#pro chess league
pinejay · 5 months
rly gratifying to finally play beach with ppl i know from women's 9-man or indoor (so regular 6's) who play more grass, and finding out i can rly win against them at doubles. like these ppl might play organized grass tournaments all summer but i am really good at this beach thing. this guy i played with today said it's rly hard to read me he could not tell where i was going at all
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filmokosmos · 18 days
Tuntemattomat videopelit
Koskela - Journey, Limbo
Hietanen - Angry Birds
Rokka - Gears Of War
Rahikainen - Leisure Suit Larry
Vanhala - Disco Elysium
Määttä - Pro Pilkki
Kariluoto - Call Of Duty
Lahtinen - Civilization
Lehto - Grand Theft Auto 5
Lammio - Hearts Of Iron
Kaarna - Company Of Heroes
Sarastie - Command & Conquer
Salo - Finnish Army Simulator
Sihvonen - Ducktales
Riitaoja - Stardew Valley
Mäkilä - Don't Starve
Honkajoki - Portal, Minecraft, Sim City, 5D Chess jne.
Asumaniemi - Counter Strike
Ukkola - NHL
Hauhia - Fortnite, Overwatch, League Of Legends
Viirilä - Doom Eternal
Karjula - God Of War (2005)
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katsona-the-katsequel · 2 months
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Fate has spoken. Today we will have a Character Spotlight for...
Hifumi Togo
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Story Summary
Hifumi was born to Mitsuyo Togo and an unnamed father. Her name has the following meanings:
東 -> "east, oriental, tokyo."
郷 -> "village, hometown, rural area."
一 -> "one, single, alone."
二 -> "two, second."
三 -> "three, third, threefold."
Hifumi's father was a pro shogi player (more on that in the following section). He taught Hifumi how to play ever since she was little, using image training to help her learn the rules. This would later make Hifumi act like the queen of a kingdom whenever she played. Mitsuyo was a local TV announcer, but after her husband fell ill with an unnamed illness, she had to quit to take care of him. Mitsuyo began working at a nightclub (or someplace similar) to support her family, resenting shogi for the role it played in pushing her husband to the edge and ruining her own career.
Around the same time, Hifumi won a grade school shogi competition, making Mitsuyo realize that she could fulfill her dreams of fame and success through her daughter. Hifumi agreed only to help with the family finances. Mitsuyo began arranging photoshoots and interviews, as well as fixing matches, all to rise Hifumi's star higher. It was Mitsuyo's plans to slowly transition Hifumi from shogi to an idol career to gain more fame and prevent her from ending up like her husband. Hifumi was well aware of this, and had more than one fight with her mother.
With the help of her fixed matches, Hifumi won the female shogi league (possibly the Women's Meijin). This would lead to resentment from her fellow players, though believed to be because of jealousy, would be because they knew of the fixed matches. No one would want to play with Hifumi after that, and since her father's condition had worsened to the point he was unable to play, Hifumi was left only with a friendly priest as her shogi partner.
Enter Akira, who became Hifumi's student and second playing partner. Around this time, Mitsuyo arranged an exhibition match with an actual pro, telling her to lose to gain sympathy points from other women. Basically, she wanted to go for the "yass, girl!" route when Hifumi made her eventual comeback. Hifumi refused, having another fight with her mother.
After the Phantom Thieves changed Mitsuyo's heart, she told Hifumi about the fixed matches. Hifumi confessed the truth to the media before her exhibition match, and realized her true skill level when she got annihilated by her opponent. She was good, but she wasn't that good.
Hifumi made the decision to quit the Ladies Professional Shogi-players' Association and start over as an amateur.
Lost in Translation
How do you play shogi anyways? Is it like chess? Well...
Unlike chess, Black moves first. This also lets us know which "color" Hifumi favors, since she starts the game when Akira first meets her. You win by capturing the opponent's King. Each player gets 20 pieces which can be divided in stepping pieces (those that only move one square at a time), ranging pieces (can move any number of unobstructed squares in a line), and jumping pieces (can jump over other pieces to reach their destination). For those familiar with chess, we could assign the pawn as an example of a stepping piece, the rook as a ranging piece, and the knight as a jumping piece.
With shogi, the pieces are named as follows:
King: can move one square in any horizontal, vertical, or diagonal direction.
Rook: can move any number of squares in a horizontal or vertical direction. It can be promoted to a Dragon King, in which case it can move one square in any diagonal direction. That is one cool name for a piece.
Bishop: can move any number of squares in a diagonal direction. Can be promoted to a Dragon Horse, which then can move one square in any horizontal or vertical direction. I want to see a dragon horse.
