#prince elian
adrasteaeydiate · 13 days
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
My favorite parts - 2
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Forever ICONIC Elian's line 🤣🤣🤣
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“You can't win a war. Someone else just loses.” ― To Kill a Kingdom
By Alexandra Christo
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
“If I beat you, what do I win?” she asks.
“The ability to defend yourself.”
Her smile is lethal. “And if I kill you?”
“False confidence is nobody’s friend,” I school in a faultless echo of my father’s voice. And then I attack.
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
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ticklygiggles · 4 months
Titillatio | Xiao x Aether
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A/N: Happy birthday to my birthday twin @eliankrios! I hope you have the loveliest of days, Elian! I'm happy to be friends with you ❤️❤️❤️ *boop paw* I hope you enjoy these babies and I hope they're not too ooc! Enjoy your daaaaaay 💕💕💕💕💕
Summary: Xiao rediscovers something he had long forgotten.
Words: 2k
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Xiao never thought that a kiss could make him feel so many things: butterflies fluttering from his throat to his lower belly. In his mouth, the taste of the other person was sweet against his tongue and made him feel light in the head, as if he had drunk too much alcohol. His hands trembled and he always tried to hold on to something so the other wouldn't notice. His knees were weak, as if they were going to fail him at any moment; and a strange heat gathered in his insides and spread to his neck, traveling to his cheeks and ears, making them turn as red as an apple. 
His mind went blank, any thoughts that could have been floating around in his head vanished, and he could only focus on the tingling he felt on his lips and the burning pain at the edges of his lungs due to lack of air… but now that he thought about it, maybe it wasn't the kiss itself, but the person who seemed to be trying to devour his lips every time. 
“Aether-!” He gasped, his hands on Aether's shoulders, pulling him closer instead of pushing him away. 
The traveler had his arms around his waist, pressing him against his warm body while he kissed Xiao desperately and frantically. Xiao could barely keep up with him; Aether's tongue writhed inside his mouth, tickling the roof of his mouth as he seemed to try to suck on Xiao's tongue. Xiao couldn't deny that, although he felt a little dizzy from lack of air, he had missed Aether's kisses deeply. 
The traveler had been away from Liyue for a long time, and even when he returned, Xiao could not meet him right away, as he was busy doing things that a yaksha had to do. Their meeting had happened no more than ten minutes ago, but as soon as they exchanged glances, their bodies were already pressed against each other. 
However, Aether really seemed hungry for Xiao. It was no longer enough for him to just kiss Xiao's mouth, Aether's kisses moved down his jaw, seeking the warmth of his neck to sink his teeth in. 
“A-Aether, h-hold on. Someone will- haa!” 
It was useless, Aether simply wasn't listening and Xiao's nervousness only increased when he felt one of Aether's hands sneaking under the hem of his skin-tight shirt, the other finding that opening on the upper part of his back. Gentle fingertips followed the edge of his shoulder blades, making him gasp and squirm. Aether touched Xiao's skin lighty, tenderly, just like a feather. His soft fingers brushed against the curve on his lower back and something fuzzy started to build in Xaio’s throat. 
“Tra-Traveler! You're n-not listening to me, I really- ack?! W-Wahait! That spot-!” 
Before he could stop himself, an airy giggle escaped his lips and they both stood still. Aether finally deigned to lift his face from Xiao's blushing neck and Xiao quickly found his golden eyes, his own wide open. 
“Wha- what did you just do?” He asked, feeling that almost uncomfortable sensation near his side that made him want to scratch the spot. 
His eyes danced from left to right, looking into Aether's, and something funny rose in his stomach when he noticed a glint of playful malice in Aether's amber pupils. 
“Are you ticklish Xiao?” A mischievous smile spread across Aether's lips and Xiao frowned.
“Ticklish?” He said the word slowly, as if savoring each letter and listening to how the two syllables sounded together. It was a funny word, if he had to admit it. “What is ‘ticklish’?” 
His question only made Aether's smile widen even more and Xiao jumped slightly when Aether's warm hands closed on his waist, making him blush even more. His own hands closed around Aether's wrists and he made an absurd attempt to push those hands away from his body. Aether giggled sweetly and that was enough to distract Xiao and let out a laugh when Aether squeezed his waist. Every hair on his body stood up as he felt that sensation run through him like electric shocks. Even though he really didn't want to, his hands pushed Aether's wrists away from his body and he looked at him with his eyes wide open and his lips trembling with a silly little smile. 
“Aether… what are you doing right now- no! N-Nohoho!” 
Xiao didn't know how, but Aether had broken free of his grip and his hands latched onto his waist again and he let out embarrassed and uncontrollable giggles as the traveler squeezed the spot over and over. The sensation made Xiao want to crawl out of his skin, those fingers woke up his nerve endings in a weird way, and Xiao couldn't make it stop. 
