#preliminary skate test
yaoigoddess9158 · 5 months
Took a figure skating level test today, may or may not have failed.
Idk Ig I’ll find out in a couple days…..
(if I don’t post or repost for a month straight I failed)
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doomduck · 11 months
Worked on back spin again with Mark today. It still feels like garbage but Mark said it was improving.
We also started doing figures! For some reason. They will be fun once I get my head around them I think ^_^
Tried to get the loop working via skate guards and Elias. Which was an interesting experiment. Can I do it? Yes. Away from the barrier? Ah nope.
Sit spin was not sitting or spinning
Mark said to aime for elementary pattern test start of next year. And preliminary program towards the end of the year.
I'm not progressing anywhere near as fast as I would like. But I am progressing.
The main issues are hip lift/weight stacking and finding the right spot on the rocker. Which is partly an experience i think.
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passed my preliminary pattern test for skating tonight 🥰
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figureskatingguide · 7 months
Blog post #11
Description for video #4: Welcome to my channel! I make videos for beginner skaters or basically anyone who wants to try skating. Have you ever wanted to start skating but didn’t know where to begin? Follow along my videos to help you get started. If there is also a skating skill you want to learn, be sure to comment it down below
 In this video I’ll be explaining how to do forward inside and outside edges and covering why they’re important. These are one of the moves you need to have in the pre-preliminary moves in the field test (Along with backwards edges as well).  You ideally want to do 4-6 edges on each foot depending on your height (If you’re really tall do 4, if you’re really short do 6). You need to have a strong outside edges in order to do many skills such as crossovers, stops on the ice, 3-turns, and more. Your inside edges should be strong for certain skills as well. Edges are a really important skating skill you should learn if you want to do skating professionally and competitively. Strong edges also help you develop more speed and power on the ice. 
*Must add explanation on what edges are, how to tell them apart, and why they’re so important 
Difference between the edges: 
 Inside edge: The blade that’s between or on the inside of your skates. 
Outside edge: The blade on the outside of your skates. Outside edges play a role in outside three turns which are crucial to spinning. 
In this video I will cover:
-The difference between inside and outside edges
-How to do the edges 
-Tips and tricks to master the edges 
-Why the edges are so important 
Need protection?
Butt pad link: 
Thank you for watching this video! If you enjoyed it be sure to like and subscribe
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fantastic-rambles · 4 years
Sk8 Analysis: Adam’s Search for “Eve”
I’m tired of seeing all the hate for Adam, so... here’s some more non-hating-Adam content in which I try to relieve some of the pressure of my latest obsession. This isn’t meant to be a justification of his behavior or anything, just my own thoughts and theories on his character.
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To me, his driving force is his love for skating. I honestly believe that he loves skating more than anyone else does, and more than anything else: his speech when he’s starting the quarterfinals of the tournament seems to suggest that/be a bit of a “humble brag” when he says that he’s trying to figure out who loves skating the most... because pretty much everyone knows that he’s #1 and the likely champion. Then there’s also all the times when he’s put off work in order to skate or immediately gone to the course after returning from a trip. So when he’s skating, he wants to enjoy himself to the fullest, which means that he needs a real rival, someone for whom it is not a foregone conclusion that Adam will win if he goes all-out. Which is what he’s looking for in his search for “Eve.”
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Of course, the logical starting point in examining his character is his past. We do see that he has some typical “innocent childhood”-looking memories with Tadashi, who taught him how to skate, as well as good times with Cherry and Joe when they were teenagers. There was definitely a time when he was sincerely happy and didn’t engage in his current level of high-risk behavior that’s traumatized and injured a number of his opponents. But even then, it seems pretty clear that he’s on a different level than the other skaters: when Cherry and Joe first meet Adam, they have a skill test/challenge in which Cherry and Adam both jump over a stack of skateboards. While Cherry just barely clears the stack, Adam jumps over it with plenty of room to spare, which sparks the start of Cherry’s admiration for him.
But it does seem like Cherry and Joe are the two skaters who can best keep up with him, so they spend a lot of time together, and Adam even lets them see his face, telling them that they’re “special.” At that point, they were all still growing and improving, probably by competing with each other, so they had not yet reached their full potential/maturity as skaters. Even though Adam seemed to be their de facto leader since he was the most skilled and drew the admiration of everyone else, I think that he wanted them to improve until they could challenge him on equal footing, to help him also improve and enter a new frontier of skating together.
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But between then and now, something changed, and all we know is that Tadashi blames himself for it, and it’s something that Cherry (and maybe Joe) doesn’t know or understand. Adam became obsessed with finding his “Eve,” the person who could be his equal in skating, and he became much more aggressive/desperate in searching for that person. When he finds someone who he thinks has the potential to keep up with him, he tests them to see if they love skating as much as he does (if they do, they won’t be scared to come back and challenge him) and whether they can keep up with him. And if he thinks that they really are “Eve,” he invites them to the world that he sees, when his eye goes all rainbow-y and he pushes both himself and his opponent to the edge. However, when he does that with one of his prospective Eves, the guy goes off a cliff, disappointing him and shocking Cherry and Joe.
So then, coming back to the present, how does he treat his opponents? It’s based on what expectations he has of them with regard to their likelihood of being “Eve.”
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Starting with the one for whom he has the least expectations: Cherry. Usually, before a race, Adam will banter with his opponent and generally be kinda obnoxious, but he clearly has no interest in racing Cherry from the very start, and he admits as much (though Cherry misunderstands why). He gives off an air of just wanting to get it over with, interrupting Cherry and Joe’s bickering before the race and the whole time, he almost never smiles. It’s not that he doesn’t smile because he’s taking Cherry seriously, or that he’s upset about racing Cherry: it’s because it’s simply not fun for him. The more serious he gets, the more openly he expresses himself with his overly dramatic protestations of love, because that’s when he’s truly enjoying himself.
He also doesn’t engage in his usual showmanship, only dancing when he’s about to pull off a move, which might simply be because the “dancing” is required to set up the Love Hug/turn his board around. The early Love Hug at the beginning was a test: both of them knew that Cherry would avoid it, but Adam wanted to see how. Would he do something unexpected, or simply stick to his “overcalculated” method of skating? But Cherry ends up disappointing him, so in the end, he pretty much smacks Cherry in the face with reality. Again, I’m not condoning his violence, but I also think it was necessary in order to shock both Cherry and viewers who believed in “the power of friendship” to show them that, yes, Adam is no longer who he was, and that he isn’t clinging to the past/his fond memories. Adam himself doesn’t seem happy about doing it, unlike when he challenges other skaters with danger/violence (his previous prospective Eve, Reki, and Langa), but Cherry needs that reality check so he can let go and move on.
What he said about Cherry’s skating being “boring” and with “no surprises” is certainly incredibly harsh, but it’s not inaccurate. Even though I love highly analytical characters who can make calculations and execute them perfectly on the fly like Cherry, I agree with Adam’s assessment. Cherry is not an amazing skater: the only reason he’s considered one of the best skaters is because of his perfect technical skill, assisted by Carla. But he can’t improvise, and more importantly, he can’t improve: he’s already reached his peak. And that’s not enough to challenge Adam: even during their race, there were times that Adam was clearly holding back even as Cherry was nailing everything perfectly. So Adam has no more expectations of Cherry. He’s long ago discarded the idea that Cherry (or Joe) could be his “Eve,” so he views skating with them as boring and a waste of time because they can’t do anything that will thrill him or let him fully express his love for skating. 
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Next, Reki. Even though Adam knows that Reki isn’t at his level, and his main motivation is to beat Reki so he can race Langa, he still takes Reki relatively “seriously.” He’s his usual, flamboyant self prior to the race, and he does seem to enjoy himself during the race. Reki is closer to reaching his full potential, but that still puts his ability far below Adam’s, so Adam gives himself a handicap so that he can enjoy himself when he goes all-out to catch up. He also tests Reki’s potential with his very hands-on/violent approach to competing, though Reki ends up being scared off by it initially. But then he recovers and even surprises Adam with his persistence, resulting in Adam trying out a Love Hug on him, which turns out to be the final blow to Reki’s confidence. But Adam can still enjoy himself because it’s a new experience and a new challenger, so he can get a breath of fresh air even though he knows Reki isn’t his “Eve.”
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Then, there’s Miya. Although it’s very briefly shown, Adam’s race with Miya during the preliminaries shows that he does have expectations of Miya. He has a cheerful, creepy talk with Miya about how he’s loved all of his opponents--not, in my opinion, in a romantic way, but rather because without them, he cannot fully enjoy the thrill of skating if he’s just skating “alone”--and during the race, he dances on his board throughout as he leaves Miya in the dust. Adam does seem happy when he says that it’s their first time racing together, because that means it’s a new experience for him. But he doesn’t test Miya’s potential to be an “Eve” with his usual grabbing him and forcing him to dance together because he believes that Miya hasn’t reached his maximum potential yet, as shown when he says that he won’t “love” Miya until he “blossoms beautifully.” So he does expect good things from Miya eventually, but he won’t race Miya seriously at this point: perhaps later, Miya could become an “Eve” for him, but not right now.
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Then, finally, he has his eyes set on Langa, who is currently the closest to his ideal of “Eve.” Of course, he is aware that Langa is practically a complete beginner since he’s been watching Langa from the very start, but at the same time, Langa has so much raw potential that it excites Adam, so much so that he’s not willing to wait for Langa to fully mature as a skater. Even before the race starts and he becomes convinced that he’s found “Eve,” he shows up with a bouquet of red roses to proclaim his “passionate love” for Langa (AGAIN, NOT ROMANTICALLY), which is completely over the top compared to when he skated with anyone else and shows just how excited he is about skating against Langa.
