#prob will add to this later
alexbutrandomthoughts · 5 months
"Can't two guys be just friends?" If they stop looking at each other like that then sure
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castrotophic · 6 months
not sure if anyone is interested in this but here is a list of the most joyfully vital poems I know :)
You're the Top by Ellen Bass
Grand Fugue by Peter E. Murphy
Our Beautiful Life When It's Filled with Shrieks by Christopher Citro
Everything Is Waiting For You by David Whyte
Lawrence Ferlinghetti Is Alive! by Emily Sernaker
Instructions for Assembling the Miracle by Peter Cooley
Catalogue of Unabashed Gratitude by Ross Gay
Barton Springs by Tony Hoagland
Footnote to Howl by Allen Ginsberg
Song of the Open Road by Walt Whitman
Tomorrow, No, Tomorrower by Bradley Trumpfheller
At Last the New Arriving by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
To a Self-Proclaimed Manic Depressive Ex-Stripper Poet, After a Reading by Jeannine Hall Gailey
In the Presence of Absence by Richard Widerkehr
Chillary Clinton Said 'We Have to Bring Them to Heal' by Cortney Lamar Charleston
Midsummer by Charles Simic
Today by Frank O'Hara
Naturally by Stephen Dunn
Life is Slightly Different Than You Think It Is by Arthur Vogelsang
Ode to My Husband, Who Brings the Music by Zeina Hashem Beck
The Imaginal Stage by D.A. Powell
Lucky Life by Gerald Stern
Beginner's Lesson by Malcolm Alexander
Presidential Poetry Briefing by Albert Haley
A Poem for Uncertainties by Mark Terrill
On Coming Home by Lisa Summe
G-9 by Tim Dlugos
Five Haiku by Billy Collins
The Fates by David Kirby
Upon Receiving My Inheritance by William Fargason
Variation on a Theme by W. S. Merwin
Easy as Falling Down Stairs by Dean Young
Psalm 150 by Jericho Brown
Pantoum for Sabbouha by Zeina Hashem Beck
ASMR by Corey Van Landingham
A Welcome by Joanna Klink
From Blossoms by Li-Young Lee
At Church, I Tell My Mom She’s Singing Off-Key and She Says, by Michael Frazier
Hammond B3 Organ Cistern by Gabrielle Calvocoressi
Sorrow Is Not My Name by Ross Gay
You Can't Have It All by Barbara Ras
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dogerbooger · 6 months
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Lizzington of the skulk sos variety
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falloutnewnobody · 25 days
i've yet to actually play the haruspex route so take this with a pillar of salt but i feel like we as a fandom dont take enough advantage of the fact that during the entire game, artemy is greiving his father. like i know that he's got more immediate problems going on (plague, keeping the prickly prick from burying us all, trying to beat the serial killer allegations, trying to fill his father's shoes, plague) but like that was his dad. artemy burahk, a man who's not even 30, who's been shown to value family and community above all else, didn't even get to say goodbye to his own father.
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cornflakesdoesart · 2 years
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Micheal and Book <3  
for starshaker for the @startrekwintergiftexchange ! :))
Sorry for the delay, I kind of went on an odussey with this piece but it’s finally here and I hope you like it! ^^ 
(Under the cut I included the 4 discarded sketches as a bonus :’D)
I discarded these bc I wasn’t happy with the likeness, and I tried that technique were you trace the structure of a face and the landmarks on it but I felt like it didn’t work for me, also I couldn’t make the pose work, my brain just refused it and also also I couldn’t draw grudge in a pose and prespective and style that made sense and was coherent with the rest of the picture, so I had to let this go and start over, it be like that sometimes  :”)
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starshapedoasis · 19 days
~Fanfic Recommendations~
1. World that’s been and gone - Storyshark2005
A classic you’ve prob already read. Multi-part series, Angst, Fluff, Reconciliation, The whole family makes an appearance.
2. My Sister Lover - DeathandCannibalism
Pre-fame, Angst, Comfort, Smut.
3. You never notice you are blind - mansgotalimit
Alan McGee finding out about Liam & Noel’s relationship. Light Smut?
4. The passing of Peggy Gallagher - Jeevey
Another classic you’ve prob already read. Slow-burn, Angst, Reconciliation.
5. Do You Still Feel Like Me? - OnTheWrongSideOfTheBed
Liam wants to be Noel’s boyfriend truly is the best description. Smut, Light Angst, Fluff.
6. FilmStar - OrphanAccount
Noel finds out Liam was in a porn video. Smut, Light Angst.
7. Things We Never See - Jeevey
Jill Furmanovsky realizing Liam and Noel’s “special relationship’. outsider POV.
8. Who Feels Love? -OnTheWrongSideOfTheBed
Early fame, Jealous Noel, Light Smut.
9. Tell me when will the river run green? -Buzz_Wuzzo
Set during standing on the shoulder of giants recording. Smut, Fluff.
10. I don’t believe that anybody feels the way I do about you know -mansgotalimit
Wonderwall is about Liam just a fact, Fluff, Angst, Bittersweet ending.
11. to Photograph what the eye can’t see - mansgotalimit
Noel takes a scandalous pic of Liam. Smut.
12. Baby, you’re gonna be the one to save me - snickfic
Mpreg, Liam would be a beautiful mother. 🙂‍↕️
13. Star-Shaped - Savageandwise
Multi-part series, female Liam, very special to me.
14. Guileless - Anonymous
Guigsy finds out about Liam and Noel’s Relationship and joins in. Smut.
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call him cake cause he's got layers baby
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sunnysideray · 3 months
Finally made a ref for the little shit (affectionate) in all my SDJ posts!
