#pretty cure menagerie
thesixthplaneteer · 1 year
Day 3 OC-tober - Old OC!
This is going to be a rambling personal story post. OC stuff under the break. The first DnD character I made was Groglag a half-orc fighter but the people I played with instilled the feeling of cringe in me about getting too attached to your own characters. They were pretty old school DnD players and this is before crit role and other shows so the idea of being super into your character to make stories about them or grand self serving plotlines was shunned. So in some sense Groglag is the first OC because thanks to getting over the cringe of playing DnD and enjoying it I've been able to get into an amazing creative hobby and head space. That's also a lot thanks to my wife. She's the one that showed me the comic shop that I eventually started playing DnD at and she's the one that helped release me from my shell and not baulk at doing things because others look down on it. She's helped me become who I am now and create the amazing characters and stories I/we have. I think the character where there was a turning point for all this was Derrick Kendrick, The Boy King. I'll share more about him below the break but he was an NPC in a DnD game I ran with my wife and some friends. Her interest in him and genuinely wanting to know more about him and the world when I thought he would be just a quest giver made him into a main stay of my OCs.
Derrick Kendrick - The Boy King
Derrick is the first born son of the third born son of the king of the Moon Shae isles. War against invaders and war amongst the islands themselves weighed heavy on Derrin, Derrick's grandfather. Tragedy brought him low as he lost his two eldest sons to the seemingly endless campaigns before they had children of their own. When Derrick was fifteen, his parents grew ill and died of a sickness the druids of the Moon Wells could not cure. Now all that survived of the Kendrick line was Derrick and his grandfather. His grandfather was old, the wars he fought had wrecked havoc on his body, and the loss of his sons had wrecked havoc on his mind. He abdicated to Derrick at the behest of his advisor Kell. Kell was a new but promising addition to the court, helping Derrick rule as a good king and eventually bringing many of the conflicts to a resolution.
Lots of adventures and chance meetings later
Derrick is married to a Triton named Coral (wife's OC) who was brought ashore in a fishing boat during a Sahuagin invasion and they now have many many children as they rule over a united Moon Shae Isles until their second eldest is ready and Derrick hands down the crown to his daughter.
Fun story facts,
Their eldest child is a druid so he didn't become king
Derrick and Coral were forced to flee the isles after Derrick's grandfather was revealed to be a terrible terrible man and a werebear. They eventually came back and kicked his butt though.
Derrick is also a werebear although it took a while to manifest
Kell is actually an Elf in disguise and is Derrick's great great great great grandfather
The Kendrick line is technically human but they got just about everything but demon and dragon mixed in there.
The first Kendrick that made landfall on the islands was married to a frost giantess and they brought with them a sapling from the tree of life.
In the courtyard of the castle is the Rainbow Tree. The sapling from the tree of life with a menagerie of transplants from fruit bearing trees all around the world. The druids on the island will bring back a limb of a fruit bearing tree when they return from being off island.
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Last year I bought myself a blackberry plant at Tractor Supply. It was one of those kinds that you buy in a little carton box, dry twigs with a rootball wrapped in soil and plastic at the end. I have been trying to grow blackberries for years because I love the taste of them wild and hate the taste of them store bought. I have always been horrifyingly unsuccessful at keeping the plants I buy alive despite the fact every story I've ever read assures me that blackberries grow like wildfire and are impossible to contain or hold back the rising tide of once they take root.
I'm sorry, nana. I have no idea where your green thumb went but nobody on this side of the generation gap inherited it.
Still, I'm nothing if not an avid buyer of plants the way some people buy shoes so I gave it another go.
It died.
At least, I was pretty sure it died. It gave me some leaves once it was potted, sat there sullenly without doing anything more for a few months and then dropped its leaves and stuck its sticky middle finger up at me. I told myself it was just hibernating. One of its two branches broke off, completely hollow. Sleeping, I said. It's just sleeping very, very deeply. I left it alone with the rest of my porch menagerie. Spring hit and I moved some plants over to bigger pots, had some extra soil and figured 'what the hell?'. I repotted it, and a cherry tree (stick, its a stick that says its going to be a cherry tree one day) and forgot about it. Last week, I realized it didn't just have leaves, it had flowers! Its been putting out more flowers ever since, going like all bangers. I don't know what's going on but I'm emotionally invested now. I set it down on the stone border at ground level in the hopes that maybe some bees will visit those lovely flowers its trying its darnest by putting out.
Is this the year I finally get blackberries?
It seems almost like a fairy gold promise, so lets get on with our discussion about blackberry folk lore and superstition.
First, the good news. Not only are blackberries tasty (yes, they are. Fight me!) but the brambles are supposed to be good for curing boils, whooping cough and rheumatism. My book on Appalachian folklore says that a blackberry cordial is good against 'summer complaints'. Looking up 'summer complaint' tells me its diarrhea, especially when it comes to small children and babies during the summer - also that its associated with bacterial growth in food, which I suppose would be more common once the weather warms up. The healthline website tells me blackberries are high in Vitamin C and fiber so perhaps that's boost enough to merit becoming a traditional folk remedy.
Funny news. Br'er (Brother) Rabbit, an African-American folk tale trickster, fooled his captors into tossing him into a briar patch, which, as a rabbit, he easily escaped from. Cherokee folk tales have a similar incident with their own Rabbit. Blackberry patches grow native all along the Eastern coast of the US. Maybe Rabbit grabbed a snack on his way out.
Bad news?
Apparently, if you're not a rabbit, blackberries are the Devil's berry!
Okay, hold with me. It's all in the color. The story varies from place to place in Europe. In France, you're not supposed to eat them at all. Blackberries are that color because they're covered in Devil Spit! Which, let's be real here, I don't like eating things people have spit on either.
In other parts of Europe, and I'm getting mostly UK areas for this, you can eat blackberries but only until October 11. After that, its a no-go. The story is that Satan fell into a berry bush on that day and did some cursing in retaliation for getting stabbed with thorns. Whatever he did, the general result was that, from that day on, the berries are cursed. If you're lucky, the berries just go bad. If you're not, you get the usual 'die within the year' thing.
Why October 11? That's Michaelmas Day. Michaelmas Day is traditionally the date that Satan got thrown out of heaven - and apparently landed in a blackberry bush. It's the Old School date though. Current Michaelmas Day is now September 29 or November 8th depending on which side you pick. Point is - don't eat the berries. In some parts of the UK, spit wasn't the bodily fluid the Devil used to curse them.
what blackberry stories have you heard lately?
