#prince adam dies
killjoy-prince · 7 months
House M.D. but it's when a character says the name of the episode
#house md#prince's talk tag#flashing#repitition#so as i was watching this show i noticed they'd say the episode title in the episode#so i wanted to see how many times they did it#the people on livejournal who made transcripts of the episodes are my saviors and without them this would of been so much harder to do#thank you all for your service and i hope wherever you all are you're having a great day#sometimes they would use a variation of the word like in the episode poison they would say 'poisoned' or 'poisoning'#i did not include those instances#there was an instance in 'merry little christmas' where they do play the song in the show#but since ella fitzgerald was not a character in the show i did not include it#where as in the episode 'joy to the world' the students are singing it in the concert so i did include that#i apologize for the tonal whiplash when you get to that part but it did make me laugh#one of the times kutner says 'locked in' is overshadowed by the POTW's voice over but i assure you he says it and thats why its in there#out of the main characters from the one who said the title the most to least are#House > Foreman > Wilson > Chase > Cuddy > Adams > Cameron and Taub > Kutner > Thirteen and Park#this took a bit to do lolol its probably been done already but i wanted my own#there is a chance im missing some on technicalities but idc. im fine with this#there are two more i wanna do but with a character saying another character's name but ill do that some other time#EDIT: When I was making this video I was unaware that the Pilot episode went by two names: 'Pilot' and 'Everybody Lies'#Basically everywhere I looked the first episode was only referred to by 'Pilot'#which I found weird bc i remember seeing somewhere that the last episode was paired with the first episode in terms of title#but i couldn't find hard proof so I decided to leave it out at the time#well i checked again last night and yea the pilot IS also called Everybody Lies so I updated the video#I also think it goes well with the fact that House does say 'Everybody Dies' in the finale so another reason to fix it#AND he says it without Wilson while he and Wilson say the title of the pilot sooooo yea hehehehehe
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heckyeahponyscans · 1 year
Truly baffled by people who think the Beast was transformed when he was 12, based on a rando lyric in "Be Your Guest."
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Wow, that is one tall, buff twelve year old! In plate mail, no less!
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This is literally what he looked like. Nearly identical to how he appears in the finale. He's probably been twenty years old for a decade. He lives in an enchanted castle.
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kilfeur · 8 months
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Quand t'aies doublé par Emmanuel Curtil et que t'as l'impression de voir aussi Adam en Viren sur le plan physique.
When you've been voiced by Emmanuel Curtil and you get the impression that Adam is physically Viren too.
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chodzacaparodia · 2 years
enemies to lovers but the character is their own worst enemy and I'm waiting for them to love themselves
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takaraphoenix · 1 year
Ok, because I'm bored at work with nothing to do and I'm still by myself, I'm gonna bug you with a random question. What are your Top 10 favorite headcanons. No specific fandom, just top 10 favorite.
This is too broad actually, E. xD Please limit me to a fandom next time this nearly broke my brain, first to find any at all (twas as though I had Never Had A Single Headcanon In My Life) and then to move on from a fandom, like, once I remembered a headcanon, my brain wanted to latch onto that fandom and I would have gladly given you my top 10 Disney headcanons or sth... this was near impossible lol
You will realize that most of my heacanons are next gen related.
In no particular order because holy shit that'd kill me.
Let's start with an easy one. Shadowhunters. I headcanon Jace Herondale as ace. Even in the fanfiction where I don't make it an explicit plotline, I think of him as ace. I just think that he doesn't know. Doesn't know the term for it, hasn't thought about it really. I don't think I've ever had an ace headcanon I was as fiercely attached to as I am with Jace. Which is funny considering the character himself is a... actually, no, he's not really that sexual. We see others making jokes about his book club, we see him hook up with a random girl once. And then with Maia. And then he's in his relationship with Clary, where we actually see him pulling the brakes and wanting to slow things down. He's not as promiscuous as the talk of the other characters would like to make us belief, is what I'm saying. He has a normal sex life. Still, usually, ace headcanons are born from a "oh this character has never shown any interest in sex????" notion, so this is still an outlier.
PJO: If Bianca di Angelo had lived, her powers would have been most aligned with darkness. We know that Nico struggled with that, that shadow-travel in particular drained him extremely. It's a power he has, but one that never came as easy to him as summoning or controlling the dead. And I always liked the idea that the three kids of Hades/Pluto split his three realms - darkness, death and riches. Tapping into the other realms too, but having most domain over one each.
My headcanon that Jack Frost from Rise of the Guardians is actually the god Jökul Frosti who had his memories taken and was "punished" to spend a lifetime as a human, but something went wrong when he died too early, that's why he has the full amnesia. It just, it never really clicked why the guardian of fun got the white hair and snow powers, or why the wind would carry Jack and allow him to fly (the god of the wind is the father of Jökul Frosti), or why the saying of "Jack Frost" would exist in our human world if Jack Frost is a spirit that nobody can see and born from a mortal who died only 300 years ago.
Disney: Princess Aurora and Prince Adam (aka the Beast) are cousins! I don't know, I just think that's neat. They look very similar, there's the French note to Sleeping Beauty and Beauty and the Beast.
DCMK: Kudou Shinichi and Kuroba Kaito naming their son Conan, as a reminder of how they first met and what Shinichi's time as Conan really meant to him. I think that'd be very poetic and I also think that kid would be the devil incarnate.
Deep dig TLK headcanon that will actually mean absolutely nothing to people who aren't deep into it but I headcanon that Kovu is the biological son of Malka and Kula, I think that Kula's dark fur is a good match for Kovu's while he'd have Malka's dark mane (and I headcanon Malka's eyes to be green, they're not really... seen. they look pitch-black, which might as well be green like Kovu's), plus I did always like Malka. I know most people ship Kula with Chumvi but honestly they have a near identical design so I always clocked them as siblings and headcanoned them as such. But yeah, Kovu as the lost son of Malka and Kula, which would add such a near tragic element to things, if Simba knew he was Malka's son.
If Cole and Phoebe's son on Charmed had lived, his name would have been Parker Benjamin. Parker was the name she later picked for her second born daughter, but I have no qualms moving that name up to the older brother, since I'm already changing the oldest daughter's name too because I am fiercely possessive of my OC daughter of Phoebe and Cole who has to be the firstborn daughter. The only kid of Phoebe whose name I'm keeping is the youngest. Plus, middle name Benjamin after Cole's father, since we do know that Cole cared deeply for his father. I always liked the idea of the sons being their own Charmed Ones; him, Wyatt and my Andy/Prue son Phillip Trudeau.
