#princess roxy royalty
papswife-1 · 1 year
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It’s a LIFE i wanna drop a Princess Roxy...well now she’s here...WORSHIP HER SHEEPS!!
Or mashrooms?
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jellysmudge · 6 months
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DERSE ROYALTY AU LINEUP!!!! All the Strilondes are siblings in this AU, and are princes and princesses. Derse and Prospit are warring countries, one of which uses magic to fight (Prospit) and the other relies on vaguely industrial machinery (Derse). Magic is outlawed in Derse. I’ll give more info if wanted!
I tried to strike a balance between extravagance and practicality depending on personalities. Dirk and Rose’s clothing are the most embellished, but while Roxy and Dave’s outifts may seem plain, the dye used to get such vivid colors would probably be horrifically expensive.
Dirk: He is the oldest, and therefore the first in line for the throne. I tried to show how he is trying to keep up put-together appearances, but is still mainly focused on combat-readiness. Notice the visible steel toes on his boots! He would also probably carry his sword around at his hip.
Roxy: Her outfit is one of the most practical for plot reasons (not to be divulged yet). She prioretizes outdoor-preparedness, with a hood for harsher weather. When in the palace, she would probably enjoy wearing much fancier, flouncy attire, like fluttery dresses.
Rose: The most prim and proper, even more than Dirk, and the least practical. She would absolutely love showing off her fashion, and doesn’t need much movement as her work and/or hobbies would likely be academic in nature. I added pearls to her bodice because they make me think of sea creatures!
Dave: He barely wears any embellishment on his clothes, and is usually out on the training grounds with the knights. Hence the sturdy, well-made leathers. He is following Dirk’s combat-driven ways, just with less pressure from outside forces.
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calissarowan · 3 months
The First Fairy Hunter
We’re back with another sarcastic comic summary! This time, we’re summarising Issue 133: ‘The First Fairy Hunter’. So, settle in, and remember that I do love the comics, I just really like being sarcastic. Be warned that this is ridiculously long.
So, we’re on Tir Na N’og, which is a school now. I don’t know where all the Earth Fairies live, maybe they moved into a condo. Nebula’s teaching - and can we all just take a moment to give a round of applause to whoever decided that, following her promotion, the woman that usurped the Queen and tried to kill everyone in Gardenia should be put in charge of educating the youth of today? Go ahead, applaud, they deserve it. Super decision-making…
Anyway, Nebula is announcing that Morgana, her mentor-slash-that-woman-she-condemned-to-an-extra-dimensional-void is here, along with the famous Winx! Who are here! For…some reason. They’re not teaching a class. Or giving advice. Apparently they just showed up to clap their hands and be name-dropped. (And have a random adventure, but we’ll get to that.) Also, Roxy isn’t here. Because why would the Princess of Tir Na N’og be on Tir Na N’og to talk to young Earth fairies. It’s not like she too is a young Earth fairy. Plus her mom is here. But that was two seasons ago; who can be bothered to remember genealogy?
Nebula asks Julia, the Fairy of Existing for Only Three Panels, to demonstrate what young Earth fairies are capable of, smiling uncomfortably as Julia pulls out her copy of ‘Disproportionate Global Vengeance for Dummies’. Fortunately, she rolls with it, and Julia levitates it, along with a couple other books, and the Winx are amazed, having never seen anything so impressive.
Julia gets interrupted by Lydia, who is apparently the class mean-girl, as she interrupts Julia’s book-levitating-skills to say she knows how to do it better, and when Julia defends herself, Lydia makes copies of herself to bully her, and Nebula, being the top-tier teacher she is, just kicks back and watches her student get picked on, because Julia stops existing in the next panel, so who cares.
Morgana, meanwhile, is applauding the illusory bullying, ignoring the inappropriate conduct in favour of complimenting the spellcraft (this is the woman who was willing to watch Nebula crush her husband with a giant iceberg; I’m not sure where you think the bar is, but it’s lower than that).
Nadine, Lydia’s b**** sidekick, decides to get in on the fun, glamouring herself to look like Morgana, which really impresses Morgana, and everyone says a sad goodbye to Julia as she drifts into obscurity and oblivion. (Not really, everyone’s already forgotten her name.)
Nebula finally gets up and does something, making Nadine look like herself again and telling Lydia to get rid of her bullying duplicates, and everyone watches with excited anticipation for the surely inevitable reprimand of Lydia for picking on another student, but no! The problem here is illusion magic, the bullying is AOK. Apparently illusion magic is forbidden at Tir Na N’og College, and they’re both suspended. Meanwhile, all the other students have just vanished from the classroom. Where have they gone? Did they leave early? Does anyone care?
Later, the Winx are just wandering down a hall with Morgana, trying to figure out what to do until their adventure of the week starts. Stella suggests they get a bagel. Bloom says no. Musa asks if she left her phone charger at home. Tecna says nah, it’s cool, she brought it. Everyone realises why Winx doesn’t show the behind-the-scenes bits.
Stella asks if Nebula was a bit too hard on Lydia and Nadine, and Bloom says they performed the spells correctly. Sure, Lydia was bullying another student, but Bloom thinks it’s okay to randomly assault royalty. Lydia was probably just having a bad week. Or she felt like it. She’s a fairy, so whatever. She can do what she wants.
Morgana admits Nebula was a bit harsh, but she understands why Nebula hates illusion magic, and says she’s forbidden it for a very precise reason, and Aisha asks what that reason is, since Morgana is being helpfully cryptic. Morgana says it’s because Nebula has never forgotten her defeat at the hands of Yllidith: the Lord of the Fairy Hunters! Dun dun dun!
Musa says this is the first they’ve heard of it. What? You mean there’s a villain you didn’t hear about until the exact, specific day it was relevant? Oh my God! That has never happened before! *cough cough* Wizards of the Black Circle *cough cough* Seriously, what are you learning at your apparently eternal course at Alfea?
Tecna asks if Yllidith is as powerful as Ogron and the other hunters they’ve fought in the past, and everyone pauses and goes ‘…Oh yeah! Remember them?’ Also, once again, Gantlos, Anagan and Duman are reduced to Ogron’s sidekicks or bandmates or whatever. I’m convinced Morgana and the other Earth fairies (see, I can reduce people to ‘other whatever’ too) just don��t know the other wizards’ names, and they’re covering up their shoddy research skills.
Morgana says that because of his illusion powers, Yllidith is far more powerful than Ogron and…um…the…other ones. Okay… I mean, Duman could turn into anything and Gantlos was the Wizard of Destruction and could summon natural disasters, but okay, some stage magic tricks are more powerful. (I’m sorry, Ogron and Anagan, but you may have to fight it out with illusion magic for least impressive powers.)
We get a flashback where we see the wizards kneeling before Yllidith in…a castle? They had a castle? They had a castle, and we saw them living in the sewers? What? Okay, whatever. Maybe it wasn’t their castle. Maybe it was an Air B&B.
We get to see the Gantlos and Duman in some pretty cool medieval outfits, along with the back of Ogron’s head (nobody tell him his face didn’t make it into the comic, he’ll be livid), while Anagan has apparently just been wearing that trenchcoat since the dawn of time. Meanwhile, Yllidith looks, to use @spilledmilkfkdies words, like a very colourful homeless man, while his…minions? Teammates? People whose moderate fame he’s glommed onto to become a disappointing comic villain? Look far snappier.
Apparently the wizards feared and respected him, and then we realise we’re getting dangerously close to the villains having actual human emotions, so we slam on the brakes and get to the evil bit, where the wizards besiege Tir Na N’og, and with Yllidith as their guide, they were practically unstoppable as they fought…what appear to be the college students from earlier. Ogron uses those blue lightning powers we all know he has in order to do an unspecified thing, well done him, now get out of the comic, your brief return to minor significance is over, see you for your anticlimactic cameo in twelve issues, and things are generally not good for the Earth fairies.
Nebula apparently tried super mega hard to defeat Yllidith, but he overcame her with his incredible power of making some duplicates and staring blankly at her.
But, fortunately, Morgana was there, and, with the help of Aurora, Diana and…Sibylla? She managed to blast Yllidith? Sibylla is blasting Yllidith? Sibylla’s in a fight? Sibylla? The Fairy of Sitting in her Cave and Doing Nothing is in a fight? So she can get involved? I guess the wizards unleashing the Abyss on the Day of Justice just wasn’t important enough to warrant getting off her stone chair, huh.
Anyhoo, shoving that glaring plot hole in with all our many others, we continue on to Morgana saying that Yllidith was locked in a cell in the castle dungeons, where he still is today. Nobody knows where he was when the castle was in that other dimension. Or where all the fairies were. By this point, nobody knows where anybody is, will be, or has been, we’ve made ourselves dizzy enough, so once the room’s stopped spinning from plot inconsistency, we pick ourselves up and move onto Musa’s very reasonable question of why didn’t the wizards come get Yllidith? Apparently, Ogron was super ambitious, and wanted to be the new leader, so Yllidith got left behind, because Ogron, Gantlos, Anagan and Duman cannot have human emotions or any motivations aside from power, so Ogron was the new leader. The fact that we hear nothing about the others being resentful of this feels like it says a lot, like maybe they actually liked Ogron better as a leader, and a guy that made them all bow to him like he was king rather than a guy who needed a new stylist wasn’t the greatest guide to have, but anyway.
Tecna points out that if Yllidith were freed, the school could be in danger, and that maybe keeping a felon under a school full of teenagers isn’t amazing decision-making, but don’t worry, because it’s not just any cell! It’s a special, magic cell, that Nebula monitors all the time, apparently even when she was in that other dimension, so apparently the wizards trapped Yllidith right along with the fairies. Or not, and Morgana is just covering yet another lapse in judgement from the Queen of Bad Choices.
