#princess' ball
redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
Would Brandon’s parents ever see Stellas parents argue
There are parents and parents
Set during season 3 episode 1
“Do you need me to accompany you, Anne?”
“Oh no, Stella. I just need to fetch my shawl and I’ll be back right away.” Anne smiled.
“Okay. We’ll be by the main fountain.” Stella said, smiling at her.
Brandon took her hand and they started walking across the gardens, with Lucas behind them, chatting with Samson and Cyrus about Solarians and Eraklyans different fighting techniques.  
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She remembered where their room was, or she thought she did. She was fairly certain it was on the fourth floor, but which hallway? Solaria’s royal palace was much bigger than Eraklyon’s, and it had a completely different room scheme, but maybe …
“It’s official! You are out of your fucking mind!”
Anne stopped to a halt when a woman’s voice filled the dimly lit corridor. She was definitely arguing with someone, but that someone kept his voice much lower than hers.
“And I thought you’d reached the peak of idiocy when you granted her a place at the castle.”
“Luna! Remember your place!” It seemed the person she was talking to was no longer able to hold his temper, and, having heard that voice, now Anne had a pretty good idea who those two people were.
“I may no longer be Queen, but I know she will never be one. Bed her all you want, but don’t marry her. You’ll regret it.” Former Queen Luna said, each word a block of ice.
“You have no business judging me.” King Radius replied. “You have all the freedom you want. Shouldn’t I be allowed the same privilege?”
“You are the King of the most powerful realm in all of Magix! You can’t just marry whoever you fancy!”
“Because it’s not possible that Cassandra likes me for me and not for my title, of course.” His tone was even colder that hers. “She’s not you, you know.”
“Twenty years of marriage and this is what you think of me.” She slammed the door open. “Tell Stella I won’t be attending her ball. I can’t stand being in the King’s presence.”
“Luna, come back here!” He ordered, but she had already left the room, coming face to face with …
“Move.” Luna ordered, just as Radius reached her in the hallway and noticed …
“Anne.” He bit his tongue.
Anne bowed, first to him and then to her. “Your Majesty.” She said twice.
Luna looked at her ex-husband, waiting for him to make the proper introductions.
“Luna, this is Anne. She is Stella’s boyfriend’s mother. I told you they’d be staying at the Palace …”
Brandon’s mother. “Of course.” The former Queen regained her composure as if she hadn’t just been caught screaming at her ex-husband by a commoner. “Nice to meet you, Anne. Stella tells me you’re Eraklyon’s best seamstress. I look forward to seeing some of your work. Now, if you’ll excuse me, my car is waiting.”
“Of course, Your Highness.” She bowed once again, and Luna left without turning back.
“Is there anything you need?” Radius asked Anne, once Luna had disappeared down the stairs. Literally.
“I was just looking for my bedroom.”
“Two hallways down, to the left.” He answered.
“Thank you. Goodnight, Your Majesty.”
He nodded his head and left into the opposite direction. 
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“What took you so long?” Lucas asked, once Anne finally joined them by the fountain.
“I’ll tell you later.” She replied, heading straight for Stella, who was sitting on the edge of the fountain with Brandon.
“Anne!” The princess smiled, but was a bit confused once she saw she didn’t have what she’d gone to look for. “You don’t have your shawl …”
Anne hugged her tight. “I love you, dear. We all do, you know?”
Stella stood still for a moment, surprised by that gesture, but then she hugged her too. “I … I love you too.”
Anne took a step back and caught a tear that was trailing down her own cheek.
“Mom, are you all right?” Brandon asked, confused.
“I’m perfectly fine, darling. And I can’t wait to learn all about tonight’s sky.” She added, looking at the Princess again.
Stella smiled and led the way, taking Brandon’s hand. “Then come with me! We’ll have a better view from there.”
Lucas and Anne followed them. “So?” He whispered.
“I’ve seen Stella’s parents. It wasn’t a pleasant meeting.” She replied. “Let’s make sure her ball is a huge success, okay?”
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dontcare07 · 7 months
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nicosart · 3 months
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i 💚 chappell roan 🗽
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Say what you will about Van Helsing 2004; hate it, love it, be indifferent, But the All-Hallow's masquerade ball went sooooo hard and it had zero right to do so! It's a fun, campy, monster mash movie with wonderfully dated ( and expensive) cgi and non-stop action meant to be a popcorn flick one takes out to watch around spooky season. And it has this* chef's kiss* GORGEOUS 6 minute sequence plopped arbitrarily in the second act, which unexpectedly surpasses nearly every other ball in the last 30+ years of film( notable exception being the Cinderella 2015 ball) for literally no reason other than to be dramatic af.