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Notes incase my hand writing is truly ass [top to bottom]:
- “Gets Spring/Summer freckles”
- “He always tucks in his shirt cuz he’s a freak”
- “Has had this thing forever + won’t let it go”
- “bad British habit he started in ELM.S [elementary school] (it’s the pinky thing)”
- “weird ‘techwear’ obsession”
- “always wears LONG SOCKS. hates every other sock ever.”
- “Wears his ‘comfy shoes’ 99% of time”
Ray is just a funny lil guy that likes to play his drums and not use his degrees for better jobs :)
Wait… who’s this?
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(i forgot to add it on there, but he’s around 5’11”, aka taller than lilshit lmao)
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darlingod · 10 months
I have an inkling Cardan accepted Locke as Master of Revels to lure Taryn to the palace so that her and Jude could reconcile. What do y’all think?
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muttsterion · 4 months
Thinking of ways Kenny's Eldritch side would show itself within him whether he's aware of it or not. Like since there's a fanon theory of him being reborn with a slightly different physical body what if his supernatural side just decided to throw in an extra organ? Like Kenny is regenerated with a second heart or a third lung and isn't even aware of it. Though I guess if he had something like a third lung it may affect his breathing but he doesn't notice. And really no one else would be aware unless I guess a doctor had to examine him for medical reasons or something. But really just imagine it from the doctor's point of view as they examine this child and is that another beating heart?? Why does this child have two hearts…or maybe three hearts. Or a whole second stomach. Ha. Like the universe is just why not. Or it adds a few more extra bones than the human body is supposed to have…or ha a third arm. Of course not sure how Kenny would be able to hide an extra limb but ha yep thinking of this poor cursed soul with this random ass regeneration power. He never knows what he has to deal with every next regeneration.
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idkhowtoread-ink · 8 months
Space Dream and Nightmare
So basicly, the Dreamtale story is told like space but its really scientific bc I love space! so Dream and Nightmare are stars in development, stuff orbits Dream but crashes into Nightmare and eventually he collapses into a black hole and Dream is blown away by the affect. ...
Undertale but Sans is an ass
This was made when my fyp was FLOODED with people complaining abt how many centered Sans AUs there were so I made one where Sans is just an ass to everyone and Papyrus is sad all the time, nobody at the bar likes him, Torial hates him for telling offensive jokes.
Pass down guardianship
Basicly Dream and Nightmare die and the power gets passed down to their subordinates, but Dream doesn't really have one so it's eather Cross or Swap.
Keep it simple, Dream gives useful info from the "internet" to the villagers while Nightmare gives sad warnings abt wars or boycott componys. And eventually yk the apple incident? Well, Nightmare turnes into a virus.
This can work with Swapdream too where Dream is a virus popup add tricking people and Nightmare warns people abt the weather and all that sad shit.
Biblicly accurate Dreamtale
I have a fic abt this but it's kinda bad...
My idea was to eather just take the Bible and replace god with Dream and Lucifer with Nightmare but that's too simple!
Instead their brotherly bond was so strong that they ate the apple togeather in front of the villager mob and became 15ft tall giant biblicly accurate angels that guard the tree. Dream has multible eye wings, Nightmare has the eye rings.
I also wanted to make it so Nightmare coukd only be seen if Dream was around, like how the moon can only be seen if the sun shines on it.
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fivekrystalpetals · 2 years
actually, Fyodor saying that--
surprised, not by the flooding, but by the fact that Dazai and his 7-year partner's bond was so shallow that Dazai think Chuuya's ability cannot deal with that flood // @/popopretty
--is surprising to me because Chuuya didn't really do... much for them to escape.
You see, this wasn't an incorrect fact:
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Dazai is right, the walls are anti-ability and we see this in action too: (this most probably was a part of Fyodor's plan to throw Dazai off-guard and make him think that his plan was working)
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Yes, Chuuya's ability doesn't work on the walls. Dazai didn't underestimate him or his ability. He looked at the facts and gave his opinions. (That's why I think his words in BSD 101 were also true, he must have really believed that Chuuya was going to drown because he had no way of knowing that Fyodor was gonna pick him for a pawn)
Getting Chuuya to break the threshold between every door was Fyodor's idea.
And it doesn't even seem like a big deal to break the threshold; it hardly took the power of a finger for Chuuya. (and no more than a slight dent in the floor should be enough for the water to flow out)
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So.... why is he talking about their trust and bond and all if not to simply rile up Dazai?? It's Fyodor that Dazai should have kept an eye on (and still needs to) because once again, this conjurer is misdirecting his attention to his 'stronger' assistant here while the actual trick was all Fyodor's.
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chibishortdeath · 1 year
Maybe this is just me being autistic or something, but I do not understand how movie/TV adaptations of games are so hard to make. The original media is right there??? Just use it as a basis for your script?????? Add and subtract where necessary for the medium while still keeping it the same story at heart????????? “But it’d be boring if it was a whole tv show” ok then why is it not boring as a game???????????? Why do people replay games then???????????????????? I don’t get it.
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cool-person-yey · 3 months
if I (hypothetically) followed up on the Magnus Institute Except In Brasil idea, what would the archivist's name be ? it has to be a common name just like Jonathan, but also like sound cool yk
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whumpasaurus101 · 2 years
Just the thought of Whumper slyly brandishing their gun, warning Whumpee.
For example: Whumper pulling back their coat slightly, Whumpee’s eyes meeting with the gun which sits either at Whumper’s belt or the inside of Whumper’s coat.
Or maybe Whumper slightly opens a folded over newspaper where inside there lies a gun.
Maybe even just the sound of the gun under a table where they both sit at, warning Whumpee that one fuck up will get them shot.
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i thought it was funny
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