Flora feels sorry for Nebula, and wants to reassure her, while Aisha was planning to feel some trauma with all this Ogron-mentioning, but then got reminded that this wasn't about her, and her trauma followed Julia to wherever it is things we’re pretending don’t exist go.
Stella wants to have a chat with the students Nebula suspended, and Bloom is curious to know where they learned those spells of illusion. I’d guess the Magic Dimension internet, but that’s not very dramatic, so probably not.
Bloom, Stella, Tecna and Musa get back from looking for Lydia and Nadine, and they find them, but apparently they’re in the basement, and the foreshadowing is so strong now that nobody can see the plot right in front of their face, and Morgana, who’s apparently just been standing there, doing nothing, says she’d better go check.
They go down to the basement and Bloom says it’s dark, so Stella says she thinks she can summon some light. You think? You think you can summon some light?! You’re the Fairy of the Shining Sun! Or Sun! Or Sun and Moon! Or whatever! You can relight one of the Pillars of the Infinite Ocean, but you’re iffy over whether you can make a hovering lava lamp? Really?
Lydia and Nadine, in the weirdly fancy basement, hear the Winx coming and don’t want anyone finding them, as ‘The Professor’ wants to keep his lessons a secret. Morgana appears behind them and asks what professor, and the girls beg Morgana not to punish them, forgetting that she doesn’t work at the school or have any authority anymore, so she can do precisely nothing. (Though, despite having made Nebula the queen, she’s still wearing her crown. Maybe her forehead was cold, I don’t know.)
Morgana says they’re in a sea of trouble for…going into the basement? I didn’t realise it was off-limits. But, fortunately, we see some of the Morgana that got overthrown by Nebula and gave the woman a promotion, because she says if they tell the truth, maybe she’ll look the other way and make them duchesses or something.
Bloom realises this has been not about her for a worrying length of time and quickly takes over asking the questions, asking where they learned those illusion spells, and they explain that they learned them from a mysterious teacher who lives in the basement, only contacts them telepathically, and has been teaching them to strengthen their magic by blasting a random seal. It is at this point that the Winx realise they are dealing with complete idiots.
Morgana flips because that’s the seal of Yllidith’s prison, and that it’s nearly broken, and Nadine finally realises that maybe something shady was going on here, and the girls learn the valuable life lesson to never start randomly blasting stuff because disembodied voices tell you to. Remember that, kids.
Yllidith pops up out of nowhere and blasts Morgana, because he’s the smart kind of escaped prisoner that hangs out right next to his old cell and picks a fight with the heroes of the dimension. I can see why the wizards were so invincible with his help.
The Winx do what they always do, transform and strike a pose, but unfortunately Yllidith actually is smarter than he looks (which isn’t hard), because a whole bunch of Yllidiths appear to confuse the Winx. (Frankly, going off the Winx in later seasons, if he wanted to confuse them, he could just have put a pull sign on a door you have to push.)
Turns out they’re all illusions, and further more that Darcy is suing because Yllidith stole her moves, but then everyone remembers that nobody cares about the law, so that gets thrown out.
Bloom says they have to warn Nebula, Aisha and Flora that the school is in danger from the exact specific villain they were talking about twenty minutes ago - what are the chances?! And Musa takes Morgana to a safe place. We don’t know where it is, maybe they went to hide in the void of irrelevance. Though that’d be a terrible hiding place, as Yllidith’s just gonna wind up there in ten minutes anyway.
Meanwhile! Nebula’s showing some remorse because she did a bad thing, so, based on the precedent, it’s time to make her Empress!
Flora and Aisha are telling her it’s fine, and it’s been years, so her trauma should be gone by now, and that everybody makes mistakes that almost get them killed and leave them with lasting emotional scars they can’t talk about because we’re keeping it light!
Flora points out that Nebula is now Queen of the Earth fairies, politely glossing over that time she tried to kill them all. And that second time she tried to kill them all. Don’t worry, she’s a fairy, so it’s all good!
Nebula says she’s not as strong a fairy as them, which is a bit weird, since she’s a highly-trained warrior and the Winx are still unaccountably in college, but of course, nobody’s as good as the Winx, so Nebula’s weaker for the purposes of nobody having to think too hard.
‘Morgana’ rocks up and says that if that’s true, Nebula isn’t worthy to be Queen, and I would say that’s a conversation that does need to be had, but for different reasons. (Like that coup she staged.) ‘Morgana’ says Nebula is weak and insecure and should leave the school forever, and somehow she just misses out on the ‘Understanding Person of the Year’ award, and Flora shows that she can be feisty by snapping at Morgana that she’s being spiteful, but the steadfast, almighty fairy warrior willing to fight the most powerful being in the universe for what she wanted admits that Morgana’s right, and she deserves to leave forever, so she prepares to follow what’s-her-face from class earlier into the void of obscurity, but thankfully Bloom gets there just in time to stop her, and Stella explains that it’s not really Morgana, it’s Yllidith, and he escaped his prison and decided to come mess with the person he already owned in battle rather than running for the hills and finding a better outfit that makes him look like a villain rather than a very tired guy at a Renaissance fair.
Yllidith, having anger issues and an apparent allergy to just getting the heck out of there, blasts Stella as though that will cause her to hoover back up what she just said and make Nebula believe he’s Morgana again.
Yllidith says that even if they find him, he’ll defeat them one by one, before proceeding to reveal himself. Thanks, buddy, that was really helpful, now we know where you are.
Flora and Aisha transform, and Aisha looks pretty close to doing that Black Widow hair flip thing, both of them just rolling with the bad guy of the week. Aisha puts him in a net, but it’s not him, it’s an illusion, and everyone starts to realise that this guy is basically a Darcy knockoff, but with worse fashion sense and he couldn’t keep his team around.
He disappears, and Aisha says it’s incredible, as though she doesn’t see her college roommate channel the supreme force of life in the form of a giant dragon on a weekly basis.
Nebula asks where Morgana is, and when Stella says Yllidith hit her with a spell that presumably did something, Nebula says they’ll never be able to beat Yllidith without her. Really? You have the Fairy of the Dragon Flame, along with a fairy with light powers that could disrupt illusions, and yet Morgana is the one you need? She was pseudo-involved in like, two fights in season four. She did basically nothing. Just let her daughter kick ass for her.
Bloom tells Nebula to believe in herself, and some voice of reason left over from the earlier seasons asks why they’re not using Believix against one of the guys it was presumably created to defeat, before being shoved into a broom closet before they have to start having continuity again. She tells Nebula to remember she’s the Queen of the Earth fairies, because she can presumably defeat Yllidith with political status, or maybe she can give the Winx some new power using the crown Morgana won’t give up.
Yllidith just pops up behind them, and Bloom helpfully yells out what’s happening in case anyone just couldn’t be bothered to swivel their eyeballs in his direction, and Yllidith starts…wrecking the castle. I don’t know why, don’t ask me. Maybe he wants to destroy his prison. Maybe he thought it’d be scary. Maybe he’s just a weirdo, and who knows why he does anything.
The students run for shelter, a student running the evacuation because nobody could be bothered to hire a teacher other than Nebula for a school that won’t exist again in four pages.
Nebula says it’s the end, and they have to save themselves. Seriously? This is the woman who watched the ground be ripped open by an abyss of evil and her first instinct was to charge, but she’s faced with some property damage and the end is nigh?
Thankfully, Tecna and her computer are there to establish that this is just an illusion, and Nebula says it looks real. Yeah, Nebula, that’s the point of illusions. Nobody would take Yllidith seriously if he just had cardboard cutouts of himself that he left around as duplicates. (I’m not sure how many people take him seriously now, but they’d definitely lose all respect for him then.)
Yllidith once again tries to turn back time through blasting, this time wrecking Tecna’s computer like she didn’t already tell everyone everything they needed to know. Apparently the Winx bore him, so why he’s still there, making it look like he’s doing something when he’s actually not is anyone’s guess.
Bloom tells Nebula to concentrate, and that together they can put a stop to these illusions, and Nebula gets everything back to normal with the power of smiling and doing nothing, which summons some violet magic that presumably does something. Thankfully, Tecna was right, and it was just an illusion, or else that would have been a rather anticlimactic end to the Winx.
Yllidith, who’s just lost his only real power, tells Nebula she’ll never beat him without Morgana and the Major Fairies (seriously, she can see through your illusions now; you have no power over her. How delusional are you?).
Then, Morgana pops up behind him with Diana, Aurora and Sibylla, and Yllidith just goes ‘Whuuuuuut?’ Nobody thinks to blast him while he’s distracted, but maybe they’re just being polite.
Stella says it’s impossible for the Major Fairies to be here, which, Stella, it’s really not, it’d take two minutes max to text an overview of the situation, and Diana and Aurora are confirmed to have teleportation. They could be there.
But anyway, turns out they’re not, and the two morons that listened to a random telepath they met in the basement have figured out how to jump-start their singular brain cells enough to come up with the idea to use their illusion magic to create duplicates of the fairies to distract Yllidith. And it’s presumably a damn good distraction, as Yllidith remains distracted as Bloom announces that they can catch him by surprise (yeah, Bloom. Announce your sneak attack. Why are you in charge?)
Nebula orders Flora to trap Yllidith with her vines, because she’s realised Bloom can’t be trusted to run the show here, and Flora ties up Yllidith like she tied Anagan up, but with no flirting because Anagan was cute and charming, and Yllidith is just the weird guy everyone wishes would get out of the comic, or at least get an outfit change.