He wasn't sure he had ever felt this kind of sensation in his many years of existence. He was almost sure that he would remember this feeling, and yet, there was some feeling of longing swirling in his chest the more Aether did this… ‘ticklish’ thing on him. It was as if a part of his memory was under a haze, and he certainly couldn't concentrate with Aether's fingers running up his sides until they reached his ribs. 
Xiao's giggles turned into more panicked laughter and his knees could no longer support his weight and squirming. He fell into the grass beneath him and Aether followed him, still making him laugh out of his mind as he straddled Xiao's waist. Aether's fingers gently but firmly dug into each of his ribs and a second later, he felt the tips of his fingers vibrating between the spaces of each bone. 
Xiao threw his head back and his body shook with the force of his laugh. He desperately gripped Aether's arms, but he felt powerless, his strength had been drained from his body and he could only shriek between laughter what he thought Aether was doing to him: 
Aether laughed so hard, he actually had to stop tickling Xiao to hold onto his tummy. “This is not witchcraft! I'm just tickling you, Xiao!” 
Didn't he say ‘ticklish’ earlier? Xiao shook his head, breathless. He tried to crawl away, but Aether giggled and grabbed him by the hips, dragging him back and sitting on his lower back. Xiao groaned and laughter poured from his lips again when the tickling started once more, this time Aether's fingers wiggling against his lower back and the window of his shirt. Xiao cackled, arching back and clawing at the ground, trying, in vain, to escape this torment. 
Should he call it torment? It really wasn't that bad. The feeling was overwhelming, it numbed his brain and he felt like lightning was rushing through his body with every touch, also his laughter was embarrassingly loud and his tummy and sides were starting to hurt. However, Xiao couldn't say that he was hating it, on the contrary, he was ashamed to admit it to himself, but he was having fun. Although his stomach and sides hurt, it wasn't because of the force that Aether was tickling him with, his fingers were light and skillful, touching places that he didn't know could make him squeal and cackle like that. 
It was also nice to hear Aether giggling along him, his laughter was light and happy, like an excited child. To think just a couple of minutes ago he was almost eating him alive. 
“How come I didn't know you are so ticklish, Xiao? Hmm? Tell me please.”
“I cahaHAHAn’t!” 
He really couldn't. If he dared to speak, he felt like he was going to choke with his own laughter, besides, he really couldn't form any coherent thought at that moment.
“Your back is very ticklish,” Aether giggled and Xiao felt alarmed. There was something in Aether's voice, a tone that made him feel terribly nervous. “I wonder if you're also very ticklish here?” 
The sound that escaped from Xiao's mouth did not sound like him, in fact, he had no idea that he was capable of screeching like that, but when Aether pushed his warm hands under his arms and his fingers started to wiggle against his armpits– he just couldn't control himself. 
Sweet yet hysterical laughter bloomed past his lips. That maddening sensation felt incredibly intense, and Xiao could only laugh and laugh as his body became useless, his arms glued to his sides in a futile attempt to make the tickling stop or at least, slow down, but it had the opposite effect, for Aether's hands had been trapped and he moved his fingers incessantly. 
“Ah, I think I found your most ticklish spot, Xiao!” Aether chuckled above him, speaking fondly. “Your laughter is so cute! I want to listen to more!” 
‘Your laughter is so cute… I want to listen to more.’ 
Oh, now he remembered. As Aether's fingers dug under his arms, a memory came to Xiao's mind: the eldest and leader of the Yakshas, Bosacius, holding both Xiao's wrists with two pair of hands while the other pair nestled into his exposed underarms, tickling him until Xiao was crying with hysterical laughter. Xiao could hear Bosacius' voice teasing him while he mercilessly tickled his armpits, his boisterous laughter almost louder than Xiao's. Xiao remembered looking at his bright smiles and shining eyes through his teary sight. Bosacius was happy and so was Xiao. 
A wave of warmth flooded his chest and as he laughed wildly, he finally was able to remember just what this whole thing was. 
“This ihihis, eek, t-tihihitilahatio!” 
The tickling slowly came to a stop and Xiao went limp onto the soft grass, breathing heavily and feeling little tears falling down the side of his face. A silly smile pulled at the corners of his lips and he giggled brightly when Aether started poking his back and sides, causing him to roll on his back again. 
“What is titillatio, Xiao?” Aether asked, his head tilted to the side like a confused bird. Xiao's eyes looked at Aether fondly, his fingers gently brushing the other's flushed cheek. Aether nuzzled into his hand like a kitten and Xiao smiled warmly.
“Titillatio is… tickling, I guess. That was the name years ago.” Centuries ago. “I didn't know the name had changed. It had been a long while since titilatio was done to me.” 
Xiao didn't even remember the feeling, let alone the name. He had spent so many years alone, there was no way his mind was busy remembering insignificant things like that; there was also the issue of erosion in the mind… but be tried to ignore that as much as possible. 
Lost in his thoughts, he barely noticed Aether was looking at him intently and frowning. “Was that person… your partner?*
Xiao blinked a couple of times, astonished. Did he hear correctly? “What?” 
