#pretty sure 99% of people do not interpret the song that way.
weallwentgaylor · 11 months
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‘Now That We Don’t Talk’: has a LOT of falling for your best friend lyrics. similar to songs that are about dianna from other albums pre-1989 and post-1989. this song feels very kaylor but because of the time-frame (and the fact that it has such a strong reoccurring break-up theme to it) this song has to be about dianna. i interpret this song as taylor wanting to be out with dianna but something got in the way (dianna being scared or her label saying no) so the relationship had to end
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‘Suburban Legends’: this song was the original gold rush. taylor talks a lot about her love interest being desirable and everyone wanting them. sounds familiar…
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oh. right. gorgeous…. the song that was undeniably written about karlie kloss. interesting!
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this line could be about her going to the victoria secrets fashion shows where karlie was modeling and not wanting anything to do with anyone but karlie. that seems like a pretty big reach but that was my first thought when i heard this line.
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now this could also be a reach but…
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but that’s all i’ll say about that. this line was also reminding me of when taylor said in an interview talking about the vs angels, “and theyre all wearing these robes by the way, its like an actual fantasy” and when she said she spends a lot of time in each models trailer 👀 maybe this was a self call out or maybe karlie did the same thing taylor did…
and lastly
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‘Is It Over Now?’: lots of “i hear about you being with other people and it makes me mad” vibes. this song gives dianna, the toxic push and pull type relationship. this line could have been about when dianna told taylor to watch glee just for taylor to see dianna having on-screen sex with another girl. at first listen i thought it was a kaylor song but now i’m almost 99% sure its a swiftgron song.
this was just what i caught on my first couple of listens. if anyone has anything else to add please comment it or reblog with your theories! <3
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littlesparklight · 1 year
<3 thank you @papillon82fluttersby :D
The Rules: Tag (9) people you want to know better and/or catch up with, then answer the following:
Four ships:
Zeus/Ganymede: feel like it'd be a crime not to start here, haha. I've always been into mythology, but randomly thinking about Ganymede's myth a couple years ago now (that long!!) got me wanting to read Greek myth stuff, and I started with the Iliad (for the Trojan-related angle) and the Bibliotheke, and so. I might currently be more focused elsewhere but this is still my beloved ship <3 You can do so much with them, and, especially, I'd say, by interpreting them as mutually in love. There's obviously other m/m couples in Greek myth and even one of those that at first looks tragic doesn't need to end that way (Apollo/Hyacinthus) but there are so many reasons Zeus/Ganymede is the one that has me by the throat.
Menelaos/Paris: Honestly, looking back I'm not quite sure how I didn't zero in on this one from reading the Iliad itself the first time, because this is definitely one of the flavours of ships I love. This ship is also what led to, first, Helen/Menelaos/Paris for me and then Helen/Paris, because 99% of the time I just don't care at all about het ships. This ship is also why I currently am like I am about Paris! Make no mistake, I didn't hate or dislike him before that, either, like the majority of Tumblr (and elsewhere) seem to do; reading the Iliad I mostly thought him kinda hapless and inoffensive, so going from there and liking him wasn't that big of a step. The possibility of them having bonded during those nine days in Sparta (or in Troy!), going from friends (or more) to enemies with complicated feelings still in the background is just so damn juicy to me.
Carmilla/Laura: original novella flavour! One day I hope to do a rewrite/retelling of my own, that would definitely end with Laura going or otherwise together with Carmilla, one way or another. The way Carmilla talks to/about Laura and what they feel for each other is just. so great. The caterpillar quote. The one about Laura loving her or hating her, and especially "love will have its sacrifices; no sacrifice without blood". And you know. The boob-biting to feed is extremely inspired and very hot, even if Le Fanu undoubtedly didn't mean it that way. I don't care. They're mine now. :)
Darth Vader & Luke Skywalker: Since I am so deeply into gen&family ships aside from romantic/sexual shipping, it feels, again, like a crime not to mention these two. The ST might have broken the back of my fannish engagement in SW currently, but these two? I love them. I love Luke's impossible and earnest belief in his father's inherent goodness, I love that fucking scene at the end of ESB where Vader reaches out and Luke reflexively, despite everything, says 'father?' HOW CAN YOU NOT LOVE IT???
Last song: Oh, uhh... I don't remember, but it's possible it was Teeth by 5 Seconds of Summer (happens to be one of my Helen/Paris songs for late war lol). I end up listening to a row of songs while drawing, sometimes (which is the only time I can listen to music and actually do something else at the same time), but it could have been another one, just as well.
Currently reading: Iliaden - en cover, by Dimitrios Iordanoglou, which is a (pretty heavily, sometimes) abridged and modernized version of the Iliad where the language is extremely slangy sometimes and the setting has been moved into "present day". Everyone uses guns and stuff. Apollo's main epithet is now "the Bomber" lol and he uses bombs and grenades. It's both extremely fun(ny) and really interesting, even if the language used sometimes make me wince even when I get why he's chosen it. But it's exactly because I know the changes he's made etc. that makes it extra interesting. When he keeps lines word-for-word from the Iliad they both stick out and fit in very well and it's interesting to see that, too. Also, and much longer than the above, is Paris in the Epic Tradition : a Study in Homeric Techniques of Characterization by Roberto Nickel, his thesis from 1997! I've mentioned it before; Nickel is exploring the possibility of the Iliad having changed/presented Paris (a lot) differently from how he might have been in traditional oral epic material. It's really interesting!
Last movie: Dungeon and Dragons: Honor Among Thieves! Loved it, a lot of fun, and despite how long it was, it all moved along at a good clip, nothing dragged.
Craving: Uh... :C Fics/art for my rare pairs? lol
Tagging: @a-gnosis @battlinghurricanes @crowlilies @my-name-is-apollo @scribeprotra @kebriones
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ladyc0312 · 4 years
A Jikook Guide to RunBTS: 91-101
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Sometimes, I think about some of the moments I list here and start to worry that I'm reading too much into things. And I'll be the first to admit that a bunch of them are ambiguous enough that reasonable people can differ in their interpretation. 
The thing about jikook, though, is that there are so many of these eyebrow-raising types of moments that you could throw out half of them and still have enough left over to think "there's something up with those two." Especially in the following episodes...
Ep 91 "Mini Golden Bell Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 1)
The ones where they make the best of sitting on the floor of an empty room and Jin and JK just barely manage to avoid murdering Tae over his less-than-excellent MC skills
03:35 - Everyone is confident that the "oh!" sound that's played is either JK or JM, but aren’t sure which is which. 
8:14 - When JM gets the right answer, JK is the only one to clap.
16:38 - JK is once again the only one to clap when JM gets an answer right.
Ep 92 "Mini Golden Bell Part 2" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
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15:00 - As he goes to measure JK's arm, JM informs everyone that JK's arms have gotten longer since he's been boxing.
15:54 - When JM keeps moving around while JK is trying to measure his arm, JK tells Suga to hold JM still. 
16:31 - When JM's arm somehow seems to get slightly shorter from his stretching, JK gets excited and calls him "Jimin" (no hyung) a few times and then "Jimin-ssi."
20:03, 20:18 - When JK is singing his karaoke love song, the other guys are all over-emoting or swaying and listening, but JM just stares straight at him (and even looks genuinely emotional?) and the camera just stops showing him at a certain point. See picture above. 
20:46 - When JK starts to criticize Suga's cham cham cham performance, Jimin tells JK to just sit down. And he does.  
BEHIND 5:48 - After RM tries to comfort JM about his short arms by saying his legs are long, JK repeats "yes, your legs are long" and then sings a lyrics with JM's name inserted ("moon, moon, what kind of moon jiminie")
Ep 93 "BTS Marble Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where I still don’t understand this game but enjoy the episodes involving it anyway
0:42: Not jikook-related, but I can't not point out the adorable moment where RM makes a pun about how Marble sounds like the way Koreans pronounce Marvel and JK says "I love you 3000" to himself. 
10:22 - JM and JK are sitting pretty close all episode, but it's particularly apparent here, where JM's arm is resting on JK's thigh as they read a question together.
10:40 - Reading the question is long done, but JM's arm remains. 
12:21 - JM pats JK's shoulder in comfort after he messes up a question.
16:14 - After the heart-making game is over, JM and JK make hearts towards each other once more.
20:21 - JK taps JM's leg while sweetly reminding him that the pedometer game is difficult. Then they lean in to strategize together. 
21:07 - JM pats JK's back when he ends up winning the pedometer game, then again when it seems like JK was tired out by it. BEHIND 1:15 - JK is sitting next to JHope in this shot. The next time we see them, JM is there instead and stays there the rest of the game.
2:10 - JK pats JM's hand after JM says that the winning team should share with the losing one so no one's feelings are hurt.
2:48 - JM appears to be sitting half in JK's lap as he explains his answer.
4:41 - JM leans into JK as he laughs. 
5:51 - Another angle of the 16:14 moment.
6:25 - JM is half in JK's lap again as they watch the other team eat snacks. When JK says it looks good, JM gets a piece for him and rather intensely watches him eat it.
8:40 - JM and JK continue working on a puzzle after the game is over. When JM solves it, he shakes his whole body and makes cute frustrated noises. JK looks like he finds it adorable (how could you not?). Jimin does it again closer to JK's face and JK looks away shyly. 
Ep 94 "BTS Marble Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
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4:20 - JM & JK trace a line with their fingers together in sync and the on-screen text informs us "two hands are moving like one hand."
7:24 - After JM and JK mess up in a game, the reach towards each other and hold each other's shoulders while collapsing in giggles onto the game board. The caption dubs them "dumb and dumber."  
16:28 - JM has his arm around JK's shoulders (while continuing from last ep to be half on his lap).
23:13 - When they're going back and forth about who should do the challenge, JM puts his hand on JK's thigh (the far one, for some reason) to tell him that he (JM) might get a leg cramp if he does it. JK does the challenge. 
24:12 - After JK loses the leg-shaking game by only one point, JM comforts him by massaging his thigh, shin, and calf.
BEHIND  0:29 - JK yells out "Jimin-ssi!!!" after JM gets an answer wrong.
1:54 - Another angle of the 7:24 collapsing together on the board moment.
4:03 - More of JM with his arm around JK.
7:48 - JM and JK stay behind to geek out together over some sort of kitchen appliance.
Ep 95 "Let's Play with BTS Part 1" (Ep: 3 / KM: 2)
The ones where BTS play childhood games 
9:17 - JK whispers to JM to ask for clarification on the rules.
11:18 - JK falls backwards laughing and, immediately after, JM does exactly the same thing.
15:23 - JK comments on how small Jimin's hands are.
31:33 - JM shushes JK when he tries to give advice on the game.
34:32 - JK puts his hand on JM's shoulder and asks for a snack.
7:40 - JM and JK giggle together over something.
7:56 - JK wants to show JM a jacks technique.
8:18 - JM and JK giggle together again and JM puts his hand on JK's arm as they do so.
10:24 - When JK adjusts the cameras, JM says JK is the director, then congratulates him and offers him candy when he's done.
Ep 96 "Let's Play with BTS Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The one where we get the origin of “Rock Bison” - and it’s rather jikook-y!
3:18 - JM sees that JK is sad because he didn't get the top he wanted, so JM gives JK his top and takes the Rock Bison one that no one else wanted. 
11:32 - JK giggles at JM repeatedly throwing his top in the background.
22:52 - JM and JK do a weird backwards handshake before competing against each other in the eraser game.
23:56 - JK claps for JM after JM beats him in the game.
31:11 - JK consults JM on which lane to choose for his model car.
33:46 - When JM reaches out to take a box that might be heavy, JK watches and stands up as if ready to assist. BEHIND 6:51 - JM stands with his hand on JK's shoulder as they watch RM compete.
6:57 - JM holds JK's arms from behind and acts as resistance for him as he does arm-lifting exercises. 
10:19 - An off-camera JM tries to help JK figure out what's why the model car he built is so slow.
Ep 97 "Pajama Party Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 4)
The ones where the guys wear cute pajamas and yes the Behind picture in the second part is real!
5:49 - We see that JM and JK have been drawing on their socks together. More on this in the Behind...
11:14 - JK is lying in JM's lap and they're playing around with their feet. This one is also expanded in the Behind!
22:13 - JK pokes a rod he is playing with in between Jimin's asscheeks. I... have been searching for a less suggestive way to describe this accurately and I keep coming up empty. Blame JK, not me!
22:38 - Another entry in our ongoing "it's JM's fault if JK thinks everything he does is hilarious" series, JM collapses laughing when JK skips back to the group carrying a Cooky doll attached to the rod like he hunted it. (In JM's defense, JK does look incredibly adorable doing it.)
23:54 - JK reaches over and touches Jimin's hand and the camera immediately cuts to something else.  
Note: For fans of JK's satoori, it comes out multiple times in this episode when he gets frustrated with various members after they get a question wrong.
BEHIND 2:41 - JM calls for Taehyung to come sit next to him. JK does instead. 
3:04 - JM rests his foot on JK's thigh as they both draw on their socks.
4:07 - After JM finishes showing off the drawings on his socks, he points the camera to JK in full focus mode finishing his drawings and JM smiles like it's the most adorable thing ever. 
5:26 - I'm sure you've all seen this clip already somewhere, but I'll describe it anyway! After JK tucks his feet under Suga's robe, JM pulls him back so he's laying in JM's lap. JM then puts his arms around JK as he grabs his decorated socked feet to show him while making silly noises. JK then picks up his foot to show his drawn-on sock and makes a different silly noise, causing JM to giggle. The shot gets cut off mid-giggle for whatever reason...
