#princess aurora meta
yuanw3i · 2 years
a lot of thoughts about silver twisted wonderland
Good morning it’s 3:45 am and dorm silver dropped after almost 3 years so here’s a full length post dedicated to him. not spoiler free
Quick Note: I remember when I first saw all the twst characters lined up and he honestly…didn't stick out much. i picked him as my first favorite anyways though because of zakki and hes been trapped in my brain ever since. Even though his background is still shrouded in ??wtfs i think exploring that is part of the fun of silver!! Personally, I really love him because a lot of his character beyond niceguy.jpg is rooted in subtext and it's super fun to delve into. so i can’t promise this is an unbiased analysis, but I hope you enjoy it anyways. 
Translation Credits: @mysteryshoptls, @twstarchives, and TWST Miraheze’s Enharo translations
Silver, at a quick glance, seems like both the most normal and most bizarre character in Twst. In a sea of self-serving, scheming villains, he lacks the sort of insidiousness most of his peers are constantly displaying. From a player’s perspective, we know this is because he’s most likely based on Aurora; but other NRC students simply deign to see him as an oddball. From the Disney properties he’s twisted from to his own strange upbringing, Silver is a bit of a question mark to both us and the ingame characters. In this post I’m gonna try to dissect some underappreciated complexities of his character, and hopefully get you or whoever’s reading this to give him some love! haha hope this doesnt get too long
First off, Silver’s a pretty lowkey guy. Not in the way Jamil is (forced), or the way Trey is (less forced than Jamil but still forced), but moreso in a way that points to him being out of touch with himself and his own internal state. He doesn’t really…stick out in comparison to the more bombastic members of his dorm; at least not at first. A lot of his quirks are hidden behind his cool expression and appearance, and the gap between those two qualities leads to some funny gags in his interactions with others. 
Part of Silver’s charm as a character comes from his super blunt way of speaking, especially when he starts to describe extremely weird situations that he deems are normal. Like in Endless Halloween, when he casually mentions that he’d used to fight bears to Jamil and Jack (who react as expected). He isn’t used to “regular” social conventions, and this is coupled with the fact that he doesn’t really think like a villain does. In Fairy Gala IF, Ace comments on his heroicness, wondering how they both attend the same school. 
Essentially, there’s a significant divide between him and the people around him in both mindset and in lifestyle. Other students also view him as strange due to unchanging face. Some of his voicelines point this lack of expressiveness, like these:  
“They say that silence is golden. But in my case I just don’t have anything worth talking about…” (Ceremonial Robes SR) 
“I’m happy. ‘I don’t look like it’? Understood. Next time I’ll try harder.” (Groovy Voiceline)  
His dorm SSR also places this aspect of his character front and center. In Part 1, he overhears his peers whispering about how expressionless and weird he is. One of the students even questions if Silver has feelings, which triggers Silver to try to “learn how to be more expressive” with Kalim and Jamil’s help. Thank god for Sebek, who plans to spar with him in the courtyard so Silver’s classmates can witness his true, extremely cool self. He reiterates that Silver shouldn’t care about their opinions and doesn’t need to change.  I don’t think being as on display with one’s emotions as say, Kalim, is necessary for Silver to show growth; he doesn’t have to change who he is to please others. I also really really don’t think that him being less externally expressive is a fault. Sebek’s lines in Silver’s dorm uniform story make this very clear. 
Still, an important part of his dorm uniform personal story is his reasoning behind wanting to change his expressions. He says he feels bad for burdening his classmates this way, and doesn’t want this issue to reflect poorly on Malleus. Silver’s dorm uniform story, as well as countless others (see: his PE card, where he only helps Vil after the former mentions Malleus), show off a key facet of Silver’s character. Of course no man is an island, but Silver only seems to exist in relation to Lilia and Malleus. His lack of self awareness can thus be linked to his constant drive to be useful to them. Silver only focuses on training and bettering himself in academics, physically, magically, etc in order to better serve others or avoid staining Malleus’s reputation; it’s all he can talk about. So much of his life is spent dedicated to his family that he’s frighteningly UNself-centered. And I know that his selflessness is part of the joke, but he really doesn’t seem to be thinking about himself at all, ever. 
One way to read into Silver’s devotion is through the lens of his mortality. Like Sebek, I think Silver has some internal struggle surrounding his humanity. Unlike Sebek, I don’t think Silver is necessarily ashamed of his race or cognizant of this inner conflict; rather, the fact that he is human and is mortal influences his dynamics with the other three greatly. Something easy to overlook with all the gags about Silver falling asleep in random situaftions or playing with animals is that he is burdened with the knowledge he will die long before his loved ones. Lilia, Malleus, and potentially Sebek (not sure about his projected lifespan yet?) are all likely to outlive him and there’s nothing he can do about it. Unlike the others, his time is palpably finite. 
This inner conflict manifests most obviously in his desperation to fix his sleeping issues. While it's in part just a dislike for it constantly disrupting his everyday life, any time spent unconscious is just another reminder of the limited time he has in comparison to his quasi-immortal loved ones. His character profile also marks his dislike as "being idle", which makes total sense when considered in relation to his mortality and not just in relation to his narcolepsy. in this short time he's been blessed with, he should devote his being to giving back to those who raised and cared for him, those who he lives for and who gave him the chance to live. Not a second should be wasted when he could be improving himself as a son, guard, student etc, and this fixation then feeds into his already lacking sense of introspection. While I don’t think he’s necessarily aware of this view of his own humanity (ie it doesn’t cross his mind in such a melancholic or existential way when he’s looking for a cure to his sleeping) I think it’s a key part of his character that explains a lot about his motivations and being. 
But what makes the divide between human and fae lifespans even harder to navigate is the sheer difference in their experiences and values. Of course Lilia and Malleus care for Silver, but the difference in perspectives between a human and a centuries old fae is massive. An example of this is in the Endless Halloween event: 
Silver: There’s no way I could doubt you, Fath…Da…Lilia! You both took this way too far! 
Lilia & Malleus: Hm?
Silver: I understand that you and the ghosts just wanted us to have fun. But those who were taken over by the ghosts tried to fight us. All it would’ve taken was one mistake and someone could’ve gotten seriously injured. Are you saying that was a hint, as well? 
