that?”
Your smile turns into a smug smirk as you answer, “Because I go too fast.”
“Fourth-gen Supra,” he muses, glancing between your bare legs at the titanium Toyota emblem on the hood that you’d had imported from Japan. For some reason, you have to resist the urge to squeeze your thighs together. “Cute.”
“Oh? And what’s your ride?”
“Beamer M8 Comp,” Sunghoon says, an air of nonchalance about the answer like it’s nothing special. It kind of pisses you off.
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fairycheol · 1 year
enhypen as boyfriends
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Heeseung is the type of boyfriend who likes to playfully flirt with you in public just to get a reaction out of you. It’s a habit he’s had since before you started dating.
But with his teasing comes his never ending urge to protect and take care of you, doesn’t matter if it’s pulling you to the inside of a sidewalk, tying your shoes for you, and making sure you are eating regularly.
And trust if he finds out you’ve skipped a meal, he’s sitting you down and personally hand feeding you everything.
Arguments between you two rarely occur and when they do happen it’s usually over something small, like forgetting to text him good morning or give him a kiss goodbye.
This man is so dramatic he once ignored you for an entire week because you mistook one of Jake’s hoodies as his (。-_-。)
All in all he just wants you to be happy with him, and he’s willing to do pretty much anything to make sure you feel that way.
Jay I think is more of a silent lover. He’s not screaming “I love you!” in your face 24/7 like some of the other members, but that doesn’t necessarily mean his love for you is any less.
He prefers showing his love for you by putting his black card to use no matter how much it may annoy you. Jay’s rich tho, so he has no problem dropping 1k dollars for you when he wants.
And while the expensive bouquet of flowers and fancy restaurant dates are nice, Jay also knows how to plan a more relaxed dinner date.
He’ll put his cooking skills to use and make a cute little picnic just for you, complete with activities like painting or stargazing.
You also didn’t hear this from me but, Jay is an extreme cuddlier. I’m talking straight up will put you in a chokehold just to keep you from getting up and leaving him in the freezing cold.
Kind of want my own silent lover Jay now ☹️
Oh lord where do i even begin with Jake.
I guess i’ll start off by saying that he loves showing you off. I’m talking will go up to random strangers in a 7/11 to say things like,
“this is my girlfriend? isnt she so pretty?” and then he proceeds to get upset if the person agrees or says nothing at all like okay 💀
Then you have to yell at him for drawing to much attention to you when you have on disney pajama pants and the first sweater you could find from off your dirty floor, but he still insists you look great.
Apart from that he’s not afraid of being affectionate in public, he’ll hug you, hold your hand, and kiss you at any given moment. He still knows when to keep a respectable amount of distance between you two, especially if you begin to show signs of discomfort.
This man would be so in love it’s actually sickening, he stares at you like you made the universe. (cue Niki dramatically gagging in the background)
The two of you are either polar opposite’s or the exact same in terms of personality but otherwise, star-crossed lovers. That’s exactly what you guys are.
Sunghoon I think is a perfect combination of what Jay and Jake are as boyfriends. He’s quiet but can get really loud with his affection whenever he wants.
Café dates are a must. He enjoys the peacefulness of sitting together drinking coffee and talking about how you’re both feeling.
I get the feeling his favorite form of physical affection is hugging you, getting to feel the warmth from your body and the way you nuzzle into his neck makes him feel all warm and fuzzy inside.
He’ll never admit this to you but he loves being woken up with kisses onto the moles that decorate his pale skin. He’s faked being asleep at least 10 times just to get some kisses and bask in the warmth of it all.
Sunoo is probably the most energetic lover out of all the enhypen members. Nothing and i mean absolutely nothing can stop him from letting it be known just how happy he is to have you in his life.
He loves any and all kinds of dates, baking dates? loves it. stay at home dates? he’s got snacks ready. fancy dates? oh he’s going ALL OUT.