5:53 - JM rests his foot on JM's back while he adds to his sock art. 
7:52 - When JK stretches his arm out to indicate some of the members, he maybe puts his hand on JM's back for a moment.
Ep 98 "Pajama Party Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
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You'd think this would be a super jikook-y episode given those pictures, but strangely enough, there are no moments of note in the episode itself. Since you can see the pics without watching the ep, I didn’t include them in the KM score.
BEHIND 1:20 - JM complains to JK that he hasn't gotten any answers right so far.  Some people have matched this to a round of the game in the episode itself where JK doesn't seem to be guessing as enthusiastically as he did before, perhaps in an attempt to make JM feel less bad. I mention it here because it's a theory I've seen a lot, but YMMV.
7:50 - JK shows JM that he has attached J and M balloons to his shirt while saying "JM" and "Jimin," making JM giggle. 
Ep 99 "Florists" (Ep: 5 / KM: 3)
The one where we learn that Jin probably doesn't have a future as a florist
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4:33 - When JM starts to get embarrassed because everyone is laughing about his birth flower name sounding like a dirty word in Korean, JK rubs JM's neck and then continues rubbing circles on his back for a while after, seemingly to comfort him. 
19:05 - When Jimin looks confused after RM says he comes out of a glass bowl in Serendipity, JK lightly slaps him on the chest for forgetting. It's almost like it has some sort of personal meaning to him...
28:05 - After JK presents the bouquet he made (which he says represents all different kinds of love), JM says "I think I'll love it when I get it as a present."  Translation note: As we've discussed before, Korean can be hard to translate because often pronouns are omitted. A more literal translation is "present if received will be loved." Most translations that I've seen interpret it as Jimin talking about himself as the recipient, but it's not totally clear. Mentioning this because I know I was wondering why this moment isn't talked about more, since it seems fairly suggestive that JM would assume JK was going to give him a bouquet of flowers he made.
28:38 - When JM explains what "Serendipity" means, he's looking at JK (I think - I'll be totally honest and say the angle is weird and it could be RM).
31:02 - After the florist picks J-Hope's bouquet over JK's as his favorite, JM comments that Jungkook's "looks like a real bouquet for a wedding."
Ep 100 "100th Episode Special Part 1" (Ep: 4 / KM: 3)
The ones where the show does enhanced editions of games previously played on the series and you will walk away with zero doubt as to whom the episodes are sponsored by
21:36 - When it looks like Suga hit Jimin with the badminton birdie, but he actually made a bad serve, JK approaches with his frying pan racket held out and an angry look on his face and starts to scold Suga.  I’ve seen this written up as a jikook moment with JK being over-protective of JM. I’m going to be totally honest with you and say that I didn’t see it that way - JK had been getting increasingly annoyed at the other team re-doing serves and my read was that the moment was more about that. Let me know if you see it differently.  Regardless, the more significant moments are the ones in the Behind...
BEHIND 4:13 - When JM is hit near the eye with the badminton birdie, JK goes over to him and checks on whether his eye was hit. JM reaches out towards him as he gets up. It's interesting to me that the others stand back and let JK be the one to check in on JM, even though Tae and Jin were both closer when it happened. 
5:03 - Not a jikook moment, but JK is doing an adorable cheerleading routine in the background here and I can't not mention it...
8:39 - When JM sees that Jin and JK aren't messing around and JK was actually hit in the nose with the volleyball, he gets serious and walks over, asking him multiple times if it hurts a lot. He ruffles JK's hair before kneeling down next to him to check in.
Ep 101 "100th Episode Special Part 2" (Ep: 4 / KM: 1)
17:40 - JM tells everyone JK is good at this type of game.
1:06 - JK instructs Jimin (in half-informal language) how to work the box.
5:50 - JK calls out to Jimin that his photo makes him look like he's in a cartoon (and there's a slight pause when he calls him in between "Jimin" and "hyung").
7:09 - Jimin asserts that JK does look sexy in the "sexy pose" photo. He is imho correct.
9:15 - When JM is playing around after the game is over, he calls for Jungkook to cover him
100th Episode Special: Survival Directors Cut (Ep: 2 KM: 0)
5:32 - JM covers JK with his laser gun, allowing JK to escape.  Not particularly shippy since they're on the same team, but including it for anyone who wants a visual aid for some sort of military AU...
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2, 5, 11, 15, 16, 18 aaand 31 for the story teller asks.
Gotta stop here before i send all of them xD
Oh man! :D Thank you so much! I'm very excited to answer these! :D 2. Describe your story in three words or less Chaotic.... but loving. Not that the story is written chaotically, cause I don't think it is, but I think from an outsiders perspective, specially considering I sorta started sharing the story publicly almost 300 chapters in, I'm sure it at times can seem rather chaotic? Or maybe I'm the chaotic one? 5. How do you choose your characters’ names? Hm... it's many different ways really. For the most part I recall a name I really like for whatever reason, or see a name somewhere in the passing, like a tv show or an online article? Sometimes I use Google, let's say I want a very "bohemian" type of name... I'd Google that, cause I know shit nothing about that. And for the McKinney's I Google a fair bit. They all have Irish/Scottish names (well 99% of them do) and since I'm not Irish/Scottish, and I don't want everyone to end up with the most mainstream names, well, Google is my friend. Also specifically for the McKinney's, their names are chosen because of their meaning. Raven's birth name is Brandubh, which essentially can be translated to little black raven. Ronan, his brother, means seal, and he is actually a key that can seal the doors of hell. Eonan is knight... he was a knight of hell. Aedan (Andy and Raven's son) is born of fire, Andy has a power to control/create fire, that not many knows about. The McKinney brother's fathers name is Alroy, which means red haired (cause he simply has red hair, *snort*) And I could keep going. But I'm sure I would bore everyone to death. Anyway, point is, all McKinney's have a name that has something to do with either their powers or their appearance. 11. Why have you decided to tell this story? are there any messages or meanings within it? First it never meant to be a story for anyone but myself. It started as an RP. But when the RP ended, I had all these characters with elaborate personalities, living and breathing inside me. It felt empty to just drop them there. So I continued writing the story for myself. It was never meant at first to continue for years, I actually continued with the thought that I'd maybe write 5-10 chapters or so, and simply writing an ending of the story. Yeah, that was at least 275+ chapters ago. The story fast became a way for me to live a life I had to at the same time face I could never live out in real life. So I suppose my decision to keep writing, was a way for me to pull through a lot of things, I'm not sure I otherwise would have been able to pull through. There are a lot of "hidden" messages and meanings in the story, but I wont sit here and spoil them all, it's up to the readers (now that the story is actually being posted... here <- to interpret it for themselves.) However, I'm always up for answering questions about it. What I can give you is the message of loving people for who they are, not what you want them to be. To love yourself, even if you aren't the version of you you wanted to be, you can still be a pretty rad person. A message that we can overcome much more than we believe, as long as we keep fighting. And last but not least, a message of never giving up, and following your dreams. And to never give up on love. But above all, the message is simply love. I chose to write a story that heavily weighs on love, simply for the fact that I more than ever, believe what we need most on this planet, is love. And lots more of it. A lot of our issues could be solved by simply loving each other more, and loving the planet we live on, before there's nothing left to love. It sounds cliche maybe, but it's my opinion, and you don't have to agree. 15. What have been the highlights of creating your story? Definitely getting to know everyone, watching their characters unfold and grow. It has kept me to my writing. Back in school, my Danish teacher told me to never give up on writing, cause in her words, I'm good at it. She told me to 'always write, whether I would be bubbly happy or breakingly sad, write
write write'. For many years after I finished school, I barely wrote at all, so I was insanely rusty when I picked writing back up. My story helped me with that, and I found my way back to writing. Another highlight is definitely all the hard times my story has gotten me through. Doesn't mean I am smooth sailing my way through life, but it keeps me from drowning completely, and that's something. I still need to make some major life changes, but till that's possible, I'm holding onto my story, and it keeps me above water. 16. What about the process do you enjoy? *Snort* I think if people has followed this blog more than a month, it's already clear I enjoy creating characters, and as a result post some of the most lengthy bio's on Tumblr. But I enjoy just as much to see the scenes unfold in front of me as I write, feeling the emotions of the characters, often so intensely that it affects my own mood. There's just something in it, that makes me feel like I'm a part of the story, like I'm literally in there. And that's enjoyable to escape into for a time. 18. Choose a song that reminds you of your story A? A song? Like in one? ONE song for a circa 300 chapters story??? How??? How do I cram such an elaborate and still growing story into ONE song??????? Ghost-boi.... pls.... I'll have to get back to you on that *goes into full on panic mode searching through albums in my head* 31. Drop some random trivia about your story Pffft.... First chapter that actually made it into the story (cause there were a couple loose ones before that, that never made it) was actually written under different names, as I was considering sharing it online, but didn't want to annoy my previous RP partner, so I changed everyone's names. Andy was Alexander. Congo was Connor. Evan was Ethan. And there you also have the original poly relationship, that ended up in so much more. Well.... at the very beginning of the story, Evan and Congo still wasn't dating, but it didn't take many chapters. Adrian was originally made as an attempt to create something different, look-wise. To get out of my comfort zone and play with new features. While making him, I sat there looking at his face thinking 'this is me'. I simply connected not only with his looks, but also the character I started seeing growing in front of me, so writing his bio was probably one of the easiest ever to write, and he was very easy to adapt as a main character in my story. He just swept his way in there like a cool breeze on a way too hot summers day and the main cast was like... keh... cool... So he actually sorta became the main focal point of the part of my story I am sharing on my story blog, where Andy is the main focal point of the main story. Akin, the Alpha wolf, was originally supposed to never be a fully developed character. He was "just" a doctor that popped by here and there, but the two readers of my story back then, liked him a lot, and started expressing seeing potential in him. So I started developing him. As I expressed how he looked (he was originally extremely tall and a bit like a rugby player) they strongly disagreed and told me he was definitely slender and with semi-long dreads XD And that made Akin look more or less like he does today <- About that song though... if I have to choose just one song for such a BIG story, I'd have to simply choose a love song. But not a sugary sweet one. A haunting, emotional, longing, breathtaking, yet deep, passionate and warm song. I'd go with <- Witch is also a song from the movie Romeo + Juliet, by amazing Baz Luhrman. So basically a story about teenage suicide. In that aspect it doesn't fit at all. But it was the first song that came to my mind.... Sooooo.... I'll quietly leave this as well, on the way out <- (which is probably a much better fit anyway, both regarding lyrics and music video) 
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grabtherain · 3 years
Zach Stone's Last Laugh Pt. 2
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Now the two young adults sat in Zach's dressing room, it was clean besides the water bottles laying around in miscellaneous areas and a oxygen tank in the corner- Genesis assumed to make sure Zach didn't die while doing all of his songs in one fucking breath....maybe she was exaggerating. "You did amazing out there tonight, by the way." Genesis spoke softly, her legs insecurely crossing in front of her as she sat on the chair opposite of Zach on the couch. Her voice wavered in its tone due to the fact it had to cut through a thick layer of awkward tension that hung over the two. Who knew two anxiety ridden humans couldn't carry a conversation properly?
"Thank you. I'm glad you were able to enjoy it." The response was simple, with a small bitter taste lingering in Zach's mouth as he leaned into the word 'you'. He didn't mean to be coming off so rude, but something about today's show had really rubbed him raw- and particularly low in his "people battery".
"That last song...it hit way harder than you thought it would, didn't it?" Genesis mumbled out after a few seconds of letting Zach bask in his own regret of being so unprofessional. Zach's head shot up at the young woman's accusation, his eyebrows furrowed as if he was offended by such a question- when in reality he would later label it a defense mechanism.
"What are you talking about?" He questioned in an unintentionally condescending tone, "Look, I leave my show vague and pretty open to interpretation on purpose, but that's so you can reflect on yourself. Not project onto me." Again with the one breath sentences, these two really did have more in common than they would perceive. Once Zach finished his sentence, his eyes raised from the floor to meet Genesis's eyes, the eye contact making him slow his movements. His brain went blank and his hands that he used to express himself had came to a frozen position in front of his sternum. He didn't regret what he had said, he needed to say it, people were always trying to paint their views as reality- or as if what they thought was the only possible out come of what he had created. It was his. Not theirs. What he did regret however, was the person he had said it to- he was in fact doing the exact thing he had just Genesis not to do.
"I'm making an observation. At some parts, I genuinely believed you were going to break down and have a panic attack right in front of everyone." Genesis stated as if it was the most simple and obvious thing in the world, but not everyone had gotten that uncomfortable vibe like she had gotten from the show. Some had believed Zach was in his prime, every single time he was on the stage, but this performance of 'what.' was one of the hardest for him.
"I was." Zach shrugged it off, giving off the same ignorance that Genesis had to her sentence previously. "But as they say, the show must go on." He sighed out, relaxing back into the couch- feeling as though admitting he had gone through a serious incident in front of 100s of people, took a huge weight off of him.
"Didn't know you were one to dump all the beans at once." Genesis whispered mostly to herself, not knowing exactly what to say. She could explain that she understands and explain to him that, that's not good and he's ruining himself for powering through- but she wouldn't want to hear that. She's 99% sure he already is yelling that to himself in his head. "Do you do that often?" She questioned, her legs unwinding from themselves as she also relaxed a little.