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jirnkirks · 1 year
SNW Thoughts for season 1, be wary of spoilers
1. T'Pring and Chapel and M'Benga kiss kiss i lov u more screentime for my loves its not deep stuff but im glad we see more of them
2. Does og trek vibes pretty well!!!
3. Generally more fun and i think indiv eps are jsut better
1. I do feel like. This series. Is kind of quietly... More xenophobic??? Against aliens, sure but still generally like. Gorn are now full on Predator WHOA DISTRACTED BY FIRST SIGHTING OF HIM KIRK ON MY SCREEN RN ok anyway we have Romulans again and the Omelas planet i think its no the WORSE exactly but the Gorn's species being a full on Predator species rather than the humanity afforded to the other evil species feels. Weird? Because like. Cardassians being people is why you have Garak and all the some levels of you know. Humanity. Even Borg had that individuals could be saved. And I think painting the Gorn as an evil species isnt locked in yet but I think is entirely what Trek SHOULDNT be about. Because rn the way its portrayed, theres no real way to turn Gotn into people yknow. I also really really hate that theyve killed the bridge crew whos very obviously an alien
2. Distraction ep 10 s1 really makijg use of the dramatic TOS lightning
2. This is my problems w the Spock ships that idk why no one talks about. And i say this as someone whos tentatively digging spock/tpring and spirk lover but. Arghhh i like chapel so much but i hate that we have to sit through chapel/spock BECAUSE WE ALREADY HAD TO SEE THAT bro i hate that TOS kept making Chapel about Spock so i do have that gut hatred towards any spock/chapel. And Im really apprehensive on Tpring because what kind of character assassination are they gonna pull.... I do like to TPring just makes sense in TOS still
3. The ableism... First i do hate rukiya getting the "shes in the big castle in the sky" treatment. Not even curing her needed, but like yknow give her space chemo. And of course Pike. Rukiya is also just part of it but like- Its this feeling that SNW is makijg everything binary. Not just their opinions of actions- but writing things in such a way that there is no logical way to make it anything but a binary. Like Rukiya can ONLY be saved by disappearing or she WILL die (this one not so much). But also, Pike is like. Is so weird. Look fully- it doesnt feel great that Pikes faith is some big evil bad that can't be worked on. But also I think its kind of understandable in the sense that- Pike is gonna get locked in syndrome. Frankly, the burns the wheelchair use- those arent uncommon and more importantly, while they can affect QoL its hardly some death sentence. A lot of people live through it, adjust and adapt. But locked in syndrome? Is like? I have mixed feelings
This is where- as an abled person and I think for understandable reasons, its definitely a lot to face. But also. I think most people would say locked in syndrome is not reflective of most disabilities or wheelchair users! Hell TOS even foretold (influenced?) the use of brainwaves to communicate. Not wild to imagine... Some kind something to either improve his QoL without also swinging the extreme where Pike is totally abled.
Its!! Frustrating!!! Because its so deeply unempathic, to showcase disability like this. But also i think they choose to write themselves into the corner, because they choose to think that disabilities and injuries are life ending, that there's no way to improve qol, to adapt or to just. Portray the reality of disabilities? Like i do feel like (Was that scotty OH MY GOD IT IS) that SNW is writing themselves into this corner because their world view is so deeply jaded- that we are scared of aliens, therefore they must be unforgivingly impossibly evil. That im scared of my future- therefore it must be completely and totally hopeless.
It definitely!!! Has moments!!! Of good!!! But a lot of the grander and more long term arcs (pike's menagerie future and possibly gorn war) seems. Heugh.
Romulan war be romulaning- i dont care for it either but yknow. At least so far theyre kinda more multifaceted?
I do personally think like- these thoughts are long but i do overall think of SNW positively and much of my concerns hinge on execution that has not finished or occurred.
But. Well. Whats a trek series without problems.
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moesmahous · 7 years
Iris, can you show us some of your sweet dance moves?
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fancures for @missmellifluous‘s pretty cure menagerie~
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fancureconfessional · 7 years
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“ I'm very excited to see more of Pretty Cure Menagerie. I love the whole theme of individuality and subcultures, and not to mention the character designs are beautiful!”
Art source
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redvelvetpierrot · 7 years
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A fancure of @missmellifluous‘s Pretty Cure Menagerie~ ★ 
DeviantArt | Instagram
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nekropsii · 2 years
Could I ask for your homestuck hot takes/unpopular opinions? :00
Absolutely, though this list won’t include everything! These will be a mix of how fans interact with Homestuck, and about Homestuck itself. Hope you don’t mind!!
The ending of Homestuck/[S] Collide were not that bad. Honestly, I think most of the hate comes from having a Serialized Experience vs. a Complete Experience, but even then… I was a Homestuck fan during the comic’s run. I was around when [S] Collide dropped. It was never that bad to me. Honestly, I liked it, it seemed like a pretty logical way to end the story, even if some things were left unresolved. Leaving things more open-ended and with a lot of loose ends for the fans to tie together themselves just felt… Perfect for Homestuck. Fan interpretation has always been important.
The Retconning was neat, in my opinion. I think the hate for it once again comes from the difference between having a Serialized Experience vs. a Complete Experience- with the Unofficial Homestuck Collection, you have the option to leave the Retcons in during your first read-through, and that foreshadowing makes the whole thing significantly cooler. Plus, it just… Makes complete sense that that would happen, from my perspective. SBURB is notorious for being nearly impossible to win, and Timeline Shenanigans make up a significant portion of the plot. It’s been explained over and over again how different timelines aren’t any more or less valid than others- a lot of the people complaining about how the timeline we started with either “isn’t canon” or “doesn’t matter anymore” have missed the point, to me. I just think our starting timeline having been doomed the entire time really adds to the overall vibe of Homestuck- at the end of the day, it’s a Tragicomedy. I can’t get mad at a Tragicomedy for being Tragic.
Bigotry absolutely saturates the story whether people like it or not. I’m not saying this to be cynical, I’m trying to be realistic here. You physically cannot separate Homestuck from its bigotry. That’s like trying to take the eggs out of a cake after it’s already been baked and frosted. You physically cannot do it. No amount of diversity headcanons is going to cure Homestuck of its bigotry, it doesn’t erase it at all, it’s just putting a new coat of paint on the same product. This isn’t me putting anyone down, or telling people not to like it, or not to have fun with headcanons- I quite like the story and I have a menagerie of headcanons myself- I’m just saying that headcanoning characters as X, Y, or Z Minority does not absolve the source material of sin, because I have seen people act like that before. The best thing you can do is take a step back and critically analyze how bigotry affects the story and its characters, and work to not perpetuate that. It really is nigh unavoidable, though, in some situations… Gamzee comes to mind as an example of this.
Shocking and super totally unexpected of me opinion coming up: The Alpha Trolls are fun to analyze, some of you guys are just mean. They aren’t “nothing characters”- they do have substance, flavor, and interesting lore to them, they do present you with fascinating concepts, and they give you just enough material for you to have both plenty to work with and build off of, and plenty of room to speculate. They’re a fascinating case study, and I really wish people would take them seriously more often..
Most of the shitty things that the main characters do are not worth the level and amount of discourse and vitriol that people cast towards them. This is a trap I fell into when I was younger, but there was definitely a reason for that, and I need more people- grown adults especially!- to realize what I realized, and know why none of this is worth so much anger and stress… Yeah, so… The main characters? They’re all teenagers. They’re children. These are kids. They’re middle school age.
A lot of Vriscourse is based in Misogyny. This is just a basic fact of life, but a lot of people still don’t recognize it. Fun Fact: Even when I was a kid- back when I hated Vriska- I thought the way that the fanbase treated her was really fucking weird, and really, really offputting. If an oblivious 14 year old can recognize that there’s some kind of underlying, hidden sentiment within your overly-charged fandom discourse that they’d otherwise agree with, there’s an issue.