During the race itself, he clearly respects Langa for wanting to start at the same time despite the very obvious handicap it gives Langa. Everyone else thinks that Langa is insane or stupid, but Adam seems pleased by it--because Langa is rising to the challenge and trying to fight him on equal terms. Yes, Adam holds back during the race because he knows that if he was serious, he would crush Langa (competitively, but not spiritually), but he also wants to see what Langa is made of. Initially, he seems disappointed when Langa is hanging back on the straightaway, which is a “safe” play suggested by Cherry that can’t beat him. But when he tests Langa by grabbing him and throwing them into a spin, not only does Langa not give up, but he actually challenges him back: pulling closer to increase their spin speed while smiling, which Adam is clearly delighted by. Then when he tries the Love Hug, Langa surprises him and exceeds his expectations by escaping it, even though he’s basically still a newbie. And escaping it not by dodging/running away like Cherry did, but by driving straight into Adam and flying over him. He’s willing to take risks and possibly fail, to do things that others don’t expect: a trailblazer for a new era of skating, like Adam (who developed a way to “skate uphill” and “pull off a Love Hug in a turn,” which everyone thought was impossible until he did it).
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So Langa has everything that Adam is looking for in a rival: a love for skating that can’t be crushed by anything, a desire to challenge himself against opponents who should be above his ability level, and the potential to exceed Adam’s expectations and become a skater who he might even lose against. So Adam invites him to his world with the rainbow-y eye and is very clearly disappointed when they’re interrupted by the police. At that point, Langa isn’t at the level that he can actually fight on an equal footing with Adam, but it seems that he’ll be there soon, and that’s why Adam “loves” him so much and considers Langa to be his “Eve.”
He’s not looking for a romantic or sexual partner in “Eve,” but someone who can create a new world together with him: someone who can keep up with him, show him fresh possibilities, and breathe new life into what he loves more than anything else (skating). He doesn’t just want a crowd of fans who admire and cheer for him, for all that he enjoys the limelight and is incredibly flashy. He wants an equal.
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just-stop · 3 years
From AFLW to roller derby, experts say its time to take concussion in women's sport seriously
When the Crows chase their third AFLW premiership on Saturday, captain Chelsea Randall will be watching from the sidelines.
A concussion from a collision during last week's preliminary final left her ruled out of the match.
It's a bitter sweet way to end a season — but as Sarah McCarthy knows, a concussion can have much longer consequences
In 2016, Sarah was the jammer for her Sydney roller derby team, skating at high speed in the league's Grand Final, aiming to get past the opposition and score points.
Risks of contact sport
Sarah McCarthy received a knock to the head during a roller derby match.
"I was a few feet in front of the pack, looking over my shoulder," she tells ABC RN's Sporty.
As she skated, a competitor's elbow hit Sarah's neck and jaw hard and she crashed to the ground.
She doesn't remember if she passed out or not, but recalls feeling briefly sick.
She got up, sat out for awhile, but later re-joined the bout, feeling reasonably ok.
It was Sarah's second concussion that week, having had an earlier blow at training.
The next few months passed in a blur of sickness, dizziness and ringing ears.
"I could barely make it past lunch time without falling asleep. My head felt like it was in a vice 24 hours a day," she says.
What was worse, says Sarah, was the memory loss, heightened emotions, and constant haze in her mind as she struggled to manage a big work project.
Sarah's experience is not out of the ordinary. Experts say sportswomen are at higher risk of concussion than male athletes, and the effects of concussion in women tend to be more severe.
Sarah still lives with the ongoing after effects of her concussion even today.
Almost five years on, Sarah continues to live with the implications of Post Concussion Syndrome.
"I struggled verbally, and I still do now if I have a poor night's sleep," Sarah says.
"It's almost like I'm sitting on a chair in a room with a curtain around me and all of my vocabulary is just beyond the curtain. And I can't reach it or I use the wrong words. I forget people's name all the time," she says.
"I'm fatigued every day. I still can't exercise. I can't handle stress, I can't handle light, I can't handle sounds."
What happens when you're concussed?
Dr Adrian Cohen, an emergency and trauma physician who researches concussion prevention, says concussion is not as simple as was once thought.
He says concussion results in less blood flow to the brain.
This means brain cells, called neurons, don't get enough oxygen and glucose. They also suffer a "structural deformity".
Basically, Dr Cohen says, the brain has a "metabolic crisis" and neurons stop working properly.
Why is concussion more common in women?
We don't have enough data on the size of the problem, Dr Cohen says.
But research and scrutiny of concussion in women in sport is growing — largely in the wake of developments in elite men's sport such as the AFL and NFL.
"Doctors like myself who work in this area are definitely seeing it more often and we're seeing it with more severity," Dr Cohen says.
He says women sustain more concussions than men in high-impact sports such as rugby league, rugby union and Australian rules football. Women also take longer to recover.
One possibility is that women may be more likely to report concussion.
But Dr Cohen says there are complex physiological factors at play.
"There are structural differences between men and women's brains," he says.
"They actually have a slightly faster metabolism than male brains, and they have slightly greater oxygen flow to the head.
"The cells themselves can be thought of as being slightly hungrier. So in the context of an injury that disrupts the supply of glucose and oxygen, it can help explain why they suffer more damage."
He also says women are joining high impact sports without years of tackle training and have had less opportunity to build up the strong neck muscles crucial in protecting against impact.
Dr Cohen says these factors are not an argument for reducing women's participation in contact sport — the benefits, he says, far outweigh the risks — but he is urging for new ways to minimise those risks.
"We have to outlaw illegal play that causes damage, we have to get people off the field when they have an injury, we have to recognise concussion," he says.
He is part of a team developing a new device which he says can quickly and accurately assess a player for concussion.
"Instead of just asking somebody whether they're okay, and putting [them] through a 10 minute test, which seems fundamentally flawed at the moment, we have got to put this in the field of objectivity."
Concussion and migranes
Dr Rowena Mobbs, a Macquarie University neurologist who researches and treats the effects of concussion in sportspeople, says there is truth to suggestions that women experience concussion symptoms more severely.
"But there is this really important overlap of chronic migraine after trauma, and the term for this is post-traumatic headache," she says.
"When we talk about migraine ... they're the same multitude of symptoms that can occur in concussion.
"So you can be dizzy and clouded in your thinking, lethargic and have double vision. And we know that women are at three times the risk of chronic migraine than men."
A woman on roller skates playing roller derby can be seen flying up the court.
Experts say more research is needed into concussion in sportswomen.(Liam Mitchell Photography )
She suggests there could be an association between chronic migraine syndrome and concussion, a kind of double whammy for women.
"It's really a complex area," Dr Mobbs says.
"It's fairly new to research because, unfortunately, there's been so much preferred research in men in sport, and we're only just now approaching female concussion."
In Australia, the Sports Brain Bank works on diseases such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy (CTE) and other brain disorders associated with previous concussions or head impacts.
Dr Cohen says there are several Australian sports women who've pledged to donate their brain to the Sports Brain Bank.
"But in general terms, these women won't have been playing the games for as long, and at as high a level," he says.
He says concussion and its long-term consequences "are a numbers game".
"The more impacts to the head you have, the more likely you are to suffer short, medium and long-term consequences. Therefore, the more likely it is to show up as CTE. But we're going to be seeing it in women unfortunately, in the not too distant future."
Invisible injuries
Concussion rules are changing in Australian football codes — the rules that mandated Randall miss the AFLW grand final were brought in earlier this year.
Dr Mobbs welcomes these new rules, but hopes the conversation in elite sport will extend to how concussion is managed at training and in community sport.
In 2019, the Australian Institute of Sport released an updated set of concussion guidelines to improve player safety and address rising concerns in the community around the links between concussion and CTE, which has been linked to dementia and behavioural problems.
Dr Mobbs wants measures like restricting heading the ball in soccer training to be considered.
"We must look after people's brains," she says.
"We can preserve what we love about the sports, they can still be played hard, but it just means that we've got to all get together and think of ways we can preserve brain health for these players."
Sarah McCarthy wishes she'd been stopped from returning to play in the 2016 grand final, and regrets not taking time to immediately rest after the injuries.
She has advice for other people who experience concussion.
"First and foremost, stop everything - stop," she says.
"If you can, stay in a dark room, don't do anything that's too mentally taxing. Don't exercise.
"If I had taken that four to six weeks to rest [and] not have too much mental and emotional stimulation, I think my recovery would have been a lot quicker."
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smileforfelix · 4 years
summary: in which park jisung falls off his skateboard and you're the only one to witness it
words: 1.5k
category: skater boy!jisung x fem!reader, fluff, like one curse word (if you count hell), mild injury (not described really)
a/n: this is like the first thing i’ve written that’s not a drabble so sorry if it’s literally all over the place. it’s inspired by prompt #362 from @creativepromptsforwriting​: 'They only realized they were holding hands the entire time, the moment they had to let go'. so please enjoy!
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the harsh led lighting hurts your eyes as the bumpy road jostles your body around in the tiny bench on the side of the ambulance. lying in the middle of the car is a boy that you met approximately 10 minutes ago, and now you're riding with him to the hospital. it still puzzles you why you agreed to go with him when the emt asked, hell, you're still having trouble processing how he ended up in this ambulance in the first place.