"More often then I would like to admit-" Zach stopped himself when he really processed what Genesis had whispered, he knew she was mostly talking to herself- but he was also thinking it. Why was he telling this to her? Somehow, he could understand she said it just to help her cope with the awkwardness of the situation- for that he grateful. "What was your favorite song- shoot!" He said in a higher pitched tone than before, he was able to push past the spillover of anxiety and put on his small smile. It was genuine, as genuine as he could give at the time.
Nice way to change the topic, Genesis was also applauding him in her own mind. "Left brain, right brain. But prolonged eye contact really got me going in the first half." She laughed as she replied, her hand coming up to lessen the volume of her laugh as it passed her lips. That one got a nice laugh out of Zach as well, knowing the awkwardness of prolonged eye contact matched Genesis.
"Ah yes, prolonged eye contact took me hours to write. Sadly, you were not chosen to be stared at during the show." Zach said, in his mind questioning why it was sad, but he would brush it off as being because it would've been even more funny to grab his junk at a famous actress. "But again, why are you wanting to talk again." There he was, terribly segwaying again. He would have to work on that. He doesn't think it's as funny in real life as it is on the stage. He had to remind himself how exhausted he was while speaking to Genesis, if they spoke any longer he might say something and regret it. At least, that's usually how it went.
"Honestly, Harini did most of the talking with Douglass- over whatever they were thinking about doing, but I would love to be friends." Genesis tried to explain as best as she could, she really should've asked Harini what she was here to do. "I mean, not to push a friendship, but on a business level I think we could really do something. Whether it be a movie, writing something together, or just- existing and acknowledging each other once in a while." She rambled out, trying to over explain everything in order to hopefully make it sound friendly and not like the two were making a business deal- when really, that's all Genesis could do. Genesis constantly questioned every friendship she had with other celebrities, even staff members. Since they were so rooted in her career, and professionalism, she felt as if she truly didn't have any friends outside the singular person she had kept since middle school. Her twin flame. She'd think more about her later when she wasn't stressing over some white man's response.
"I think you're right." Zach said, not only to Genesis's surprise but to himself as well. He needed someway to not make it sound so...happy? "How about we talk about this some other time though." He finished, his head was about to explode from all the thinking he had done today. Everything he did seemed to be over thought, broken down, denied and then done anyway by his stupid little brain.
"Coffee! We don't have to plan a time or date right now but- I can give you my number."
"Yeah, yeah sure." Zach was moving way quicker than before. The quick change in pace didn't go unnoticed by Genesis, but she wouldn't point it out- in fact, maybe her people battery was going down a little too. "Heres my phone and then I can take yours," Zach faded out slightly as he put his hand out with his cell phone gripped loosely between his fingers. They were now having a business transaction, it was systematic, the way they switched cellphones. Typing in each others information and naming themselves in the others phone simply with "Genesis Yiles" and "Zach Stone". I mean, what else would they put right? They met about 30 minutes ago. Once they had finished filling out everything, they swapped phones again, and Genesis was standing up ready to go. Zach followed her off of the comfortable couch cushions, his eyebrows twitching as he noted the height difference between the two. "You're tall- oh. Damn, how do you walk in those." He questioned, audibly shocked at the thick heeled boots Genesis wore. He guessed he was too distracted earlier to notice the small details about Genesis's outfit- she didn't look like she came to make a business inquiry. She looked like anyone else who came to watch the show, maybe even a little underdressed compared to some of them.
"Just like you. Tall ass giant." She fired back because somehow this man was still way taller than her in these boots, she even had to crane her neck slightly to look up at him. "I should uhm, get going now before it gets too late." Genesis stated awkwardly as she checked her phone for the time. It was around 12 am, average time for ending her night especially in New York- the show ended at around 10:30, and between waiting for everyone to leave and waiting around in the waiting room. The time seemed about right to her.
Zach slowly nodded as he smiled down at what he would label, a new acquaintance. "Alright, just text me when you feel it's right to meet up, or I can text you. Whatever happens first?"
Genesis nodded in complete understanding, even popping a glistening smile at her like for the last phrase Zach used. "What happens first." She repeated with a more clarifying tone than Zach had used. "I'll see you later then." She hummed as she bowed her torso slightly, turning to make her exit from the room. As she made it closer to the door, she felt a hand hovering over lower back- seeming to just be letting her know that Zach was following her to the door. She grinned as she opened the door and turned to say good bye to Zach one more time, "holy shit- I'm Genesis by the way." She stated quickly, realizing the two hadn't even introduced themselves, though it happened often when people would just know her- she wanted to be different with Zach.
Zach looked at the girl like she had two heads. Really? They just had a whole 40 minute conversation and she's just now saying her name? However, he realized its not like he said his name or anything either. "Zach. Zach Stone." He spoke warmly, matching the smile that formed shortly after as he leaned on the door edge that swayed from the new weight. "It was nice meeting you Genesis." He declared and for once during their interaction, his genuineness showed through his words and reached the other hyper human in the conversation,
Genesis bowed her head slightly again in appreciation again before speaking out a soft "Goodbye" before making her way out of the door frame, and down the hallway. She had no clue where she was going. Just the general direction that was the backstage door, and then hopefully out the way everyone else had left the theatre. Somehow, the clueless girl had made it to the backstage door and had gotten it open, she was making her way past the killer cords that laid around- she hated them, when she realized that all the lights upfront were off. "Fuck-," she breathed out as she pulled out her phone to help her navigate safely from the stage, down the steps, and back into the stage. During this whole predicament, she was worrying over whether the doors would be locked and not let her out- the thought of it made her want to die in embarrassment before she even made it to the huge glass doors. "I swear to God, if these doors don't open I'm going to-" with a click, Genesis's mental health was saved from complete turmoil. She slid the glass door open and made sure to close it behind her with the same click it opened with- even pushing on it to make sure it didn't open because when she wasn't worrying about embarrassing herself, she was worrying about a policeman showing up at her door for some robbery occurring at the theatre. She really knew how to overthink her situation.
With that task complete, Genesis was able to make her way to her car- parked not too far from the theatre doors. This was New York City and Genesis knew that as she had her key FOB held between her middle and ring finger as a weapon, as well as her other hand neatly tucked into her purse holding the knife conveniently put there. She knew how to keep herself safe, without carrying an expensive death machine in her belt loops.
Thankfully, she made it to her car only having passed a few strangers on her way there. She would ignore the fear that someone had somehow snuck into her car while she was in the show and started up the vehicle. Still paranoid, she locked her doors and started driving right away before starting her music. Finally, she could relax and get home to her apartment- she could strip off the clothes tied now to anxiety and people, and get some sleep before tomorrow. She was mentally drained but able to see the happiness that was her situation.
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AO3 Tag Game
Wow, hey, thanks for the tag, @skypied! Although my answers are going to be much less impressive than the others', haha.
1. How many works do you have on AO3? 3
2. What is your total AO3 word count? 59,526
3. How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? On AO3, only Luca, but I wrote a few Harry Potter fanfics on FF.Net way back in the day (long ago enough that I'm pretty sure they've all been purged by now, thank god. I'm sure I'd die of retroactive embarrassment if I were to read them now.)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos? Since I only have three published at the moment, that would be all of them, I suppose, though none of the numbers are very impressive compared to the rest of y'all's. 🙃 In order, though, they'd be:
You're Worth Keeping Around (189; the first one I ever posted, heavily inspired by one particular song on Kenna's Alberto playlist)
Look Ahead, Look Behind (64; YWKA from Luca's perspective, kind of. There's a lot in there that wasn't in the first one. I just thought it would be interesting to explore how different people interpret the same information.)
That's How It Sleeps (49; short, spooky one-shot; is it a spoiler to say the 'it' in question is metaphorical?)
You can see from those titles that I'm one of those people who gets 99% of her inspiration from music.
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? Yes, I try to respond to all of them! A lot of times, I won't respond right away because I tend to maybe definitely get a little too excited when people say nice things and need some time to come up with a more measured, chill response, or maybe it was a really kind, insightful comment and I want to put the same level of thoughtfulness into my response. There are a few that I think got away from me in terms of it took me a long time to respond to, and then I was stuck in that "well, is it better to send a response now, weeks later, or just let it go?" But I really do try to respond to all of them. People took the time to read my story and then go write out a comment, and I want to let them know I've heard them and appreciated what they had to say. (There have actually been a couple that influenced some additions to the story later on, and I wanted them to know.)
6. What's the fic you've written with the angstiest ending? None of them- I can't do angsty endings. I do sometimes wish I was more angsty because I feel like it might make my writing "capital-B" Better if I dove deeper and spent more time on the "we're all broken and happy endings are for suckers" line, but like… This is my escapism here, folks. There are enough heartbreaking endings to deal with in the real world. Writing escapist nonsense about these gay fish is one of my coping mechanisms.
7. Do you write crossovers? Nah, not really my jam. I did once write a crossover between Harry Potter and my middle school for a creative writing assignment in 7th grade, though… easily the most ridiculous thing I think I've ever come up with.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic? Not hate, but someone did go comment on an old one months after it was completed to tell me that I used a lazy plot device.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? I haven't, but I've thought about it. I have a scene kind of mapped out for the fic I'm working on now, I'm just not sure I have the skills necessary to do it well (and I don't necessarily want it to be shoehorned in there like "and now, a word from our sponsors: Banging™"). There are some steamy scenes in the first two I've written, though, but the scenes either cut out right before things really kick off or pick up right after they've finished.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen? Not that I'm aware of.
11. Have you ever co-written a fic before? No, but it sounds fun. If anyone wants to, HMU, as the kids say (I don't think they say that anymore 😅)
12. What's your all time favorite ship? It's hard to say, because my brain has been so thoroughly taken over by Luberto since June. I was quite an ardent supporter of Ron/Hermione (were they eventually given the name Romione? Not really a fan of that, tbh) and Wolfstar back when I was a teenager, though.
13. What was the first fandom you wrote for? This should come as no surprise if you've made it this far, but Harry Potter.
14. What's your favorite fic that you've written? Eeee, I don't know. Bits and pieces of both of my long ones, honestly? I just absolutely love the Epilogue to Alberto's fic (it's just absolutely ridiculous fluff, but it makes me smile.) I actually really like Luca's flashbacks in his fic, specifically his memory of their breakup and then his embarrassing memory when Giulia tries to set him up on a date later on. I would need to go back and re-read both of them in their entirety back to back to decide which I like better over all, though. I like them both for different reasons. I also really love the first chapter of the fic I'm working on now, but I'm struggling to make the rest of the storyline fit together the way I want it to. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
And now I tag, correct? @leela-small , your turn! (If you want!)
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sarcasticnerdfan · 4 years
Things my English teacher has said
(keep in mind this is on Zoom and we only have English class twice a week right now. Also I’m changing his name to Mr. Smith just in case haha.)
”This young boy was actually a type of cat.”
”I promise this isn’t a threat, it’s just a fact.”
*giggles hysterically* “I’m getting excited now!”
“Would you want to be protected if you murdered someone?”
“That doesn’t mean you can just go around and murder people!”
“Have you ever murdered someone?”
“Hiding a murder isn’t usually a good option.” ~We read a lot of short stories about murders okay~
“Make sure you purchase some of that sweet Mr. Smith merch.”
“...make sure to like and subscribe!” *ends Zoom meeting*
“For school purposes, I just drew an inflatable spear.”
“When do you see someone with red eyes?”
“A really long list of two basic items.”
“This video is required by law and it’s 40 minutes long, so that really sucks for you guys.”
“Skateboards will be finnessed.”
“You’re all absolutely riveted, right?” because everyone had their cameras off and mics muted.
“Gangs in school may cause destruction.”
“Good cavorting, excellent cavorting.”
“Focus on his cheeks, best cheeks in DHS.”
“No drugs on the bus.”
“That’s what happens when you stand up on a moving bus.”
“I’m pretty sure I saw one or two people fall asleep on camera.”
“I thrive in awkward silence.” *entire class proceeds to be silent for fifteen straight minutes*
“SHI--OOT, I was muted!”
“She basically looks like Angela from The Office.”
“That’s a new problem!”
We’ll measure your brain with our measuring cups.”
“If you don’t like the book, you can burn it!”
“I actually have no idea how any of this works.”
“I don’t know, ask your homeroom teacher. If I’m your homeroom teacher....good luck with that. I’m sorry.”
“Feel free to interrupt me; I’m talking nonsense anyway.”
“I want to wrinkle your brain as much as possible.”
“Come to the front of the class and we’ll measure your brain.”
“It would be helpful if I knew how to use my computer.”
“Some sort of connection is back, and I have no idea what happened, but it’s fine.”
“It’s not a wallet chain, it’s a scrunchy chain! God!”
“This song is comparing high-schoolers to soldiers, and it has a point. That’s the bad part.”
“You have a measuring cup for someone’s brain. Because that’s how that works.”
“Gimme a second.” *off screen* “Get outta here!” *throws cat*
“Two a.m. in the morning.”
“I don’t know how much depth Luigi really has as a character.”
“What the heck is water?”
“How many times do you use the English language?”
“Do you speak more than once a day?”
“Whoooo! That’s not so bad!” *after drawing something that no one could interpret*
“Gotta add some wiggles here.”
“That’s so bad. That’s not how lines go.”
“I’ve got twenty minutes left to do everything else.”
“You could try, but you’re also very wrong.”
“We could ‘TLAK’ about characters.” (yes, TLAK, I did not misspell that)
“Mr. Smith on the whiteboard drawing really...COOL things.”
“Ahh that’s a joke.”
“If you ever want to sound, uh, cultured.”
“That’s a tree, should have been a house.”
“Nature doesn’t give you second chances. Nature is the cruellest antagonist of all.”