Gold General: can move one square in any horizontal or vertical direction, or one square in a forward diagonal direction.
Silver General: can move one square in any diagonal direction, or one square straight forward. It can be promoted to a Gold General (see above).
Knight: can move one square straight forward followed by one square to either forward diagonal. It can also be promoted to a Gold General.
Lance: can move any number of squares straight forward. Another piece that can be promoted to Gold General.
Pawn: can move one square straight forward. Unlike in chess, it doesn't capture pieces by moving diagonally, only forwards. Can also promote to a Gold General, in which case the piece is called a "Tokin".
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Any pieces you capture become yours, and can be "dropped" back into the board. This is wild. Imagine you're about to win a match when a random piece appears between yours and the opposing King. I would flip the board.
Professional shogi is more intense and harder to get into than one might imagine. Chess relies on a ranking system depending on how many games you win or lose. Ranking in shogi starts at 15 kyu (basically a beginner). After that, one can ascend to 14 kyu, then 13 kyu, and so on until you reach 1 kyu. Then you can ascend to 1 dan, then 2 dan, and so on until you reach 6 dan. At this moment you stop being considered an amateur. Pros have their own rankings, allowing them to climb through their own dans up to 9 dan. In other words, a pro 1 dan would wipe the floor with an amateur 1 dan.
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There are many titles in professional shogi, but the most important one is that of Meijin. There are preliminary tournaments one must win to compete for the Meijin title. A player must be at least 15 years old and have had excellent results in amateur tournaments to qualify to take the exam to enter the Shogi Association. Said exam consists of different matches against other candidates, a match against a Shogi Association member, an essay, and an interview. Before 2021 you also needed to do a written exam. After all of that, the final decision on your admittance depends on a board of directors.
As of 2024, no woman has ever become an official pro player. Its because of reasons like these that the Ladies Professional Shogi-players' Association was founded, which Hifumi used to be a part of. I suppose now you understand how big her decision of starting over as an amateur truly was. Especially since Hifumi aims to become the first female pro player.
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Shogi has been declining in popularity over the years (follow the blue line). Nowadays there are less players than fans, which would explain why one of Hifumi's reasons for going along with her mother's plans was to help shogi become more popular.
Art Imitates Life
The inspiration for Hifumi's name, Katō is a retired pro shogi player who achieved the title of Meijin during his career. Katō is also a Catholic, which would explain why Hifumi usually hangs out at the church.
Kagawa is a woman's 4 dan shogi player who began her pro shogi career when she was 15 years old. Some consider that a great part of Kagawa's fame is due to her beauty, without considering her high rankings as a female shogi player.
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Though he gained fame after Persona 5 came out, Fujii is added to the list due to his amazing feats at such a young age. He became a pro at 14, won his first 29 games as a pro (breaking a new record), current holder of at least seven titles, and just last month became a Lifetime Kisei at 21. In fact, he defeated Katō in his debut game as a professional, which was huge news, considering Katō was one of the shogi players. Hifumi Togo might not be real, but at least a young player with a fiery passion for the game did help bring back some interest for shogi in Japan.
The Cards Will Tell
Hifumi shares an Arcana with Ulala, Rea, Mamoru, Akihiko, and Teddie. Hope is the main force behind this card. No Star will be winning any "social expert" prizes anytime soon, but their relentless spirit gets them through. The main purpose of the protagonist is to help the Stars figure out what they truly want in life, which reflects on Hifumi's conflict over her shogi career. Does she really like shogi or is it just a way for her to earn money? Should she continue playing shogi or should she get a job to support her family? Is she any good at shogi at all?
Hifumi decides to set her sights on the title of Meijin, and with renewed hope for the future, shoots for the stars. Hifumi rejects any façades and deceptions by revealing the truth of her fixed matches, showing everyone her true skills during the exhibition match. In a way, the entire match was a way to say "this is who I really am".
Hifumi even confesses that if she'd gone with her mother's vision, she would have started to resent shogi, becoming disengaged and basically becoming a Reversed Star. Akira had to help her reconnect with her passion and remind Hifumi why she liked it in the first place.
Favorite Moments
Whenever Hifumi began to get intense while playing shogi. I would love to see an entire shogi match with Hifumi talking through it.
Not shown onscreen, but when Hifumi chose to reveal the truth of the fixed matches. Doing something like that takes a FUCK TON of guts. Especially before an important match.
Personal Headcanons
The reason Hifumi is fond of a specific katsu curry from a specific restaurant is that it was the place her father used to take her to celebrate whenever she won a match. This would parallel with the hotel buffet Mitsuyo usually takes her to which Hifumi doesn't like all that much
Hifumi is the one in charge of cooking in her house, since her father is too ill and her mother never learned. She's not that good, but she gets by. Whenever she can't cook due to shogi matches, they order takeout.
