song-system · 4 years
My thoughts on Prixiety given the new aside video.
So. Before I thought the ship was entirely unfounded from Virgil’s POV. Roman has said some actually pretty hurtful things to him before, and, there was no way to tell if Virgil had gotten over any of it even if it was just Roman being critical of those he loves. (which btw if that’s all you’re basing your ship off of then you better be ready for me to throw the logic at you of he did this to Logan and Janus too) Now I can sort of see how you could think that Virgil reciprocates that affection given that little shoulder pat that Roman gave.
But to be perfectly honest, to this day there are three most common ships in the fandom. Not that there’s anything wrong with these ships! I’m really just asking the fandom one thing.
One. If a content creator ships something other than the main three ship (I see this mainly with Prixety by the way.) DON’T shame them for shipping that. Are there problematic ships Y E S. BUT! You’re not going to get them to stop shipping their ship even if it’s problematic. A L S O. Majority of other ship in this fandom aren’t even close to problematic and they still get shammed on or people leave angry comments say Why Isn’t It My OTP???!!!!!!! Stop doing that Also, Unless a creator is open to ship requests don’t ask for you’re ship.
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plasterasher · 4 years
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I just (and by just I mean like mouths ago) finished this anxceit book on Wattpad please go check it out. (Even though I haven’t posted in forever but that will change soon I’m working on something) I’m way more active on my Wattpad so yeah...
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butterflavoredbussy · 5 years
Patton: It’s ok if you have real feelings, Logan—
Logan: Nah, these are fake feelings made up by the government
Virgil: Damn
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remuswrites69 · 4 years
Drawing Fantasy (Or is it?)
A Sanders Sides AU!!
Relationships: Romantic Prinxiety, background Logicality, Remile, and Demus, and brotherly Creativitwins
Chapter 1
Warnings: I guess a little self deprecation? idk but soft Logicality dads. if you think something should be warned, please let me know! thank you!
Virgil sat in his bed, hunched over his tablet. His stylus was moving freely across the screen with his left hand. Long, smooth curves along with short, jagged edges. Drawing helped him keep his mind off of things.
His room was packed full of sketches, but only his favorites were near his beds. And these favorites all had one thing in common. They all were a drawing of some kind of mythical being.
Most of them were simple things, like centaurs, minotaurs, and fae. But others were dragons and sirens and other more eccentric creatures. He especially liked drawing centaurs and minotaurs. He felt like they could be living in the forest nearby his house. I mean, why wouldn’t they be?
Currently, Virgil was drawing another centaur. This one was different from the others, however. He still had a shirt on, of course, but he also had a flower crown. And a powerful look on his face, while wearing it too. His front half was standing on a large stone, making him look even more manly. Virgil chuckled to himself at how dorky he looked.
It’s around 6 pm when he hears Patton, one of his dads, call for dinner. Virgil smiles and gets up, leaving his tablet and stylus on his bed. He’ll go out into the forest later to work on it more.
When Virgil gets to the table, everyone else is already there eating. His dads, Logan and Patton, are sitting where they usually sit. His brother, Remy, is also in his seat. Remy has an iced coffee, like always. He always looks so...bitchy. It’s annoying. But he sits down and starts to eat his spaghetti, just thinking about his art.
Patton interrupts his thoughts. “So, what have you been drawing this time?” He asks Virgil, genuinely curious.
Virgil shrugs, “Just another centaur..” he sort of mumbles, like he always does.
Patton smiles, nodding. “You are so talented, I’m surprised more people haven’t recognized your talent.”
Virgil shrugs again. “It’s not even good art, I don’t see why anyone likes it at all..” he says, like he always does when he gets complimented.
Patton shrugs this time, “Well, I think it’s great. And so do your followers,” he smiles.
Virgil nods, finishing up his food. He stands up, picking up his plate and fork. “I’m gonna go to the forest again..” he says, walking over to put his dishes in the sink.