In the greater scheme of things, BtVS is full of magic shenanigans so why in the world should Angel be the only vampire who can have kids, right? I like the idea of Willow and alive!Tara using magic to create children of their own and that magic also being applicable to Spike and Buffy. I'm thinking fully-formed-baby creation magic here, not magical pregnancy. Because I... don't see Buffy pregnant, she's too much of a fighter, out there, not benched due to different circumstances. And they'd have twins, named William, since Spike's not using that name, and Joanne, as a combination of Joan and Anne, the two big aliases Buffy ever went by.
A headcanon I cherish a lot a lot is from Sailor Moon and it's that the Ayakashi sisters (Koan, Berthier, Calaveras and Petz) all also get a second chance and get reborn, just like the inner senshi did after the first season because fuck that the girls were good at the end they deserved better than to die for men's mistakes, and that they are, ultimately, the mothers of the Asteroid senshi (Pallas, Juno, Vesta and Ceres). I have a very big, very mapped out family tree for my Sailor Moon headcanons. This fandom has been with me for decades. But I want to only pick one headcanon per fandom, so.
DC Comics' Stephanie Brown becoming the Huntress, I just think that would be so neat, the purple color scheme fits her so, so, so well, plus I'd love for Helena Wayne to take up the mantle from her, looking up to her auntie Steph with adoration. I've latched onto that hard.
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justanotherbarrelrat · 4 months
Beautiful and devastating thought: since No One Knows Who Dies at the End is from Paz’s point of view, there might be mentions of Valentino
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barefoot-joker · 7 months
Destined for Heaven, Stolen by the Devil~ Yandere!Lucifer X Reader
Hey, guys and welcome to another Lucifer story. I'm sorry I write for him a lot. I just find to him be a very relatable character and I love him so much! Anyway, this fic deals with heavy Christianity themes, so I did my best to research. If something is wrong, please tell me and I'll do my best to fix it. I was very inspired by the song 'The Plagues' from "The Prince of Egypt". As always, I hope you enjoy and have a great day/night!
Words: 2899
Warnings: Heavy Christianity Themes/Beliefs, Swearing, Christianity Mocking, Slight Possessive Tendencies, Reader's Aunt likes crystals, Reader Dies, Kidnapping?
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I sighed as my mother pulled a light blue cardigan over my shoulders. She dusted off my dress and fixed my hair so that I looked presentable. Today was Sunday so that meant we had to go to church. I wasn’t too fond of going and I would have rather been playing in the backyard as a twelve year old does. However, my mom made it her duty to take me and make me a good Christian girl. “Why do we have to go, mom? It’s soooo boring!”
I stuck out my tongue at her. She gently pushed it back in. “You know I want our family to have a good relationship with the Lord. It’s our Christian duty. Besides, going to church is in your blood. After all-”
“Yeah, yeah. God told you that I was destined to be a wife for Adam. How can you believe that? It came to you in a dream.”
“Y/n M/n L/n! You do not question God’s ways! You know better! Now come on, we don’t want to be late.”
Dragging me by the hand, she ushered me into the family Cadillac and sped off. I sighed heavily. There were so many things I’d rather be doing than go to church. I could be with my friends, heck I could be at my cool Aunt’s house. “Hey, mom?”
“Yes, dear?”
“When are we going to visit Aunt Hailey? When she called you said we’d be seeing her soon.”
“I only said that to get her off my back. You know how I feel about her.”
I grunted and crossed my arms. Aunt Hailey was seen as the black sheep in the family all because she was wealthy. A lot of our relatives (my mother included) thought she sold her soul to the Devil in order to be immensely rich and refused to interact with her. I, however, thought she was so cool. When she used to come over she’d regale to me hundreds of stories about her travels around the world. She even showed me her cool crystal collection when we went over to her house a few times. “Now don’t be like that. It’s not ladylike.”
I grunted again and slid down in the tan leather seat. A few minutes later the car was parked in the church parking lot and I was being dragged inside. Sometimes I wish I had siblings so I wasn’t the only one to feel mom’s wrath. She seated us near the front and handed me the heavy white Bible from the pew. I robotically turned to the page with the Lord’s prayer and stood when Pastor Bob entered. We began reciting the Lord’s prayer and sang a hymn before we sat. I didn’t pay much attention as our Priest told us his sermon for the day but I didn’t dare to look around the room. I had to look the part after all. Fidgety, I played with my ring finger. Glancing down, I took in the birthmark that oddly looked like an apple. I remember it showing up after I stayed at Aunt Hailey’s house one day. I never told my mother about it though. I was often reminded of the tale of Eve and the apple and I don’t know what she would do if ever saw the fruit insignia. After the sermon and another hymn, it was time for communion. We all stood in line and when it was my turn I took the small Ritz cracker and ate it. I coughed lightly and then took a sip from the golden chalice. My mom and I returned to our seats and when everyone was done, we recited the Lord’s prayer one final time. Thank goodness it was over. 
As we walked out, I was forced to shake hands with our elderly Pastor. “How is my favorite little disciple doing today?”
I cringed at that. Ever since my mother told the church of her insane dream I was treated like some goddess. “Good.”
“That’s great to hear. I look forward to our weekly blessing.”
“Of course, Pastor Bob,” my mom butted in, “we wouldn’t miss it.”
He smiled and bid us both ado. We walked back to the car and drove home. As we passed by houses in our neighborhood, I looked longingly at the kids playing. Besides church, Sunday was dedicated to my education of becoming a housewife so when I did die and go to Heaven I was prepared. Parking the car, we went inside. I slipped off my Mary Janes and put them by the door. The rest of the day was spent cleaning, doing embroidery work and cooking. Just as I was getting ready for bed, the phone rang. I went into the kitchen and picked up the landline. “Hello?”
“Is my dear Y/n there?”
“This is her.”
“It’s your Aunt Hailey.”
“Auntie! Hi! How are you?”
She chuckled. “I am good, my darling. And you? Surviving another day in that stuffy house?”
I giggled at her commentary. “I’ve been okay. What can I do for you?”
“I was wondering when you can come over. I was talking with a friend the other day and he would like to meet you properly. I believe he saw you at my house when you were five.”
“I’d love to come over! Let me ask mom real quick.”