Hifumi really enjoyed teaching Akira, so she decided to start shogi classes for little kids and expand the game's popularity. The kids love her due to her chunibyo tendencies. Whenever she's playing against them, Hifumi is the definition of "almost threw hands with a 13 year old".
Further Reading
GNU Shogi Manual. https://www.gnu.org/software/gnushogi/manual/Index.html#SEC_Contents
Japan Shogi Association. Female Shogi Player Database. https://www.shogi.or.jp/player/lady/40.html
Monthly News. (2004) The Girl Who Hopes to Become a Professional Shogi Player. https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/archives/news/04-12/shogi.html https://web-japan.org/kidsweb/archives/news/04-12/shogi.html
Sensei's Library. (2024). Meijin. https://senseis.xmp.net/?Meijin
The Guardian. (2017). Japan's love of shogi reignited thanks to 14-year-old record-breaker. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2017/jun/27/japans-love-of-shogi-reignited-thanks-to-14-year-old-record-breaker
The Japan Times. (2016). Boy, 14, breaks record for youngest pro ‘shogi’ player. https://web.archive.org/web/20160905133404/http://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2016/09/04/national/boy-14-breaks-record-youngest-pro-shogi-player/#.V810V3bgozY
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redpenship · 6 months
what's your opinion on the integration of the ufbl and mbl? some are saying that the mobians have an unfair advantage when batting due to being shorter and having a better angle on the ball, and that the humans have an advantage by being able to sprint faster.
do you think this will negatively affect professional baseball overall? or is integration of the species good for the popularity of the sport?
This is very bad for baseball. I was pretty surprised to read about the integration going through, but then again the UFBL loves shooting itself in the foot so I don't know why I expected any different.
Let's be real: no one watches the MBL because it's good baseball. Their fields are poorly maintained and they have no age restrictions on players or umpires. We all remember that time a six year-old umpire cried when a coach yelled at him for making a bad call. It's gruesome to watch sometimes. But people still tune in. Why?
The MBL allows chaos-affected individuals to play. Have you ever seen a mouse with super strength hit the ball so hard it landed 10km away? It's fucking awesome. Most of their games are absolute chaos. Nothing is more entertaining than watching them try to overpower each other with stacked teams.
Now, this merger is banning Mobian players from using their powers during the game. The only reason to watch the MBL is being taken away. On average, Mobians tend to be a bit weaker than humans. As you said, they're shorter and tend to be a bit slower on their feet. I don't know how they're supposed to compete without their powers. The leagues seem to have realized this and will be mandating species diversity quotas so the teams are always at least 14% Mobian. A significant portion of pro baseball will now be weaker because of league mandates. It's incredibly stupid.
What is this supposed to accomplish? None of those stupid furries have money anyways so it's not like they're going to be spending on merchandise. Is it supposed to teach their kids that they can accomplish anything regardless of their background? Yeah, okay, I'm sure watching people who look like them get their asses kicked on national TV will boost their confidence. Like, what were they thinking going through with this?
I'm sure they'll realize their mistake by the end of the season. Unfortunately, our politically correct society will never let them revert their decisions. All these moronic liberals and leftists will never understand that true egalitarianism is best achieved when we segregate leisure activities based on perceived biological differences. Next you're going to tell me that they want to integrate the chess leagues, too. Give me a break.
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ao3-oner · 3 months
hello just wanted to thank you for feeding me super-rare-pair rulehends and summoner's id is like so cute?? also i really enjoy how you capture each pro-player's rl personality almost exactly right like yes they would definitely say that... and then you add the fictional bits and they're so fun to read
Hi, and thank you so much for reading/enjoying/reaching out!
While I don't think I'll ever be in the running for the title of World's Biggest RuLehends Fan (there are a number of super devotees out there - though our ship is small, its support is mighty!), the pairing is certainly very near and dear to my heart. Their dynamic is honestly super fun to write, and they live in my head as rent-free as Siwoo does in Jaehyuk's. I'm especially glad that you liked Summoner Id because it falls cleanly into the category of 'fics I just wrote on a whim', so I'm always glad when stories like that turn out okay. I actually posted a chapter 2 for that fic just now, so if you're interested, please go and read!
Also, thank you so much for complimenting my characterizations of the LCK gang! I think my favorite part of writing RPF has been the few moments when I've doubted the way that I write a certain character only for the real life player to go and reinforce my interpretation. I have two specific examples of this:
In "Facecheck", I almost removed Oner saying 'Wassup?' while proofreading before resolving to keep it in because even if it wasn't 100% in-character, it was funny. Literally one week later, the official T1 English subtitles on one of his streams featured him saying "Wassup", and I instantly felt so validated.