Logan speaks up this time. “Make sure to be back before dark.” He doesn’t look up, just eating.
Virge nods in acknowledgment, “Will do, Dad.”
He goes back up to his room to grab his tablet and stylus and his phone. He also grabs his art bag just in case he wants to do a little painting or something else. He heads back down the stairs and out the door, heading towards the forest.
A/N: If anyone knows how to do the "Keep Reading" option on mobile, that would be great! thank you! hope you enjoyed chapter 1!
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that-trash08 · 4 years
Backstage-Ch. 1
So, I don't know if you've noticed by now, I'm a very angsty person. I write a lot of angsty things. I do write fluff and stuff like that from time to time, but there's just a lot that fires up my creativity. This story was inspired by an edit croftets113 made on instagram! You should follow her. Her edits are really freakin cool. Hope you enjoy!
Part 2
Title: Backstage
Pairings: Analogical, past Prinxiety
TW: Crying, heartbreak {lemme know if there's more :)}
Summary: He thought they were inseparable. They both couldn't stand being away from each other. Guess Virgil had different ideas. One day Virgil had a little chat with Roman and it went south. Roman didn't take the news well and avoided Virgil for a while. As Roman was breaking, Virgil found light at the end of the dark tunnel, Logan. He and Virgil got together. And they were so happy. And Roman now has to watch from the side, feeling ever so hopeless that Virgil will change his mind.
This couldn't be happening, could it? No...no it couldn't. This is all just a big prank that he's pulling. "Roman, please say something. Please?" Virgil pleaded. Roman just sat at the table, completely stunned. He could feel his heart breaking by the second. "Roman, I told you, it's all me, okay? This has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry Roman, I just...think that-" He was cut off by Roman scooting his chair back to stand.
"I get it Virge! You're not into me anymore! It's fine! I'm fine! You're fine! Everything's fine!" Roman could feel a lump in his throat start to form.
"Ro, I'm really sor-" he was once again cut off by Roman.
"There's no need to apologize! I'll be fine, see? I'm already smiling and over it!" Virgil knew he was lying. After all that time they'd spent together, he could read Roman like a book. He could see right through, and he knew Roman wasn't fine. He knew Roman wasn't okay. "Hey, since our little chat is over I might as well head up to my room now. I'll catch up with you later V!" Virgil tried to stop Roman, but he was too late. Roman dashed for the stairs, trying to get to his room without breaking. But of course, he was stopped by Patton.
"Heya kiddo, you alright? You look upset.."
"Me? Oh yeah, I'm fine! I just need some time in my room alone for a bit. So I can get my creativity into gear!" Patton looked concerned at his friend.
"Roman, you know if some thing's wrong, you can tell me right? I'm here for you kiddo." Roman could feel that he was almost to his breaking point. He needed to get to is room ASAP.
"I'm fine! I just need some time in my room okay? Okay, bye now. He said, dashing around Patton and into his room. Once he was inside he locked the door and just kinda stood in the middle of his room.
There were so many memories of Virgil everywhere. There were pictures opon pictures of them together. He started to break down , collapsing in on himself, holding himself tightly as if everything were to just fall apart at once. This wasn't fair. Virgil couldn't do this to him. He didn't understand. As his state got worse, he reflected on the events that happened that afternoon.
It started out just as any normal day. Or as normal as it could get. The night before Virgil was acting strange, avoiding cuddling and snuggles and stuff. Roman didn't understand at the time but he just figured it was or of those days where Virgil just needed some space. And at night, Virgil suggested to sleep in his room instead with Roman. That was another thing that they'd usually do, but he didn't really mind. He did want to give Virgil his space if was one of those days....
The next day, or today, was the same. Except he avoided most physical touch. "Odd," Roman thought. "He's never usually like this unless something happened..." Roman was then conflicted in that moment. He could either:
Ask Virgil why he's acting so odd. Only if he'd be up to it, or
He could just leave it alone and not think too much on it
He decided to go with one. He wanted to know why he was acting so odd and if there was any way he could help his stormcloud. So, he proceeded. "Heya V, can I ask ya something?"