Xiao raised his eyebrows when Aether rolled his eyes. “The person that tickled you in the past! Were they your partner?” 
“What? N-No, of course not. It was just- wait… are you mad about it?” Aether looked away. “Oh, are you jealous?”
Xiao had learned about jealousy the hard way, he now recognized the emotion even in other people and to his eyes, Aether seemed really jealous at that moment. The blonde blushed up to his ears and crossed his arms over his chest, avoiding Xiao's gaze at all costs. He really was jealous, huh? 
Xiao chuckled, his hands gently holding Aether's bare waist. “Didn't you say jealousy is bad?” 
Aether made an indignant sound and Xiao let out a soft chuckle through his teeth. Feeling a weird wave of playfulness rushing through him, Xiao quickly changed their positions. It was adorably funny to see Aether's confused expression turn into one of pure laughter as Xiao started to pinch and prod his exposed waist. 
“X-Xiahaho! Dohohon't!” 
Xiao smiled lovingly, thumbs rubbing against the sides of Aether's tummy. The traveler giggled and laughed and squirmed under him and Xiao understood why people liked to tickle others. It was fun to see another laughing because of your gentle touch and if that person was Aether, it was all even better.
“I'm nohohot jehehealous! I prohohomise!” Despite his pleading, Aether didn't seem to do much to make Xiao stop.
“I do believe you're not jealous.” That was a lie. “But I actually have never tried doing titillatio to someone. How is that? Do you like it?” Aether threw his head back with bright giggles and Xiao couldn't help but also chuckle. “Am I doing it right?” 
“S-Stohohop teheasing meHE!”
Xiao laughed. Genuinely laughed. He had spent so many years alone, he had forgotten how good it felt to be with someone as kind and bright as Aether. He got to experiment a lot for the first time: having a partner, kisses, jealousy. Tickling... Even love.
Xiao smiled warmly down at Aether's laughing face, his hands weakly pawing at Xiao's hands. All those years of loneliness... perhaps they were just a small punishment to be able to enjoy the happy company of this wonderful traveler.
"You want me to tickle you more?"
"Noho! I'm s-sohohorry!"
Yes, this definitely was his reward.
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radicalrascals · 10 months
@saudadexmses sent:
“I’m fine. This just happens sometimes. It’s normal for me.” ( For Val and Elian because I miss them dearly <3)
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"Don't lie to me." Sternness painted Valentine's speech in unwonted hues. He was too proud to admit that he cared, too proud to acknowledge he was worried. And where he failed to translate his feelings to more healthier behaviour, he sought solace in what he knew; belligerence. "How is this normal?! You don't look normal. Your heartbeat isn't normal. What is it that has befallen you?"
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potionboy3 · 2 years
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Elian Goldcrest for the winx au: fire fairy 👀👀👀 (putting the dragon flame here was a choice)
Winx au is based on mine and @gcldensnitch conversation ❤️
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wondereads · 2 years
An Extended List of Retellings
It was recently Tell a Fairy Tale Day (02/26), so here's an updated and expanded list of retellings for all fairy tale- and folklore-obsessed readers!
*Key at the end of the post*
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert (Fairy Tale-esque)
Alice's grandmother is known for her collection of stories that has spawned a cult-like following, spawning plenty of fanatics to follow Alice and her mother around. But this new group is strange, weirder than the rest, and when they take Alice's mother, she must literally dive into the world of her grandmother's stories to save her. (YA, low fantasy)
Damsel by Elana K. Arnold (Fairy Tale-esque)
Ama remembers nothing. All she knows is that she was saved by Prince Emory from a vicious dragon. It seems she will be taken care of for the rest of her life as a pampered princess, but as she learns more about her new home, the more darkness seems to well up around the edges. *read trigger warnings* (NA, high fantasy)
The Frog Princess by E. D. Baker (The Frog Prince)
Princess Emeralda is about to be caught in an unfortunate engagement, but she finds an escape in a talking frog. A frog who claims he is a prince, a perfect excuse to escape a betrothal. What she doesn't expect is being turned into a frog herself with no clue how to change both of them back. (MG, high fantasy)
The Wide-Awake Princess by E. D. Baker (Sleeping Beauty)
Princess Gwen was tragically cursed to fall into a magical sleep, so when her younger sister, Annie, is born, she is given only one christening gift—the ability to resist any magic. When the curse comes true and Gwen falls asleep, Annie sets out to find her sister's true love and wake the kingdom again. (MG, high fantasy)
Peter and the Starcatchers by Dave Barry and Ridley Pearson (Peter Pan)
From an orphanage in London, Peter and his mysterious friend, Molly, arrive at a faraway island. There, pirates and adventures abound, but nothing is as exciting as a precious new substance that can cure wounds, give flight, and keep people young forever. (MG, low fantasy)
The Looking Glass Wars by Frank Beddor (Alice in Wonderland)
When Wonderland, land of dreams and imagination, undergoes a bloody coup, Princess Alyss Heart is forced to flee to the real world, taking on the name Alice Liddel. Years later, she is needed to win Wonderland back, but is it time for Alyss' imagination to be saved? (YA, low fantasy)
