#uncle IMMEDIATELY comin round the corner like No
ponytailzuko · 5 years
sometimes i remember the age of zuko was banished and that means he was in charge of a ship full of sailors at age 13. i don’t know about you but if my ass in seventh grade tried to be any kind of commanding officer over sailors, it would NOT go well. in the middle of giving an order and your voice cracks so loud someone on the moon could hear it. god damn. 
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harrysgloves · 4 years
This Will Be Our Year
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Summary: Harry comes home with you for your family New Year’s dinner.
Word Count: 3.8k
Warnings: Language. Shitty families. Smut/ Harry’s got a filthy mouth.
A/N: Okay, lets all pretend that I got this out on Saturday instead of Tuesday... Big shout out to @meetmeinfleetwood for making this “to lovers” fic challenge. It was the first fic challenge I’ve ever done! And I loved trying to figure this one out.
I picked ‘Friends to Lovers’ with the prompts: “You think anyone heard us?” & “You keep that photo of us in your wallet?”
You didn't miss the upward turn of your best friends' lip when you anxiously readjusted the hem of your dress for the millionth time. You didn't even bother trying to steady your shaky hands as they tugged down on lacy black fabric that touched a few inches above where you normally wore your skirts or shorts
"Stop it." You huffed as he let out the tiniest breath of a laugh at your struggle. 
"Sorry, love, think y'look great." He smiled that lazy half smirk that made your stomach flutter but you had no time to worry about that right now. No, right now, you were on your way to visit your parents for the first time in a year.
The excuses of being busy with work, having no time to travel, not having the money for it, or literally any other excuse you could come up with had finally stopped working. Your mother fully demanded for you to come back home for the traditional New Year's dinner your family had every first weekend of the new year. You would have said no, but the second her disappointed voice floated in from the other end of the phone, you knew there was no way out. 
You deeply loved your immediate family. It was the extended family that you could go without. The bitchy cousins who always seemed to be doing better in life than you. Know-it-all Aunts who gave you unwelcomed dating advice or worse, they'd sit and examine why you didn't have a man 
"Yeh sure 'bout this?" He asked from the driver seat, his hand grasped on the wheel so tight you could see his knuckles turning white. "We could fake sick or somethin' if yeh want out. Bad gas station sushi, maybe."
A smile broke across your solemn face. The snort of a laugh that creaked out of your lungs washed a bit of relief over Harry. His hands gently lifted pressure from the wheel.
"Gas station sushi is the best you could come up with?" You teased from beside him, head turning just in time to see that dimpled smile you loved so much. 
"Wha' not believable?" He grinned, playful green eyes shot your way before focusing back on the road. 
You shook your head no as silence fell over the car again. Only one more turn and you'd be there.
"If yeh get uncomfortable, just tug on my shirt and we'll go, yeah?" He said as the gravel from your parents driveway crunched under the car's weight. Your stomach churned at the sight of everyone else already there. Anxiety flaring deep inside of your body, your chest suddenly felt tighter even when you let out a deep breath.
"It'll be okay." Harry said after a moment of letting you try to calm down. His ring filled hand enveloped your own shaky hand that rested on your lap. A calm washed over you from his touch. His warm hands melted away the troubled feeling that was lurking in the depths of your soul.
"I'm sorry in advance for whatever they say." You mumbled, giving his hand a squeeze. You missed the small up turn of his lips from your action, the way his cheeks tinted the softest shade of pink. You thought his cough was to dismiss what you'd said, not knowing it was him trying to himself that you only saw him as a friend.
"'M pretty sure I can handle them, love." He smiled even though you shot him a very unimpressed look. "Wha'? I survived Simon Cowell, think I got yeh family." 
"Shut up." You chuckled as you brushed your hand off your leg. The other flung open the car door before you had a chance to chicken out.
Dragging Harry along for this dinner was the best idea you'd ever had in your whole life. Your family's attention was so far off you that you barely talked the hour before dinner and Harry was handling all the attention like a champ. His hand pressed to your lower back as your uncle grilled him about every famous person he'd ever met.
"Wait, so you're telling me that you know The Mick Jagger?" Your uncle looked a second away from breaking into a full out fangirl attack. Your lips rolled in your mouth to stifle the laugh that was bubbling in your throat before a harsh squeeze on your hips from Harry had you glaring daggers into him.
He nodded his head full of soft flowly curls, that you always wanted to run your fingers through, before shooting a smirk down to you. 
He was living for this. He loved being able to touch you, lead you around to talk to people. Adored when you playfully shoved him with your shoulder when he said something embarrassing about you. He tried to be as cool, calm, and collected as he could but when you fully leaned into his side his breathing caught in his throat. His hand pressed tighter into you, mostly to hide how much it was quivering from your closeness.
He had tried for over a year to come up with a way to tell you he wanted to be more than a friend. If he was being honest with himself, he wanted to be more since the night you two met, but he was too insecure about himself to speak up. You were just so vibrant. Your laugh, your smile, the way you talked with demand but was always such a sensitive soul. 
He was absolutely fucked for you and you had no damn idea.
You always thought he was too out of your league to even begin to entertain the want of something else with him. He was the great Harry Styles and well, you were just you. You, who happened to be friends with Glenne, who dragged you to a bar for a karaoke night almost two years ago. The rest between you and him was history. You'd gotten along so well and at first, you thought, it might have turned into something more, but he never tried anything more than stupid flirty banter which he seemed to do with just about anyone. So, you dropped it. Moved on. Now he was just Harry, you're really good, super hot, you may think about him when you meditate late at night, friend.
"Gonna get more wine." You said after you drank the last drop from the glass in your hand. You were going to need so much more wine if you were going to be listening to your uncle for the next 45 minutes until dinner was ready.
"Will y'bring me some too?" Harry asked with a glimmer of desperation in his eyes. You figured maybe he'd need the alcohol more than you did tonight. He had been putting up with a lot of crap from your family. 
You nodded your head yes before taking off through the hallways you used to run down when you were a kid, towards the kitchen. Your mind lost in a hazy of memories of you learning to ride your bike on your mothers freshly polished floors while the babysitter sat on your house phone with her boyfriend all night. The time your brother told you carving your names into the fancy trim along the bottom of the floor meant you two would live forever. 
The memories came to a screeching halt when you finally rounded the corner to the kitchen. Your cousin aka the bitch you hated most in the world lounged casually on the counter, her back towards you as she chatted with a friend she had brought along.
"Didn't think I was going to meet Harry fucking Styles. Would have at least done my hair." The girl you didn't know huffed out as you pressed your back to the wall. Desperate to get away from both of them. Suddenly you felt 12 again, hiding from Shannon before she had a chance to torment you.
"Not like you even need it. You already look better than Y/N without it." Shannon snorted out that nails-on-a-chalkboard laugh as your stomach sank. 
"True, girl is a bit mousy." 
"Don't forget annoying. Can't believe someone famous is hanging out with her."
A part of you wanted to turn around and walk away, but the other part was morbidly interested in what she said behind your back. Maybe, whatever she had to say, was what everyone said about you two when you weren't around.
"Think they're dating?"
"Fuck no." She scoffed with so much certainty behind her voice it made you cringe. You knew it was a bit dumb, especially since you tried to not picture yourself with him as much as possible but it still hurt. "Y/N's boring and bland as hell. He's probably too nice to tell her that he isn't interested and he feels bad that she never has any friends or a boyfriend." 
You knew you should have walked away when you had the chance. Every word that was uttered by the voice that caused your childhood trauma floated into your mind with daggers. 
Every bad thing you thought about yourself. Every reason you thought Harry would never like you was now confirmed by someone else.
"It's like his charity work for the year or something."
The last sentence was the one that broke you. Your eyes filled with tears as your feet finally unglued themselves from the permanent spot they seemed to be in. You ran for the safety of your childhood bedroom. Your mind too preoccupied with the thought that maybe, he did feel that way about you, to pay attention to anything else around you. You didn't register that Harry was only a few feet away from you when you slammed yourself into your old room.
The knocks on your door didn't bother you. You could care less to explain to our mom right now about what happened but tried your best to pull yourself together anyways. Your crying turned to quite sniffling when the knocks came again.
"Y/N, wha's wrong?" His anxious voice echoed through your door causing all tears or sniffles to stop immediately in their tracks. What the hell were you going to tell him? Your mind panicked for some lie you could use to cover up the fact you had a breakdown when the door opened, the hard metal of the door knob pushed you out of the way.
"'M sorry fo' comin' in but I saw yeh cryin' and I had to check on yeh." He mumbled uncomfortably from beside you as he shut the door again. "Wha' happened?"
"'S nothin'," you said as you dried your own eyes with the back of your hand. "Just, my cousin saying shit. I just took it a bit too personal for no reason." 
"'M sorry, petal." He cooed as his hand stroked the rest of your eyes off your cheeks away. Your head instantly nuzzled into his warmth. "Wha' was she goin' on 'bout?"
You tried your best to not tense up. Your eyes remained shut, head buried harder against his hand that still hadn't moved from your face.
"Told you, it's nothing. Really, it was dumb and I just- it's stupid H." 
"'S not stupid if it made y'cry." He frowned deeply as he lifted your chin up. Your eyes finally fluttered open to see disappointed written all across his face.
"She just-" you sighed, feeling dumb for being caught up in the moment. Her words stung but your knee-jerk reaction to cry was a bit over the top. You were embarrassed, your skin heated as his eyes trained on you. You desperately tried to look anywhere but him- the floor, the dresser, the door- anywhere. "She just… she said some things to her friend about how boring and bland I am. Said I had no friends and blah blah blah. Just dumb stuff." 
You shrugged, feeling uncomfortable talking about what had happened. You gave him the geist of it without having to divulge into the whole story. You figured it was better to leave the part about you being charity work for him out of it. An angry Harry was the last thing you wanted to deal with today.
"Yeh the least boring person I know." He said, finally breaking the silence. "And yeh far from bland. I mean, look at yeh," he gestured to your outfit, his eyes sparked as your face heated from the attention he was giving you.
"Shut up." You groaned, hands covering your burning face as he wrapped you up in a hug. His chest vibrated with chuckles as you buried your head into the crook of his arm.
"Come on, don't be embarrassed." His chin rested on your head as you fought to keep the pink blush across your face at bay. "Know I think yeh pretty. Prettiest petal've ever met." 
You could feel his body straighten up. Almost as if he got uncomfortable with being so forward with you. His hands held around you just a bit tighter and you could physically hear his heart start to race. You started to realize, maybe, just maybe, you'd been reading all the signs wrong.
You pulled away from him slightly, your lips rolled in your mouth as you peered up to him. The blush that lingered across his nose ran to both cheeks. His jaw clenched together, shifty eyes finally met yours after a long moment of avoiding your gaze. You could see gears turning in his mind.
"H?" You barely breathed out before he surged forward, his lips met yours with so force you were almost thrown off balance. Your hands quickly grabbed on his forearms to steady yourself. Your nails dug into the soft silk fabric of his sleeves as your mouth desperately tried to keep up with his frantic movements.
It was everything you'd ever imagined kissing Harry would be like. Soft, amazing lips pressed to yours. Warmth flooded your system, almost like he was bringing you back to life. His hand rested on your cheek as he pulled you closer, other hand around your waist, helping you keep balance on your tiptoes. Even if it was a bit rushed, it was perfect to you.
But then you felt him go rigid again.
"I shouldn't 'ave done that. 'M so sorry, Y/N, I know yeh don't like me like that and I got caught up and, and-nd, fuck 'm so sorry-" he rushed out in a ramble the second his lips parted from yours. Your eyes barely opened by the time he'd finished his rushed out speech. His hands ran nervously through his curls. Panic radiated off him.
"Who said I didn't like you?" You asked, halfway out of breath. His hands fell from his perfectly messy hair, down to his side. His mouth gaped open as he blinked slowly at your words.
"I, well, I thought-" He trailed off as you both stood there completely dumbfounded. 
You'd both liked each other this whole damn time.
"We're idiots." You giggled. Quickly ceasing the opportunity to close to space between you two again. 
Your arms wrapped around his neck as you pulled him to your level. This time, he was the one pleasantly surprised. The light humph out of him only fueled your fire as you dominated the kiss. Your tongue ran across his bottom lips, begging him to let you in. Tongues danced together in an unknown language as his arms circled you again. Holding you close as your fingers ran through the back of his hair.
It was quick. Both of you moved so fast, desperate for more. More touch, more skin contact. You felt that desire you'd pushed to the side flame to the surface as you both stumbled for balance. Your back was pressed tightly against the door after you both got your footing. 
Kissing was easy, but kissing passionately in an unknown space when you could give two shits-less about anything but each other, was hard. 
It wasn't long before the scruff on his face was burning into your sensitive and puffy lips. He'd taken over control over your mouth so long ago you had no idea where you started and he ended. Your hands, along with his, roamed uncharted territory of each other's bodies. Small gasps and light whimpers were flooding the room but you couldn't be bothered with caring right now. You were finally getting what you wanted, him.
"We should stop." He groaned, half annoyed with himself for trying to be considerate to your family. His forehead rested against yours as you both breathed in deeply.
You whined in protest at his words, your hips involuntarily grinded against him in a sense of desperation. He had winded you up like a damn play toy. He breathed a laugh at your neediness, his head shaking but you could see those dimples popping out when you stared up at him with doe-eyes. 
"Don't wanna fuck yeh fo' the first time in your parents house, lovie." He smiled widely as you let out a disappointed huff. Sure, you understood his point but that throbbing in core wasn't going to be going away any time soon. 
Harry considered it for a moment as he looked down to your glistening chest that was heaving in deep breaths. The swells of your breast had always been mesmerizing but, fuck, right now they look irresistable. His sight finally moved off your chest to your swollen and puffy mouth. He groaned at the sight, his mind instantly wondering if your other lips would look as beautiful when he was done with them.
His hand moved on it's own accord. Slipping up your dress, to your absolutely drenched panties. Your lip tucked under your lip, hips bucking in a need for more when you heard the most glorious moan fall from his lips.
"Can't leave y'like this, now can I, pup?" His lust filled eyes seemed to darken when you shook your head no. Your ruined underwear pushed to the side by his fingers, his breathing catching in his throat from just how fucking wet you were.
You whimpered and whined as he took his time leisurely circling around your clit, his finger skimming across your needy hole only teased you further. You could feel your nipples pebble against the roughness of your bra, feeling left out of the action, but you weren't complaining. 