Like feast your eyes on this Gothic masterpiece!!! Who doesn't want to immediately live in this picture?!??
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They used those candles with oil in them so that they would have real candles, real string orchestra( I believe), probably around 100 real life extras( something which is tragically absent in modern film), said extras are all in beautiful fully decked-out costumes( which are in luxuriously dark colours, but nearly no fully black, another thing you cannot say for much modern cinema), REAL CIRQUE DU SOLEIL PERFORMERS for all the acrobatics!!!! Hell, instead of filming in a sound stage, where they could control the reverb and the acoustics and the size of the set and the bloody lighting ( they apparently had a heck of a time emulating the firelight for this sequence) and the temperature( it's very cold in stone churches!) better, they filmed in a Baroque church in Prague! As I said, peak dramatic splendour, jfc...
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Think about that a second...They filmed a vampire masquerade in a Baroque Catholic Church( St. Nicholas' in Lesser Town, if you were curious) with amazing over-the-top acoustics and marble statues and real, tiled floors and marble pillars and a choir loft which they very much utilized, covered the pipe organ and the altar with a grand brocade curtain so it wouldn't be so obviously a, you know, a church! And there's a gold gilt elevated and canopied pulpit into which they put two vampire kiddies for, again, the sake of being dramatic.
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And the costumes! They remind me of the 25th anniversary Phantom of the Opera Masquerade costumes. Same quality, like they're old, well-cared-for costumes pulled out of a warehouse, instead of fast industry churn-outs. With lots of trim and colour and masks and lace and feathers and..just...ugh.. they are all perfect! Just look at all the head pieces on the ladies and the hats on all the gentleman ( save Dracula of course) and the powdered wigs on the musicians. ANNNNDD! The dresses are historically correct!!!!!! It's the 80's bustle era! Nobody does the 80's bustle era in film anymore and it's a bummer. Oh and one other thing! Anna's ( and other women's) hair, at least here in the ball, is also historically accurate because it's all pinned up! None of those fucken modern beachwaves at a ball! Everybody's got updo's!
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Gah, I swear, Dracula in his gold cloak really does things to me in this scene!
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By the way, the acrobatics are bonkers in here for just background stuff!! Especially the random guys on unicycles and the dude playing the violin whilst standing on a ball...Like....WHAT?
Anyways, all this to say, that this masquerade ball feels sooo real and tangible and because of that it blows every other film out of the water, and no, I will not change my mind!!!!!
Here's a few more gifs, bcuz, why the hell not, this scene is sexy as fuu*ck?
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Alright I need to go to bed now.
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william-snekspeare · 3 months
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A list of my personal pets in the form of trading cards!
gift them a treat on kofi
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king-k-ripple · 6 months
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bluerosefox · 5 months
"OMA, kill meeeee" Ellie, aka Wrath complained as she allowed her head to 'thunk' on the cafeteria table in the Watchtower she phased into in order to sit in next to a boy dressed in red, yellow, and green.
"Aren't you already halfway there?" Came Robin's response as he took a drink of his water, eyeing his teammate with a raised eyebrow, though it was difficult to tell with his mask in place.
"OMA?" Asked Superboy on the other side of the boy.
"Shush you." She said towards Robin before answering Superboy "Oh my Ancients, it's like OMG but like for us ghosties."
"Tt" "Oh!" Came both their responses.
"So..." began Superboy after a few minutes of silence between them as he looked at Ellie like a confused puppy "Why?"
Ellie groaned and just stayed slumped on the table as she said "Da's dumb Observants council is hosting another dumb ball to try to get him or me hitched again, and like always I'm forced to attend because I'm Da's heir. We both hate it with a passion, most are just stuck up, power hungry, social climbers trying to get into our pants for the royal titles... Espcially if they become our Forevermores."
"Tt, why not just get rid of them? Or simply have your Father dismiss the ball." Robin said, his eye twitching in annoyance just at the thought of it. A ball sounded even more annoying than the gala parties he is made to go to.
"Sounds stressful... Also Forevermores?" Superboy asked, he was always curious of Ellie and her ghost culture but never knew what could be asked or not, he had been warned to never ask how a ghost died after all and that question is normally asked in every ghost hunter video on the internet.