The Sisters Grimm by Michael Buckley (multiple)
Sabrina and Daphne Grimm have bounced from foster home to foster home before their formerly-unknown grandmother takes them in. She seems like everything two children could want, but Sabrina doesn't trust her. Not only does she serve outlandish foods and have an outrageous amount of locks on her house, but she seems to believe their town is full of fairy tale characters, all with mysteries that need solving. (MG, magical realism)
The School for Good and Evil by Soman Chainani (multiple)
Agatha and Sophie are best friends, but they couldn't be more different. Agatha is ugly and unpleasant and Sophie is pretty and kind, so when they're taken to the School for Good and Evil, it seems obvious who's Good and who's Evil. However, when the girl's places are switched, they must put things to rights. (MG/YA, high fantasy)
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo (The Little Mermaid)
Lira is a vicious siren, known for her collection of prince's hearts. However, a serious mistake of hers leads the Sea Queen to transform her into a human, trapped until she can bring her the heart of Prince Elian. Lira is a practiced killer, but Elian is a trained hunter, and sirens are his prey of choice. (YA, high fantasy)
The Land of Stories by Chris Colfer (multiple)
Alex and Conner have had it rough since their father's death, but they find comfort in their grandmother's book of stories. When she leaves it to them on their birthday, they never expected for it to be a portal to another world. This world is full of all the fairy tales they know and love, but they're trapped there, and ways back are hard to come by. (MG, low fantasy)
Legendborn by Tracy Deonn (King Arthur)
In an attempt to move on after her mother's death, Bree attends an early college program. However, she starts to see things, things her friends can't, and she soon discovers a secret society on campus made up of the descendants of King Arthur and the Knights of the Roundtable. However, this group, the Legendborn, may be tied to Bree more than she knows. (YA, magical realism)
Midnight Robber by Nalo Hopkinson (Caribbean and Yoruba Mythology)
In a futuristic world modeled off of Afro-Caribbean history and mythology, criminals are sent to the world of New Half-Way Tree. No child has been sent before until Tan-Tan is taken by her father, who is on the run from the law. When Tan-Tan's experience takes a turn for the worse, she finds strength the figure of the Robber Queen from myth. *read trigger warnings* (adult, science fiction/fantasy)
Splintered by A. G. Howard (Alice in Wonderland)
Alyssa is a descendant of the famous Alice Liddel, but it's not all roses and tea parties. Madness runs in the family, and Alyssa has heard bugs and flowers speak to her since she was young. It's only when she's a teenager that she learns it's a curse, and the only way to free her family from it is to return to Wonderland and put the original Alice's mistakes to rights.
Stain by A. G. Howard (very loosely The Princess and the Pea)
Princess Lyra is destined to bring her kingdom, one of perpetual day, and their rival, a kingdom of perpetual night, together. However, when her wicked aunt steals her identity and casts her out, she loses her memories and is taken in by a witch from an enchanted forest. There, she lives in disguise, known as a young boy named Stain. (YA, fantasy romance)
Enchanted by Alethea Kontis (The Frog Prince)
Sunday is the seventh daughter of a seventh daughter, a powerfully magic number. Anything Sunday writes comes true, so she takes care to only write what has already happened. She finds someone to share those stories with in a talking frog near her home. Little does she know that the frog is an enchanted prince; specifically, the prince responsible for the death of her older brother.
Ella Enchanted by Gail Carson Levine (Cinderella)
Ella was given a gift at her birth from a fairy, but it's done nothing but make her life miserable. Forced to obey every direct order, Ella loathes her gift of obedience, especially when she is forced to deal with a demanding father and a horrible stepfamily. Ella takes it upon herself to track down the fairy who 'blessed' her with some help from her family's cook, Mandy, and the charming Prince Char. (MG, high fantasy)
Fairest by Gail Carson Levine (Snow White)
Aza is by no means the fairest of them all, but she has the unique gift to imitate others and throw her voice. In the kingdom of Ayortha, which values song above all else, it's an invaluable trait. One the new queen of Ayortha, Queen Ivi, plans to capitalize upon. Ivi lacks singing talent, so she hires Aza to help her deceive the kingdom, but how long can they keep up the charade? (MG, high fantasy)
The Princess Tales by Gail Carson Levine (multiple)
Six stories: The Fairy's Mistake (Diamonds and Toads), The Princess Test (The Princess and the Pea), Princess Sonora and the Long Sleep (Sleeping Beauty), Cinderellis and the Glass Hill (Cinderella), For Biddle's Sake (Rapunzel), and The Fairy's Return (The Golden Goose) (MG, high fantasy)
Ash by Malinda Lo (Cinderella)
Abused by her horrible stepmother, Ash finds solace in stories. Those stories seem to come to life when she encounters a faerie, and her wishes of being stolen away may finally be granted. However, Ash begins to doubt that course when she meets the king's huntress and she finds herself torn between two worlds. (YA, fantasy romance)
Unhooked by Lisa Maxwell (Peter Pan)
