#sleeping warrior meta
evilminji · 1 year
Okay, you know WHAT? I have been SILENT for too long! I can endure it no longer!!
There is a CRIMINAL lack, CRIMINAL I say! Of Batman/Brucie Wayne Fanfiction out there!
But Minji, you say rightfully concerned for both my sanity and memory issues, isn't Bruce Wayne... Batman?
And, fuck off maybe! I know that, YOU know that, but WE are 5th dimensional spies watching their lives from beyond the 4th wall! NO ONE IN GOTHAM KNOWS THAT!
I want Fandom access!!! *rips shirt to reveal stolen Brucie/Batman OTP shirt from I got from some Gotham based Fan meet up*
It's part of their COVER! Since OBVIOUSLY himbo Brucie Wayne and dangerous brooding Cryptid Batman are VERY different men with VERY different moral and social philosophies about how to help their shared, beloved, city! They should kiss about it!
Tell me the bat-brood don't write terrible fanfic as stress relief. Lurk, just to make sure no one's getting to close. Lurk, just for that sweet, sweet fan art and other merch of themselves or loved ones.
Tell me there aren't arguments over "are they family or co-workers" and "how DARE you suggest our Cryptid would sleep with that Metropolitan SLUT instead our sweet himbo dilf!"
Look me in the eyes and tell me Clark has not COVERED the fan conventions, as a fluff piece, because Bruce annoyed him recently.
Where are my Meta fics? My characters reacting to disturbingly good and engaging fiction about their co-work and himself?
FFS fifty shades of grey(curse its name) was originally a fanfiction! Tell me some enterprising Gothamite wouldn't go "hmmmmm >.> " and pull the same thing? Barely change details and publish? So everyone is like "that is... SO CLEARLY about Brucie Wayne and Batman. But not clearly enough to sue. Holy shit."
Then READ it.
Because who would have the BALLS to do this and what did they WRITE?
And maybe it's... disturbingly good. Like no, really. Deeply philosophical and starkly human. Lot of sex. Excellent pacing.
....about their co-worker literally going and fucking himself.
They are SO conflicted.
I. Want. Fan. Fiction. I want in-world Fandom shit! It's literally a CLASSIC otp pairing! Himbo and gritty warrior with a mysterious past! Wayne getting kidnapped fics. Bodyguard fics. Secretly I'm Batman but now you're my slutty, slutty Boss fics!
Will no one CHALLENGE themselves!? I suffer.
Come one guys! I believe in us!
@hdgnj @the-witchhunter @stealingyourbones
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dwellordream · 1 year
"she's patriarchy-pilled" and why it doesn't apply to fictious pseudo-medieval women
a pretty common meta commentary leveled at certain female characters in ASOIAF is that you can divide the women of the setting into two groups.
the first group is full of strong feminist women who resist the patriarchy in all corners, and who refuse to submit to victimhood. the second group is full of placid, smug sheep, who enjoy being weak and condescended to by men.
reasons why this is bullshit:
comparisons between modern day 'trad wives' or 'red pilled women' who advocate for rejecting feminism and returning to lives of happy homemaking and female submission and fictional characters living in a pseudo medieval world just... don't work well.
Westeros has never had a feminist movement. there is no sense of 'getting back to tradition' because they are still living in a feudal patriarchy. while internalized misogyny can still be displayed in the books, and women certainly judge other women, these characters aren't actually 'rejecting their own freedom', because they quite literally have no choice in the matter.
for example, while a woman in 21st century America might willingly quit her job or drop out of school for a relationship with a man, a female character like Catelyn or Alicent or Cersei... isn't actually sacrificing hopes of a career or an education. they are being shunted down a path with little to no alternatives.
sometimes fans go "well, they could have run away! they could have joined the Faith?" how? with what money and resources? who is going to protect them on the road? how are they going to subvert the will of their fathers/brothers/etc?
don't get me wrong. there are absolutely unironic examples of internalized misogyny in ASOIAF. Cersei, for example, spends much of her time sneering at and degrading other women for being victims or weak-willed. HOWEVER, what many fans don't seem to grasp, is that being sexist towards other women doesn't magically make Cersei 'win' at the patriarchy. she herself is still abused, demeaned, and used as a political pawn, well into her tenure as Queen Regent.
in the endless battle of Sansa versus Arya stans, for example, Sansa stans will often claim that Arya is 'not a victim' and 'deserves less sympathy than Sansa', because Arya for a time is treated as a young boy and has training with a sword. yet this ignores the fact that Arya is still constantly threatened with or exposed to sexual violence, even while masquerading as a boy, and while she can defend herself in some instances, is far from this super-powered action chick on a 'fun road trip in the Riverlands'.
conversely, Arya stans will insinuate that Sansa 'deserves less sympathy than Arya' because 'being at court is what she always wanted' and 'the patriarchy favors her due to her self-serving, submissive ways'. yet this ignores the fact that while Sansa has more material privileges than Arya, being afforded regular meals, a soft place to sleep, and the veneer of civility, she is still regularly viciously abused by Joffrey and his Kingsguard, and ostracized and isolated from the rest of the court. Sansa's not winning any competition here.
to move on to Catelyn, many of Catelyn's proud 'antis' will claim that Catelyn is a woman who willingly and knowingly profits off the patriarchy while condemning women who do not fit that mold. yet while Catelyn and Arya's relationship is complex, we also see Catelyn treat Brienne and the Mormont women, all female warriors, with warmth and kindness, and there is an underlying current of resentment and anger in her chapters towards the men in her life, even though she is in many ways the 'ideal Westeros wife'.
finally, to dabble briefly in HOTD, Rhaenyra and Alicent's different reactions to the prospect of marriage and motherhood are often compared to triumph Rhaenyra's strong will and sense of rebellion. while Rhaenyra's determination to choose her own spouse and her disregard for the ridiculous notion of 'virginity' should be admired, she is also actively groomed by her uncle, a man thrice her age, and she ultimately does agree to an arranged marriage with Laenor.
meanwhile, Alicent is often derided by fans for 'allowing herself to be used as a pawn', yet this ignores the fact that Alicent is a 14/15 year old girl with no incomes or property of her own, who does not even have the threat of a dragon to demand respect. what was Alicent meant to do? kick and scream as she was dragged down the aisle? defy her father and the King, and be, best case scenario, permanently ostracized from court and her family for it? this sort of blatant victim-blaming dominates in the tumblr HOTD fandom.
in conclusion: to claim that women play no role in promulgating patriarchal and misogynistic views is silly.
women do play an active role in shaming and abusing other women, and this is often handed down from mothers to daughters. it allows patriarchs the veneer of genteel nature, in that the 'dirty work' of berating young girls for not conforming is passed off on mothers, sisters, and aunts.
however, in fandom discussions, the the woobification of male characters is so strong that we spend most of our time blaming women alone for patriarchal restrictions and values, as if it were something girls developed in their free time, purely for their own amusement.
to imply that a character in a fictional feudal patriarchy has the same range of choices and autonomy as modern day women do is absurd. the trad-wife movement is defined by its knowing, pseudo-intellectual rejection of second and third wave feminism. the entire point is to turn away from abortion, from birth control, from reproductive and LGBT rights, to leave behind women's suffrage, sex positivity, and criticism of gender roles.
but what do Westerosi women have to 'reject', exactly? they're not playing with the same full deck.
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byrdffv · 3 months
The kirby fanfiction rec list for people on the r/kirby discord server because i mentioned i wanted to make one and people said i should
(technically a repost from a google doc i made to share there but i figured tumblr might appreciate it too)
Alright kirbros, let’s get into it.
These are in no particular order; you should give all of these fics a read IMO.
First up, let’s get the easy ones out of the way,
Kirby on the flipside by ProminenceFlare is the most popular Kirby fanfiction on ao3. Ok technichally that spot is taken by some dumb MHA fanfic that doesn't even have a single Kirby character in it but thats not the point; KotFs is THE Kirby fanfic. Theres plenty of game/anime crossovers out there but this one takes the cake. Its 300 thousand words long for christs sake, and it’s a GREAT 300 thousand words. If you haven't read KotFs, you haven't read much Kirby fanfiction i imagine. It does not disappoint. Theres also a sequel fic in the works although currently it’s on a break, but it is also just as good as the original.
Second of all is actually a series, Heart and soul by post_it_notes7. This is another game/anime crossover but in an interesting twist. The premise is that Meta Knight, long before the events of Krbay, sought to fight galacta knight in order to become stronger and hopefully defeat nightmare. He does this, and galacta is resealed. Now in the present, nightmare has been defeated by Kirby, and all is good and well, right? NOPE, galacta knight has escaped his seal and is out to reclaim his title as the strongest warrior in the galaxy. Its technichally NOT a metagala fic, it instead focuses more on a friendship between the two. Im not really a shipping person so i actually really enjoy this, their personalities clash well and they get plenty of banter. The full series combined as of now just barely beats Kirby on the flipside (not counting KotFs's sequel, Kirby's dream trials) at 310 thousand words.
Okay, chances are if youre into Kirby fanfiction you’ve already read those two, however a series you may not have seen is PinkestMenace's Planet of Possibilities, Special Treats and Rest (haha get it it spells popstar).
Now I would suggest reading most of these, but if you don’t want to read all of them theres a few key ones that are my favourites.
Control halt delete goes into meta knight’s role in Kirby planet robobot, it’s a fun, somewhat angsty fic recounting the uh, ‘modifications’ star dream and Susie put him through. Its good.
Let the games begin! Is another good one, its quite short, but a fun read.
Do Starry Knights Dream of Eternal Sleep? is a much more angsty fic, focusing on that old “meta knight is a creation of nightmare” headcanon from the anime fandom. It is a very good fic but I will warn you its got some more harsh content in it including some self-harm/loathing-adjacent moments, and as with all fanfiction I recommend reading the tags before reading. If you are comfortable with that though, it’s a great read!
Rocks Fall, Everyone Flies is by far my favourite fic in this series, its got some great character interactions and storyline. The story is reminiscent of the Kirby novels, if the Kirby novels were not childrens books and were instead horror novels. I jest, but this story does have some good spooky content and moments. Its gives good attention to all four of the dream land gang and is another great read.
Alright that’s all for the POPSTAR series, there are other fics in that series but those are the ones Im interested in, I would suggest checking out the rest of their fics however if you are interested!
Where Were the meta-knights? By purblegaymer Is one of my absolute favourites, up there with Heart and Soul. It’s a ‘missing scene’ fic, going into where the meta knights were in those episodes where they were missing, as well as giving us a look at meta knights dumb internal thoughts throughout certain episodes. It’s a long but very good read, going into meta knight’s thoughts and personality in the anime. It’s a very good read, would absolutely recommend to any anime fans.
That’s been a lot of meta knight adjacent fics, eh? Don’t worry, I’ve got other character-centric fics. For example…
Stuck With The Lor by Azzie_Tangerine Focuses on magolor after he escapes from another dimension and tries to live in the dream kingdom. However the Lor, missing its captain, decides to show up and lock magolor in his ship so it can give the poor cat some therapy. Okay that’s not ENTIRELY how it goes but it is the basic premise. The fic goes more into magolor’s guilt and experience with the master crown, creates some fun lore for the uh, Lor, and is a good exploration into how the two’s relationship. Would definitely recommend this one for any magolor fans, 100%.
How King Dedede founded Christmas by NWTGMR is both hilarious and heartwarming. I think this fic might have one of the best portrayals of dededes personality in fan content I’ve seen, with the perfect mix between big soft man and petty jerk. I would definitely recommend giving this one a read, even if it’s not Christmas you will enjoy it.
Half Blind Date by Azzie_Tangerine (again, they’ve got some good fics) is the sole reason why I ship taransusie, which is funny because as I said earlier im not very big on shipping, but this one is too good to refuse. Taransusie is kind of a rarepair in the scope of Kirby ships (definitely not the rarest, but its not too common either), but this fic is very fun nonetheless! Please don’t take a drinking game at how many times ive said the word ‘fun’ in this list so far. Anyway, very good read, would recommend if youre a fan of either taranza or Susie!
Oh, actually, while we’re here, why not recommend Books Are Stupid, Anyways!, also by Azzie_tangerine. It’s a Kirby and prince fluff fic. Very cute, nuff’ said.
Youth by katrinasis is a pre-canon story recounting how king dedede and meta knight met, its cute and pretty fun. Good read even if youre not really into metadede.
He May Even Dream Again by voidknight is a fic that focuses on… Gooey of all characters! Yeah, gooey isn’t really the star of many fics, but this one gives him the spotlight! Mostly focuses on gooey’s relationship to dark matter, its in second person but somehow manages to make it work. Its fun, its cool, perhaps its even ‘neat’. Give it a read, if you want.
The List of Things Dark Meta Knight is Forbidden To Do by WarioCart Is… a fic (I say this positively). Based on that one Scp story I think, TLoTDMKiFTD is both a mouthful to say and a great fic. Its got some good humour, and just in general really funny. If youre too bummed out by angsty fic id recommend this one.
And… That’s about it, really. There are plenty of good Kirby fanfiction out there, but that’s all I really can think of (and have time for) today.
Wait actually, before I go, I should recommend The Olde Switcheroo by TripleMK, its another game/anime crossover but it focuses on dedede, its currently in the works but has updated recently. It’s a good one!
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blazingstaro · 7 months
Here's my little side AU!
It's not a serious story like Dreams of the Stars, and just something of my own for funsies! I don't intend to make a series of this, more-so just little drawings or mini comics every now and then. DotS is my main AU and comic series still!
This is my SkyCotL Mago AU, and it's a mix of different types of AUs in one. Genderbend? You got it. Roleswap? Absolutely! There's also a personality swap between characters, and what-if scenarios all jammed into one Kirby AU set in a noir/spacepunk + 30s-60s swing era
It's a lot of what-ifs put into fruition while having SkyCotL on the side! It's wholesome, adorable, and really sweet! No serious angst in this (for now), but some heartfelt troubles and such. Absolutely a comfort AU LOL
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So here's the whole gang together! Not everyone's roles are swapped, I'll say— it's a mixed bag of this that and whatever because whoever said you had to stick to one particular thing in a swap-type AU HEHEHE
Quick look lore/info on each individual below:
Allow me to tell you a bit about each individual here, starting with our lead, Skye:
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The Magolor of this Magoverse flavored AU, this is Magoloria— a rising star from Floralia. She sings, she dances, she's quite the hit for tons of musical shows across the galaxy! Fashionable, fun, and cute as a button, Skye is a pure-hearted and humble gal. She's a young adult for her species!
Both a genderbend and a personality swap! Her personality is swapped with Joronia's (pre-Sectonia). She's as sweet as can be, and enjoys making herself feel pretty with a vast wardrobe of outfits and costumes. Her taste in fashion is impeccable.
The events of Return to Dreamland occur quite a bit differently for Skye, but I'll save that for another post! But the main premise is that following a decisive battle, hopelessly possessed by the Master Crown's evil, Skye and the shattered Master Crown are spirited away to the decaying Kingdom of Sky (hence her nickname), a land time forgot. The power-drained mage must travel across the realms to reclaim her lost powers, which fell into the hands of the sleeping Elder spirits.