Taking pictures of the two of you is another favorite of his. His camera roll is 90% just you. He tears up a little when he has to make room for camera storage cause he wants to cherish your memories together on his phone.
I think he’s also very big on keeping you well fed. He’s always making trips to the store and buying your favorite snacks so you never run out.
Physical affection is another big thing for him, he wants you to feel his love not just through his words and actions but quite literally through his body too.
He’s a perfect boyfriend.
Jungwon, Jungwon, Jungwon, our lovely leader is def a shy lover. He’s quiet but his actions speak a lot louder than words.
He basks in the warmth of your love and affection. He’s exactly like a cat, YOU kind of have to do all the work but it’s honestly not as bad as it sounds.
He lives for dates in the park, getting to walk around and find a good place to set up your picnic makes him very happy for some reason.
And trust me when i say he has fallen asleep on your lap a good number of times, but he can’t help it! he just gets all warm and happy around you.
I do think because of his leader instincts he’s very protective of you. One time you scraped your knee at the park and my guy was running around almost in tears ready to fight the pebble you tripped on.
He eventually calmed down enough to get some bandaids from a near by store and fix you up. He insisted on carrying you all the way home and was some how successful on doing so.
西村 力
He’s your concert/trip buddy. You two will go anywhere and everywhere together it kind of annoys the members but hey, young love.
He once spotted you at one of their tour stops in the U.S. and he almost lost his mind. Fans got suspicious as to why he began to pay so much attention to the section you were sitting in.
Niki likes to facetime you at random parts of the day just to annoy you, jkjk he does it cause he wants to talk with you. Being around the hyungs for so long makes him miss you and feel lonely but he’ll never admit that.
He more often then not will sneak you into the practice room to show off his dancing and will ask for your opinion afterwards.
It’s mandatory that you give him a kiss everytime he does something good or else he gets upset 😠
All in all he’s just happy to have someone to call his home away from home.
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angelsknifeprty · 3 months
What would Sadie Adler be like being the fem!eader's girlfriend? I love she🩵
sadie as your girlfriend hcs ✿⋆.˚⊹
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ways to help palestine | operation olive branch | keep eyes on sudan | haiti’s history | learn about congo
‧₊˚౨ৎ before the two of you started dating she was unexplainably protective over you. she was already very protective of the gang, leaping into action whenever there was danger. but she always seemed to have her eyes trained on you, watching like a hawk for if you were in any sort of trouble
‧₊˚౨ৎ this only intensifies when she finally gets to call you hers. you were always the first person she’d check on both in and after any danger. she’d rush to your side to protect you and make sure you weren’t too shaken up afterwards. her arm would constantly be wrapped protectively (and possessively) around your waist. when sadie was around you didn’t have to worry about taking shit from anybody, they’d have to go through her first
‧₊˚౨ৎ “you redirect that attitude to me, ‘cause if i hear another word leave that filthy mouth o’ yours, i’ll kill ya.”
‧₊˚౨ৎ she’s very generous with her death threats but to anyone who knows her or has any common sense, they know she’s not joking
‧₊˚౨ৎ despite her harsh exterior and brutal nature, she’s actually a big softie. she’s a fan of mushy pet names, calling you “sweetheart”, “angel”, “pretty girl”, you name it. and she’s not worried about calling you these in front of people. most think she’d shy away from it as she has a reputation for being a bit hot-headed and intimidating. but she holds her own well enough for there to be no doubt about whether she’s truly a threat or not, just for her to then turn around and dote on you like nothing happened
‧₊˚౨ৎ she is very possessive and loves calling you hers. what’s hers is hers and that will be known, every affectionate name having “my” in front of it
‧₊˚౨ৎ loves doing things for you, always talking about how she isn’t a fan of sitting around and not doing much. if she sees miss grimshaw is wearing you rather thin she won’t hesitate to come and take some tasks off of your hands, even though she prefers the more hands on dirty work the gang gets up to. but if it was for you, she’d do just about anything
‧₊˚౨ৎ if you aren’t already able to she’d teach you how to defend yourself, always worrying over what might happen if she’s not around to protect you. the idea of that makes her feel helpless, which she hates, so it brings her some comfort to make sure you’re capable of taking care of yourself if needed
‧₊˚౨ৎ she loves to fluster you. she is absolutely not shy when teaching you how to shoot, pressing herself up against you as she readjusts your posture and gives you directions in that raspy voice of hers. you swear she wants you to start messing up when she whispers a proud, “atta girl,” after a particularly good shot. “my pretty girl’s doin’ so good.”