This isn’t a hot take, and is more just a statement, but every time I see people forget that Trolls are Bug Aliens I lose 5 years off my life. I’m begging people to get more funky with that. I promise you that it’s an interesting thing to study, and I promise you that you can make Bug Anatomy look cute/cool/whatever vibe you’re going for. Just remember that they’re Bug Aliens. Please.
Also not a hot take, this is just a fact, but the Extended Zodiac website is straight up wrong about some Aspects. I don’t mean that it doesn’t align with my personal view of how Aspects function- I’m not that petty, the world doesn’t revolve around me, et cetera- I mean that it’s straight up, irrefutably, factually incorrect about some of the Aspects, and it drives me insane.
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lambda-complex · 3 years
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Some sketchbook doodles of some of my characters! These are some lads I've had in my head for a little while now- a few of which have pages over on my toyhouse.
Premise of the world & some character descriptions under the cut!
(Bear in mind all the toyhouse pages are WIPs and some have super old info / refs on them that are pretty out of date.)
The basic premise of their world is that rifts have been opening up across time all over the world and dragging things in, bringing them to a realm outside our own. This new realm is similar to Earth, with the exception of different continents and the giant rift in reality splitting the world in half. Everything near the rift is barren and occasionally unnatural creatures will claw their way out of it and attack anyone unlucky enough to be living nearby. These creatures are attracted to large concentrations of people, so most population centers have been built as far from the rift as possible, with those unlucky enough to be refused entry living in small communities.
In order of arrival to the realm we have the following:
MouthEye (Usually referred to as ME)
A void creature from the opposite side of the rift. The realm's most recent 'overseer' sent by the more powerful beings on the other side to keep tabs on the realm. The mortals see him as a terrifying godlike entity, however he's seen as more of a fuck up to the rest of his kind. ME has delusions of grandeur and aims to rule the realm, eventually pushing forward through the tears they open up and take over Earth. His higher-ups like to keep a close eye on him, waiting for him to fuck up so they can replace him with someone better equipped to do the job.
Doc / Sawbones / 'The Good Doctor'
Another creature from the other side of the rift. Broke off from his people to live in relative peace- not necessarily a 'good' guy, more chaotic neutral. Has the ability to speak through radios, very rarely speaking with his mouth as it tends to drive mortals mad. Acts as an apothecary owner in the middle of nowhere that hands out strange cure-alls to those who seek him out. As bizarre as his treatments are, they always seem to work perfectly without explanation. Has a tendency to eat the odd traveler or two if they come by him by chance instead of seeking him out. Oddly good friends with Sigurd, whom he treated to fix the void infection that was taking hold in his fingers.
The Knight
Nobody knows who or what The Knight is, nor how long they've been roaming the wastelands babbling jibberish to themselves. Unbeknownst to most, The Knight is comprised of a house of nobles from an unknown period who were merged into one upon their house being absorbed by the rift. They always give a different answer whenever anyone asks their name, and each member of the household can take over the body at any one time. Nobody knows what The Knight looks like under the helmet- at least none that have survived.
Having lived in the new realm for many years, Sigurd has picked up the basics of survival deep in the wasteland as well as a knack for scavenging and repairing lost things that land there. The proud owner of a thrown together jeep and Spas-12 shotgun, Sigurd is a bombastic and eccentric character, who has a particular fondness for Rex's animals. Sigurd had two of the fingers on his left hand taken off by a void creature, but was saved from infection by one of Doc’s cure-alls.
William 'Rex' Jameson
Rex has a few years experience in the realm- enough to survive in the area just outside the wasteland. Softspoken and kindhearted, Rex has a love for paleontology and a knack for necromancy, resulting in his menagerie of undead dinosaurs that he keeps on his farm. Julep was the first, a microraptor with perhaps one braincell- two on a good day. She tends to try to eat anything she can get her claws on, usually without much success. Another is Atlas, an achillobator with a personality akin to a giant, mischievous cat.
Charles Palmer
Originally a highwayman on the run back on Earth with a distinct love for the stars, Charles paid to be taken in by a pirate ship by the name of the Dreadnought and ferried to another country to escape the law. On the journey they were caught up to by the British navy. During the ensuing fight he summoned ME, who fulfilled his wish of escaping somewhere the law could never catch up with him. The ship was torn apart by an unseen force, killing the crew of both the Dreadnought and the British ship. Charles woke up in the new realm, having got his wish at the cost of living in this unforgiving realm, as well as an unknown ashy infection slowly clawing its way up from his right arm.
Bristol ‘Shanty’ Foxwhelp
Bristol was a crew member on the Dreadnought, alongside his partner Arthur ‘Bluejay’ Calvary and their pet one-eyed iguana Angus. The two barely survived the onslaught brought on by Charles’ deal, struggling to keep the ship afloat in the aftermath of the attack. The Dreadnought ended up being pulled through the rift, hurtling through the sky and landing in the wasteland. Arthur was injured in the crash, leaving Bristol to travel in search of help. It turned out the two arrived in the realm much later than Charles had due to the distortion of time- by the time Bristol met with him and Rex, he had been living there for months. The group returned to the Dreadnought to find the entire ship in pieces and Arthur missing. Bristol is usually fun-loving and outgoing, often the life of the party alongside Sigurd. The two are unlikely friends due to their seafaring nature. He isn’t yet aware that Charles is the reason for the Dreadnought’s crash- finding out the companion he’s been travelling with was the cause for his partner’s supposed death would destroy him.