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Here's Kirby and Bandana Waddle Dee! Their roles remain unchanged, but their personalities have swapped! Bandee is confident and outgoing, whereas Kirby's a bit less confident, but aspires to be great— despite the fact that he's the most powerful of the group and constantly Popstar's savior. He and Bandee are besties, like brothers!
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King Malcom "Meta" Knytte, the presiding king of Dream Land! He's both role-swapped with Dedede, and his personality is swapped with Taranza. He's got the personality of a sopping wet kitten, but is low-key one of the most devastating warriors Dream Land has to offer. His Galaxia's design is more of the anime's than the games because good god I am not drawing the same Galaxia for two different AUs
King Malcolm is a great whistler and plays the piano, but has crippling stage fright. He owns a venue within his kingdom, which has been host to Skye's shows in recent years. He secretly mans backstage in disguise, so commoners won't recognize him (but it's somewhat obvious who he is). Rumor has it, he has an eye for one of the performers, and is secretly in love...
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Sir Dedede of Dream Land! He serves the Kingdom of Dream Land. As it's quite obvious, he's role-swapped and personality swapped with Meta Knight, though there's still a sliver of King Dedede's original ego/pride in this guy. He's aloof, something of a loner, and doesn't talk much, but he has a tendency to take aspiring warriors under his wing. His latest apprentice is Bandana Waddle Dee, who serves under King Malcolm too!
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And finally, the lovely couple— King Taranza and Queen Joronia! This is half a role-swap and a whole personality swap. Taranza's personality is swapped with Magolor, and Joronia has a partial of Dedede's personality, but stands alone on her own as well. Taranza also takes on Magolor's role as Manager of a theme park.
Though married for centuries, Taranza and Joronia are still in their honeymoon phase, madly in love and have profound crushes on each other!
The two have made their kingdom into an entertainment capital this side of the galaxy, bringing all walks of life onto Popstar to see a wide variety of shows! From circus acts, to live musical performances, and thrilling carnival rides and games, you name it, they got it!
This spicy pair act as parental figures for Skye, and took her under their wing when she was a lone, young girl selling papers to make do
AND THAT IS ALL FOR NOW! Just a basic look at everyone! I'll do more thorough info-posts later on 'em throughout the week 💜
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absolute-decay · 2 months
MHA AU IDEA: Lieutenant Bakugou "Scorch" Katsuki, of the Meta Liberation Army.
Ok! I've seen many many many many Vilain Bakugou AU's, we all have. But, they're all in te League! And I love the League, but they aren't the only villains! So, here's my completely random idea of putting Karsuki into the MLA!
So, first thing's first: How the heck does Katsuki even learn of, much less join the MLA? Simple: kidnapping Adoption!
But, seriously, the MLA is almost a political cult, and we do know that Geten was found by Re-Destro when he was pretty young, so, taking in an abandoned child one of them happened to find isn't too outragous.
But, Katsuki is far from abandoned or neglected. So, of course, my idea for how this all starts is a simple tragedy- Bakugou Mitsuki and Bakugou Masaru are both sadly killed in a horrific villain attack along with many other victims when Katsuki is only 6 years old, and happens when he's attending school.
Of course, young Katsuki does NOT take this well, and goes into full denial. No, his mom is stronger than that, his dad would never leave him behind, look harder for them, those can't be theit bodies because his parents can't be dead, just look harder for them god damnit!
He absolutely refused to be taken in by anyone or taken to any place to take care of him until they can figure out what to do with him, and with the help of his quirk, is able to run away and searh for his parents himself.
This obviously doesn't go well, and in two or three days, he's hungry, smelly, thirsty, and all alone. Still, he refuses to give up looking, but... a roof to sleep under wouldn't hurt.
Enter one Kizuki Chitose: Simply wondering around the area for a breath of fresh air and a potential scoop. Of course, she's absolutely not one to ignore a sad, abandoned looking child.
After talking to him, she quickly decides to bring him to her residence to clean him up and give him a good meal, which isn't terribly hard to convice Katsuki to allow. Now, she was going to report this missing child to the police, but, she couldn't help but want to know exactly what happened to this poor child.
And, after hearing his story, seeing how passionate about his quirk he was, his determination and grit at such a young age, she couldn't not become attached. And from there, it was a slippery slope.
At first, it was taking care of him for just a little bit longer, he deserved it, right? Then, it was being a little too open around the child and, well, it couldn't hurt to tell him a little about the Grand Commander's ideals, right? One thing turns into another, and suddenly, she's deciding to introduce the other Member's of the board to the newest "Liberation Warrior" and Geten his new baby brother. (What, he looked like he was getting lonely.)
Now, some people are less happy than others, (Skeptic had to hold himself back from verbally murdering her in front of a child) but in the end, Rikiya is happy to allow it.
At this point, an emotionally distraught Bakugou has come to the conclusion that yes, his parents are likely dead. He still doesn't wanna go to any big scary facility, but, shouldn't police at least know where he is? Chitose says they do, and have come to an agreement to let her take care of him, but only until they figure out what to do with him. Ah, she was always a great liar.
After a while, Chitose successfully indoctrinates Katsuki into just accepting this new life without any real question, so, success!
Now comes the part where he is stuffed absolutely full of propaganda the insightful and powerful message of Destro and Meta-Human Liberation.
Being so young, and so proud of his powerful quirk, he is very succeptible to it. So, over the years, Katsuki's pride and ego are encouraged, he's constantly praised for his quirk, and taught that might makes right. This leads to a Bakugou pretty similar to the start of canon, just, even worse, somehow.
Now, basically being the son of Chitose and brother to Geten, he kind of gets an in on the MLA (Skeptic also wanted to kill her for that), But! Only after many years, when he's reached an acceptable and trustworthy age! And by that she means on his 10th birthday.
So now, they have a young, extremely dedicated member of their organization, closely tied to multiple Lieutenits, and who is also very vocal about wanting to be a hero and go to U.A. (Although, he wouldn't need to go to U.A. to be a real hero in his ideal world, but, oh well), and who has an extremely powerful quirk with great potential. So, She has a great idea involving Katsuki, that for once isn't show down immediately by Skeptic.
"Why not send him to U.A. as a sort of, marketing piece? Having him be open about his beliefs in Liberation, as well as being the top of his class from the most famous and well respected schools in all of Japan, is sure to help us, yes?"
And thus, Kizuki Katsuki is enrolled in U.A., Blasting the good word of Liberation into the faces of those worthless extras he calls classmates! (Not too hard though, don't want to be seen as an extremist, just a passionate teenager).
I could go on with more ideas for how it changes the story, but, that's the gist of it, for now! Please, tell me what you think!
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dark schenider with shinobu!reader headcanons
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Warnings: ooc, violence, KNY manga spoilers, Bastard!! anime season two spoilers, mentions of night-terrors and PTSD.
If you are not comfortable reading this type of story, please push the back button and read something more pleasant.
Hey guys, welcome to the fluffier version of the yandere headcanons, featuring the handsome, arrogant wizard Dark Schneider of the Netflix's anime series Bastard!! Heavy Metal, Dark Fantasy and the character!reader who is Shinobi Kocho from the beloved world of Demon Slayer aka Kimetsu no Yaiba! The link to them will be here.
Special thanks to @anniespostssworld for helping me bounce back ideas and scenarios that would work best for these headcanons, so this dedicated to them and to all of the other fellow Bastard!! fans.
If you haven't seen either of these shows, I highly recommend them as to me, they are well worth watching and give me a good laugh after a particularly long day at work. Please bear in mind that Bastard!! might not be suited for everyone and does have some moments that may not be ideal for photosensitive viewers.
So with that being said, sit back, relax, and enjoy this ride of heavy metal, magic, and blossoming romance :)
Yoko was starting to worry about you. These last two years hiding in A-Ian-Maide haven’t been easy. Between training and helping the samurai fight back against the Dark Rebel Army, the high priestess barely had time to herself but she did care about you. You and Lucien, that is. If she was lucky, she would see you in the compound’s dining hall or holed up in the medical wing treating patients with that small, patient smile of yours. 
Still….she couldn’t help thinking you were actively avoiding her too. 
Could it be…that you still carried the guilt of what happened in Meta-llicana in your heart? Is that also why you have been training too? Trying to hone your swordsmanship and expand medical knowledge to the point where Joshua has carried you in his arms, collapsed from utter exhaustion? 
How could you even think like that when the downfall of the kingdom wasn’t even your fault? Is that why you looked like you haven’t been sleeping well? 
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You were being suffocated again. The flowery cologne was the only thing you could smell, tinged with the coppery undertone of your own blood as strong, cold arms held you close to a man whom you despised with your entire being. Douma. Douma, the cult leader who had devoured his followers as a way of showing them true enlightenment even when he didn’t believe in the gods or the afterlife. Douma, the monster who murdered Kanae and drove you to the point of twisting your body’s organs with high concentrations of wisteria poison for an entire year. Douma…the person who had embraced you in your final moments, your ninichrin blade sticking through his chest as he absorbed you, declaring that you were his strongest opponent and his love for you under the same disgusting breath. 
Go to hell! 
That was the last thing you said to that rotten bastard before you lost consciousness. You would soon be found by the High Priest Geo Noto Soto in a sea of blood and blade fragments….and the rest, as they say, is history. And then the fall of Meta-llicana. Your current, precarious situation.
But why are you here again, trapped in Douma’s arms and listening to the same words, feeling the pain from your battle with him as if the gods took delight in seeing this macabre play rehearsed over and over? Is this truly someone’s idea of a joke? Or….is it a reminder that no matter how hard you tried….you cannot save everyone? That the hours you had dedicated to nurse warriors back to health, to reading medical texts until late hours of the night and getting stronger….it will never be enough?
You wiggled in the demon’s arms, snarling and writhing as you felt yourself being sucked into his body. No. Your mind was racing, heart pounding against your ribcage No, you are still alive. You’re alive, and so was Yoko, and Lucien! You tried to help them! You tried to help the knights evaluate the citizens of Meta-llicana before rushing to help the others fight against Abigail! 
“Who said you could be forgiven?” An icy hiss ticked your ear. “Who said you could live when others had died that day? If anything, you deserved to die, not them. You have and always will be the weakest Hashira of them all.”
Frustrated tears began to swell in the back of your eyes as a sob lodged in your throat but damn it all you refused to let it crawl up and be released into the air for this bastard to see your moment of weakness, even if this is all an illusion. 
You are the Insect Hashira, and you will always be ready to lay your life on the line for the people you cherished, past and present. Just as these words echoed in your mind, you felt someone else’s arms coil around your hips. With a hard yank, you were pulled away from Douma’s body and then…you were free. Weightless, boundless, floating in a bright white space that you no longer recognize as part of the Infinity Castle’s lotus pier. 
That was when you felt warm fingers lightly caress the top of your head, calloused pads brushing against your clammy skin. The hand did not belong to someone you knew; it was gentle, cautious, and  even a little scared. It’s as if the person was trying to comfort you, but was afraid of your reaction. 
You immediately thought of Kanae, and that was when the dam in your mind broke. The tears easily spill out of your closed eyes, followed by an anguished wail that causes more tears to slide down your face. Finally….finally you can let everything out, to be weak for just a moment. In this moment of vulnerability, the hand became two, then stretched to muscular arms that enclosed your body in a warm embrace. 
“It’s okay. It’s okay. I’m here now, nothing bad will happen to you as long as I’m around.” 
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Dark Schneider is the greatest wizard in the entire universe with a limitless arsenal of magic at his command. He hadn’t expected, however, that he had nearly depleted his magical reserves in the fight against Abigail. What little remained after the Helloween spell was used to perform two spells at the same time: resurrection of the fallen ones, and teleportation. In his case, he had made sure Yoko and [First Name] had gotten as far away from the kingdom as possible before it was destroyed, and he regressed back into the recesses of Lucien’s mind. 
Two years. It took him this long to restore the magic he had lost into his body as he had no other choice but to let his weaker half take control. Last year, about six months after Meta-llicana’s destruction, he finally woke up…and saw the world through Lucien’s eyes. Sleeping for that long left him drowsy, so hearing Yoko’s voice after being surrounded by silence for so long should have been a blessing. And it was, though the dark wizard wasn’t exactly glad to be on the receiving end of her abrasive attitude, again. Granted she did take care of him as Lucien for as long as he could remember; fed him, made sure he ate and did his fair share of the chores, and so on. 
Is it really necessary to always hit him as soon as she thought he was being a disgusting pervert as the handsome, bad-ass Dark Schneider or sighed in exasperation, wishing that he would grow more of a backbone as Lucien? 
Quite frankly, he’s surprised himself for being so patient with her, and this is only the second season of the anime. He really thought she was his woman, the one who was worthy of bearing his children in the far, distant future once he had conquered the world. But now that he’s had all the time in the world to think…he doesn’t feel that way anymore. If anything, his feelings for Yoko had simmered to the affection towards an annoying older sibling who thinks they know you better than everyone or can boss you around just because they ‘raised you’.
And he never went past first base with Sean Ari or Kai Harn, so far as he’s concerned, he’s been a saintly hero in this show. 
Even thinking about the women at this base, all who were actually quite attractive in their own way, felt wrong when the image of [First Name]’s pinched smile flashed across his vision. And it’s been like that for a while now. 
[First Name] may not possess the powers of a cleric, a highborn status or trained rigorously under Kai in the art of the Hariken Slashing Implosion swordsmanship, she did treat others with respect and kindness as Yoko did, and a bit more. She even provided medical aid to people who had once been an enemy. 
But above being a good-hearted apothecary and an exceptional swordswoman, the Insect Hashira adored Lucien. She loved his weaker self, and respected Dark Schneider. She never tried to control either of them, instead giving them attention and praising them for doing a good job. She never raised her voice at him, and occasionally snuck some candy to him behind Yoko’s back. 
[First Name] Kocho loved Yoko Tia Noto too, in her own way…though she had almost attacked the high priestess in the middle of a night-terror just a few nights ago. Yoko naively went to check on the apothecary when she heard screams coming from [First Name]’s room and instead got pinned to the bed with a knife to her throat. 
Yoko forgave [First Name], but [First Name] could not forgive herself. She threw herself more into her work; spending hours in the medical wing’s laboratories to create a poison strong enough to destroy three different types of demi-humans, including a paralyzing agent that would require just a small dose to knock down an ogre, or sparring with the samurai until late at night. Skipping meals periodically became a habit, and now rumor has it that she hasn’t slept in her own room since the supply runners had come back grievously injured after an encounter with one of the Shogun Sorcerers. 
Scowling in Lucien’s form, Dark Schneider snuck out of his room and headed towards the medical ward. He had a silent agreement with his weaker self: under the condition that his intentions are only to ensure [First Name] did not keel over from overexhaustion when Yoko was too busy with being on the frontlines with the samurai, the wizard would take control but he still needed to use Lucien’s quirks so the cleric didn’t get suspicious of them. 