‧₊˚౨ৎ you are the only person she’ll play the harmonica for. she was very reserved about it at first, nobody but her late husband getting to hear her play. but when she feels herself becoming more at ease with you she’ll occasionally let you stick around while she plays. you of course respect her and her privacy but on days where she can’t bring herself to dismiss your company, she lets you stay
“alright, you can stay, darlin’. but ya can’t laugh if i mess up, okay?” 
‧₊˚౨ৎ she is actually very upfront about her feelings. she’s quite openly vulnerable, though she wishes she wasn’t. she’s a tough cookie to break but sees the importance of being honest with you (she’s so applejack coded aaaa) and doesn’t like leaving tension in the air if you’re upset with each other or one of you is going through a hard time
‧₊˚౨ৎ will absolutely spoil you with her bounty hunting money. what better way to spend her time after chasing down crooks than giving you whatever you wanted? it also wouldn’t hurt to give you any shiny trinkets she took from the pockets of her newest catches, they wouldn’t be needing them anyway once they were behind bars
‧₊˚౨ৎ literally the best girlfriend ever, i firmly believe she devotes her every breath to doing right by you <3
a/n: i love sadie sm i wanna write for her more !! i hope you enjoyed :D xoxo
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badyan · 8 months
The clanks
"oh-…i can move, you don’t have to sit on the floor"
"I prefered it." he answers simply, not bothering himself to explain anything more than that. His metal feet clanked against each other as he sat on the floor nearby the bed where you were laying, doodling nothings in your sketchbook — the thing you have made a habit to do when you’re hanging out in his quarters while he’s busy.
And you have never seen him this busy before. Hours standing still at his workbench, staring down the poor blueprints, then pacing through the room, his steps more calculated than the clock’s clicks. Nights follow days and the first sun rays always wake you up because there’s no curtains or anything that can make this place cozy at its bare minimum — except for the soft cushions and pillows and blankets on the bed which he has gathered only for you, only because you asked, only because you wanted to spend more time with him.
The bed was giant, clearly made for two, but there wasn’t a chance in the last few days for you to feel the familiar weight sliding closer in the dark of the night, spooning from behind so carefully, his hands gently finding their rest on your waist. Something was haunting him for too long now and you wouldn’t mind waiting for him, no, never have you, but you simply started to get worried about his state — and you’ve approached him with that but was gently turned back to your rest. You knew that he wasn’t going to listen to you anyway — but you also knew you couldn’t just let him be in this alone. So, you’re staying with him for a while. Even if he barely talks to you, he could never deny your company.
And now you’re relieved to see him sitting down nearby to meditate a bit — for the first time during this whole time. You move closer to him, hand gently sliding onto the broad shoulder.
"You should take a rest now, hun…"
"I truly don’t have much time for that." he grunts, though he knows you’re right. And the constant feeling of your attentive eyes was the actual reason why he actually forces himself to set aside his work and go take a breather. Even if he can’t actually breathe nor focus on the meditation itself.
"I…understand.." you reply reluctantly, fingertips brushing along his long collarbone pistons in a little affectionate way. He relaxes his schoulders slightly, subtly giving you more room to caress, and interwhines his hands together in the meditation gesture.