“The author has this thing where he just kills everyone all the time.”
“Senores, channel your inner Justin Timberlake.”
“The character is kind of an idiot. It’s not their fault.”
“I hear myself talk too much.”
“It’s just a rat that knows how to cook, right?” *nervous laugh*
“Oh no! Oh yes! NOOOOOO! Oh wait, it’s fine.”
“Don’t call him a ginger. That’s kind of not. Nice.”
“I swear to God. I know ‘life’ doesn’t have two L’s in it.”
“That’s stupid. I’m erasing that.” *draws smiley face*
“Only $99 is not a tone.”
“Politicians have to sell themselves for votes...that didn’t sound right. Politicians are not prostitutes.”
“Words put together make a phrase.”
*loud sigh* “That was a good pun.”
“If birds and humans switched places, would we also switch sizes? ‘Cause I don’t think most branches could hold me.”
“No offense to anyone who likes...fishy milk.”
“You don’t want to use the wrong word because that’s called ‘being embarrassing.’“
“His eyes that are way up on his head, so Nick...doesn’t have a forehead.”
“Not that I’m biased or anything, but he’s a terrible person.”
“I don’t think the sun should be called Kanye West. I don’t think Kanye needs a bigger ego.”
“The sun should be named after Kanye West so he’s finally outshined.”
“But what if you guys were wrong?” *dramatic gasp*
*sends 1000 boat emojis into the chat*
“This seems like a terrible idea. Let’s do it.”
“How do we show wealth? MONOCLES.” and then a few that are actually good advice
“Don’t judge your week based on how you feel Monday morning.”
“We should always seek to understand those who are different.” I might add more to this later
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incarnateirony · 5 years
Look - off her rockers Kelios thinking that line was about Dean and Lee cutting a woman in half and violating her parts says everything about her mental state. But I disagree that the only SANE and LOGICAL interpretation of sharing a woman is that they took part in a devil's triangle. It's possible. I am not saying it's not, at all. But that wasn't my immediate thought. Mine was Dean had sex with her. Then she went with Lee. Perfectly valid, non sane, non-gay interpretation. Why are YOU right?
*Yawwwwwns* Any other nonnies want to come out and show that they don’t understand their headcanon versus the text and literally the most straightforward reading of the content? Is this just a loop I’m going to have to deal with? “VINDICATE MY BITTERNESS BY PERSONALLY PERFORMING FOR ME, FOR IT IS I! GLASSESFACE MCNOBODY”.
Calm down anon.
I’ll eventually write about it.
Given, I have more important things to talk about, first, than teaching what median stats tells me is somewhere in the wheelhouse of either a 17 year old that has no idea how storytelling and production works that’s been gaslit to death by a 40 year old conspiracy theorist; or, alternately, you in fact are a 40 year old woman panicking about dicks touching and/or pissed that they didn’t get to see the dicks touching and/or intentionally misreading anything and hoping to justify that with to a  whole… *checks statcounter* 4 nonnies, probably all hiding in the same group chat and pretending to be unrelated while targeting different discussion angles from aggressive to sea lion – like, look. I’ve got mytharc meta to do. I’ve got general meta to do. I’ve got music videos to make.
“ELI5 what I already know better about but pretend the rest of the world doesn’t” is really not peak discussion.
But minding, of course, that I do often talk about things like false narratives, manipulated discussion and definitions, and fandom moving its own goalposts to a mix of idiot antis that already know better, a perceived GA resisting them that doesn’t exist in any metrix, and… *shrug* it’s about all you guys have to do anymore once you got lost to that bitter hole?
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I’m sorry if your entire fucking experience has been subsumed by talking down your own textual LGBT content just because you… want to collectively imagine there’s a bunch of other people that don’t get 2+2 and/or get 2+2 but want to argue with the content. And/or you’ve chosen to or been convinced that “high visibility, inarguable text” is the same as deadass “text”. Either way it’s ridiculous.
That’s a you thing.
Is it fair to want more visible text? Sure! That’s the nature of the LGBT battle! Totally fair!
You are confusing “unsatisfactory text” with “subtext”.
I’ll eventually include this very event in my inevitable fandom discourse, but there’s a certain amount I’m going to limit you intentionally wanky, anonymous fuckers disrupting my general talk and analysis of the show.
I’ll get there when I get there. And you’re probably not going to look kindly back on the memorial of your own anonymous reflection when I do.
But one thing I will absolutely not abide, and not be party in, is deleting text, thin and unsatisfactory to some as it may be, that does, indeed textualize an element that multiple bisexual people in my mentions have been lamenting y’all *choosing to delete their representative text*. No, it’s not “fine” because you’re bisexual too. That’ll never be fine. Microaggressions against your own are never fine. Your internalized issues are yours, and once they spray on other people, you’re bringing *your* garbage to *their* footstep.
It’s *fine* to want that more visible text. It is *not fine* to delete existing LGBT text and your own fellow LGBT community members just because it was not *satisfactory text to YOU*.
If your fight for “visibility” is motivated primarily by “but I want to win every argument ever online no matter how much of an intentionally stupid fuckface this anti that might as well be a MAGAtrollbot this person is being”, you’ve left the field of fighting for representation long ago. Either you resonate with Dean Winchester as a character, or you don’t. There is no in between. The text may not be high visibility enough, but if you resonate with and accept the character, the canon, and yes, the text, it is what it is. That’s representative. It’s not high visibility. But it’s representative. Not every rep point is high visibility. And it’s fine to want better visibility. But circle back to the other elements. 
And make sure you’re actually in this for representation. Not personal vindication for feeding the trolls under the bridge.
I am DONE watching y’all steamroll people’s representation in the interest of trying to push a line that is your personal satisfaction line. I’m done watching you delete actual fucking people in your course to prove… *checks list* Let’s see, Wincest or Samwitch at this point, the latter being a small contingent and not the sum of its fandom but a few pretty big names.
Yes, deleting Eileen is problematic too because it is *literally* a representation issue for disability, which Bobo went to the fucking NON-WB/NON-CW/NON-SPN DISABILITY REPRESENTATION PANEL TO LISTEN TO AND PULL SHOSHANNA ASIDE. AND INVITE HER BACK TO THE SHOW.
You know, the MIDDLE AGED LGBT MALE AUTHOR that y’all seem to fucking conveniently forget that while bagging on how he chooses to depict his queer content within his given regulations. For… a middle aged LGBT male character. So I’m curious, how many of you hit the intersectional demographic of “LGBT, male, age range” – I’m curious. All three. Everybody raise your hands. Nobody?
Jesus christ y’all. Stop and realize that your fanon ideals have made perception of canon and text become outright deranged, fucking hell. And it’s making you destructive to the representation we DO get.
So here’s how this works: You all forget we ever talked about this, or I ever said this, or even how you truly initially felt in the moment. You forget. You go back to writing agenda-based posts about some alternative ship and talk in circles. You end up fifteen yards right of canon, but at some point, some noncommittal “and then Jack comes back” clear as day like even a fucking toddler could see it coming, or IDK, you celebrate calling Dukes of Hazard as the song when literally several HUNDRED people on my list got it because it was clear as day, or *whatever* to make it sound like *your read is even in the ballpark of accurate and viable*, only to end up… let’s face it. Even people pretending they don’t, and making every bronly-esque excuse in the world around Saileen, fucking see it. People who wanted something else will continue to buy into the narrative as it falls apart more and more meagerly, and pretend common sense and text aren’t clear enough, for personally motivated reasons -- but it IS. WHAT. IT. IS.
But at some point some noncommital very general estimate of where the story inevitably goes on like a grade school level of story understanding will be used to try to prop up the rest of a crumbling narrative while you still don’t even understand how some people understood Michael was coming, or that Chuck was going to be the big bad, but damn if you won’t argue nonsensical headcanons against surface level text and then trumpet victory because *checks notes* Jack got possessed which 99% of us saw coming, but sure, good for you!
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 5 years
After the misogynistic shitshow by Dumb&Dumber, do you have any recommendations (can be books/movies/shows/etc.) for series with women in power written well? Something that is, you know, beyond Dumb&Dumber's two brain cells to understand?
My apologies for how long it took me to answer this, anon.
I’ll be glad to point out to you some well-written stories of women in power. The issue is that I’m not certain what you mean by “women in power”. The most common interpretation that comes to my mind is a woman in political power, but there are several kinds, so I’ll give you a broader range of suggestions.
Now I have to say, I’m no expert in this topic, and I probably can’t give you as many recommendations as I’d like. Sorry about that. And also - all of these series I’m recommending have shortcomings, and none of them are perfect. I’ll make sure to list the (perceived, in my eyes at least) shortcomings of my suggestions. I do have to warn you first, though, that my descriptions contain minor spoilers.
*These are in no particular order
1. Tolkien
Whenever I’m asked a question about a series with well-written women, my first answer is always to read Tolkien’s books. The history of his legendarium spans thousands and thousands of years in earthly time, and even goes back to a time when time itself didn’t exist (a la the creation of the Ainur). There are many, many well-written female characters in the professor’s legendarium, and the best thing, to me, is that they’re varied. Tolkien doesn’t stick to one type of woman to serve as his female ‘icon’, so to speak, he writes women in many different kinds, and I can appreciate all of them.
Some examples: Galadriel is probably the most well-known, and I stan a wise, powerful, revered queen. Other examples include Varda Elentári (I literally worship her lol), Nienna Qalmë-Tári, Melian the Maia, Lúthien Tinúviel, Aredhel Ar-Feiniel, Morwen Eledhwen, and Idril Celebrindal.
Now for the shortcomings. I really only have one shortcoming when it comes to Tolkien, and that’s the fact that he never writes from the direct perspective of his characters, the way, say, GRRM does for ASOIAF. And while that style does have its great points which I enjoy to the fullest, such as leaving everything open for interpretation, it also prevents us from having a full look inside the characters’ heads and completely humanizing them. Although, actually, I tend to enjoy that aspect of Tolkien’s writing, as it allows me to explore and settle on my version of a character (which I usually do through writing fanfiction, lol). Still, this can be a drawback for some.
2. A Song of Ice and Fire
Assuming that ASOIAF’s ending won’t be like the ending for Game of Dumbasses, which I’m 99% certain it won’t be, GRRM generally does quite a good job when writing women in power in the midst of a world as misogynistic and shallow as ASOIAF’s world. He very realistically explores the rewards and consequences of their actions, personalities, and so forth. There is quite a large multitude of female characters in ASOIAF’s world, and they’re all quite varied as well.
Some examples: Daenerys Targaryen (my queen from this day until my last day), Arianne Martell (I love her I love her I love her), Asha Greyjoy, Sansa Stark (she’s become rather controversial as of late thanks to Game of Dumbasses, but I still like book!Sansa despite having my gripes about her), Arya Stark, Alysanne Targaryen, Rhaena Targaryen, and Margaery Tyrell. I might even tentatively name Cersei Lannister, who, while certainly not a good example or representation of a woman in power, is a very well-written example of the consequences that living in such a misogynistic, stiflingly patriarchal world such as ASOIAF’s.  
Now for the shortcomings. As much as I love ASOIAF, there are some rather sexist and racist themes in it, and also, the fact that there’s such detail about nudity, especially in Dany’s early chapters, when she’s a freaking thirteen-year-old, make me very uncomfortable.
3. Empress Ki
Unlike the others on this list, Empress Ki is not a book series (if it was, though - God, I would buy the books so fast). It’s a Korean drama set in Ancient China during the reign of the Yuan Dynasty established by the Mongol Kublai Khan following the life of a real-life historical figure, Empress Qi. Qi began as the daughter of a lower-ranking noble in Koryo (the name for Korea at the time), a vassal state of China. She was sold as a concubine for the emperor, Toghon Temür. Despite having an empress at the time, Toghon Temür fell in love with Qi and favored her. Eventually, Qi did become empress of the Yuan Dynasty.
Empress Ki, the k-drama, follows this history loosely, but it’s by no means historically accurate. Nevertheless, it paints a dramatized version of Empress Ki’s journey. What I like about the drama is that Empress Ki’s ambition is never framed as evil. She becomes very politically astute and manipulative, even vengeful, but maintains her heroism nevertheless. There was never even any hint of “Oh no, her ambition is making her evil™”. I liked that very much, and it was such a breath of fresh air after the vomit-inducing misogyny that D&D didn’t even try to hide in their writing.
Now for the shortcomings. Unfortunately, since this is set in the royal court of imperial China, where empresses and concubines all lived and all grasped for the emperor’s favor, there is a fair bit of cat-fighting going on between the women, a tired and overused trope. While it’s understandable because of the circumstances the women are in, it still tired me to watch. Empress Ki herself was also subject to being forced to behave, at least publicly, in a very narrow and stereotypical line of behavior for a concubine of the emperor, since she needed support. Imperial China was pretty misogynistic as well, and the k-drama is true to that kind of setting, though unfortunately never addressing or framing it as a particularly bad thing. But as I said, Empress Ki follows real history, and I understand why the writers couldn’t throw in something such as women receiving equal rights to being heirs or something to that effect.
4. The Nevernight Chronicle Series
The Nevernight Chronicles is set in a fantasy world with three suns, in which night only arrives once every few years. The main character is Mia Corvere, who is the daughter of an executed traitor in the Itreyan Republic. The story follows Mia as she goes on a journey for revenge against the people who killed her father, and her aim is to become an assassin of a cult, as she believes this would help her achieve her goals. Sounds cliche, right?