"Quiet, or yeh gonna get us caught, sweetheart." Harry tried to scold you but you didn't miss the smug look of pride that sat on his lips. "Gonna have to keep you quiet, sweet girl." His free hand moved from the door, to your mouth. Three fingers tapped against your lips for you to open and holy fuck, you didn't think this would be happening today. 
A chill went down your spine as his fingers sat heavy on your tongue. He licked his lips as he watched you mimicked how good you'd suck him off later when two fingers entered you quickly.
"Fuckin' hell," he breathed out, the situation in his pants grew impossibly bigger while you moaned wildly against his fingers. "Jesus, fuck, yeh so tight. Gonna 'ave to prep yeh fo' me later, sweetheart."
You could barely register his words as he pumped into you again. His thumb pressed against your aching numb. He was reaching places inside of you that you'd never been able to reach. Places that you had no idea could feel this good. All sense of control left you as he hit that spot. His hand quickly pulled from your mouth to cup over top of it.
"Sing so pretty fo' me, puppy. Can't wait to hear how you sound when y'on my cock." Your walls quivered at his words, your juices dripped further down your leg as you began to quickly approach your end.
"'M ruin this little pussy later, gonna fuck y'until yeh can't handle it anymore." He started to ramble about how good you felt, how tight you were, how he was going to stretch you over his cock so good tonight that he'd ruin you. Your legs started to shake as your mind melted into a goo of pleasure. 
"Fuck, yeh like when I talk to yeh like that, don't yeh sweetheart?" You weakly nodded at his words, his hand around your mouth making it impossible to say anything but it wasn't like you'd be able to speak right now anyways. His fingers curled inside of you, pumping, his thumb switching from light touches to hard pressure. "I'd let y'talk to me like that later tonight but my dick is gonna be shoved in all the holes I can get into, puppy."
You could feel your eyes roll into the back of your head as the overwhelming flood of your release washed over you. Blinding white lights of adrenaline ran through your veins as you let out a guttural moan from a depth you had no idea existed inside of you.
You were a panting hot mess when his hands finally left your body. Sweet kisses pressed to your lips to calm you down.
"Do y'think anyone heard us?" Harry asked, his lips still hovering over your mouth as you let out a croak laugh.
"You think I care about that right now?" Your eyebrows raised as you peered up to him. His smile growing by the second as he wrapped you in a hug. "Come on, let's go, you have a few promises you made about tonight that I want to hold you to." You giggled as his cheeks flamed red, your hand reached for his but he didn't move. His boy glued in place as his eyes scanned around your old room.
"What?" You asked as you turned around to see him studying every inch of your childhood. 
"I didn't get to see it earlier." He shrugged a bit, trying to not seem like he was hyper focused on every detail. Your pile of old notebooks your mother kept "just incase you ever wanted them again", your old dresser that you'd painted at some point, your rose pattern bedspread, the mountain of books and magazines that were shoved away.
"Wha's this?" He pointed to the huge wall that was covered in nothing but pictures. 
"Oh, uhm, I used to put pictures of me and my friends on my wall. You know, like people used to do before Facebook." Harry chuckled as he shook his head at you. His hand fished into his back pocket as he moved away from you.
"What- what are you doing?" You asked, your eyebrows furrowed tightly together as you moved towards him. The picture of your and Harry's drunken photo booth session from New Year's last year in his hand.
"You keep that photo of us in your wallet?" You finally asked after he pinned it on your wall. His cheeky smile across his face as he threw an arm over your shoulder.
"Yup." He smiled widely as you chuckled from beside him. Your arm rested around his waist.
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morphituu · 4 years
Chapter 22: Rehearsals 
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Ch: 1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8 - 9 - 10 - 11 - 12 - 13 - 14 - 15 - 16 - 17 - 18 - 19 - 20 - 21 
“Maaaama, mi amore- say mama,” Callie encouraged, her shirt clasped in Leo’s hold and a wide smile clamped around a melting teething chewy. The round, golden eyes locked on Callie still glimmered with unshed tears after waking from a nap following a sharp tooth breaking through his gums, but now his short legs kicked excitedly when she squealed like he after some numbing gel was lathered across his swollen pads.
“Oh my osito,” she sang, giggling when his staticky voice spiked into an excited shriek after she laid him across her chest. With any luck he'd catch the last of his afternoon nap and not completely derail his schedule the night before they left him. With one hand rhythmically patting his bottom in tune with a gentle song she hummed, the nails of her other dragged down his thick stripe of sandy colored locks, thick and tangled as hers always was.
Leo’s sleepy growls wound down to soft grunts, his little mouth pursing when he sucked on his tongue.
Her bottom lip quivered. To think she'd go four days without kissing this face or hearing his voice almost made her call off their already brief honeymoon despite desperately needing the break, not to mention the alone time she so craved from her husband to be. Quickies were fun in the moment, but when she'd have to walk right back out and balance Leo on her hip and a stack of laundry and dishes in the other arm, the yearn for a quiet, post-sex cuddle session resounded loudly in her bones.
“You know we’ll be back, right Leonardo? You won't even notice us you'll have so much fun with abuela y abuelo,” she smiled, recalling all of the toys Oleg had gone out to purchase in preparation for his grandson's extended visit, excitedly sending pictures to Nick every time he found something new.
Callie giggled, her eyes drifting up. She gasped softly, looking down at Leo. “Guess who's back?”
Her door swung open and Leo’s head craned back to find Nick placing their contribution to the dinner at her feet, a smile spreading across his gummy face immediately.
“What's with those sad eyes?” Nick pouted, reaching for Leo.
“His tooth broke through,” she handed him over, their son rubbing his tired eyes against Nick’s chest after being leaned into the crook of his beefy arm. Nick groaned, rubbing Leo’s back.
“I feel bad we're taking off right when this starts,”
“Me too,” Callie sighed, pushing her messy hair back from her face. “I keep rethinking it,”
Nick’s head lifted with a pout. “You don't wanna go anymore then?”
She exhaled loudly, shaking her head. “I really wanna go but I don't think the guilt will go away so I just gotta suck it up and deal with it,”
“We’ll only be a few hours away,” he reassured, a comforting squeeze left on her knee before he carried Leo to the backseat. Nick wiggled his face between Leo’s round cheek and shoulder to elicit bubbly giggles, his affections unyielding even after his son was safely strapped in his seat again, not until Callie reminded him that they were needed elsewhere.
A final squish of his cheeks, and Nick was off to the drivers seat again.
“Let’s do this,” he chimed, the dark clubmasters hiding the excited glint in his yellow eyes.
The weather was ideal for the windows to stay down, a soft breeze drifting through the cab that neither worried about overwhelming Leo as long as the traffic stayed this slow, but neither minded that, either. Nothing- not even that Callie’s dress had been delivered with a rip in the seam, could dampen their moods that day.
For weeks, more notably the sleepless nights they'd planned this and endless trial and error from music to food to seating, keeping enough excitement alive until their day came, and through rejections from churches that deemed their union unholy to now having a backyard wedding at his parents that a shocking number of family wasn't arriving to, they were here, the day before their wedding, and Callie couldn't shake the warmth that had held in her cheeks all day.
The butterflies fluttered about her stomach, bubbling in her throat when she tried to speak. As usual he held her hand while they drove, but now more than ever he toyed with her singular ring that would soon have it’s pair. When they stood in line to pick up Leo’s fitted outfit, he brought her decorated hand up to his lips to kiss shamelessly before the humans that rolled their eyes in disgust, further stirring the churning excitement before she leaned into his side to hide her blush.
Callie’s head landed against his arm rested over the center console, his big hand landing on her leg. Nick kissed her head while he drove, his thumb tracing the supple skin of her freckled thigh.
Callie grinned then. “I hope this song plays tomorrow,” she noted the raunchy beat bumping softly through the speakers.
Nick snorted. “Someone's uncle is gonna grind on someone's aunt,”
She giggled harmoniously, her face rotating in to hide against his bicep. Nick egged her on, the dirty comments flushing her cheeks and leaving her breathless as they drove leisurely along the backroads. At red lights he made it a point to steal kisses, his hand leaving the steering wheel to hold her jaw when a taste of her tongue became too tempting to refuse. They were honked at a few times, but Nick blew them off, telling his pretty fiancée “this is why we should've put the cans on the truck today”.
Their bantering settled enough to let silence pass between them, listening to Leo babble against his crinkly blanket or exclaim when he caught sight of himself in the mirror.
“Did Ward tell you what you guys are doing tonight?” she asked, pulling her hair over her shoulder when it whipped before her face.
“He won’t even give me a hint,” Nick huffed, endlessly worried they’d end up at a strip bar. “What about Rosie?”
“Just a girls night at her house,” she shrugged, hiding her excitement. A night to kick back with her feet up and gossip? With unproblematic people? It’s fucking paradise, she’d clarified to Nick when he was confused as to why bachelorette parties weren’t rambunctious like the mens. “I’m not drinking until the reception though,”
“Is it the Orkish champagne?”
She moaned, her eyes closing as saliva pooled in her mouth. “Forget the food, just hand me another glass of it when mine is empty,”
“One glass will have you on your ass, mama,” he reminded, peeking at her from over his clubmasters.
“Good thing my husband will be there to carry me away from the judging eyes of the public,” she said, her chin balancing on his shoulder as he pulled into his parents' driveway. The street was lined with their guests, the chatter from the backyard heard over their engine.
“Only because my wife is the fairest in all of LA,”
She pouted. “Just LA?”
“Who even matters outside of LA?” he asked.
“You’re right.” She leaned in for a quick kiss.
The pair went about gathering Leo from his seat and his numerous bags they’d store tonight in preparation for the following day, including a bouncer and swing. He was excited as ever when Callie lifted him from behind the buckles, the teething toy in his grasp. It took only three months for Leo to reach a girth that Callie could carry on her hip like a six month old, his head unwaveringly steady and held upright as he learned the world around him. Their pediatrician warned he’d fly through milestones faster than they could record, so when Leo started angrily gnawing on their hands and crying through the night, it took them some time to figure out he was simply teething when they’d normally not expect it until later. Moments were cherished with greater excitement after they realized how quickly Leo was growing, and how brief this baby stage would be.
It wasn’t until they’d at last received the results of his genetics test were they able to find some peace of mind knowing when he’d hit a year, this rapid aging would slow drastically.
Being seventy-six percent Orc meant doctors felt confident leaning towards the likelihood that Leo’s growth would match that of a full-blooded one, but the moments remained bittersweet for the parents. In the blink of an eye Leo went from being a wiggling newborn to a hefty calf able to sit up on his own and mimic their mouths when they spoke to him.
His yellow eyes tracked and narrow in on objects he wanted, his colored hands able to pick items, and Nick’s ear was always on the menu of items he loved to gnaw on.
At the call of his name he’d turn his head, and a smile would grace his lips when it was either of his parents. Callie would walk from corner to corner with him between her feet, his grasp tight around her fingers and his feet dragging less everyday he built up the muscles of his strong legs. When he’d be done from such an exerting exercise, a frown up at Callie would signal his reluctance to waddle any farther.
The pouts and angry chuffs were Nick’s favorite. He’d gnaw Leo’s thighs and roll him side to side just to see his little face snarl, a sharp cry rattling in his throat before he’d clamp onto Nick’s arm. Now that the sharp fangs were coming in, he found instigating a fight with his vicious little boy wasn’t in his best interest. It had only taken a few times for Leo to learn if he laid over his dad’s head, he was further defenseless, including those ears.
“Ah!” Leo exclaimed, reaching over Callie’s shoulder towards Nick. “Ahh!” he cracked again, looking at Callie.
“He’s comin’, don’t worry,” she assured, his chuff tickling her ear.
The door was cracked open upon walking up to it, and inside the furniture was already being moved around to create more space to linger around in.
“Late to her own rehearsal!” came Oleg’s booming voice, strutting in false intimidation from the hallway, but his angry scowl melted into a wide smile once Leo recognized him and reached.
“Is everyone here?”
“The booze went quickly,” he teased, walking toward the back of the house with Leo excitedly squealing in his grandpa’s arms.
“That’s what happens when you get Orcs and Mexicans together,” Nick commented, grunting his way in with all the bags slung across his arms and shoulders.
“They didn’t drink the champagne, did they?” Callie frantically asked, following Oleg and leaving Nick to topple over with Leo’s luggage.
Nick and Ward both sipped their beers alongside Matuk and Sergey, the summer sun having been unbearable until Dinara silenced the mens whining and dished out the cold drinks. But the sun still kept glaring down at them even as it drew near sunset, their shirts sticking to their skin and hunger growing. Dura had been the only one to be blessed with a chair at the front, her belly near bursting as her due date approached.
“Pay attention,” Dura hissed at Sergey, fanning her face with her sun hat.
“All I do is stand here-” he hissed back, silencing when Ward elbowed him.
“Can you shut the fuck up she’s about to come down,” Ward growled, jabbing his hand in the direction of the house.
“We’ve done this eight times, why do we need to be quiet?”
“He’s right, there’s no point,” Nick answered loudly, sipping his beer.
Ward glared at him in disbelief. “At your own rehearsal?”
“Look, they’re talking,” he pointed to Callie’s mom who sat beside Dyani and Joaquin, Leo and his mother coming to join them once she’d finished walking down the mock isle.
“Okay music, yada yada everyone stands, then Callie,” Dinara called, tip-toeing around the line of bridesmaids to stand beside Nick at the front.
It was just the rehearsal, and there was nothing to match how spectacular and dreamy it would be the following day, but Nick still smiled watching her walk down like that, a glowing smile on her face and hanging onto her father's arm. Nick tossed a kiss to her before she was even there, tipping his bottle back over his lips to hide a nervous smile when she winked at him.
For the eighth time, Nick shook Diego’s hand and accompanied Callie back to their spot at the front, his actions growing clumsier with every round.
“Pre-gaming?” she asked, smiling at Nick’s loose nod. She was sure his eyes were half-lidded behind his sunglasses.
“Okay dearly beloved and all that, they exchange vows, beads, rings and kiss,” Dinara recited from the front with Leo still in her arms, wiggling towards Nick when he made faces at him. He stopped only to peck Callie sweetly, snatching his son from his mother's arms. “And we’re done,”
There was a collective sigh of approval from everyone placed about in the wide yard, all of which were starved for the cool drinks and savory dinner laid out under the shade of the patio.