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southslates · 3 years
she smiled then, her cheeks red, her cheeks scattered with some kind of dust. it was a smile he thought he might die to earn again. it was because she was listening so closely that she knew the exact moment when kaz brekker, dirtyhands, the bastard of the barrel and deadliest boy in ketterdam, fainted. he'd told her they would fight their way out. knives drawn, pistols blazing. because that's what we do. she would fight for him, but she could not heal him. she would not waste her life trying. you want me. she turned the words over. gently, she squeezed his hand. and how will you have me, kaz? he looked at her then, eyes fierce, mouth set. it was the face he wore when he was fighting. how will you have me? she repeated. fully clothed, gloves on, your head turned away so our lips can never touch? if it were a trick, i'd promise you safety. i'd offer you happiness. i don’t know if that exists in the barrel, but you’ll find none of it with me. though he’d trusted her with his life countless times, it felt much more frightening to trust her with his shame. we'll be kings and queens, inej. kings and queens. you came back for me. i protect my investments. investments. but all he could think of was inej. she had to live. she had to have made it out of the ice court. and if she hadn't, then he had to live to rescue her. i’m glad i'm bleeding all over your shirt. she’d often wished to chip away a bit of his arrogance, but she couldn’t bear the idea of seeing kaz stripped of his pride. one minute he made her blush and the next he made her want to commit murder. thoughts of moonlight and silken hair evaporated in a black bolt of fury. kaz saw inej tug on the sleeve of her left forearm, where the menagerie tattoo had once been. he had the barest inkling of what she'd endured there, but he knew what it was to feel helpless, and van eck had managed to make her feel that way again. kaz was going to have to find a new language of suffering to teach that smug merch son of a bitch. what do you want, then? he nodded to her right forearm, not trusting himself to speak. his gloves lay on the other side of the basin, black against the gold-veined marble. they looked like dead animals. he focused on the shears, cold metal in his hands, nothing like skin. he could not do this if his hands were shaking. i can best this, he told himself. the old answers came easily to mind. money. vengeance. jordie's voice in my head silenced forever. but a different reply roared to life inside him, loud, insistent, and unwelcome. you, inej. you. stay, he said, his voice rough stone. stay in ketterdam. stay with me. she looked down at his gloved hand clutching hers. everything in her wanted to say yes, but she would not settle for so little, not after all she’d been through. what would be the point? he took a breath. i want you to stay. i want you to … i want you. i need someone who can be invisible, who can become a ghost. do you think you can do that? so why ask? because i've been looking for an excuse to talk to you for two days. i would have come for you. one of his hands balanced on his cane. the other rested at his side next to her. she’d need only move the smallest amount and they would be touching. he was that close. he was that far from reach. and if i could't walk, i'd crawl to you, and no matter how broken we were, we'd fight our way out together - knives drawn, pistols blazing. because that's what we do. his actions were smooth, precise, as if he were dealing cards at the crow club or picking an easy lock, but his rage felt hot and mad and unfamiliar. and what god do you serve, then? whichever will grant me good fortune. i don’t think gods work that way. i don’t think i care. those were my mother's favorite flower. good to know van eck didn't cure you of sentiment. nice to be back, kaz. good to have you back, wraith. to his left, he heard inej laugh behind her mask. he'd never heard her laugh like that, giddy and wild. he didn't mean to say it. he meant to let her go. i can help you. the silence between them was dark water. he could not cross it. that boy had betrayed his weakness in a single glance, had ceded the war for the sake of a single battle, and put inej - all of them - in danger. his greatest vulnerability had been right beside him. and now she was gone. he couldn't walk the line between the decency she deserved and the violence this path demanded. if he tried, it might get them both killed. he could only be who he truly was - a boy who had no comfort to offer. so he would give her what he could. something within him had torn loose. we never stop fighting. speak, she begged silently. give me a reason to stay. for all his selfishness and cruelty, kaz was still the boy who had saved her. curse you and all your saints, he said to no one at all, then realized he was smiling. she wanted to believe he was worth saving, too. she would have her ship and he would have his city. wait, he said. the burn of his voice was rougher than usual. is my tie straight? inej laughed, her hood falling back from her hair. that’s the laugh, he murmured, but she was already setting off down the quay, her feet barely touching the ground. i would come for you, he said, and when he saw the wary look she shot him, he said it again. just this minute, i'll settle for an apology, she decided. and i wont' board the boat without one. even if kaz isn't sorry, he can pretend. he at least owes me his best imitation of a human being. kaz shrugged, unwilling to give her an answer. inej was always trying to wring little bits of decency from him. i can hear the change in kaz's breathing when he looks at you. it catches every time, like he's never seen you before. he needed to know that she believed he could do this. he needed to know she believed in him. the ache in his lungs was unbearable. he needed to tell her... what? that she was lovely and brave and better than anything he deserved. that he was twisted, crooked, wrong, but not so broken that he couldn't pull himself together into some semblance of a man for her. that without meaning to, he'd begun to lean on her, to look for her, to need her near. he needed to thank her for his new hat. she'd laughed and if he could have bottled the sound and got drunk on it every night, he would have. it terrified him. now she remembered. he owed her an apology. say you're sorry. for what? just say it. yes, thought kaz without hesitation. there's one person i would trust. one person i know who would never use my weaknesses against me. kaz had taught her to crack a safe, pick a pocket, wield a knife. he'd gifted her with her first blade, the one she called sankt petyr - not as pretty as wild geraniums, but more practical, she supposed. and i'm going to get my girl. it was as if once kaz had seen her, he’d understood how to keep seeing her. his eyes blurred. it isn't easy for me either. her voice, low and steady, the voice that had once led him back from hell. she felt his knuckles slide against hers. then his hand was in her hand, his palm was pressed against her own. a tremor moved through him. slowly, he let their fingers entwine. for a long while, they stood there, hands clasped, looking out at the gray expanse of the sea. 
go on, she repeated. finish the story.
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mewrising · 2 years
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Some orange dragons for orange day!
Lore tidbits included under the cut :D
Top Row: Tau'riel // Whiskey // Sere
Tau'riel is Thunder Hollow's hot-headed fire representative. She was abducted by manticores as a young hatchling but ultimately found herself leading a revolution to overthrow the manticore leaders who abducted her by the time she matured. She and her loyal followers eventually fled to Thunder Hollow as other manticore groups took issue with a dragon-led manticore pride, and Tau'riel ultimately found herself a Council liaison both to her manticore allies and the clan's handful of fire dragons.
Whiskey is one of the dragons who watches the clan's clifftop border. He helps passerby find aid and rest in Thunder Hollow, which isn't always evident to dragons flying over the Cliffs.
Sere is...well, I don't know what he is yet. I only just finished gening him but I've been looking for a good opportunity to share him because he's just so pretty! Probably my favorite completed G1 project to date :D
Middle Row: Sparks // Quilava // Briar // Yuroja
Sparks' lore has been revamped a few times because the projects he's been connected with have fallen through, but, as of now, he's a vulcanologist researching volcanic activity in the Ashfall Wastes on Thunder Hollow's behalf. The apparel edit he's wearing in the picture was done by Rinny!
Quilava is my favorite fandragon and Thunder Hollow's lead metalsmith. She mostly works on small forged items and trinkets, but she has helped fill some industrial orders on occasion. She is a very bubbly dragon who doesn't seem to speak a word of draconic OR coatl, and she is well-known for her generosity and willingness to help.
Briar is the receptionist and record keeper for Sunder's Inn. She's a kind and quiet soul who is very passionate about animals and their husbandry. Her personal lair is more of a menagerie than anything, and she often brings some of her more well-behaved companions to work with her!
Yuroja is Thunder Hollow's mysterious lamp-lighter and resident storyteller. Dragons from all across the clan often take time from their nights to stop by her bonfire and listen to the stories she spins under the light of the moon. Some rumor that her stories were once inspired by prophecies from the Tidelord (she's a water dragon beneath all that apparel, believe it or not)...
Bottom Row: Arakiba // Ainsly // Kite
Arakiba (or Kiba as she is better known) is a resident of Thunder Hollow without a lot of lore as yet. When she was a hatchling, she swallowed a fire runestone that imbued her with uncontrollable fire magic. Coming to live in Thunder Hollow has helped reduce the extent of this affliction, but she still seeks a genuine cure--or at least a solution that will give her some control.
Ainsly is a mechanic who works at the Waystation, a small enterprise in the Lightning Farm that is designed to provide shelter and skill training for exaltation to those who need it.
Kite was one of Thunder Hollow's earliest members. She gave her life to save dozens of others who were ambushed by the Shade in the clan's settlement days. She has since returned as a ghost that protects the location where she died--a place that has since become a thriving town in the midst of Thunder Hollow's Great Forest.