"Uh...sure, shoot." Virgil said, getting a little worried.
"Are you alright? You've been acting kind of strange recently and I just want to know if there's anything u could do to help..." he said, taking a quick glance at Virgil.
"Ah shit." Virgil thought. "I've gotta tell him the truth! He deserves to know! But it could really hurt him. Like, really fucking hurt him..." He thought for a bit more, biting his lip to hide his worry. He could feel waves of anxiety hitting him at once. He felt nauseous. "Here, let's just sit at the table for this..." He led Roman to the table and pulled the chair out for him. It was the least he could do, he was about to break Romans poor heart, damn it!
"So..." Roman started. "What's up?" That was the question Virgil was dreading. He didn't want to answer. But he had to. He had to come clean to Roman. It was only fair.
"Look... I know this isn't what you want to hear when you first wakeup but..." Virgil paused. He was so scared to continue. He didn't want to do this. He really didn't want to. But it had to be done. "I think...that maybe we should...part ways for now...." He said, choosing his words carefully. Roman just looked shocked.
"But...but why?" Roman asked, sounding already broken. "When did this come up? I-I though we were happy together....I-I don't get it..."
"Look, I just... I don't think I'm real happy though. I'm glad you are, it's just...Gah! I don't know how to describe it! I was happy with you, but I feel like there's something missing...I don't know what, but I think I need to try to find it with....someone else, I guess... and believe me, this has nothing to do with you. You are an amazing person who deserves so much better. So please, Roman. I'm sorry. Please forgive me? We can still be friends?" Roman just sat in pure shock. Vigil noticed his expression changed very quickly as Roman went into thought. He looked so sad, so torn up. Virgil felt god awful for this. He truly did.
This couldn't be happening, could it? No...no it couldn't. This is all just a big prank that he's pulling. "Roman, please say something. Please?" Virgil pleaded. Roman just sat at the table, completely stunned. He could feel his heart breaking by the second. "Roman, I told you, it's all me, okay? This has nothing to do with you. I'm sorry Roman, I just...think that-" He was cut off by Roman scooting his chair back to stand.
"I get it Virge! You're not into me anymore! It's fine! I'm fine! You're fine! Everything's fine!" Roman could feel a lump in his throat start to form.
"Ro, I'm really sor-" he was once again cut off by Roman.
"There's no need to apologize! I'll be fine, see? I'm already smiling and over it!" Virgil knew he was lying. After all that time they'd spent together, he could read Roman like a book. He could see right through, and he knew Roman wasn't fine. He knew Roman wasn't okay. "Hey, since our little chat is over I might as well head up to my room now. I'll catch up with you later V!" Virgil tried to stop Roman, but he was too late. Roman dashed for the stairs, trying to get to his room without breaking.
That brings us back to our current situation. As memories flooded his mind, he tried to shove them back into his mind. He didn't want to remember. He didn't want to feel this heartaching pain. He couldn't stand to feel so empty. So lost. He knew his room and the house inside and out just like the back of his hand. And now he just feels confused. He feels so lost. Dammit, why did he have to do this to me?! He thought. "IT'S NOT FAIR! IT'S JUST NOT FAIR!" He yelled out, hugging himself even tighter. Everyone in the whole house looked to the stairwell concerned. Everyone was awake and downstairs at this point.
"What the hell-" Logan was cut off as he felt a gentle hand in his shoulder. It was Patton. He just shook his head and mouthed, "give him some time..." Logan only nodded. And just like that, as Roman was shattering, Virgil asked, "Hey Lo, can I talk to you? Alone?"
Logan nodded and they went into the kitchen. Virgil knew this moment wasn't right, but he couldn't hold back any longer. He was going to confess to Logan and hope for the best.