. . .
earbuds blasting noah taylor (or whatever music you listen to), distracted by your instagram feed while walking home from school. consequently, the only thing you were aware of was the sidewalk beneath your feet, trying not to fall onto the concrete and hurt yourself. normally, the walk home was uneventful, despite the fact that the route home takes you through the plaza outside the strip mall in town. however, on this particular day, something happened that you would probably never forget. you see, this particular plaza has a lot of benches and fountains and stairs in it that made it difficult to walk through if you didn't know where you were going. nonetheless, after 3 years of taking the route, its safe to say that you no longer really need to pay attention to what's in front of you and just keep walking to get home as fast as possible to greet your cat. and, on this burning hot day, you were to preoccupied to see (and hear) the cute boy with the bleach blonde hair hurtling towards you on his neon orange skate board. 
fortunately for the both of you, your best friend's name popped up on your phone and you stopped to pick up the phone, preventing you from walking the foot forward that would cause you to collide with the boy. regardless, you felt the woosh of air that came with him hurtling past you, and you looked up just in time to see the boy's wheel get caught on the bench that came into his route when he swerved to avoid you, and get thrown off his board and down the short flight of stairs onto the sidewalk. 
looking around, the plaza appeared to be deserted, not unusual since it was 6:00 pm and most kids were at home eating dinner by now, and since you felt like it was kind of your fault he crashed, you hurried down the stairs to make sure he was okay. "hey, are you okay?" you ask while on your way, but no reply comes. thinking he's probably just disoriented you shrug it off, but he hasn't moved at all since he fell off his board. finally reaching him, you shake his shoulders, repeating your question. when still no response comes and he doesn't seem to be waking up or moving, you start panicking. "oh my god, uh what do i do, what do i do?" flows out of your mouth once you start panicking that maybe this, objectively very handsome, boy is not gonna wake up anytime soon, and maybe he's not okay. after all, he did fall down a flight of concrete stairs and probably hit his head somewhere at the bottom. "what's the logical move here? think (y/n), think. who do you call when someone gets hurt? ghostbusters 911!" dialing the 911, you keep your eye on the boy to make sure you know what's going on. "911, what's your emergency?" "there's this boy here, and i think he hit his head pretty hard, and he's really not moving, but there's not much blood and i really don't know what to do" you rush out to the dispatcher. "alright miss, stay calm, everything is going to be okay. can you tell me where you are?" "um yeah, yeah, i can. uh it's the, it's the shopping plaza on st. catherine, on the west side near the stairs in front of the pizza shop." "thank you miss, stay where you are and an ambulance is on it's way to you. it'll be there in about 8 minutes."
not really knowing what else to do while waiting for the ambulance to arrive, you tried shaking him one last time just to make sure he wasn't awake. upon receiving no response, you took out your phone and texted your mom, letting her know of the situation because she was supposed to be home by now. in the middle of her phone call, she heard a groan from next to her and you look over to see the boy open his eyes slowly, rubbing his forehead and looking around. "oh my god, are you okay?" "um actually, what happened?" the boy asked drowsily, still coming to his senses. "uh well, uh so you fell off your skateboard and down the stairs. i guess you hit your head pretty hard at the bottom. i was the only one here, so i called an ambulance. it should be here soon." you answered, letting him know of the situation. "oh. well thanks, i guess. uh but do you know where my board is? it's brand new and my mom is gonna kill me if i broke it." he says with newfound urgency in his voice. "i just told you you were going to get in an ambulance and your response is to make sure that your board is okay?" you exclaimed with surprise. "just stay there and don't move, i'll go get your board. it's up on the plaza." you explained. running up the stairs, you retrieve the orange board which, by some miracle, is in one piece and perfectly functioning. "thanks. what's your name by the way?" he asks. "i'm (y/n)." you reply "jisung. thanks for calling the ambulance and not just leaving me here." he adds while reaching for your left hand to shake. just as you introduce yourselves, the ear-piercing screech of the ambulance's sirens is heard and the ambulance comes into view not ten seconds later. the medics get out and hurry over to you and jisung, ensuring that he's okay and doing some preliminary exams. "it looks like we're gonna have to take you to the hospital do some more tests, just to make sure you don't have a concussion or anything else is wrong." the medic says, directing his words toward jisung. "will you be riding with us to the hospital, miss?" he asks you, raising an eyebrow. "ummm," you hesitate, but after looking at jisung and seeing the scared and pleading look on his face, you give in, deciding that since this accident is kind of your fault in the first place, you should see it through to the end. "yeah, i'll ride along with him." you stay with jisung as he's lifted in a stretcher to make sure nothing happens to his head, and sit by his side in the ambulance.
. . .
and that is how you found yourself here, in an ambulance with a stranger, not really knowing what to do next. you texted your mom the situation and how you ended up riding to the hospital as well. you remembered that you hadn't seen jisung text or call anyone, and just as you were about to ask him, you look up from you own phone to see the medics drilling the poor boy with questions, and you decide that maybe, just maybe, this isn't the right time to ask anyone anything. the bleach blond hair that covered his forehead and a little of his eyes, the cute nose scrunch he would do when the medics got too close, the brown eyes that were looking at you- wait, at you? you lock eyes and raise an eyebrow, causing his eyes to widen and his head to turn away. giggling at the boy, he was cute after all, you go back to scrolling on your phone with your right hand until the ambulance stops and you realize you were at the hospital. you get out of the ambulance alongside jisung, making eye contact with him and nodding to reassure him. "miss? i'm going to take him to his room now." the nurse said at the hospital. confused as to why she was informing you, you just nodded your head, and agreed. "i'm going to need you to let go of his hand, miss." he said, looking at you exasperated. blushing, you realize that since you and jisung have shaken hands waiting for the ambulance, you never let go. you slowly release his hand and watch as they take him down the hall to his room. turning away, you call your mom to tell her that everything is done, and ask if she can come pick you up. when she arrives, among the chaos of the emergency room, you leave the hospital thinking about the cute boy on the orange skateboard that just made a boring wednesday one of the most eventful days of your life.
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short-story100 · 3 years
am William, and I woke up on a beautiful Saturday morning with a cool breeze blowing through the windows. As much as the morning was adored with beautiful sky colors, I still had mixed feelings about my new school, not about the weather. This worries me because I still love my former school, but time flies and one must skate high in levels and achievement whether I like it or not. At the same time, I'm curious about how my new school will be. The school was founded on a sole proprietorship by my mom before being handed over to the government due to a lack of funds to run it. It has also held the title of best high school in the state for the past nine years. It is, indeed, the school of every child's dreams. They go on excursions within their own country as well as to neighboring countries, national parks, and so on. And, by August of this year, they'll be visiting the National Museum to see long-standing evolution on display. Model High School is, without a doubt, every child's dream school. As much as I want to go there, I'm also wondering if I'll be chosen as one of their students. Will I be able to pass their preliminary entrance examination? Will I be able to pass the main entrance examination, let alone be admitted? These are the issues I ruminate about until Dad came for a morning prayer at my door. As usual, Mom pray to pray one at a time, in offices and in the classrooms. After the prayers, dad jokingly commented that you seem more enthusiastic about getting this admitted in his newly proposed school because of the way you are committing both living and non-living things in the school to prayers, we all laughed, then she panted my cheek and said, "I can't wait to see my boy in those elegant beautiful plaid fabric polyester viscus uniform". . When I heard this, I was tempted to ask, "Was she trying to change my school because of the uniform?" But, of course, she wasn't. Then dad came over to sit by my side on the chair and asked if I wanted to say anything, given the fact that he had an intuition skill of knowing if you had bottled words you wanted to say. Finally, I told my parents that, while I was excited about attending the best school in the state, for me, I had a second glance about whether I would be able to meet their requirements because, according to what I had heard, their cut off mark is 75% at the preliminary entrance level and 70% at the main entrance examination level. Also, if you do not meet the aggregate of 80 percent, you will be placed on probation for a period of time You will most likely be demoted to a lower class and, if your score falls below 50%, you will be withdrawn. To be honest, these figures scare me, even though I'm not your average student, but I'm skeptical. Dad, still holding my hands playfully with a more devoted affection, then said, "You remember, February 15, 6 years ago?" At this point, even Mum was curious about what happened on that day. Then she said, your teacher summoned your mother and me to a private meeting in her office, saying, ‘she didn't think you'd be able to move on to the next class, and I'm afraid if he doesn't meet the required grade, he might have to repeat his class for another year', but here you are today, best student in two different sessions at the same school, and you represented your school in the intrastate academic competition and came third while Model High School came first. Do you know that the most difficult examination or test is not the one you passed or the one you will face at entrance examinations or promotion examinations, and it is not even the American Mensa admission test, California bar exam, or chartered financial analyst examination? However, the most difficult I've encountered thus far is one of mindset. When you allow yourself to be overcome by self-defeat, it may be difficult to answer even the most basic question posed to you. You must shift your perspective and mindset from one of "I can't do it" to one of "I will definitely scale through; I will pass this examination with determination I will pass." You have to remind yourself of that from time to time,' mum added, ‘remember Gabriel your immediate senior who also changed schools to Model High School, he is now doing well and fine, at this time, I felt something bubbling inside me, lighted up and anxious to participate in the preliminary and main entrance examination. Nonetheless, my mother was always present to ensure that I was not overconfident, and that I did not abandon my studies. My Sunday night sleep was like a kilometer of stop and wake intersections. I start imagining how the school will actually look, the entrance beauty alone will be as beautiful as my former school assembly, I can't wait to meet new friends, faces, and also see Gabriel and Sophia, my old friends from my previous school. I remember dreaming of Gabriel throwing his arm over my shoulder, talking with me as we walked down the schoolyard, as if we were going to meet others in the class. I'd wake up with a smile and go back to sleep. I also had a short nightmare in which I saw the principal snarling at a student and telling me, "We can't find your papers, they're not complete," which shocked me. Not long after, he told me to step aside for the next person in line. I awoke worried and terrified, and I dashed to my cabinet to see if there was a missing document among my files. As I was checking, my mother came over and asked, "What are you doing at this time of night, why aren't you in your bed sleeping or probably studying?" I then narrated my dreams and the night mare with a serious expression on my face, only for her to burst out laughing and then stop to prevent me from feeling embarrassed or too childish, and she said it was all a result of my anxiety to get into the school and not something to take seriously, and that your father and I checked and arranged the documents and filed the necessary documents that had been updated at the school webpage. She then assists me in placing the document back in the cabinet while holding my hands back to bed, reminding me of our discussion yesterday to tell myself I will pass the exam; I will scale through, she said kissing my cheek as she walks away, telling me to have a good night's rest and a blissful dream. My alarm went off at 6 a.m., and my mother came over to see why I had allowed the alarm to continue ringing, only to discover that I had been in the bathroom before the alarm even went off. She turned it off to finish her