I walked into the living room and pressed the phone to my chest. “Hey, mom. Aunt Hailey’s on the phone. She wants to know when I can come over.”
She looked up from her book and glared at the phone. “You know my answer.”
“Come on, mom! It’ll just be for a day!”
“I don’t know.”
“Please! I promise when I get back I’ll focus on my wifely duties! Please!”
I gave her puppy dog eyes and slightly whimpered. She sighed and rolled her eyes. “Alright. You can go tomorrow, but I expect you to stay true to your promise. You know how God would feel if you went back on your word.”
“Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!”
I lifted the phone up to my ear and quickly ran into the kitchen. “She said I can come tomorrow.”
“Wonderful! I’ll see you then, my dear.”
“Bye, Auntie!”
“Goodbye for now, darling.”
I ended the call and put the phone back on the receiver. I returned to the living room where mom and I did our nightly prayer. When we finished, she gave my forehead a kiss and sent me to bed. 
The next morning I dressed in a plaid dress shirt, brown capri pants and black oxfords. I bounced in the passenger seat giddily as my mother parked the car in my Aunt’s gravel driveway. “Now remember to behave. I don’t need any calls about your disobedience.”
“I’ll be good, I will.”
“That’s my girl. And you have your cross necklace?”
“Yes, mom. Can I go now?”
She kissed my forehead and I got out of the car. “Be safe! Call me if something happens and I’ll be back around dinner to pick you up!”
“Okay mom, bye!”
I waved and she drove off. I turned towards my relative’s mansion and walked up the stone steps. I grabbed the handle from the golden lion’s head and gave three loud knocks on the large oak door. The door opened to reveal Timothy, my Hailey’s middle aged butler. “Ah Miss Y/n, we were expecting you. Please come in.”
He stood to the side and allowed me inside. Closing the door, he led me across the marble floor to one of the drawing rooms near the back. I could hear muffled voices talking as we entered, Timothy clearing his throat. “Your niece is here, madam.”
“Thank you, Timothy. That will be all.”
He bowed and exited the room. My Auntie smiled and gestured for me to come over. I ran to her and gave her a big hug. Her navy silk and lace dress clung to me. “It’s so good to see you, darling! I’ve missed you so!”
“I’ve missed you too!”
I pulled away and she motioned to the gold and floral print armchair next to her. I sat and looked at her guest on the chaise lounge. He seemed quite the esteemed gentleman. He had slicked back blonde hair, pale skin and red eyes. I found them quite odd but didn’t judge. Mother said it was bad to judge based upon appearances. He wore a white suit with a red dress shirt, a black tie with black flower detailing, black leather gloves and shiny black dress shoes. He was on the shorter side as well. “Y/n, I’d like you to meet my friend Luci. He’s the one to thank for my wealth.”
The man stood and bowed to me. He took my hand and kissed my apple birthmark. “It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, my little apple. Your Aunt has told me so much about you.”
“It’s good to meet you too, sir.”
“So polite. Your mother is raising you right.”
“Except for the amount of gospel she puts in my poor baby’s head. I swear all because of her fucking dream, she’s gone total Bible thumper.”
Luci titled his head to the side. “Oh you’ll have to tell me over tea. Speaking of which, I think Timothy has finished setting up the garden for us.”
We all stood and the blonde offered me his arm. I gladly took it and we walked outside to Hailey’s marble floored porch. A metal table sat in the middle overlooking her large flower garden, a lacy white tablecloth set on top. Luci pulled out my chair and after I sat, pushed it in. He sat next to me and began pouring tea for all of us. Today Timothy had picked out the clear glass kettle so we could see the yellow liquid inside and the pastel teacups. I thanked Auntie’s friend when he poured into my cup and marveled at the small pink flower floating. “I see we’re having chrysanthemum tea. You know it’s your Auntie’s favorite.”
I giggled and picked up my cup. Blowing a little, I took a sip and smiled at the sweet taste. “So you were talking about Y/n’s mother?”
“Ah yes. She’s always been a Christian woman, believing in the power above. Then one night she had a dream, a vision she calls it, that Y/n is to be the third wife of the first man Adam. Ever since then she’s been obsessively devoted and is dragging my poor niece with her.”
“I see.”
Luci seemed to become stiff at the mention of Heaven and God. Perhaps it was a touchy subject?
“So God came to her and said this, hm?”
“Sure as shit supposedly.”
The three of us sipped our tea in silence. “So has school been going, my dear?”
“Good, Auntie. We learned how to do cursive in English the other day so now I can write my name all fancy!”
“That’s great, darling. Anything else?”
“I’ve been feeling kind of left out lately.”
Both adults turned to me in curiosity. “How so?”
“Well none of the other kids my age are really learning wifely duties, at least not as much as me. When I want to go outside and play mom forces me to do my skills.”
“Wifely duties? Pray do tell,” Luci cocked an eyebrow.
“I learned how to clean the house from top to bottom, cook all three meals, sew, embroider, and do laundry. Basically anything my mom deems necessary to please this angelic husband of mine.”
“I can assure you it will come in handy. Especially with how much of pigish brute he is.”
“How do you know?”
“I just got that impression when I’ve read his passages in the Bible, sweetie.”
“If you had a real man I can be sure you wouldn’t need those skills, darling,” Auntie piped up, sipping her tea.
“A real man? Like who?”
“Like Luci for example!”
I turned to the blonde and he smiled. His eyes glinted with what looked like adoration. He gently grabbed my hand and held it, his hands quite warm through his gloves. He brought it to his lips and kissed the back of my hand. “It’s true. If you were my wife you wouldn’t want for nothing. Every day would be spent in marital bliss.”
“Sounds gross!”
He chuckled and kissed my hand again. “When you’re older you’ll come to love it.”
‘If you say so.”
“I know so.”
The rest of the afternoon was spent listening to Luci’s tales from his travels while drinking our tea. They were quite intriguing and full of adventure. The people he met, the places he went were all so fascinating. It soon became dinner time and true to her word my mom sat in the driveway. Luci walked me to the door and gave a little bow. “It was a pleasure to chat with you, Y/n. I have a feeling we will see each other more in the future.”
“I hope so. You’re so cool, Luci!”
He smirked and patted my head. “Farewell, little lady.”
“Goodbye, Luci!”
I gave him a quick hug before running to the car.
Sure enough as I grew up I ran into the short blonde more often than not. From trips to the grocery store to when I was allowed at Aunt Hailey’s house, we would bump into each other. We’d always exchange a few words and always those red eyes sparkled bright around me. 