Bloom yells for a convergence, because when the chips are down, generic uniting of beams of signature-coloured light is your friend, and she announces a Bloomix convergence that Nebula joins in with, apparently being a secret Bloomix fairy - who knew - and this is the second Winx convergence Nebula’s got in on, and she never has the power they said the convergence was for, but what the hell? She’s got a signature colour light beam, so let her join in.
They blast Yllidith and…apparently kill him. They don’t say that, but apparently they did, because he’s been ‘defeated forever’. Now, I’m gonna get serious a sec. We were told in season four that they couldn't kill the wizards, even though they’d betrayed them and prevented them saving Nabu, and Aisha was villainised for it, but…because Yllidith was mean to Nebula and pretended to inflict some property damage, he gets obliterated? What? So killing people is okay as long as Bloom does it. Got it. Good. Great. Hypocrites.
Now that they’ve killed the bad guy and made sure Aisha doesn’t call them out on what massive hypocrites they all are, Morgana shows up again, just in time to do nothing, true to form, and Musa’s a little ticked off she missed the adventure, but no worries, because there’ll be a new random villain soon.
Morgana says she’s proud of Nebula, and that she’s a worthy Queen of the Earth fairies, and that she totally didn’t just give her the crown because she was sick of responsibilities and wanted to hand them off to the first person she saw, and Nebula says she’s proud of Lydia and Nadine, because their illusions saved the day, and Lydia asks if they’re still suspended, and Nebula says no, and now illusion magic is fine, and the can improve their skills and everything is brought to a nice close, until presumably someone tells Nebula that Lydia and Nadine let Yllidith out in the first place by blasting random magical seals, and then I imagine they’re expelled and have to go back to wherever the hell all these new Earth fairies came from in the first place. Ah well, the end.
Thanks for staying with me for this sarcastic comic summary! I had a great time writing it! If there are any other comics you’d like me to sarcastically summarise, let me know! I can access most of them up to issue 152, though I’ll only summarise season 5-7, as the earlier comics are actually really good, and have better storylines.
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bestfurrywife · 6 months
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Twilight Sparkle:
"She’s the Princess of Friendship! Sweet, kind, nerdy with a little bite of a sarcasm thrown in for good measure. Plus, she’s royalty, so there’s probably some perks there too. If anything she’d almost certainly help do your taxes if you ask nicely enough. And look at that doofy adorable smile. Truly the Nerd Wife of all time."
"why did they make her hot. they didn't have to. i find her emotional breakdowns attractive, especially after she gets fucking destroyed and loses her eyes (2nd pic). and then she does a heel turn and becomes good? and cares for a young girl? also one google result said she's bisexual, idk anything about that but it's funny"
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charmixpower · 2 years
Stealing royal titles bc I'm annoying, but keeping everyone famous and from politically important families
I will readily admit this is just because of my dislike for stories about royalty lol, and I have "no royalty" au for just about every fandom I'm in so this is customary
Anyways, here are the ideas:
Sky is still a prince but like Eraklyon crumbles in s3 so not for long— also, Eraklyon fucking sucks so it doesn't put monarchies in a good light lol
Bloom 1: Bloom is technically still a princess but the monarchy is dissolved when Domino is brought into the modern era, so it's an in name only thing and then not
Bloom 2: same thing as in the evil parents Bloom post, Viva all revolution, Bloom is once again in name only and then not
Roxy is a "princess" but that's a political title one is elected into as the next leader, Roxy is the youngest one ever, and Roxy was chosen because she's the only earth fairy thats been off planet and she's gonna be representing them to the rest of the dimension so they made the decision. Roxy is pretty annoyed about this
Stella 1: Radius is like?? You know how the supreme court is a life time position?? Radius is like that. His role is to basically keep Solaria as his highest priority, and this is done by connecting his life force to the second sun (which is one of the few things I remember that's gonna happen) this is obviously a life long position and a very high ranking political position. He's role is like Permanent advisor (Solaria's leader can change but he will never go). Btw this doesn't make his and Luna's divorce less of a media circus. I imagine Radius and Luna are some of the messiest bitches and Stella was dragged in the middle of their public fighting. Everything is still on fire with that divorce
Stella 2: Constructional monarchy, they're only there for symbolic reasons and only have very minor power and their biggest role politically is in ceremony
Stella addendum: Luna is probably a famous actress or something in that vein
Aisha 1: Aisha's are very visible and high ranking politicians that constantly have the public and other politicians watching them bc of Andro's strength. Especially by still powerful but starting to lose stability Eraylon. Aisha is still expected to be extremely prim and proper so she doesn't make her parents look bad. This also gives Aisha the space to pick up hobbies like rock climbing and learning how to drive a wind rider. I can't see ultra conservative royals letting their child pick up a hobby that could get her injured, but Aisha would be under less strict rules/watched less so she'd probably be allowed to do these things because they wouldn't make a huge positive or negative impression on them. Also Aisha disappearing and not wanting to follow in the parents foots steps is less a huge political problem for Andros
Aisha 2: King&Queen is a semi ambassador semi representative, political role thats mainly about land Andros and Sea Andros treating eachother as equals and has bother and sisters despite their differences.
Aisha 3: Aisha's family is a constitutional monarchy and holds a symbolic role as Sea Andro's monarchy's direct family, with the same goal of equality and connection between sea and land Andros
Diaspro: I can't see a reason that Sky and Dia would be getting married unless she was also a princess, so she's probably a still princess :// damn you unmovable plot points. Whatever it's still connected to the Eraklyon plot line so I can shove it full of political drama
Krystal is just a politician's/high ranking specialist's/witch/faires kid. I'm partial to specialist bc then she and Helia would be living at the same base and that's how they're childhood friends (that and they liked to prank military wives). I can't imagine Linphea having a monarchy at any point in time, it's all representative
Zenith doesn't have a monarchy. It had one at one point, bc the idea of someone being swallowed up by the sea because they had no compassion is cool, but they've done away with it
Melody might still have a monarchy? Or maybe just a v rich noble/political class that Galatea is apart of
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atomic-taco-muffin · 9 months
Final fantasy 15 and kingdom hearts royalty au:
Emra: auntie kurumi? *Walks up to her and xemnas while wearing her princess dress Roxy made*
Kurumi: you look adorable
Xemnas: Roxy did a great job on your dress em
Kurumi: she has us to thank
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the-grove · 2 years
Meeting the Grove!
Alright so here is your guide to the Grove!
Rosie(she/her or fae/faer)- Rosie is the closest thing we have to our original host. She is a non binary trans girl who associated her gender with the fae. She likes to consider herself a sort of fey spirit often in the image of a Pixie or a Gnome. Fae likes to write and read poetry.
Mima Melonbun(she/her) originally a pathfinder character, when she retired from the game. We found her still with us in our headspace. She is demisexual. She is a halfling baker and cleric. She likes to come out and help out when other members of the system are cooking.
Fae-fae-(she/her or fae/faer) she has a younger mental age then the rest of us. She likes Pokemon, Blue Clues, Kirby, Blu. She loves her stuffed animal Bertha(who is a giant sloth and she enjoys talking too). She likes sweets and to help with chores. Rosabell(She/her or it/its)- I'm an eevee please pet me and pamper me
Tumblr: @sweet-fae-dreams (For Rosie, Mima, Rosabell, and Fae-fae)
Florina Sanchez( fae/faer, or she/her)- Florina was previously known as Eliwood, but has recently decided to change her name and pronouns, Fae is still the same person though, loving to show off and attention seeking. Very social. She is a bit more demure now but that might just be because fae is going through quite a bit. Enjoys socializing, warm baths, wine, and finger food.
Tumblr:  @florina-fae
Roxanne Loveta Brown (Roxy for short) ( she/her or he/him)- roxy is a werewolf/wolf spirit. She considers herself bigender. He enjoys hiking, longwalks, and paintings of landscapes and especially winter landscapes. She is very loyal and dedicated. Alpha was her name when she thought she was exclusively male. She still goes by Alpha but also Roxanne or Roxy. Suffers from both gender and species dysphoria.
Tiphanie Dupont(She/her)- I am a fictive that was previously a pathfinder character. I am rather rambunctious. I like antiques and artifacts and cool stuff like that. And also #1 Tinkaton stan. Karisa(She/Her)- Fictive of one of the Systems DnD/Pathfinder characters. Serious, stoic archer assassin, who deals with chronic pain bullshit. Learning to accept that my life now involves wearing oversized shirts and eating chicken nuggets
tumblr: @roxyscave (For Roxy, Tiphanie, and Karisa)
Powder(she/her or it/its)- an introspect of the character Jinx from Arcane/LoL. She has gone down a different path then the character that has inspired her and has started down a path of recovery. She has a Monkey fursona. She is a cuddlebug. Likes graffiti, punk music, hip hop music. Please don't ask her or us about league of legends, we do not play. You can ask us about Arcane but don't expect us to be the same. Turns out I am also a fictive of Marceline from Adventure time. (Hecate and I are connected somehow)
Hecate(she/her)- Hecate Is not likely to front but is more likely to co-front with a different headmate. She is goth. She likes witch-craft, vampirism, greek mythology. I am a goddess an intend to treated as such. I love my partners very much. Surge Tormenta(She/her)- THE TEEN QUEEN OF LIGHTNING AND REBELLION. I'm the toughest, and the coolest and i'm super awesome. I like music and vibing and doing cool shit.