chores. As usual, I completed my morning chores and prayed in the morning. At 6:40 a.m., a heavy downpour began, and I immediately concluded that it would not last. I ate my breakfast of tea and bread in a hurry, dressed up, and prepared for the 9 a.m. examination. Surprisingly, the rain was still falling at 7:45 a.m. I was already fussing about why this was happening today when my parents didn't have a car; mum was busy organizing her office items while dad went out to find us a ride. Fortunately, the rain stopped and began to subside around 8 a.m., leaving the road with fog, though not thick enough to obstruct visibility. Instead of the usual 20 minutes, it took about 40 minutes to get to school. I alight first from the taxi cab at the school gate, while dad waves goodbye as he continues on his way to work in the cab. Unknown to me, a black Roy Royce was approaching to park, and as I stepped out of the cab, I was splattered with water on my feet. I was enraged when two hugging muscular men exited the car with a boy. I could tell they were bodyguards for a politician or businessman's son. When he got out of the car, he snarled at me, saying, "What the fuck are you doing here?" I was perplexed when my mother later discovered she had made a snarky comment I couldn’t figure out. We wasted no time in getting clean at the school's entrance tap and was directed to the hallway for the preliminary entrance examination. At the entrance, two security personnel will stop and search to ensure that no malpractice or inappropriate objects enter the examination hall. The examination was divided into sections A and B, with section A consisting of 100 objective questions and section B consisting of two theory questions, all of which were completed in three hours. I decided to take a walk around the school after the exam because I had been told that only those who passed the preliminary entrance exam would be eligible for the main entrance exam. . It was at this point that I noticed how beautiful and fortified the school was beyond my expectations; it was adorned with various types of flowers such as roses, hibiscus, tulip buttercup, and long-standing trees. Two days later, my mother received a text message on her phone asking her to go to the school website to check the preliminary examination results. Mum checked my result but remained silent; I was anxious, worried, and anticipating, and my mind was racing with questions such as, "Did I pass?" Why has she remained deafeningly silent? How can she just call me at home and break the news to me without telling me my score, grade, or hope? I desperately need an answer. I then begin remarking myself in my imagination, marking the majority of my actions correctly and only a few incorrectly for as long as I can remember. Finally, I come to the conclusion that I will receive no less than an 85 percent. Not long after, at half pass three, she appeared with such joy on her face that her grin makes me smile as a positive sigh to justify the accuracy of my imaginative score and grade. And when she told me I passed, I screamed like a punctured inflated balloon, jumping on her and hugging her even tighter. I then asked her why she didn't tell me over the phone and just break the news; in any case, what's my score? I inquired. Then, without pronouncing, she dramatized the score with her lips, and all of a sudden, she screamed it loudly, saying 87 percent. I was overjoyed and hugged her once more. She goes on to say, "I had to branch out in the school to get study materials that will be useful for the next exam, as instructed on the school web portal." And here it is; you will begin it tonight because the next examination is in two days. Without wasting any time, I began studying, memorizing, and so on. Mum was a great source of support and encouragement as she kept checking and assisting at critical junctures. Two days later, I was dressed for the exam, and on the way to school, the taxi cab we boarded had its tyre punctured and thus deflated. Mum and I were very concerned and felt a little sympathy for the taxi driver, so we boarded another taxi cab right away. I was nervous as I got closer to the gate, checking back and forth to make sure no car or vehicle splashed water on me this time. For the main entrance exam, we were directed to a different hall. This examination was divided into written and interview sections; however, one surprising aspect of this examination was that we were few in number and that the results would be published in the school notice board that same day. We had to wait for about 2 to 3 hours. I kept assuring mum before the results were pasted because she seemed a little tense this time around, despite the fact that I spent most of the time playing a game on her cell phone. And when I was finally pasted and passed, she was overjoyed because my name was also among the first five on the admission list. She was simply too excited to wait and break the news to dad at home, so she called to inform him that I had been admitted with a 76 percent score. On Monday morning, we went on a tour of the school before proceeding to our class, which was led by our ostensible class teacher. I felt a wave of relief sweep across my nerves all over my body. I had no idea Felix, who snarled at me after being splashed with mud water on my first day of school, was in the same class. I was never bothered by this because a parent's words kept ringing in my head that I was here to study and focus. Mr. Smith, who taught with a strong sense of humor and demonstrated and illustrated where necessary, began our next 1- hour class study on full fold. I really enjoyed his teaching and skills, and I was tempted to think he couldn't have anger in his emotions because of his pleasant demeanor. The next subject was mathematics, which was also an interesting class. During the break, I was able to meet new people and walk through to the school's art and gallery room, where accomplishments and some creative work were carefully and strategically displayed. I also play on a school soccer team. My study was increasing enormously and taking a positive drift toward excellence. I also make new friends and an enemy too, Felix, who never acts as if I exist in school, let alone that we are in the same class. Felix had a friend named Elizabeth who would always tell him to stop discrimination because his dad is the richest dad among the students of the school. Elizabeth and Felix are intimate friend back home, they’ve been attending the same school right from crèche, the same age, live in the same estate with their parents’ house at close range. Felix would leave his house a zillion times to read, study, play tic-tact-toe, Mine-craft, hide & seek, Ludo, and play video games. And at another time, Dr. Idris, Felix father, planned on taking his family on a picnic, museum, relaxation center, and Barbecue, Elizabeth would accompany them to make the trip more fun fill for Felix and other way round for Elizabeth too. One day, during our excursion to the country's national zoological park, we decided to pay a visit to Felix's dad, who happens to be the Chief Executive Officer of the zoo in addition to other portfolios he holds in the country, as opined by our coordinator. I wasn't all happy because Felix was giving me a horrible look, as if I had come specifically to seek desperate familiarity with his dad. I tried everything I could to hide my feelings and blend in with. We were warmly welcomed and given preferential treatment throughout our visit and exploration; he instructed his personal assistant to give us a special ticket with his signature; in fact, he demanded that we be given free access and promised to pay our bills. Elizabeth's father was offered a full-time job at Harvard University shortly after the excursion, prompting him to relocate his family to the United States, and Elizabeth was accepted to continue her studies in no time. Back in school, Felix and I were never companions in school, and if anything can ever bring us together, it would have to be classwork or class teacher instruction. Sometimes, I wonder why he behave that with some other students too. It was later I got to know he doesn’t like students of middle or lower socioeconomic class or race. He is uncomfortable being with children from the middle and lower classes. Though I happened to be the one of the middle-class citizen parent child in Felix's class, enjoys playing games and studying with the other students, with exception of Felix. Felix would prefer to be in the opponent's team against my team. Once, Mr. Donald, the class teacher, paired the students in preparation for a dance performance practice in the school. However, he paired Felix and I together and during the performance practice, Felix tactfully got me injured. This continued till something happened to Felix a month before our promotion examination. He had an accident on his bike, leaving his arm partially fractured, and to be hospitalize for two weeks and even with family support and visits from his class teacher and friends in school to create an aura of love and belonging around him, he still felt lagging behind in his study. Upon hearing of the accident, Elizabeth was sad and sent him gift and, fortunately for her, the gifts were delivered on time to Felix. Occasionally I used to visit my aunt, who happens to be a nurse at the hospital where Felix is being treated. Felix had praised the nurses for their care, and psychological support on numerous occasions, notably Mrs. Richard, my aunt for her comforting words. "Thank you for taking me as your child," he once told her. Mrs. Richard was on duty on this particular day, and I paid her a visit as usual after school before mum come around to pick me up, but this time she decided to take me around the facility during her break though she had to persuade me to visit Felix's room, and was even surprised Felix consented to me entering his room even though I wasn't interested initially. For the rest of the day, he was gloomy, and later requested to see me, but I had already gone home. And the following day, Mrs Richard informed me that Felix wanted to meet me. I was surprised and hesitant to visit him, but she encouraged him to meet him. When Felix sees him, he tries to get out of bed, despite the pain of his bandaged arm, and then begins to plead to me, begging him to forgive him for how he had been treated me, with little or no regard for. I did manage not to tear at point even though I felt emotionally moved. I then added, "I've forgiven you despite the fact that you wronged me by portraying me as inferior," and we both hugged. Felix then requested that his brother bring him the gift Elizabeth had sent him, and he presented one of the gifts to me. This astounded me, and a new relationship blossomed between the us. Each time I paid a visit to my aunt, I would also pay a visit to Felix, supporting him with his notes, and we would read, study, and play together.
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fuckstudy · 5 years
Hey, I find that you're really practical when it comes to giving study tips, so how can I study effectively if I absolutely don't have the time to make notes?
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Thanks anon! Been a while since I’ve answered some asks so here we go:
Despite what studyblr thinks, it’s entirely possible to study without making comprehensive, picture-perfect notes beforehand (though it that helps you by all means go ahead! + the caveat being what one defines as “effective” is up for debate: is effective studying = A in an exam? Or passing an exam you thought you would fail, even if it’s by 1%).
I think that people forget that the act of “writing notes” is, in itself, a studying strategy. So if it works for you and if you have the time for it - great! If not, dw you’re not going to fail.
Step 1: Find out what you’re going to be tested on
Firstly, it’s important to understand what you’re going to be tested on and how you’re going to be tested. Are you going to be examined on everything you’ve covered in the semester? Or only parts of it? Are some topics going to be skipped because you’ve already had an assignment/ quiz on the topic etc.
The best way to find this out is to:
Look at your course syllabus/ course guide
The “review/ revision” questions in your textbook (if you have one) or have been set by your teacher/ prof/ lecturer etc
See what topics have come up in past exams
Ask your teacher - they’re literally paid to help you
Step 2: Past papers
So, if you’re really under the pump, I suggest you start with a practice/ mock exam/ past paper.
Just do it.
Just fucking set a timer and do it. Stop when your time is up.
Because heck, you’ve been sitting in the classroom for, lets say, 10 hours per semester learning this subject. Sure, you probably weren’t paying attention half the time, let alone absorbing or applying the information you were taught, but the point is you were there (college students do not read this).
So let’s see how much went in by osmosis.
If you don’t have enough time to sit a prac exam at once, do specific questions within the time limit prescribed. 
Step 3: Target the areas you need to pass
Now go through the answers - if you aren’t given model answers, then look through your class materials/ textbook for similar questions and base your answers off that.
Then re-write that answer/ use your answer as quick notes for revision. Revise by reading aloud, look cover write check - something you can integrate into your commute/ daily life.
If you’re really under the pump, be strategic about what answers you need to get right to pass. If your exam requires you to pass 3 sections, and let’s say you’ve got 70% correct in part A, 55% in part B and 51% in part C - dedicate your time to questions in part C.
Focus on specific types of questions - is essay writing your weakest skill? Then tough luck buddy, your next study session is going to involve allllllll the practice essays.  