Phew! It's finally done! This took me about a few weeks but it's here! I'll be working on part two. I'm sorry for the cliffhanger! I hope this'll leave you hype for the next chapter! Hope you enjoyed!
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jungle321jungle · 5 years
Roman: ...And Virgil can be the goalie!
Virgil: Why am I the goalie?
Roman: Because you never let people in, in general. Now you just gotta do it with the ball too.
Virgil: Fuck you
Roman: Later, we’re in public... Unless you’re into that.
Virgil: I’m going to hurl from that mental image
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lem0ns-art · 5 years
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Lovesick!Roman and Yandere!Virgil are a match made in hell
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coconut-cluster · 5 years
SQUAD HC’S PART 2 (part 3 if you count the logicality/emile hc’s but whatever): DMITRI TIME BABEY
has an older half-sister, Camila, who’s studying abroad and doing humanitarian work in Puerto Rico. Dee would swordfight her in an abandoned parking lot if given the chance. He loves her more than life itself.
(She sends him letters from Puerto Rico every so often with updates on her work, stories, pictures, anything and everything. He keeps them all in a box - which he and ‘Mila painted with yellow ladybugs and lilies when they were younger - under his bed.)
his mom works as a nurse and is home latelatelate most nights
his dad works at a construction company, and he’s usually home by the time Dmitri is back from school, though sometimes he gets “caught up” and comes back later in the evening
his mom taught him how to cook - it’s something he actually loves, and though it’s something barely anyone knows about him, he’s taken most culinary classes available to him, especially at school - and she gave him a handmade book of latin-american recipes. she doodled and scrawled notes in the margins everywhere. 
He loves it! Musicals, plays, acting, tech, directing, all of it - he likes dancing the most - but he does Not like Shakespeare. 
(Thanks a lot, Mrs. Kavendisch from eighth grade. you ruined an entire author for him. hope you’re happy.)
[more under the cut]
Remy passes by the theater classroom one day while he’s skipping English when he sees Dmitri perched on the edge of the mock-stage, script in hand. Rem barges in immediately and makes an excuse about needing pens for his English teacher just so he can wave like an absolute dork at Dee, whose face turns bright red. 
(Remy does not leave until Dee waves back.)
aaaaaaand SPEAKING of Remy~
He punched Dmitri in the face - was it deserved? Absolutely. Did he in any way enjoy the bruise on his face for the next couple of days? Not particularly. Was he impressed? Maybe.
...yes. he was very impressed. it was a very good punch. 
And here’s the thing: Dmitri has never been a people-person. He’s a loner. He’s abrasive, he knows that, and kind of a jerk sometimes, and not very smart (in his own eyes), and not very outgoing, and even the kids in his theater classes aren’t too fond of him- the point is, he doesn’t have that many friends. 
So when the school sweetheart and his enigmatic best friend invite him over one day, despite his being a jerk and consequential being punched by said best friend, who has very nice hair, mind you, not that Dee notices or cares about that- well, he’s a bit shocked. 
Which is nothing compared to when Remy starts flirting with him.
Remy flirts with everyone, of course, so that fact itself isn’t what’s jarring - it’s just that people barely talk to Dmitri in general, so having the kid who punched him in the face not even two weeks earlier suddenly flirt with him, of all things, is indeed very shocking. 
And!!! the things is!!! Rem doesn’t flirt with Emile! Not really, anyway - there’s a few nicknames here and there, but that’s almost the entirety of it. But noooo, when Dee is around, Remy has nicknames and smirks and shoulder-bumps and arm-drapes and pickup lines he seems to think of on the spot which is not fair, because Dmitri can rarely even form a comprehensible sentence during normal conversations, let alone... whatever it is Remy does.
But aside from that! He and Remy actually get along really well, which surprising considering their first encounter. They’re both snarky, cynical, and loyal (almost to a fault), and they have a very similar taste in music. 
