#prince zuk
vampirella-1990 · 6 months
Jinko/Zujin OS ( Glück?)
Sie konnte nicht sagen wie lange sie auf das ehemaligen Teehaus sah, der jetzt seit einigen Monaten in ein Restaurant umgebaut worden war. Als sie an dem Teehaus in dem der unteren Ring war, wurde ihr gesagt das Lee und sein Onkel ihr eigenes Teehaus in dem oberen Ring hatten und „Jasmindrache“ hieß. Sie hatte sich sehr gefreut Lee wieder zu sehen. Sie hatte das Gefühl, dass sie ihn mit dem Kuss sehr überrumpelt hatte. Bestimmt dachte er, dass sich für ihn niemand interessieren würde. Da die meisten Mädchen, bestimmt geschockt und eventuell abstoßend fanden, wenn sie seine Narbe sahen. Deshalb hatte er bestimmt auch kein großen Erfahrungen mit Mädchen gesammelt. So musste es sein und nicht anders. Sie wurde aus ihren Gedanken gerissen als sie vor einem Gebäude stand, was ganz und gar nicht wie ein Teehaus aussah. Anstatt ein schönes, gemütliches Geschäft zu sehen, wo Leute drin saßen, auf ihre bekannten warteten, Tee tranken, lachten und sich entspannten, sah sie etwas anderes. Der Raum des Ladens war von einer dicken Qualmschicht bedeckt, der sich mit einem gebratenem Fleisch vermischte. Einige Fenster waren eingeschlagen, was nur von Leuten kommen konnte, die einen über den Durst getrunken hatte. Er wäre ein Wunder gewesen, wenn ein Betrunkener, die Tische, Stühle oder Fenster umgehen würde, wenn er eine Schlägerei anzetteln würde. Das Geräusch von klirrendem Geschirr, riet ihr, dass es wohl besser wäre zu gehen. Denn sie wollte weder heute noch irgendwann in eine Schlägerei verwickelt werden. Während die Sonne langsam ihren Mittags stand verließ lief Jin weiter, dabei in ihren Gedanken versunken. // Hätte ich mich früher auf den Weg gemacht hätte ich Lee noch sehen können.// dachte sie im Stillen. Die Glücksfee hatte sich offenbar frei genommen und ließ Jin zurück. Erst war sie von einem Teehaus zum anderen gelaufen um sich zu entschuldigen und nun musste sie festellen , dass er Ba sing se verlassen hatte. Seufzend machte sie sich auf den Weg zum Feuerlichtbrunnen, ihrem Lieblingsplatz.  
Doch als sie dort ankam, wusste sie das die Glücksfee garantiert weg war. Die Fackeln um den Brunnen herum und im Wasser waren aus. So erschien, dieser Platz, grau, dunkel, kalt, und einsam. Das einzige was es nicht so trostlos machte, war das gezwistcher von ein paar Vögeln, dies sich auf dem Dach befanden. Nicht mal ihr Lieblingsplatz konnte sie heute aufheitern. Das war einfach nicht Jins Tag. Mit einem leichten gequälten lächeln, erinnerte sie sich an den Tag als sie mit Lee hier gewesen war. Damals war es genauso gewesen. Als sie am Feuerlichtbrunnen ankamen, waren auch alle Lichter aus gewesen und Lee hatte zu ihr gesagt, sie solle die Augen schließen. Und dann, wenige Sekunden später, durfte sie ihre Augen wieder öffnen. Wie durch ein Wunder, brannten alle Lichter. Es war so schön gewesen, aber vor allem war es das erstemal, das sie ihren Lieblingsplatz mit jemanden teilte. //Mach die Augen zu… und nicht linsen// hatte das gerade jemand gesagt? Oder hatte sie es in ihren Gedanken gehört? Es hörte sich für sie, wie eine Bitte an, die man ihr stellte. Jin kam es zwar ziemlich albern vor, als sie die Augen schloss. Doch wenige Sekunden später öffnete sie wieder, da sie glaubte etwas zu hören. Sie ließ ihren Blick über den Platz schweifen, sah aber im ersten Moment nichts. Doch dann bemerkte sie etwas in ihrer Nähe. Eines der Teelichter die im Wasser neben Jin herschwamm brannte! Das konnte doch nicht sein, bis eben waren doch ALLE aus gewesen und jetzt brannte eines. Wie konnte das sein? Es gab nicht viele Personen die diesen Ort kannten, geschweige hier mal waren. „Lee?“ sagte sie, was sie aber eher zu sich meinte. Suchend sah sie sich um am Platz um, doch niemand war zu sehen. // JIN brenn es dir in deinen Kopf ein… Lee ist weg und …wird nie,nie wieder kommen// Mit diesem Gedanken, machte sie sich auf den Heimweg , da es langsam dunkel wurde.  
Jin musste nur noch ein paar Meter laufen, dann würde sie zu Haus sein. Doch etwas beunruhigte sie. Es waren Schritte hinter ihr. Naja gleich musste sie keine großen Gassen mehr nehmen, da der Rest des Weges beleuchtet war. Doch als sie zwei Gestalten vor ihr sich näherten, wuchs das beunruhigende Gefühl in ihr. „ Na so spät noch draußen?“ meinte einer der beiden. „Ja was dagegen? Deine Mutter hat dir das wohl noch nicht erlaubt wie? Ich meine wenn dein Freund jetzt nicht hier wäre müsstest du jetzt schon im Bett liegen hm?“ konterte Jin direkt. Sie hatte das Gefühl ,das sie schleunigst verschwinden sollte. Und im nächsten Moment erkannte sie wieso. //Super heut muss auch noch einer Räuberbande in die Arme laufen, was besseres konnte mir heute wohl nicht passieren.// dachte sie und hörte etwas über sich. Sie vermutete das das auf dem Dach auch ein Räuber war, genau wie die Person die sie ganze Zeit verfolgt hatte. Ein leichtes lächeln schlich sich auf ihre Lippen. Sie hob ihre Hand und zählte ihre Gegner. „Also ihr seit zu viert und ich…bin ganz allein!“ Jin zeigte auf sich , verzog das Gesicht zu einem schockierten Blick und griff aus ihrem Ärmel nach einem Taschentuch. „OH Gott..ich werde ausgeraubt… ich muss sterben!“ schluchzte sie ins Taschentuch. Im nächsten Moment, nahm sie eine Hand vom Taschentuch da sie eine Rauchkugel in der Hand hatte und diese zu Boden vielen ließ. Kaum war die Kugel auf dem Boden, explodierte sie und es war nur noch eine Rauchwolke zu sehen. „Verdammt wo ist sie?“ rief der Räuber der die ganze Zeit hinter Jin her gelaufen war. „ Dieses kleine Mis..“ weiter er nicht, da ihn etwas an seinem Hinterkopf traf und er bewusstlos zu Boden viel. Hinter dem, Bewusstlosen stand Jin, mit einem Stab in den Händen. „Kann es sein, dass uns jemand hier nicht freiwillig sein Vermögen geben will?.. nun gut wie du willst.. dann wehr dich… aber lass dir gesagt sein, das du so nur dein Leben etwas verlängerst“ meinte der Räuber der Jin als erstes angeschprochen hatte. Oh ja sie würde kämpfen! Jedes Wesen, ob Mensch oder Tier, hatte das Recht um sein Leben zu kämpfen. Und genau das, würde Jin auch tun.
Ganz langsam, kamen die beiden vorderen Räuber auf sie zu. Jin sah sich um. Gab es den, in dieser Gasse nichts, was sie gegen ihre Feinde benutzen konnte? Noch immer suchend nach einem Ausweg, wie sie mehrerer Gegner gleichzeitig ausschalten konnte, ging sie einige Schritte Rückwärts. Und als sie auf etwas stieß drehte sie sich um. Hinter ihr, waren lauter Weinfässer aufgestapelt. Davor war ein Gerüst wo ein Riegel es zusammenhielt. Den ohne den Riegel, würde das Gerüst zusammenbrechen und die Fässer würden einstürzen. „Sieht wohl aus, als ob du jetzt sterben musst“ meinte der Räuber der neben seinem Kumpel stand. Dieser zückte eine Messer. „Nicht so lange ich ein Zeichen von Gott erhalte und ich glaube das wird eins kommen.“ Bevor die Räuber etwas machen konnten, hatte Jin das eine Endeihres Stabes durch den Henkel einer Vase geschoben und ihn auf die Rüber geschleudert. Jetzt waren sie für einen Moment abgelenkt und das war ihre Chance. Schnell löste sie den Riegel am Gerüst und sprang zur Seite. Nur wenige Sekunden später brach das Gerüst zusammen und so mit auch der Halt für die Fässer und rollten auf die Räuber zu. Die Räuber sahen die Fässer, probierten sich in Sicherheit zu bringen, doch es gelang ihnen nicht und sie wurden von den Weinfässern erfasst. „Geschafft“ meinte Jin triumphierend und ging den Weg weiter, den ihr die zwei Räuber vorher abgeschnitten hatten. Jetzt konnte sie endlich nach Hause dort war sie sicher vor solchen Leuten. Sie hatte es fast geschafft, gleich war sie aus der dunklen Gasse draußen.. Doch ein Geräusch über ihr ließ sie stehen bleiben.  
„Gar nicht mal so schlecht für ein Mädchen ohne Bändigungsfähigkeiten“ meinte der Räuber der sich das ganze Szenario von oben angesehen hatte. //Mist… den hatte ich vollkommen vergessen.//dachte Jin und lief einige Schritte zurück. „Nun..du hast dich wacker geschlagen, aber hier ist deine Endstation meine kleine!“ mit einem dreckigem grinsen kam er auf Jin zu. Jin ging weitere Schritte zurück, strauchelte jedoch, da sie über etwas gestolpert war. Schnell sah sie hinunter, da sie hoffte, etwas zu finden. Ja tatsächlich da war etwas unter dem Weinsee und einem der bewusstlosen Räuber, etwas glänzendes. Jin wollte sich gerade bücken, da nahm sie eine Bewegung vor sich war. Der Dieb hatte eine Geste nach vorne gemacht. //was hat er den..// doch Jin musste den Gedanken nicht zu Ende denken, da sie es sah, wie etwas sich drehendes, zwischendurch blizend auf sie zu kam. Ein Wurfmessern. Schnell hatte sie ihren Stab waagerecht vor sich und drehte ihn. Dabei behielt sie den Räuber im Auge. Sie taumelte einige Schritt rückwärts, da das Messer den Stab getroffen hatte und Jin nicht darauf wirklich vorbereitet war. „Alle Achtung, du bist nicht so ein verängstigtes, umher kreischendes Mädchen“ //Oh..darauf wäre ich alleine nie gekommen. Vielen dank für diese Information.// dachte Jin. Der Räuber sagte noch etwas, doch Jin hatte ihre Aufmerksamkeit woanders.