It did not take him that long to arrive there, stealthy evading the samurai stationed for night-time patrol in the hideout. Dark Schenider quickly found his woman thrashing on one of the empty beds, eyes closed and hands clawing at the sheets, tears running down her face. 
He gritted his teeth. Damn it. He cautiously approached the side of the bed just as [First Name] suddenly curled into a small ball, clutching the sides of her head. He might’ve raised Arshes and Kall-Su, but they never came to him when they had nightmares, nor did he ever really care unless Arshes wouldn’t leave his room until he allowed her to sleep in his bed for the night. That was then, this is now. 
Would just holding her even make a difference, when he had no idea why she was having night-terrors and she never breathed a word about it? How’s she supposed to take care of anyone when she can’t even take care of herself? Idiot. He thought. Still, he had to try something. He brought a pillow and blanket with him, so Yoko wouldn’t think twice if she sees him, Lucien, curled up with [First Name] because it’s happened before in the past. 
Sucking in a deep breath, Dark Schneider removed his shoes and climbed fully into the mattress, laying the pillow down first before covering himself and [First Name] with the blanket. 
The reincarnated wizard then began to stroke the top of her head with his hand, softly whispering words into her ear before a choked sob left her mouth, followed by more tears that he wiped away with his thumb. When he saw her breath begin to slow and deepen, he daringly lowered his down to her side, alternately between patting and rubbing the Hashira’s trembling frame until she relaxed under his touch. 
Her frown soon morphed into a tiny, content smile as she sighed softly. Dark Schneider was about to leave and let his woman get the sleep she needed until she leaned forward, placing her head on his small chest, an arm loosely wrapped around his waist. 
No, his face was not burning and no, his heart wasn’t pounding against his ribs. The great Dark Schneider isn’t some innocent maiden in love! He’s just here for [First Name] because it’s been decided that she will become his future queen in a world he’ll one day conquer…and the only woman who is worthy enough to bear his children. 
Against his better judgment Dark Schneider leaned forward, pressing his lips against the crown of [First Name]’s head before hugging her close to his smaller body. That was the last thing he remembered when sleep claimed his drowsy mind. 
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[Part Two, anyone? 😉]
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drewmwalker · 9 months
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Honestly, I like to think that Meta doesn’t hide his face because he thinks it looks too cute for a fearsome warrior. Maybe I missed something in Kirby media, but I like to think breaking his mask is somewhat of a reward and a sign that the battle could be over, Did Meta knight ever break his mask because of anyone else but Kirby?..from what I recall, not really.. maybe since the first time when Kirby broke his mask, it became their special sign of finished battle,otherwise they would be fighting forever XD… and he definitely knew what he was getting into when he was fighting against Kirb in the arena with thousands of Waddle dees who could see his face.. he doesn’t fear for anyone to see his true face, but he will make you deserve it!
Anyway I’m just rambling, I should be sleeping actually
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post-it-notes7 · 1 year
In regards to the GSA’s split, it seems like there was a single event which made everyone scatter and believe that the others had died So... what happened?
Haha, thank you for enabling my rambles, anon.
Essentially, Nightmare organized an ambush on a galactic scale, and sent it down upon the GSA all at once, aiming to wipe them from existence (something very similar to the scene in the eng anime opening, where hordes of demon beasts are approaching from the sky).
Nightmare didn't stage an attack against just the GSA's current base of operations though, he went after every base, star, and planet the GSA had connections to, aiming for complete annihilation in one fell swoop. The locations of all of these was strongly believed to be shared to him by Yamikage, who had disappeared months prior, alongside several of the records locked away in the GSA's archives.
It started without warning, and when the GSA was struck, they fought back, and they fought hard.
And they were losing. The sheer number of demon beasts was too overwhelming. Troops were falling left and right, star warriors were being targeted above all else.
In a last resort, Arthur ordered an evacuation. It was chaos.
Starships were followed, chased, and shot down. Those that escaped were flung to the far corners of the galaxy in ships much like Kirby's, sent into a slumber so deep they'd be mistaken for dead by any demon beasts that passed them by. This is how Dragato and Arthur both survived, each shoved into ships despite their protests and put to sleep; both had been planning to go down fighting to buy time for others to escape. They landed at opposite ends of the galaxy, long after the fight had ended.
Falspar and Nonsurat were part of the last to flee. They crashed-landed on the same planet after being hunted down and knocked out of the sky.
Meta Knight was the last one to remain. He fought until he couldn't any longer, until he passed out, and when he came to there was just... Nothing. In a single day the GSA had been torn apart by Nightmare, and in the following months MK spent searching, he found nothing. No survivors. No star warriors. Not a whisper of the GSA anywhere.
While it's likely that there were more who escaped than just Arthur, Nonsurat, Falspar, Dragato, and MK (Kit Cosmos too, though he had been MIA months before the ambush), the remains of the GSA had been throughly scattered, and Nightmare had sent a clear message to any and all that might oppose him again. He would wipe from existence with the wave of a hand, without so much as showing up to watch.
The choice became either to cut all ties to the GSA that once was and remain hidden, or face NME's wrath.
And so, Meta Knight began planning.
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if you don't mind me asking, what did you mean when you said "star warriors have a supernatural influence hinted"? i've watched the show twice (granted, i skipped a few eps both times) and i've never quite caught anything like that. maybe i'm misunderstanding, but the other stuff you mentioned is (much to my pleasure!) very popular theory/fanon and it really piqued my interest when you mentioned something i didn't quite recognize.
okay so I took so long to answer this because i really didnt feel like rewatching any of the anime. So the compromise is just me going over a few episodes of note, rather than combing through the whole anime. There is a few things that i definitely have not talked about in this post.
And for reference, I'm mainly using the new Operation HNK sub, not the old sub, nor the dub version, as my main point of reference--bar one notable exception!
So! Star Warriors are strongly hinted to be something with supernatural influence rather than warriors with a simple title.
What exactly do I mean by "something with supernatural influence"? There aren't any better words to really describe it with, as the anime itself is incredibly vague. The general idea is that Star Warrior is something inherent to a person, and that there are some things in the anime about them that can't exactly be explained without calling them "supernatural" to an extent.
The explanation that I see for what exactly a Star Warrior is outside of it being a supernatural thing, is that it is some sort of military rank (usually for the GSA) that is earned. With the possibility of Star Warrior being a earned rank in mind, I will occasionally compare some things against it.
I'm beginning with Ep. 1, with a simple observation.
There are several things that cement the fact that Kirby is a star warrior well before his time reaching Popstar. So, it was not Meta Knight who have him the title.
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By a glance, both Meta Knight and the NME Salesman were able to recognize that Kirby was a "genuine star warrior", although Kirby has no symbolism or memorabilia with him that would suggest an affiliation with the army.
Additionally, this is just personal, but I genuinely find it difficult to believe that Kirby would have been granted some sort of military rank. If Star Warrior IS a rank, then it would be a high one because NME is so interested in targeting them specifically (to be covered). ESPECIALLY because he wasn't even supposed to be awake for another 200 years, Kirby can barely speak or focus yet, and because he knew no sword technique until Meta Knight taught him in Ep. 3.
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Kabu also refers to Kirby as a warrior that exceeds spacetime, though that could possibly be chalked up to the stasis he was in.
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Additionally, On two separate occasions when Meta Knight is looking at Kirby (once in the first ep and another in the 3rd) there seems to be some weird… Connection? Sense? Out of body experience? I'm hesitant to call this any definite proof however because the scene is vague and this has literally ZERO explanation. It could be a supernatural connection between star warriors, or simply Meta Knight Being Weird And Explaining Nothing.
In the racing episodes, there are two notable things
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Again, this is no definite proof, but it is INTERESTING with the implications. If Star Warrior's have their own cradles, this heavily suggests that being a Star Warrior is something a person is born with, rather than something that happens later in life. And again, i find it genuinely hard to believe that the GSA would rank infants with that high of a title.
ALSO there is one episode where Meta Knight says that he has been waiting for a "new generation of Star Warriors" or something like that but i do NOT want to find that so. source: trust me bro.
In the second half of this special, there is a scene where Meta Knight has Kirby's brakes cut, Kirby's ship is out of control, and he sleeps. His ship is crashing and he is ASLEEP. However. Before he crashes, he wakes up and uh. Just knows how to pilot his spaceship. Literally, just knows how to do it like an instinct.
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Kirby seems just as confused as Tokori about how he got the skip to fly, although Meta Knight seems like he knew this would happen. This is a Star Warrior thing, according to him.
And this isn't any copy ability, either. He just woke up knowing how to fly his spaceship. Furthermore, it seems like Star Warriors mastering control of spaceships is something notable enough that 1. NME is not surprised it happened, like it just happens every Tuesday and 2.Important enough for the Salesman to report to Nightmare.
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Also, there is the matter of Kabu. Kabu is a multi-planetary being who is undeniably supernatural, being omnipresent to some degree and being able to fix Warp Stars and give people visions, etc... And Kabu is allied with Star Warrior's specifically, and acts like a hospital to them, as well as a protector, but for nobody else.
Do you get what I mean when I say it is heavily implied now?
And uh. there was one thing that I purposefully left out until now.
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In the new version of the sub, Kabu says that there were multiple demon beasts who rebelled against Nightmare, and it is assumed that these rebels are Star Warriors.
I am hesitant to use this as the gatcha card, so I checked out the old sub AND the dub to see what is changed in this scene.
DUB: Said only one creation rebelled and it may or may not be Kirby, though kinda dodgy.
OLD SUB: Said only one creation rebelled and its strongly implied to be Meta Knight rather than Kirby
I have a transcript for all three versions of this specific scene, so you can read and decide for yourself.
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Dakonyo talks like there are demon beasts who looked like Kirby specifically. And there is at least five other orbs in the anime who COULD have once been demon beasts. So. do with this what you will.
Overall, there's just too many instances for me to brush off and i think everything kinda adds up to make the explanation of "star warrior is a ranked title" seem unplausible.
TLDR: HEAVILY IMPLIED Star Warriors are kinda supernatural.
Also fun fact that I found out while searching for screenshots! Garlude (at least in the new sub) is never referred to as a Star Warrior, but rather a Galaxy Soldier!
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Book Review 46 – The Spear Cuts Through Water by Simon Jimenez
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Okay the month of August was essentially a write-off for...a lot of things, but non-web serial reading among them! Now trying to claw my way out of the pit and back on the horse. So, some high concept genre fic full of queer people and war crimes, just what the doctor ordered.
The Spear Cuts Through Water is the fantasy epic and love story of a pair of warriors – one a generally despised one-armed checkpoint guard, the other a positively reviled princeling – as they escort the moon goddess in her attempt to escape the prison her sons had trapped her within as they tyranize and empire that spans a continent. As told through a dream/vision of the Inverted Theater, where shades throughout time are called while they sleep to witness a performance put on by the favoured child of moon and sea. Intercut with the same tale as told through out POV’s grandmother, along with vignettes of his life as the son of a failing cloth merchant centuries in the future as the world goes through its equivalent of WW1. All this metaness and layering is either the book’s strongest point or it will make your eyes roll back into your skull so, you know, make an informed choice here.
Being entirely honest I don’t remember exactly how this book ended up on my radar – I believe I was first pointed towards after I expressed some dissatisfaction with this year’s Hugo nominees as something that would have been a more deserving inclusion on the short list. Certainly I’d never heard Jimenez’s name before picking it up. Entirely happy I did, anyway – whoever first rec’d it yes, this does deserve a Hugo nod way more than some of the other nominations.
The plot itself is quite well done, but absent any of the stylistic flourish wouldn’t really have been anything that memorable. The layered framing devices – and the way that they intrude on the narrative in a hundred different ways, switching from depicting the action to saying how it was staged and presented or how the narrator heard the tale told – are really just fantastically well done, enough that even when it got all meta and self-referential I was still enjoying it more than enough to just go with it.
Not that our heroes aren’t fun in their own right. They’re both at times profoundly unlikable, and other times utter idiots, and always totally and completely incapable of intelligibly expressing their feelings. It’s great, love them. Even if on occasion I also wanted to throw rocks at them. The main supporting cast – or at least Defect the tortoise and the moon/empress herself – are even better, really.
Though as far as characterization goes its the extras where the book really shines. It has a trick I really, really like where little snippets of the internal monologue or history of some fellow traveller on the road or sentry being gutter from behind are interspersed into the action in italics like this. Diegetically this would be the chorus in the theatrical performance, but regardless it does a shocking amount to make the world feel like it’s full of actual people and not just mannequins forming a backdrop for the characters who matter.
The book fits into the honourable tradition of modern SFF with cool-eyed and unsentimental portrayals of feudalism/imperialism, war crimes and general oppression (including in this case very plot-relevant and character-informing ableism) but only a vague and attenuated sort of 21st century homophobia, if that. Like all modern queer genrefic it’s also at least kind of in conversation with the looming shadow of Burying Your Gays, with a bait and switch tragic heroic sacrifice that seemed very conscious and pointed.
The framing devices lend themselves well to the book being written in a kind of mythic register, which I very much enjoyed. The epilogue felt like an intrusion of history on mythology, and I do mean that as a compliment, full of messiness and ambiguity and short on heroes and golden ages or utopias. Overall very much enjoyed the book, perfect reading for being stuck in a waiting room for a passport renewal.
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bringmefoxgloves · 1 year
i want to get more into saw/saw blogs b4 X comes out - what r some of ur fave saw blogs
Hi! You caught me at a good time (one where I have energy) so let's see if I can pump this out. I am in no way an authority on the entire Saw fandom so I will only be talking about my little corner of the internet. Please forgive me, my beloved followers, mutuals, and other owners of posts I have loved in this very small fandom-because I may forget some of you. The brain fog sometimes gets the best of me and if I did a full complete list, it would be.... It would be so long. This is in no way in order of best or worst, and sometimes I just have no words for why I love a person's blog.
@turnipoddity - Oh, what an artist! Every single post I see, love it. So excited to see an artist acquiring the Saw brainrot.
@bloodcoveredgf - Luna! Also just all around funny & good posts in addition to the Saw insanities.
@dracofelin - Jay has such good writing, and will make you love the ship of Mark Hoffman/Peter Strahm (coffinshipping).
@thefoulbeast - Simply put, Will's art makes me want to bite my own arm off. If you're interested in the video game Pathologic, his blog is worth a follow for that too.
@bathroomtrapped - I sometimes get the honor of previewing Larry's art mid-construction (because with all those colors and layers, it looks like building a house) and even half finished, it blows my socks off <3
@sawtrapz - Kaz, oh Kaz (!!!), Kaz gets my brain clicking about some of the rarepairs of this fandom and I will always spin your boygirl Adam in my head.
@cl0wnb0yyy - Will is just a great person in the fandom, also if you like Midnight Mass or NBC's Hannibal.