(Rem is delighted when he finds out Dmitri plays guitar- and suddenly Dee finds himself playing at a tiny coffee shop filled with gossipy old people and one very smug barista)
They also both have walls. Dmitri is not a sentimental person on the surface, and after just a few months of being his friend, he sees that Remy isn’t either. 
But when Dee finds him crouched in the alley where baristas at his work take their break, tears dripping from his face and onto his apron, Dee doesn’t ask. He just sets his guitar case against the wall, sits down beside his friend, and lets Remy’s head fall on his shoulder. 
They don’t say anything for a while. The sunset colors the sky gold and lavender - his dad is going to kill him when he gets back - and Dmitri wonders how long it’s been since Rem actually got off work, or if his boss just doesn’t care where he is.
Finally, Remy sniffs and gives a bitter chuckle. “Why does everything suck all the time?”
Dmitri has no idea what Rem is talking about specifically, obviously, but he imagines the shouting from his own parents’ room at night, the postcard from his sister - signed by her and her partner and a colorful, doodled flag - burning in the firepit after his father got the mail that day, the dirty looks from kids he passed in the cafeteria, and he has a feeling he gets Remy’s gist. 
“I wouldn’t say everything,” he says despite it all, huffing a dark curl out of his eyes. “I mean, I’m pretty great-”
“Oh, shut up.”
And he actually gets a laugh from Remy, which is a good step in his eyes, so he cracks a tiny smile. “Yeah, fine.” Remy shifts, head still on Dmitri’s shoulder, and Dee drapes an arm around his friend in some carefree semblance of a hug. “But what about Emile? You can’t deny his puffball radiance, Miego, and you know it.”
Remy gives a short hum. “True, true.” The alley falls quiet again, save for the buzzing of cars down the road. “I’m tired,” he adds in a murmur, voice devoid of its usual glamour, so quiet it nearly blends into the breeze.
“Me too.” Dee knows they’re not talking about sleep, but he still says, “Do you need a ride back home? It’s getting late.”
Remy hesitates - after a few seconds, he straightens up and gives a short, sharp nod. As Dee grabs his guitar case, Rem pushes his sunglasses up onto his head. 
It’s the first time Dmitri’s ever seen Remy’s eyes without a wall of shade - they’re a brilliant grey and almond-shaped and framed by dark fringe - and he maybe panics a little (just a little bit), just because he wasn’t expecting it, but (thankfully) Remy doesn’t seem to notice. He just swipes at any remaining tears and nods his glasses back down onto his nose. 
They get to Dee’s car - a rundown old thing that Camila gave him when she left - and ride in silence, but it’s comfortable, knowing and warm; when they reach Remy’s house, Remy sighs, elbows Dmitri lightly, and says, “Thanks, Dee.”
And Dmitri knows he isn’t talking about the ride. “No problem.” 
A tiny smile pulls at Remy’s mouth as he gets out of the car and disappears through his front door.
(They both have a lot of walls, but maybe a few bricks have been chipped. It’s enough for now.)
EMILE TIME! (and some actual Try Gays, lol)
The moment Emile invited Dmitri over to watch Avatar, Dee had a revelation that went something like, “Well, sh!t, guess I gotta protect him now”
He knows Emile is more than capable of standing up for himself when he wants to, of course, but it doesn’t stop the instinct. 
Emile is by far the mom friend of their group - he’s always fussing over when they ate, if they slept enough, did they bring an extra coat-
Is it annoying? Sometimes. Does Dmitri complain? He wouldn’t dare.
(Besides, sometimes it’s nice to have someone care about the little things.)
Em gets this... look  in his eyes sometimes, usually when he gets an idea or talks about something he loves, and it reminds Dee of Camila so, so much. 
Something Dmitri notices almost immediately about Emile Picani is just how much he is - he’s bubbly, and eccentric, and smart, and very talkative, ad he seems to care about anything and everything, which Dmitri can only imagine is exhausting, but Em is always full of energy. It’s a nice change for Dee and his quiet solitude. 