Gwendolyn has always thought her mother was crazy for thinking monsters were chasing them, but then she and her best friend are kidnapped. The place they're taken to, Neverland, is full of deception, and Gwen must find out how to get them both home and whole again. (YA, low fantasy)
Cinder by Marissa Meyer (Cinderella)
Cinder is a cyborg in a futuristic world ravaged by sickness and prejudice, but she scrapes by as a mechanic. One day, during a job for no one other than the prince, she discovers information that could tip the balance between the people of earth and the dreaded Lunars. (YA, science fiction)
The Squire's Tales by Gerald Morris (King Arthur)
A series retelling the tales of the Roundtable, beginning with Terence, an orphan who becomes squire to the famous Sir Gawain. Together, they must foil a plot against King Arthur as Terence discovers his own abilities. (MG/YA, historical fantasy)
Uprooted by Naomi Novik (Beauty and the Beast)
Agnieszka is forfeited by her village to the wizard known as the Dragon in exchange for his protection against the horrible Wood. She finds herself more of an apprentice than a servant, but the Wood is stirring, and it's up to her and the Dragon to drive it back. (NA, high fantasy)
Spinning Silver by Naomi Novik (Rumpelstiltskin)
Miryam has brought her family's moneylending business back from the brink of bankruptcy. All is going well until an ill-timed boast on the roads lures the attention of the king of the Staryk, fae-like creatures made of winter and obsessed with gold. But there's a bigger threat that threatens to consume humans and Staryk alike. (NA, high fantasy)
Queen of Hearts by Colleen Oakes (Alice in Wonderland)
Dinah has trained her whole life to become queen of Wonderland alongside her father, finally earning his love. However, out of the blue, her father brings home her half-sister, his illegitimate daughter. With conspiracies brewing, Dinah must hold onto her throne now that another candidate has entered the picture. (YA, high fantasy)
The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea by Axie Oh (Shim Cheong)
As their home is ravaged by storms and floods, the people of Mina's village sacrifice a young girl every year, hoping she may be the "true bride" of the sea god. One year, the offered girl is Shim Cheong, Mina's older brother, Joon's, beloved. In an effort to save her, Mina throws herself into the sea to find a fantastical world under the surface. (YA, historical fantasy)
Dorothy Must Die by Danielle Paige (The Wizard of Oz)
Amy is a friendless teenager from modern-day Kansas, so a surprise trip to the land of Oz would seem like a blessing. But this version of Oz is twisted, dark, and ruled by none other than the other girl from Kansas, Dorothy herself. (YA, low fantasy)
The Shadow Queen by C. J. Redwine (Snow White)
Lorelai is the crown princess, but she's also a fugitive. Ever since her kingdom was taken by a wicked queen, she and her brother have been forced to run for their lives. She and the queen share one quality, magic, but if Lorelai ever uses it, she'll be guiding the queen straight to her. (YA, high fantasy)
The Blood Spell by C. J. Redwine (Cinderella)
Blue is an aspiring alchemist, hoping to turn other metals into gold to help the people of her city. However, when her father tragically dies and a cruel woman seizes everything Blue knows, she has to turn to her childhood rival, Prince Kellan. Kellan has his own issues, such as a growing pressure to marry, but the worst is the disappearances that seem to rise in number every day. (YA, high fantasy)
Half Upon a Time by James Riley (multiple)
Jack the 13th is supposed to be a hero, save a princess. He thinks that isn't likely to happen until a 'princess' from our world literally falls into his arms. Soon, Jack realizes that this girl's grandmother can be none other than the famous Snow White, but she's been kidnapped, and it's up to Jack and the 'princess', Meg, to save her. (MG, low fantasy)
The Evil Queen by Gena Showalter (Snow White)
Everly lives the life of a normal teenager until she discovers she's not of this world. In this other land of magic, she's a part of a prophecy, one that mirrors the classic tale of Snow White. That would all be great if she weren't destined to become the story's villain, the Evil Queen. (YA, low fantasy)
Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan (Chang'e)
Xingyin's mother, Chang'e has been imprisoned on the moon for years for stealing the Celestial Emperor's elixir of immortality. When Xingyin's magic flares and she is in danger of being discovered, she must flee the moon. She ends up in the Celestial Kingdom, where she works her way up, hoping to find a way to free her mother. (NA, high fantasy)
Breadcrumbs by Anne Ursu (The Snow Queen)
The Snow Queen made a mirror meant to show people the worst in the world, and when it shatters, a shard gets stuck in the eye of Hazel's best friend Jack. When the Snow Queen whisks him away, Hazel must travel through a treacherous, wintery forest to save him. (MG, low fantasy)
Malice by Heather Walter (Sleeping Beauty)
Alyce is the infamous Dark Grace, whose powers bring curses and misfortune, unlike her sisters, who can conjure gifts and beauty. She dreams of escaping the prejudiced Kingdom of Briar, but her growing powers and an involvement with the royal family could keep her trapped forever. (adult, fantasy romance)
MG: middle grade, ages 8-12
YA: young adult, ages 13-18
NA: new adult, ages 18-early twenties
adult: ages 18 and up
high fantasy: fantasy stories set entirely within another world
low fantasy: fantasy stories split between our world and another
magical realism: fantasy stories set in our world, often interwoven with aspects of modern life (not the Latin American literary movement!)