Über dem Räuber befand sich ein großes Tuch was mit Seilen an den Ecken der Wand befestigt war. Man sah das die Seile ganz schon strapaziert waren, da es ziemlich nach unten gezogen wurde, von dem Gewicht des Tuches. Auf dem Tuch befand sich irgend welcher Krimskrams , den die Leute nicht mehr brauchten. Es war einfach ein großer Mülleimer der in der Luft hing. Dieser wurde einmal im Monat entsorgt. Das Tuch wies viele Flicken auf, ein Zeichen dafür das die Leute zu geizig waren ein neues kaufen. Vielleicht war das aber auch gerade Jins Rettung. Sie hatte das Gefühl, das ihre Glücksfee ihren Urlaub beendet hatte, um ihrem Schützling, Jin bei zu stehen. „Jetzt kann dir keiner mehr helfen“ „Meinst du? Ich sehe das ganz anders!“ meinte Jin zu ihm. Schnell hatte sie sich gebügt, um das Messer auf zu heben , was in dem Weinsee lag auf zu heben. „Sag mal..willst du mit dem Gemüsemesser auf mich los gehen?“ Der Räuber dachte doch wirklich das sie ihn mit dem Messer angreifen wollte. Naja immerhin durschaute er so nicht ihren Plan. Im nächsten Augenblick, warf sie das Messer, in die Luft, Richtung Tuch. „Das war ja wohl kein gar kein Volltreffer.“ Sagte der Räuber und lachte auf. „Das sehe ich aber nicht so“ Auf Jins Lippen erschien ein grinsen. Das Messer traf eines der vielen Flicken vom Tuch, zerris und alles was auf dem Tuch war viel nun, durch das Loch auf den Räuber. Jin schloss die Augen als sie den Aufprall der ganzen Sachen hörte, die auf dem Boden landeten.
Langsam öffnete sie die Augen, konnte jedoch nichts sehen, da durch den Aufprall, der Staub auf dem Boden aufgewirbelt wurde. Doch Jin musste zum Glück feststellen, das ihr Plan geklappt hatte und der Anführer, der Räuber, begraben von kaputten Vasen, Erde, und ähnlichem war. Sie wollte weiter gehen, um endlich zu Hause zu sein, als sie etwas sah, was der Räuber wohl verloren hatte, als er unter den Sachen verschüttet wurde. Es war ein Geldbeutel der 4 mal so groß wie Jins Hand war. „ Jetzt werde ich auch noch für meinen harten Kampf, mit einem Schatz belohnt“ „Was meinst du den mit ´einem Schatz belohnt´?“ Jin sah zu der Stelle wo jetzt ein Haufen von Abfall zu sehen war. Der Räuber hatte seinen Kopf aus dem Müll heraus bekommen und sah Jin wütend an. „ lächelte und hockte sich vor ihn. „Nun.. eigentlich hätte es ja so ausgesehen das, das ihr mich überfällt und mir alles raubt was wertvoll ist.. aber da ich einen nach dem anderen besiegt habe und du, der Anführer dieser Sippe kampfunfähig bist.. würde ich sagen das ist mein Schatz!“ „Was? Wie bitte? Das ist mein Schatz! Oder willst du mir jetzt etwa erzählen das es dein Schatz ist nur weil ich es nicht schaffe aus diesem Müllberg heraus zu kommen?“ „Ein Wunder denken kann er auch noch! Nun gut.. ich gehe jetzt, weil ich habe keinen Bock mir von einem Räuber Moralpredigten an zu hören“ Und so stand Jin auf und machte sich auf den Weg nach Hause. Doch zum dritten mal sollte etwas passieren was ihren Heimweg aufhielt.  
Um die Ecke kam ein großer, Mann mit breiten Schultern und einer Flasche in der Hand. Auch wenn der Abstand zwischen Jin und ihm ca. 20 Schritte betrug, konnte sie seine Alkoholfahne riechen. „Louie wo warst du? Wir hätte dich gebraucht!“ zischte der Rüber. Der angeschprochende, sah zu seinem Boss. „O tschuldige Boss.. ich*hicks* hab einen Weinladen gefunden*hicks* und könnnt ned wiederstehenn“ lallte Louie und grinste seinen Chef an. „Das ist mir egal! Jetzt schnapp dir das Gör!“ „Hey Boss guck mal da ist ein Mädchen, wollen wir ihr das Geld abnehmen?“ „LOUIE! Was hab ich gerade gesagt?!“ „Keine anunggg Boss..sag ma *hicks* ist dir aufgefallen das du unter einem Müllberg liegst?“ „LOUIE!! SCHNAPP DIR DAS MÄDCHEN!“ brüllte der Räuber. „Okay okay..musst ja nicht gleich laut werden“ meinte Louie und widmete sich Jin. //Wie hat dieser Trunkenbold es nur in diese Bande geschafft?// dachte sie. (Genau die Frage stell ich mir auch gerade XDD aber ich glaube die Frage stellt sich gerade der ein oder andere Leser auchXD) Louie kam auf sie zu, dabei nahm er einen Schluck aus seiner Flasche Doch er musste feststellen, das sein Flasche leer war. Genau in diesem Augenblick viel Jin etwas ein, wie sie endlich von hier weg kam. Jin schwankte leicht taumelnd nach hinten und viel zu Boden. Louie sah zu Jin. „Oh Boss , die ist umgefallen“ „ Das würde ich als junge Frau auch tun, wenn ich deiner Fahne ausgesetzt wäre.“ Meinte der Räuber nur. Louie trat einen Schritt näher an Jin heran. Dabei blieb sein Blick an Jins Oberweite hängen, da ihr Oberteil etwas verrutscht war. Leicht blinzelnd sah Jin zu ihm hoch. Louie sah aber nur auf Jins Oberweite und dachte nicht mal im Entferntesten daran das sie eigentlich wach war. Genau wie Jin es sich gedacht hatte. Wenn Männer betrunken waren, gab es zwei Arten von Männern. Einmal die Sorte, die gerne eine Schlägerei anfingen, ohne Rücksicht auf Verluste zu nehmen. Die andere Art war, die, das Männer ihr Gehirn ausschalteten, sobald ein weibliches Wesen anfing Haut zu zeigen. Louie gehörte definitiv zur zweiten Sorte. Jin wartet noch einen Moment ab, bis Louie mit geschpreitzten Beinen über ihr stand. Im nächsten Augenblick hörte man einen Stöhnen, da Jin ihren Fuß, genau zwischen sein Beine gerammt hatte. Schnell stand Jin auf und holte mit dem Stab aus. Sie traf Louie im Gesicht. Dieser hatte soviel getrunken das er das Gleichgewicht nicht halten konnte und zu Boden stürzte. So schnell sie konnte rannte sie zur der hellen Gasse um endlich vor solchen Typen in Sicherheit zu sein und um nach Hause zu gehen.  
Als sie an ihrem Haus, ging sie hinein. Sie war müde und wollte nur noch in ihr Bett. Doch bevor sie im Bett lag, ging sie zu einem Podest was im Flur stand. Auf diesem Podest war ein Buch. Es war ein Gästebuch. In dem Gästebuch mussten die Leute ihren Namen, sowie ihre Ankunfts- und Abreisezeit eintragen. Der untere Teil ihres Hauses vermietet sie. Die Gäste hatten ein eigenes Schlafzimmer so wie ein kleines Bad nur die Küche mussten sie sich mit Jin teilen. Sie stellte fest, dass sich keine neuen Gäste eingetragen hatten. So machte sie sich auf den Weg in ihr Zimmer. Kaum saß sie auf ihrem Bett und hatte den Gürtel gelöst, überfiel sie die Müdigkeit und sie schlief ein.  
„Hier müsste es sein Onkel“ sagte Zuko, trat durch die Tür und sah sich um. „ Warum die Tür wohl nicht zu war?“ „Das Mädchen hatte einen schweren Tag hinter sich mein Neffe und ich finde wir sollten es uns erstmal gemütlich machen“ meinte Iroh und ging in die Küche, um Tee zu machen. Zuko nickte nur und sah sich um. Dabei dachte er daran , was er Morgen wichtiges zu erledigen hatte. Er wollte mit seinem Onkel zum Erdkönig gehen und ihre Hilfe beim wieder aufbau von Ba sing se anbieten. Aber dafür wollte er keinen Boten los schicken der von der Feuernation bis nach Ba sing se lief. Nein er wollte sehen was aus der einst uneinnehmbaren Stadt geworden war. Das Ergebnis war schockierend heut Morgen gewesen, als er und sein Onkel die Stadt erreicht hatten. Ein gewaltiger Riss war in der dicken Mauer, groß genug um die Armee der Feuernation durch zu lassen. So schnell er konnte war er durch die Mauer mit seinem Straußenpferd. Ein großer Teil der Häuser, war entweder durch kämpfe mit der Feuernation oder durch Brände zerstört worden. Viele Leute hatten keine zu Hause mehr und lebten in Pensionen oder bei verwandten. Als er diese Bilder sah, kamen ihm zwei Menschen in den Sinn die er hier kennengelernt hatte. Song und Jin.
Mitten in der Nacht hatte er sich auf die Suche nach einem Straußenpferde Züchter gemacht, nach einigen Stunden war er auch fündig geworden. Die Tiere waren in engen Käfigen gefangen gewesen. Schnell hatte er sich zu den Käfigen geschlichen, doch leider ohne zu wissen das dieser Züchter einen Hund hatte. Dort angekommen probierte er ,das Schloss zu knacken was bei dem Hundegebell gar nicht so einfach war. Doch er schaffte es, schnappte sich vier Straußenpferde und ritt davon. Als nächstes ritt er zu Songs Haus und ließ zwei Straußenpferde mit einer Nachricht zurück. Auf der Nachricht stand, dass diese beiden Tiere, das gestohlene gut ersetzten würden. Dann hatte er sich mit seinem Onkel nach Ba sing se aufgemacht.  
Da sie in Ba sing se weder ihr Teehaus, noch ihre Wohnung hatten, mussten sie eine Unterkunft suchen. Dafür hatten sie sich aufgeteilt, damit sie eine größerer Chance hatten einen Schlafplatz zu finden. Zuko war bei seiner Suche nach einer Übernachtungsgelegenheit , bei dem Feuerlichtbrunnen angekommen. Aber außer ihm hatte er noch jemanden an diesem Platz gesehen. Es war Jin. Zuko blieb hinter einem Haus versteckt und beobachtete sie. Ihr Gesicht hatte genauso ausgesehen, als sie hier zusammen waren. Zuko sah sich um, niemand war aber zu sehen. //Mach die Augen zu… dann kann ich dir wieder eine Freude machen und dein Lächeln sehen// dachte er, während er sie ansah. Und als sie tatsächlich die Augen schloss, konnte er ein lächeln nicht unterdrücken. Gab es, so was wie Telepathie wirklich? Wenn ja dann hatte er gerade den Beweis dafür. Er trat einige Schritte nach vorne, aus seinem Versteck hinaus um die ersten Lichter an zu zünden. Das erste Licht was brannte, war in Jins Nähe. Als er anfangen wollte die Fackeln an zu zünden, kam eine Katze um die Ecke gerannt, die von einem Hund gejagt wurde. Genau dieser Krach veranlasste Jin dazu, dass sie die Augen öffnete. Schnell hatte sich der Feuerbändiger in sein Versteck zurück gezogen. Seine Augen waren geschlossen. Er atmete langsam ein und aus. Als er dann noch seinen Decknamen hörte, dachte er das sein Herzschlag sie zu ihm führen würde! So hielt er den Atem an um seinen Herzschlag zu verlangsamen und um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Als er einen Augenblick später hörte wie, wie Jin sich vom Feuerlichtbrunnen entfernte, atmete er erleichtert auf. Jetzt war er sich sicher, dass sie ihn nicht entdeckt hatte. Nun ging er den Weg zurück, um woanders nach einem Schlafplatz zu suchen. Während er von Haus zu Haus schlenderte und nach einer Unterkunft fragte, sah er immer Jins trauriges Gesicht vor seinem inneren Auge. Was war nur mit ihm los? Warum konnte er sie nicht vergessen. Konnte er es nicht vergessen, da es ihn an den Abend erinnerte, wo er die Lichter entzündet hatte? Weil er sich an ihr glückliches Gesicht erinnerte wenn er in ein Teelicht starrte? Er würde aus seinen Gedanken gerissen, als jemand seinen Decknamen rief. Es war sein Onkel gewesen, der ihm gesagt hatte, er hätte etwas zum übernachten gefunden. Während sie gingen, sagte ihm sein Onkel `beiläufig` das die Unterkunft bei Jin sei.