@ispyspookymansion - Kora looms large in the Saw fandom in my mind so it would be impossible to assemble this list without him.
@3razyswfangirl / @kiramillet - Kira's pixel art is amazing!!! Bunny <3
@tibby - Take a look through Tibby's saw meta. You won't be disappointed.
@allegedly-writer - Contrary to Jack's url, Jack can sure damn write! He just posted a fic and guess who it's for <3
@hansy-pansy-art - OUGH another amazing amazing artist. Also currently in a Red Dead Redemption moment, which I love.
@piddgeon - Speaking of RDR.... Mercury! Ah, just. (Chef's kiss) of a human being.
@samwis - Jami, who hears all my most insane horny thoughts who is such a mainstay in my corner of Saw fandom.
@romanromulus - Adam writes fics that will make you scream and cry into your pillow at midnight.
@tapeworrmart - Just. Ough. Art that I dream of one day hanging on my wall.
@vanilladella - a.m.'s art is my discord header. Enough said.
@carouselcometh - Remy is hilarious and also you need to read his series on Ao3.
@onehandkilling / @fatmasc - Shlomo... What do I say? Just go. Follow. Also threw in their fat fashion blog because YES!!!
@angel-trapped - Téa, you absolute legend. Origin of angelshipping (to me) (aka Lindsey Perez/Allison Kerry)
@sawtrapx - Liv, such a fun human being!!!
@starlightsailfish - Star's Saw Warrior Cats makes me dance in excitement.
@iinsawdious - Adrien is the best champion of the Adam & David (Saw 0.5) & Specs (Character from the Insidious franchise, also played by Leigh Whannell) are family hc. I love his enthusiasm!!
@adrianicsea - Adrian! Just. AH!!! Adrian's Sleeping with Ghosts series was perhaps my first introduction (outside of Adam romanromulus) to the sheer brilliance of Saw fandom writers.
@dodddraws - Dodd's art is.... I'm just at a loss for words, scrolling back through his blog. So much nsfw goodness.
@sawvhs - Rar's art is so so so iconic.
Okay I have to cut this list off here, jfc. There's others I should probably put on here but I'm getting tired and sweaty and my hands are hurting. Follow these people, check who they're reblogging from or who is reblogging them, go forth, prosper anon. Welcome to the Saw brainrot.
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thenixkat · 2 months
Just picture instead of the bullshit that was everything Rebirth did and how much it fucked up Ted's character and turned Dan into less than an afterthought:
(Using the Palmera City is also Hub City and somewhere in Texas not terribly far from El Paso for setting)
The Covenant of Ka (retconned to be a cult of assassins, mystics, and warriors that formed around the Blue Beetle that held the title before Kha-Ef-Re) tries to steal the Scarab from retired superhero Ted Kord and kidnaps him to perform a magic ritual to break his bond with Khaji Da as its host since he refuses to use it due to previous 'murderous alien parasite tried to make him and his mentor who it revived from the dead fight to the death over the title of Blue Beetle'.
Let's say they use the (considered inferior due to being made by Kha-Ef-Re, the Blue Beetle that no one liked and who broke the passing down of the true blue Scarab for 3000 yrs, who used impressive by Earth standards magic and non-consensual cloning of a chunk of Khaji Da) as part of the ritual to un-Blue Beetle Ted by forcing him to bond with the inferior Scarab via brainwashing/mind control.
(in this the Red Scarab not having a copy of Kha-Ef-Re's personality in it, is its own very very young and inexperienced but murderous, ruthless, and hedonistic personality)
Retired chubby ex-superhero turned full time CEO and researcher Ted Kord isn't a push over mind you, and puts up a good fight against Scarab. Which leads to Khaji Da being lost somewhere in Texas due to falling out of both fighters' hands during the battle. Ted does end up kidnapped. And the ritual happens to break his bond with Khaji Da as the Covenant of Ka can track down the blue Scarab's unique energy signature later.
Due to the ritual and mindcontrol, Ted Kord is overpowered by the consciousness of the red Scarab and becomes Blood Beetle. Who is then sent to retrieve the blue Scarab so the Covenant of Ka can appoint a new willing Blue Beetle.
(B/c we love face-monster turns in this house. And let's throw a dark mirror at Jaime.)
Meanwhile, Jaime finds a neat blue bug-shaped rock while walking to school with his friends one day. That fuses itself to his spine when he sleeps that night and starts giving him superpowers. And gets him mixed up with the local superpowered street gang (The Posse) and the local magic artifact-collecting crime lord (La Dama).
Meanwhile, Vic Sage/The Question starts investigating the disappearance of his friend after getting contacted by Ted's wife/confidant/assistant/copilot Traceywho's running the company in Ted's absence. Apparently, Vic can sense chi and tracks what he thinks is Ted's chi signature after examining the scenes of the fight and finds Jaime a very new meta in over his head and dealing with a lot. (The chi signature that Vic thought was Ted's was actually Khaji Da's)
The Question becomes Jaime's off-and-on mentor as he continues his search for Ted Kord.
Jaime dealing with having a Zen Buddhist, weird conspiracy theorist, faceless, somewhat able to do magic but prefers martial arts, street level detective politically focused superhero attempting to help him with magical shit, alien shit, assassins, and another bigger badder fucker in an alien magi-tech bug suit all out to get the kid. Both coaching him in how to superhero better, learn how to fight without the bug suit, and pointing him at places to try and help get the Scarab out of him and/or showing him how to help people outside of heroing if he really doesn't want to be a superhero.
I think it is very important that Jaime is presented repeatedly with options to not be a superhero if he doesn't want to be. Like shown superpowered folks who choose to live as normal people (like Mr. Calhoun and my version of Tracey who is magic b/c I think it'd be neat and also funny to have two magic Traci/Tracey's running around)
And so and so, several adventures. Eventually, folks figure out that Blood Beetle is Ted and rescue him. And congrats Jaime you have two mentors now. Tho Ted is more cynical about Khaji Da being very fucking dangerous given past experiences and the murder puppy red clone of Khaji still stuck in him just suppressed. On the plus side, Ted is more straightforward mentor and around more and a bit more personable. (Also Ted Kord's tendency to take care of people he cares about. Like that man has got the Reye's family's back financially for life.)
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loaflovesdoodling · 1 year
ooh! can you tell us more about your metadad, perhaps (tumblr isn't letting me use interrogation marks wth)
If it's infodump you want, infodump you shall get! [small fic at the end too because writing is fun :)]
Ok, so, here's the thing:
In my AU Kirby isn't fully Meta Knight's biological child. That being for the simple reason that Nightmare tampered with Meta in the past, screwing his genetics; reason why Meta has wings even without being one of the heroes of Yore. Kirby, being made out of pure light matter is therefore Meta's chronological and -for the most part- biological child, but Nightmare's Influence on Meta basically cut off a lot of genetical/natural ligament with him.
That being said, Meta Knight loves him nontheless, he would literally give his own life away for him and he always tries to make him happy no matter how devastated he himself might be in that moment.
Here are some fun facts!
Meta Knight talks to Kirby about emotional stuff especially when he (the latter) is asleep.
After long and difficult fights with demon beasts, Meta Knight will refuse to go to sleep that day just to watch over Kirby the whole night, fearing that he'll be taken away.
Simply having him hold Kirby close can save Meta Knight from multiple panic attacks.
He spent months learning the perfect intonation and pronounciation of the best lullaby he could find just for Kirby.
He's apparently also very good at sewing (As seen in that one Pengi episode, where everyone sews their penguin disguise by themselves,) and he likes to take advantage of that skill to sew tiny beanies and plush friends for Kirby.
Now, onto the fic! (warning, extreme angst torwards the end)
The young knight had woken up in cold sweat. How could he had fallen asleep so easily?
Surely enough, his dreams hadn't been 'sweet' either: the familiar vision of blood on his hands was all he could remember. Meta Knight shook his head:
"Collect yourself, Meta, be cool. None of these dreams have meaning, you shouldn't take them so seriously." He scolded himself, sighing.
"Perhaps I should start today by putting a smile on; after all, I couldn't possibly give Kirby a bad example-..." He stopped immediately as he turned to the bed only to find no one there. Meta Knight frowned:
"And of course he's already out and about. I should've expected this, he is still a child after all." The knight said. He could not, however, hide the slightest glint of purple worry in his bright golden eyes:
"I'll start looking for him. you'll never know..." He anticipated, trying to justify that overwhelming feeling. Putting on his mask, cape and shoulder pads, he got off the bed and walked over to the counter to wish Sword and Blade a good morning; they, however, weren't present either: disappointed, the soldier walked out the room.
Patrolling Castle DeDeDe's corridors, Meta Knight noticed Dreamland's silence. The oh, so unusual, terrifying silence. He could feel the weight of each one of his quick steps on the cold tiled floor. Almost completely sinking in his own thoughts, he snapped back to reality upon recognizing the figure of Minister Parm's daughter; quickening his pace even more, he walked up to her:
The young girl jumped: "Oh, it's just you, Sir Meta Knight."
"Have you, ah... perhaps, seen Kirby, this morning?"
"Not really, now that I think of it. Knowing Kirby he's probably out playing with Bun in the yard, though--"
"Thank you for your assistance." Meta interrupted her, before walking away, his subtle rudeness leaving the kid with her eyes widening in surprise.
In his search for the pink warrior, Meta Knight just so happened to come across the throne room. Convinced of the possibility of clues about Kirby's disappearance, he decided to eavesdrop on King DeDeDe's conversation:
"You have our gratitude, King D3."
"Aw yeah, ain't nothing like a deal as great as this one: I get rid of an annoyin' obstacle and y'all give me money fer it!" he cackled.
"I can assure you this decision will not be of any regret."
"It better not be!" he talked back.
"Very well then. I shall take my leave now." The familiar voice said before being cut off by a loud buzzing sound.
"Who knew defeating Kirby had always been as easy as just sending him over at Holy Nightmare? You sure are a genius, your majesty!" the snail added.
Meta Knight's eyes widened in shock, turning into a tint of blue-ish white as he started uncontrollably shaking. So many horrifying thoughts wouldn't leave his mind:
Kirby was gone.
He was in Nightmare's possession.
And God knows what he could've done to him already.
The knight's vision progressively blurring as he started to feel heavy, an increasingly louder heartbeat blocking out every other sound in the castle.
Immediately, Meta Knight awoke, jumping out of his bed. His heart rate completely unsteady, he started grasping for air: his breaths were dangerously short and fast, and he couldn't even feel his now shaking hands anymore. He gazed over to the other side of the bed: Kirby was there, he was safe, all that happened was just a horrible nightmare. He quickly picked up the sleeping child and wrapped him tightly in his arms: the warmth of his son's fragile little body transferring onto him as his breath started steadying. Calming down, the knight fell back asleep.
Sorry if it's a little long and incoherent, haha. This is my first fic <3
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plushee-cant-draw · 4 months
Character quotes for the new ocean qol / Winona + Wurt skill trees dst beta
For anyone who wants them :3 and for me. I like having them complied in one place.
Under a cut, because it is. INCREDIBLY long. and mostly copy and pasted from the code.
Bc this is a beta and the second day it's out there's a possibility of quotes changing, items being added or removed, and/or Plushee completely missing something (Hopefully not)
Firstly, the names for everything new in the code. (In the character quotes, most of the new quotes are under --v3 Winona or -- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL, except the mosquito crafts and the crab king bumpers, which are separate from those two sections.)
