#why does my brain do this to me
triscribe · 2 months
@transgnckon I blame you for this
I've spent the past hour on a deepening rabbit hole of various Kryptonian characters across multiple continuities
All just to make a mildly cool family tree for my DC in Westeros AU
And before you cry "how is that my fault??" it is ENTIRELY thanks to you giving me simultaneous access to My Adventures with Superman and House of the Dragon, which I keep watching back to back after the new episodes come out Sunday night
One stray thought of Krypton's Destruction=the Doom upon Valyria and HERE I AM
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cockworkangels · 1 year
i had a dream that joe biden wanted to fuck me and was really insistent about it and kept pestering me about it. i was travelling on a tram and joe biden was there harrassing me trying to get me to fuck him (i did not want to fuck him). and now i’m just trying to get through the day after having that dream like how am i supposed to just go about my day normally
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quiclycasual · 2 months
I just had an idea for a very emotional story, and now I have to keep myself from crying in public.
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bluecatwriter · 1 year
Me: Okay brain, you woke me up at 4am to go to the bathroom, but now I need to go back to sleep, okay? You'd better not keep me up for two hours brainstorming ideas for my current WIP—
My brain: You need to add a middle chapter to it featuring Mina staying with Jonathan the night of the 23rd and also Mina will reflect on the differences between the Catholic crucifix and the empty Protestant crosses and tie that into the idea of suffering and incarnation (and how many Protestants want to rush through suffering to victory and miss out on the important space for grief and mourning that the crucifix invites)—
Me: >:( >:( >:(
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x-fizzyp0p-x · 2 years
i love getting absolutely random, niche ideas for fics that no one would probably read.
i was thinking about how different everything would be if douglas just raised adam, bree, chase and daniel as, well, just... kids. and i happen to also watch a lot of Shameless (US) and i started thinking...
chase and lip kinda have the same energy. just a little bit. but just enough.
so now i have yet another idea that i feel the need to write out. :)
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whisky-dickson · 24 days
I kinda want to go see Alien Romulus but I wouldn't be able to watch it without rewatching all the other movies first and that feels like such a huge undertaking I'll probably never see the movie.
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sorrygotthesesacks · 11 months
I just need you to know that no matter how good those black gloves look on Silver/Sebek/Leona in dorm uniform, every time I see how the edge rests on the heel of their hands and not at the wrist, I have this insane urge to pull imaginary gloves on just to get rid of that phantom glove feeling my brain decided to gift me with.
Even thinking about it, I feel the urge to tug on those nonexistent gloves.
I mean. Diasomnia has nothing on Savanaclaw as far as short gloves go.
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nellandvoid · 4 months
i stg i spend like One Week not using my tablet for art and my brain decides to forgot how to draw digitally as a punishment
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defenselesswriter · 6 months
love that i’m trying to sleep an hour ago and my brain went “actually you HAVE to clean right now”
so i did
i cleaned my room
go me i guess
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Strange Grief
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Working on self expression lately, and a dream I haven't been able to shake for days.
Support me by donating to my top surgery and therapy fund at Paypal.me/PlutoMemory Thank you for reading my comic.
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gnomey22 · 10 months
"Proud Protector"
I was rewatching Season 1 a few days ago (as you do), specifically S1E3 from Erica's introduction onwards, and one line hit me like it never had before, even if I noticed it on previous rewatches.
Simple Bob, when initiating his Proud Protector move, says "I will heal you, by killing the enemies before they can kill you." Which is exactly the same mentality Erica has in early S2, when she's starting out as a warrior. This is not new information to me, but I always passed it off as a cool parallel that ultimately doesn't mean much.
Now, I realise that this was one of the first things Simple Bob ever said to her. Bob, the only halfway decent warrior she's travelled with, due to being the only one who actually puts thought into the healing aspect of battling.
After just how many warriors failed her during the Three-Year Gap, just how many of them completely relied on her for healing rather than doing anything about their own injuries, I think Erica thought back to the only one who hadn't outright disappointed her, and realised that Bob was actually onto something with this quip of his.
She wants to keep the party going, but she doesn't want to be the backbone of the whole operation, and she has a whole lot of anger she needs to project. The violent tendencies of a warrior seem like exactly what she needs right now, and it isn't too far away from her old ways of healing. She's stopping people from getting hurt!
This way, they can't unexpectedly die on her, and even if they do, it can't be traced back to her failure. It's not her job to keep them alive, she's under no actual obligation, it's an idea she can drop and pick up however she wants to. Her party members will stay alive as long as she needs them to, and the enemies will die imminently. She finally has agency in the distribution of death in her life, and she cannot be taken off-guard. Probably.
My favourite thing about this is that Erica probably had a completely neutral opinion on Bob the whole way through. They never had a significant bond, but Erica doesn't grow to hate him like she does with basically everyone else other than Chi. I imagine that even after taking his advice like this, the most positive thought she has about him is respect for his "Shan't" in the S1 finale.
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black-bentley · 1 year
Me: It's been a stressful couple of days, maybe some nice comfort fic is called for.
My brain: how about unmitigated angst and pining instead?
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i-may-be-an-emu · 11 months
me: ooooh oh no a pimple
*20 secconds later, fingers stained with blood*
me: there we go, an open wound! much better!
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cloudster-clown · 2 years
osmp!Phil- GUNSHOTS
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visiosatanae · 8 months
Two creative brain worms I've been having lately have suddenly combined in my brain and now I'm just like "Fuck, do I need to make an entire AU for this???"
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wheres-my-pencil · 1 year
computer how to not be overly and anxiously obsessed with someone for at least three years every time you fall in love computer help ple
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