Und nun waren sie hier, bei ihr zu Hause. Er wollte gerade einen Schluck Tee nehmen, den sein Onkel ihm in eine Tasse eingegossen hatte , als ihm etwas einfiel. „Onkel… was meintet ihr mit ´ Sie hatte einen schweren Tag hinter sich´?“ Iroh seufzte auf. Sein Onkel war Zuko gefolgt, und war auch an dem Brunnen gewesen und hatte ihn beobachtet. Als Zuko sich später vom Brunnen entfernt hatte, war er Jin gefolgt. Dabei kam er nicht drum herum, seinem Neffen von den Dieben zu erzählen.
„Und was habt ihr gemacht? Da gesessen und zu gesehen?“ fragte Zuko mit einem gereiztem Ton in der Stimme. „Nein natürlich nicht mein lieber Neffe, aber sie kann gut alleine zu recht kommen. Ich wäre nur im Weg gewesen“ meinte der Drach des Westen und nippte an seinem Tee. Sein Neffe sah ihn mit einem wehe- ich- entdecke-den-kleinstem-Kratzer-an-ihr Blick in seinen Augen stehen. Kurz darauf stand er auf und verließ den Raum mit den Worten „Bin im Badezimmer“. Als er dort ankam, entdeckte er an der Tür einen Zettel. Auf diesem stand das die Rohre der des Bades neu verlegt wurden und so lange stand ihr Badezimmer den Gästen zur Verfügung. Mit einem leisen Seufzen, ging er die Treppe hoch die ihn in die obere Etage das Hauses brachte.  
Oben angekommen waren auf der rechten und linken Seite viele Türen. An der erstem Tür hatte er kein Erfolg, den es wäre neu für ihn gewesen wenn man sich in einer Besenkammer duschen könnte. Bei der Tür daneben hatte er Erfolg. So ging er hinein um erst mal in Ruhe zu baden. Als er nach 45 Minuten wieder heraus trat, fühlte er sich erfrischt. Er wollte gerade nach unten gehen, als er die offene Tür vor sich bemerkte. Ganz langsam schlich er zu dieser und öffnete etwas weiter, um in den Raum zu schauen.
Es war ein kleiner Raum. Neben der Tür, war ein Tisch und ein Stuhl . Auf dem Tisch lagen einige Bücher. Gegenüber dem Tisch war ein Kleiderschrank. Und genau vor Zuko war ein Bett in dem jemand schlief. Ein leichtes lächeln erschien auf Zukos Lippen , als er Jin dort schlafen sah. Leise schlich er zu ihr und setzte sich ans Bett. Jin lag mit dem Rücken zu Zuko so, das dieser sich etwas nach vorne beugen musste, um ihr Gesicht zu sehen. Ihr Gesicht, konnte er aber nicht gut sehen, da einige Haarsträhnen auf ihrem Gesicht lagen. Gant vorsichtig, strich er diese aus ihrem Gesicht. Auf Jins Lippen erschien ein kleines lächeln, was Zuko schmunzeln ließ. Langsam wollte er wieder aufstehen, um sich zu seinem Onkel zu bewegen, da merkte er das Jin leicht zitterte. Ganz langsam, legte er seine Hand auf ihre Schulter und einen Augenblick später hörte sie auf zu zittern. Erleichtert ließ Zuko sich ins Kissen sinken. Jins regelmäßige Atemzüge, die der ehemalige Teekellner vernahm, ließ ihn entspannen. Er würde seine Augen schließen um zur Ruhe zu kommen. Auch Jin hatte ihm damals geholfen, dass er sein Leben änderte. Sie hatten ihn gezeigt, das es Leute gab, die ihn so akzeptierten wie er war. Ja er hatte in Ba sing se sogar ein normales Leben geführt, was er auf der Suche nach dem Avatar nicht hatte. Er hatte Leute kennengelernt, die ihn als Teekellner mochten. Manchmal, hatte er sich dieses Leben zurück gewünscht. Ein Leben , wo er ein ganz normaler Mensch war, wie die anderen auch. Ein Mensch mit einem geregeltem Lebensrhythmus.
Als Zuko die Augen öffnete, merkte er, dass er wohl eingeschlafen sein musste. Das Zimmer, was vor kurzem noch von der Abendsonne erhellt wurde, lag nun im dunkeln. Dies war für Zuko ein Zeichen das er eingeschlafen war. Langsam richtete sich der Prinz auf, da bemerkte er, dass seine Hand noch immer auf Jins Schulter lag. Ganz vorsichtig, probierte er seine Hand von ihrer Schulter zu nehmen. Doch das war alles andere als einfach. Denn Jin hatte im schlaf, ihre Hand auf seine gelegt. Jins Hand umklammerte seine nur noch fester, wenn er versuchte, sie zu bewegen. „..Lee…“ hörte man Jin im Schlaf murmeln. Mit einem lächeln ließ sich Zuko ins Kissen sinken. Das Schicksal, wollte wohl, dass er nicht von ihr weg kam. Diesmal akzeptierte er das Schicksal. Vielleicht hatte er endlich das, nach dem er so lange gesucht hatte, aber für ihn unerreichbar schien.
Mit diesem Gedanken holte er die Bettdecke mit seinem Fuß hervor, die am Fußende lag. Er deckte sich und Jin zu und probierte zu schlafen.
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sun-snatcher · 2 months
hello! i love ur work and i was wondering if u could do some live action zuko angst (that makes ur heart sink) and then it progresses to fluff (that makes ur heart swell) please? HAHA idk if it makes sense but i rlly love ur work!! hope ure doing well n no pressure!!!
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summ.  Fresh from his banishment, Zuko faces the aftermath of his punishment in both his dreams and his waking hours. pairing. Zuko x f!reader (established relationship) w.count.  1k.  a/n.  A bit abstract on this one, but just typical dream logic. A glimpse at Zuko’s descent into madness, almost? Sorry anon if this is mostly angst than fluff! 🧎🏻‍♀️
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Zuko’s dreams manifest at the scent of burnt flesh and the sound of his own screaming.
He feels the molten sting of a melting crown upon his skin and the fantastical beast that is his father; something monstrous— something scaled, fanged, clawed, and too large an appetite, with a touch and breath of fire that lights the skies in a blaze.
( He wakes up with his voice hoarse from screaming. The 41st Division will eventually learn early on not to mention it. They just leave a hot pot of tea ready for him come the mornings, by General Iroh's orders. )
Sometimes, it transgresses. Sometimes, it’s his mother who burns while he watches from the sidelines of the Agni Kai; Or Azula. Their shrieks mix with his when he wakes. 
Sometimes, it’s Iroh who scalds him. Great Dragon of the West, jasmine-white with razor teeth and a flame that burns as hot as the sun; serpent eyes a shining gold and a sharper tongue that spoke of his disappointment for his nephew. 
Sometimes, it begins with you.
Please, you beg, at the foot of a winged beast. It speaks in the voice of his father; damning, all-encompassing. It warns the Prince the price of compassion, of mercies, and of weaknesses. Eliminate her, or I will. 
Rarely does Zuko ever move. He’d plead in your name, to spare your life. It never happens; he just wakes to the smell of smoke and the sound of your screaming.
( There are dreams he doesn’t speak at all to defend you. The shame devours him whole. )
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“I’ve killed you over a hundred times, in my sleep.”
In the aftermath of another nightmare, you turn to face Zuko. You’re not quite sure what to say. 
“Other nights, it’s the 41st, or Uncle,” he says, quietly. “Even mom, or Azula.”
You turn back to the small medical chest on the desk. The infirmary is quieter at times like these; the soldiers of the 41st know not to visit the usual haunts of their Prince. Tonight, Zuko will have to replace the bandages of his scar, and there are only two people on this ship he’d ever trust in his life to lay a hand on it.
You’re shifting towards where he’s sitting on one of the cots. “May I?”
( You ask. You always ask. Even when you’ve done this nearly fifty times, you ask. Zuko is glad; there’s a comfort in agency, especially when he’s gotten so used to losing it every time he sleeps.  )
He nods, and you make quick work to unravel the bandages. When the layers come away, you observe the way his left eye shuts and opens as he blinks, remaining half-closed into a permanent expression of pain. He looks away, downcast. 
The skin around is stretched taut, some areas rawer than others, marred with growing scar tissue that knots in twisting valleys. ( Zuko has only seen the scar once. He’s covered the mirrors in his room ever since; avoids glancing at his own passing reflections. )
The wound is still fresh; the memories fresher.
You don’t flinch at the sight or recoil like the other soldiers or dignitaries. 
He finds… solace in that.
( Something roils in his mind. It uncurls and hisses and growls. )
“Tilt your head for me,” you say, ready to replace the cotton on his eye with a new one. 
He stops your wrist just as you do. 
Your heart jumps at the contact. His hands are warm.
“Why?” he blurts.
You blink in confusion.
“Why’d you come with me?”
The reply is instant, and unintentionally drowned in affection. “Where else would I have belonged?”
Zuko almost answers instinctively: With me. By my side. He shakes his head.
“You should have never come,” he says, instead. He’d grown fond of you over the years. Too fond; over some Firenation colonel’s daughter, a force to be reckoned with and yet a childhood friend who he’d played and studied and fought with countless times. Fond enough that he’d been foolish to let you step foot into the ship of the 41st Division the day he’d been banished; fond enough to be foolish enough to allow you to put yourself in harm’s way. “You could’ve had a better future back home.”
“But a miserable one,” you counter. 
His nostrils flare as he sighs. You watch the way his brows weave to a frown, the way they always did whenever he’s tamping down his frustration. "Nothing is more miserable than being banished from home. Yet here you are walking away from it.”
“You and I both know the palace was never a home for me,” you say. “I’ve been by your side my entire life. I’m not about to break that streak over some punishment. You matter to me.”
Zuko’s heart stifles. 
( Compassion, he hears the wings of the blood-red dragon in his dreams unfurl. Compassion is a sign of weakness. )
“It was a stupid move,” he blurts, letting go of you. He had wanted it to be emotionless, but it comes out as distinctively bitter: “Sooner or later you’ll come to regret your decision. Then, you’ll see I was right all along.”