That was eleven years ago. Now I lay in a hospital bed, feeling like I was on the brink of death. A few years after meeting Luci I had gotten terribly ill. I was feverish, pale and felt nauseous. My mother was worried and took me to the clinic. I was just diagnosed with the flu. I took my medicine and stayed in bed as best as possible but the final straw was when I fainted in the backyard while gardening. Since then, I had been in and out of hospital with different doctors viewing me like prize cattle. I was poked, prodded and dug at only to be told no one had a clue as to why I was sick. It was like it had just fallen upon me. My mother became even more obsessive in her Christian ways. I was blessed every weekend and prayed upon every day to try and heal my mysterious illness. I was forced to drink holy water at every opportunity and had to wear my cross necklace with two rosaries. 
Currently, I was coughing so hard I felt like I dislocated my lungs. My mother sat next to me holding my hand, a rosary wrapping around us. As I continued to cough she pushed some hair out of my face. “You’re going to be alright, honey. Just stay strong.”
After my coughing fit, I laid back and tried to catch my breath. “I feel like I’m dying.”
Her hand tightened around mine and I could feel her body shake with sobs. “Maybe this is God’s way of letting us know Adam needs you. As much as I’d hate to see my baby go, you’d finally fulfill your purpose.”
“Mom, please. Not now.”
“I’m sorry.”
A knock at the door made us both look over. There in the entryway stood Luci, his white hat with the dark red band hanging tightly in his hands. “Come in.”
He stepped forward and gave a small smile. “Hey, how are you feeling?”
“Like shit.”
“Y/n! Language!”
He chuckled and came to my side, putting a hand on my shoulder. “May I have a moment alone, please?”
My mom looked at me and I gave a curt nod. She sighed and stood. “I’ll go get something to eat. I’ll be back later, honey.”
She gave my forehead a kiss and walked out, shutting the door behind her. Luci took her place in the chair next to my bed. “What can I do for you, handsome?”
“I wanted to come see you. Hailey told me how you were faring and I knew I needed to come immediately.”
“I appreciate that. Especially since I feel like this may be the last time you see me.”
“Nonsense. We will always find each other, even in death.”
He brought his hand up and caressed my cheek. I smiled and then began coughing. I turned away and hacked into my arm, only turning back when I was done. “Sorry.”
“Don’t be.”
His hand wrapped around mine and squoze tightly. “You know, I could end your suffering right now.”
“Yeah right.”
“I’m not lying to you, my dear. One small kiss and you’d go peacefully.”
“And then we can be together forever. Adam, not even Heaven will keep you from me.”
“What are you talking about?” “Just kiss me.”
What could go wrong? I was already suffering so much.
He leaned forward and connected our lips. He tasted sweet like caramel apples and I just melted. My soul felt like it was being sucked out of my body and when he pulled away I couldn’t breathe. “You’re mine, little apple. Forever and always.”
He caressed my hand and my eyes closed.
The beeping of the heart monitor slowed and then faded to silence all together.
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coldest-bowl-of-soup · 2 months
In response to the Neil Gaiman news I would like to share some other authors and books that I think people who like Neil Gaiman’s books would like. Since while Neil might not be the person we all thought he was, his stories are undeniably good. Though there are also so many other authors that write amazing stories. So hopefully this might help someone find another author whose writing you will love just as much. Please share other books and authors you like.
If you liked: Coraline -
The Babysitter Lives by Jones Stephen Graham
High school senior, Charlotte babysit twins the night before Halloween only to find out that she isn’t the only one haunted by the past. This book features a POC lesbian protagonist and an alternate universe.
If you liked: Anansi Boys
The Aunt Who Wouldn’t Die - Shirshendu Mukhopadhyay
A story of three generations of women. Pishima died at 70 years old is intent on haunting her family for forcing her in perpetual widowhood since her husband died when she was 12. Somlata marries into the once proud family and attempts to save the family while being haunted by her husband’s aunt. Then there is Boshon a rebellious teenager yearning for love. It’s a story of family, magical realism, womanhood.
If you liked: Stardust
Nettle & Bone - T. Kingfisher
Marra, a third born Princess goes on a journey to save her sister from an abusive husband. Unfortunately, her target is a crown prince of a powerful country so she must search for help before starting her journey. Filled with impossible tasks, a gravewitch, fairy godmothers, and magic this book is a fun yet dark spin on traditional fairy tales.
Thornhedge - T. Kingfisher
Dark retelling of sleeping beauty told in the point of view of Toadling a human raised by fairies tasked to protect the young princess. A novella that puts a new point of view of a classic tale.
If you liked: Good Omens
The Golem and the Jinni - Helene Wecker
A story about a golem created to be a wife of a man who died coming to America and a Jinni released in New York City. Set in 1899, this story is about friendship, love, and finding a place in a new world. Featuring slow burn love and a bit of excitement.
The Golem of Brooklyn - Adam Mansbach
A Brooklyn art teacher accidentally creates a golem, a creature made of clay to protect the Jewish people during times of violence. After learning to talk after binge watching tv the golem becomes determined to take down a group of white nationalists.
I also liked the following authors:
Darcy Coates - she writes amazing ghost stories
Darcie Little Badger - read Elatsoe, it is so good
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holdmytesseract · 3 months
Thank you for a lovely campfire hangout.
I have a request for a drabble/blurb inspired by this line from The National & Phoebe Bridgers - Your mind is not your friend:
"Don't you understand? Your mind is not your friend again
It takes you by the hand and leaves you nowhere"
What about Loki daydreaming about Frigga, just to remember she is dead? It's gonna be angsty, because the song is sad but oh so beautiful.
Labyrinth of Thoughts
Warnings: sad Loki, mentions of death, fluff
Word Count: blurb
a/n: Poor babey... I was so sad, writing this. 🥺 Thank you for the bittersweet request! 🤗
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You could tell that he was totally lost in his thoughts. His gaze aimlessly staring at the gardens ahead; hand gently cupping one of the dozens of lilac lillies, which had just started to bloom.
You stepped beside him cautiously; studying him. The beautiful flower looked so tiny in his big palm, but his touch was so loving and gentle...
He must think of something wonderful.
"Loki?" You addressed him; voice merely above a whisper. You didn't want to scare him.
No response. Your voice hadn't reached him.
