#pro trans x
animal-creature · 7 months
Our contribution to the pro prat kitty cat
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been seeing that some antis think transid terms are 'appropriated' (transintersex, transautistic) from people who are [lable] & trans
personally, i would consider this an alternative definition between communities, so
(might do this poll again in anti transid tags to see the difference? idk)
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
It's so FUCKING INFURIATING AND EMBARRASING how fanon Jason Todd stans always tell newbie Jason fans 'Don't read comics,just make shit up!!!' when they SHOULD tell them 'If you're scared to read comics,just watch Under The Red Hood!' when it's the perfect Jason adaption and average movie length!!!If you like Jason Todd but haven't actually consumed his media yet and want to get started,ignore those niggas because they're the same people who pretend Jason's Robin dosen't exist because he's black,are disgusted that all three of his love interests have been woc because they want him to only date white boys and white pick me girls and complete erase Jason's autistic-coding,goth punk slay and just his entire swag including what'd make him beyond good afrolatino rep but are foul enough to hc him as latino anyway.Those are the devils talking and you should tune them out by starting up Utrh and you should get your favorite snacks for too because you deserve them and i've read every Jason issue ever so if you want more info on him when you're done follow me since i'll actually know what i'm talking about,i love y'all and stay hydrated and ignoring Janky Talker truthers
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kenniononion · 1 year
Yandere! Hawks X Male Reader
“ 𝕾𝖜𝖊𝖊𝖙 𝕾𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖆𝖑 𝕶𝖎𝖑𝖑𝖊𝖗 „
WARNING(s): Yandere Themes, Not Proof Read
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The wind was blowing and Keigo felt the sun begin to grow sleepier as the moon tried barging its way into the sky, not allowing the sun to finish its job. He saw as the night sky grew bigger and darker as it shunned the sun away. 
He knew exactly how the sun felt. It was lonely, He was sure of it. Misunderstood, He's the only one who knew of it. The hawk-like male put his crimson covered hand in the air, feeling the wind howl between his fingers. The smell was unbearably foul but he was used to it. 
The male's hand rose higher into the sky as the last bit of sunshine crept slowly off of his fingertips. He felt the happiness fade away along with it. He knew all too well how this felt. He lived it his whole life.
Keigo took a deep breath, allowing one last tear to leave the corner of his eye. He then began to make his way to the apartment building he knew all too well. His beloved was there. The one and only he felt.
As he flew he noticed cop cars parked in front of his lovers building, causing a surging rage to completely devour him.
'Why did he call the cops?' Keigo thought. 'He knows I did this all for him.' The thought of his lover betraying him was like electricity. It caused his anger to become brighter.
When Keigo made his way to the balcony of his beloved's apartment he peeked around the corner and saw four policemen talking to his one and only. He felt as if the shorter male was cheating on him, that's how bad his rage was beginning to boil.
He waited out there. In the cold night for the police officers to leave. Once they did, he made his move. He knocked, not once, not twice, not even three times. But five different times before the other boy finally decided to open his balcony's sliding doors.
"I-I thought you were gone for a while..?" The shorter boy asked with fright in his voice. Hawks walked a couple steps forward to grasp the male in his arms before realizing the other wasn't complying. Instead he was taking steps back as if he was terrified of Keigo.
Hawks took notice of this and frowned. "How could you..." He began, feeling the jealousy of the police officers being over at his lover's house overwhelm him. "I fucking trusted you Babybird!" He slowly crept his way towards the quivering male.
Once the boy could no longer back away, due to the counter being in the way, Keigo then placed both of his hands on either side of the smaller's waist. He nuzzled the male's neck and gave a couple of kisses and nips.
"I-I..." The smaller tried to speak. "I'm so sorry Kei..."
Keigo then bit down the instance he heard his name being spoken. "No!" He began, "You know damn well what you fucking call me!" He licked the bite mark. The now crying male stuttered.
"I-I'm so sorry m-master!" He began to beg, "P-please don't hurt m-me!" The smaller gripped the counter top with both of his hands and the tears just kept going. Keigo backed away just enough to see the tears falling down the other's face before he smirked.