Though Lilia and Malleus clear up the misunderstanding-the ghosts were supposed to tell everyone it was entertainment but were attacked before they could-Silver still shows his willingness to challenge them when he believes it necessary. I wouldn’t add this as an example because it is part of a misunderstanding, but Ace criticizes Malleus in his own SR Scary Dress personal story, citing that “normal students can’t compare”, so he should be more aware of how powerful he is. 
Endless Halloween is in general a really great Silver event. Not only are we shown his willingness to stand up for what he believes is right, even against the people who make up his whole world, he’s forced to confront the question of his humanity in relation to them. In his SSR Scary Dress personal story, he acknowledges that he never thought they could part: 
Silver: Lilia-senpai was always there for me, so I was never lonely.
Silver: Training with Sebek was always fun, and sometimes Malleus-sama would come and visit us in secret…
Silver: Somewhere in my heart, I had decided that that peaceful time would continue on forever.
Silver: …I had never even given it a thought that I could experience a parting.
That’s what makes part 1 of episode 7 is such an interesting set up in terms of character drama- as with the Endless Halloween kidnapping farce, the roles between son and father have been reversed. This time, though, it’s seemingly for real.  Silver can’t picture outliving Lilia, or even just living apart from him forever because the first seemed biologically impossible and the other extremely unlikely, and now everyone is crying and Malleus is burning down NRC. 
The Valley of Thorns is behind on the times. It’s a stagnant and slow to change, a point emphasized in almost all of its mentions, so I think the Diasomnia chapter will center on them coping with time,  change, mortality, etc. I’m trying not to cross over into theory territory, but another possible route episode 7 could take is surrounding Silver’s origins. We see Lilia give him the ring from his original parents. What if he leaves to find them? I really really don’t think he will, but there is that threat of “Silver has ties to another place besides Diasomnia” which is another stake in how lonely Malleus, as the overblotter, is. 
JUST TO REITERATE AGAIN BECAUSE I THINK IT’S IMPORTANT WHEN DISCUSSING SILVER LIKE THIS: I also don't think he's super self-aware yet considering his general lack of introspection, or at least doesn't think about it too often unless he's confronted with a change in the status quo (like in his Scary Monsters SSR). He’s very here-and-now minded. I’m not saying he’s secretly hiding some dark and sad secret side, just that his situation’s complexity extends beyond the falling-asleep-everywhere gags. Mortality and all that. 
But one thing that always makes me sad about Silver’s situation is wondering…is he lonely? It must be lonely right? Or does he throw so much of himself into others that he isn’t even aware if or when he is? So much of twst boils down to how loneliness absolutely destroys a person, and how understanding from others and human connection is incredibly necessary. Without it, people can turn into literal monsters, consumed by their pain and isolation. Like their leige, Silver and Sebek haven’t socialized with others much until NRC. But a big part of twst chapters is the dorm head/members of the respective dorm connecting with their classmates a little more, which is why I’m hopeful that Diasomnia will have a happy ending. The game is a Disney property after all. 
And as Lilia says, human or not, Silver will always be his son. Sometimes a family can be two fae, a human baby, and their giant crocodile. 
tldr; Silver is isolated in a lot of ways (human instead of fae, has morals unlike the other scrubs at NRC) and hyperfocuses on others instead of his own sake because of it; I think episode 7 will be about him and the rest of Diasomnia learning how to make connections with others while coping with time, change, and mortality. 
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geekgirles · 3 months
Maybe I'm reading too deep into this, but I get the feeling it's tradition amongst the women in the Sheran Sharm family to wear their hair up in a high ponytail. After all, that's not just how Amalia's mother wore her hair, but her daughter's own princess outfit in season 2 (a clear, more age-appropriate copy of her mother's) included a ponytail as well, whereas Amalia herself used to wear her hair loose when she was in more casual clothing back then.
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In fact, whenever Amalia was seen serving her role of Sadida Princess, she was seen with her hair tied up. From her design in the OVAs to her season 3 design, which she kept with only minimum modifications when she ascended to the throne.
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And let's not forget, while more practical than her 13-year-old outfit, the whole top and pants combo is the look she wore around the palace, where Yugo went to look for her and ask for help, which already implies said outift was actually her princess outfit, as she is seen wearing it all the time and to all kinds of events, even dilomatic ones, such as the assembly or in the throne room with Master Joris, her brother, and sister-in-law as they listened to Yugo and Nora's case regarding the Nécromes.
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(On a meta level, this could also be another visual key as to how Aurora was never the true Sadida Queen, even when Armand was still alive, as she never once tied her hair up, always wearing it loose. Just like she never wore white, one of the Sheran Sharm's signature colours, only red and even black, further making her stand out as an outsider).
I don't know, I just found this to be a fun, little cultural detail. Like how Eliatropes hide their wings even amongst their own kind or how the Osamodas royal family seems to decorate their horns with gold, most likely as a nod to their god.
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lizzybeth1986 · 1 year
Masterlist for More Recent Meta
My old essay masterlist was written during the time I was still actively playing Choices, and often went into detail on the diamond scenes of certain characters. But in more recent years, I began writing essays stemming from asks I recieved. I couldn't put them in that masterlist because it was too full by then, and over time all my essays/meta posts became difficult to track. I thought it would be a good time to compile them in a separate place.
Many of these essays were written around 2019-2021, and a lot may have happened since the writing of those. So do understand that some of them were written at a time when the full story was not out, but the arguments behind them often still hold.
I will keep adding to this list as and when I find more essays.
Choices and Race
Fear of the Second Book (ft. Sloane Washington)
CoC and Fandom Hypocrisy (ft. Xanthe)
What White Woman are Allowed that WOC aren't (ft. Aurora Emery)
A Litmus Test to See Which Characters Writers/Teams Care For (ft. Zoey Wade)
PB and Fronting Diversity
LGBTQ+ Issues and Choices
My Issues with The "Playersexual" LI Term
Cordonia and Sexism
Cordonian Nobility and Their Upbringing
TRR's Alternative LIs: The Romances that Didn't Happen
Character Specific Essays
The Character Who Provided A Counterview
Rebel Goddess: An Appreciation of Sloane Washington
Nadia Park: The Moral Epicenter of Perfect Match
Hana and the Effects of Controlling Parenting
Hana Lee: A Study in Erasure (an ongoing essay series)
How Retconning Madeleine Harmed Hana
Using Hana's Pain to Generate Sympathy for Penelope
A Breakdown of the Madeleine-MC Confrontation
To Be Not Heard: Kiara, Penelope and the Question of Validation
Kiara Theron: The Character that the Fandom Loves To Hate
Why There is a Disdain for Kiara
PB's Obsession with Keeping Kiara Away From Liam
Monuments, Memory, Meaning: King Liam and Historical Sites
Drake's Retcon
Who is A Forced LI
The "Sucky King" Argument
Princess Lena
The Beauty of Hayden's Harajuku Scene
Hayden's Breaking Point: Unexpected Tantrum, or a Long Awaited Catharsis?