Why this works when you’re under some time pressure/ don’t have time to make notes
The whole point of studying is to learn (arguably in some subjects it’s more wrote learning patterns and making links between material you’ve already learned but WHATEVER, NOT A RANT FOR NOW) and then apply what you’ve learnt to novel questions which you have to complete within a strict time period, otherwise known as an exam.
You know those people who study for “ages” and still get a shit mark? It’s cause they haven’t been training for the particular/ style of exam they’re going to take. They may have revised/ memorised all the information but they haven’t practised how to apply that information in exam conditions.
It’s like an athlete who has been training all their lives for the 100m track… only to realise at the last moment they’ve been placed into the figure skating singles or whatever.
It may be different in some countries, but at least in Australia, teachers aren’t supposed to grade you on things that you haven’t been taught.
So for example, for a chemistry exam, if you haven’t covered redox, they can’t test you on redox in that test.**  
This doesn’t mean that the exam will be easy.
This means that they’ve given you the foundational concepts which you apply to answer questions. So the exact scenario they give you, or the theme they’ve ask you to write an essay on may not be something you’ve covered specifically in class.
However, if you covered the basic concepts in class and show that you understand those basic concepts, that’s basically a pass. Sure, it might be an ugly-oh-fuck-i-passed-by-half-a-mark pass, but it’s a pass nonetheless. You won’t get the higher marks because you haven’t demonstrated your ability to apply those concepts or to draw inferences/ conclusions from those basic concepts - but it’s still a pass.
Understanding how teachers award grades (aka what framework and guidelines they have to follow when marking your exams) may give you an idea of what grade you may get and ultimately how to tailor your studying technique (aka what to study and what to leave out).
A good way is to get onto your Education Board/ Department’s website and search “assessment criteria/ grading criteria”.
So for example, the NSW education website lists the outcomes (aka what teachers need to be able to see that you can do). Then they provide model answers.
Use these as your notes, as your guidelines, as a starting point to save you time.
**putting aside obvious exceptions such as standardised testing and weird subjects where you have a preliminary ‘test’ to introduce you to the concept, which is followed up by a substantial exam.
Practice the thing you gotta do, in the way you gotta do it. Build upon materials and guidelines already provided to you. Know what you need to pass. 
[sorry for the typos, shit grammar and all that jazz. been a long week at work.]
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thebonggirll · 4 years
Chapter 15 - Obstacle Race
Chapter 14
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Everyone could hear the overexcited voice of Present Mic. As soon as they entered the arena, the crowd cheered harder than before and surely the whole stadium was packed.
"Man, I've never seen this much crowd before for the first years....kinda makes me nervous." Y/N said, "What if I get distracted?"
"...Seriously, can you be positive about yourself for once?" Kyoka commented, "Although, it is actually a bit scary to see this many people. It's like they are gonna be judging us for every single thing we do."
"Well..that's what they're here for though. To judge us and scout us." Y/N replied, "But it feels like they are expecting more after the villain news."
"Yeah..also, the media will concentrate more on you if they find out about you."
"They already know about me. That's the thing. They'll judge me more than anyone else. Probably tell me I'm not suitable for this course or something." Y/N said as they stood in front of Midnight who was the Chief Umpire for the year. Judging by the expressions of the students as well as the crowd, pretty much everyone was focusing on her costume. Not that anyone can blame her, she was a charming lady.
Kirishima said, a blush covering his face, "Uhh someone should talk to Ms. Midnight about what she's wearing."
Kaminari, who was also known as a bit of a pervert and came up with ideas along with Mineta nodded his head in approval and said, "Yeah, that costume should come with a warning."
Y/N looked at Kyoka who had a neutral expression. They spent a lot of time together, so one thing they both knew about each other is that neither of them were comfortable about their own bodies. Well, most people are insecure about something involving their appearance, even though some look confident, there's always something. But with Kyoka, Y/N felt that she can finally talk about it, instead of suppressing it like she did before.
And the girls in their whole section was, no doubt in it, absolutely gorgeous. Something that made Y/N feel a bit insecure about herself.
"Silence everyone!" Midnight yelled, "And for the student pledge we have Katsuki Bakugou!"
"Uhh.." Midoriya looked at him nervously, "He's the first year rep?"
And as expected, Y/N did have a small smile on her face.
"Can you be more obvious?" She heard Kyoka say.
"I can. You haven't seen me fawn over someone yet." She whispered. "Also shut up."
"I guess that hot head did finish first in the entrance test." Sero said, followed by a sigh and a girl from General Studies complaining, "Only for the hero course exam."
It pissed Y/N off, "Save some of your bitterness for the competition, you're gonna need it."
"Hey! Why would you say that?! They already hate us!" Kaminari shouted from the front.
"Exactly." Y/N said, "Other than their inferiority complex they have literally no reason to hate us. Why blame us for being in the hero course? If they want the position, they gotta prove that they deserve to be in this position. But first of all, they failed and second of all, they blame us for it? Fuck them dude. Why exactly do they expect us to respect them when they have been treating us like this?" She then turned to the other classes and said, "Learn to earn your damn respect instead of whining and complaining about it."
"Are you kidding me Y/N?!" Kyoka nudged her with her elbow, "What has gotten into you? We are training to be heros."
"So? That gives all the other classes the VIP card to disrespect us?" Y/N glared at a particular boy from General Studies and said, "I don't know why did I even bother to try to be friends with them."
"Chill dude." Kyoka sighed.
"I don't think I can. As if its not enough that we are nervous about the whole competition, that the other classes think its a great time to pass hateful comments."
Bakugou was finally in front of the mic as the students finally quieted down, "I just wanna say-" Y/N just wished he wouldn't be himself for once, " -I'm gonna win."
While everyone booed him and Iida was trying to talk about him being disrespectful, Y/N's eyes observed something else in him.
"Not my fault the rest of you all are just stepping stones to my victory." He said and started walking back to his position.
He actually wasn't being himself. He would've made it into a joke and laughed while saying it if he was actually being himself.
This was him challenging himself.
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The preliminary round of the festival was obstacle race. All eleven first-year classes have to race along a four-kilometer-long obstacle course around the festival stadium. Participants were allowed to use their freely to try and win, as long as they do not leave the race course. The first forty-two competitors that finish will advance to the second event.
As soon as the race started, most of the students got stuck trying to rush out of the stadium. In the middle of it, when Y/N finally was able to get out from the crowd, suddenly ice covered her feet and she got stuck.
"Oh for god's sake, I bet it's that stupid Todoroki again." Y/N cursed and concentrated on rising the temperature of the water gushing out her feet. It took some time but when she finally got out of it, she used her water quirk to rush forward. In a way Todoroki made her path easier with the ice. She slid along the ice covered path like she was ice skating.
But she had to stop. In front of them was their first obstacle - Robo Inferno. Something that they faced during their entrance exam. While Todoroki froze them when they were off balance and took off to his path, the rest of the students were yet to pass them.  
Just as expected, some students of Class 1-A were already on their way, avoiding fighting the robots, including Y/N who now had to use more of her power in order to run since Todoroki stopped creating his ice path. Bakugou and Todoroki were way ahead of everyone else and Y/N was almost catching up to them. The thing is, having any kind of power very similar to the five elements is a benefit to those who were in the race.
Soon, the second obstacle was on her sight. It was 'The Fall' - a canyon that must be trekked across by walking along tightropes. Now that one was a bit difficult. If she used too much of her power than required, she might miss and fall down.
"Well, I gotta take my chances." Y/N said and moved forward, almost slipping down once if it wasn't for Ochaco helping her balance herself. Todoroki did slid on the ropes but using those would've been dangerous if the ice slipped off from any part of the rope.
Her patience was running low with these obstacles slowing her down on every path. Using more of her power now out of frustration to reach the first position, she rushed forward as she came across the last obstacle - Mine Field.
"I wasn't plotting around just because I talked to that guy asshole." She started walking forward avoiding the mines and gritted her teeth muttering, "I wanna win fair and square because I fucking deserve it."
Todoroki and Bakugou were already on their way, not only avoiding the mines but also fighting with each other along the way. Suddenly a huge blast took place, as she looked up and saw Midoriya moving forward - more like flying forward to the first position.
"No way." Y/N gasped, "Fuck it." She said and used a huge blast of water to move forward, even though it ended up in another mine field blast, slowing the other students down.
"And back in the stadium is the first place winner - Izuku Midoriya!" Y/N heard Present Mic announce. She grunted and moved faster - hoping to be atleast in the Top 10.
And she was.
She was in the 5th position. The girl in 4th position, Ibara Shiozaki - she looked really delicate. "How in the world was she in that position? Well, Mineta also managed to come to the finish line. She was from Class 1-B. And going by the quality that stood out the most in her, that girl's hair was different - probably a part of her quirk." Y/N thought.
She caught her breath and observed Bakugou fuming from the distance. Ofcourse he was angry about Midoriya - once again.
Along with exhaustion and frustration, remembering the words Bakugou spewed, she was now angrily walking towards him. Pulling his shoulder and forcibly making him face her, she said, "I am not that of a low life to plot against my own class Bakugou. Seriously, years of us studying together and this is what you think I fucking am? We are your classmates, not enemies."
And with that she walked off to congratulate Midoriya, although with a frown on her face.
Totally forgetting about the fact that she was finally able to look at Bakugou in the eye and talk to him directly.
Crush or not, Y/N surely didn't tolerate someone questioning her loyalty.
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Chapter 16
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tags: @captncappuccino​
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doomduck · 2 years
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First day of the year. First skate of the year. I had the rink to myself for a whole 7 minutes.
Tomorrow will be 2 years since I first strapped on a pair of rental skates uncertain whether or not I was going to enjoy skating.
I've gone from only able to skate forwards and nearly dieing every time I attempt cross overs to passing the preliminary pattern test and passing free skate 1, and teaching myself how to hydroblade (it's still not low enough and my butt is in the air).
I feel like I could say more, but honestly I don't have the words right now.
Anyway I don't plan on stopping any time soon.
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enderham · 5 years
Todoroki teaching Midoriya how to ice skate!
This ran away from me and got way too long, like, wow, 3k words. You hit the nail on the head anon, this one's a beast.
Check it out on Ao3 and enjoy below!