In chapter 1 of MSI, I have Lehends say "The kid [Peyz] is cracked at chess." Upon rereading the fic, I was a bit hesitant about it because I felt like I might have prescribed my own dialogue mannerisms onto Lehends's character too much. Later, I watched a GenG vod on YouTube in which Lehends looked at Peyz's League winstreak and said - a direct quote from the official English subtitles - "Peyz is cracked at this game."
In short, with RPF, you can have these amazing moments of "Not only would he fucking say that, he did fucking say that," and that is one great joy of this fandom.
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hirookouji · 6 months
see now i cant stop thinking about a manga or a show about pro sports. real sports already has enough drama as it is. now imagine ur a writer and u can toy with all of this and making everything go to ur plan to tell a perfect story. i'd go fucking feral.
i am guessing it would be tough to make because while u can always make up some random high school, most pro sports leagues r already fully established and u cant really just drop a new fake team into that. you'd probably have to craft a whole NEW fake sports league and itd have to be on the national scale.... but hey if fucking queens gambit can do it for chess, somebody should take the hit and do it for another sport
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female-buckets · 9 months
re: transitioning fans from college to wnba -- what do you think the wnba could do better. I agree whatever it is they're doing now isn't working
I'm from Tucson so am most familiar with University of Arizona wbb. Aari McDonald smashed school records and revitalized our entire wbb program before going to the Dream 3rd overall. the demographics of the fanbase (lesbians, retired people, retired lesbians) completely flipped (tons more students and young families on top of the regulars), but that didn't translate to them becoming Dream fans. Even as a Mercury fan, I don't keep track of what she's doing beyond games she plays against the Mercury. There was more UofA excitement for Sam Smith even though she mostly rode the bench for the Mercury while she was up there.
it seems like part of it is people wanting that "local" identity of supporting a familiar player in a familiar place where they can see them play in person, but that's just a guess based on what I've seen in my small corner
The local hero effect definitely does bring fans!
Besides lesbians and sporty parents, the other WNBA audience is basketball geeks. And that's the category that's easiest to expand. If the WNBA emphasized and promoted that side of things, it would bring in more people.
Think about how many people watch professional chess streamers. Millions. Millions! To watch and enjoy chess, you have to study it at least a little bit. And millions of people study chess just for the sake of watching professionals play. There's no dunking in chess. But millions of people find it exciting to watch because they studied chess a little so they feel involved.
Basketball is like chess. There are only a dozen different plays yet every single game is different. I think the WNBA should be marketed as the league for nerds. The WNBA should provide everything a nerd could ever want. Analysis, scouting, explanations of different strategies. They can even teach the lingo and slang pros use to talk about all this. Then they can have pros chat about it naturally without having to dumb it down. No other league does that and it would set the WNBA apart. They should make all that fun and accessible for someone new to basketball. But also there should be enough depth to keep a hoops nerd interested. People say if you want to learn the game of basketball, watch the WNBA, not the NBA. So let's lean into that and teach the game.
Chess streamers didn't get views through fashion and lifestyle branding. They got viewers by teaching basic chess strategy. People want to feel smart and involved.
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drivestraight · 4 months
do you care about/pay attention to any other sports besides f1?
does pro chess count.
otherwise i mean i loosely keep up with (american) football and i had a premier league moment last spring but. not really.