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = "Handy Remote", WINONA_TELEBRELLA = "Portasol", WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = "Teletransport Station", WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = "W.I.N.bot", INSPECTACLESHAT = "Inspectacles", INSPECTACLESBOX = "Cachebox", INSPECTACLESBOX2 = "Advanced Cachebox", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Rose-Colored Glasses", CHARLIERESIDUE = "Dark Vestige", CHARLIEROSE = "Fragile Rose", WINONA_MACHINEPARTS_1 = "Doohickey", WINONA_MACHINEPARTS_2 = "Gizmo", WINONA_RECIPESCANNER = "Calibrated Perceiver", WINONA_HOLOTELEPAD = "Unstable Transmission", WINONA_HOLOTELEBRELLA = "Unstable Transmission",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Lil' Itchy", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Skeeter Bomb", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Fertilizzzer", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Blood Shot", OFFERING_POT = "Communal Kelp Dish", OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = "Superior Communal Kelp Dish", MERM_ARMORY = "Armermry", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Superior Armermry", MERMARMORHAT = "Swamp Brawler Helmet", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Swamp Warrior Helmet", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Shoddy Tool Shed", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Slightly Less Shoddy Tool Shed", MERM_TOOL = "Shoddy Tool", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Slightly Less Shoddy Tool", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Dreaded Mudslinger", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Brilliant Mudslinger",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Marotter", OTTERDEN = "Marotter Den", OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Demolished Marotter Den", BOAT_ANCIENT = "Archaic Boat", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Archaic Boat Kit", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Cargo Hold", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Archaic Plank", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Surprising Seed", ANCIENTTREE_SEED_PLANTED = "Planted Surprising Seed", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = "Sproutrock", ANCIENTTREE_GEM_SAPLING = "Young Sproutrock", ANCIENTTREE_GEM_SAPLING_ITEM = "Sproutrock Sapling", ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = "Gloomthorn", ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION_SAPLING = "Young Gloomthorn", ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION_SAPLING_ITEM = "Gloomthorn Sapling", ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Geode Fruit", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Nightberry", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Cooked Nightberry", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Kelp Patch", CRABKING_MOB = "Crab Guard", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Crab Knight", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Cannon Tower", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Ice Barrier", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Gourmet Salt Lick", MERM_SHADOW = "Shadow Merm", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Shadow Merm Guard", MERM_LUNAR = "Mutated Merm", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Mutated Merm Guard",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Crab King Bumper", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Crab King Bumper Kit",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "I think she forgot to attach these buttons to her machine.", OFF = "It needs some electricity.", CHARGING = "I think she forgot to attach these buttons to her machine.", CHARGED = "I think she forgot to attach these buttons to her machine.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Winona's been brainstorming.", OFF = "It needs some electricity.", CHARGING = "Winona's been brainstorming.", CHARGED = "Winona's been brainstorming.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "It uses displacement theory - things go from displace to datplace.", OFF = "It needs some electricity.", BURNING = "It's on fire!", BURNT = "Science couldn't save it.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Aren't you the cutest little bucket of bolts?", OFF = "Taking a break? Winona must be going easy on you.", SLEEP = "Aren't you the cutest little bucket of bolts?", CHARGING = "Taking a break? Winona must be going easy on you.", CHARGED = "Taking a break? Winona must be going easy on you.", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Winona always struck me as someone with a vision for the future.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "They don't seem like Winona's usual style.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL
OTTER = "You should see the otter guy.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Otter den that, there's not much else there.", HAS_LOOT = "I otter have a closer look.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "We are taking on a l'otter water.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "I guess I'm doing this the old-fashioned way.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "\"Cargo\" is sailor-lingo for \"stuff\".", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Couldn't we have just made a lifeboat?", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "There are no surprises, only incomplete data.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "It's vegetable AND mineral. Fascinating.", STUMP = "This tree has been mined.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "I need to plant this in the right place.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "It's growing! I think?", WRONG_TILE = "I don't think it's getting the required nutrients here.", WRONG_SEASON = "It seems like it fits in, but it's not yet ready to grow.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Tree-t with caution.", STUMP = "It's a stump.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Hot and fresh off the tree.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "I just wish it was less... twitchy.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "At least it stopped twitching.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "It'll have to do for now.", CRABKING_MOB = "Crabby much?", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "This shell be quite the challenge.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "I knew there was mortar these crabs.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "This is between me and the crab.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Just looking at it makes me thirsty.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "It's so sad and kelp-less...", SOME_KELP = "I think I could fit some more kelp in there.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Kelpious amounts of seaweed!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "It's so sad and kelp-less...", SOME_KELP = "I think I could fit some more kelp in there.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Kelpious amounts of seaweed!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "It says \"Mermfolk Ownlee.\"", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "It says \"Mermfolk Ownlee.\"", MERM_TOOLSHED = "I don't think I'll find anything scientific in there.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "I don't think I'll find anything scientific in there.", MERMARMORHAT = "It looks merm-made.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "It still looks merm-made.", MERM_TOOL = "It does so much, badly.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "This tool looks a little fishy.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Dreadful... but don't tell her I said that.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Looking at it makes my head feel funny.", MERM_SHADOW = "Just a shadow of their former self.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Just a shadow of their former self.", MERM_LUNAR = "The next phase of merm evolution.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "The next phase of merm evolution.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "It's my boat's crowning glory.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "A soon-to-be boat bumper.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Those suckers will never get me!", MOSQUITOBOMB = "I'm just itching to throw it.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Apparently plants like it.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "It's the latest buzz among the merms.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "C'mon, I'm just looking! I'm not gonna break it!", OFF = "Is this thing on?", CHARGING = "C'mon, I'm just looking! I'm not gonna break it!", CHARGED = "C'mon, I'm just looking! I'm not gonna break it!", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "I can poof stuff away too! Let me just get my lighter!", OFF = "Is this thing on?", CHARGING = "I can poof stuff away too! Let me just get my lighter!", CHARGED = "I can poof stuff away too! Let me just get my lighter!", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "If something's on fire when it's teleported...", OFF = "Is this thing on?", BURNING = "Hehehe!", BURNT = "Well, that was mildly entertaining.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Couldn't she have programmed it to burn stuff too?", OFF = "What's its deal?", SLEEP = "Couldn't she have programmed it to burn stuff too?", CHARGING = "What's its deal?", CHARGED = "What's its deal?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "I wasn't paying attention when Winona told me how it works.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "They're a lot flowerier than Winona's usual style.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "You rotten little bandit!", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Looks empty. Might as well torch it.", HAS_LOOT = "I should take whatever's in there. Then torch it.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "I think we're going down.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Ew, it smells old!", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "I hope all my stuff stays dry in there.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "So, who are we gonna make walk it?", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Huh. That's a weird-looking seed.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "It's... it's so beautiful...", STUMP = "Nooooooooo!!", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "I bet you want some dirt, don't ya?", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "It's almost a tree.", WRONG_TILE = "I don't think it likes this type of dirt.", WRONG_SEASON = "What's wrong? Is it too cold out? Too hot?", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "What an ugly tree.", STUMP = "It made an ugly stump too.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "It's so pretty, let's toss it in the fire!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Ew, is that berry... squirming?", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "It's not moving anymore. Thanks, fire!", BOATPATCH_KELP = "At least it'll keep the water out for a bit.", CRABKING_MOB = "What's with all the pinching?", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Who ordered more crab?", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "That's not very welcoming.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Ice wall? Light'er up!", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "I'm so glad I'm not a beefalo.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Well, what am I supposed to do about it?", SOME_KELP = "Greedy, aren't we?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "It's full already!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Well, what am I supposed to do about it?", SOME_KELP = "Greedy, aren't we?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "It's full already!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "I can't look inside? But that just makes me want to even more!", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "I can't look inside? But that just makes me want to even more!", MERM_TOOLSHED = "What a nice, flammable-looking tool shed!", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "What a nice, flammable-looking tool shed!", MERMARMORHAT = "It doesn't look like it'd actually protect your head very well.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "It doesn't look like it'd actually protect your head very well.", MERM_TOOL = "It'd be handy if it wasn't so badly made.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "It'd be handy if it wasn't so badly made.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Heh. Why adapt to the environment if the environment can adapt to you?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Heh. Why adapt to the environment if the environment can adapt to you?", MERM_SHADOW = "Creepy...", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Creepy...", MERM_LUNAR = "I feel like it's staring straight through me.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "I feel like it's staring straight through me.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Sturdy. Let's ram something.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "I guess building some bumpers is better than sinking.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "It's no Bernie.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "What an itchy way to go.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Was the poop by itself not gross enough?", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "This reminds me of a nightmare I had once.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Wolfgang is pretty sure little box is magic.", OFF = "Is not working.", CHARGING = "Wolfgang is pretty sure little box is magic.", CHARGED = "Wolfgang is pretty sure little box is magic.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Is very funny umbrella.", OFF = "Is not working.", CHARGING = "Is very funny umbrella.", CHARGED = "Is very funny umbrella.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Fixing lady doesn't need machine, Wolfgang can help carry!", OFF = "Is not working.", BURNING = "Is burning!", BURNT = "Is all burned up.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Is little metal helper.", OFF = "Little helper is sleeping now.", SLEEP = "Is little metal helper.", CHARGING = "Little helper is sleeping now.", CHARGED = "Little helper is sleeping now.", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Little fixing lady's funny glasses.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Only for little fixing lady? Really bring out Wolfgang eyes.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Is kind of cute except for love of stealing.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Wolfgang see nothing to get.", HAS_LOOT = "Ooh, maybe something for Wolfgang?", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "This is not good.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Wolfgang will build mighty ship!", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Hmm... how many potatoes could Wolfgang store in there?", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Maybe Wolfgang go for dip.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "What does little seed want to be when it grow up?", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Rocky tree have big strong trunk like Wolfgang.", STUMP = "You give to us everything.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Don't worry, little tree. Wolfgang find good home for you.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Little tree, grow mighty like Wolfgang!", WRONG_TILE = "Little one don't like it here?", WRONG_SEASON = "Maybe try again later, little one.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Tree give Wolfgang sad feelings.", STUMP = "Much better.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Even Wolfgang's mighty jaw can't bite into funny rock-fruit.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Eeep!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Is less gross, but still not look yummy.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Hm. Slimy patch is not very strong, but will do for now.", CRABKING_MOB = "Little crab is very bold for creature that is so delicious.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Come, tough guy. Wolfgang just warmed up.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Cowardly crabs like to toss rock.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Puny ice wall not stop Wolfgang.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Wolfgang is on low sodium diet.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Bowl is empty? Poor fish men must be hungry...", SOME_KELP = "Wolfgang will find more sea spinach to fill their bellies!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Eat, fish men! Grow big and strong like Wolfgang!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Bowl is empty? Poor fish men must be hungry...", SOME_KELP = "Wolfgang will find more sea spinach to fill their bellies!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Eat, fish men! Grow big and strong like Wolfgang!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "For fish man only.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "For fish man only.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "No Wolfgangs allowed. Aw.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "No Wolfgangs allowed. Aw.", MERMARMORHAT = "Wolfgang look handsome in fish man hat?", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Oh, nice hat, but smell fishy.", MERM_TOOL = "Fish man tools for fish man work.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Fish man tool not bad.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Why little fish girl make such scary thing?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "It give Wolfgang strange brain feeling.", MERM_SHADOW = "Wow, fish man working overtime.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Fighting fish man dutiful even in death.", MERM_LUNAR = "Er... looking good, fish man. Purple suit you. Really...", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Nice spiky fish man... Wolfgang is friend.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Wolfgang feels better now.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Will keep boat safe.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Is huggable bug friend!", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Buzzing boom bag.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Blech, little bag smells of month-old borscht!", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Wolfgang already hates needles... this make it even worse.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "It gives the illusion of control.", OFF = "It's dead...", CHARGING = "It gives the illusion of control.", CHARGED = "It gives the illusion of control.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "It takes things away. I cannot follow.", OFF = "It's dead...", CHARGING = "It takes things away. I cannot follow.", CHARGED = "It takes things away. I cannot follow.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Not everything can be brought back.", OFF = "It's dead...", BURNING = "Oh no...", BURNT = "It all crumbles to ash, in the end.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Given the choice, would it accept this life of toil?", OFF = "Does it dream?", SLEEP = "Given the choice, would it accept this life of toil?", CHARGING = "Does it dream?", CHARGED = "Does it dream?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "They can't show me what I'm looking for.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "I hope you find her.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Is it true they hold paws while sleeping at sea to not get separated?", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "It has nothing.", HAS_LOOT = "If I take what's there, the creature may starve.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "I had a feeling it would end at sea.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "It looks like it will be quite sturdy. Oh well.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "I could put things in there. I guess.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "That would be too easy.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Its future is unknown. Much like the rest of us.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Burning from the inside... it must be agony.", STUMP = "It's been put out of its misery.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Don't worry. I'll bury you.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Maybe if you're lucky, you'll get the chance to grow up.", WRONG_TILE = "This doesn't feel like its final resting place.", WRONG_SEASON = "Perhaps it will grow next season. I can wait.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "It is touched by darkness.", STUMP = "This tree was put to rest.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "A fruit that offers no sweetness.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "It's still beating...", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "It beats no more.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "It will probably fall apart before I can reach shore. If I'm lucky.", CRABKING_MOB = "You're a pawn.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Is your agression an attempt to fill the void?", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Futile.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "You can't hide forever, crab.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Salty like tears.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Empty.", SOME_KELP = "The merms are in an endless cycle of feeding. Give them more.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "So even the merms have their limits.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Empty.", SOME_KELP = "The merms are in an endless cycle of feeding. Give them more.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "So, even the merms have their limits.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "\"Mermfok Ownlee\"... hmph. How childish.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "\"Mermfok Ownlee\"... hmph. How childish.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Father had a tool shed, though he hardly used it.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Father had a tool shed, though he hardly used it.", MERMARMORHAT = "A meager attempt at protection.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "A meager attempt at protection.", MERM_TOOL = "It's only slightly better than useless.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "It's only slightly better than useless.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Sigh. Isn't the regular swamp bad enough?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Sigh. Isn't the regular swamp bad enough?", MERM_SHADOW = "You shed everything you were. Does it feel... good?", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "You shed everything you were. Does it feel... good?", MERM_LUNAR = "Their eyes... they're so vacant and cold...", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Their eyes... they're so vacant and cold...", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Looks strong. Are we afraid to die?", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "I suppose I should make myself useful.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "What an ugly little doll.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "The enemies of my enemies are my mosquitoes.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "The best nourishment is the lifeblood of another.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Don't worry, this will only hurt for a moment.