You continue to glide your hand against his metal, almost trying to calm down its unusual warmth — countless hours of mulling over his duties must have caused him to overheat. Mindlessly, your fingers wander further, over his ribbed chest and up to his neck, where they stumble upon the shiny ends of his cable hair. And that soft clank of them gives you an idea.
You sit on the bed, right behind him. An unusual angle — were his shoulders and back always this wide…and somehow heartening to look at? Like you could lean on it and feel the safest in the whole world… He sit on the floor and you still have to slightly raise your hands to carefully grasp his hair, moving it all back. You can feel him flinch just for a bit and you can’t help but smile at him being startled by such a simple touch.
"What are you doing?"
"I’ll just put them up for you," you say softly, shuffling through the thick cables in your hands, feeling their pleasant weight and quiet clanking. He almost scoffs at your offering.
"There’s no need for that-"
"Hush now." you insist, hands brushing through his cables length. "I know how it feels when they start to clutter around and piss you off. Just let me help you a lil’ bit."
And he modulates a sigh, returning to his meditating posture. That’s where you take things into your own hands — and with that, you start to work. Carefully combing his hair, then parting down the center, then starting to weave some cables together in the order only known to you. Your hands go slowly, taking strand by strand so carefully, like it would hurt him otherwise — and Ramattra can’t help but to concentrate only on your movements, feeling every subtle tug and twist you made with his cords, but oh with such care, it makes his circuits warm up…
"What are you planning to make?" he asks after a few minutes of pure silence and, suddenly, you can sense something new in his quiet tone. A hint of hesitation…but in a good way. Oh, it clicks for you immidiately and you can’t help but to chuckle softly.
"Just braids" you murmur, leaning in to give him a sweet little kiss on the top of his head. Such a simple tender gesture, yet it almost makes him falter.
"Braids?..." his head tilts in confusion — and you have to grab it by the sides gently and turn back up.
"Hey, stay still! They’re gonna look great on you, trust me…" your adorable reassurance doesn’t leave him another choice but to surrender. Though, he does find himself enjoying this whole unnesessary braiding thing…Your presence so close and your gentle little hands doing some magic with his hair, these bulky cables following your lead, not without some struggling first, but still. It’s you — you’re doing something for him. You’re here, by his side, all this time…It’s enough to finally let all these irritating thoughts begone. His mind fills with nothings, sweet nothings indeed: your hands playing around with his hair and your breathing quietly making the peaceful rythm of the moment. You are with him.
Is this…the tranquility Zen is always talking about?
He doesn’t realise how long you two were sitting like this. He simply doesn’t care now — everything seems to matter less and less the more you’re tangling your hands in his cables. But eventually, you make the final tugs and withdraw from him.
"Here you go.."
"Already?" he asks too quickly, with an undertone of longing. The moment dissapears so fast, no matter how hard he hopes it to last just a little longer.
"It took me nearly an hour!" you laugh at his question, hands running down your little piece of art. Two thick french braids go from the upper corners of his faceplate down along his head, slightly resembling dragon horns which reach up laying on his shoulders where your hands carefully move them. The weaving was quite simple but made so thoroughly the ends don’t even need something to tie them up — the rubbery texture and the tight neat braiding hold the cables together without any additional knots.
"Now, turn to me."
He slowly does so, feeling how the movements of his head became freer. It feels almost like getting your body part replaced. The same, but somehow still different. He doesn’t feel like he dislikes it, he just isn’t used to the sensation, doesn’t know where to place it within his system — but when he sees himself in the mirror you brought up to his face, he understands it immideately. Love.
Not with the braids, though he does like the way they look on him. He is in love with you. That unconditional, utter feeling which makes his circuits overheat and that electric pulse go haywire till the HUD flashes with a bunch of new warnings. That feeling he thought he never ever would be able to share with someone…
And there are you, looking at him fondly, while being so busy adjusting the way the cables twist around his faceplate.
"You’re gorgeous…You already knew that, don’t you?"