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getthebutters · 3 years
PMS* Rescue 🩸 w/ Sage, Epsom, Evening Primrose
A relaxing cream rub to help with irritability, tummy issues, cramps, excess water retention, tension, hot flashes, sleep issues, and all those disquieting symptoms of hormonal dysregulation.
A relaxing cream rub to help with irritability, tummy issues, cramps, excess water retention, tension, hot flashes, sleep issues, and all those disquieting symptoms of hormonal dysregulation.
Initially made for a friend who suffers from intense cramping, constipation, and insomnia when it's time for their endometrium to rip itself out each month. PMS* Cream has become an invaluable resource for those with wacky endocrine systems, menopause, PCOS, PMS, rough menstruation, folks on HRT, and others.
The idea is that you use PMS* RESCUE along with your heating pad, massage, etc. PMS Rescue simply works to helps smooth out the flow of everything mentioned above. In the immediate, it's incredibly smoothing, soothing, and mood evening. At the very least, you should feel the internal growl of discomfort lose its edge, which can be enough to get you through the day. For many, the topical application of sage, evening primrose, and neem, can also help to balance hormonal issues.
Typically a 2oz jar is enough for a month of irregular usage.
Shelf Life is 1 Year min.
100% vegan
Compare to The Honey Pot Soothing Body Balm 2oz for $35.99
Suggested usage: Apply over belly, lower back, any achy or bloated area and take a breather. Works well in conjunction with a heating pad or hot water bottle. Also works great as a bath melt.
Ingredients: Aloe, shea butter, olive, coconut, grapeseed, soy & palm oils, neem oil, & evening primrose Epsom salt,+ organic essential oils: peppermint, clary sage, lemongrass; guar bean powder, sea salt, apple cider vinegar, Vitamin E/C, fragrance, polysorbate 80
 How PMS* Rescue Active Ingredients Work:
Clary sage - Helps balance hormone production/regulate the endocrine system. Commonly offered as a treatment for menopause and PMS symptoms. Like basil, thyme, oregano, and other herbs, it’s also known for its ability to increase circulation, support the digestive system, improve eye health, and offer antibacterial/antifungal/antinflamatory properties through a species & region unique blend of fatty acids, vitamins, & other nutrients. Clary sage is also antispasmodic, meaning it smooths involuntary muscle movement, likely due to synergizing effect on the nervous system. This also effects cortisol and related stress levels; blood pressure, cholesterol, etc.
Lemongrass - Used as aromatherapy to relieve muscle pain, externally to kill bacteria, ward off insects, and reduce body aches, and internally to help your digestive system. Lemongrass essential oil is a source of essential vitamins such as vitamin A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, folate and vitamin C. It also provides essential minerals such as magnesium, phosphorous, manganese, copper, potassium, calcium, zinc and iron.
Evening Primrose - can help treat hormone/endocrine imbalances and associated problems in the body thank to its high concentration of gamma-linolenic acid (GLA). This includes acne, PMS, cervical mucus production (possibly sperm motility - more research needed), male pattern baldness, menopause, polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), obesity/metabolic function, & spotting. It also helps sooth psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, rosacea, & eczema. It's also a powerful anti-inflammatory and has been used to treat a wide range of aches and pains caused by swelling, such as bloating, breast tenderness and cramping associated with PMS and joint pain in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
Neem - rich in essential fatty acids (EFAs), triglycerides, vitamin E and calcium. Neem also stimulates collagen production, good for aging skin. Indeed, if used regularly, neem may help smooth wrinkles and fine lines while helping to prevent the signs of aging. Neem oil may prove to be a natural remedy for eczema symptoms — including dry, red, itchy skin — and be very soothing, but it will not cure the root causes for eczema. Neem oil has been used in traditional folk medicine and as a home remedy for acne because of the aspirin-like compound that helps rid the skin of bacteria.
Peppermint Essential Oil - Relieves tension and headaches related to it. Helps unclog your sinuses and works to clear mucus from your airways. Helps relax the muscles in the sinus cavity. Helps boost energy levels, improve alertness and memory. Helps settles upset tummy. Relieves itching and topical pains thanks to natural analgesic properties. Helps increase circulation and brings all the benefits that come with it. Decreases dandruff & skin flakiness. When used on skin, it boosts skins overall health.
Epsom salt - made of magnesium and sulfate - both easily absorbed through the skin and necessary for a healthy body. When used this way, it will help with pain relief,  relax the nervous system, soothe skin irritation, healing cuts, treating colds and congestion, and drawing toxins from the body. It will also help your body release toxins through sweat and on the porcelain throne.
 How The Butters OG Moisturizer Works:
Each of The Butters' ingredients was chosen for their unique properties. For pure, easy to absorb moisture, we have aloe. For extended release moisture, conditioning and protection from ashiness, I add shea. To give your skin essential vitamins and lipids we have coconut and grapeseed oil. To protect from the elements and give your skin time to fully absorb the thinner oils, we add soy and palm oil. To hold that moisture to your skin, balance shine and absorb sweat, we have guar gum. Finally, to make sure your pH balanced, deodorized, clean and shining healthily, I add apple cider vinegar.
 Nothing else you've tried will match the results or harmony that The Butters creates with the body. Inside and out, it works without worry. No one should be forced to choose between being ashy or greasy. Nor should we have to buy a menagerie of products at a hefty markup to help our body do its thing. The Butters works so well because it doesn't try to manufacture quick results; it supports and balances what you've already got.
This is not a menstrual product "for women." This is made for anyone of any, all, or no genders who suffer from PMS or PMS-like symptoms - including those with PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), rough menstruations, folks on HRT, etc. This isn't a medication. Ask your doctor if you're concerned about possible interactions.
  “…This for me, is pretty much a holy grail period product for me now and I don’t say that lightly. A product to help period cramps that’s GOOD? Where do I sign up?!..”
-Locks, periods and pleasure – Butters Hygeinics Co. Review – Life of Violet (becomingvioletgrey.com)
“…When I used this, I had some back pain and cramps. When I went to sleep, I rubbed this all over my lower back and pelvic area. The smell of this cream lulled me right to sleep and I slept amazing!”
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klea221 · 3 years
Blood and Gold Part 1
*This is a fic of my own. I have not finished campaign 2 yet but I am being self indulgent and writing because I cannot get enough of Mollymauk. (I refuse to let him be dead!)*
The wind off the river was warm and calming, just like any other day in Marquet.
Merchants bartered and unloaded cargo. Children stopped to gawk at the foreign goods only to be quickly shooed away.
Life here was simple to the untrained eye but for those who knew better, “freedom” came at a cost.
Beginning to climb off the rocks and through the reeds, I realize that my hiding spot is in jeopardy. Stilling, I hope to remain unseen by the guards.
Casting “disguise self”, I make my way to the passenger ship. The price is a steep 300 gold but once I get to the menagerie coast, I can start my new life. Surely, its worth the cost. Hopefully, my sister Yara will keep up the illusion until I’m far enough away…
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I limit my time outside the cabin to twice a day to keep up the disguise. The rest of the time I use to plan my next steps. Of course I had never really “worked” before but, I had extensive tutoring and training at the palace which could come in useful. Armed with my bow, a dagger, and my sword, I could become some sort of adventurer! It could be like the stories father used to tell us growing up about the great heroes of the past!