Despite this kind-of-overused trope (kid loses parent, becomes an assassin to avenge them), Nevernight caught my attention because Mia, our protagonist, isn’t exactly human. She’s a darkin, and has the power to bend shadows to her will. This power, though, comes with drawbacks. I can’t say too much more, as this isn’t a very well-known series and much more would be spoilers.
Admittedly, I’ve only read the first book and am still trying to get my hands on the second one. In any case, I’m recommending this because I very much enjoyed the way Mia, as an assassin, was written. There’s a very fine balance between her ruthlessness in trying to become a hired killer and the remnants of her morality. I also liked the writing style, although I suppose it’s not for some. The author uses footnotes to help with his worldbuilding, which I found kind of tedious at times unless the information in them was interesting.
Now for the drawbacks (besides the thing about the writing style, lol). I must warn you: although Mia is sixteen at the start of the series, this series is not classified as YA, but rather as adult fiction. And there’s good reason for that. It has some rather explicit descriptions of extreme violence, blood, and gore, and also, characters are put in mature sexual situations despite being only in their teens. Said scenes were pretty well-written in my opinion, but it still made me uncomfortable. There is also some underlying racism.
5. Game of Queens
Game of Queens . . . had its good points and its not-so-good points. The reason I’m putting it on this list is because it follows the story of the two Biblical queens, Vashti and Esther. As you may know, Vashti was ordered by her husband, the king of Persia Ahasuerus, to appear before him and his men in the men’s banquet hall, which was considered extremely scandalous and something no decent woman should ever do. Vashti refused, and because of her refusal, she was either deposed, exiled, or executed. The Bible doesn’t mention her again.
Ahasuerus’ second queen, Esther, was a Jew but had to hide it (I believe the Persian Empire disliked Jews or something to that effect, but frankly I can’t remember exactly why). However, Ahasuerus, influenced by his villainous counselor, almost ordered war on the Jews. To save her people, Esther revealed her identity as a Jew, putting herself at risk, and pleaded with Ahasuerus to call off the war, which he did.
Anyway, I very much liked Vashti and Esther’s characterization in the books, for different reasons. Vashti I liked because she began as a pawn: naive, carefree, wanting for nothing, and then she began to realize that she was being used. Her story in Game of Queens is about moving past and growing from the manipulated, unthinking child she was into a competent and intelligent manipulator herself. What I find noteworthy, though, is that despite her increasing cunning, she retains her gentle nature, and her kind personality never really changes. Too often have I seen stories where women lose innocence and become cold and hard as they learn to play the political game. And while I enjoy stories like that too, I admit it was very refreshing to see something different.
I liked Esther because she defied the norm of a woman during that era. Esther was a skilled horse rider, and strong and fit physically, not at all delicate. A moment I really, really liked in her story was when her aunt commented that she must be tired after a long journey, and Esther, raised more as her father’s son than her father’s daughter, replied that no, she wasn’t, and that she was very used to traveling much further distances.
Lastly, Vashti and Esther also became friends in Game of Queens, and I very much enjoyed reading the moments of their friendship. There’s no jealousy between them, no pettiness, no catfighting. Just two young women working together and becoming close.
As for the shortcomings, I disliked two things in particular: Amestris, Ahasuerus’ mother, is the classic power-hungry seductress who attempts to manipulate everything from behind the scenes. It’s not that I disliked her in and of herself - she was a very competent, very intelligent woman, but her character is such a stereotype that I felt it detracted from the story. She’s given no real backstory, no real motivation. The other thing I disliked is that Esther fell in love with Ahasuerus at first sight, based only on his handsome looks. For someone as witty, determined, and tough as Esther’s portrayal in Game of Queens, I was disappointed that her falling in love with Ahasuerus was such a swift process with no logical or emotional backdrop.
My dear friend @martaaa1506 also told me that the Wheel of Time series and the Witcher series are very good. I’d actually advise you to check her out for more recommendations, lol. 
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ryouverua · 6 years
Love Key #5 - Kaito Momota
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Well SHIT it took way too long to start that Saimota train! I'm ready to hop in for the ride though too so CHOO CHOO GET OUT THE WAY
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Wow it really didn’t get long for those Saimota vibes to get going!
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Of course Kaito charges into this with his voice raised. Of course.
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Have we... gone full shounen sports anime???
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Shuichi is just thinking oh god what the hell am I about to compete in - if it’s wrestling I swear -
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“I am nothing if not fully committed to whatever role I have thrust upon me! potentiallypunintended”
But man, Shuichi is determined to get his bearings ASAP. To what end, Shuichi? To what end? 
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“Because I’m totally okay with it if you are. In fact, I think the genre we’ve shifted into requires a half-to-full episode of reminiscing about all the hardships we’ve overcome to get to this moment! Preferably via montage with our OP song playing in the background!”
“Kaito this is already an incredibly weird situation - please don’t get too meta on me, my poor bi heart can’t handle it.”
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A fellow astronaut?
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I think we actually were talking about the position Kaito would take as an astronaut, and pilot was mentioned as a strong possibility - so I guess I shouldn’t be surprised to see it up here! Yeah... hotshot pilot really does go well with Kaito’s character, doesn’t it...
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“Kaito what the fuck are you talking about and who am I and -”
“Hold up fellow rival I’m totally monologuing right now ANYWAY AS I WAS SAYING -”
Honestly though does anyone else find it hilarious that Shuichi’s absolute confusion didn’t break Kaito’s immersion in the fantasy in the slightest?
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I do love the word ‘eccentric’ for Kaito, because it honestly wouldn’t have been the first thing to come to mind for me - but I guess to Shuichi, who is so withdrawn in himself and anxious all the time, an aggressively positive extrovert who chases his ambitions and believes in himself/everyone around him so strongly would be a completely alien concept to him! I actually think that it’s the fact that Kaito believes in Shuichi so strongly, and not just in himself, that throws Shuichi off the most, too!
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So, um, did you guys have judges giving you scores? Was this done in private or via actual accredited competition? It’s clearly not a traditional race based on speed, so...
Assuming this fantasy is one that’s being judged by other people (because once again I’m thinking about the fantasy scenarios way too seriously), I can sort of see this taking place in the hangar before they go into their planes. So Kaito spots his rival pilot and confronts him, because this will be their last time competing together and chances are he’s just realizing how significant the ‘rival’ pilot has been in his life.... hm ~ 
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Oh! He’s getting serious!
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It is their way of connecting. What else will they have once the competition is put to rest?
Kaito is going to have to confront the fact that all of the people he’s trying to nurture and help grow will be left behind once he goes into space, though. I... suppose this is hinting at that, just a little bit. He dreams big, but big dreams come with sacrifices.
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But, of course, then he wouldn’t be able to ever achieve his dream of going to space.
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S... Shuichi, you do remember that you aren’t actually the pilot he’s ‘talking’ to, right? It does seem significant that Shuichi is losing himself to the role, though. Has he done that in any of the other events? Minus Kokichi’s of course, considering the fact that Shuichi was himself in that one, I haven’t noticed anything on this level from the ones I’ve done so far. And with that said, you could easily read into it as Shuichi commenting on their training nights together. They do seem like the only times Shuichi has been legitimately happy - outside of his time with Kaede, of course.
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Ah, that stings a bit. 8′D This is a pretty good reminder that, despite me loving the ship so much, Kaito’s perfect fantasy is not Shuichi - or at least, not Shuichi as he is now. Actually, I know the game is pushing for potential Maki!endgame but I think Kaede might fit the bill better. I remember noticing it a lot in the first chapter (and... uh, low-key shipping them tbh), but Kaito always seemed really impressed by Kaede, and whenever Kaito was about to chip in with what I imagined to be a big friendship/supportive-type speech about ‘never giving up!’ and ‘believe in your friends!’, Kaede would always beat him to the punch... and yet Kaito never seemed to feel threatened by her. They’re both pretty headstrong, and Kaede did strike me as being competitive in her own way - honestly, as a rarepair ship they would work really well together!
With that said, I can imagine Shuichi’s fantasy involving someone supporting them through all his worries (COUGHKAITOCOUGHKAEDE) so... you know. It almost feels like Shuichi is getting to live out a bit of his own fantasy situation right here - being in a position where he can hold his own against Kaito, and where Kaito recognizes him as an equal while still being his supportive self, with his eyes only on him...
also I feel like I should note, just because Shuichi isn’t Kaito’s ultimate ideal doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t be up there. In fact, I’d argue that Kaito’s big thing is raising people up to the level where they can be as confident in themselves as he is in them, and in himself. Maybe in the future when Shuichi reaches that level Kaito could see something more in him? okay maybe not in the game canon but post-game fan material wink wink nudge nudge guys plz
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Ah, so he is able to move on. Whelp, Kaito is officially in a better mental state than me, hoarder of physical items, internet tabs and memories lmao
All jokes aside, it is pretty impressive to be able to work towards your goal with such determination. I can understand why Kaito could probably grate on a few people playing this, but I really find that sort of attitude impressive.
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.... Quick question. Is Kaito saying ‘man’ as general slang or is he acknowledging Shuichi as a man? As in, Kaito is confirmed to be at least bi under the right (shounen) circumstances? I’M JUST ASKING... FOR SCIENCE...
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Shuichi just remembered that he isn’t an actual pilot, huh. 8′D Just pilot with your mind, sweet cheeks! You already drive brain cars; surely a plan can’t be that big of a jump, right?
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Kaito really likes someone that can keep up with him energy-wise, huh?
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Oooooomfg this is so shounen-genre it hurts
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“My... ahoge... is so.... confused right now....!”
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I... I think this is the first time Shuichi acknowledged the bed itself as a tool of the room before actually interacting with it in any way lmao
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Whoa Shuichi whOA
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Oh yeah, this is definitely Kaito trying to provoke a reaction from someone he thinks will fight back, not an attempt at intimidation.
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is it close enough for Shuichi to feel those scraggly goatee bits I don’t know why but his goatee will never not be funny to me
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:O !!!!
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This is basically the closest Kaito can get to a confession, huh?
It’s interesting to get it at this point, after the reveal of the disease he has. It’s another clear indicator that Kaito has trouble being honest with other people about vulnerabilities despite him doing his best to encourage other people to rely on him. And it’s strange, because he’s fully honest and eager about his own ambitions and passions! And love itself is a passion of sorts, but this is the type of thing that requires a certain level of vulnerability, and it’s also something where he doesn’t have full control over his destiny the way he does over his other goals - if the person doesn’t love you back, then there’s very little you can do about it. I hesitate to go so far as to say that he has a fear of rejection, but he definitely doesn’t want to be the one to say ‘I’m in love with you’ before the other person does, as far as I can tell...
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“Quite literally, actually. See, look!”
But man, Shuichi is literally acknowledging the situation he’s in (dubious as it is lmao) and knows that there’s a 99% chance that Kaito wants to confess to his feelings to ‘him’. Shuichi, you do realize what a powerful position you have right now, right?
So I guess the question is whether Shuichi is hesitating because he doesn’t feel the same way, he just doesn’t want to take advantage of the situation... or whether Shuichi wants to earn that confession as ‘himself’, and not just as some fictional ideal manufactured by the power of the room they’re in. I suppose that depends on the viewer!
I’ve made it pretty clear that I’ve been shipping them for a while so, uh, you all probably know how I want to read it, but there is plenty of room for other interpretations too ~ they do have a fantastic bro-ship going on too!
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Aaaah, Kaito :( I have a feeling that while he’d be willing to pursue a gay relationship with pilot!Shuichi, he understands how unusual that would be in ‘that world’. I wonder if that means he would be that open and understanding with his own sexuality if it ever came up in-game? He doesn’t seem to be struggling with his own feelings in the sense of ‘oooh ~ forbidden love ~’, but rather the idea of his rival’s own feelings being returned.
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Between Kokichi’s love key and this one, Shuichi is a mess.
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Ooh, maybe I was wrong? He’s psyching himself up to do a proper confession after all!
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Well, adrenaline does have a way of ramping up all of your emotions! Aaaw, Kaito looks so excited! Rain or shine, rejection or no, he’s officially decided to come clean after all!
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This is the one issue they have in the game too - Shuichi is relying on Kaito to do all the emotional and communication-based heavy-lifting, and it means that Shuichi won’t press Kaito on the issues that need to be pressed in his attempt to stay in Kaito’s good graces. Aaah, I’m so worried about my boys...
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“I’m already being a stand-in for the original protagonist, what else do you want from me?!”
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“It’s how I get turned on, okay?”
“It’s what - ?!”
“I-I mean fired up! Yeah, I totally meant fired up...!”
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This is the gayest competition-based ship I’ve seen since Yowamushi Pedal’s Toumaki
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You would like it to be that way, huh? Man, I do wish we could see some of the consequences of these nights in the interactions during the game, but I guess what would be super tricky to program and, uh, game-breaking... but I suppose that’s what fanfiction is for, right? 8′D
I really didn’t expect this to be so enlightening on the two of them as characters though, and their platonic relationship as well as their shipping potential! This may be up with Kokichi’s as one of my favourites ~
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beer-and-breakdowns · 6 years
do all 150 !! :)
Thanks for this Anon, I needed something to do, lmaoo
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
My ex, which was a LOOONG time ago, lol
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
I’d say I’m a bit of both really, if I get to know you, I’d say I’m super outgoing but with new people I tend to be a little shy, unless the person I’m meeting has a lot in common with me personality wise and interest wise.