The Hayden Young Project (an upcoming essay series)
Scene Compilations: Book 1 | Book 2
Essays (coming soon!)
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its-to-the-death · 1 year
Fictional Weapon War Round 1
Now that our preliminaries are over, we're ready to fight!
Here is our bracket:
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It is kind of ugly and I used the names instead of pictures because I did not want to figure out the logistics of fitting all those pictures (that are probably a bunch of different weird sizes) on here together.
I still need to get all the pictures together for the matchups but I am planning for round 1 to start on Tuesday, July 25. All polls last a week.
Propaganda is always welcome as long as you are being nice. Have fun!
Matchups below the cut. I'll link them to the polls once they start.
Bridget's yo-yo (Guilty Gear) vs Sasha (Team Fortress 2)
Myrtenaster (RWBY) vs Funkfreed (One Piece)
The Wabbajack (The Elder Scrolls) vs Frostmourne (World of Warcraft)
Portal gun (Portal) vs Buster Sword (Final Fantasy VII)
The Punisher (Trigun) vs Orb (Pondering My Orb meme)
The Spear of the Non-Believer (SCP Wiki) vs R.Y.N.O. (Ratchet and Clank 2002)
Bat'leth (Star Trek) vs Nightblood (Warbreaker/The Starlight Archive)
Ness' bat (Earthbound) vs Kendal (Aurora webcomic)
The Throngler (Twitter) vs Shardblades (The Stormlight Archive)
Kurapika's chains (Hunter x Hunter) vs Kenji Kon's butter knife (Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous)
Jack/Sumarbrander (Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard) vs Xena's chakram (Xena Warrior Princess)
Soul Evan's scythe form (Soul Eater) vs Lightsaber (Star Wars)
The Master Sword (The Legend of Zelda) vs Ryuko's scissor blade (Kill la Kill)
Riptide (Percy Jackson) vs Rapunzel's frying pan (Tangled)
Riz Gukgak's Arquebus (Dimension 20 Fantasy High) vs Ichaival (Symphogear)
Meta Knight's Galaxia (Kirby) vs Aang's staff (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
Piecemaker (Discworld) vs The List (Critical Role/The Legend of Vox Machina)
Sailor Moon's tiara (Sailor Moon) vs Batarangs (Batman)
Bit Stave (Mobile Suit Gundam: The Witch From Mercury) vs Oathkeeper (Kingdom Hearts)
Meowmere (Terraria) vs The Sword of the Creator (Fire Emblem: Three Houses)
Splattershot (Splatoon) vs Amy's Piko Piko Hammer (Sonic)
Pit's Sacred Bow of Palutena (Kid Icarus) vs Sokka's space sword (Avatar: The Last Airbender)
King Dedede's Hammer (Kirby) vs Shingou-Ax (Kamen Rider Drive)
Gideon Nav's two handed sword (The Locked Tomb) vs Needle Whip (Fear and Hunger 2)
Crescent Rose (RWBY) vs Sting (Lord of the Rings)
Kingdom Key (Kingdom Hearts) vs Ghirahim (The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword)
E.G.O. Weapon Mimicry (Project Moon) vs Dangeresque's Nunchuck Gun (Homestar Runner)
Tissue Compression Eliminator (Doctor Who) vs Spider-ham's mallet (Spiderman: Into the Spiderverse)
Sokka's boomerang (Avatar: The Last Airbender) vs Knife (knife crow)
Gungnir (Symphogear) vs Baby 5 (One Piece)
Oblivion (Kingdom Hearts) vs Brisingr (The Inheritance Cycle)
Martin the Warrior's sword (Redwall) vs Morgoth's mace, Grand (Lord of the Rings)
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morethanaloveinterest · 9 months
Projects Masterlist
If you are interested in costume meta or video essays on Disney Princesses, the Man from U.N.C.L.E., Pirates of the Caribbean, Star Wars Ladies, or Natasha Romanoff, check out what I've been working on under the cut:
The Man from U.N.C.L.E.
Gaby Teller: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Victoria Vinciguerra: Costume Analysis
Disney Princesses
Snow White: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Cinderella: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Aurora: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Ariel: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Belle: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Jasmine: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Pocahontas: Video Essay
Mulan: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Tiana: Video Essay
Rapunzel: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Pirates of the Caribbean
Elizabeth Swann Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Elizabeth Swann Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Elizabeth Swann Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Tia Dalma/Calypso: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
V for Vendetta
Evey Hammond: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Black Widow
Iron Man 2: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Avengers: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Winter Soldier: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Age of Ultron: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Civil War: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Infinity War/ Endgame: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Black Widow movie: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Black Widow Reframes the MCU
Black Widow Retrospective
Star Wars
Redemption Arcs
Leia Organa Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Leia Organa Part IV: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Padme Amidala Part I: Video Essay I Video Essay II | Costume Analysis I Costume Analysis II
Padme Amidala Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Padme Amidala Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rey Part III: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rose Tico Part I: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Rose Tico Part II: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Jannah: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Lord of the Rings
Arwen: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Eowyn: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
Wonder Woman
Wonder Woman 2017: Video Essay | Costume Analysis
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jules-has-notes · 1 month
collaboration spotlight — Slime by Danny Gonzalez
In the first decade of YouTube's existence, amateur video creators did some wild, experiemental things. Some folks found their niches in odd places. And others went meta by making content about that weird stuff. This video goes above and beyond mere commentary to become a full parody production of its own.
title: Slime
performer: Danny Gonzalez
written & arranged by: Danny Gonzalez
directed & produced by: Layne Stein & Tony Wakim
release date: 18 January 2019
My favorite bits:
all the cliched markers of sudden wealth perpetuated by both the music industry and early YouTube
not really acknowledging that Drew Gooden is also just there
the growing tension in the lyrics and increasingly fast percussion leading into the first chorus
♫ "Got that family friendly content. I don't get demonitized." ♫
the random giant nutcracker in the back seat of the car
Danny's anxiety in ♫ "She was looking at my YouTube channel. Wait don't do that!" ♫
the woman's growing confusion and amusement as she scrolls through his channel
his hilariously earnest vulnerability in the final section
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This music video is excerpted from Danny's full length "The Weirdest Children's Channel On YouTube" video.