“Maybe,” you say, just to appease him. “But I doubt it.”
( Lies, jeers the serpent. You have only yourself to rely on in this world, Zuko. )
For the sake of conversation, you don’t provoke him further. You continue, instead, with replacing the dressings around his eye. He’s angry enough as is with the world— with you. For being stubborn. And strong. And steadfast. And loyal. And—
Zuko glances at your face in focus, your hands so careful in binding the gauze it’s nearly featherlight. “Tell me if it hurts,” you say, with gentle authority. 
The ire leaves his body. Zuko’s gaze softens at a realisation:
“Not once have you ever hurt me. Not even in my dreams.”
It’s a statement so frighteningly vulnerable that it has you stilling. Your breath staggers. Something swells in your chest. You let your hand rest on his cheek, thumb below his scar. The touch is reassuring. Zuko wants to lean into it.
“I don’t think I ever could,” you answer, honestly. 
( She can, sings the beast. She will. And once she does, know that it will burn tenfold than what I've done. )
Zuko's hand settles on top of yours. 
“You can hurt me,” he concedes, solemn, voice barely above a whisper. “You can if you must. I command it.”
( The dragon in his head hisses. For now, it retreats. )
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beardedmrbean · 8 months
MICHIGAN CITY, Ind. (WNDU/Gray News) - - Police in Indiana are investigating a scheme where multiple restaurant employees allegedly used stolen money to bail out inmates from jail.
The LaPorte County Sheriff’s Office said employees from a Hardee’s restaurant used stolen money from customers to bail out the inmates.
According to the sheriff’s office, jail staff noticed last month that suspiciously large amounts of funds were being placed into the accounts of inmates at the county jail from a source outside the jail.
The same inmates were reportedly bonding out of the jail almost immediately and leaving with the remaining balance on a jail-issued debit card.
This led to an investigation, where officials discovered a fraud scheme involving multiple employees from a Hardee’s restaurant in Michigan City, as well as several other people.
Police did not provide the address of the restaurant, but the WNDU reported the only Hardee’s restaurant located in Michigan City is at 5223 Franklin Street.
Officials say the Hardee’s employees involved took photos of customers’ debit and credit cards that paid in the drive-thru and were fraudulently using those cards to place money into inmate’s accounts that had low bails set.
The inmates would then bond out of jail, take the jail-issued debit card with the extra money left on it, and withdraw the remaining money from an ATM.
Deputies said a total of $14,700 was charged fraudulently, and the victims are working with their financial institutions to get their money back.
Authorities said ten suspects are facing several felony charges, including fraud, conspiracy to commit fraud, and criminal organization activity as a result of the investigation:
Darrien Ward – Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Prince Arnold - Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Kristin Vanschoyck - Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Madison Zuk – Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Anisa Higginbotham - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Hollie LaChapelle - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Carissa Bealor - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Lawrence Armstrong - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Moesha Monique Savanna Payne - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Dylnn Scott - Conspiracy to Commit Fraud (Level 5 Felony) and Criminal Organizational Activity (Level 6 Felony)
Police say Scott is the only suspect who has not been arrested yet.
Anyone with information on Scott’s whereabouts should call the Fugitive Apprehension Street Team (FAST) at 219-608-9572 or Michiana Crime Stoppers at 800-342-7867.
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sweetfeet87 · 3 months
Cinderella: What? (Lady Tremaine appears in the doorway) Oh! Oh, dear! (Lady Tremaine closes the door and locks it) No, please! Oh, you can't! You just can't! Let me out! You must let me out! (Jaq and Gus squeeze out the door) You can't keep me in here! (Lady Tremaine puts the key in her dress pocket and descends the staircase)
Cinderella: (Starts sobbing) Oh, please...
Gus: No, no! She can't do it! She can't lock up Cinderelly! I'm going to---- (Jaq stops him)
Cinderella: Oh, please let him catch a fish. (Weeps)
Jaq: We have to get that key, Gus-Gus. We just have to get that key!
(Later, the Grand Duke is sleeping as the coach pulls up to the chateau)
Coachman: Whoa! (The Grand Duke saves the slipper as a fanfare sounds)
Jaq: He's-a here, he's-a here! A Duke-Duke!
Gus: Duh...duh...a who?
Jaq: A Grand Duke with a slipper! Must get that key, run!
Gus: Zuk-zuk, key-key, run-run.
Anastasia: Oh, Mother, Mother. He's here! He's here!
Drizella: The Grand Duke! (the stepsisters stuff themselves) Do I look alright?
Anastasia: I'm so emotional, I just--
Lady Tremaine: Girls...now remember....this is your last chance. Don't fail me. (opens the door)
Messenger: (sounds a fanfare) Announcing His Imperial Grace, the Grand Duke. (steps aside for the Grand Duke)
Lady Tremaine: You honor our humble home, my Lord.
Grand Duke: Ahem. Quite so.
Lady Tremaine: May I present my daughters, Drizella and Anastasia. (the stepsisters curtsy)
Anastasia: Your Grace.
Grand Duke: (Winces at Anastasia's homeliness) Yes. Charmed, I'm sure.
Messenger: His Grace will read a royal proclamation. (Brings the proclamation)
Grand Duke: (clearing throat) All loyal subjects of His Majesty are hereby...notified by royal proclamation in regard to a certain... (yawning) glass slipper. (The messenger uncovers the slipper) It is upon this day decreed--
Drizella: Why, that's my slipper!
Anastasia: Well, I like that! It-it's my slipper!
Gus: No, no, no! Cinderelly's slipper! Sit!
Drizella: How can she---
Lady Tremaine: Girls, girls! Your manners. A thousand pardons, Your Grace. Please continue.
Grand Duke: Yes, quite so. (reading) It is upon this day decreed that a quest be instituted throughout the length and breadth of our domain...the sole and express purpose of the quest to be as follows...that every single maiden in our beloved kingdom, without prearranged exception, shall try upon her foot this aforementioned slipper of glass. (Jaq and Gus sneak over to the pocket) And should one be found upon whose foot said slipper shall properly fit...such maiden shall be acclaimed the object of this search and immediately forthwith shall be locked upon as the one and only true love of His Royal Highness, our beloved son and heir, the Noble Prince. (Gus lowers Jaq into the pocket) The Noble Prince will humbly and upon bended knee beg, request, or if need be, implore the maiden, that they grant her hand in marriage. (Jaq tries to push the key out, but Gus stops him as Lady Tremaine checks on the key) Well...whereupon, should the aforementioned-made look with favor upon his suit, but shall the happy couple pledge their troth...on...and in just dues, upon the inevitable demise...of His Most Gracious and August Majesty, the King, succeed to the throne, there to rule all over the land...as Kingsland Queen of our beloved kingdom. (Lady Tremaine pats her pocket, inadvertently hitting Jaq with the key) Oh...so be it. (The Grand Duke sits down on a chair)
Lady Tremaine: You must be quite fatigued, Your Grace. May we offer you some tea? (Gus, hiding in the teacup, sucks his stomach in to prevent tea from pouring on him)
Grand Duke: What? Tea? Thank you, madam, no. We must proceed with the......the fitting.
Lady Tremaine: Of course, Anastasia, darling. (The messenger tries the slipper on Anastasia's foot, and it seems to fit)
Anastasia: There! I knew it was my slipper. Exactly my size. I always wear the same size. As soon as I saw it, I said-- (it's revealed the slipper fits over her big toe) Oh! Well...it...it may be a trifle snug today. You know how it is.....dancing all night. I can't understand why. (the messenger pounds the shoe) It's always fit perfectly before. (Jaq pushes the key out while Gus ties his tail around the teapot's spout) I don't think you're half trying! Mother, can you--
Lady Tremaine: Csendes. Be silent, my darling. We mustn't disturb His Grace. Young man, are you sure you're trying it on the right foot?
Gus: (a drop of hot tea falls on Gus' butt) YOW!!
Anastasia: Oh, it's the right foot, but it must have shrunk or something. A glass shoe isn't always reliable.
Jaq: C'mon, Gus. Hurry! Up the stairs! Up the stairs! (the two attempt to get the key up the stairs until they hear discordant notes as Anastasia kicks the messenger against the piano)
Anastasia: Why can't you hold silent a moment?
Grand Duke: (awakens) Oh, my word! Enough of this! (the clamor stops) The next young lady, please.
Jaq: (the two mice have reached the top of the stairs) Hear that, Gus? Hear this?
Gus: Yup.
Jaq: Run! Run! Must hurry! (They make it to the tower staircase) C'mon, c'mon! Hurry! (Gus looks up at the staircase, and faints from exhaustion) Gus-Gus, Gus-Gus. Aw, c'mon. Look, look. Just up there! C'mon!
(At Cinderella's room, Cinderella keeps weeping since Lady Tremaine locked her up. All of a sudden, she hears noises from Gus. Cinderella looks through the keyhole and sees Jaq and Gus, who get the key)
Jaq: Us a-coming, Cinderelly. Us a-coming! Us a-get you out.
Cinderella: You've had the key. How did you ever manage--
(Lucifer traps Gus under a bowl)
Cinderella: (Gasping) Lucifer! Let him go, Lucifer! (Lucifer snickers) Please, let him go! Let him go.
Jaq: Let him go! Let him out! Let him out! Here! Here, R-ucifee! (Bites Lucifer's tail. The other mice fight back, but Lucifer fights off their forks and blows out their battering candle. The birds drop dishes on Lucifer while Gus remains trapped)
Cinderella: (gets an idea) Bruno...yes! Bruno! Run, get Bruno! Get Bruno! (two bluebirds fly out the window to fetch Bruno)
Drizella: (the messenger is yet trying to get the slipper to fit on Drizella) Oh, of all the foolish little idiots! (hits the messenger with her shoe) I'll do it myself! Get away from me! I'll make it fit! (deforms her foot where it fits) There!
Lady Tremaine: It fits!
Grand Duke: It fits? (the slipper flies away and the Grand Duke manages to catch it with his finger) Whew!
Lady Tremaine: Oh, Your Grace, I'm dreadfully sorry. It shan't happen again.
Grand Duke: Precisely, madam.
(Meanwhile, Bruno follows the birds to the stairs and once he's at the top, he growls at Lucifer, who's frightened out of his wits and jumps out the window)
Jaq: (he and the other mice lift up the bowl to see Gus is grasping the key) C'mon, c'mon!
Mice: Get up, Gus-Gus! Get up, get up!
Gus: No, no, no, no, no!
Jaq: C'mon! Let go of me! (uses her key to unlock Cinderella's door)
(In the foyer....)
Grand Duke: You are the only ladies of the household, I hope-- (catches himself) I presume.
Lady Tremaine: There's no one else, Your Grace.
Grand Duke: Quite so. Good day. Good day!
Cinderella: Your Grace? Your Grace! Please! Wait! May I try it on? (descends the stairs)
Lady Tremaine: Oh, pay no attention to her.
Anastasia: It's only Cinderella.
Drizella: Our scullery maid.
Anastasia: From the kitchen.
Drizella: It's ridiculous. Impossible.
Anastasia: She's out of her mind.