He then placed a soft hand on the cheek of his beloved. He leaned closer to the males face and noticed the closer he got to the smaller male the more the smaller male winced and closed his eyes. And as his face was mere centimeters away from the others the h/c haired male closed his eyes shut tightly, tears still brimming the soft lines connecting his bottom lid to his top lid.
Keigo then kissed the tears away, licking his lips as he did so. The smaller male noticed this and frowned furrowing his eyebrows closer together. He wanted to cry more but knew that Keigo wouldn't care.
"My sweet, sweet little Y/N. I'll keep you safe."
Thank you for reading. This is gonna be a chapter in one of my Yandere! Hawks X Male Reader books on Wattpad (If you guys like it). You can read it (when I release it) here:
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petrerpkr · 10 months
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wlw Snarcissa
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eddiesblklvr · 2 years
i’m scared and angry for my daughter, who’s very young right now but might not be able to choose whether or not she wants to have a baby when she’s older.
i’m scared and angry for my sisters, who are young teens and are starting to develop into young women. something could happen to them or they might make an adult decision and might not be able to choose whether or not they want to have a baby.
i’m scared and angry for myself, because i might not be able to choose whether or not i want more kids in the future.
i’m scared and angry for anyone else with a uterus who may not want kids or has complications during pregnancy and can’t abort because of laws made by people who refuse to use their brains.
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big-burry-latinas · 5 months
Please guys🙏
I NEED a fanfic where Katara reveals to Aang or Azula that she is a trans woman
(If anyone does it, tag me🙏)
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tinarsdgroup · 1 year
✧✴️Transspecies Stimboard ✴️✧
(with a focus on paws & fur stims.)
Requested by @graves-buckley
[ Pt: "✧✴️Transspecies Stimboard ✴️✧
(with a focus on paws & fur stims.)
Requested by @Graves-Buckley" end pt ]
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Made by: Little fox
[ Pt: "Made by: Little fox" end pt ]
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vaugarde · 4 months
oh my godddd last post has stupid fucking democrats going "this is why biden has to win, because trump will make it worse!!!" it's ALREADY worse. a child is fucking dead under his presidency. nex died while he was in office. and this will continue to happen while he's in office. how do you see a senator calling a dead, two spirit nonbinary child "filth" and go "BIDEN WILL SAVE US!!!"
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animal-creature · 3 months
"Being radqueer makes you a bad person" is objectively wrong and in fact it's the complete opposite from the truth. If you're radqueer you're automatically better, simply based on the fact that you don't judge people for their identities and attractions, you should be proud of it. Being radqueer gives you good person bonus points by default, i'm serious and i will die on this hill
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🫶 love yall 🫶
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
Stephanie Brown:
Is poor
Has an abusive dad who was also a supervillain and that led to her becoming a superhero to spoil his plans but she focused a lot on helping out other less fortunate people in addition to fighting crime
Did badly often in school despite her extreme intellegence
Has anger issues and violent tendencies that manifest in her getting extra brutal in fights and being lowkey mean in general but she almost entierly directs it to people who deserve it
Is emotionally intense with ways of showing friendship that her classmates found offputting and that led to her being isolated from them and having almost no friends
Listens to Metallica
Took Tim Drake on a date to a shitty basement party with a bunch of alt teens
Was willing to kill at 14,including her own dad and only changed that because Bruce Wayne convinced her too
Loved Cassandra Cain romantically in a gritty dark future Batman run,has been Batwoman in two which is a mantle that has been held exclusively by a Kate Kane who is a butch lesbian and has shown multiple hints of being bi in the main timelines
Yelled and screamed at and even assaulted grown ass adults in her teen years for treating her badly with no fear and this stays into her adulthood
Grew up to be a Team Mom by at least her Batgirl days and the targets of her mothering were a biracial boy(Damian Wayne),two darkskin black girls(Nell Little and Tiffany Fox),a japanese girl(Maps Mizoguchi)and MANY other unnamed kids we see her being implied to care for
Presents super femininely but in a way that most guys in-universe find bad instead of attractive and she dosen't care about this because she dosen't want normies
Is a literature nerd,an artist,a gamer,a pianist AND a gymnist
Makes her own superhero gear
Uses optimism for a better world and trauma fueled spite as her motivation for heroism
Got treated like shit by almost everyone as a kid but we see this explicitly in her hero days with how much Bruce puts her down because she wasn't good enough for him
Does activism even outside of hero work
Is canonically pastel punk and accidentally autistic-coded and genuinely a real weirdgirl,not a fucking 'basic white girl' or a queen bee just because she's blonde and blue eyed and it's worth noting she's also been described as flat-chested as a jab but it not working because she loves her looks perfectly and that she's never shown any particular liking for being blonde and seeing as she got her hair from her dad,this is completely valid
She's Stephanie Brown,not Stacie White.Stop.Making.Her.Only.Trait.Her.Gender.Babygirl deserves better
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succubi-tch · 5 months
Disappointed that the pikmin server isn't more anti-h*rry potter, especially given how pro trans rights they are
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treatroses · 5 months
You know what since I'm coming out as more than just a gay ficto(someone's who into fictional dudes for my own definition) on here, I'm going to say it. And if any of my non rq friends I met years ago see this, well guess what darlings, I'm radqueer as hell! and follow the neoreligion Equestriaism(so does my F/O Sea Hawk 👀).