Tumblr: @misfit-toy (For Powder and Hecate)
Princess( nom/noms, he/him, she/her, it/its or your majesty)- she has intense species dysphoria in our body. Nom believes it is too big and she doesn't enjoy human hair. I am a kobold princess or even a draconic heir. She likes to remind the rest of the system to take time for our body to recover and to do things for ourselves, be it treats or a nice long bath, fancy food, and relaxing. Is NSFW, especially a lot of Vore.
tumblr: @kobold-royalty
Abayomi( It/it’s or whatever you perceive)- My name is Abayomi, I am a familiar happy to serve and perform tasks. I enjoy tea, books, and cleaning. It is a pleasure to meet you. I consider my primary gender identities to be Maid and Object.
tumblr: @clayvessel
Westley + Willow(he/him and she/her pronouns, Alternatively They.them)- These two are actually a sub-system. Consisting of Willow the Skeleton girl, and Westley the Ghost boy that possesses her. They get along well enough. I like milkshakes and egg creams, poodle skirts, the color pink,  gloomy things, I like strawberries. I like to stim by ripping stuff up.   I love birds(peacocks are my fave). I love chocolate covered cherries.
tumblr: @harpyboytits
Crona( it/its or she/her) - Still figuring myself out, but I am fictive of Crona from Soul-Eater. I don't like to be perceived by strangers in person. it scares me. I like swords. I like mice and bunny as well. I also am a subsystem, consisting of myself and Ragnarok. I also am a big fan of FMA, Madoka Magika, and Hunter x Hunter.
tumblr: @rose-thorn-storm
Rio Rainbow(He/him or they/them)- Nice to meet ya! Fat Fishboy. lets chill and enjoy the waves and some food yeah? (Rio hasn't been too active as of late) Amphi(she/her)- Nerdy chubby selkie girl who really likes fish and seafood. Doesn't have her own blog yet.
tumblr: @river-rainbow​
Nebula(Nebby for short) -(she/her or they/them) I'm an alien from outer space! And that makes me the coolest!! Ignore the fact that my UFO crashlanded and Idk how to fix it. I'll figure it out eventually. I post a lot of Macro Furry stuff.
tumblr: @junker-ufo
Jetpop/15/Quince (Any/All Pronouns. use whatever works) I am new. I am a robot. I like bubbles. I do not know how i'll active I be. Still getting used to stuff. I am very small.
tumblr: @babybattlebot
Reyna- (SHE/HER nothing else) Fictive of Ranko/that girl/Ranma/episode 49 Ranma, from Ranma 1/2. Don't know if i'll make a blog or do something else. Still figuring things out but i'm happy to be here. i'm uh not the martial artist type. I like being cute, and dressing up and being pretty and taken care of myself. I like cooking and um being a housewife.
Reynya-(she/her, it/its or purr/purrs) Hi I'm the cat, I'm a part of Reyna, she has her own mini sub-system that consists of her, myself and Rain. i'm mischievous. A bit of a Brat. *Don't touch my human ears.*
Rain(She/her or he/him)- Still figuring myself out. A bit of a protector I guess. Genders a mess, and i'm still trying to figure it all out. Member of Reynas subsystem. We're all Ranma I guess. Master of Anything Goes Style Martial Arts. Bisexual and Bigender. Raven(She/her)- The name is Raven, i'm a fictive of Inko or ying Ranma. Basically i'm all the evil inside the spring subsystem, or thats what they say at least. Psychic succubus spirit esque ghost girl thing. Maybe genderfluid? I'm here to rock your world. Calypso( She/her)- FIctive of Ryoga Hibiki. I get lost in headspace a lot. I'm trans fem. Um i'm partners with the Spring Subsystem. I like orcs, training and pigs. I think sunflowers are pretty and how they always point to the sun, I wish I had that sense of direction. I get a bit overwhelmed when interacting with lots of people.
tumblr: @awakenedgirlspring
Marcille Donato (She/her) - fail-girl half elf. Fictive from Dungeon Meshi. She just got here and has a lot of strong opinions. Doesn't have a blog yet. Don't let her lie to you, she likes all the depraved things you think about elves. I AM CALLING HER OUT. (does not have a tumblr yet)
tumblr: @forbidden-elfstrogen-magic
Sue (She/her or it/its)- I'm a supercute objectkin girl whose also still a boy sometimes for funsies. Fictive of Tsubasa from Ranma 1/2. Still figuring myself out. Dogs Scare me.
tumblr: @himedashi-trashcan
Diana Grayson-(she/her or they/them. ) Fictive of Nightwing from DC comics. isn't too active but certainly exists. Shares a blog with Vera.
Vera Wagner/Darkholme(She/her or fae/faer)- Fictive of Nightcrawler from the x-men. I am filled with joy and love for the world and people in it. Princely gal that enjoys wooing gals and receiving headpats.
Cereza(She/her or fae/faer)- Vampire/Chupacabra feral girl thing. I Perfer not to speak and sometimes I just can't. I'm small and shy, and would really like a drink of blood please.
Axera(she/her)- Sleepy unlucky goofy butch gal. Bit of a dork, fictive. Living in interesting times
Star(She/her)- Fictive from a source that we are still getting used too. Figuring myself out. A bit of a klutz! It's a pleasure to me be here! @prettystardetective
Lulu Graywords (she/her maybe it/its, trying it out)- Trans fem Fictive of Zelgadiss graywords. @mystical-swordswoman Lalatina(She/her)- Heyo! I'm a fictive but I have two sources, it gets pretty confusing. But basically i'm both Darkness from Konosuba and I'm also Gourry Gabriev from slayers. Dumb loyal knight with a pretty kinky side I guess. @sword-of-light
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BtH HC's
Some BtH verse HC for anyone who wants them. And yes, the new animatronic is Beast Wars Inferno transplanted to FnaF because he's already served one purple sociopath and there's another in the basement. 
 - Fazbear's initially had the idea of an outdoor deck restaurant attached to the Pizzaplex's upper level and had the plans down for a gourmet chef animatronic. They got halfway through making Inferno before the project got scrapped and decided to instead put him to work as daytime security. The flamethrower is a holdover they neglected to get rid of because he was supposed to wood fire pizza and other meals in front of patrons for that authentic feel. 
- His mind got scrambled upon activation thanks to the virus and as a result he thinks like an ant. The Pizzaplex is the Colony, Freddy is the Royalty/Queen (this was initially Burntrap), and because Freddy basically adopted Vanessa and Gregory they are referred to as Princess. Monty and Roxy think that's hilarious.
- As Queen, Freddy's word is law. Be nice to the workforce drones? Done. Tussle with Monty a bit to make him happy? Done. Do not let Gregory anywhere near the flamethrower? SUPER done.
- Fussily tidy. Only allowed to set fire to the trash after hours, does so with gusto. 
- Closest friendship is the Daycare Attendant. They bond over keeping workspaces clean and Inferno will start his night by helping clean up the Daycare. 
- Salutes Vanessa  and stands at attention anytime they meet when she's on shift. Rumours spread amongst the day-shift as to how she tamed him with the daydreamers wishing there was Go Pro footage because that must have been epic.
- Mostly spends the day shift patrolling or helping lift things in the loading area. However, every time a new employee has a kitchen shift, he's there in the corner scribbling on a clipboard writing an evaluation (a holdover from his original programming). Firm but fair critic. 
- Dayshift have mixed feelings. On one hand, he keeps calling them 'drones', he expects everyone he's 'working' with to give it 100% and woe betide you if he catches you on an unauthorized smoke break. On the other, intimidates the Karens just by glancing at them, pays due compliments, is willing to do the dirty jobs they dread (he cleans the ballpit every day, the madbot) and can play a mean game of cards.
- Mostly chills with Sun/Moon or DJMM after his work is done but can be convinced to join the others for a round of golf or a game of Fazer Blast. Too big to comfortably fit in a go-kart.
• • •
submitted by @wrookie01
Neat stuff! Are you planning to write a full story with this?
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the-goldsmith · 4 years
ok so earlier when i was taking a nap i started thinking about rosemaries for the first time in a while (idk a homestuck lately) and this lil scenario popped up in my mind 
so its some kinda royalty au cuz that stuff is nice and gay 
theres a troll kingdom and a human kingdom.
kanaya is currently Queen of the troll kingdom, but its a bit more complicated than that. basically i was thinking the peixes were the royal family for a while before the events of the "story" (theres no story just my mind thinking gay thoughts) and they were kinda mean and evil. i mean, the condesce was at least. feferi was just the baby princess who didnt have a say in anything cuz she was like. a baby.
so the signless, a random orphan who gets adopted by minor noble dolorosa, starts preaching against them and eventually gains a massive following and things happen and they manage to overthrow the peixes and gain power.
everyone loves the new management! except most of the nobles cuz theyre losing their privileges so they assassinate the signless. rip. 
also i was thinking dolorosa adopts signless pretty young -> dolorosa after a while has baby kanaya (and maybe also porrim?) -> signless has baby karkat -> kan and kar are about the same age so they grow up as siblings and its cute. 
so yea, signless dies, dolorosa probably dies from old age or smth idk, if porrim is there i guess she just doesnt want the hassle and joins a nunnery or some shit, kanaya would like karkat to be king cuz hes got the right qualities for it but since he's the signless' son theyre worried it might put him in danger and he doesnt want to either way cuz he hates himself yada yada usual karkat stuff. 
so kanaya is Queen. now, human kingdom
i was thinking, bro is King and mom is Queen. its a loveless marriage cuz. yknow. ofc it is. but its fine bc when bro isnt being horrible and when mom isnt completely wasted theyre bros, they dont mind that marriage is fake.
bro is a controlling king whos shit to his kids, mom is just. not there. shes usually in her chambers drinking. 