You lifted a hand and slowly laid your palm on his forehead. The raven haired god flinched, before his eyes snapped up to meet yours. "Y-Y/N..."
"Apologies, my love. I didn’t mean to scare you..." Your expression shifted to worry. "What is wrong, my prince?"
Loki swallowed hard; his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat. "I-I... I saw these lillies and thought of my mother... How... How beautiful she'd find them and how proud she'd be of them." A tear rolled down his cheek. "I got lost in thoughts. My mind, once again led me to place full of wonderful imagination - and left me stranded..." He sighed; his head hanging low. "She's dead, Y/N. And that won't change."
You felt your heart aching at Loki's painful confession. You felt so sorry for him. It truly wasn't fair.
"Loki..." You lifted your free hand and cupped his cheek; slightly grazing your thumb over his soft skin. "I'm so sorry your mind plays this cruel game with you. It's hard when our own thoughts turn against us and suddenly aren't a friend anymore, but rather an enemy." He nodded, "It truly is... Normally, I can handle my grief well, but..." and sighed deeply. "It's just... I don't know... Seeing these flowers bloom for the first time since she died just did something to me. There are so many things I wanted to tell her, but couldn't... I miss her so much, Y/N."
His teary blue eyes met yours again; causing you to break as well. "I-I know, my love, I know... Come here." You enveloped him in a tight hug; giving him all the love and comfort he needed right now.
"I know this is anything but easy for you. It always isn't, but... Never forget, my love... Frigga is always with you. She continues to live in your heart - and some day, you'll see her again."
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apomaro-mellow · 2 months
King and Prince 27
Part 26
For as long as King Edward had reigned over this land, no one had known him to take a lover, or even show any interest in anyone. Some time ago, a council had been adamant about him officially choosing someone to rule by his side and procuring an heir. They had been shut down and in time, their posts had been given to newer members, and that old watch had died out. King Edward had seen no need for such things. His life was long lived and he still had many years yet.
There had been no need to pick someone simply for the purpose of securing a royal line. It was him and only him.
And then some prince came along and changed everything. 
Robin’s leg swung off the bed while waiting for Steve. With a huff, he finally walked out of the bathroom. With a groan, she stood up. 
“Finally. Let’s go.”
“Hey, perfection takes time”, Steve said as they left his room.
Robin gestured at his entire body. “And you call this perfection?”
“Rude”, Steve said, starting to mess with his hair again. “It’s not like I have much to work with in there.”
“What are you talking about? Eddie gave you a whole hair dresser’s kit and yet you’re still not satisfied? Spoiled prince indeed”, Robin teased, no heed given to whom might overhear.
“Yes, well, brushes and oils can only do so much when I can’t even set them up properly”, Steve said, giving up on getting his hair just right. “What I truly require is a vanity.”
“Oh, but of course”, Robin rolled her eyes. It was so laughable to her that he could lament over such a thing when it was obvious how smitten Eddie was with him already. It was such a laugh that she shared it with Eddie one evening after going over resource allocations for the arts.
“A vanity. You’d think it was life’s greatest treasure the way he talked about it”, she snorted over a glass of chilled wine. 
“A vanity…”, Eddie trailed off, easily falling into a vision of Steve sitting before one, his beauty aids all arranged just so, taking his time to make himself even more radiant than he already was. He thought about the room Steve was in right now, stuck on one end of the castle, far from the other rooms and barren except for the necessities. 
It certainly wasn’t a place for someone being pursued by the king.
“I’ve lost you, haven’t I?”, Robin said.
“You should know you’ll have my full attention whenever the little prince is concerned. Now tell me more about his vanity-less woes.”
Courtships could go any sort of way. It all depended on the pursuant and their target. But anyone who meant to truly woo their intended listened to both them and those around them to figure out what the most impactful gifts would be. Steve knew that Eddie was this sort after the last gift. He had never said directly what he wanted and yet it appeared.
So he had a feeling a vanity was in his near future. Or at the very least a very good mirror. Something akin to that.
When Eddie approached during one of Lucas’ lesson, Steve didn’t care how spoiled he might appear, stopping in the middle and running right over to him.
“Am I right to assume you have something for me?”, he asked twirling his sword before sheathing it.
“Perhaps, sweetling. But it is one I have to show before I give it to you”, Eddie said.
And didn’t that intrigue Steve. “You have to show it first?”
Eddie nodded, then looked to Lucas. “Do you mind if I steal your instructor away?”
“Go for it”, Lucas permitted.
“You still have ten minutes left”, Steve said. “That’s just enough time for three laps around the training ring and some squats.”
With that, he left his sword belt on a table and walked arm in arm with Eddie. Steve didn’t know why this alone felt so intimate. Eddie had literally caught him in more revealing states. And yet this was different, this touch was different. He wanted to put his head against Eddie’s shoulder and let him lead wherever he wanted.
“I can’t believe you’re taking me somewhere without a chaperone.”
“Now what sort of trouble could we get into in a hallway?”, Eddie asked.
“In my experience, plenty”, Steve lowered his voice to tease and was both surprised and delighted at the redness that bloomed on Eddie’s cheeks. “Wait, have you never-”
“And here we are!”, Eddie shouted when they reached a door. 
A nice door, but a door all the same. Steve wondered what could be behind it and how it related to whatever Eddie was giving him. But then Eddie opened the door and it was a bedroom. A guest room that looked unused with how everything was perfectly in place. As if it had all been arranged in preparation for a new resident. It was a stark cry from the room he was in right now. 
That room was livable, but small. This room had enough space for a lavish bed, a writing desk, a floor to ceiling window that opened up to a small balcony. Across the bed was a door that led to a bathroom, surely nicer than the one he currently had, but that was when Steve saw it. He walked in to get a closer look.
A vanity, clear, ready to be covered in all he might need. He sat down in the chair before it, taking in his reflection in the smooth glass. Not a mirror covered in hard streaks and old dust that made it nearly impossible to make out much of anything. It reminded him of the one he had back home. How he’d sit in front of one, anticipating a night of dancing in the ballroom or a secret tryst with whatever lover he had at the time.
Eddie came up from behind and smiled. “Do you like it?”
“Is it really mine?”, Steve asked, looking up at him.
“All yours. And that is not the only perk it comes with.”
Eddie cleared his throat and took a step back. “It just so happens that this prime real estate is just down the hall from my own rooms.”