Dmitri meets Logan and Patton when he drops by to work on physics homework one day - Logan gives him a few skeptical glances, and Patton seems a bit hesitant, but when Emile brightens up and immediately starts babbling about the new Avatar movie, they both loosen up. 
(He brings spicy mangoes the next time he comes over. Patton gives him a hug.)
He actually meets the other two Try Gays on accident - he’s at the mall one weekend for new guitar strings when he sees Remy and Emile across the atrium, walking a few steps ahead of Roman and Virgil. Emile notices him and waves excitedly, beckoning him over - he shuffles to them and gives a small, two-fingered salute to the pair behind them. Virgil squints, but Roman gives a bright smile and waves before returning they both return to their conversation.
(Later, after Emile pulls them aside, Roman talks belatedly to him about theater kid life, and Virgil compliments his beanie. From their conversation and social habits, Dmitri is slightly confused on how and why they’re internet-famous.) 
((He likes them.))
OKAY it is ten o’clock and due to personal reasons im going into hibernation, thank you for your time
try gays taglist: @shootingace
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Sander Side quotes
Virgil: I wanna be taken out.
Roman: Like on a date or by a hit man??
Virgil: Either is fine.
Roman: *sits Virgil down at fancy dinner*
Virgil: Okay...
Roman: *Pulls out sniper*
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virgilantejustice · 5 years
Torn apart
Summery: Roman really should have been more careful last night.
Trigger warnings: One mention of a swear word, relationship problems, arguing
Im only just starting to write, so I would be super grateful for any feedback so I can make my content the best it can be!!
masterpost link
“Hey, I’m back!” Virgil heard the door slam with the usual amount of vigour that Roman usually slammed it with when he got home from work. But he couldn’t find it in him to make a sarcastic comment, for once.
He was stuffing cloths into a bag, and didn’t even look up when he heard the greeting. “Hey,” he said quietly, not stopping his packing.
Roman came into the bedroom with Virgil. He looked up at him. He had been keeping his tears at bay for this long, but seeing Roman smiling like that was filling him with- he didnt even know what these feelings were. “What’s the matter?” Roman asked, his bright, usual smile becoming a little more subdued.
Virgil looked up at him, his face blank. “Patton called earlier today, he had a lot to say.”
Roman’s smile brightened again. “Oh, your friend from school, how is he.” He looked so damn happy, it was infuriating.
“He was great, he was so excited.” Virgil snarled, glaring up at him with daggers coming from his eyes. He spat out the words like venom. Roman’s smile wavered, and concern entered his eyes.
“What about?” A slight tremor. Virgil’s lip began to tremble in anger, he was faking this, he had to be, he was lying.
Virgil looked away and continued to viciously shove clothes into his bag, pushing them down as if they had done this. “He called me to tell me that he was at the bar last night, and this guy came over to him and was flirting and everything, and the end of the night they kissed, and exchanged numbers. Then he told me this guys name.”
“Someone you know? Whats wrong?” Roman’s smile finally died completely, leaving a look of pure concern in its place.
Virgil was trembling with rage. He wouldn’t have minded quite so much if Roman had just told him the truth! He glared up at Roman, who’s face was a mix of fear and confusion. “He told me his name. He told me what he was wearing, what he looks like. Why did you do that to me?”
“What do you mean?!” Roman held his hands in front of him in what he must have perceived as a calming gesture, but it only intensified the red in Virgil’s eyes.
“They were wearing your clothes, and had your face, and had your name, I don’t think that there’s coincidence there, is there?” Virgil stood up. He may have been shorter than Roman, but when he was angry he had the presence of a bear.
“Hang on, Patton?” Roman was desperatley trying to peice it together in his head. “I was at a work do last night.”
“Where were you with work?” Virgil spat.
“At the bar…” The words died on Roman’s tongue.
