#president cyril ramaphosa
seohyun0306 · 9 months
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head-post · 3 months
Ramaphosa calls for unity in South Africa
President Cyril Ramaphosa took a conciliatory tone in his inaugural speech yesterday while at the same time lashing out at those he says are seeking to divide the nation, South African media reported.
Ramaphosa set the tone for his new administration at the start of his second presidential term, which came thanks to a multi-party pact to form a government after elections failed to produce an outright winner. He now heads an administration made up of various political parties, including the DA, IFP, PA and the Good Party, which formed the Government of National Unity (GNU).
Ramaphosa described the creation of the GNU as a moment of profound importance and the beginning of a new era.
However, the creation of the GNU was divisive in some quarters, with some political parties rejecting it and labelling it a coalition of the select few. The uMkhonto we Sizwe Party (MKP) contested the election results, leading to a boycott of the first sitting of parliament last week.
Ramaphosa called for unity, insisting that neither strife nor dissent would cause the country to set back building a united, just, equitable and prosperous nation. He said:
We must reject every attempt to divide or distract us, to sow doubt or cynicism, or to turn us against one another. Those who seek to stand in our way, those who seek to inflame tensions, will not succeed because South Africans are resolute. And so, as we enter another era in the life of our nation, the resilience of our democracy has once more been tested and the people have spoken loudly that they choose peace and democracy over violent, undemocratic and unconstitutional methods.
The President said South Africans had voted and voiced their wishes, concerns and expectations, which he said had been heard. He also added:
As the president of the Republic, I will work with everyone to reach out and work with every political party and sector that is willing to contribute to finding solutions to the challenges our country faces as we transition to a new decade of freedom.
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trolledu · 3 months
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thinksoutlouder · 7 months
Politicians have convinced people in South Africa that politics or changing political leaders is the solutions to their problems. In various social media platforms are filled with content and videos of people expressing their political views and saying that things will change once the current government is removed. This information is useful to some people but it is misleading to majority of people because it takes people, especially young people away from being responsible for their own lives. Young people have the belief that all their problems are caused by politics or political leaders. While it is somehow true that the current government is not doing enough to run the country, we often forget as the youth that life is individual, and we cannot rely on organizations, political parties or government systems that we don't even understand to determine our personal lives. There are many young people that have achieved things and reached their childhood dreams, and they continue to prosper not because of the government but because they faced their dreams head on, even when it was tough. The youth just needs organization that will encourage them, give them motivation, and most importantly give them information that will help them take the right steps and the right direction towards their dreams
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thenewsbulletnetwork · 7 months
Ramaphosa visit Nangolo Mbumba of namibia.
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newslivesa · 11 months
President Cyril Ramaphosa Spoke to #springboks coach Jacques Nienaber ahead of tonight’s quarter-finals match against France
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robynsassenmyview · 1 year
Of family meetings and other lies
"Of family meetings and other lies", a review of Mike van Graan's 'My Fellow South Africans' at Theatre on the Square in Sandton until 2 September.
WITH an ‘eff you’ face, Kim Blanche Adonis in Mike van Graan’s My Fellow South Africans at Theatre on the Square until 2 September. Photograph by Philip Kuhn. THERE IS NOTHING quite like the anger of an articulate playwright to get the currents of electricity flowing through the veins of an audience. My Fellow South Africans by Mike van Graan charges up the levels of political satire with strong…
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Domestic violence survivors deserve to be free too
Freedom was ushered in 28 years ago, bringing the hope that all who live in South Africa will be protected by the law and all would be able to live their lives free from control of the government or any person. But, despite the progressive laws that have been passed, many South Africans, particularly women, cannot celebrate freedom. 
They are bound by the fear of movement, lack of choice, weak systems of preventive and responsive justice, safety and security in their homes, families and neighbourhoods because of domestic and intimate partner violence.
The latest crime statistics (October to December 2021) released in February of this year showed that 232 of the overall murders were a result of domestic violence. Upon analysis of the statistics it is also clear that more women fall victim to these crimes than men. 