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
Well, I think I’m going out with one of my best friends tonight so her I guess!:)  (But the way I interpret this question, I’m also very excited to see a bunch of bands in the coming year, BFMV, Parkway, Currents, Slayer, Wage War, it’s looking good B))
4. Are you easy to get along with?
I’d say so! :)
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
Yeah, I think so, she’s super kind-hearted.
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
People with common ground with me.  Metalheads, laid-back people, fans of the same shit as me, etc.
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
My mum bc my parents get back from a holiday today!  But also, that one person thats pretty much always on my mind, lol, rip meeee
No, lol
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
One of mutuals!:)
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
Directions of where to find me for someone picking me up from work, lmaoo, HOW EXCITING
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
NOT THIS QUESTION D:  This is gonna be hard, and I can almost guarantee it wont be the same when you read this, lol.
Architects - Downfall, Polaris - Lucid, Currents - Forget Me, Architects - Doomsday, Currents - Life//Lost
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
Yeah, kinda lol
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
I believe in luck, I think!  Not miracles tho, rip
15. What good thing happened this summer?
Well, it’s not over yet, but DOWNLOAD 2018 YEEEET!!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
Yeah, why not
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
For sure!  I love believing all that crazy shit, its fun, and also very plausible!
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
Nah, lol
19. Do you like bubble baths?
I like baths, but haven’t had a proper bubble bath in years (NO, I’m not a smelly bitch that doesn’t wash, I shower everyday)
20. Do you like your neighbors?
I dont know them super well bc I moved house a couple of years ago but from what I can tell yeah, they’re really nice!
21. What are you bad habits?
Nail biting, mostly.  I’m shit with money too if that counts, lol
22. Where would you like to travel?
LITERALLY EVERYWHERE OMG.  But a US road trip is on my bucket list!
23. Do you have trust issues?
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
Probably my nightly music/tumblr session.  It’s so relaxing and my music taste is the fuckin’ bomb.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
Probably my legs tbh, rip
26. What do you do when you wake up?
Scroll social media whilst my PC loads, lol
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
Neither, but if I HAD to choose, darker
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
My closest friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
Nah, I don’t recall that anyway, rip
30. Do you ever want to get married?
Definitely!  Just, not for a little while
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
Nope, wish it was tho (not for the pony tail, just want long hair, lol)
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
Alexis Kaufman aaaaaaaaand Emily Kinney, maybe?
33. Spell your name with your chin.
oi9wen, went better than I thought, lol
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
HA no
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
TV 10000000000000%
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
Nothing really, lmaoo!  I do try to start a new conversation if I’m not feeling too awkward tho!
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
Ummm, I know them irl, lol.  Cute as hell, blonde, blue eyes, funny, kind as fuck, an all-round sweetheart with the looks to match.  
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
HMV, lol
40. What do you want to do after high school?
I WANNA PLAY MUSIC FOR A LIVING but that shits hard so idk bc nothing else interest me the way music does:(  Maybe something with psychology and killers.
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
Yes, 100%.  I fully believe rehabilitation and reformation can work for everyone with the right tools.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
I’m either super tired or feeling sorry for myself, lmaoo
43. Do you smile at strangers?
Yup, most of the time!
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
Space, even tho I’m scared of heights so getting in the rocket would be an ISSUE.  But the ocean is fuckin’ spooky man, I ain’t goin’ down there :o
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
Being awake, lmaoo.  I sleep for more hours than I should but I’m not one for staying in bed and once I’m up, I’m up.
46. What are you paranoid about?
Not having a stable life after Uni tbh, the real world terrifies me, lol help.  But also, and probably moreso never making any progress with my music and hopeful music career.
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
Black, probably, I dont normally wear hoodies tbh :o
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
Originally, I was gonna say no, but then I remembered someone that I’ll forever be jealous of, so yes
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
My legs probably hahaha
53. Favourite makeup brand?
What’s makeup?
54. Favourite store?
HMV, again, lol
55. Favourite blog?
Probably either @lovelyfoxes, @meowsonmeows, @emilyharrisxvii and @strawberry-sarcasm
56. Favourite colour?
Black (Dont go telling me that shits a shade and not a colour bc I’ll still say black.)
57. Favourite food? 
58. Last thing you ate?
Katsu chicken
59. First thing you ate this morning?
^^^ Katsu chicken (I woke up late, okay)
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
Nah, not that I can remember lol
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
62. Been arrested? For what?
7328916312 times.  Being annoying :): :))::)::) (No)
63. Ever been in love?
Yup, rip
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
Idk, I kissed a girl.  Sorry it was super long ago and I didn’t think much of it at the time, it sorta just happened, lol
65. Are you hungry right now?
Nah, I’m FULL boii
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
No, but some of my tumblr frands are my irl friends
67. Facebook or Twitter?
Twitter 1000000%
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
Tumblr 1000000000000%
69. Are you watching tv right now?
Nope, havent in a while tbh
70. Names of your bestfriends? 
Emily, Zac, Laura, Leo, Ethan
71. Craving something? What?
Attention.  Of a specific person.  YES PLS.
72. What colour are your towels?
White, black and grey.
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
FOXES.  Or wolves.  Unless Dinosaurs count.
76. What colour is your underwear?
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
Vanilla, man
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
Salted Caramel
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
Black, lol
80. What colour pants?
V dark blue
81. Favourite tv show?
Atm, probablyyyyy The Walking Dead, Ray Donovan and WWE, lmaoo
82. Favourite movie?
The Domestics just recently took the spot over Pulp Fiction.  WATCH IT.
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Only seen the first one, lel
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
21 Jump Street
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
Me (Prolly the turtle)
87. First person you talked to today?
My friend Leo
88. Last person you talked to today?
Who knows, probably my friend Emily
89. Name a person you hate?
Most modern “musicians”
90. Name a person you love?
Alexis Kaufman
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
Nope :)
92. In a fight with someone?
Nah, ya boii is mostly pacifist, I wont start shit
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
Like, 1 pair, lol
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
Prolly like 5 or 6?
95. Last movie you watched?
96. Favourite actress?
Hard to think atm, so probably off the top of my head Emily Blunt.
97. Favourite actor?
Mark Wahlberg or Johnny Depp
98. Do you tan a lot?
Hahahah, thats a massive nope
99. Have any pets?
I used to have a lil cat dude, but nah, not anymore
100. How are you feeling?
I’m goooood :)
101. Do you type fast?
Yeah, lmao
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
Yeah, lol
103. Can you spell well?
Yeah, mostly, I stumble when typing sometimes, but I can correct myself quickly and its usually just a mis-click
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
Yeah, kinda
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
Probably, tbh
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
Showering, oops
109. Is something irritating you right now?
Nah, not really! :)
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
Yes yes and YES
111. Do you have trust issues?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
Honestly I think it was my friend Emily, lol (U remember if ur reading this, Sax is never a good idea)
113. What was your childhood nickname?
I didn’t really have one :o
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
Yup, been to a few different countries
115. Do you play the Wii?
Used to, lol
116. Are you listening to music right now?
Yeah boiiiiii B)
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
It’s pretty good!
118. Do you like Chinese food?
Ummmm yes
119. Favourite book?
Sorry internet, I’m not a massive reader 3  I don’t really have one :(
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
Nah, used to be as a kid tho
121. Are you mean?
Nah, man
122. Is cheating ever okay?
No.  There’s probably a very VERY specific scenario brought on by many other specific actions within a relationship where it might, MAYBE, slightly be the smallest bit justified, but I don’t know what that would be off the top of my head and no one should break someone’s trust like that.
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
Nah, my shoes get dirty no matter where I go, lol
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
125. Do you believe in true love?
126. Are you currently bored?
Nah, I love tumblr asks, dude
127. What makes you happy?
Music, friends and escapsim
128. Would you change your name?
Nah, I’ve come to terms with it now
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
Of course B)
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
I’d prolly see how it goes! :)  I certainly wouldn’t complain!
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
One of my mutuals!
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
“No matter what it is we've facedIt's now part of usWe can overcome” - As I Lay Dying - Overcome
134. Can you count to one million?
I think? hahahah
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
I had every single PS2 game ever created... kids, eh?
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
Closed 1000000%
137. How tall are you?
about 5′11″
138. Curly or Straight hair?
Straight hair on me, doesn’t make a difference on others B)
139. Brunette or Blonde?
Blonde (but Brunette is gorgeous too)
140. Summer or Winter?
Summer (But Christmas time is GREAT)
141. Night or Day?
Night, mostly!
142. Favourite month?
October, maybe?  Either than or July, idk
143. Are you a vegetarian?
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
Dark B)
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
So far, yeah! :)
147. Mars or Snickers?
Mars 100000000%
148. What’s your favourite quote?
“The best thing you can do is follow your dreams“ - James Owen Sullivan (The Rev)
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
Yup, 100%!
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
There isn’t one! :(
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timandlucy · 7 years
Ask Game
Thanks to my loves @halsteadpd and @queseraone for tagging me!
rules: answer these 85 statements about yourself, then tag 20 people
Tagging: @iriswestallenhuh, @erlijaha, @mackayla-lane, @olicitysbughead, @dylanobrienstyler, @sofferaddict, @whistlewhileyouwrite, @pdshalstud, @bdavisbakers, @letitrainletitsnowbutdontletmego, @sophiaxjesse, @stayiny0urmagic, @allenting, @thevoicelessromantic, @amyjake, & @IGIVEUPCUZ20PEOPLEISALOTEVERYONEJUSTDOITOKAY (stole it ha)
Drink - apple juice
Phone call - mom
Text message - to my friend about still snowing outside
Song you listened to - Ocean by Seafret bc it’s helping me get into the mood for this angsty fic (already half way there)
Time you cried - just before, writing this fic
Dated someone twice - Haha I haven’t even dated anyone once
Kissed someone and regretted it - yes
Been cheated on - no
Lost someone special - yes
Been depressed - I’m depressed night and day
Gotten drunk and thrown up - So. Many. Times. (just stealing sarah’s answer cause it’s true haha)
Fave colours
Yellow (but like really pastel yellow)
The last year, have you…
Made new friends - yes
Fallen out of love - I’d have to be in love for that
Laughed until you cried - I think so but I’m honestly not sure
Found out someone was talking about you - no
Met someone who changed you - no
Found out who your friends are - yes
Kissed someone on your facebook friend’s list - no (my mom doesn’t count right?)
How many of your facebook friends do you know irl - most of them, like 99%. The rest are my friends from abroad that I haven’t met YET.
Do you have any pets - I have a cat named Allie and a dog named Ron (we call him ronnie)
Do you want to change your name - not anymore
What did you do for your last birthday - Nothing special, I was leaving for Vienna the next day, so I drank some wine and had some cake and went to bed.
What time did you wake up today - 11.40am
What were you doing at midnight last night - either watching a tv show or doing a translation, I can’t remember.
What is something you can’t wait for - Aurelie’s visit in APRIL!!!
What are you listening to right now - Silence.
Have you ever talked to a person named Tom - Nope.
Something that’s getting on your nerves - my dad
Most visited website - either uncle google or this hellhole
Hair colour - light brown/blonde balayage
Long or short hair - long
Do you have a crush on someone - yes. *hides* several celebrities but in a very normal healthy way (not)
What do you like about yourself - I always have problems with this question. I don’t know... I’m a good cook.
Want any piercings - nope
Blood type - Uhm.... pretty sure it’s A+ but I wouldn’t put my hand into fire for that.
Nickname - Suz
Relationship status - eternally single
Zodiac - pisces
Pronouns - she/her
Fave tv shows - Grey’s Anatomy, Buffy, B99, The Good Place
Tattoos - None. And I don’t want any.
Right or left handed - right
Ever had surgery - I broke a leg when I was 5, so I had two surgeries, one to fix it and put in some stuff to help it grow back, and one to take that stuff out.
Piercings - ears, each once
Sport - Get them away from me! I was a cheerleader in high school. I run occasionally (not now bc the snow) and I do yoga. I also love swimming and skating, but nothing professional.
Vacation - ?? I don’t understand the question. I love vacation yes.
Trainers - Like shoes? Nike?
More General
Eating - I’m a big foodie (speaking of which I’m hungry). I love food.
Drinking - As in alcohol? Or just drinks in general? I like water. Juice. Smoothies.
I’m about to watch - myself go to sleep haha
Waiting for - a reply from my friend about a translation
Want - two more weeks off
Get married - Whoa, I need to get a date first.
Career - I’m studying to be a translator/interpreter. But we’ll see. Ideal career is author/photographer but yeah right.
Which is better?
Hugs or kisses - I ain’t getting either so idk.
Lips or eyes - Eyes.
Shorter or taller - I don’t really care if they have a good personality, but honestly everyone is taller than me so xD
Older or younger - older
Nice arms or stomach - arms (gimme those biceps bye)
Hookup or relationship - relationship
Troublemaker or hesitant - hesitant (sorry I just don’t want to screw up my life for five minutes of fun, so sue me)
Have you ever
Kissed a stranger - yes
Drank hard liquor - yes
Lost glasses - no
Turned someone down - yes
Sex on the first date - I mean no judging, I’m just not into it.
Broken someone’s heart - I don’t think so?
Had your heart broken - yes
Been arrested - no
Cried when someone died - yes
fallen for a friend - yes
do you bellieve in
yourself - I try to
miracles - I don’t know. I think so.
love at first sight - Not sure. Maybe it exists.
santa claus - yes
Kiss on a first date - yes
Angles - is this supposed to be angels?
Best friend’s name - Aurelie
eye colour - hazel
fave movie - Pride and Prejudice, Legally Blonde, Mamma Mia, Pretty Woman, Breakfast at Tiffanys
fave actor - like just actor as in male? Or in general? I really like Pierce Brosnan and Richard Gere.