Shrugging it off, I remind myself not to get too carried away. Surely, it would be more reasonable to work in a tavern of some sort…
Suddenly, I am pushed out of my thoughts by my sister’s message,
“(Y/N)! Its me, Yara! I was unable to keep up the act! Father has sent a search party! Be safe”
Even with closed eyes, I can still smell the blood. As quick as the rebellion came and left, the damage was already done. The streets of Ank’Harel were stained red. Noble houses were torn a part and everyone was on edge.
After a week of negotiation, things began to change. Hopefully things would go back to “normal”.
“We will form an alliance! There will be no more bloodshed in this city. We have a duty to the people, Ozai!” commanded the king.
“Yes, of course. There is however, a price for my… compliance” says General Ozai.
“Name it” answered the king, trying to remain prideful.
“Your daughter will marry Omar, He will become the Prince”.
“It will be done”.
I couldn’t breathe.
Omar was just as cruel as his father-if not worse. He was even rumoured to keep many slaves. Surely this man could not ever love let alone be a good husband. I felt sick. As I looked around the room, it spun and no body seemed to care.
“I will not hear anymore of this (y/n). My word is final! You will marry Omar! The wedding will be next month and that is that!” yelled the king.
My father almost never yelled, especially not to me. After the rebellion he seemed to be unhinged and there would be no use in arguing. My fate is settled; marry Omar or go far away-and never return…
“I understand” was all I could muster before storming off to my chambers. I grabbed all that I could and made my way to the docks.
My eyes shot open as I rose from the hard cot. The ship’s horn bellowed, vibrating the floor and walls of the cabin. Looking over to my window, I could see a huge lighthouse in the shape of the Wild Mother. This is it! This must be Nicodranas! Excited for what this new place has in store, I toss all of my things into my bag and leave the ship for the last time.
I cannot help but feel captivated by the delicate blue hues around me. The air is a beautiful combination of warmth, sea salt, and the smell of cinnamon. Looking over to a bakery, I see freshly made pastries and decide I should indulge myself! Why not?
Before I am able to take my first bite, the heavy presence of guards makes me uneasy. Trying to be stealthy, I make my way into an alley and case “disguise self” for the first time today.
“Hey! I can do that too!” says a cheerful accented voice.
Looking over my shoulder, I see a blue tiefling magically transform into a blond human girl in peasant’s clothing.
“My name is Jester! I’ll keep your secret if you give me your donut!” she says happily eyeing my purchase.
Though she is quite forward, I feel comforted by the tiefling and decide that maybe I shouldn’t be alone anymore.
“Why don’t I just buy us some more then! Oh- and my name is y/n!” I tell her as we walk back to the bakery.
Jester can talk nonstop! Normally this would be a little much for me but, having travelled alone for so long, I welcome it. Jester quickly tells me all about the city, her mother, and all the tricks the so called “Traveler” has taught her. Sticking with my plan, I tell her that I am looking for work while in Nicodranas. She happily takes me to her Inn where her mother helps me secure a job. I work hard cleaning up after guests and fetching them any food or drink that they require in exchange for room and board. It is very hard work but, Jester keeps me company most days.
One night as I’m folding tablecloths, I hear a commotion on the stairs. Its Lord Sharpe and he’s livid!
Oh no! Jester what has she done now!
Trying to stay out of the argument, I look up to see Marion on the staircase with tears streaming down her normally poised face. This was really bad indeed…
Making my way up to Jester’s room, I can already hear Marion and Jester.
“But Mama! It was just a joke! Surely he can’t be serious!” whines Jester. She’s completely unaware of the gravity of her actions.
“Lord Sharpe is an extremely powerful man Jester, I don’t think we should take the risk! I think it would be best if you left the city for awhile. Maybe with time things will blow over” says Marion, pushing the hair out of Jester’s face.
Opening the door, I try to aid Marion in convincing Jester to play it safe.
“Jester, your mother is right-I-I’ve seen what men with power can do…” I say cryptically.
Not sensing that Jester is understanding, I take my chances and tell them both my REAL story. I tell them all bout my engagement and how awful the ramifications would have been had I stayed. Who knows, maybe I would’ve been killed one day to give Omar the throne…
“Jester, we can go together, we can keep each other safe from bad guys. I’m sure the Traveler will help us!” I say, trying to persuade her.
“Thank you for telling us this (y/n). You are a true friend. I know you will keep my little sapphire safe!” she says pulling me into a hug.
“It is settled then, we will leave at once!” Jester says.
“Here, this should help you two along” says Marion, placing a rather large coin purse into Jester’s hands. “Be very careful Jester, and try not to play too many tricks!” warns Marion.
Jester had decided that we would search for her long-lost father (whom she had never even met). Not wanting to crush her hopes, I tag along on the mission.
In Port Damali, our “investigation” runs dead. Despite this, we manage to gain a member into our little group. Having noticed our cleric abilities, a half-orc sailor named Fjord offered to travel with us. He tells us that he wishes to enroll at the magic academy in the Dwendalian Empire.
As we lead the coast and travel towards this new Empire, the air become noticeably cooler. The ocean views become obscured by rocky mountain terrain, and I begin to feel anxious for the road ahead.
As we arrived at Trostenwald, there was a commotion by the lake. Curiously walking closer, we see a giant water snake and a tiny screaming girl curled in its grasp.
In a matter of seconds, a female monk leaps onto the scene in a flash of blue robes. She begins to pummel the beast with her staff. Seeing as she may need help with killing the snake, the three of us run to help.
Aiming by bow toward the beast, I surprisingly manage to hit it right behind the head. However, before I can get too excited, I realize the beast is far too large for one arrow alone to take it down. The snake angrily strikes at the monk who narrowly dodges the attack.
Fjord runs up to the beast and draws his sword while I prepare another arrow. This time, I aim for the eyes.
Now blinded and confused, the creature is unaware of Fjord’s presence. He quickly begins to cut through the beast’s tough skin, killing it.
As the snake falls to the ground, the crowd erupts with cheers.
Jester runs over to the little girl and quickly casts “cure wounds”. My heart finally slows down knowing that the girl is safe.
“YOU GUYS THAT WAS AWESOME!” yells Jester, waving her hands around.
“Ugh, yeah! That was pretty rad” says the monk. “My name’s Beau by the way”
“Oh! I’m Jester! And this is y/n and Fjord!” says Jester, happily.
“Nice to meet you” I say shyly.
“Are you guys travelling too?” asks Beau.
“Yes, we are making our way north to the Soltryce Academy” says Fjord.
“Ah- the Soltryce Academy you say… No offense but you guys are gonna need some serious coin for that” says the monk, knowingly.
“You don’t say… You wouldn’t happen to know anyone who is hiring, would you?” says the half-orc.
“Well I mean, I was going to do some work for the Baumbach Brewery before this snake thing happened… You’re welcome to tag along if you’d like” offers the monk.