Sergey stumbled to Dura’s side and only laughed when she scolded him for already drinking himself into a cloud, but Callie was there to loop her arm around the expectant mother’s and assist in her waddle across the yard. Nick and Ward picked Sergey back up, leaving hard slaps on his back while they teased him over being a lightweight.
“I hope Morn feels better by tomorrow,” Callie pouted, feeling her friend's absence.
“She kicks shit fast, she’ll be good,” Ward answered. It was useless denying they’d become quite cozy with one another, especially when Nick had stopped by unexpectedly to find her wandering around Daryl’s house in his shirt. It was a sensitive topic, but Callie thought it sweet how lovingly he spoke of Morn when she wasn’t around. There was always the hint of a longing sigh somewhere in his words, a hardened pout pushing his mustache up.
“Was it a stomach bug? Daryl wasn’t feeling too good either,” Rosie noted, following her ear into their conversation.
“Was Dejza sick too?”
“Yeah I think that’s where she got the bug from. Grandparents wanted to see her,” Ward explained, finding a spot beside Nick once they all came up to the table. Leo perched on Nick’s thigh, reaching over to tap Callie’s arm so she’d talk to him as the others found their seats. The chatter of Callie and Nick’s chosen family was lively among their friends, the last minute preparations or concerns rising into question and then settling quickly. Food was passed through mouths as fast as the words, the plates filling just to empty minutes later for seconds and thirds. The men of Nick’s bachelor party were ordered to lay off the beer and instead fill up on food before their night of celebration and farewell, waving off their disapproving groans and wails.
By the time they were all dug into their meals, Leo was drifting in Nick’s arms with a bottle balanced on his chest, at last catching a nap to soothe away the throbbing in his gums they’d managed to mostly keep at bay all day with the chaos swarming around them.
When Leo spat out the bottle and rubbed his face, Nick took a final bite of the crispy pork ribs to lean back in his chair and cradle his son closer to his chest, a wide palm patting his bottom. Soft chuffs were the last of Leo’s attempts at consciousness before Nick’s purring did him in, his big eyes finally sliding shut.
Nick was lost staring at his son when Ward suddenly came into view, his ear almost close enough to press against his shoulder.
Ward snapped up, mild disbelief coloring his expressions. “Are you… vibrating?”
Callie laughed out loud, covering her mouth filled with food.
“Does Morn not purr?” Nick asked, Ward leaning away from him.
“P-purring? Y’all… purr?” he looked up hesitantly at the other Orcs around him who were unphased by his discovery.
“Does Morn really not?”
“No! I think I’d know if I heard somethin’ like that!” Ward exclaimed, returning to his meal with a shudder.
“I bet she does n’ it just puts you to sleep,” Sergey added, talking around a corn on the cob.
Daryl looked back to Nick. “Sophia always told me she reminded her of a cat and I thought it was cuz of the ears n’ shit,”
The table chuckled at that, their laughter heightening when Daryl again leaned into Nick’s chest to listen to the rumbles, even placing a hand flat on him to make sure it wasn’t some elaborate prank. The fervent manner in which everyone devoured the food calmed into small pickings here and there and the low rumble of chatter filling the backyard, everyone in their separate conversations or stories until Dinara pulled Nick's attention away from Callie and Rosie who spoke so fast, it only sounded like clicking.
“Ukmall, you’ll need to be here before eight to get Leo,” she informed, and his brows furrowed.
“So early?” he groaned, having fully expected a few hours to sleep off a hangover.
“Callie needs to get her hair done. The fumes are bad for him,” she scolded, and he looked back to his bride.
“You’re changing your hair?” he questioned with big eyes.
“Just a little bit,” she smiled, internally screaming. She’d come to this decision to alter her hair after talking herself out of going entirely blonde despite her curiosity for years pulling her the other direction, but now she wondered if he’d even notice.
“I guess I can get him,” he griped, leaning down to kiss Leo when Callie and his mother sucked their teeth in discontent.
“What time are people arriving?” Callie asked around Nick.
“Three, so we have a lot to do and a lot of cooking before people start showing up. That being said,” she grunted, standing at the head of the table with her glass of sweet tea raised. “I’d like to propose a toast and a thanks,”
Everyone hushed, reaching for their variety of drinks to hold up.
“We want to extend our thanks to Callie’s family who have graciously accepted us in, not to mention our son who came with a reputation,” she gestured at Nick, the table chuckling. “To everyone who’s helped and put up with my screaming,” she admitted to bashfully. “To my son, who I knew would be the father his own raised him to be, and now the husband I always knew he could be,” she smiled lovingly at Nick, his own grin goofy and adoring. Callie rubbed his arm, squeezing his wrist affectionately.
“And to Callie,” she cleared her throat, raising her glass. Callie’s smile dropped when she looked up, her anxiousness kicking into high gear. “It’s because of you my son smiled again, and it’s with your help he’s shown that beautiful baby in his arms such love. You weren’t only a gift in his life, but ours too, and no matter the paths you both might take from here on out, you’ll always have a place in our family. Cheeruk, mausan daughavas. Lat've bleukukun avhiuk famipak.” She finalized, her glass raised and Oleg following suit.
“I’d like to also say something,” Diego stood creakily, his age at last catching up to him after decades of back breaking work. He smoothed his hand down his church shirt, lifting his glass. “Mija, you haven’t always had the best of luck when it came to men, and to be honest I would’ve pulled my hair out if you had brought home another white boy,” he chuckled, the table following suit as Callie hid her face in despair. “But now I can rest easier at night knowing you have a man I would’ve hand-picked for you specially,” he tipped his head at Nick, the orc nodding once in return even though he was inwardly elated.
“I’m sorry the ones you were told growing up were your family didn’t make it here, but it’s their loss, cariña. If they can’t grow as much as you, let them leave. You’ve always been better than them. Nick,” he turned, startling his daughter’s groom.
“Thank you. You’re the standard I raised my daughters to expect, so thank you for taking care of her and Leonardo. I only want forever for you two.” He finished, his free hand resting on Luciana’s shoulder as she looked on at her daughter with watery eyes.
“I second that!” Rosie declared, Santi’s glass following his sister only to spill across the table's surface and onto her plate.
Her cheeks were hidden in her palms when they toasted, Dinara’s words whispered in translation into her ear by Nick after drinking to their parents speeches. He kissed her flushed cheek, promising the sincerity of her words. Her eyes wandered while Nick adored her secretly, watching their parents take turns hugging and speaking with smiles plastered across their faces. It helped ease some of the burns she’d been dealt when her family started RSVPing just to say they wouldn’t attend, and she wondered how much of it was because of Leo and how much was because of their choice to marry. Either way, she knew now who to keep up with.
The couple was dragged from their steamy bubble of secret kisses and whispers when Ward elbowed Nick insistently until he turned, motioning his head toward the door, but his hairless brows drew together.
“Are you okay?” he whispered, noting Ward’s lighter complexion.
He shook his head, waving his hand. “Drank too much,”
“They took our drinks-”
“Man let’s go!”
Nick turned back to Callie, a loose smile curling her lips.
“Is it time?” she asked, and he nodded, leaning in for another lengthy kiss. “If I get a call from Jake that one of his girls is shaking their asses in your face I’m gonna make sure you can’t make anymore babies,” she warned quietly, trying not to laugh when he gagged.
“I hid a nanny cam in the house so if I see a male stripper shoving his junk in your face I’m gonna throw you in the ocean,” Nick cracked back.
“I can’t swim!” she giggled, trying to frown.
“Yeah, you’ve been warned,” he kissed her before she could respond. “I love you, have a good night and be safe,”
“You be good,” she reminded, pursing her lips for another kiss before he lowered Leo into her arms and smooched him goodbye. “No tequila,”
He sucked air through his teeth, pointing at her. “I can’t promise that,” and he was off, following the others into the house after kissing his mom on the head. They grew rowdy once separated from their lovers except Matuk who was as stoic as ever, and they could be heard causing a commotion all the way to the cars until they were off.
“Ten bucks says they don’t make it past midnight,” Rosie announced.
“Make it twenty,” Oleg raised his beer, his bright smile tightening when Dinara elbowed him in the side before making her way over to Callie as the rest of their guests found separate conversations to delve into.
“Callie, I’d like to show you something we picked up today,” she said under her breath, tugging on her elbow.
“Oh?” she piped, tapping Rosie’s shoulder so she could deposit her hefty son into her arms. Rosie doted over him lovingly, endless kisses pressed into his cheeks as he was roused from his nap, but that would be her problem, now. By the time Leo was awake and gnawing angrily into his tia’s cheeks in retaliation, Dinara had led Callie into her room where the bed was lined with pressed and covered clothing, some decorations and linens hung over the small bench at the end. Callie wandered, her hands gravitating towards the colorful flowers protected in plastic boxes.
“Here, look,” Dinara called from the desk at the corner of the room.
The small lamp was flipped on when Callie was at her side, watching as she lifted the lid from a silver box carefully, but upon removing the satin material protecting whatever was underneath, her hands moved even more gingerly than before until a shining, silver plate looked up at them. Orkish letters were carved deep into its face, but the polished grooves were clean, elegant.
“Marriage Armor, it’s called. The bride wears the plate with her new name upon her back and the groom wears the bride's zodiac on his shoulders and chest,” she explained, a smaller pouch that she had in the top drawer of the desk emptying into Callie’s palm. The charms were attached to thin, dainty chains, and carved from a deep, grey metal shaped into bull heads.
Callie smiled, studying their details. “Nick will wear these?”
“Mhm. You’ll both wear the bracelets that are exchanged, but those are kept for the day of. Right now we need to get this on you to make sure it fits,” she explained, opening the pouch so Callie could deposit the charms back inside.
The ‘armor’ had length to it she at first couldn’t see between the satin covers. Her own sparkling chains braided across the shoulders as one long, jeweled piece ran the length of her back, stretching from the plate that spelled Jakoby. When Dinara had it balanced on her shoulders so she could clasp it at her front, she saw where the chains came together into the shape of the Taurus symbol. With delicacy she touched the pieces on her shoulders and at the center of her chest while it was adjusted at her back, her smile beaming. It was heavy- this was definitely some special mineral, for she’d never seen one of such weight be polished finely enough to catch even the smallest glimmer of these dim lights.
“Tomorrow you’ll glow during that sunset,” Dinara smiled, tugging the chains at either side of her shoulders. “Poor Nick will be so blindsided we might have to give his men a heads up,”
They giggled, Callie’s smile wavering when Dinara held her hands tightly, staring at her with glossy eyes. “These plates are traditional. A male’s mother hands them down to his bride if she approves, so these should have come from my own mother in law, but they didn’t,”
Callie’s smile fell. “What?”
“Oleg’s mother hates me. She wanted her boy to have the smiling, waxy wife who pops babies out like rats. So I had these made the day before we were married, and I wore them in front of her,” she grinned.
“Reclaimed the name?” Callie smirked.
Dinara nodded. “It’s a good name despite the reputation that came with it when you met my son,”
Callie only hugged her, their arms tightly wound one another in that moment. “Thank you,” she said, giving her a last squeeze before they both wiped their cheeks of any stray tears.
“Well it fits,” she giggled before the two got her out of the intricate chains and back into the sleek box.
“Come on then,” the orc sniffled, turning the light off. “Let’s finish the night.”
Nick’s hand still hadn’t come down from shielding his eyes, but as long as Ward was emptying his dinner and three beers onto Sergey’s lawn, he wasn’t going to even bother glancing at him. His excitement had drained the entire two hours it took to get here, it’s gradual drip starting as soon as they’d left his parents.
“I’m fine, I just drank too fast,” were the kind of things Ward kept saying to excuse his deteriorating, sweating form, but Nick knew he’d heard him heaving into the toilet after calling Morn to ask exactly what she’d come down with. Still, he insisted he was fine the entire duration it took him to shower and change before they headed to Sergey’s next, but by the time they’d gotten in the car, Sergey was starting to look worse for wear, too.
As soon as the car had come to a stop, both of them were falling out, one running into the house and the other making it to the lawn before he lost his composure. Now, Nick was alone in this filthy mess after Matuk had ditched them, but Nick hadn’t expected him to go, really. Bachelor parties didn’t seem like his thing even though there was nothing to celebrate anymore.
“Juh- just gimme a min-” Ward choked, retching loudly.
“For three months I’ve dealt with puke almost daily,” Nick explained calmly, his eyes still hidden.
Daryl coughed.
“You’ve been hyping me up for this for weeks,”
Ward nodded, spit hanging off his bottom lip. “I’no,”
Nick dropped his hand and sighed when thirty seconds had passed- the longest yet- without him heaving, and he couldn't help laugh a little. Ward wasn’t the kind of person to ever show vulnerability even when he was hurt, so seeing him hunched over and whimpering meant taking a few photos should’ve been his top priority, but Nick showed mercy on his friend while the other was lost somewhere in his house likely calling Dura to cry.
“C’mon,” Nick groaned, lifting Ward’s limp body off the ground.
“I need t’go to Morn's,” he grunted, walking unsteadily beside him.
“She can come get you after I drop you off,” Nick used his lighter voice, clearing his throat when he realized what he was doing. “Sit down,”
Ward instead flopped into the backseat, exclaiming when his head smacked the door panel. He continued to wail when Nick used his foot to push his feet in, flinching at how loudly he protested.
“Jesus now I know why Sherri was such a bitch,” Nick mumbled, closing the door before Ward could scream at him. “Stay there,” he knocked against the window, turning towards the house. “Let me go check the other child…”
What started as Nick’s bachelor party he had looked forward to for weeks, had turned into a mini-pandemic between the parties involved- thank god they left his parents house when they did- and had resulted in Nick getting one giant man baby into bed with clean clothes after he was found on his bathroom floor, and cleaning the puke out of Ward’s car when he voided even more of himself while waiting. It hadn’t come without a cold scolding from Nick, demanding to know why he couldn’t have opened the door beside his head if he had enough power to sit up and spray everywhere, but Ward stopped listening when the words became languages he didn’t know.
He hollered and gagged the entire way back to driving Daryl home, bursting from the car as soon as he was parked, but that only meant helping clean this one up too.
After nearly three hours of scrubbing, and gagging, and screaming, Nick sat on Ward’s porch waiting for his Uber, a cold beer in hand. No amount of air freshener or borrowed cologne would mask the raw stench of vomit under his nails and on his clothes. He’d likely throw these away- his nose was too keen to allow back into his closet. Too bad; he really liked this shirt.