so we have dirk, dave, rose and roxy as princes and princesses 
human kingdom has been having tension with troll kingdom bc the former queen was kinda shit and evil and mean, but since management changed theyre willing to turn over a new leaf and make peace. and how to royals do that? political marriages babeyyy. 
so bro decides to send one of his kids to troll kingdom to court the new royals, only question is which one? 
im thinking dirk is being groomed by bro to be the next king so hes busy, cant go marry randos. 
dave joined a knight order to get away from bro, which results in him giving up his lineage maybe? which pissed bro off but since dave is doing Masculine Knight Stuff he allowed it 
roxy is uuuh.... maybe roxy is just kinda too unpredictable to trust with sending to another country for such an important mission? like one day she was like "im gonna go horse riding or smth" and bro ofc was like "yes. horse riding. beautiful. go ahead." and then she comes home with a random peasant girl named calliope and is like "this is my new gf" and bro is seething but mom thought it was hilarious "lmaooo thats great kid dw about bro he sucks ya got my blessing" so he didnt do shit about it 
so that leaves rose! 
so rose is sent to the troll kingdom (dave comes with as her knight bodyguard) to be engaged to karkat the prince, cuz heteroormativity, but its obvious from the start that while theyre civil w each other, neither of them is into the whole thing.
and then rose meets the queen and is like "woah whos that hottie" and karkat meets dave and is like "woah hes cute" and gay ensues
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redheadscribe · 3 years
Fate Winx Saga Review
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This is the Winx Club
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This isn't
Ah Winx Club, I remembering waking up early in the morning to watch it on Saturday, I thought that it was a cool show and my favorite character was Bloom during the first three seasons when it was under 4Kids. I thought that the characters were cool, the setting was pretty awesome as well and overall it was fun. Years later I was pretty shocked that it is still going on though from what I heard it has lost a lot of it’s quality with season eight being a mixed bag and an okay art style. Now Netflix has acquired the rights and there were two separate shows that they produce.
The first being World of Winx, an animated spin off show showing the girls hiding out on earth helping people and dealing with an evil version of Tinkerbell? In all honesty I was a little confused like how was this a spin off? Was it a spin off from season four as Roxy is a supporting character in this universe? That part confused me but overall it was a pretty good show but at this point I don’t think Winx Club fans wouldn’t mind a reboot that got the She-Ra treatment. Needless to say Winx Club is a popular show that was big in Italy and other countries but it is not what it used to be. Especially when we have this show to talk about Fate: A Winx Saga.
When I first saw the trailer I was pretty confused because none of the shots in the trailer reminded me of Winx Club. Also none of the characters were recognizable as they white washed and replaced Flora, and also white washed Musa. The only three characters that were recognizable were Bloom, Stella and Aisha. However there personalities have changed so much that I can’t even say that this is a faithful adaptation. I know in adaptations there has to be certain changes that you have to make because either to budget or they can’t fit it in and some stuff has to be cut. The least the show could do was get the fashion right, I mean the only one who should be wearing red is Musa while Bloom is the one that wears different shades of blue. Then again the fashion overall is a big joke and they really should fire the costume designer as I looked and she has had no experience dressing up teenagers. Rants out of the way lets see how they butchered the characters.
Let’s start with the leading Pyromaniac herself, Bloom. What the hell did they do to my girl? As a fellow redhead myself it is safe to say Bloom was the one I lean towards to the most even though I did see myself in Tecna, and Flora. Bloom is a stuck up bitch in this show and has to make it all about her, which was one of the problems in some of season four and later on. She is also unbelievably gullible and really stupid. She basically believes anything that Beatrix, a psychopath and a known liar about the whole Not Domino city, yeah I don’t care about the name of this said city in other world. She is a problematic Pyromaniac something that cartoon Bloom season 1-3 would be horrified about, and surprisingly bland.
Now, this Bloom could have worked if there were either more episodes or just better writers. Think about it, she is a girl who discovers that she has these unknown powers and when her emotions get the better of her and harm her family she could be a little distant and closed off. She is angry and confused because she doesn’t understand what is happening which can lead her to feeling a lot of emotions. Though I do hate the fact that they ruined Mike and Vanessa but I forgot that this is a teen drama and as a teen drama parents are assholes, it is the law of teen television. There could have been a nice arc of Bloom dealing with the fact that she has been lied to her entire life, feeling angry and betrayed but then going back to the Bloom we love from the first three seasons as she realized that she was the same person, she just now has a place where she can feel at home while also having awesome fire powers. However we got the worst of Bloom that is shown post season five.
Now lets get to Stella, and I will try my best to contain my rage when I am writing this. Did a person who worked on this show really thought that it would be a great idea to change Stella and make her Diaspro? You know we could’ve added Diaspro and Stella in the same show, she and Stella could’ve been friends due to the two girls being royalty, but then both Stella and Sky would realize that she is a toxic person and break away from her. This is not Stella and the cartoon Stella wouldn’t be caught dead in some of the outfits that she was wearing, maybe the last episode outfit but that’s about it. They could’ve done something with her wardrobe, they could have her dress up as a old woman when her mother was around trying to impress her, and then dress up in clothes that the original Stella is known to wear. Stella is a stereotypical mean girl and there is nothing nuanced about her portrayal. This is not Stella this is Diaspro with Stella’s name.
Now let’s get on to Aisha, she is a fine characters but this isn’t Aisha as she has none of Aisha’s personality she is not even a princess of Andros and well she has no story outside of helping her white friend. Aisha was a standout of season two and had one of the best character entrances in the series. She doesn’t get a story of her own and she is relegated to just being the best friend that get’s Bloom out of trouble. The actress Precious Mustapha deserves way better than what they are giving her.
Now it is time for everybody’s favorite white-washed duo Terra/Flora and Musa. There have been videos and posts that are going over how stupid Netflix and Rainbow for doing this. Just to give everybody context, Musa’s appearance is based off of Lucy Liu and Flora is based off of Jennifer Lopez. I think that speaks for itself in how Netflix and Rainbow screwed this up especially when there are plus size Latinix actresses they could have casted. Now let’s get into their character, weirdly enough they are the ones that have the most interesting friendship dynamic, Terra is a fine character but she is not Flora and Musa is a lot more cold hearted and instead of being a fairy of music she is a mind fairy who is an empath. Now music in a way can evoke emotions and connect people on a deep level but her empathic powers are so undefined. Terra is a fine enough character and her family is pretty interesting.
Now lets get into the boys, Sky, Riven, Dane, and Sam. If there is one thing that I could applaud the show is that anyone can be a fairy or a specialist, it’s just a pity that they excluded the witches. Then again the witches do get the short end of the stick even in the cartoon. Sky is bland, and the actor only ever had one expression throughout the whole show. Riven is, well Riven has always been a jerk but cartoon Riven had some more well likable features than TV show Riven. Dane, he’s fine I would have liked him more if he wasn’t taking so many stupid pills when it came to Riven and Beatrix, boy he needs to find a better man to crush on becuase, Riven is not worth it at all, even if I didn’t like his performance I could definitely see him crushing on Sky way more than Riven. Sam is a fun character and I was glad to see a male fairy added to the school but that’s all I can say about him the boys are okay. If there was one thing that I enjoyed about World of Winx is that they didn’t include the boys and there was nothing lost from it, it was just the girls kicking ass and taking names.
There is not much to say about the school staff and Dowling is a fine character that is a lot like Faragonda, only really ever helps Bloom and reassuring her she is special. I wish there was more done with Terra’s father and all but nope any positive family interaction is bad in a teen show. Overall the school staff, I don’t think that we can even call them a school staff they were a joke.
Now let’s get into the villains, if there is one thing that fans of the first four season can agree on is that the villains were always a standout for each season one. That being said the only effective villain is Beatrix, even though they could have just done the Trix. Let me just say this, The Trix were a great villain for the first season and well they went downhill like the whole cartoon show. Also what is the deal with Rosalind and Sky’s father. To be fair Sky’s dad in the cartoon show has always been a jerk but a jerk that raised a psychopath like Beatrix is too much. I am a little nervous about how they will do if they actually introduce The Trix, Lord Darkar, and Valtor or even the Wizard’s of the Black Circle. Needless to say the villains were just bland.
That is if they actually even use the villains from the cartoon show because so far we have the rather bland Rosalind, I just don’t care for her and there is no need for her to be in the show, Daphne does not deserve this. Then there is Sky’s father and I don’t care and Luna and wow does every teen show have to have terrible parents. How is a cartoon show from the early 2000s is more diverse and interesting than this? I just don’t care at all about the villains except for Beatrix.
There is also the fact that the show is only six episodes and that really does hinder the show as the show could’ve used more episodes to flesh things out then maybe just maybe this show would’ve been interesting. I also see that there are some writers and producers from the Vampire Diaries that are attached to this project and well that explains why some aspects of the show seems dated. Overall Fate, is a bland show that definitely does have better writing than Riverdale but that is not saying much. The characters are bad, and the fashion is terrible something that was a main aspect of the show. The world is generic getting rid of the epic sci-fi fantasy world and Rainbow should’ve just rebooted the animated show.
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The Dream Self
The so called “Extra Life”.
The Dream Self is basically You, but is a sort of Mental / Spiritual version of you that resides sleeping in one of the Towers of Either Derse or Prospit.
They are considered Royalty, Princes and Princesses of their respective planets. To be worshiped (Prospit) or Assassinated (Derse) once they wake. And in order to God Tier, you Require a Dream Self.
A Dream Self requires a significant event or encounter to actually “Wake Up”. Space Players tend to wake up first in their Towers, and are often awake long before anyone else...
... But that’s where things get. A-Compllimicated.
... Because it isn’t just Space Players who’re special.