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misscleverlesbian · 7 years
I got tagged by @i-love-my-corner​ in one of those question games! I’ll be putting it under the cut so it doesn’t annoy people who have to scroll through it~ <33
I don’t know if it’ll work if I tag people under the cut though, so I’m going to go ahead and tag up here! I tag @bellathereal​ @fn-skywalker​ @battlebornpeacemaker​ @razvi-sama​ and @not-mom​! I’d love to see y’all’s answers!
The last:
(1) Drink: Water and so, so much Dr. Pepper (2) Phone call: Brenna for like 2 hours while I had a hot breakdown lmao (3) Text message: It was to Brenna too that fucking bitch  (4) Song you listened to: Fire Escape by Love Robot (5) Time you cried: Hey! Last night!  (6) Dated somebody twice: I haven’t spoken to my only ex since before we broke up so that’s a soft no (7) Kissed someone and regretted it: Not really! (8) Have been cheated on: My ex ended up being a bitch but I don’t think she was that kind of bitch (9) Lost someone special: Two of my great-grandparents died when I was young, but I wasn’t very close to them because I was like nine (10) Been depressed: No (11) Gotten drunk and thrown up: No because I am very good at drinking responsibly <3 (12) Favorite colors to wear: I have a lot of blue! 
In The Last Year Have You:
(13) Made new friends: Yes! Brenna, Riley, Bella (I think technically it’s still within a year that we became friends), Jady, and a lot of other people at camp this summer and college last year~ (14) Fallen out of love: That’s kind of a dramatic way to put it, but I have stopped having feelings for someone (15) Laughed until you cried: Every damn day of my life. It’s all I’m good for tbh (16) Found out somebody was talking about you: Not in a bad way? I found out a girl was interested in me, but she ended up being a Trump supporter so that was a whole thing 😪 (17) Met somebody who changed you: I’d say the experiences I’ve had with people have changed me more than the people themselves, but yes! (18) Found out who your friends are: Way dramatic, but yeah. Going away to college really does show you who you are actually friends with, and who was just a friend out of convince (19) Kissed somebody on your Facebook list: Yeah actually! It was like my first week of college and we were playing a drinking game with friends and we smooched (20) How many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: All of them...? I haven’t met one of them in person, but we are actually friends~ (21) Do you have any pets: I have a dog named Maggie! She has. A lot of spots. (22) Do you want to change your name: I dunno?? Sometimes I do. Rebekah isn’t my favorite, but I love Bekah so idk (23) What did you do for your last birthday: I was at camp and I had a lot of campers make me gifts! I got two pictures and a friendship bracelet, and the other counselors in my cabin bought cupcakes and party blowers. It was the best birthday I’ve had in a while :) (24) What time did you wake up: Today? Like noon (25) What were you doing at midnight: Crying on the phone lmaooooo (26) Name something you can’t wait for: To move back into my dorm!! (27) When was the last time you saw your mom: Like, three hours ago when I told her goodnight (28) What are you listening to rn: I’m going through my Spotify and purging music I don’t like rn, so that’s a process (29) Have you ever talked to somebody named Tom: Literally I can only think of Tom from Parks and Rec so?? (30) Something that gets on your nerves: When things aren’t fair for other people, or when people fake or play up being sick/upset/hurt/whatever for attention or to get out of work 🙄 (31) Most visited website: Probably tumblr.hell tbh (32) Hair color: Brown! For now....... (33) Long or short hair: Kind of medium? For now........ (34) Do you have a crush on somebody: Yeeeeeeah I’m trying to get over it though lmao (35) What do you like about yourself: I think my eyes are pretty! And I honestly like that I cry when I laugh, because it feels genuine. Also my boobs are cute imo just saying. (36) Piercings: My ears are pierced but I never wear earring, and I don’t think I want anything else pierced either (37) Blood type: I honestly can’t remember.  (38) Nickname: Bekah, Bec (39) Relationship status: Single af (40) Zodiac: Cancer~ (41) Pronouns: Ahhh???? Ahhhhhh?!?!? she/her?????? gender????? Ahhhh?!? (42) Favorite tv shows: Brooklyn 99 and Parks and Rec! (43) Tattoos: None right now, but I wouldn’t mind some if I knew what I wanted to get. Something gay, probably (44) Right or left handed: Right (45) Surgery: Never (46) Sport: Uhhhh I’m gay so....... (47) Vacation: I love New York, and I’m planning to go to San Francisco next summer! I’m also trying to get to Costa Rica, if only someone would email me back....... (48) Pair of trainers: Yeah! I actually might need new ones since I kinda wore the pair I have out this summer (49) Eating: Nothing rn, but I had fajitas for dinner (50) Fav drink: Dr. Pepper! Also milk? I love milk (51) What you’re up to: Taking inventory of my closet so I don’t wear the same four outfits every day again this year (52) Waiting for: School to start (53) Want: To see my friends that I missed this summer! (54) Get married: I would love to someday, with the right person (55) Career: Something with ASL! Either teaching or interpreting, I’m not sure which yet (56) Hugs or kisses: Hugs <33 (57) Lips or eyes: Eyes (58) Shorter or taller: Taller! (59) Older or younger: Older? But not like, 45 old. Just a year or so would be ideal (60) Nice arms or stomach: Stomach. Girl abs?? God’s greatest gift to mankind 😍 (61) Hook up or relationship: Relationship please (62) Troublemaker or hesitant: Hesitant lmao (63) Kissed a stranger: Like I said, I kissed someone last year that I’d only known for a couple days (64) Drank hard liquor: Yes? Idk people give me stuff and I say thank you and drink it (65) Lost glasses/contact lenses: Glasses no, contacts yes. Spending the day with only one contact is the absolute worst thing in the world (66) Turned someone down: Yeeeah freshman year of high school a boy asked me out and I kinda.....ran away? #whoops (67) Sex in the first date: Can’t imagine it. Don’t know her (68) Broke someone’s heart: Probably not lmao (69) Had your heart broken: Ehhhhhh (70) Been arrested: Never (71) Cried when someone died: Yeah, the reality of human mortality hits you hard when you’re nine (72) Fallen for a friend: Topical! 
Do You Believe In:
(73) Yourself: Yeah! 💪🏼 (74) Miracles: Yes (75) Love at first sight: Nope. How can you love someone if you don’t know them? (76) Santa Claus: Nah (77) Kiss on the first date: A smooch can’t hurt~ (78) Angels: I don’t think so
(79) Eye color: Brown (80) Favorite movie: Meet the Robinsons or Treasure Planet
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outsidercade · 7 years
You gonna hate me but,,, 1-102? *devil grin* love you ❤
(Putting it under a cut because this is gonna be LONG oh boy)
1. Favorite season?Definitely fall! It’s got my birthday and perfect temperatures!
2. Prettiest thing you own?Probably my cats lmao
3. Do you prefer to be outside or inside?Honestly it really depends on my mood and the weather and such, but probably inside on average? I’m not sure
4. Furthest ever traveled?I live in Michigan and I’ve been so Japan so I’d say that’s p far
5. What’s your aesthetic in 3 words?It really varies
6. Favorite gemstone?Ooooh uhh… probably bloodstone? It’s hella pretty look it up !
7. Best thing about yourself, in your opinionMy drawing skills
8. Best thing about yourself, in other’s opinionNothing lmao uhh hHHHHH I’ve been told that I’m very empathetic, understanding, and easy/fun to talk to?? 
9. What’s your weirdest fear?Idk if this counts as a fear, but I’m p paranoid about doors and people entering rooms I guess? Like I can’t sleep unless I face the door and I feel really uncomfortable sitting in places where I can’t see every entrance to the room at a time
10. Weirdest dream you’ve ever had?OH MAN well okay uh when I started reading the Harry Potter series in like 7th grade I had this dream where I was like Harry but with wings instead of arms and bird legs? And the dream had the perspective of an RPG or something with a health bar and everything and I had to fight Voldemort in my backyard under my trampoline. Also at some point I ran into my teacher at the time in a hospital in said dream so that was p damn weird
11. Go-to hiding placeAnywhere small, but not too small, where i can be completely hidden without somebody opening a door or latch or something12. Favorite place in your houseLmao my room13. Earliest memoryMy earliest memory is from being on a cruise when I was four and getting really mad at my parents because they saw some dolphins outside and I wasn’t there to see them xD14. Do you believe in ghosts?I’m honestly not sure15. Favorite sea creature?I have no idea so I’m just gonna say sea cucumber or cuttlefish because both are sea creatures that I adore !!16. Cold showers or hot baths?HOT BATHS ALL THE WAY17. Satin or lace?I adore lace so like,,,, definitely that18. Gold or silver?I personally like the way silver looks MUCH better but at the same time there’s The Outsiders and it’s whole kink with the color gold so likeeee,,,,,, idk man19. Hoops or pearl earrings?Pearl20. Aesthetic songShelter by Porter Robinson and Madeon
21. Top 5 songsUHHHH DONT MAKE ME CHOOSE BRUHBut uhh at the moment I guess it would be, in no particular order,1- Another Day from Rent2- Michael in the Bathroom from Be More Chill3- Grease (Is The Word) from Grease Live!4- Beautiful from Heathers5- Nandemonaiya from Your Name
22. Favorite time of the day?Early morning and/or late night
23. Favorite part of your body?Again nothing lmao but I guessss my eyes????
24. Do you drink alcohol?I’m fourteen years old and also allergic to beer so I mean
25. Dream job from when you were a kidI don’t want to do this anymore, but when I was a Smol I really wanted to start a pet-sitting business in my town xD
26. Messy or clean?It depends tbh. Likkkkke my room is messy af but I’m super overprotective of some things and will like stab somebody if they get a book of mine dirty
27. Tea or coffee?I don’t really like either but I guess tea?
29. Zodiac sign?Libra all the way B)
30. Extrovert or introvert?I think I’m more of an extrovert, but it’s hard to tell
31. Celebrity crush?I mean there are a LOT of celebrities I could look at and be like “oh yeah that person’s hella cute!!” but I don’t think I’ve ever had a real celebrity crush
32.  Early bird or night owl?Both lmao
33. Do you believe in love at first sight?I want to but ehHHHHH not really
34. Favorite book quote Honestly I,,,,, don’t have one. I’m super bad at remembering quotes and things like that so I don’t have a favorite book quote ;;
35. Three wishes you haveI’m gonna sound like a greedy bitch but1- To have better grades/be better at life in general2- To be more wealthy3- To get my dream job
36. Do you believe in magic?I have No Idea
37. Do you believe in soulmates?Not really, but I do believe that there are certain people who will definitely be more compatible by nature
38. Zoo or aquarium?I LOVE ZOOS
39. Cats or dogs?I love both but I’ve never owned a dog and I grew up with cats sOOO I’d probably have to say those
40. How many languages do you speak?English is my first language so there’s that but I also know a tiny bit of Japanese?? Not really enough to count it as knowing another language tho
41. How has your life changed from last year?I’ve developed a p bad social anxiety disorder this year so there’s that?
42. Why do you have your name/url?I’ve got my name just because my parents like it, and I have my url because if you couldn’t tell I’m obsessed with The Outsiders, and ESPECIALLY Johnny Cade xD
43.  Do you keep secrets? How well?I definitely try my best to, but I tend to accidentally let things slip without meaning to on occasion,,,
44. Favorite animal?I HAVE A LOT SO, AGAIN IN NO PARTICULAR ORDER,1- Caribou2- Kangaroos3- River otters4- Birds in general lmao
45. What is love to you?UhhHHHHHHHHH I have no idea how to interpret this question but,,,I don’t know, I guess love, platonic or romantic, is when there’s somebody who you trust and feel really comfortable with, and who you enjoy spending time together with and uhh. I guess that? I don’t know, I apologize 
46. Future children name?I don’t really want kids and if I did I’d adopt, so idk
47. Favorite colorPurple! ^^
49. Cuddles or kisses?I’m a slut for cuddles tbh so definitely that
50. If you could have any person in the world over for dinner, who would it be?I have. No Idea
51. Someone to bring back from the deadMy cat Persion who died last fall ;;
52. Lipstick or lipgloss?I don’t really like either very much tbh
53. Are you street smart or book smart?I’m just not smart lmao
54. Your biggest strengthI’m super nice and friendly, so I guess there’s that
55. Favorite sportVolleyball!!
56. Favorite drink?Just plain ice water lmao
57. Favorite winter activity?I LOVE sledding like oh man I get super sad if I miss the chance to go
58. Last time you went abroadWhen I went to Japan in November!
60. Favorite artistI don’t necessarily have one but I guess I really love @ikimaru because her art style was a HUGE influence on me while I was developing mine and also her art is just Super Gorgest
61. Favorite singer/bandI don’t really have one, I’m kinda just obsessed with Broadway music in general
62. Favorite dancing songI don’t think I have one?
63. Favorite crying songFinale A, Your Eyes, and Finale B from Rent (I can’t find any good videos of the original Broadway cast recording of this and I don’t like the movie version so oops ;;)
64. Do you wear glasses?Yep, have since first grade!
65. First thing you do when you wake upCheck my phone lmao
66. How long do you usually sleep for?It varies a lot but probably about six-seven hours on average
67. One thing you lost and you want backI can’t think of anything off the top of my head I’m Afraid
68. Biggest fearBeing unsuccessful in life and/or being hated/alone/forgotten 
69. Favorite carnival rideI’ve only been to one carnival ever but there was this thing that flipped you around a lot in a lil cage-like thing and I LOVED that !