President Cyril Ramaphosa signed the Domestic Violence Amendment Act 2021 (Amendment Act) on 28 January this year, which is one of three gender-based violence Bills amended to strengthen the law to enhance the response to and prevention of GBV in the country. But domestic violence was long neglected by the system and treated as a “private matter” to the extent that the foundations of prevention are weak and will not be easily solved by a well-worded and intentioned law without regulations, coordination and monitoring systems. 
Domestic and intimate partner violence is complex because it happens in private spaces and is rooted in familial connections that make choices to leave or report very difficult. This is why it is vital for laws and policies to be supported by duty bearers who are well trained in the law and know how to apply it in a way that adequately responds to the complexities.This type of response is systemic and ensures that people who are experiencing such violence can start to enjoy freedom too. 
Our 2021 research study, exploring the implementation of the Domestic Violence Act (1998) in Cape Town and the Cape Winelands, highlighted common systemic gaps restricting access to justice for those affected by domestic violence. The research focused on police officers, magistrates and clerks and how they understand and implement the law. The barriers to their understanding and how they are implemented are important for what we hope the new legislation will fix. This is largely reliant on the development of regulations. 
As we await the publishing of the regulations for the Domestic Violence Amendment Act, we offer what we hope will be incorporated. In the interest of strengthening the criminal justice and broader sociomedical systemic response to domestic violence, we hope to see regulations include:
Building the capacity of domestic violence first responders through training that incorporates a focus on the dynamics unique to domestic violence and the role of the first responder;
Increasing access to justice through the use of technology, which is user-friendly and data-free;
Detail on the structural and technology developments to realise a centralised electronic repository for domestic violence matters;
The nature and extent of the new addition of safety monitoring notices, considering the already constrained and resource-scarce policing environment;
The inclusion of mandatory debriefing for all domestic violence first responders to mitigate victim fatigue and burnout; and
How the Act will foster cooperation and collaboration at a local level.
We believe that freedom is guaranteed by the existence of laws and their implementation. When it comes to violence prevention and response, we have developed many laws and policies, but with inconsistent implementation. One of the barriers is the lack of formal coordination and collaboration. Mosaic, which works to prevent and reduce abuse and domestic violence, is piloting the Safe Project, a context-specific response to strengthening domestic violence prevention and response at a local level. 
The Safe Project is piloting Safe Platforms in Paarl, Philippi and Mitchells Plain. We have brought together government and civil society partners. Collectively, the Safe Platforms have developed a local response plan for coordinated services and referral pathways to increase justice and strengthen systems.
We look forward to providing evidence-based input when the department of justice publishes the regulations for comment. All who call South Africa home deserve the freedoms of a safe home, safe relationship, and safe community. To realise this, a local, collaborative response is needed.
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dailyworldecho · 3 months
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sayruq · 7 months
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A bill has been submitted to the United States congress calling for a full review of the country’s bilateral relationship with South Africa following the International Court of Justice ruling that found it plausible that Israel has committed acts of genocide against Gaza. The bipartisan bill which was introduced by US Republican congressman John James and Democratic Party congressman Jared Moskowitz this week could threaten South Africa’s prospects to benefit from the African Growth and Opportunity Act (AGOA). The bill will still need to be discussed and passed by congress. It states that not later than 30 days after the date of enactment of this Act, US President Joe Biden in consultation with the Secretary of State and the Secretary of Defense, shall certify to the appropriate congressional committees and release publicly an unclassified determination explicitly stating whether South Africa has engaged in activities that undermine United States national security or foreign policy interests.
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truetellsnigeria1 · 2 years
Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy On South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa Comes To Pass
Primate Ayodele’s Prophecy On South Africa’s President, Cyril Ramaphosa Comes To Pass
  The president of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa is currently involved in the toughest season of his administration as he has been proposed for impeachment by the parliament. He was accused of serious misconduct by an independent panel appointed by the country’s parliament. This has made him run from post to post because his future as the president of the country isn’t certain, especially for the…
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head-post · 3 months
South Africa’s IFP party to join unity government to end deadlock
The leader of South Africa’s Inkatha Freedom Party (IFP) stated he would join the proposed national unity government, according to AP News.