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laresearchette · 2 months
Thursday, August 08, 2024 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
DISNEY + STAR ARE YOU SURE?! (Season 1, two-episode premiere)
ESPN THE OCHO!!!!! (TSN2) 1:00am: Freestyle Trampoline 1:30am: Axe & Knife Throwing 2:00am: 2023 World Jump Rope Championship 3:00am: Rubik’s Cube 4:00am: 2024 Teqball World Series 5:00am: Viii Sports National Championship 6:00am: Omegaball 7:00am: 2024 Pro Breaking Tour Invitational 7:30am: ZoneBall Clash 8:00am: 2022 Speed Chess Championship 8:30 am: UNAA 9:00am: Ultimate Tire Wrestling 9:30am: OneWheel World Championship 10:00am: Waiter and Waitress Competition 10:30am: Kickball Championship 11:30am: Carjitsu Championship 12:00pm: Beard and Mustache Competition 12:30pm: ProSayuita SUP Open 1:00pm: 2024 Pop-A-Shot National Championship 2:00pm: Battle of the Buoy 2 2:30pm: Microsoft Excel World Championship Finals 3:00pm: 2024 AWA Wiffle Ball All-Star Game 4:00pm: Roofball World Championship 4:30pm: 2024 Major League Paintball - Atlantic City Open 5:00pm: 2023 National Putting Tour Final 6:00pm: 2024 Adult Big Wheel Races 6:30pm: National Beach Tennis Invitational 7:00pm: USA Dodgeball All-Star Showcase 8:00pm: 2024 World Dog Surfing Championship 8:30pm: Slippery Stairs 9:30pm: 2024 Corgi Races 10:00pm: Major League Table Tennis Championship 11:00pm: FlingGolf All-Star Skills Championship
2024 SUMMER OLYMPICS (CBC) 4:00am: Athletics (SN) 4:50am: Olympic Morning (TSN/TSN4) 5:00am: Olympic Games (CBC) 7:00am: Morning (CBC) 7:30am: Canoe Sprint (CBC) 8:00am: Morning (CBC) 9:00am: Men’s Diving (CBC) 10:30am: Morning (CBC) 11:00am: Track Cycling (SN/TSN) 12:00pm: Olympic Daytime (CBC) 1:30pm: Athletics (CBC) 4:30pm: Prime (CBC/SN/TSN/TSN4) 7:00pm: Olympic Primetime (CBC) 12:00am: Late Primetime (CBC) 1:30am: Marathon Swimming (Friday)
NATIONAL BANK OPEN (SN Now) 11:00am: Women's Grandstand Coverage (SN Now) 11:00am: Men's Court Rogers Coverage (SN360) 12:30pm: Women's Day Session (SN1) 12:30pm: Men's Day Session (SN360) 7:00pm: Women's Evening Session (SN1) 7:00pm: Men's Evening Session
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 6:30pm: Orioles vs. Jays (SN Now) 7:00pm: Angels vs. Yankees
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN/TSN5) 7:30pm: Roughriders vs. Redblacks
THE SUMMIT AUSTRALIA (Discovery Channel Canada) 8:00pm: The group learns about a chaser racing to catch them, so will need to step it up a gear if they want to avoid their cash being stolen; a terrifying obstacle stands in their way and two of the biggest competitors go head to head.
THE GREAT POTTERY THROW DOWN (Makeful) 8:00pm: Four semifinalists brave the infamous toilet challenge; feeling the adrenalin rise as guest judge and prestige ceramic artist Lee Price offers up a bathroom-themed surprise second challenge.
LEAGUES CUP (TSN3) 8:30pm: TBD (TSN3) 10:30pm: TBD
LEGO MASTERS AUSTRALIA (Discovery Canada) 9:45pm: Explosion in Motion
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Fern by RatSatan
It hurt but Izuku realized if he hadn't learned the hard truth before All Might told him he would've had to learn the hard way that there's no way a quirk less person can be a hero. (A few loopholes later) Fern is a well known vigilante known for speaking up for the discriminated and the homeless and is trying to make a change in a prejudiced world.
Words: 391, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: BnHA
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Original Characters, Shinsou Hitoshi, Shinsou Hitoshi's Family, Hatsume Mei's Family, Hatsume Mei, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Bakugou Katsuki, Bakugou Katsuki's Parents, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Pro Heroes, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Class 1-H, Sludge Villain, League of Villains, Nedzu, Past One For All Users, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Additional Tags: Quirkless Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless Discrimination, Quirk Discrimination, Vigilante Midoriya Izuku, Quirkless People with Extra Toe Joints Wear Custom Sneakers | Red Shoe Theory, tokoyami with ofa, maybe bakugo redemption idk, Nervous Midoriya Izuku, Socially Awkward Midoriya Izuku, most characters act like their normal selves, basically everyone is traumatized, how tf do tags work, idk, Vigilante Hatsume Mei, Vigilante Shinsou Hitoshi, Vigilante Original Character, Genderfluid Character, some of them have my music taste, Yagi Toshinori | All Might Bashing, actions have consequences, Midoriya Izuku Does Not Have One for All Quirk, ~TRAUMA~, People have depression, General Education Department Midoriya Izuku, General Education Department Shinsou Hitoshi, General Education Department Mineta Minoru, Traitor Mineta Minoru, Traitor Aoyama Yuuga, Mineta Minoru Bashing, Breaking the Fourth Wall, Dead Mineta Minoru, it'll make sense later, Bullying, Fuck Aldera all my homies hate Aldera, can we get someone to burn aldera to the ground, Arson, i'm just going off mixing up multiple stories with what i want to write, Sadistic Nedzu, nezu's sadistic tendencies are good sometimes, midoriya plays chess online, midoriya played fnaf, idk anything about fnaf, shigaraki plays fnaf, shigaraki is gamer, maybe shigaraki redemption, who tf knows at this point, Trans phobia, Transphobic families, inko doesn't support midoriyas dream of being a hero, Midoriya Dislikes All Might, slightly suicidal midoriya, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor Bashing, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor's Bad Parenting