See, the thing here is that all Player Dream Selves are special or singificant in some way. Dave’s was already awake, but Dave didn’t even realize it (Daydreaming), Rose’s had a very hard time waking up without assistance.
Roxy’s tended to go off. Dirk was also, already awake for an unknown event. Jake’s was fuckin Dead before he even could awaken. And Jane’s woke up due to an encounter with a supernatural entity and assassination attempt.
If we attempt Trolls, we know Kanaya was already awake and Aradia’s was in near permanent slumber due to her physical Death.
So, Dream Selves are a far more special than we could’ve dreams. But what if it goes even deeper.
See, Dream Selves aren’t just connected to one version of the Player. When the Dream Self is asleep, things like Time and even Doom doesn’t affect them in expected ways. For example Rose, in the John-Died Timeline, hers fell asleep and combined with our Rose to full wake her and her Dream self up.
Even munched down on those Doomed Timeline memories.
So let’s have a proposal.
A Sleeping Dream Self, (yes, even a Sleep Walker like Dave) is connected to all versions of their Player until Woken up. A sort of, Uncertainty Principle. But Doomed Timelines aren’t relevant unless they’ve affected our Prime Time Live in some way.
Which means there are always Two Versions of a Player who are directly connected to the Dream Self at any time.
Why Two? Easy.
Who said the Guardian Selves couldn’t also be connected.
Both versions play significant roles, but only the Player Self will wake up the Dream Self, and cement the connection (Turn Uncertainty into Certainty).
There does seem to be some direct parallels when it comes to Dream Self Death and Physical Death. To note: ... Jade’s Dream Self dies to an explosion; Jade English dies to the Condesce. ... Jane is assassinated by Jack Noir. Jane Egbert is killed by Doorstopping Book. Both are miraculously Resurrected. ... Jake dies by Peanuts. Jake Harley dies by two gunshots to the chest.
The cut off point is probably when the game starts. Meaning Death by Reckoning doesn’t count, because everything is suppose to die by Reckoning. (The Void Session was an odd one; as Dirk and Roxy were already passed the Reckoning point when they arrived)
This could mean that losing a Dream Self means you’ve entered an Uncertain Doom State, and its Uncertain which of your two versions meets an end.
Either way, someone is Certainly Dead.
Meaning the Trolls’ mass Dream Self Death was very bad. And since we can say that Emperess Feferi was definitely alive by the time of Beforus’ Reckoning, that could mean that those Trolls who Certainly Died in Horrorstuck and stayed Dead, had hit the Certainty part of the Uncertain Dream Self Death (which... probably says something about our Beforus Troll Ancestors...)
And what about complicated matters?
Like Dirk and Jade.
Perhaps, this would explain why Jade acts so differently between waking and sleeping? [Outside of the “Early Writing” explanation]
Perhaps, this is why Dirk survived so long on a deserted house in the middle of the damn ocean (since we really don’t see, say, a Nanny Bot) [At least Roxy had Carapacians]. His early waking likely had a bad effect on his adult self (prime real estate for, say, a possessed muppet asshole).
Mayhaps the reasons why Rose had trouble waking, and Dave had trouble sleeping, is because of their respective Adult selves facing off against a Psychic Water Witch. (As far as we know, only three trolls had any kind of really special Dream Selves; and that was Kanaya, our Space, Aradia, who was physically dead, and Karkat, who never woke up until he died).
Either way.
Its Certainly something to think about.
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emsartwork · 5 years
hi! I'm the same anon with the personality ask. I actually wanted a serious summarization, but that didn't mean I laughed my ass off reading your descriptions. I don't know how to ask you this without sounding like a jerk :(
aw sweetie you’re good I offered to do a serious version you’re not being a jerk at all. Again I’m using my versions of the girls(+roxy) and I’m gonna stick to 3-5 sentences for each
Bloom:  She spent most of her childhood playing the “buffer” friend between two strong personalities (Mitzi and Selina), and felt she couldn’t express her true emotions with out being punished for it. As a result she has a ton of repressed rage which comes out when she’s pushed far enough, but still prefers to run away from emotionally difficult situations. Bloom has a very vivid inner world and feels things intensely, which is both good and bad. She does become comfortable with expressing herself (most of the time) and gains self confidence through her friendships with the rest of the girls and control of the dragon flame.
Stella: Stella finds most of her validation through attention and acceptance from others, and this stems from her isolated, awkward, childhood and her parent’s rocky relationship. After “princess diary-ing” herself she had some issues revolving around unequal relationships, and it was through the help of Nova that she grew to be confident in herself. Stella still has a sensitivity to rejection(whether real or imagined) but can handle it pretty well when it comes from people she doesn’t like or care about, she only reacts really badly when it comes from people close to her. Her rejection sensitivity also leads her to blame herself for her parents’ break up. 
Aisha: Aisha is another one with an isolated childhood, complete with overprotective helicopter parents, and she was very, almost unhealthily, dependent on Anne for a long time which lead to some lasting scars when Anne disappeared. She resists relationships, her parents’ desires, and expectations that come with being royalty as these make her feel like she’s being controlled or trapped which makes her panic. The Winx are the first friend group she really made and it took her a LONG time to let them help her with anything. The Winx learned pretty early on that she wasn’t used to being in a group so they focused on including her, and that  Aisha REALLY doesn’t like being told what to do so they avoid/ed it(Flora is the only one who can do it and live). 
Flora:  While Flora is very zen and low key, its primarily because she doesn’t focus on sorting out and identifying her emotions so when she does freak out or get angry its usually not about the thing that’s actually bothering her. Flora has some trouble with confrontation(not as bad as Bloom lmao) because she doesn’t want to cause problems for other people so if something is bothering her she just doesn’t bring it up. She tends to focus more outwardly than inwardly, making sure others are happy and healthy before taking care of herself(this can be bad but is fine if there’s a balance). 
Musa: Musa is confident in herself and her abilities, but has zero confidence in her personal relationships. Her mother’s passing severely impacted her because it was slow, but she wasn’t actually able to be there with her when she did die(not to mention the equally traumatizing reaction from her father). So Musa has a lot of anxiety over people leaving her, something bad happening while she’s not there, or people being angry around her. To cope with this she likes to stick really close to her people and is constantly checking in(subtley or obviously) with their irritation levels which can cause some friction(especially with Riven). She loves rooming with Tecna, who has no filter or double meaning to her words, and appreciates Aisha’s up-front attitude because at least she knows whats going on with those two even if they don’t always want to hang out.  
Tecna: Tecna was raised normally for a Zenithian child, but runs into problems whenever she deals with emotions. Originally her emotions were so repressed she wasn’t really even aware of them, but she has grown in identifying and working through them. Her emotions do still cause her a lot of guilt and worry because she has placed so much of her identity in being “logical” and doesn’t want to disappoint her parents. Tecna wants to live up to their expectations for her, and does for the most part, but still struggles with finding meaning in what she’s doing because its not actually coming from her heart(this continues well into adulthood but she does finally figure it out) 
Roxy: Roxy is in a very “in between” stage, she’s not a child but not an adult, not a fairy but not a human as she knows it, both a princess and a cashier, both sensitive and tough etc. Her age and situation kind of intensifies her already life long sense that she didn’t fit in anywhere. Roxy craves stability and acceptance, and this leads to her rejecting or being in denial of new things whether they’re good or bad. Morgana eventually provides a stable fixture who has a foot in both of Roxy’s worlds.
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
1, 4, 7, 9, 10, 11, 12, 15, 16, 26, 27
Okay, for clarification, all of these will be about WINX. Because you know, its the main fandom we share.
1. What OTPs in your fandom do you just not get?
-Any of the OTPs that make the Winx girls be in love with their enemies, like Sparxshipping (ughh) or the one where Ogron and Flora are a thing. I just... No.
I also don’t really get the people who try to ship the girls with their teachers. (I’ve seen a few that were legit FloraxPalladium and BloomxFaragonda. Like why? Just why?)
4. Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP?
-Sparxshipping!!! And unfortunately it is a very, very popular ship. I just... Don’t get it. I don’t. It’s... icky to me. And gross to me. (Like if you like it, that’s fine, but don’t ever expect me to write a thing on it or to start shipping it, because I won’t.)
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
- Oh boy...
Look, I used to adore that these were some go-getter teens and that they were strong and independent and taking care of business and shit.
Now? Girls, y’all are like... 17 at the most (in the beginning of the series), you shouldn’t be literally taking on the world right now. Please tell the teachers about what’s going on! Or your parents! Half of you are fucking royalty! Bring the kings and queens into this bullshit! You’re kids, please be kids!
9. Most disliked character? Why?
-Fuck. I don’t necessarily dislike any of the characters, I just dislike (hate with a passion) how they were written. All of the characters could be awesome and amazing, if they were written and kept up with their own character arcs. (Like I hate how flip-floppy Riven’s character was after having such a great arc. And Diaspro and Chimera could have been excellent side villains. Not to mention Krystal as the princess of Linphea could have been much better if she wasn’t just a Let’s get drama started between Helia and Flora ploy.) 
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
-I’m about to get a lot of hate probably... But it’s a tie between the fairy animals and the Love and Pet thing.
I just can’t stand it. They... They already have a little mascot in Kiko and is it really fair to be bringing in more ‘sidekicks’ when the Pixies keep getting fucking sidelined? Especially after all the preaching about how important a pixie is to her fairy? Like good grief.
And the fairy animals thing wasn’t even executed properly. Like how did Faragonda keep a whole-ass zoo secret from her students for seven years, only to bring it up randomly? And it suddenly has to do with ultimate power? (And isn’t the dragon fire/flame supposed to be the ultimate power? Why all this extra ultimate power shit? First the infinite ocean and the Realix powers and the Legandarium and now this?)