PattyCake fans will recognize the woman from the club as Anna Ricks, who plays Aurora in their Princess Academy series.
The young girl is Layne's youngest step-daughter, Lilly. He posted a clip from the filming of that segment in his Instagram.
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foxballad · 2 months
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# 𝒇𝒐𝒙𝒃𝒂𝒍𝒍𝒂𝒅   Independent, private, highly selective & low activity Evangeline Fox from the Stephanie Garber's 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 book trilogy . Retold by Jane ( 27+, she / her, Brazilian ) . xkit rewritten & beta editor only !
carrd. / thread tracker. / promo. / metas & important portrayal notes. / the magnificent north lore. / prompts. / psa. / wishlist. / multimuse blog. / aurora valor side blog. / lala lagrimas sideblog.
𝘈𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 : magic and prophecies, fairytales and curses, a peasant girl turned princess, fighting for love and a happy ending, the pain of a broken heart, one love story and so many possible endings, the connection to others and the connection to nature, humanity and the divine, the lover and the guardian of the forest.
Sharing tales and curses with: @broknheart .
currently rereading (for analysis): once upon a broken heart.
Small vacation hiatus September 21 to September 29!
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marciabrady · 2 years
I read your post about how Hollywood and media have lately dismissed classic romances for being "unrealistic" - like the ones of Snow White and Cinderella with their princes - and I feel that's consequence of the 'deconstructing everything' trend that many critics in Youtube and media in general started in the 2000s. It's not only the Disney movies, even movies like Titanic haven't been free of this, as I have read many people complaining that Jack and Rose fell in love in only four days and "they were very young" or that they can't believe that Jack was the love of her life and not the husband she later married for years - since it was Jack whom she met in the afterlife. There's so much cynicism and an excess of going "meta" in movies and I feel like that is affecting the industry right now, romances are measured like a scientific study of "for how much time they met or how mature they were to comprehend what love means" in order to approve what qualifies a "realistic romance" and I feel like this remove the magic and heart in the stories.
I completely agree and I think the key word to what you said was "scientific." This is not the purpose of film or any art- there are a variety of values to the medium of film, like escapism, representation, hope, creativity, but it isn't science. Aurora and Phillip meeting in the woods is the essence of romance to me and I don't care about the screentime being "limited." Cinderella finding love at the ball after being abused her entire life gives me a high that modern romances don't. Snow White finding someone who sings to her of his love being "constant and true" and being so driven to find her that he aimlessly wonders through the forest for seasons in search of his lost love is something that's leagues above modern Disney ships that, to me, don't have chemistry or are awkward around one another. And that's okay, because we're allowed to like different things! I think the fault of the contemporary critic is they ignore the nuance of art. So, let's view films as people. Let's say I don't like a certain comedian, for instance, but that doesn't mean said comedian has no merit by existing or their own fans. Instead of critics and modern audiences simply saying, "this comedian isn't for me" they want to omit every single one until there's literally one person left in the industry. Which is unnatural, because you can't be all things to all people and not everyone is going to like the same person! (which is why I think it's bizarre that LITERALLY every ranking I've seen of the princesses has the original three in the bottom of the ranking and, without fail, Rapunzel and Belle in the top three slot)
With films, it's like they want to omit everything about a genre or style for future generations until we only get one type of female character that's approved in their checklist, one type of generic plot that has to go through all the motions instead of being focused on capturing an actual bond/vibe, making sure it's palatable to as many people as possible- almost as a machine- and it's just so indicative of the extremely consumerist culture we're living in and it's okay to let people have different interpretations of the same thing! For instance, just because some people don't like Aurora and think she's passive doesn't mean that's the case, it just means that character is not for them and they'll gravitate to someone else. If they like another character better, that doesn't mean we have to do away with characters like Aurora forever and only ever create more versions of the popular character over and over again and that can be the only model we have moving forward. Likewise, I think they want to feed people everything about a character which is so annoying to me. If everyone has the same take on one character, where's the art??? Idk there's so much more to say on this, and I've spoken about it before but I very much agree with your ask and appreciate it being sent in!
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true--north · 10 months
I have finally watched Wish 2023.
Good things: A++ costuming. Medieval style of the movie is awesome, there is nothing to compare to it. Also, scenery is pretty impressive. I wish Arendelle and Northuldra costuming were that good.
I like the meta of Wish, they tried to make a prequel set up for other Disney fairy tales: Asha is the first Fairy Godmother, a woman from the town is that seamstress that created the fashion book from Sleeping Beauty, Magnifico is the face into the Evil Queen's mirror, the wishes floating up looked like the lanterns in Rapunzel, Asha's cart's transformation looked like Cinderella carriage's, etc. The classic fairytale book opening was beautiful and nostalgic.
That's all.
Bad things: where to start?
Animation Style. As I feared since the early gifs, this combination of styles is not my cup of tea. The combination of simple flat drawing and 3d models for me ruined the immersion and created a "Who Framed Roger Rabbit" weird effect. Even worse. Because in the Rabbit the drawn characters remained drawn. and the real actors remained actors. In Wish, the characters could be 3D one moment and flatly drawn the next. Or have 3d face but flat dress, 3d clothes but flat simplistic hands, etc. The way they acted against flat painted sets like at a theatre stage was just weird. Maybe Disney was trying to tribute their two eras of animation this way, but it didn't work for me. I kept noticing the changing styles and found it annoying.
Asha is uninteresting as a heroine. I wasn't moved by her at all, there's nothing special about her(except that she has a living mother, but still her father is dead and she's ready to talk about him right at the interview.) There are "no like other girls" heroines, but Asha is literally the opposite. Maybe they tried to make her generic on purpose, like she's a proto-princess as well: laughs like Rapunzel, is awkward like Anna, talks to animals like Snow White and Aurora, runs like Elsa in Let It Go, has the same colour palette like Isabella, has similar scenes with "Be our guest" and "Under the sea", but she didn't inspire me. And she is too adorkable. Her friends have more personality and coolness than she.
Her goat is just awful, I'm serious here. Not only is he ugly, but he talks in a weird for a baby goat manner and makes stupid jokes. In fact, the jokes in Wish are really cringe. The chickens and eggs, the goat's tail in Asha's face…no, thanks.