“How generous of you”, Steve said, coming to stand up and move closer to Eddie. They were truly alone now, not in the hallway anymore. And he couldn’t miss the insinuation that came from knowing the king would be sleeping just a few doors down. “It has occurred to me that I have yet to give you a gift of my own.”
His eyes flicked to Eddie’s lips as he moved impossibly closer, their bodies chest to chest. His lips were just an inch away-
“Ew! Gross!”, Mike screeched when he came into the room.
Eddie jumped back, nearly tripping over his own feet but managing to catch himself. “Blazes Wheeler! Did no one ever teach you to knock!?”
“The door was open!”, Mike shot back. “I just came to tell you guys lunch was ready. Goddamn!” Mike left before his eyes could be defiled any more than they already were.
Eddie called out before he got too far. “Tell the kitchens to prepare a picnic for me!” Then he turned back to Steve. “If you would be so kind to accompany me.” He offered his arm, feeling warm when Steve linked up with him.
“I would love to.”
Part 28
a bit more sweetness before the bitter returns
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sleeplessdreamer123 · 2 years
Fanfic Idea! (ABO Lucemond, where Rhaenyra dies from Alicent's knife)
Rhaenyra died protecting Lucerys from Alicent's knife after she tried to take his eye.
After that day, Alicent was supposed to be executed, however Otto pulled strings, and though Viserys was extremely reluctant, he was forced to imprison her in her chambers indefinitely, with no one allowed to visit her, instead.
She has gone crazy, screaming that she didn't mean to, that it wasn't her intention. No one cared what she had intended. The Heir is dead. The Queen killed her. That is the truth that rang all throughout Westeros.
Corlys and Rhaenys, angered that Viserys allowed the green queen to live, immediately sprung into action. They told Viserys that Rhaenyra's children are not safe while the murderer, her followers, and her children lived in the Red Keep. They asked that they would live with them, in Driftmark instead. Unsurprisingly, Viserys was adamant that they'd stay, that he had already lost his (only) daughter, and that he refuses to lose her children too.
Daemon then appeared and the three fought to convince Viserys to send Jacaerys and Joffrey to Dragonstone, where Daemon will personally raise and train them alongside Rhaenys. Rhaenys, who was trained since the beginning to be the heir to the king, unlike Viserys, can teach Jacaerys everything he needed to know about ruling. And Joffrey would be taught under Daemon, to raise and train him as a prince and a warrior.
Corlys would have Lucerys in Driftmark, to be raised and taught the ways of the heir of Driftmark. Though Viserys was at first adamant to keep them all there, even going so far as threatening to imprison them, he eventually agreed when he saw the three boys and their cousins gathered together, crying their hearts out.
And so, they left, and it was a horrible thing, to convince both Jacaerys and Joffrey to let go of Lucerys so soon after they lost their mother, and to hear Lucerys crying, begging them not to separate them, but it had to be done, and so they were separated, with Lucerys only having Baela as company. Together, they mourned their losses.
Time passed, and news spread. The two princes in Dragonstone grew, both presented as an alpha, but the one in Driftmark...
He presented as omega. What shocked the people was the fact that Corlys was insistent in keeping Lucerys as heir, despite it all. But they remembered how he fought for his wife's claim, and now, it was less than surprising that he continues to fight for his grandson's. Unfortunately, he had to fight once more in the Stepstones, calling Rhaenys and Rhaena back to Driftmark, with Lucerys already acting as heir despite his age.
It was to no one's surprise that Vaemond, coward that he is, decided to go against his brother's claim after ensuring that his brother is injured in the Stepstones. He plotted with Otto, who managed to keep his position despite everything, and the hearing was set.
Daemon, Jacaerys and Joffrey first arrived, and everyone was curious to see how much they changed. Jacaerys was calm and collected, a charming man, he had the stance of a proud general, one that is used to leading and fighting, a perfect mixture of one taught by the Queen Who Never Was, and the Rogue Prince of the City. Joffrey, unfortunately, was taught entirely by Daemon, and it showed. It was like the second coming of Daemon, a charming little boy, but there was a viciousness hidden in him.
Then came Rhaenys, Baela, Rhaena, and Lucerys. The crowd that gathered couldn't help but stare at Lucerys. Ignoring his coloring, he was the mixture of both Rhaenyra and Aemma, his face schooled like Rhaenys, calm, without a hint of anxiousness. Like he just came to visit instead of the truth, where he had to defend himself and his claim. He had long lost his need to hide behind the people he loved. Corlys ensured that he would be able to stand on his own, to have pride in himself.
He wore a dress his mother would have worn, a dress with the designs of old Valyria, but instead of black and red, like his brothers, he wore blue. What made it all scandalous was the fact the he, an omega, came into court collarless.
Jacaerys and Joffrey all but ran to him, and his facade cracked, revealing a sweet smile reserved only for them.
Jacaerys and Lucerys walked around the castle walls, Daemon had a hard time taking Joffrey away, since they needed to see his brother, the King, and Daemon did not trust Joffrey out of his sight.
Jacaerys and Lucerys strolled around like they had lived in the Red Keep all their lives, ignoring the stares, and eventually made it to the training grounds, where they saw their uncle Aemond defeating Cris Cole, apparently not caring for tourneys.
When he turned to see them, he ignored Jacaerys, and his eye lingered on Lucerys. Specifically on his shoulder and unprotected neck. Lucerys and Jacaerys glared, for him, their mother died. He owed them a debt, and sooner or later, it will be paid. They soon entered the courtroom, and glared at Otto, who dared to sit on the throne.
When Vaemond was finished with his bouts, Lucerys began his own, until Viserys came to defend his grandchildren. Viserys reinstated Lucerys as heir to Driftmark, ignoring Vaemond's words, angering him enough to call the three bastards, and Lucerys, an Omegan whore.
He kept his tongue, the rest of his head, however, separated from his body, and Dark Sister was fed with blood again.
With the dinner comes the problem. Alicent, for the first time in years, was allowed to leave her room, to the anger of every single person besides the greens.
The argument started when Viserys decided to betroth Lucerys and Aemond.
All hell broke lose, however, when Alicent called Lucerys "Rhaenyra", and he asked if she planned to kill him too.
So, thoughts? Violent reactions?
If anyone wishes to create a full fanfic with this setting, please tell me!