"I-…" his voice stutters into a static — clearly from your sweet words — and he tilts his head slightly to admire your work. "I love it. Thank you, babe" his faceplate lowers to gently press against the crook of your neck, soft vibrations in omnicode expressing the whole of his feelings that he can’t quite place in words now, mimicking the tender kisses. And the way you slightly shy away from his touch, giggling and whining playfully that it’s ticklish — it only makes him fall for you even more, wrapping a hand around your waist and pulling you flush against his body in a tight embrace, letting himself nuzzle into your neck and get lost in your charming laugher.
A half an hour goes by unnoticed in the sweetest cuddles for the last week, accompanied by cute little pecks here and there, the soft sounds of your whispers, his quiet murmurs and the clanks of his cable braid’s ends when you playfully nudge him in the chest. Yet, suddenly, your eyes flash with an another idea and you pull away, leaving him puzzled and eager to just grab and move you back there for more cuddles.
"Now, you stay here." you lean against the wall and grab your sketchbook, opening it on the new page and biting down on your pencil, looking thoughtfully at your dear omnic, admiring the way confusion stirs within him.
"I need to capture your beauty" and you can hear him steaming from your words.
thank u for the idea, @statuetochka <з you make me feel so inspired with your art, hope this lil piece will make you smile
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homisexual11 · 7 months
Jalice SFW Alphabet
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Going off my phone for a while, I won’t be back but until then I hope this’ll hold you. Also don’t be afraid to send requests if you have any :) I’ll accept on any Cullen members or wolves but Jalice is preferred :)
TW: Mentions of vampirism… Maria
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
Alice can be affectionate, but she sometimes doesn’t show it. She loves giving gifts and such, and little physical touches. She isn’t a cuddle bug, but she’ll hold your hand, have a hand on your arm, things like that. She’s also very passionate with words, too.
Jasper is affectionate. Although he’s hesitant at first, he is definitely a cuddle bug. If you’re human, he’s obviously worried about it, always needing Alice there for support and normally keeping her right next to you, but after a while he grew to trust himself more. He’ll hold your hand, play with your hair, always have a seat for you (his lap in a non-sexual manner). I mean, you’ve seen how he is in the first Twilight movie.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
You’ve seen Alice as a best friend with Bella, but both of them? Best girl talk. Jasper does give blunt advice, but he’s also like so good to talk to about boys and shit. Alice gets you the delulu stuff unless it’s bad, then she’s honest. But also like they will do stupid shit with you as long as you won’t get hurt, and if you could have two platonic soulmates they would be it.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
Alice likes to cuddle. It’s not her love language or anything, but she does like it.
And we already know Jasper 100% loves it. Also like cuddling both of them? Either you or Alice in the middle, but you could probably convince Jasper if you tried hard enough. But normally he likes holding either one of you.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
If you were turned, they would 100% live alone with you, and maybe even if you weren’t, but it would take a lot of convincing Jasper. Everyone would have their own duties for cooking, but yes they’re both good at it. Also I feel like Jasper would be better at cooking, if you needed. (Alice could probably light the kitchen on fire on accident so she stays away.)
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
Jasper would probably do most of the talking because he’s the only one who can be THAT blunt. They would want to be platonic afterwards, but it definitely emotionally devastated both of them. But they wouldn’t have to, because Alice would be able to see that yall would stay together, so unless you end it, they wouldn’t.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
If Alice could see a future where you were together, that’s how that shit went. They don’t really marry quickly, I mean, Carlisle was the one that made them get married. So, obviously, it’s complex cause you’re three people, but if possible they’d get married to you after a while. Turning you… they would 100% wait at least three years. Keeping you young enough, but not too old. They waited until Alice said it was time from the visions.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
I cannot stress this enough. 10/10 on the gentleness scale. They could easily break you if they were still human, so yeah of course they’re gentle. Also everything with them is gentle soft love. Somewhat old fashioned too. Jasper is not a woman beater, so even though it’s old fashioned it’s GENTLE. (Help why did I feel the need to say that)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
They are huggers. I mean, Jasper is from Texas. (“I’m from Texas, I’m a hugger.” -my friends mom a couple years ago) and Alice gives a bunch of them. Jasper was hesitant at first, I mean, you’ve seen everything physical, why would this be different. But also neither of them let go first. Just saying.