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "It allows her to control things remotely.", OFF = "It requires a power source.", CHARGING = "It allows her to control things remotely.", CHARGED = "It allows her to control things remotely.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "What a whimsical appearance for a teleportation device.", OFF = "It requires a power source.", CHARGING = "What a whimsical appearance for a teleportation device.", CHARGED = "What a whimsical appearance for a teleportation device.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "This is rather convenient.", OFF = "It requires a power source.", BURNING = "Oh dear, who did this?", BURNT = "I do hope she'll build another.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Winona's version is no less impressive.", OFF = "It requires a power source", SLEEP = "Winona's version is no less impressive.", CHARGING = "It is connected to a power source.", CHARGED = "It looks like it has sufficient power.", }, INSPECTACLESBOX = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESBOX2 = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESHAT = "It seems to utilize radio waves to pinpoint the location of anomalous objects.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Winona has been rather tight-lipped about their function.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "This beast possess traits of an otter, fish and petty criminal.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Nothing there at all.", HAS_LOOT = "It's left its loot behind.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "This was utterly avoidable.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "The style is reminiscent of the ships from days of old.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "This vessel is outfitted with a convenient storage receptacle.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "A dangerous escape route for one stranded at sea.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "It's difficult to identify the species at this stage of development.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "How interesting, it seems to produce its own heat from within.", STUMP = "A shame, really.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "I will endeavor to find a suitable environment for it.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "It appears to be growing nicely.", WRONG_TILE = "This may not be a suitable environment for it.", WRONG_SEASON = "Perhaps this is not the right time of year for it to thrive.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Could the sense of unease I feel be a part of its defense mechanism?", STUMP = "As I thought, the sense of unease has passed.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "I suspect burning away the tough outer skin might reveal something at its core.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "If consumed, it seems to improve one's vision in the darkness.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "A bit easier to digest, but lacking in any vision-improving effects.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "A temporary solution, but better than nothing.", CRABKING_MOB = "The crabs are protecting their king.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "That is one brute of a decapod.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Curious. These crustaceans have learned to launch projectiles.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "A solid but not impenetrable layer of defense.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "The beefalo lick salt to acquire essential nutrients.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "The merms are known for their love of kelp.", SOME_KELP = "A little more. They are not yet satiated.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "It's sure to topple if we pile on any more.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "The merms are known for their love of kelp.", SOME_KELP = "A little more. They are not yet satiated.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "It's sure to topple if we pile on any more.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "\"Mermfolk Ownlee\"? Hm. I see more spelling lessons are in order.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "\"Mermfolk Ownlee\"? Hm. I see more spelling lessons are in order.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "A place for everything, and everything in its place.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "A place for everything, and everything in its place.", MERMARMORHAT = "Merms possess naturally thick craniums, but some extra padding won't hurt.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Merms possess naturally thick craniums, but some extra padding won't hurt.", MERM_TOOL = "While crudely made, I admit it's far more efficient than their usual methods.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "While crudely made, I admit it's far more efficient than their usual methods.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Oh my. That looks like rather advanced magic for her reading level.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Don't let the power go to your head, dear.", MERM_SHADOW = "This development has me feeling rather uneasy.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "This development has me feeling rather uneasy.", MERM_LUNAR = "It's been mutated nearly beyond recognition.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "It's been mutated nearly beyond recognition.",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "A thick barrier of geocrustacean exoskeleton.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "It would be wise to equip the boat with a protective barrier.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "The pheromones render one undetectable to the cursed bloodsuckers.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Absolutely horrid. It makes my skin crawl.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "There is a direct correlation between the fertilizer's efficacy and odor.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "The infusion of fresh blood seems to boost a merm's overall health.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Nifty gadget, eh?", OFF = "Does it look like it's working, Lucy?", CHARGING = "Nifty gadget, eh?", CHARGED = "Nifty gadget, eh?", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Let me guess, it doesn't ship to Canada.", OFF = "Does it look like it's working, Lucy?", CHARGING = "Let me guess, it doesn't ship to Canada.", CHARGED = "Let me guess, it doesn't ship to Canada.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "It's like havin' our own shipping depot.", OFF = "Plum tuckered.", BURNING = "Woah! Careful, Lucy!", BURNT = "That's a right shame.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Just follow me, I'll give ya plenty of logs to pick up.", OFF = "Catchin' some zeds, eh?", SLEEP = "Just follow me, I'll give ya plenty of logs to pick up.", CHARGING = "Catchin' some zeds, eh?", CHARGED = "Catchin' some zeds, eh?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Wonder what Winona sees in them.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Honestly, they're kinda lovely.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Stay back, greedy rascal.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Left nothin' for us.", HAS_LOOT = "What do we have here?", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "That's a big leak.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "This boat's made of some solid old-growth lumber.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Should help keep everything safely stowed away.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Hopefully we don't have to abandon ship.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "I know you hope it's a tree, Luce. I do too.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Whoa, Lucy. This is not your kind of tree.", STUMP = "This is not the work of an axe.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Where would you like to be chopped down eventually?", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Soon, Lucy. Soon.", WRONG_TILE = "I don't think this is where it goes.", WRONG_SEASON = "Maybe it's not growin' season, eh?", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "It's just as spooky in the day.", STUMP = "Good riddance, spooky tree.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Maybe roasting it will soften it up, eh?", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Nope. Don't like the look of that.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Is there anything else to eat?", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Not nearly as dependable as wood, but it'll do in a pinch.", CRABKING_MOB = "I guess it's crab season.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Not very friendly, eh?", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "These guys don't fight fair.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Reminds me of winters up North.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "I gave it a lick or two. It was okay.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Let's give it a little greenery, eh?", SOME_KELP = "I think I could pile on a little more.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That should do it!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Let's give it a little greenery, eh?", SOME_KELP = "I think I could pile on a little more.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That should do it!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "We're not welcome here, Luce.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "We're not welcome here, Luce.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Looks like where the scaly folks keep their tools.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Looks like where the scaly folks keep their tools.", MERMARMORHAT = "That's a swampy hat.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Pretty good, but still swampy.", MERM_TOOL = "Now now, Luce. Be nice.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Better, but why is it all slimy?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "I don't trust it.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "It makes me nervous.", MERM_SHADOW = "That lil' Merm really worked you to death, eh?", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "There's no quit in these fellas.", MERM_LUNAR = "What the heck is she feedin' you guys?", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Those eyes have seen some things.",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "There ya go, nice and safe.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "A bit of padding might be a good idea.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "A stuffed skeeter? This is what the kids like these days, eh?", MOSQUITOBOMB = "That's one angry bag of skeeters.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "I don't think that's ketchup.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "I guess there's some justice to it.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "It feels good to have control, doesn't it?", OFF = "It's useless out here without power.", CHARGING = "It feels good to have control, doesn't it?", CHARGED = "It feels good to have control, doesn't it?", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Good. Let her ferry our supplies around.", OFF = "It's useless out here without power.", CHARGING = "Good. Let her ferry our supplies around.", CHARGED = "Good. Let her ferry our supplies around.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Not bad, for a parlour trick.", OFF = "It's useless out here without power.", BURNING = "I'm going to pretend I don't see it.", BURNT = "Oh. What a pity.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Honestly, I don't trust it.", OFF = "Sleeping on the job, I see.", SLEEP = "Honestly, I don't trust it.", CHARGING = "Sleeping on the job, I see.", CHARGED = "Sleeping on the job, I see.", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "How long has that old fool been hiding his trash here?!", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Are you prepared for what you'll find?",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Keep a distance, you crooked creature!", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Nothing. Am I supposed to be sad for the smelly brigand?", HAS_LOOT = "Oh, goody.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "I loathe swimming.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "It's not old, it's \"classic.\"", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Now those apes won't get their grubby hands on my loot.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Jumping off would ruin what's left of my suit.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "How mysterious.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "I'm sure it will burn out eventually.", STUMP = "Close enough.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "I suppose I have no choice but to get my hands dirty.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "It's coming along nicely.", WRONG_TILE = "Impudent plant. This patch of ground isn't good enough for you?", WRONG_SEASON = "Patience. It's time will come.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "It provides a lovely ambiance of dread, don't you think?", STUMP = "A pity.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "I sense magic at its core. Now, how to get it out...", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Hm. Tangy.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "I prefer them raw.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "That won't keep the water at bay for long.", CRABKING_MOB = "I'd kill for a crab cake.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Middle management.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Watch it where you shoot those things!", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Always something in the way.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Blech, it's covered in beefalo spit.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "The fishheads are out of salad.", SOME_KELP = "Not enough? Where does it end?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Satisfied?", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "The fishheads are out of salad.", SOME_KELP = "Not enough? Where does it end?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Satisfied?", }, MERM_ARMORY = "Apparently, I'm not invited. Oh how shall I ever go on.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Apparently, I'm not invited. Oh how shall I ever go on.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "I'm certain there's nothing inside I'd want.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "I'm certain there's nothing inside I'd want.", MERMARMORHAT = "The poor fools must think they look very dapper.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "The poor fools must think they look very dapper.", MERM_TOOL = "Why specialize when you can be mediocre at everything, hm?", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Why specialize when you can be mediocre at everything, hm?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "How heartwarming to see today's youth take an interest in shadow magic.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Stop mucking about with that lunar filth!", MERM_SHADOW = "Quite the improvement.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Quite the improvement.", MERM_LUNAR = "They managed to get even uglier.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "They managed to get even uglier.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Looks heavy enough to sink us.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Ugh. These menial tasks do not suit me.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Do I have to touch it? What if I just stand near it?", MOSQUITOBOMB = "What sort of fiend would come up with this?", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Nasty stuff.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Let's test it on one of those merms, shall we?",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "The tinkerer commands her armaments with the touch of a button.", OFF = "It has no fighting spirit.", CHARGING = "The tinkerer commands her armaments with the touch of a button.", CHARGED = "The tinkerer commands her armaments with the touch of a button.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "My ally is most resourceful.", OFF = "It has no fighting spirit.", CHARGING = "My ally is most resourceful.", CHARGED = "My ally is most resourceful.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Bring home the spoils of war!", OFF = "It has no fighting spirit.", BURNING = "Tis engulfed in flame!", BURNT = "'Twas devoured by Hel's fire!", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "The tinkerer's mechanical page.", OFF = "Rest and regain your strength, little one.", SLEEP = "The tinkerer's mechanical page.", CHARGING = "Rest and regain your strength, little one.", CHARGED = "Rest and regain your strength, little one.", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "A warrior hath no need for such things.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "They reveal visions to my ally. I just hope she remains wary.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "A crafty pillager. I cannot help but respect it.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Empty, alas.", HAS_LOOT = "There is loot for the taking.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Then sink, wretched raft! A Viking hath no fear of the sea!", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "I shall build a vessel like the tales of old.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "My stores are well defended 'neath the deck of my ship.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "I shall never abandon my vessel!", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "It must be returned to the earth.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "A fire burns within, yet the tree lives?", STUMP = "It hath been felled.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Fear not, I shall find you a place to lay down your roots.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "These lands seem to suit it well.", WRONG_TILE = "Why do you despair? Does this land not suit you?", WRONG_SEASON = "It may yet grow with the passing of another season.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "The sight of it doth send a terrible chill down my spine.", STUMP = "Perhaps 'tis for the best.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "I care not for any fruit, much less one as hard as stone!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "It writhes upon the ground! Be it berry or beast?!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "The loathesome berry hath ceased its wriggling.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "It shall hold for now.", CRABKING_MOB = "Appetizer.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Finally. A clawed combatant worthy to die by my spear.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Now THIS is a battle.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Oh good. I worried it would be too easy.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "So the meat can season itself.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "The fish beasts hunger for that vile weed of the sea.", SOME_KELP = "More? They want more?!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "'Tis enough to gorge themselves to the gills!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "The fish beasts hunger for that vile weed of the sea.", SOME_KELP = "More? They want more?!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "'Tis enough to gorge themselves to the gills!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "The armory of the fish beast warriors.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "The armory of the fish beast warriors.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "'Tis a place for workers, not warriors.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "'Tis a place for workers, not warriors.", MERMARMORHAT = "A rough-hewn helm, but a helm nonetheless.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "A rough-hewn helm, but a helm nonetheless.", MERM_TOOL = "I suppose 'tis better than using one's hands.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "I suppose 'tis better than using one's hands.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "The small beastie seems keen to expand her kingdom.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "The small beastie seems keen to expand her kingdom.", MERM_SHADOW = "They are but shades.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Warriors, denied their ascension to Valhalla...", MERM_LUNAR = "The fish beast is tinged with the essence of Mani.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "The fish beast is tinged with the essence of Mani.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "It doth look battleworthy.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "It shall shield my vessel from harm.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "'Tis rather useful for a foul little doll.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "There is little honor in using such a weapon, yet I am intrigued.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Leave it for the farmers.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "'Tis the mark of a noble leader to care for her warriors so.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "We didn't play with it. We swear.", OFF = "How come it's not on?", CHARGING = "We didn't play with it. We swear.", CHARGED = "We didn't play with it. We swear.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "We don't think it would work very well in the rain.", OFF = "Hey Winona! How do we fix it?", CHARGING = "We don't think it would work very well in the rain.", CHARGED = "We don't think it would work very well in the rain.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Aww, it won't work on us.", OFF = "How come it's not on?", BURNING = "Oh, oh!", BURNT = "Oh no! It got burnt!", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Winona makes the best toys!", OFF = "Hello?", SLEEP = "Winona makes the best toys!", CHARGING = "Hello?", CHARGED = "Hello?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Winona's been using those funny glasses a lot lately.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Winona wouldn't let us play with them. We've never seen her so stern...",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Hey don't touch our stuff!", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "We don't see anything.", HAS_LOOT = "We see treats inside!", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "We're in trouble.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Building a new boat to look old? We don't get it...", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "That's where we hide all our favorite toys.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "It's the least fun diving board.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "We want to see what it grows into!", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Aww, it's too hot to climb.", STUMP = "Poor Mr. Tree.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "We're going to find a good home for you!", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "We think it likes its new home.", WRONG_TILE = "What's wrong? Don't you like it there?", WRONG_SEASON = "It's okay, you can grow when you're ready.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "It looks scary, but that doesn't mean it's bad!", STUMP = "Poor Mr. Tree.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "It's too hard to take a bite out of.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Um... are we sure it's not full of baby spiders?", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "It doesn't help our eyes, but it also doesn't hurt our tummy as much.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "It's for fixing up boat booboos!", CRABKING_MOB = "We really should be friends.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Not very friendly.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Oooh fun! Heads up!", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Why can't we climb it?", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "We know it's gross but we want to lick it anyway.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "They need kelp!", SOME_KELP = "We can get more!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That's a lot of kelp!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "They need kelp!", SOME_KELP = "We can get more!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That's a lot of kelp!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "They don't seem to like sharing their toys.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "They don't seem to like sharing their toys.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Aww, how come we're not allowed inside?", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Aww, how come we're not allowed inside?", MERMARMORHAT = "Wurt says it's armor, but it just looks like a funny hat to us.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Wurt says it's armor, but it just looks like a funny hat to us.", MERM_TOOL = "Wow, it does everything! Sort of.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Wow, it does everything! Sort of.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Wurt won't let us play with her mud wand, even after we shared our snacks!", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Wurt won't let us play with her mud wand, even after we shared our snacks!", MERM_SHADOW = "We've been starting to get a little worried about Wurt...", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "We've been starting to get a little worried about Wurt...", MERM_LUNAR = "Um, Wurt? Are the merms sick?", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Um, Wurt? Are the merms sick?",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Now we will win bumper boats!", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Now we can play bumper boats!",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Can we keep it?", MOSQUITOBOMB = "It looks gross and yummy at the same time.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "It will make the little plants grow big and strong!", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "We're just glad it's not for us.",