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earthlyruins · 9 months
"beauty and the beast au where zoro's the beast and sanji's—" okay sure yeah but what about when sanji's the beast and zoro's the beaut.
zoro's good with kids and good with math. we've seen this. we've experienced it. he play fights with the kids regularly and helps out with stocks and sales of local shops
think of link twilight princess... big brother swordsman
also better than All of the knights in the village. this includes a very certain red, blue, and green haired trio. they're all very bitter about it. among other things
zoro's also the only person to ever use three swords so like. there's that. everyone thinks he has a few screws loose. he doesn't. or so he proclaims
insert kuina backstory... he makes a promise to himself to become the greatest swordsman in the world. it's just that he's, in a word, broke. and also a little sentimental but don't let nami hear him say that
judge is the head of this mini military and is very adamant on trying to recruit zoro to siege the palace on the hill. for Some Reason.
nami conspires with zoro that it's because he has some long lost enemy up there. Little Does She Know
meanwhile sanji lives alone in the castle, cursed. but not in the way you'd think. rather than a hulking beast, he's pretty much the same if not for the fact that he has a helmet on his head. thanks, dad.
thinking about the rest of the straw hats being little dancing singing objects. that was more or less an accidental side effect of the curse (sanji took off his helmet once, and it knocked luffy into a candle and ussop into a clock and well.)
he's slowly starving (hence why he tried to take the helmet off). the cook who cannot taste his food. throw in a wilting rose metaphor and when the last petal falls is when he dies
fortunately he has an old man by the name of zeff who literally won't let that happen. also all his friends that will fight death to keep sanji kicking
quite literally in some cases
so that's why when nami goes missing trying to explore the mysterious castle and zoro immediately goes to follow her, zeff practically knocks down his door to set the fear of god in him
too bad zoro doesn't believe in any god
but hey fine he won't hurt the creature in the castle. creature. period. zeff hits him over the head with a baguette
zoro finds nami and also sanji. decides in a split moment to announce he'll trade places with her. she is sitting on a couch. unharmed. she wouldn't have Been harmed. nami proceeds to call him a fucking idiot
sanji laughs at him, and zoro refuses to leave out of spite. he learns that sanji is a priss and a prince or sometimes a princess depending on the day, that he has a brilliant passion for cooking (whose skills are similar to a certain chef back in the village), and that when he laughs, zoro finds himself laughing too.
discovers sanji's dream of the all blue, and zoro finds himself telling sanji about his dream of becoming the greatest swordsman, of wado, of kuina
and eventually, Eventually, he finds out the details of sanji's curse. why he sometimes can't dredge out the energy to get out of bed (and why it's getting more and more frequent these days), and why he can't take off that helmet when the key is right there. and what the flower is all about.
proceeds to Book It when sanji tells him about judge and his brothers. except he doesn't tell sanji this, so sanji is sitting around in the castle, heartbroken and wondering Why he's heartbroken, while zoro is marching back to his village, Pissed
zeff pulls him aside though and they go and find reiju after zoro tells him that sanji's condition is worsening
zoro comes Back but this time with sanji's real dad and sister in tow and after a lot of tears and yelling (at zoro) ((and zeff)) (((then at zoro again))) they devise a plan on how to take judge down.
zoro plans on beating up ichiji niji and yonji simultaneously which sanji disagrees with. specifically because he wants to be the one to kick niji into next week
yadayadayada insert fight scene bc this is already ungodly long and judge gets exiled and imprisoned. niji gets drop kicked. the helmet comes off just as the timer runs out (thinking that the only way it could come off was to not only have someone fall For "the beast" but to have said beast love himself too. which zoro did. #love)
happily ever after. sanji eats and cooks and zoro fights and they take care of each other and find all blue. okay goodnight
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star-boi0720 · 4 months
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Giant lore dump here, basically they're the seven deadly sins, in my version to become one you commit an act to break a seal that Irene made to contain the devil within and their punishment is to become the new host for said devils. so I'm gonna go person by person and explain how they became a sinner
(the concepts aren't complete, still needs work but I just want to have it written down)
Aaron-Wrath, has a similar backstory to the OG, but I added a thing I remembered from Emerald Secret of the Utltimas backstory (this was solely from my memory and might not be exact) and took Zane out of the equation, basically Aaron had a hobby of hunting and he without knowing killed this holy wolf that Irene created, and as a punishment he was combined with it and in the foggy haze of his transformation he murdered his whole village and his family.
Lucinda-Gluttony, Her hunger for knowledge killed her best friend(/ maybe girlfriend aka Sasha don't 100% know yet) and sealed away her mother to the cursed forest. Hyria used to have like a coven/school for witches she made after Irene left. Lucinda was a prodigy and wanted to just keep learning to the point she was so desperate she stole a book her mother told her never to even touch (which had sin inside and was trusted to hyria by Irene) which made Lucinda's magic go crazy and destroy the school and seal her mom away and kill Sasha.
Travis-Lust, so his mom dies to seal his dad away all that's the same but Travis is just super lonely right, but then a girl comes to visit him and he eventually falls in love with her but she actually is a member of his fathers cult to break him free and Travis is so obsessed with her he doesn't notice, and before he can stop her fully she partially freed him and travis in the struggle to stop her he kills her and breaks his mothers necklace(which had lust inside) but right after he kills her a bunch of villagers burst into the chamber the demon warlock was locked in and it looks like Travis just sacrificed some girl to his father and they try to kill him so Travis hides deep in the mountains
Katelyn-Envy, her entire life in her village of dragons she was treated as lesser compared to her brothers Kayden and Cain cause she wasn't as strong as them and she pushed herself but wasn't enough, her jealousy boiled over and in a fight with her brother Kameron she broke a statue that had the sin inside she didn't kill him but burned him beyond recovery
Garroth- Pride, He was the cocky prince troupe kinda like Hercules from the Disney movie and he liked to play hero, and vylad always went with him like Garroth's little sidekick. but one day they came against a monster they couldn't beat and Garroth refused to back down and in which the monster which was a huge lion killed vylad garroth killed it but it had the sin of pride inside it Garroth returned home and when he told his mother of what happened she hid him away knowing the world would see garroth as a threat and kill him. So Evelyn(Aka Zianna I changed a lot of the parent's names cause it seemed repetitive to me, so mom is now Evelyn and the father's name is now Adam) sent Garroth to hide in Phoenix Drop and claimed the beast killed both of them.
