#pro prat
animal-creature · 10 months
Our contribution to the pro prat kitty cat
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del3tingalltracez · 4 months
Not a confession but can anyone give tips on how to do radqueer activism pls..
we dont do much rq activism but heres some things we suggest
anonymous activism:
write small notes around school and other places you go to, such as like, "the future is radqueer" "pro rq!" "🌈🍓" etc etc
leave cards around with links to radqueer/transid/etc sources
make rq crafts and put them around
non-anonymous activism:
speeches, essays, stuff like that
handing stuff out to people
putting up your identities for the world to see
telling friends, family, etc about radqueers
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sourisking · 9 months
how to avoid becoming/getting back into any harmful community
go offline (seriously. Online is not necessary)
block tags and block people. (Your online safety does not have to cater to others I promise)
Follow unrelated tags to drown it out (like art tags, Uhm… gardening?)
Get hobbies (seriously, distract yourself if possible!)
anyone else feel free to add on (or don’t idc)
Also: things like discourse can be addictive and detrimental to one’s health, remember to put yourself first!
uhm… this is probably not gonna get much traction but this is also kind of a me thing so yea :3
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inuette · 9 months
Official (Anti) RQ Archive
[PT: Official (Anti) Radqueer Archive. END PT. ]
 Last Updated (DD/MM/YY): 08/01/24. This archive will be updated over time, so make sure to check back regularly if you can! If you have anxiety regarding opening links, no worries! All these posts are archived under our "archived" & resources tags.
Anti-RQ Terms/Flags
'PRAT' meaning
'Fluffy Para'
'Atypical Dysphoria Awareness' (Creator Boundary)
Reclaimed Transage, Transracial (Adoptee), Transspecies and Transabled Flags
Reclaimed Transabled Flag 2 + Symbol
BIID Flag + Symbol
RQ Terms/Flags
'Faux Cult'/'Fult' and Flags
Other Terms
'Xenosatanism' and Xenosatanist Flags
The Angel's Web "Fult"
'Not All Radqueers'
Initial 'Fult' PSA
"The Ezra Files" (Content/Trigger Warning: (Pro-C) Pedophilia, Incest, Bestiality, Zoosadism, Toddler/Baby Abuse, Grooming, CSEM Trading, Rape, Abduction, Admissions Of CSA, Admissions Of Incest, Admissions Of Bestiality…)
TransN*zi Symbols
Other Resources
What IS A Radqueer? Why Are They Bad?
RQ Original Coining Info
RQs are a Cult
RQs and Stochastic Terrorism
The Insult of 'Cisdisabled'
BIID and RQ Grooming
RQ '2024 Calendar'
Talk of Atypical Dysphoria
WHY Misuse of Transrace and the term 'Trace' are Bad
Talk of "Transautism"/being "Transautistic"
You Cannot 'Coin' A Medical Disorder/Talk of "MUDs"
Intrusive Thoughts About =/= Actually Believing in Them
'I have intrusive thoughts about ...' isn't a 'Valid' Excuse
Transitioning When It Comes To TransIDs and TransX Identities
Transethnic People Aren't Valid (Focuses on East Asians & Koreans)
There Are Better Ways to Cope with Atypical Dysphoria
Why Arissomei/Arissodic is its Own Term
Racial Hierarchy and Being "Trace"/"Transracial"
Blackface is Blackface — Your "Intent" Doesn't Matter
Alternative (Non-TERF Rhetoric) Anti-Radqueer Arguments
Suibaiting Radqueers ISN'T Okay
If You're Thinking of Leaving the RQ Community
'Cracker' is Not a Slur
Suibaiting RQs isn't Welcome Here
Radinclus does NOT Mean Radqueer
Misusage of Languages in RQ Spaces
Reporting a RQ for Inciting Violence
(Fighting Against) RQs Rebranding Terms as 'RQ Terms'
Coping with Atypical Dysphoria
Getting Out and Staying Out Of the Community
General Tips
Reaffirmation of Why RQs are Bad (TWs included in the post)
BIID (Body Integrity Identity Disorder) =/= Radqueer (Affirmation)
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rwuffles · 5 months
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pt: anti-contact paraphile. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a general flag for all anti-contact paraphiles. this was a very personal thing for me & i hope other people can resonate with it as well. the dark purple represents the darker & negative sides of having paraphilias as well as harmful ones , the blue-purple represents community & solidarity , the magenta represents the positive & good sides of having paraphilias and the non-harmful ones , and the hot pink represents the sexual attraction / sexuality aspects of it.
pt: definition, a general flag for all anti-contact paraphiles. this was a very personal thing for me and i hope other people can resonate with it as well. the dark purple represents the darker and negative sides of having paraphilias as well as harmful ones, the blue-purple represents community and solidarity, the magenta represents the positive and good sides of having paraphilias and the non-harmful ones, and the hot pink represents the sexual attraction/sexuality aspects of it. end pt.