historical fantasy: fantasy stories set in a historical setting of our world
fantasy romance: fantasy stories focused on romantic plotlines instead of other forms of plot
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meltypancake · 4 months
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original template
elaborating a bit 💐
any other time, eliane would be much more hands-on with the wedding! but for this one, she recognizes that it's less an event for them and more for the public so she's less particular about stuff. she would like to decide decorations, flowers, colors and table cloth etc., but things like the guest list are out of her hands...
she is the one to propose... nonchalantly -w- (secretly a disney prince WAGH!!!)
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running2reanimation · 10 months
Tulip got an ask about DND a while ago, and what characters the sticks might play… Here are my headcanons on what they might choose to play. Feel free to send asks for details (if pestered enough I might make a character sheet).
Red - Firbolg Barbarian named Hewn
Green - Elf Bard named Pauniel Intarian
Blue - Satyr Druid named Lisian
Yellow - Gnome Artificer named Lyann Goodwire
Second Coming - Human Paladin named Adrian Becker
Purple - Tiefling Warlock named Prince
King - DM or Half-Elf Wizard named Lyster
Chosen One - Kenku Bard named Ember (the sound of a fire crackling)
Dark Lord - DM or Drow Artificer named Zyxx
Herobrine - DM or Shadar-Kai Monk named Ais
Victim - DM or Yuan-ti Wizard named Ssydio
Striker - Dragonborn Fighter named Sidic Wheda-Ir (Sid for short)
Primal - Shifter Monk named Hope
Logo - Tortle Cleric named Tuskah
Bit - Changeling Fighter named Ballista (yes he’s using his own name)
Gold - Half-Elf Sorcerer named Quince Lysterson
Orchid - Tiefling Bard named Queen
Cobalt - Human Fighter named Victor Leo
Aqua - DM or Halfling Druid named Thyme Flaxsewn
Mint - Aasimar Sorcerer named Sonda Lia
Royal - DM or Lizardfolk Wizard named Noctis
Teal - DM or Tabaxi Rogue named Miles Botinne
Indigo - Triton Fighter named Mako
Fern - Centaur Ranger named Amal Thea
Sky - Elf Rogue named Elian
Mahogany - Fairy Rogue named Ilsie
Chestnut - Harengon Sorcerer named Westley Swifteye
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lol, now I’m picturing a montage of Rhys struggling with doors to get into Feyre’s rooms a la Vox Machina’s cursed door gag. Eventually he says “I’m going to try the window,” and fails and falls out of the window 😆. Cue Cass and Az on “guarding our princess’s virtue” duty laughing their asses off and Royal Court Witch Amren and Lady Mor smirking as they watch via a crystal ball. 😏🔮
Btw, do Nesta and Papa Archeron get an invite to the wedding? We know Elian’s too busy getting 🍑🍆💦 by Lucien to attend.
Oh my god, Cass and Az on "Princes virtue watch" would be such a fun side story 😂 Poor Rhys getting thwarted at every turn, I'm sure they have to lock off access to the butterfly caves too so he doesn't try to visit Feyre in her sleep
Once Feyre discovers that Papa A has married Nesta and Elain off to the Vanserras, I don't think he'd be getting a wedding invitation. Nesta and Elain would be invited, but I'd have to mull over the timings of everything as to whether they would go. Being on the cusp of war certianly complicates things! Especially since Rhys would likely be expected to fight. They might wait to hold a ceremony until the tensions smooth over, especially since Feyre would be worried about her sisters
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wiltingxrose · 1 year
Daylight Always Comes
It was another court function and she was there to basically be supportive. She hadn’t minded the last one she went to, to watch Nesta slip back into the tigress she was on the dance floor. How to have people eat out of her palm and be how she needed them.
 She knew the main priority of this event was for Feyre and Rhysand to figure out who was on their side and who wasn’t. But she hadn’t understood why they invited people they already knew the sides too, but she soon learned they invited everyone, even Tamlin, as a show of good faith.
 Her brown eyes gazed around the room and felt a little bit of disappointment and relief. Lucien wasn’t here, like he wasn’t at the last one. Or so she thought, she caught a sight of flaming red hair and his scent.
She was confused as to why he was going into that part of the neutral palace they had found and decided to use skills that her friends, Nuala and Cerridwen, were teaching her how to move with the shadows. Feyre at one point mentioned something about putting a bell on her after startling her a few times with how quiet she was walking.