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48768946
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autumn-foxfire · 2 years
OH SHOOT!!! Now that I'm seeing my own ask and you answer it, do you think that was a bad response for Hawks?!?!? Oh my god. What if that's what gave him away. The fact that Hawks really could have been hanging out with Endeavor that day. Dabi knows he was expecting the attack to be tomorrow. Dabi KNOWS he was accusing Hawks to cover his own ass, but when Hawks confirmed it? That he was intending to bring Endeavor? (Not directly, but it's the same meaning. It was when Dabi says "we're both a little guilty" that they're now on the same level here, so talking is a little more safe, presumably. Though what Dabi's guilty of isn't what he sells it as. I can't tell if Hawks' "I thought you'd be thrilled to inflict that kind of damage on him" is meant to be read as him admitting Dabi was right in his assumptions or as a way to say "why are you angry at me over this? shouldn't you be happy you got to damage the No.1?" Both maybe.) It's also not the best line imo, because it implies Hawks was lowkey expecting the Nomu Dabi brought to be strong enough to damage Endeavor. But really honestly, I could give myself a headache going over the Pros and Cons of everything. This is why I'm not a spy, because everything that's a good save will always come with something someone can pry into if they overthink.
Anyways, back to what I was saying earlier. At that point, that was no longer a simple hangout Dabi intruded upon. It was a very real scheme, and tells him Hawks was planning this early. Of course it's understandable that even to bring someone "kinda strong" he'd need to lead them into it instead of just dragging someone there on the day of, but Dabi doesn't underestimate people once he knows they're clever. And Hawks couldn't exactly cover himself by saying he didn't let anyone die because he didn't know if this attack was because he got exposed or if it was Dabi's Nomu attacking, because he'd never seen it before. That would end up telling Dabi that Hawks is essentially saying he'll only let people die if it's a League attack aka to butter up to them, not in any other scenario where he'd be willing to risk lives just cause he's a corrupt hero tired of his job and wants to sincerely leave and join them + sure as hell can't mention his concern over being exposed! Obvs. These two's double crossing secret conversations are so riveting, you really have to psycho-analyze their words, which things they respond to, which claims from the other person they try to work around and ignore. It's so good but so frustrating for my poor brain lol
Dabi and Hawks were playing 5D chess while we are all just trying to understand XD Maybe we're giving them too much credit but I've always loved smart interactions between characters, battles of wits are just as entertaining as battles of strength.
It's interesting how much this single interaction told each other so much about the other and how that impacted their interactions going forward. I definitely think Hawks response gave away more of his intentions than he wanted to reveal but so did Dabi's.
Ah, this is reminding me why I loved Hawks and Dabi's dynamic.
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 2 months
fool me once fool me twice
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3zwsbdu by the_virgang Bakugo Katsuki isn't naive enough to believe that hero society is perfect. Hell, between the rigorous training Best Jeanist and Eraserhead put him through during his time at U.A. to witnessing All Might's fall from grace firsthand, he knows that his job as pro hero Dynamight would pose some challenge to the resilient norms shoved down his throat during his childhood. Yet, the arrival of a redheaded shark toothed rookie underneath his care leaves him questioning everything as they work together to unwind the mystery surrounding the insurgence of villain attacks and the dark past of the Hero Commission itself. And all that remains in the forefront of Bakugo's mind in a slippery game of life-or-death chess is who's the pawn and who's the hero? Words: 841, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga) Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/M, M/M, Multi Characters: Kaminari Denki, Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Sero Hanta, Hakamata Tsunagu | Best Jeanist, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Jirou Kyouka, Shinsou Hitoshi Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina/Sero Hanta Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Mystery, Bakugou Katsuki Swears A Lot, Pro Hero Bakugou Katsuki, Infiltration, Relationships will be added as i go - Freeform, shiggy and the league don't attack during the UA days, pro hero rookie kirishima and sero, Pro Hero Ashido Mina, Villain Kaminari Denki, hero socciety is fucked... for now, Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/3zwsbdu
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rginfotechjpr · 3 months
Fantasy App List In India: The Best 15 Real-Money Apps!
In today’s digital world, earning extra income through smartphone apps has become very common. Whether through games, surveys, or real-money investments, there’s a custom app for all user needs.
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The Indian fantasy sports market is poised for substantial growth, expected to achieve a compound annual growth rate(CAGR) of 20.88% from FY2-024 to FY 2031. Starting with USD 751 million in FY 2023, the real-money gambling sector is aiming to reach USD 3.54 billion by FY 2024.