Lady Tremaine: Yes, yes. Just an imaginative child.
Grand Duke: Madam, my orders were every maiden! Come, my child. (he pulls up the chair for Cinderella)
(The Messenger comes with the slipper, but Lady Tremaine uses her cane to trip him, causing him to drop the slipper and shatter between Cinderella and the Grand Duke)
Grand Duke: Oh, dear! Oh, dear, oh, dear! Oh, dear! This is horrible. (suddenly becomes fearful) The King! What will he say? What have we done?
Cinderella: But maybe, if it would help----
Grand Duke: No, no. Nothing can help now, nothing.
Cinderella: But you see, I have the other slipper.
(Cinderella pulls the slipper out from her apron, horrifying her stepmother and stepsisters, but filling the Duke once again with joy and hope. The mice cheer. The Grand Duke slides the slipper onto Cinderella's foot, and it fits perfectly)
(Later that day, Cinderella and the Prince are married. Cinderella loses her slipper on the stairs again, but this time, the King puts it back on and waves a farewell to the newlyweds as their coach arrives for the honeymoon while the mice look on with pure joy, as well as her pride for giving Cinderella her happily ever after)
Chorus: (Sings) Have faith in dreams and someday, your rainbow will come shining through. No matter how your heart is grieving, if you keep on believing, the dreams that you wish will come truuuuue!
(The book's closed. The end)
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Zuko x Mai’s sister series: Part Two
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Zuko gets some good advice about how to deal with his new feelings but will his revelation go to plan?
Part one here
Part three here
That weekend Zuko went to see the one man who could help him with his issue. Uncle Iroh.
He hadn’t seen him in a while and the mention of Ba Sing Sei had convinced him to make the trip. So Zuko arrived to find his uncle waiting to sweep him into a tight hug. Iroh hurried Zuko into his shop eager to catch up and soon had a steaming cup of jasmine tea in front of him. As Zuko informed his uncle of all the recent events Iroh noticed a change in him. For one thing his nephew wasn’t spontaneous but he’d hastily arranged a visit for no apparent reason. At first Iroh worried something was wrong, perhaps the pressure was getting to him or his father was causing trouble again but the second Iroh saw him he could tell this visit wasn’t about escaping something bad back home. Zuko had a certain air around him, a happiness, a lightness and Iroh was very pleasantly surprised and desperate to know what had caused this. So he began prying. “Now nephew how have you been? Not the Firelord or the country but you my nephew?". "Good" Zuko smiled "busy but i’ve had help". Iroh smiled "and you've not been locked away working too hard?". Zuko shook his head "no but i do have something I want to discuss with you, i have a dilemma". Iroh nodded "i will help however i can". "Well see there’s this friend...". Iroh smiled, of course how did he not recognise Zuko was smitten with someone!
"Ow?" Iroh asked smiling and Zuko blushed. "Yes and we've actually known each other a while, we’ve recently become close and....i’ve developed feelings for her. Well they've always been there actually but before she never used to like me. She hated me in school but now we’ve been working together and we’re actually friends" Zuko blushed "she smiles at me, offers to help me and stays with me so I don’t have to face things alone...i like her a lot but i’m also grateful for her friendship. I'm worried that i could push her away if I confess my feelings and she doesn’t return them.". Iroh frowned "it seems like you have a lot of history with the girl...." trying not so subtly to work out who she was. "It’s y/n, Mai’s sister" Zuko said awkwardly and Iroh nodded. He didn’t remember you but could imagine being related to Mai you had made your dislike for Zuko known as a child. From how Zuko spoke it sounded like he may’ve liked you since then and Iroh had no doubt his nephew currently had very strong feelings for you. "I think it’s wonderful that you're friends but i’ve also listened to how you speak about her, there’s always a slight smile on your face...am i right in thinking you’ve liked her since childhood?". Zuko nodded "she was the one i noticed first...Mai was around more but y/n was the one who caught my attention from the start. However she made it clear she hated me when we were kids.... so i figured nothing could ever happen but now...". Iroh nodded "i admire your caution but also think you need to consider your options. Zuko i suspect your feelings for her are very strong, perhaps too strong to ignore. If this was some mindless crush i’d tell you not to risk it, but love is worth risking things for". Zuko blushed vividly “is it that obvious?”. His uncle patted his shoulder chuckling “even Toph would be able to see it”.
The next week
You exited the ship excitedly, the anxiety at visiting the palace had fallen away within your first few visits and it was quickly becoming your favourite place in the Fire Nation. Zuko met you off the ship and he smiled fondly but you could sense he was worried about something. You had a pleasant day together, you spent more time with Druk who was growing rapidly and learning how to fly. You watched the small dragon attempt to get airborne and couldn’t help but laugh at how adorable his attempts to fly were. Zuko tried helping, giving him tips but it just ended with the dragon leaping on him to try and use him as a boost. They both ended up tangled on the floor in a heap while you laughed uncontrollably from a safe distance. You noticed Zuko smile seeing you laugh but then his face went serious as it did when he was lost in thought. You frowned wondering what was wrong but just as quickly as it came his face cleared.
All day the same thing would happen and you became more and more convinced something was wrong. Thankfully after dinner Zuko was ready to tell you what it was. "Y/n i have something i need to confess" Zuko said suddenly and you felt the mood of the room shift. You paused taken back at Zuko’s formal tone and managed a small "okay". You were worried Zuko had something awful to tell you and watched him pace anxiously. Finally he sighed and stopped "okay i’m just going to be honest. My uncle suggested i be subtle and test the water but i’m not good at that and I don’t want to trick you or anything". "Okay..." you said again and stared at Zuko. Zuko sighed and looked up "i like you". You blinked as Zuko carried on "and not just as a friend....i like you a lot and was wondering if you by any chance felt the same way?". You breathed rapidly trying to process what Zuko had just said. "Are you sure you like me?" you asked unsure if Zuko was certain "maybe you're just lonely and i’m here?". Zuko shook his head "i know that’s not it but if you...you don’t seem happy, do you not return my affection? If so that’s fine!". "No that’s not the issue" you admitted and Zuko jumped "what? So you do like me? That’s great". "No it’s not" you said your panic rising, taking your breath away with it. Zuko blinked "it’s not? Why on earth isn’t it? This is better than my wildest dream!" Zuko cried and you rushed to show him why this wasn’t a good thing before he got too excited. "It’s not because this doesn’t mean anything Zuko! What I feel doesn’t matter, I don’t get nice things. I don’t get to have the guy i want and even if i do it’s not in the way i want or that i need" you babbled and Zuko frowned "y/n what do you mean?". You began to go into full-blown panic, how could you explain all this to Zuko? He’d never understand. Your fight or flight was triggered and you were about to bolt when Zuko gently touched your arm. “Y/n take deep breaths okay, there’s no need to panic or worry, we can talk about this and I promise I’ll do whatever you feel comfortable with, so just breathe. Take slow breaths with long exhales and don’t panic. You’re not in danger everything is okay”. Zuko continued coaching you through your panic attack and when it subsided you sighed and looked up at him “I’ll try my best to explain but let me know if i’m not making sense. My parents and I recently had a large argument....they told me i have to accept a suitor by the end of the year or they’ll disown me. The problem is i don’t like anyone apart from...well you" you said blushing. Zuko smiled "well i like you too so why can’t we just tell your parents that we...". "Zuko my family want me settled down immediately, this whole campaign to reform the prisons has them worried. They want me married off immediately but I don’t want that and it’s not fair to put that expectation on anyone least of all you...i know this isn’t long term so you don’t have to pretend it is....". Zuko paused "why isn’t it long term?". You hesitated "well i...isn’t this just a rebound? I thought maybe it’s a way to get back at Mai or...i don’t know because we see each other a lot it was for convenience? Either way it can’t be serious". "Who says?" Zuko asked "y/n can i confess something? I’ve had a crush on you since we were kids". Your jaw dropped "but you couldn’t have i....you and Mai!". Zuko lowered his eyes blushing "i guess i have a type...I did like Mai don’t get me wrong I wasn’t lying to her but you were the one who caught my eye first. I dated Mai because she liked me and i was sure you hated me". You stared at the floor "because i stopped speaking to you when we were 12?". Zuko nodded "i was always so unsure what i did to upset you. I tried to make it right but after a while I just accepted you didn’t like me". "Zuko that wasn’t the case..." you started but Zuko shook his head "it’s okay y/n i get i’m not going to get on with everyone, i’m just glad you don’t hate me anymore". "Zuko i never hated you it was more of the opposite...Azula told me i upset Mai by being friends with you. She claimed everyone could tell i liked you and i was horrified because it was true and I was scared i’d been too obvious with that". "You liked me too?" Zuko asked and you nodded "since we were kids but i...i’m used to stepping away from what i want because my family told me to. You were Mai’s and you still are in their eyes. You could never be mine, i don’t get good things". Zuko shook his head "y/n you deserve the best and i’m in no way saying that’s me but i do think you should put yourself first. If what you’ve said is true and you like me more than anyone else then why can’t we...why can’t you go for it? I’ll support you in any way i can and i...". You started breathing rapidly again at what Zuko was offering you "Zuko i’ve never committed to anything before I...". "Then don’t" Zuko said softly taking your hand "it’s okay, i came on too strong. Let’s just focus on this moment okay?". You nodded and looked at him "okay". "Stop thinking about what anyone else will think, your parents, Mai, anyone except for yourself. Stop thinking about what will happen tomorrow or next week or any duties you have. What do you want?". You blinked and felt your heartbeat "what do i want?". Zuko nodded "right now, what do you want?".
You realised Zuko was the first person to ask you that. All your life you’d tried to do what other people wanted. To be the perfect daughter, sister, prison guard...you never acted on your own dreams or desires. You always acted for other people and nobody had ever tried to stop you but here was Zuko telling you the opposite. He was the only person to encourage you to put yourself first and you wondered if that was why you liked him so much.
“Y/n?” Zuko said after you’d been quiet for a while and you smiled slightly “sorry I just...nobodies ever asked me that before and I’m not sure how to answer”. “Well it’s simple” Zuko shrugged “right now what do you feel?”. "I feel overwhelmed as if i’m going to explode. I feel terrified, excited and also bewildered that you felt the same thing I did all those years ago. I’m scared and I can’t shake everyone’s voices from my mind and I’m trying to work out how this will affect every inch of my life and it’s actually laughable because out of all that the one thing I keep thinking about is I really want to kiss you...which I guess tells me what my answer is” you blushed looked down but Zuko gently raised your head back up so you could look him in the eyes. "What a coincidence...." and he leant in to kiss you. The minute he kissed you all those repressed feelings came back. Everything that had been missing with other people was magnified by how kissing Zuko made you feel. You couldn’t believe you were actually kissing him, it didn’t feel real. Overcome with the sensation you gripped Zuko harshly and he smiled against your lips. Zuko picked up the intensity and kissed you harder. You matched his increase and let your hands roam over him as if you weren’t even present in this moment. It felt surreal but that was okay, it gave you the confidence to make the most of it and you did.