Night had at last crept over LA, leaving only a soft orange glow where the sun had slipped from. The night was humid, but cool, and the woven chair he sat in wasn’t half bad.
He looked at his phone, tracking the driver who was coming down the street.
He’d made the move multiple times to message Callie, but he couldn’t bring himself to halt her night, either. If she hadn’t messaged him about anything, that meant no sickness had befallen them either, right? Maybe they’d been lucky to avoid catching it from Daryl. He texted his mom at least, warning of a stomach bug floating around and to keep a closer eye on Leo.
A compact little sedan rolled up, and Nick groaned. Now he had to squeeze into that.
What am I even gonna do all night… he pondered, walking towards the car. He chuckled. Sleep.
Nick slipped in the open door, closing it noisily behind himself before spinning the bolt shut. His palm popped up just as he smacked his inner arm, his keys flying onto the counter and sliding noisily across its surface.
Never, not even after his most grueling days at the academy or after an even more grueling workout did he ever desire a shower and sleep like this moment, kicking his shoes off excitedly.
He froze, his head half in the cabinets looking for something to take with him. Nick leaned out of the kitchen entry, his ears twitching. Was that…?
“Cal?” he called back warily.
“Maybe,” she called back, and he was off towards the bedroom he hadn’t even noticed had been shut.
The TV was mumbling lowly with her favorite show, but she wasn’t on the bed like he expected. Instead, sitting on the carpet on a folded blanket surrounded by her phone and wires that made up her headphones and charger with a pre-roll between her fingers, he found her sitting beside the cracked sliding glass door so the smoke could wisp out into the night.
Her eyes were just as wide as his, the pair speechless.
“What are you doing here?” he asked, almost afraid to move. Where’s Leo?
“What are you doing here?” she returned, knowing he’d seen the joint in her hold.
“Ward and Sergey-”
“Got sick?” she interrupted, her mouth tightening. He nodded, snorting.
“The girls too?”
She nodded, relaxing a little bit. “I thought you were off already doing the bachelor party thing so I just came home… and left Leo with your parents,”
“Yeah I didn’t call them either,” he confided softly, licking his bottom lip.
“So…” she looked around. Why was this so awkward!?
Nick watched her, leaned back on his hands after pulling a fresh shirt over his scrubbed skin. His head lolled to the side, watching her at last let out the insane breath she’d pulled in. The smoke from this one smelled foul compared to the scented trails from a cartridge, but he wouldn’t speak out against it.
By the time he’d come out of the shower, she had gone through half its length and her eyes were already falling shut. Eight months of sobriety brought her tolerances way down, but this was also the first time in months he hadn’t seen her chewing her inner lips or bouncing her knee. What a wonderful remedy this was, but the stigma attached to it would always leave Nick hesitant.
“That wine is gonna knock you out tomorrow,” he mumbled, grinning when she swatted sleepily at his foot.
“I thought we already agreed you’d catch me,” she reminded, twisting the butt in the ashtray before looking at him.
“Only if I can get really shit faced in San Diego,” he whined, and she laughed.
“Duh, me too,”
He smiled, watching her fidget around on the blanket and fix her hair hanging around her shoulders. She looked down at the ring on her hand, smiling adoringly at its face then clutching her palm to her chest. Soft humming came from her, a soft sway back and forth starting.
“What’re you doing?” he asked, knowing she’d fallen into her dreamy haze.
Callie shrugged, looking up at him. Those balmy eyes were glowing, her cheeks flushing. “I can’t believe we’re getting married tomorrow. It feels like it’s taken decades to get here but it’s only been… pfft three years? And now we have our baby?” she pouted, holding her own face.
“Wow,” Nick mumbled, smiling at her in amusement.
“I shouldn’t have left him there, I need to call your parents-”
“Cal,” he called, catching her frantic eyes. “He’s fine. Take a breath,”
She paused before nodding, sighing instead of taking an appropriate breath.
“I wanna be on whatever planet you’re on,” his words nudged her away from that guilt, a little smile lifting his spirits when he worried about her mental state. Sometimes the break-through anxiety was sneaky.
Her brow perked up, her smile growing devious.
“I can’t,” he reiterated.
“You can,”
“I can’t,”
“It would be out of your system in two days. We’ll be back way after that,” she too reminded him of the miraculous gift that was an Orcs metabolism, but Nick was a faithful worker and had his own, brittling views on the earth-made herb she relied on. “You didn’t get enough that first time,”
“It tastes like ass,” he defended, growing weary when Callie sashayed towards him with the ashtray and lighter pinned under her palm. “It makes my lips dry,”
“I’m not stopping until I hear ‘no’,” she clarified, sitting between his spread legs stretched across the floor and lighting the end of the blunt.
Still, Nick remained silent, watching her suck in her own small hit until the embers were crackling at the end. “I won’t make you do it if you don’t want to,” she told him, sensing his hesitation. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to. If he liked the buzz from drinking, he was sure he’d like the buzz from smoking, but his encounters in the past not to mention the particular one that had left him in a room full of laughing people during a bad trip left bitter emotions.
But he trusted Callie when reminding him she’d never do such a thing, and she trusted her when she said, “You’ll like it,”
“And I’ve seen how jittery you’ve been,” she noted, patting the hand that had moved to rest on her thigh when he sat forward.
“Who wouldn’t be?” he asked, pinching the shrinking joint between his fingers when she passed it. Then she sat back on her bottom, crossing her legs.
“It’s your decision, baby. I want you to have a good time but not if you’re uncomfortable,” she told him, knowing even in her bombed state that despite Nick accepting this more over the years and his own curiosity growing, pressuring someone wasn’t how you did it.
He rolled it a little bit between his fingers, glancing at her with his critical, yellow eyes.
Ugh, he’s so yummy-
“How long do I hold my breath?” his voice disrupted her thoughts.
“As long as you can,”
Nick sighed, looking at it one last time. “Fuck it, why not,”
Callie’s eyes widened every second he kept inhaling, caught between warning him and possibly making him panic or letting him get one huge drag in instead of coughing through a bunch of little ones, but by the time she decided, he was done. Silent, holding his breath, his eyes already watering when he handed it back.
Without looking she snuffed it out, waiting. “Nick?”
He exhaled loudly, a cloud of smoke blowing around her that she swatted towards the cracked door. The coughing started before he even finished his breath, the next one bubbling up his throat before the previous one finished. His throat and nose burned, and he could’ve sworn he felt his trachea vibrating with every ragged cough.
“Cough as hard as you can, it helps,” she coached, rubbing his back when he rolled onto his stomach to smother his teary eyed face in the carpet.
The ferocity of the coughing rang down his arms, his head throbbing when he managed to sit back up, but with the calming of his body came… warmth.
Nick cleared his throat over and over, wiping the back of his hands across his eyes, but the warmth surrounding his head was making it hard to keep his eyes open. They felt like they could fall into a slumber at any moment, but his mind was as wakeful as ever. He glanced down at his body; why did he feel so… floaty? He cleared his throat again of its scratch while rocking side to side, tensing his arms. Upon lifting his hand, he found he still had full coordination.
He snorted, coughing a little.
“Are you okay?” His head snapped around, finding Callie staring at him in suspense. “How do you feel?”
He inhaled. “I feel like there’s cotton in m’head,” he mumbled, an eye closing. “Like fuzzy cotton,”
She repressed giggles. “But are you okay?”
He nodded loosely, looking around their cluttered room. “It’s like being drunk but sober,”
“I’ve never been able to explain it that well,” Callie grieved, her arms throwing up into the air. “Are you gonna be one of those insightful people when you’re stoned?”
Nick blinked, his eyes reflecting when Callie snapped a photo of him. “Who?” he asked.
“Oh my god.” Callie mumbled.
“Damn,” Nick exclaimed under his breath, his face twisted in horror.
“I know,” Callie nodded, her knee draped over his thigh.
“Could you imagine…?
“No. It’s bad enough we have dragons,” she said against his chest. Every blink felt like eternity.
“Imagine if they did that,” Nick pictured, his body shuddering under hers. “What’s this movie called?”
“Princess Mononoke,”
He scoffed; no way he was remembering that. Nick took a final bite of their ordered dinner, chewing slowly as he stretched to rest the bowl on his nightstand. Maybe this would finally calm his voracious appetite, but as long as Callie kept opening that bag of Doritos, he was hopeless.
“I’m gonna gain thirty pounds by tomorrow,” he mumbled into her hair, the both of them chuckling.
“I never lost my thirty,” she pouted comically, stuffing another chip into her mouth.
“Damn, what that mouth do?” he teased around a yawn.
“Yo mama,” she mumbled, giggling when he snorted.
Silence lulled between the two snuggled and surrounded by snacks in the bed, both of their minds lost somewhere in the clouds as they re-watched various Netflix series.
He thought he’d heard her slip in and out of sleep earlier, but truth be told, he could’ve been listening to himself breathe. There had been a few times his reddened eyes snapped open to be in the middle of a completely different episode, but mentioning it would be admitting he was falling asleep which he continued to adamantly deny. With a blind reach, he retrieved his phone from the nightstand.
Just a little past midnight, but way too late. He was enjoying this too much, though. Nick was only selfish in the sense that sometimes he just wanted to snuggle right up to Callie and feel her body against his. The last time they’d had a moment like this without Leo in the way was at the beginning of her pregnancy, and laying like this only made him realize how long ago that was.
“We should be in bed,” Nick mumbled, rubbing his eye.
“We are in bed,” she laughed, sliding her cheek up to look at him.
“You know what I mean. Big day tomorrow,” he looked down at her, reaching to move some of her hair from her cheek so he could better see those big eyes that always sparkled.
“Everytime I think about it I get so nervous,” she whispered.
She shrugged. “I dunno. It feels like that first time I met you at Santa Monica. I stress ate like seven funnel cakes. I was so anxious,” she admitted shyly.
“I changed a bunch of times. Couldn’t decide on anything,”
“Oh you did good, sir,” she winced, biting her bottom lip. “You could’ve drowned in my panties,”
“I would’ve if your sister hadn’t’ve interrupted,” he grumbled, forever bitter.
“Oh hush, it was a sign we would be together forever,”
“How so?” he questioned, twisting in her direction a little.
“I would’ve never called a guy back if that happened with anyone else, but you were so perfect that I swallowed the embarrassment and saved my horniness for another day,”
Nick smiled, a big goofy one. “Shut up,”
“Shut me up then,” she came back with, fast as a whip.
His eyes dropped to her lips, lingering before coming back to her eyes. “Isn’t that bad luck?”
“It was bad luck when we both ended up home,” she whispered, the weight of her hand once on his chest now coming to stretch across his meat.
That was enough convincing for Nick.
Callie was a little slower getting over him, but her heated kisses kept him concentrated on what they both wanted. When she was in her spot sitting in his lap, he could better taste her tongue after pulling her chest flush against his, his strong hands quickly continuing to her round ass he pulled back and forth over his growing dick. A steadying hand against his chest meant he could leave her skin that was marked red where he grabbed, her hips resuming the motions.
With his bottom lip pinched between his teeth, he easily pulled her loose sleeping shorts aside, revealing her plump pussy lips.
He could already feel how warm she was through his sweats, shortening his breaths in anticipation.
“You’re so hot,” he admired, looking up in time for her hair to fan around them when leaning down to kiss him. Strong, sinewy arms wrapped tightly around her waist, grounding himself to the angel that squirmed in his hold deliciously. Silently, inwardly, he thanked those who had blessed him with such a girl, promising to worship more as soon as he was done with this.
A firm tug on the ends of her shirt had it flying past her fingertips, thrown to the floor.
Callie gripped the railing to the headboard when he pulled her chest into his open mouth, a long lick gliding over a hardened nipple that had goosebumps fire up her arms. She snickered when he smacked his lips a few times, moving onto the other side. An old technique had her limp in his hold, her thighs tightening at his sides. He encouraged her hips to keep moving, his cock desperate for attention, but her mind was only a pool of melted pleasure at that point.
A hard gasp fell from her wet lips when he graced her clit with tight circles, hanging off of his neck to look down at his hand flat against her lower stomach as his thumb massaged her into a trance. Gradually her eyes fell shut, hair sticking to her cheeks while she panted softly.
His loose smile made her rock into his touch. “You want it already, don’t you?” he asked quietly, his voice vibrating with growls; Callie could only nod. He pecked her sloppily. “Get naked,”
Callie stumbled off into the center of the bed to kick off her shorts and socks, moving onto the food and remotes and phones that were now being swept onto the floor without a care.
Nick’s shirt and sweats had already been tossed off, but now as he rummaged through the drawer of his bedside table, his excitement was plummeting. Here was the box, but…
“We’re out of condoms,” he announced, looking back at her sat naked at the center of the bed on her knees with her dishevelled hair a mess around her shoulders. It only added to the tragedy of the situation.
“So?” she asked, her fingers drumming against her thighs.
Nick stood straight, his head cocking.
Since she’d been cleared for sex there hadn’t been a session they forgot to use protection, no matter how it dampened the sensation. He’d done it for her, for he wasn’t the one who’d be carrying anymore surprise babies, although it was the memory of her sweet, bare pussy around his unsheathed cock that helped bring him to an end, now. He’d wanted to ask her, even just for one quick slide in, but Nick had always assumed this was the new norm until either of them were snipped.
“Are you- really?” he asked.
“I hate them, Nick. I’m so over using them,” she exhaled, her shoulders drooping. “I’ve been trying to be good but if I have to ride your dick one more time with a balloon over it-”
She yelped, her legs pulled from under her ass and Nick finding his spot between her flailed knees when she realized what happened.
The mood shifted again, and suddenly they were in perfect sync.
Her knees drew upwards when the top of his thighs pressed under her bottom, his hand finding its place at the bend of her leg that was closest to her chest.
She made it up onto an elbow when he spit at his tip pressed against her entrance, her hand hovering against his belly.
“I’ll go slow,” he soothed, meeting her eyes. The first time they’d reunited in bed, his excitement resulted in hurting her, and from that came the need to remind him to be gentle, even this far down the road. A guilt he’d always carry, but he’d work on fixing it.