 Entering into the room she looked around, hugging the walls, but bumped into someone, turning her head she was expecting Lucien, but instead it was one of his brothers, not Eris, but another one. One she knew she shouldn’t really be around. Pulling back she headed for the door, but a blast of heat and flame surrounded it.
 Keeping herself calm she turned and looked at him as he spoke, " Hm so you are my brother’s mate. You are technically of higher class than the other one, but you know you were human once “
 Elain saw his sneer as he said human and she took account of things. She had promised to never be preyed on again, but he had those powers and she hadn’t brought a weapon with her. Without saying anything she went for the door, but his hand grabbed her. She felt as it started to warm, but a bright light shone behind her and her captor’s eyes widened some.
Turning she said, “Lucien…,”  but then shook her head, it was Lucien it was Helion. “Lord Helion.”
Helion smiled and stepped into the room putting a hand on her elbow, “I’m glad one of Feyre’s sister’s remembers me. Speaking of the High Lady, she was just asking about you. Perhaps I should guide you back to the party?” 
“That..that would be lovely.” 
Helion turned a gaze to the Autumn prince that was there, "You best remember the rules of this event and remember whom you hunt.”
Helion turned and escorted Elain out, “And how did a fawn like yourself get ensnared there?”
Elian flushed a little, “I…I thought I saw Lucien and I don’t know. I guess It as a trap because I smelt his scent as well.” 
She saw Helion smirk and she shook her head, “No it’s nothing like that.” 
The High Lord chuckled, “Of course it isn’t.” His voice held a hint of amusement. “I do know you have a mating bond attached and out of all the autumn children he is the catch of them all and he has his mother’s passion for love itself.” 
Elian tilted her head to the side, “Oh?”
Helion nodded, “Yes, his love was murdered in front of his own eyes by his brothers and father due to her low stature and I don’t know all of the details but somehow he got exiled to the spring Court and healed some what.”
She was quiet for a moment, “At least they loved each other no matter what. What was supposed to be a true match for me ended up not being a love match. He didn’t want me after being turned and Lucien’s..well you just talked about that tragedy.” 
Helion paused for a moment and she noticed he looked toward the Lady of the Autumn Court and frowned for a bit. He hadn’t asked her why she had called him Luicen, but she had been convinced that she had seen Lucien’s face coming through the door, but it was Helion. She hadn’t noticed that they shared a few features.
She slowly was putting a few things together as he started talking again. Leading her through the crowd. “Love, true love, should be explored at least once in life. The other things are fun, but love that is your true match, not the one you had, that bastard is luckily no one from your court has killed him yet, but a love that makes you pure happy and shines a light on is worth taking a jump for. Taking that step you think about taking. That word you want to say but don’t.” 
Elain blinked up at him, did he know she had done those things? Wanted to tell Lucien to be careful to not go and stay safe but didn’t?
She was about to ask but he continued to talk,  “And I know mating bonds are new to you and there are some good ones and bad ones in our history, but the good ones can make you enhance the good in yourself like the High Lord and Lady of the Night. Or i can destroy you, but yours, I have a feeling isn’t a bad one to at least explore. No one says you can’t get to know your mate first and then lock it in.” </font> He chuckled, “Grant it I'm more of the lock it in and then accept type of man myself.” 
Elain pondered what he said and bit her lower lip, “I get what you are saying and I believe he is trying. He helped get my father here. He, oh god he talked to my father to get him to come here. I don’t even know what my father thought of him.” 
She sighed as she thought of the gifts that Lucien got her, the perfect gifts that she didn’t want because it wasn’t her choice. “I just don’t like how it’s already picked for me. And I’m still healing from everything and my power…”
He squeezed her arms some, “Let’s not talk freely about that. Not sure how many here are aware.” 
Elain nodded, “What if you see an ending, a life ending event if you do accept it and don’t know if you can change that outcome?” her voice barely a whisper.
Helion paused their walk about the room and turned and looked at her, seeing the tears along her face before he wiped one away, “Then I think it’s more so to open up. Shadows can’t be whisked away in more shadow, only light. And it’ll help the heart.” 
“Helion! Elain.” Feyre said in a little confused tone as she walked over to them.
“Lady Feyre, I found her like you asked and wanted to make sure she made it to you safe,” was all Helion said. “Let’s just say you might want to talk to a little wanna be High Lord about his family’s choice of amusement.”
Elain watched as her sister had a moment of confusion cover her eyes before some realization before linking her arm with Elain’s. “I appreciate you finding her and getting her back to me. I hope you are enjoying the party.”
“Oh much so. I am going to find your other sister and her mate. See if I can convince them to have some fun tonight.”  He gave them both a wink before he turned and walked around. The demeanor changing so swiftly that she wondered if it was all High Lord’s powers to do so since she had seen Rhysand shift his own temperament with people.
“Elain are you okay?”  Feyre asked her as she examined her.
Elain just nodded, her mind and heart a little lighter with some possibilities that she thought weren’t there. “I am. Do you know when Lucien will be returning?” 
Feyre noted the light that was back in Elain’s face versus the lingering shadows that had been there and she walked her over to the rest of the court, asking her own questions.