You finally separated both gasping for breath and immediately you lowered your eyes but you could still feel Zuko’s eyes glued to you which made you blush. "I can’t believe we...I just kissed you” you whispered and Zuko nodded grinning "I know! This was something child me gave up on a long time ago". "Me too" you agreed and Zuko smiled "y/n you felt that too didn’t you?". You nodded your head "that was the best thing I've ever experienced...i don't want it to go away. I want to be selfish Zuko".  Zuko smiled "it’s not selfish to allow yourself to be with someone you like, you deserve to be happy y/n". You closed your eyes and rested your head against Zuko’s. Nobody had ever told you that and it made you emotional. Sensing this Zuko wrapped his arms around you and hugged you. You let him hold you and ignored the voice in your head about your parents and Mai...you relaxed into Zuko until he pulled away. Zuko wiped away your tears softly and cupped your cheek "i like you, a lot...and i’ve waited over 10 years just to kiss you and it was totally worth it. So i’ll wait however long you need to continue this but we don’t have to go fast. Y/n i’ll wait until you’re ready and you can set the pace". You blinked ”I can?". Zuko nodded "completely, all i want is to be with you". "To date me?" you asked and Zuko blushed "yes, but if you don’t want to use that label...". "No i’d like to...to date you" you smiled "but i don’t want my parents using this to control me". Zuko paused "wait but their proposal...". "I’ve kind of come to terms with them disowning me and honestly i think it’s okay. My parents always had a claim to me as long as I was acknowledged as their daughter but this way they won’t. Sure i’ll have no surname but i also won’t have people who claim to love me just so they can use me...you don’t have to love someone just because they're your parents right?". Zuko knew that better than anyone "not at all, y/n if you want to be disowned then i’ll support you". You smiled "thank you...i’m aware i might lose my job but other than that...". "You won’t lose it' Zuko said firmly and you paused "how?". "I’ll speak to the prison for you". You blushed “Zuko it’s sweet of you to offer but i don’t want to rely on your power to gain things...i don’t want to depend on you". Zuko shook his head "it’s not depending on me, you got that job on your own and you deserve to keep it. You’re good at your job and if they fire you just for separating from your family that would be unjust so i am merely correcting that". You frowned and Zuko sighed "please y/n let me do this. So many injustices happen in this world and now i have the power to stop them. The best perk that comes with being firelord is i get to protect the people i care about...let me do that for you". You sighed "what would you say?". "I’ll be honest. I’ll say how impressed i am with your work, how your mindset is exactly what the Fire Nation needs right now and so you’re too valuable to be let go". You blushed and Zuko smiled "which is all true and exactly how i feel". "I suppose....as long as you’re not threatening them". Zuko nodded "of course not". You smiled "thank you" and Zuko tucked a piece of hair behind your ear "no problem so...does this mean, we should keep us a secret until your parents ultimatum expires?". You nodded "yes please". Zuko smiled "done, it’ll be hard not telling absolutely everyone you like me back but for you i’ll do it". You blushed and Zuko laughed before going serious "i also think you should start staying in the palace". When you looked up Zuko went to explain "i remember weeks ago when you said you’d stay at your parents how worried you looked. Staying with them isn’t helping and you can have your own wing here or can stay at your own apartment nearby...whatever you want just put yourself first" Zuko smiled "start telling your parents no". You nodded your head "you’re right i don’t ever want to go back there". "Then you never have to" Zuko said "you’re always welcome here no matter what". You stared up at Zuko "i..don’t even know what to say you’ve fixed my whole life in 3 minutes". Zuko shook his head "it’s like I said, I have the power to help and I intend to use it. It’s scary how much influence i have but i’ll willing embrace it for you anytime". "This doesn’t feel real" you smiled and Zuko nodded. "I know i still can’t believe you like me...". "Well i do a lot and that kiss..." you blushed and Zuko smiled "i felt it too...but it’s now really late, I can’t keep you to myself the whole night" he said smiling "but please tell me you’ll stay here tonight?". You nodded your head "i will" and he smiled "i’ll have a room prepared for you" and he gave the orders and walked you there. Once inside you turned to him. "Zuko thank you" you smiled and he nodded taking your hands "you don’t gave to thank me”. Zuko stepped away and you hesitated "no kiss goodnight?". Zuko paused and spun around "if you want absolutely anything from me y/n just ask" and he kissed you. It was just as good the second time but that made it harder to pull away. When you did Zuko stared at you breathing deeply "i’ll never get sick of that" he smiled and you blushed "me either". Zuko kissed your cheek and pulled away "as much as I’d love to test that theory it really is late so i should go". “Okay” you nodded and Zuko stared at you “good night y/n, thanks for tonight I know it was hard for you but I’ve never felt happier”. “Me too” you smiled “thanks for everything”. “No problem” Zuko smiled back “I’ll see you tomorrow morning, we could have breakfast together if you wanted?”. “I’d love to” you grinned and Zuko nodded blushing “perfect see you then!” and left the room. You smiled to yourself and jumped on the massive royal bed. You knew you should probably be preoccupied with all the important practical things about today. How your life would change now you were dating the Firelord, how the world would react to you after your parents cast you out, how Mai would react but you didn’t care. At this moment Zuko wasn’t the Firelord just Zuko. The boy you’d liked since childhood and he liked you back. That thought alone made everything else insignificant. No matter what had happened or what the future held you’d finally found each other and you weren’t giving him up without a fight.
Wow this was wayyyyy longer than I intended but Zuko’s just such an easy character to get carried away with. If you read allll that and somehow still want more I have some ideas how Mai, the gang etc would all react so could write something along those lines?
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virtual-slime · 4 years
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just two bros sharing a plate of fries
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ponytailzuko · 5 years
sometimes i remember the age of zuko was banished and that means he was in charge of a ship full of sailors at age 13. i don’t know about you but if my ass in seventh grade tried to be any kind of commanding officer over sailors, it would NOT go well. in the middle of giving an order and your voice cracks so loud someone on the moon could hear it. god damn. 
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Zuko x reader
Summary: You are feeling really homesick and Zuko tries to help you feel better. Super Fluffy!
Requested?: Nope
Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender
A/n: This is my first Avatar: The Last Airbender fic, I hope y'all enjoy it!!!
“Hey, what’s wrong?” Zuko asked, giving you a hug from behind. You smiled at your reflection in the turtle duck pond, but your smile faded quickly.
   “I just miss home,” you muttered.
   It had been a few years since you and your friends had ended the war and you hadn’t been back to the Northern Watertribe in forever. You just never had the time and you were always so busy. Of course you loved the Fire Nation and Zuko, but you really missed the snow.
“I’m sorry,” Zuko apologized.
You smiled sadly. “It’s not your fault.”
“Maybe we can plan something?” Zuko offered and your smile came back.
“I’d like that,” you said, leaning into him.
Unbeknownst to you Zuko had already noticed your homesickness. He had noticed how you were eating a ton of Watertribe dishes and how you would wake up super early just to be able to water bend under the moon. He had also noticed how many hawks you and Katara were sending each other. So, he had sent a hawk of his own.
“Katara! Aang! What are you doing here?!” You asked, helping the couple down from Appa.
“Zuko asked us to visit,” Sokka explained, sliding off Appa.
“Really?!” You exclaimed, giving your husband a tight hug.
Zuko smiled at you and you gave him a quick kiss. “So what do you guys want to do?” You asked, turning back to your friends.
“Why don’t we explore the city?” Katara suggested.
You nodded. “That sounds like a great idea.”
“Well, there’s only so much time in a day, so let's get moving people,” Sokka prompted, leading you out of the palace.
The rest of the day was wonderful, you went shopping and for lunch had a picnic outside the city on the mountains that surrounded your home. After that the rest of the day was spent swimming.
You laughed as Sokka jumped in, splashing everyone.
“Oh, you're on!” Katara yelled. The two of you began bending and a wave splashed down on Sokka.
“No fair,” Sokka pouted while you and Katara giggled. Sokka turned to Zuko and Aang. “A little help here?”
Zuko shrugged. “What do you want me to do? I’m a fire bender.”
“Aang?” Sokka begged.
“Y/n and Katara are masters, I don’t know if I want to get on their bad side.”
Katara smiled. “Wise choice.”
“Fine, fine. I give up,” Sokka said, slowly sinking underwater. You glanced at Katara and the two of you burst out laughing.
“Surfing?” You suggest and she nodded. The two of you swam back to the beach and created ice boards. Then the two of you jumped into the waves you had created.
~~Zuko’s POV~~
It made Zuko happy to see you enjoying yourself. You had spent a lot more time with the group than him and he could easily see how happy you were to see your friends.
He watched you and Katara made waves and surfed them. The smile on your face was contagious and so Zuko found himself smiling as well.
He only watched for a little longer before getting up. He had work to do. Getting the Gaang to come was only part of your surprise and he had to prepare the other.
Just thinking about how happy it would make you made him giddy. He could only imagine how excited you were going to be when you saw the other half of your surprise.
~~Your POV~~
When you saw Zuko leave, you were a little sad, but you understood he had Fire Lord stuff to work on. Even when he took the day off there was still work to do. You loved how dedicated he was to fixing the Fire Nation.
After surfing you and Katara went to help Suki build a sand castle. Of course sand castle building became a contest. You, Katara, Toph, and Suki versus Sokka and Aang.
“You know I don’t think four versus two is all that fair,” Aang said as you were putting the finishing touches on your to scale statues of the Gaang
You looked over to see their scale replica of Appa. It wasn’t as detailed as yours, but you could see the work they put into it. Aang had even added a little Momo.
“Yeah, you have Toph and one of our team members is missing,” Sokka pointed out and you realized that Zuko still hadn’t come back.
“Speaking of Zuko maybe we should go looking for him,” you suggested.
Sokka stood up and brushed the sand off himself. “Yeah, he can be the judge, though it’s pretty obvious who won.” Just as he said that the sand Momo fell off and Sokka rushed to fix it.
You giggled. “It’s getting late anyways.”
The six of you made your way to the palace and you changed out of your swimsuit. After, you sent someone to find Zuko while you and the rest of your friends went to the dining room.
You all sat down and began to chat. Aang talked a lot about how he and Zuko were planning on making a city that didn’t have one nation attached to it. Sokka and Katara talked about the rebuilding of the Southern Watertribe. It was so exciting to hear what your friends were doing.
“Sorry I’m late,” Zuko said, rushing into the dining room. He kissed your forehead before sitting down.
“Is everything alright?” You asked.  
He smiled brightly. “Everything’s perfect.”
Satisfied with that answer you all began to eat and soon enough it was over.
“Let’s walk down to the beach to see the sand sculptures,” Sokka suggested and you smiled.
“Sure and after that why don’t we show you the turtle ducks?” You suggested. “There are some turtle ducklings now.”
“Aww!” Katara and Suki exclaimed. You all walked down to the beach and watched the sunset. There was nothing quite like the sunset in the Firenation. Reds, pinks, yellows, and oranges were painted across the sky. It was one of the things you loved most about the Fire Nation, besides Zuko of course.
The sun was making its last attempt at light when you arrived at the beach only to see the tide had taken your sculptures.
Sokka pouted a little and Suki consoled him. “Well, I’m sure they were beautiful,” Zuko said and you beamed at him.
“Let’s go see the turtle-ducks now,” you said, grabbing Zuko’s hand.