It didn’t burn this time his head popped in, his thick shaft following until she was filled to his base. Her shoulders fell back with a loud sigh while his eyes slammed shut, pressing to her as tightly as he could. He’d dived into a pool of ecstasy, sending strong shivers up and down his spine as he basked in her heat.
The stinging tug of a condom was at last absent, and there was only Nick’s velvet skin gliding against hers, creating the friction she so wildly desired.
“Baby,” she called, holding the hand at her leg when he stared down at where they were joined. His dilated eyes landed on hers, a low snarl curling his lips when he withdrew only to slip back in.
Her head rolled back in time with her eyes, a loud moan rumbling under the hand that slid up his chest when he rested forward on his hands, her knee hooked around his chiseled arm. He’d draw out until her heat was kissing his head, just so he could feel that delicious pressure before pushing back in. Nick leaned into one hand so he could touch her, dragging his rough hands up and down her body that gravitated towards his caresses. When her pussy bucked into his thrust, a surprised moan came from him, an eager thrust bouncing her.
A low, rumbling growl moved into her when he yanked her hips up in line with his, his nostrils flaring as he scented them together like this.
“Do it,” she smiled, her feet planted into the sheets behind him.
Their eyes locked during the time he adjusted his feet beneath himself, his breaths deep and loud. A few leisure bucks were her warmup, and then came that smirk. She bowed until she balanced on her shoulder blades, his grunts and chuffs nothing compared to the singing made in his name during his fucking. He was a force driven purely by instinct; the need to fill his girl again, to lay claim to what would officially be his that day.
The slapping of their bodies coming together drowned out the TV beside them, Callie’s resounding cries piled atop his raucous moans as he shoved his way into her body again and again, her juices covering them as he pounded that spot hidden deep between her tightening walls.
Her ass was dropped from his hold so he could lean forward for a kiss, her mind spinning when he rolled her on top of him.
With a flip of her head to move her hair off her sticky back, Callie sat straight, her fingertips guiding him back in as her knees slid out until she was sitting flat on him, flinching when his tip found the back of her pussy.
God, she was so small in his hands when he held her cinched waist; if he stuck his thumbs out, they could touch.
A deep moan rang in his chest when she snapped her hips back and forth, her sweet cunt massaging his entire length. When a dip of her center was particularly low, she’d gasp, holding her stomach where it felt he was poking, but a wide smile always followed those overpowering shocks of spine curling bliss.
Nick held steadfast to her hips, guilty in keeping her flat against himself so there was the added friction on his head.
“Oh fuck,” he drawled, his hand landing back into the sheets.
“Nick-” she gasped, her hand flying to his chest. “I’m-”
His last burst of energy was used flipping them again so she was spread below him, his hands hooking under her knees to push back into the bedding beside her ribs.
There was no more words as he poked his way back in, pistoning into her with such power her toes curled, her arms falling limp above her head when her climax came crashing around her. In an instant, she was stiff as a board, her legs strong enough to fight past his hold and stretch straight in tight trembles at his sides as he continued. When she could catch her breath, she shouted, a deep flush blooming across her cheeks and chest. Nick watched with a proud smile as she convulsed under him, her silent mumbles barely words as she came down from her high.
Her limp thighs shook mightily in his hold when he pushed them apart, their bodies touching in a paused moment so he could adore her with soft kisses.
She was still breathless as he brushed his lips across her jaw, her soft throat pulsing with the blood racing through her. Her pussy throbbed dully around him compared to the fist like hold he barely made it through moments ago.
A soft whisper in his ear brought the tempo back up, but Nick wanted to stay like this.
A beauty such as her was only admired best this close, and even though she’d found her climax, she whimpered below him, holding his face as he fucked her sweetly. Her ankles locked behind him, a heady groan to follow before he dropped his face beside hers.
“Should I cum on your stomach?” he panted, his thrusts weakening as the pleasure peaked.
“Inside me,” she kissed into his cheek, tightening the hold with her legs. “Cum inside me baby,”
The hand lost in her hair gripped her roots, a loud hiss coming from between her teeth when his entire body tightened and jerked against her flushed cunt. The screaming engine of Nick’s orgasm overtook him like a wave would at the beach, ringing from every end of his body and back to his center that spilled into his ecstatically beautiful bride to be. He grunted with every thick stream of semen forced into the space they both snuggly occupied, slowly stilling until they were both a heaving pile of sweaty parts and cloudy minds.
He worried he’d crush her the longer he laid over her, but the soft gliding of her hands up and down his back were too good to pass up. He exhaled, his face buried between the mattress and her head. “Fuck,”
Callie giggled, her cheek leaning into his so he’d force himself up to look at her. The urgency was gone in their kisses, but now he could feel how sleepy she was.
“Ready?” he asked against her mouth, only moving when she nodded. Her thighs trembled when he dragged out of her, bringing a thick stream of the nectar he’d left behind.
“Oh I can feel that,” she grimaced, sitting up on her elbows warily. It wasn’t clear at that point if it was the weed or sex that had left her feeling like her head was vacant.
“You should see it,” he smirked, his cocky pride coming through. “How many siblings did you want Leo to have?”
“Ha,” she shouted. “Good luck getting me pregnant ever again. My body said one and done,” she grunted sitting up, scurrying off to the bathroom after Nick had hoisted her up. He didn’t answer, and wouldn’t. Callie adored the idea of having a big family, but the night the topic came up when Leo was two months old, it only ended in her confiding in Nick that she felt she’d never be so lucky again. She wasn’t wrong in saying her body would likely fight off pregnancy for years, maybe endlessly if they ever tried again. Where it once happened so effortlessly, the time following to get where they were now had left them both a little… doubtful.
Nick yanked the blanket off their bed, tossing it beside the door so he could flop into the cool sheets of the mattress after turning off the lights and TV. His arms were already open when she came wobbling back in, her naked body collapsing into his. They rolled and wiggled until they found their spots, her head tucked under his chin and their legs tangled.
“We broke like four traditions,” she mumbled through a closed jaw.
“Thinking about it, I don’t think it applies to us,” he yawned; the sleepiness was at last getting to him. She looked up at him curiously.
“Our whole relationship is taboo. Curses don’t apply to morally incorrect choices,” he explained, laughing when she did.
“Yeah I guess you’re right,” she settled, her soft smile lingering when he rubbed her arm. The soft breeze from their ceiling fan moved her loose hair around his arm, tickling his skin, but the gentle strokes across his chest from her was lulling him into sleep.
“You’re not gonna bail on me tomorrow, right?” she asked suddenly, and his eyes opened.
He leaned away from her so he could better see her face when she looked up. “Why would you ask that?”
“I had to ask, my mind wouldn’t let me put it to rest,” she sighed. “I’m sorry,”
“Hey,” he pulled her chin up, holding her face. “I’ve been trying to get you to marry me for years, remember?”
She giggled, nodding. “What if right when I said yes you were like ‘fuck, she said yes, what do I do now?’”
“Oh my god that brain of yours,” he sighed, laying back down to pull her tight against his chest. “I’ll prove it to you when I’m waiting at the altar,”
“Promise?” she asked, her big eyes already closed. He pushed some hair aside, her lids fluttering a moment.
did i plant a seed in this chapter? are those church bells in the distance? honeymoon in san diego where they have the best tacos HWHAT?
only 3 chapters left! ;_; thanks for reading, my loves! ❤
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canid-slashclaw · 5 years
The Outliers - A Guildwars Love Story
Chapter 5
Four months had past since Kaleb's introduction into the Seraph guard. During that time, both he and his best friend Brad had distinguished themselves as fine, albeit troublesome, soldiers.  Cynthia Waterstone who had been their mutual friend, commanding sergeant and (occasionally) Brad's lover, had helped the two young men excel in many facets of their military life. 
Training as a warrior, Kaleb had become renown for his use of the broadsword as well as the use of short-range pistols.  Brad, meanwhile, excelled at using the long bow, and as a ranger, he could also do petty well with axes.  
The trio was stationed at a Lionguard base known as Kessex Haven that was located in the Kessex Hills region.  Throughout their brief duration at the base, they had all seen plenty of combat; especially against the centaurs.   Kaleb was busy affixing a piece of armor to his damaged pauldron when Sergeant Waterstone stepped in front of him.  
"Ten hut!"
"Ma’am!  I mean, sir!" Kaleb stood up as he saluted his commanding officer. 
"At ease, private.  How goes the repairs?"
"Armor cracked after receiving a blow from a centaur’s javelin.  It’s all better now," Kaleb said as he showed her the now-repaired piece. 
"Not a bad piece of work there, private.  Even if I do say so myself." Cynthia saluted him then turned away.
"Thank you, sir.  But I have a question..."
"Go ahead and ask." "Rumor has been floating that Seraph are prepping for a major assault on Earthworks Bluff.  Is there any truth to this?"  Kaleb asked as he refastened the repaired pauldron onto his armor.
"Officially, you are on a need-to-know basis.  And right now, officially, you don’t need to know," Sergeant Waterstone replied. 
"Then what about the antithesis of official?" "Unofficially? We may be setting up for a major assault upon the centaur main base. The reason being, our supply lines keep getting disrupted and all roads leading into our fort have become too hazardous for many merchants to travel," Cynthia said with a hint of resignation in her voice. 
"So what you're saying is we are being strangulated."
"Yup, that's what's happening. Unless we find a way of neutralizing their main base of operations, our supply lines will continue to be disrupted to the point merchants will be too afraid to replenish our stores.  The Lionguard are stretched thin as it is and they can only do so much to protect the roads.  The rest is up to us, unfortunately."
Brad located his friends among the throng of gray armor-clad soldiers. As their gazes met, he slung his sturdy long bow over his left shoulder and began to give them a hearty wave.   "Come join the party, corporal.  Three's company is good company as my father used to say," Cynthia shouted as she beckoned for him to come over.
"Any luck scoring a few hits on some apples?"  Kaleb asked as he shook the hand of his lifelong friend.
"One taur got it through the eye socket.  Arrow didn't pierce that thick skull of his, but that beast did run off in full gallop bleating like a castrated bull," Brad said with a laugh.
"Ouch. That must bite for them being unable to wipe their own bottoms.  I mean, what would happen if one of them got shot in the ass and no one was there to pull the arrow out?"  Kaleb mused as he made a mock gesture of firing a bow.   "Only you would think of something like that, Kal."  Cynthia quipped. "Just considering sound military strategy, ma'am... I mean, sir." Shortly thereafter, the platoon captain arrived and announced the official plan in preparing for the assault.  He mentioned that food stores were in dire shortage and that the only feasible supply route was via a nearby lake port town called Triskell Quay. 
Captain Errol Conrad stood in front of his troops to address them.   "Each of you may have heard rumors regarding the assault upon the Earthworks Bluff.  I am here to confirm that those rumors are, in fact, true.  Before the next sunrise tomorrow, our forces will be marshaled at the foothills of the centaur base."
The captain gazed across the rows of armor-clad troops as he continued his speech.  "It is also true that our food stores are running dangerously low.  We are in desperate need of grain and protein staples.  About twenty miles from our base, lies at the lakeport town of Triskell Quay.  Information from the locals indicates that there are a couple of meat supply stores located somewhere within the town."
"Currently, our garrison has only one serviceable supply carriage.  All of the others have either been damaged or destroyed.  Henceforth, what I am calling upon is for at least one qualified volunteer to commandeer said carriage, ride into town and requisition the necessary supplies."
Without hesitation, Kaleb shouted.  "Then I'm you're man, sir."
"Say your name, private."
"Private Kaleb Grimwald, first infantry, sir.  I'm a wagon maker by trade and can probably lift and carry more stuff in a shorter amount of time than just about any man, or woman, here."
"I can vouch for him, sir," Sergeant Cynthia Waterstone shouted as she saluted the captain. 
"Me too," chimed Brad. 
Shortly thereafter, several other soldiers vouched for Kaleb's abilities as well. 
"Congratulations, private.  It looks like you've been volunteered."
"Thank you, captain. All I need is a sturdy dolyak and a trusted comrade to tag along."
Brad whistled.  "That's me! Sir!"
Several of the Seraph soldiers helped Kaleb hitch the dolyak onto the transport wagon.  His friend, Brad, made sure everything was secured properly before climbing onto the riding bench. 
Kaleb made some last minute checks to see if the wagon's structural integrity was secure.  Captain Connor approached then beckoned for the two men to come. 
"A brief word, private, corporeal.  I didn't want to announce this to the rest of the troops, but there's something else you and your comrade should know."
"What would that be, sir?"  Brad asked curiously.
"Just so the two of you are aware - the only meat suppliers in town who have the capability of providing enough stock for our troops are, shall we say, not human."
"Well, if they are norns then loading up a ton of meat will be a breeze," Kaleb said with a smile.
"That makes two problems, private.  First - the owner is disabled.  Second - both he and his offspring are charrs." 
The news hit Kaleb and Brad like a load of bricks. 
"Charr?! Why would their kind be living in a mostly human settlement?" Brad said in a disgusted tone. 
"Dunno.  Perhaps they are taking advantage of the peace treaty to expand their business.  Either way, I don't want this information to become common knowledge.  Is that clear?"
Both man said to their captain in unison.  "Yessir!"
The captain gave a quick salute.  "Good luck you two." 
Kaleb then turned to Captain Connor and asked.  "Sir?  You mentioned about one of them being disabled.  What about the other one?  Are they able to do anything?"
"The other one is about your size - small by charr standards.  And rumor has it that it - can't tell if its a male or female as they all look alike to me - mostly sits up in their room doing whatever it is that charr do.  In other words, I wouldn't hold your breath on expecting any help from either of them.  The both of you are on your own.  Now, dismissed!”
With a final salute, the two lifelong friends headed out from the base as they began their journey towards the small fishing village. 
The air that permeated Triskell Quay was rife with the odor of dead fish that emanated from the boat docks.  Kaleb's nostrils had not yet acclimated to the pungent scent that was typical of all waterside communities.  As the two men entered the outskirts of town, they noticed a couple of pedestrians walking by.  Not being of shy disposition, Kaleb immediately took it upon himself to ask for directions. 
"Excuse me.  But where can I find a meat marked that's run by a couple of charr?"
"I dunno why fellas like you would be lookin' fer um, but they's place is just up the road a couple of miles due west.  Look for the sign that says Blazeridge Butcher Shop & Marketplace. And if ye can't find it, just follow yer nose till ya gets a whiff of something that smells like a cross between dead cows and a smeltin' factory."