-- Winona specific ROSEGLASSES_INVALID = "No signs of Charlie.", ROSEGLASSES_COOLDOWN = "Let's take a breather.", -- }, REMOTE_TELEPORT = { NOSKILL = "Huh. I ain't familiar with this model.", NODEST = "It's not gonna work without a receiving end.", },
-- Winona specific ANNOUNCE_ROSEGLASSES = { "Gotcha, sis!", "Charlie was here.", "I'm pickin' up traces of her magic.", }, ANNOUNCE_CHARLIESAVE = { "Yeesh! I can't tell if she's tryin' to help me or kill me.", }, ANNOUNCE_ENGINEERING_CAN_UPGRADE = "Easy peasy, my version is miles ahead.", ANNOUNCE_ENGINEERING_CAN_DOWNGRADE = "Whoa, this one is more advanced than my version.", ANNOUNCE_ENGINEERING_CAN_SIDEGRADE = "Interestin'. This version and mine are ahead in different ways.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "It ain't magic, just some good engineering!", OFF = "Gotta hook it up to the generator.", CHARGING = "Needs some more time to charge.", CHARGED = "Charged and ready to go.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "I made a few adjustments to the bossman's design.", OFF = "Gotta hook it up to the generator.", CHARGING = "Needs some more time to charge.", CHARGED = "Charged and ready to go.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Sure beats luggin' stuff around!", OFF = "I'd better hook it up to some power.", BURNING = "Quick! Put it out!", BURNT = "Aw, nuts and bolts!", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Nice to have a helpin' hand around here!", OFF = "Poor little guy, let's get you hooked up to some power.", SLEEP = "Take five, little guy!", CHARGING = "Needs some more time to charge.", CHARGED = "Charged and ready to go.", }, INSPECTACLESBOX = "Sure hope the bossman doesn't mind me borrowing a few things.", INSPECTACLESBOX2 = "Jackpot!", INSPECTACLESHAT = "Now I can track down the bossman's loot!", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Alright, Charlie. Show me the way.", CHARLIERESIDUE = "I must've just missed her... but she left somethin' behind.", CHARLIEROSE = "Oh, Charlie. What are you gettin' me into now?", WINONA_MACHINEPARTS_1 = "You just can't get quality manufactured parts like this out here!", WINONA_MACHINEPARTS_2 = "Oh, I've got big plans for this.", WINONA_RECIPESCANNER = "One scan with this Calibrated Perceiver, and I'll know how somethin's built!", WINONA_HOLOTELEPAD = "Looks like one of the boss's old designs. I should give it a scan.", WINONA_HOLOTELEBRELLA = "I should give it a scan with the ol' Calibrated Perceiver.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Nasty lil hoarder ain't it?", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Looks tapped out.", HAS_LOOT = "It might have left us some goodies.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "It was definitely holding it all together.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "They sure don't build 'em like they used to.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Plenty of space for storage.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "That thing don't look stable.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "I believe this goes in the dirt.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "That tree has got fire in its belly.", STUMP = "Just a pile of rubble now.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "This might be one of them finicky trees.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Looks like it's on its way.", WRONG_TILE = "Maybe it ain't in the right spot.", WRONG_SEASON = "I don't think the time is right.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "That is one gloomy tree.", STUMP = "Can't say I'm sad to see it gone.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "For a fruit, it's one tough nut to crack.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "I don't think berries are supposed to do that.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "At least it ain't pulsin'.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Just a quick fix until I can do some proper repairs.", CRABKING_MOB = "Just a hired hand. Er, claw.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "I've had supervisors crabbier than him.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "There's no way they've got a permit for that.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Heh. I think this guy's tryin' to ice me out!", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Do you sea salt?", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Shucks, I can't just leave it empty!", SOME_KELP = "I should add a little more, wouldn't want them to run out.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That should keep'em well fed.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Shucks, I can't just leave it empty!", SOME_KELP = "I should add a little more, wouldn't want them to run out.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That should keep'em well fed.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "Get your merm hats here!", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Get your merm hats here!", MERM_TOOLSHED = "I know a toolshed when I see one.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "I know a toolshed when I see one.", MERMARMORHAT = "Safety first, I guess.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "I can tell a lot of effort went into this.", MERM_TOOL = "Should get the job done... I hope.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "It's an improvement.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Aw, she made a lil' shadow wand thing.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Wurt is tappin' into some weird stuff here.", MERM_SHADOW = "Can't seem to catch a break, can ya?", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Whoa, I'll just stay outta your way.", MERM_LUNAR = "You're a rather prickly one, ain't ya?", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "I'm sure he's got a sparkling personality.", },
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "It sometimes pays to have a tough exterior.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Extra protection's always good, 'specially on water.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Somehow it's still not the creepiest doll I've seen.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Talk about a buzz-kill. Ha!", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Just throw a healthy dollop on the ground.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "I almost feel sorry for the bloodsucker. Almost.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "How convenient!", OFF = "It isn't working at the moment.", CHARGING = "How convenient!", CHARGED = "How convenient!", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Perhaps I could ask Winona to pick up some ingredients for me.", OFF = "Perhaps it needs some power?", CHARGING = "Perhaps I could ask Winona to pick up some ingredients for me.", CHARGED = "Perhaps I could ask Winona to pick up some ingredients for me.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Incroyable!", OFF = "Is it out of power?", BURNING = "It, oh, it appears to be on fire.", BURNT = "Crisp, non?", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Winona's little sous chef.", OFF = "Between shifts, are we?", SLEEP = "Winona's little sous chef.", CHARGING = "Between shifts, are we?", CHARGED = "Between shifts, are we?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Winona cooked it up with some help from that strange gentleman.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Rather pretty, non?",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Its meat must be both fishy and gamey.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "I don't see anything there.", HAS_LOOT = "Shall we raid this pantry?", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "We are getting soggy.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Ah, a fine vintage.", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "A ship should always have a cargo hold stocked with provisions.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "That doesn't look safe.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "I wonder what it might grow into?", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Is there something cooking inside?", STUMP = "Nothing but a stump left.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Allons-y! I can't just leave this little tree uprooted!", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Just a petite bébé.", WRONG_TILE = "This soil doesn't seem to fit its tastes.", WRONG_SEASON = "Ah, perhaps it is not yet in season.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Not exactly a friendly-looking tree, non?", STUMP = "Nothing but a stump left.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "I wonder if it's possible to cook such a stony fruit?", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "I think... I may have lost my appetite.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Better, but now it's missing that certain je ne sais quoi.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "That should hold us over for now.", CRABKING_MOB = "You would go perfect with some lemon butter.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Wow. It's not even the main course.", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "It reminds me of a seafood tower, but more deadly.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "The big crab built its own refridgerator.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "This is more than a dash.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Nothing sadder than an empty dish!", SOME_KELP = "Feast, my fishy friends! Plenty more where that came from.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That will do for now.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Nothing sadder than an empty dish!", SOME_KELP = "Feast, my fishy friends! Plenty more where that came from.", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That will do for now.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "The fishmongers seem to be doing quite well for themselves.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "The fishmongers seem to be doing quite well for themselves.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "What have they cooked up in there?", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "What have they cooked up in there?", MERMARMORHAT = "Such an avant-garde chapeau!", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Such an avant-garde chapeau!", MERM_TOOL = "The right tool for any job, non?", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "The right tool for any job, non?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "I fear something dark has stirred within our little friend.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "There's something brewing in the mind of our little friend.", MERM_SHADOW = "Not exactly a comforting sight...", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Not exactly a comforting sight...", MERM_LUNAR = "The merms have been looking a little... different lately.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "The merms have been looking a little... different lately.",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Now our boat has a hard rocky shell.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "I will feel a bit safer with an extra layer wrapped around my boat.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "In case of uninvited pests.", MOSQUITOBOMB = "So fresh, they are still squirming.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "For a bountiful harvest.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Thankfully, it's not for me.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Give that button a press, see what happens next!", OFF = "Doesn't look too lively!", CHARGING = "Give that button a press, see what happens next!", CHARGED = "Give that button a press, see what happens next!", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "I'm not a fella who needs a metal umbrella.", OFF = "Doesn't look too lively!", CHARGING = "I'm not a fella who needs a metal umbrella.", CHARGED = "I'm not a fella who needs a metal umbrella.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Imitation in the sincerest form of flattery, hyuyu!", OFF = "Playtime's over!", BURNING = "Hoohoohoo!", BURNT = "How hilarious!", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Here I am trying to make a lovely mess, and you keep cleaning it up!", OFF = "Rest those gears, my dear.", SLEEP = "See? Stop tidying and appreciate the chaos around you!", CHARGING = "Rest those gears, my dear.", CHARGED = "Rest those gears, my dear.", }, INSPECTACLESBOX = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESBOX2 = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESHAT = "She's made the decision to follow his vision?", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "What have we here? A dark magic seer?",
- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Furry fish-tailed freeloader!", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Nada? Another otter den then.", HAS_LOOT = "Let's clean out this clawed klepto.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "We'll soon be sunk.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "This old boat will surely float!", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "To hide my prize from prying primate eyes.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "It's just a last resort, worrywart!", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "I see a seed to sow, hyuyu!", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "The tree furnace burns in earnest.", STUMP = "Once a tree, now debris.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "It's tricky with a tree so picky.", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Not to get sappy, I'm glad it's happy.", WRONG_TILE = "Not the picky plant's preferred placement?", WRONG_SEASON = "What now? Oh, not now.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Is it so scary for a tree to be hairy?", STUMP = "It's leafy life was cut short.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Don't try to eat it, better to heat it!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Just one bite to help my sight at night.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "I miss the wriggle, it made me giggle.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "This kelp should help!", CRABKING_MOB = "Stay back, bottom feeder!", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "I'm surely shell-shocked!", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Well don't go ballistic, hyuyu!", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Nothing nice about a wall of ice.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "I sea salt!", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "A saddening scarcity of seaweed, I see.", SOME_KELP = "Would it be such a chore to add some more?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Heaping helpings of kelp!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "A saddening scarcity of seaweed, I see.", SOME_KELP = "Would it be such a chore to add some more?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Heaping helpings of kelp!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "A Merm millinery.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "A Merm millinery.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Does appear we're not welcome here.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Does appear we're not welcome here.", MERMARMORHAT = "I confirm that is a Merm hat.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Made-to-measure for militant Merms.", MERM_TOOL = "A Merm's multi-tool.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Meticulously manufactured for Merms.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Crafted by her scaly hand, to bring the swamp to any land.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Don't be fooled by its shine so bright, what rains down is sure to fright.", MERM_SHADOW = "I'm afraid retirement will have to wait.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "And they say there are no second chances, hyuyu!", MERM_LUNAR = "Ah, the latest from young Wurt. I wonder if those spikes hurt.", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "An ugly mutant from the Marsh. Pardon me, was that too harsh?",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "A princely reward for a battle endured.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "But idle hands are such good playthings!",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "A cuddly creepy-crawly!", MOSQUITOBOMB = "A bombastic bag of blood-suckers!", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Methinks it stinks.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "No need to squirm, it's made for a Merm.",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Clicker", OFF = "Not working", CHARGING = "Clicker", CHARGED = "Clicker", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Hmm. Not real Rain Taker", OFF = "Not working", CHARGING = "Hmm. Not real Rain Taker", CHARGED = "Hmm. Not real Rain Taker", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Poof machine!", OFF = "Oh. No poof", BURNING = "Stop fire!", BURNT = "Oh...", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Metal helper", OFF = "Sleeping?", SLEEP = "Metal helper", CHARGING = "Sleeping?", CHARGED = "Sleeping?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Funny eye hat", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Friends show Fixer friend secret things",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Hi, Stealy Friend", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "No things", HAS_LOOT = "Steal from Stealy Friend?", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Broken! Uh oh...", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Needs water", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Put stuff in Floaty's belly", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Splashy jump spot", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Hello, baby friend!", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Firerock Friend!", STUMP = "Will miss friend", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Where young friend want to live?", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Happy young friend!", WRONG_TILE = "Young friend not like it here", WRONG_SEASON = "Young friend not ready become big friend", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Pretty hair, friend", STUMP = "Will miss friend", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Hmm. Something inside", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Friend make eyes and head feel funny", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Friend cooked", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Thanks friends!", CRABKING_MOB = "Pinchy", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Spiky Pinchy", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Boom Tower", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Cold wall. Brrrr...", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Licking Rock!", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Empty. Aww...", SOME_KELP = "Sea friends make Glub Glub Men happy", LOTS_OF_KELP = "All full!", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Empty. Aww...", SOME_KELP = "Sea friends make Glub Glub Men happy", LOTS_OF_KELP = "All full!", }, MERM_ARMORY = "Glub Glub only", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Glub Glub only", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Glub Glub sticks inside", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "Glub Glub sticks inside", MERMARMORHAT = "Glub Glub hat", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Oooh. Nice Glub Glub hat", MERM_TOOL = "Glub Glub stick", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Fancy Glub Glub stick", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Scaly friend's sparkly stick", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Pretty!", MERM_SHADOW = "Dark Glub Glub", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Dark Glub Glub", MERM_LUNAR = "Spiky Glub Glub", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Spiky Glub Glub",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Keeps Floaty safe", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Will help protect Floaty",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Glurph. But it not even look like a hand?", OFF = "Why it not work?", CHARGING = "Glurph. But it not even look like a hand?", CHARGED = "Glurph. But it not even look like a hand?", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "Wonder where it make the stuff go?", OFF = "It supposed to be doing something?", CHARGING = "Wonder where it make the stuff go?", CHARGED = "Wonder where it make the stuff go?", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "Sometimes free stuff appear!", OFF = "Not working, florp.", BURNING = "Don't think that how it supposed to look, florp.", BURNT = "Oh well. Gone now.