Virgil sighed a strangled breath and stared at the carpet. “I don’t ask for much, Roman. I don’t ask for much!” He stared up at him, his eyes screwed up, but tears leaked through all the same. “All I ask for is a little bit of commitment! If that’s too much for you, you should just go. It’s been so long and still you’d do this to me?” He was almost shouting by he end, his voice wavering and cracking, his clenched fist banging against his chest.
“Listen, Virgil,” Roman said, holding up his hands. “I was so drunk last night I genuinely don’t remember what happened. I’m so sorry, please forgive me, please.” He took Virgil’s hands in his own and squeezed them gently. “Believe me I genuinely do not remember, I must have drunk too much, I’m sorry.” Virgil stared up at him, his lips slightly parted.
Roman came forward and wrapped his arms around him. This usually calmed him, but now it filled him with undeniable rage. “Get off me!” He snapped, shoving hard against Roman’s chest. Roman looked stunned, standing with his back against the opposite wall. “I have to go,” Virgil muttered, swinging his rucksack over his shoulder and turning his back.
“Where are you going?” Roman cried, reaching for his shoulder, but Virgil twisted away from his hand.
“My brother’s, I need some time to think about this.”
“Will you be back?”
“I need to think!” He slammed the door behind him.
As soon as Virgil had ring the doorbell, the door was opened. Virgil knew about his brother’s habit of running to the door and his lip quirked as his eyes met those of the man waiting on the other side.
“Hey, Lo.” He muttered to the floor. ‘Could I stay here for a couple of nights?“ He must have looked a sorry sight. It was raining, hard, and he was soaked through. He had had to walk half way over town. They only had one car.
"Of course,” Logan said, stepping aside to let him pass. “What’s going on?”
Virgil loped to the bathroom and grabbed a towel before flopping onto the sofa, face down. Logan strode over and placed a hand on his back, rubbing circles between his shoulderblades. Virgil was grateful for Logan, he never asked too many questions. Virgil turned his face to the side. “He fucked up, real bad, you have no idea.”
“How so?”
Virgil groaned and sat up, but didnt look at Logan, he just stared at his hands that were sitting in his lap. “You know Patton? My old friend school that I sometimes keep in touch with.”
“Yes?” Logan tilted his head to the side, as he always did when he was curious.
“He called me this morning.” Virgil swallowed, tears beginning to pool in his eyes before being vigerously wiped away. “Told me about how a guy flirted with him at the bar last night. They kissed.” He gulped, trying to swallow the lump in his throat. “It was Roman. Roman flirted with him.”
“Good lord.”
“He was at a work do at the same bar,” Virgil whispered, rubbing his eyes forcefully.
“Good lord,” Logan repeated, evidently unsure of what to say. “And you were in such a good place. Are you going to end it with him?” His words were hesitant. Understandable, Logan wasn’t always the best at comforting. That was usually Patton….
“I don’t know, I genuinely don’t know. What should I do?” Virgil gazed up at his brother, the desperation clear in his eyes, begging for- something. Some advice, some instruction, for someone to just tell him what to do. That would make it so much simpler!
“I don’t know either,” Logan sighed. “God knows I don’t know much about relationships.” He stared down at his hands, and a flicker of saddness crossed his face. They were silent for a moment, just listening to each others breathing, until Logan broke the quiet. “Why did you come here rather than Mom and Dad’s?”
“Well, for one you’re closer to my work, and two, I don’t wanna explain this to Mom.” Virgil let out a short, breathy laugh.
Logan’s lip quirked up into a smile. “I understand, she can be a little much sometimes.”
“Yeah.” Virgil paused for a moment, staring down at his sleeves. He managed to slow down his racing thoughts enough to pick one out, which he muttered quietly. “What if this is my fault?”
“What do you mean?” Logan asked, finally looking up from his hands.
“When you’re drunk youre supposed to act on what you want to do. What if I was pushing him away?” Virgil felt his own twisted logic tearing him apart and he began to tremble.