Magnifico. I absolutely do not miss "classic villains", especially if they are going to be like him now. I don't know how the old Disney did it but Queen Grimhilde and Maleficent were a way more understandable and "justified" in their hatred than Magnifico, even though we know nothing about them. They had something in them Magnifico doesn't. Lady Tremaine and Ursula are just geniuses, super bosses and icons in comparison to him.
He has no reason to be so paranoid and do what he does other than a mental illness he got as a child. He has no reason to fear being attacked by the citizens, he had no reason at all to fulfill/continue fulfilling anyone's wishes, what for?
What he was doing did nothing at all to prevent his fear of being attacked he developed when he was a boy. Holding wishes back doesn't protect the city from war that was not going to happen, actually. If Magnifico had been drinking energy from wishes from the beginning it would make much more sense, but no he started doing this only after he opened the book of forbidden magic. Although, he indeed had the right to decide what is worthy to fulfill because it was his magic, not everyone's.
He's ugly and yes as I've noticed before he looks like older Prince Hans.
I found the final moral that magic is unnecessary and we should do everything by themselves, that people can't live well with it and are asking too much, discouraging and too didactic rather than inspiring. If wishes are not going to be fulfilled in the end and it's painted as good, then why Asha was sad when she found out that Magnifico didn't want to fulfill all of them? Magnifico at least fulfilled a % of the wishes, now they have zero. The problem that sometimes wishes just can't come true and it will hurt you is not addressed as much as it should. Oh, and the collective wishes have magic and are good but individual wishes should be achieved by hard work thing...Idk.
What was that all about?
And all the songs are not catchy at all. "I'm a star" has some unpleasantness in its message I can't put my finger on.
⭐⭐⭐ experience. Only its aesthetic made the movie for me. Sorry, Lee, Buck and friends 😗 I just hope that F2 wasn't your last good piece of art and that you'll make better than this for F3 and 4(one of the Wish directors is a Frozen storyboard artist. Mark Smith, do better, please.)
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kawaiifoxsblog · 1 year
Here's my information about my own kirby AU About Next of generation of kids
I did own kirby AU Next Generation of children
Here my own fanchilds of my kirby ships for my Kirby AU Called Kirby's Next Generations
Kirby x Ribbon (5 Kids)
Paula Tie Bow Dreamie and Zap
King dedede x queen ripple (2 kids)
Princess Drina and Prince Roy ( fairy penguin twins)
Meta knight x susie (6 kids)
Moonlight Sonia Izzy Burst willow and Kapi
Bandana waddle dee x elline (7 kids)
Meggy dee Minty Piper timber Emmett Ollie Teddy
Marx x Flamberge (3 kids)
ember flame and Sunny
Gooey x chuchu ( 2 daughters)
Ivy and echo
Magolor x Francisca (5 kids)
Melody Eclipse Aurora Dusk and dawn
Taranza x Zan partizanne ( 2 kids)
Bloom and spark
Prince Fluff x Vividria (2 Daughters)
Rosie and Kit
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High School YxK (High School DxD) Cast
Hovernyan as Issei Hyoudou (Yo-kai Watch)
Maguro Maki as Rias Gremory (Sushi Pack)
Kani Maki as Akeno Himejima (Sushi Pack)
Fluttershy as Koneko Toujou (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls)
Tako Maki as Yuuto Kiba (Sushi Pack)
Wasabi Pow as Gasper Vladi (Sushi Pack)
Lala Hagoromo/Glitter MilkyWay as Asia Argento (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight)
Rose as Rossweisse (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes)
Natalie Madoka/Glitter Ace as Ravel Phenex (Glitter Force Doki Doki)
Green Shadow AKA Penelopea as Xenovia Quarta (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes)
Tweak Bunny (Octonauts) as Sona Sitri
Dashi Dog (Octonauts) as Tsubaki Shinra
Ikura Maki (Sushi Pack) as Genshirou Saji
Luna Kaguya/Glitter Serenity (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight) as Momo Hanaki
Petty (Pororo the Little Penguin) as Tsubasa Yura
as Tomoe Meguri
Chompzilla (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Reya Kusaka
Penny (Top Wing) as Ruruko Nimura
Sci-Twi AKA Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Bennia
Poby (Pororo the Little Penguin) as Loup Garou
Citron (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Vali Lucifer
Nightcap (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Bikou
Flora (Winx Club) as Kuroka
Spike (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Fenrir
Grass Knuckles (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Arthur Pendragon
Stella (Winx Club) as Le Fay Pendragon
E-123 Omega (Sonic the Hedgehog) as Gogmagog
Pure Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run) as Sirzechs Lucifer
Larry the Lobster (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Falbium Asmodeus
Pinkie Pie (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Serafall Leviathan
as Ajuka Beelzebub
White Vanilla Cookie (Cookie Run) as Millicas Gremory
Leonardo (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012) as Zeocitus Gremory
Princess Twilight Sparkle (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Venelana Gremory
as Sariaorg Bael
Uni (Sushi Pack) as Diodora Astaroth
Roxy (Winx Club) as Seekvaria Agares
Daphne (Winx Club) as Misla Bael
Captain Gantu as Riser Phenex (Lilo & Stitch)
Peso Penguin as Beruka Furcas (Octonauts)
Nani Pelekai (Lilo & Stitch) as Coriana Andrealphus
Rainbow Dash (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Misteeta Sabnock
Spudow (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Gandoma Balam
Captain Combustible (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Ladora Bune
Wall-Knight (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Liban Crocell
Flain (Mixels) as Diehauser Belial
Bloom (Winx Club) as Lady Phenex