(Wild card: if you were still human and having a meltdown, like Jasper would just pull you into a hug and hold you. He also knows when to calm you down or not, and if he thinks you need to cry he’ll let you cry.)
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
Jasper keeps Alice from saying it and freaking you out. But she says it quickly, obviously the first. He takes a bit longer, but he definitely said it first to you.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
Jasper doesn’t really get jealous, Alice does a little bit, but normally she just squeezes the life (ha) out of Jaspers hand or will come up to you and who you’re talking to and pretend not to be bothered and when that person is away she’ll be unbothered and happy again.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Alice’s are quick. Little pecks all over your or Jaspers face and neck. She likes nose and forehead kisses for her.
Jaspers are soft but longer as well. He likes kissing your or Alice’s lips or forehead. He prefers lip kisses, but if you kissed any of his scars? He would melt. Absolutely putty in your hands. A little hesitant at first, but when you’re gentle with him? AHH.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
I feel like Alice isn’t great around babies but when they’re older she’s better. Jasper is pretty good with children, you see it with Renesmee.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
They don’t really sleep so it’s kind of like every other time for them 🧍‍♀️ but like they have some sort of a routine consisting of the norm, and would be able to adapt to if you were a human and like had a different circumstance.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Cuddling. Reading. Shit like that. If you need to sleep, they pretty much establish a bedtime for you if you can’t take care of that yourself.
(“But yall don’t sleep!” -You
“We don’t need to, but you, sweet girl/boy, that’s a different story. You need to go to bed, honey.” -Jasper)
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
Alice is relatively open, besides the vampire thing, and with Jasper it takes a little while.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Alice is relatively patient, but she definitely has a breaking point that’s easier to reach. Jasper, on the other hand, has the patience of a saint.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
They remember everything. Well, Jasper doesn’t think he remembers everything, but if someone asks a question about like what your favorite color is or why you have a certain scar or something he’ll immediately have the answer. Alice doesn’t say anything, but she does know and remember everything you’ve told her and she knows random things about you from the future as well.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
You got a camera, and went around taking pictures of everyone in the fall. You had a plan to get a cute picture with you and them, but you all ended up falling and there’s just a picture of that. No one got hurt, but it did turn out an epic picture. Did Alice sense it coming? Somehow, no, which is part of the reason she likes it so much.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
Very protective. Do you remember in Eclipse when it says that Jasper got so many more bites because he was trying to protect her? If you’re human, it’s like that but worse. As long as you keep his heart protected and don’t break it? It’s all yours. Even if you did, it would be yours anyways—
With Alice she’s super protective as well. She knows you can deal with yourself. If a guy is flirting with you? That’s a different story. The same thing goes for her with protecting her heart.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
So much fucking effort. You saw Bella’s birthday and wedding? Yours are like that too, but more stitched to fit you personally.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
I mean Alice’s habit of constantly worrying about things in the future isn’t great, and Jasper sometimes changes other people’s emotions too much. But like…
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Concerned. I mean, they need to look put together. Alice is huge on that, but Jasper is a little less.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
Yes. They didn’t even realize it until they met you, but it’s true.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Jasper is good at braiding for some reason.
Alice loves planning your outfits so you can match.
They love taking care of you. Like casually.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
Someone who was closedminded.
Maria. (IM SORRY)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
They don’t sleep :) and don’t watch you sleep, but they like it when you lay your head on one leg their laps and fall asleep.