The stars were out as you all sat down on blankets. You hugged Zuko knowing that he had probably sent the blankets out here earlier. He knew one of your favorite things to do was to sit under the stars by the turtle duck-pond.
It was just like old times as you talked. Though of course you didn’t have the threat of imminent danger over your head.
You couldn't believe how wonderful the day had been and the gaang was staying for a week so Aang and Zuko could plan for their city. You were excited to get to spend so much time with your friends. You didn’t know how the week could get any better.
You laughed with your friends as Zuko stood up and went to talk to a guard. You assumed he was requesting food or something, but you were very surprised when a polar bear puppy came running at you. It jumped into your arms and began to lick you.
You looked to Zuko, confused. “What’s going on?”
“Surprise!” He yelled and you suddenly understood what was going on.
You held the puppy in one arm and squeezed Zuko with the other. “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You exclaimed. You set the puppy in your lap and began to stroke him.
Zuko chuckled. “I’m glad you like him. I noticed how sad you were and when I decided to ask everyone to come, I asked Katara to bring him.”
“You guys! I’m gonna cry!” You sniffed, but you were smiling brightly.
“What are you going to name him?” Katara asked and you began to examine the puppy.
You watched as he tumbled out of your lap and padded over to the turtle ducks. For a second you thought he would jump in with the ducklings, but he settled for admiring them.
One came over to him and you went to grab him before the mother could get mad, but she seemed to take a liking to your puppy. It was a cute sight watching them interact.
“What about Turtle Duck?” Sokka suggested.
“What kind of name is Turtle duck?” Katara asked.
You smiled. “Actually, I kinda like it. We can call him Turtle for short.
“Aww! Hello Turtle,” Aang cooed as he stroked Turtle’s ears.
You turned to Zuko. “Thank you so much. This means the world to me.”
“I’m glad, it’s great to see you so happy.” Zuko put an arm around your shoulder and the two of you looked down at the bundle of joy that was now squirming in your lap.
Turtle yawned and curled up into your lap. You and Zuko both stroked him as you spent the rest of the night, enjoying yourselves with your friends.
Tada! I really enjoyed writing this and I hope y'all liked it. I hope y'all have a beautiful and safe day/night.
P.S. I am open to requests, but it'll take me a week or two to get to them :) Please check my blog for the pinned post before requesting.
P.P.S. if you want to be on my taglist for all things Avatar: The Last Airbender, feel free to ask. I hope it works and please message me if it doesn’t.
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buddy-thats-rough · 4 years
Thinking about the parallel between Zuko when it comes to asking for forgiveness from his father and Iroh.
This boy made such a small mistake and got burned and banished because he just spoke out of turn. And when he betrayed his uncle, it was something that was a lot more significant rather than speaking out of turn. And immediately we could all see he felt bad about it. Like he KNEW he betrayed his uncle, but of course he somehow was clouded by wanting his honor back and acceptance.
Between the two scenes of him begging for forgiveness, though, he's on his knees and looking up to the person he respects so much, tears in his eyes. Begging for forgiveness.
What's sad is that he was terrified both these times. He was especially more terrified when confronting Iroh, since that was someone he looked up to and had seen as his father instead of Ozai once he recognized his wrongs. But like. Imagine the horrible guilt and sadness you feel knowing you once again have to go and beg for forgiveness, not knowing if he's going to forgive so easily.
And what's even more probably insane for Zuko is just how easily Iroh forgives him because unlike Ozai, Iroh cares for Zuko. He's expecting probably some harsh words and maybe some physical abuse alongside it, but he gets a hug and soft words and its like.. What?? I'm not going to be scolded or harmed or anything?
Like this poor boy is just so used to harsh responses when it comes to making a mistake he even expected Iroh, the one person who's really shown him true kindness since his mom, and its just :(((
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oflgtfol · 4 years
zhao is such a bitch but i cant help but love to hate him. like he’s just so.. it’s so fucking funny. like he’s just so.... like what is wrong with you dude UJYHGFD. the way he gets so bent up over literal children it’s just like TEHYRHG broooo what are you DOING it’s so fucking funny. he had a whole ass agni kai with zuko, a 16 year old. he hired a bunch of pirates to kill zuko, a 16 year old. and in the episode with jeong jeong, the way he acts with aang, like it’s so fucking funny. he’s so FURIOUS over literal children and he’s a whole ass adult it’s like goddddddd... modern atla au where zhao is an angry adult suicide baiting a bunch of 14 year olds online
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rolandtowen · 3 years
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Dumbass Romantics, the first part of a series exploring the ways in which Sokka and Zuko falling in love after the War. 
Sokka and Zuko seem to keep “accidentally” flirting with each other with romantic gestures from their respective cultures. It takes a while for everyone else (and them!!) to catch on. Set a few months after the end of the war, featuring chronic pain and cultural flirting.
Read it under the cut!
The Fire Lord hated the cold. He supposed he should have commissioned a fur cloak before visiting Katara and Sokka, but where could his tailors find fur on such short notice? He couldn’t bring himself to slaughter dozens of squirrel-toads just for one coat. He had settled on a cloak woven with extra koala-sheep wool, but stepping out of his ship’s warmth now and into the crisp air of the Southern Water Tribe, Zuko knew he should have heeded Sokka’s advice to him to dress warm.
The cold was a bitch. But thankfully, he didn’t have to dwell on it long.
“Zuko!” Came Katara’s voice from somewhere below him. Zuko hurried down the rampart and came to meet his old friend. He went to bow formally, but she laughed and pulled him in for a hug. “Maybe save the bowing for when we have dinner with the old folks tonight.”
Zuko raised his eyebrow.
“Oh! It’s nothing big – just my Dad, Bato, Kanna, and Pakku. I do hope you’ve worked up an appetite for stewed sea prunes, that’s all my Dad can make without blowing the kitchen up – unless you’re allergic to sea prunes, of course, but I guess you wouldn’t know yet seeing as you’ve never tried them—”
“Katara,” Sokka’s voice startled Zuko a little bit, coming from his left side. Zuko shifted his head so he could hear him better. “You’re rambling again. Let the man breathe!” Zuko let out a low chuckle and turned to fully face Sokka.
“It’s good to see you too, Sokka.”
“And you, jerkbender! Spirits, aren’t you cold? I told you bring layers!”
The trio started to walk towards Katara and Sokka’s village. Zuko pondered what he should say: admit weakness and say he was, in fact, cold; or be miserable for the rest of his visit in silence?
“I’m okay, it’s just that the Fire Nation hasn’t ever had a need to make warm clothing. My tailors wouldn’t even know where to start on finding fur for a cloak.”
“Well then,” Sokka said, “it’s lucky for you that we have polar leopards!” And with that, Sokka unclipped the fur-lined cloak he was wearing and draped it over Zuko’s shoulders, fastening the metal clips with practiced ease. Zuko was shocked.
“Sokka, I can’t take your cloak!” He protested, stopping in his tracks.
“Relax, jerkbender, there’s more where that came from. When are you going to learn to dress up for your visits, dork?”
Katara chimed in. “The last time Zuko was here, his body temperature was elevated by his righteous search for the Avatar. I’m sure peace and love have probably cooled your hot head off quite a bit, huh?”
Zuko only hummed, looking down at the cloak that had been thrust upon him. It really was, quite warm. And quite intricate as well! He ran his fingers over the moon phases embroidered at the seams, a striking white against the deep blue of the cloak.
“Enjoying my handiwork?” Katara asked.
“Yeah, I am.” Zuko answered in a daze.
He wasn’t sure if he should tell them what it meant in Fire Nation culture, to place your own cloak on another’s shoulders, to literally and figuratively place another under your protection. Really, Zuko couldn’t remember the last time he had been given anything as a gift. Charity was not a concept Ozai was familiar with. Sokka couldn’t have possible known that what he just did was like the Fire Nation equivalent of a betrothal necklace. Still, it did leave Zuko touched that Sokka would so willingly give over such a valuable garment. He decided to leave the matter alone and revel in the warmth of the cloak.
“Sooooooooo, do you wanna go fishing together?”
Zuko sighed. He was a little bored. When they got back to the village, Katara had immediately ditched them to go help Kanna and Hakoda prep for the night’s family dinner. Leaving him and Sokka to do…. whatever until dinner time rolled around.
“Uh, I don’t really know how to fish—”
“That’s alright! I can teach you. Just grab your cloak!” Sokka leapt up and swept out the door. “You are coming, right?” Sokka called from afar.
“Yeah, I’m coming!” Zuko hollered back. He fiddled with the clasp on Sokka’s – er, his cloak—and stepped back into the cold.
Sokka was at the edge of the village, spears in hand. “You ever been on a kayak before?”
Zuko chuckled. “No, the ships I’ve been tend to carry more than one person, I don’t suppose you’ve got one of those?”
Sokka punched him in the shoulder. “We can’t use one of the warrior’s boats, we’ll scare the fish!” Oh. That made sense. “Now I get it, you really don’t know anything about fishing, do you? What have you got to say for yourself?”
“Two things: one, prince; two, fire nation. We much prefer Komodo sausage to seal jerky.”
“Well, your hotness, let me show you how it’s done.” Sokka hopped into one kayak, patting the one next him. “I assume you at least know how to use a paddle?”
Zuko laughed. “I may have been an adrift refugee once or twice. I think I can handle a paddle.”
“Good,” Sokka smiled at him as he climbed into the one-seater kayak. Zuko took a few moments to adjust to the shift in his center of gravity, then nodded at Sokka.
“Let’s catch some fish.”
It turns out, Zuko is not a natural at spear-fishing. He watched closely the first few times Sokka threw his spear, bringing up fish each time. “Go on, try it,” Sokka encouraged him. Zuko looked into the depths and tried to aim for the blurry shadows he took to be fish. His spear came up empty. “That’s okay! It took me a few fishing trips before I really go the hang of it.” Sokka analyzed his form. “Make sure you extend your arm a bit before your release the spear, then you can change your angle more easily.”
Zuko nodded, mirroring the way Sokka was holding his spear. They waited in silence, kayaks knocking gently into each other on the waves. A fresh school of fish appeared underneath them, and they released their spears at the same time. This time, even Zuko had caught a fish! Only one, compared to Sokka’s two, but it was his first fish! Sokka smiled widely at him. “I knew you could do it.”
“I guess I should call you Sifu Sokka now, my fishbending master.” Zuko quipped.
Sokka blushed and he hoped the gathering snow hid it from Zuko. “I think we should probably get back; you don’t want to miss Dad’s stewed sea prunes.
“Definitely not.” Zuko replied. “What, what does one do with a fish once they’ve caught it?”
“It depends – I think it being your first fish, we should celebrate it! What do you say to making some boiled fish dumplings?”
“I think that if you’re teaching me, it’ll be wonderful.”
If it was even humanly possible, Sokka blushed harder.
When they docked their kayaks, Zuko noticed that Sokka was favoring one of his arms over the other. Normally, it wouldn’t be strange to see a person favoring a side, but Zuko knew Sokka was ambidextrous. He didn’t say anything, so Zuko kept his observations to himself. Kanna met them outside her home, and positively beamed when Sokka told her that Zuko had caught his first fish.