Pleakley (Lilo & Stitch) as Naud Gamigin
White Lily Cookie (Cookie Run) as Grayfia Lucifage
as Kuisha Abaddon
Titanium Chef (Sushi Pack) as Tannin
Meopatra (Yo-kai Watch) as Viser
Karen Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Isabela
Tammy Misumi/Glitter Black and Melina Yukishiro/Glitter White (Glitter Force Power Hearts) as lle and Nel
Karai and Shinigami (Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2012) as Ni and Li
Chloe Aoki/Glitter Breeze (Glitter Force Smile) as Karlamine
Rosygury (Noonbory and the Super 7) as Mira
Mackenzie Kenzaki/Glitter Sword (Glitter Force Doki Doki) as Siris
Mochi Macchiato (Sushi Pack) as Xuelan
Aurora Tsukikage/Glitter MoonFlower (Glitter Force HeartsFlowers) as Yubelluna
as Burenet
Glaciere (Team Umizoomi) as Shuriya
as Marion
as Mihae
(Yo-kai Watch S) as Regulus
Squidward Tentacles (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Zephyrdor Glasya-Labolas
Jumba Jookiba (Lilo & Stitch) as Azazel
Major Nixel (Mixels) as Kokabiel
Eugene H. Krabs (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Baraqiel
as Shemhazai
Regina (Glitter Force Doki Doki) as Raynare AKA Yuuma Amano
Eas (Glitter Force Fresh) as Kalewarner
Sheldon J. Plankton (SpongeBob SquarePants) as Dohnaseek
Gentlu (Glitter Force Delicious Party) as Mittlet
Meta Knight (Kirby Right Back At Ya!) as Michael
Solar Flare (Plants vs. Zombies Heroes) as Irina Shidou
Infernites Max/2014 (Mixels) as Great Red
Rarity (My Little Pony: Equestria Girls) as Ophis
Maximum Mixel (Mixels) as Ddraig
Naximum Nixel (Mixels) as Albion
Dragon Lord (Yo-kai Watch) as Vitra
Azure Dragon (Yo-kai Watch) as Midgardsormr
as Odin
Unagi (Sushi Pack) as Loki
King Nixel (Mixels) as Hades
as Indra
as Sun Wukong
Torts (Mixels) as Cao Cao
Valtor (Winx Club) as Shalba Beelzebub
Captain Carvaline Narkoff as Katerea Leviathan (Lilo & Stitch OC)
as Creuserey Asmodeus
as Georg
Brody (Top Wing) as Leonardo
as Siegfried
as Jeanne
Fugu (Sushi Pack) as Heracles
as Connla
Eight AKA Octonaughty (Numberblocks) as Freed Sellzen
Laura/Laura La Mer/Laura Apollodoros Hyginus La Mer/Glitter River (Glitter Force Tropical Girls) as Kunou
Queen Oceania (Glitter Force Tropical Girls) as Yasaka
Rod (Top Wing) as Matsuda
Swift (Top Wing) as Motohama
Lisa Izayoi/Glitter Magical as Murayama (Glitter Force Witch Girls)
Evelynn Asahina/Glitter Miracle as Katase (Glitter Force Witch Girls)
Prince as Rassei (Glitter Force TwinkleStarlight)
Abby Hanasaki/Glitter Blossom as Aika Kiryu (Glitter Force HeartsFlowers)
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Fanganronpa ideas
Would you like an idea for a future fangan, free of charge? Well, your wish is my command! Here are all the fangan ideas I’ve devised but for one reason or anohter, decided to abandon (mostly cuz I’ve thought of another idea!) Make sure you credit me, first!
(Author’s note: All these character suggestions are just that- suggestions. Feel free to include or exclude any of them. Also, if you think one of the characters isn’t given the right Ultimate Talent, you’re welcome to change it.)
Disney Princess fangan
MC: Snow White, Aurora, Sofia, or Elena
Snow White: [Royal Talent undecided]
Cinderella: Royal Maid
Tinker Bell: Royal Inventor
Aurora: Royal Lucky Student
Ariel: Royal Anthropologist
Belle: Royal Librarian
Jasmine: [Royal Talent undecided]
Pocahontas: Royal Survivalist (Author’s note: If you plan on including Pocahontas, I wouldn’t recommend killing her off. Her real-life counterpart has already been through enough. :[ )
Mulan: Royal Soldier
Tiana: Royal Restraunteur
Rapunzel: Royal Artist
Merida: Royal Archer
Vanellope: Royal Gamer
Moana: Royal Wayfinder
Raya: Royal Explorer
(Author’s note: Feel free to exclude anyone listed here and / or include other Disney heroines (Esmeralda, Kida, Mirabel, Asha, etc.)
Super Ronpa Bros
Super Smash Bros Ultimate fangan
MC: It’s all up to you!
Mario: Ultimate Plumber
Luigi: Ultimate Ghost Hunter
Peach, Daisy, and / or Zelda: Ultimate Princess
Bowser and / or Ganondorf: Ultimate Villain
Wario: Ultimate Microgame Developer
Link: Ultimate Hero
Samus: Ultimate Bounty Hunter
Star Fox, Falco, and / Or Wolf: Ultimate Space Pilot
Mr. Game and Watch: Ultimate Jack-Of-All-Trades
Solid Snake: Ultimate Secret Agent
Meta Knight: Ultimate Knight
Villager: Ultimate Mayor
Isabelle: Ultimate Secretary
Sonic: Ultimate Speedster
Olimar: Ultimate Astronaut
Little Mac: Ultimate Boxer
Steve: Ultimate Miner
Joker: Ultimate Detective
Sora: Ultimate Keyblade Wielder
My Little Danganronpa
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic fangan
MC: It’s all up to you!
Twilight Sparkle: Ultimate Princess
Applejack: Ultimate Farmer
Bon Bon- Ultimate Spy (Sh: s revealed as Secret Agent Sweetie Drops later on. :3)
Cheerilee:Ultimate Teacher
Coco Pommel: Ultimate Assistant
Coloratura, Sapphire Shores, and / or Songbird Serenade: Ultimate Pop Sensation
Octavia Melody: Ultimate Cellist
Pinkie Pie: Ultimate Party Planner
Photo Finish: Ultimate Photographer
Suri Polomare: Ultimate Fashion Designer
Zecora: Ultimate Alchemist
Fluttershy- Ultimate Veterinarian
Rainbow Dash: Ultimate Daredevil
Lyra Heartstrings: Ultimate Anthropologist
Starlight Glimmer: Ultimate Prodgiy
Trixie Lulamoon: Ultimate Stage Magician
Vinyl Scratch- Ultimate DJ
If I get any more ideas, I’ll let you know!
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valorprincess · 21 days
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# 𝑣𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑟𝑝𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑐𝑒𝑠𝑠  Independent, private, highly selective & low activity Aurora Valor from the Stephanie Garber's 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐩𝐨𝐧 𝐀 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 𝐇𝐞𝐚𝐫𝐭 book trilogy . Brought to life by Jane ( 27, she / her, Brazilian ) . plus xkit rewritten & beta editor only ! sideblog to / will follow back from foxballad !
rules in this carrd. / promo. / metas & important portrayal notes. / prompts. / wishlist. / multimuse blog.