“Hey! That sounds like it could be fun!” says Jester.
After living in a palace most of my life, I try not to complain too much about manual labour but this job was BRUTAL. The four of us have done nothing but haul boxes and crates for hours on end. My body was sore and sweaty despite the cool air of Trostenwald.
By the time we got to the Nestled Nook Inn, my body was on autopilot. Not bothering to eat, I head upstairs and crash onto the bed.
With an aching body, I finally pull myself out of bed and open the door. I am greeted with the comforting smell of fresh bread and breakfast meats. Sitting down with the rest of the group, I forget my table manners and devour the food placed in front of me.
Not long into breakfast, the little girl’s father from yesterday enters the Inn. Nervously, he makes his way to our table and thanks us graciously. Before leaving, he dumps a hatful of coin onto our table. The coin pile draws much attention so, I rush to divide the pile evenly.
As Jester begins to converse with the table next to us, quick introductions are made. Before I can dwell on the halfling’s odd appearance, two more strange figures make their way noisily through the Inn.
Quickly turning my head in annoyance to the commotion, my heart stops for a moment. Having lived in Marquet all my life, I was used to Tieflings as they were common to see around the city. This lavender one however, was a sight to behold. And Gods was I in trouble…
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moesmahous · 7 years
Do all the menagerie girls get along well with their fairies?
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Most of the time
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dramioneasks · 5 years
HP FESTS: dramione_duet (part 4)
dramione_duet 2019:
Collision Course by dreamsofdramione (Bugggghead) - M, one-shot - Lying to oneself is a tricky thing. A thing that could only last so long.When someone from Hermione Granger's past resurfaces in the present, long-buried truths come to light.
On Fire by Frumpologist - M, one-shot - Hermione is arrested and forced to share a prison cell with Malfoy for the weekend. It’s the worst possible scenario with the best possible outcome.
Have You Tried Wingardium Leviosa? by Darkrivertempest - M, one-shot - It's Hermione Granger's first day at her new Ministry job.She soon finds that her co-workers are crazy, her ex frequently asks for the department's help, and she's paired with Draco Malfoy for an important mission.What could go wrong?
One Cup, Precisely by torigingerfox - G, one-shot - Hermione and Draco have been married for three years. They live happily in Malfoy Manor, where Hermione has established her Alchemy Laboratory. She's deep in research for a new compound, when Draco shows up for breakfast. What will happen when Draco's tea drops, and teacups might be Hermione's only hope to undo an experiment gone wrong?
Hero Complex by tygermine - T, 5 chapters - Hermione is trying to keep her Menagerie from closing down. In an effort to stop this, she stumbles onto a murder, political games and a missing persons case.
Trust Me, Darling by Drewzer7717 - M, one-shot - Hermione and Draco are work partners who have been assigned to bring in a new financial donor. The donor insists on conducting business at a party thrown in her honor. They both have a little too much to drink and can't apparate home, bed sharing ensues.
In The Nirvana by shapphire (ChiakiFujiwara) - G, one-shot - With only two of them, could they make it?
Bloody Janus by mister_otter - M, one-shot - It's Halloween at Hogwarts, the most magical time of the wizarding year. Mysterious autumn is in the air. Anything might happen. And this year, it does.
One Step Closer by articcat621 - T, one-shot - Before they take the next step in their relationship, Hermione wants Draco to know everything.
Little Bites by RZZMG - M, 11 chapters - Some girls got hearts and love and body positivity and an everlasting supply of chocolates.Some girls got…Quidditch tickets.Hermione Granger's about to meet the temptation of her life: a man who wants to give her all of the above.
Mismatched by Misdemeanor1331 - T, one-shot - Brought together by the Ministry of Magic’s Marriage Law, Draco and Hermione work together to undermine the edict and subvert their arranged marriage while most decidedly not falling in love in the process.
Finding My Heart, And My Head by Charlie9646 - E, one-shot - Hermione Granger is desperate to find her parents. But no one – besides who she least expects to want to help – can go with her. The truth is, though, he has more in common with her than she thinks.
dramione_duet 2020: 
Court Sessions and Misimpressions by aetherioswrites - M, 6 chapters - Draco Malfoy has been the singular bane of Hermione's political existence ever since she had started working at the Ministry. After surviving three years of snark, smirks, and impossibly elegant snorts, she thought she was prepared for anything her colleague would throw at her... until he started bringing his son to work. Really, it was a shame someone so infuriating had to have such an adorable baby.
Peppermint Martinis and Hangover Potionss by articcat621 - T, one-shot - The Christmas party brings two unsuspecting people together.
Tightly Wound by bloominglover - E, one-shot - When Malfoy and Granger won't stop bickering, Headmistress McGonagall tethers them together until they work things out, by any means necessary
This Year To Save Me From Tears, I'll Give It To Someone Special by bootsy_mine - T, one-shot - With his father in Azkaban the outlook for a happy Christmas is not very good for one Draco Malfoy so why must Granger decorate their common space and sing Christmas songs constantly to remind him?
Carpe Piscis by tygermine - M, one-shot - There's a creature eating children. Hermione is sent to investigate.
The New Old-Fashioned Way by earlgreyhot - T, one-shot - Bringing home a Christmas tree is the least of Draco and Hermione's problems, not when they can't agree on how to decorate it.
Chasing Forever by floorcoaster - M, one-shot - After a shocking turn of events, Hermione worries her marriage isn't as strong as she thought.
Mr. Malfoy's Lonely Hearts Christmas Party by dirtymudblood - E, one-shot - It was quite simple. If you wanted to meet your soulmate, you attended Draco Malfoy’s Christmas celebration.Ms. Hermione Granger, Mr. Draco Malfoy formally invites you to a Christmas celebration to be hosted at his residence, Malfoy Manor, December the 25th at 6 p.m. Please arrive by floo in the main parlour. Dress code is black tie preferred. Mr. Malfoy hopes to see you soon.
The Peppermint Problem by maraudersaffair - T, one-shot - Professor Malfoy has an allergic reaction to peppermint candy canes. Healer Hermione to the rescue!
My hands are shaking from holding back from you by weestarmeggie - E, one-shot - It's Christmas Eve at The Burrow and Hermione's waiting for everything to kick off.“That will be Harry and the boys.” Hermione nodded, still thinking about what Ginny had said when Harry and the boys stepped into view. She stood suddenly, her stool toppling back as they came into view. “What are you doing here?” “Well, Granger,” Draco Malfoy said, stroking a hand through his hair as he met her glare with one of his own, “it’s nice to see you too.”
Good Things Come In Threes by RZZMG - M, 12 chapters - Draco Malfoy's been cursed with Lord Voldemort's Necromantic powers, and now everything he touches that is dead is reborn as a monstrous revenant! Determined to rid himself of the curse, he concocts a scheme to win over Hermione Granger to guarantee her help, for it seems she knows the secret to the Philosopher's Stone and the Elixir of Life it produces...and that ancient magic may just be the key to a cure!Post-war, 8th year. A/U (Epilogue? What Epilogue?).
Hermione Granger and the Very Nice Book Shop by sapphirephoenix - E, one-shot - Hermione has her mind set on adventure and books. What treasures will she find in wizarding Wigtown?