Zane- Greed, Zane was always a good man the whole kind young priest get up. but after the sudden deaths of his brothers, his faith was shaken, and in a desperate attempt to bring them back he began to research black magic and corrupted his mind and he opened a box deep in the catacombs of Okasis which was Pandora's box which held the sin of greed and became and the once kind prince became a true monster.
Nana-Sloth Nana is the eldest daughter of a duke of the Tula Kingdom, her mother died when Nana was young and her father was very heartless about it, like had a new wife in 2 days and all her other siblings were only her half she tried to be close to them but her father kept her away from them to the point she stopped trying after so long but on a night a raid happened she was only able to save one of her siblings her youngest Juno who was only like 7 but as she was escaping she broke a mirror that had the sin of sloth inside and possessed her and nana escaped to ruan and made her little cafe with her sister. (Nanas I don't fully like it yet but it is something ig)
So that's pretty much just some tragic mfrs sorry for any spelling mistakes
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I did it!!! *Megamind voice* I DID IIIIT!
I was afraid that this’d just be Demon King Lucifer x Prince Adam AU but shower blessed me with some lol
Maybe they could roleswap.
So here it is.
King Lucifer broke a woman’s heart in his teenager years.
More specifically, a witch’s heart. Named Lilith.
So she cursed him by saying he will always fall in love deeply once three years with someone he feels attraction towards. It doesn’t matter how small it is, if the three years are over, a single “Wow that person is cute” is enough for his love to start.
But only one of them will stay with him more than a year, and there is no way he could know which one it will be.
He tried so hard and sometimes came so close. One of them literally died five minutes before their ‘first year anniversary’
So the King slowly locked himself inside his castle, wanting to never see people ever again.
Until he went to visit a kingdom and accidentally saw Adam.
How is this….?
Give me cursed Lucifer any day of the fucking week!!
So when he makes it to a year to curse is broken?
Okay and now I gotta.
Adam: Oof-! Oh I'm so sorry your majesty, I should have been watching where I was going.
Lucifer internally: Oh no.....
Lucifer: It's alright, accidents happen.
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errethebunny · 4 months
Before the timer goes out, I'd like to share some theories about what's about to come in ikevil
possible spoilers ahead
Usually, it is on act 2 that the ikemen team usually announces the new characters of the season.
As we experienced in Ikemen Vampire, and Ikemen Prince, the new characters usually come to antagonize some of the previous suitors.
Which makes me believe the characters that would be antagonized by the new bunch, will be the characters that didn't have their routes out yet: Roger, Jude and Victor. In that order.
Maybe in Roger's route, we will learn about some other cursed person Roger tried to cure and wasn't successful (hence why he's very adamant about NOT being a doctor anymore). Maybe he thought his friend died, and now surprise! Guess who's back?
As for their curse, my thoughts go to The Big Bad Wolf from Red Riding Hood.
Pretty cliche, I know, but like Snow White, Red Riding Hood also has a Hunter, which would be perfect to explain their relation to one another, as well as determining their dynamic as the two big bad guys hunting Mc.
Now for Jude, I don't really think the new guy will necessarily be related to Briar Rose. But I definitely can see some money related curse. Maybe Robin Wood? Maybe. Definitely something thief related I think
It could be interesting, a character that hates rich people like Jude, however since Jude is rich himself, the character could steal some of Jude's stuff. It could be funny lol
I could keep going, but I think Victor deserves his own post.
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krinsbez · 1 year
A Watership Down Meta/Headcanon/Rant
So, both @jaybutnotthebird and @stavarosthearcane have stated that, to their knowledge, I've not posted this on tumblr, and indicated that they would like to hear it, I'm posting it now!
So I don't recall if it was stated explicitly or was, like, a rumor, but everything about Gen. Woundwort makes so much more sense when you realize he's a hutch rabbit.
Why is he so enormous? Cuz he was bred to be big and fluffy, was fed flayrah everyday, and was taken to the vet if he got sick.
Why is he so afraid of humans? Because they were the first elil he ever encountered.
Why is everything he does in complete opposition to proper lapine culture and behavior? Because he grew up not knowing anything about it.
Efrafa is, in essence, an attempt to make a warren into a hutch.
OK got that? So, here's another thing to think about. Cowslip's Warren, or Strawberry's Warren, or the Warden of the Shining Wire, or whatever you want to call it...they also completely disregard traditional Lapine culture and behavior; they don't tell stories of El-ahrairah, they make weird poetry about the inevitability of death, they keep babbling about dignity, they make ART, etc. This, by the way, is why it and Efrafa come off as so viscerally wrong, because Mr. Adams went to the trouble of putting us in a rabbit headspace, so we can understand the full horror; it's not just Woundwort's tyranny or the farmer's snares, it's that they're unnatural and rabbits aren't meant to live that way.
Now, I know what you're thinking when I say that word, "unnatural", but put down the pitchfork.
Because Hazel and Co. do a LOT of things that is outside the realm of typical rabbit behavior:
Despite being Chief Rabbit, Hazel let's the others argue with and talk back to him.
They made friends with mice and a bird.
He adopted Cowslip's Warren's idea of using tree roots to create a big central chamber
Tales (the sequel short story collection) has them adopt a (obvs. less aggro) version of the Efrafan practice of having the Owsla run patrols
They busted out hutch rabbits.
They used a boat
Meanwhile, Sandleford, the Warren that our heroes fled, was apparently the epitome of a traditional Warren and of course they all died horribly.
So, what's the difference?
It goes back to the last lines of the first myth, part of which was used as the first animated film adaptation's tagline:
“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”
(I bolded the important part)
Sandleford's Chief Rabbit (EDIT: The Threarah) decided he liked things as they were and refused to change, and his people died. Cowslip and Co. allow themselves to be farmed and treat death as an inevitability, and they're slowly going mad and dying one by one. Gen. Woundwort teaches his Owsla to respond to every situation by fighting, and they break and flee when the unexpected happens. The ordinary rabbits of Efrafa are forced to live like hutch rabbits and they're miserable and not having babies.
Hazel does weird stuff…but he does so because he's in a weird situation and has to adapt. He listens to the other's concerns and ideas, he keeps an open mind, he figures out what resources are available to him, and then figures out how he can use them to protect his people.
In short? Unlike Woundwort, Cowslip & Co., or the unnamed Chief Rabbit of Sandleford EDIT: The Threarah, he is cunning and full of tricks.
(I think one of the reasons the BBC miniseries from a few years back didn't hit right is that they failed to get this)
Anyways, thanks for coming to my TED Talk
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