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   anti-contact + paraphile.
TAGS.  @kiruliom @zoeynovie @seapupz @jigumis @angeltism @crossstains @chivalrynt @wailingclowns.  ➷
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queer0-0 · 2 months
Drew the radqueer kitty
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satyrradio · 5 months
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Truffle Queer (or Trufflequeer)
A blankqueer stance that understands it's pretty much impossible to change peoples' minds over the internet, so why not have some fun with the idiots and haters? Trufflequeer is pro trolling in defense. Trufflequeer promotes trolling in defense against harassment as a way to waste the time of the harasser while not allowing oneself to get worked up.
It is pro:
Good faith identities
Intersectional feminism
Atypical dysphoria awareness
Sex positivity
History learning
Bodily autonomy
Freedom of speech, not freedom from criticism
Binary abolition
Trolling as an act of defense
It is anti:
Offensive, insensitive, and hateful transID
TERFs (trans exclusionary radfem)
TIRFs (trans inclusive radfem)
TURFs (golf courses)
Anything not listed is up to the individual👍
Edit: remembered that ppl love emoji codes so the one for this one is 🩵🤎
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controversiallyqueer · 5 months
you're radqueer? no.. no no no. no you arent. i dont like radqueers so that means you cant be one, not on my watch. heh... these radqueers dont know who theyre messing with..
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(this is all sarcastic btw im a radqueer)
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radsaurus-q · 6 months
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Itz A Catz
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antiradqueef · 1 month
some of yall dont quite understand that THIS is what it means to be anti-radqueer
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its quite beautiful. one of my favorite places on the internet.
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antirqpuppy · 1 month
Anti endos and radqueers need to stop putting endos and radqueers into one box. They are not the same.
Just because an endo post happens to be posted by a radqueer doesnt mean every endo is suddenly transDID/OSDD. Endos are simply people who happen to be systems that arent formed by trauma. TransDID/OSDD systems are the ones that want to have your mental illness. Not endos.
And I dont care if some endos are actually transdid/osdd, majority of them arent.
Also, no endos are infact not the same as transplural. Endos dont want to be plural they ARE plural. Being endo does not make you similar to radqueers at all. And yes. Some transplurals may also be endos but that doesnt mean every endo is transplural.
Omfg this is sooo annoying.
Thank you for listening to my yap session. It will happen again.
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entity56 · 6 months
Endogenic (especially parogenic) systems are not inherently radqueer. Transspecies are not inherently radqueer. Chronosians/permaregressors are not inherently rad queer. Proshippers are not inherently radqueer. Arrisomeis and MOGAI users are not inherently radqueer.
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kiruliom · 19 days
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color | lines | outline
the new dissomei symbol template for those that want or need it. Im gonna post the "overlays" in time as I make them (like the 4 pointed star on the original) because I wanna release them in batches :3
rambling abt the symbol itself rq, not important: I wanted it to resemble a top-down view of a brain, still, but the lines were distracting me, so I made them just scallop patterned. I also made it a whole circle because I liked that it felt more container-esque like that.
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plural-userboxes · 3 months
Name(s): Komi, Mi-Mi
Role(s): Facade, Cartographer, Fictive 
Pronouns: they/she
Gender(s): Genderflux, Hydrogender, Oceanbodiement, Jellyfishic 
Neopronouns: bubble/bubbleself, pearl/pearlself, sea/seaself, siren/sirenself, 🫧/🫧self
Orientation: Pearlian, Aroflex, Nebulasexual
Age: 19
Species: Half siren 
Source: Kokomi(Genshin impact)
Personality traits/details: Calm, gets anxious easily, soft spoken, strong, intelligent and organized 
Dislikes: messy spaces, a lot of pressure, loud/noisy people and warm weather 
Likes: cold weather, organization, the quite, making plans, and reading 
Appearance: Kokomi(genshin impact) 
Signoff: 🐚🪼
Faceclaim: (mirage really likes making edits soo have this u tots dont need to use it tho/gen)
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(first version is with filter second is without)
requested by: anon
requests are open!
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rwuffles · 14 days
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pt: anti-contact pyrophile. end pt.
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⚘   ⌣   definition.
 a flag for pyrophiles who are anti-contact!
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COINER.  the sweetest boy.  ➷
⚘   ⌣   pyro + philia.
TAGS.  @zoeynovie @crossstains @chivalrynt @jigumis @seapupz @angeltism @wailingclowns.  ➷
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watching ppl talk about how prats are bad bc “they support mspec lesbians!!1!” and not. y’know. the fucking pro-nazi and pro-predator stuff
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