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Weenowna-lady make Ironfolk?", OFF = "Hey! Wake up, flort!", SLEEP = "Weenowna-lady make Ironfolk?", CHARGING = "Hey! Wake up, flort!", CHARGED = "Hey! Wake up, flort!", }, INSPECTACLESBOX = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESBOX2 = "only_used_by_winona", INSPECTACLESHAT = "Weenowna-lady Ironfolk eyes!", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "It Weenonwna-lady's plant eyes!",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Fishrat!", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Glorp! No fishrat stuff!", HAS_LOOT = "Play stealing game with fishrat, flort!", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Uh oh... that a lot of water.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Why make boat that already old, florp?", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "Hidey-hole for stuff.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Jumpy board!", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Don't know if too tasty to plant.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Even Wicker-lady don't know if rock or tree.", STUMP = "Just rocks now.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Where put Plant's friend?", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Plant's friend growing!", WRONG_TILE = "Glorp! Who put Plant's friend wrong place?", WRONG_SEASON = "Wrong when, florp!", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "Nice horns, florp!", STUMP = "Glorp. Horn tree gone.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Grrrr, too hard to eat!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Squirminess add more flavor, florp.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "Glorp! Why not squirmy anymore?", BOATPATCH_KELP = "Maybe fix boat for now, be snack for later?", CRABKING_MOB = "Glurgh. Crabfolk so pinchy.", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Another cranky Crabfolk! Glorp!", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Hate skyrocks.", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Why not wait for melt?", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Mmm, salty!", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Hey!! There no sea snacks in here!", SOME_KELP = "Not full yet, need more yummies!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Enough for all Mermfolk to share, florp.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Hey!! There no sea snacks in here!", SOME_KELP = "Not full yet, need more yummies!", LOTS_OF_KELP = "Enough for all Mermfolk to share, florp.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "Making Mermfolk fighting hat.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Best Mermfolk fighting hat here!", MERM_TOOLSHED = "Mermfolk tools inside.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "These Mermfolk tools better.", MERMARMORHAT = "Protect Mermfolk head.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Fight for glory of Mermfolk!", MERM_TOOL = "Made for hardworking Mermfolk!", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "Made for hardest working Mermfolk!", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "Pretty stick!", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Bright stick!", MERM_SHADOW = "Mermfolk came back!", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Hello again, Mermfolk guard!", MERM_LUNAR = "Spiky Mermfolk!", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Floooorp... you most strong, most pretty Mermfolk.",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Pretty decorations!", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "Gonna decorate boat, florp.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "Lil' Itchy wanna play with friends?", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Hee-hee-hee... catch!", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Made dirt snack for plants, florp!", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "Mermfolk medicine, florp!",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "That's what Winona uses to control her machines.", OFF = "It's not working.", CHARGING = "That's what Winona uses to control her machines.", CHARGED = "That's what Winona uses to control her machines.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "It probably wouldn't be a good idea to use it in a thunderstorm.", OFF = "It must be out of power.", CHARGING = "It probably wouldn't be a good idea to use it in a thunderstorm.", CHARGED = "It probably wouldn't be a good idea to use it in a thunderstorm.", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "We can bring all sorts of stuff back to camp!", OFF = "Did someone unplug it?", BURNING = "Ah!! That's how forest fires start!", BURNT = "Well... I guess Winona'll have to build a new one.", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Woby, look! Winona made her own robot!", OFF = "I think it's out of power.", SLEEP = "Woby, look! Winona made her own robot!", CHARGING = "Is it ready yet?", CHARGED = "Is it ready yet?", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "Winona's been using them to find lots of neat stuff!", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "Winona's been wearing those a lot lately.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "Whatch out, Woby. I think it wants our stuff.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Looks like nothing. Oh well!", HAS_LOOT = "I think we have a winner, Woby!", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Woby, prepare to abandon ship.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "Is this really how they used to build boats in the olden days?", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "This should keep our supplies safe, Woby.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Oh, I'm good at diving! I got a badge for it!", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "I need to find just the right spot for this.", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "Neat! I wonder how the tree keeps from catching fire?", STUMP = "Is that a rock? No wait, it's a stump!", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Sniff out a good spot for us to plant the tree, Woby!", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "I can't wait to see what kind of tree it grows into!", WRONG_TILE = "It just doesn't seem to want to grow here.", WRONG_SEASON = "It seems happy there, I guess now I just need to be patient.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "It looks kind of like a monster... but I think it's just a tree.", STUMP = "Aww, I liked that tree...", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "Is this really a fruit? It's as hard as a rock!", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Did you ever hear the story about the disembodied heart that kept beating?", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "It was more exciting when it was moving.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "I knew it was a good idea to pick all that kelp!", CRABKING_MOB = "Watch out for those pinchers, Woby!", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Whoa! Cool crab!", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "Incoming!", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "Just have to chip away at it.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "You're not a beefalo, Woby.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Need a little kelp? Heh. Good one, Walter.", SOME_KELP = "More kelp is on the way! Get it, Woby?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "This is kelpful. Hah! Where are you getting this stuff, Walter?", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Need a little kelp? Heh. Good one, Walter.", SOME_KELP = "More kelp is on the way! Get it, Woby?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "This is kelpful. Hah! Where are you getting this stuff, Walter?", }, MERM_ARMORY = "Aww, can't I just take a little peek inside?", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "Aww, can't I just take a little peek inside?", MERM_TOOLSHED = "I wonder what kind of bog monster secrets they're hiding in there...", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "I wonder what kind of bog monster secrets they're hiding in there...", MERMARMORHAT = "I wish they had one in my size...", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "I wish they had one in my size...", MERM_TOOL = "It must be really hard to make things when you have claws for hands.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "It must be really hard to make things when you have claws for hands.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "It must be some kind of swamp witchcraft!", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "It must be some kind of swamp witchcraft!", MERM_SHADOW = "Neat! It's a bog monster and shadow monster at the same time!", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "Neat! It's a bog monster and shadow monster at the same time!", MERM_LUNAR = "Bog monsters from the moon!", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Bog monsters from the moon!",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "Don't worry Woby, I'm really good at sailing. That's just a precaution!", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "It's always best to be prepared!",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "That's not a chew toy, Woby!", MOSQUITOBOMB = "Watch out, Woby! We don't wanna get caught up in the buzz!", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "Plants love this stuff.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "That poor mosquito...",
--v3 Winona WINONA_REMOTE = { GENERIC = "Winona's living in the future.", OFF = "Maybe it needs winding?", CHARGING = "Winona's living in the future.", CHARGED = "Winona's living in the future.", }, WINONA_TELEBRELLA = { GENERIC = "How wonderfully efficient!", OFF = "Maybe it needs winding?", CHARGING = "How wonderfully efficient!", CHARGED = "How wonderfully efficient!", }, WINONA_TELEPORT_PAD_ITEM = { GENERIC = "I like this very much.", OFF = "Maybe it needs winding?", BURNING = "That doesn't bode well for us.", BURNT = "I wonder how quickly she can build a new one...", }, WINONA_STORAGE_ROBOT = { GENERIC = "Aren't you a good little helper?", OFF = "It sure takes a lot of breaks.", SLEEP = "Aren't you a good little helper?", CHARGING = "It sure takes a lot of breaks.", CHARGED = "It sure takes a lot of breaks.", }, INSPECTACLESHAT = "It seems to be locked onto a very particular temporal wavelength.", ROSEGLASSESHAT = "More roses... there's been quite a few popping up lately.",
-- Meta 4 / Ocean QoL OTTER = "It's obviously up to no good.", OTTERDEN = { GENERIC = "Empty. Let's move on.", HAS_LOOT = "There's something. Hope it's worthwhile.", }, OTTERDEN_DEAD = "Just a matter of time now.", BOAT_ANCIENT_ITEM = "This old thing better be seaworthy...", BOAT_ANCIENT_CONTAINER = "It's probably a good idea not to leave all my valuables out on the deck.", WALKINGPLANK_ANCIENT = "Well that's ominous.", ANCIENTTREE_SEED = "Maybe I could skip ahead and take a peek at what it grows into...", ANCIENTTREE_GEM = { GENERIC = "It burns with an everlasting fire... how inspiring.", STUMP = "Ah. I suppose that fire wasn't so everlasting after all.", }, ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING_ITEM = "Now, if I could only remember what type of soil it likes...", ANCIENTTREE_SAPLING = { GENERIC = "Only marginally more exciting than watching grass grow.", WRONG_TILE = "Oh botheration, it doesn't seem to like this type of soil.", WRONG_SEASON = "I suppose I'll just have to... ugh... wait.", }, ANCIENTTREE_NIGHTVISION = { GENERIC = "What a terribly off-putting tree.", STUMP = "Good riddance.", }, ANCIENTFRUIT_GEM = "I'd rather not break my teeth on that, thank you.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION = "Not exactly appetizing, but useful in the dark.", ANCIENTFRUIT_NIGHTVISION_COOKED = "That's a bit better. I think.", BOATPATCH_KELP = "That won't hold forever...", CRABKING_MOB = "Quit wasting my time, crab!", CRABKING_MOB_KNIGHT = "Remember me?", CRABKING_CANNONTOWER = "All this fuss!", CRABKING_ICEWALL = "I won't let it slow me down.", SALTLICK_IMPROVED = "Whatever keeps the beefalo busy.", OFFERING_POT = { GENERIC = "Are they incapable of gathering their own kelp?", SOME_KELP = "How much kelp do they need?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That must be enough.", }, OFFERING_POT_UPGRADED = { GENERIC = "Are they incapable of gathering their own kelp?", SOME_KELP = "How much kelp do they need?", LOTS_OF_KELP = "That must be enough.", }, MERM_ARMORY = "I doubt there's anything in there worth my time.", MERM_ARMORY_UPGRADED = "I doubt there's anything in there worth my time.", MERM_TOOLSHED = "I doubt there's anything in there worth my time.", MERM_TOOLSHED_UPGRADED = "I doubt there's anything in there worth my time.", MERMARMORHAT = "Everyone likes a good hat.", MERMARMORUPGRADEDHAT = "Everyone likes a good hat.", MERM_TOOL = "I doubt it'll stand the test of time.", MERM_TOOL_UPGRADED = "I doubt it'll stand the test of time.", WURT_SWAMPITEM_SHADOW = "The dark merm kingdom timeline? Again?", WURT_SWAMPITEM_LUNAR = "Ah, the \"enlightened\" merm kingdom timeline. We're doomed.", MERM_SHADOW = "It was a merm once. Not anymore.", MERMGUARD_SHADOW = "It was a merm once. Not anymore.", MERM_LUNAR = "Did they always look like that?", MERMGUARD_LUNAR = "Did they always look like that?",
BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING = "It looks like it will outlive the boat.", BOAT_BUMPER_CRABKING_KIT = "It'll make me feel slightly safer at sea. Slightly.",
MOSQUITOMUSK = "This had better work...", MOSQUITOBOMB = "I hope it's as effective as it is disgusting.", MOSQUITOFERTILIZER = "This should expedite the growth of my garden, at least.", MOSQUITOMERMSALVE = "No thank you.",
And that's all of the quotes (I HOPE.)
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kharmii · 3 months
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Hawks is lying under a blanket with an advertisement printed on it that says: Detnerat Healthy Green Juice. He wakes up.
Hawks: What!?!? What is going on here!?!? Why am I on my back!!! My back hurts!!!
What is this blanket?!?!? I was just going to take a nap but I was too tired. I was fast asleep!!!
Huh!?!? Seriously!!! Seriously what!!! Surrounded by surveillance!! When you wake up.
Awesome!!! And my wings hurt too!!! This... is not only the pain of their weight!!!: Slowly and surely...
This is low temperature burn!!! This is a fiery ice injury!!!
Isn't it starting yet!?!?! Hey you two!?
*Dabi and Geten mumble things in their sleep*
*Dabi and Geten wake up startled and reflexively launch an attack with their respective elements*
(Background voices○The building is completely destroyed!! Hurry and put out the fire!!! The ice is in the way. We can't melt it. The fire is spreading here!)
Dabi and Geten: *drowsy and disheveled* .......................
(Random voices shrieking in the background)
Hawks: This is what a mischievous cat looks like~
Okay, everyone. Let's go apologize.
(Hawks is a good friend)
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Geten: Twice increases the blue flames on a scale of several hundred people. Both hands in front. Place on ice and cover.
Geten-chan thought, "I will not fight with Dabi."
(Working together, Twice makes clones of Dabi. Geten combines his ice power with the fire power of the clones) Incineration and cleaning machine [DABI∞ with mobile cooling function] Wheeeee.......
Geten: ReDestro! (He's pleased with himself believing the Grand Commander and his colleagues will be pleased).
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Caption: Paranormal Liberation Front.
ReDestro: Let's get started! On behalf of the Supreme Leader, I, ReDestro, will now be organizing troops based on the tendencies of my warriors!
(The height of honor)
ReDestro: As the captain, I ask for your help in improving the morale of our soldiers and in providing training and combat instruction! If you have any requests, please let us know.
(ReDestro starts roll-call with orders)
ReDestro: Lieutenant Geten!
Geten: Please limit your responses to a very small number of people as there is a risk of getting others involved. Sorry I can't be of much help.
ReDestro: Got it! Mr. Skeptic!
Skeptic: Not necessary. The crew will produce their own. It will interfere with the operation.
ReDestro: Understood! Dabi-Kun!
Dabi: Even if it burns, I won't understand.
ReDestro: ....understood. Toga-Kun!
Toga: I don't know! I want to be free!
ReDestro: Understood.... Twice.
Twice: I don't need it. I am the million strong army!!
ReDestro: Understood. Mr. Compress.
Mr. Compress: Any number of people is okay! The more the better. The target can escape easier.
ReDestro: I'd be in trouble if you ran away but....understood. Spinner-kun!!! You were the one who came up with the name with me!
Spinner: Please align the rolls. Raid big jump rope. AOE is also good.
ReDestro: What language is that? Trolls are no good... Understood. Well then, over 10,000 left. Me and Trumpet. Let's do our best!!!!
Trumpet: (anxious tone) Yes....
ReDestro: The more you are, the better.
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Geten: I hate being a errand boy, but you guys can't even fly. The temperature isn't that low. I don't want to use my meta abilities that much just to move around.
(Geten makes them all ice floats of their own he can use his powers to move about)
Twice: Wow, it's flying! It's falling!
(Dabi's ice float melts right away, and he falls)
Toga: (perky, raises hand) He fell!
Twice: (getting emotional) A Dabi who can't fly is just Dabi....
Geten: Blue flame!!! I wish you could at least control your supernatural powers! Ah, sorry, if you could, you wouldn't burn yourself! How pitiful!
Dabi: I grill it as a hobby. You can shout it all you want. If you pity me, then pity me for my own foolishness in not being able to predict this.
Geten: It's annoying that only you get a special edition!
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Dabi: In short, if the ice that is the basis for this is gone, then nothing can be done. It's a weak quirk.
I'm not like you. It's okay to just ignore it, right? The heat of the flames burns the air and burns you, without melting the ice.
Geten: All you need is a piece of ice the size of your fingernail, and you can lower the temperature of the ice along with the surrounding air.
Create ice from moisture in the air. My ice is infinite, unlike yours. I'll wrap you up in a thick wall of ice so you can roast yourself.
Mr. Compress: Because I can follow. Burns and rashes.
Don't worry about it, let's do our best together. They are appealing to each other.
Dabi: Don't do it!
Geten: I didn't!
Toga: They are good friends.
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Art credit: 九わん - pixiv
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Plague Doctor Cindy!
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Hi, I drew this concept art sheet thing shortly after drawing the Butcher!Aurora art and I took a break after that. Sorry I didn't post this one immediately.
Edit: Some close ups and extra commentary have been added
Rambling below (TW: medical subject matter like diseases and surgery, death, delusions, and cannibalism)
Meta wise, she started out as a mad scientist for the sake of being a mad scientist by listening to Novocaine by Cree-P and GHOST, and Black Box Warrior-OKULTRA by Will Wood. I just imagined Cinderella going too hard or harsh on Lady Tremaine, her patient/ser-worker/co-star, with her research, experiments, and surgeries out of frustration, stress, and madness. Hell, I would not be surprised if she tried lobotomy at some point during her side jig/job as a doctor.
But ever since I listened to Butcher Vanity by Vane and Flavour Foley, Cinderella later grew to be more than just a plain old mad doctor as I revisited her Screen Universe para concept and explore what her deal is. From why exactly did she fall into this path, to her relationships with the characters related or relevant to her story. She became another tragic character. This time, someone who developed an obsession with finding a cure for the prions after it "ate up" her once villain co-worker friend with in-character or canon compliant delusions.
Some close ups
The other state was meant to say production as well, but I'm too lazy to fix the typo now
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Cindy with the Bok-su pose is slightly cursed ngl, but it keeps living in my head rent free. The fact that they're both doctors doesn't make it any better ToT
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Eldritch Cinderelly (the note says healthy because their true forms's color and brightness changes if they get certain health conditions. In this one, she should have been a bit dimmer and grayer due to the Discontinuation Rot)
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Herbs and spices stuffed in the beak like a true plague doctor. Though, Cindy does this for different reasons. Instead of the original reasoning where the herbs will ward off the plague, she does this to replace the smell of burning and rotting flesh with as much fragrance as possible. It also puts her at ease
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Stolen Ideas Inspo :>
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How it'd look like under her apron/dress thing
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Goggles stuff for eye protection
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Eyes. Eye eyeballed (eh? eh?) her eye color because I can not find a good proper close up of her face and eyes in the official material and the coloring in the og movie looks a bit inconsistent at times.
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Screen shots from the ID server itself again of course
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OKULTRA cranking up the mad doctor inspiration (ft. Novocaine starting the whole thing prior to listing to OKULTRA)
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I think this one is still pre-butcher vanity arc
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Typical Disney para behaviour
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more Cinderella angst lore because yes
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A shit ton of other paras have not so healthy relationships with their characters at this point. They include, but not limited to some Pokemon characters, and SpongeBob.
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Health anxiety go brrrr
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This is from when Butcher Vanity arc or obsession hit around. It expanded her lore and everything. It was a game changer for this specific para tbh. I think this is about four months after posting the past Cindy rambles shown in the previous screenshots
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Ok, this one is from an ID adjacent server, but I feel like this is still a bit relevant to the whole thing
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(Also from the ID adjacent server) Ok, this one is kinda complicated since I mentioned another para who had something to do with a different Disney centered subplot that somehow affected the plot and lore of the entire paracosm. Basically, Snow White helped one of her ser-workers to found a cult and... everything went downhill and batshit insane from there. Ruined or fucked over the entire government and all... you may either dig through my casual account for the answer or ask through the Screen Universe blog about it.
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Bonus: A joke relevant to the whole Cinderella x Sleeping Beauty ft. prion plague debacle arc/subplot (I found this god damn image from Pinterest and I captioned it as "Cinderella and Aurora")
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TLDR: 1950 Disney princess becomes a mad plague doctor, grows into another tragic para, becomes vegan as a trauma response, loses her villain patient to the plague's delusions, goes off into a deep end after burning said patient, despises cannibals, and turns into their world's equivalent to a veteran in a "has seen the origins of modern day problems and the horrors of war" way but the war is the plague from the distant past.
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