Izuku is pretty sure he's never seen Todoroki this excited. Granted, all it really is is a small, soft smile and a slight bounce in his step, but still! It's the happiest Izuku has probably ever seen him. It was weird. Nice, but weird.
Actually, this whole situation is weird. 
Shouto had come up to him a day or two ago and asked him if he wanted to go for a walk around campus, claiming he had something to show him. Izuku of course agreed, jumping at the chance to spend time alone with Todoroki, especially when it was freely offered. What threw him for a loop, however, was the duffel bag Shouto was sporting when they met up, and still is now that they're quite a ways away from the dorms. 
Now, if this was Kacchan doing this, Izuku would be wary as hell, but because it’s Todoroki, it’s alright, right? Even though objectively, he'd learned that Todoroki was very much capable of deviousness. Like the time he threw Mineta out of the changing rooms in just his underwear for being more pervy and annoying than usual, and then suggested burning his clothes and hero costume. But anyway. 
They amble the paved roads of the grounds for a while, idly chatting about the week's events and homework assignments, but then turn on to one of the many trails that wind the more heavily forested areas of campus. Todoroki gently stees where they are going by bumping into Izuku or nodding his head before making a turn, all the while not breaking the flow of conversation, and Izuku stays close to his left side, hoping he would get the hint and activate his quirk to warm him a bit. Which Shouto does. 
Entering the forest grants a whole new meaning to winter on campus. Izuku had gone jogging on the trails in the warmer seasons but abandoned it for indoor exercise during the frigid months for obvious reasons, so he isn't familiar with the wonder that is frosted over tree bark and sparkling crystals in the rare patches that the sun reaches. The canopy of trees is thick enough to let light in only selectively even with all their leaves gone, and the snowfall hadn't been heavy yet that year, but it was enough to cover everything in a delicate layer of white. Shouto obviously wasn't ignorant to it like Izuku had been up until now, judging by his pleased expression as opposed to Izuku's amazed one. 
The conversation had died down when Izuku's attention strayed to the scenery, but it doesn’t seem to bother Todoroki, since every time Izuku glances at him he’s looking at him with a soft smile. At some point Izuku is so distracted that Todoroki has to steer him by the elbow in the right direction and he blushes, apologising several times before Shouto cuts him off good-naturedly.
"That was the last turn, we're almost there, promise." He says with a chuckle.
Izuku can’t help but smile. Looking at Shouto now, he can barely recognise the guarded, socially awkward boy from the first sports festival. He does still have his moments, and new small oddities keep popping up in his behaviour and cultural awareness, after all, he does have years of socialisation to catch up on, but he had come a long way. And he’s most comfortable with Izuku, if Deku is bold enough to say so. 
He is so deep in thought that the only indication he gets that there’s a change of scenery is how much brighter it suddenly gets. When he looks up, he finds that they've arrived in a large clearing. So large, in fact, that he'd be inclined to call it a field if most of it wasn't taken up by an impressively sized pond. There are a few benches around it and a small dock, and it’s obviously well groomed, the greenery around it strategically placed, now frosted over and pale. 
Izuku looks over at Shouto with wide eyes. "I had no idea this was here! Was this what you wanted to show me?"
The question seems redundant, since it obviously is, but Todoroki purses his lips in an obvious effort to hide a smile, which tipps Izuku off that he isn't quite right.
"Not all of it." 
Izuku gives him a quizzical look, and in response Todoroki just motions for him to follow, heading for the dock. Once there, he kneels down by the edge and reaches his right hand down towards the water. The moment his hand gets close to the surface, it starts frosting over, once there’s a big enough patch of ice, he touches all five fingers to it, and the water freezes over almost instantly and completely evenly. The surface of the lake remains smooth as there is no wind, and the resulting ice is mirror-like. Izuku watches him work in awe as Todoroki adds an extra layer, equally smooth, and looks up at him. 
"Do you know how to ice skate?"
Izuku sputters. "I- You- I mean- Um, no."
"Hm." Todoroki seems to consider that for a moment, "Would you like me to teach you, then?"
That is an offer and a half and all the ways it could go horribly wrong and perfectly right go through Izuku's head at once. "But we don't have-" his eyes snag on the duffel. "Wait, is this why you asked what my shoe size is last week?" 
"There you go, knew you'd figure it out."
"All the Frozen jokes make even more sense now." Izuku says faintly. Shouto snorts.
"Jirou and Denki made me watch it after that." He comments lightly, standing up, "So is that a yes? Momo made the skates for you."
It's not even a question at this point. Izuku looks into Shouto's hopeful eyes and nods almost without thinking. The other grins. 
They make their way over to the bench on the other side of the dock and wipe it clear of snow, and then Izuku is handed a pair of professional-looking skates with green laces. There's a lot of laces. 
By the time Shouto is done lacing his, Izuku has barely finished one. The taller boy looks over at him and clicks his tongue. "Wait, no, you have to lace it tighter, otherwise it won't hold well." 
Izuku flushes lightly, "Oh, sorry…"
"No, no, it's my fault for not telling you." He gets up nimbly and goes to kneel in front of Izuku. "Here, let me." 
If possible, Izuku goes even redder.
Shouto catches his foot between his knees and starts methodically unlacing the skate. Izuku desperately fishes for something to say to distract himself. "So, how did you learn to ice skate?" He finally settles on. 
Shouto smiles softly down at his hands. "My mom," he says, "when she was still at home, she would freeze over the courtyard when Endeavor was off on a business trip. Even the staff would join in sometimes, it was one of the few activities that got the whole house on their feet. After the- um, after." Izuku frowns, knowing full well what he’s referring to, "I tried to convince Endeavor to let me practice skating for years as a form of training. Eventually he caved and rented a whole rink, but he kept being asked to douse his flames because it was melting the ice, so he threw a fit and left me to my own devices for the next few years, since that's how long he'd rented it for." 
"Sounds like a symptom of an inferiority complex if you ask me." Izuku mutters. Shouto looks up at him with amusement, then snorts and shakes his head. 
"You have no idea." 
"Have you met Kacchan?" 
This inspires an actual laugh and it's all Izuku can do not to pump his fist in victory. Shouto finishes lacing his other skate, still chuckling, and then stands up. "Alright, give me your hands." Izuku isn't one to pass up an offer like that, and he soon realizes why it was presented in the first place. As soon as he's pulled to his feet, he wobbles on the thin blades. "Watch it." Shouto warns him with a smile while Izuku finds his footing. 
Once he's sure he can stand, Shouto regrettably lets him go, but keeps his hands ready to catch him. "Okay, now widen your stance and give them a test, they should hold your ankles secure, we both know you especially need those." He says with a smirk and he shows Izuku how to test out the skates. Izuku gives a small laugh and follows his instructions, bouncing a bit once he's angled his feet to try out the support of the skates. He wobbles a bit again, which earns him a firm grip on his biceps before he has the opportunity to tip over, but the skates seem to hold well, so he nods at Shouto with a smile. He files away the information about falling for later. 
"C'mon then." Shouto keeps a hold of his forearms and walks backwards, keeping his grip light so Izuku doesn't lean on him too much. Izuku understands the sentiment and tries to maintain balance on his own, knowing that it's a preliminary test before the ice. When they make it there, Shouto lets him go and motions for him to wait. He steps onto the ice and then he's off like a shot. Izuku watches in awe as his friend starts moving before his second skate even touches the surface, making wide turns to gain speed and kicking up dust clouds of broken ice when he makes sharp ones. Shouto zigzags across the pond, covering as much of the available space in as little time as possible. This time turns out to be around ten seconds, not that Izuku was counting. 
"Showoff." He teases when Shouto comes to a literally screeching halt in front of him. The other boy mumbles something about testing the ice, but his cheeks are red and and he isn't looking at Izuku. He can't help but grin. "It worked, I'm very impressed." This prompts Todoroki to turn even redder, but at least he's looking at him now, so Izuku gives him an encouraging smile. 
Instead of replying, Todoroki offers both hands to help him onto the ice. Turns out it's with good reason, because the moment he steps on, Izuku starts sliding all over the place. He forgoes the hands entirely and grips onto Shouto's shoulders, hoping that it'll grant more purchase. Thankfully it does, for all the embarrassment it grants, as Shouto laughs and grabs his waist to steady him. 
"Sorry! I'm so sorry," Izuku babbles, trying to find his balance as quickly as possible.
"Don't worry about it." Shouto moves his hands to the smaller boy's elbows, still chuckling. "Looks like I haven't broken in the ice as well as I thought."
"Broken in…? You mean it shouldn't be perfect?" 
"A little traction is good for beginners." 
"But couldn't you have- with your quirk… I was right! You're such a showoff!" Izuku accuses. 
Shouto's mouth tics up in a crooked little smile. This close up, Izuku isn't sure his heart is going to survive if this keeps happening, and going by his previous experiences, it will. Frequently. 
"I've also kind of missed skating, so this was my cheat before I commit to being your crutch." He amends. Izuku immediately feels guilty. 
"Oh! You shouldn't sacrifice that on my account! I can wait a bit longer it you-"
"Midoriya. I wouldn't have brought you here if I didn't want to." Shouto interrupts him, "Truthfully I sort of guessed there was a strong possibility you wouldn't know how to skate. And I still brought you along. So don't worry about it." 
"Oh." Izuku doesn't really know how to reply to that. The implications are… Numerous. Thankfully Shouto isn't one to judge and so he gets away with a shy nod. Or so he thinks. 
"Alright, Bambi, you ready?" 
Izuku really should have expected to get at least a little bit of ribbing. 
So, he accepts it graciously, with a snort, a nod, and a determined look in his eye. Todoroki takes that and runs with it. "Okay, so balance and legwork are important, obviously, so you shouldn't have trouble adjusting." He chuckles, "First you need to lower your center of gravity, not too much, but give me something like a relaxed fighting stance."
Izuku does as he's told, redistributing his weight and instantly feeling better about his balance. Shouto nods proudly and slides his hands from Izuku's elbows to his palms, taking them in a firm grip. "Now try to push off. You've seen me do it, I'm sure you can figure it out on your own. It's just physics." Izuku is always up for a challenge, thanks Kacchan, so he looks down and puts one skate perpendicular to the other. This doesn't exactly work, since he would have to change his stance, so he corrects the angle and tries to push off. 