𝘈𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘱𝘭𝘰𝘳𝘢𝘵𝘪𝘰𝘯 𝘰𝘧 : magic and prophecies, fairytales and curses, the connection to others and the connection to nature, the feminine rage, the innocence lost, the pain of an unrequited love.
story about the muse under the cut.
Aurora Valor is a princess of The Magnificent North. She is a member of the Valors, the first royal family in the North, and daughter of Wolfric and Honora Valor. Castor Valor is her twin brother. She is sister to Vesper, Tempest, Romulus, Dane, and Lysander Valor.
Aurora is perceived as the most beautiful girl in the North, looking like a fairytale princess. She has a heart-shaped face, bottle-green eyes, and hair that shimmers the color of violets. Aurora has a sweet smile and a musical voice.
Aurora was a cunning girl, not afraid to fight for what she wanted. She was aware of her beauty, and not humble about it. She had written a diary and hidden it in the Hollow. The opening page claimed that the book was cursed, and whoever read it would die. It was never proven to be true. Aurora also had a secret room under a tree at the Hollow, full of spell books, recipes, and ingredients. There was a spell book in this room, but when opened, revealed to be another diary, more specifically written about her experiences learning magic.
Aurora’s twin brother, Castor, was part of the Merrywood Three with Jacks, known as Archer, and Lyric Merrywood. Aurora was secretly in love with Jacks, and she put the Archer’s curse on him because her sister, Vesper, could see the future, telling her that Jacks would fall in love with a fox. Jacks broke free of the Archer curse, but when he kissed his fox, she died.
Aurora wanted the attention of Vengeance Slaughterwood and Lyric Merrywood to make Jacks jealous. Lyric, Lord Merrywood's only son, was too good-hearted to realize what a mistake it was to love Aurora Valor. He was so desperately in love with her that he dismissed the dangerous fact that she was engaged to Vengeance Slaughterwood. Aurora and Vengeance had been betrothed since Aurora's birth.
Aurora tried to break off the wedding to marry Lyric, and told her father that she would not go through with the marriage to Vengeance. Wolfric did not agree, and forced her to continue with the marriage. On the morning of the wedding, she ran away. That was when Vengeance learned of her affair with Lyric Merrywood.
The day at Merrywood Manor when Vengeance attacked, Castor tried to warn Lyric. Jacks wasn't there when it happened. When Jacks arrived, everyone was dead except for Castor. Castor was stabbed in the back, and Jacks brought him to Honora, the greatest healer in all of the North. But Castor died, and Honora resurrected him. Castor became the vampire Chaos. Chaos ended up killing the Merrywood family, except for Lala. The Valors built the Valory and sealed themselves inside except for Chaos, ending the Age of the Valors and ushering in the Age of Great Houses.
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wicked-storybrooke · 5 years
I'm seeing a lot of posts about Philip and Aurora the last few days so I'm guessing you like that ship but... Thoughts on that ship?
For sure! Thanks for asking! I didn’t even realise how many Philora posts I had queued! My otp for both of them is actually Warrior Royals! I would post just as much Sleeping Warrior and Mulan x Phillip if I could find it. I just love every element of this three-way relationship!
I think Mulan and Aurora have such beautiful development and I adore what their relationship blossomed into! Mulan sacrifices her own happiness to ensure Aurora’s. She would do anything to protect Aurora and Aurora grew to be just as protective of Mulan. The way they look at each other when Mulan gives Aurora back her heart! And the way Mulan strokes Aurora’s forehead when she’s sleeping! I die!
I’ve always interpreted the relationship between Mulan and Phillip as something that unwittingly developed into more than a friendship. I would have loved to have seen even more of that backstory because I am almost convinced he was saying “I love you” to Mulan or both of them before the wraith got him.
Phillip and Aurora have true love! From the little we saw of them together they seemed like a really cute couple. They supported one another, made sacrifices and you can tell they’d do anything to ensure one another’s protection, as I believe is true for Mulan too. I was obsessed with Disney’s Sleeping Beauty as a kid, so Phillip x Aurora means a great deal to me. I love them a lot! They’re adorable! But my otp is definitely Warrior Royals. I can’t help feeling like they’re a family. And I wish we’d gotten more of all three of them together. I would have loved for them to have all raiseD Phillip Jr. together in Storybrooke and heck! I’m gonna headcannon that they did!
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Oh my Lord! The way they look at each other! So cute!!
What are your thoughts on Phillip x Aurora?
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darkpoisonouslove · 4 years
Sleeping Beauty Missed Opportunities
I watched Disney’s Sleeping Beauty about ten days ago and I actually loved it a lot. The aesthetic is lovely and the music is absolutely ethereal, there was some awesome comedy and Maleficent remains such a cool villain even if she is not particularly competent at it, Phillip is probably the best Disney prince ever and I got all nostalgic so it was a great experience. I couldn’t help but notice a couple of things that had so much potential had they been explored and now I am going to write them out because they will simply not leave me alone.
- The fact that Flora’s gift to Aurora was beauty annoyed me a lot. So you’re telling me that her beauty is not only not natural, but it was also pretty much a gift wasted since it literally never played any role in anything. Aurora grew up in isolation so she could have looked as Godzilla for all anyone cared and it wouldn’t have made a difference. And to top it all, her beauty also does not play a role in Phillip falling in love with her because he falls in love with the beauty of her voice at first. It would have been much better if she was naturally pretty (as opposed to supernaturally so aka magically induced) and Flora had given her another gift. I suppose that since she is named Flora, she has something to do with flowers which is why her gift to Aurora was beauty. After all, flowers are there to look pretty and not much else. But I think it would have been a better idea if her gift to Aurora had been that of a nurturing touch that makes it so that Aurora nearly gives life to plants by just touching them. Animals are trickier but she can still heal and nurse them back to health with a little more effort. That would have been in contrast with Maleficent’s whole “kingdom” (aka the Forbidden Mountain) decaying and being in ruins and would have gone better with Fauna’s gift of the soul.