70. Do you have birthmarks or scars?I get injured a lot and have a bad habit of picking at scabs, so I have a lot of little scars everywhere
71. Favorite childhood memory?Probably when I first got my kitten Kivu in fourth grade, he’s a Good Boy
72. What do you think about during a storm?“wow that sure is one cool storm”
73. One word to describe your life?What
74. Craziest thing ever doneOnce when I was little I tried to wake up my Dad by throwing a hamster at him xD
75. Do you have piercings or tattoos?I don’t have either currently, but I might be getting my ears pierced later today!
76. Favorite flowerI don’t think I have one 
77. Do you have any pets?Yep! I’ve got my rabbit Tamaki, and my cats Ginger and Kivuli ^^
78. Describe your style??????
79. Choose one thing to change about yourselfThe way I look prolly
80. Do you play any musical instruments?I used to play cello, but I don’t anymore 
81. If your life was a movie would it be a comedy, a rom-com, action film or drama?Probably a comedy or a drama? ?? ?
82. Do you prefer dark, dramatic makeup or natural makeup?I like both a lot, it really depends on my mood or the person !
83. Favorite perfumeEw No Thanks
84. Biggest fandomCurrently probably The Outsiders? I’m not sure tbh
85. Favorite Youtuber(s)No particular order again lmao1- Game Grumps2- Markiplier3- Nostalgia Critic4- PeanutButterGamer5- SpaceHamster
86. OTPOH BOY UHH UHHonestly I love so many ships in so many different ways that I don’t think I could choose !!
87. Country, state where you were bornMichigan in the US ^^
88. Your parents’ namesCarol and David
89. Favorite snackI love waaayyy too many snack foods to choose!
91. Pen or pencilI definitely like pencils a Lot more
92. Blue or black inkBlack !
93. Paper books or electronic books?I am a slut for paper books tbh lmao
94. History or geography?History is WAY more interesting to me 
95. Pastel or neonP A S T E L !!!!!
97. Soap or body wash Uhhhhhhh…. Shrug?
98. Conditioner, no conditioner, or 2 in 1 shampoo & conditionerI honestly haven’t used any conditioner in years,,, ;;
99. Singing in the shower or notSometimes !
100. Listen to music while bathing or silenceBoth, it depends on what I’m in the mood for xD
101. Blow dry, towel dry, or air dry your hairA combo of towel and air unless I’m in a rush or something
102. Morning or night showers?DEFINITELY night 
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1) Sexuality? Not too sure tbh. I'd say bi probably.2) If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? Hmmm idk 3) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17. "Some trace elements, such as iron (Fe), are needed by all forms of life; others are required only by certain species."4) What do you think about most? Everything :p5) What does your latest text message from someone else say? "Oh I mean a bit :p" 6) Do you sleep with or without clothes on? Yeah7) What's your strangest talent? I can mess up almost anything 8) Girls.... (finish the sentence); Boys.... (finish the sentence) girls are cool; boys are sometimes cool9) Ever had a poem or song written about you? Yeah but I don't think it was in a good context 10) When is the last time you played the air guitar? Idk haha11) Do you have any strange phobias? Bees12) Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?When i was like 2 13) What's your religion? Agnostic 14) If you are outside, what are you most likely doing? Looking at the sky or animals15) Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind16) Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band? Hmmm probably fall out boy17) What was the last lie you told? I'll be there in about 2 minutes 18) Do you believe in karma? Yeah19) What does your URL mean? It's literal 20) What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength? Weakness is probably that I don't have very good judgment. Strength is probably that I don't give up easily.21) Who is your celebrity crush? Dave Franco and Bruno Mars22) Have you ever gone skinny dipping? No23) How do you vent your anger? I tend to be passive aggressive :/ but I'm trying to be more confrontational 24) Do you have a collection of anything? I used to collect rocks 25) Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online? I like video chatting but I haven't done it in years 26) Are you happy with the person you've become? Eh 27) What's a sound you hate; sound you love?I hate the sound of bugs flying. I love hearing water. 28) What's your biggest "what if"? What I never amount to anything29) Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens? Yeah30) Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.Tissues. Car door. 31) Smell the air. What do you smell? My air freshener so it's flowery32) What's the worst place you have ever been to? Hmmm idk, I remember going to this one super gross dive bar to see my ex and it was terrible so I guess that place. 33) Choose East Coast or West Coast? West coast 34) Most attractive singer of your opposite gender? Bruno Mars35) To you, what is the meaning of life? To experience it 36) Define Art. Expressions that are interpreted differently by everyone 37) Do you believe in luck? Eh 38) What's the weather like right now? Cloudy but sunny and not cold but not hot39) What time is it? 1:4240) Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed? Once I hit a guy from behind cause I sneezed and he slammed on his brakes while I had my eyes closed. But there was no damage to either of our cars so that was cool.41) What was the last book you read? My biology text book42) Do you like the smell of gasoline? No it makes me sneeze43) Do you have any nicknames? Mari44) What was the last movie you saw? Mmm my dad was watching Rocky so probably that one 45) What's the worst injury you've ever had?I fractured my ankle once and broke my finger. 46) Have you ever caught a butterfly? No I don't really like butterflies 47) Do you have any obsessions right now?Mmm not really 48) What's your sexual orientation? Already answered49) Ever had a rumor spread about you? Yeah50) Do you believe in magic? Nah51) Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong? Sometimes it depends52) What is your astrological sign? Capricorn53) Do you save money or spend it? Spend :(54) What's the last thing you purchased? Food55) Love or lust? Love 56) In a relationship? Yes :) 57) How many relationships have you had? 558) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? No59) Where were you yesterday? School, Wal-Mart, and my house 60) Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you? A highlighter 61) Are you wearing socks right now? Si62) What's your favorite animal? Probably cats 63) What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you? Idk I typically assume guys don't like me 64) Where is your best friend? He's at home probably doing homework or watching tv 65) Spit or swallow?(; swallow, less mess 66) What is your heritage? Hispanic 67) What were you doing last night at 12 AM?Homework 68) What do you think is Satan's last name?Hmm de jesus 69) Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off? Who hasn't tbh70) Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend? Idk I tend to kinda disappear sometimes 71) You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do? Save the puppy no questions asked 72) You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid? I'd probably tell my family and Nick. I'd get all my tattoos somehow, go travel as much as I could and probably spend as much time with Nick as I could. I'd be sorta scared just cause idk what happens after you die. 73) You can only have one of these things; trust or love. I feel like you can't have one without the other 74) What's a song that always makes you happy when you hear it? Pretty much anything by Beyonce 75) What are the last four digits in your cell phone number? 058876) In your opinion, what makes a great relationship? Trust, honesty, sincerity, compromise, kindness, being able to lean on each other, spontaneity 77) How can I win your heart? Idk, be cool I guess. Whatever Nick does works :p 78) Can insanity bring on more creativity? It depends on how they channel their "insanity" 79) What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far? To not kill myself 80) What size shoes do you wear? 8 1/2 81) What would you want to be written on your tombstone? "My cats are here too" 82) What is your favorite word? Idk probably idk tbh haha 83) Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart. Aorta84) What is a saying you say a lot? You know?85) What's the last song you listened to? The Weeknd- feel it coming86) Basic question; what's your favorite color/colors? Lavender, pink, navy blue, green 87) What is your current desktop picture? The Pvris mirror from their album 88) If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be? Literal asshole mouthed donald trump 89) What would be a question you'd be afraid to tell the truth on? What's your bio grade90) One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren't really doing anything, they're just standing around your bed. What do you do?Probably see if I get out of bed if they'll attack me and if they don't I'd leave and runaway 91) You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what's even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power? Invisibility 92) You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again? Nick and I's first date 93) You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be? Spring break 201394) You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be? I wouldn't 95) You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go? Bora bora 96) Do you have any relatives in jail? Not anymore97) Have you ever thrown up in the car? Yeah98) Ever been on a plane? Yeah 99) If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say? Stop being little shits and help each other out instead of being determined to wipe each other out.
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goatcultleader · 8 years
well if im doin it then so are you: 1-99
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?I’m going to interpret this as 6 of my favorite songs, which are:Take Me Away – BleachersDoomsday – LovelifeScum – Peta & The WolvesCome Say Hello – SuperhumanoidsYou Haunt Me – Sir SlyStargazer – Elektrik People(I realized while deciding these songs that I have so many more songs that are my favorites)2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?I don’t know. I don’t think there’s anyone I want to meet3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.“her knees. She was whispering to the boy to soothe him and”Fyodor Dostoevsky – Crime and Punishment4: What do you think about most?Just my life in general, I guess5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?“Probably the worst thing about Glar is how overpriced it is”6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?I sleep with clothes on. I’m not some kind of animal7: What’s your strangest talent?I have no talents8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)Girls are good and pure. Boys are wonderful beings.9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?No10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?Never????11: Do you have any strange phobias?Ok the closest thing I have to a phobia is teeth mutilation and it makes me feel very gross and uncomfortable12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?Probably as a small child13: What’s your religion?Atheist14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?Going inside15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?Behind the camera16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?I’m changing this to favorite artist, which makes it much easier, and that is Lana Del Rey17: What was the last lie you told?Ummm… I’m not sure. I tell little lies all the time18: Do you believe in karma?Not really19: What does your URL mean?It’s John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt and my name20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?My greatest weakness is probably my lack of self-confidence/need for validation, and my greatest strength is probably that I’m smart21: Who is your celebrity crush?I don’t have one22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?No23: How do you vent your anger?I’ll talk to someone, maybe cry, or just think about it for a while24: Do you have a collection of anything?No25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?I hate both. I just want people to text me26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?Not entirely, but I’m much happier with myself than I used to be27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?I have no idea28: What’s your biggest “what if”?What if I was the person I want to be?29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?I don’t believe in ghosts, but I do believe in aliens30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.My desk with both of my arms (or if I’m counting my laptop as a thing, it would be that)31: Smell the air. What do you smell?I think I smell my mom making food?32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?One time I went to Pittsburgh and it was so depressing and I had the vague desire to die (more than I usually do)33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?East Coast34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?I don’t know35: To you, what is the meaning of life?To have a good time. Just to fill your life with as many good memories as possible36: Define Art.Something you find pleasing to the senses37: Do you believe in luck?Not exactly, because I think luck is more a perception of results than an actual phenomenon38: What’s the weather like right now?It’s cloudy but kind of bright and it’s cold39: What time is it?12:28 PM40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?I drive, but I’ve never crashed41: What was the last book you read?I read Macbeth for one of my classes42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?Yes43: Do you have any nicknames?“Johnny” is a nickname, but that’s what I go by. Different people call me different things44: What was the last film you saw?I’m pretty sure it was Don’t Breathe45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?One time I cut my thumb by accidentally smashing a glass and that was pretty bad46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?I’m sure I have as a child47: Do you have any obsessions right now?No48: What’s your sexual orientation?Bisexual49: Ever had a rumor spread about you?I don’t know. Maybe50: Do you believe in magic?No, but I do wonder how my friends do their magic tricks51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?In most cases no, but if they truly hurt me, or repeatedly hurt me, I will hold a grudge52: What is your astrological sign?Gemini53: Do you save money or spend it?I save money, but since college started, I’ve spent a lot (college is expensive, kids)54: What’s the last thing you purchased?Donuts55: Love or lust?Love56: In a relationship?No57: How many relationships have you had?358: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?No59: Where were you yesterday?At college, at a grocery store, back at college, and then at home for the rest of the day60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?Yes (the closest things are a pen, markers, and colored pencils)61: Are you wearing socks right now?Yes62: What’s your favorite animal?Cats63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?If I had a secret weapon, then people would actually like me, so obviously I have no secret weapon to get someone to like me64: Where is your best friend?Her house I think?65: Give me your top 5 favorite blogs on Tumblr.@longing4urbottom @the-great-uniter @chasingstallionduckswiththerev @a-few-of-my-favorite-turtles @flanflantheicecreamman66: What is your heritage?I don’t know. White people67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?Sleeping, because I hadn’t slept the night before68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?I have no idea69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?Yikes70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?I think so? I know I’m garbage but I also think I’m a good friend71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?I have to rescue the dog because it’s a dog and I have to72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?I’d tell people I care about, and I guess I’d try to make the most of the time I have left, and I think I’d be afraid73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.I need both. One is worthless without the other74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?I don’t know. Really any song that I like makes me happy75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?187576: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?Love, trust, common interest, mutual support, time together77: How can I win your heart?If you show an interest in me I will like you. That’s just how it works78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?I guess, because you would think differently if you were insane, which would make you more “creative”79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?To go to the college that I go to80: What size shoes do you wear?10 I think. Maybe 10 ½, i’m not sure81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?“Finally”82: What is your favorite word?“Quality”83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.Love???84: What is a saying you say a lot?“Quality”85: What’s the last song you listened to?Easier - Mansionair86: Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?Teal87: What is your current desktop picture?A teal-ish design88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?Myself89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?I’m not answering this, because it’ll pretty much give away the answer to the question90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything; they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?I’d probably be super scared, cry a little, then get away from the mummies91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?Shapeshifting92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?I’m sure there’s some good times I want to experience again, but I’m fine with just not reliving any part of my past93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?Can I just erase all of my life before high school, or maybe as far as until three years ago?94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?Ugggghhhh I don’t know95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?I don’t know. I don’t have a desire to go anywhere96: Do you have any relatives in jail?Not that I know of97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?No98: Ever been on a plane?No99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?“I think some people are eavesdropping”
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