Todoroki starts slowly skating backwards, humming encouragingly and then immediately catching Izuku when he stays on one leg too long and loses his balance. "Alright, switch legs faster, got it." He says over Shouto's low chuckles. 
"Mhmm, you're doing great though." Is the encouragement he gets. 
They continue on like this for a while, in silence and concentration, with the occasional mutter and gentle comment. Soon, Izuku finds his rhythm and Shouto smoothly switches from skating backwards to moving by Izuku's side, still holding him by one hand. Izuku thinks he must look pretty stupid, what with the stilted movement and intence concentration, but whenever he chances a peek at Shouto, the taller boy never fails to smile softly at him. 
Just when he's starting to get the hang of it, and thus starts getting bored, Shouto lets go of his hand. "Hey! Where're you-" Izuku looks up at him to see the other boy pivot to start scaring backwards again with a smirk. He hasn't been using Shouto's hand for balance for a while now, so it's not dire, but he still feels less than secure now that his safety net is gone. He sends the boy skating in front of him a pleading look, but is met with the coldness that most others mistakenly see as Shouto’s only mode of operation. 
"You should learn how to fall too." Todoroki says with a crooked smile, "Try to catch me." 
Again with the challenging, Izuku sees his game. Regardless, he puts on a little cautious speed, and goes after his friend. He tries to reach out, but has to catch his balance and realises leaning forward isn't a good idea, so he focuses on testing out his range of movement before actually givon chase. Shouto keeps just outside of arm's reach, making sharp little turns every time Izuku tries to reach for him, increasing his speed every time he thinks his shorter friend has gotten comfortable enough for it. His hands are behind his back, his posture relaxed. It's getting annoying. 
"When you fall," he says and then infuriatingly dodges another swipe, "don't try to regain your footing. It'll only make things worse." 
"When, not if?" Izuku growls and reaches for him again, Shouto dodges again with a laugh. 
"Don't think you won't fall, that's arrogant and incorrect. Falling actually helps you relax on the ice." Another dodge, another frustrated sound from Izuku. "Anyway try not to lock your elbows when you hit the ice, or put strain on your wrists, but I'm sure you already know that. Not like you have far to fall anywa- eep!"
Izuku yells in victory, having taken a gamble by observing Shouto's movements and turns but not trying them out in order to catch him off guard and succeeding, but his yell soon turns into a shriek as they both go down. His mistake is immediately apparent. Shouto loses his footing in his shock and latches onto the sleeve of Izuku's outstretched hand, and Izuku's increased momentum and already compromised balance sends them to the ground on top of eachother. 
When Izuku opens his eyes, he realizes that he's practically completely on top of Shouto. Somehow, in the tumble of limbs, he had latched onto Shouto's jacket, and the other had in turn grabbed one of his sides and used his other hand to brace for the impact. They blink at each other in shock, wide green eyes looking down into almost equally big mismatched ones. But before Izuku can open his mouth and begin apologising, Shouto lets his head fall back against the ice and bursts out laughing. This in turn sets Izuku off as well, the ridiculousness of the situation catching up on them, and so they lay there, tangled up on the cold ice, wheezing for air. 
"See," Shouto says after a while, setting a hand on Izuku's bowed head, interrupting himself with what can only be defined as a giggle, "you did fall!" This sets them off again, and it's a while yet before Izuku speaks up. 
"At least I took you down with me!" He says as indignantly as he can while breathing like he'd just run a marathon. It's very tempting to keep is face pressed to Shouto's chest, but he needs to breathe, and rather wants to look at Shouto right now. When he lifts his head, the other boy goes up with him, leaning on his elbow on the ice, and to his surprise, the hand on the back of his head doesn't go away. More like it slides down towards his neck just a bit. 
Izuku freezes, in more than one sense, and stares at Shouto, who stares back. Their noses are almost touching. 
The forest around them has seemingly gone even more quiet than before. 
Then, Izuku blurts out,
"Can I kiss you?" 
Shouto's eyebrows almost reach his hairline from the apparent shock of the request and it's a good thing he hadn't gone as far as to pull back because Izuku would have seriously been offended. Then he goes beet-red and looks to the side, cursing. 
"Damnit, you beat me to it." He says quietly, but with feeling. 
Now it's Izuku's turn to raise his eyebrows, but it's short lived as he soon dissolves into peals of laughter and collapses back onto Shouto's shoulder. 
"D-does everything really have to be -aahaha -a competition?" He stutters out between gasps. 
He feels more than hears Shouto huff -and isn't that a thought -and start to chuckle himself. "Yes, it does, Izuku-" he says with great conviction, pretending to grunt as he hoists himself up and hauls Izuku to the side in order to switch their positions, "- competition is healthy." 
"In small doses!" Izuku protests to the boy on top of him, but the impact is diminished by his continued giggles. Shouto is smirking down at him and Izuku knows just how to turn the tide on him. "So you're calling me Izuku now?" 
Shouto's smile turns soft all of a sudden and he leans in a bit, locking eyes with the boy underneath him. "Mhm," he hums, then tacks on, "may I?" 
Izuku isn't sure if that last bit was directed at the name or something entirely different, but his answer is still the same. 
"Yeah," he confirms using the moment to lay a hand on Shouto's cheek and rub his thumb along the edge of his scar, "as long as I can call you Shouto." 
"Deal." Is the last thing Shouto says, before he leans in, guided by Izuku's hand, to kiss him for real this time. 
Izuku leans into it, wrapping his arms around Shouto’s neck and almost forgetting he’s laying on the frigid ice in the process. However, there’s something niggling at the back of his mind. 
“Did you plan all this? Was this a date from the beginning?” he asks, pulling back and savoring the way Shouto tries to follow him.
Shouto has the decency to blush. “Well, kind of. I wasn’t exactly expecting to end up making out with you on the ice though.”
“Oh, about that,” Izuku says lightly and then kicks One for All into Full Cowl for a moment in order to quickly flip their positions, “I was cold.”
Shouto takes a moment to catch up with what just happened and then covers his face with both hands. “Oh god I can see this turning into a trend.” he groans, “If you keep doing that, you’re going to give me whiplash one day.”
“You say that like it’s a bad thing, but you’re blushing.” Izuku notes delightedly, leaning in. “Are you gonna warm me up, Sho?”
He is rewarded with a very warm hand cupping his cheek and then slowly sliding under his scarf. “Better?” Shouto asks softly.
“Much.” Izuku answers, and then kisses him again.
Prompt me some more, I need the brain exercise!!
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Two Hundred Eighty-Five: Scissors ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
For most of her life, Hinata had no sway over her appearance. Hiashi kept her attire neat, always sporting their clan crest as not to let her forget who her actions represented. And even her hair was never allowed to grow, restricted to a traditional hime cut through all of her schooling, and even upon becoming a genin.
For the most part, Hinata didn’t really mind. Her clothes suited her well enough, especially with how baggy they were. Her lack of confidence coupled with her early blooming meant she was more than fine with being hidden under fabric. And in all honesty, her short hair was useful, keeping it out of her face when training or doing missions.
But after graduating from the Academy...things began to change for Hinata. Her teammates, a far cry from her own timid nature, helped bring out a subtle shift in her mindset. Watching her inspiration, Uzumaki Naruto, continue to defy odds made her believe that maybe there was still hope for her. 
The greatest change, however...came from her first attempt at the chūnin exams.
With mounting tensions behind the scenes, it was already slated to be an interesting year. Konoha’s junchūriki, as well as Suna’s, were going to be participating. Otogakure, a new village, was submitting entrants. And both Hinata and her cousin Neji would be thrown in together for the exams. At first, she’d simply hoped that they would skate past one another, never truly interacting.
But due to the high rate of completion in the Forest of Death, the proctors declared a preliminary round before arranging for the final task. And that was when random chance intersected with fate.
Hinata was to face Neji.
On one side, a girl attempting to change and defy the expectations and opinions of her clan. On the other, a boy born into servitude and mistreatment by that same clan, his genius overshadowed by his birthright. Hinata had long questioned the seal, knowing it was the reason behind her cousin’s anger and hate...and she knew it was justified.
If she were to be the outlet for that hate...then so be it.
But nor would she just give up…!
No matter her pain or stumbling, she refused to stay down, even as those around her cried for the match to end. It wasn’t until her heart was struck and Neji restrained that she was removed from the arena, rushed to the hospital and barely saved from an early death.
And still she wondered...had she changed? Even a sliver?
Would everyone be...proud of her?
Neji’s match against Naruto was quite the upset, Hinata torn between her cousin defying his fate, and her idol continuing on. In the end...Naruto was victorious, and Neji left to think. And his considerations were only deepened when Hiashi finally told him the truth of his father’s death.
From there...Neji too began to change. And Hinata was eager to see it, forgiving him his aggression and wanting only to rebuild what should have been a friendship from the start. Together, they began to train and strive to improve, gauging their progress against one another.
Hinata, finally, was flourishing. No longer did she have Naruto to worry about, the Uzumaki set to leave Konoha for three years. In those same years, she was determined to become someone worthy to walk beside a student of a sannin...and everyone else in their year. No longer would she be the timid, hesitating little genin. Hyūga Hinata was going to blossom at last.
And with her confidence...her hair began to grow. With Hiashi’s acceptance of her and Neji’s growth and independence, she was left to craft her own image. Foggy memories of her mother always included long, dark hair. So Hinata decided to emulate.
The next four years were filled with constant effort. Even upon Naruto’s return, she refused to waver. Though still soft compared to others she knew - Sakura’s take-no-shit attitude, Ino’s unshakable confidence, Tenten’s self-assured will to reach her goals - Hinata nonetheless kept training.
So when she stood before her village’s greatest enemy in the pits of its ruination, she did not tremble or flee. She stood her ground...even if, in the end, she knew it would be useless.
No more running away. No more second guessing. No more doubt. Even if she would face death...she’d do so with her head held high.
But Pein did not kill her, despite his best intentions. Hinata scraped through, her second near-death experience only serving to harden her resolve. Come wartime, she was ready, giving her all for her village, her country, her world. All of her hard work, all of her effort...it couldn’t be for nothing.