Oh wait, I also hate the Layla(Aisha)/Nex/Roy thing... Girl didn’t even get to properly grieve over Nabu before they thrust two new fuckboys at her. Like WTF?!
11. Is there an unpopular character that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
- I can’t really think of any... Except maybe Lucy? I really wish we could have seen and done more with her. She may have been a background character, but she had so much growth.
She literally went from being a Trix follower to becoming a strong witch with a backbone in her own right who still sort of felt betrayed and was hurting to a strong witch who was fine flaunting her relationship with Mirta. Like hell yes!
I also like Roxy and Selina. I feel like what happened during Season 4 should have made a reboot/new gen thing with Roxy starting at Alfea and having adventures while the rest of the Winx are grown and starting their lives (but coming in from time to time as like mentors or something). And Selina could have brought in around this time and rewritten to be like a foil to Roxy or a begrudging friend thing like with Faragonda and Griffin.
12. Is there an unpopular arc that I like that the rest of the fandom doesn’t? Why?
- I think it’d be when the fairies go to learn at Cloud Tower. I was just so happy we finally got to see more of what CT was like and how the witches are taught. And the lore around Cloud Tower being its own entity was amazing! (If it only stayed...)
15. Unpopular Opinion about the show/manga?
-I liked the ideas regarding the Legendarium stuff and the cosmix stuff... But I wished the villains had been different and the writing wasn’t so... Bad and full of plotholes. (Plus I was a sucker for Bloomix, even if I hate the name. It could have been Dragonix or something.)
16, If I could change anything in the show, what would I change?
-I legit am writing my own version of winx. Granted, it is sort of OC-centric because of the main character being Valkyrie... but I did my best to soothe out the plot holes and to make things make sense. 
(Almost everything. Almost everything. Especially with how the later season have been done.)
26. Most shippable character?
- I’m breaking this down into brackets.
Winx- Flora (simply because of how she can easily be seen in relationships with the other girls and guys. She’s just like... This sweet bean who can be with nearly anyone and it feel alright/natural.)
Boys- Honestly... Riven. Hear me out: his attitude makes him perfect for those ships that start off with “make me” and “wanna bet?”. Like he just has this vibe of raw energy that can put him with nearly everyone. And then you add in that secret sweet side and boom. Instant shipping guy.
Villains- Darcy. She’s shown the most interest in relationships outside the Trix, and she has that ‘make me’ energy like Riven. And while she could most likely kill you, if she actually likes you, she’ll keep you around and you see this real version of her. (Maybe I’m biased... I dunno.)
Teacher- Griffin. I really don’t need to answer why for this one... Just take my word for it because dammit I know I’m biased here and I really don’t give a shit.
27, Least shippable character?
- Wizgiz... I don’t know why, but he’s honestly the only person I can’t visualize with someone like i can the others. Hell, I even see Darkar and Mandragora being a lovely couple.
(Also, the Wizards of the Black Circle... They give me these sleazy/ick vibes that just make me feel they’d never be in a relationship with a willing participant. Do with that info what you will.)
Okay. I think I answered them all. Here’s hoping they don’t come back to bite me later.
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charmixpower · 2 years
I kinda would like to see some headcanons about interactions between Princess Galatea and the Winx Club girls (and also Mirta and Roxy)
Hm that's gonna be hard bc I can't see Galatea really interacting with anyone outside of Musa and Roxy?
Galatea I think should get a little character arc of learning what's it actually like in her.... empire? Kingdom? From Musa, who probably has opinions on the royal family. Just a little character arc, a little character arc that earns Galatea her Charmix. Probably in the background of s1-2 and becomes more prominent in s3 when Galatea becomes important
As for Roxy I like to imagine that Galatea sees Roxy and goes "omg that's Musa's court's baby fairy!!" And tries her best to be the most helpful and informative upperclassmen she can be to Roxy
Bloom and Galatea don't interact much but Galatea definitely has been keeping track of her since s1 (like most people in a school who saw her in the finale tbh)
Galatea would think Stella is the fucking coolest because she picked the combat track despite having people's eyes and options constantly thrown at her, and girl didn't even flinch. Galatea quietly looks up to her
Flora and Galatea seem like they'd get along. They probably have a class together. They both have soft femme vibes and go "oh my!"
Tecna barely knows Galatea exists ╮(╯_╰)╭, she's the least likely to care about Galatea LMAO jfjejrnene I'm sorry, I can't see them talking
Aisha would probably be around when Musa and Galatea say hi to eachother in the hallway (Galatea runs the music club) so they'd know of eachother but I don't think they'd interact eachother bc Aisha would be uncomfortable around all of Galatea practiced manners
Mirta would feel uncomfortable around Galatea bc Galatea is prim and proper Royalty and she's so scared of accidentally upsetting Galatea with her usual way of speaking
Tbh I generally write G as a Winx fangirl who's been around all the seasons just close enough to be somewhat in the know and constantly going "!!!!!!" At their achievements. She's in a group chat with Nova and they gossip probably
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eyebeastposts · 4 years
Fan Fiction Road: The Altar of EyeBeast
   Driving down Fan Fiction Road in the dark of night, your car suddenly  breaks down as you pass through a thickly wooded area. Devoid of phone  service, you find yourself drawn to a strange light in the tree line.  Pushing through the bushes you find yourself standing in front of an old  church. The pictures and strange runes along the walls do not appear to  come from any known religion. Peeking up at the stained glass window,  you see a glimmer of the light that first drew you in. Steeling your  nerves, you push open the imposing set of doors and step inside.
    Your nose is assaulted with the scent of heavy incense. You find  yourself in in the center chamber where dozens of hooded figures dressed  in black robes are gathered. They don’t appear to pay much attention to  you, even as the door shuts loudly behind you. The reason becomes  evident as you look at the thing atop the grey, stone altar.
    Its shape mimics that of a singular, human eye blown up to the size of a  hot air balloon. Its grey sclera counteracts the void of black making  up its glowing pupil and iris. The eye shifts gradually, to both observe  its followers and maintain a glimmering cloud in the center. Mesmerized  by the thing’s strange aura, you take another step forward to look into  the anomaly.  
    Upon a closer look, you see dozens of images pass through the cloud.  The images depict characters from various, popular franchises going  through strange and unusual sequences. As off-putting as some of the  scenes are, you can’t help watching out of either curiosity or genuine  enjoyment. A tap on your shoulder brings you back to reality.
     Turning your head, you are met with the soft gaze of a woman with a  shaved head. The eye creature is drawn on her forehead in ink,  surrounded by the same symbols from outside. “Hello traveler,” she says  in a low voice. “I see you’ve stumbled upon our little gathering.”
     Without a word, she leads you deeper into the crowd. “We are the  followers of the All Seeing One, the deity you see before you. Their  power is immense, able to alter space, time, and various realities to  create pocket dimensions for its own amusement. From time to time, it  gives us certain request. In return for providing a list of acceptable  candidates, it demonstrates its powers to us by recreating the scene  using the choices agreed upon by its followers.”
     As soon as she stops talking the image at the altar disappears, making  the rest of the hooded figures turn towards you. “If your mind is open  and your desires forthcoming, feel free to join our group of worship  under the eye of the All Seeing One. However, if you reject our offer we  will have no choice…but to politely ask you to leave.”
     Someone in the crowd purposefully clears their throat. “After you’ve  helped yourself to the food table of course,” she adds. “Especially  Stephen’s snicker-doodles, they are just divine.”
    For the past few years now, I’ve made it a tradition to have people  vote on what kind of fan fiction story I write next. Typically, I would  pick a subject (weight gain, transformations, etc.) and have people  suggest various characters and scenarios that fit the subject. While I  have enjoyed the previous sessions, I want to shake things up a bit in  terms of how things are done and what kind of stories I get to write.
  If you’ve read the above story, it sets the stage for what I want to do.  I’m going to provide five different scenarios, each of which is a  different request from the All Seeing One. For two weeks, your task will  be to suggest offerings (characters) that will fit the criteria for  each scenario. Once the suggestions are in, there will be a survey that  will determine which stories you want me to write and with which  characters. And yes, I said stories.
  My plan with this session is to suggest ideas that can be told in  relatively short stories. Using this method, I should be able to do  multiple stories going in order of popularity. I can’t promise that I’ll  do every single one, but I’ll try to do most of them. If you want to  get involved and become a member of the Church of EyeBeast, take a look  below at the guidelines and scenarios. Please read carefully.  
To suggest a character/characters, send the name of the character,  what franchise they’re from, and which scenario you want them in. You  can either use my ask box or message me directly
Regardless of method you use to suggest a character, no names will be  attached to the candidates.
You can submit as many suggestions as you wish until I close the submission phase.
You are free to suggest any characters you want, but if you want to   suggest one from something I know, you can refer to my media sheet: https://www.deviantart.com/eyebeast.....heet-819010665  
I will be looking just for characters, not scenarios.  
The same character can be suggested for difference scenarios as long as they fit the criteria.  
During the suggestion phase there will be no cap on how many  characters can be suggested for a scenario. However, once the polls are  made I will be narrowing down the character pools to no more than 10  entries each.  
The suggestion phase will last for two weeks, ending on JULY 15TH.  At that time, I will open up the survey for people to vote. After   another week, I will close the survey and announce the results.  
A) Couple’s Feast- We have an issue of too many leftovers from our last  meeting. The All Seeing One wishes to give them to one lucky couple. For  this one in particular, they will be looking for one male and one  female.
-General Idea: Male and female mutual weight gain.  