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colourstreakgryffin · 8 months
Can I have some headcanons on what's it like being the miya twin's little sister? Like how each act with their sis and all? (who also may or may not have a crush on sakusa hehe)
Hmmm! Okay! I’ll try this out! Been a while since I’ve even touched Haikyuu so let’s see if I remember the Miya Twins enough to write for them! Also… these pretty short tbh! Sorry! Hope, it’s okay!
Older Brothers! Osamu Miya and Atsumu Miya
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God. You think the Miya Twins being just with each other is bad enough? Nope. It’s even more chaotic when you throw their little sister into the bunch. It’s a big ball of mess and disaster
Osamu prefers you to be independent and teaches you to cook so you can care for yourself. Atsumu, on the other hand, wants you to always rely on him so he can take care of you
Hence why the twins bicker and fight over you. They have contrasting ways of treating you and it annoys both of them. Osamu is more responsible and level-headed whilst Atsumu is more wild and rambunctious. Osamu bonds with you over painting and café hangouts, Atsumu bonds with you over arcade visits and general mischief
Osamu wants his little sister to behave as a good, functional, well-mannered lady of society whilst Atsumu believes his twin is trying to control their sister and tries to encourage you to be whoever you want to be. Osamu doesn’t like his twin trying to support their sister being destructive
Like with the laidback and stern parent. You got the laidback older brother and the stern older brother. Atsumu treats you like a old friend and doesn’t mind being so open and casual like Osamu is more like a protective momma bear and wants you to never take influence from Atsumu
I swear. Osamu isn’t controlling, he just wants the best for you. He just can’t keep his twin from convincing you to go rob a store— go hold Aran at gunpoint— go have fun by pulling a prank on Sakusa
Speaking on Sakusa. Your brothers are not happy with your crush on Sakusa. You’re younger than him and he is so bland and lifeless. You deserve so much better and detaching you from this crush is one of the only times Osamu and Atsumu will willingly work together, instead of fighting over opposing views. They both agree you deserve better than their own teammate
Should Sakusa even just talk to you, Osamu and Atsumu are pouncing on him right away and trying to threaten his ass into avoiding you like the plague. It’s protective, loving intentions but wrongly executed big brother behaviour(whilst Atsumu has it worst, Osamu is as tame as possible). You wish they weren’t so protective over you…
Osamu prefers handholding where you have your own space, Atsumu loves holding by the shoulder so there is no personal space
Osamu is very proud but hides it under his mellow, strong character whilst Atsumu acts on his pride and brags. Anytime you win a reward, Osamu’s recording you getting the reward for both himself and his parents to admire whilst Atsumu is being your biggest cheerleader, loud and wildly calling out your praises
The Twins would prefer you do not watch their Volleyball match practice but do attend their official games. Having your approval and feeling your pride towards them helps make them feel unstoppable
Overall. These brothers have contrasting treatment of you but the things they share is that they love you so much, that they’ll support and adore you, that they’ll always protect you and that you’re better than everybody around you
It’s pretty cute how affectionate and lovey-dovey and cuddly these twins are to you. Atsumu will express his affections outloud and in public with no shame, Osamu prefers to do it in private, domestic locations since his self-awareness is too high and his protectiveness is as high
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sunsetrendezvous · 7 months
Hi love can you please write some enid x fem reader headcanons
Enid Sinclair Relationship Headcanons
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Summary: A brief overview of what a relationship with Enid would be like.
Note: I don’t know why my brain stopped working half way through this so I apologise if this seems lacklustre at best. I’ll probably redo this at a later date.
Congratulations, you’re now dating the personification of a human golden retriever.
I think it goes without saying that she’s very affectionate with you, more so than with anyone else.
Is almost always holding your hand, hugging you or pressing a kiss to somewhere on your face.
Whenever you let go of her hand, she’s eager to hold it again as soon as possible.
She absolutely adores cuddling with you at night. Definitely prefers being the small spoon but is happy with being big spoon too.