...and then the mokuton speared through her most beloved cousin’s chest.
Neji...unshakable pillar of strength and inspiration. Her cousin, her mentor, her friend...choosing his ultimate destiny. For her sake.
It shattered her, it boiled her...but only for an instant, heart pushed back to let her mind do what had to be done in the aftermath.
In the end...they were victorious. The cost was high, but that of losing would have been the ultimate price. Priorities, perspective...everything was changed.
A long-standing friendship would see her cousin brought back to her, and Hinata vowed then and there that she would never again let a brother die for a brother unless it was his own will. The Hyūga seal would die with him...but this time, stay dead.
Looking in the mirror of her rebuilt room, still novel after the leveling of Konoha, Hinata tries to recognize her reflection. The past several months after the war have been...difficult. Rewarding, but a test of her resolve and spirit. Hanabi has been working with her, alongside Neji, to end the Hyūga seal. Their Uchiha allies stand with them. But there’s still something missing...and she can’t quite place it.
She looks into the mirror...and in some ways, she doesn’t recognize who she sees. Hinata of the past is only caught in glimpses, pieces of the face that stares back. Her face isn’t as round as it once was, stripped of the stubborn baby fat that always made her look so childish. Still heart shaped, it’s more mature than it used to be. Her eyes are the most distinct difference. Hardened with all they’ve seen, shadowed with a lingering exhaustion she can’t seem to shake. So many time she closes her eyes and sees the war...sees Pein...sees the Tsukuyomi dream that now feels more like a nightmare.
...she really has changed. But has it been in all the way she’s wanted?
Studying her own face, she grips a pair of scissors in her hand. The tradition of long hair in the Hyūga is a prominent one. Her father, her cousin...Hanabi is the only exception, but she’s still young despite her heiress position. Soon, Hiashi will let her grow it out as a symbol of recognition.
Hinata, however...knows of another rite of passage. That of severing the past, giving oneself a clean slate. For four years now, she’s let her locks grow unfettered. These strands know of her failures, her victories, her joys and her sorrows. If she cuts them off - if she severs them now - will she get the rebirth she wants?
...for now, she sets the blades aside.
A bit more time to think.
“...you want to what?”
“It just feels like...maybe I should.” Hinata brings her hair around her shoulder, stroking at it slowly as Sasuke watches. He’s become a close companion during his stay in Konoha after his brother’s return. There’s only a handful of people she would consider breaching this topic with, and he was the first to come to mind that would give an honest answer. “...while I’ve grown a lot from all I’ve faced these past few years...it also feels like it’s all weighing on me. Part of me...wants to be rid of that weight.”
Sasuke knows the tradition well - Sakura did it during the chūnin exams, and another dear friend did the same for a fresh start so many years ago. “...I suppose that decision lies most with you.”
“...you really don’t have any o-opinion?”
“If you want to cut it, cut it. If you have any doubts, don’t. While it will, in time, grow back...it’s a lesson in consequences. This decision will have lasting ones. But…”
She glances up as he fades to silence, and then stiffens as he takes a section of strands. For a moment, Sasuke’s gaze is miles away...and she has to wonder what he’s seeing.
“...the rumors were true back then. I’ve always been fond of long hair. But no one ever really knew why.”
“...what was the reason?”
“...on most people, it’s never really mattered to me. Sakura’s didn’t, Ino’s didn’t...because it wasn’t quite right. But in your case...it fits rather well.” Slowly, he lets the hair slip from his grip. “...I like long hair because it reminds me of my mother. It’s not quite the same shade, but...yours reminds me of hers the most.”
In spite of herself, Hinata feels her heart quicken in her chest. She...she reminds Sasuke of his mother…?
“...but it’s still your choice. I can see the reasoning from both sides. Don’t make a call on my account, or anyone else’s. Like I said, your choice will have consequences, but...yours, at least, won’t be forever. It can grow back again. Not everything - or everyone - has that luxury.”
Hearing the weight in his words, Hinata swallows dryly. “I...I understand.”
“...good. Did you need anything else?”
“No, um...that was - that was all I wanted to ask you. Thank you...for being honest with me.”
“It’s one of my few virtues,” he replies, giving a hint of a smile. “Hope you find some peace, whatever you decide, Hyūga.”
Nodding, she watches him go, her heart finally calming as she finds herself alone. Pale eyes flicker back and forth as she thinks.
...maybe...the scissors can wait.
     I am...v tired, so I dunno if I'll have much to say this time around xD      Hinata's hair, as small of a detail as it might seem, is interesting to me. Kishi obviously kept it short to signify her lack of care about Sasuke's supposed preference, but...well, it obviously is a little different in a universe where they get together. The verse I write really only changes post 699, so maybe her motivations ARE still the same when she's little. But I also like the idea of the Hyūga influence, too. Neji is a bit of an outlier there, but that COULD be explained by his genius, even if he's not Main House.      ...I dunno, I'm too tired to elaborate as thoughtfully on this as I want to, but hopefully you get my meaning xD      With that tho, I'm gonna wrap up. Thanks for reading!
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empresspiscea · 5 years
September Numerology | Summarized from @viriyaakarunaa on twitter
falls directly in line with the universal 3 year making this an important time for creation, destruction, and expansion.
Jupiter direct in sidereal scorpio + Pluto retrograde in sidereal sag we have important decisions for what we want to create and what we want to dismantle bc it no longer serves or expansion.
Journal | Ask us …
as the 9 month, what is being created during this harvest phase as prep for 2020, a universal 4 year? | with this being a personal 1 month for me, i feel that this month - this year tbh - is asking me allow for my inner child to take the lead so i can foster a new path for myself. creation + destruction have much to do with my emotions. no necessarily the happier i am the easier/better i can create, but instead whatever i do create is deeply rooted in the emotion i channeled it through at the time. i do not mask the emotions of it. this can be something large like a project, but this pours over into much of the actions i take in life. for the things i say. the mentality i hold. the service i offer to others. i feel as though the intention of the action as it is being acted out is what solidifies the meaning of any creation or destruction in my life. … with all that being said lol, ill have to wait until i get deeper into the month to see how this may be preparing me for the ascension in 2020, but i believe that this harvest phase is allowing for me to pick the fruition of my passions.
what is your understanding of destruction, and how are you making destruction as purposeful as creation? | all must come to an end before it can arise anew. I believed you can create something new from the destruction of the old, but the destruction requires meticulous detachment. it requires getting to the root of oneself and discerning between the fundamentals and when everyone else says should be there.
with Pluto Rx, which inner transformation created a path for expansions via death? what still needs to die so that even more space can be created? | for the past year, the death of innocence has been a major theme. innocence. naivety. authenticity. these are not the usual tools of a force to be reckoned with. in order to take what you want in this world, you have to have wisdom of someone who has already been there. you cant play victim to whats going on around you because your putting yourself in a position that take away your power.
are u still holding onto what is outdated bc you are addicted to the past and still holding onto a version of yourself that can't believe that you are where you are right now? | not that I can't believe where I'm at right now, more so the disappointment of me not being able to have this mentality then. My shadow self is very resentful of the circumstances of my adolescence.
how can you express gratitude for this self-birthing while also honoring the reality that the past no longer has anything for you there bc it's time to expand into the now + the future? | Tending to this trigger. It's something I've been felling a lot over the past few days, but I've been blowing past the feeling by focusing on archiving. Allowing myself to reflect on healthy emotions, but not feeding into the negativity. Much of my self-birthing comes in the space between my trigger and reaction. In that moment, I have the ability to choose myself, for myself.
a cumulation of all the lessons learned from oct 2018 until now. it's a time when everything comes full circle.
with this being a universal 3 month, it is setting the course from the world we have to do in 2020.
Themes for a universal 3 year | September resurfaces the themes of
the children
how u show up + exchange with ur community
how u work with ur nervous system to guide ur reactions
necessary destruction
Sept is a test to show you how far you have, have not mastered, or even worked towards mastery of the previous theme
3 is air. ideas. communication. expansion. authentic.
some preliminary questions:
what ideas are not authentic and how / why have you been fashions an idea out of them if they are indeed false? what are you trying to make yourself by attaching to it? | ...
what have you learned about communication since oct 2018? are you clear with what you say or do you still find yourself encountering a lot of misunderstandings? what/who is the source of this confusion? | I’ve learned you have to tell people what you want, and to DEMAND WHAT YOU DESERVE. Ive learned a lot over the last year, mainly that i know exactly what i want out of life. I can discern whats meant for mean and how i want to receive it. But too often the rest of the world isn't willing to offer you your pay due. Thats how the world works. Everyone tries to skate over everyone else, taking as much as they can for themselves in the process. We have to know thats the world we’re living in in order to claim our greatest desires.
in which ways have you nurture your inner child and ur shadow? what does this growth look like? which test appeared to challenge if this growth was authentic or just perceived? | My inner child and shadow self are very much apart of my being and self-identity. My inner child come from my soul and my shadow self tends to be the motivating factor for much of my pursuits in life. Not coming from a place of fear, but from a place of redemption. I’ve accepted that part of me for who she is. I don’t like to think too much about where she came from because that only restricts me to whats happened in the past, but i choose to only show her the horizons of the future because she doesn't have to be that little girl who’s been rejected her whole life. She can be whoever she wants.
placements highlighted for sept: life path, destiny, personality numbers. "the path, the purpose, and the execution + actions"
The path: 7 (spiritual / teacher)
The purpose: 8 (materialization and manifestation) 
The execution + actions: 5 (ever-changing dynamic)
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doomduck · 8 months
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Rink sweet rink. Back O'Brien for the first time this year. Caught up with some people. Skated longer than intended. Sore Anastasia and Hector practice. My skills are no worse than before I went on holiday. I'm ready for lunch. Life is good.
Skating goals of the year:
- pass elementary pattern test
- pass preliminary program
- get all my single jumps and hopefully axel
- maybe try to finish skate school
- do my first ever competition
- back spin, sit spin, camel spin and combination spin
- loop jump, flip, Lutz, waltz loop. Maybe axel
- more steps and turns
- ina baure, improving hydroblade
Yeah. I just realised how much that is....oh well. It will keep me busy and out of trouble. Here's to the new year 👍
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