“Well, better a late bloomer than never, eh?” Zuko laughed but still bowed his head in deference.
“It is very nice to finally meet you, Lady Kanna. Sokka has told me much about you in your letters.”
“Oh, he has, has he?” Kanna gave a mean side-eye to Sokka, who was suddenly very interested in the icy ground. “He’s told me about you as well. You have my gratitude – I can’t imagine what would’ve happened if you hadn’t gone to the Boiling Rock.”
“It was my pleasure, Lady Kanna.”
“Just Kanna, just Kanna, my dear. Well, come in! I see Sokka has leant you a cloak, but you still must be freezing! In, in!” Kanna shooed them inside. “I will take special care of your first fish, Zuko. Anything you had in mind?”
“Uh, dumplings?”
“Excellent choice, dear. Fish dumplings coming right up!” She disappeared into the kitchen of the home.
Sokka sat down on floor, covered by blue fabrics and pelts. Zuko noticed how gingerly he set himself down, now obviously favoring his right side. Sokka’s lips were drawn tightly as he rubbed circles into his left shin. Zuko could have almost swore he heard Sokka whimper. Almost.
“Sokka,” Zuko knelt down next to his friend. “Talk to me.”
“Mmph,” Sokka scowled.
“Words, Sokka.”
“It’s mostly my leg—you know how I broke it on the day of the Comet?”
Zuko grimaced. He did remember. Even in his lightening-induced fever, Zuko remembered. He heard his physicians set Sokka’s leg and pop his shoulder back in place. He wanted to forget those sounds of Sokka in pain, but he couldn’t.
“Well,” Sokka continued. “Ever since then, it still… it still hurts. Katara’s tried everything, but I’m probably stuck with it forever. My leg hurts the worst, but my shoulder’s the most inconvenient. I’m old enough to start putting braids in my wolf tail, but I just—can’t. I can’t lift my arm above shoulder-level. And I know I’m wallowing to the guy who literally got half his face burned off but—”
“But nothing, Sokka. You’re allowed to be in pain. Here, you know what, pull up your pant leg—”
“Geez, buy a guy dinner first will you?”
Zuko blushed but Sokka did as he was told, exposing his left shin and ankle. Zuko focused a little bit of heat into the palms of his hands. He placed one on Sokka’s ankle, scanning his face for any pain. When Sokka relaxed into the touch, Zuko placed his other hand on Sokka’s shin, applying the slightest bit of pressure.
“You know, with those hands you could almost be a healer like Katara.”
Zuko snorted. “And you need to learn to let people help you.” After a few minutes, he pulled his hands away, fearing that if he kept them there too long he’d burn his friend. “If you want, I can help you braid your hair. I won’t even tell Katara.”
Sokka smiled shyly at him. He guessed Zuko didn’t know the importance of braiding another’s hair in water tribe culture—reserved for family members and, well, lovers. But Zuko was kneeling in front of him, in a water tribe cloak, offering to help him with a warrior tradition. After everything they’d been through, Zuko was family—and maybe, he could be open to being something more?
“Okay,” Sokka nodded. He pulled two beads from his pocket, both striking shades of blue, one carved by Kanna and one by Katara. “You know how my Dad wears his beads? It’s the same idea.”
“I caught my first fish today, I’m pretty sure there’s nothing I can’t do now.” Zuko settled himself closer to Sokka’s face. “I’m going to let your hair down now, is that okay?” Sokka nodded again.
Zuko took out the hair tie and separated two sections of hair thick enough to support the beads. For lack of another set of hands, he resorted to holding the sections in his mouth while he carded the rest of Sokka’s back into place and tied it into the wolf’s tail again. Sokka was suddenly very aware of how close Zuko was to him—more specifically how he never wanted him to leave. He loved the warmth that radiated from him, but furthermore, he couldn’t remember the last time someone helped him with his hair. He hadn’t asked anyone since he got back from the war, and while they were on the run… he was focused on more important things than his hair. Sokka risked a look at Zuko’s face: he was rewarded with Zuko’s adorable concentration face. Wait, adorable? Where had that come from?
“How do you know how to braid, anyway? I didn’t see a whole lot of braids in the Fire Nation.”
“My mother used to let me braid her hair when I was feeling anxious or overwhelmed. You know, it’s calming, repetitive, doesn’t involve fire—perfect for mess of emotional issues like me.”
“Hey, you’re not a mess.”
Zuko laughed darkly.
“Well, not anymore than the rest of us. We all already had our own issues and then a war happened on top of that. You were just lecturing me on letting people help me. You don’t have to be alone in this.”
Zuko’s fingers trembled as he finished the second braid. “I know. I’m still getting used to having people I can actually trust.”
Kanna suddenly called from the kitchen. “Are you two done lounging around or are you going to help an old woman with this fish?”
They looked at each other and laughed. They did kind of forget about everyone except each other.
“Hey, Zuko,” Sokka started as Zuko stood up and held out a hand for him.
“You can braid my hair anytime you want.”
Zuko resisted simultaneous urges to bow and to hug Sokka. He smiled instead.
“I’d like that.”
Kanna had heard everything of course. But she couldn’t bear to interrupt them sooner. Tui and La, if those two didn’t end up together she’d have a riot. In the few months since Sokka had been home with her, he hadn’t opened up to anyone about his pain. And he certainly hadn’t asked anyone for help with his braids.
Spirits, those two were good for each other. Dumbasses in love.
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s3nie · 3 years
i call this piece ‘a Zutara fic that has been sitting in my head for months but idk if i can actually write it’:
“No worries, more pizza for me. This is my sister Katara,” Sokka now spoke to the man next to him, “Katara, this is Zuk-”
“Nuh uh uh!” Suki called from the couch as she wagged a finger in the air disapprovingly.
“Oh! Right! My apologies,” Sokka was bowing as his companion groaned, “May I introduce, His Royal Highness, Prince Zuko of the House of Sozin.”
Ok, she was not expecting that. 
Zuko, Prince Zuko, rolled his eyes and pushed Sokka further into the apartment. Katara watched as he jumped over the back of the couch to throw an arm around his girlfriend. Turning back to the Fire Nation Prince, Katara suddenly felt out of her league. His large hand was extended as he grinned down at her. Despite her shock, she accepted his greeting, “Should I bow or something?” His hand was surprisingly warm and it only grew hotter when he gently squeezed her’s.
“I wouldn’t object if you were on your knees.” His voice was deep and rough and fuck those goosebumps shooting down her legs. Ignoring her body’s reaction to this man, Katara twitched an eyebrow and quickly shot a look over to Sokka. Who was enthralled with setting up some video game and not what his friend had just said.
Pulling her hand completely away from his, Katara sneered, “Would hate to scuff up my jeans in the presence of royalty,” and then called louder, “Bye Suki, Sokka!” And was out the door before she could hear a response.
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froggishdude · 4 years
Every nickname for my cat.
My cat’s full name is Prince Zuko of the Fire Nation. With that in mind here are all his nicknames:
- Zukie
- Zuzu
- Zucumber
- Benedict Zucumberbatch
- Zukitty
- Zuk
- Zubaby
- kitty boy
I call him all of these on a regular basis.
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cnexportbusiness · 4 years
Mobile / Cell Phone Battery From lithiumbatterychina
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Source: Mobile / Cell Phone Battery From lithiumbatterychina
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diegocdarts-blog · 7 years
List of some of my characters (Villians)
(male) Magimask: a mysterious magic man that uses black magic for evil reasons and his weapon is a magic shotgun. (male) Pepo: an evil (short) robotic miner that has one objectiv, take over the world from underground. (female) Talka: a evil robotic princes and the only thing that she wants is to be queen of the world. (female) Jazz: she is an evil spy that works for a crazy man called Striker. (male) Striker: he is crazy man that has been murdering and torturing people all over the world but he doesn't do it alone, he has a spy called Jazz that helps him with his work and he has hundreds of agents in his clan called "The S Clan". (male) Racka: he is a fire skeleton that comes from another dimencion called "The Dimencion of Los Muertos" (male) Dr. Tatles: he is an evil and crazy scientist head in a fish tank and the only way he can make his evil inventions is with his robot body thats conected to the fish tank were his head is and he can only control his robot body with his mind. (????) Zuk: he or she is a mysterious person with dark powers, he or she apears not so often but when he or she apears the only thing that he or she creats is mayhem.... (male) Tocla and Horto: "twin" brothers that come from "The Dimencion of Los Muertos". (male) Captain R.O.D: the worst villian of them all... he is like robot pirate but worst... he is even worst than Racka... Captain R.O.D is the master of total mayhem and chaos....
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malangtoday-blog · 7 years
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Inovasi Klinik Asuransi Sampah Dapat Bantuan Puluhan Juta Rupiah
MALANGTODAY.NET – Direktur Bank Permata Syariah, Achmad Kusna Permana mengaku terkesan dengan inovasi Klinik Asuransi Sampah (Garbage Medical Insurance) yang dilakukan dokter muda asal Malang, Gamal Albinsaid. Sebab inovasi tersebut diketahui telah menyita perhatian dunia dengan berbagai penghargaan internasional, sehingga pihaknya tertarik untuk mengucurkan bantuan dana. “Waktu saya dapat informasi tentang pembayaran asuransi dengan sampah milik, saya heran kok bisa muncul ide seperti itu. Bahkan Pangeran Charles (Raja Inggris) sangat mengapresiasinya,” kata pria ramah ini kepada awak media, di Klinik dr Gamal, Jalan Kyai Parseh Jaya Bumiayu, kota Malang, Jumat (15/9). Dalam kesempatan ini, pihaknya menyerahkan bantuan sebesar Rp 50 juta untuk pembelian kendaraan penjemput sampah di masyarakat. Dimana inovasi yang dilakukan dr Gamal sangat perlu didukung dalam menyelesaikan masalah sampah maupun kesehatan. “Yang menjadi masalah saat ini adalah bagaimana membuat masyarakat bisa terbuka dan merubah perilaku kurang sehat. Dan hal ini berusaha dirubah oleh Klinik Asuransi Sampah,” paparnya. BACA JUGA: Berobat dengan Sampah, Kenapa Enggak? Menurutnya, model Klinik Asuransi Sampah di kota Malang ini berpeluang untuk dapat dikembangkan ke berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Hal ini bukan tanpa alasan, sebab inovasi ini akan membuat masyarakat semakin mandiri dalam kesehatan. “Kami menunggu untuk direplikasi untuk diterapkan di daerah lain di Indonesia,” jelasnya. Perlu diketahui, pelayanan kesehatan yang diterapkan dr Gamal yakni dengan mengajak masyarakat mengumpulkan sampah yang kemudian akan diwujudkan uang. Setelah itu, dana yang terkumpul itu akan dikembalikan kepada mereka bentuk pelayanan kesehatan. Beberapa penghargaan yang pernah diraih, diantaranya Prince of Wales Young Sustainability Awards 2014 dari Kerajaan Inggris, co-creating a Healthier World dari Jerman dan Impactful Social Innovator in The World di India.(yog/zuk)
Source : https://malangtoday.net/malang-raya/kota-malang/inovasi-klinik-asuransi-sampah-dapat-bantuan-puluhan-juta-rupiah/
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