"Forevermores is our term for the ONE. The one and only we will ever be with. Till our final end takes us we are always to be with them only. We are core creatures and bonding on that level is like sacred, we don't rush into bonding like that though. But everyone in the Realms hopes to be either become mine or Da's. And the ball is their best chance at meeting us on neutral grounds." Ellie explained as best as she could for Jon, it was hard trying to explain the type of level a Forevermore was "And to answer you Robin, Da can't. The Observants, despite how annoying they can get with their dumb demands, are part of the system council for the Realms, they're sadly needed to keep things in check hence their name. Da and his friends are still trying to find a loophole to get rid of them though. They were only created when they put Tyrant King to sleep and they still sadly have some backings from other powerful ghosts in the Realms, even an Ancient or two and in order to fully dismiss them we need all Ancients on board. And the ball keeps a lot of ghosts, especially the more powerful ones, errr I guess happy? Most just use it to gossip on neutral grounds, others just like to dance, network, or other junk like that. Basically, when it's not about them trying to get mine or Da's hand in ghost marriage, it's fun so Da can't dismiss it, it'll ruffle to many feathers."
"Wow..." "Tt." Were the response from her teammates.
"Yeah. Da really isn't happy because someone suggested inviting powerful people from a few Mortal Realms this time. Somehow it got approved. So... here." She said as she reached into her own chest, phasing her hand in, and pulled out two green envelopes and placed them on the table in front of them. Both boys stared in surprise to see their names written in dark purple ink and the stylized DP on it.
"CW let me invite you guys personally. Everyone else should be getting theirs in about a few minutes complete with a blaze of green fire and spooky vibes." Ellie said with a strained smile, both happy to invite them but also dreading the questions she'll no doubt have to answer once the invites were sent.
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ectonurites · 3 months
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i would go to new york city if THIS was the statue of liberty
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flowrfeast · 2 months
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Breaking News!
Chappell Roan —> Naked In Manhattan
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meraarts · 3 months
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The Old Ball and Chain
What if I held you back? What if I tied you down?
Would you let me?
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midddoriya · 2 years
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90s anime
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redhairedgirl95 · 2 years
Did Stella notice her mother left, what was her reaction?
It's the little things
Set during season 3 episode 1.
Here are part 1 and part 2
For more on the "wow factor" see here.
“Not even the color?”
“No, Brandon. You’ll have to wait and see like everyone else. You’re not special.”
“Aren’t I?” He took a lock of her hair and put it back behind her ear. Stella blushed at the intimacy of his gesture. Thank the Suns Lucas was chatting with Samson and Cyrus.
“Okay, you are.” She admitted in the end, unable to hide the loving smile that appeared on her lips. “But you need to wait for the …”
“For the wow factor. I know.” Brandon smiled too. He knew Stella would be positively radiant the following night during her Princess’ Ball, yet he could never imagine her being more beautiful than she was in the present moment. And she always was. Ever more beautiful. Every single time. He had stopped asking himself if that feeling would ever fade. It wouldn’t. Stella was his everything, his other half, his light.
“Exactly.” She giggled. “And I guarantee it’s going to be one hell of a wow factor. Solaria’s best seamstresses have been working on my dress for months. Even my mom … Mom?” Stella turned around. She was sure she’d seen her, and yet …
“Stel? Are you okay?” Brandon asked, gently taking her hand in his.
“Uh? Oh. Of course. I just thought …” She shook her head. “Nothing. Hey, your mom is coming back. Anne!”
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Later, after she had said goodnight to Brandon and his parents, Samson and Cyrus escorted her back to her chambers.
“Did you see her?”
She didn’t have to tell them who she was talking about, it was written all over their faces. Solarian royals were taught to see through illusions and the same was for the royal guard. Stella was sure she’d caught a glimpse of her mother’s silver hair leaving the Palace through the gardens, even though she knew the former queen wasn’t supposed to be there until the following morning.
“So?” She added as they stopped by her door.
Samson was the first to concede. He nodded. “Yes, Your Majesty. We saw the Queen leaving the Castle.”
“And of course she couldn’t be bothered to join me and my guests.” Stella’s voice was cold as ice.
“Princess …” Cyrus tried to intervene.
“Goodnight. See you in the morning.” Stella cut him off. She opened the door, entered her chambers, and then slammed it shut, hoping that could mask the sobs that started shaking her whole body.
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dietmimo · 3 months
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HSY: *feral screaming and cursing*
DKOS: I said I was sorry.
HSY: *feral screaming and cursing INTENSIVES*
[ID: Animated Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint fanart. Kim Dokja is in Demon King form, and he's much bigger than Han Sooyoung, who's comparatively tiny and is clinging to his nose and face while furiously yelling and thrashing around as Kim Dokja nervously tries to appease her. End ID]
ID by @princess-of-purple-prose
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pleasantlypurrfect · 4 months
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Ashlynn Ella - Ball Gown Concept Art 💞
This is THAT dress, the one her fairy godmother/Ferrah Goodfairy gives her on the night of the ball in her story.
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paper-lilypie · 2 years
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knight in shining armor
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modmad · 7 months
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happy birthday from me to you! thanks to the power of birthday marx this post is good for one free unbirthday wish go have fun <3
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