“Stop it, you’re being ridiculous.” Logan placed a hand softly on Virgil’s shoulder, his brow furrowed in concern.
“But what if I did, through?” His breathing began to quicken. “What if I didn’t show him enough affection? What if i was too harsh on him? What is this is nothing, and i overreacted?” Virgil could feel himself crumbling. He didn’t want to lose Roman, didn’t he? He didn’t know what to do, he didn’t know what he wanted!
“You’re being ridiculous.” Logan said sharply but kindly. “I’m sure he didn’t mean to hurt you. If he was at a work do he was probably incredibly intoxicated. I know he’d never mean to hurt you, but its okay if you want to stay here for a few nights.”
“Thanks,” Virgil breathed into his sleeves.
“Any time you need me, I’ll go make up the spare room for you.” Logan left, but when he got back, Virgil was already asleep on the couch. Logan quietly put a blanket over his shivering shoulders, and went to bed himself.
“Virgil? You’re back!” Roman spun around from where he had been arranging red roses in a vase on the table, his eyes as red as the petals that his trembling fingers had so delicately ghosted over.
“Yeah, I talked to my brother. He helped me see things more clearly.” He spoke hesitantly, piecing the words carefully together, like it was a puzzle that he hadn’t quite finished yet. “I’ve told you how much I need loyalty and commitment, and I think that no matter what happened last night, you still remember that.”
“Of course I do!” Roman ran towards him, stopping a few feet away. “Of course! I value you over anything!”
“I know.” Virgil muttered, his voice slightly hoarse. “So, it may take me awhile, but I think that we’re ok.” He looked up at roman, his eyes were glistening slightly, and bright smile filled his face.
“I love you so much!” Roman exclaimed, enveloping Virgil in a tight embrace. Virgil gently lifted his arms off his shoulder, then looked up from the ground to meet his eyes.
“I know” he whispered.
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sam-i-am-27 · 6 years
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I haven’t really thought of many details about them, but all I know is:
A) they’re gay. 
C) Roman is also shorter than Virgil (he’s standing on his tip-toes in this image).
D) Virgil has alchemy magic, Patton has healing magic, Logan has no magic, and Roman has defensive magic. 
E) I love how this came out.
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mycatsowner · 6 years
Ok but that part in the new Sander Sides vid
"But when you lo-cARE FOr someone...."
My heart
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butterflavoredbussy · 5 years
The sides as things my friends and I have said or done. [there all gonna be reblogged by me adding more unless it gets to hectic]
Patton: *walks Into art club with food from the vending machine* "I COME BEARING GIFTS AND SADDNESS"
Logan: "Okay, then what's my starsign, Virgil?"
Logan: "I'm a sagittarius, you cunt"
Patton: "what do you mean I'm wholesome"
Everyone: "😤💖💗💘💛💘❤💖❤🌵💛🥀🌵🥀🌷🐜🌿🌵🌼🌵⚘💙💛💘❤💖❤🧡💜💘💛💖💗🖤💛💙💓💘💛💜❤💖💗🖤💋💟💙💓💙💜🌿🌸🌷🌺🌿🌷⚘🌵😤"
Patton: "...that's stupid.."
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ravens-rambling · 6 years
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So I um.....MAY have fallen deeply in love with @breloomings fusion of Virgil and Roman and um...
Characters from @thatsthat24  
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rainbowplaidvirgil · 6 years
I’m a new sanders sides blog and I’m lookin for some friends, could i maybe get a reblog so people know I exist? Thanks!
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pluraljerma · 6 years
Thomas Sanders as something that happened to me today
Patton: Do they have 4th of July in Britain?
Logan: No. Forth of July is an American celebration.
Patton: So they go from the third to the fifth?
Logan: No they- *understanding* oh my god...
Logan: *gets up* I’m leaving
Patton, Roman, and Virgil: *losing their shit*
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