- In the scene where Maleficent appears to the Christening, it is Merryweather that tells her she was not wanted. Granted, the king and queen did not object to that but it was obvious they had already pissed off Maleficent so they probably didn’t want to get on the wrong side of the fairies whose benevolence they still had. When you think about it, though, it was Merryweather who escalated the situation into a disaster that could not be saved so my thought was that it would have been interesting to have learned a little bit more about the fairy ways and the conflict between the Three Good Fairies and Maleficent. Obviously, Maleficent has high social status since even the queen called her “Your Excellence” so the decision to not invite her to the Christening was weird and ill-advised. With a little more background info on the fairy business we could have witnessed the dilemma of the royal family that is caught in the middle of a feud they have nothing to do with aka having to choose which side to invite and risking to draw the wrath of the other upon themselves. It could have been interesting to see what would have happened if they had invited Maleficent instead of the Good Fairies in fear of what she could do if they didn’t only to have the Good Fairies paying them back for the disrespect but that would have changed the plot too much so it is probably best to explore as an AU.
- The consequences of King Stefan’s decision to burn all spinning wheels were never ever shown and that was such a great waste. The fact that the target audience is kids makes it a little bit more understandable, of course, but this could have made for a great political subplot. The decision was impulsive and was made more from the heart of the father rather than the head of the king in his desperation to protect the child he and his wife have wanted for so long. However, that will surely have economical and even political impact on the kingdom. Instead of celebrating the birth of the royal heir, they had to pay the price for protecting her. It is the fourteenth century so without spinning wheels in the whole kingdom, they could no longer turn wool into threads. Any industry including fabric would have suffered from that choice and that would have led to poverty. Now that would have been a perfect way to explore the alliance between Aurora and Phillip’s kingdoms. Maybe they signed a contract for Phillip’s kingdom to trade finished products for the resources that they need to make them coming from Aurora’s kingdom. It would have been a good way to include the aspect of royalty, politics and economics more since they already introduced it through the arranged marriage. And it would be interesting to see Aurora’s reaction once she was back at the palace to how much her subjects and the whole kingdom (even Phillip’s kingdom) had sacrificed for her well-being. Any decisions she could have made on the matter as the future ruler could have shown her introduction into her role of princess and future queen as well as her compassion and good heart.
- The king and queen’s pain over their lost daughter was never explored. They waited for years for the happiness to have a baby and when their only dream finally comes true, they are forced to give up the baby if they want to keep her alive. They can not see her for the first sixteen years of her life and by the time she comes back to the palace she is all grown up. She is not their baby daughter but a beautiful stranger that they don’t know anything about. Whatever happiness and relief there was over her being well and alive was surely overshadowed by the fact that Maleficent still succeeded in tearing their family apart. Their daughter is not dead but they lost her and she never had them. It is a horrible tragedy that the movie never even bothered to address for a second past that scene of them sending Aurora away with the Three Good Fairies. Considering all the negative repercussions the king’s decision to burn all spinning wheels must have had on the kingdom, it was a shame that they never truly showed the emotional consequences of the choice to give Aurora to the fairies to raise for the royal family. It could have added much emotional depth to the story and characters.
- In relation to that, there was a big missed opportunity with Philip also. Since his mother wasn’t there neither at the Christening, nor at the celebration of Aurora’s sixteenth birthday, a sound assumption would be that she was dead. The loss of her that Phillip and his father were going through and the loss Aurora’s parents were experiencing after they gave her away could have become a great bonding point for the two families. It has been shown that Phillip’s dad is a great friend of King Stefan so it would be safe to assume that the two met quite a lot. Phillip could have easily been brought along on those visits and since they lost their own daughter, Aurora’s parents would have probably become very fond of the boy and loved him as their own. He was to be their son-in-law one day and through him they could give their daughter all their love, by caring for him and helping raise him in any way they could. And Phillip could have come to think of them as family as well and respect them like his own parents which would have made it harder for him to stand up to the arranged marriage because he also loved them and didn’t want to hurt their feelings after all the love they’d given him. And later on, once Aurora was back home, he could have helped her get to know her parents. It would have been bittersweet that he knew them better than she did but it would have shown both his support of Aurora and the trust that binds the two families in one as well as helped both Aurora and her parents get over the pain and trauma they’ve experienced.
- This is more of a detail that would have just made things a little cooler if it’d been included but what if the gift of soul Fauna gave Aurora was the reason she was seeing Phillip in her dreams? It connected her to the living beings like the forest animals and it could have very well been the one thing helping her connect with the one she is destined to be with. It could have been a cool side thing. And maybe it also affected Phillip in some way and that was why he could communicate so effortlessly with his horse. Or they could have made it so that Phillip had also been blessed by fairies as a child and that was why he was communicating the same way with his horse that Aurora was with the forest animals and it helped them establish their dream bond.
- And one last possibility that I thought of would have been if Aurora had been raised according to fairy understanding and perception of the world. The Three Good Fairies themselves said that they knew nothing about raising a human child and Aurora neither knew they were fairies, nor had contact with any other humans in order to figure out that something wasn’t quite right with the way they were raising her and the things they were teaching her. So she grew up experienced in fairy traditions and the fairy way of looking on the world. Once she goes to the palace, she finally learns that what she’s been taught is not the human way of doing things so on top of having to patch up her family and learn the royal ways, she also has to learn the human ways. And since she’s been raised with fairy outlook on the world, she cannot believe her parents’ decision to not invite Maleficent to her Christening. It is not that she blames them but to her it seems incredibly stupid and disrespectful and she understands why Maleficent went for retribution. Since Aurora is so well versed in the fairy ways, she becomes something of an ambassador for the kingdom in its dealings with fairies (and possibly other magical creatures) to avoid repetition of history and offend another powerful being. The kingdom becomes prosperous thanks to its extraordinary princess who has managed to earn the benevolence and blessings of various fairies. There are those who do not like her since they think a human should have never been allowed the privilege to know their traditions so well but, in general, she is in the favor of most powerful beings that protect her kingdom and make it a force to be reckoned with.
Those are the things that I would have loved to have seen included or even hinted at in some way in the movie since there is a lot to cover in all the cracks of the story. Any of these would have made for great additions to the original plot imo and would have given more depth and life to the story.
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If during my recovery from abuse, I am able to finally smile a real smile and do something like do the wash and go outside, I'm supposed to call that a victory. Certain feminists see Snow White, Cinderella, and Aurora do this and call them weak. In return, I'm supposed to deal with people like this. I’m told to call them toxic to my recovery and cut them out of my life so I can heal. If it's good enough for me as a real person, then it's damn good enough for a Disney Princess.
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