Kaleb and Brad thanked the gentleman for providing the directions then proceeded to follow the instructions they were given.  When they rounded the west corner, Kaleb could detect the unmistakable smell of burning coal along with the faint stench of ripe meat.
"Holy Balthazar!  Are charr really this nasty?  The cistern in my uncle’s backyard smells better than this place!"  Brad commented as he winced up his nose at the pungent aroma. 
"You are naive, bro.  All slaughterhouses have about the same foul aroma.  As a matter of fact, this one smells rather pleasant compared to some of the places I've been to," Kaleb replied as he slowed the cart to a complete stop just before exiting from the right side of the seat.
"Are you comin in too?"
"Nah. I'll wait outside here and guard the cart.  Besides, you’re better at the PR thing than me," Brad said with a wave.
"You just don't like charr, that's all."
Brad laughed. "Nah.  I think every human should have a right to skin one."
Kaleb looked up and saw the sign that read - Blazeridge Butcher Shop & Marketplace. When he walked in, much to his surprise, his nose was greeted with a symphony of exotic herbs and spices.  Once the door closed behind him, a high-pitched whistle sounded for a split second. 
It must be a charr version of a doorbell, he thought as he walked towards butcher counter. 
Within moments, a massive feline-looking creature greeted him.  It had horns jutting out from either side of its head just above its eyes and its face was caged with rows of menacing dagger-like teeth.  The large paw-like hands sported massive claws and its fur was a tiger stripe pattern of umber and dark orange strip patterns.
"Something I can help you with?"  Came the creature's deep and almost thundering voice. 
Kaleb promptly saluted him then pulled out a series of documents from under his breastplate.  "Private Grimwald of the Thirty-First Seraph Platoon, sir.  I am here on behalf of the Queen's army to requisition a supply of protein products from your establishment, sir."
Ludrick grumbled for a moment then promptly snatched the paperwork from the jaded human's hand.  He quickly looked over the documents while muttering a string of incoherent words to himself. 
"Everything seems in order.  But what makes the Queen assume that we even have enough product to supply an army of your size?  Look around you, human.  I sell to the locals.  My supply chain doesn't accommodate masses of marching mice," the charr grumbled as he handed back the paperwork. 
"Well.  I'll remember to say that the next time I'm enjoying a few brews with my friends.  Just repeat after me - masses of marching mice.  Masses of marching mice.  Masses of marching..."
"Gah!  It's got to be something in the air around this village.  It seems to make everyone around here behave like obnoxious morons."
Kaleb bit his tongue.  "Oh.  Sorry Mr. Charr, sir. The heat has made me a bit loopy.  Plus I've never met one of your kind before.  I just tend to say stupid things when I'm nervous."
"The best thing you can say to me right now, human, is 'what can I buy' or 'I'll take x amount of product y'.  If those aren't the two phrases coming out of your mouth then I suggest you get out of my shop."
"Hey.  I'm just here on the Queen's orders.  No need to bite the head off the messenger, kind sir.  But I had heard things through the asura gate that yours is the best meat supply market around.  My soldiers are in need of food badly and what better way of fostering a sense of good will between our people than to make a noble contribution to mutual corporation," Kaleb said with a smile. 
"You're damn right.  Mine is the best market around!  Now, are you going to reciprocate that 'good will' and buy something from me today?  Look around you, it will take days for me to carve up enough cattle to supply your damn army." Ludrick looked away for a moment before glancing back at the rather bulky-looking human.  
"Well, if you must insist.  I would very much be interested in those briskets over there.  But first - I would very much like to inquire about those oh-so savory spices I've been smelling since I walked through the door."
"Not my expertise.  But hold on..."
"Amalthia!  Customer interested in the spices."
Kaleb stepped back for a moment trying to locate the origin of the fragrant aromas.  As he walked towards the nook of spices on display, he heard an echo of footsteps coming down the spiral staircase.   He turned his head to see a slender charr not much bigger than him, padding gracefully down the bare metal steps.
Her pelt had an orange yellow hue and her markings were of a tiger-striped pattern as well.  Four horns framed her amber-eyed face.  The two bigger horns extended from the mid-ridge of her skull and tapered off into elegant points while and two smaller ones jutted back along the length of her cheekbones. 
The young man deduced right away that this charr was, in fact, a female.  He had done enough history lessons to easily recognize the distinction between the two sexes. 
"How may I help you?" She asked in a slightly deep, but otherwise noticeably feminine voice. 
"Those spices other there caught my eye the moment I smelt them," Kaleb said in a strangely sheepish tone. 
"Hmm.  That's something the legions never told us about when we were at war with your people."
"What's that?  If I may be so bold as to ask."
"Bold you are, then.  For your people seem to become unhinged and stutter about like adolescent cubs whenever you meet one of us for the first time," Amalthia commented as she walked over towards the spice nook and pulled out a tray of some dried herbs. 
"Well, I told your dad...."
"Sire."  She corrected him.
"Excuse me.  Ahem... 'sire', that it was my first time meeting your kind..."
"A fact that I already stated to you.  Did you even listen to what I said just thirty seconds ago?"
"And do you, have a habit of always interrupting your customers before they had a chance to finish their sentences?"  Kaleb quipped.
"You just did and I did not.  At least that time," Amalthia retorted.
"What did I not do to you the thing you said I was supposed to have done?  You lost me there."
"I think you are only confusing yourself further.  What kind of spice would you be interested in?"  Amalthia grumbled.
"No. You are the one who is trying to confuse me. I'll take the Siverpeak bay leaves and the Ascelon sagebrush stalks."
Amalthia plucked the chosen spices from their respective boxes then proceeded to individually wrap them with some tissue paper.  As she moved, Kaleb couldn't help but study her form.  He had never seen a charr up close let alone a female one.
She immediately glanced in his direction.  "Is there something else you want?  You can't seem to take your eyes off me."
By now, Kaleb was visibly blushing.  He rarely felt embarrassed about anything, but yet there was something about this charr that he was drawn to, something he couldn't quite explain.
"You have twice as many ears as I do, yet you only seem to possess half the cognition.  Didn't we make it clear earlier that when I get nervous I tend to say and do crazy, stupid things?"
"I think you must have been talking to the wrong charr.  Or is it because you think that all of our kind seem to look alike... hmm?"  Amalthia chided as she carried the packaged contents to the register. 
Moments later, Brad popped his head through the door.  "Hey, bro.  What the hell is taking ya so long?  Don't you realize we have a mission to complete?"
"Hold your dolyaks, Brad.  I'm in the process of delicate inter-species negotiations.  I'll be there once I iron out a few things."
Ludrick looked at Amalthia then Kaleb.  "Still going to purchase that brisket?"
"How will I be able to get it to my base before it turns rancid?"
Amalthia reached over one of the counters then pulled out a small jar of rubbing salt.  "By using this.  Don't worry, it won't leave an aftertaste like so many other salts do."
After the meat was treated and wrapped, Amalthia handed him the salted brisket as she rang up the final sale. 
"Thirty silver even."
"Thanks for the stuff.  And thank you, Amalthia, for being such an interesting... person.  See ya later," Kaleb smiled as he turned to head out.
"Two rules to follow the next time you come here.  First - we are not on a first-name basis.  Second - I'm not a person... like you.  Got it?" Amalthia said as she gave the impetuous human a clawed thumbs up.
Kaleb gave a wink and a thumbs up in response.  "Forever and always."
Brad looked over as Kaleb stepped out from the shop door.  "Here ye, here ye - to all citizens of Kryta. Today the esteemed Kaleb Grimwald has single-handedly started an entire new round of negotiations with the charr.  From now on humans and charr shall rub salts together and sate each others' hungers with copious amounts of meat."
"Hey.  Don't knock it bud!  It was a classified operation.  Somebody somewhere's gotta take the first step toward world peace.  Am I right?"
"If you say so, bro.  If you say so..."
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By the pricking of my thumb, something wicked this way comes.
Chapter 2: Trouble Comes A-knockin’
Photo Credit: Google Search.
Warnings: None currently. Standard Peaky violence if you squint?
Note: Hi there everyone! Shew was this past week somethin’, I’ll tell ya. I’m glad to finally have something to put out for you. I really hope you enjoy. I can’t wait to hear what you think! Also fun side note, I figured out how to do those fancy “keep reading” links lmaooo.
“It was those Peaky Blinder devils. They caused this. They cleared out so the coppers could come.”
“They told that inspector to come, and they left so it didn’t look like they were involved, I’ll tell ya. But they didn’t help neither. So it don’t really matter.”
The harsh whispers all over the city were heard loud and clear and still echoed in her mind. Ellie had strolled into town this afternoon to see that there was some sort of clean up happening. Pieces of broken furniture had been piled high on wagons. The tears from the chaos had dried but the discord still hung in the air. It was dense. It made her apprehensive. Ellie wasn’t entirely sure what happened while she was away, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to know.
“The coppers came a rousting but they caused damage everywhere.”
“That new inspector is more trouble than he’s worth.”
Ellie worried her lip as the dissonant voices hissed in her memory. One of the people that had been complaining on her way to Charlie’s Yard mentioned the police were mainly looking for communists but had tossed the houses of everyone just to be ‘thorough’. The people of Small Heath were downtrodden enough. They didn’t need any more abuse. It wasn’t just houses that had been turned upside down. It had been a few pubs as well. All that were under the protection of the Peaky Blinders, at least they were supposed to be. Townsfolk were steaming about the Blinders not being there. It was amazing what information slipped through lips when anger got in the way.
Ellie knew it wasn’t any of her business. Her nose had never belonged in Blinder business before, and it didn’t now. That was primarily her self preservation speaking. The intuitive side of her screeched louder. The dreams of a fox. A fox that is wily and wild and knowing. The dreams that mixed with fog, smog and billowing smoke from a cigarette said otherwise.
“Alright, in with ya.” The phrase was punctuated by a light pat on Stevie’s hind to get him moving. He grunted in protest but was immediately happy when he saw the water waiting on him. Ellie secured the rope behind him and shook her head to bring herself back to the present. The fog of her dreams and this morning was clouding her focus. There was tack to be put away.
The soft tss tss tss of excited footfalls caught Ellie’s attention. Hearing the words “Spanish saddle, he’s beautiful, Spanish saddle”  repeated almost like a prayer to not be forgotten, she knew that Curly must have been on his way to the tack room. She turned and picked a Spanish saddle and it’s matching bridle out for Curly, wanting to have it ready for him when he arrived.
“Oh! Miss Ellie!” The man beamed happily in her direction.
“‘Ello Curly. ‘Ere’s that Spanish saddle you were lookin’ for.”
“Magic you are. I see it.”
Her lips pressed together in a smirk, her sets of dimples dotting her rounded cheeks. “Just ‘eard ya comin’, Curly. Not magic by any means. I just have ears that work really well. So who are you working with today?”
“Not me, Miss Ellie. Tommy. He brought the horse from the fair. He needs to stretch his legs.”
“Right, I know the one. I handed him over.”
“Beautiful isn’t he?”
“That he certainly is. Definitely makes a statement that one.”
“Curly,” a smoky disembodied voice questioned from around the corner and caused a frenzy of motion from the man in front of her. Curly grabbed the tack from her and began to head for the door. “There you are.”
“Why don’t you come help Charlie finish up, eh?” A flurry of nodding followed Thomas’ statement but went unnoticed by Ellie and Thomas.
“Help Charlie, Spanish saddle.”
The impassive expression on Thomas’ face silently drove Ellie mad. It was difficult to read him at face value. The silhouette of him in the threshold had flashes of billowing smoke running through her vision.
“Interesting seeing you here, Miss Byrne.”
“Told ya we would meet again at some point, Mr. Shelby. That point just ‘appened to be soon. I also board me ‘orse here.” Back in the city her vernacular had a tendency to be a little more direct. In the wild she was softer. She didn’t have a need to be aggressive. “Ellie though, I insist.”
Thomas stepped into the dim light of the small room. Ellie looked on with quiet curiosity as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth. She knew her tone had a habit of getting her in trouble. She knew that people had disappeared for less in the presence of Thomas Shelby.
The room came alive when he stepped in. There was a flurry of noise. It was like crackling or sizzling. Her gaze locked on the electric blue stare and she felt her jaw drop open just a hair. It was like he knew everything about her right at that moment.
Without breaking her eye contact Ellie asked, “How is the horse?”
“He looked footsore. I wanted to give him a chance to stretch his legs.” Thomas tossed his head in the direction of the door indicating that he wanted her to follow him out.
“That boy sure can run. I’m sure he’ll thank you for it. I don’t know how well he’ll be around the industrial noise though.” She was very aware of his hand near the small of her back as they began to make their way back out front. “The only thin’ he’s use to is field and forest. I’m surprised you got him into the box.”
“I can charm horses and dogs, didn’t you know?” There was a mirth hidden behind his statement.
“Oh, can you? I hadn’t heard.” Her doe brown eyes squinted cheerily in his direction.
“What happened to ‘No one comes out of Small ‘eath and doesn’t know the Peaky Blinders,’ eh?” Thomas stepped closer to her in jest, a small show of teeth, when her gait slowed.
“I know of you. I don’t know everythin’. Trouble likes to find me on it’s own fairly easy, so I like to not go diggin’.”
“Smart girl.”
There was a fluttering of wings and a soft swishing of fur to her left and right. No one else appeared to hear it, so she hadn’t responded. If that confounded fox had followed her into the city, it had signed its own death warrant. The air slapped and crackled in the background. It was like she could hear it, but also could just barely make it out.
“Not smart, Mr. Shelby. Just adaptive.” Curly was finishing something up with the horse so she went over to lend a hand. Thomas made his way over to his uncle. It appeared that they were having words. Something about guns, minding how one was spoken to. ‘It’s Thomas Shelby against the whole bloody world, right?’ stuck with her. When Thomas was firmly in his seat, he gave Ellie a quick glance and clucked his tongue. She let her hand slowly drift off the horse as it strode forward.
Charlie had a surly expression on his face. She was certain it was from the conversation that had just transpired. Her feet wanted to have her flee as far from the feeling as they could as quickly as they could. There was a shift at the Guns waiting for her.
Ellie walked into the pub just like any normal day. Although it wasn’t turning out to be normal by any means. When her first footstep into the building caused a round of quiet with the few patrons who had started early, she hung back. They looked to be cleaning the place up. Now that her eyes had adjusted from the light outside, Ellie noticed that the pub looked like it had been turned over proper. The feeling in the air was off kilter. Trouble was coming. Looking over to the barkeep, Eddie, he had a somber look on his face.