I welcome you to Mina3point0!
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I'm Mio, I was also once both @leximina and @transmina, I'm radqueer and hid that part of me for the longest time, but lately I've been more confident in myself so here I am. To anyone who's followed those blog's and have found this one, hello!! I don't fit your traditional views of society and I'm okay with that :)
I use he/him and it/its pronouns, am a trans man who's a mlm fictosexual, and my boyfriend is Sea Hawk from She-Ra and the princesses of power. Admittedly Sea Hawk and I were once rivals, but we became lovers over time.
I follow the neoreligion of Equestriaism, which is a neoreligion that surrounds the Princesses from My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic.
This blog while yes will have selfship content is also going to be my main blog. As I plan on posting so much more here compared to before, especially when I no longer feel I have to hide my identity.
I hope you enjoy what I post and if you don't, oh well, at least you got to learn a thing or two about me. I like and follow from @random-sensei-wu-fan, you're free to follow that blog, but I'll be most active here.
Little tag/@ section: @equestriaism(This way if you want you can rb and others can look into the neoreligion)
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Userbox by @/wocatana
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sacredsnape · 2 years
Could you possibly do a hc for ftm Snape finding out that his bf is also ftm?
I love this sm
Genre: fluff
Warnings: none
Severus would initially find out that you were also ftm transgender when looking for his hormone replacement potion. It was specially made for him and he took it weekly in order to continue the progress of his physical transition
He catches sight of another potion bottle - one with your name on it
He grabs it and notices that it's also a hormone replacement potion, and quickly pieces together that you're also trans
You never told him this as you were still insecure about your recent transition and coming out, but Sev was ecstatic to know that you were just like him
Severus brings it up to you by showing you the potion; you're embarrassed for not having told him in the first place
"Love, you know this doesn't change how I feel about you," he tells you as he holds you, soothingly rubbing your back, "you're just like me and that makes me happy."
"But I didn't tell you in the first place," you'd whine to him, and Sev simply kisses your forehead and soothes you
He promises you that it's okay and he doesn't hold it against you for not telling him in the first place. He understands how scary it can be to tell someone about who you are
Most of all, Severus loves you no matter what; he can't ever be mad or disappointed in you. He thinks you're so sweet and cute, how could he ever have ill feelings towards you?
You and him start attending pride festivals and events together (and hang a trans flag in your shared rooms at Hogwarts and at home)
He's also very protective of you and snaps at anyone who makes any sort of transphobic remark about you
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thescarletwitchirl · 1 year
lovequeer !!
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lovequeer is an idenity and a movement for all queer people to be able to use !!
lovequeer is about being yourself with no regrets. lovequeer about loving everyone around you, and supporting those around you, as well as loving yourself. lovequeer is, well, all about love!
this term is pro :
contradicting queer labels of any and all kind (including gaybians, mspec-gays, mspec-lesbians, lesboys, turigirls, mogai users, neopronoun users, and everyone else.)
endogenic plurality
all kin and non-human identities
religious freedom
pro-choice / pro-abortion
ACAB, BLM, and anything similar
this term is anti :
bullying, harrasment, sui baiting, etc
terfs, transmeds, and truscums
all forms of racism, bigotry, ableism, classism, ageism, homophobia, and fatphobia.
! this is not a sexuality or a gender !
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