-Criteria: Any male and female couple.  
1. Joker (Persona 5) and one of the girls based on a poll
2. Breath of the Wild Link and Zelda  
3. Andy and Mai (KOF)
4. Hiro and 02 (Darling in the Franxxx)
5. Chris and Jill (Resident Evil)
6. Tharja and Male Robin (Fire Emblem)
7. Shuichi and Kaede (Danganronpa)
8. Mulan and Shang (Disney)
9. Vincent (Catherine) and either Catherine or Katherine based on a poll
10. Kimihito (Monster Musume) and a Monster girl based on a poll
11. Ryu and Chun-li (Street Fighter)
12. Izuku and Ochako (My Hero Academia)
13. Ed and Winry (Fullmetal Alchemist)
14. Makise Kurisu and Houoin Kyouma (Steins;Gate)
15. Male Reader and Doki Doki Literature Club Girl based on a poll
16. Male Reader and Huniepop Girl based on a poll
17. Hisao Nakai and Katawa Shoujo Girl based on a poll
18. Joey and Mai (Yu-Gi-Oh)
19. Inuyasha and Kagome (Inuyasha)
B) Princess Makeover-The All Seeing One wishes to gift someone who is of  lower class or rough around the edges a taste of the high life,  specifically what it’s like to be a princess. They will be given an  extreme makeover, giving them the curves, bountiful hair, and regality  befitting someone of royalty. Gender of tribute does not matter.  
-General Idea: Extreme hourglass expansion, hair growth, princessification, and, if applicable, gender swap.  
-Criteria: Any character that could be described as being against  traditionally girly things. Things like a tomboy, a warrior, etc.  
1. Samus (Metroid)  
2. Ryuko (Kill La Kill)  
3. Sakura (Street Fighter)
4. Chie (Persona)
5. Korra (Avatar)
6. Aladdin (Disney)
7.  Lady (Devil May Cry)
8. Tracer (Overwatch)
9. Lara Croft (Tomb Raider) poll to decide between classic and reboot
10. Kazuma (Konosuba)
11. R. Mika (Street Fighter)
12. Rotty Tops (Shantae)
13. Ganondorf (Zelda)
14. Amara (Borderlands)
15. Asuka (Neon Genesis Evangelion)
16. Shinobu Jacobs (No More Heroes)
C) Royal Reversal- The All Seeing One wishes to teach humility to the  upper class. The offering shall be given a complete reversal for their  life. Skinny to fat, clean to dirty, intelligent to idiotic, male to  female and vice versa. Obviously the offerings we are looking for must  come from royalty or are suitably upper class.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain, IQ loss, slob, and gender swap.  
-Criteria: Royalty or upper class. Things like kings, queens, princes, princesses, and the fabulously wealthy.  
1. Karin (Street Fighter)  
2. Wonder Woman (DC)  
3. Satsuki (Kill La Kill)  
4. Sonia (Danganronpa)
5.  Lucina (Fire Emblem)
6. Midna (Zelda) poll to decide which version
7. Hilde (Soulcalibur)
8. Peach (Mario)
9. Parasoul (Skullgirls)
10. Mary Saotome (Kakegurui)
11. Malty Melromarc (Rising of the Shield Hero)
12. Catarina Claes (My Next Life as a Villainess)
13. Emelia (Re:Zero)
14. Risky Boots (Shantae)
15. Starfire (Teen Titans)
16. Jasmine (Disney)
D) Pig Deity-The All Seeing One wishes for an ego boost. Provide to them  the name of a god or holy person to wallow in the mud and become the  patron saint of hogs.  
-General Ideas: Weight gain and anthro pig transformation.  
-Criteria: A holy person, either a deity or someone very religious.  
1. Palutena (Kid Icarus)  
2. Aqua (Konosuba)  
3. Crim (Interspecies Reviewers)  
4.  Tiki (Fire Emblem)
5. Panty (Panty and Stocking)
6. Rosalina (Mario)
7. Azazel (Helltaker)
8. Venus (Huniepop)
9. Sophitia (Soulcalibur)
10. Haruhi Suzumiya (The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya)
11. Hestia (Is it Wrong to Pick Up Girls in a Dungeon?)
12. Holo (Spice and Wolf)
E) Pokemon Fusion- The All Seeing One has become aware of a world  inhabited by creatures called Pokémon. Its interest has piqued  concerning the everlasting bond made between the creatures and their  trainers. A test must be performed to see if we can further this  connection by combining the two beings.  
-General Ideas: Transformation and other effects based on the Pokémon chosen.  
-Criteria: A trainer and a Pokémon, preferably one that they have some kind of connection with.  
1. Roxie/Koffing  
2. Whitney/Miltank  
3. Bea/Hariyama
4. Flannery/Magcargo
5. Melony/Lapras
6. Sabrina/Slowbro
7. Nurse Joy/Chansey
8. Pokemon Breeder/Ditto
9. Fantina/Driftblim
10. Hilda/Scolipede
11. May/Slaking
12. Cynthia/Garchomp
13. Dawn/Spiritomb
14. Kiawe/Salazzle
15. Jessie/Arbok
16. Hex Maniac/Gourgeist
17. Officer Jenny/Arcanine
18. Lusamine/Buzzwole
19. Iris/Zekrom
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queen-parasoul · 5 years
Can you write a story about how Adam contemplating his life choices that lead him to being the Egret's top officer (read: the Renoir's personal babysitter)?
The distinguished group posed against the evening sky and Panzerfaust’s imposing physique. Helmeted members of Egrets held Canopy’s flag and sat around the edges, framing the more unique officers. Molly smiled wide in a strict salute, contrasting Roxie’s casual smirk and posture. The Commander herself stood proud as ever, intense eyes watching the horizon as she clutched her Living Weapon.
And there, nestled somewhere in between these accomplished figures, was Adam Kapowski.
“Are you alright, sir?”
Adam snapped out of his musing and turned his attention from the framed picture on the Egret lounge’s wall. Molly sat at the same table with a stack of reports, looking at him with gentle worry on her face.
“Yeah, I’m fine.” He said. “I’m just thinking.”
She nodded, but she didn’t seem entirely convinced. After a little longer, she addressed him again. “Do you want to talk about anything?”
“Well,” He hesitated a moment, but couldn’t resist the urge to confide his feelings anymore, “I’ve been worried lately that I’m not doing enough for the Egrets.”
“You don’t think you’re a good soldier?”
“Well, not exactly. I made the cut so that says something. But ever since I got promoted it feels like I spends half my time sitting back to give orders. The other Egrets are defending our city from criminals or patrolling the palace while I’m doing paperwork or taking Princess Umbrella out for ice cream.”
“Paperwork is important.” She pointed out, tapping her papers semi-indignantly. “And you’re not the only one who gets assigned to watch the princess.”
“It’s true, but I feel like I’m being especially pulled back. I don’t think it’s because I’m the only one fit for this job, and it’s definitely not because the princess and I are particularly friends.” He waved his hand, trying to find proper phrasing, “I’m not worried about that though, she just doesn’t seem like the type to….”
“Have many friends?” She finished. “I don’t think she’d take that as an insult.”
“Anyway, sometimes I think…maybe I got promoted just to keep me away from the action. So I don’t screw up and get somebody killed.”
Molly watched silently as he slumped back in his chair.
“I guess it doesn’t matter. Whatever the reason, I’m stuck where I am. Serving my country by doing paperwork and being a babysitter.”
A few moments of self-pity passed before Molly suddenly stood with a determined expression.
“You can call me ‘Adam’, Molly.”
“Adam, sir!” She corrected. “With all due respect, I have to disagree!”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re a member of the most elite military force in the kingdom! You captain your own platoon of men for a reason. You let them take point not because your combat skills aren’t enough, but because you’re trusted to lead them!”
“But when I’m not fighting-”
“Then you’re bodyguarding a princess of the Canopy Kingdom! Just because she’s young doesn’t mean she isn’t royalty! Not to mention the Commander only trusts a few of her men with that duty! I would hardly call that ‘babysitting’!”
He thought that over, “I guess you’re right.”
“I am right! You’re incredibly important to our operations!” She pointed emphatically to the picture hanging on the wall. “You’re on the poster!”
She paused her speech to catch her breath. Adam contemplated her words, rethinking his triumphant pose in the picture.
“You’re right.” He finally agreed. “Maybe I’m just looking at it the wrong way. I’m here for a reason, and it’s not to be useless.”
“That’s the spirit! You’re indispensable, just like any member of this team.” She shuffled her papers. “Or the majority of them anyway.”
Adam caught on to her implication, and now he was the one to stand. “With all due respect, I disagree.”
“You’re our lead communications officer, Molly. Our work wouldn’t be possible without you! If I’m really indispensable then you are too, maybe even more so!”
She smiled and teared up. “You really think so?”
“I know so.” He reassuringly smiled back. “You’re on the poster.”
“Then…” She straightened her posture with new confidence, “Then let’s do our best! Not just for Canopy, but for ourselves! Because we’re great!”
“Yeah! We’re awesome!”
They high-fived just as the door opened. Parasoul stepped in and looked between them. “Am I interrupting something?”
They both snapped into an enthusiastic salutation. “No, sir!”
She flinched at their sudden energy. “Right. Well, we’ve got reports of Medici activity in the West district of New Meridian. Adam, I need you and your platoon ready for deployment. Molly, I’ll need updates on any more possible criminal activity in the surrounding area. We’re leaving in ten minutes.”
“Yes, sir! Right away, sir!”
She nodded, taking one last puzzled glance between them, and left. The pair shared one last look of encouragement and quickly followed suit without a trace of doubt left.
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