Enid seems like the type to hold you hostage in bed in the morning, using her werewolf strength to make sure you can’t escape from her cuddles.
Loves having dates at the carnival, going out shopping together, or doing any other type of fun activity.
You can bet that at least once per outing, she’ll be taking out her phone to take a picture of you to remember the moment, or a selfie of you both while you’re out.
Matching jewellery and clothes are a must. She likes having a little reminder of you on her at all times.
Enid is surprisingly well in tune with almost everyone’s emotions, more so if she knows them well. The second she notices something could be upsetting you, she’s there and offering you an empathetic ear and advice.
She gets even more affectionate after an interaction with her mother and seeks out your comfort and support immediately, please be sure to provide.
Overall, an incredibly wholesome with a lot of love and affection.
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wonfilms · 2 years
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warnings- mentions of food, a few tears, chan overworking himself.
a/n- this is my first fic on this blog, so i’d appreciate it loads and loads if you can reblog this post or comment ! tysm for taking the time to read this!
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chan is too selfless, you’ve come to realise. he’s always giving but he never recieves. he insists on making dinner even after a long day of training but when you offer to do the same he declines, he simply couldn’t do that to you. so why does he do it to himself? 
you know he’s exhausting himself, you’ve picked up on it more and more over the past few days and you’re worried. he’s overworking himself to a point in which he falls asleep as soon as his head hits his pillow, he gets up early and arrives home late, and you know it’s not good for him. he gets too in his head sometimes and he needs help to break the cycle before it breaks him. so that’s what you plan on doing.
he left you in bed as per usual in the morning, giving you a fleeting kiss on the cheek  while he mutters something under his breath. his dark circles were starting to show the effect the late nights were having on him. you took the day off and you’d planned on making a simple lunch for the two of you, he only had a half-day today and promised he’d come home and have lunch with you. you made sure to prepare his favourite. you’d had it for your first date at a nearby restaurant and he insisted that he preferred the way you’d make it. 
by the time you’d finished making the food it had already reached 12pm and you decided to shower quickly before you lay the table, you’d made sure to dress nicely for the small occasion. and afterwards you just waited. 
you waited for chan to come home for hours but he just didn’t come, every time you heard a small jostle at the door your face lit up in the hopes it was your boyfriend but he wasn’t there. you wilted a little reaching for your phone to call him when you saw an unread message from him , “hey, i’m so so sorry pretty i can’t make it to lunch today, could you keep it warm for me i’ll come home and eat it for dinner?″ .
you sigh, it wasn’t that you were disappointed . you were mostly just concerned, you’d thought this would be a chance to catch up and see if he’s alright, but you understood he was a little occupied , so you decided to keep yourself busy for the remainder of what was left of the afternoon, catching up on emails and reading some books that had been sat on your shelf for a while when you heard the keys turn in the front door.
and there he was in all his glory.
his hair a little tousled from the wind, his eyes droopy from staring at his laptop and a half- forced smile on his lips. 
your heart ached a little at the sight but it was undoubtedly him. 
you gave him a wave, “heya sweethe-”.  he cut you off as he made a quick beeline into your arms. your hands moved to stroke his hair tentatively as he buried his face in your neck. it didn’t take a genius to identify the fact he was crying, however hard he was trying to hide it.  it was best to not ask questions especially when people are in a fragile state, so you just held him. 
you wrapped your arms around his torso and let him sniffle softly into your shoulder. he looked up at you with wet cheeks and a  wobbly smile and you stroked his cheek affectionately. chan raised his head to kiss you and his voice cracked a little as he muttered a small thank you against your lips.  
you knew he would tell you how he’s feeling when he’s ready but for now, you didn’t need any explanations. 
you didn’t need to know why he missed lunch or why he stopped smiling lately, and you didn’t need to know what was really wrong.
all you needed was for him to know that you’ll be by his side until he wants to open up and let his feelings develop into words. you’ll be there until he can tell you how you can help him.
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