Revenue Generation Model For Real Money Apps
Fantasy game apps in India use various models to generate revenue to sustain operations and incentivise users such as advertising (via clicks and impressions), partnerships and collaborations (for referral bonuses), subscription fees (for premium features), transaction charges (on purchases/withdrawals), data monetization (selling anonymized user data), and affiliate marketing (earning commissions from third-party referrals). These strategies ensure sustained operations and user engagement.
What are the top 15 real money-earning apps?
Take a look at these top 15 fantasy sports real-money-earning apps of 2024:
Real11: It’s a user-friendly platform for virtual teams and cash rewards. It offers simple registration and withdrawals.
BalleBaaz: This top fantasy cricket platform offers lucrative rewards and a user-friendly interface.
Howzat: It provides exciting fantasy games of all popular sports. The app consists of easy registrations, real-time updates, and easy withdrawals.
MyTeam11: It provides effortless entry into fantasy sports with cricket, baseball, football, and more. Attractive rewards and seamless withdrawals.
Vision11: It ensures smooth withdrawals via bank transfers, Paytm cash, or digital wallets. Diverse sports options and a lag-free interface.
HalaPlay: Diverse contest options with simple registration and bonuses. You can get a minimum withdrawal threshold and multiple payment options.
My11 Circle: Teams for cricket, football, kabaddi, and basketball. Generous sign-up bonuses and widespread popularity.
Paytm First Games: you will get a wide selection of games with a user-friendly interface. It also includes high referral rewards and less withdrawal threshold.
Gamezy: Multi-language support with diverse games. It includes various contests and bonuses.
BatBall11: This app focuses on cricket with various contest styles and withdrawal methods.
Playerzpot: This platform covers cricket, basketball, and more sports with engaging contests and a large user base.
MPL (Mobile Premier League): This offers chess, rummy, poker, and quizzes for cash rewards. It also includes welcome offers and easy monetary transactions.
Dream11: India’s first fantasy sports platform with multiple sports and welcome bonuses and rewards.
GoSuper11: Virtual teams in football, cricket, and basketball. Addictive gameplay and seamless interface.
Nostra Pro Fantasy App: This app contains prediction-based games for various sports with cash prizes and leaderboard positions.
These apps offer diverse gaming experiences and opportunities to earn actual money through fantasy sports and games.
Tax On Real-Money-Earning Apps In India
In India, online real-money-earning apps are taxed under Section 194BA of the Income Tax Act. Earnings exceeding Rs 10,000 from these apps are classified as "income from other sources," subject to a 30% Tax Deducted at Source (TDS). This deduction applies to cash winnings, while non-cash games remain exempt from taxation.
Hire a fantasy app developer: Reasons to choose!
Here we present some compelling reasons why it’s advantageous to work with a reputable app development business to hire a fantasy app developer:
Industry Experience: Developers specializing in creating fantasy sports apps bring valuable knowledge of the industry and an understanding of the unique demands and challenges of this niche.
Customization: They offer personalized solutions with unique features, branding elements, and effective monetization strategies to meet specific user needs and preferences.
Technical Skills: You should hire experts in programming languages and frameworks. Real-money-earning app developers ensure the creation of robust, scalable, and error-free applications.
Time Efficiency: Skilled developers streamline app development, reducing time to market and enabling companies to capitalize on market opponents promptly.
Focus on Core Operations: Outsourcing app development allows companies to optimize resources and expertise.
These apps cater to diverse preferences in fantasy sports, offering a range of sports, attractive rewards, and a seamless user experience with easy withdrawal options.
To know things in detail, visit here: https://bit.ly/fantasyapplist
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notable-phlyarologist · 9 months
okay okay okay listen. with the death of the overwatch league i have been thinking about esports, conceptually. like, a lot of game companies try to push and present esports things in the same mold as other american pro sports, football and shit, trying to drum up those kinds of eyeballs and that kind of spectacle, and it all goes to shit for the same reasons competitive chess doesnt have superbowl coverage. the abstraction makes it difficult for amateurs to understand a lot of the skill being shown off, and the high-production professionally commentated what-have-you withers on the vine
but there is one *wildly* successful esports event that is absolutely huge and shows no signs of slowing down. Games Done Quick. more ramble under the cut
AGDQ and SGDQ are absolutely huge and amazing and its made wonderfully easy for a layperson to grasp so long as they have touched a game at some point in their life. the commentary to explain the intricate strategies, the cheerful and cooperative nature of speedrunners explaining their tricks, the communal nature of it all-- speedrunning is not only the best esport its an amazing sport, period.