Never Have I Ever by meditationsinemergencies - E, one-shot - After being matched fo marriage due to the new marriage law, Draco and Hermione spend their honeymoon trying to get to know one another by playing a few games.
Of Ghosts and Gifts by mister_otter - T, one-shot - Draco Malfoy's solitary Christmas Eve turns into more of an adventure than he could ever have imagined, thanks to a pretty witch and a small, helpful (??) ghost.
The Duel Off! by WhatSoMalfoy - E, one-shot - Kingsley Shacklebolt is resigning as Minister for Magic and Hermione wishes to run for the position. However, a new edict declares that anyone wishing to fill the position MUST be competent in offensive and defensive magic. And so, the Duel Off was born. Feeling like this was not her strongest area of expertise, Hermione turns to her Auror husband, Draco, for some further instruction. Draco finds a way to give Hermione just that *little* extra incentive to do her best.
This fest is ongoing.
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ihavetogogh · 4 years
alright, I wasn’t technically tagged in this, but @the-chesapeake-shipper did a vague-tag to all mutuals yesterday, and 🥺 I’m bored. thank u for ur generosity
rules: tag people you want to get to know better!
your name and then what you would have named yourself: well... coincidentally, i did choose my name a few years back. i’m darcy (yes, after mr. darcy. no, i do not regret it). HOWEVER there are times when i wish i had chosen a name that paid homage to my Japanese heritage. i recently learned that my mom had planned to name me kimiko hunaya and there are lots of days where i consider it because i know my great grandmother approved of it
astrological sign (sun/moon/rising if you know): will someone at a higher level of gay please teach me how to do this stuff???? i’m a capricorn, but i don’t know if that’s sun, moon, or rising
when did you join tumblr and why?: oh god.... way too young? i think i made my first blog in eighth grade. so 2011. mostly because i wanted to be an edgy tween reblogging quotes
top five fandoms: i have to narrow it down? this list is in a constant flux but at this exact moment: nbc hannibal, star trek, tolkien (i cant bring myself to say lotr while the silmarillion still holds most of my heart), the man from uncle, and x-men (but exclusively for erik’s turtlenecks)
top five favorite films: the normal heart, princess mononoke, star trek: the voyage home, the phantom thread, and the pride and prejudice 5 part mini-series that we’re all going to pretend is a movie because i never watch movies...
go to song when you want to Feel something: depends on what i need to feel, but if we’re talking about Yearning(TM), lover please stay by nothing but thieves
what’s your religion or faith if you have one?: i was raised mostly with catholic influences and some shintoism/buddhism. i vacillate between total nihilism and the concept of divinity in nature and the infinite cyclicality of energy and life??
a song that makes you feel seen: anything keaton henson has ever written? beekeeper is a very enduring song from when i was younger that still hits me right in the gut even if i dont feel the same way as i did back then. a more currently relevant song would be garden song by phoebe bridgers
if you could have any career: if i could be the person i want to be rather than the person that i am, i would be a university english professor, preferably at some old university where everything is a little drafty and the campus library has high ceilings and ghosts that stretch back to time immemorial. sharing a love for literature and storytelling has always appealed to me, and if i could, i would spend the rest of my life in academia
do you have a type: men who are too old for me and women who intimidate me 😔
what does your heart/soul yearn for?: faust. all i want right now is to sit down in my library with goethe, tchaikovsky playing in the background. where’s mephistopheles to give me a special witches brew so i have all the time in the world to glut on the passions of humanity?
if you had to describe yourself in 5 words to someone who doesn’t know you: book hoarding bisexual literature student???
favorite subject in school: english, but i also love history (especially art history)
where does your soul feel most at home?: sitting on the end of my grandparent’s crumbling dock, feet dangling in a lake that made it’s home in some scooped out part of the north cascade mountains. everything is still except the whisper of the air through the pine needles and the slap of water against the shore. my grandma and i had wine and charcuterie for lunch and now my grandpa’s talking about his painting—something that straddles the line between the familiar and the surreal. it’s a very comforting memory
top 5 fictional characters: aragorn, son of arathorn, king of gondor; hannibal lecter; jim kirk; thomasina from tom stoppard’s arcadia; lyra belaqua from his dark materials
top 3 moments in a show that made you ugly cry: did you mean when boromir dies in fellowship???? he’s such a tragic character, and sean bean was the perfect casting decision. uuuhmmmmm hannibal tenderly and erotically gutting will in his kitchen. it’s one hell of a sex scene, that. aaaand the ending of your lie in april. i have nothing else to say on the matter
the earth, the sun, the moon, or the stars: has to be the stars (moon, please forgive me....)
favorite kind of weather: when everything is poised on the edge of a storm. the air is perfectly still, and you can smell the rain and the lightning. the sun low enough that there’s nothing but a glow of light at the bottom of the cloud bank
top 3 characters you kin with: elizabeth bennett.... clearly; will graham.... less clearly; and leonard mccoy, ultimate mom friend
favorite medium of art: subtractive sculpture mediums, especially marble, and oil painting. give me all that classic art
introvert/extrovert/ambivert: i’m a big, dumb introvert
a favorite literary quote: i could... spend hours answering this. since i’m thinking of stoppard and his horribly underappreciated plays, we’ll go with my favorite quote from arcadia: “We shed as we pick up, like travellers who must carry everything in their arms, and what we let fall will be picked up by those behind. The procession is very long and life is very short. We die on the march. But there is nothing outside the march so nothing can be lost to it. The missing plays of Sophocles will turn up piece by piece, or be written again in another language. Ancient cures for diseases will reveal themselves once more. Mathematical discoveries glimpsed and lost to view will have their time again. You do not suppose, my lady, that if all of Archimedes had been hiding in the great library of Alexandria, we would be at a loss for a corkscrew?”
some of your favorite books: the hobbit (tolkien), cloud atlas (david mitchell), the goldfinch (donna tartt), broken monsters (lauren beukes), the amber spyglass (phillip pullman), the paper menagerie (ken liu), the vintner’s luck (elizabeth knox), wuthering heights (emily bronte), pride and prejudice (jane austen), lolita (vladimir nabokov), crimson petal in the white (michel faber), sharp objects (gillian flynn), life after life (kate atkinson), the picture of dorian gray (oscar wilde), arcadia (tom stoppard), faust (goethe)
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?: a townhouse in edinburgh scotland, someplace just big enough for all of my books and a dog and cat. or that town int he netherlands where there’s no cars and everyone gets around by boat. i don’t drive, so that sounds like such a dream??????
if you could live in any time in history, when would it be?: i don’t think i’d like living in any other time, honestly... as a nonbinary person... but i would love to pop into the victorian era for a visit. i want to sit in on a victorian salon, listen to poets read their work and look at art and just generally enjoy the beauty of it. but i wouldn’t like to live then for long
if you could play any instrument masterfully, which would it be?: the cello please and thank you
if you have one, what mythological god or goddess do you feel a connection to?: i vibe pretty hard with persephone...
oh my god, this is so long, but LASTLY, favorite recent selfie in your camera roll: two because why not?
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