“Ellie, s’probably best if you leave now before Richard sees ya.”
Ellie’s eyebrows drew together in confusion while she walked closer to the bar. “You what? So what if Richard sees me? It’s my time to be back after he gave me three days off for the fair to help me friend.”
“About that,” a long sigh slipped past Eddie’s thin lips, “Richard isn’t happy you went there.”
“I’m again missing the point. I’ve gone to dat fair every year of my life since I was a girl.” Ellie was needless to say bewildered. Eddie motioned around to the mess that still had to be fixed up and she took it all in. “How do I have anythin’ to do with dis?”
Eddie grew frustrated trying to explain the bad news. “The Peaky Blinders left so that the coppers could come in and rough things up. It was only pubs and houses under their protection that got touched. They went to the fair. Someone from town saw you there.”
“Yeah because I was. Like I said I would be.” Ellie’s hands slapped her sides as they swung back down in exasperation.
“No, Ellie. I can’t make it any more clear. With the Peaky Blinders.”
She was irate.“Oh for cryin’ out loud, Edward! I was helpin’ my friend Johnny with pony rides. Johnny is friends with Mr. Shelby and had something for him. I was just there. I didn’t even know they were showin’ up.”
“Well Richard doesn’t see it that way and wants you gone from the Guns.” His tone was final.
Ellie stared at him in utter disbelief and her heartbeat quickened. There was no way that Eddie was being serious. She had to have been dreaming. The anger she was feeling right now was otherworldly. “You know what?”
Richard’s voice came booming from the back. He came to see what the raised voices were about. “Nothin' Ellie! Leave. I’m ashamed that you had anything to do with this. I thought you knew better than to get mixed up with those devils, but yet here we are.”
“Richard, you can’t be serious?! How on earth,” she took a deep breath, “do I look like someone who would be involved with the Blinders? I usually keep to myself. Stay outta trouble. Just take care of me and me ‘orse.” She was desperate.
“Don’t forget, Ellie. The devil was once an angel. I don’t want to hear another word now. Go before I throw you out myself.”
Before her temper got the best of her and she landed herself in jail, she left her apron and walked. She wasn’t sure where she was heading. She needed to get to Charlie’s Yard. Stevie could always help.
Ellie sat in a devastated state. Her hand almost numbly patting Stevie. Her time at the Guns wasn’t long, but she had learnt so much about herself and others while working there. She thought she had at the very least. Richard had taken her under his wing and made sure she had just enough to scrape by. Ellie would have liked to think he thought better of her. It really was correct when folks said you never truly knew someone.
Her sniffling was muted as a light rain began to tink on the tin roof. What wasn’t muffled though was the sound of hay shuffling around with human footsteps. It could have been Curly, or Charlie for that matter. They were here all the time anyhow. They did own and run the place.
She stood to make her way to greet them and tell whoever it was that she would be out of their hair as soon as possible, but the Romany coming from the grey’s stall caused her movements to cease. Listening to the vernacular, she knew it was the Lees. Ellie couldn’t see what they were doing, but there was a fairly educated guess as to what it could be. She had to find someone and tell them.
There was a hole in the back of Stevie’s stall that she could squeeze out of and make her way to the front gate through the back without being seen. She said a quick prayer of safety over her boy and slipped out the back. A sigh of relief escaped her lips at the fact that it wasn’t dark yet. This way back to the front would be a little more intimidating if night had fallen.
Making her way around the front gate, she knew the Garrison was a good place to start looking. If only she would have seen the hand that reached out to wallop her across the cheek, she would have made it to her destination.
Polly made her way into the betting shop. She was unhappy with what had come to pass with Monaghan Boy. Thomas should have known better. Thomas did know better. Now Billy Kimber was going to be breathing down their necks for fixing races underneath him.
“So Monaghan Boy finally lost.” Polly placed her things down on the desk, giving herself time to think of her approach.
Thomas sighed. His aunt was surely about to lay it on him for things that she wasn’t aware he had done on purpose. “Third time unlucky,” he paused briefly, “we took money from all over the city.”
“Yeah, but you’ll give it back. Earn back your popularity.”
“Already done.” As he finished, Thomas took a swig of his whiskey.
“Taught you well,” she bent down to look Thomas directly in the eyes, “and you fixed this race without the permission of Billy Kimber?” Polly’s breath quickened as she struck out at Thomas’ glass, causing it to fly across the room and smash in a shower of glass and alcohol. “Obviously didn’t teach you well enough! Rule one, don’t punch above your weight.”
Thomas’ jaw tightened at his aunt’s outburst. “Billy Kimber is there for the taking.”
“Says who?!” Polly scoffed in cynicism. “Tommy and his parliament of one?! I ran this business for five years!”
“Yeah while I was away fighting. While I was away, I learnt things. Like you strike when you’re enemy is weak.”
The pounding in her skull was what brought her back to consciousness. It sounded like someone beating a large lap drum over and over and over again without any sympathy. A deep, mournful sound passed through her lips while she tried to lift her body prone. The rain that had started as a drizzle now downpoured and made her cold.
A low chuckle sounded from behind her. Not knowing who it belonged to, made her blood run even colder. Trouble definitely had her name on it’s breath.
Ahhh so here it is! I’m curious to see where my own brain takes this lmao. I can’t wait to see what you all think! I hope you enjoyed. Hit me up with your favorite part or line. I would love to hear from you!
31 notes · View notes
irwinkitten · 6 years
days like this | l.h, m.c, c.h, a.i
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pairing: none prompt: not this time notes: last day of the birthday countdown fic week! day five!! thank you so much for the love you’ve shown this week. i’ve enjoyed writing something with the prompts and i’m hoping it’ll keep my mojo going as i continue to work on the various things i’ve got planned. this is just entirely soft and fluffy and i hope y’all love it. small masterlist of the fic week can be found here warnings: none word count: 2.3k!
You knew that she was excited beyond reason knowing that her favourite uncles were finally back from touring.
Your daughter was practically begging you to ask them to come and visit, the last time she’d gotten so see them was months ago when they were touring in the city.
“I’ll ask them little bird, but I can’t promise that they’ll come around. They only got home yesterday and they’re going to be tired.” You warned and her face fell for a second.
“But I can see them this week?” This made you smile.
“Of course, they wouldn’t pass up a chance to spend the day with you, you know that. They might just be too tired to come around today.” She nodded before disappearing upstairs to her room, a loud banging telling you that she’d gone to the plastic drum kit that Ashton had bought her for her last birthday.
Opening the group chat you had with them, you sent the message.
‘I have a tiny human who has realised you guys are home. When you’re up for it, drop by later this week, you’d make her day.’
Heading to the kitchen, you began to make some lunch for the two of you as your phone pinged.
‘I think bug snuggles are required for recovery.’ Your eyes saw that was from Michael and you laughed.
‘Only if you’re up for it, I’ve told her you guys might be too tired to come around today so it’ll be during the week.’
Ashton was the next reply
‘I’ll bring some snacks. See you in thirty.’
This set off a discussion of various snacks followed by varying times from each member. You sent the eye roll emoji followed by a heart before making sandwiches, knowing that if they were bringing snacks, she wouldn’t eat anything else.
“Little bird, time for some lunch.” You called up, the banging stopping as she came rushing downstairs, the small toy drum sticks grasped in her hand.
She pulled herself up onto the dining room chair, setting the sticks on the table which made you laugh, snapping a photo and sending it to the chat.
‘Looks like someone has her sights set on her future career.’
‘Bass is better, I’ll teach her the right instrument.’ Came from Calum not even a minute later.
‘She’d still say that drums are the better instrument.’ You sent back as you ate your own food, placing the phone face down on the table.
“Did they answer mommy?” She asked between bites and you hummed in response.
“They’ll see. But no promises.” She nodded her head as she finished her food and helped you with the dishes, her giggles echoing through the kitchen as the water splashed the both of you as you filled the sink up.
Once the dishes were done and set on the side to dry, she was about to rush upstairs before there was a knock on the door, the sound of the door opening making her turn to you in confusion.
“Did we forget someone was coming round today mommy?” Your lips curved into a smile at her question.
“Why don’t you go see?” She scampered from the kitchen, making you countdown in your head from three.
As you hit one, she squealed.
“Uncle Ash!” Her giggle reached your ears followed by his own.
Making your way through, you found yourself grinning at the sight before you. Ashton had your daughter in his arms, her lips pulled back into the biggest grin as he peppered her face in kisses.
“And how’s my drumming replacement, huh?” She giggled, her face ducking away into his hoodie in embarrassment at his words.
“M’never replacing you.” She mumbled and he laughed.
“Good to know, lovebug.” She beamed at the nickname before squirming to get down from his arms. He obliged and she headed upstairs, her lips pulled back into a grin as Ashton greeted you with a warm hug.
“She’s so your favourite.” You teased him as you kissed his cheek.
“Just watch, Mike will arrive and I’ll be forgotten.” The two of you laughed as he followed you into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter that contained various goodies. You peered in it for a second and laughed.
“She’s definitely gonna have a sugar crash. You all are.” You commented as he made himself comfortable, grabbing a drink.
“That’s the point. I think the others have the same idea of relaxed clothing. Means we can keep up with the little lovebug but also not feel uncomfortable if we do crash.”
“It’s a good job I ended up getting those big corner sofas otherwise there’d be no room for you all.” Came the tart reply and he laughed.
The door knocked once more and before you could even call for your little bird, she was flying down the stairs as the door started opening. You peered from the kitchen to watch your daughter launch at Calum who caught her with ease.
“Uncle Calum!”
“Ooft, hello to you too princess.” You laughed and she glanced back to you, her lips pulled back into a wide grin.
“Is uncle Lu and uncle Mike comin’ too?” You tried to hide your grin, but as her eyes practically lit up, you knew that you’d failed and she’d put two and two together.
“Does this mean movie day?” Calum asked, playing along as his eyes widened, looking between you and her. You snorted.
“I guess it does mean movie day. Wanna go get changed into some comfy clothes little bird?” She beamed as Calum set her down and she went running once more. You laughed as he wrapped his arms around you in greeting and you could feel the stress of the last few weeks melt away.
“And how is our favourite mom?” He asked once he’d let go and the three of you began to migrate towards the living room, snacks and drinks in hands.
“Stressed. It’s been a tough couple of weeks. I know that there are some kids giving her a hard time and she’s lashing out in return. I got called up to the school twice. First time because one girl had thrown something at her and she retaliated by pushing her over. Second time she hadn’t done anything but because the other girl had pushed her over and hurt her, I was still called in.” You explained as you tied your hair back, a soft sigh escaping.
“I take it work weren’t too happy about that?” Ashton asked quietly and you gave a sarcastic laugh.
“My boss has been a right bastard about it. Made a comment about her dad needing to be around to deal with her.” They flinched at that.
You’d been devastated the day that you’d received the call that her dad had been in a car collision and died. They boys had always been an active part of your little girl's life, but you knew they were stepping up, just like her dad would’ve wanted them to.
“What did you do after that?”
“Made the complaint to HR, told them the situation because he threatened to not pay me. They said that it was noted down and he’s now under investigation. All of us are suspended from normal work until the investigation is complete.”
“Are you at least getting paid?” Ashton asked, stunned. You nodded.
“Yeah, it’s full pay thankfully. She just thinks I’m on vacation from work.” You explained quietly when you heard her footsteps come flying down the stairs. They understood the silent request to not talk about it in front of you little girl.
Just as she launched upon Ashton, making him laugh, you heard the door go once more. Her head shot up from his chest where she’d rested it and you laughed.
“I’ll go get it.” You pushed yourself from your spot next to Cal and you were greeted with the door already opening, revealing Michael and Luke. You couldn’t help but giggle. Michael held five pizza boxes and in Luke’s hands you spied two bottles of wine.
“You guys are ridiculous.” You finally muttered before stepping aside so they could carry on through to the kitchen.
“You love us really.” Michael sang back. You grinned.
Luke dropped a kiss to your cheek as he passed on by, making you laugh as you pushed him towards the kitchen, closing the door behind him and following them both. When you reached the kitchen, you were pulled into a warm hug and you sighed, returning the hug tightly.
“You guys are the best, honestly.” You murmured in Michael’s ear and he pulled back, grinning.
“Oh we know we are. Now, where’s my cuddlebug?”
“Living room. We’re vegging out there.” He grinned, heading past you and you found yourself in another set of arms.
“Hope you don’t mind us bringing the wine. Figured that you could use a bit of a break too.” He murmured and you nodded your head against his chest.
“It’s fine. But if any of you guys drink, you’re not driving.” He grinned down at you as you pulled back, your tone stern.
“Yes mom.” He teased before you shoved him towards the living room.
When you followed him, you found yourself grinning. Michael had thrown himself down on the spot next to Ashton, and your daughter had immediately crawled to the spot between them, her arms wrapped around him.
“Hey, no cuddles for your uncle Lu?” Luke whined and she shook her head and he pouted before leaning over to ruffle her hair, making her beam back at him.
“I’ll cuddle you later uncle Lu.” You knew that she would as well. If there was someone she loved to cuddle, it was Michael. But Luke was a close second in her eyes.
He laughed, leaning over the back of the sofa and planting a kiss to the top of her head before he sat on the other sofa.
“What movie are we watching then?” Calum asked and she thought about it for a second.
“Tangled!” You snorted at that as you switched on the TV, flicking it onto Netflix and pulling up the movie before settling between Calum and Luke, your head resting on Calum’s shoulder as the title began rolling, your eyes darting over to the three on the second couch, her body pressed tightly between Michael and Ashton as she mouthed along to the dialogue.
“We’ll get her hooked onto a new film soon enough.” Calum hummed and you laughed.
“This will still be her favourite. Thanks for coming around and spending this day with her though, I know you guys only got back yesterday.” You felt a soft jab to your side from Luke.
“Hey, she’s worth it and we can’t let our favourite niece drive our favourite mom mad from watching the same film over and over.” He teased with a grin. You rolled your eyes in return, but smiled nonetheless.
“As long as you know that you guys don’t have to compete for our affections, then I’m all for you guys having days like this.” Luke grinned.