The move could break the country’s political deadlock after the long-ruling African National Congress (ANC) lost its parliamentary majority in elections last month.
Velenkosini Hlabisa’s statement means an agreement between some of the main parties to form a coalition government with the ANC is becoming more likely ahead of the deadline. On Friday, South Africa‘s new parliament will meet for the first time since the 29 May election in an attempt to elect a new president.
The ANC has been the ruling party for 30 years since the end of the apartheid system of white minority rule in 1994. However, the party received only 40 per cent of the vote in this election. It now needs to strike a deal with others to govern and re-elect President Cyril Ramaphosa for a second and final term.
South Africans vote for parties in national elections and win seats in parliament according to their share of the vote. Lawmakers then elect the president of Africa’s most industrialised country.
Last week, the ANC proposed forming a government of national unity instead of a narrower coalition with one or two parties. It invited all 17 other parties represented in parliament to be part of it. However, some refused.
Hlabisa indicated that the IFP was ready to join a unity government that included the ANC and the Democratic Alliance, South Africa’s main opposition party.
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politicoscope · 2 years
Kenyans Can Now Visit South Africa Visa-Free
Kenyans Can Now Visit South Africa Visa-Free
The presidents of South Africa and Kenya said Wednesday they have resolved a long-standing visa dispute and Kenyans will be able to visit South Africa visa-free for up to 90 days in a calendar year. South Africans already get free visas on arrival in Kenya, while Kenyans were charged and required to provide proof of sufficient funds and return flight tickets. The new agreement is set to take…
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covidsafecosplay · 1 month
Mpox News Roundup: August 18, 2024
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Covid-Safe Cosplay and its admin are unaffiliated with any of the sites or authors linked below, we're simply sharing the information. If you have related news links that we missed, especially in other languages, please share either in the comments or a reblog.
Africa CDC: "Statement by His Excellency President Cyril Ramaphosa, the African Union Champion on Pandemic Prevention, Preparedness, and Response (PPPR) on the situation of Mpox outbreak in Africa"
Nation Africa: "Paying the price: How Mpox outbreak in Africa was neglected"
South China Morning Post: "Mpox surge in DR Congo: hospital overwhelmed with patients as virus vaccine demand rises"
Public Health Agency of Sweden: "One case of mpox clade I reported in Sweden"
Sky News: "Man who contracted mpox describes 'horrendous' symptoms - as deadlier variant 'very likely' in UK"
BBC: "Mpox risk low but UK medics on alert"
The Japan Times: "Japanese government considers taking precautions against mpox"
The Korea Times: "Korea to enhance mpox surveillance following WHO emergency alert"
CBS: "As monkeypox spreads, health experts urge public to get vaccinated"
AP: "Now that mpox is a global health emergency, will it trigger another pandemic?"
The Independent: "Mpox 2024 mapped: All the countries where cases of the new strain have been confirmed"
Al Jazeera: "How far as mpox spread and how can you protect yourself?"
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opencommunion · 11 months
Howdy, i’m curious if you’ve looked into or have an opinion on the use of apartheid in israel vs south africa? No doubt israel is genocidal but i’ve seen some south african’s get caught up on the use of the word due to the fact it was created to specifically describe south africa and doesn’t match the racial bias (though ethnic and religious, yes) as sa apartheid did
the concept of apartheid is not unique to South Africa although it's named after the South African policy. according to international law this is a totally settled question: apartheid can happen anywhere. many many South Africans have talked about how similar apartheid in Palestine is to what they were subjected to, idk who you're talking to but they're probably right wing and just interested in shutting down criticism of Israel. sorry this response is a little aggro, I just feel like we're way past this discussion, and I've only ever seen this question asked in bad faith
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
The BRICS alliance — which presently reunites Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — is set to invite Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to join, Ramaphosa said in a speech
24 Aug 23
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