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adrasteaeydiate · 3 days
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
My favorite parts - 5
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This whole scene 😭😭😭 I only included the beginning here but this whole scene was the best in my opinion and I really cried like a baby again especially when Elian said ,, I believe in you'' to Lira 😭😭♥️
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dcrkcrwns · 9 months
added more muses cause i have no chill.
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✧˚ · . jack frost ′ eternally 18 ′ winter spirit ′ the guardian ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . henry fox ′ 23 - 28 ′ prince ′ the change ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . river ramiro ramirez ′ 18 - 25 ′ human ′ the lover ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . florence washington ′ 18 - 23 ′ demigod ′ the savior ′ versatile - bottom
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✧˚ · . tyler kennedy 'tk' strand ′ 26 - 30 ′ human ′ the paramedic ′ bottom
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✧˚ · . carlyle forbes ′ eternally 18 ′ vampire ′ the control freak ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . elian jonathan 'ej' gilbert ′ eternally 18 or 18 - 30 ′ vampire or human ′ the compassionate ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alison argent ′ 18 - 24 ′ human ′ the protector ′ trans-bottom
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✧˚ · . alexander argent ′ 21 - 28 ′ human ′ the proud ′ versatile-top
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✧˚ · . jackson whittemore ′ 18 - 24 ′ kanima ′ the narcissist ′ versatile-bottom
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readtilyoudie · 2 years
I have a plan; the least you can do is have faith.”
“Except that your plans always end in scars.”
“The ladies love them.”
“Not when they’re shaped like bite marks.”
To Kill a Kingdom by Alexandra Christo
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This is a blog I created to explain all my ideas
Allowed things;
-draw ocs for these universes
-ask questions
-ask me for character ideas
Forbidden things;
Universe 1 (underside);
Chaotic, 00b is a planet full of creatures called blooms, which are extremely friendly, but one day, the planet was invaded by other aliens, and through the innocence of the blooms, they tried make friends with these other aliens, but the aliens explored the blooms and the planet, several years later, we have species that try to hide from these aliens and their "dominator", called HASS.
under-side characters;
-Deyne Ward
-Aoki (or Carlos Angus)
-frollow (Or Angus)
-Saka Zoom
-Bin (or Miguel Michelangelo Miller)
-Loid Ward
-Adam Ruslan
-Mateo Jones
second universe (S.M.T)
a universe where society needs heroes, so a company emerges, called "New heroes", which intends to create new heroes, doing several experiments, they create 0294 (Sanemi), 0304 (Misake) and 0327 (Tsarki), the three most well-developed experiments (the others are still babies), but they have their problems.
About the characters besides them, well, they are the protagonists, but you can give me ideas for other characters for this universe
third universe (Leen's world)
a website, called "Leen's world", where you interact with an NPC called Leen, and with the success of the game, they decided to create a new one, where you enter the game, which they didn't tell you, is that there is no way to get out of this new game, and now, you are part of this game, which to make matters worse, is a horror game (like knito pet), and you can be controlled by the game's AI
Leen's World Characters;
-mizu (or Alex Drewber)
-Maza and Mari (or Yhanai)
-Deraki (or Prince Abel)
-Gofgob (or Goliath Aiken)
-Hitode (or Ryan Miller)
-Adaki (or Isaac)
-(other characters that I will create in the future)
Fourth universe (chaotic camp);
Your parents received a proposal to work in another country, but they can't take you, so they leave you in a seemingly normal camp, with the owner of the camp David, when your parents leave,David acts strange, so he ends up turning into a kind of human anthropomorphic crocodile, you get scared, and run away, and bump into your nephew, who also is an anthropomorphic animal, he starts talking to you, and finally David finds you, he acts like he is not an anthropomorphic creature, he acts naive and innocent, he is not one of the best characteristics for a camp leader, then they explain to you that everyone there is an anthropomorphic animal, who can transform into a human, and everyone lives in harmony in this camp (harmony in a single second, this business is very disorganized)the place looks like a paradise for children, but, you don't feel comfortable with all of them just acting like children.
Chaotic Camp Characters:
An anthropomorphic crocodile, green, Asperger, innocent, naive, a bit dumb, can't get angry (if he gets angry he starts crying like a baby), childish, optimistic, 26 years old (yeah, I know, he doesn't look like it), the leader of the camp.
David's nephew,an anthropomorphic cat, has 6 arms, is white, has purple eyes, pink iris, and white pupils, likes to see everything in order, is calm, can calm everyone at the camp, is 14 years old.
(other characters I'm still creating)
fifth universe (AWCATA)
("AWCATA" is an acronym for "Everyone Can Against the Apocalypse")
In this universe, I take all the character designs that I just did for the sake of it and don't use them and put them in this single universe
Bonus characters;
-Elian Miller
-∆[⟩ミ(or Azim)
ADE (or Nai)
(I think you'll like it :> [Bobby, frog, and yoursimp])
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kodanshamanga · 6 months
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