theres a couple things i attribute this to. see, the sports that get people the most excited are the ones you can just pick up and play casually. everyone in america has tossed a pigskin around. everyone everywhere has kicked a football. throwing a baseball is so quintessentially american that it comes free with your nuclear family fathership template. and that means that pretty much everyone has tried this stuff, at least a little, and so when they see pros on the tv kicking ass they can contextualize that ass-kicking!
most of those big company esports pushes are, of course, of the Game they produce. they want you to specifically play This Game, and only This Game players will understand what the heck a jungle is or the intricacies of a dive comp. conversely speedrunning is just any game. you can do it with anything. you dont even have to be speedrunning a game you can speedrun, like, ms paint or whatever, because everyone, *everyone* understands go fast = good. and that makes the people who go really fast, the people who love a game enough to claw their way up the leaderboard, instantly seem impressive. and it only gets more so when you wind up seeing crazy glitches showcased with wrong warps and BLJs and all.
see? it even has sport jargon
but we dont-- or at least the people in my vicinity dont think of it as a sport, because its not, like, tournaments and teams and stuff. as though the arbiter of real sportshood is if coca cola pays fifty billion dollars to advertise during halftime. speedrunning doesnt have the colloquial appearance of a pro sport, but it absolutely is and i will die on this hill. also the stories that come out of speedrunning are as crazy as stories that come out of other pro sports which is the real benchmark, anyway.
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jamesholck12 · 1 year
The Rise of Esports: A Revolution in Competitive Gaming
Esports, which stands for electronic sports, has taken the world to the forefront in recent times altering the nature of online gaming. There is no longer a time when video games were merely an entertainment activity; now they are a legitimate sport, complete with top players, huge tournaments, as well as a dedicated worldwide fan base. Esports has not only captured the hearts and minds of fans, but it has also attracted the attention of major corporates, investors and traditional sports associations. In this piece we look into the world of esports by exploring the rapid growth of the sport as well as the issues it is facing as well as the effect that it is having over the gaming industry and beyond.
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Esports, in its simplest form, involves professional gamers competing in video games of various types, typically in organized leagues and tournaments. Though competitive gaming has been around from the beginning of arcade cabinets and home consoles The turning point in esports came with the advent of online multiplayer gaming, as well as live streaming platforms like Twitch. The platforms made it possible for players to broadcast their gameplay in front of a large audience around the world, laying the foundation for the emergence of esports as spectator sports.
Esports gamers, sometimes called "pro gamers," are the foundation of this phenomena. They dedicate their time working on their skills improving their reflexes and implementing strategies that are comparable to the strategies of grandmasters of chess. The regimen of training and discipline required are on par with any traditional sport, dispelling any notion that games on video can be viewed as a leisure activity. This group of athletes play at the highest levels with their team and countries with pride. To gather new information kindly go to www.phoneswiki.com/best-fps-games/
Nowadays, the esports business is an enormous financial success that is predicted to exceed $3 billion in 2025. This booming growth can be attributable to multiple streams of income. Advertising and sponsorship deals are coming in from both native (related with gaming) and non-endemic organizations (from other industries than gaming). The partnerships have resulted in anything from jerseys with branded teams and commercials for important tournaments.
Despite the fact that it has been a huge success, it is not without its set of issues and controversy. Issues such as player burnout, performance-enhancing drugs, and allegations of cheating have plagued the industry. The fast growth of the industry has raised concerns about sustainability, with questions arising about the long-term survival of some games or organisations. Esports has also been grappling with issues regarding diversity and inclusion and is currently working to build an open and inclusive community for all gamers. This kind of challenge is element of the development of all sports, and how esports navigates them will shape its future.
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The esports industry continues to change it's future is more promising than ever. Traditional sports franchises are increasingly investing in esports teams, creating a blurring of the two worlds. Educational institutions are offering scholarships to esports athletes, and recognizing their potential to make a career within the field. Esports arenas and training facilities are currently being constructed across the globe offering players the latest infrastructure to develop their skills. Further, virtual reality and augmented reality are poised to revolutionize the spectator experience by providing fans with immersive opportunities to interact with their most loved games.
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thestoryreadingape · 1 year
How to Quick Pitch Your Book in a DoorDash World - by Ruth Harris…
on Anne R. Allen: We all live under the lash of the digital clock and the tyranny of the time stamp. It’s not just us, it’s everyone everywhere — Fast food and even faster fashion. Pro chess players have 2 minutes to make their moves. On each move 12 seconds is added to the time they have remaining on the clock. A pro tennis player has 25 seconds to serve. Major league pitchers have 15 seconds to…
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