After the first film, Michael declared it was time for pizzas, making her gasp in delight as he pushed himself off the sofa. You went to join him, grinning as your little girl moved from Ashton’s side, crawling onto Luke’s lap and snuggling with him.
Whilst reheating the pizzas, the two of you talked quietly, catching Michael up with what was going on.
“Please tell me you’re looking for a new job?” He asked as you helped him put the second pizza in the oven to reheat.
“I’m looking, but nothing so far.” You sighed and he rested a hand on your shoulder in comfort. You smiled at him softly.
“If you need someone to look after her, you can always drop her by mine. Southy adores her and we both know how territorial Southy is.” This made the two of you share grins as you changed the pizzas over.
You could hear from the kitchen as she told the other three what she’d done at school, the various drawings and big things she’d accomplished.
Accepting the glass of wine from Michael as you two carried the pizza boxes through, a bright grin on your daughter's lips as she scrambled from her spot on Luke’s lap to open the pizza boxes, you could only watch in amusement as she picked the cheese one and returning to her spot between Michael and Ashton.
As the conversation moved onto the boys talking about tour, telling her small stories that had her giggling into her food when she took bites as they talked, you felt a sense of relief that at least if anything, she had four men in her life who would do as much as they could for her.
“Mommy, did you really go on tour with them once? And did uncle Lu really try to prank you with the bad doughnuts?” And a Luke whined in protest as you giggled, you felt more and more relaxed as the conversation flowed from one story to another, her eyes and ears taking in everything before they began to get heavy and she curled closer to Michael, all of them pausing for seconds to yawn.
“How ‘bout we nap cuddlebug? Then we can watch some more films.” Michael bargained with your child and she thought about it for a second before nodding her head.
It didn’t take much longer as the others seemed to be following her lead and even you couldn’t stop yourself from curling into Calum’s side, his arm squeezing you gently as your eyes surveyed the room.
“You rest as well, you need to look after yourself as well.” Calum hummed and you chuckled softly before allowing yourself to relax, the warmth of your home and a full stomach lulling you into a relaxed nap, feeling like things were going to at least go up from here.
tag list: @cals-babylons​​ , @glitterprincelu​​ , @calumspeachy​​ , @wrappedaroundcal​​ , @cosmocalum​​ , @mistletoemichael​​ , @talkfastfletcher​​ , @hereforlukescruff​​ , @astroashtonio​​ , @catchinqcalum​​ , @roselukes​​ , @5saucewho​​, @babylon-uncrowned​​ , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind​​ , @therainydays4​​ , @asht0ns-world​​ , @silverchainbee​​ , @hidd3nfangirl​​ , @doodleasouarus​​ , @empathycth​​ , @mylovehes​​ , @songforhema​​ , @kinglyhood​​ , @youngblood199456​​ , @makecoffeenotwars​​ , @5squash​ , @negative-love​​ , @softboycal​​ , @kinglycalum​​ , @you-of-ghost​​ , @meetyoutheremgc​​ , @lmao5sosimagines​​ , @lietoash​​ , @aw-hawkeye​​ , @biggestslutforcalum​​ , @drummerboy794​​ , @itjustkindahappenedreally​​, @mycollectionofnuts​​ , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset​​ , @boytoynamedcalum​​ , @teampreator​​ , @dukehoods​​ , @dweebluke​​ , @calumhampton​​ , @lashtoncurls​​ , @toofadedtofight​​ , @gigglyirwin​​ , @blue-skies-are-alright​​ , @hearts-to-the-sky​​ , @tiddlerrr​​ , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you​​​ , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe​​ , @cakeassx-blog​​ , @dancingonanemptywallet​​ , @rotten-kandy​​ , @vipclifford​​ , @musiclover1263​​ , @rosecoloredash​​ , @jpgluke​​ , @cathartichaoss​​ , @5secondssofssummer​​ , @cozyfivesos​​ , @balsamichood​​ , @cliffordstxngue​​ , @lukesbellas , @myloverboyash​​ , @cxddlyash​​  , @gabiatthedisco​​ , @rosesfromcth​ , @gorgeouslygrace​ , @calumsssparkle​ , @valentinelrh​ , @meetashthere​ , @softforcal​ , @notoriouslyhood​ , @hotmessmichael , 
311 notes · View notes
irwinkitten · 6 years
Our little princess and yn reacting to ash new hair color idk like princess wanting to dye hers too or something
will you all forgive me now that i’m posting fluff
i’ve lost count of how many time’s i’ve had to apologise.
pls enjoy all of this fluff of ash n princess
masterlist is linked in the source
this is part twenty
The next few weeks were tough for all three of you.
Ashton, despite how own pain shining through when he crawled into bed with you, holding you so tight as he let you see a side that almost no one ever saw, he did so much to help you.
The first few days, the boys took it in turns with Shay to have your little girl just to give you a bit of a chance to pull yourself together.
You were struggling with the loss and it felt like a kick to the gut every time your hand would rest on your stomach and your heart dropped.
After the first few days, you tried to get back into a routine for the sake of your little girl.
As the days turned into weeks, you knew she was struggling to understand why her mommy cried so often. Both you and Ashton had tried to explain it in a way that she could understand.
When you had told her that the baby had gone on the plane the the angels, she understood that the baby was with your mom and the angels. And the simple outlook that she seemed to have, helped.
“Baby is safe with nana. Nana will make sure the baby is okay.” That night, you lay in Ashton’s arms and as he pressed a kiss to your forehead, you let out a small sigh.
“I love you Ash.”
“I love you too. What’s brought this on?” He hummed softly and you found your eyes searching his face, a small smile on the corner of your lips.
“I don’t think I’ve told you it lately. And I do. I love you. I---I know this has been difficult for us, but I promise I’ll try.” You whispered softly and his arms tightened around you.
“We’re all trying, love. Just because it feels like you’re falling behind doesn’t mean you are. You still good for Cal to stick with you for the day whilst I take our princess out for the day?”
“Yeah, that sounds like a nice chilled day.”
Ashton had pressed a soft kiss to your lips the next morning, his lips curving up as your body curled closer to him.
“Morning love.” His voice was soft and raspy. You smiled in return, soft and sleepy. His heart melted a little bit.
“Morning handsome. What are you two planning for today then?” His hands tightened around your waist.
“It’s gonna be a trip to the stylist for me. Get it trimmed and maybe try something new. What do you think?” You smiled, lifting your hand to run your fingers through his hair.
“Just no buzzcut.” The laughter didn’t feel forced and you felt like you were breathing a bit better. A good day, then.
“Of course, love. C’mon, get that cute ass out of bed. Cal will be around soon enough. I think he might be bringing Duke.” That had you out of the bed, making Ashton laugh, the noise ringing round the room and you could feel the change.
It would get better, you decided.
Cal turned up whilst Ashton and your little girl were getting ready for the day, so when you greeted him with a small smile, you could see the relief in his eyes as he pulled you in for a hug.
“I’ve brought Duke with me, is that okay?” You felt somewhat relieved he didn’t ask how you were. Despite it being a good day, you knew if you looked, the sadness was still an ache in your heart at that point.
“Both you and Duke are always welcome in this home. Plus it was Ashton’s to begin with. Hi buddy.” You crouched down to greet him, chuckling as he smothered your face in slobbery kisses.
“You’ve lost your dog for the day. C’mon Duke.” You scooped the pup up, earning a playful whine from Calum.
“Uncle Cal!” Footsteps thundered down the stairs and Calum spun to catch your daughter as she launched herself at him, giggling as he swung her up onto his hip. You raised an eyebrow.
“The fact she’s eight and you’re still doing that.” You commented and Calum shrugged.
“She’s my favourite cuddlebug who is gonna stay this size forever so I can still give her piggybacks.” She laughed as she wrapped her arms around his neck.
“You comin’ with me n daddy, Uncle Cal?”
“Not today, I’m gonna hang with your mom and we’re going to have a movie day. But, maybe when you get home, you and me can take Duke out for a walk. How’s about it?”
“Yes!” You found yourself smiling at the sight.
That was the sight that Ashton came down to. Your daughter beaming at Cal, and you had a gentle smile that spoke volumes to him. And as he reached you, pressing a kiss to your lips, he ruffled Duke’s fur before turning to your daughter.
“C’mon then Princess. You and me are going to have the best day ever.”
She wriggled free from Calum’s grip, throwing her arms around his waist before she lunged forward, grabbing ahold of Ashton’s hand and pulling him towards the door.
“Love you both!” You yelled as the door shut, laughter from Ashton reaching your ears before you turned to Calum who had a wide grin.
“There’s the girl we know and love. C’mon. I want my movie time and maybe some snuggles with my dog.”
“Not a chance Hood, Duke is mine now.”
By the time that Ashton was in the salon with his princess, her eyes were wide in excitement.
“Are you changing your hair daddy?”
“Maybe. Do you want to help pick out a new colour for me?” She nodded her head vigorously as they were greeted.
“Hey guys, so you must be Ashton right? I’m Audra.” He grinned and shook the offered hand. “And this angel must be yours?”
“I’m his princess.” She stated proudly and Ashton chuckled.
“She’s a little monster is what she is.” He grinned at the pout she wore in return before they discussed styles. Eventually they settled on just trimming the ends like he’d first wanted.
Then it came to the colours.
“What do you think would suit your dad the best then?” Audra asked her a she flicked through the colours.
Ashton grinned when he saw the colour that she’d settled on.
“Red. Daddy would look good with red. Plus I know mommy loves seeing him in red.” This made the both of them laugh as she headed to prep the colour and she set herself on Ashton’s lap for a bit.
“You doing okay there, princess?
“Can I have matching hair daddy?” This question caught him off guard as he briefly wondered what your reaction would be.
“How about we ask Audra to do the ends of your hair, that way your mom won’t be too upset and if needs be, it can be cut off and your hair can grow again.” She nodded her head at that and soon she was being prepped to have the ends of her hair done.
“Right, time for a before photo. Do you want to do it together?” Audra asked and Ashton glanced over just as she nodded her head.
“Yeah, she can just sit on my lap.”
Once the photo was taken, she began the process of adding the colour to his hair. She sat in the next chair, watching curiously until it was all in his hair, setting. That was when it was her turn and she positively beamed at Ashton.
“We’re gonna match daddy.” This made both adults chuckle as Audra began to put the colour on the ends of her hair.
Once both of them had their hair washed and dried, she couldn’t stop running her hands through it, making Ashton giggle as he pulled her onto his lap.
“You like it, princess?”
“Yeah.” Her eyes were still taking it in as he tugged the ends of her hair.
“And what about yours, do you like it?” At this, she beamed at him and his heart melted.
“I love it! Thank you so much!” Her face turned to Audra who beamed at her in return.
“You’re very welcome sweetheart. Can I take an after photo of you and your daddy?” She nodded her head with the biggest grin.
Instead of turning around, she let her forehead rest against his, a smile on both of their lips. Ashton felt his heart lift up at how much of a precious gift his little girl was.
“And done. That’s you both all sorted and ready to go!”
Ashton chuckled as he planted a kiss on her cheek as she scrambled off his lap and looked at her new style in the mirror. He left her in that spot as he went to pay before coming up behind her, placing a kiss to the top of her head.
“C’mon then princess, we’re gonna get some food and go back to your mom and Uncle Cal.
By the time they’d returned, the food had long since been eaten and your little girl was bursting with excitement to show off the new hair colour.
“Ready to show off our new looks, princess?” She nodded her head as they got out of the car.
Duke greeted them first, his small body colliding with her legs, making her giggle as she fussed him before heading towards the living room. Ashton followed after and watched as you looked away from the film and your jaw dropped.
“You two match now.” You finally got out and she beamed at you.
“Please tell me that there’s at least one cute photo of you two with matching hair?” Cal commented from his spot and Ashton laughed as he sat next to you, your body relaxing against him as your daughter claimed her spot on Calum’s lap.
“Yeah, the hairdresser is going to post up the photos in a couple of days. So we’re not posting anything yet.” He smirked and you found yourself chuckling.
“If she starts wearing leather jackets and ripping her shirts, you are in so much trouble mister.” You warned him with a playful smile. His answering smile made your chest ache as it hit you how bad you’d been.
“Can’t help that she wants to be just like her dad. Although the leather jackets are more Luke than me. The hair I’ll take credit for.” You rolled your eyes before kissing his cheek, your fingers running through it.
“I love it.”
“Good, because I can’t really change it now, unless I had a buzzcut and you nipped that idea in the bud almost immediately.” Calum snorted at that.
“If these two didn’t get you first for shaving your hair, I’m almost certain the entire fanbase would. The colour suits you, and as for you little miss, you look adorable, matching with your dad.” He squeezed her sides and she giggled.
“Red is mommy’s favourite colour. She’s gotta love our hair with this colour now.”
“I love it even more.” You commented from your spot and she grinned at you.
“Good, love you mommy.” Your heart melted as the four of you settled to watch the next movie.
It was a start.
tag list: @cals-babylons , @plainwhiteluke , @calumspeachy , @wrappedaroundcal , @cosmocalum , @mistletoemichael , @merryashmas , @hereforlukescruff , @astroashtonio , @catchinqcalum , @roselukes, @5saucewho, @babylon-uncrowned , @dontstopisagoodsongchangemymind , @therainydays4 , @asht0ns-world , @silverchainbee , @hidd3nfangirl , @doodleasouarus , @hemmomfg , @mylovehes , @songforhema , @kinglyhood , @youngblood199456 , @makecoffeenotwars , @5squash , @negative-love , @softboycal , @you-of-ghost , @balsamichood , @meetyoutheremgc , @lmao5sosimagines , @lietoash , @aw-hawkeye , @biggestslutforcalum , @drummerboy794 , @itkindajusthappenedreally, @mycollectionofnuts , @coreybryanttrash , @abitloudforanaccousticset , @boytoynamedcalum , @teampreator , @dukehoods , @hoe4hemmo , @calumhampton , @sassy-asht0n , @toofadedtofight , @gigglyirwin , @blue-skies-are-alright , @hearts-to-the-sky , @tiddlerrr , @all-i-want-is2b-loved-by-you , @thesensationalcalum , @ashtxns-hxe , @cakeassx-blog , @hopelessxcynic , @5secondsof-im-so-dead , @baby-loba , @captivatingcal , @rosesfromcth , @esoltis280 , @cal-puddies , @rosecoloredash , @jpgluke , @cathartichaoss , @5secondssofssummer , @cozyfivesos ,
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